Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 05, 1906, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Yu Must Buy The Dee
tr irnr tAvr to
Re&.d the Bryan Letter
You Must Buy The Bee
ik yoy yr to
Rfad the Bryan Letters
Band of Workmen Vnrder Policimsn nd
DrajooDi tnd Capture factory.
Workaan, Who Ara Quickly leiaforctd,
Throw up Parricadea.
Many are killej and wounded
Soldiera Almoit Inline with Fury and
Great .onfnaion Ensues,
Leaders Are Delivered 1'p to Com
mander of the Fortress and
Will Re Tried or
RIGA, Livonia, Russia, Tuesday, Jan. 2.
- (By Courier to Bt. Petersburg, Jan. 4.
About 8,000 armed workmen before daylight
this morning Invaded and took possession
of the Provdnlk rubber factory, and the
military, as this message Is forwarded, are
bombarding the factory.
The revolutionists killed the policemen
who were guarding the building, and a de
tachment then crept Into an adjoining
structure, where a patrol of dragoons was
asleep and murdered eight dragoons and
six stablemen and wounded eleven others.
One man managed to escape and gave the
alarm to the troops, two regiments of
which, with artillery and six quick-firing
guns, arrived at the scene by daylight.
In the meantime the revolutionists had
thrown up barricades, and a terrific fire
was opened by the troops upon these de
fences and on the factory. In the midst
of the confusion existing, as this dispatch
Is written. It Is impossible to ascertain the
number of killed or wounded, but many
have been killed and over 100 wounded
have been carried to the hospitals. The
soldiers are almost Insane with fury. The
territory In which the factory la located
has been picketed by guards, who threaten
to kill any person approaching. The
correspondent had a narrow escape. He
unwittingly entered the proscribed terri
tory through a aide street and was twice
fired upon before he had an opportunity
to explain.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 4. According to
the governor-! advice from Riga, after the
workmen who seized the Provodtnlk rubber
factory had been routed the troops cap
tured 1,600 prisoners. Of the twenty-two
persons accused of the murder of the sleep
ing dragoons eighteen were arrested.
Troops for Caucasia.
ODESSA, Russia, Jan. 4. Two torpedo
boats, having troops on board, have been
dispatched to Sukam-Kale, Caucasia, and
Novorossiysk, Caucasia, which are In the
hands of the revolutionists. The govern
ment treasuries at those places have been
saved and taken to Sebaatonol on a war
Sixteen , uuudred railrtmd and suu telo
giaph operators of Odessa and this vicinity
have been dismissed on account of their
connection with the general' strike.
Lieutenant Schmidt, leader of the naval
mutiny at Sebaatapol, In November last,
and his son, are being brought from Otcha
koff (a fortified seaport forty miles from
Odessa) to Sebaatapol on a warship. They
will be tried by court-martial next week.
The trial will place behind closed doors.
LONDON, Jan. 4. A special dispatch
from Copenhagen today says that the
workmen who seized the Provodnlk rubber
factory at Riga Tuesday, surrendered and
delivered up their leaders to the comman
der of the troops. The prisoners will be
tried by court-martial.
AnslK with Patience Action ol
Yeaesaela la Matter of Sec
retary Talcay.
PARIS. Jan. 4. The Foreign office says
the Veneiuelan question hus underguue no
material change. France continues to rely
on its undertaking with the United States
whereby efforts arc proceeding to adjust
the controversy.
In the meantime the government has
given a distinct mark of confidence in M.
Talgny. promoting him from the rank of
second secretary to first secretary of lega
tion. The officials here recognize the an
noyance to which M. Talgny has been sub
jected and they Buy that under ordinary
conditions he would be withdrawn as a
measure of protect, but the Veneiuela n
situation Is considered to be so abnormal
that M. Talgny remains at Caracas chiefly
to give official protection to the large
French interests In Venezuela. A renewal
of the recognition of M. Talgny's official
status by Veneiuela continues to be an In
dispensable condition of the adjustment of
the questions In dispute between France
and that republic. M. Wiener, the French
minister to Veneiuela. remains In Paris
on leave. His return to his post might
afford a possible solution of the difficulties,
but no consideration has yet been given to
such a move, as the French government
Insists that the Talgny incident must be
fully adjusted before further action Is
London Hrfonri to Believe that
Franco. German Mtaatloa
1.UNION. Jan. 4 Official and unofficial
circles in Great Britain do not consider
the Franco-German situation as serious,
it Is true that the reports emanating from
KYance had a slight effect on the stocks
market, but this wus only temporarily.
The. British go eminent Is going on with
the arrangements for the Moroccan con
ference, and while It Is sdmitted that Ger
many may raise questions which can cause
Irritation, it Is not believed that this will
prevent the conference from arriving at a
final and satisfactory settlement. It Is
certain that Great Britain desires this, and
while its acticn will be In accord with
France, 11 will exert Itself to prevent any
approach lo a rupture. If Germany's pro
posals regarding the protection of Its trade
do not Interfere with a fair field for trade
of all countries. It is not likely to meet
with any opposition from Great Britain.
While the correspondents In Berlin and
Paris are sending lengthy dispatches out
lining the views of their respective capi
tals, the Imdon papers make no comment
uti the Moroccan situation.
CHICAGO, Jan. 4 Assistant Freight
Manager Harry Uower of the Rock Island
road, has been promoted to be freight
traffic manager. The appointment becomes
effective at one.
Sister to Congressman Hull ol Iowa
Makes Scene and la
A rreeted.
WASHINGTON. Jan. I- A distressing
seen" was enacted at the Whl'e House ex
ecutive offires today In which a woman
was carried r--o nilng from the building
because, she r 1 to leave without re
sort to force. . J
About I o' g a handsomely attired
woman, appa. J. about W) years of age,
entered the I ive offices and Inquired
for Secretary . Throtmh a messenger
she sent her $ lo the secretary. On the
card was en d the name Mrs. Minor
Morris, and n beneath it In Ink was
the address. s'pw Wlllard.
To Assists ' jcretary Barnes she said
that she wa to see the president. She
told Mr. E that her husband Itad
been dlscha from the government ser
vice and she wanted to demand from the
president his reinstatement, or at least
to discuss the matter with him. Mr.
Barnes explained to her that the president
had nothing to do with such subjects and
she better take up th matter with
the head of th department from which her
husband had been discharged.
Mrs. Morris declared In a loud tone that
she had come to the White House to see
the president and proposed to see him
even If she had to camp out there for a
As Mrs. Morris Is a large woman, three
officers had difficulty In handling her. but
eventually they picked her up bodily and
with the assistance of one of the White
House servants carried her screaming to
the police call box on the east side of th
White House. She was forced to got Into
a patrol wagon and was taken to the
house of detention. There she was placed
under the care of the matron, who suc
ceeded In cnlming her. Thus far no charg
haa been made against Mrs. Morris. She
has been a guest of the New Wlllard for
about three weeks, registering from the
District of Columbia
Mrs. Morris is the wife of Dr. Minor
Morris of (this city and Is a younger sister
of Representative Hull of Iowa, chairman
of the house committee on military affairs.
About 1900 Dr. Morris was appointed a
clerk in the office of the surgeon general,
and In April, 1902. he was discharged. The
reasons were not specifically stated In the
official record of the case.
Mrs. Morris was released from the house
of detention shortly after 6 o'clock this
afternoon and returned to the New Wlllard
hotel tonight. She refused to see any
callers, sending word she was indisposed.
She has been a guest at the New Wlllard
for a long time.
Vessels Collide In Sieve York Harbor
and One Life Is Reported
NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Scores of tugs and
steamers went astray in a dense fog which
enveloped New York harbor, Hudson river
and East river for over an hour today.
One wreck, a collision in which one man
was fatally Injured, and several smaller
accldenta were reported. Fully half the
ferry lines etopped running for about an
hour. Thousunds of persons living In New
Joraey. Long Island and Staten Island were
delayed from entering Manhattan to attend
their business, and many of these ferry
boats which did venture to penetrate the
white veil hiding Manhattan, arrived at
their docks with stories -of hairbreadth
On I turner shoal a tugboat was sunk and
the life savers went to the rescue of Its
crew, who sought refuge on one of a string
of scows which It had In tow.
The Erie railroad passenger ferryboat
Passaic was run down In Hudson river by
; the ferryboat Blnghamton of the Delaware,
j LAckawunna & Western railroad. The Paa
Bloc's side was crushed In so badly that
I the walls of the men's cabin fell partially
Into this room. One bulkhead was also
J crUHhed In. Nicholas Carlo, a deck hand,
was fatally Injured and Thomas F. Piper,
' a passenger, was slightly hurt. Fortu
: uately the Passaic was carrying very" few
; passengers. The Blnghumton backed away
! In the fog, leaving the Passaic helpless and
' listing with one paddlewhcel crushed. For
a lime the ferry seemed to be in such dan
, ger of sinking thut the lifeboats were low
ered ready for use. Tugboats answered the
ferry's distress signals and towed the dam
j aged vessel ashore. Carlo was put on one
. of the tugs aud sent to shore to a hospital.
1 Ho was seated with his back to the outer
' wall In the men's cabin, being thrown com
j pletely across the room by the shock of
: the collision.
Governor of ew York Refuses to
Interfere lu Case of
j ALBANY, N. Y., Jan. 4. Governor Hig
1 gins today announced that he would deny
' the application for a reprieve of Albert T.
Patrick, the lawyer who is cam: lined In
, Sing Sing prison under sentence to die
; January 2 for the murder of the aged
New York millionaire, William Marsh Rice.
! The appllcatloh was made on Tuesday
! by ex-Senator William Lindsay of Ken
tucky, who is practicing law in New York,
and A. C. Shenstone, also of New York,
Iwho appeared in Patrick's behalf owing to
the illness of David B. Hill. They asked
Governor HlggtnB to giant a respite In
Patrick's case to enable them to examine
the 8,0110 pages of testimony taken In the
trial In order to perfect an appeal to the
United States supreme court.
The governor said today that his denial
of the reprieve must not be interpreted as
In any way foreshadowing what his action
would lie upon an application for executive
clemency. He has written Patrick a attor-
I tieys stating that In view of the long per
iod which has elapsed since Pntrick's con
viction he Is not satisfied that a further
delay for the sole purpose of taking an
appeal on technical grounds was in the In
terests of Justice
Stockholders Vote to lease Fifteen
Millions Dollars siew Slack
mt Once.
CHICAGO, Jrui. 1. At the annual meeting
of stockholders of Swift and Company It
was voted to Issue at once ll6.omi.Oni new
stock, bringing the total capital stock up to
tSO.0iO.ft00. The shares will be issued at par
to stockholders of record of January 4 and
the new certificates will be distributed Feb
ruary 7. The statement of earnings sub
mitted at the meeting showed 12 per cent
earned on the present outstanding capital.
Seven per cent was paid during the year in
dividends, leaving a per cent to be carried
to surplus.
M. E. Hollis of Boston was elected to fill
the vacancy .left by E. IL Barnes on the
buard, of directors.
Awfil Exploiitn in Coal Mine Near Coal
a!., W. V.
Shaft and Entries Fall of tl
and Bodies Cannot Re Re
covered for Many
BLfPFIBI.DS. W. Va., Jan. 4. Twentj
one miners In the Coaldale company's shaft
at Coaldale, W.Va., were probably Instantly
killed by an explosion that took place there
about noon today. There were three whit
men and eighteen colored men entombed
and no hope Is held out that any. of them
escaped death. The explosion was of ter
rific force and caused Intense excitement
throughout the surrounding country, many
people believing an earthquake had oc
curred. The mining cars and most of the
property used In the mines are supposed to
have been blown to pieces. At 5:30 this
afternoon tha body of one of the miners
was discovered some loo feet away from the
mine entry so mutilated that it la unrecog
nizable. The Coaldale operation Is owned and
operated by the Cooper Bros., who are a!so
owners of the Mill and Creedowell Coal and
Coke companies.
The Coaldale plant Is considered one of
the best operations in the field. Ed Cooper
Is on the ground supervising the rescue
Like an Earthquake Shock.
ROANOKE. Va, Jan. 4.-A speriil to
night to the Roanoke Timea from Blueflelds,
W. Va,, aays: Never before but once In the
history of the Pocahontas coalfield has
there been audi a fearful disaster as that In
the Coaldale Coal company'! shaft at Coal
dale. W. Va., todny. The victims of that
other disaster sleep in the cemetery at
Today at noon, while the Coaldale, XV.
Va., coal mines were crowded with men
there was a sudden and heavy rumbling a
mile and more In the depths of the moun
tain and through the miles of passages and
air shafta of that Immense mine the shock
as feit. Before the detonations had died
out Bank Boss Thomas Williams, who was
a long distance from the explosion, stag
gered to his feet and feeling his way to a
mine telephone called to those on the out
side that there had been a terrible explosion
of mine gas and asked for help.
Gathering about the entries, hastening
crowds, urged by cool heads and anxious
hearts, hurried to prepare for the rescue of
the missing ones and an exploration of the
wrecked workings. At 4 o'clock one man
was brought out. He waa H. C. Conrad and
his body was literally torn to pieces. His
clothing was hanging In shreds.
Bodies Still In Mine.
Fp to a late hour tonight no other bodies
had been recovered. There was consider
able smoke and gas In the entries and not
withstanding the fact the big fani were In
good order and were working with full
capacity, the gas and smoke were not being
driven out very fast.
The following are the dead, and their
bodies are, witn the exception of Conrad,
still burled In the mine:
LARAZ A1.AD4R, Hungarian.
Bllxsard at Head of ULm Still Hasces
and Weather tirovva
DUU Tit, Minn., Jan. 4. The blizzard is
still raging at the head of the lakes, with
the weather rapidly growing colder. The
snow Is badly drifting and t raffle on elec
tric and steam roads Is badly impeded.
Many telephone and telegraph wires are
out of commission.
DE8 MOINES, Jan. 4-The snowstorm
of forty-eight hours' duration ceased at
midnight and a force of men worked all
night clearing the tracks, whluh lay buried
under a twelve-Inch blanket. Cars are
again running on schedule time.
ST. PAI L. Jan. 4. The storm which pre
vailed yesterday and last night pasted east
ward early this morning und today is fair
and cold. Upward of twenty trains wer.
dealyed from one to six hours at the I'nlon
depot this morning. The delays seemed to
be fully as great for trains from the east
and south as from the west and the delay
to the transcontinental traina was consid
erably less than It usually is under similar
MARSH ALLTOWN, la.. Jan. 4.-Sixteet
Inches of snow, badly drifted, practically
tied up railrads and street cars here toduy.
Portions of the division of the Great
Western and the Iowa Central are com
pletely out of business.
The Northwestern Is faring better, al
though trains are delayed several hours.
Many telegraph and telephone wires are
crossed and broken.
Rural mall delivery service is abandoned.
FORT DODGE, la., Jan. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Sixteen Inches of snow, badly
drifted, almost tied up this city today.
The street railway and Great Western
are almost entirely lockaded. The Minne
apolis & St. Louie and Illinois Central
fared aliglitly better, but all trains into
the city were from two to ten hours late.
Work en Silver Shows Constant De
cree as Bnllion Is Searlr
PHIIaDPnj'HIA, Jan. 4 A total of
I 131. MS. 14S United States coins were struck;
off at the I mted States mint here during
the year 1W4. The outside orders included pieces' In the Philippines, 2,7J4.Mi'
for Panama and (00,000 for Cos'a Rica.
The number of pieces coined here exceeded
by far the work accomplished by the New
Orleans and Ban Francisco mints com
bined. The gold coinage amounts to to. 363.441.
The silver coined showed a continued de
cline, owing to the fact that the supply is
almost exhauated and no provision has as
yet been made by congress for more of tht
white metal. No dollars were minted in
1 and the other sliver coins amounted
In value to RO'JS.Ml. JWneis and l-cent
pieces to to ajoaunt of were
struck, oSm
ew York Publishing llonae fjrnnts
Klght-Hoar Out and
Closed Shop."
NEW YORK..Jan. 4. -The third day of the
strike of the printers against the Typoth--tJie
for an eight-hour work day and closed
shop ended tonight with gain claimed bv
both sides. Harper ft Bros., which employs
about 100 men and was on the undecided
list of the Typothetae. today granted the
demands of the union. Several hours later
It was announced by President McCormlck
of Typographical union No. 6 that Robert
Drummond. a firm which hud "signed an
agreement to resist, had finally agit-cd to
the union demands.
On behalf of the Typothetae it whs re
ported that the A. H. Kellogg, the Rodd
Electrotyplng comrany and the Bcese-WII-klnson
company, three of the flrnv" on the
undecided list, had signed the agreement to
resist the union's demands.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 4.-The strike of
union printers in establishments which
have refused to grant he demand for an
eight-hour day and a closed shops was In
augurated here today. About 13 men are
affected. Moat of the shops anticipated
the strike and were able to put to work
a full force of nonunion printers. From
statements made on both sides it Is a fight
to a finish. No disorders accompanied the
going out of the men.
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 4.-FoIlowing tha confer
ence yesterday of committees representing
the St. Louis Typothetae and the Typo
graphical union, during which employes of
eleven printing firms were ordered out on
strike, a large number of Job printers
walked out today. With the ino who went on
strike last night this makes a total of about
4(0 printers on strike nere.
The employers refused to dicuss the
eight-hour clause In the demands of the
union. President Jackson of the union said
today that he still has hopes of an amicable
adjustment and that he does not believe the
strike need continue long.
Attorneys representing the Typographical
union and kindred organizations of St.
Louts, filed a motion today In the circuit
court for a modification of the Injunction
granted by Judge Taylor last Saturday re
straining the unions from in any way In
terfering with the Greeley Prlntory or
from placing pickets or assembling nrar the
establishment. The unions claim this Is an
abridgement of their constitutional rights,
which they aver, guarantees them a right
to assembly peacefully for their own good.
The motion also charges that tha Injunction
Is Indefinite In that it does not specify how
far away the union men must remain from
the plant. Arguments will be heard later.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 4. Both the
employes and strikers are claiming victories
In the local strike of typographical union.
At strike headquarters, T. D. Fennessey,
one of the union officials, atated that
seventy-one new men had joined the ranks
of the strikers today. He said that only
four out of a total of 1S2 had called at
headquarters and relinquished their cards
and returned to work.
Secretary Rice of the Employers' asso
ciation, reports that so far as the em
ployers are concerned, the strike Is virtu
ally ended. Nearly all of the shops are
running full, and he predicts that by Satur
day night all places made vacant by the
at rlke will be filled. .
Membership In an KvanKelieal Chnrch
ot Required by Xevr Or
ganisation. CHICAGO, Jan. 4. The two executive
boards which have had control of all the
Young Women's Christian associations
throughout the country effected an affilia
tion today and hereafter all the associations
of the organization will unite Interests
under one executive board. The consolida
tion effected today was the result of a two
days' special session of the convention o'
the associations affiliated with the American
committee which was called to consider
propositions submitted by the International
Board of Women and Young Women's
Christian association seeking a union. Five
definite recommendations as to the means
to be employed In effecting union were sub
mitted to a vote and the result was an al
most iir.anlmoun affirmative decision, lti
which it was agreed that the American
committee should send seven delegates to
meet seven delegates of the International !
board and will decide Jointly upon the terms
of union and effect an entire reorganization
of the two boards Into a single executive
The delegates elected, to meet the dele
gates of the International board were:
I Mrs. Frank E. Brown. Milwaukee; Mrs.
Thomas Gladding, MontWair. N. J. : Mrs. E.
F. Hi Ru, IndiHnapolix; MIks Annie M.
Reynolds. North Haven, Conn., and Mrs. J.
F, Griffith. Mrs. L. Wilbur Messer and Mrs.
Francis D. Everett of Chicago.
I'lid-r the new executive ol ij-iiil.atloti
membership in an evangelical church will
not be required. It was also provided In tin;
agreement that the suggestion of the inter
national board that Mias Grace H. Dodge
of New York be madn the chairman of the
joint committee should be accepted.
As soon as the work of the Joint commit
tee has been completed a joint convention
of all delegates from all the associatlona In
both t lie American committee and Interna
tional board will be called to ratify the
work of the committee and to prepare for a
united effort toward furthering the work
carried on by the associations.
Railroads Will Prohuhlr Continue Old
rian for tnother Year
at Least.
( VH .1 t P. 1 'S o., Jan. 4 Announcement
Is made today that the agreement among
the railroads in the central traffic associa
tion to aliolish paxses absolutely la prac
tically broken and the meeting at Chicago
yesterday to hear the reports of the presi
dents of the railroads on the matter of
passes was practically without result In
sofar as keeping all the roads In line with
the Pennlvanla system in abolishing
passes absolutely.
Among those present at the Chicago
meeting were F. B. Sheldon, assistant to
President Monsarrat of the Hocking Valley;
J. M. Ferris, vice president of the Ohio
Central lines, and T. D. MeCabe. freight
traffic manager of the Pennsylvania line
weet of Pittsburg, who represented Vice
President Wood. The trunk lines, like tha
Pennsylvania, the Baltimore & Ohio and
the Norfolk & Western, stood together
but the little lines demanded that they be
allowed to use their own option regarding
passes to the newspapers. This was
granted and a dozen subcommittees were
appointed to hear cases In the central
traffic district, where passes may be
allowed. This, the trunk line officials de
clare today, virtually smashes the agree
ment abolishing passes.
Today the Big Four and the Baltimore A
Ohio announce that they have mileage
books for the newspapers. If they want
tben Instead il cash it adverUslns,
Enrketi Petfrmined to Has a S in
Naming the Qnittd Bta;es AUcrnij.
Express Dnnhta Whether Senators
v 111 Conrede Them a Voice In
the Xanilna of Federal Offi
cials In Xebrsats.
(From a Stnff Correspondent !
WASHINGTON. Jnn. 4 (Special Tele
gram.) When Senator Millard returns to
Washington two appointments await him,
district attorney for Nebraska and receiver
for the land office at O'Neill, caused by
the resignation of D. Clem Deaver.
Senator Millard now recognizes that be
Is not to have It all his own way In
naming the United States district attorney
to succeed Judge Baxter, unless there Is
a more definite understanding than now
exists between Millard and Rurkett regard
ing the former's position on the bill divid
ing Nebraska into two federal districts.
The fact is Senator Rurkett is not com
mitted to the proposition that the North
Platte country Is entitled to the district
attorneyship. Just what Inside Information
Senator Millard will bring back with him
will become apparent when the senators
get together.
Congressmen Are Dnblons.
Members of the Nebraska delegation have
been reading with considerable Interest the
interviews with Senator Millard In local
Nebraska papers that hereafter the entire
delegation will he called Into council In
the mitter of appointments as has been the
Iowa custom for many years. While they
are pleased at the prospect, they realize
how tenaciously the senators have clung
to the senatorial patronage Idea, and In
the language of one of the representatives
from the Antelope state, the congressmen
will have to "be shown," before they believe
such reformation has taken place.
Two After Denver's Place.
In the case of the vacancy In the land
office at 0'NelI two candidates are openly
In the field. Sanford Parker of Spencer and
J. M. McGInnitle of Lynch. Both were
candidates for one or the other of the
positions In the Valentine hind office, but as
they did not reside in the Valentine district
they were not seriously considered. Now,
however, that a vacancy exists In the land
office In the district in which the gentlemen
mentioned reside it is thought that at least
one Sanford Parker will stand a good
show of appointment.
Valley Poatofflce Raised.
Congressman Kennedy was advised today
by the first assistant postmaster general
that the postofflce at Valley was advanced
from the fourth to the third class on
January 1, and that It would be necessury
to make a new nomination. Mr. Kennedy
waa advised that If there were no specific
reasons why the present incumbent should
not be' reappointed his name would be sent
to the senate. 'Mr. Kennedy replied, stating
that he knew of no reason why tho present
postmaster, Mons Johnson, should not be
advanced to a higher grade.
Ktttht for Inereaae of Pension.
Ever slnoo Senator Burkett has been In
congress he has labored to secure an in
crease in the pension of Captain Adam
Bax of Lincoln, who Is 76 years of age
and almost totally blind. Burkett has had
the case up to the Board of Review of the
Pension bureau time und time again, but
only to get knocked out. As late as Sep
tember of last year K.ix's application lor
an Increase was rejected. Burkett got a
rc-examlnatlon and again the cuse was
rejected. This last rejection brought Bur
kett with blood in his eye to the pension
office, where he went over the entire mass
of evidence and finally convinced the Board
of Review that their previous action was
wholly wrong, and today Bax was granted
an increase of pension to $.',0 per month.
It is understood that previous to his ser
vice In the Union army wilh the Seventh
Missouri cavalry he had seen service wilh
the German army.
Ill Finbt on lu Dakota.
The South Dakota liuallon grows more
complicated daily on account of the rival
candidacy of Senator Gamble, and Repre
sentative Martin fur the Gamble succes
sion. So fur as the distribution of a non
age fur South Dakota goes, it is a case of
three against one. Klttredge. Burke and
Martin being linked together, while Senator
Gambia Is herding by himself. The first
test of strength between the South Da
kota factions will come on the United
States district attorney. The South Da
kota trio has recommended Judge Ber
natzki of Salem for the place, while Gam
ble haa recommended the present Incum
bent, J. B. Elliott. It Is generally thought
thnt a man recommended by the Klttredse
crowd will bt selected, but until Senator
Crumble learns this directly from the lips
of the president he Is making heroic ef
forts to bring about the appointment of
News was received at the capital today
that J. B. Elliott la on his way to Wash
ington with Senator Gamble and he pro
posed to withdraw from the contest for
United Slates district attorney and if pos
sible switch his Indorsements to some per
son other than Bernatzki. Should the De
partment of Justice refuse to permit this)
change of Indorsements unless specifically
authorized by every one of Elliott's ln
dorsera It might complicate mattera very
considerably. In any event, until the con
vention in June ore of the merriest wars
politically that has been seen la the capl
tol for years will go on between these two
factions of the republican party of South
Dakota. Senator Gamble will Insist on be
ing heard In every arrangement made and
It will be interesting to watch how the
plums fall.
Today Representatives Martin and Burke
recommended the appointment of Mary A.
Smith as postmaster at Paetola. Penning
ton count. and Peter Sweeney at Sweeney,
Lyman county, S. D.
Conference on Food Hill.
Congressman Martin today had a con
ference with Commissioner Garfield of the
bureau of corporations relative to his bill
regulating corporations engaged In food or
fuel supplies. Mr. Martins bill meets the
approval of both the president and Mr.
Garfield. The conference tins morning
largely related to the subject of amend
ments which are thought to l.e necessary
to make the bil more effective, especially
In relation to the li,ict;on of the hooks
of corporations affected by the proposed
bill. Mr. Martin anticipates that his bill
will be made an administration measure
and be taken up In the Interstate com
merce committee after the disposition of
the rate question.
Today Congressman Martin presented a
memorial fiom the Black Hills Mining
Men's association asking for the passage
of a bill establishing mining experiment
Stations in the mining states. Congress-
(Continued oil Second Page)
f forecast for Nebraska
Fair Friday
and Satnrda)! i older
Temperature at Omnha eeterriayt
1 P.
.1 p.
4 p.
T P.
ft P.
. . 2J
. .
in . . ,
ni ,
m .
' Mnr that Matt Mer and Pearl
Wheaton Attempted o Klnpe and
Relatives Interfered.
CAI.EDONIA, Minn.. Jan. 4 -A letter
purporting to ho from pearl Wheaton, who
was killed and her mother and sister
tally wounded by Matt Styer. Tuesday.
Styer subsequently committing suicide, was
discovered today anil is receiving consider
atlon in clearing up the mystery. The let
ter is addressed to Styer. and in it the
dead girl Is represented as promising to
elope with Styer and miking arrangements
to meet him at her home at midnight be
tween January 1 and 2. the hour the
shooting occurred.
In view of the discovery, the theory Is
advanced In h -half of Styer that he went
to tho Wheaton home to assist pearl to
escape, that he was discovered by members
of tho family and fired on, and that he
shot back In self-defense against the
mother and sister, killing his sweetheart
Pearl by accident, and that he killed him
self when he realized how deadly his aim
The Wheaton family doubts the authen
ticity of the letter and clings to the origi
nal stnry that a triple murder and suicide
was deliberately planned. Thirty letters
from Pearl Wheaton to Styer. all promis
ing undying love, were found In Styer's
effects and among these were several In
which the girl promised to go with Styer
when he came for her.
Olllclala of Falrlutnlt, Minn-, Rank
Forced to Atone for Nralect
of Duty.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. Jan. 4. The suit of
Lyman D. Balrd, as receiver of the hirst
National bank of Fairbault, Minn., against
the eight directors of the bank for alleged
neglect In their official conduct was settled
in the United States circuit court today
upon the agreement of four of the dlrectora
to pay 10n,0U) n full of all claims. Tho
First National bank of Faribault failed in
January. 14. and the president, Thomas
B. Clement, a ihort time after the failure
was arrested and later Indicted by the
federal grand Jury on cnarges of embez
zlement and misapplication of the bank's
funds and with making false entries In the
reorfs to the comptroller of the currency.
He was convicted and sentenced to serve
eight years In the state prison. At the
time the affairs of the bank came Into the
hands of the receiver it is alleged the as
sets were !fi1!,8M, of which I32S.770 is al
leged to be of a doubtful character and
iyS.S2. Is. alleged to be absolutely worth
less. The debts and liabilities. It is alleged,
exceed the assets and resources by $400,000,
Including in the assets the liability of the
; Mr. atone Hays He Heard Mntement
Made In Kansas City, hut Can
Mot Vouch for It.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Jan. 4. When seen to
tilht United States Senator William J.
Stone of Missouri said that ho had been
Incorrectly quoted in an Interview pub
lished In an ufternoon newspaper relative
to a report thut United States Senator J.
Ralph Burton of Kansus, recently con
victed for receiving compensation for act
ing as an attorney before a department of
tlie government In the interests of a pri
vate corporation, would resign in a few
days. Senator Stone tonight said:
During a conversation with a reimrter
this afternoon I mentioned that while In
Kansas City, a day or so ago. I was told
that Senator Burton would resicn from
the senate within a few days. I Impressed
upon tho rero-ter thut I could not vouch
for the authenticity of the report nor nay
whether or not my Informants were In a
position to predict the future actions of
Senator Burton.
I said that I rejwatert the statements
made to me simply for their face value an
a news Item and did not in any respect
stand responsible for their accuracy.
Mr. Woodruff. Owner of Mtita-k. Turns
All Earnlnar Over to Policy
holders, I NEW YORK, Jan. 4. Timothy L. Wood
; ruff today was elected president of the
! Provident Savings Life Assurance society.
' succeeding K.lward W. Scott, who resigned
' after having served nine years as president.
Mr. Scott will remain with the company as
I chairman of the hoard of directors, to which
position he ass elected today.
Mr. Woodruff, as the holder of 1,125 of the
l.TiO shares of the capital stock of the
Provident society, announced tonight that
he had made a declaration of trust whereby
the society Is to receive all the lenefits
thnt may accrue or ran be derived from the
operation of the trust.
f'hlcaarn Union Men Convicted of Con
spiracy (.ranted Another Hear,
las on F.rror.
CHICAGO, Jan. 4. -The appollate court
today grante a new trial In the case of
four members of the Brass Modrs' union
' who w ere convicted In 1!XC of conspiracy to
I lnjur nonunion employes of the Western
: Electric and Stromb' ig-Carlbon telephone
I cnirpanles. Error in the admission of evl-
denie wsis given as tl.e cause of the rev-.
! sal.
'.Movements of Ocean rsscla Jan. 4.
i At New York-Arnv. d: Pthlopia. from
. Glasgow; Soutliwark, from Antwerp: Rran-
deidiurg. from Bremen; O-ditc. from Uver
'pool: Pennsylvania, from Hamburg. Sailed -Kaiser
Wllhelm der lit-osse. f,,r Bremen-
Oscar III, for Copenhagen; Rhein. for Bre
i men.
At Naples Sailed: Brooklyn, for New
At Liverpool-Arrived: Corinthian, from
St. Johns, N. B.
At Dover Arrived: Pretoria, from New
York, for Hamburg. Sailed: Amerlka, for
New York, via f'herhourg.
At ju. enstown - H iiled : Baltic, for New
At Antwerp Hiih-d: Msnltou. for New
At Havre Arrived: Im I,rraine, fro'ii
New York.
At I .ntiilon A rrtvrf V(
Boston; Mount Xereiiile, from 64.' JoUl,
1 w
New York Banker aji Currency System
Ha Weak Paint.
Fanio la Bnr to ' oine Unlet N.reesary
Charge! Are Made.
Metal and Leading Railway Bharei Drop
0n to Three Fointi.
F.atra Fnnda Provided by It Would
Go Into "peculation Instead
of Into Legitimate
NEW TOKK. Jan. 4.-Unless there is cur
rency reform a panic beside which former
panics will sr,.m insignificant was predicted
by Jacob h. Sehlff, head of the banking
firm of Kuhn. Loeb f, Co.. In a speech be
fore the New York Chamber of Commerce
today. Mr. Schiff said he did not regard
such a panic as imminent, but believed It
will come unless something is done to
remedy the luck of elasticity of the present
currency system He declared that he did
not favor the plan proposed by Secretary of
the Treasury Shaw for relief of the sltua
tion. It being his opinion that the aecre.
tary's plan would nld speculation rathet
than legitimate business.
Mr. Sehlff favored a currency based on
commercial paper as more lu Ipful to the
general business Interests of the country.
Speech Causes Sensation.
The speech created a sensation in finan
cial circles and caused a sharp break In
prices on the Stock exchange. The moetlng
of the chamber waa attended by a large
number of business men and financiers, and
a resolution on the suhject offered by Mr.
Sehlff was unanimously adopted. Thla reso
lution was:
Resolved, That it be referred to the com
m ttee n finance and currency of The
nmn." T ,,f ' "'-rce) to consider he rec
ommendation of the secretary of the fre.
DcVmber" PAIS r,C,Wn ? """ri. JlaKd
to bTT.. T .' . ' '! L Permit national f.aiik
to Issue a volume of additional government
Per c"n,To,tb,r,r0n'7 ,,U',,
; . l,'nl to the bond secured currency main
tained by them, but subject to a tax of 5 oV
t. per cent until redeemed. Be U further
Resolved. That the committee on finance
and currency submit a report at the next
monthly meeting of tho 'chamber on thl
2ef?t"?;,vn,o'fn,.,h. rrm" ot the
anv other Hie- tf-afury. together with
any other different measures which tha
committee may he able to sugge. effl!
?.".? "fl n,r"''b'" for the attainment of
the purpose for which the recommendation
Tames Panic In 'stocks.
When the tenor of Mr. Schiff s remark!
became known In Wall street the effect
was shown almost Instantaneously in the
stock market. There was a pressure to
sell and support to prices seemed entirely
lacking, resulting In an uninterrupted de
cline up to the close, which was aotlve and
weak. The shares moat vulneruole wore
those which have been the leaden la the
recent bull speculation, especially the metal
Anaconda fell to 35 points below last
night and rallied 1, closing MM lower.
Other looses were:
Amalgamated Copper. 3; St. Taul,
fhlcuK,) & Northwestern. 2; Delaware &
Hudson, 4; General Electric, 2; Great
Northern preferred, 3; IaiUiavlllo & Nash
ville. 1'4; Northern Pacific. 2; Peoples Ooa.
I1: Rending, .2, and Virginia-Carolina
These declines occurred In spite of the
fact that cull money, while still :lrni, was
easier than for some days, loans having
beun made us low us s per cent.
Sehlff Supplements Mtatenient.
After the close of the market Mr. Sehlff
made this supplementary statement:
My remarks wero dictated simply by the
conviction that something must be done to
correct our Inelastic currency system if
we are not to run in time into great dis
aster. If the president could be made to see
that tills is a question of vastly more im
parlance to the material Interests of the
country limn that of railroad rate regula
tion, to whlrh he has devoted hlmu?lf with
such admirable energy, congroKS would
soon start work to remedy oar circulation
evil In a manner which would safeguard
our prosperity
Mr. Sell In" a speech.
In the course of Ids remarks at the
Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Sehlff aid:
Wc have witnessed during the pust sixty
days conditions In tin- New York money
market wlmh are nothing less than a dls
fciuce to any civilized country. There must
: l,e a cause for su !i conditions. It cannot
lis- the londltiuii of the country Itself, for
: vvlieievrr you look there is prosperity
! prolix in y ne never had it b. lore. It
i cannot tie that tho speculation which pros-
perity ulwuys brings forward can be the
eo.- ii-tvon 101 me ,01101111, us, 1 finer coun
tries hne had wider speculation than toe
United Stales.
In Krone , in Germany, in England,
Fpertiliition Is iiiinpaul. The cause is the
insiitlli lent elasticity of our circulating
Ineiiliim. Ii-t year I went to tlie secretary
of 1 he treasury and said lo hlin: "The
national lauk.i are gorged with their de
posits. Take oat some of those deposits
and prevent tins condition, or else money
will seek other countries. Mak yourself
strong now; don't watt until tlie time comes
when you munt niukn yourself strong."
SrliHt's Advice to ftuaw.
The decretal answered nie and said be
did not wish to wlihdiaw any deposits now
for he did not want to have the funds with
drawn vvtiin deposits miKht be needed, and
he siild he feared tlie criticism of the press.
'I',.. .. u l..,. li'i .i.innA.I ...... ...... . 1. .
t 111.11 niim j . 1 i,., ma., inai or ini uu
I larger part of ins deposits in the hank until
1 last autun.n. 1.411 autumn he needed
j inoii 'V, and tlie country needed money, too,
I and at that time i;e (i::its became very
, much reduced, lie aid not d posit now, when
probably t veni -five or thirty or forty mil
lions would have i-hungcd tlie entire Mar
j of affairs for it Is oniy the last tnenty
five or Unity million'! tliat ate wanted that
i determined the liik.ii ratr. He did mil o-
K)sit. not because he o:ii not want to mix
up money mailers, but lie could not spare
the money. If he had strength ned him
self when money was less siringent, wa
would have seen anotiier condition now;
for tne sect eta ry of tlie treasury would be
In a i.iuiniin f, Itelr. tl.A m,..-!.., ,
1 1 may use that expression, and, us much
as 1 am opposed to helping the suli-trras-
ury in tlie matter, so long as we have such
i a system as that the sub-treasury Is tha
j deiMisltory of the money so long the sub
! treasury must play I he role which tha
.Bank of England p'avs in the- money mar
; kel of England. I do i , . I like to play th
role of Cusiiinlrji. hit inaik what 1 sa.
If this couolion of affairs Is not changed.
and rhan-ei soon, we will get a panic iu
tills couir i y, loinpaied with Hliiih the
, three winch have pu ce. led ft ould only
le cniui s piav t ii' ih is no insasier soon
; upon us; doni misunderstand ine, hut this
! is the time lo prepare for It.
I 1 . I. ...Ill .-...I.. ..... ..... . L.
ir.e nine in iireimrt1 ror u.
If the president will only put rrt of the
energy which he has so admirably put Into
Die attempt to rexulate railroad rates into
an attempt to cure the ior.,Ji,,n of our
circulating iii"diimi. tie niateiial Interest!
(f tills eo.intrv can lie mliguiinled for a
very long time to t ..i.-
ObierGoii !i:r,' Plan.
I h 1 lilk'.l t I a i . ' lerominendaflOII
(refcrr.nir to -laiy Shuw plain Lie re.
ferred to tlie eoiuiuiMee on tinsnre and cur
rency. I don't want It to be understood that
i I am In favor ef the recommendation I
LUdn U lit Vory jpwvr rsowinmaudaUon, 1