Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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filiation Leodi Bullish Ttndencj t
Wheat Op'.ioni.
Cora ironi, with Standlas Ordm to
Bar High Figure Oat
Higher, Thoaah I. Idle I n
teres! la Skcm.
On track. N". 1 northern. Mr; No. ! north
ern. Mar. IKr; July. sTS"
OATS To arrive and on track. 3c.
OMAHA. Jan. 4. ISO
Continued unfavorable reports from AT
gentlna anil strong Kurnpran markets lent
a bullish tendency to wheat. Armour and
other big dealers wr supporting the mar
ket and got May to 9Sc. Later It dropped
off to a little above yesterday. The situa
tion waa strong at Kansas City. Minne
apolis and HI. LiOum. May closed at &ie.
July at 4So and September at s-ic.
Corn waa strong. May early advanced
So and standing outers to buy at 44c
kept the marat i around that figure. May
clotted at 44V(i44rc and July at 4ti'c.
Oats nere strong, but there was link of
Interest. May closed at U2Sv and July at
clearances were 18.000 bushels of wheat,
to.ontt barrels of flour, 319.HO0 bushels of
corn and 3'i2.u"o bushels ol oats. Primary
wheat receipts were 44.0i0 bushels and
shipments r.4,' bushels, against receipts
last year of Mfi.Oci bushels and shipments
of 2?,uj bushels. Coin tecclpls were ..
O) bushels and shipments 64ti,ij0 bushels,
against receipts last year or dush
eis and shipments of (M.OOn bushels.
Uraiistreet s total wheat increase was
7.Sl.ir0 bushels, corn Increase 1.317,000 bush
els and oats inrrease tsjl.duu bushels.
Minneapolis wheat stocks Increased 1,650.
000 bushcis for five days this week.
Liverpool closed '..d higher on wheat and
's'rjVI higher on corn. There was some
disappointment In American cables, but
later a disposition arose to support tho
market on acnunt of unfavorable reports
from Argentina and the fuel that offeis
from there were 3d higher.
A wire from Toronto fays: "The cash
grain business Is very flat. Deliveries In
Ontario seem to be practically dried up,
and the Manitoba grain Is not moving any
too freely. In spite of the fact of an
excellent demand and a strong undertone,
and we have not the grain to do the busi
ness with."
Uroomhall, at Liverpool, tabled news re.
reived by him from Lisbon, that official
permission is expected for additional Im
portation of 2,,'i bushels of wheat Into
J'olliiKBI under me present tow umy.
From the Trice Current: "Some reports
of III effect of freezing and thawing on
wheat manifestly without much, If any,
definite Injury. Crop mostly quite promis
ing. Conditions i luting to coi n and move
ment about as previously Indicated. Mild
weather conditions, favoring stock, saving
grain consumption."
Private cables from Argentina toward
noon said weather was improving and
there waa some selling in Chicago on the
strength of the rejKjrt.
The Minneapolis flour output last week
waa the lightest since May, 1904. it de
creased 145,1(06 barrels, being less than half
as large as In the preceding week. Ex
port trade la of a most limited character.
One or two mills reported a fcurprtslngly
good domestic demand, considering the sea
eon. ft Is claimed that the large arrivals of
wheat northwest are simply the trans
fer of the grain from country to terminal
elevators by the large owners at Mlnne
apolla and Duluth, and that farmers are
not selling any wheat.
All the flax seed markets of the world
were lower vesterdav, with the exception
of Hull. Eng. At Duluth there was a net
decline of 2"e and at Chicago lc. Antwerp
waa 2ic and London waa lower.
Omaha Cash Sales.
WHEAT No. 3 hard. 1 car, 7Mic; 1 car,
76tc; No. 2 hard. 1 car, 79c.
CORN No. 3, 3 cars, iW. No. 4, 1 car,
86rfrC ; 1 Cfl r, 3$c.
OAT8-.No. 3 white, 3 cars, 2Sc; 3 cars,
Omaha Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 77i7SVc: No. 3 hard.
T3'if77Sc; No. 4 hard, inuSc; No. 2 spring.
76G78c; No, 3 spring, 72iV76c.
CORN No. 2, 37Vc; No. 3. 37'iS37Sc; No.
4, MifiSiiVsc; no grade, 3ui3tje; No. 3 yellow,
B7Sc; No. 3 yellow, 37Vu37So; So. 2 white.
Use; No. 3 white, 37c-
OATS No. 2 mixed, aoytlMUe: No. 3
mixed. 2Vi'raio; No. 3 white, 2Hj-e;
No. 4 white, 2-)ia42aSc.
RYE No. 2. ti-'c: No. 3, 60ljc.
Carlot Hecelyts, ... . . .
Wheat. Corn. Oats
cmcAtio iRAf An imioviio
Features of the Tradta and Cloalnc
rrleee Board ef Trade.
CHirAfiO. Jan. 4 Kresh reports of de.
lnyed hsrvertina operations In Argentina bv
net weather, with other factors less In
fluential, mad" bullish wheat market here
tod-iv. At the rloe wheat for May dellv
ery waa up VjiBt.e. Corn shewed a gsln of
lir. Oats were practically unchanged
and provisions were 7W higher.
The news of the day was generally favor
ahle to the hulls. Advices from Argentina
were somewhat conflicting, but the un
favorable reports seemed to carry the
greater weight. Other Influences that In
creased the demand for wheat here were
the Russian situation and rumors of a pos.
slble war between France and fWmanv. A
small advance In the price of wheat at
IJverpool had a bullish Influence at the
opening of the market. Another encourag
ing feature to the bulls waa an Improved
demand for rash wheat at the prlnclp il
grnln centers of the I'nlted States. The
rhlef encouragement for the bears during
the day was found In Bradstreet's report of
the wnrld's visible supply of wheat, which
showed an Increase of 7 5rt0o0 bushels. This
brought about considerable short selling by
local traders at about the middle of the ses
sion, but many of these covered later at
higher prices. Several leading longs were
rerrlstetit buyers during the day. The mar.
Fet closed Arm. The range on Mav for the
day wna between HSc and SBSc The open
ing was up a shade to te at MSo to
.Tr-. Final quotations showed a grain of H
Sectatiocal Prediction of Pinic by Jicob
E. Eoh.ff S'arti Liquida ioi.
Market Also Affected Adversely by
Withdrawal of peculators Dls
anated with High Rates
of Money.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4 - Jacob H. Schiff.
head of the Influential banking firm of
Kuhn. Loeb & Co., sent a tremor through
the speculative fabric of the stock market
today bv his utterance cf the opinion that
unless something was done to Improve the
currency system of this country there
would be a panic with which all panics
which have gone before would seem as
child's play. The sensational terms of this
utterance and the bulletin form In which
the knowledge of it first came to the stock
market precipitated heavy liquidation which
broke prices with some violence and caused
a weak and disorderly closing The violent
slump In Anaconda and Amalgamated Cop
per were of special Influence In unsettling
Previous to the appearance of the report
of Mr. Schiff's remarks the market had
fallen Into a condition of dullness and al-
fK.RW.CKi; public deposits, tnri-eitsd 1.743.-
u: notes reserve. Increased ..'. v'; gov
ernment securities. Increased i.4.W.(M' i he
promrtlon of the bank s reserve to liability
this week Is i R7 as compared with 33 M
T cent last week .
etv fork Moaey Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4 MONEY On call,
firm at Mi.ii per cent; ruling rate. lVaU
per cent: closing bid. 6 per cent; ottered at
per ient. lime loans, firm; sixty and
ninety days. 6Vti' per cent, six months, (
per cent.
actual business In liankers hills at l4.HMf-8
4.H64S for demand and at U xaofi'rft -'" f"r
sixtv-dnv bills; posted rates, M:t'o43'i
and H f'S4i; commercial hills, 14 .
SILVER Bar, !4c; dexlcan dollar,
tioNDS Government, heay; railroad. Ir
regular. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
f s. rf 2. nt ie!'t Jrn . 84 teties
o eoupon in" io
f. 8. t. reg Il o S4 erle
in roupnn 103 A N. unl. 4s..
V. g ol1 4. ret 'f Manhttttn r. f. 4i
ile coupon t 1W Mex. ntrl 4 ..
IV S d 4. rss ...ISIti 1o 1st In.-
lJ."t MIBB. m St. U. M
W M. K. T. 41..
115 do in
ll.l H N. ft. R ol M o.
M4 N Y. ('. g.
101 N. J. r. l
....104 No. P-ldc 4a
4o eoiipos ...
Am. Tobseco 4i.
so 4a
Atcblann gn. 4a.
do adl. 4a
Atlsnllr C. L. 4a.
Bal. Ohio 4a.
. most of neirlect. The distinct Droaress to
frV.i! at RS.c. Clearances of wheat and I wards a relaxation of the money stringency . eh onto 4Sa
flour were equal to JR4.000. bushels. Prlmarv awakened little response In the speculation. ci)irao A A. S
receipts were sM.nm bushels, against frVvoni) i ne voiume or transnctions Ten to tne
one year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chi- smallest total In many weeks past. Some
pan or tins tiniiouoteuiy was aue to tne
fact of Interruptions of wire communica
tions with outside cities by the storm dam
age, especially to the south and west. Some
of the centers which have contributed a
large share to the recent speculative cam
pilgn were thus cut off from communica
tion with the stock market. Slock exchana-e
commission houses ir. foAtlnar th. weislit I Ens p. I. 4a
of a discontent amontrst customers more ..0o. "n-
portentous than has been known for many
da a alst do 3
Brit. K T. c. 4 N. A W. e. 4
Central ol Oa. S llla i l. rtdg
do lat inc.
do M Inc..
do 3d tnr
cao reported receipts of 443 cars, against
61ft last week and 332 one year ago.
Wet weather was the chief cause for a
firm market for corn. Commission houses
were active bidders throughout the day, but
offerings were not large. Primary receipts
tnd.iv were Kffi.voo bushels, compared with
l.lM.OOO for the corresponding day one year
ss-n. This falling off In movement stimu
lated the demand. The close was firm, with
prices at the highest point of the day. Muv
... M
... !4
... 7
. ..
. . . M4
. . Hi's
4a 44
4 renn. conr. Sa MHI
Ml Reading (en. 4f 101 H
744 SI. L. 1. M. r. t .11H
10" St. L. A S r. ts 4a. KH
tS 9t L. S. W. c 4a 0a
Heabnard A. U 4a... W
7V, So. ParlOe 4 1i
do lat 4a etfa :.
V1 So. Rallvar h t
openel unchanged to V4o hirher at 44S.f? I years over the interest charges during De
4vp, sold up to 44J;447c and clseed at the Member. There can be no doubt that thcru
top. Ixcal receipts were lf2 cars, with 4 of
contract grade.
Trading In oats was quiet and offerings
were not large. The market, horn-ever, was
Arm In svmpnthy with wheat and corn. Of
fering for the most pert came from com
mission houses. Reports of light accept
ances in the country had a strengthening
Influence. May opened a shade higher at
3lt4c sold ti to Ssc and closed at 32tsc.
Local recelnts were l.lfi cars.
The provisions market was strong on ac- for money Is seen to be common at present
five bidding by packers and local bulls. An '"II over the world. Only high grade com
advance of 5?M0c In the price of live hogs , merrlal paper sells. as low as S per cent In
have been extensive withdrawals of specula
tive accounts auring ttus ween Dy operators
disgusted with the December Interest rates.
Disappointment Is felt also over the small
outside demand which has developed for
stocks . There are growing doubts as well
of the extent to which the relaxation In
the M n n n v mnt-Unt la IIItaIv in nrnnaa Th.
mention or luims at tnis center is believed , ao t
hi ni-R-iiu largely on tne maintenance oi in- n0Hlon
Miivmr imt-ieoi raire. i lie eirong aeiuauti
. R. Q
C. R. I. at P.
do rol. 6a
rrc. A Bt. L.
Colo. Ind. r,. aer. A. ?a Tria A P la
do erriea B t T . St. 1.. A W. 4a
Colorado Mid. 4a 7V t'nlon TarKr 4a 1S
Colo. St So. 4a do rnnr. 4a It"
Cuba 5a V. H. stael Id 5a W4
n ft R. O 4a a4Wal.ati la
I'latiH ir.. ta a?1 do dab B 'J'-i
MS Wtatern Md. 4a. ...... i
lilt W. U K 4a 81
Hopkins Val. 44a....l07S4 Vila, (antral 4a Sl'
Japan ta n
Unatnn stocks and Bonds.
HOSTON. Jan. 4 Call loans. frdlR
cent; time loans, f.iiiti per cent
quotations on storks and bonds:
Atrhiaon adj. 4a
do 4a
i Mn. central 4a. .
was a bullish factor. Another Influence was
the continued heavv shipment of hog Prod
ucts. At the close May pork was up 17Vc at
)13.5. Lard was tin 74ftlOc at t7.0. Ribs
were lilc higher at I7.B.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat.
12 cars; corn. 277 cars; oats, 146 cars; hogs.
2i.oi head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Vow. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat"! j j j i
May IS8N.'7' K'V WSi! RR- SStitiH
JulV I MV S4U. 84'64H')H
Corn- j I I I
Jan. 4"S' 41 j 40V 4or' 4o
May 4444rS;44fc'8'T4il 44' 44 Vet'7, 44",
July i447,'fi45! 4SW 44 I 4fi' 44"i'o 7,
Oats- j I I I
Jan. SI Vi 31( 3Hi' 31
May 32V 3L'S,i S-'Hi 32N 32Hi
July I 3o741 3u'.' 3ft7' W7 307
Pork- II I I
Jan. 13 60 18 70 13 flo I 13 (17! 13 5R
M ty 13 13 95 13 85 ( 13 96 13 77,
Lard- I
Jan. 7401745 7 40 7 45 73S
Mav 7BS7!0 7N 7W) 7 614
July 7 6 I 7 70 I 7 65 7 70 7
Ribs I
Jan. 7 30 I 7 32V4I 7 3i 7 32H 7 25
May 7 4-."V 7 M I 7 4?V 7 60 7 40
July 7 87V 7 62K' 7 65 I 7 60 7 6:"i
Chicago 10 192 IKS
Kansas City M 21 11
Minneapolis 337
Omaha 11 I'd 4
Duluth &
bt. Louis 70 82 4
PoKtnn &- Maine
Boaton Klsrated ..
FIK-hburs pfd
M. Cetaral
N. V., N. H. A H
t'nlon Pa-lflc
Amer. Arse. Cham,
do pfd
Amr. Sugar ...
do pfri
Amar. T. A T..
Arocr. Woolan
do pfd
oa Varloas
4ootatlona of the Day
NEW YORK. Jan. 4 FLOl'R Receipts.
IS. 622 bbls ; exports, 63. ww) bids.; market
steady but nun; lair inquiry Aiinnusota
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FlaOT'R Dull; prices easy: winter pat
ents. S3.S6fi4.10; straights. 13.6503.90; spring
patents, $3.754.10; straights, S3.6P'a3.80,
be ve. f2.2iVrt3.20.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, Rfiifitfic; No. 3. 82
j6c; No. ? red. 8!Vu00c.
CORN No. 2, 42ic; No. 2 yellow. 42Hc.
OATS No. 2. 3H,c; No. 2 white. 33fi334c;
No. 3 white. 32ffr!2H.
RYE No. 2. fioViT7e.
8EEDS No. 1 flax, I1.0B; No. 1 northwest
ern. 3113. Clover, contract grade. J13.16?if
13.25. '
PROVISIONS Mess pork per bhl.. $13.65
613.70. Lard, per 100 lbs., 17.45. Short ribs
sides (loose). $7.1Bfl(7.S0. Snort clear sides
(boxed). $7 . fi-vftT .624.
The receipts and shipments of flour and
grain were:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 4ti.0 43.7(a)
Wheat, bit 40,000 48.SO0
Corn, bu 534.700 224. mX
Oats, bu 5S.20rt 421,3011
Rve. bu 12.0f 12.IKO
Barley, bu 1O7.S0O 41.000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was Arm: creameries, KfiJlHc;
the New Y'ork market, and loans on lime
for the shorter periods continue to com
mand a considerable, premium.
In foreign markets as the release of nc
cumulated funds proceeds through the an
nual settlements it becomes manifest that
measures will be sustained for mutual pro
tection against demands from on another. 1
Serious account evidently la taken of the
coming conference on Morocco and the re
ports of extensive precautionary military
preparations Induces some pause In specula
tion to see the outcome more clearly. The
Paris market seems determined to maintain
Its unusually high level of bank reserves
and the Rank of England Is reported to be
preparing to borrow money from the open
market with the purpose of keeping up the
Interest rate as a protection against outside,
demands. ery large repayments of call
loans were reported as being made on the
stock exchange today and this bad a
natural effect on easiness of rates In this
department. The rates for time loans were
Inclined to advance even un to the six
months' period, showing some shifting of
call loans Into borrowings on time. The
hesitation reflected in the narrow fluctu
ations of the day gave away to the acuto "'"V", ""
weaaness or tne ciuse omv after the an- ' .
pearance of the report of Mr. Schtff's
Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par
value. 32.O70.OCO. I'nlted States old is. cou
pon, declined per cent on call.
... M Allnuri
...1014 Amalcnmatad ....
. .. 71 American Zinc ...
... l'4 Atlantic
. . . ll'l-i Bingham
...!M lal. A H-cla
...I'i'J Centennial
...Ib4 Copper Range ....
...!4.) Hair West
... 341 Ilosilnlon Coat
H..1M KranKlIn
...14'4 Oranby
iv, lale Knvale
aiS Maaa. Minim
..IMV4 Mlchlsan
. .l.:J Mohawk
..U7 iMont. r. A C
.. 43 Old Dominion ....
. .10.14 (liu-anla
! Parrot
I nlted Cuppar . . .
fmralnlon I AS
Edlaon Klc. lllu. . .247
(Isnaral Kle. trie 175
Maaa. Electric 17
do pfd 40
Maaa. Una 47
I'nlted Frulf 104 V. 3. Mining .
lolled Shoa 741. Oil
do DM
f. 8. Steal
do pfd
Weatlns. common
"IJIii. "AaKed.
. . Ill t'tah
.. ! Victoria
..lOfti, Winona
. . 16 (Wolverine ..
.. North butta
.. 17S
. . il
.. 17V,
.. t
.. 34
. . 10
.. HH
.. i
.. 4".
. . MVt
.. 41
.. a's
. .110
.. 1444
.. 1
.. 4
.. 114
.. 19
.. 44
.. ;,
Caul lrTtrket Strong to Ten Higs;r, wits
Teerlen 6tdy.
Receipts of Sheep and Umba Light,
with o ear Fratsrra leael
oplnat anal Trlrea on All
Kinds laehanaed.
Sot'TH OMAHA. Jan. 4. ISoS
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Official Mondav t-,4 A. 1.1
Ofliclal Tuesday 1635 4.4'Jl 6.734
tifnclal Wednesday 4.1' S a:i ,.:
Official Thursday 2.261 ti.S64 5..1S
Four days this week .77S 26.232 is. Mi
Four days last week 7.S7S 24.22 9.210
Same week before 16.717 4.' .i-;'4
Same three weeks aRo..:4.7ll 3R.3-X! ".'.T.U
Same four weeks ago. .. .20.1N5 .Tt.5.'. 30.7I
Same days last year s.744 2P.741 24.094
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
the year to date, comparing with last year:
lraj. I-. Inc. pec.
Cattle H.77S 0.744 1.034
Hogs 25.232 2R.741 .... 5"J
Sheep HUM 24.094 .... 4.S
The following table shows the prices paid
at the river markets for cattle:
Hood to choice corn-fed steers....
Fair to good corn-fed steers
Common to fair corn-fed steers...
(Itaid to choice cows and heifers..
Fair to good cows and heifers
Cannera and cutters 1.7t'u2. M
Oood to choice stockers aV feeders.. J.4"'i4.f)
Fair to good stockers and feeders.. S.W4i2.4rt
Common to fair feeders 2.iaofl 00
Vesl calves
..". OnflS.ftO
. 4 4"VU u.f")
. I.75M t.
I 41 J
! a 1
4 Ml
! I '
1 4"
7n t v
. t V
4.-7 t o
.. 7 1 75
.. 7tt t .
. t t7rt 5 rt
1 t 40
I.A-, J 4S
. f to
I4.'. I Ml
tin 1 to
. iris f
. . ?i i 40
. ltd t t'l
. .108 43
.. ! I 4
1?T 1 7S
1. .
1 ....
i ...
too III
S70 00
MO 3 40
4.3 3 f.0
. 1
Hi 4 71
110 i li
1144 I M
itao 4 i
. I ci
. Tl 3 l.i
. l I la
. t v
. I
. I4( .4 7k
.fM a
. lie 4 4"
M 1 .'.
. !.'
.130 en
.ne 1 10
.l'MA s 'rt
.1410 I u
.lata t II
ijo 1 15
nan 1 it
14S0 t
17K t U
Hit t Kf.
.1.340 1 r
. lao s
.110 I in
.110 St"
..1:0 t to
. . I 4 Hi
.. 1A 4 SO
1 J t to
fixed V .V. 14 f s-o. - and feede's. $-
V3 ! -alves and enr!lngs, IJ.Nvu3.jc
IIOOS-Recrlpts. 3..H" hf-nd. ins-Ket
higher, s. I.ltig at M .(,'. I bi:1k if sales
...i-iie 10.
tnrk In Slabt.
Receipts cf live stock st the six principal
western ninkeis vesterdny:
Cuttle. Hugs Shecp
South (Vnalia t 1 .;4 5.2 9
Sioux city...
I Kannn City.
St. Joseph...
St. Louis
r f ho."t SouU, E.',; th I.Vt ! r'?h.L -..T' A.
m , , 1 .- n I . . ,wmfti, . I BiMiic Mill! ine niefliuill BIIIU ur.-imio
1 770 I 7S t 7' 4.
:i (an i w 1 :o s 4f
1 I1 J OH IS S I 4S
1 T:o t on I 44 IH
1 7-w 1 Oil 17 41 I 40
I CM $ It 14 HIT I at
I lit I t .40 SM tn
.4 Ikl I 10 It "SO t 40
1 414 J M 1 74 1 at
W til I 40 ! 77 4t
HOGS Iss than 10u cars of hogs were
reported In the ysrds this morning, which
was a light run for this time of the week.
A good local demand, moderate receipts
and favorable advices from other selling
8 '2f 4 26 I points were decidedly In favor of the sell-
2.4i(t:i.:.'i I 'tig Interests, prices snowen a general au-
ance 01 ofl i'ii- as voiiieri-u won irsiri
day. While the market was not particu
larly active, it was fairly so, and the most
of the receipts changed hands In very fair
n.ontjii.iaj 1 season. As will be noted from Mi sales
Wm, IIIC lldpi" SIIIU ri j iui3i-i m wii.a
1 M
2. .vo
4 Wt
S l)
I -.
1SU5. 13IM. 11R3. liM2. IDolJUXAi. 18W
Use. 10...4 7 I 4 41 4 K 6 M 1 4 fl
Deo. 17....' 4 4oi 4 34 6 22: C 341 4 R3;
Dec. Is.... I 4 Sli j 4 S. lti 8 i 4 13 8 98
Dec. 19.... I 4 S4V 5"' 4 ) 0 01 II 12 4 77 3 92
Iec. 20.... I 4 00 I 4 5" I li 071 6 04 1 4 19 3 91
Dec. 21.... I 4 9S I 4 44' 4 341 j 6 (Hi, 4 81, 4 01
Dec. 22....! 4 90 I 4 SM 4 39 6 1i; I 4 t0; 4 02
4 Hi-V 1 aw I 4 4o 6 18 6 Wi " I 4 li
4 41 4 4? li ih I. "9; 4W,
I . t I t 1 t
loads a little under
Today's advance makes up for the de
cline of yesterday and the day before and
leaves the market Just about where It was
the first of the week and 60 higher than at
the close of last week.
Representative sales:
Total .: Hf'.V.T SO.M4
Wool Market.
HUSTON. Jin. 4 WOOI-The wco! mar
ket y steady mid modi lately active. A
large part of the demand lias been front
manufacturers of kerseys and dress good
and has been lor the wools needed by
the m fleeces. scoured wools, ("aliform 1
northern and middle counties and Austra
lian wools, both Merinos and rross-hreils.
Territory wools have been In fair demand.
The sales have been principally in nne
and flne medium. Plilled wools are In
better reirst Foreign grades are steady.
There hove been lew price changes dur
ing lh week, the current quotations be
ing about i s follows: Ohio and Pennsyl
vania XX and above. S.Vj:V.c; X. 3oii3;c;
Ohio. 3ViikV; No. 2. $9 41c: flue unwashed,
2S-(Jic; uuartor-Mood. unwashed. 34c:
three-eighths blood, J4ti34V: half-blood.
S4c: unwashed delaine. -it3ic: tins
washed delaine. 37&37W; Michigan flne un-
i washed. 24ft-'Sc; uuarter-blood unwashed.
32Vr3.4e; three-elgliths-blood, SIMUMc; half
blood. 'CS'ii.'W; unwashed delaine. 2Sc;
' Kentucky. Indiana, etc., three-eighths and
Hiiarter-blood. 34'i.i.V; Territory, Idaho line.
r'fiiSc; heavy flne, 19'u.v- ; flne medium,
22?2.'lc; mediuni. 2iVfi.'7c: ln- medium, ii
i'Sc: Wyoming flne. 22i'.'.'!o; heavy flne. 1
t'.iy; medium. 27'-i i.V: low medium, L'TWCSc
1'tah and Nevada. 23i'J4c: heavy flne, t
ViOc: fine nu-dlum. 23 ft 24c; medium, 274J
2Sc: low mediuin. 272!)c. Dakota, steady;
flne medium. 27'u2o; low uiedluni, 27i.-H-.
Montana, fine. Joiiic: flne average. 24'ac;
fire podln- choioe. 'Vt-f'-Vic.
ST. U)I IS. Jan. 4 Wtnjla Steady; me
dium grades, combing and clothing. 204
30i-; light fine. 2l4iiic; heavy line. 19'i)21c;
tub washed, 3Jl41Hc.
l)ec. 23.
Dec. 24...
Dec. 25....
Iiec. 20....
Dec. 27....
Dec. 2i....
Dec. 29...
Dec. 30....
Deo. 31....
6 05
I 5 ia
i 4 92
I 5 01
1 6 (41
4 42 4 53 34l 19 4 9 4 17
4 511 i S 441 6 30 1 4 Ml 4 TO
I 4 5u; 4 SI, I 6 ai 4 77 4 14
4 55 4 471 6 VI 4 Sli 4 1U
fi 41; 5 61: (i 34 6 35: 4 14
4 47i 4 b2i 0 i5 li 1S 4 90
Date. I 19u6. 19u6.!HrH.-190O.!WO2.;i9Ol.;jW..
Jan. 1 .
Jan. 2..
Jan. 3..
Jan. 4.
5 14
6 11
6 0;
: 4 S4 33 1 221 4 95i 4 .1
4 S9 4 bit t 3.i (J 22 4 9o 4 M
4 431 I II il'i li li 4 9i 4 29
4 45 4 77 I 6 i9 - 5 02 1 4 27
Qnc'ations on the New York Stock ex
202.100 lORVa
10.3i)0 41 4
patents, 44.504(6.01); Minnesota takers. 13.60 dairies. 17ii 22r Eggs. (ea ay. at mark, case,
43U.9U; winter patents, I4.hK94.oo; winter Included. 18W23C; firsts. 22c; pr me firsts.
straights. I:.9ini4.0u; winter cxtraa, 2.S5'9
2.2o; winter low gradea, I2.i5'ti3.20. Kye
flour, steady; fair to good, tJ.eOw4.lo; choice
to fancy, $-t.lfH.40. Uuckwneat tlour, dull
at $2H"((2. lb, fpot and to arrive.
CORN Al KAly Steady : line white and yel
low. tl.5: coarse, 11.14a 1.16. kiln dried, ti.vO
i3 50.
RYB Nominal; No. 2 western, 74o, c. I. f.
New York.
H ARLK Y Dull ; feeding. 41c, c. I. f. Buf
falo; malting. tixiiMc. c. I. f. Buffalo.
WHEAT Receipts tSK.flOO bu. Spot market
firm; No. 2 red. 91Tc. elevator; No. 2 red,
no f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth.
Vb'ta t. o. b. afloat. Option: There was
further strength In the wheat market to
day and a good class of buying. Last prices
showed lV-c net advance. The upturn
was based principally on firmer cables,
higher outsldu markets, covering and
mailer primary receipts. May, 92 ll-lOHf
M l-lc, closed at 92V; July, t 9-liitf
fcS 15-lOc, closed at 99c.
CORN Receipts, lo6,976 bu.; exports, 122,
329 bu. ; sales, 2fi.i) bu.; futures. 72.0uo bu.;
spot market tlrm; No. 2. 57S old, elevator,
and bc t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, jo4c;
No. 2 white, 51lc; option market was
fairly active and stronger on bullish
cables, the wheat advance, commtbsion
, bouse buying, the bad weather news. It
closed VkV" net higher; January closed
i2Hc; May, GO H-lfiiCoSc, closed ooc; July
closed oO"a0
300 lfWT,
. 21.700 674,
. 5.8HO 30
300 54
500 ITS
. 4.IVHI Ai
. 1.3.10
hsaaa City Grala and Provisions.
Mav. aiajc; July. 77Ve. Cash: No. 3 hard,
7!i&2'.4c: No. 3. T'aH0c; No. 2 red, WYfl91c;
No. 3. .V(r90c.
CORN Lower: May. 40c; July, 4014c.
Cash: No. 3 mixed. 3lic; No. 2 white, 39c;
No. 3. SSijc.
OATS Stead v: No. 2 white. 31H32c; No.
2 mixed. 304i.'IOV4jC.
HAY-Steady: choice timothy. tll.7jj'12.00;
choice prairie. t9 751 10.00.
RYtC Steady: 61(i3c.
KtKJS Steady : Missouri and Kansas new
XT . 9 hli-wori -u ln.lnrtA4 IK i 1l
coiint, ISHc; cases returned. Vc less. 1 Distillers' 8- curltles. . 2400
MCTTEU Steady; creamery. 23c. F-r'e 23.SOO
Receipts. Shipments. d pfd
Wheat, bu. 45.faiO Mon) do 2d pfd
Corn, bu 143.0UO llV.iaa) "'h?ral Electric
Oats, bu 8,0X0 , 21,000 f - ck ng vauey
The leading futures at City, as
reported by the Von Dorn Grain company,
ranged as follows:
Adams Fx
Amal. Copper
Am. Cnr & V
do nfd ,
Am. Cotton Oil
do pfd
Am. F.x
Am. H. I pfd
Am. Ice Securities
Am. Linseed Oil .....
do- pfd :
Am. Locomotive .
do pfd
Am. Smelt. Refng
do pfd
Am. Sugar Refng
Am. Tob. pfd ctf
Anaconda M. Co
do pfd. exdlv
Atlnntlo Coast Line.
Bait. & Ohio
do pfd
Brooklyn 'R. T
Canadian Pacific
Central of N. J
Ches. & Ohio
Chi. & Alton
do pfd
Chi. Ot Western ...
Chi. & N. W
C. M & St. P
Chi. Term. T
do pfd t
C. C.. C. ft St. L...
Colo. Fuel Xi Iron..
Colo. & Southern...
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Consolidated Gas ..
Corn Products
do pfd
Del. & Hudson
D , L. & w
Den. Rio G
do pfd
in3'4 104
39Va 39
txat KHj H9' tin
1.40U 3SS 37, 3714
: 83V 93 93
1.400 404i 39i, 391.4
9,i0 391 3i 8S4
200 21 2041 204,
....... '41
43.700 7ty 75 75i
110 117 117 111
29.&0 1H7 1H24 Kt
1.5l) 129 127'4 127A
i6.;mo 153'i lnou 11,-114
MO l'4 1054 1044 omatock Tunnel .
lfw.:ea; 0z EJ5
58.500 92H 91 91 V;
so9 104 104 1037i
700 1594 157 156
5,700 113 112H 112
401) 9AU 98 98
12300 HH giiii 8S
10.300 174 172Vi 172S
400 224S 223 2i0
1.000 55 5fiV, 55U
Unilon Closing Stocks.
LONDON. Jan. 4. Closing quotations on
the Stock exchange were us follows:
Conaola. money N. T. Central Kin1
do acrount ...a aH Norfolk A W
Anaronda 1J do pfd 94
.... t4i Ontario W t
....10H- Pennaylvania
Ball I mora Ohio U Hand Mines "
Canadian Parlflc, 17iii Kaadlng 7J'
Thra. Ohio 17V do lat pfd 474
rhlrage Ot. W ;ia do M pfd 4
r.. M. A St. P 1H gouthern Railway ... J7T
PeBeara ITS do pfd lot
Denver & R. O , 39 Southern Parlflc 47
do pfd t'nlon Pacific IM4
Erla 4V do pfd loov,
do lat pfd 1 I . S. Btaal 4944
do li pfd 74 j III pfd ins
Illinois Central !' Wa-naah 21
Loularllle ft Naah....15V o pfd ti
M.. K. T IS Bpanlah 4a Il'i
SI lA'EH Bar. quiet, i-jd per ounce.
MONKY 2H'f'S per cent..
The rate of discount tn the open market
for short bills Is S n-Wrt per eent; for
three months1 bUls. 1 H-tai per. cent.
Kew York Minfna: Stocks.
NEW YORK. Jan, 4". .Closing quotations
Sunday. tHollday.
Omaha l.!mi.,..i
Chicago l.Mlcu-2.i
Kansas City
St. Ixiuis 2. Hi .
Sioux City S.SOff&.Tn
The following list shows the number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their points of destination:
4 4V., 4l
4 9"i6 10
Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. I Close.l Yes'y
Wheat I
OATH Kix.nlnla IU filYI hn - pimrta I I'll I July.
111! - MtMil tnitrU..! ilnnilv' mlTBil on I tVh :f Hat
imunds, 30S(i37i; natural while. ;ti'iiS2
rounds, Xii-j-giiSc; clipped white. 3j40
pounds, 4f-4HlViC.
HA Y Firm ; shipping. 6rMc; good to
choice. SWjSoc.
HOPS Wuict; state, common to choice.
1!X, loi&lSc; lfVit. lonlfic: olds. 5uc. Pacific
coast. 1 Jiai. 1ia,fl4c: 1904. fra'-c; Olds. MYSc.
iilliKS-FIrm; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs.,
ire: ( alirornla, L'l to St lbs., 21c; Texas dry,
"4 to 30 Iba . 2k-. I
LP.ATH KK Steady ; acid. 20V'u27,ic
PRilVISloNS fieef. market steady; fam
ily. 411 .V t 13.iv; mess. $9.ivi 10.14); beef hams,
t.VB21o(i; packet, tl0.5'U U 00; city extra
India mens, tik.5nfil9.uo. Cut meats, steady:
Pickled bellies. Ji 2&U.U; pickled shoulders.
80S 81381 4i
Illinois Central ...
Inter. Paper
do pfd ,
Inter. Pump
do pfd
Iowa Central
do pfd
81 1
5ii0 177
100 118
100 175
800 22i
8.10 86
80S''aSl,Svi,'aai I K- c- Southern
-OTl T I 1 do rjfd
.4l40t,l 4W, 39g' 39V
1 4O'0 '4UB, ) I 40
S SOVg'! 30H30S3S 4as
2 Val
13 56
13 77
T 3f
7 50
13 85
7 40
7 65
13 75
T 35
7 60
13 55
13 86
7 40
7 50
13 37
13 70
7 30
7 42
Minneapolis (train Market.
patents, 4.ou4.0; second patents, 14 3uu
seconu cieartf,
4 40; first clears, t3.bViS 7d;
BRAN In bulk, tl3.50fll3.75.
. n....,a,ln. ..V UlnnASnAllB ..
Ii.5i'u7.i,0, pickled hams, :92& 76. Lard. ,Ver ' , Th ran((, 0f prCes as reported
firm; western teamed. , 7Gf(..ka: refined. by K D Vtky 4 Co., uo-111 Board of Trade
building, was:
Artlcles.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes y.
raay; continent, .!; South America,
t4.5t; compound, to.TMiUdO. Pork, steady,
family, tl5.5o, shall clear, 115.00; mess. tl450
til 4. 76.
1' ALLOW Steady ; city, 4c; country. 4S
RICE I'lrm ; domestic, fair to extra, 3tt
tun-: Japan, nominal.
14 ITT E H FI r nt ; state dairy, common to
extra. liiiJ4c.
4'HrJkbav-Stead . state, small and lare,
colored and wrute. S. ptcmber fancy, lc; j
ktate. October, best. W'.'nUUt: state, lata '
made, small, colored and white, avrrag
Wst. Uc; lisle large. l-V ; state, fair, Uti
COGS Easy: atate Pennsylvania and
nearby fancy, selected. 534c; stats choice,
:2.c; Hate mixed extra, JV3uc; western,
tlnest selected, 17c; state firsts, 2oc; south
erns. ?iri; :.
POI'LTRY-I-lve. firm: western chickens.
12c; fowls, 14-: turkeys. 15c Ifressed. Ir
lef jlar: western cbUkens, SJr, turkeys,
jlti -"; fowls, aftlSc.
Wheat! I !
May...lfi''9S' attS
July.-. tTS.1 S7Si
May... 1 18S 1 1H!
Julv... 1 18ll 1 19!
bept... 1 19 1 19v'
I !
87S 87HUS 7
1 lVi'..
1 ITS' -1
1 US
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWA1KEE, Jan 4 -WHEAT Higher;
No 1 northern. 8S4jS7Sc; No. 2 northern,
sr.ljSoc; May. SX,4its ,c.
R Y K Higher; No. I. 7Sc.
i VULKV Firmer; .No. 2. .'; ranipls.
v Oil N-Steady ; May. 44V" asked
Firm- extra western creamery. 17j27tc.
EGGS Steady; western fresh, if, at
Y ark
CHKESK I'mhanged; New York full
ileum, IJ-jlU'.
Tolvdet Meed Market.
TOLEDO. O.. Jan. 4 8 FEDS Clover,
ixli and Januatv. th 17. February, f So;
March. t 40; April. t-15. Timothy. tl tCSi
Alslke. 88 t.
Ilalntb tiraln Market.
Dl'Ll'TH. Jan 4.-WHEAT To arrive.
Nu. 1 norihcru. He, No. 2 nuithern, alV-'.
Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat : No. 1
hard. 4Sc; No. 1 northern, 84lc; No. 2
northern. 81Sc; to arrive, 81Sc; No. 1,
7TS'H'!S: No. 1 durum, 72S73c: No. J
durum. 'fc. Corn: No. I ellow, STSc;
No. 3. Swiii'iV. Oats: No. 3 white. 28;ac;
No. 3, 27SS-80. Barley; 15&45c. Rye: twift
Sc. Flax: tUlVi-
Visible (apply of Grain.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. Special cable and
telegraphic communications received by
lTradetreets show the following changes In
available supplies as compared wlib the
last account:
WHEAT I'nlted States and Canada, east
Rockies. Increased 3.518,000 bu. 1 afloat, for
and In Europe. Increased t.iut.OuO bu. ; total
supplv Increased, 7,168.000 bu.
CORN I'nlted States and Canada, east
Rockies, increased 1.117.000 bu.
OATS I'nlted Slates and Canada, east
Rockies, increased aol.OOu bu. .
The leading Increases reported this week
are 7CO.aJo bu. In Manitoba: ooO.Oul bu. at
Port Huron; S8.000 bu. at Fort Worth and
85.100 bu. at Aberdeen.
The leading decreases are 117.0U) bu. at
Portland. Me., and l-S.fno bu. la elevators
In the vicinity of I-lnculn. Neb.
Liverpool Grnln Market.
steady; No. 2 red, western winter. 4-s id.
Futures, steady; Mirch. aisllSd: May,
s KM-.d.
CORN Spot. American mixed, new. essv
at 4s4Sd. American mixed, old. quiet st
4s td Futures, q uel; January, 4s2Sd;
March. 4Sd. May. 4s 30.
do pfd
TjiuIs. 4V Nashville.
Manhattan I
Met. Securities
Met. St. Rv
Meg. Central
Minn, at- St. L
M.. St. P. 8. B
do pfd
Missouri Pacitte .
M . K. 4 T
do pfd
National Lead ...
N. R. R. of Mex.
N. Y. Central ....
N. Y O. W
Norfolk at Western..
do pfd
North American
Pacilic Mail
People's (ias
P.. C. C. St. I
Pressed Steel Car...,
do pfd
Pullman Palace Car
do 1t pfd
do 2d pfd
Republic. Steel
do pfd
Rock Island Co
do pfd
Rubber Goods
do pfd
St. L. S. F. 2d pfd
St. Louis S. W
do pfd
Southern Paciflo ...
do pfd
Southern Railway ..
do pfd
Tenn. Coal V Iron ..
TexHs A Pacific
T.. St L. & W
do pfd
Union Pacific
do pfd
V. S. Fx
V. S. Realtv
V. 8. Rubber
do pfd
U. S. fi'eel
do pfd ,
Vs. -Carolina Chem..
do pfd
do pfd
Wells-Fargo Fx
Westtnghouse E4ec.
Western 1'nion
W. aV L. E
Wis. Central
d i pfd
Northern Paclfl ...
Central Leather
do pfd
k0 153
700 lHlti
l.oirt 73V,
161 li
on mining stocks were as follows:
Adama (on Llttla Chief ...
Alice So ' Ontario
Breaca 45 Oyhlr
Brunawli-k Con 67 "Pnoenlx
lu rotoal
Con. C'al. ft Va Ill Baraga
(lorn Silver 17a Sierra Nerada
Iron Silver t!0 Small Hopaa .
Leadrtlle Con I iglandan!
... 7
... 1
... 4
... 40
... rt
... SO
D. 1. Emlev. Wlsnrr F. K
R. McClurn. Morsn KIuffs-F. K
Ed Eno. O Neil, Neb. F. U
1'eter Huxlses, Hill Siding F. 13
John Robinson. Vail. In. N. W
Henry Johnson, Moorhead, la. N. V....
E. A. Bailey, Battle Creek, la. N. W..
Earl Barves. Trucv. la Q
F. A. Burnbaum. Orlswold. la. (J
J. C. Hill. Adel. la Milwaukee
J. Dodd. Mitchell. 8. D. Milwaukee
D. Whalen. Cnderwood. la. Milwaukee
W. P. Campbell. Woodbine, la. 1. C 3
The official number of cars of stock
brought tn today by each road waa:
Roads. f Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H's's.
C. M. & St.
Wabash 1
Missouri Pacific 1
I'nlon Pacific system. 20
C. & N. W., east 3
C. & N. W., west L2
C, St. P.. M. & 0 13
C. U. & Q., east 4
C, B. & Q., west 20
C, R.. I. Ac P., east... ..
C, R. I. P.. west
Chicago Gt. W 1
Total receipts 89
No Av. 8h. Pr. No. At. Bh. Tr.
14 IMl ... 4 40 ; 212 1) r 15
t in 40 4 r. 65 s:r. . . 1 it
63 lr.J an s .io t; :i io t f.
15 ITS to 5 S7l4j M 2 IS ... 115
as 1" ... I 10 40 2"0 . . ft 15
7 177 ... I 10 74 SM 40 & 15
! li-7 ... ft 10 0 1.-.4 ... I 15
IX. 17S . . 5 In JO 210 ... I 14
: :.11 40 4 10 74 224 ... 6 16
47 2' 0 ft in 0 224 ... 6 111
r, 249 4l 5 12tt 14 t ... 4 II
71 2f.l 10 6 12', 44 jut o 4 16
10. 304 SO 1121, 6S SM ... 115
M 215 . 5 12, 73 t3i 1(0 I 16
17. 22 MO f 1214, St 214 ISA I 15
64 24 40 4 I2a 71 244 120 I 16
SI Ill ... I 12V, 42 241 SO I 14
SI 2iO so I 124 ft 271 120 6 15
11 223 40 I 12i, tt 220 ... I II
47 So? 40 I 121, t 274 ltt I II
"5 2on ... I 111, 1 24( 40 I 16
54 220 ... 6 12', 64 26 H ill
44 227 ... I 12t, SO 22t ... I II
4? 221 40 6 12', 16 2S.1 1J0 It
75 211 120 6 Hi, 61 241 140 I 15
53 SIS 200 t 111, S 2 1 ... I 15
74 224 ... I 1)1, 40 SSI 40 I II
17 171 ... i li t !2 lto I II
1 2'l ... 6 II 74 214 200 ft It
71 t.'l ... I 16 M 112 ... I 16
4 234 SO I IS 77 Ill 10 I II
3 226 ... 6 15 II 2l 40 I 16
67 Sit SO ft 16 71 SS2 10 5 171,
6S 271 SO 4 15 44 2S1 ... i 171,
(1 277 SO 6 16 41 329 10 I 17',
61 24S 120 I 16 43 S00 ... ft 171,
74 213 to 6 16 t 174 40 6 17,
43 275 120 I 16 66 17S 40 I M
tH 242 100 4 II Ml 314 40 I 2"
5 SOI ... I 16 4 117 ... I 10
40 254 40 I 16
M. lanla General Market.
ST. IXll'IS. Jan 4. WHEAT-No. i red.
cash, elevator. !4i92c; track. 04'nSc: No. 2
hard, 84flSe: Ma'. 87S"': July. 8-''4'.
CORN-Hlghrr; No. 2 cash. 41Sc; track.
424rfi43e: Ma. 43'fi I3c; July. 4ISC
OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. 31Si':
3JUc: Mav. :!2'ac: No. 2 white. :u:'c.
FLOl'R Steady; red winter patents. tl.
p4 60; extra fancy and stralsht. M.ii 1.25;
clenr. t2.y"33.25.
RF.FD-Tlinothv. steady; t2.5mtf20.
tnKNMKAl-L)or; t2.X.
BRAN Steady; sucked east track, 8ltf
HAY-Steody; timothy, t8.(HV(i15.ufl; prairie.
PROVISIONS-Pork steady: Jobbing.
tl3.50. Ird. higher; prime M"nni, tT :H.
lrv salt niets. higher; boxed extra nhorts,
t7d2S: clear ribs. t787S: short cbars.
t 12S- Bacon, higher: boxed extra shorts.
t8.37S; clear ribs, tc.62S; short clear,
POI LTRY Firm; chickens. 9So; springs,
llifcc; turkeys. 15c; ducks, lie; geese. 8c :
BITTER Dull; creamery, ilSflaiS":
dalrv. 18(0210.
EGGS Firm, 22c.
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bu.
(?nrn, hti. ..
Oats, bu. ..
case count.
23 ivi
Foreign Financial.
IiNDON, Jan. 4. Supplies of money were
fairly plentiful In the market today and
there were prospects of an increase In the
. , , . r. H n Ininnppnv ix' I f H 4hj rlAA r.t n n
u ' sol dividends, but large withdrawals for i
H9 i South America are expected next week. I
a7 I Discounts were steady. Trading on the
fcX) I Stock exchange opened quiet and with a i
1787t!dull tendency. There was some proflt-tak
Ing, owing chiefly to the political nervous
ness on tiie continent. Later a better tone
prevailed, owing to the discount rate of the
I'.ank of England being unchanged. Consols
29u I opened steady and afterward became mark
6x I edly weak. They rallied during the last
83 .j
151 '.4
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the
number of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hug. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co
C. H. Hammond Co
Cudahy Packing C
Armour & Co
VanHunt & Co
Ixibman & Co
W. I. Stephen
Hill A Son
Huston & Co
L. F. Huss
Kingan 4 Co
Mike Haggerty
Sol Degan
J. B. Root Co
Bullan Kline
Frey Packing Co
Other buyers
222 W7 790
42M '1.648 S.Sf.3
670 2.165 l.iaiS
439 l,4bi 649
211 517
!.393 6.569 5.217
hour. Home rails were Arm, districts being
the feature on the appointment or the oni-
nl.l. ... tir.y.An.4 1 1, n 1 1, t a ChuHna 'C ViUai
Americans opened Irregular. Several stocks CAT TLB Receipts of cattle were some
weakened to below parity on profit-taking, what disappointing so far as nunibera were
but afterward became fairlv s'eady at about concerned, but there were among the ar-
Pr roi recovered si chtlv durlnir the I rival- i-w
SHEEP Receipts were not as large as
yesterday by a few loads, but still there
was a fair run for a Thursday. While
there were a few loads of quite desirable
killers a considerable proportion of the of
ferings consisted of only fair kinds. As
noted yesterday the market early was very
slow and dull and prices generally some
lower, but lute yesterday after the tralna
wero all In the market showed n little
more activity and everything desirable
cl anged hands.
This morning the market opened about
whero It left off at the close yesterday. In
other words the market this morning was
steady at yesterday's decline. While It waa
rot exactly active the sheep kept selling so
that the most of them were disposed of by
the middle of the forenoon. There were no
good lambs here to make a test of the
market, but good yearlings brought M .80
and good ewes t.r.40. The market la now i
Just about where It was at tne close or last
week. On Tuesday prices advanced sharply.
but the gain was practically wiped out
yestcrdsv. This has left the market in a
good healthy condition, but it Is no time
In which to ship In immature and half-fat
sheep or lambs unless shippers want to
break the market and bring on a lower
range of prices.
(quotations for fed sheep and lambs are
as follows: Good to choice lambs. Colo
rado, t7. 25437. 60; westerns, t7.OOif7.60; year
lings, t'l (Xa?j6.30; westerns, t5.5otij6.9o; ewes,
tl .7676.60.
Quotations for feeder sheep and lambs:
Good feeding lambs, ts 75"it.36; yearlings,
t4.7oCif5.40; wethers, tl.."v?i6.0i; ewes, t3.?utj
4. Mi; breeding ewes. tl.60i6.00.
Representative sales:
27 western ewes
279 western ewes
211 western ewes
2U western ewes
Ill western lambs
24i western lambs
74 western ewes
97 Idaho cull ewes
47o western ewes western ewes
397 western ewes
IX western jlexica.i ewes ..
35J western ewes
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. M KTALS The Lon
don tin market was a shade lower, spot
closing at 162 16s and futures at 4:163 6s;
the local market was easier In lone, but
prices lost very little, with spot quoted at
t:i6.fff36.i:S. Copper also was lower In
London, spot being quoted nt 79 15s and
futures at 79 10s; the locul market, how
ever, was unchanged both with regard to
price and general condition: lake and elec
trolytic are quoted at tl8. 7519. 00 and cast
ing at t'8.37'yai8.77S. Lead was unchanged
at t5.6Ofrl.0O In the local market, the Insldc
prlces being fos-thlrty days' shipment of
flftv.lon lota- the TTnarlish market WBS a
I shade higher at 17 12 6d. Spelter was un
changed at 29 7s 6d In London and at t6 "0
wti.wi in tne iew tors marsei. iron ww
lower abroad, with standard foundry quoted
at &3s id and Cleveland warrants at Ms
7Sd tn Ue English market: locally the sit
uation was .unchanged: No. 1 northern
foundry is quoted at tlS'nVfJ'l 35: No. 2
northern foundry. $18 5Wi18.85; No. 1 south
ern foundry. 818 5cil8.76: No. 2 southern
foundry tlS.oojl8.25.
ST. LOl'IS. Jan. 4. M ETA L8 Lead,
firmer, t5.95. Spelter, firm. W.50.
rices recovered siiKiiiiy uunng ine -- - -- - t - - - ; . - , , . .
iasi hour and closed steady. Grand Trunk , orB". nm,L. 1 ZuA i. , Z.. iZ
recovered from an opening spasm of reallza
tlon. Canadian Pacific was buoyant, as
sisted by the traffic returns. Foreigners
were unlet. Russian and Japanese securi
ties were easier, but afterward rallied some.
of late. The market as a whole was In
very satisfactory condition as viewed from
a seller s sianapotni.
With only about 100 cars of cattle In
slarht. there was a fair sprinkling of beeves,
1 some of them, as noted above, of quite 123S l-'J1; 1S
1.400 247, 2(U 2aJ
4' m; fill. ,
600 143 141S HIS
5CO 1744 174 175V.
t.iim Jiov 99V
149 V;
wnai. -10PP1' ":. '' VTV r i.? ood quality. Buyers were out early and
Anacondas, but they closed with art 1m- , urij,I.M,he nfluence of the good dtmand
provement Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were i he most of the offerings changed hands
quoted at lo:s. . I in very fair season. Prices were generally
sr. ftiMtpm hi,, jan. 4.-i ncas on tne ,.,, ,,, and In extreme cases as
bourse today opened strong. Imperial 4s
touched 8:lS. but later weakened to 82S-
BERLIN, Jan. 4. Priors on the bourse In
all departments, especially Russians, were
firm. Prices among the curbstone brokers
after the liourse had closed were somewhat
weaker. In consequence of tho reports in
Paris that Emperor William made a speech
tn a warlike tone at his reception of the
generals on New Year's day.
PARIS. Jan. 4. Prices at the opening of
the bourse today were heavy. Russians
were weak. Later there was some improve
ment and at the close stocks were steady.
Russian imperial 4s were quoted at 85 and
Ruasian bonds of 14 at 49".
Rank of France Statement.
PARIS, Jan. 4 The weekly statement of
the Bank of France shows the following
changes: Notes In circulation, increased
3'M.!M.otO francs; treasury deposils. de
creased 1I.iT76.ouO francs; general deposits.
decreased 68.6,tJO francs, gold In hand,
46.100 143S 14?S 14?S decreased 27.0..000 francs; silver In hand,
2.600 101S l'iS
2.800 fits 63S
91. 601 144S 141
33 S
21 1
1.100 lig
10.800 27
21 S
81 S
21 f
decreased f.450.00u f runes; bills discounted,
increased 241.i75.0uO francs; advances, In
creased 23.400,WAI francs.
much as 10c, higher than yesterday. The
best cattle here were good enough to bring
85.25. with a few other loads good enough
to bring better man ta.uu.
'"owi and heifers were in fair supply, a
considerable proportion of all the cattle re
ported in the yards being of that kind. At
the sume time there wis a very fair de
mand, packers all appearing U want a
few cars, with the result that the big bulk
of the receipts changed hands In very fair
season In the morning. As to prices there
was some difference of opinion, but the
majority of sellers were quoting their sales
as a little stronger than yesterday and
from that to 10c higher in extreme cases.
Stockers and feeders were not tn very
large supply, but as this Is the latter half
of the week, when the buying demand is
never as brisk the Inquiry did not appear
very large. In consequence prices re
mained Just about steady. That, however,
Is saying a good deal, a the fdr nvvr.
ket lias been good and firm all the week.
Representative sales:
. 87
. 9
. 107
. I'll
. 69
. 7!
. 103
. 106
. 104
. 105
. 101
. 86
1124 Idaho ewes and yearlings... 107
10 Idaho ewes and yearlings..
4'i western wethers
19 western wethers
36) western Mexican wethers..
3i0 western lambs
92 western lambs
198 western lumbj
1iS western lambs
226 western lambs
91 native lambs
4 26
i 00
6 40
6 40
7 00
7 10
4 00
4 l0
4 60
6 05
5 10
5 25
6 36
6 50
5 60
5 60
6 60
i 90
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 25
7 X
7 35
m ions 1-H Van;
Treasury statement.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4 Today's state
ment cf the treasury balance In the general
fund, exclusive of the tlSo.Omi.OiO gold te
serve. shows: Available cash balance, tl4o,
236 523; gold coin and bullion, $8i,10ii,6oj;
gold certificates, t47.lU.99ti.
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Jan. 4 Bank clearings for to
day were 1 1.696.754.74 and for the correspond
ing date last year tl. 85.447. Ot.
Cotton Market.
closed auiet: 10 mints higher: niiddliiisT
1:S 13.V4, uplands, 11.95c; middling fair. 12.20c. Sales,
3i :i?; none
5ts i Spot, steady; sales. 7.401 bales: ordinary,
..194'aVl ivS 14S l'Sj9c; good ordinary. H) -16c; low middling.
11 i-ioc; miuuung. il i-iic; gooa niiaaiiug.
It 1-locr middling fair. 12Sc. Receipts, 7.256
bales; stork, 35U.9C0 bales.
ST. LOl'IS. Mo.. Jan. 4.-COTTON-Flrm :
middling. llSc: sales, none; receipts. 10
bales; shipments. 102 bales; stock, 23.807
fair demand: prices 9 points higher;
American middling fair. (.73d: good mid
dling. 6 39.1: middling. 6 '-'Id; low midJUrg.
6u5d; good ordinary, 5S7J; ordinary. 6.71d.
The sales of the day were 12.j0 bales, of
which 1vo bales were for speculation and
export and Included 10.9j0 bales American.
Receipts, 17.1U0 bales, all American.
100 J
4I0 1107,
1114) 43',
17.000 liaJS
19.400 8&S
VJ llh
93S 93",
S.X-4) c.
IKS) 44",
K0 lot
1.0 874.
41 IU
Total sales for the day. 1.382.100 shares.
Bank of England Statement.
IXNION. Jan 4 The weekly statement
of the Bank of England ahows the follow
ing changes: Tnlal reserve. Increased '.'20.
60i); circulation decreased 2.ft: bulli in.
increased 218 142: other securities. In
creased !,861,iXa; other deposits, increased
sugar and Molaaes.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4 Sl'GAR-Raw. Arm;
fslr refining. SSc; centrifugal. M test, oSc;
molasses sugar. 2S- Refined, steady;
crushed. S.foc; powdnvd, tiioc; granulated,
NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 4-81'GAR-Flrm:
open kettle. 3i3'4c; open kettle centrifugal.
JSi4Nc; centrifugal whites. 34(4c; yel
lows, o'.-fii a-ioc; seconos. i7j3Sc.
MOLASSES Open kettle, 184JS3c; cen
trlfiissl. ii2:'c.
Ko. Av. Pr. No. Af Pr.
t 1K5 S 25 II 1165 4 50
I SM I 15 It Ill I 60
7 1100 t 64 1215 4 0
S 1:0 t 15 11S1 4 70
1 11S1 I 7:. IJ l?9a 4 70
ft I4 4 4'- l'l IMS. 4 S5
1 102') 4 M 21 1211 4 Su
14 I'5 4 IN 1 1510 4 hi
6 1044 4 0(1 4 1510 4 M
7 941 4 14 11 134 4 15
36 117-1 4 ' i 31 1154 I 05
l 24 155 4 15 1I I 10
1 i;r 4 S3 21 4 Hf I 15
) 111! 4 1 1307 I ?i
17 1240 4 6l
450 1 so lfs a-,
1 410 I 00 1004 2 45
1 too I On 5 Sua 2 ..
II t2S I 14 lu Iu41 2 IW
1 kail 2 1". 4 t3 1 )
4 Mi 20 4 l'.V4 2 5
2 20 1 1070 r
1 1110 I 25 I io:i X 00
f0 2 21 10 S1 3 Oo
J t5 I 25 1 Hall 3 00
1 440 2 26 4 1227 I on
1 1070 1 26 13 IU 1 00
1 K'14 t 25 11 47 Oil
2 7J I PS 15 1041 1 no
4. 137 I 26 1 1171 Oil
1 120 2 25 1! ll-ao 00
4 Ian I 2 4 tt7 I
I KO i So I 101 1 06
10 Ml 2 41 1 124t 3 :
1 Ifl I 10 2 10V0 I 1t
I 1110 I W 1 IJaft 3 .5
t 1040 t 60 T 175 I 15
I I"! 2 al 11 ll7 S li
1 1214 I 14 4 luTI 1
1 12 I bit 11 o5 I !g
I Had i 10 IS 1107 I 25
1 IMl 3 60 I 71 I 26
1 1170 1 6a 5 K'71 I 25
1 10GO 2 55 I 1K)4 S 15
1 1H4 I 54 1 1-75 I 10
I lil I 51 : ,. . . I ITS SI'.
1 iaso t io ; i::.5 I ss
6 1014 t to 7 175 3 35
10"S t a" t 104) 1 45
1 1060 t 40 1 1117 1 li
S Iu41 t 40 t i:- 50
14 1'.7 I 70 I l a) I It
4 145 3 45 1 450 t I"
4 IIS t 13 1:44 1 50
T 440 I tl I l::i i 5u
1 10 I 7i I IM S fcj
1 7M S f. 1150 3 so
it SN t to II '' ' '
11 M 111 1 1140 I t
and llogs Ten cents Higher
Best 8 beep Ktrongr.
CHICAGO. Jan. 4 CATTLE Receipts,
8.5k) head; market lfc higher: common to
prime steers, t3 'iVrtti.tS; cows, t29,.fi4.40;
heifers. t2 255.00; bulls, t2.Oiii74.10; calves,
t2.5K8.Sf; stockers and feeders. t2.4"ft4.25.
HOUS Receipts, 26,i4 head; market 10c
higher; choice to prime heavy, t52.V(i'536;
medium to good heavy, t5.2Xao.30; butcher
weights. 85275.35; good to choice heavy
mixed. .ati5 .28; inciting, t5.0rsfirS.0.
SHEE1 AND LAMBS Receipts, 14.000
head, market, best strong, others weak;
sheep, t4 6ii6 rri; yearlings, 16.00,4 6 85;
lambs, f7.2S437.HU.
Kansas City Live Rtoek Market,
Receipts 9,iti) head. Including 600 south
erns; fed steers, weak to 10c lower; other
cattle strong and active; choice exiKirt and
dressed beef steers, fu.25&4l.0u; fair to good.
84 utKfro.uO; western fed steers, t3.5taij0.OI;
siixki-rs and feeders. t3Wu4 5i; southern
steers. t2.5n(i4 50; southern cows, ti(Atl3 25;
native cows, t2.Ou4n4.uO; native heifers. t2.74
4j4K': bulls. 12.243.80: calves. U 0W(6.75.
HUGS Receipts, lO.uu) head; markei 6?5
7'c higher; top, t5.25; bulk of sales, to 06-
5.20; heavy, t5. 16(6 25; packers, to luiu.2iS:
Pigs and lights, tt.&y&u 13.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.100,
head; market steady to 10c lower; native
lambs. I60a7.tlu: western lambs, J6oj7.;
fed ewes and Jearllngs, tt.&ni.O.u"; western
fed yearlings. t 5"t 50; western fed sheep,
U auC.10, stockers and feeders, fS.&taiS.OO.
St. l.onls live Rtoek Market.
ST. LOl'IS, Mo.. Jan. 4. (.'ATT LB Re
ceipts. 2.uKj head. Including 2t'i Texana:
market strong; native shipping and export
steers, tt.K'uO uti; dressed beef and butcher
steers. li.Ly& ij; steers under I.ivj pounds,
.lv"y-tG.; stockvts and feeders. tZiia'-'i;
cows and heifers, t2 i '4 i; canners. f 1.7ji
2 00; bulls. t2 i)2.75. calves. f25ui8 75;
Texas and Indian steers, 12.82(3 9-; cows
arid heifers,
HOGS Recfeipts, 5.600 head; market
hlglier; pigs snd light. f4 46(.3o; puckt-ra
' TVyS 30; butchers and best heavy, K-tKt
fcriEEP AND LAMB S Racel pt s. 1.500
bead; market strong: native muttons, f " GO
4i6.'; lambs, to6ii7S5; culls and bucks.
M i 4 !); Blockers, t2.60a4.u0; Texana, t3.00
Oils and Roaln.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4 OILS Cottonseed,
firm: prime crude, nominal; prime yellow.
2iTtHlc. Petroleum, steady: refined New
York, t7.60: Philadelphia and Baltimore,
7.V5; In bulk, t4.65. Turpentine, quiet. 67S
ROSIN Steady ; strulned. common to
good. t3 653.70.
OIL CITY. Jan. 4 OIL Credit balances
tl.68. Shipments ioft.655 bbls.; average, 74.
376 bbls.; runs. 72.380 bbls.: average. 68.9!1
bbls.; shipments, Lima, 58.506 bbls.: aver
age. 55.861 bbls: runs. Lima. 46,018 bbls.;
average, 40.419 hhla.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 4. COFFEE Market
for futures opened sttady at nnchatig"!
prices to a decline of 6 points In sympathy
with European cables, which did not re
spond to the local guins of the previous
dv There was some scattered llnulila-
tlo'n or realising during the middle sesslo-i
and prices at one time were about 5'nVI
points lower, but the markei rallied to
ward the close on a renewal of bull sup
port and was Anally steady net tincliange I
to 6 points lower. Sales were reported nt
I 42.750 baas Including January at 6.6cc; F
1 ruary, g.i'Sc; March. 6.751i0.8Oc: May. fl 9"v,a
6.96c; July. 7c: tscpiemoer. ..jcih.ioi. t--cemher.
" i.VJr7.S(). 8pit Rio, quiet; No. .,
Invoice, 8ViC
Peoria Markei.
PEORIA. Jan. 4.-CORN-HIher; No. t.
41Sc: No. 4. 39V: no grade. .TTIirtSe.
OATS Hirher; No. 3 white, ttc; No. 4
white. SOMi nose.
The following deeds were filed for recur 1
January 4:
Nela Larsen and wife to Michael lloe
rath. eS ni and hw'4 nwi 30-16-13 f 3-ai
Philadelphia Mortgage A Truet com
pany to L4-na Jackson. nS lo'
block f4S. Omaha
C A Eaton io Nanette H. Akin, lot
11. blm'k 17. Carthage Add 2i
John Wlsler and wife to J. D. Ledger
wood, lois 1 and 2. block 1. East
Side Add l.l't
George Houseman and wife to tl. I.
Duck worth. S l"t 5, block 56. South
(1 A. llosgland and wife to P. I.
Hoagland, lot 8, block 8, Hinscoiii
Place I
South Omuha Iind companv to Wal
ter Kasprlck. lot 4. block 315, South
Omaha J01)
V O. Strlckler and wife tn Harold Olf
ford. nS riwli 10 and ' tin
lot 22 In S-16-13 1
Ella M Sntlman et al. to Y. O. Strlck-lp--
s- la 1
B. 8. Abel and wife to J. H. Berry.
part lot 19 Hturarl Place 300
J W. West and wife to OommTol-il
National bank, lot 11, block 20. liana
com Place ' t
Hullle Rosworth to same, same 25
W. I-'. Markhnm and wife to W. H.
Curtis, lot 21, block 102. Djndee
Place 1
Total amount of transfers.
St. Joseph Live Stock Markei.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Jan. 4. CATTLE Re
ceipts. 16.9 head; steers eak; cows
strong: native, tSOijaO; stockers and
feeders, t2.75it2.9u, cows and helfc-is. fl 604
.1OGS- ftecelpts. 4 9V3 head: oitVtc higher;
''ht,, medium and heavy. (u.05
SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1,455
head: market active In tdy; lambs, 17 5j;
yearlings. 66.20; ewes, 85 05.
Slons ( Ity je Stork Market.
fclOl'X C1TV, Jan. 4-f8peclal Telegram !
-CATTLE Recelt.ts. !j head, market
steady; beeves, fl 4"V 76, cost, bulls xnd
Von Dorn Grain Co.
Chicago eoard f TraJ
Omihi Grain Exchanp.
Grain and Provisions
bought and sold for cash or future delivery
Receivers and Shippers.
Ml and 220 BOARD OF TRADE. fcLlXi.
F. D. Day & Oo.
Hosiers In
Stock. Grain. I'rovlslo 1 1
Skin Yoar tiraln to la.
Branch Office. llO-lll Hoard atf Trad
Bldg.. Utna ha. (eb. Telephone 3M4.
212-214 Exchangs Bldg . South Omaha.
Bell Phone 216. Independent 'aVfcftb