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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1906)
tr T1IK OMAHA DAILY HKK: SATLHDAV, JANUARY 6, l!uC. U US CONTRACT IS CONDEUNLD ; ' . i. v-eielit Dollar Ordiitnct DsnouDcsd n Eictssirt, Unfair, Unjiit. COUNCIL ENJOINED FROM CARRYING IT OUT Inrtae imilon Declares Company ( annot Reqalre I-arsjer Prloe than Flird hr Frtirblir from the (Itr. Ju1 Mutton linn sustained the fluht of T. AV. Rlarkburn analnst the contract sn-i---r Into by th city with th Omalia Oas company for fas at $2 per lamp per year. The mayor and city council will be tem lmiHrlly enjoined from entering Into such .contract tir payln out any money there tntd'r. In rendering hi ilsclslon the Judas pro nounced, the flve-yettr contract at tJs "ex l ejtKlve, unreasonable, unjust and unright eous." tie said, substantially : "Th court l not Informed fully as to 1! 'lie rrt ant rounding this (Mie. The city I'hr made no answer, though the city at torney nM II would .answer later. The, )tr company has fled no answer and of-r-.ert no testimony h to the coat of the equipment, which It waa Ht liberty to do. The five oiinrllmen who voted for the or- llnance have alone answered. The court Is not fully Informed n to the coat of the lulpment. on which It la claimed royalty la paid, but 1 satisfied aa to what the coat should be "The court is satisfied that $14 la the hiKheat price the city ahould pay for gaa under the fninchlae requirements for a sixty-candle power lamp, and Blao that ueh a lamp la the only practicable and iiereayary one." I annol K.irrrd franchise Price. "In no event can the shs company ever n-iulte a Inrgci price thiin la fixed In iia fi'-tnehlse, Thut provldea for $25 per lump per yr-nr for five fret of rhb per hour. The testimony here, uncontradicted, la tlmt only two nnd clght-tentha feet of gaa per hour l inntiinifiil to rrA uel no- n lvtv.PHli(11i oowei light and three feet and eleven-tenths ! ill pinducing an rlghty-onndle power light "The court ts satisfied that $14 for the gaa alone Is the maximum amount the council has any power to pay to the company for a sixty-candle power light. This would In clude lighting, extinguishing and cleaning. The court also Is satisfied that 116 Is the highest amount the council can pay the company for an eighty-candle power light. I have personally examined the mantels and - burners used and have reached the conclu sion that 4 would be a fair and equitable price to allow for the same. Tills, then, would make S as the outside limit for n sixty-candle power light. I ndlaputed Fvldenee at Hand. "There Is undisputed evidence here, given by Mr. Ziiiiman and by Mr. Mlchaelscn. that to pay for extra candle power beyond sixty would be a dissipation of the funds of the city, without any value to the taxpay ers or benefit to the city Itself. From pcr aonal observation of the contrivance used on the street lamps I am convinced that a contract for an eighty-candle power light would b Improvident and could not be car- - lied out, aa the equipment la too delicate. Sunh a contract would not be valid or bind ing, and the court doea not believe such a light can be furnished. "Beyond $4 aa an allowance for the man ' tel there la no discretion In the council, any mora than there would be for the council men to contract for lead pencils at $t each, - when other people could buy the same pen cil for 6 centa. Beyond $1S for a aixty candle power light there la no discretion In the council.' "ifie totaf amount to be paid In nny pre year ahould not exceed fcff.ZW. and for five years, as this contract contem- plates, not exceed r.3K.W). Beyond theae amounts the contract la of no force and should not be sustained, as the court be lieves. The contract under consideration ' would give the company In excess of these amounts IliOuO per year, or IWO.000 for five years. Such a contract ought not to be entered Into." I uaaaal Ctrcnmataacea la Cava. "There ara unuaual circumstances con nected with this case, the first of which Is that tha councltmen would not take the legal advice of tho city attorney, but took tha advice ot the attorney of tha gas com Ntnv In the second plac they deliber ately violated the order of tha court In ' pursuance of their agreement with the gas company. In tha third place the method of crowding this matter through the coun ' .11 was very unusual. The mayor and policemen had no business In that council chamber at all. Theae circumstances are merely Incidental, however, and are con ( sldtred only as circumstances." Mr. Connell. for the gas company. In quired of the court as to the point raised by attorneys for the plaintiff, and on which they dwelt with great emphatiU, that the ordinance and contract modified the orig inal franchise. Other Points Overshadow it. . Judge Sutton replied that tho other points luvijved hud overshadowed this lu his mind to the extent he had really given I lint point no consideration and did not think It neceaiary to pass upon it at this time. He rather felt that the contract war not u modlll. ation of the franchise, hut would :jilmlt there was room for dis cussion. Argument tle-n arose 4 to the form of ; the order granting the temporary Injunc tion. After Messrs. Connell, Brteu and 4er had been heard It waa agreed that ', the company shall continue to light the streets, but shall have no monetary beu-flt under the contract of October 11, but shall I he paid fur it service later as Its rights j may uppuar. 1 Mr. Brecn uggvsU-d that Hie case be ad- J , am ed for hearing on Its merits after the flaming of the temporary injunction order j l.y plaintlffs's attornr), but no decision I ws reached on this point. ) NOV W All ON El ECTMH I. It. Il l Elboarn Maa Tbe, Too, Musi Be (bra per. j Immediately on hearing of the decision in j the gas case City Clerk Eibouru announce.! 1i ineait proceedings seeking to sei aside j tto recent contract for electric strict lamps ' al $7S each per year. He said he mllhorlred U'. J. Connell some time, ago t. bring the s ill ill case the gua contract was declared : jltd. He will appear as plaintiff in the ilk' aa a private citizen and proper' y owner, and not (u his offiriul capacity. He said: e "I am peife.-tlv atietid with the decision In the gas case. We have reached the stage In thla city where the taxpayers tn obtain ing some voice In the control of public af fairs. For years tho public service corpora tions pave had the upper hand In their con tracts with th city government. The time f'sj- a change of this program has arrived. I am convinced the price paid for arc lamps Is low much and projsise to test the question In.ll.s courts. The contract Itself was oh- t aaavmna u.. CUUIMftLI SIRUPS ilMrta wtilU TettMBf for tu- Kitty Y f KstXikJa thai aUklUl aviHskM Uta artiMl. .il...a -t iuMAsat It M 7 "sal m lass? P-t C ! ft W .VI V ft. aTaVtfajra a Aa-srr- SB ' "a sj - talned hurriedly and without advertising for blda of any kind.'' Concerning the gaa decision and the elec tric light contract Irrsllent tinman of the council paid "The decision Is iilong linea exactly that 1 huve conter.d-d for. It la a Just decision. 1 sincerely hope It will be finally sustained One point brought out that particularly pleases iiv Is the ruling that there la no appreciable difference between a sixty cHndle power and an rlghty-candl" power K.i a lamp. This Is the findings of every dis interested expert in the 1'nltoil States. That one point alone whs enough to ghe us the decision. ' I do not believe the statciiienta of certain ciiuncllinen that tiny voted for the $.3 gas contruct solely because the company low- errd the rates to consumers. Their talk I dties not harmonise with the statements of Mayor Moores that the Ih1 Frank Murphy, then president of the gaa company, prntn lacd to make the reductions long before It waa done. "I hope Klbourn will attack the electric light contract. If that contract la un.luat It ought to be knocked out. Nothing would plenae n.e more than to have this matter settled tn court, f voted for it In good fallh. be lieving both the price and the reduction from JOt.fiO to he fair. If 1 was wrong I want to know It and the sooner trie better." Councilman Dyball. who waa one of the members voting for the gaa contract re strained by Judge Sutton, said he did not wish to make a ststenient of any kind at this time. Councilman Back of the First ward ear nestly requested to be excused from an In terview on the dei lsion. SPORTS OF A DAY. l'ITZlIMMOMI fiOK TO JKR WIFE aa lie Want to Secure Possession of Diamonds. SlOfX CITY. la.. Jan. 5-Rohert Fiti slmmona pasae through here this evening, en route to Sioux Falls. S. P.. where he expects to have an Interview with his wife. In an Interview he said he waa going In reaponae to public, statements by Mrs. Fulf Simmons to the effect that she desired to see him on business matters. He declared he still loved his wife and that their future relations would depend entirely on her nt tltudo. adding, however, that ah was In possession of diamonds belonging to him to the value of more than $100,000, which he hoped to secure. He charged all his troubles to Colonel Miller of Pennsylvania and waa particularly bitter !n referring to that gen tleman. SIOl'X FAIL. 8. D., Jan. 5. Robert Flttslminons arrived here tonight and had a prolonged conference with his wife. At midnight It was announced that his efforts to effect a reconciliation with her had re sulted unsuccessfully. FOOT BAI.l COMMITTER CAM. Ell Intercollegiate Body 'Will Meet In ew York Thla Afternoon. Pini.APEt.PHIA. Jan. o. Dr. James A. Babbitt of Haverford college, secretary of the rnlea committee of the National Inter collegiate Foot Ball conference, has sent out notices for a special meeting of the committee to bo held at the Murray Hill hotel. New York, at $:30 tomorrow after noon. The committee mill consider Important matters which have arisen. The rules com mittee through the secretary tonight sent to the head authorities of Harvard, Princeton, I'nlversltv of Pennsylvania. Annapolis academy and Chicago university a detailed statement of the proposition for the amsl gamatinn of the new rules commit lea with the original foot ball rules committee. The latter liody is made up of one representa tive from each of the above named Institu tions. The proposition tn amalgamate with the old eommlttee whs msde in this city a week ago, et which time the old committee prom ised to give the new committee an eariy answer. BIG MK MEETS SUIT WEEK Athletle Board Will Consider Changes In Foot Ball and Other Sports. CHICAGO, Jan. 6. Present evils of foot ball and other college sports will receive the formal consideration of the "Big Nine" authorities at a special conference tn be held lu Chicago next week. In response to an invitation of President Angell of the University of Michigan, representatives of each of the conference schools will meet in Chicago next Friday to discuss reforma in athletics in general and foot ball in par ticular. In view of the expressed opinions of many of the college representatives the E reliabilities are that radical changes will e recommended in the conference rulings. WITH THE BUWXEBS. The Armours won two games from the Onimods lasi night and lost the third by only five pins. Ted Neale was high man for the night with 577 for the series and Harry Jones carried off the top single game with 222. Score: ARMOURS. 1st. 2d. :id. Total. Neale W. 1st:: lm 5" Jones 1M 2."' Iii7 547 OJerde lot 1p2 IfC: .V4 Hartley list 1K 152 510 Sprague 17S 11U 17:t 612 Totals W7 SM 2,jM ONIMOPH. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. McCague 14i Ihii ltM 44 Tracy 181 i-.7 17 615 Welty 147 14$ 151 441 Milgtll lfi! lfS 18X .160 llaswas 1U ISO IDS 564 Total Hi' HK3 2,&;l On lenu A William alleys last night ganJ."?,. neoux carried off the honors by making ii05, with t'tt a close second with Score: OOI.P TOPS. 1st. M. r,d. Total. If. Priineau 1!5 1 K Ik: ,"24 Molyucaux 117 17 231 Do Ma honey 17. IVi i:i.'l JI Orotte is; Ksi M Foley m 'J6 15H 547 Totals SKI y7 SOS 2.'il Till HSTON R1FI-ES. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tuial. Havei. s 171 SO. 177 54S Baehr J 17 IM2 f0 C. Pnmeau 14 11.1 118 ::7t Solomon 112 119 1ST 47? I'll 227 1U 177 Wl Totals XJ S7S Ml 2.57 The Kuu Flowers gut three games from the K'mI Deal on the Metropolitan nllsv. The Hcd Seals arc looking tor some good men to sign. nr. tnoy W4111 revenge. Apply to it. plain 1. lulling, omaiia i'acmng jiany. Score: Sl'NKI.OWKKS. om- 1st. -d. 1&. Total. I Strums 11.1 iJM Nt J'.m Heiijailllll lit 1.3 13 toi Mack ITS Ihi p7 Jl.t Clements 1W US 17 CT Ames lii IHI 14fi 1 Totals TM TW TVI IIKD 8KAUS. ! I .-11. .d. ad. Total. ) Nolan Kl liti Idi" .V4 Ia ner IM 1J6 16-. 4Jo 1 Sgeer 11 .t 141 111 :! ' Hi ueniug , lJi IS :i l 1 Careltou l.i 114 lis -Mi ' Totals M 6M Ifvi mJl , ale Loses Another (.awe. CHICAGO. Jnn. S. -Coot-taut fouling lust another game lor the Yale l.xskct ball team tonight at Kvamton. the hnal score was: KvanMon Young Men's Christian associa tion. .x; Yale, In ignorance nf the rules of the game as it Is played in the west was responsible for the fouls committed by the Isitors Waterloo tao Make Hearr allooa. CINCINNATI. Jan. S The Waterloo ll.i 1 haifc liall cluli is permitted at this time to pLu-e on the reservation list all players who liiislied the season Willi that club, accord ing 10 a decision by the national liasc ball commission announced today. You like to be remembered by the bouses from which you buy. don't you tVlijj not please nur out-of-town customers by send ing them a copy of The Bee's New Year Kililion ond Uuds-Kx View of OmahaT AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Vats MaatiDf to Coniider the Stwer Quei tion to St R.d Tonight. LIVE STUCK COMM. o ON RATES POSTED I'onllr) Shun lle lu l' Oat anil Also Proves Profitable for h: hlMturs 1. 1st of Awards la Made Pnblle. Tonight tin- cllixens of South Omaha, will asaemblc In iiihss meeting to hear the re port of the commit tee of eighteen on the sewer liond tjticttlnu. The committee will recommend that the mass meeting adopt a report In favor of a special election to vote on a $25i0OO bond Issue. The t'nloii Stock Yards company will then publicly deilmv Its agreement with the committee. It la also likely that the minority report of the committee will alro be read before the as sembly and submitted for consideration. It la understood thut this mass meeting Is an advisory body and It la probable that what ever course they recommend to the council will be l.illowed. However, the real power to call a special election lies with the coun cil alone. So far the council has nut pub licly expressed an opinion either way. Tho meeting will be one of great public In terest. ew Commission Hatea Posted. The Stock exchange held its regular busi ness meeting yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The attendance waa fair and a little better perhaps from the fact that the annual election Is approaching. There were only matters of routine business before the meeting. Yesterday afternoon waa an nounced for the first time the text of the new rules In effect among the commission men alnce January 1. It has been the wish of the body that the papers should not give the matter publicity for a few day and It now apiears that they are willing . .. . ,, . .. ih. hii.. i that the matter be brought to the public , notice, i ne ruie nxes ine coiuiiussion iaie for selling cattle by the car at 60 cents per head or not more than $12 per car. This Is an average raise of $2 per car. Calves are sold for '& centa a head, cows with calves, TS centa. Binaie deck cars of hogs. $H per car; double, $12. Sheep, single deck, S; double deck, tit 1 s than thirty head of hogs, 15 centa per head. Cattle driven in or hauled. 60 cents per head; calves. 25 cents; hogs, 16 cents; sheep, 15 cents. The annual election of the Live Stock exchange will be held Monday, January . In the exchange building. The voting will be by ballot and the polls will be open from 8 a. m. to 4 p. ni. Fined for Fighting Women. John Marshall, a glaxler of Twenty-ninth and V streets, was arraigned yesterday morning before the police court charged with beating his wife and also striking a neighbor woman last Thursday night. Mar shall, It Is said, was intoxicated when he came home and quarreled with his wife over the other woman. Iater he attacked them both. Both filed complaints against him and he was $5 and costs for each of fence. Then, as he had only $10, the Judge changed his sentence to $1 and costs so that the man should not have to pass the time In Jail. He laid down $8 and promised that he would never be seen In Jail again. He and his wife then left the Jail together, apparently on the best of terms. Class Debate at Htsrh School. The Athenian Debating society held a de bate at the high school yesterday after noon, in which the Juniors and the seniors contested In an oratorical way for class honors. The question discussed was, "Re solved. That Immigration l the United States should be further restricted." The Juniors had the affirmative and were repre seiited; by Alice Pavls and Marlgull Ren- wick. The seniors, championed by Harry Nixon and Helen Ijine, maintained that there waa already restriction enough, and to such effect that the Judges, who were Mr. Graham. Miss Taylor and Miss Naugli ton, yielded the coveted palm of victory to the senior class. Then und there the seniors who hud listened to the war of words pre sented their two victors with big bouquets of cut flowers, mostly roses. Besides the debate there was a general literary 'pro gram as follows: Reading Gipsy Bride "... Beulah pavls. Instrumental Solo J. Slater. Debate 4 Seniors against Juniors. Presentation of Flowers Impromptu. Vocal Solo Alda Mead. rrrsted for Wife Desertion. George Wyrlck was arrested by Officer Tangeman on the complaint of his wife that he had deserted her and done nothing toward her support. He was lin ked up for further examination. He suld he left be cause he could nol live with the woman. Poultry Show Wlauera. Yesterday saw tho breaking up of the ex hibits at the Trt-City poultry show and tha hulls of the Workmen temple were cleared of all coops during the forenoon. Mr. Fleherty and Mr. Sloane, president and secretary of the association, together with Judge Thompson and his assistants, unite in congratulations on the success of the xhihlt. All exrvenstps m-rjf ualil uml tho at- remarkable for I the first show. There were I.uNt paid ad- misalons during the three days of the show. The Judges expressed themselves as agreeably surprised at the high quality of tho exhibit. The highest per cent won by any fowl was given to a single combed White Leghorn hen owned by A. A. Hop son. She received a score of &5;4. One While Plymouth Rock hen scored H and a White Plymouth Rock pullet scored also SMV The next highest score waa given to a Buff Cochin pullet and stood a'. Many of the fowls were sold at fancy ! prices before the close of the exhibit. The highest known was commanded by a Buff Wyandotte pullet which was. owned by J John r rltx Huberts. This was a first prize pullet and was bought by I p. Harris of Clay Center. Harris Is a big poultry pro- ! ducer, having sold $7,iKi0 worth from his farms last year. He was glad to pay $12.50 for Mr. Huberts' pullet, lie also bought a pullet and a lieu of II (I Klddo at $UI each. ' The following is the liat of prize winners: Vsrleiy. Biahiuas K. K. Mcane. Valley, first pen (cock and four hensi: no compe ilon. Variety, Buff Coi-hina A. H. Hood. Bellevue. til si trio: F. K. lan ote, llrst pul let, cockerel, hen and pen. Variety, par tiidee Cochins C. E. Grunday, South Omaha, all first prizes. Variety. Manila Red. Pit Games, rtisl trio. Variety. Silver Soneld HanibuiKS Charles Anderson, first trio: F. A. Agnew. South On, aha hen. first and second pullet. alien . Black t.aiigsliHn.. James Hurt. South Omaha, first cockerel, first pullet: W. F. Miller. Vallev, Hist trio. Brown Leghorns J. W. Alderi. I'apiliion. mat coin, hen, pullet and pen; W. l. tstainbaugh. first irio. second hen and nen. nose I'miiti title Leghorns W. M. Nicids first trio. Single Comb White Leghorns A. A. Hopson. first cock, cock- 1 ere! pullet, second pullet: A D. Karrui- third pullet. Buff trliorns Charles New. lands, first pen. ftlack Hinorcas F A. Agnew, llrxl and second hen. llrst pullet; Frank Miller, llrst trio. Bjff Orpingtons H P. Flehartv. flrst hen. c-.okerel. pullet. Marred Plymouth Rocks Thomas Allan, first cock; J. U Todd, first ben and cock, erel: John Kurth. Ma-ynard. N. Y . first pul let, trio, third cockerel: W. A. Young Art pen. third hen; F. K Oe Vore. second hen. millet: A If. Ahlqulst. second cooVenl White Plymouth Rocks P. J. McCaffrey. Columbus, first rock, cockerel, pullet, third ben: J. D. Oulld. Herman, first hen J. L-i Fontaine, second hen: Robert White, seeond cock, second snd third pullet; W. H. gloane, second and third cockerel. Rhod- l-iind neon--., r rioirere. c omnibus first coik. .cockeial, ktn, pullet; B;xb 4 Billy, Coun neneo I en, VlMUfTl. re'i"-- "llll' Hll11" 1-IHIl'l I Reds C. v Mailer, flint pen. Huff Wyati- duties H. K. l'agg. first pen: H. . Kid- ft e'ec'nn',? p1:. ' johnVr.,;, flrs'i I C" Dniou Bacomni-ndation or pullet; Charles Oakley, e, nnd rock, second ' EduSaUODil EldtlTof. and thliil cockerel. iMn Wyandot tea--Judge Todd, Atlulitlc, la first and second I '"n;.lV"L. U"'u!,v:Lr""'.; ! pulli't. White Vyan.r.'i Ju.lre Tcd.l. Ilrnl cockerel, pullet. x n : ijcoire 1 1 umlir. r, second and thlid pulli; J Fontaine, sec- I ond pen. Parttiilgc v fmnottes- J. Monn- han. Valley, first trio: K. K. Mooi-e. Valle llrst p'n: J. I- Todd. Atlantic, la.. Hrs' hen. cockeiel. pullet, tlclde-i Wyandottes .1. I. Todd, first pen. cia-kerel. pullet: J. Ia Ftmtalne. secnml pen Muff Cochin P.m-tama-J. I... Todd, tirsl til,.; R. I'. Palmer, Fremont, fit at and second pen. Hidden Sea bright I'antanis J. MiTailand. liist trio. Pucks T. A. Agnew. all piixes. Angora cats II. B. F'lehnrty. Magic lly t.osi. Jesse K Ctllck has returned from Cali fornia,. James IVIilIki'. Nineteenth and H street, has a girl baby. The Modern Brotherhood nf America held Its annual installation lat night. A. P. Myers of the Ornuha laekiiig com pany spent New Year's week In Lincoln. Mrs. C K. Talbot cntei tallied the women cf the Baptist church yesterday afternoon, i Rev. o. W. Burek has gone to Hiawatha Kan., where he will be pastor of the chris tian church. Mrs. Jeannette White left Friday for penver, where she, with her daughter Helen, will spend the winter. The preliminary trial of Frank Noonun will come at 8 o'clock this morning. It will require the greater part of the day. Mrs. Kurkees. Twenty-third and E streets, entertained about twenty of her women friends at a luncheon yesterday afternoon. A permit to build n cottage waa granted to Mrs. Annie I'aaV-wka yesterday. The cottage will be erected in Jetter's addition, lot 4. block i. Miss Jans Abbot has been granted leave of ab-ence for four months. She left Thurs day night for a tour in C'uhfornla. Met mother accompanied her. Alpha lodge of the Older of Hebekah's No. 44. Installed othcers last night In the Maaonlc hall. A fair crowd waa present to assist In the reremonies. E. U Howe. John E. O. Hern and Fred H. Smith were re-elected to succeed them r urn ni m vi 1 1 ' ' tuia ui uir m selves as directors of the South Omaha Baildlng and lian ae?oclatfbn. Miss Anna OfTernian, 212 North Twenty- fifth street, entertained n number of her frlonds t ,im,,o1(.rade party last day evening. An enjoyable lime waa re ported. Phil Kearney post of the Ora nd Army of the Republic and tho Women's Relief Corps will install officers at a pututc meeting to he held one week from tonight, Junuary li. "t the Masonic hall .lames Austin or ine tiureau oi .Mitmai Industry has resigned to take a position in Omaha In the offices of the recorder of deeds. His successor will be appointed Irom the civil service lists in the course of a few weeks. Citv Treasurer E. I Howe gives notice that he will soon he able to pay all the Interest bearing warrants which are out standing against the city. This Is be cause of the great success the city has had this year lu collecting the taxes. O. E. Llnburg has lately returned to Chicago, where he Is attending the Mc Klllip School of Veterinary Surgery. He was formerly attached to the Bureau of Animal Industry here. He has passed his holidays here as tho guest of Mr. C. K. Campbell and family. The fourth annual hall of the Hoof and Horn lodge. No. fir-l. of the Rrotherhqod of Railroad Trainmen, will tie Held tontgnt in the Ancient Order of United Workmen temple. At 9 o'c lock there will be a grand march, which opens the ball. At 12 o'clock refreshments will be served. SETTLING MARITAL MIXUP fieorgr II. Jamison Araotlnttna vrltb First Wife. Over Divorce' Matters. Registered as "Dr. E. C. Campbell, Chi cago," George H. Jamison, who recently re ceived more or less notoriety owing td his listing recently wydded a prominent Call fornian woman before his first wife, who lives In Omaha, had secured a decree of di vorce, lias been a iifi"l at the Grand hotel In Council Bluffs -since Wednesday after noon. His visit here waa to try to effect :i settlement with wife No. 1 and the negotla tlons nre still pending. He left last evenlnf for the eastern part of the state to vial! relatives and expects to return in a few days. In the meantime Attorney George S Wright, who has been retained by Jamison will conduct the negotiations for him with Mrs. Jamison No. 1 nnd her legal represen. tatlves. The newspaper stories printed recent!) about Jamison and his dual marriage show that he had experienced a varied career and this he does not deny. Shortly after his ar rival in Council Bluffs he disclosed hi Identity to the management of the hotel and stated the purpose of his visit here. He appeared to Is? rather proud of the notorletj he had received and freely displayed copies ot the Omaha and California pnpers in which the history of his career and the events leuding up to his marriage with the young and handsome widow of the late Judge J. A. Campbell of Kan Francisco were given. While admitting the truth of the greatet part of the newspaper accounts Jamison when seen in his room at the hotel yester day morning denied that he had wittingly or knowingly committed a bigamous mar riage when he married Mrs. Campbell last November. He said that being anxious to secure a divorce from his wife in Omaha, she being equally willing that he should du so, he went to Omaha and arranged mut ters so that his wife should secure the di vorce, he paying all the expenses, Including th fees of the attorneys. The lawyers, h suld, proved up the case and he suppose.' that they would secure the proper decree from the court and that by the time he reached California again he would be free l marry Mrs. Campbell, which he did Subsequently he learned that the lawyers whom he claims to have employed for hi wife failed to take a decree and wife No. 1, he alleges, now refuses to do so until he pays her a huge sum as alimony. Jamison, declared emphatically that he would not be coeivcd into giving any ali mony to his wife. No. 1. and up to yesterday evening, when he left lor the eastern pari of the state, the negotiations had failed of result. LOCAL BREVITIES. -cJ1"; K '"""'''cod will meet at Mrs. W. 1.. Monroes residence, rtpenccr street, this urternoon. The oiiihIih delegates lo the Zion grand lodge, which met iu St. Iiuis. m-ili ,u.. their report Sunday evening at Kugle hive A injuliele will follow. i.'' l.R' y;'".""'r' " "''' hant of Orand island, has tiled a petition in the I nitcd Htal-s district court asking that be ma he i dec la led a bankrupt. H,- llics bis lia bilities at f4.GU.ul and hi assets at tt.MS 11 Members of the M.KInley club will meet at dlnii -r Monday evening at 6 o'clock at it Hi len s cate. The banquet committer will report and R. U. Howell and others will de. 1 IHer addrevsc. MeiuiM-rs are requested 10 I come and bring a friend. I Augusta Lssher, administratrix of the es tate of Charles K. Leaner, has brought suit .1 V," 1 "l,"1 8lM"' cir uit court against ; tne Standard Oil company for K.umi for the I death of h. r husband, a fireman on the t hie-ago. Burlington & Qulncy Rmlrgd I company, who was burned to death through ! 7 19u4 p i0" of an " ,u,lk g'' Octotr 1 Rertha Hofmeister. sdiuinlstrairix of th 1 estate of Henry Hofn.,er. h4, brought siilt In tho lnlted Hlates circuit court for! .Mi against the Chit-ago, Kock Island A lacltlc Railway comiany for the death 01 ' tier nusoand. eho was killed bv in.- d... j fendant road s train at a ndlroa.l crossing In South Rend July 9. It.. The case 1 ' tranvferrrd from the district couri of Iioua- ; las county. " 1 Patrick L. lion- lias brought unit in the I Piled States circuit court for ffi.'i.l da 11 sges against Hi, Ureal Western Rails, av company for alleged depreciation of his Property by th- building tra. ks. frelgm house approaches und for the closing of Hevenlernth. Eighteenth ad Nineteenth streets Omaha, by the defendant road thus making his property inai-ceii..- t,y tracks and cuts, therehv ib siroi inir li value The mm- is 1 1 11 10 f. 1 r..i .1.. - Jdisulct cuuu o( Huugias county i i SCHOOLS FOR UBOim PRrsmPNiT r.llVF PPrcritTS MIC PCPnitT M nrk of Amrricaai r'ederalloii Labor at Pltlahnrg llntllned hf the Delmate tor the Bene fit of Home I ntona. I 'poii Hi., rcctiitimcudat ion of Picfideut tliivr, based on the action of the American Federation of l.iilmr. the omnh.i lali'U' I ' ii Inn last night voted unanimously to lake up the milter of establishing night' schools and illustrated lecture courses for the study of organized lalnir and the extension nf its propaganda. President Uuye read his report, a long one, as delegate to the recent meeting of the American Federation of 1iImii Me confined hlmscll' to the proceedings that had a direct bearing upon local conditions, simply recounting the action taken in most cases nnd quoting from resolutions and re porta. In the matter of schools and tuber culosis he made positive additional recom mendations of his own. which received separate consideration from tlie central body. The w hole report was adopted, con curred In und tho president given a vote of thanks. With relation to tulierculosls, efforts were urged towards preventing the disease. rattier tnan tor tnc -reatment. or consunip- lives. To assist locally In the movement It whs decided to appoint a standing com mitter of five on sanitation, which will co- operate in all efforts of the kind, investigate and report bud conditions and abuses and initiate prosecution or Hie Individuals ri ' sponsible. trope of the Mailt School. The president explained that It Was ill Idea to establish night schools In puhll school bitildltiKs. at which the elementary principles of education and technical work might be taught aa well us the history, struggles, achievements and purposes of I organised labor. To enlist the support of j the clergy and have stereoptlcon lectures i in the churches, showing In pictures things t such aa the evils of sweatshop work, the reforms accomplished and exploiting tin- I union label and encouraging Its general ' demand. It was recognised that considei ulile work IgjiaeMKjiis.'Stf",il'iilissia.sM Between Omaha and Lincoln and Nebraska Points No. 5 will leave Omaha at 8:00 a. m. daily instead of a. in., stopping at inter- niodiale points, and will arrive Lincoln a I !:5o a. in. No. 19 A New Train will leave Oninlia at 5):10 a. in. daily, stopping only at Ashland, and arrive Lincoln at 10:.'?0 .t. in., and will there connect with morning trains for Beatrice, Southern Nebraska, the Beatrice-1 1 oldrege line, the Lincoln-IIastings-Kearney and McCook line, the Lincoln-Urand Island line and branch lines north of Aurora. No. 4 A New Train will leave Lincoln at 7:;!0 a. ni. daily for Omaha and intermedi ate points, arriving Omaha at !h00 a. m. No. 4 will leave Omaha at !):10 a. m. for Platts niouth. Noon Train No. 92 from Omaha to IMattsinonlh will be discontinued, the morning train No. 4. taking its place. Morning train eastbound from Schuyler will connect at Ash land with No. 4 for Omaha and the Kast. No. 2 will arrive Omaha from the West at 'A-.'.H) p. in. and will leave Omaha for tlm f East at 4:00 p. ni. No. 7, the afternon train now leaving Omaha at 3:00 p. in. for Lincoln, will leave Omaha, daily except Sunday, at 2:15 p. m., arriving Lincoln at 4:00 p. ni. CITY 1502 FARNAM ST. TO The 20ih Century Limited Via the LAKE SHORE and NEW YORK CENTRAL The Route of the Government Fast .Mail Trains CHICAGO - NEW YORK 18-HOUR. TRAIN IT SAVES A DAY FROM LA SALLE "T. CHICAGO Leave Chicago at . Arrive New York at W. J. LYNCH, A WEW Leaving Omaha at 11 P. M. daily, arriviri at Cedar Rapids 6:10 A. M.; Clinton 8:15 A. M., and Chicago 11:55 next morning. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING." Other Chicago trains at 8 A. M., 11:30 A. M.t 5:50 P. M. and 8:38 P. M. City Offices. 1401-03 Farnam Street. attachd to financing and fnatiituraiing the system of lino's propo-'cd and the matter was referivl in the educational i 0 tin Ittec and the d h s Hcs from the n Inls lei itil union. Mernnimendatloua In llrorl. 1 Other subjects bundled by ITesldcnt Olive I In his report icclinl'd the h lion ot the fed- i (rtatl,,,, I., urging the -rf n of .cau.,1 loalles ami stat t"-. 1 it en lisciiilliiing . anions n fu-ing affiliate -villi cent ;l' f I todies by iTvocai nn of charters, the f n 1 bidding of piiblishinr soineuir booklets by central bodies; evfu-essions of svriiithy I and encoiiiagenieiii far .he woiki'ig classes nf Russia; Indorsement of fai niers' unions: I I ecomineiuhi I ion of exchnnge of delegates ! Willi ministerial ui:ion . ii oo s.-mciit of vo'- i untiiry government iMsifit.ce: aitiit in 1 I politics in a deHulle and practical maimer , ... i.ii , , i i .1 (for the good if lal -r. Including iln auppoM I of olliic seekers ftieiullx lo orgttnlge.l la I or niul ooiHie l on to U not : ! rimmo -ml n mote iigitatlon and exienslon cf unh u lubi move; if couiiiiendillK tile ad.nii'.'ioii of women to full rights In cilia- uship; supf't cf ordinances and laws making electrical wires and appliance safer to workmen and general public. I t nloo l abel F.vhlblt. 1 The delegates hi d it lona ci elusion n ! giirdlng fake labels, and It was proposed t.i I have an exhibit maintained ut Labor temple J showing the genuine Inh.d. Inn no actloi: w n i mn' ii. - 1. 1 .1 . , ...,., 1 1l was nnnoiinced thet the seml-nnnttitl election of ofilccrs will be bold at the meeting. These delegates were obligated : Ralph: McKay of the machinists, deoiee l.itblg of i the clgarmakeis. C. Alexandila and H. Hus- tt-A of tlin afiatrc Pnniliivii .l.tmes Andersi n . .. . .,,.,,,,, Iron woikeis and Art Kills of tho printets perhaps no life ! America cloved Hi insurance company year lisn with more .,iKfactory record than ibd the Hunkers (Reserve life company of Omaha. Baseiuu i 11. P.obiscn president. The certificate of the 1 state auditor of public accounts and of the j Insurance department of XehraakH. as to the correct ness of the schedule or Its sc. eiiriiies. Is published lwlicre in this issue and will be of great Interest to the Insuring i luibllc. ! PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. J. J. Perlght has been called to New York by the serious illness of his mother. Mi. Isuak I. Adler has returned from Si. I. outs, having been there ns delegate to the eighth annual contrress of the ordcr of Knights of Zion. Mi Adler received assurances that Omaha ha," very f.ivoralilo chances of having the congress for l!i. mproved Train Service Effective Sunday, TICKET OFFICE, TELEPHONE 3580. NEW YORK OVER STATION 2:30 p m. 9:30 a. m. Leave New Yorc at Arrive Chicago at . Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, III. CHICAGO TOiyffl VIA aWasSHaM AT THE PLAT H3USES lloreaa" tbe Bnjrt. IVMi'im Hall and oniipanv in 'lens. ' ;t ln'M oiwra in tncee acis. b Harry and i:.l I'd PanHon: under direcih-n of Rob- cil- Ativld. The cast: Arnold. I.'fd l..iilx'.irne Ocorrrey sneiii l.od H-'ICH etnio. r:M irienu.. mi ice run' i laitiii Mucbv. ivtie hoste of ye lim- muiI'I'c A rni- John F.. Young Ian Kins. e osllcr of e linila.urne linl, l.nian Willie Meredith, steward Rotiert Burton James. Barton Blair Pica. I.ndv I iiiilairnc los-phlne Knapp I'llse'.ile. .rr old nurse. Jennie Weathersby I '.u ca". ic w v irari led to .Mu"i . Mav llmi'.wi .bun. fnciit to I ady Honorlu . Miriam SroM larcerv. n aid at 1 .inilvuirne hull ' lanthe Willis "tiriii . Kthel Cometock n u oria. i.auy i.huiooui ov r. r,7.,r, Pauline Hall : j I "' ' Potcaa" in the hands of a company of vci actors would be a til st -clans comedy: ; sl't-pU'd Willi 11 rl'lUUS. II mutm eaeuj p"i" ! for thai modern moid, script, the "musical comedy." As It is. It is neither one thing nor another: iusl a iiuniiit little conceit. In which very sunnl- material Is used to form 1 stor dining the unfolding of which many ' pleasing wings ar- sung. Pauline 1111 lias i surrounded lie,.f wilii a small company of : good singers, and Is giving "Dorcas" a .,,11 ' proper and nppiecialive ri'Mvnl ( ' ' ...... ... Miss Hall wisclv admits mat time ana , other things Effect the vole, and doesn't ! nndeilake an iuiiasiics. She sing along a ranee whore she Is sure ol result, and shows the ituallty of her rich vot.-e to lunch advantage. Miss Knapp's fine so- , piano proepies the coloraiura eneia aim furnishes the real delight or the evening, next ti the comic songs so capitally sung in bv Mr. Youne. The comedy Is brought well ; to tin ! ... .n.. f..,oi Hint the whole la made most , elijoynlil I "Porous will be repeated at a manor, ' and evening performance today. j can 'YOUNG KAPLAN COMES CLEAR j former Employe of Stewart Bros. qnltted on Charge- nf F.m brssllna Money. Archibald Kaplan was found nol guilty by the Jury which tried him on the charga of embezzlement In Judge Pay's court. Ha was accused of having converted to his own use $ln belonging to Stewart Brothers, wholesale grocers. Bee Want Ads are Best Business Boosters January 7th NIGHT FROM ORAKU CENTRAL STATION THE ONLY TERMINAL IN NEW YORK 3:30 p. nv 8:30 a- m.