I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 4. 1006. 8 SPECIAL NOTICES -rtll be taken axil 11 m. for the evening edition ! til p na. lor La saornlna- and edition. Rate I 1-ite a svord Bret Insertion, le a word thereafter. eblnn- taken far tea tfcaa o far the Bret Inser tion. These advertisements aiaat be raa eeneeeatlselr. Advertisers, by r-aatlaT rr rknk, can have answer dressed ta a Banker letter la raw f Tba Be. Answers aa addressed rill be delivered aa presentation af back. MISCELLANEOUS- 1906 MIDWINTER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Opens TUESDAY, JANUARY 2. 1VIGHT SCMOOT, OPENS WEDNESDAY KVEN1NO. JANUARY 3. Business Bhorthand. Typewriting and Telegrsphy. Catalogue free. Address H. ji. Boyles, lYesldent, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. R 715 CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R7K TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 3630. R 717 LAUNDRY CITY 8TKAM Telephone 254. 211 8. 11th Bt. R 71 Omaha Bafe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 8. 10th Bt. R 720 PION PAJNT1NO, 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 721 Rllo TioC R- RUMBEL HON, 1134 a-.ui. iv j n. lUh Bt Omsba. R 246 J1S yUKNACE and STOVE REPAIR. 617 B. 13. R M436 Jl BTBINWAY piano, upright, big bargain. Pertleld Piano Co., 1811 Farnam St. R 722 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and retail. BURGESS - GRANDEN CO., Formerly F. M. RUSSELL. FIXTURE CO., S13 South 13th Bt. Telephone 68L Iv MS f"lfUAHA Bargain House saves you 25 tier cent on clothing. Open evenings, tin i. ism at. it m.hz j i Furniture rep'd ft upholstered. Tel. A -2943. R 730 J& KDTPRA CfJ- fln iob printing, JWICIA 15l0 Howard. Tel. W. R M783 J7 JI. L. WJNTBR, GLAZIER. TELEPHONE UOUULAB 6812. R M154 J12 fMlIRTS. 5c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1614 Capl- toi Ave. u M211 J 14 r.IINnl IOcksmlth. HEFLIN, 217 S. VI J4lh Su Telephone 2f74. R-M228 J14 JiOKSES wintered; now sheds, running water, pieniy or auaira, cane ana loader; 10 per month. 49lh and Y, South Omaha. Tel. L320. R-127 J7x purveying, Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee Bldg. R M232 Feb3x IOWA BANITARY CLEANING CO., 1919 iarnam. R M237 F3 ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CALL $49 ' We Sell and Set Glass FULLER (ll.AHH AND PUNT fr Henry M. Joharincen, Prop., 114 S. 14th St. W MS77 J 4 BECOND-HAND ' STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE Jf you want a bargain In steam fittings call ana iook over me following supplies: l.S-lnch Austin's horlsontal separator. 1.4-inoh Austin's vertical sermratnr. These have been taken out on account of changes In our steam plant and are In good condition. Address Bee Building Co., or see W. H. Bridges, engineer, Bee itiug unianar Q 632 fcJECOND HAND ELEVATOR AND OAS ENGINE. Von SALE One elevator, with new gas eiiKinr; cost ouw. un H.lmball Hand elevator, new. Two floor scales, all usea in mewart Bros, three-story wholo sale grocery house. Council UlurTa. Tha building is Lm lug remodeled for oth-r buslnees and the above will be sold for one-third of cost. Apply to A. A. Clark Co., Council Bluna. Q M243 4 JjTJR SALE Letter press, In good order, Inquire J. R. Campbell, Business Office, uniana lire. Q 13 CHICKEN FEED (Jood, clean wheat for chickens, 1. 4o x-r hundred. FRED rti ttuiUN, feed store, 1016 Leavenworth. W MSJ JKX NA1IJ, 11.00 keg. Star Box Co., 1S07 Bt iry a. Vi MV 9 VTE buy nnd sell furniture. Tel. B-33K5. 1414 Dodge W Mlt 12 VOH BALE One mimeograph. In good or d r. Inquire at business office, Omaha ec. tj 112 CRIBBINO, fir timbers. 80 feet and under svasuued hardwood lumber, tul Douglas. BET of complete bar fixtures for sale cheap. iiu.ro.iu. y imj ax ZD-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 119 Far num. , Qui BHERWIN-WILIJAMS CO. BEST MIXED Aiiw. onerman at McConnelt Drug Co MUX'H COWS, on easy terms. Center. 43d and FIANO-Bouare, 10; 60 cents weekly. Per neiu i iano to,, ion r arnum Bt. Q 727 MR BALE Two life scholarships on Omaha business college. Address Dwlght v'liioiio sj wsai in na vtfli'fT. AUUr William. Oinulm Hee, Oiimliu, Nub Vfr-29 4 yi BTt)W:8 to select from at low prices. Chicago- Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodge BU g 728 FOR BALE At a bargain, material In stone wall at 17th and Douglas Sts. Bee R. W llaker, superintendent Bee building, or C. C. Kosvwater, Bea business ofilce. y 171x FOR BALK A 160 credit, good on the pur. chaM price of any new piano at Hospe's What will you giveT Address K-. Bm Q-191 6x rilOHOroiUtREn Barred Plymouth Rock cockerels snd pullets for sale; Latham and Bradley strains Davis, 4210 Ames Ave. Q-190 3x 1 AND-M ADK cutter In Al shape and a ewell looker, for sain cheap. Inquire T. M. Gordon, 362 No. 24th. Q M227 6x SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG MAN wants place to work for board. Tel. issv Boyles College. t A-134 YOUNG man. Danish, wishes Dosillon ss coachman and stableman. Inquire at 26u9 uurueiis bv. a 1.6 tx YOUNG man going to school wants a plucs in private family to do work for his board and room. Address K 30, Bee. A-M196 Sx WANTHD By young man. position as Kltlcs clerk; good references. Addreas K 43, Bee A 2" 4x OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON Institute, ill N. T. I TaL U44. -tli PR. A. D. LAIRD, 1U Karbach Blk. 'Phons M-7i Jan 4 PR WFI.L8, D. O. M. P., Neville blk. Tel. 677. -34 J22 MRS jr. R. MU8ICK, Mtaopathr. Nt(11 t HlH. 4lT JanS WANTED MALE HELP Winter Term or THE I Omaha Commercial College 1ITI1 AND FARNAM. Opens Tuesday, Jan. 2. 1906 Full Particulars In Free Catalogue. ROilKHOrOH PROS, OMAHA. NEB. B Y IF YOU are capable of filling a hIgh-gTade position as Manager, Bookkeeper, .Tedlt man. Stenographer, ffie clerk. all or write us at once. Do not delay. W need (rood men always. WtHTKKS KEF. BOND ASH rV, INC., Dept. H, MO-l-il I. 1. Blo. B 218 AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE teaches the barber trade In short time and at small expense; write today. Cor ner 12th and Douglas at. B M158 Janll WANTED 2W teamsters and laborers on govprnment Irrigation canal; all winter work; good warm quarters; wages 1Z.2j Pr day. James O'Connor, Torrlngton, o B-llM JJa TEN men of sterling Integrity and Business ability who n-Ml money; good pay; per manent Job. Call or address II. L. Put nam, 1US North 32d st. B 619 DRUG stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, Sit N. X. I B 732 WANTED at once, a good floorman In hoeing shop. Com at once. J. A. Gould, DsnUon. la. B-4W BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, lfr)5 Far nam; best service; nine chairs; no long waiting; shaving life; hair cutting. 25c. , B ML34 Jll WANTED Oordon press feeders. A- L Koot, inc., uio Howara si. tiaa WANTED Men to learn barber trade. We prepare you for positions; U to m weekly; few weeks completes; scholarship Includes tools, board, positions. Can nearly earn expenses. Call or write, Moler Bar ber College, 1116 Farnam SL B M936 Jan5x MEN AND BOY8 wanted to learn plumb ing trad", pays $6 a day after completing course of practical Instruction at home or in our schools. Graduates admitted to union and master plumbers' association. Positions acured. Coyne Bros. Co., plumbing schools, New York, Chicago, 111., Cincinatl, O. Free catalogue. B 731 F3x WANTED Young man to earn from 10 to Ills a month. as nreman and brakeman in the railway Bervlce. Experience unneces seary; qul'k promotion, unequaled oppor tunity. Instructions can be taken by mall; positions secured as soon aa com petent. Write or call for particulars. National Railway Training association, tM Paxton, block, Omaha, Neb. B 140 6 WANTED For U. H. Army, ablebodled men between agvs or Zl ana So; citizens ot T.'nlted States, of good character and tem perate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Office. 3th and Douglas Sts., OMAHA; LINCOLN and GRAND ISL AND, NEB., or SIOUX CITY, IA. B-172 WANTED Young man for bookkeeping, of fice work, etc. References. Address J, Bee office. Council Bluffs. B 189 4 WANTED Man of good address and ap pearance. Call 9 a. m. or 12 noon. Fred erick (Jim) Fulton, Murray hotel. B-184 ix WANTED Experienced man In bookkeep ing, typewriting, loans, abstracts; business In state of Idaho: state age, experience, name of former employers and time en gaged, salary expected, references and your telephone number If In or accessible to Omaha. Address K 35, Bee. B M203 7 AUTOMOBILE Instruction by mall. We ' . V. . tin.. and American cars; licenses guaranteed; positions open, 125 weekly. Lessons $1 each. Automobile Schools of America, Dept. O O, 742 7th Ave., New York. B 228 4z BOY, about 1C ears, to work In 'store; chance or promotion. Address K 4. nee. B 222 4 WANTED A good all 'round blacksmith at once; must be sober; steady job for good man. A. F. Swanson, Oakland, Neb. B 214 6 WANTED An all around, experienced harness maker at once. Bprlnkel & Sten nett, Elliott, la. B M240 10 WANTED FEMALE HELP A COOK wanted; lady preferred. Neu- meyer hotel. Council Bluffs. C M454 FIFTY girls to operate power sewing ma chines, blanket department; steady work In comfortable manufacturing room. He nils Omaha Bag Co. C 5H6 TWO rooms. J120 North 17th street. u Sol GIRLS Burgess Bhlrt Co., 21st and Far nam. C 864 Jan28 WANTED Experienced lady solicitor or food product demonstrator, able to rurnlsh flrst-clus-f references. Address K 38, Bee. C M198 6 WANTED Four energetic ladies to earn rjo a week. Particulars, room 60, Hotel Dellone. C M20 4x WANTED Experienced dining room girl. 1204 Liouglas. . c zuo ex COMPETENT young lady to correct papers for tuition, Boyles college. C 210 6 WANTED Olrl for general housework. Mrs. J. L. Baker, 624 Park Ave. C-211 S WANTED I.idy piano player; Inquire at Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago. C-236 6x GIRL for general housework at V43 Dodge nt. -it i SALESMEN WANTED FRIEND & MARKS, MILWAUKEE Makers of the popular PROGRESSIVE I.l.NE or Men s ana xoung men s mining, want nrst-class Salesmen for NEBRASKA l MlNlSfcatil A ana w ijr(oirN. i.ioera consideration. Apply quick. L MINI 15 WANTED Traveling salesman, bright fel low. who wants to work up; good pusl tlon for the right man. Call or address the Bmith-Premler Typewriter Co., Omaha. u-ui 4 WANTED Salesmen to sell good tailoring good grade of work and qualities of wool- enx; aales rn:ue quicKiy; proms large; svHtem complete and satisfactory: every garment guaranteed; experience or not, we iiiatruet you: eiaUirale and costly sample outfit fre of charge. '1 tils is the oppor timlty for good salesmen. We give the exclusive selling agency for territory de sired. Address application to L. B., 219, Chicago, 111. L 202 I WANTED High-cluss calendar salesman with establlHlied trade to sun our exclu sive copyrighted line of maps and calen dars; we want both city and country men exclusive territory, superb line, convenlen samples; continuous work; no sidellneis wanted; references required; commlHxton basis and ta.uuu proposition for right man The Kenyou Co., Ues Moines, la. L Mao 6 SALESMEN for this and nearby territory arrange for personal Interview by mall Hhetld & Wright Mfg. Co., Red Wing, Minn. l-MT5 7 AGENTS WANTED WANTED Two men or good appearance and education to call upon persona who have written us for prices of the new edition of the Encyclopedia Britannlea good commissions snd expenses Paid. Ad. ply to American Newspaper Aas'n, No. 479-S0 Parrot I Bldg., Sun Francisco. Cat. J-M178 7 WANTEI-Ageiits to sell stock; sound, at tractive proosttion; large wagea to rid lit men Address I. L. and D. Co., 701 Drexel bldg., Philadelphia. Pa. J-2u)3x CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th Bt., upstairs. Kesultful predlcliou absolutely given. sWtt FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS SOUTH front room for gentlemen; furnace beat; modern. 1712 Davenport. E-170 Ix DEWEY European note!. 13th and Farnam. K 1 NICE, large room, east frontage; also one fine large room with private marble wash; all MODERN CONVENIENCES. Includ ing use of telephone. Inquire 11 N. 25th. E 691 PRIVATE family, strictly modern, excel lent location. 'Phone 2310 Webstar. E 23 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe B 262 ROOMS and good board. 16 per week end up Call 1617 Chief go Bt E 261 Tel. 611 O. M. fc. Haul 1 runks B 14 FURNISHED room, with hot and cold water, gas, electric light and telephonu, for gentleman. 217 B. 26th St. E 130 FOR RENT Nice front room; private " family; excellent accomodations. 1M1 So. 2!th St. Phone 3674. E 212 " I SOUTH front room for gentleman; nace heat, modern. 1.12 Davenport gL tX I DESIRABLE south front rooms, first-class location. 24 Farnam. E M196 6x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD tel. 61L O. M. E. Haul 1 runks F-744 BOARD AND ROOMS First-class, 3 Blks. of town; nice location. HM So. linn. Tel. 1208. F-M7J1 J6 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St. Nice warm rooms witn good board. House modern. Day board. Also meal tickets. F 199 J2ux UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO unfurnlHhed, steam heated rooms for rent. UH Harney, 3d floor. G M234 6x FOR RENT HOUSES PIANO moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tul. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller. U-.iu Urilicncin all parts of the city. R. iiuujljCi Peters & Co., Bee Bldg. .46 THE Omaha Van Sc Storage Co., pack, move and store 11. H. goods. Storehouse, 11JU-24 N. 19th. OHIce, lollVa Farnam. Tel. 1669. D 747 WB M6VB pianos. Maggard Van & Btor age Co. Tel. 14W. Office. 1713 Webster St. D 7W UO I ICPQ'n a11 parts of the city. Th nUUJW0, F. Davis Co., 508 Bee Bldg D 74i HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. i too FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern. near high school and Creighlon college 132.60. Apply at 607 N. 19th bt. D 761 T. SCHWABTZ, moving van. 1510 Webster. i si am. . jj jn'Hi j i CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nine rooms and barn, H block from 24th oar, Blnney Bt. Tel. Harney 630. D 142 331 4-331 BURT, t rooms each; bath, hot water peat; reaay to move in; owner pays water. Inquire la rear. D 620 J4x FOR RENT 10-room modern house, 2921 Mason St. Inquire F. P. Klrkendall & Co., 1118 Harney Bt. D M850 4 FOR RENT The building at 2416 Grant Bt., now occupied by the Nebraska-Iowa Tank Co., which would be suitable for manufacturing or a livery stable F1TZGERALD-DERMODY CO. D-887 J7 FOR RENT Modern -rootn cottage, newly papered, with stable, IM. Gannett, 611 Brown block. D M156 6 NO. 2S67 Harney St., 8-room modern house, steel und gas ranges included, fine loca tion, good yard, $40 per mo. GEORGE & CO.. 16ol FARNAM. D 220 5 8-ROOM modern house, except furnace, $'20. c. M. ttaclimann, 436 Paxton Blk. Tel. A2639. D 2-4 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES NO equal In location. In best condition; f;rocery, drug store, with fixtures, also aundry with power. Apply Tlzard, 2J0 N. 23d. I 187 THREE-STORY and basement, 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 first rsai i tsuns uiag. 1-761 WANTED A tenant for a new store on up per Farnam street, to be built to suit. If Interested advuie at once. HARRISON & MORTON, 918 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 314. J-136 FOR RENT The entire third floor of one of the leading retail houses, center of retail district; good elevator service, well lighted and steam heat. Address E 44, Ba office. 1752 FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th St., South Omaha. Apply to man ager. 1134 WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished house of 8 or 9 rooms in Hanscom park or West Farnam dis tricts for customer who desires to move In at once; must be modern In every re spect. Kenny Real Estate and Investment Co.. 404 Bee Bldg. K 180 3 WANTED A fiat with about four rooms, unfurnished. Address K 50, Bee. K-225 4 FOR SALE FARMS 640 ACRES BOONE CO., NEB., 28,800 EASY TERMS A very desirable farm, six miles east of r-LiS, u,.rldi. well improved. 4M area under cultivation, balance in pasture and hay land; nail mue irom goou vcnuoi. Terms $10,000 Cwxli, balance H- years at per cent. If place is sold immediately farm Implements sufficient to work en lira farm will be put In. For further informa tion call on or write GEORGE & CO., 1601 Farnam, Omaha. H-m t EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from railroad and court house Address Bos 1126, Omaha, Neb. 311 iui. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60,000 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost of an advertisement is small 2 cents per word In small type or $2.8u per inch 1 set in large type. BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES FOR BALE New and second-band billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; asy payments. Heiid for catalogue. Brunswick-BaUa-Collendsr, 407 S. lutb SL, Omaha. Hi NO TRUST PRICES Brand new solid oak billiard and pool tables for $Ki0: also bar fixtures cheap; writs for catalogue. Chaa, Passu w Bona, Chicago. 171 Dependable Seeds of Success ! FOR SALE A. P. TUKEY & SON, First Purchase, 1906. 36th and Cuming. "Ye have just bought the Clevos' property at the southeast corner of 36th and Cuming St., 223 feet north front on Bemis Park and 150 feet, west front on 36th St. Paved on both streets and all specials paid. You have noticed this beautiful site for a home with the pretty little cottage standing back among the trees which cover the entire property. "We have the corner lot on 36th St., 58 bv 150 feet, vacant. Tne And w-a I ..... .nMn.A fur-:""0' cooi vc imvc tujuiuci viuam Innitacra rvith 4li onmo gir.nnr vVrbMaX A V A-A til v UlliV till I, J place, all modern except furnace and built in the best manner possible. East of the house we have one more vacant lot, same size, 55 by 150 feet. We are prepared to make a low figure on any part of the property or on the whole as an investment. A. P. TUKEY & SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg., Phones: Office 2181, Residence 6153 RE 221 -J New Home Monthly Payments Same as Rent Do you want a nice, new little home of four rooms, with water and gas, within a block or two of Harney street car line, little north of Be in Is park? On easy terms, samo as rent. Only small amount down and $20 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 226 4 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices: ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. R. R., Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A." RE 771 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on N. 18th St., only I4.5oo. This is a bargain. THOMAS BR EN NAN, Room 1, New York Life Bldg. RE 769 CI8- W illiamson Co. u- StW- RE 770 MODERN (-room house, 12,000; 3626 N. 27th. Tel. 3291 RE M476 Jlx FOR BALE Or rent, modern 7-room house, full lot, shade trees, barn, cistern, eto 4240 Burdette. Tel. (02 or 6700. RE 714 WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet, describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belt. Willi Cadwell, Broken Bow. Neb. , tlr.j-. RE 772 GREAT BARGAIN. Wa offer for sale this week a full south front lot on Farnam, Just west of 3Sth SL, for 11,476. Hicks, 439 Board of Trade Bldg. RE M241 4x OUT THEY GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The most prosperous state in the whole country. The best watered grain and tock lands are near Mandan, Richardson and Mott. Strong soil, free coal, splendid grasses. We own 100,0 C acre to select from; average price, $12.50 an acre. Ask for proofs and Brown'g farmer. Wm. H. . BroVn Co., 131 La Salle St., Chicago, I1L, ' or Mandan, North Dakota. BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want U buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, see Hart & Co., 401 N. Y. Life. Y-2 FOR BALE An Implement business in best town for its size In stale; stock all new and up-to-date; good reason for selling; refer to any Omaha wholesale Implement firm. Neff, Hanson & Co., Bloomlield, Nfcb. Y-826 125,000 6 preferred stock In one' of Omaha's prosperous Jobbing houses. In amounts of $500 and upwards; guaranteed; best se curity. Address K 19, cars Bee. Y-629 Jan Ix FOR SALE An old established mercantile business In Colorado Springs. It would take 1J5.000 to handle it. P. O. Box 702, Colorado Springs, Colo. Y-M845 4 TO BUY OR BELL any business and for best Information and quick action, see MOATS. $ Karbach block, Y 24J FOR BALE Lumber and coal business; none but cash buyers need Inquire. Ad dress J 26, care Bee. Y M2u5 14x FOR BALE Implement and furniture busi ness for cash. Address J 25. y", SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA opportunities; 2u0 pages covering resources and Indus tries, beautifully illustrated; send 16c for the midwinter number of the Lob Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Cal. Y 201 3x WANTED Woman to Invest from $500 up In incorporated company; can e-uio lug traveling or local position if she de aires. Address K 40. Bee. Y-194 3x WILL invest $5 to 110.000 to erect suitable l.nUclinir for resixmstble tenants on long lease in any desirable location. Address K 44, Bee. Y 216 5 HAVE a first-class proposition for person with $5110 to invest; person may either lie active In concern and draw salary or Blm ply invest the money. K47, care liee FOR SALE OR RENT A well equipped up-to-date blacksmith shop; good busi ness. A snap for somebody If taken at on. e. Address, C. M- Bristol, now ens, Neh. Y M2B9 6x SMALL stock groceries. In good NebrasKa , l"wn, good location, good, esiaoiisnea trade. Address K. 46. Bee, Y-M236 9x, ON account of going west, will sell or trade a first class grocery stock; twenty six years established trade and In a good location. Address K Bee Office, 10 Pearl St., Council BluffS; irM-?i- WANTED TO BUY WE BUY IJfe Insurance Policies and pay more In cash than the companies Issu ing them. Write for terms. J. II. Hlls niaii Company, Box 691, Lincoln. Neb N Mill J9 WANTED To buy, two second-hand 45 ton steam shovela and W0 second-hHiid one and one-half vard dump cars. Ad dress P. O. Box 115. Fremont. Neb N-Mi77 27 tt'ivTi'TUTim fnrniHhed rooms lor light housekeeping; close In; cheap. K 42, care Bee. K 213 4x DANCING ACADEMY MORAN D'S L,n,PriTeie mi'1 AduT. Tuesday and Friday; children. Bat.. 3 u. in. M)C9 J9 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS lUmll la.r ham for rent at 27th and Iavenworth Bta.. li N. P. Podge Co, lilt Fax nam Bb. REAL ESTATE lAi r . I. 1 r A i rTr . 4 1 , iui oo iuu itx'i. iiivu tiic mnnnrl TlJa ia' o q5t- rnnm M. glUUllUi A 11 1 O J7 C b OlA A Vllli MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS DUFF GREEN CO., FURNITURE. LINSTOCK LOANS SALARY. We are an old established concern, where you can get from $10 upward, and are the originators of cheap rates and easy pay ments. Established 18S9. 8 and 9 Barker Block. Duff Green. Jule Althaus X-197 CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., TeL 745. 632-3 Paxton Blk. X 783 Money We have It to loan on furniture, pianos, other chattels and salaries. We offer best rates, long time and easy payments. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., U9 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2206. (.Estab lished 1892.) 306 8. 16th St. X-784 MnMrYI" YOU NEED IT. come "'W' where It Is easy to get on chat tels and salaries: no red tape; get the money the same day you ask for it; lowest rates; strictly conlldentlal business treat menu , ' BOWEN. 703 New York Life Bldg. Tel. 2200. X-785 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others without security; easy pay' inents. Offices in 63 principal cities. Tol man, room 714 New York Lite Bldg. X-787 DR. PRIBENOW'S PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, horses, etc.. In any amount at less than half the rate; no. red tape; perfect pri vacy; Immediate attention; on any terms wanted; payments suspended In case of sickness or out of employment. Room 214 Karbach Blk., 'MS S. 15th St. X 788 CHATTEL AND COLLATERAL LOANS at one-half usual rates; strictly private. Union Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2004. X SEE the Western Loan company for furnl ture, diamond and salary loans. 331 Ne ville Blk., ltith and Harney. Tel. i. X-217 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam Bt. a-im MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. r . iteea. 4iv . is. X-790 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business conlldentlal. 1301 uougias, X-791 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith & Co., 13-0 Farnam St. . W 773 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co W 774 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. H. Melkle, Kamgo Bik. W-775 LOWEST RATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 Douglas w iil GARVIN BROS.. 1004 Farnam; city loans, 6 and 6Vs per cent interest; no delay. W-778 ti.oiiO.OOO TO IJAN on business and resl- ! nee property in Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. 1 nomas Brenriau, it. 1, Hi. r. Lire. W-7.9 WANTBD City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. VV 780 6 & PER CENT loans on city property. W. 11. Thomas, 1st National Hank Bid-. W M746 J6 FARM. CITY AND BUILDING IXIANS. Ueed Bros., l.io f arnam Bt. W 781 WANTED A few $1,000 or $2,000 loans. Breen ft Bloom. 613 Bee Bldg. W M874 arid room. Address K 39, Bee. A M1K6 4X PATENTS II A. STURGES, registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successful. 617 N. Y. Life, Omulia. .53 F. J. LARSON & CO., patent lawyem. Patent book free. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. -ill SHARPE MACHINE WORKS-Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 64-iil2 B. 10th St. 755 PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Na. tlonal Investment Co., 63 Douglas Blk. 756 PRINTING I VNr.STin High-grade li6 Calendars 8. H. Cor. 16th St. and & JORVE Capitol Ave. -74 DOUGI.AS P't g. Co., 1508 Howard Tel. 644. ( MM JU TUB JENNINGS PT'O CX). Phone 6380, 5n0 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES VOICE culture. Itallar method. Mrs. Uruuui MarUo, & Arlington block. -M706 J.x UNDERTAKERS rralley Dorranc. Sib and Cum. Tel. 636. GOLDMAN Pleating Co. IKmglas P 760 " HARRY B. DAVIS. 4H 8 Uth. Tel. IT DgfuVfyW iMnt . . 1C M DODDER, E. L., Z34 Cuming. Tel. tT7 tulor1n,. Mrs MotLg Jt TAOGART. 2M and Cuming. Tel 714. MRS ROTS, cloaks. Isdles tailoring . d . evening gowna. Phone tVt. lav I t. SWANSON, N. P.-1TW Cuming 8t Tel. lift) - 167 tf . PERSONAL DRAMATIC ART Stoht. The Chambers School of Sage Arts of fers exceptional opportunities to students wishing a thorough course of instruction In all that pertains to the essentials af stage craft and oratory. Correcting de ficiencies of the speaking voice a specialty. The only school having Its own theater, THE LYRIC. Now permanently located In the Omaha Commercial College building, corner l!nh and Farnam streets. Send for prospectus. Management of Wlllard E. Chambers. Tel. F-1871. Direct ir of school. John EdRar Owens. Tel. Ii89. U T94 CHRONIC nervous diseases successfully cured by the well known Harris treat ment; consultation free. J. W. Morri son, 310 Bw Bldg. Office hours 1 to 6 p. m.; Sundays, 1 to t p. m. U 1!4 Jan20 WE make a specialty of renting high grade pianos and offer a great variety. 13 and up. Tel. 1636. Schmoller ft Mueller, 1407 Harney. U 795 DR. JACKSON, R. 4. Frenier block. Chronic diseases a specialty. Consulta tion free. U-7S7 ANY POOR GIRL In need of a friend call or writ to the matron of the Salvation Army home for women at 3814 N. ?4th Bt., Omaha, Neb. V M100 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Garden. 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 79S PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Smarltan Sanitarium. 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-322 OMAHA Stammerer Institute. Ramge Flk. U 799 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1025. Schmoller A Mueller, piano makers. u too TUB, vapor and alcohol baths, 730 S. 13th. U S"l AflN'PTIP treatment ft Baths. Mme. lUnUHt 1 lUSmllh lid N is m n .. r. 1 U 360 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in ract, anything you no not need; w-e collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wagon will call. U-611 PRIVATE confinement home; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 0 N. lsth Bt. Tel. 3559. U-M781 J7 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once. $1 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perfleld Piano Co., 1611 Farnam St. U 802 WE RENT sewing machines. 75c week. We repair an makes of machines: second hand machines, fc to $10. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1663. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 803 rilCCD I ID your home by setting- an limn Phnnnprnnh fmm ii.io iLiuiLHUri, isjz capltol Ave. Bold on easy payments, open evenings. U-4Q2 J3 FREE medical and snrrlcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Bta.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by colleeg professors. 'Phone 1167. Calls answered day or night. U 129 P I . F A T F N OSuchinV KIB?tS: . t Send for price lit THE GOLDMAN PLEATING CO.. 200 Douglas Block. Tel. 1936. U 66 MASQUE costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4116. U M676-Jan. 4 CHINA, GLASSWARE AND BRIC-A-BRAC mended and made n-rww4 na nw Bemls Park Shoe Store, 33d and Cuming t U M.19 J5 RUPTURE CURED No knife, no lnjec tlons. Call or write for booklet. Quick uro rvupiure jo., tiu w. O. W. Bldg., viuauia. u gut, PIANO TUNING Tel. 6fl04. W. R. Dalbey, 'PHONE 701 and your piano, $2. Farnam. i man will call and tune Pertield Piano Co., 1611 U 8 KEY TO HAPPINESS FOR MEN. My latest medical Dubllcatlnn for middle-aged and old men sent free to a'l applicants. Dr. Geo. B. Wood, 206 Wright ciag., nioux i.ity, la. U Mti&8 Jan x MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial massage; open evenings till 9 p. m. until after holidays. Lutle Bryant. iUQ DC U'Uft. L . .VI V EXPERIENCED NURSE, for confinement caseB. inorougniy reliable. 1824 "North I'tn Bt. u M990 JS $10.00 REWARD for the address or where abouts of Henry Lohse, used to be at nancrori ana fender. Neb. J. H. Lohse, run utwumie, wyo. u Mil J10 MASSAGE SPECIALIST Joseph Ruben, room 218 Bee Bldg. Tel. 6608 Omaha; 27 years' experience; work guaranteed sat isfactory. U M759 J6 PRIVATE HOSPITAL before and during connnemeni; up to date ana reliable in every way.. Z3l B. 13th Bt., Omaha, Neb, U-M758 J6 TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 3530, U-807 MME. PARFE of N. Y.-Shavlng, Facial Massage, Manicuring, are Douglas Blk. U-530 Jan 17 MRS. MERGES, pianist, 209 B. 20th. Tel. 4085. U IliS Febl FOR SALE A $60 credit, good on the pur chase price or any new piano ac Hasps s. What will you give? Address K-36. Bee office. u 191 6x OMAHA PRESSING CO., clothes cleaned and repaired; satisfaction guaranteed; Prices moderate. Tel. 6668. ltith and Dodge Sts. U M238 F3 FOR SOCIETY people; portraits from life; all sizes, jjeuonk, 403 a. stn Ave. U-M231 6k MEDICAL PROGRESSIVE HOMEOPATH. C. N. Bom mer. specialty chronic diseases; cancers. tumors successfully treated by mall. Bee P.ldg. M136 Jll FOR women only. Dr. Raymond's Pills, women's monthly regulator, has brought happiness to thousands of anxious women; no pain, no danger, no interfer ence with work; relief in 3 to 5 days. Wa have never known or a slnglo failure. Price. 12 bv mall. Raymond's Monthly Regulator In liquid. $3. Dr. R. O. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. iob LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal pills are the best; safe, reliable. Take no other. Bend 4c stamps lor particulars, "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return m-ill. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelpnia. p. LADIES. Il,0ii0 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGO. KOLO Remedy. Bafely relieves longest, most obstinate case of delayed Monthly Periods in $ to 5 days without harm, pain or interference with work. Mall 11.50. Double strength l.Ou. "SPECIAL FOLD ER FOR LADIES FREE. DR. B H. KOUTHINOTON CO., KANSAS CITY. MO. '66 BEST nerve bracer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box. postpaid. Sherman ft MeConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 767 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want in this column, put as u. in ua ,y I . get It. ' WILL TRADE A GOOD PIANO FOR DRAFT HOR9F.. 118 M CAGUE BUDQ. DRESSMAKING TICKET BROKERS CUT RATE railway tickets ererrwher. I'. It. I'llllDin. 13MS r aj-iuuu. rnvin e'.O LARSON ft JOHNSON. 14 Farnam. TeL ia.75. r?'-L UW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church ., main floor. N. Y. L. Tel. 133. J. M. Macfarland. N.T.U Bid. Tel. RML PLUMBING CHAPMAN ft MAHAN. Repairs promptly done. Prices reasonable. 612 N. atn. 1 el Red -MM. 68Wan21 A SAVARD, 1314 N. 24th. Tel. Mall JanH FLORISTS HE89 ft 8WOBODA, 141S Farnam. 791 L. HENDERSON, 1S19 Farnam. Tel. 13M. LOST AND FOUND LOST An engraved gold cross. Return to Bee omce ana receive rewara. .uosi-u GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR CAVALRY AND AR- tlllery horses. Chief Quartermaster Of fice. Omaha. Nebraska, December 12. 190&. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re ceived st this office until 12 m.. central standard time, January 6. 19"8. and then opened In the presence of attending bid ders, for lour nunjrea ana seventy-five t47i cavalry norses ana twenty-nve 12.-1) artillery horses, (12 wheel. 10 lead or swtmr and 3 saddle), a total or five hundred 600 horses, for delivery at Seattle. Wash., or at other prominent railroad points. Tho animals to conform to specifications for cavalry and artillery horses. United States reserves ngnt to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Par ticulars and blanks for proposals will be furnished on opplicatlon. Envelopes con taining proposals to be endorsed "Pro posals for Horses." and addressed to MAJOR M. GRAY ZALINSKI. Chief Quar termaster. Decl2-13-Jan2-3-4-5 CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office, Fort Des Moines, Iowa. January 1. 190$. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be reclved here until 2 p. rn., standard time. February 1, 19o6, for construction of a cav alry drill hall at Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Information furnished on abnllcatlon. United St-tes reserves right to accept or re ject any or an proposals or parts thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposals for Cavalry Drill Hall," addressed M. W. Rowell. Q. M. J1-2-S-4-29-30 LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The South Omaha and Western Railroad company, for the election of seven directors and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting, will be held at the office of A. L. Mohler, corner of Ninth and Farnam Streets. Omaha, Nebraska, on Wednesday, the Tenth Dixy of January. A. , D. 1906, at 11 o'clock A, M. T. M. ORR, Secretary. D29d lztm RAILWAY TIME CARD CHIOS BTATION-TBIITH AND MARCY Union Paelfle. Leara- Overland Limited 9:46 am California Express a 4:16 pm California ft Ore. Ex.. a 4:26 pm Los Angeles Limited... .all :30 am Fast Mall a 1:56 Dm ArrlTa, 1:1$ ora 9.30 am a 6:10 pm 10:45 pm a 3:30 pm a 7:44 am a 4:60 pm Colorado Special a 7:46 arn North Platte Local. ...a 8:10 am Beatrice Local b 1:18 pm o z:w pm Chicago, Hilnsskcs St. PaaL Chicago ft Colo. Spec'L.a 7:56 am a 7:36 am California & Ore. Ex.. .a 6:45 pm a 1:10 pm Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a 9:30 am Marion ft Cedar R. Lo..b 6:45 am bll;00 pm Chicago, Bock Island 4k PactAe. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:26 am Chicago Express a 7:00 am Chicago Express, Local. bll:16 am Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Express... a 6:40 pm WEST. T:10 am , a 9:66 pm a 4:S0 pm bll:60 ara a 1:16 pm a 1:16 am a 4:66 pm aU:06 pis 10:00 pm U:60 pm 8:16 am Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:?0 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm Oklahoma ft Texas Ex. .a 4:40 pm CUlcatio A northwestern. BL Paul Daylight a 7:50 am Chicago Luyllfcht a s:un am Chicago Liinileu a s:3S pm Carroll Local a 4:32 pm St. Paul Fast Mall a 8:28 pm Sioux C. ft BL P. Local. b 1:60 rs Fast Mali 9:50 am 7:06 am 9:3.'. am :M pm Chicago Express a 6:60 pm a 7:40 am Norfolk ft Bonesteel....a 7:40 am 10:35 am Lincoln & x.ong i-ine....e cwara Casper ft Wyoming. ...s 2.5o pm 10:36 ara 6:15 pin 6:15 pm 6:15 pm 1:46 pm 11:16 am Dead wood ft L,inooia...a z:ui pm Hastings ft Albion b 2:60 pm Chicago Local all:30 am Chicago Limited aU:O0pm llllluola Central. Chicago Express .......a 1:00 am a 1:65 pit Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am Minn, ft St. Paul Ex..b8 0am b 1:66 pm Minn, ft Bt. Paul Ltd. a 1:30 pm a 7:30 ara Chicago Great Westers. St Paul & Minn a 1:30 pm a 7:13 ant SL Paul ft Minu a 7:46 am a 76 prrt Chloago Limited a 6:00 pm aJ0:80 am Chicago Kxoresa a 6:06 am a 1:30 pro Wabash. St. Louis Express a 5:10 pm a t:40 am Bt. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) a 9:16 am al0:30 pm Btanburry Local (from Council Bluffs) ,.b 1:00 pm bllJO am Missouri Paella. BU Louis Express a 9:00 am a (:10 ant K, C. ft St. L. Ex allOs pis a t:o pis BtRLIJfUTON STATION-IOTU dt MABOH Rarltngtoa. Denver ft California.... a 4:10 pm Northwest Express ...,all:10 pm Nebraska points a 1:15 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 1:60 pm Ft. Crook ft Plattsm'h.b 1:60 pm Belle vue ft PUttsm h..a 7:60 pm Denver Limited Bellevue ft Pac. Juno.. al2:15 pro. Bellevue ft Pac. Juno. .a 1:30 am Chicago Special a 7:26 am Chicago Express a 1:20 pm Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm Iowa Local a 9;1 am Bt. Louis Express a 4:46 pm Kansas City ft Bt. Joe.al0:46 pm Kansas City ft Bt. Joe. a 9:16 ara k'annas City ft St Joe.a 4:46 pm a 1:00 pnt a :0t pre a 7:40 pm al3:0t pm alO:2T am b 5:83 am a 7O0 am a '$':' pm a 7:26 pra al0:61 pm all:30 am a 5:45 am a :ot pm a J-Uy- b dally except Bundsy, . 'd'daily except Baiuraay. 0 Bunaay ouiy except Monday. U.UJ WEBSTER DEPOT lfJTH WEBSTII) Missouri Paelfle. Nebraska Local, via Iavs. Arrivs. Weeping Water b 1:60 pm bu.50 pm Ctlrao, St. Panl, Minneapolis , ft Oroiiks. Twin City Passenger. ..b 1:10 an b 1:10 pm Sioux City Passenger.. .a 1:00 pro all. 10 am Oakiind Local b 1:45 pm b 9:16 am Emerson Local c 1:45 am c t.-vO pm OCEA STRAMRRS. CLARKS?ORIEIVr tnd U4IUrraDsn, lociutfiai Spsis, r apat.Mii tlrtr4 t- 8. Arabic. ll.OeO ton. tru 9ab. Vk. A cruix of 70 s.r.. pndlii it a.fi palaatius at.S Etfypt. coatlr, only 40u and us. Including auo a icur.lona, hot. la, dri.aa. faca. and all naraaaan i IKuai. ID TOlRi TO El KOIE t TO JAPAN.) Sand for llluatratad iMafrlpllva Booklet FRANK CLAKK, M Broadway. Mae lata, a 'hus tux Us local a.uu "