Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Canltst Hsadling of Cream Injures tb
Qislitt of Nebraska Eutut
'A. r. F,s perse n of Clay lonlr Takes
Oath as Ob of the (oamliiltifri
f the iprfm Caart Met
calfe Talks to llooalera.
iFmm a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN. Jan. ..-(Special. Nebraska
dairymen are sidlv wrought up over what
they term the careless handling of crwm
by shippers and rramprlM alike, and at the
romlng state convention this question la to
tic taken up and debated.
Tbe assertion Is made that the farmer do
not take the rare of their separators that
they should and that the creameries have
Med and aletted In the wastefulness by
fixing no standard for the product to which
they insist upon adherence. The result haa
been a general lowering of the grade of but
ter. ,
Secretary Tiassett Is of the opinion that
ten of thousands of dollar are annually
Jit to dairymen by reason of these facts.
Soma of the creameries hnve begun to grade
cream, and this will prove a treat help In
making; the farmer more careful. Their
principal fault lie In their neglect to keep
theflr separators free from bacteria and the
result Is that the product deteriorates
"One of tbe burning questions In connec.
tlon with the dairy Industry In Nebraska at
this time," says Secretary passett. "Is tha
securing of a better quality of band-aepnra
tor cream. In the commercial market
there ara three grades of butter, known as
ejitraa,' firsts' and 'seconds.' 'When ex
tra ara worth S cents, firsts sell at about
SI oents and seconds at about 1? cents per
pound. .
"At tha present time tha creamery com
panies la Nebraska are not able to make a
pound ot butter grading as extras In the
markets. It Is reported that of the output
of our creameries about per cent will
Trade firsts of a not very good quality, and
the remaining AO per cent sells at tha price
of seconds.
The whole trouble lies In tha poor quality
of hand separator cream furnished, and as
a natural ennsequenon those who sell cream
receive a much leas price than would be the
ease if tha cream furnished was of good
"This question of securing a better qual
ity f cream Is of Importance to tha people
f tha stats generally. There are In use
rn tha state 3CUW0 band separators, an aver
age; of on on every four farms. Hence
fourth of th farmers of tha state ara
Whole Foot Nothing But Proud Flesh
Tried Different Physicians and
Ail Kinds of Ointments Could
Wilk Only With Cretbes-Ohio
1S9 tba ada of mr
eat aS from tbe tittle
ta ttss acei, and tbe ptoysiriaa
wtolkad charge of ma
vaa trying to ssw up
tha aids of iny foot,
bat witit no iuius.
'When as found oat
that wouldn't work,
las bean trying to
heal tie) wound with
all kiiadaW orntjnrtit.
mati at last my whcao
toot aasi way p
above tmr calf was
nrAbsEaT bat proud
flrefi, I suffered tin
ier tour rears, and tried
and all kinds of oixuV-
eosad w osdy with cratches.
aco atnoo 1 began
ooao and Ointment for
and foot. The first two
tfe) CaKsraira Rssnedars did not
as work, but I krx 00 asrnf them
la two mil uha said f saw a
ia mj fimb. Then I began asing
a Bkavo aad Ofntmsnt often dm
kmf uaa at aut kept at op lor seven
. tnr hrnb was healed tro
lost Urn same aa If I oarrar bad trouble.
"It h eight months now lines I
frqajad ustner Cotiran T.rmrirt, tbe
bast on Godrs earth. I am working
st Jthe pnanist day, after five rears
of anfWang, Tba eoet of Ctitieur
OratrnitTt sad Soap was only fft;
bet tibe doctors' talis im more Ilk
BOO. Yon can re Wish 07 same and
rzltr any oca to write to ma about
Oaticura Remedies. I will answer ail
letters H postags ia enclosed. John M.
Licrd, n R. Arch Are., Alliance, Ohio,
Jama 17, 105."
I iU'IeeaaJ la kjrfutaV. fTuau IliiavaK-T ta At.
1 1 aiiliavg oj CUcw mm, Mc-. OamrrsMK, few..
. JKe. ttrntrm m CWo.sM Cwtttsstl Kl.-a. t0 pmr fnsU
vH, mtm haa off tu; arvnrint, A Mt a
Ptfsr lruf k Chmm. Cr.. hot Prafatv. ataawetx.
Uastat1il4lsltAatUa1 B
has mad a 8PB-CJ-ALTT
of all foslns
of diseases of
SO Tsars la Omaha.
Ovar 30,000
Caaaa Cured
Varicocele. Hydra
cele, illoed Polaoa,
Biricture. a 1 e t ,
Nervous Uebliltr.
1 of Btreoarth aod Vitality.
Mis Hssae Trtsisieat
ts aerraaaratly cured thousands of cases
t chronte Nervous. Reciai. alidney anj
Bladder and Sktn alaeasee at amall onst.
Inscribe year case and write for FRa)
HOOK and terms of ueatment. MsJicine
sent In plain package.
Cataraea Las Tkil All Otkara.
OflT.cs Hours I a. m. ta S:M a. m. 8ua
d.ivs. I a. m. to I a. l
Call or write. Bex Tat. Offlos Hi Beuts
Hth street. Omaha Neb.
Cn a si fsr ansstaral
1 t s r . is 1 u s ,
trnCAUss er ulorsitua
f BIS SO BS atSMSrabe.
lias CM axil 0. MiHiotwuH.
"1 d hy Drwcstets,
if ee ssst ia Uie wrasstr.
kr mipr. rr. tal
m si ss. er I twill .' 7V
Olxcalsr teat ea runt
IM aMiCMCWTtsra holism
W Jtk 7. 4 ia "Mate Uis, tM teaftitt
tar I IH IILM LK H ..N GsLelA.
to KXLs U VaU hWl ltl kWMa ssssudaa
llllll ! M. . Itef.j
raM wWUiaaBa msJ lmU
9 ' U'mui m awaid 4.
aW laMClai.lsav fsatlsutaU
la Usj wear
ng3st sect waa
f la I st I
J . u
B - g M i aartefara.
I S ri ii. f 1 alia
llll II I 1
1 N a nss.
aar BUa lw.Oww I a.d aWsitfl
fcf sslaT 4 -vawisssW Cw
dlrectty rnferesfed rn the prVe rsUd for
cream, aa thev are enimired rn selling R.
"The qiieetl.m Is if soch Importance that
a considerable time has been set arrt at
the annusl meeting of the Nebraska Pnlry
men's association for consideration and dl
cusion of this Important matter. The dla
cuxinn will take place the afternoon of
Tuesday. January 17. and all parties,
creajnery men and dairymen, are urged to
"The sessions of the association will he
held Wednesday and Thursday. January 1?
and L. In the dalr- huildlng at the state
farm at IJncotn. For programs and other
Information those interested may address
8. C lUssett, secretary. IJncoln.
"The trouhle arose primarily from the
vicious agsrresslveness of separator agents,
who urged that the machines did not need
much washing. Then, the creameries have
tint heretofore paid a material difference
tn price between first -class cream and that
which was Inferior. Banning with Jan
nary 1. howerer. they will discriminate 4
cents between the first-class butter fat and
the next grade, the prices being 25 and a
"It Is asserted that this step has heen
rendered necessary aa a measure for the
presen-stlnn of the Nebraska dairy Indus.
tn-. as the quality has made sales difficult
In the markets."
Reward foe Marderer.
Governor Mickey today Issued a procla
maflon offering a reward of tam, on tha
part of the state, for the arrest and con
viction of the murderer of the unidentified
mari who body was found on the hanks
of the Platte near Cedar Bluff last Sun
day afternoon.
Eaperawa Takes Oath.
A. C Epperson, the 1- mimlr lew
appointed yesterday to succeed Judge
Lttnn as supreme court commissioner, took
the oath of office this morning. He spent
the greater part of the day closeted with
members of the court and the other com
missioners. Mr. Kpperson has a high
reputation aa an attorney, and enters upon
his work well equipped.
Wetrwlfe aa Sneaker.
Richard L. Metc&if. associate editor of
the Commoner, has accepted an lnrltaUon
to spr&k at tha banquet of Indiana demo
crats at Lafayette next Monday evening.
Mr. Bryan was a guest last year. Mr.
Metcalfe has prepared same hot shot, under
ut uue 01 "Fallen Idols."
Lys It Oato Strueer.
A novel defense was put up In police
court this niortUng by John E. Jewell,
under arrest on tha charge of sending
threatening letters to 3. C, Hoover, proprie
tor of the LuideU hotel, for the purpose
of blackmail.
In the left era received a demand was made
that unless S&tA) In bills were uni tn a t.
U. Forefingers at the postofflce. Information
would be laid before the. authorities that
Hoover had been adulterating the liquors
sold at his bar. Jewell was arrested
Jong with John Peterson. Both are em
ployed In the boiler room of the Burr
block. Peterson had worked ten years as
engineer of the UndeJJ.
Jewell aald that one day a stranger oame
Into the boiler room of the Burr block
and presenting him with an order for mail
for Forefingers had asked him to get the
letters for him. When he did so he wss
arrested. He said he did not know the
man, but that Peterson did.
Peterson was discharged and was then
called as a witness. He said that a well
dressed man whom he did not know had
called at the engine room and got Jewell
to get his mail for him. Ha saw the man
tear a piece out of a book and writs the
order. Jewell told the same story. He said
bs had never seen the man since. Ques
tions were asked Indicating that perhaps
a former bartender had been implicated,
but the defendant denied this.
.H bound over in the sum of toot.
Want Their Fees.
Members of the Insanity commission are
engaged In a dispute with the county com
missioners over the payment to them of
fees for hearing dipsomaniac cases. Tbe
county attorney ruled that the commis
sioners had no warrant In law for allowing
these fees, and tha claims, amounting to
$100, were rejected.
C. C. Marley, a member of the commis
sion, today tiled sn appeal to the district
court, where the question Is to bs settled.
The commissioners say they cannot be re
quired to act without tha payment of fees,
and the chances are that If the county at
torney Is upheld in his contention that the
law la defective In not providing for wit
nesses' and commissioners' fees, the law
will simply be a dead letter, as the officer
will not work for nothing-.
Isesrpsrstts Hew Oosapaay.
Tbe Chase oompany of Omaha has Incor
porated with Secretary of State Oalusba
to carry on tha manufacture of ..t
extracts and to sell grocery products, with
neaaquartera in Omaha. D. A. N. Chase,
Joseph Bookwalter and David W. Jones are
the Incorporators. The capital stock is
fixed at KAGuu,
sesalsa Closes at Beatrtre with aus
latereetlaa FTogrsa.
BEHTRJCB, Neb., Jan. 6.-Special.) The
farmers' Institute which has been held at
the court house In this city for tha last
three days closed last evening. The Im
proved condition of the weather yesterday
brought out a large crowd of farmers and
others Interested.
The first number on the program was an
address upon the profitable production of
pork by O. Hull. He was In favor of im
provement and showed where the farmer
with poor stock labored to a great disad
vantage as a competitor of the farmer who
was well stocked. Hon. Peter Jansen fol
lowed Mr. Hull with a fine address upon
the sheep question, and his long experi
ence and thorough familiarity with the
subject gave what be had to say much
weight. He stated that the sheep Industry
had been neglected by the farmer, yet It
can be made one of the most profitable.
Prof. Burnett closed the program of the
afternoon with an address upon grassea
and forage crop.
The following officer were elected for
the coming year: A. W. Nlckell, presi
dent; H. Odell. vice president; R. E.
Blodgett, secretary; Samuel Eccles. trea.
The seed com contest was an interesting
feature and ome very fine samples were
shown. The prises swarded at the after
noon session are as follow:
White Corn First. R. Hauser; econd. H.
Odell; third. Fred Tanner; fourth, H
Yellow Com First, Edward Essam; sec
ond. Blodgett Bros.; third. H. D. Trump:
fourth. C. W. Hodge.
The first prixe for butter was awarded
Mrs. John Carmlchael; second. Mrs. Robert
Wilson; third. Miss Hawkins.
In the bakery conteat Mrs. John Car
mlchael carried off flrat honors for white
bread and Mrs. John Albers second. Brown
bread first. Mrs. Robert Wilson: second.
Mrs. Albert Blakelv: third. nnle nd
Corn bread-first. Mrs. J. U Rhodes: sec
ond. Mrs. Robert Wilson; third. Mrs. Mary
Pretier; fourth. Mrs. M. J. Reed.
In the girl' contest IJlllan Iove was the
first winner on doughnuts and Oraee Odell j
second. Haiel Callan was awarded first '
prtie on bread and Oertrude Mason second.
The evening meeting was well attended
and after a musical prelude Prof. J. a
Dalby of Jerseyvllle, III., addressed the
meeting unon tne subject of soil culture,
d selection and other matters pertain
ing to a larger grain yield.
The Institute was the most successful of
any ever held In this county and has dons
much to prrwuot the welfare of the farm
ers in this sectkHk
Gr1s aad rintblaa Fnewd 5 ear tha
e-eae ef the Marder.
FREMONT, Nh Jan. &. i Special.
Lte yesterday afternoon a grip was found
on Brldgs Island not far from the alts of
Calls-han's grading camp, which may
throw some light on the Saunders county
murder. It was covered with snow and
had evidently been lying there for several
days. It contained a quantity of under
clothing and some shirts and collars, which
evidently belonged to two parties. On the
1 collars were laundry marks and on soma
the nsme of Much McDonald and on other
that of A. F. Adams. There were also some
handkerchiefs and a number of toilet
articles, a B'ble that had been read, a
numbi-r of letters and a diary. The entries
In the diary begin last spring In New Tork
City, where the two men evidently lived.
From them It appears thst the two left
New Tork at the same time and came
west fngether, stopping occasionally to
work a few weeks to get money to
travel on and evidently paving their
fare on trains. There are cards
and addresses of a number of employment
arencies from Buffalo to Omaha. The men
had been working for Callaghan. Judging
from the clothing both were laboring men
and a pair of long stockings such as are
worn by linemen Indicates that one of them
may have worked at that trade.
The New Tork City police were notified
and an attempt will be made to find out
something of McDonald and Adam at their
former home. Callaghan's grading outfit
broke camp Saturday afternoon and the
men were paid off and left. Hundreds who
viewed the remains of the murdered man
at Bader's undertaking rooms and a good
many people are positive that they saw
him In town on different days last week
in company with another party. Since the
failure of Charles Pierce and wife to Iden
tify the body as that of Thad Browning
the grip appears to furnish the best clue
that the officers have hd- Mrs. Pierce In
forms Sheriff Bauman that she has received
a telegram that Browning Is living and Is
at Kansas City, Mo. Saunders county peo
ple are taking an increasing Interest In
trying to solve the mystery.
Hastings Man Raises Point Sot Before
HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. o.-fSpecial.V-The
municipal campaign has started off with
a discussion as to whether or not an elec
tion, can be legally held this year. The
question la of more than local Importance
for the reason that Its solution will prob
ably have a bearing on city elections in
several other towns.
The charter under which the Hastings
government Is operating applies alike to
Grand Island, Fremont, Kearney, Nebraska
City, Plattsmouth and one or two other
towns. Under the nrocedure. which h
been followed for many years, elections for
cny omciais would be held next spring In
Hastings, Nebraska City and Plattsmouth.
The section of the charter which is now
being subjected to scrutiny nrnvMeri e
the election of a mayor, a clerk, a treasure
and a police Judge at "the first annual
election, ana biennially thereafter. Tha
City did not hold a general election the
year the law became effective, the person
who were serving at that time h.i
allowed to hold over. Only the police judge
was elected. The practice ha been fol
lowed ever since, bringing the election or
administrative officers one year and the
election of police Judge In another. The
situation Is said to be the same In Platts
mouth and Nebraska Cltv. while i the
other towns which come under the charter,
ine elections are held in strict accordance
with the provision. . .v
Attorneys who have Investlcateit the
matter are of the opinion that the .Hni.i..
tratlve officers and the police Judge should
oe eieciea at the same time and that a
the term of the Judge does not nir n.n
next year there can be no election next
spring ror other officials. The police Judge
Is a constitutional officer anri ii..
decisions of the supreme court the term
cannot be changed. It Is argued that the
only thing left to do la to ma It - the ....... -
of the mayor and other administrative
uiucers coniorm to that of the Judge.
Mra. Wood Ollnarer of Kearney Dies"
irons Trivial Injury.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Jan. X (Rneei.i t.i.
gram.)-Mrs. Wood dinger dlrd at her home
In this city last night, after an Illness of
several weeks from blood poisoning. The
affection which resulted In the death of
Mrs. Ollnger started from a trivial ..,,.. x
sandburr rrlcked one of her finger and the
slight wound thus caused developed Into a
sore. From this the finger was' poisoned and
It became necessary to amoutate the me,,,.
ber. This did not stay the progress of the
poison, nowever, and soon the entire hand
and then the arm and flnntiv the .m
body was affected. Deceased had been a
resident 01 Kearney for about a quarter of
a century. She 'leaves a husband and t
Child Awarded to Mother.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 8.-(Snecial Tele
gramsThe habeas corpus case of George
vtnucomb against Mr. and Mrs. Georsa
Reed, brought by plaintiff to obtain pos
session of hi little daughter, who was
left with the Reeds when Mr. Whltoomb
left her husband aome time im waa
brought to an end today In the district
court when Judge Kelllgar decided In favor
of the plaintiff. A Mr. Reed immediately
looa an appeal to the supreme court an.t
gave, the necessary bond the child will re
main with its foster parents until the case
la disposed of In the higher court.
Rev. E. Vaa Dyke Wight to Resign.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 6.-(Special.-At a
meeting of the students and faculty of
Hastings collere Thumdav it .
nounced that Rev. E. VanDyke Wight
would resign from the presidency, a posi
tion which he haa held for several year.
111a resignation will take effect June 1. Rev.
Wight 1 Pastor Of the First Preahvt.rl.-
church In thl city and he has Informed the
airector or the college that he intends,
after June 1, to give his entire time to the
work of hi oa.itnrnte ilia ai,.....
Mr-resident of the college ha not been chosen.
Telephone Deal Rumored.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. 5.-Speclal.)-Georga
Woods. one of the promot
ers of the People's Street Railway com
pany of Lincoln, held a secret conference
at the Paddock hotel thla afternoon with
J. F. Hemingway and Harry Meyers. New
York capitalist. While nothing could be
learned definitely regarding the conference
It Is thought the visit of these gentlemen
lea v when you quit and use
to Beatrice was tn the CMereat of the trans
fer of the hssae taloans ossnpanr to
sasxaca .parties.
Exr-Extr riaju os on, axd rsors
r'-1" AlistsT the. EBkhaarw Umi
ts tet'tsss rtry rauraatataT.
A IN S WORTH. Neb- Jan. a. (Special
TeJeararo.) The Seed and Corn special ar
rived at Valentine on time and lectures
were given hi the court house, which wa
crowded. The followlr.g professors talked
on agricultural subjects: Hunt, Condra.
Hartley. Emerson, Keyser and Ferguson.
Much Interest was shnwn and a most en
thusiastic meeting held.
At Wood Lake Prof. Montgomery talked
to a car load of farmers on dry land crops
and much Interest was shown. At Johns
town Prof. Pugsley talked oorn and Prof.
Keyser on dry land crops to farmers In
ons car. while Dr. Condra and Prof. Mont
gomery Interested a car of school children.
At Atnsworth the largest crowd of the
day greeted Prof. Hunt and Mr. Hartley.
Com and dry land were disrassed.
O'NEILL, Neb, Jan, (Special TeJe
gram.) The crop and soil special from Val
entine to 0Neid was exceptionally well re
ceived, mee-txng large turnouts of fnter
ested farmers. There were two cart full
at most every station and fnlty So at At
kinson and about 150 at O'NellL The talks
by the lecturers were very Instinctive and
Interesting and no doubt did considerable
oo&. The lecturers dwelt especially on the
kind of seed to plant and gave an Interest
ing discourse on the subject of soil study.
Graadsaat Davis of Plattsssoath, Bale
Grandma Davis celebrated her one hun-
areoui Dirinaay today at her son s, south
east of Plattsmouth, where she makes her
home. Only a few days ago she came to
town, walked about the streets and went
into the stores with quite elaatio steps. The
furrows of time are written upon her brow
ana cneejcs. out she i not much gray and
stoops slightly. Shs haa ht a ronh tun
ing life of It, much ef the time working out
ui aoors, sometimes husking corn in the
fields, sometimes driving to town on a
wagon piled high with wood to sell. She
has raised three families, her own and two
of her sons' children, their h,.
died, and later the children of her grand-
Settling r Boa's Bills.
HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Jan. 8.-Speclal.)-L.
R. Richard, a retired farmer from Bennett.
Neb., has been In this section the past week
looking after the affairs of his son, William
A. Richard, the young farmer and stock
man, who left a couple of weeks since, de
serting ins wife and babies and leaving his
neighbors and the business men of this
city holding the sack for something like
tl.OOO in debts. The father has been settling
up the claim which might Involve th
young man criminally and will probably
eventually settle alL
Twa Beat to .Penitentiary.
AINS WORTH. Neb.. Jan. &. (Special Tel
egram.) Judge Harrington arrived here last
night and gave sentence to the following
criminals: Fred J. Zylman, one year for
stealing a watch and $12 In money; Bert
Valentine, three years and six months for
stealing two horses, wagon and set of har
ness. Baslnese Change at Roarers.
ROGERS, Neb.. Jan. 6. (Special.) George
B. Gless has sold hi hardware store to G.
L. Plerson, formerly of Moscow, Idaho.
Mr. Plerson takes charge at once and Mr.
Gless goes to Schuyler to take a position as
deputy county clerkv "
MrOrsTr etj a Chaage.
O'NEILL, 'Neb.,' Jan. S.-Speclal Tele
gram.) District court was occupied all day
hearing evidence in the application of Ber
nard McGrevey for a change of venue. The
change was granted to Rock county.
Jews of Nebraska.
BEATRICE Farmers say the recent
snowfall has materially Improved the win
ter wheat in this locality.
BEATRICE Pearl Davis, the l-year-old
daughter of Jefferson Davis, died yester
day morning after a brief Illness.
PAPILLION Deputy Sheriff Spearman
was called to Sarpy Mill yesterday to take
charge of Dave Wllber of Springfield, sup
posed to be Insane.
GENEVA After an attempt at a bllxxard
and a fall of three Inches of snow the
weather changed yesterday and the sun
thawed most of the snow.
BEATRICE Mrs. Cusch, a prominent
German resident of Hanover township, died
yesterday morning, aged 70 years. . She
is survived by a large family of children,
all grown. .
BEATRICE Mrs. Ann L Butler. years
of age and the oldest resident in this sec
tion of the state, died last evening at the
home of her daughter. Mrs. A. W. Briden
thal. In Wymore.
HASTINGS The Hayes-Eames elevator
at Trumbull was partially wrecked yes
terday, about five carloads of wheat being
tumbled out on the ground. The accident
was caused by overloading.
GENEVA Mr. Lyman Brook and Miss
Ella Ward were married at the home of
the bride last evening at S o'clock. Rev.
Thomas Griffiths, rector of the Congrega
tional church, performed the ceremony.
HASTINGS V. R. Johnson, billing clerk
In the Adams express office at Beatrice,
has been appointed agent of the company
in this city. He succeeds E. T. Clark, who
has been promoted to the position of route
PAPILLION At a meeting of the county
commissioners January 2 a resolution was
passed granting a franchise to the Omaha
A Council Bluffs Street Railway company
to cross certain public highway in oarpy
PLATTSMOUTH Word comes from Den
ver that Ami B. Todd Is again confined to
his home with cancer of the stomacn, for
which he underwent a surgical operation
recently, and is now In a very dangerous
PLATTSMOUTH Elevator men through
out this county are complaining of a snort
age of cars to mot e last year s crops. About
half of the elevators are full to the roof
and the farmers are experiencing dlilicuity
in disposing of their crops.
HAbTLNGS Hastings Building and Loan
association has nmsned It twentieth year
of operation wltnout Having foreclosed a
single mortgage. It now baa e&i.uuo ot
loans in force. President Henry hickman
and Vice President W. F. Buchanan have
ben re-elected.
HASTINGS An examination will be held
here on January 20. under the ruies of ice
civil service commission, fur candiaatcs
for appointment In the clerical unu car
rier brancnes of tbe postoince. The list
of eligioies trom winch appointment may
be maue Has been exiiausied.
OAKLAND This has been a prosperous
year in Oakland and many prominent Im
provements nave teen ma.e uy prupmiy
owners here. The amount expended for
that purpose is sonietning ovr aii,uuu,
wnictk includes the improvements on tne
Great Nortiiern right-tit-aay tnrouau ina
cay. at $L).uou.
OAKUND- The congregation of the
Swedish Lutheran church i.eie have ap
pointed a committee 10 consult with dif
ferent lirma in rtrd to purcuaaine a pipo
oran for the cnurch. They have been
bunding up a fund for tnis purpose for
some time and now see toelr ay clear
to install an organ tn the near future.
HAST1.SGS-A call has been Issued by
Mayor Miles for a mass meeting of citiiens
next Wednesday to take acuon wun a
view to having Hastings Included in the
State Racing circuit next season. It is
proposed to raise a fund of from S.uu to
itf.wat lor the purchase of a suitable tract
of land for the track and for the construc
tion 01 barns and grauastands.
HAST1NGS-A meeting cf the olrectora
of the Omana A Nebraska central Rail
road company, which proposes to build an
InierurUan railroad from Omaha to Hast
ings nas held Tnursday, at which pians
for disposing of stova and bonds were dis
cussed. The local promoters say that
pmana. David City and boston capitalist
hate been interested In the enterprise,
BEATRICE Queen City council No. 7.
Fraternal Aid association, installed these
ofiicera last evening: A. H. iiolungworin,
prejuaent; Mrs. 11 Murray, vice preidnt
J. st. Craig, secretary; E. F, Wilt, treasv
urer; Mra M. M. brown, chaplain; Mra
A., guide; Mra M. Dole, eb
rvi llii 11. i. hamsel, ssatinsi, jr. J.
JANUARY 6, 1906.
January Trousers Sale
Among other sales during January there are nona
bo important as our Pre-Invcntory Sale, now in forco
as a money saving price lowering event. Prices
which force the selling. Today we mention trousers,
furnishings and hoys' clothing, but throughout the en
tire store are as great or greater savings.
n C Men's 52.50 and 53.00
Trousers Values at 51.75
Men's 5.50 and
Trousers Values
Men's $6.50 and $7.50
Trousers Values at $5.00
Boys9 Suits and Overcoats
ft w
Extra Specials
lTa oel set
Men's 75c Fleeced Underwear 35c
Men's 75c and $1.00 Outing Flannel Night Shirts. .50c
Men's 50c and 75c Neckwear, all shapes 35c
Men's $1.50 Wash Vests, all sizes 95c
$3.00 and $5.00 Suit Cases, now $2.00 and 3.00
wwee m a a www mmm a www a e a
-Beaver, trustee; L W. Studley, medlca,
OAKLAND Rev. L. Arlander. formerH
of Omaha, has arrived here to become
the pastor of the Swedish Baptist church
here. A reception was tendered him and
his family at the church Wednesday, at
which the congregation expressed their de
light at again 'having a pastor. Rev.
Arianaer .starta on his new uutiea her
under most tavoruhle conditions for a sue.
cessful pastorate.
OAKLAND-As train No. 4 of the Omaha
railroad was coming Into town this morn
ing, the engine collided with one of the
Grant Switch company's wagons, whicn
was loading coal from a car on the side
track, completely demolishing the wagon.
No Injury was caused to the mules hitched
to the wagon and after a few moments
delay In clearing away the wreckage the
irain pniceeoea to tne depot.
HASTINGS Acting under the advice of
the county attorney the newly elected
county supervisor. David Wentworth, will
not lie allowed to take his seat until nxt
Tuesday, the day fixed by law for the re
organisation of the board. The retiring
member contends that his term does not
expire until the new organization Is per
fected. All other county officers elected
last fall began their duties this morning.
BEATRR E Beatrice aerie No. 531. Fra
ternal Ordr Eagles, met last night and
installed the following officers: W. A
Stoll, worthy president; A. C. Bradley,
worthy vice president; Ellis Smith, wortny
chaplain; John Ellis, secretary; K. B. Ap-
f leget, treasurer; Gua Childs, Inside guard;
larry Whlustde, outside guard; G. U Koe.
worthy physician; C. A. Osoorne, Henry
Spahn, Roy Drew, trustees.
YORK Captain Lundeen says that the re
port that he Waa holding the nfflce nt reirla.
ter of deeds and refuses to give over the
office to Harry Belcher, who was elected
last rail. Is not correct, and asks that the
I "Port be corrected. He filed his bond and
, both Mr. Belcher and Lundeen understand
00cters Until UIi
Tsk Dr. Ban" PUI for fsnrtlpstlsa
Used the Inside of this wrapper.
P Dr. BULL'S5!
couch evftup,
For Coughs, CoWj, Eoarsa.
Bass, Bnackltia, Asthma,
Crotrp, Inflniwiia, Whoop Ids;
Coagh, Incipient Ccasarap
Uan, and the relief of
cooanasptlve pat! rati la ad
wanced sUges of tit disease.
Baltimore, m
fot Bale byaa Dral
Price 25 Cent
i LnrccUous lusiJc.)
Boys' $2. 50 and 3. 00
Suits and Overcoats.
75 Boys' M.00 and $4.50
Suits and Overcoats.
375 Boys' ?5.00 and 6.00
Suits and Overcoats.
from Our Furnishings
mmmmjmmi '""-irvtiirLrLn.njtjtjxrLrxru
'ach other. In case that a decision that a
.eglster of deeds cannot be legislated out
of office Is rendered Mr. Lundeen will be
entitled to the office.
HASTINGS Mrs. William J. Toolejf sus
tained a serious though painless injury
Wednesday morning. With a rope rhe was
leading a horse Into a barn on her premises
hen the animal gave a audden Jerk, pull
ing off the thumb, of her right hand. The
cut was as clean as though made with
a surgeon knife. The wound was not
felt by Mrs. Tooley. her first knowledge
of It coming a few minute later when she
felt the warm blood In her hand.
PLATTSMOUTH While Albert FMelsh
man and his brother Otto of Elmwood were
out hunting the latter shot at a rabbit, but
the whole charge of shot entered his broth
er's limbs and left arm. He was taken to
a house nearby and a physician summoned.
About sixty No. i shot entered the boy's
legs and arms, most of them entering his
left limb too deep to be removed. He is
reported to be resting easily and unless
something more serious sets In will doubt
less recover.
TEKAMAH-Sheriff Phlpps arrested one
of the hardest looking specimens of hu
manity that has been seen here for a long
time, at Lyon yesterday. The ptisoner
Is a tjplral "dope fiend" and he was so
full of cocaine and morphine that he Is
craxy. From letter found on him his
name Is L. E. Brown and his home Is at
Abilene, Kan. It is supposed that he slept
out doors th night before he was ar
rested as his face is so badly frozen that
his eyes are swelled shut. Although he
received attention most of the night he Is
no better this morning.
GENEVA The new county officer were
sworn In and took charge of their respec
tive offices yesterday at noon. Treasurer
Charle H. Buhrer. populist, succeeds E.
J. Dempster, republican with William Mc
Keon as deputy; H. 8 Page, populist, re
elected, with C. E. Ttes deputy; Henry
Vauck. popullat, superintendent of school.
Pneumonia and consumption are baffling
th fkiU of the medical profession. Doctors
of the entire world are engaged In a de
termined warfare against these merciless
enemies of the human race, but so long as
people neglect colds and coughs, pneu
monia and consumption will prevail.
Prevention, then, does not lie with the
doctors, but with the people themselves.
Don't Trifle) With Colds.
Every case of pneumonia and consump
tion was at first only a simple cold or
fcmch Tnartpntlrm ti IIia lAttAr avAlnnait
the former. Take warning then I
negieci your coia no matter now inning
It may te! Get a bottle of Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup at once I It is the one, posi
tive, infallible remedy for ail colds and
Bead how this celebrated remedy is
praised by all who use It. Every testi
monial published is absolutely genuine.
w w a i . a, . a m i.
'"V ' e., write, PR. JOPTIC W. TSTTL,
Dr. Ball's Coat Syras is certainly the Discoverer I ir. Bull's CoughB
best remedy to care celd and ceafh that has ever come to my aetlce. Whea
a member ef the family Is take with a throat er loaf; affection, it is msei
and the patient is invariably rewarded with a care, it gives entire satis
faction and has been a sec for many years ia my family. If oeeyle la toad
of eiyecttaj' a cold aad ceofa to wear off, weald mo
aad step trifling with other remedies, there weald bo less pneamonl . aad
coasamptioa for tho doctors to battle with. Or. Ball's Coagh Syrap is
cheerfully recommended by mt."
Dr. John W. Bull, a skillful specialist In throat and lung diseases, foresaw
and foretold an epidemic of pneumonia and consumption in the twentieth
century. Investigation had proven that colds and coughs were the fru'tfui
causeof these ailments.and this led to the discovery of a prescription which
would effect an absolute cure of colds and coughs. Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup
is the result of Dr. Bull's labors, and many thousands today ascribe their
good health and their lonff lives to Its timely use. It Is a certain and effec
ve cure for all the conditions that lead to pneumonia and consumption.
Sample sent free to all readers.
W wf7"? absolute confidence In Dr. Bull's Cough Byrnp, and will
ltter and give the name of Una paper. Address A. C. MEYER 4 CO.TBaltimore, Md.
Ask for Dr. Bull's Cnagh Byrup and Insist on hsvtns It. P.r in min than. i.
no remedy "betw. or ,uet as aA as W. Bul'a cJ.ghrrnT I?r llull'. iVt 2
best. I not eiiirnent with si,rtitut.-a; they sr dnngrrVus "to health ria Dr Buila
Cvua-h byruw U aia-vs ouxes. fevid If aU dru-ill4. iuetiod M uT
.iiTS.- -: ill J
1.1 -
'-If)".; PI a., at 1 a -S.V lA, r- 1
re-elected; W. C. Peterson, county clerk,
populist, succeeds E. J. Barbur, republican,
his deputy bng E. T. Puleston; J. R. Pat
terson, Judge, re-elected, and John Johnson,
deputy, with B. F. Benedict, district clerk,
are the sole remaining republicans In the
court house.
Have you friends? In the east? In the
west? In the old country? Bend them
each a copy of the Jubll-e Edition of The
Bee. Advertise Omaha.
A. C Vaa Bant Considers His Elee
tloa at Chleaaro Dlstiaetloa
for the West.
A. C. Van Bant, president of Van Sanfe
School of Shorthand, has returned from
Chicago, where he attended the annual
meeting of the National . Commercial
Commercial Teachers' Federation and was
elucted president of that body for the
ensuing year. Mr. Van Sent was the
first western man ever elected to that
position. In hi speech of acceptance Mr.
Van Sant said the election was a compli
ment to the west and western men.
The federation has 250 members scattered
throughout the states. The next annual
session will be held a year hence at Cleve
land. O. Mr. Van Sant was toastmaster
at the annual banquet of the federation,
held during the meeting last week at the
Windsor-Clifton hotel. Chicago. Mr. Vaa
Sant was nominated for the office of presi
dent by B. N. Miner of New Tork.
Do not t-f
VJS M v w r