Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone 694.
Now located In the new
retail center, Howard
and Slxtooath
portunity for we are making a
the' papers.
1,200 Waists
In , Lingerie, Handkerchief Linen, pure Linen Hand Embroidered, Lin
gerie and Val Lare, Fancy Evening Waists, Plaid Waists, all our 811k
Waists and Lace Waists on Special Clearing Sale Friday at one-half
price. We consider our Waist Sale tomorrow one of the greatest
events of the season. Coming at a time when ladles are turning their
minds to Spring garments, makes this sale doubly Interesting. Come
Friday and let us guarantee that you will see the grandest collection
of pretty waists ever shown In Omaha.
Every Waist is clean, and most of them made by Messrs. Brill &
Krlegsman, manufacturers of the
All our $5.00 Waists at $2.50.
All our $6.00 Waists at $3.00.
All our $6.50 Waists at $3.25.
All our $7.00 Waists at $3.50.
All our $7.60 Waists at $3.75.
All our $8.00 Waists at $4.00.
All our $8.60 Waists at $4.26.
We still continue our Coat Sale,
January Clearing Sale Prices.
Bargains in Our Cloak Depart
ment Economy Basement.
Hundreds of all - wool, ltffht - weight
wants, worth from $2.60 to $5.00, at $1.49
Children's and Misses Coats at a frac
tion of their value. Ladles' $10.00 Coats at
Houso Wrappers in Our Econ
omy Basement.
We have added Ladles' Wrappers to our
economy basement, cloak department bar
Rains at 76c, $1.00 and $1.60 each.
Our January Linen Sale.
All our $1.75 Bleached Table Cloths, In
this sale, $1.00 ech.
All our $2.36 Bleached Table Cloths. In
this sale, $1.69 each.
AH our $3.00 Bleached Table Cloths, in
this sale, $2.00 each.
' AH Our $3.76 Bleached Table Cloths, in
this sale, $2.89 each.
All our $4.60 Bleached Table Cloths, in
this sale, $3.38 each.
NAPKINS! napkins::
All our $1.60 Silver Bleached Napkins, In
this sale, $1.00 a dosen.
All our $2.26 Bleached Napkins, in this
tale, $1.9 a dosen.
All our $3.00 Bleached Napkins, in this
sale, $2.00 a doxen.
All our $4-50 Bleached Napkins, in this
vale, $3.28 a dozen.
All our $8.60 Bleached Napkins, in this
sale, $5.00 a dosen..
All our $4 00 Bleached Napkins. In this
ale, $2.75 a d,sen.
believe if our hanks are permitted to issue
50 per cent of their present circulation
without security that It will go Just where
it ought not to go It will go Into specula
tion, .Legitimate business,' the merchant
and manufacturers cannot stand a tax of 5
or per cent on additional circulation, but
speculation can stand it and the promoter
will pay It.
1 don't believe 50 per cent Increase, which
would be $0,0ii0,000, is needed. If circula
tion is secured by legitimate commercial
paper, it Is certainly safe.
Colds tn Sore Tbroat.
Laxative Bromo Quinine, ths world wide
i 'old and Grip remedy, removes the cause.
Call for the full name and look for sig
nature of K. W. Grove. 25c.
Judgment of Five Millions Agalnat
Cincinnati Banker Defaulted
Eighteen Years Ago.
NEW YORK, Jan. 4. A verdict for I3,3N0,
U against - Edward L. Harper, once vice
president of the Fidelity National bank of
Cincinnati was affirmed today by Judge
Coxe, in the United States circuit court.
Eighteen years ago Mr. Harper was con
victed of causing the failure of the Fidelity
bank and served six years in prison. The
verdict which he was today ordered to pay
grew out of this failure. Tho original
amount sued for was $2.500,0(V, and today's
veidlut of over $6,000,000 represents ' this
claim plus the Interest which has accrued
during the eighteen years which the suit
bus been pending in the courts.
Mr. Harper Is at present vice president
and general manager of the Union Iron
and Steel company, with offices In this
That the Place to Take Hold.
A tuau says:
"'Borne years ago, while employed as an
Inspector by a large woven wire Fence
Co., I Was compelled to give up my
position because of 111 health brought on
by coffee poisoning.
From childhood 1 had used coffee free
ly, and. for many years had no thought
I hat there was possible harm In it.
"Hut aa time went on t gradually be
came the victim of indigestion, then of
heart trouble, then of habitual headaches,
and Anally was completely knocked out
by nervous prostration, which lost me a
good and profitable Job that I had held
tar years.
"At first I scarcely knew what to do, as
medicines seemed to have no lasting
effect, but It was up to me to do some
thing, and I turned lay attention to my
diet. .Having read more or less about the
injurious a effects of coffee, I concluded
that I would experiment to see whether
that kt the cause of my troubles."
"At first I cut down my coffee allow
ance balf, using Postum for the
other half of my table beverage. This
helped me some, but did not do what I
wanted U did not relieve me entirely.
X still suffered more or less with head
ache and nervousness. 8o I Just 'took
the bull by the horns' and cut the coffee
oft short. From the day that I began to
drink Postum exclusively my health be
gan to Improve, and I have continued Its
use, as I expect tu do for the rest of my
"Tho result Is that I have not had a
headache In' years, no man has better
digestion, my nerve are like Iron and
uiy mental powers are clearer, more
vigorous and accurate than ever before.
Shalt be glad to testify at any time
tuat Postum Food Coffee did mil this for
nle, and keeps me hale and hearty. I can
do Ml less.'' Name given by Postum Co.,
Fettle Creek. Mich.
There's a reason. ' Read the little book
The Road to Wellvllle" In pkgs.
Is the best in values we
when the best of poods nre being
usually dull month one of th busiest of the season. Read the list of
famous Opera Waist.
All our $9.00 Waists at $4.50.
All our $10.00 Waists at $5.00.
All our $12.50 Waists at $6.25.
All our $13.75 Waists at $6.75.
All our $15.00 Waists at $7.50.
All our $18.00 Waists at $9.00.
All our $20.00 Waists at $10.00.
Fur Sale and Suit Sale, all at our
All our 10c Huck Towels, in this sale, 6c
AH our 16Hc Huck Towels, in this sale,
10c each.
All our 26c Huck Towels, In this sale, 19c
All our 46c Huck Towels, in this sale, 25c
All our 76c Huck Towels, In this sale, 39c
All our $1.25 Huck Towels, in this sale,
S9o each.
CRASHES! crashes::
All our 74c Crash, in this sale, 34c yard.
All our 10c Crash, In this sale, 7c yard.
All our 124c. Crash, in this sale, 9c yard.
All our 16c Crash, In this sale, Kbc yard.
All our lfiHc Crash, in this sale, 13c yard.
AH our 6oc Bleached Table Damask, in
this sale, 26c per yard.
All our 65c Silver Bleached Table Damask,
in this sale, 49c per yard.
All our $1.00 Sliver Bleached Table Da
mask, In this sale, 76o per yard.
AH our $1.50 Silver Bleached Table Da
mask, in this sale, $1.00 per yard.
AH our $1.25 Silver Bleached Table Da
mask, In this sale, 89c per yard.
All our $1.00 Bleached Table Damask, In
this sale, 76c per yard.
All our $1.50 Bleached Table Damask, In
this sale, $1.00 per yard.
One $65.00 Bed Spread, In this sale, $J..i0.
One $45.00 Bed Spread, in this sale, $22.50.
One $15.00 Bed Spread, in this sale, $7.50.
Howard and Sixteenth Streets
Chicago Jiriit Draf.i ' saiurs to Regulate
Yreight Traffic.
This Body Is to Art as Prosecutor
of All Complaints Which Are
to lie Heard by Special
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-A bill following
.ne' outlines of a plan proposed by Judge
jrosscup of Chicago for the settlement ot
complaints of unjust rales and practices
.a railroad transportation was introduced
today by Representative Hogg of Colorado.
The bill provides for the abolition of the
present Interstate Commerce commission
.tnd the substitution therefor of a transpor
tation commission, consisting of Uuce
member In whom Is vested all the powers
of the present commission and upon whom
is cast the duty of proceeding In the name
of the United States In a special transpor
tation court, when they shall have reason
able grounds for belief that the law is
being violated, for the purpose of securing
a correction of the particular rate or prac
tice. The special court is to uonBist of
re veil members; three are to be the new
appointees and four are to be designated
from the existing circuit courts. The court
Is to sit at such places as the public con
venience requires and from the decision
o'f the court in generul term the appeals on
point of law lie by writ of certicg-aii to
the supreme court of the United Slates.
The bill provides for the publicity of ac
counts, methods of keeping the same and
makes owhers and operators of private
cars subject to the provisions of the act.
The purpose of the bill is to preserve all
of the benefits of the present commission
In the present capacity as arbitrators In
the disputes between the carriers and users
of transportation facilities and to provide
effective machinery for the enforcement of
remedies against? a carrier who fails to
act on lines marked out by the transpor
tation commission.
Salaries for Armjr Officers.
Salaries of officers Jf the United States
army are rearranged In a bill Introduced
today by Senator Scott to amend the laws
filing such salaries. The bill prescribes a
schedule as follows: The general, $J6,500;
lieutenant general, SU.0O; major general,
$7,500 ; brigadier general, $6,500; colonel,
$3,500; lieutenant colonel, $3,000; major,
$2.&5; acting as captain, regimental adju
tant, quartermaster and commissary, $2,400;
captain, mounted, $2,400; captain, not
mounted, $100; Hint lieutenant and bat
talion adjutant, Ji,19; first lieutenant,
mounted, $l.3u; not mounted, $1,800; .second
lieutenant and battalion quartermaster and
commissary; second lieutenant, mounted,
$l,8uo; not mounted. $1,680.
fltlaenshlu for Porto Blrsai, a
Senator Foraker today Introduced a bill
providing that the citizens ot Porto Rico
shall be citizens of the United States.
Expense Account of President.
Representative McCalla of Massachusetts
today Introduced a resolution providing for
an annual traveling appropriation of $15,000
to be used by the president for traveling
Mill Hooaevelt'e Wedding.
Tho president and Mrs. Roosevelt an
nounced to sight that the wedding of Miss
Alice Roosevelt to Representative Nicholas
Lotigworth of Cincinnati will occur on
Saturday, February 17, at 11 o'clock noon
In the east root a of the White House.
Promotion for Brass,
Marcus Braun. United Slates iiumlgraut
Inspector, haa been transferred from Mon
treal to 8. John. N. n. Mr. Braun gained
prominence aome time ago by char4ii
have ever held. The time to save is now
sold at these great special clearing juices. Do not misshe op
On $15.m Table Cloth, In this sal". 'S.
One $12.00 Table Cloth, in this sale. ..
One $12.00 Ltinch Cloth. In this snle. $4.n.
One $00.00 Mosaic Worked Table Cover,
In this sale, $10.00.
Our Economy Basement
Gives us more extra floor spare than the
entire room of the old store. It Is well
lighted and arranged, so that shopping
even here is a pleasure. The prices on
roods in our Economy basement are cheap,
but we are going to give big values. There
will be no shoddy or Inferior Roods sold
here. Domestics. Flannels, Blankets.
Comforters and Patterns are now sold In
the Economy basement. ,
100 Yard Spool Silk, 5c Spool.
At our notion counter In the Economy
basement we sell a good smooth full 1
yarj length' and size spool silk, In all the
desirable shades, at 6c per spool.
We Do a Cash Business
And have ever since we opened almost
twenty years ago. We are not going to
change our way, but for the convenience
of those who may want their purchases
charged, we have a Customers' Deposit
Account department. Purchases niaile In
this store may, be referred to it for pay
ment. This Is the way:
Deposit any sum that suits your con
venience. It will earn money for you
daily, for we pay 4 per rent interest, com
pounded every three months, for the time
your money Is with us. It Is not tied up,
for you are privileged to withdraw all or
part any day you wish.
Open a Customers' Deposit Account Hnd
have your purchases charged. It is not a
Special Announcement.
We take pleasure In announcing to our
patrons that we have secured the services
of Mrs. V. A. Jung, an expert teacher of
embroidery, who will give lessons In our
store, Art Department, for two weeks, be
ginning January 8t)v and ending January
20th. 1906. '
The hours will be from 9 to 12 and from
2 to 5 o'clock, and no charge will be made
for these lessons. Mrs. Jung will have a
handsome exhibit of finished pleres. You
are cordially Invited to join these classes,
also to call and see the exhibit.
Dre3s Goods News of
Have you attended the January special
sale of colored novelty silk luster brillian
tines? If you have not, you are maklnrc n
great mistake. Never mind the crowd "i
little Inconveniences you may experience
at tho counter when you can buy the
world's most beautiful fabric at a little
more than one-half price during die' great
January sale.
that the Hungarian authorities had tam
pered with his mall, and the matter was
the subject of exchanges lxiween this
country and Hungary. The transfer is
said to be In the nature of a promotion.
Quirk Vorsx on Statehood.
The Joint statehood bill will probably Me
favorably reported by the house committee
on territories next Monday or Tuesday and
unless present plans are changed It will
be considered by the houso on Wednesday.
The bill to be reported by the committee
will provide for the admission of Oklahoma
and Indian Territory as one state and New
Mexico and Arizona as another. It will
differ from the bill defeated at the last
session by the senate in that it will not
carry the Uullinger-Stone prohibition
amendment. In the bill to be reported
prohibition is provided for only In Indian
Territory and in the Indian reservations in
Oklahoma . The names of the new states
are to be Oklahoma and Arizona.
State Commission Say Concern Char
tered In South ltnkola la
BOSTON, Jan. 4. An injunction restrain
ing the Provident Securities & Banking
company of this city from doing further
business was petitioned for this afternoon
In the Massachusetts supreme court by the
state savings bank commissioners. The
court issued a temporary injunction and a
hearing will be held tomorrow on the
question of appointing a receiver. The
company is organized under the laws of
South Dakota and has an authorized capi
tal of $l,600.00u. It has about 8,1'irt deposi
tors with an average deposit Irani each if
about $.
The commissioners alleged that the com
pany was unable to meet its obligations.
According to the evidence of the commis
sioners in the supreme court today the
money deposited with the company, which
aggregated $lSJ,(m, had been poorly in-
vested. At a ttven moment the eononls
sloners allege that no more than II nr
could have been realized by the company
for tho purpose of meeting any obligations, i
Samuel Dalton, for many, years, udj.i
tant general for Massachusetts, Is presi-
dent of the bank.
Congregations of Culled Mules Will
liaise Large Amount of
Mouey for Work.
PITTSBURG. Jan. 4 United Presb.i
terian congregations throughout the country
next week will take the preliminary steps
looking toward the semi-centennial celehra- j lyun,v '" connection with the sale of the
tlou of that church, to be held in this city i ,' 0' ' 8t,vens military reservation, consist
in 1& and the raising of an offering of l"g "f 45'S56 ttt'r-s in McLean and Mercer
$:.0iW.0OO, which will be divided among tlie ' 0"nl'''S. to Judson Harmon, attorney geu-
interests of the church at home n,i
abroad. The semi-centennial commission
of the general assembly. Rev. R. SI. Rus
sell, D. D., of this city, chalrmun. haa sent
literature concerning the proposed contri
bution to every minister and congregation
in the denomination. Beginning with Sun
day, January 7. a week of prayer will be
1 beld and the congregations are then
quested to start subscriptions
big offering.
Let the world know how Omaha Is grow
ing and it will keep on growing. Do your
share by sending your friends copies of the
New Tear'a Edition of The Bee and Birds.
Eye View of Omaha. Do it now.
Museum Meeting tu May.
PITTSBURG. Jan. 4 -Dr. W. J. Holland,
director of the Carnegie museum in this
city, recently appointed to arrange for a
preliminary meeting of representatives of
all the museums of importance In North
and South America, announced todav that
me meeting wouia ne neia May lo In th.
, iw Vork. ,,"v"lu """'y
Hoe, Jan. 4, 1906.
genuine bargains each day in
Cashmere Gloves at January
Clearing Sale Prices.
Good, warm, serviceable Gloves at sperial
prices, just when you havo most need for
them. I
Cashmere Gloves, with fancy embroidered
bark, in black, brbn'n and navy. A full
lines of sixes, 5'4 to s. Sold at 75c; now,
50c per pair.
Fine Suede Gloves, with full silk linlnc.
In brown and navy, only; line of sixes
broken. Sold nt 7fc; now, BOc pair.
Black Cashmere Gloves, good value at
50c pair; line of sizes broken! now, !5c pair.
Men's Shirts, 40c Each.
On sale In our Economy basement. The
best well made work shiit on the market;
rialn black sateens, fancy cheviots, etc..
In eheeks, stripes nnd black with white
stripes. All sixes, from H'-j to 17'i a good
value at SOc, special price 40c each.
Handsome Silks that You
Should Know About at
Sweeping Reductions.
The last of the benutlful moire velo'ir
silks that you have admired so much. All
to go during this sale, regular $) and $1.23
quallly at one price. Cflc ft yard. 3fi In.
black chiffon taffeta, hamlsonie. rich black,
9Sc a yard.
Special Dress Goods in the
Economy Basement.
Probably few peoplw realize the extent
of the special values that are offered from
uy to day in the dress goods section of
the economy basement. All odd pleres.
broken lines, liere nnd there a color miss
ing, are sent to the basement for quirk
nellinsj. Handsome plaids. 6c and 10c a yd.
Pretty novelty shepherds' checks In two
and three colors, 5c and 9tc n yard.
54 In. rainproof that has never sold for
lens than $1.23, during this sale 5!r a yarl.
Regular top novelty dress goods, choice
pptlerns, blue, garnet, brown, 25c.
Pretty 4oc plaids now 20c. Make It a
point to visit our economy basement.
January Clearing Sale in Our
Economy Basement.
Comforters, sir.e 72x72, filled with flne,
clean cotton, at fife each.
Robe blankets that have sold at $1.23,
$1.75 and $'-'. go at !c each.
It will pay you to buy your bed blanke's
for next season NOW. Wool as well as
cotton will be much higher next season.
We must have the room for new goods,
soon to arrive, and are therefore making
gnat reductions in the prices of wool and
cotton blankets.
We are dosing out In our flannel depart
ment all the 25c wash walstings at 15c yd.
All the ( a to and 7"ic wool walstings at 3!c yd.
General Deme'.ria Rodriguei, Leader of
Insurgents, Killed i Engagement.
len IlanlHhed by Ooverninent Reach
Monte fhrtstl, Having; Returned
I on Invitation of the
Fugitive President.
CAPE HAYTIEN. Haytl, Jan. 4. Follow
ing the attack made January 2 on Puerto
liata, on the northern coast of Santo Do
mingo, by General Demetrio Rodriguez,
commanding tha troops of - the fugitive
president, General Morales, which resulted
In the repulse of the Morales forces by
the Caeeres garrison after sharp lighting,
the Caeeres troops, commanded by General
Cespedes, attacked tho Morales troops
yesterday in their position outside Puerto
Plata. Stubborn righting followed, during
which many men were killed or wounded
on both sides, resulting in 'the defeat of
the Morales force, which were dispersed
by l Ik; Caeeres troops. Among the killed
was General Liemelrio Rodriguez, former
governor of Monte . Christ!, who, as re
ported In Monte liiristl, had announced
that If his attack on Puerto Plata was
successful he would proclaim himself a
candidate for the presidency of Santo Do
mingo. The streets of Puerto Pluta are
almost deserted, the stores are closed and
business is at a standstill.
The Dominican exiles who have been
authorized by the Morales party to return
to fcanlo Domingo, are lauding at Monte
Christl. not far from Puerto Plata.
at Washington.
I WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. Mr. Joubert, the
Dominican representative here, received a
cablegram today announcing that Generul
I Rodriguez was killed at Puerto liata yes
n ,.. .
j t, rda " tlmt the lighting there had lasted
three days, but that the country was auiet
and It was hoped the situation would be
cleared today. Mr. Joubert communicated
this Information to Secretary Root.
Got eminent Is Investigating Auction
Snle of Eort Steven. Military
Iteiiervat Ion.
ST. IAI'L, Minn., Jan. 4. A special to
the Pioneer Press, from Fargo, N. D.. says:
A lis pendens has been filed in McLean
; ''ri" unar President Cleveland, L. C.
Black and C. A. Rosworth. This action is
taken on behalf of the United. States gov
ernment, pending an Investigation of
peculiar conditions in connection with the
auctioning off of the reservation to the
gentlemen named in 19"1. An Investigation
was order February 17. l'jorj, and recent
developments of a sensational character are
said to Involve prominent men on the
Missouri slope.
Trains Muowbound la ew Mexico.
TOPEKA. Ken.. Jan. 4. The Chicago,
Rock Island A Pacific announces a twenty-four-hour
blockade of Its "Golden State
Limited'1 and California fast mail passen
ger trains westbound In the snowdnlts
southwest of Santa Rosa. N. M. Forty
mlirs farther west No. 44. the Golden State
Limited, and No. 30, the Chicago fast mail
eaxthouud. are In a similar condition.
company hopea to break the blockade to
night. Headaches and SearalKla from Colds.
Laxative Promo Quinine, the world wide
Cold and Grip remedy, removes the eaic."
Call for Hie foil name and look for SI
nature of E. W. Grove. Sic.
Coroitr Makes Litili Progreti in StWiag
Aisasiination cf Charlai A. Edwards.
Maicy lllller Detained as a Wlt
iiFM-KdnsriU Told Friends
Ihnt llroiher-ln-lJiw Had
Threatened lllni.
NEW HAVEN. Conn., Jan. 4. Allan
Maxey Hiller, brother-in-law of Charles A.
Ilrlwards. the New Haven man, who was
shot to death In a mysterious manner
Tuesday night while at the home of Charles
A. Hiller, another brother-in-law here, was
locked up at police headquarters for a
short time by order of Coroner Mix. It
was later explained by this official that he
wanted to have Mr. Hiller handy on the
resumption of the inquest later In tho even
ing, and that Mr. Hiller was simply held
as a witness. This action was ttken st
the end of a sluing of the coroner's Inquest
ol about five hours.
The news of the coroner's action spread
like wildfire and the general supposition
was reached that Mr. lllller had been
rlaced under arrest. For this reason,
Coroner Mix made the definite announce
ment that Maxey Hiller's detention was
simply temporary. At 9 o'clock the Inquest
was resumed and among the witnesses
called, were Mrs. Maxey Hiller, Charles
Hiller and Maxey Hiller.
It is understood that the examination of
witnesses did not develop any special fea
tures, the questioning was mostly as to
family affairs of the Hlllers. and It is
understood that admissions were made tlint
the disagreements between Maxey Hiller
and his sister. Mrs. Edwards, were very
bitter, and that the alleged enmity of the
former extended to Mr. Edwards. It Is
understood that the coroner in the course
of his all-day Inquiry has found that Mr.
Edwards had often told his friends that
Maxey Hiller had made threats against
Death Due to Bullet.
Medical Examiner Bartlett, who was lit
charge of the autopsy, has prepared his
report. It is stated that the report will
show that Mr. Edwards was killed by a
bullet of ,U3 caliber, which penetrated his
brain. The weapon used must have been
held very close to his head. The point
whether the pistol was held by Mr. Ed
wards or another person Is not yet made
clear, as the coroner has not announced
the medical examiner's verbal report, but
It Is understood that an opinion has been
expressed that such a wound might have
been self Inflicted, but In this instance It
was unlikely. The coroner has not yet
found the weapon used in tho shooting, In
spile of the rigid search made for II, even
to overhauling the old Hiller homestead
by aid of plumbers and carpenters.
The Inquest was adjourned over until
morning at midnight. Maxey Hiller left
the coroner's office .and entered a hack and
was driven to his home. Two detectives
were In the same carriage, which drove by
the way of police headquarters, where a
uniformed officer was obtained as a guard.
Coroner Mix' said that he would say noth
ing about the inquest. Maxey Hiller. he
said, was not under surveillance; there
was absolutely no charge against him.
At the close of the Inquest tonight there
seemed to be more mystery attached to the
case than at any previous time. It Is un
derstood that no direct evidence bearing
upon the actual shooting has been pro
duced. Family Quarrel Over Estate.
Interviews given during the day by the
Hiller brothers and by friends of the fam
ily all seemed to indicate that there had
been Serious family differences over the
estate of the late Mrs. Abigail Hiller.
whose death occurred on November 9, 1905.
She was the mother of Charles A. and A.
Maxey Hiller and of Mrs. Edwards, wife
of the victim of the tragedy. According to
the statements made the chief difference
was over the appointment of an adminis
trator of the estate, which Is of consid
erable value.
A. Maxey Hiller said to an Interviewer
i today that to the best of his belief his
mother left a will and that it was In a
safe in the Hiller homestead, where his
brother Charles has lived for several
months. The key of this safe, A. Maxey
Hiller said, had disappeared and the safe
bad, not been broken Into, he explained,
because It had been expected that the key
would be found. Mr. Hiller added that his
relations with Mr. Edwards were friendly
and that he had never had an argument
with him.
Charles Hiller, when asked about the sit
uation in regard to his mother's estate,
said that on Tuesday evening after Mr.
Edwards returned to the Hiller residence
from the reception which lie had attended
they had an hour's chat. There was a dl i
cusslon. Mr. Hiller said, as to the settle
ment of Mrs. Hiller's estate. About 11
o'clock I hat night Mr. Edwards hade him
good night and went to his room, appar
ently In good spirits. He did not see him
alive afterward.
From a friend of the Hiller family it was
learned today that Charles Hiller snd Mr.
and Mrs. Edwards were agreed In desiring
the appointment of a New Haven banker
as Administrator of the estate of Mrs.
Hiller. but that the appointment was op
posed by A. Maxey Hiller. It is said that
the latter desired the appointment for him
self. In explanation of his failure to hear any
report of a revolver during the night when
the bullet which killed his brother-in-law
I ui.A.I .. itu ,lwulr,n r'l.o .... Hill- u
. J. ' ,
lime lie Meeps iitfniiouiiy luumeil 111 hlan-
kets even to his head. He is naturally sub-
Ject to chills. With his head thus covered
he might not be aroused by even so sharp
a sound as a revolver shot In the next
Suggestion of Suicide.
A suggest ion for a motive for suicide was
made this afternoon by A. Maxey Hiller
during an Interview. He asked:
"But have Mr. Edwards' affairs with the
General Chemical company, with the pas
sale Chemical company, of which he was
once treasurer, been looked Into? There
they might find some motive for suicide,
though 1 am sure I don't see what could
have become of the weapon, if a weapon
was really used. Now, I know there was a
tangle In the affairs of the Passaic com
pany, for 1 lost $1,() In it on the " At
this point Mr. Hiller abruptly changed to a
discussion of the doors In the house on the
morning after the murder and refused lo
talk further about Mr. Edwards' financial
affairs. Throughout the interview Mr. Hil
ler seemed positive that Mr. Edward'
deatli was due either to apoplexy or to sui
cide. Three persons only are said to have had
keys to the Hiller homestead Mrs. Ed
wards, A. Maxcv Hiller, who lives with his
wife and children in a beautiful home- on
Temple street, and Charles A. Hiller. The
lutter's home U in KansaH and his family
live there, but Judge Hiller has been t
New llavn fur some time, having been
railed hero on account of the ill health of
ids mother
Kallroads Would Re Good.
WASHINGTON. Jn. 4 Through a com
mittee representing the truffle managers of
ne eastern trunk lines which came here
yesierday. arsuraneea having been given
the lntrtate Commerce commission that
the roads have indicated a desire t- eora
tlv with the law with respect to the grant
t -i oi r'iu'e- and other siw rlal .invHeges.
Following a coiaeniic-! ot Hie traffic man-
sgers with the commission some time ego
tills commute has been st work securing
pledges to this end.
(Continued from First Page.)
man Martin has Introduced such a bill In
the house, as has also Senator Gamble In
the senate. These bills plan to creato min
ing experiment stations for scientific min
ing Inquiry along the lines of the agricul
tural experiment stations, whereby the
prosK-ctor snd mining man will be better
stile to know how to handle his ores.
Land Office Appointments.
The president today appointed Alpha H.
Hoyt register nnd Levi R. Davis receiver
of the land office at Sundance, Wyn., and
Robert R. Herro receiver of the land
office at Lander, Wyo.
Personal Mention.
Representees Walter I. Smith of Coun
cil Bluffs relumed to Washington today, as
did also Judge Connor of the Tenth Iowa
district. These Iowa congressmen have
been at home spending the holidays.
The first official reception of the season
given In honor of the diplomatic corps by
President Roosevelt was largely attended.
The Nebraska contingent In congress and
In official life was much In evidence. Mr.
Victor Rosewater and wife, who have been
visiting In Baltimore, came over from the
Monumental city to attend the reception.
Assistant Surgeon J. F. Murphy. U. 8.
N., has been ordered to Omaha for duty
at the naval recruiting station In that city,
to take effect January 24, relieving Acting
Assistant Surgeon C. K. Winn, who will
proceed to Washington for duty at the
naval hospital.
The Emmetsburg National bank of Eiil
metsburg. la., hss been authorised to begin
business with $oO.000 capital. M. L. Brown
is president and W. J, Brown cashier.
Sands Calhoun of Fairfield, la., James
W. Dlvelblss of Hot Springs, 8. D., have
leen recognlztd as agents to represent
claimants before the Interior department.
W. 8. Foxwood of Omaha, Ouy N. Drumet
of Beatrice, E. M. Bear of Clarks. Neb.,
have been appointed railway mall clerks.
Upon the recommendation of Congress
man Haugen. Dr. P. E. Gardner has been
aptu.nt.-d pension examiner surgeon at New
Hampton, la., vioe Dr. Amos Babcock, re
signed. Frances A. Richards has been unpointed
regular and Frank M. Richards substitute
rural carrier for route S, at Muscatine, Ja.
Chairman frsne Requests that South
Dakota Committee Take
SlOl'X FALLS, 8. D., Jan. ,4. (Special
Telegram. 1 Nearly every county In the
state was represented at the meeting held
here this evening by the republican state
central committee for the purpose of ar
ranging for this year's campaign. The meet
ing was presided over by Frank Crane,
chairman of the state committee.
Before the routine work ot the meeting
was taken up Chairman Crane referred to
charges made by political opponents and
circulated in a part of the press of the
state during the past year or more to the
effect that the campaign books for the cam
paign two years ago were not In proper con
dition. The chairman asked that the mat
ter be Investigated. After some discussion
the matter was referred to the executive
committee of the state committee, with In
structions to examine the books of the state
committee as to receipts and disbursements
during the last campaign and make a re
port ut the republican state convention next
An effort tohave Thomas Thorson of Lin
coln county and Paul Dutcher of Brookings
added to the executive committee for the
purposes of the Investigation resulted un
successfully. The two men are counted aa
opponents of Chairman Crane.
Sioux Fulls was by a unanimous vote se
lected as the place for holding the next
state convention. The date, June 6, Is fixed
by law. The appointment of delegates to
the convention also Is fixed by law, each
county being entitled to one delegate for
every fifty votes or major fraction thereof
cast for Samuel H. Elrod, republican nomi
nee for governor In ISM.
Just prior to adjournment a resolution
was adopted without a dissenting vote to
the effect that the state convention nomi
nate a republican candidate for the United
States senate.
Testimony at Coroner's Inquest of
Conflicting Mature.
BUNESTEEL. 8. D., Jan. 4.-(Spela!
Telegram.) No new developments have
turned up In the case of the death of Peter
Kaden, a homesteader from Hoaklns, Neb.,
whose body was found In a well thirty
miles west of Bonesteel on the reservation.
The verdict of the coroner s Jury was sui
cide, but conflicting testimony was un
The neighbor. Isaac Syfe, whose horse
was taken ostensibly as a Joke, came to
Bonesteel today and swore out a warrant
for the arrest of Kaden for larceny. When
questioned by the Justice Syfe denied hav
ing any knowledge of Kaden'a death, al
though he lives in plain sight of Kaden'a
house, a quarter of a mile away, where
the Inquest and xeniees were held. Others
claim they met Syfe Monday and told him
of Kaden's death. Syfe's story and the
testimony at the coroner's Inquest conflict
In many wsys. Some suspect that Kaden
met with foul play, though no marks of
violence were found on the body. Several
of Syfe's friends claim they saw Kaden
alive Sunday afternoon, but searchers who
found the body claim they discovered it
the same afternoon in the well, though
the coroner was not notified until Monday
The authorities here will make a rigid
investigation of the whole affair. Sensa
tional developments are expected.
Judge MeClilu of lows Supreme Court
Delivers Address.
6IOCX FALLS. 8. D., Jan. 4. (Special
Telegram.) The annual meeting of the
South Dakota Bar association, after a two
days" session, concluded this evening with
the annual banquet of the association.
At a business session the following offi
cers were elected for the coming year:
President, A. W. Burtt, Huron; first vice
president. Judge J. W. Jones. Sioux Falls;
second vice president, W. L. Mclaughlin,
Dead wood; secretary, John H. Voorhees.
Sioux Falls; treasurer, I. W. Goodlier,
Pierre was selected as the place for hold-
A!wy , lue" U$
ember tb Full J
Kromo Qui
Qo-M Cold iaOo Day
There Is But j
I One Way 8
to urcuiiiulato savings, that
is to jaeo them where they
will not be pent and will
draw a liberal rate of inter
est. Wo pay 4 per cent com
pound interest on savings
The Oldest & Strongest Sav
ings Bank in Nebraska.
City Savings Bank
If you want a safe investment.
If I could meet you face to fuco.
I know my enthusiam would cer
tainly appeal to you. I sell for
1522 Farnam Street.
ing the next annual meeting of the asso
ciation. One of the features of the closing session
was an address by Hon. Emll MoClaln of
the Iowa supreme court on "Written and
Unwritten Constitutions of the United
Material Addition to Tax Roll.
VERMILION, 8. D., Jan. 4.-(Speclal.)-County
Auditor Krlckson has prepared a
statement showing how much money will
bo placed In the city, county and state
funds as a result of the supreme court's
decision that moneys and credits In Clay
county for the year 1904 were taxable.
According to this statement the city of
Vermilion gets $66$, the Independent school
district $840. Clay county and the state
about $500 each. '
Orders Dogs Mussled.' I'
VERMILION, 8. D., Jan. 4. iSpecial.1
Owlng to the alleged prevalence of rabies
among the canines. Mayor H. I Ferry has
ordered that every dog In the city be muz
sled. In order that the people may know
that the order must be promptly obeyed,
he announces that every dog within the
city limits not muszled within a certain
period will be allot by the officers.
If 1'ra.vellna; 1st Jaoau
Or any civilised country, you can procure
Laxative Bromo Quinine from any drug
gist. All nations use It. B. W. GROVE S
signature on box.
Former Governor of Kansas Returns
State Funds Ised to fluy
' TOPEKA, Kail., Jan. 4. Willis J. Bailey,
formerly governor of Kansas, today turned
into the state treasury $1,200 of the money
expended by him for groceries and laundry
work during his administration as governor,
the money being taken from the fund ap
propriated by the legislature for the main
tenance of the executive mansion. The
state supreme court ruled that the main
tenance fund was not properly used by
Governor Bailey.
Krensled with I'rar
are many who develop lung trouble. Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
wilt cure them. B0 cents and $1.00. For
sale by Sherman tt McCnnnell Drug Co.
We still have copies of the New Yesfg
Illustrated Edition of The Bee. Order them
now before the edition Is exhausted.
Disabled Steamer In Tow.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 4. A message
from Port Reyes says that the disabled
steamer City of Pueblo Is being towed to
this port by two steamers and should reach
here this afternoon.
B QYP'S WM'.rn.fersUr'W
Four Nights, Commencing Sunday
-Mat. Wednesday-DL'STLM
Same Excellent Cast.
PtlQWnfin Nights Bun. Msts. 10c 2a
uuii ii www rues.. i fturs ,nat Mats.iu-K
Are You a Mason
'Phono 404. I
Tonight and Saturday Matinee and Night.
Oka be Japanese Troupe. Edwin IaTcII.
I-s Elgonas, James II Cullen, Dixon A
Anger, Miszl von Wendl, Mathews at Man
ning and the Kinodrume.
Prices 10c, ate, &oo.
Prices UiQ. jeo. ta, rks.
Mats. Anv Seat, 3Ce
The Great Rural Drama, -
"Hearts of Cold."
BUNTAT George Sidney In "Busy
tuy's Vacation."