TITE OMAHA' PAHA UKK: SATURDAY, JANUARY 6. 1006. S SWEEPING SACRIFICE SALE! s sasasassBaBBassBBssasasBasBaBi aaBBBBaBBBBBBBSBSBBaBBBBBSBBsa mmmmmmmmmmrm Ladies9 Cloaks and - Fursi Huge Clothing Clearance All Our Immense Stock of Clothing Will Be Sacrificed. Nothing Reserved Everything Must Go at Once. Every Price Sharply Cut. All Clothing Bargain Records Broken. Very Special Sale of Ladies Pattern Mods J QE 6? &iLtti3 I flBRA8WBHfc-l I s 1 I I V I A fJ t I I I I W J La 1 LIUJiTWrau J v ' 1 - ' , A All the Suits and Overcoats offered in this sale are good quality, well made garments the satisfactory kind that you always get at Brandeis. Our prices, always low, have been again cut far below the profit line. All Our Mens Fine SUITS and OVERCOATS that we have been selling at $8.50 and $10.00 go at All Our Men's High Grade Q OVERCOATS SUITS V that we have been selling at 12.50,13.50 and $15 at All Our Men's High Grade Q OVERCOATS a SUITS V that we have been' selling at 17.50 up to'$19 go at ... CLEARING SALE of MEN'S PANTS Pj! 50 150 f f 7i' Stunning Original Model From CHARLES JOSEPH. New Y.rk. LICHTENSTEIN, New York. NME. OLGA, 5th Ave. New Yrk. These are the most stunning and ultra fashionable winter model In dress, evening and the.iler hats, trimmed with feathers, expeuolve ornaments, flowers, ribbons and vel vets, a charming nssortment not one worth less than IS .A and many worth as high as $15 each Saturday in our Millinery Section, at 2o n We Bought Entire S(ck of Gold Rings rc orrar to ejfael a rapid clearance of our high class cloaks an i furs ws have reduced them in pricx to the lowest level. All are fashionable, beautifully tailored garments and every one priced at a won derful bargain. Indies' Highly Fashionable Fur Lined Coats Plain and pleated loosa bricks, broadcloths in red, blue, brown and black, natural Siberian and blended German squirrel linings with blended mink, Siberial squirrel, Mexican beaver and marten collars former prices were $30 to $45 Saturday, at Ladies' $23 and $; Coat, coverts, mix tures and novelties, 60 to 52 inch lengths, at Ladles' Long Cont stylishly made and worth $18.00 and $20.00, at Ladle Long Coats up-to-date styles and well tailored, our regular $12.00 and $15.00 garments, at EXTRA FUR SALE Long and short fur neck pieces in all the popular furs, selected scarfs that have been selling up to $6.00. at 222 ...9 72 ( I a Y'v I m H M Highest grade fur scarfs all high grade furs, handsomely made, fash ioned in latest shapes, worth up to $12.00, at. . i grauo . 20 DISCOUNT on ROOERS-PEET & CO. nd HIKSCH-WICKWIRE & CO S MEN'S SLITS and OVERCOATS All our $2 pants, at All our $2.50 and $3 pants, at ... . 1.19 169 All our men's $4 and IO $5 pants, at J Uurestricted choice any X CI high grade pants JjJ CLEARANCE OF BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Boys, all wool suits and 1 ftQ 3.45 18 Hoys' stylish all wool suits, at I overcoats, at Stylish Buster Brown, Buddy Tucker and Russian Suits and Overcoats, worth up to $8.50, at From I.IPP RROS Rroarlwav N. Y. solid cid Rings c.id Filled Ring, j 4 Specials, Basement Cloak Dept. At Wonderful Ba.rga.in Prices. Misses and Children's Solid Gold Kings, set in clus ters and fancy designs; you will find rings here that you might pay $5 for elsewhere every ring guaranteed solid gold 10-k.; choice Half Sheared Canadian Marten and Isabella Coney Cluster Scarfs, worth $1.00, at Ladies 75c, $1 00 and SI.25 B WRAPPERS I 2 $1 Wool and Sateen Waists nt 50c Children's 75c Eiderdown Coats at. . . . 39c I Clearing Sale of furnishing Goods Men's and Boys' all wool Sweaters, plain and fancy colors, also men's knit Jackets, worth a high as $1.50, at J"1 Boys' and children's all wool Sweaters, worth 50c 25c and 75c, on sale in basement, at Men's $1.00 Shirt with collar attached, and Cfn neckband styles, at JUC All our men's $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Dress Shirts, Negligee Shirts and Stiff Bosom Shirts, , (P your choice P Your choice of all our Fur Gloves and Mittens, worth up to $3.00, at..... 98cl Extra heavy leather Golf and Drens OIovps and MlttH, worth 1C CO up to T6o a pair nt All wool medicated fleeced I'nderwear, liruki'ti sizes, worth Tin-lflf up to 11.25. at VJC JUC Men's, boys' and children's wool Coif Gloves, worth up to 50c a 1 1 pair. In bnenient at. pair All our finest wool Underwear, shirts and drawers, worth Qfi. I JC up to K.UU, at .OC-I.AJ Sale . Boys' Caps at 10c j Ladles' stylish two dollar quality waiKing dkiiis ai each . 98( These wrappers are made of Per cales and Cotton Flannels, dark and liaf tit Khades, all Hires, an excep tional bargain. Flue Gold tilled, Chased lluiid and Oval Wedding Kings, made to reatii at $1 and $1.85; choice at In Nejflijfee Dept Second Floor tl Short Kimonos and Dressing; Bacques ti bong kimonos and Percale Wrappers. Jgg $2 and U Imtf Kimonofl, extra quality Cl fleeced l'ercalo Wrappers, at (1 Flannellette Gowns and Skirts, also CA. Knit Skirts, at 'vl' ...... ' Children's Cloaks and Dresses All our children's 2 Cloaks at Wc All our children's M Cloak at tl 5C All our children a H Cloaks at Ii.wi All our children's W Clon ks at $2.M H All our Children's 8 and $10 odd and sample coHtu, at J3.9(j Children's Presses Children's Dreoses worth up to $2 at.. 85c I worth up to U at. .SI. 30 B1111111B1111111I4114S Golf Caps,, for boys ' and children, tauis, turn down bands, etc., a big variety at TEN CENTS Men's $1.50 fine plush and ' doth caps go at, CfcQ each ZOC Llpp Bros.' Emblems Masonic andf pther .ordfhlHc ..at, each. ... . Lipp Bros. 1 Gen t 3 Chains--P t-v e year written . guarantee, MV i worth k -?-.-jbyc 25c 69c Lipp Bros.' Charms for Chains worth 1 C. up to $1, at Ut Wpp Bros.'- Broch Pins, Lace Pins and Bar Pins, worth up to $2, "IP,, at. ... ... .3i Crystal Chains, Muff Chains set in fancy stones, etc, worth up rth up ! 25c SHOE CLEARANCE We have assembled thousands of jiairs of our finest men's shoes and ladies' shoes, in all the newest lasts and most desirable leathers, all of them high grade, good w earing shoes, in a regular way they UO3 would cost as high as $3.50, ' each, at . PUBLIC LAND LEASE BILL Vodifitd Msar iBuggei'ed for Coigrsss by Charlts U. (onnelL POSSIBLE SOLUTION OF THE QUESTION (tiers Would H Kabled by lis ProvUlona 1a Obtain Enoaih to Make Comfortable l.lvlns , and Stop Trouble. VALENTINE. Neb., Dec. 30-To the Ed Itor of The Bee; Altvr the presentation of a proposed bill for leasing the government lands, which I drew and whK-h appeared In The Bee of November !M last. I received several letters, offering suggestions and modifications. I also received a copy of bulletin No. 6! of the forest service of the Agricultural department, entitled, "Graxine on Public Lands." and from the two sources liave revised my proposed measure, a copy of which la herewith. I would not ask for so much space in Dollar Packago FREE Man Medicine Free You can now obtain a large dollar six free package of Man Medicine free on re quest. Man Medicine cures man weakness. Man Medicine given you once more the gusto, the Joyfjl satisfaction, the pulse an 1 the throb of physical pleasure, the keen aense of man sensation, the luxury of llf- , body power and boly comfort-free Man Medicine does It. Man Medicine cures man weakness, nerv. ous debility, early decay, discouraged man hood, functional failure, vital wtaknon, brain fag. backache, prostatitis, kidney trouble and r.ervnusne's Tou can care yourself at home by Man Medicine, and the full alxe dollar package will be delivered to you free, plain wrap per, sealed, with full directions how to use it The full sise dollar package free, no payment of any kind, no receipts, no prom sea. no papers to sign. It is free. All we want to know Is that you are not sending for it out of idle rurlneity. but that ou want to be well and become your strong natural self once more. Man Medi cine will do what you want it to do; make you a real man. man-like, man-powerful. Tour name and address will bring It; all you have to do is tu send and get it. We send It free to everv discouraged one of the man sex. Inter'.e Remedy Co.. l'-i l.uck Bldg , Detroit. Mich. your paper did I not believe this a very pertinent question, particularly for the ttet tlers In Nebraska, who reside In the terri tory now being adversely affected by the present state of affairs. Therefore, If you feel disposed to extend the use of your col umns for this modified measure of mine, I shall, of course, feel grateful. In this con nection, I desire to say that lion. J. E. licey of Iowa, chairman of the house com mittee on public lands, has Introduced a leasing measure entitled house roll No. 8118, which can be secured on application to proper authorities at Washington, and 1 believe those Interested would do well to secure a copy of said measure and compare tt with what I here present. Yours truly, C. H. CORNELL. A bill to lease the public lands, commonly known as grazing lands, subject to home stead and other existing laws. Section 1. That any lands belonging to the government commonly known aa graz ing lands, not otherwise disposed of, shall ' be leased to the hisheHt bidder, subject to conditions and restrictions Hereinafter stated. Sec. 2. That upon the adoption of a joint resolution by the legiHlatin e of any state or territory, asking that certain lands within said state or territory be brought within the provisions of this act, the president shall Issue hla proclamation declaring auid ... h. aiiKlant ( r I.,., nnl nil.... date when the lands within any land dlsrict In said state or territory shall be offered. Sec. 3. That on said date the reglHier and receiver of said land office shall offer said lands for lease to the highest bidder per acre, same to be offered according to the bent Juilument of said officers, but no tract of more than one section shall be offered In one body; that said offering shall continue from day to day until all land subject to lease shall have been offered; thut no iMnds shall be leased under any of the provisions of this act at less than one-half cent ler acre; that no lease shall be final until approved by the gent ral land office. (!) 1. Minimum price is quoted from Bulle tin No. 6J of forest service, Department of Agriculture, In which appears report of "I'ublle Itnds Commission." the commis sion consisting of Hons. W A Rii'har.ls, commissioner of the general land office; P. H. Newell, chief engineer reclamation serv ice, and Clifford IMnchot. forester of the Department of Agriculture. 1 do not see the necessity of fixing a maximum price however, stnee this contemplates leasing the lund to highest bidder under stated restric tions. B-c. 4. That thereafter the second Tues day of February and August of each year shall le declared "lease day," upon which day all lands that tnty nut have been pre viously leased and all lands that may have reverted to the government by forfeiture of lease or cancellation of homestead en tries or lands that may for anv the - reason have reverted to the government ahull he leased to the highest bidder. That no lands shall be lean-Hi upon any other days, nor shall any leases be made excepting In the most public manner, after public notice. In such form aa the secretary of the Interior hall require, and of bona fide cash bidders. Sec. &. Only bona tide homestead entry- men, whose entry Bhall be of record, prior to date of any leasing, or persons or cor porations holding lands by freehold or by lease of slate school lands, within the vicinity of the tracts offered for lease, shall be eligible to bid at any offering. Bidders must furnish the local land office rancher fcnd actuals settlers to stay upon the lands, at least one-fourth of the lease money talten from the lands within school districts should be returned to them. Sec. . The land so leased shall be sub ject to existing homestead laws; and upon anv Dart thereof being entered under said certified record evldenco of the number of I homestead laws tl)e register and receiver acres and description of each kind of land shall immediately notify the lessee of the owned or controlled by each, and where I said homestead entry, giving the dale of It is complained of or when the register same with a description of the land. The and receiver shall have reason to believe lessee thereupon relinquishes all hla lights that any one person or interest Is endeavor- to said enter.d land; Provided, that upon Ing to secure more than a fair proportion I any lands being so entered the entrynian of the leasable land they shall reject said ! shall be required to protect the same bid. subject to appeal. It being the object i against the encroachments of the live of this enactment to determine as nearly ! stock or sam lessee or ot nets ny a legal 1 (III., wuicil IB (ill lOl ' u i vj ur an iviiunn. "Post or other uprights of reasonable strength or firmness in position, not more than thirty-two feel distant from each other, with two suitahie stays between posts, nearly equally dividing such space Into three parts, wun inree siranos or burned fence wire wen stretcnea fastened to such posts, up- I i ) . . .. .. .1 .... , mltl. iVin iinn..i ,(ran,l succeeding December 31. Subsequent pay- J no more than forty-two Inches above the ... .... general surface, or me grounu taereunaer, December b of each year ror the uceeed- J ;nd (he lower gtran(1 hau not be more ing year. Default In payment by said De- thHn eighteen nor less than twelve Inches cember 15 of each year shall render the i above the general surface of the ground lease subject to a penalty of five (ni per thereunder, and the middle strand shall cent of amount of same, which shall be . nearly eoually divide the space between added to amount to he collected upon pay- . ,n upper and lower strands. Any other as may be the proportion of leasable gov ernment lands to that of freehold, alate school lands and homestead filings, and taking Into account accessibility, apportion the leasable lands accordingly. Sec. 6. That leases shall be made for the I term of twenty years from date of previous i ,,..,. , January 1 2. That payment on leasing , 2n,l flmlv shall be made from date of leasing to the j rights and kind of fence or barrier, as effective for the purposes of a fence as that provided In the above section of this code, Is hereby declared sufficient and lawful; Provided, that all corral fences used exclusively for the purpose of enclosing stacks which are situated outside any lawful enclosure shall noi be less than sixteen feet from such rack ho enclosed; shall be substantially lillt with posts not more than eight feel nient. Default In payment ror ninety days after said December 15 shall forfeit the lease and the register and receiver shall at once cancel the same. el. A long-term lease Is proposed herein, with the view of trying to place the live stock business In the territory affected on a more permanent basis than heretofore. That la, a lease that will cause him to feel Instilled in hulldine: aood suhtttuntlul fnnc putting aown wens, wun wiiuimuis ana like aisiani irum eucn outer uou vwm uui Improvements, with the feeling that he 1 than five strands of barbed fence wire, ran have the use of or In case of losing J anil shall not be less than lice feet high; the same, be reimbursed for suld loss. and. Provided further. That any other Sec. 7. Tiiat upon lite paj incut of any 'kind of a fence equally as effectual for money into the land office under the pro- the purpose of a corral fence may be made visions of t;s act the receiver shall keep ! in lieu thereof." t5 ) a separate account of the wmie and deposit ' This paragraph defining legal fence the same under such regulations as the 1 copied from laws of South lakota and secretary of the Interior may direct. In a ' ,h'' fence requirement Is Incorporated for special fund Willi an approved fnitcd Slates reason that it Is not probable that depository, to the credit of the said receiver , congress would enact any law that will In as such. Immediately after the 31st day I ?-"' manner repeal the existing homestead of December of each year the said land I !aW1'- However In order to insure the office, in addition to the reports which shall ! e?'? against blackmail, which might me be submitted to the general land office. I ndulged in by the homesteader In enter un ,1o.,m0j ..... - I Iiik the land within Ins Cased holdings by Vlldll illiinr u urtuiiii, ainii'lliriii ... i n . - . . . , . . . I secretary of state and to the i.iuntv rlrk reason or said lessee being requirea iq I or liKe representative or tne rate until said entryman shall have re ceived as much as twenty (20) or five (5), as the case may be, leased to one entered as a homestead. Provided, further, that in determining the equities the land office is hereby granted the utmost latitude. Provided, further, that the land leased by said entryman shall then be subject to conditions of section nine (9) of this act regarding trespass. M. Under altheer law the entrynian will be permitted to lease 3,JU acres. If It Is to be had. Section 11. No leased lands on which im provements shall have been made In shape of wells, cultivation, seeding to native or leguminous grasses or any Improvement calculated to add to the value of the land which cannot be readily removed shall be subject to homestead entry, or cancella tion and re-lease, until the lessee sur rendering shall have been reimbursed for the value of said improvements. Where the parties in Interest cannot agree as to value, appraisers shall be chosen under such regulations as shall oe made by the secretary of the interior ("). 7. Section eleven (11 Is Inserted as an Inducement to lessees to cultivate their leased holdings, with the feeling that they will not be deprived of their use without compensation, or at least re- turn f,, thAlr riutlnv. Sec. 12. On application for assignment of lease, the land office shall give legal public notice, stating the time and place all part1''; In Interest shall appear, and the ' Rules of Practice" governing contests shall appiy. subject to such modifications as may be found necessary by the proper authorities; provided, that upon the death of a lessee his lease shall Inure to the benefit of the es tate or lejral representative of said lessee. Sec. 13. Lessees In fencing lands acquired hereunder are required to at all times main tain gates at all places necessary for home stead entrymen, or others controlling lnnrts kminded In whole or nart bv said leased land, to gain ready access to and from sa d lands, and right-of-way is hereby grant d i across said leased lands for said purposes Also, like gates must be maintained ai Mm i ' ft i r3 ' WEAK, NERVOUS MEN from excesses or victims to Nervous Debility or ex haustion. Wasting Weakness, with Early Decline In oung and middle-aged: lack of vim, vigor ami strength, with organs impaired and weak. Our treatment will correct all of these evils and restore vou to what nature Intended, a hale, healthy, happy man. with all powers vigorous and perfect. VADirnm F cured perfectly and permanently for IAKIUUwLLL. 0y one treatment. No cutting, nc pain, no danger, no detention from work. No othei treatment will Cl'RB aa quick. Dl nnfl PniCnii cured quicker than at Hot Springs. DLUUU rUldUrt At once every trace of the dis ease disappears, no sores come on lody (sores in mouth, throat, tongue, hair falling out stop at once. We also cure all contagious or acquired diseases Hydrocele. Prostatic, Catarrh of Bladder. Kidney, all chronic diseases of men and women. examination and consultation. Write for Symptom Blank for home treatment. v FREE DR. iKARLE g tHaBI.ES, 1 1th aa 4 Doualaa streets, Omaha, .Nebraska, t I county. In which the land Is situated, shnw- I Ing the number and date of each lease, the . number of acres contained therein, the lease price per acre and amount received, which statement shall be certified to by both register and receiver. Sec. 8. Of the money received during each calendar year, which amount shall be due and pavable. by the receiver. Immcdi ately afler the termination of said year, the receiver shall pay from said tunda Into the reclamation fund of the general land office one-hulf of all receipts. Of the re malnlng one-half. on-fourth shall be palil to the state or territorial treasurer, to be apportioned the same as other state funds; three-fourths shall be paid into the county treasury, to be apportioned as is deemed best by the county commissioners or like body ('3). Provided, that where any land leased Is shown to be within the boundary of any school district, which district is at the time receiving the pro rata of slate school money, two-thirds of the money paid into the county lor one-fourth of the entire amount for the lease of said land, shall be credited to said school district (Ml. 3. All propositions which I have seen looking to the disposal of these lands have provided that the entire proceeds be paid Into the I'nited States treasury. It cer tainly would seem equitable that a part at least should go to the state and county treasuries to help defray the expense (,f maintaining those governments. They would certainly lie taxable were the lands sold outright. 1. This proposed measure seeks to ill only a alight degree interfere with the present homestead laws. It Is safe o assert that more poor homesteaders have been obliged to abandon their homesteads, or having made proof, sell out and get out In order to get their children in schools, than for any other one cause, the Inability to collect revenue for schools being due to so small a proportion of the lands hein i freehold, thereby taxable. It would, there I fore, accin tnal a aa luduwcineut tg sumli ntv rlerir i reason of said lessee being tate ami ,.l"",trk U"..lh' V,"""."1" see of the said homesteader, particularly In tates having no fence requirements, this provision Is added which requires the homesteader to protect his premises by a fence of Ills own. Further, under the Klnkaid home stead law. each entrvnian Is required to Improve same to the" extent of I1.2S per acre, fences being accepted as "Improve ments." Therefore, this provision cannot work any great hardship to the home steader. Section 10. A homestead entryman hav ing filed subject to provisions of section nine (Si. upon satisfying the local land office tint he has established an actual bona fld residence upon his said home stead, shall be entitled to lease as much as twenty acres of land for each acre embraced in his homestead, contiguous to said homestead, although the same may at the time be held under previous lease or leases. Provided, that the homestead entryman filing under act of congress of April 28. 1!m), 33 V. S statutes, page 547 (commonly known as the "Klnkald" lw, shall be allowed five 6 acres for each acre contained In his homestead (6i. I'pon application being made by said entryman. giving numlar of acres and description of same to the register und receiver of th local land office, they shall at once serve said lessee or lessees by legal notice un der the customary rules, and after hav ing had thirty days' notice, should said let-see or loot, is faii tl, make protest, then so much of suld lease or leases may be ca u-ePed as may be necessary to trans fer ut.der lease, at said price per acre, the land applied for lo said entryman. Should the 1 older or holders of said lands under lease or leases protest ugalnst said Iransfer, the r-ulMter and receiver shall cite all parties Interested to appear for hearing under rules of practice. Provided, further, that these officers shall ascertain the amount of land held under the home stead laws, base of Ftat school lands or freehold h ythe respe. live parties. and fr.- i" ' r.v (),,. i , , ti.. r- parties. an. I tided ki,ue b sutlkienl ut the same pid crossings of all highways, public or private, and right-of-way is hereby declared across said leased lands ror tne purpose oi orai nary highways, with the right of use of all natural water courses or laaes; pruviaeu, that no part of this act shall In any way conflict with any state statute on the sub ject of highways. Sec. 11. mat noining in inis aci snail oo construed to prevent any person or persons from entering upon any leased lands for all lawful purposes, Including that of prospect ing, locating and developing the mineral re sources thereof; provided, said person or persons may take only sufficient live stock. Implements, etc., thereon necessary to pros ecute said prospecting; provided, further, that no building of a permanent character shall be erected by said prospector or pros pectors, until the land desired by him or them shall have been filed upon under the mineral or other laws and thua segregated from said leased land. Sec. 15. That the government, upon Its own Initiation, at any time, for the purpose of Irrigation and entry, or other special uses or improvement of said lands, may de clare any lease void and take possession of said lands; provided, the lessee under these froisions shall have at least six months egal notice of such intention; provided, further, that the lessee shall be reimbursed for actual loss sustained In Improvements named In section eleven (11) In addition to windmills and fences placed there under said lease, thereby cancelled. Damage to be awarded as In ordinary condemnation proceedings. Sec. 16. Where lessee has been deprived of any land by the provisions of any of the foregoing sections, the land office shall compute the amount due him for the un expired time foi which payment has been made and the receiver shall draw from this fund sufficient to reimburse said lessee for the amount paid and not earned, the same being computed pro rata. Sec. 17. Any lease shall be liable to cancellation, wherever In the Judgment if the land office authorities the s-nie has been obtained by fraud, collusion or mis representation, or used to defeat the ob ject of the lam-, the lessee to forfeit all claims for reimbursement under section sixteen (16) of this act. Sec. 18. Any person who attempt to trespass, or through carelessness or neg lect permits his live stock of any character to range or graze upon the leased land of another, upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than fifty (!f2doJlar" nor more tn,n ne thousand (11,000) dollars, and also liable for damages to said lessee. Provided, The lessee shall Inclose his leased lands with a legal fence defined In section nine (9) of this act' Provided further. That nothing In this sec tion shall be construed to prevent lessees of Joining tracts from uniting to fence their several tracts in one or more enclos ure a. Sec. 19. Forest reserves and lands of like character may be made subject to the pro visions of this act, under such modifica tions and regulations as may be ordered by the proper department. Sec. 4). The register and receiver shall charge one (tl) dollar fee, In addition a commission of 2 per cent of amount of said lease for each lease Issued, leaae to contain all lands leased one person or Interest at a single dlsiosal. Also two (2) per i-ent of all moneys received from an nual payments. Also the usual fee for publications of notices, taking testimony etc.. now In force for services of like character. All of which shall be accounted for and returned aa a part of the earnlng-i of the office. Sec. 21. The secretary of the Interior man nn aumorizea lo promulgate rules and regulations necessary to out tho purposes of this act. Many Drop Dead from so-called heart trouble, when the real cause Is acute Indigestion, easily curable by Electric, Bitters. 50c. For sale by Shermau A McConnell Drug Co. We still have copies of the Nam- Year's Illustrated Edition of The Bee. Order them now before the edition la exhausted. any carry yws mmm mm naOSyf 'yaaw '.-fif 'Sf S"'y J- --i-i'ssii , ma.iai ii'iJ'rrMii i ii.y,i.niiiii i A Consider the Soda Cracker Science has proved and established the fact that the soda cracker is the most nutritious and healthful article of food made from flour. When it is considered that Uneeda BfsCUlt are the perfect soda crackers it is no wonder that nearly 400,000,000 packages have been sold the only wonder being that any one can go a day without Uneeda Biscuit. 5' NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY '"P";tt 1 I t