Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1906, Page 6, Image 6

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Thomas B. kcPhenoD to Head a Large
Li? Btock Company How Formiag;.
Stork tarda Compear Tar a.1,n4.4ll
la 1'tirt, Which la Lara-eat Single
Aanoaat Eer raid la t H
af Soalk Omaha.
It haa become known at the Kxchange
that Thomas B. Mcpherson, late cashJer I
of the Union Btock Yards' National bank,
will be at the head of a new and powerful
cattle company whlrh In to open offices In
the Exchange building within the next few
daya. Several men of prominence have
Joined In the undertaking. Mr. Mcpherson
will be at the head of the concern. The I
name of the company has not yet been de- Ing the holidays.
Cded. and for that reason It Is as Vt ,
not announced what branch of the cattle tpr jn j dl Antreles. Miss Cora Persons also
Industry they will take up. Presumably It : ms Rone to I .us Angeles fur the cold sea
wlll be In the nature of cattle loans. Bun.
Miss Klla Reynohls. who is one of the I rnl.Xc Xfttf fiW
pioneer office women of the Kx hange, and I observance will be the order in the First
who haa been for several years Conner td Presbyterian church at Twenty-fifth and J
with the Vnlon Stock Yards' National . "'icc: . , , rH,,.,
bank a. private secretary, announced her Tha Omaha Musi ".
resignation yesterday. Bhe haa long almost w ve a muslcalo at the hljh school audl
fllled the plaoe of an assistant cashier and i tnrlurn January 1. under the auspices of
baa been depended on by every one In the
Institution. She waa the first woman to
hold a business position in the yards. Here
after ahe will be Identified with the new
company of which Mr. McPherson will be
the bead.
The men of the Exchange are comment
ing on the activity of the South Omaha
banks to secure the patronage of the com
mission men. The changes, however, are
not so great as might be expected.
Close of Poultry Show.
Bverythlng went smoothly at the poultry
show yesterday afternoon and evening.
There was a fair crowd In the building all
tho time. The crowds did not stay long
at any time, but passed in and out regu
larly. The prizes were all determined late
In the evening and the ribbons were all
distributed. Every local fancier had a
prise of some sort, and Indeed the Ne
braska fowls proved to be as good as those
from New York. Some of the prize winners
sold aa high as in. John Burth of Maynard
sold five of his birds at good figures. John
Frltx Roberts waa offered $10 for his first
prlac pulled In the Buff Wynndotte class.
Ho entered only two birds In the competi
tion. F. A. Agnew's fowls won him a
good number of prizes, as did those of If.
B. Fleherty. A full list of the prize win
ners will be available today, and It Is
expected that the exhibit will break up this
evening. Fnanclally the venture has
proved a great success, considering that
this Is the first exhibition In South Omaha.
The management haa enough on hand to
pay all expenses and leave a small margin
In the treasury. All the visitors In tho
course of the three days have appeared to
be well pleased with the display.
. Biggest Tax Payment.
The largest check for taxes which haa
ever been received In South Omaha was
turned Into the treasury yesterday, when
tho Vnlon Stock Tards company sent In
Its remittance for $.13,061.49. Their check
was made out for $33,074.49, but the city
returned $10 which was overpaid. With
this check all the large amounts have been
paid up, and the city has Its finances all
to the good. Of course, there will be a
number of delinquents, and some of them
will be In places which would surprise tho
publlo if they knew. All day yesterday
the treasurer was busy with collections,
and after the time for the public schools
to close their dally session several teachers
paid their ' personal taxes.
Chan area in Carrier Force.
It was announced that David Haney, 912
North Twenty-seventh street, would have
the place left vacant by the death of Wil
liam J. Mangan on the force of mall car
riers. Haney Is the senior carrier In the
service now. E. O. Rozzell takes Haney s
place at the exchange building. Charles
Martin la the new carrier added to the
Sjoonan Pleads 'ot Guilty.
The complaint was filed on the part of
the state against Frank Noonan yesterday
afternoon. At about 2:30 p. m. he was for
mally arraigned before Police Judge Pat
rick King. He pleaded not guilty to the
charge of murder In the first degree. After
tho arraignment he waa remanded to Jail
and will be given his preliminary trial
Saturday, morning at 9 a. m. There will
be. a large number of witnesses in the case.
Small Fire Oaasea Excitement.
There waa considerable excitement for a
minute yesterday afternoon caused by the
breaking out of a fire In the rooms of
Arthur Webster, between Twenty-sixth and
Twenty-seventh on M street. The fire was
caused by a defective gasoline stove, It Is
said. Thla started the blaze, which com
municated to several lace curtalna, which
were conaumed and the paint and paper of
the room. The fire waa soon under control.
The damage waa not great.
Warrants All Issued.
All tha warrants for the month of De
cember have been Issued and the clerk is
taking a breath of clear air again. The
Blood I'olaoa
klDNUY and URINARY Dtseasee
ml all Diaeasea and Weaknesses of
Mi-N due to evil habila o( youth,
abuses, excessea or the result of neg
lected, unskilled or Improper treatment
i.i Mn.oini2 or crtvate dlseasea
Via wake au aataicaUiac statements or aakaalaeaallka arapusW
liaaa to tha altUcted. either me proatiaa ta care them ta a lew
day a- aBTer eheaa, worthless traataseat la order ta aeaara tltelr
sstrassgt. Honest doctors of recognised ability do not resort to
'.Neh methods. We gtaaraatae a perfect, eat aad lastlngr car la the
Quickest passible tine, wlthaat leaving laiarloaa after carrels la
the aysteaa. aad at tha lowest cost possible for hoaest. eklllfal
and sereafsl treatment.
rprr Consultation I If you cannot call writs for symptom blank.
. nLLsnd Ciaminstlea 1 OfBoe Hours t a. m. to ( p. m. Sundays. U to 1 only.
1308 Karnaut btrtwt, Between J 8th and 14th Streets, Omaha, Neb.
history of the city hall bomls. which the
Clerk has been working on for the past
three day?, was completed Wednesday
evening and the result was sent to Spltxer
& Co., the purchasers of the new bonds.
The history will be rferred to their at
torneys, and If It proves to be without a
fault Spltzer & Co. will send blank forms
of the bonds to the clerk and the mayor
and clerk will execute the new Issue.
Maclc City Gossip.
Duy Klddoo. 22 North Twenty-second
street, has hf-n on the sick list for a week
The t'pehurch TVgiee of Honor held Its
Installation Inst Wednesday evening In tho
Workman temple.
Postmaster F. J. Fitter ha been so seri
ously III for the t two days that he hna
been unable to be alsnit.
Oliver K. Carlyle. living nenr the Parpy
countv line, has a new daughter, who wns
born last Wednesday night.
Miss Martha Reed has Just returned from
Monmouth, 111., where she paVsed her holl
davs. She teaches In the Brown Park
Miss Myrtle Keefer. teacher In the city
ol.tnla haa returned from PlattsmOUth.
where she has been visiting her friends dur-
Bt. Martin's Episcopal church
James Robertson, 3611! F street, has gone
to Buffalo. N. Y.. to pay a long promised
visit to his parents. George Robertson of
the same household, who broke his arm
last W"ck. has so far recovered from his In
Jury that he Is able to be about.
Reports from San Francisco respecting the
condition of Jesse E. Glick. late representa
tive of The Bee. say that of late his condi
tion is not as favorable as after his first ar
rival. In a letter to Mr. Morlnrty of the
Packers National bank, received early in
the week, he seemed to have lost courage
The drill team of the Modern Woodmen of
America presented John Flynn with a fine
sliver smoklnr set Tuesday evening. The
team met at the hall and marched to Mr.
I'lynn's residence under tho load of their
captain, Jeff Cooley. Mr. Cooley made the
presentation speech and Mr. Flynn made,
the most apt of responses.
Magic Citv lodge No. S40 of the Modern
Brotherhood of America will hold a public
Installation of officers at the hall over the
South Omaha National bank building Fri
day evening. January b. The ceremony will
begin at S p. m. After the rituals have been
completed there will be a dance. All friends
of the order are permitted to attend.
Postal card notices were sent out over the
signatures of J. B. Cheek and Richard
O'Kecffe vesterday announcing the coining
mass meeting of South Omaha citizens
which Is to be held at the Workmen temple
next Saturday night. A great many of these
postal cards will be sent between this time
and the close of the week. It is expected
that the capacity of the Workmen building
will be taxed to its greatest exiem ai me
The Ancient Order of Vnltcd Workmen
held their unnual installation at their tcm
plo last night. A pleasant and profltnblrt
time was enjoved by the members. There
wre several members of the grand lodge
nresent to conduct the Installation rituals.
After the formalltv was completed the com
pany loined in what they called a genuine
old "fashioned Dutch supper. No ono was
heard to complain except as the little boy In
Mother Goose, that he was so dreadfully
small he couldn't eat enough of the good
Mall the Jubilee Kditlon of The Bee and
Blrd's-Eye View of Omaha to your friends
price, postpaid in tubes, IB cents each.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In Ne
braska and Iosvat Colder
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4. Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair
Friday and Saturday; colder Saturday.
For Iowa Fair and warmer Friday.
Saturday, fair and colder.
For Kansas and Missouri Fair Friday
and Saturday.
For Wyoming and Montana Fair and
colder Friday. Saturday, fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Jan. 4. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 19W. 1906. 1904. 193.
Maximum temperature... 32 SO 24 35
Minimum temperature IK 23 6 24
Mean temperature 26 36 15 ' 30
Precipitation T .00 .05 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature SO
Excess for the day 5
Total excess since March 1, 1905 750
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day (6 Inch
Precipitation since March 1. 1905. 27. 68 Inches
Deficiency since March 1. 1905... 2.68 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1905.. 5.57 Inches
Excess for cor. period, 1904 1.99 Inches
. Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State
of Weather.
Bismarck, clear
Cheyenne, clear
Chicago, cloudy
Davenport, clear....
Denver, clear
Havre, clear
Helena, cloudy
Huron, clear
Kansas City, clear.
North Hatte, clear.
Omaha, clear
Rapid City, clear...
Kt. Louis, clear
Kt. Paul, clear
Tern. Max. Rain
7 p. m. Tern. fall.
3' I
, 32
. 44
Halt 1-ake, partly cloudy.. 34
Valentine, clear 36
Wllllston. partly cloudy.... 38
"T" Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Tha Man's True Spaoiallatj
for Men
If we could but see and treat all inea
when the lirst symptoms show them
selves thera would soon be little need
lor ao-caileU specialists in chronic dia
kc, ttuu Uici MuuiU be lew men
kaiug a rejucuuii ot itivir pny
111, uiuli auu MiuaU powers, aud
lueie woutd be uoue tuurkvu nui laa
luaeuble stamp of cuiuiiuuuonaj
eiuuia, ami the suru-iris Iiun
twcoCfc-i-li. Ul-KET. blKiCTL Kt..
Kiuuey and biaiioer DUwaa would bs
icuuceii to a imuiaiuiu. Hut u loug
as Mfc.N cunliuou to diatoguru ttie
goideu adage, "A allion In uiue saves
iiiiic, ' ana continue lo urgiecl tiietu
sclvcs or to exercise Indifference or
poor Judgment tu securing to right
treatment at Uie ouLsel, Just so loug
will there be of curomo
Only Stir at Old Offitiali Sarrtndar ii in
EaTtrlj'i Office.
With Aid of Experienced Aaalataata
and His Ovrn Experience Ha
Withstands the On-
The office of County Clerk Haveily was
the scene of about the only bustle caused
by the transfer of the county offices mads
Thursday morning. Mr. Haverly'a force
was up agnlnat the pension certificate busi
ness strong. There are about 300 pension
ers who get their certificates made out In
Omaha, and a large proportion of these
always is to the fore about the first of
the month. Mr. Haverly'a new clerks had
ho advantage of the assistance of Deputy
Frank Dewey, who knows all about the
workings of the office, so everything went ;
loni; nbotit 11s tlcual. Mr. Havcrly him
self also has had a lot of experience, hav
ing hald lb" office before.
Former Clerk Drexel was on hand to
render any assistance In his power, and
Miss Eva Ma honey, record clerk, also
was present, to make her successor. Miss
Berger, acquainted with the routine of her
County Engineer Edqulst and his suc
cessor. Herman Beal, of South Omaha,
had settled their transfer Wednesday after
noon, ao Mr. Beal settled In his chair as
naturally aa if he had been there for
months. He will retain the present force
to start with and may not make any
change at all, because good draughtsmen
are not a plentiful commodity Just now.
Later on he. will have the appointment of
two Inspectors.
In the Sheriff's Office.
Sheriff McDonald's chief deputy, Asel
fiteere. Jr.. took hold of the office promptly
at the appointed hour. Being an attorney,
he Is already well posted on the legal end
of his duties, but an Immense amount of
detail Is to be mastered. Deputies Harte
and Butler were also on hand and settled
down to await for what might turn up
like old experienced hands. 1 he retiring
sheriff. John Power, gave to bis successor,
John W. McDonald, a welcome in Gaelic.
McDonald, while a Oael by descent, does
not speak the old tongue with fluency, hut
he managed to let Power know that every
thing was all right, to far as he was con
cerned. Power's deputies, headed by
"Billy" Cunningham, the chief, acted like
a lot' of boys let out of school. Captain
Henry Haze. Just resigned from the police
department, was present to extend con
gratulations to the new sheriff.
Sheriff Power will rest for a brief spell
before taking up the active management
of various business enterprises In which he
Is Interested.
Holes In a Skimmer.
Harry Deuel told his successor. Fronk
Bandle. a revised version of the old yarn
about the holes In a skimmer. Mr. Bandle
replied that he knows not only there are
holes In a skimmer, but also In a solll
base ball diamond, at times.
"Me a catcher," said Mr. Bandle, "and I
should be able to catch on here without
much trouble. Of course, Harry, If they
shoot 'em In too swift I may call on you
for relief, but with Pat Tobln as backstop
for me we will worry along' all right."
Then Mr. Deuel gathered up all his money
and hla bank book and smilingly went away
to ponder on the changes of life and the
possibility of the supreme court taking cog
nizance later of the fact that he Is still on
earth and as optimistic as he ever was.
Emmet G. Solomon's chair as deputy
county auditor Waa vacant and will remain
so until after the new Board of County
Commissioners organizes January 9. An
appointment to the vacancy la not expected
much before February 1.
Over at the county Jail ''J!m" Roach
turned over to the new Jailer, George B.
Stryker, his keys, likewise the requisite
number of prisoners to enable Mr. Stryker
to begin housekeeping In a dignified man
ner, introductions to the star boarders
were hardly necessary, as Stryker has been
on the police force long enough to become
fairly well acquainted with the accomplish
ments of hla new charges.
Thla year the west haa furnished scenes
and material for a number of season's
bocks. "Heart's Desire," by Emerson
Hough Is a story of western life In the
early days, whose scenes' are laid In a little I
T i mining town of that name. Mr,
"l has hunted and traveled all over
'(D west from the Mississippi to the Rockies
T I and bla descriptions are of places such
aa he haa seen and lived In. The ln
'oo ' habitants of Heart's Desire are men gener
.rt ous, open-heurted miners and cowboys
T , from different classes of society such as
in have been found In mining camps before.
" I The advent of women Into this man'a town
even thoutsh they are members of a
'stranded" family, causes quite a commo
tion. " How certain other things Including
love, the law and eventually the railroads,
came to Heart's Desire Is told with a
naturalness and breath of open-air that
adds much to the romance and Interest of
the atory. Those who have read Mr.
Hough's "The Mississippi Bubble," or "Tha
Law of the Land," will be much more in
terested In this latest story. F. B. Masters
haa furnished illustrations, and the Mao
niillan company are the publishers.
'Ole Ann and Other Stories,'' by
Jeanette Grate Watson, ia a small collec
tion of little atorles of negro life in tha
south. The book Is bound In a dainty white
cover and contalna many full page illustra
tions by Bertha Rockwell. The handling
of the subjects and plcturea show know
ledge of the subject. The Saalfleld com
pany are the publishers.
"David Ransom's Watch," by Mrs. O. R.
Alden (Pansy) Is a story of love and purity,
where tha better affections are set to
ward tha richer things of life. David's
steadfast consideration for others reaps a
deserved reword, and It la good to read of
him. Nor will It be found lacking In en
tertainment, but on the contrary the reader
will find his belter nature stirred, a keen
heartfelt Interest in this story of a thor
oughly good man.
Pansy's earlier writings, numbering mora
than 100 books, were for younger children.
Her recent writings, however, have been
for youth and adults and have shown a
ateady growth lu strength and general
Interest. The illustrations are by Ernest
Foeberry. Lothrop, Iee & Bhepard com
pany are tha publishers.
"The Fort In the Wilderness; or, Tha
Soldier Boya of the Indian Trails." by Ed
ward Stratemeyer la the fifth volume of
his "Colonial Series." and is a continuation
of tha previous one of the series which
wss entitled "On the Trail of Pontiac."
.un ,.,. morns and ma cousin, ttenry.
continue to be the central figures, together
with tha favorite characters. Sam tarring-
uiu, urn quaini oia xronuersman. ana
White Buffalo, the friendly Indian chief.
The scenes of the atory take place at the
cuuniaatloa of the eouspUaoy of Poathva,
and many particulars are given of that
great movement against the whites, a
larger portion of the action taking place
at Detroit and around the great lakes.
Thera la the best possible evidence that
the boys like to learn the stirring portions
of their country'a history through the
pages of Mr. Stratemeyer, who can be
commended as giving no wrong Imprea
alona. while telling stories of keenest In
terest. The Illustrations are by A. B. Shute
and Lothrop, Lee 4 Shepard company
are the publisher.
"The Mother," by Norman Duncan, la a
short novel that shows what a maater can
do at depleting a single human emotion.
j It Is the story of a self-supporting young
widow, naturally rather vulgar, who Is
beautified with the possession of a love
for her little boy, a love so large that no
one could have greater, for she Is willing
to give her life for him. AJthough tha
theme of the atory is simplicity Itself,
there Is variety in every line of the telling,
and one la held under the peculiar spell of
a man who knowa how to deplcr the honest
truth of the human heart, the tears next
the smiles, purity and cunning close to
gether, animal and anarel united a thev
are To .,,, wm hf H BOO), p
to some a masterpiece, it Is fall- to pre
sume that Mr. Duncan Is picturing some of
the , life that came under his observation
In the early days when he was a New York
newspaper man. Fleming H. Revell com
pany are the publishers.
Miss Carolyn .Wells haa added another
volume to her Patty books, calling the new
one "Patty In the City." Thla volume I
dedicated to Dorothy Eeterbrook. Thla
clever author la very popular with the
young folks, a has been demonstrated by
the previous volumes, "Patty Fairfield"
and "Patty at Home," which have been
great favorites with the boys and girls. The
publishers are Dodd, Mead ft Co.
"A Knot of Blue," by William TV A. Wil
son, Is a story of a man's fickleness and
woman's steadfast conquering love. The
knot of blue was the bow the fair Almee
de Marsay gave to Rsoul de Chatlgnac. the
fickle lover, to wear In war. whither he
went to regain his self-respect after bavin?
been duped by an Intriguing woman and a
cunning villain. Although not an hlstorlcil
romance In any sense, the scene Is laid In
that quaint spot where the old world and
the new have met for centuries Old Quebec
a field In which Mr. Wilson hss shown
himself a worthy compeer of the best
writers of romantic fiction. Little, Brown
ft Co. are the publishers.
"Christmas With Santa Clans," a charm
ing story for the little ones, describing a
little girl's and hoy's visit to Santa Just a.
short time before Christmas. He picks them
up on a country road and carries them to
the northland In his sleigh, and entertains
them royally, bringing them back when he
makes his annual trip. Beautifully Illus
trated In colors by Ruth Mary Hallock.
Published by the Saalfleld Publishing com
pany. "A Prince of Lovers," by Sir William
Magnay. Rart.. has its scene of action laid
In Waldavla and Beroldsteln names which
hide the Identity of two of the many Inde
pendent German statea which existed for
the greater part of two centuries after the
close of the thirty years' war. The once
secret chronicles of such kingdoms and
principalities contain extraordinary ma
terial for romance, and from some of these
the author has derived Incidents which fur
nish a most surprising plot, vivid scenes
of adventure and 'ponfllct, a charming lovn
story, and some very Interesting and at
tractive ehareatrea among them an ambi
tious, astute, unscrupulous minister who
overmasters the, weak sovereign who reigns
over Waldavla; la brave, ohivalroua hero;
an unprincipled man of the world; and a
heroine for whom pride, love and policy are
desperately fighting. "A Prince of Lovers"
Is a romance of adventure, filled with enter
tainment of the very first order. The illus
trations are by Cyrus Cuneo. Little, Brown
ft Co. are the publishers.
"T.ynrtts and the Congressman." by Mary
Farley Sanborn, is an engaging love atory
with a southern flavor and a touch of po
litical life. The scene la laid In Washing
ton, the hero is a western congressman
and the heroine a girl of Virginia, whose
southern accent and temperament give the
story a genuine charm. Lynette and Cart
wright are atrong, sympathetic characters
whom every reader will like, and the life
of Washington and the scents and sounds
of a spring and winter there are delight
fully described. Little, Brown & Company
are tha publishers. '
"The Ward of the Sewing; Circle," by
Edna Edwarda Wylle, la a simple, natural
atory of a little orpha
in adopted by a aewlng
. -r .v,,v, ,.
i of which take care
circle, me memoers 01 wnicn uiae i.
nf Mm In turn, frvr rariiw1a flf tVA month.
ml. .M ..hlklt. m..K mrAnmmm . rwl
pathos, and at the aame time haa a great
deal of humor and atrong character draw
ing. Johnny, the Smithvllle orphan, la a
real boy to the end. with the genuine child
buoyancy that takea advantage of each
break In hla successive misfortunes. The
story Is admirably told, the characters are
realistic and conalstent, and the bit of ro
mance at the end. Involving the member of
the aewlng circle who received aa much
pleasure from Johnny's visit aa ahe be
atowed, la a fitting climax. Little. Brown
& Company are the publishers.
The immense proportions of the mall or
der side ot the book publishing business Is
not so often brought to the attention of the
public aa the large aales through the book
atorea. Nevertheless It Is one of the most
Important parta of the publishing business.
For example, on the Friday and Saturday
preceding Christmas the Funk & Wagnalls
company shipped out by mall and express,
to fill retail mall orders alone, 73,000 books.
Ralph Henry Barbour, author of "For the
Honor of the School," ''Captain of Crew,"
etc.. haa written a aerial atory. "The Crlm-
aon Sweater," which Is to appear In St.
Nlcholaa during this year. It Is a narra
tive of school life In which study and ath
letics are mingled.
Statistics show that over one-half of the
consumptives who go to the southwest In
search of a cure die within a year. Albert
Hale, in two articles In The Reader, for
January and February, condemna aa almost
murder the practice of many northern phy
slclana of indiscriminately seeding tuber
culous patients to some part of the coun
try indefinitely described aa "the aouth or
west." The two articles constitute a start
ling arraignment of such laxity of method,
and are, besides, a practical guide for those
who have occasion to give serious thought
to the best means of fighting the Great
White Plague.'
For daring. Independence and originality.
"Tomorrow's" editorials for January stand
out by far the most telling utterances of
the month, its treatment of "The Oun as a
Plaything." referring to the death of Mar-
ahall Field. Jr., and "The Christmas Turkey
. Graft." Indicating that thla publication Is
without fear of power or tradition. The
edltor'a "The Epic of Love," preceding the
, frontispiece (The "Tomorrow" Baby) and
r,volutionilry philosophy expressed In
..Th,rty.thr, W(ten,nt Kinds of Tyranny."
; and lh. ..p, r Hr, a uirect ,..,.
lenge to thinkers and reactionariea.
Above books at lowrst retail prloea. Mal-
ihewa, IS South ruteenUi atreeV
Read Bryan's Letters in The Bee
No Other Nebraska Paper
Outsld Mr. Bryan's Horn Town
Will Have Them
Colonel Bryan is already on his way for a tour of the woifd ta
consume nearly a year. He will give his observations and comment
ibout the following countries he is planning to visit:
Mr. Bryan writes in a most entertaining and instructive style and
what he has to say is sure to interest every one. His letters, begin
ning Sunday, January 14, will be printed regularly from week to week
in The Bee, which has exclusive arrangements for them.
Make sure not to miss a number Subscribe at once through
your newsdealer, or to The Bee Publishing Co., Omaha, Neb.
Dr. Gardner la the Only Winning; Fa
vorite at Oakland.
BAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. Dr. Gardner
was the only favorite to win at Oakland to
day. Dixie Lad, the heaviest played horse
of the afternoon, who was bucked for
thousands of dollars, was left at the post.
Weather clear; track fast. Summary:
First race, three furlongs selling: Viola
B. won, Plnklm second, Peerless Luss
third. Time: 0:36.
Second race, mile and a sixteenth, selling;:
Esherln won, Ed. Sheridan second, Water-
cure third. Time: 1:47V
Third race, one mile selling: Montana
' Peereaa won. Sun Rose second,
i third. Time: 1:42.
yrla race, one mile Belling:
Birdie F.
Fourth race, one mile Belling: Tho Lieu-
I fana n wAn fhrlat I n A rnnrl RiiphMimn
I third. Tim! 1
Fifth race, futurity course: Ethel
Thatcher won, Rey del Mundo second. Key
Crlo third. Time: 1:11V
Sixth race, seven furlongs: Dr. Gardner
won, Gateway second. Sir Brillur third.
Time: 1:264.
LOS ANGELE8, Jan. 4. Results at
First race, one mile: Hcrsaln won, Need
ful second, Presorvator third. Time: l:l."i.
Preservator finished third, but disqualified.
Second race, three furlongs: Ray Kgm
won, Lady Altera second, Tony Faut third.
Time: 0:7.
Third race, five furlongs: Sir Wilfred
won. Bribery eecond, Hector third. Time:
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Incanta
tion won, Varieties second, Hippocrates
third. Tims: l:2o'-
Fifth race, mile and one-eighth: BIIhs
ful won, Hoodwink second, lirlgtind third.
Time: 1:B6.
Sixth race, five furlongs: Minna Hiiker
won. Plnta second. Tendl third. Time:
Jan. 4. Results at
Fulr Ground:
First race, five furlongs: I'rsury won.
Lord Kent second, Catherine R. third.
Time: 1.07H-
Second race, six furlongs: Pnul Clifford
won. Mart Gentry second, lngolthrlft
third. Time: 1JX!.
Third ruce: six and one-half furlongs.
Hvaclnth won. Bravery second. I.nii J.
third. Time: 1:26.
Fourth race, one mile, handicap: tiold
Enamel won, Collector Jessup second, Bt.
Valentine third. Time: 1:46.
Fifth race, flvo and one-half furlongs:
Excitement won. Marvel P. second, Del
More third. Time: 1:11.
Sixth nice, mile mid a sixteenth:
Charlie Thompson won, Nones second.
Harmakls third. Time: l:52"r.
Results at Citv Park:
First race, flvu umi oiie-hulf furlongs:
Chamn Clark won. Gold Zone second, i
Adonis third. Time: 1:12V
Second race, six ami one-half furlongs:
R. I". Am won, Marlmbo second, Gold Coin
third. Time: 126k.
Third race, three furlongs: Bonurt won,
Uttle George second, Chamblet third.
Time: 0:V
Fourth' ruce, six and one-half furlongs:
Gus Heldhorn won. Commune second, Lucy
Fifth race, five and one-half furlong-:
si. Tammany nne.R,1'0"' MltlK "'""'
with race.r mile nn'd one-eighth: k. v-
note won. Juba second, Numeoki third.
Time: i;os.
uermtf.iv ukklv to bk tot n
Ex.Mlchlaan Maa the Favorite as
Sorressor to Booth.
LINCOLN. Jan. 4 (Hpecl il.) A pe tul
meeting of the athletic toard of the slale
university was held today, ut which the
format resignation of Waller C. Booth as
coach of the t'nlveislty of Nehruska fool
ball team was tendered, as also that of
his assistant, John Wtslover. The question
of a successor waa referred to Messrs
Bolton. Lees and Benedict. Heveral uppli
cations are on file, among them lielng those
of A. K. Hernsteln. ex-Michigan man and
coach last year ar Purdue: Robinson, couch
Voh.rido'at" ,!n"t? wrMwiuiaali
of Vamlerbllt. an applicant, has withdrawn
SenUmant at tha university la very largely t
1 : 1
In favor of getting; Hernsteln, who made
good last year with Purdue. If he Is se
lected Dr. C. W. Krvln of Lincoln, once a
member of Stagg's team, may be Induced
to act as assistant.
The Benos won two games from the
Black Kats last night In a match which
was the poorest of a very poor week.
None of the teams, so far, seem to have
recovered from the effects of the Gunther'
beating, and unless they pull themselves
together the Commercial league will be
setting the paco. Anderson took the high
total with a score of 537 and Johnson had
ono bright spot with a 212 game. Scores:
2d. 3d. Total.
164 134 47
132 175 41
1X1 17 4H4
127 212 4M
ISO 165 536
784 R73 8,471
2.1. Sd. Total.
117 1S6 45
p:7 161 424
1S6 166 4'
14S 175 613
1HI V.2 W7
76.1 2,425
Frush ISO
Rempke 174
Johnson ..
. Ml
: KA
. l.VS
. 170
. l.7
. 19
. 165
W'alicr ..
Sheldon .
Snyder ..
One of the most Interesting games ever
played on the Metropolitan alleys was
played between Huntington and GJerde and
Carman and Berger, Huntington and GJerde
winning by the small margin of fourteen
1. 2. 3. 4 5. Toft.
Huntington 172 19o 210 212 1! !
GJerde 1S1 li 162 15 ls 812
Carman ..
Herger ..,
Ho3 IM 3?2 397 3k7 1.SU4
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Toft.
212 2"1 l1 11 1S5 !W7
179 17l 207 162 187 913
391 379 X 343 372 1.M0
In a match game on the Icntx & Wil
liams alleys the Ufe Malts defeated the
Armours No. 2. taking three straight games.
Walenz and tUnpetitiorst hud the high score
for the night. Score:
Sfuuenhorst l;i 179
!)! man
.. 136
.. ivt
.. 142
.. 173
Nelsnn ....
Walenz ..
Collins ...
s3 877
ARlloriili NO. 2.
113 is
Every part of the body Is dependent on the blood for nourishment and
Strength, and when from any cause this vital stream of life becomes impov
erished or run-down, it invites disease to enter. No one can be well when th
blood is impure; they lack the energy that is natural with health, the com
plexion becomes pale and sallow, the vital energies are at a low ebb, and they
guffer from a treneral broken-down condition of health. The system is weak
ened and unable to resist the diseases
inf it. The Liver and Kidneys, failing to receive the proper cumulation anil
nourishment from the blood, grow inactive and dull, and the waste matterg
and bodily impurities that should pass off through these channels of natur
Bre ejt jn tjie 6vstem to produce Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Uleera,
j)iSease3 or souk, other blood disorder. When the blood is in this weak
ened and diseased condition it should be treated with a remedy that is not
only thorough, but gentle in Its action, b. i. is., a purely vegetable remedy,
made of roots, herbs and barks, 13 just what is needed. It not only cleanses
the blood of all impurities and poisons, and enriches and strengthens it, but
O f3
W and as it
. . . . . - -
bust health
and Ulcers, Skin Diseases and all
t a.
manently. Our Medical Department
rjjajgc to all SUUeUng WltH blood Ot
Griffin 177 W 123 4M
Manning 135 138 149 41T
Welmer 150 13 12" 4S4
Straw 146 14 146 431
Totals ..
... 741 768 724 12S1
Yale Basket Ball Team Lose.
CHICAGO, Jan. 4. The Yale basket ball
team was defeated at Evanston tonight br
the Evanston Young Men's Christian asso
ciation team by the score of 18 to 10. Tho
Evanston team was materially aided ta lta
victory by repeated fouls committed by
the visitors, who were penalised thlrty-ona
times. EVanston also greatly suffered froml
Table Rock Deata Pawnee.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Jan. 4.-(HpeclaL
An exciting game of basket ball took plaoe
In the opera house here last night, the
contestants being the Pawnee City Hbjh
school (hoys) team and the Table Rock
High school team. At the cloae of tha
giinio the score atood 43 to 26 In favor of
Table Rock.
Bl Killing; of Cottontails.
TABLE ROCK. Neb.. Jan. 4. (Special.)
Dr. C. C. Covert, Fred Colwell and four
others made a hunting party that went
out yesterday and brought with them an
even hundred cottontail rabbits. 'About
four Inches of snow has fallen. Today tha
weather is fine and pleasant and 11 la
thawing considerable.
sporting" Brevities.
Bill Dlneen Is asking for more 'spon" to
sign his name to a Boston contract than
he received last season.
The Harvard base ball team will go ta
Richmond, Va for preliminary praotloa
after the work in the cage Is complete.
The Bt. Louis Cardinals will take no
spring trip for training purposes. Prob
ably they feel It Is unnecessary to train
to reach the pluco they will land.
Ned Hanlou has decided to retain Jack
Harper on Clnclnnatl e pitching staff and
also has signed Leo Hafford, the Vermont
collegian, who Is touted aa a second Rual
bach. In the Cotton States' league a salary
limit of Sl.loO per month haa been fixed,
to be divided among twelve men on eaoh
team. There will be rather thin picking
for the small fry of each club. If tha new
rule Is strictly adhered to.
Willis Jumped from the Boston Nationals
to the Trl-State league, and. finding rough
sledding there, hopped back to Beantown.
Now that Boston haa traded him to Pitts
burg, the outlsws want to get out an In
junction restraining him from playing la
and disorders that are constantly assail-
gently Duuaa up me entire system vy its Una
tonic effect. S. S. S. reinvigorates every mem
lrfr nf the hodv. octree, tonn and vicnr tr tho V,1vw4
J, - ' . - . - n " ua ,
goes to the different parts, carries ro-
and strength. S. S. S. acts mora
an Elves better results than any other
other blood disorders, and cures them per-
a. 'aaa a- . . .
wiU be glad to give advice without
Skltt diseases. AQdresS