Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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o, l!KUi.
Tint af the Btriet loon to Be Publithed in
The Bee.
l.reat American Will Write nf the
t nnntry Taking Front
Plaee on the- stage of
the Horlit.
The Bee has pleasure In announcing that
In Ita Issue of January 14 will art' tha
first of a series of weekly letters from the
pen of William Jennings Bryan, who In
now making; a tour of the world.
Mr. Bryan crossed the Pacific to Japan,
stopping a dny at Honolulu en route, and
hna already conrludod hl visit In Japan.
Corea and China. He te now at the Philip
pine Islands, whence his Itinerary will In
elude India. Palestine. Egypt and the
various countries of Europe. After crossing
the Atlantic and spending a brief time at
home he will sail again from Pan Francisco,
making a special trip to Australia aud
New Zealand.
A better time for Mr. Bryan's tour, from
lie standpoint of the reader, could not
possibly have been chosen. Extraordinary
change are In progress In pearly every
section of the Old World. The oriental
slumber of centuries Is broken; a new
regime dominates the far east; the old
Wea as to the relative strength and im
portance of European and Asiatic nations
has been rudely Jolted, and Caucasian con
tempt for the Monrnllnn has Riven place
to the respect which triumphant might
never fulls to command. How are the
new conditions to afreet the interests of
the t'nlted Plates? How are they afre-ctlng
the Japanese, ciiineMf- nnd Coreans? It will
lie interesting, will 11 not, to have Mr.
Krynn's leisurely taken observation an
swering these (iiicstlons?
atnrtv f the Philippines.
It Is to lie hoped that the Inhabitants
of the Philippine Islands are progressing
rapidly toward civilized conditions and that
American control means a glorious new
birth of light audi liberty and self-control
and Improved material prosperity for the
teemlna mlHImm (Vnuiniv w..iUrrii
.n- HiniiK on 111 ene- t Mllippinep.
.Mr. Rryan Is making a careful study of
the conditions and the record will be spread
out In full for the benellt of The Bee's
reader. Recent cable reports from the
Philippines state that Mr. Bryan Is counsel
lug Filipinos who are clamoring for Inde
pendence to yield loyal obedience to the
American government.
Tho great empire of India Is also under
going mighty changes. The leaven of west
ern education and missionary effort Is
breaking down barbarous customs. An rx
traordlnory movement from Hindu! Sill tO
Christianity hna lately become evident. Mr.
ntyan will Investigate also the workings
of the English colonial system there as
compared with our own in the Philippines.
The great Jewish Zionist movement con
templates the reoccupatlon of Palestine by
the Jews. Already many thousands of
Jews Hre settled there. The awful alniighti-r
In Russia has drawn the Jews of all coun
tries closer topethci, ns witnessed by great
demonstrations of sympathy Rnd the giving
of Immense relief sums. All slfctis po'nt
to an Increasing solidarity of this ancient
and retiiiirkatile r.iir. which Is very sig
nificant iu view .if the fact that many
students of Biblical prophecy contend that
the Jews ure to have again 11 national
existence, with a capital at Jerusalem. In
the light of these firts Mr. Bryan's letters
from Palestine will have vastly more than
the Interest ordinarily attaching to cone
spondence fmnv the Holy Lnd.
Egypt, too, as a result of many years'
control by Great Britain, Is rapidly becom
ing 0 modern country. Its progress nnd
new conditions will, nt course, be graph
ically deplete, by Mr. Bryan.
Interest An a Ita In Kiirope.
Krnni Egypt Mr. Bryan will go to Kurnpe.
What tho conditions will be in Turkey and
the Balkan states, in Russia, in Austrla
Hungnry and in the countries of western
Kuror when he gets there it Is Impossible
to suy. Russia may be a republic, Poland
may be Independent, the Austro-Hungarian
empire may le dismembered; hut at all
events there is certain to bo no lack of ma
terial for letters of the most genuine Inter
est. It Is doubtful if any other Ameiie
- .... I'oiiiuii, VI WUIU
iccoroea the distinguished honors which
all to Mr. Bryan's lot in foreign countries
On his arrive! in Toklo ho was entertained
by the leading statesmen of Japan and was
received by the mikado. 1'ndoubtedly a
similar experience awaits him In every cap
ital ha shall visit.
Mr. Bryan witnessed the great naval re
view celebrating the new Anglo-Japanese
alliance, and the monster reception given
Admiral Togo at Toklo.
The letters already In hand from Japan
are literally as full of human Interest as
an egg is full of meat: for be It remembered
Mr. Bryan Is not only one of America's two
foremost public men. but he Is also a news
paper man whose keen faculties of observa
tion Instinctively seixe on and record the
details concerning men, women and chil
dren, surroundings and events which ennie
within the range of every reader's active
Interest. A great deal has been written
shout Japan: but see Japan and the Jap
anese through Mr. Bryan's eyes and It will
seem as though you are acquiring a most
pleasant and never before reallied famil
iarity with the Land of the P.lslng Sun.
The article to appear January 14 Is the
fruit of a single day's visit at Honolulu.
From the early morning hour when, on de
barking from tha steamship Manchuria he
was received by an enthusiastic reception
committee and decorated with garlands of
A Big Business Bazar
rTT Consider what you
JLhave hero in the carefully-edited
pages of McClure's Maga
zine a Market-Place of the
World, in which each mer
chant presents his wares
He is compelled by the
limits , of space to describe
his goods In the fewest
and best words. Each
month brings fresh goods,
and fresh descriptions, all
by the proprietor himself.
Can you conceive of such
a bazar? Read the adver
tising pages .of MoClure's
The Mar Ket-Piace of the
World there you will find
All nems stands, 10c, tl a year
t ,
McClure"s Magazine
44-6 Fast lUld Street, Near York
flewrs. until the return to the ship at
ntKhtiHll. whn the flower garlanding pro
cess Was repeated, it was a day e-f extra
ordinary Interest and activity, the record
of which will eause the reader to wonder
how so great a variety of ln Ident and ob
servation could ihly lie ctowded Into
the Interval between sunrise and sunse t.
Assuredly the read'is nf The Bee will e n
Joy a treat In journeying around the world
with William Jennings Bryan.
Tries for Two Honrs and si Half to
he t.encral t'nnel n
petrtlonmenl. The eity eenincil weuked fro-n :t to 5:30
o'elock yesterday afternoon trying to cut
the g. Tiers! fund aptsirtionments
from the aggregate amount demanded by
the departments, but failed to finish the
w-ork. When Rejournment was taken to
10 o'clock this morning llM.OCO hail been
lopped eiff, so It was considered a fair tit
of wea k waa done.
I'pon the ndvlce of the city attorney
ln) for beating one-half the cost of
grading streets was cut eiff entirely, Sir.
Itreen explaining that t per cent eif tlm
abutting property owners could sign a pe
tition and stand all th expense themselves
If they must have grading. The amount to
pay Judgments was reduced from Sin.t.Oi to
f.Wi; that for repairs to unpaved streets
from tCl to tV.'Uni; for the printing of
annual repeerta from $J.i to Jrni; the clec
trlcal department from to It, 23!: the
application for an assistant inspe ctor, r
ruseel; eity clerk from $1.41 to S'.S", an
extra clerk Iwlng ele-nle-d. and tVH front the
allowance for abstracting supplie s.
In the matter eif printing annual reports,
a number of coutnilmen se-cmnl to favor
not appropriating money for the-put pose,
but the ir attention was called to the fact
the charter now requires It. Whereupon
Councilman Huntington suggested that $1
be- Set asiele fur the purpose. It was agre-ed
that ro would permit of only a few re
pents being printed and this nppe-aicd to
ple-ase the statesmen.
Mini Kills 11 111 pn 11 in ii llelel by
iiriinrr'N Jury After nn
In illicit.
loiin Doyle-, who statihe-d his companion.
John Ki'lley, Tue sday evening at Twenty
sixth and Koclsc streets.' was lie-Id yester
eliy afternoon by a coroner's jury which
sat at an lii'iuest held by Coroner llralli-y.
The Jury found that Kelley came to his
eleath from wounds ln(lict'd by a knife held
In the hands of Doyle, who made no de
nial of the stabbing, but maintained at
the time, nf the arrest nnel Inter that' he
acte-d iu self-defense'.
T. C. Callahan, one- of the tirst on the
scene at the time of the trouble between
Kelley and Doyle-, testified he saw Kelley
em lop e-f Doyle anil heard Doyle ask to
be- released, which K lley refused to do
unless he (Doyle 1 would give- up a knife
he held.
Lawre-nci- Higgle testified he heard the
dead man speak to Doyle about the knife?
hefor.i the paving block referred to
throughout the testimony was thrown by
Kelley and Doyle traveled together more
or less for fifteen years as laborers.
Neither have had any settled place eif
ahoile fur many years. The elend tnnn's
relatives live near Pittsburg, while- Deyl
Is single, without kith or kin In this'coun
try. anil Is fil years of age. His hair is
quite gray. He is being held at tho city
jail pending- preliminary arraignment in
police court on a charge of manslaughter.
Poll First Refuses to Vlelel to Re
plevin In Hands of the
t oimtnhle.
"let out. I'm Hot going with you. I'm
all light he-re," was the greeting the parrot
gave the constable when he first put in an
appearance at tho home of F. H. Joslyn
to replevin a lot of goods. Later on the
parrot was heard to admit, like his famous
ancestor, that he had "talked too d n
much," and he went with tin- man of law
papers. The controversy between the parrot and
the constable occurre-d because Albert 11.
Btarkey, as special administrator of the
estate of Rose Matilda Joslyn, sued out a
writ of replevin for sjndry spe-citle-d arti
cles of brlc-a-br.ic ami household gonels.
Includeel n the list were certain canary
birds and "ones parrot and cage." The
bird that talks like a man made tho only
kick against being sclzetl, and that did neit
Ilalnnces Contained In Various l.oenl
units Reporleel li- Tree fl
are r Fin I..
County Treasurer Fink retains the fol
lowing bank balances on hand at the close
of business January 3, llKij:
Omaha National ,--0 fa. 32
Merchants National W.osl.iW
First National 1( i,,..
l'aekers' National. South Omaha ! 1!M"m".i
itlsens State, Waterloo r,,Kii 1,1
J. I j. TlraudelM & Sons ::'ni j
Nebraska National "7V.1; to
I'ttlon 8t.u k Yards National. South
..Omaha M l-fl 47
I nlted States National 47 7'7 S!
South Omaha National j!on.M
To", $211.3I5.iV,
t ash and chee ks .d7-;.t-J
To"l Kilt, !Kl.er7
ew President of Wabash Fleeted
Director of !Hclr)c Kxnrean Sne
eerellna Old Chief i:eelitle.
At the annual meeting of the Pacini- Kx- I
press company Thursday at the h?udiuar- j
ters, F. A. Delano was elect e-d eliree tor to ;
SUtreed Joseph Ramsey, jr. Th.i other i
members nf the board were le-e le-cted as I
follows: James F.Kgleston. president: 12. It.
Piynr, vie-e president; S. H. (ichuybr.
Julius Krutsi linltt, Krastus Young and C
S. Clark. W. It. Carter was elected c
ntary. Those prese-nt at the meeting were
Messrs. Fgglestnn. Pryeir, Schu I. e. Vouiig
and Carter.
Former Business College Man Ap
pointed Assistant Probation
Oftirer of the tonal).
Ueeiige R. Raihhim was appointed as
sistant probation officer by the Judges of
thu district eourt to succeed D. M. Hv
eily. who resigned when he became county
clerk. Mr. Kathbtui formerly was con
nected with a business college.
Panic Wceteil.
In case of constipation, peritonitis, etc.,
panic ia averted by curing yourself with
Dr. King's New Life Pill.-; :5 cents. For
sale by Sherman A McCounell Drug Co.
If the flrma from which you buy your
goods. Mr. Business Man, know how Omaha
Is growlnr. wouldn't it help your stand
ing? bend each a ropy of the New Year
Jubilee Fdltion of The Bee. It will help
you It will help Omaha.
City Trenurer Refuses to lield Office to
Csuiiy Treasurer.
inn Ofllclel. Meet nt lt Hall
nnel Kirhsnsr t etrelinl ;reet.
Inai. but n Ottte-lnl
County Treasurer link called o 1 City
Treasurer lle-ntiings Thursday afternoon
about 3:.V nnd formally requested him to
turn over the ofllce. Its responsibilities and
lans, to whli h Mr. He iinings responded
that he was chained hand and foejt by a
restraining order of tho supreme court and
could not see his way clear to du so.
Mr. Fink's visit hail no accompaniments
of force-, threats er controversy. H had
called tarliiT in the day to find Mr. Hen
ntngs at lunch. He and Mr. Meanings
greeted each other cordially, shook hnnds
and retired to the latte-r's private oifloo.
There Mr. Fink hande-d the following docu
ment over to the either:
To A. 11. Hennings: In conformity with
section chapter lit of the cnmpllml
statute's eif Nehr.iska (Brown W'heelrri
entitled Metropolitan Cities, 1 he-retiy inane
d'-mnnd tor the turning over to me as cx
eilllcio city treasurer, nnd as your xuce-essor
In othce, eif nil moneys, books, funds,
reinrds and papers, in or in any manner
pertaining to the office of city treasurer
and ex-oftie-io treasurer of the- tioarel of
Hducalion of the school elistrlct of Omaha.
County rreasuie-r.
Mr. He-uuings nolitl that he was ad
dressed minus title but failed to take
umbrage. Mr. Fink requested that he write
"refused'' on the missive, but Mr. Hen
nings smiled, declined, and scrlbbk-d this
"On January 2. l!ni, was restrained by
the supreme court of the state from turn
ing over the office."
The two shook hands again and scp-aiate-d.
respective faces being enwreathed
in resp'-ctivc smiles.
Hennings Wnteliea All Mailt.
Wednesday night Mr. Hennings stayeel all
night In his offlee for the first lime In his
life and, preferring to keep busy rather than
try to doze on the single.- hard couch avail
able, occupied himself with fug ends of
business and a general overhauling of pri
vate? papers.
This vigilance the city treasurer pursued
in order to make sure of carrying out the
restraining order from the supreme court
forbidding hlui td turn over any books,
money, papers or property lie-longing to the
city or school district to County Treasurer
Fink, who the charter says shall be-come
ex-ofticlo city nnd school district treasurer
Thursday, January I.
Peter Nelson (loaea With tint of
The-ni. tint 1m Knocked ! 11 h
Another hiiiI llnth Escape.
Whim I-eter Nelson. K Bouth Twenty
second street, re-turned home with his
famllv at S::J0 o'clock from a visit with
friends, lie disi-oVered a slrnnye man In the
house. He grappled with the intruder, and
while- tiie two were e-ngaged In a struggle,
another man ran out from an adjoining
loom, knocked Nelson down, nnd the two
made a hasty exit through the back door,
and disappeared. Nelson found that the
two burglars had secured entrance to tho
house by kicking in the back door, and that
they had got away with about J20 worth of
clothing. lliiiotilieI the police and De
tectives He-itfelt and Mitchell were de
tailed on the case. ' .-...
In I'ralse of liuniherluln'a t ough
Very few medicines have received so
muih praise anil so many expressions of
gratitude as Chamberlain's Coigh Remedy. I
lirateful parents everywhere terlify to its
merits. It is a certain cure for croup and !
will prevent the attack If given at the first :
appearance of the disease. It Is especially
adapteel to children as It Is plensant to tako
and contains not'hlng Injurious. Mr. E. A.
Humphreys, a well known resident and
clerk In the store of Mr. K. I-ork of Alice,
Cape Colony. South Africa. ays: "I have '
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ward
off croup and cojda in my family. I found
It to be very satisfactory and It gives me
pleasure to recomm"nd It."
Gratifying Klsnrra.
The re-ports eif the olliccrs of the Conser
vative Ravings and Ixian association for t!te
year 190f, as made to the board of directors
at Its last meeting, show a state of uffnlrs
gratifying to the membership of that asso
ciation from every standpoint.
The net increase In the business of the as
sociation for the year was S:tl9. 1.JS. the
largest one year's growth experienced by
tho association in Its fourteen years of
business. The gross receipts for the year
were $l,tD5.0'3.33. also the largest In the asso
clatlem's history. ,
The net total resources the 31st ult. were
fl.51A.9Wi.44. the highest thus far reached by
any Nebraska association.
The gross earnings for the year were flnl..
047.71, of which t.4l!l.4:) were credited back
to members In payment of dividends at the
rate of it per cent per annum.
Additions wire made to the reserve or
contingent loss fund at this nu-eting of the
bond, bringing tills account tip to f.'d.tW.IM.
Four hundred and sixty-nine new loans i
were made during the year, of which P;7 j
were rnr the erection of new homes in
Omaha and South Omaha. A reduction eif
interest rates on loans was made July 1
last and a n-w plan of flmi credits to bor- I
lowing members put In force.
On ae count of lack of space and a con- !
slderable advance nskeel for rental of adtt
uuate office rewuns in the central part of the
city, the directors decided to purchaso
gtound und erect nn eiftlce building at KM
Harney street ealy this year. This Invest,
mint will be limited to about the total the
association now has In its reserve and un
divided profit nccotint, namely, f..Y)0. The
expectation of the directors is that they
ill be able to enter the new place of busi
ness in July or August next.
Merritt s Phar., 13 & Doug. Open all night ,
We still have copies of the New Year's I
lllu.-trate-d Kditlun of The Hue. Order lhem 1
now before the editlmi is exhausted
Fred Moraine is suing for a dlveiree from
Rliuhamie- Moraine on the ground of aban
donment. They weie mat lied In Kansas
in IX'1.
Justice of the peace Fields jm i furrie d
his tirst ofticial act Thursday, when lie
united in nuiriinge Martin B.renson and
Mn-s I.jdia Keiin. Doth panics reside in
Cora A. Turner asks a divorce from Sam
uel 8. on the- ground of cruelty and non
aupiMjrt. They have been married only two
years. SJie wishes to iskumo her maiden
name of Allen.
W. J. O Brie n, who has charge of the
slate llsh hatchery at Uretna. will be in
Omaha today. He will accompany Deputy
Game Warden H. D. Plenum to Willow
lake, where they will endeavor to see ere a
lot of small game fish to be transplanted
tei Cut Off. to which willow lake Is close
at hand.
At the annual meeting New Years day
nf the Board of Trade, the organization
owning the Board of Trade building at
tifxlecnth nnel Farnam streets, p. J. Adams.
1".. K. P.ruc.- and W. II. KexMug; were electee!
eiirertors for the long term, and C. B
Stone for tha short term. The annual elec
tion of uflicera will be held next Monday
The Travelers' Aid of Sioux city, which Is
maintained ami operated by the Young
Women's Christian association and the
Shesler Deacnnesse. home, h is sent out S
circular calling attention to -s work, nnel
asking the e-o-operatlnn of the press and all
friends in pas.lng on Information regarding
the Aid. that It may more effectively reae h
the sivircs of yeamg and Inexperienced girls
who travel alone every month and who so
frequently ere decnyeel Into trouble through
their ignorance. The letter teports forty
two girls given assistance, lVi people helpe.l.
and in all over S.iXl services rendered, such
as directing girls to safe lodging places,
warning them against address, s that would
take them into danger, taking the sick to
hospitals and wrl:lnx letters or te craptiin
friends of the ellstress eir danger of young
women who hnve landeel In Sioux City, and
itll within tiie past six months. Miss Addle
Blumberg Is the deaconess In charge of
the station work. She wears a uniform and
Is easily distinguishable. The Northwestern
railroad has recently given a convenient
offle-e and rest room for the use of the
Travele-rs' Aid. In Its new station.
The women have been making some
i practical Investigations regarding the incuts
; through whlcTi girls are most often decoyed
and especially warn young women against
advertisements offering good wnges In a
strange city without ascertaining whether
the addresses given see iu resectable
neighborhoods; also against men who
volunteer to take them to suitable lodging
places or to find them employment and
! against following the directions of any one.
I man or woman, unless they know who and
I what they are. It Is requested that any one
I needing assistance In changing cars or
women going to Bi$ux City strangers and
without friends to meet them, atldtess Miss
Addle BrumU-rg. Travelers' Aid, 1222 Jack
son street. Sioux City, specifying the elate
and the road over which they will arrive.
and she will meei ihent and se-e that they
are directed right.
Two departments of the Woman's club
met Thursday morning nnd both were well
attended. The nrt department held Its
stere-optlcon lllustrate-d lesson on tho work
of Donn Tcllo ami the domestic science de
partment had some- further discussion of
the local milk emestlon and a paper on
"Vinegar." by Mrs. John Harmon. In con
nection with Its investigation of fond adul
teration. In her year's round of state federation
meetings, which have included the ma
jority of the Ftates east of the Missouri
river and several on the other side, Mrs.
Sarah Flatt Decker has found much that
more than compensates for the fatigue in
cidental to such Journeying. Regarding it
Mrs. Decker says: '
A long Journey, but everywhere fine meet
ings, much enthusiasm, splendid showing of
work and plans, and never tin unkind word
or a bit of gossip or an unworthy expres
sion, absence of self-seeking, never a strug
gle ror eiflle-e, always genorositv and lovln
eorslde.-ratinn for others. This testimony
will apply to each of the three long Jour
neys taken the past year. In which twentv
six state federations have been visite-el.
With such re-sults and prospe-ets. no won
eler the future is of untold promise.
The Voting Women's Christion association
Is to have another "get one-" bauiuet.
Fe bruary having been announced as the
date. The association has issued the fol
lowing list nf facts regarding its work dur
ing the past year:
Paid up membership ' l.f.aS
Teital number lunches last1 year'
Daily average s"
Kmployment found feii hit
Hoarding houses found for-n-t,. , Ill
Knrnllment in gvmiuifljiiu I'.i::
Knrollment In ed ji-ntlontiY classes 2l
(Enrollment In Bible classes.... 22K
tleispel meetings and nmm meetings... J
Factory meetings 72
Amount expended In. this work last
yar lS.76..t5
At last the ctinservative-ness of the Vir
ginia club woman lias been overcome and
that state will have, for the tirst time,
representation at a biennial of the General
Federation of Women's Clubs, at St. Paul
next spring. Virginia is without a stale
organization, although It has a good many
clubs. Tin- Mutual Improvement club of
Clifton Forge was the first club of the stale
to affiliate with the national organization,
this having been done eluiing the fall. Sin e
then there has been un effort tei e-ffect a
state organization and, while this has not
et been delir.itely accomplished, ho much
progress has he-en made that it will prob
ably not be lomf before Virginia as a t-ttue
will be represcnte-d in the national organi
sation. A iilitianeeiiieilts of the Theatres.
With new music, new ensembles and new
faces George Sidney will come to the Krug
theater for four days, starting Stindav mati
nee. The title of this season's offering has
appropriately been termed "Busy Izzy's Va
cation." Mr. Kidney Is well known to the
theater-going public, and much Interest will
undoubtedly be taken In his new offering,
whii-h frolics along the line of his former
piece. The scenic setting is said tei be un
usually beautiful and the electrical effects a
marvel of stagecraft.
Pauline Hull will appear at the Royd
theater tonight, offering for the first time
In Omaha her new success, "Dorcas." This
light opera Is by the authors of "Ermlnle,"
In which Miss Hall won a real triumph and
Is said to be eiuite as merry and tuneful as
that famous piece. It tells a good story and
Is furnished with some charming lyrics. It
gives the prima donna a splendid chance,
and her glorious voice is heard In It to real
advantage. Miss Hall is supported by a
line singing organization and her tour so
far has lieen a success. Her engagement
hero Is for Friday and Saturday evenings
and a matinee on Satureluy.
In "The Virginian'' a phase of western
life that has all but passed from the scene
Is pictured most faithfully and graphically.
No other play of the kind has ever readied
tho pe-ople as this one, aud for the very
good renson that no other play pulses with
the life of the plains as does tho drama
Owen Wlster has made of his own book.
The company that Is playing the piece
created meist of tin- parts, only eine or two
changes having been made since the begin
ning. Dustin Farnum still plays the Vir
ginian anil Frank Campeuu is still giving
his fine characterization of Trampas. A
new Molly Wooel Is with the eompany this
season, and is said to he the real article.
The engagement at the Boyd theater opens
on Sunday evening and lasts till alter
Wednesday, with a matinee ein Wednesday
Only three more perloi tnances of "Are
You a Mason?" will I.e.- given at the Itur
woexl. the bill changing to "Uarbaia Kriet
chi" on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Morrison
will be well enough to resume his work
with the new bill.
Have you friends? in the east? In tha
west? In the old country? Bend them
each a copy of the Jubilee Edition of The
Bee. Advertise Omaha.
Greeks' First Da ure.
The entertainment committee of the
Omaha Pan-Hellenic club has announced
a dancing party for the members of the
clut) to be given at Chambers' academy
Thursday evening. FVhruarv 1. Ae-cent-auces
eif Invitations are to he sent to W
I I'nsii ker. 114 fede ral building, and tick
ets maiy be secured at the storn of Stephens
V Smith. Jn7 South Sixteenth street. The
party will be tho tirst social svsnt of the
All Traffic 11 Delayed by BetTj Snows,
(hiefly in Iowa.
Kxeept for Related Arrivals West
ward. o Inconvenient or
Harm Is Reported as Re-
It of atorm.
A great contrast was tioticed Thursday
morning as the trains from the east ami
those from, the west pulled Into the Fnloti
station. The trains from the east were
covered with a blanket of sleet and snow
and lookeel as If they had Just come In
from the north pole, while the trains from
the west were sleek and bright, without a
-isible rign of the storm. All trains from
the east were about four hours late and the
western trains were practically all on time.
Tho Northwestern train encountere-d
about the hardest part of the storm, the
now at Boone, la., being reported elghteet
inches deep and most of the wires down.
The evening trains were much neirer on
time, the storm having abated and the
trucks be ing eieared of the snow. v
Repairs for Locomotives.
The annual reports of some of the latger
western roads show an Interesting table on
the cost of repairs of locomotives, showing
that the cost of repairs, both running and
In shop, is closely preiportlonal to t,he- trac
tive power and therefore to the height on
the drivers.
On the Union pacific In 1!i"4 there were
1:4 engines with an average weight on the
drivers of fifty-eight tons. The cost of
locomotive repairs and renewals jer en
gine mile was 13.R4 cents; per 100-ton miles, .
17.04 cents and per locomotive. t3,'iefi. The
cost of repairs per engine on tho Not them
Pacific was f;.07T. and em the Southern i
Pacific. f3.473. The highest cost for repairs '
per engine was on the Santa Fe, which 1
leached tl.lW per engine. These lines all
use the heaviest locomotives ceintructed
and a comparison with the figures of tha 1
other middle-west lines which do not have
to cross the mountains and which, there
fore, ase lighter engines, shows t fie cost
less. The Milwaukee has 1.011 engines
which cost ror repair and renewals but
fl,4H3, aud the Northwestern owned lust
year 1.307 engines, which cost tier engine
for renewals and repairs, fl,563.40.
Inlon Paelflc Kqalpment.
New equipment is daily rolling into the
station for the Fnlon pacific, and during
the next few weeks all of the present order
will be received, which will go a iQng ways
toward helping out In the present rush of
business. Twelve of tho new engines are
here und the whede consignment, consisting
of twenty-five freight engines, ifteen pas- j
senger engines and ten switch engines, is
all expecte-d shortly. It also Is expected
that l.Xirt new box ears will be received
berore the month Is out, as well as SO coal
Rallntiy totes nnd Personals.
J. A. Kuhn, assistant general freight and
passenger agent of the Northwestern Is
in Kansas City.
F. W. Hopper, traveling passenger agent
eif the Grand Trunk, with headquarters at
Kansas City, is in Omaha.
General Manager Hldwell ef the North
western lines west of the Missouri has re
turned from a trip to Cheyenne.
President Hearno, Vice President J. F.
Wilborn and party eif ofMclals of the Colo
rado Fuel and Iron company arrived in
Omaha Wednesday night in the private
car "Sunrise" of the Colorado A Wyoming
Railroad company and were visitors at the
t'nluti Pacific headquarters Thursday
morning. Nothing was announce-,! as to
the nature of their visit, but they were
eioselcel with General Manager Mohler of
the I'nion Pacific for some time.
The' Milwaukee has put on a ne w line of
sleepers on the Overland Limited which are
the finest ever turned euit by this company.
Illation ten sections nnel besides have a
drawing room and two estate rooms which
are mode-Is. The y comprise a whole section
and a separate wash room and teillet for
eae-h, sei a party can travel in seclusion
the- same as iu the finest compartment cars.
"Hearts of 4iold" nt the Kroa.
A weird drama, weirdly acted, was of
fered at the Krug last night for the last
half of the week. It is one of those things
that defy criticism, and do not merit re
view. The engagement lasts till after
Saturday night, with a matinee fin Satur
These are all our own make, pure
wool and In all colors. Just the
thing for children in this winter
weather f
ptlces from 50c iOC
All wool Mittens of our own manu
facture" made of the best yarns, in
all colors and sizes 4 e-
prices from 60c g
For men and women hand knit
made from the oest wool in all
sizes and colors - 4 mm
prices frc, Sf 2Sc 1 Sp
and 4 - w
We are showing a big line of Silk
Mufflers in square and long
lengths Way's, Scott's and padded
styles prices are $1.75, " E?
$1.00, Toe, Wo, down JOC
Jos. F. Bilz
322 5. i6th Street.
Mortdavy, January 8, 1906
1407 Douglas.
toi ltane-roft St. Telephone 1K1.
rescue' c'hr'i'stYah home
(Incorporated )
Established for the purpose of helping
penitent fallen women to restore them tt
dome anil friends whtie possible, when not,
to provide them with a home and employ
ment, until such time as they snail ba
able to care for themselves.
Ai.T. donations thankkilm re-
vV ', .' .ev
', i- j I-' " 'i i 1 s-f
f - " l!. !
Mr. Kretl lorwall. IKtli and Pierce
St., Curr-d tf Asthma After
SunVrintt 22 Your.
Mr. Doerwald, who Is a prominent vet
erinary surgeon and has been located at
1st li and Pierce streets for 27 years, tells
nf a remarkable cure of asthma In his case
by a short course of Dr. Rtanaman's nw
method ot treating. In speaking i-f Ills
rase, be said: "Twenty-two vests ago I
began to have shortness of breath and
choking, constant wheeling and rattling in
my chest and coughing. I would raise
tough phlegm. Finally I got so Imel 1
could not work. Ioetnrs told me asthma
could not be cured. 1 had to sit tip at
night; the only relief I got was from smok
ing an asthma powder, which only gave
temporary relief. I lost flesh and strength.
1 went to Dr. Hrannman n physical wreck,
and in a few wee ks I was a man. 1 can
now breathe free and easy. I sleep like a
child all tilcht. I do not cough or have any
more rattling eir whee-r.lng. This New Cure
Is a sure speeirli- for asthma and I recom
mend It to all my frlenels as no one could
be any worse than 1 was."
J ef . - ' V -
' 1
We can save you nearly one-half on the cost of youi
magazines and newspapers for 1906. Here are two of our
clubbing offers. Make your selection and send your order now
before you forget it. We may njt be able to duplicate them after
this month.
TIIE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, weekly, 1 year. .$1.00
Omaha Daily Bee, daily, 6 months 2.00
Madame, monthly, 1 year LOG
Gleanings in Bee Culture, semi-monthly, 1 year 1.00
Total value $5.00
Our special offer for the four,' good until December 31st,
only $2.00.
club "n"
THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, weekly, 1 year. .$1.00
Omaha Daily Bee, 3nily, 6 months 2.O0
Harper's Bazar, monthly, 1 year 1.0C,
Gleanings in Bee Culture, semi-monthly, 1 year 1.0Q
Green's Fruit Grower, monthly, 1 year 60
Commercial Poultry, monthly, 1 year 5G
Total value $6.1 C
Our clubbing price for the six, good until December 31st,
only $3.00.
Train Service
to California
Aud all principal points West via
Two meals quicker io San Francisco than via any other line.
Inuuire at
- - nTV ticKKT OFFICK. 1:124 KAKXAM ST.
Phone 8:14.
normal condition. No rutting, no pain, no danger, no detention from
work. Perfect ITRE OCA It ANTEED.
Men who have indulged In errors, excesses, overwork, or mental
worry word with you. Many ef you have Nervous Debility, Vital
Losses. Pimples. Lame Pick. Inflammation of the Rladder and Kid
neys. Organic Weaknesses, Despeende- y. Fulling Meineiry, Loss of Am
bition or similar symptoms, which rob you of your manheeod and abso
lutely unfit you for life. Otir treatment will eorrert all of these evils
and restore you to what nature Intended a hale, hearty, happy matt,
with all powers, vigorous and complete.
Bf DSMCirtfM rir treatment la tha result of tha
lmJJM rUIOUII many thousands of cases perfectly snd
Derrnanentlv cured, the manv caae-s of all staars of the disease wa
treat dailv. This rreat exrrlence has enabled us to perfect a treatment that IsTami-
lesr pleasant to take and the greatest hlesslns; to humanity. IT Cl'RKS Ql'iCKER than
TREATMENT at HOT SPRINGS Ws know this Is a BOLD statement to make but
we sra prepared to prove to anyone interested by getting the facts from patients
treated, who will aubstantlata every word of tha above. Investigate IT. No other
treatment like It In Omaha.
acquired diseases, PROSTATIC DI8KA8ES. and all DISEASES and DISORDERS of
MEN and all associate diseases and weaknesses of men. To thesa maladies aiona,
wa have earnestly devoted our professional live.
Everything cxmfldental and private. Medicine and lettera always sent In Plain
rackages In the fourteen years ws have been In Omaha our motto has been "LOW
CHARGES and QUICK CVRF3 Our home t-aatment by correspondence la alwaya
ucceasful. Consultation FREE. Address,
119 8. 14th, Cor. 14th aud DougU Streets, Omaha, Kebraaluu
A fine room with a vault heat
light water janitor service in a
fire proof office building for $18.00
The Bee Building.
Asthma Cure.
To all iM-jiinnln ttvntnti-nt with Dr.
HrnnantMn, Omaha's leading t.n-clal-1st,
this month, to prove to tho public
that Iht-rr ia it PKH.MAXKNT (HIK
for CllltOMC 1HSKASKH (that r
rurablc) the tint-tor glvos his iirofos
slonal sort ices KKKK and his treat
ment Kit KM to all who apply licfeiro
January Mist. The only expense to
the patient will be for tho medicine
ACTrAIXY ISKH. This Elves every
one tht' best treatment known to mod
leu I m-IOjico free until cured.
Many Will Be Cured for $3.00
The ineist stubborn and complicated cases
will not exceed tt for one whole month.
This offer Is not made as an experiment.
This new method of treatment has cured
hundreds of eases of eleafness. catarrh and
head noises that have been pronontued In
curable by other S-clHllsts.
Ienfnfs Cured.
Mr. Weneed Kranta. tXl South 17th t ,
s: "1 had head noises anil was getting
deaf; was troubled with catarrb of nose and
throat; ears stopped up: eould not hear dis
tinctly. Dr. Hrnniiman cured my catarrh,
stopping the head noises nnel restored my
hearing. I am now perfectly well and re
commend the eloetor to all who are draf."
Home Treatment as Kfl'ortitr as Of
fire Treatment. Write fr Homo
Treatment Symptom Hlunks ainl
Hook of Testimonials.
mil New York Life Bl.lg-..
OnVe Hours 9 a. m. to ti p. nt.; evenings.
Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7 to 8 p. m ;
Sundays, 10 a. nt. to 12 m.
Our method of curing tha quIcRest, harm
less snd restores tha ports at ones to