Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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8ir Horse Impressed with Citj'i Stability
and Will Inoreast Hit Intrits.
till Prarllral Head of Department ul
AkHrnlmrr anil Technical Kda
catlnn In Ireland, TkoaKk
t nlonfat In Politic.
Horme i'. riunkett of Dublin, Ite
nn on M annual visit to Omaha to
over his emenslve realty holding
expresses himself an better pleased
aith the mutirlnl rnnriltirtn and prospects
f Omaha n nrl Houtli Omaha thnn ever
"On ran w h "nernl am Hliiking Im
provement of conditions." said Rr llnrare.
"Of course It haf been apparent for sev
eral years, hut now It appeal to one with
i-peclsl force, riri every hiind n-w buildings
nr notlred and It In ensy to perceive the
'nthuslastlc feeling In u II business circles.
"I m'lsh lo spend ii speeial wold of pulso
for the Jubilee I'llltlon of The He-" Issued
Nw Year's. I was plasetl pnrti'-tilarly wl'h
th lift festurcH of the iiie. I wss giml
to see that It o iiMMuile wns conservative
snd not lnrlnr to pnridlnK or exaggera
tion. We ilo not want any ronre padded
'riifuii reports. The Injury drn to Omaha
by the Infinle-rt (Inure of lwt cannnt be es
timated.. It. ha b'-i-n r. source of regret to
me and I have ctietu'ntcrcd the bad effects
nnd had tlieni railed to my attention long
rllstance from til city.
Will Ho More Rnllrtiaig.
"I fhnl! n'-iid a weed or an li re In
specting my prupertlea and making plans.
I have In mind the construction of another
pparlmnnt building for men to and
alongside the chathnm. at Thlrt-cnth ond
Dodge streets. The Chatham has proved
very suiTrssfiil. Besides this I am li.jurlng
on erecting a business structure In South
umahn and posslhly some other construc
tion In Omaha. Nothing definite has y.-t
been arrang'-d, but I must say have
inrre ronlldenco In the city than evrr.
"What Is ne.cded riwvst In Omah:i, and I
am aware . I am saying nothing nrw. la
cheaper .power. Thej-e must be n better
balancing ot industrial production with
"For a. long time, outside capital wu
rather afraid of Nebraska because of up
prehended radical legislation of various
kinds particularly laws which would favor
ths debtor at the expense of the creditor.
I believe this apprehension hns almost
wholly disappeared.
Affairs In Great Hrttaln.
"Sine 1!W I have been out of the Tlntish
Parliament, after serving eight years.
Though my polities Is unionist I am still
retained as vice president and working
head of the Department of Agriculture and
Technical Education for Ireland. I do not
know how long 1 shall be kept at this
post, which I waa asked to retain for the
present by the new liberal government.
The object of the department Is lo develop
ths Industrial possibilities of Ireland and
relieve many of the Ills resulting from an
almost entire lack of other occupation
than that of agriculture.
We are trytn j to .
secure the Investment of capital In pro-
ductlve enterprise by exhibiting the re-
source of the country and the possibilities
Came Out Constantly Hair Finally
H ad to Be Cut to Save Any Seal p
Now in Good Condition and No
More Itching Another Effective
" l will gladly giva you all tho infor
mation concerning my case. I used
tho Cuticura tkap and Ointment for a
diseased scalp, dandruff, and constant
falling of hair. Finally I had to cut
my hair to save any at all. Just at
that time I read about the Cuticura
Remedies. One every week I sliara
pooed my hair with the Cuticura Soap,
and I used the Ointment twice a week.
In two months' time my hair was long
enough to do up in French twist. That
is now five years ago, and I have a
lovely head of hair. The length is
six inches below my waist line, my
scalp is in Very good condition, and
no more dandruff or itching of the
scalp. I used ot her remedies that were
recommended to me as good, but with
no result. If you wish to publish
any of what I have written you, you
are welcome to do so. I am, reepect
fully, Mrs. W. F. Grices, Clay Center,
Neb,, Oct. 23, 1905."
Mothers Should Use Cuticura
Soap, the World's
Mothers are assured of the absolute
purity and unfailing efficacy of Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Ointment, the great
Skin Cure, in the preservation and puri
fication of the skin, scalp, hair, snd hands
of infants and children. For baby ecie
ina, rashes, itchings and chafing, as
well as for annoying irritations and
ulcerative weaknesses, and many sana
tive antiseptic purposes which readily
suggest themselves tl mothers, as well
as lor all the purp we of the toilet,
bath, and nursery, Cuticura Soap ana
Cuticura Ointment are priceless.
Sal tkrawhMt IM vwt. Cwlcam So. Mc, Olnt.
nttnt, RmivMI, . Os term mi Choooial Cmi4
Fill, IM. pt tUI ml ), k4 ht4 i all 4niu,H.
kVnar I rut mmm chBi. Corp., Sol Prop.. Soalos, ktaM.
T lm,"lkilialCallnl 4U (Wv k
Th moat sever head
aches will yield in a few
niaatai to Broojo-La
Icoataio no Quinine).
Dob t suffer any lorurer.
Get bo today aak your druggist (or
the Or a tit tolered Boa
Ail druvt'lata. 2-.ur by mail.
It especially valuable during the
summer season, wnen outdoor occu
pations and sports are most in order,
J'ield to it, and it is particularly
agreeable when used in the bath
after violent exercise.
and also by educating the people along
broader lines of practical application so
they may be able to word In harmony
with these schemes. V have had a fair
measure of success with encouraging indi
cations. Hl Liberal 4. alas Kapecteil.
"The general elections will take place this
month and are expected to result In a large
liberal majority In rarllament for the sup
port of tl.e new government. Fiscal re
forms. Including the tariff, will not be a
prime Issue in the elections, but the ques
tion will be blouplit to a focus In the next
Parliament. 1 b lleve the protectionist
Idea is growing rapidly In public favor. It
Iv rxpouacd by a lurge part of the unionist
"The problem of the unemployed Is to the
front In Kngland. although I do not believe
It is really so much worse than In prior
years. The new government, which Is de
voted to a considerable extent to these
social conditions, has brought the matter
up for a large amount of discussion. How
it will be Solved no one can tell."
Sir Horace will not have time to look
over his Irrigated land holdings in Wyo
ming. He Is staying at the Omaha club.
Hrirrla Me of IKfM).
At the Real Estate exchange meeting
Wednesduy Sir Horace I'lunkett talked on
Omaha as he S"irs It, offering some criti
cism on the past and advice for the future.
"One of the things which has been most
detrimental to Omaha's welfare," he said,
"was the lie of 1SW. the raise census enum
eration, which made the city the laughing
stock of the country when the truth came
to le known.
"What do you expect?" said the capitalists
of the east, when asked to Invest in
Omahu. "of a community which cannot
count itself?" 1 am glad to see that the
value of the truth now is better realised.
1,. 8. Reed and N. P. Dodge. Jr., talked
along lines suggested by Sir Horace. Mr.
Reed lamented the "lie of and Mr.
Dodgo spoke of the present sound financial
Appears for First Time In Many Year
as I'rltatr PrartlrlnB
Former Fnlted States District Attorney
Baxter makes his first appearance in many
years as a practicing attorney In the dis
trict court In the suit of Harry Nott
against the Fidelity and Deposit company
of Maryland. He Is associated with J. H.
Van Dusen, who is to be Mr. Baxter's
partner hereafter. Tho suit is to recover
KVI.Jtrt, alleged to be due on a deal of Nott
with James P. Connolly, and tho Baltimore
company is defendant by reason of Con
nolly having deposited with It tho sum or
J2.IM9 when a surety bond was secured
while the depositor was In the contracting
Announcements of the Theaters.
That special Inducement offered the
women and children at the Orphcuni every
Thursday, the mid-week popular price mat
inee. Is fccheduled to take place this after
noon. To make things lively and mirthful,
the best of fun makers embraces James II.
Cullen, the popular parodist, who with his
a : 1. . . a,.! Ultail nniA of
I usual emci o i?"t no .
his sallies to local topics: Edwin Entell, the
musical minstrel; Dixon arid Auger, Oer-
man dialect comedians, and others.
Faullna Hall Is said to have found in
Dorcas" the successor to "Krmlnle. so
long sought by her. Miss Hall spent many
thousands of dollars on ventures, undertak-
lng to secure another light opera as good
as the one In which she scored her greatest
triumphs, but secured only allure after,
failure, until Harry and Edward Faulton,
the well known English writers, who had
given "Erminle" to tho world, produced
Dorcas." In It the great prima donna
has won again the success of her former
fforta. Miss Hall and her fine supporting
company will be at the uoya tneater on
Friday and Saturday evenings nnd a
matinee on Saturday.
Owen Wlster's pictures of certain phases
of bygone days in the cattle country ore
so true to life that the real article cannot
detect the difference. The Virginian Is un
Idealized cowboy, but Trampas, and Ne
brasky, and Honey AYlggln, aud Dollar Hill,
nd Bteve, and the rest are genuine, and
the atmosphere In which they figure is
the clear, ozone-charged air of the great
plains country. It Is scented with the sage
brush, and the cedar, the wild roses and
the popples, the tiger llllles and the pine
needles, and the western man who doesn't
get his blood stirred while watching "The
Virginian" Is sluggish Indeed. Mr. Farnum
and his tine company will be at the Boyd
theater on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday evenings, and a matinee on
The regular shoppers' matinee will be
given at the Burwood this afternoon. The
bill for the week, "Are You a Mason?" is
making a very favorable impression. Next
week "P&rbara Freltclile" will be put on.
Let the world know how Omaha Is grow
ing and It will keep on growing. Do your
share by sending your friends copiea of the
New Year' Edition of The Bee and Birds
Eye View of Omaha. Do It now.
Merrltt's Pharmacy, 13th and Douglas tits.
Open all night. 'Phone 1230.
German Malaal Kleet.
Ofileers of the German Mutual Fire In
surance company were elected at the an
nual meeting of the directors held Tuesday
i 4n noun us iiiiiuwh; j rt'sitieni ana treajft
urer. J. B. White; vice president. John
Wall of Arcadia; secretary,. C. W. Hicks:
assistant secretary, F. P. Cowderv. All
the officers sueceed themselves. After the
meeting a dinner was dispatched at the
Calumet restaurant. Other directors pres.
ent were: Hubert W. Hicks, H. 8. Brown.
D. J. Drebert and J. I Hutchinson, all nf
Omaha; Adam Grass of Hustings, R. B.
Hennen of Tekamah and L. W. Marshall of
George A. Joslyn left for the east Wednes
day morning.
Th household economic department nf
ir.e umana oman ciuu will me
neet at 10
a. m. i nurixiay.
A ten-pound girl ho arrived at the h
oi iur. anu Airs, juiiiu u. Kortlaiiar ir
of StanforJ Circle. ' 1
Mrs. 8. C. Carter has returned from New
York and the east, where she eueut the
uiauuei ana lauer part or 12to.
A. A. Betsche of the American Radiator
company. ho has been soeiidlnir th i,..n.
nays nun nis lamiiy in Chicago, has re
turned to. the city.
Halltaay tote anal I'eraoaal.
ierru rori. assistant general passenger
.m ui tug i inoii j-aiiiic, na gone to
v. iiicubo on a snort trip.
rrea Montmorency, assistant general
iretani agent oi me Burlington, is In Kan
as City at a meeiin of the Transinisauurl
rrriui naie association.
P. 13. While, the newly annolnted
ing passenger agent of the Illinois Central,
arrrnea n Hinriuiy morning ami took up
tnv ruik oi lie jivaiiion.
U. I- Pck. general manuger of tin
Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg, who
Is now In California, will be through
Omaha over the Luion ratine about the
ttrat of next week.
Ueneral Manager Holdrege of the Burl
Ing Ion and D. Wtllard, cond vice presi
dent or tne sysiem. wno nave been on an
extended tour of the road, are expected
In Omaha IhuriHlay to meet 1 tortus Miller,
first vice presuleui of the Burlington and
a high official in all of the Hill lines. No
Intimation is glen as to the nature of Mr.
Miller a visit at this time and it Is no
kuown whether he will make a Journey
Into the state or whether he simply niinri
for a ennt'erene with Mr. Holdiege and
Mr. W II lard.
City Officials Will fit to Rsduce Amount
of Ainnal Demanii.
l.uniilns Off; lleeomea ecearr
Ilrlnar the Rndajet Within the
Limits Prescribed hr
the Charter.
When the council meets Thursday after
noon to make the apportionment or money
from the general fund to the various de
partments and branches of the city gov
ernment It wilt find before It the rather
delicate problem of lopping $27,2S4 from the
aggregate of the amounts asked for by the
officers and appointees.
The charter limitation to the general fund
Is liw.ouo, which, reduced by 10 per cent
required by the charter and amplified by
$1S. of miscellaneous receipts, leave
$2i.9.3(0 available. Departmental heads de
mand a total of 2S7,4. Reductions will
have to be made some place.
Both tho Judgment and health depart
ment funds must come out of the general
fund this year, which Is an Innovation. As
for the other funds It Is the Intention to
plsy them to the limit because of neces
sity. In making the certificate to the
county commissioners the maximum was
placed on all funds, for that matter, so
this is nothing new. But In splitting up
the general fund the council still has wor
ries of its own.
List of Demands.
Following Is a list of tho demands:
Mayor $ 4.0t
Council 1B.1N5
Comptroller ll,Rs
City treasurer
Legal department
11. vt
1. BJo
2. til
1. KS
2, wi
Tax commissioner
pollen court
Building Inspector
Holier inspector
Plumbing li.scctor
License Inspector
lias Inspector
Weights and measures Inspector ....
Emergency hospital
Removing ded animals
Meals for prisoners
Election expenses
Premium on olllcial bonds
Ilintlng annual report
Part payment voting machines and
Ak-Sar-Ken Illumination
Mlsce aneous Items
Oenecal items for grading, etc
Payment of Judgments
Repairs of sewers
Repairs unpaved streets
Construction bridges, viaducts and
Construction Hidewalk crossings
Inspectors public works
nspectors pulilu1
Inspectors street
Maintaining city hall I.40
Health department
laboratory analyses
Charter limitation on general fund.
l ss 10 per cent
. 2ti.SU)
90 per cent available $241,200
Estimated extra receipts 18,800
Kstimated receipts 12ft). 000
Kstlmutod expenses 287.2S4
Estimated deficiency ..117,284
Mlckaclaen Watata Assistant.
In this connection City Electrician Mlch-
a el sen asks tur an asmsiani inspector ai
il.ow a year, lie sas tne uniuum oi ere
trlcul work has grown so it cannot d carea
for in the manner contemplated by law
without art additional man In the office.
The reinspectlon of old bluidlngs, directed
by charter to be done once a year, has been
neglected because of the great amount of
outside construction work, including the
underground conduit Bystems.
This Is the only new employe contemplated.
, The annual payment on the voting machine
will take neurly SS.OOO out of the treasury
I and I13.IX) is to be set aside to pay the si.ww
fcilory of the county treusurer for acting as
city ticaurer an.d $12,000 for 1 per cent of
city tax collections, which must be puld to
the county.
Statement by l.obeek..
The comptroller submitted the following
statement of funds checked In the hands
of the city treasurer:
! Cash In drawer $ 4.523.01
Checks for deposit . 9.S32.3J
Balances City School
In Hanks. Funds. Funds.
I First Nat. P.ank.$90 (.24.67 $14,853.47
Mer. Nat. Hank. sx.5.4
Neb. Nat. Bank
Omaha Nat. Hk. 91,533.54
1'. S. Nat. Bank. 80.162.26
Kountze Bros.,
16.4524 81.014.38
New York 5i,iw.tB
Police Relief Fund:
Merchants Nat. bank....$ 2.990.04
. 8. Nat. tiank i.istj.ii ,ins.ia
Special Fund:
First National bank $34,000.00
Merchants Nat. bank.... ji.uw.w
Neb. National bank 24.000.iw
lmaha National name., ai.uw.w
8. National bank bs.viu.ou lui.uuu.w
Total funds on hand..
Mail the Jubilee Edition of The Bee and
Blrd's-Eye View of Omaha to your friends
price, postpaid in tubes, 15 cents each. .
Sad Beginning- of Sew Year.
The new year began with a tragedy at
he home of John Vidlak. at 2318 South
Twenty-seventh street. James, the 19-
mnnth-old son, was playing aooui on tne
Whose Say-so is Best?
With nearly all medicines put up for
ale through druggists, one has to take
the maker say -so alone as to their cura
tive value. Of fours, such tawtlmony is
not that of a disinterested party and
erordlngly is not to be given the sums
credit as if written from disinterested
motive. Dr. Pierce's medicines, how
ever, form a single snd therefore striking
exception to this rule. Their claims to
the confidence of Invalids does not rest
solely upon their makers' say so or
praise. Their ingredients are rattlers nf
public knowledge, being printed on each
separate bottle wrapper. Thus invalid
sufferers are taken into Dr. Pierre's full
eonndonce. Score of leading medical
i&en have written enough to fill volume
in prslse of the curative value of the
several Ingredients entering into these
well-known medicines.
Amongst theae vuiters we find such med
ical Iur tola M I'rof. Finley FUlngwood. M l..
of benuet Medlral College, Chicago: Vrut
title. ot the same dtr; I' rot Jobn U. 'ud
der. U. D. late of Cmrinntti. Ohio; Prof.
John King. M. D.. law of Cincinnati. Onto:
Dr. GroTer Coo, of New York: l'r. Btrthv
tow. of JeOerauu Medical College, of l'a
and acore of others etiuajly eminent.
Dr. Tierce's Forit Preemption care
the worst cssx of female wetkneaat. prolap
tua.anuwerMo& tnd retroTentktti and correct
trret'ulariiiw. rurws painful peruxi, dnea uo
diatsreeabie and weakening drtuit, aome
Umw known a pelvic caitrrh and a multi
tude of other dlseaao peculiar to women.
Hear In mind, it Is aot patent nor even a
secret medicine, but Uie" favorite. Prescrip
tion" of a regularly educated pbjrslcitn. of
large experience in Uie cure of woman
peculiar ailments, who frtnkly and cuofld
liurlf lakes bl patleuU Into hi full con
fidence by telling them Jul wbtt bia " Pre
scription " is oornuoMe of. Of no other medi
cine put ap fur autuu'i special maltdle
aud sold Uiruugh druargUta. ran It t said
test the ma Her u not trraia to deal Uiu
franklj. openly tnd hooon,bly. by letting
very patient using la same know aviacUy
what aiie U taking.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, fr. All correspond
ence Is guarded a sacredly secret aud
womanly confidences are protected py
professions! privscy. Addrnia Dr. R. V.
Pierce. Buffalo. N. Y.
How to preserve health and heautv la
told In Isr. Pierce's Common Sense Med
ical Advtuer. It ts frrt. For a paper
covered copy send Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buf
falo N'. Y., Jl one-rent stamp to cover
uaillaaT ojiiv ; in riots) binding 21 stamps.
. Dr. Pierre's Peilew curs onUpatku-
Few People Know How I (nl It is
Preset-vlna. Health and Mcmii.
Nearly everybody know thut (.luiicnal is
the safest and most efficient dislnlectai'.t
and purltier In nature, but few realize its
value when taken into the human system
fur the same cleansing puipu..
Charcoal is a remedy thai the more you
take of It th better; It 1 not a drug ut all,
but simply absorb the gases and Impurities
always present In the stomach and Intes
tines and carries them out of the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after smok
ing, drinking or after eating onions and
otuer odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears und improves
the complexion, it whiten '.tie teeth and
further acts a a nuluiul aud eminently
sal cathartic.
It absorbs the Injurious gases which col
lect In the stomach and bowels; it disin
fects the mouth and threat from the poison
of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcual lu one form or
another, but probably the best charcoal and
the most for the money is in Stuart s Char
coal Lausenges; they are composed of the
finest powdered willow charcoal, and other
harmless antiseptics In tablet form, or
rather In the form ot large, pleasant tasting
lozenges, the charcoal being mixed with
The dally us of these lozenges will soon
tell In a much improved co million of the
general health, better complexion, sweeter
breath and purer blood, the beauty of
It I that no possible harm can result from
their continued use, but on the contrary,
great benefit.
A Buffalo physician, in speaking of the
benefits of charcoal, nays; "1 advlbe
Stuart' Charcoal Lozenge to all patients
euffer'ng from gas In stomach and bowels,
and to clear the complexion and purify the
breath, mouth and throat; I also believe
tile liver is greany Denentea ny tne dally
use of thorn; they cost but twenty-five cents
a box at drug stores, and although in mine
sense a patent preparation, yet I believe I
get more and better charcoal In Stuart's
Charcoal Ixizenges than In any of the or
dinary charcoal tablets."
floor when he suddenly developed symp
toms of severe illness. Several physicians
were called, but the child died despite their
effort, it was ugreed that the caus of
death was ptomaine poisoning, probably
induced by something which the baby had
picked from the floor and swallowed.
M. Mary' Avenue C'oiisrrearatloiinl
C hnreh Retains Old Officials at
Annual Meelluv.
The present officers of St. Mary's Avenue
Congregational church were elected to suc
ceed themeslves for the year at the annual
meeting of the church last night. They are:
A. H. Waterhouse and Dr. S. H- Towne,
deacons; J. 11. Boutelle, treasurer; F. E.
Bollard, clerk; K. Westerfelt, Sunday
school superintendent; Dr. W. C. Dean,
head usher. Miss Maud Richards was re
elected pianist.
Report were heard from standing com
mittees and from organizations connected
with the church. Mrs. C. S. Hayward for
the Women's society of the church re
ported $535 as the net proceeds of the two
days' annual sale In the Young Men's
Christian association building early In De
cember, and $3) as proceeds from
luncheons, musicals and entertainments at
various times through the year. The society
had paid $300 on the .church mortgage and
had contributed to the support of the mis
sionary organizations of- tne church, and
to the Young "Women"' Christian associa
tion, tho City mission, the Old People'
home, tho Rescue home and ibe Child Sav
ing Institute.
Irene Uirmon reported for the Christian
Endeavor society an average attendance
for the year of twenty-four and a collec
tion of $50.20, of which $13.50 had been puil
for the support of the City mission.
The average attendance of the Sunday
school was 130, and the amount of money
raised $006. of which about $60 was given
for benevolent purposes.
The total membership nf the church is
3H6. Eight persons were received by letter
and nine by confession during the year.
The annual , dinner, with program of
toasts, will be held at the church at 6
o'clock next 'Wednesday evening.
Lovelr Opportunity for Mlith Ward
Politician Reformer to
Make at Howl.
Had John T. catners seen certain in
scriptions on a recent pay roll of street
department employes sent in by one of
the foremen to Commissioner Hummel It
Is probable another earthquake would have
occurred at the city hall.
On the roster sent in by this foreman
appeared the names of C. O. Lobeck and
Charles H. Wlthnell. Mr. Lobeck Is city
comptroller and Mr. Wlthnell Is building I
Inspector, so it was a prima facie evidence
of the stuffing of pay rolls.
Fortunately Mr. Catners knew nothing
about the occurrence. The truth is thut
to a Swedish person who could not talk
English wan applied the name of Lobeck.
and to a large, muscular colored man was
given the patronymic of the building in
spector. The real names of the laborers
had been lost In the shuffle somewhere and
Commissioner Hummel could nut restrain
his humor
Of course when the accounts got to the
real pay rolls and appropriation ordinances
the proper name were discovered and in
serted. The colored Charley Wlthnell Is an old
protege of the building Inspector, who has
often tided him over periods of financial
depression and otherwise "been good to
Freaslral with I'rar
arc many who develop lung trouble. Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
will cur therti. 60 rents and 11.00. Fur
ale by Sherman & McCnnnW) Drug Co
Miss Bell Beetlle will alng two solo
next Sunday evening, January 7, at
Kounlse Memorial church. The choir will
sing Beethoven' Hallelujah Chorus tMount
of Olives.) E. D. Kei-k, choirmaster.
Mortality- Ma 1 1st lea.
The following births and ileaths have
been reported to the Hatl of Health dur
ing the twenty-four houi ending at noon
V ednesday:
Births Joseph Devine. 'X Patrlrlt ave
nue, boy; Oeorg trohsel. 1237 t)nuth Kli
teentb. girl; Jessie Taylor, North
Twenly-sixih avenue, girl; E. lal'.ell.,,
litis North Twentieth. tx ; 11. V. P-iero:i.
1111 South Thirty-first. 1hj-; R. L,. Kobisnn.
ii.'I Caiatol avenue, girl: Iougias HinK' r.
Davenport, girl; Ames Cuffs, iuVt Dor
ian, girl; NichoUa Feuger, 3 Ms Half Cass,
ieatha Mr. Brlilget O'Brien, 92J South
Twenty-fifth. 66; I'atrick Ix?chy, 1411 Noith
Eighteenth, hi; Charlie Kuehl. Fortieth and
Boppletoii avenue. 4.; James Vidlak, tivi
South Twenty-seventh. 1; William 11. Toy.
Hii Charles, ft.
laqaeat Otar Jobn Kelly.
Coroner Brailer will hold an Inquest at
I o cloc k this afternoon over th remains
of John Kelly, for wbooe death John Dovle
la locked up at the police station. Kelly
and Dovla bad been "pals' for fifteen
years doing railroad and other labor, and
became engaged in ail altt-rcation while
hoveling snow from sidewalk Tuesday
evening, when DnvW) Is charged with hav
ing stabbed Kelly with a knife. Kelly
die,1 at ib Cuuksotl ViMtl aflr a few
Snrpsed ia Cities of World Only bj
thirtgo at Frisiar a art.
t.ale Itr Wrml Oat of irar with
Dlaaeat Moathly Receipts for
firaln Ktrr Recorded
Omaha's grain market eclipsed In Decem
ber all previous records by total receipts
for the month of ft.Ou4.8iiO bushels of all
kinds of grains. This was due largely to
the movement of corn, of which 4,114,EiO
bushels were received during the month.
At the same time predictions of 8ecre- ;
tary Merchant of the Omaha Grain ex- i
change wire fulfilled, to the effect that
Omaha for the yar would hold second
place among the primary corn markets of ,
the world, Chicago only being larger in 1
this respect. It has been a close race be- 1
tween Omaha, St. Ixxils and Kansas City,
this city keeping slightly In the lead all
year. The figures from the two rival cities
have not been received fet, but both are a
modest distance behind Omaha.
Ib'ieipt aud shipment were twice as
laige as for the eleven ononths of l!r4, dur- .
ing which the grain exchange was In oiein
tlon. Receipts of all grain for 1905 were
S4.S23.&10 bushels, against 1.4M.4 bushels
in V.H. from February 1 to December 31. .
Total shipments of all grains for 1905 were I
34. M, (Km bushels, as against 15.370.49 bush- I
els in WH, from February 1 to December 31.
The most marked increase was In corn, of
which receipts were 8,fc33,7So bushels In 19t4
and 19,771.3110 bushels In 1916.
The following table sliow receipts and
shipments of grain for Omaha and Council
muffs for the year of 1906:
llerelpts. Shipments.
Following is
19.771, :)
record for
Receipts, Shipments,
Hushels. Hushels.
heat 514. m)
Corn 4.114. 5il
Oats l,279.5oo
Rye 61. im
Barley 35.H00
Melt Janonlo Picked Ip on the
Xtreela MuffcrloK from a
Wound on Hla Head.
Nick Jiinowics, a luborer working for the
Union Pacific railroad, waa picked up by
a pedestrian at Twenty-eighth and Blondo
streets at 10 o'clock last night with a
wound In tho back of his head and an
other on his cheek. Jannwlcz appeared to
be suffering much pain and said he had
been shot by two colored holdup men near
the smelting works. He was taken to
Fivy tag's drug store, 1914 North Twenty
fourth -street, and the police notified. The
j patrol wagon brought the man to the sta
I tion, where he waa attended by Police
' Surgeon Morsman. Hi Injuries were found
i to be slight and the etory thut he had been
shot was scouted by Dr. Morsman. Jano
wlcz said that he was attacked and robbed
by the negroes, after which he wandered
to Twenty-eighth street, searching for a
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1224.
Odd Fellows' Joint Installation.
Four of the Omaha lodge of the Inde
Inpcndent Order of Odd Fellows held Joint
Installation exercises at the hall. Four
teenth and Dodge streets, last nlKlit. Dele
gations were present from and the officers
Installed lor Omaha lodge No. 1, State
lodge No. K. Beacon 1o1k No. 20 and
Wasa lodge No. 1H3. The ceremonies took
up a large portion of the evening, and
when completed i-hort talks were given
by the newly elected officers, alter which
refreshments were served.
Do you want to buy or sell
anything ? get into business ori
out of it ? want a situation of
high order, or the same kind
of an employee ?
See the classified advertise
ments in Everybody's, begin
ning January. A new idea!
and a good one brings the
right kind of people together.
Everybody's for everybody
that means you.
Everybody's Magaxine 15
f 1.50 s year
Sserlal rearaaeaUliva wasuat fat ai
Majranaa Is lama atkara ttara ara mm
aMwaHaMMMMuaMmiL '
Between Omaha and Lincoln and Nebraska Points
No. 5 will leave Omaha at :(0 a. m. daily instead of 8:15 a. in., stopping at inter--mediate
points, and will arrive Lincoln at 0:55 a. in.
No. 19 A New Train will leave Omaha at 0:10 a. in. daily, stopping only at Ashland,
and arrive Lincoln at 10:30 a. in., and will there connect with morning trains for .
Beatrice, Southern Nebraska, the Beatrice-lloldrege line, the Lincoln-Hastings-Kearney
and McCook line, the Lincoln-Grand Island line and branch lines north of Aurora.
No. 4 A New Train will leave Lincoln at 7:30 a. m. daily for Omaha and intermedi
ate points, arriving Omaha at 0:00 n. m. Xo. will leave Omaha at 0:10 a. m. for Platts
moutli. I Noon Train No. 92 from Omaha to Piatt sinouth will be discontinued, the morning
train Xo. 4 taking its place. Morning train eastbound from Schuyler will connect at Ash
land with Xo. 4 for Omaha and the East.
, No. 2 will arrive Omaha from the West at 3:30 j. in. and will leave Omaha for the
East ut 4:00 p. m.
No. 7, the afteruou train now leaving Omaha at 3:M p. m. for Lincoln, will leave
Omaha, daily except Sunday, at 2:15 p. m., arriving Lincoln at 4:X p. m.
has an earned reputation
superior quality
- i in ml r'lfltuaai
jJAPBQSEl jl pAPROSt i pArfel
Jap Rose
An exquisite production. No skill can
make a soap less harmful or more delicate.
It beautifies the complexion, keeps the
hands soft and white, imparts a constant
bloom of freshness to the skin.
nothing reserved.
Mondavy, Ja.nua.ry 8. 1906
1407 Douglas.
aaSara., I . 1 " -
1 mMwmmnmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmm- I
Improved Train Service
Effective Sunday, January 7th
dcei not dope or drug, but
feeds the body snd soothes th
crrre in the muat plratant, nat-u.-sl
way. It ia boon to th
briin-wotker, the convalescent,
the minting mother, or any one
needing a ntirritiout, palatable
beverage fo Coax back ttrength
ta the body or the flush of health
'.hetherks. Prominent phya
c'n 'is recommend it. Order s
cue (s eus. bottles). At
Da Hi a for uaaalural
trritatioaa or ukotaitosa
of ! aiuibran.a.
ri.u wm" Palnlaaaand But aatrl.
UVMSCttMICtlC. f aot or oloua.
ul by DragsriM,
' at aaat la lalo vraprar,
mr mtmrmmm. amxi. tot
SI M. or S toltl". 2 T.
Cireulor seat ea laajuee
4m m M4 t. MrtMar..
ir MamiuTt.i.rraJ