Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1906, Page 12, Image 12
12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JANUARY fi, 1006. f Great Clearing Sales Monday mwm HOSIERY SALE We have placed hundreds of pairs bargain squares for Saturday sales fleece lined fast black and tans at, Ladies' All Wool Golf Gloves A bargain square filled with the wr.rm Heavy Wool Gloves for win ter wear .those Gloves are plain and fleece lined cashmerettes, also heavy Scotch and Golf Gloves, as well as Saxony Wool Mit tens Just the Gloves for winter street jrv if wear worth as high as 75 cents a pair lUC"ZuC"'4VC at Heavy Winter Children's Underwear "Broken lots of misses' and children's underwear heavy cotton and fleecy lined; also misses' and children's heavy knitted sleeping garments, with feet, C will go at, each k vv Boys' and Girls' Heavy Fleeced and Medium Weight Underwear. Ladies' fine and heavy ribbed underwear, me dium and heaviest weight, C 'ZQ AQ silk ribbon trimmed . . . JJJmif HaLivdkdrcKief SaJe Ladies' and men's plain white and fancy colored border handkerchiefs also men's Japanette silk handkerchiefs with embroidered initial, and ladies' sheer hand em broidered initial handkerchiefs, at t C your choice -s2C-C A bargain table of handkerchiefs slightly mused, some are all inen, others are beautifully embroidered ftl and lace trimmed, specially priced at, each O2C T W b Tl g T e nave tnree ng I Wih L)ll M niarkauly low price taffetas, satin tufrctas. raesu lines, warp, prints, eta., SALE worm irom c 10 ojc three lots, at Specials ii Our Annual Liiei Sale 15c Jup Open Work Doylies, each JSHc Tcnerlffo Doylies. each Jl.W) and 2 Lunch Cloths and Scarf", at, each 7ic .. 5c 98c SALE OF JAPANESE GOODS Novelties Just Received From the Orient. "We are showing in our Popular Japanese Department in the Annex, a great assortment of Moriage, Awati and Taizan Vases at 25c and up. Cups and saucers, bon bons, hair receivers, sugars and creamers and other dishes in beautiful Jap decorations. . For Saturday, the regular 23c Owari cups and saucers, two for 25 A 50c value Owari sugar and creamer, at 25c. mm W7Y4l7Tiaj THE SHORT TO UNION PACIFIC Elactrle Lighted Trains Dally. Two meals quicker to San Francisco than via any other lln. Inquire at CI TV TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FARXAM ST. 'Phone 834. "DIXIE FLYER" ROUTE On Wednesday, January 10th, an excursion will be run from Nebraska to Florida through sleeping cars from Omaha and Lin coln, via Burlington to St. Louis, and the "Dixie Flyer" Route from there to Jacksonville, Fla. This excursion party will pass through the scenic and historic aection of the southeast and will be In charge of an experienced guide who is familiar with all points of Interest enroute and in the state of Florida. Ask for copy of illustrated booklet outlining the trip at 1402 Fanuuu Street, or write. Samuel North, District Passenger Agent, Illinois Central R. R., Omaha, Neb. Bee WantAds Produce Results Monday the Big Sale of Laces of ladles' high rrde Hosiery on plain and heavy ribbed many pair- 10c, 121c aid 15c en's Hosiery In black and tans also men's Heavy Woolen Hosiery bar- ay..r.iOc-mc-lSc Ladies' Imported Hosiery In fast blacks and fancies fine medium and heavy weight cotton some are fleece lined e iiuBu 25c also the finest quality French lisle worth as high as EOc a pair, at pair Underwear 25c lots or nnDons, to close at s. r- Saturday they consist of fancies. in 3ic-5c-15c $1 Scarfs, Lunch Cloths, Pieces, each , 50c Center Pieces. Scarfs, Squares, etc., each Sic Scarfa, Doylies, Squares, etc., each 25c 10c IS. o r sbtia LINE PERSONALLY CONDUCTED FLORIDA EXCURSION L'SUALLY. following the holidays, shop ping ene rjry and activity rapidly declln Into utter Insignificance. Expenses alona continue, to thrive. To awaken this dormant spirit nothing accomplishes such results as the Reduction in Prices WE ARE OFFERING High Grade Groceries HAVINO QUALITY'S SUPREME SEAL OK APPROVAL ON EVERY Ail Tl CLE. STRICTLY FRESH EOOS PT dozen CREAMERY BUTTER Per pound PUFFED RICE Thre. packages SHREDDED BISCUITS Per package BEST GOLDEN PUMPKIN- Three cans , SARATOGA FLAKES Two packages .,, VAN HOUTEN'S COCOA Half pound tins BEST CORN SYRUP Gallon tins , MANGO PICKLES I'er quart Jar 27c 28c ........25c 10c 25c 25c 42c 29c 28- French Peas NOW you are afforded an excellent oppor tunity to purchase a splendid quality of French Peas, packed at Bordeaux pos sessing all the essential requisites of this dainty vegetable vix., natural color, sweetness and site at 19c Per Can. SOMMER BROS., EXPONENTS OF GOOD LIVING. 28th and Farnam Streets. School Shoes You can And the school shoes you're looking for at this ators. You will And the girls' and boys' shoes at this otoro that are made to fit easy and comfortable, that are mad to look neat and nice, and that are mads to wear long and well. You will And at this store that prices are right us well as the shoes and flt and nowhere else can you get such values In school shoes as our specials $1.50 &$2.00 FRY SHOE CO. 16th a ad Douglas Sts, FINE SHOES FOR CHILDREN are to be- found In abundance at tbs boys' and girls' store. We have them In all the new styles and colors made en special lasts to fit growing feet. We fit the boys' and girls' in the best shoes produced for the least money. A new line of boys' and girls' school shoes Just received at $1.50 $2.00 & $2.50 Ask to see oar special foot form tacklesa shoes for children. RUBBERS OVERSHOES BOISON Þl -OMAr.MaaS Write for illustrated catalogue. THERMOMETERS WE ARE SHOWING A FINE LINE OF RELIABLE THERMOMETERS MERCURY AND SPIRIT ACCU RATE AND EASILY READ AT 15c to $2.00. We Sll Clinical Thermometers, Too. HOWELL DRUG CO., 16th St. and Capitol Ave. Charles A. Potter GENERAL. STENOGRAPHER. Depoktioas, Correspondence, Brief Work and Special Reporting on Short Notice. NOTARY PUBLIC. Tel. iei. 101 Be Balldlas. DENTAL IAri a ROOMS. 1517 Douglas St. Single or Double Breasted mostly all Worsteds, up to size 44, look worth$15, weir Worth up to $3.50, an enormous assortment to choose from uarantee 1519-1521 mm One carload of can goods, consisting of all kinds high grade peaches, peariT plums, apricots and cherries; also fancy 3-pound can tomatoes and some other goods, all of the very best grades, has been wrecked"- and placed In our store for us to sell. We will place them on sale, beginning Saturday and continue so long' as as the goods last. Just for one-balf the actual cost. Remember you take no chances in buying, because we guarantee everything you get In out store or your money cheerfully refunded. 'PRICES AS FOLLOWS: Peaches, 3-lb. cn, regular flu 26c seller Pears, 3-10. can, regular 124c 12ic Sac seller Plums, 3-lb. can. regular ax- seller Arrlcols, 3-lb. can, regular "J1 fee seller lJW Cherries. S-lb. can, regular Oln 25c seller ISC Tomatoes, J-lb. can, reg- ular 16c soller It Corn, 2-1 b. can. nrular 10c seller OC Pure Maple Syrup In quart lr. cans. 25c seller 'J Pure Maple Syrup In H- OC. gal. cans. 6O0 seller... iOW Fine Table Syrup in M- fQr gal. cans, 35e seller Fine Table Syrup In 1- llr" gal. eans, 65c srfler ctk Sorghum, In 3-lb. can. 16c 1. seller 3C SorKhum. In 5-lb. can, Kc 10lr seller IAJW Sorghum, In 1-gal. can, 50c OCr seller Ow MolaKses, in 3-lb. can. the highest grade on the market, regular 25c seiier, til,-. for. Morrell's Fancy Select Call- Q'ic rornia Hams at. per id - Sirloin Euak, 3 lbs. 25C Porterhouse Steak. 3 lbs for , 25c Pork Ijolns, per QC The Lange Grocery Co. Leaders of Low Prices and High Grade Good. 24th and Cuming Street Two Phone, 1530-3223. Some Cozy Offices. There is one office building in Omaha that is always warm in winter and cool in summer. There uro not very many offices vacant at the present time in The Bee Building Among them, however, are 6ome very choice small offices, which rent from $10 to $18. This price in cludes electric light, heat, water and janitor service and the advantage of being in an absolutely fire proof building. If you want a comfortable orace, 6? sua before they are all gone. R. C. PETERS CO-, Rental Agents. Ground Floor, Bee Building. La aft Long, Short, Black, Grey or Fancy. You paid already $12.50 for some not as good. 4 ! .loth me ho. Douglas St. 3C MoloFSfs, in half gallons, on. 50o seller, for ...4UC Cond'nid Soups, assorted, E 10c selkr. for uC Chow Chow, in glass Jars. (" lflc seller, for OC Bnlder s Catsup. 26c seller, for 18c Such. 10c Feller, for OC Mincemeat, in bulk, per '71-, pound M "S Rlx. fancy sauer, per 71 quait 5 Saturday Only We will glvo 23 lbs. flue Granulated Sugar QQ Fine Creamery Butter, " i;e per lb AOC Fine Country Roll, per Oflr pound Fresh Efigs, per dozen Fancy Iemons, per dozen 18c .124c Fanry Navel OranRes, per 4 Or dozen '. 48-pound sack Purity Flour, the Itngn Orocery Co. Best, every sack guaranteed, per 4 1 ct sack L Scrri m ssWMfttVB MEAT DEPARTMENT Morrell's Hams and Bacon secured the grand prize and highest award at St. Ixuls World's Fair, 1904. We make "a specialty" of carrying a complete line of these fancy high grade meats purchasing them In quantities enables us to sell them at extremely low prices. Come, to our store and get acquainted: also nee what we can save you on your meat bill. Morrell's Fancy Peacock Strip Bacon at, per pound 1U5W Morrell's Iowa Pride Fancy Skinned lAZr Hams at. per pound Morrell's Extra Fancy Strip Wapello l7JLn Bacon at, per pound "J" Oood Boiling Meat, per BS'!'''!"'!!''"6c to 8c Turkeys, nice young, per )C Oysters, solid packed, per quart. 51. Bernstein and M. L. Woolfson, Irois. i. 1 mi ilium nwiiai nyjriwsiiw The Greatest Stock of 5c and iOc Articles In in the West Basement Annex TRKLIAHLK STOKK. January Gearing Sale of Men's Winter Clothing $12.50 to $15 Men's 7 Cfl j walPi-VV!f Jfcjj i(r$:'lM HOYS' Sl'lTS AMI OVERCOATS go . - . - HOYS' KNEE PANTS worth up to tibc choice. s.e. w w '. iz ECONOMICAL not that yon buy it because it is cheap and you don't need it. To bo really economical you must trade at 1IIL WHITE flOUSE GROCERY & MEAT MARKET K. Hornstein, Prop. St. Mary's Ave. Telephone B4;l. THIS KOIXOWINO ARK PR1C10S FOR SATl'RDAY ONLY': ,KO- KllltlS. Harclilitflit MatoheH. per pkK SMiC OibHon'ti Soup l'ollfh, per can To Supollo, pr ca.e "o Corn, per can 5c Granulated Sugar; 6 pounds 2Sc Lrrunulated BiiKur. 21 pounds $100 Puffcd Rice, 'i packages 24o Carnation Cream, 3 (or Pet Cream, oc hIzc, t for 2HC. 1 pound can Halmon. best Kg Kct Red Alacka Salmon, 2 cans for.ioc it cans Toinutoi a c 6 bars Omaha Kanilly Koup 2Tn; .Vriy kind l-iumliy Soap, 11 bars for V' 2 pounds best DaI -8 Vc 6-lb. pkg. Obtmeal and fancy dish..l.c i i In2-Pie 10 c Packages MERRELL-SOULE CO. : SYRACUSE , N EW YORK Sh m Y 1 BiHU Boys Coasting Shoes C'oaBtlDR and skating is hard on boys' Ehors. hut hoys will coast and skate they wouldn't bo boys if they didn't. Our "SncM-ial Steel Shod" Boys' Shoes are just the thln for real boys' wear. Guaranteed to outwear two pairs of the ordinary kind. Cost a little more, but cheaper in the long i nn. Boys' sizes, 2'. to 5U, $2.50. Youths' Bizes, 1 to 2, $2.25. Little gent's sizes, 10 to 13s, $2.00. SATl'RDAY IS ROYS' HAY. Drexel Shoe Co. 1410 Fartiam St. i-..i:,r if hi. I tt o: &.vTrv -afl' - rcO ,ev " ..V Attend the Opening of Out Sc and 10c Dept. Saturday Suits ev A splendid assortment in all wool ch vtots, cassimerps nnd worsteds stripes, plulds. funrv mixtures nnd plain colors perfect fitting, well tailored garments in single or double-breasted styles greatest values shown in 7 Cf the west at tOt MEN'S OVERCOATS worth H CA regularly $10 to $15, at. I JV Come in all wool kerseys, choviots, casal meros and Irish frieze made single or double-breasted long, loose, belt back or in medium length not a coat iu the lot worth less tbun $10.00, and up to $15.00 ou sale Saturday 7 50 Men's Hand Tailored Suits ,$10 worth from $15 to $18. now' All the season's latest fashions, newest fabrics and most exclusive patterns are contained in this lot all of thoso suits are hand tailored throughout and guar anteed perfect in fit. fabric and fashion the best values ever A (f shown at our sale price Iv.ww Hand Tailored Overcoats $10.00 . . . . a - a 1. .. A ,,11- 1,10 Sr?ale!U assortment. 01 unr uauu io- f ed garments shown iu Omaha all the newest Btyles and fabrics long or me dium length, with or without bolt back every coat euaranteed to retain its shape values up to $18.00 10 00 during this salo ut iwu at greatly reduced prices during this sale. . !-.. l . -TV on saie auiuruu. ui tC . , . , mm r w See Display iu Sixun-ntli Street Window. Kcoiioiii) meaiiN and i that, you buy something tliat is cheap be cause you really need it, and I (iond .'runt's. 2 jiounrts for v-a Sooil Urlfil IVac.lies. pounds ror...-0 I'lcklcs, any kind. iiurl bottlrs ifRiilur price now sold for IGo Anv Ni'hnuika Flour, for Saturday only $1.1. MEATS. Round Steak Tac and lOo Shoulder Steak 10c and l'ao Porterhouse Steak U"20 Rib Roast, cornfed tc. nnd ltkJ Shoulder Hoast lie and MJ B't ljrd. 3 pounds 25c Spare RIdh 7cs Pork Butts 7'io Pork Chops 10c MOST DELICIOUS PIES, FRUIT CAKES , PUDDINGS AND COOlVlE.5. IIKCEMEAT - iHilini - ll Special for Saturday and Monday Only. C. H. DILLON, 606 S. 13th St. Two 'Phones, 4iiT,l.UT,i DRIED AFUK'OTS- I'er pound DRIKD APPi.liS Per pound SKKDLKSS RAISINS Per pound FINK CUI NTKY BUTTER Per pound FANCY CHKAMKRY Ut'TTEU I'er pound...-. TWO-POI NI) C'OI XTHY ROLL. F.r;is Per dozen ...8c ...7c ...7c ,25c 28c ,36c ,.18c HlfilT PATKNT FUUR n Per nax-k IUO SANTOS COFFEE f 1 Per pound ; I4C WASII1NO i'OHDKR- . Five-cent paikani- 4C nrn-No-MORK- . five-rent packugc 4C COLD DLS'l- . Five-cent package 4C GOLD Dt'ST or. Five-pound package UC TKN BARS SOAP for Z5U CLEANLINESS If there is any business that should have "cleanliness" for its motto lhat business is a meat mar Kefs. There is a satisfaction in buying your meats from a place that has a splc and span appear ance at all times. We put cleanli ness before everything except the quality of our meats. Try the. "clean meat market" once; we are sure wo will please you. We've got the choicest Roast Beef. Veal, Mutton, pork, Lamb Steaks, besides big. fat Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens, in tha city. Give us your order early for prompt delivery. JOS. BATH'S New Meat Market. Farnem St. DC1' ..m. t" .,o' l ' -m V .oC 1 tr. tot f ?v -. ff H Tel. 694.