Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Bee.
rlly Bee (without Bunday), on year. Ho
Il)y nee and 8unda. on year
Illustrated Bee. one year J-jj'
Snnday B. one year j '
Baturday Hm, one year "
I'ally Pee (Including Sunday) per week. .1.0
Kally Bee (without Sunday i. per week.. 12c
Rvenlng Ree (without Punrtayt. per week, w
Evening Bee (with Sunday , per week...l
Sunday Bee, per copy .fc
Addreaa complalnta of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs-lO Pearl Street.
Chicago 140 I'nlty Building.
New York 15 Home Life Ina. BuiMlng.
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to newa and ed
itorial matter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Kem't by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bea Publishing Company.
Only J-eent stanips received as payment of
mail accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss :
C. C. Ilosewater. secretary of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly sworn,
savs that the actual number of full and
complete cnplea of The Daily, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Be printed during
lh month of December, 1906. waa as fol
I ai,u-o
t r.a,T4
a IWMttO
81, MM
M an.itio
27 :m,oio
i aa.oim
9 31.S40
30 axoio
31 no.iso
tf i,71
lesa unsold coplea 10,808
Net total sales
Dally average...
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before me this 31st day of December, 190i.
(Heal) M. B. 11 UNGATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers leaving; tha city tem
porarily should liatt The Be
mailed to them. It la better than
m. dally letter from borne. Ad
dreaa will be changed aa often as
President Morales evidently desires to
Lave room In which to swing bis "big
stick" without hitting some of bis cab
inet officers.
So the big insurance companies are
also going to stop rebates and preferen
tial concessions to their patrons. But
most of us are from Missouri and will
bare to be shown.
notation of the police la the pro
scribed district bag been Inaugurated In
8t Louis with good effect, according to
latest reports. Why can it not be also
Inaugurated in Omnha?
Nobody has yet enjoined Judge Vln
sonhaler from turning over the funds
In bis possession to bis successor, but It
might not be out of order to require a
checking up and a recount.
The election of the Roosevelt candi
date for speaker of the New York legis
lative assembly would Indicate that the
Roosevelt policy cannot be cried down
on the plea of political imperialism.
While engaged In the appetizing exer
cise of shoveling snow the Omaha house
holder can congratulate himself on the
fact that this Is but the second time In
the winter the work has been required.
The secret ballot for the sovereign
voter and the open ballot for every dele
gate and lawmaker who represents the
sovereign voter should be the rule In
every convention and legislative body.
If the new Chinese ministry Is suc
cessful In studying American ways It
may some day be necessary to send a
delegation to China to learn bow they
have solved some of the American prob
lems. President Castro may extend to a
French man-of-war that courtesy be
withheld from the French mlnlstei, but
not until Uncle 8am aays the word
which will permit the Frenchman to
make the visit
The ease with which Mr. Odell went
down the toboggan should show him the
mistake be made In attributing personal
Hlltlcal motives to President Roosevelt
New York 'politicians apparently took
hlin at his word.
Now that the president baa failed to
remember a visit from D. R. Mason, the
British liberal candidate may be sorry
that be spoke, for the electors will prob
ably object to placing such an Insignia
cant man In office.
In declaring that the Peoria school
board Is to blame for the peculations of
former Superintendent Dougherty, the
experts have read a lesson to every situ
liar organization which places Itself in
the hands of one man.
After ten days' fighting the dead and
wounded at Moscow Is officially re
ported at 741 of the former and 1,131 of
the latter. Russian soldiers will have
to practice at targets before they can
W considered dangerous.
Pat Crowe's trial baa again been post
poned until the February term, which
means that the county Is to pay bis
board bill at 45 cents per day for at
least six weeks longer. In that respect,
however, the county will fare no dif
ferent with Crowe than It does with
the entire contingent In the county Jnil,
tin leas the county commissioners cease
quibbling and get down to business.
the call for jcc50Ar.
Thnt congress the necessity
for n judicious dejrroc of economy in
(impropriations Iihs Iki-ii already indi
cated, conspicuously so In the aiiuoiiuce
Inont that there will be no river and
ImrlKjr bill this session. Perhaps pro
vision will lc made for carrying on
work that Is regarded ns absolutely
necessary, but this would not Involve a
very large outlay. Referring to this
announcement the Pittsburg IHspatch
remarks that the economy that Is al
ways dictated by Integrity should ex
clude river and liarlwir improvements
that are useless ami wasteful, but to
neglect Important internal waterways
on the plea that revenues are Inade
quate, will be a singular confession of
weakness. That paper thinks it is a
mistake to put millions into new war
ships when we already have more than
we can find crews for, and give noth
ing to purposes thnt will increase the
national wealth and resources. It urges
thnt It is time to have it understood
that the internal development of the
country is entitled to some shnre of
consideration in the expenditure of the
public funds.
There is certainly force In this view
and undoubtedly there will be a good
deal of criticism of the decision not
to pass a river and harbor bill at this
session, yet It will be admitted that
this Is one direction In which economy
cau be practiced without injury to the
public service. The wisdom of main
taining the livers and harbors In a con
dition that will bo of service to com
merce will not be questioned. The
policy that has been observed In this
respect has had good results, although
there has leen a vast deal of waste.
River and harbor Improvement is essen
tial to our Internal commercial develop
ment and the policy will lie maintained.
It is not likely, however, that any harm
will come from omitting an appropria
tion for this purpose at tills session
of congress. At all events, the evident
Intention to keep expenditures within
receipts Is to be commended and encouraged.
Perhaps tho most Important duty be
fore the New York legislature Is the
passage of a law for the better regula
tion and supervision of life Insurance
companies. Governor Iliggins makes
this prominent in bis message, telling
the legislature that the eyes of the world
are turned on New York and that If a
proper and adequate law Is not passed
the legislature will fall to meet the ex
pectation of those who have conlldence
In the ability of popular government to
solve Its own problems as they arise.
The governor does not expect any
effective action by congress or the fed
eral government but says that the pos
sibility of such action should not retard
for an Instant the work of the state.
Governor Iliggins makes some practical
suggestions and recommendations and
earnestly urges the necessity for a radi
cal revision of the law for the benefit
of Investors In life Insurance and for
the regulation and restraint of the com
panies. That this will be done there Is every
reason to believe. Public sentiment de
mands It and the legislators are very
sure to give heed to this demand. As to
the Insurance companies they doubtless
expect radical legislation and probably
will offer no opposition. Already Im
portant reforms have been Instituted by
some of the companies, particularly In
reducing salaries, and other reforms will
be made In due time. The Insurance
business Is In process of being placed
on a sound and seenre basis.
What will the administration decide to
do In regard to the Santo Domingo sit
uation? It Is very probable that this
question is troubling the president and
secretary of state. The latest advices
show conditions In the republic to be
serious and although It Is stated that
the customs service, which Is under
American control. Is not being Inter
fered with. It Is very liable to be if the
revolutionists should be successful. In
that event our government would have
to either entirely abandon the plan of
collecting the Dominican customs rev
enue or adopt vigorous measures against
the revolutionists. The latter course
would hardly be approved by our people,
chiefly for the reason that It would be
regarded as a step toward annexation
and It can be very confidently asserted
that a majority of the American people
do not want . this. Santo Domingo
would Inevitably be a source of more
or less trouble to this country and there
are already difficulties enough in out
lying possessions.
While the action of the administration
In assuming the burden of Santo Do
mingo's financial affairs was prompted
by the best of motives, the belief Is
widely entertained that the course
taken Is not altogether wise and there
fore should not be continued. Aa now
shown it Is disapproved by a considera
ble number of the Dominican people
and the man who as president of the
republic entered Into the arrangemeut
has abandoned his post so that there
Is practically no government In Santo
Domingo, certainly not a government
with any authority. What professes to
be the government could not enter Into
an agreement or treaty that would be
It would seem that under such cir
cumstances our government should re
linquish the obligation It has assumed
In regard to Santo Domingo's financial
troubles, aluce there Is a possibility that
If the course Is adhered to we may be
come Involved lu more serious difficul
ties. As heretofore pointed out. if this
Is to be established as a precedent It Is
not hard to understand that future en
tanglements might grow out of It which
would be very embarrassing and trou
blesome. The South and Central Ameri
can republics which owe foreign cred
itors would call upon the United States
to help them out of any trouble they
might get Into resulting from their debts
nnd our government would feel bound
to respond. This seems to be the view
of those senators who are opposed to
the pending treaty with Santo Domingo,
which proposes to continue what Is be
ing done by our government lu collect
ing the customs revenue of that country.
They feel that there Is possible danger
to us In the course taken and thnt we
should look first to our own security
and welfare. They regard the treaty
as meaning a practical protectorate, to
end In the Island becoming a possession
of this country.
It Is a perplexing situation that Is
thus presented, but a determination of
the policy of our government regarding
It will not be long delayed. This rests
with the senate. If It ratifies the treaty
steps may be taken to put down the
Insurrection. If the convention should
be rejected the connection of our govern
ment with Santo Domingo's financial af
fairs will promptly end. ,
warrixq oit Roosevelt.
It was not to have been expected that
the trust magnates and rulers over rail
way provinces would remain quiescent
and bow their necks to the blows that
are being struck by Theodore Roosevelt
lu carrying out bis Ideals of the square
deal. Neither was It expected that the
Irrepressible conflict between the presi
dent and the enemies be has made
would be fought out In the open. In
such a pitched battle Roosevelt would
have the advantage of an Irresistible
popular sentiment that all the potential
force that could be brought to bear by
the confederated trusts and their allies
could not sway.
The plan of campaign agreed upon by
the board of strategy, that Is directing
the movement designed to unhorse
Roosevelt, contemplates a warfare from
behind masked batteries and party line
entrenchments. Realizing that Roose
velt would be powerless to carry out his
cherished reforms without the co-opera
tion of congress, and the dominant ma
jority in congress would not dare to
array It9elf against him without sub
stantial party backing, the first attack
Is being made by a trained corps of paid
sharpshooters, who are shooting poisoned
arrows at Roosevelt through the press.
The first volley from the masked bat
teries discharged at Roosevelt was em
bodied In a series of letters contributed
without extra charge to the leading
newspapers of tbe country Immediately
after congress had taken Its holiday re
cess, and here Is a sample brick of tbe
kind of warfare which Is about to be
What does President Roosevelt and his
political advisers Intend to do with the
republican party? This Is the question that
the thoughtful man in the dominant or
ganization Is asking himself. Senators and
representatives who have remained at the
capital during the holiday recess are more
mystified than the people of other sections
of the land, because of their nearnesa and
accessibility to the chief executive. They
cannot ascertain the next move at the
White House and they have to look afar
Into New York and Illinois In order to de
tect the working out of the president's
Strictly speaking, there Is no longer any
mystery regarding the president's inten
tions. His la an ambition of a new and
Interesting sort. Although It hints at
political dictatorship, he is not aspiring to
personal benefit from them. He wants to
be a Warwick, not a Caesar. Tie would
make presidents In the future, but he
would not accept the scepter for himself.
He would select our rulers, but would
disclaim all Intention to direct their
policies. He would name the candidates
and only ask tha American people to en
dorse his choice. That Is all he proposes
to accomplish.
He asks tha rank and file of his own
party to believe that ha Is without personal
ambition further than an addition of the
title of Vnlted States senator to his life's
history. Seriously such a proposition must
give anxious causa to many of his warm
est friends and aupportera.
Therefore, approaching so Important a
theme, we feel bound to repeat. What does
President Rooaevelt and his advisers Intend
to do with the republican party?
Then follows a diatribe of subtle
speculations calculated to arouse dis
trust among republicans In the presi
dent's course and designed to create a
breach between him and the republican
congress. Reading between the lines,
the disquisition on Roosevelt's relations
to the republican party Is manifestly an
attempt to pave the way for roeniliers
of congress that are affiliated with cor
porations to find an excuse for side
stepping on the question of railway
regulation and other vital Issues In the
advocacy of which President Roosevelt
simply voices the known sentiment of
the American people.
The controversy over the county aud
city treasury reminds us that the school
board still maintains a salaried attor
ney uuder the pretext that the city law
department cannot attend to its busi
ness. The school board has no more
need of a separate attorney than It bus
for a separate treasurer. The office of
school board attorney was a sinecure
created expressly for a lawyer who had
been a member of the board and the
sinecure has been continued ever since.
If the school board has any money to
burn or give away we could suggest
many ways to dispose of it to creator
advantage to the patrons of the schools
and taxpayers. The only practical use
the board baa been able to make of its
attorney is to detail bim as a legislative
lobbyist and pay bis hotel and refresh
ment bills during tbe session of the leg
islature. The city treasurer muddle is growiig
worse, but reforms, like revolutions,
never go backward. The movement for
the consolidation of the city and county
treasuries was a popular Impulse for
more economic fiscal administration und
greater convenience to men aud women
who are required to pay taxes. All Im
pediments that stand in the way will
eventually Ih brushed aside. There Is no
more reason why thai city ami county
should have two separate sets of tax
gatherers and depositories than for a cat
to have two tails.
Suppose Mr. fathers should succeed
In convincing the supreme court that
the new charter for Omaha Is unconsti
tutional and void, and suppose that we
were compelled to fall back on the old
charter, what kind of a muddle would
we be lu concerning the clfy election?
The old charter provides for the election
of a tax commissioner and a city treas
urer, and It also creates a Board of Pub
lic Works, consisting of the engineer,
comptroller and building Inspector, while
the new charter wipes them all out.
Then coines another little Joker. Under
the old charter, the pay of city council
men Is $!XKl a yenr; tinder the new char
ter It Is $tw a year. Would the old
councilnien have to pay It back nnd
would the candidates who now want to
be councilnien remain In the field if they
knew In advance that Ihelr salaries
would be only $75 n month? These and
sundry other puzzles and problems
would spring up like mushrooms If Gath
ers succeeds, but the chances are BO to 1
that be will only make ft splurge.
Indian Commissioner Leupp Is discour
aging the Indians from going to Wash
ington to see the Great Father and him
self, lie says the Indiana cau do more
good by writing and at less expense.
Of this there Is no .doubt. It takes very
little time and precious little Ink for an
Indian to make bis cross mark on a peti
tion or remonstrance, nnd. Judging by
results, there is a well grounded sus
picion thnt most petitions and remon
strances mailed to the Indian bureau
find their way into the waste basket or
pigeon bole.
If Governor Mickey could make It
convenient to come to Omaha on a tour
of observation It would not take him
very many moons to discover that tbo
police commission, or at least two or
three of Its members, Is tip to Its cars In
politics and leaving no stone unturned
to line up the liquor dealers for the sup
jtort of W. J. Brontch for the mayoralty.
In making this statement The Bee feels
sure that It Is not divulging any secret,
although, we presume. Governor Mickey
has not yet heard of It.
Governor Iliggins tells what should be
done, but very modestly refrains from
telling tbe New York legislature bow to
accomplish re. ults. ills failure in this
regard makes It easier for "disinterested
advisers" to show legislators how to
frame laws which will be satisfactory
to nil until they are brought before the
The Montana grand Jury thnt indicted
its own foreman, for unlawfully fencing
In the public domain has set a most
salutary example. If the late federal
grand Jury of this district bad done the
same thing there might have been a sen
sation In the federal building.
Obstacles to Reform.
Chlcaco News.
Lots of men find it hard to keep their
good resolutions In regard to using only
parlor lungunge when tha bills begin to
coma In.
Hardest Knock of All.
Springfield Republican.
Among the storms that threaten to burst
upon congress is one over free passes. The
railroads have been trying an experiment
In cutting off rebates and discriminations
that hits the congressman between wind
and water.
Goodness n tho Abstract.
Indianapolis News.
Mr. Belmont shows no lessening of en
thusiasm In his movement for publicity
concerning campaign contributions, and
with the neareat Important election ten
months off. he ought to get a fair amount
of noncommittal moral support.
Sweeps that Do Sneep.
Springfield Republican.
Secretary Root's sweep of the old fores
In the State department Is likely to be
thorough-going, apparently. Solicitor Pen
field la the next one. to go. Judge Pen
field, who entered the department In Sec
retary Sherman's time, was the lata Sec
retary Hay'a malnatny In legal matters,
for Mr. Hay waa not a lawyer. On tha
other hand, Mr. Root la a great lawyer
himself, a fact that must affect some
what his relations with the solicitor of tha
Conilngr Oat of Their Holes.
Springfield Republican.
Now that the New York insurance In
vestigation la ended, the sick ones all ap
pear to be on the road to speedy recovery.
Ex-Senator David B. Hill la expected to
be out In a few days and Is said to be In
dignant that the committee adjourned with
out giving him a chance to be heird In
vindication of himself and that Equitable
retainer. Very likely Fields of the "Hons
of Mirth" will also appear and In a like
state of indignation. Even "Judge" Ham
ilton may now be starting home from
Europe, prepared to claim that the com
mittee adjourned because It did not dare to
face him.
slgniaraare of n Repent faart
Martial In tbe Eaat.
New York World.
The snobbish act of Lieutenant Ray I.
Taylor of the coast artillery in asking
Sergeant Patrick Butler to change his seat
In a New London theater commands Its
own comment.
But the point of the Incident comes with
the court-martial of the officer on charges
preferred by Butler.
In probably no other army in the world
would It be possible for a private soldier
who claimed to have been humiliated, thus
to demand military Justice against an offi
cer. It is not pleasant to think what would
:uppen In Germany, for instance, to a
sergeant presumptuous enough to act on
tho belief that even the freshest of young
lieutenants had done him an injury.
The case eniphat-les to our national
pride our plate as non-military people.
Our soldiers, even the highest In rank.
ar put lie servants emergency aervanta,
whom ahottlder strips do not transform
Into autocrats. In tl e Cnlted Statee denioc-
lacy and th. ayUi! deal extend to ins
ranks ( enllat-d nn !" thn th
line aud ataf!.
Rlnnlra na tbe Cwrrent of Life In the
There was more champagne consumed In
New York New Tears eva than during
any other ten nights In the year. It
wasn't absorbed with any Intention of tak
ing a load on the water wngon next day.
Nor Is It a peculiarity of the climate, for
New York's thirst is a continuous per
formance. But the Inst day of any old
year, when material things go well, pro
duces an Irresistible dslr to give the old
year a staggering send off, and then some.
The laat performance was a hummer from
dusk till dawn and the quantity of liquor
consumed was a fright. So was the quality.
A correspondent declares not 10 per cent
of the stuff was genuine. The waiter who
shows the wine cork to his customer Is
offering perhapa only a stmulnted proof. A
reputable wltneas who was connected w-lth
one of the best known Broadway cafes
tells how his house used to fool Its cus
tomers, not occasionally, but all the time.
Somo of the patrons were particular and
did not care what they paid so long as
they were assured of the quality. The
bottles for this class of patrons were kept
separate in a cabinet, but whenever empty
were filled from the same source from
which the bar bottles got their supply.
When the man who paid O cents a drink
came In down came the special bottle. An
other customer put down his 15 cents or a
quarter for two drinks and forth came
another bottle filled from the aamc com
mon source.
The American agent for one of the best
known and most expensive brands of Im
ported champagne recently complained to
the Treasury department that a bogus
brand of Imported wine, represented as the
genuine article, was being foisted on the
public at an absurdly low price. Tho
American agent was particularly worried
because Ids rival was doing a land ofllca
business with the cheap chnmpagne.
Secretary Shaw was appealed to to put a
stop to the fraud. It being further alleged
that the low-priced brand was being
palmed off as an imitation of the costly
variety. Inquiry by special agents of tho
Treasury department uncovered a most In
genious plan of operation by the men who
were handling the cheap stuff. They were
in the habit of approaching a dealer and
darkly hinting that they had some good
champagne to sell at bottom prices, due
to the fact that It had been smuggled Into
the country. The stuff Is put up In bottles
with tinfoil and labels similar to tha
tt-a-quart brands. It sells for $12 a dozen.
The duty on Imported champagne is 18 a
dosen quart bottles, and the wholesalers
were getting the Imitation variety at less
than the amount of duty.
The contents of a specimen bottle were
analyzed by the department and found to
be sparkling cider. It had been Imported,
all right, but it paid duty at the rate of 5
cents a gallon as cider, and not as cham
pagne. The American agent was Informed
that no fraud against the law was being
committed by his rival and that It was not
the province of the government to expose
the deception.
An observer of the street car manners
of New Yorkers has compiled the following
statistics of the comparative chivalry of
the men of the metropolis: "Men between
the ages of 20 and So will relinquish their
seats to a young woman of attractive ap
pearance In seven out of - ten cases," re
ports this observer. "If the woman Is not
pretty only three of the ten will get up
for her.
"From S5 te W years of age, five out -of
ten, or about one-half of the total number,
will give up their seats to the young and
pretty women, while less than one In ten
say about one In twelve will rise to give
the unattractive woman a seat.
"Old men seem to be more chivalrous
than those of middle age, the proportion
being six In ten, as against five in ten.
"Elderly matrons fare better with old
men than with younger ones, although my
statistics on this point are not sufficient
to stats conclusions."
Automatto sign novelties are the pre
vailing craze among those merchants who
cater to popular taste, and the nimble
witted person who can suggest that kind of
a business getter will not hava to hagglo
over his compensation from the storekeeper
who profits by It. One of the simplest, yet
most effective, of these signs has recently
been given a warm, cheerful greeting to
tha crowds which scramble through the
windy canyon of Nassau street. A drug
store has utilized the ordinary gilded sign
an Ice cream soda glass by running a
small steam pipe up the back of the sign.
This pipe spouts a cloud of steam over tho
rlin of the glass so realistically that the
passerby Immediately becomes a temper
ance advocate at the thought of hot soda.
The ancient question of having grace be
fore or after meat came up In a new form
the other day at the Insurance Investiga
tion In city hall. A man In the audience
sent a note to one of the commissioners
suggesting that It would be well, consider
ing the solemnity of the occasion, to open
tha sessions with prayer. But tha commis
sioner, In his note of reply, took a dif
ferent point of view. There were aoma
days, he said, when It would be better to
offer prayer at the cloao of the sessions,
for the souls of the witnesses who had
just been examined.
The pathetlo end of an operatic dynasty
was recalled the other day by an exhibit
In a New York auction room. Offered for
sale by a warehouse which had kept them
In storage for nearly a decade were several
opera oloaks, now shabby and faded, and
aoma furs made up In the old-fashioned
modes of an earlier day. The tickets on
them Imparted the knowledge that they
had been the property of Mrs. Henry E.
Abbey. She Is now In London, but has
been loat to the alght of her American
friends since Henry E. Abbey, the greatest
amusement plunger of his day, died
practically penniless.
Wealthy New Yorkers manifest an In
creasing tendency to live out of the city.
Social observers go so far as to say there
are Indications that ere long the families
who have longest been Identified with New
York will choose to make their homes In
a suburb and will be satisfied with an oc
casional visit to town. What la more, most
of these persons .even the rleheat, will
prefer to put up. at a hotel or to live In
an apartment hotel when they do come to
loan Instead of maintaining an establish
ment of their own.
Dr- Graves'
Tooth Powder
la used twice-a-day you will have
-white teeth, hard sums, clean
mouth, pure breatli, good diges
tion, good health. Listen to your
dentist's advice. lie knows best.
In bandy naatnl una or botUns, Cge-
Dr Graves1 Te.ih Ponder Co.
ri:noxi, otk.
Mr Yerkes made a gnllsnt fight for his
millions, but Iras spectacular than the Im
minent fight over these same millions Is
likely to be
I'll I II p of Snxe-Cobuig lll pity lYInoess
Inilxe ;il,00u a year and H.CW.ono besides.
Alimony on this sonl would soon place di
vorce out of ordinary reach.
I'r. WIIIIbii) Osier denies the rumor thnt
he Kill give up the nglus professorship
ol tiKMllclne at Oxford to return to the
Johns Hopkins university, Raltimore.
Major General Trotskl. who wis recently
tnsdn romimiiin'snt (if gt. Petersburg, wns
lorn on July , 1M7. He served In the
war with Turkey and haa been for many
years connected with the Imperial guards.
It might be well for Mr. Wetlmnn first
to find n n airship that can be sailed safely
from Chicago to New York. A Journey
to the pole does not afford the best oppor
tunities for testing so uncertain a thing
as an a Irs hi;-.
Mrs. Caroline Kllznbeth Merrick, the au
thor nnd philanthropist of New Orleans,
celebrated her eightieth birthday recently
and enjoyed a reception at the Kra cluh
of that city at which representatives of
every woman's club of the city were pres
ent. A woman's league to build ships Is the
latest In IJerlln. Women are reminded that
the ant, ly resistless energy, ran collect
heavy loads and build room palaces for
themselves and that, therefore, It Is possl
ble for Cleriiinn women, by toll and self
denial, to contribute u mighty ship to the
navy of tho fatherland. Collecting boxes
In the shape of a warship will be distrib
uted to ail members of the league.
Prediction Regarding; i;nct of t nr.
rent on Steel Structures.
Chicago Chronicle.
The current Issue of the Railroad Gazette
prints a letter from George Westlnghouso
predicting that the steel structure of the
great New York subway will be destroyed
by electrolysis resulting from tho use of
the direct current on the electric roads of
that city, and that tho destruction will be
hastened after the New York Central road
completes the electrification of Its lines en
telrng the city.
Mr. Westlnghouse is tho Inventor of a
method of adapting the single phase alter
nating current to high-power motors. For
this reason it is natural to suspect that he
may exaggerate the danger not only to the
subway structure, but to underground wa
ter and other pipes and to Iron and steel
laid underground in the construction of
buildings from interested motives. It Is
said, Indeed, that ho is relieved from this
suspicion by the fact that thn General
Klectrlc company has by contract tho right
to all the Westlnghouse patents.
Be that as It mny, there Is no uuestlon
In the minds of electricians about ti:e dan
ger In all Iron and steel constructions un
derground where exposed to powerful cur
rents of electricity.
Experts argue that where the direct cur
rent is used enough of the return current
will pass through the ground, where the
best practicable metallic returns ure used,
to do gTeat damage to the metallic struc
tures they encounter.
Mr. Westlnghouse does not say that elec
trolytic destruction will take plat"? very
rapidly to metallic work under ordinary
condltiona, but he insists thnt It will ap
pear to some extent and become dangerous
In process of time. He asserts positively
that when the alternating current Is used
there will be no electrolytic effect whatever.
Omalia Plan Flnda Ready Acceptance
In the Enat.
New York Tribune.
A dispatch from Cleveland says that an
experiment Is to be made near that city
on the Lake Shore road with gasolene cars
for interurban service. Eight or ten will
be put Into operation on a line running
eastward from Cleveland presumably a
track already In use and If the result Is
satisfactory a similar venture will ulti
mately be made to the westward. In many
parts of tljo country the traffic is too light
to make steam trains profitable, and there
la unquestionably a need of more econom
ical means of transportation In such dis
tricts. Where single enrs are employed
the requisite expenditure of power Is less
wasteful than where a locomotive Is used
to haul two or three half tilled cars.
The wisdom of a change being conceded,
however. It still remains to be determined
why gasolene should be preferred to elec
tricity as a motive agent. It haa been as
serted that the Lake Shore company ex
pects to make better time with It than
the interurban trolley cars make, because
the latter are compelled to reduce their
speed after getting Inside city limits. The
hope is well founded, no doubt, but the im
provement will be due to the ownership
of a private right-of-way, not to the in
herent merits of the gasolene, engine. If It
wanted to, the Lake Shore company could
easily beat with electricity any speed yet
developed with gasolene.
Electric traction Involves some outlay for
plant as well as for car equipment, but the
erection of a power station by the company
that runs the cars Is not, after all, essen
tial. It Is possible nowadays to buy power
from lighting companies. A comparison of
ths costs of operation by the two methods
Is, of course, legitimate. If gasolene Is
really cheaper, and If Its use Is attended
with no drawbacks which mors than offset
any possible advantage of this kind, a good
argument can be made for th system
which is to be tested In Ohio.
From tlis very outset, however, It Is safe
"They Were
I Got to
A customer told us the other day that he went Into a piano store ad
vertised as "strictly one price" and began talking about buying a piano.
He was given a price upon a certain piano.
"All right," he said. "I'll shop around a little first," and he went out.
"Were they one price?" he was asked.
"They were until I got to the door, then they broke and the price
went all to pieces."
Tho quest iou before the house was quickly seen by the customer., lie
saw that they had tried to fleece him out of a large sum of money, had he
paid the first price asked. He knew that If they would deceive him In the
price they would deceive him as to the quality of the piano.
' In the Hospe store the price cannot be lowered, because It's right and
at the lowest notch to begin with.
In no other store will you And such a large stock of such splendid
makes of pianos.
A. Hospe Co.,
1513 Douglas St.
W Bell the Aug. lu IMauo I'layer. The IWt Place to Huy a Plane.
to count on one difference between th i
gasolene engine 'and the electric nio ir.
The former Is a more complicated piece ot
mechanism than the latter. There fin
many more things about an automobile to,
get out of order than about a trolley fur.
Blrctrleltjr unquestionably guarsntr'S
greater continuity of service. As yet, rtoie
over. speed regulation Is a much coaler '
matter with an electric motor than with
a gasolene engine. The motorman of an
electric ear Can set his lever at eight or
ten different places, and secure a corre
sponding variety of effects. On the two ;
experimental gasolene ears built for the I
t'nlon Pacific (and on the third which hits
! recently been ordered) the gearing permits
only two rates. How serious this fault
will prove Is still an unanswered question.
Light Is needed on these and several other
points, and the trials t be made on the
Ike Shore rood ought to dispel some ef ,
the uncertainty now existing relative toj
the merits and demerits of the gasolene J
car. For this reason. If for no other, ths
venture must be favorably regarded.
"Waa he calm nnd collected when th
boiler explosion occurred?"
"Well, he was calm, nit right, but thev
never did get him all collected." Cleveland
"My wife has a tender nature."
"How so?"
"She got some eggs at the grocer's the
other i1h.v and hadn't the heart to beat
them they were so old." Cleveland rialn
"Beg purdun. sir," said the waiter, with
outstretched palm, "but haven't you for
gotten something?
"No," replied the departing guest, "but
I'm tryln to forget It. Good day!" Phila
delphia Ledger.
The first canary had discovered that It
had a voice, and was proceeding to use It.
"Do you think you enn sing?" sneered
the parrot.
"Well, 1 should twitter:" said the canary.
Which, in order to make good. It immedi
ately begun to do. Chicago Tribune.
"1 understand you played a solo at the
musical last night?"
"No; merely un accompaniment."
"Why, nobody sang."
"True. Hut everybody talked." Louis
vlllu Courier Journal.
"I fear I shall not be able to attract
much intention." said the new congressman.
"Don't worry," answered Senator Sor
ghum, "In this era of accusations and In- !
vestlgotlons It la sometimes a luxury not to i
be noticed." Washington Star.
St. louls Globe-DemoVrat.
I would not be" President,
A kaiser or a king;
1 would not be a statesman,
ur yet a millionaire,
I do not wish for glory,
Or riches anything
That brings responsibility.
Or .worry, work or care.
There Is only one position
To which my soul aspires.
The only man I envy
Is the bed-kept autocrat,
The Invalid Incurable
i Hut who strangely ne'er expires).
U. I would give most anything
If I could be like that!
I'd then be humored, waited oa
And petted, loved and feared;
And everybody'd stand around
And do Just what I said.
I wouldn't have to comb my hair.
Or shave I'd wear a beard;
And wouldn't have to work at all-
Aud I could smoke In bed.
When folks come In to see ma.
They'd tip-toe as they walked
(And they wouldn't dare resent It
Whatever I might say).
I'd make 'em speak In whispers.
When with my folks they talked;
Or If I didn't want 'em
I'd make 'em go away.
I wouldn't have to worry
Over bills and thlnga like that.
For the freest man from trouble
Is a sick bed autocrat.
If I on ll Id lie ail liivallit, c
How happy and care free
Would be my life, for I would bo
As mean as I could bel
What Would Happen?
TT 'What would happen If
Utwomen, hating each
other violently and In
love with the same girl, with
whom both had quarreled,
wera unexpectedly quaran
tined in tha girl'ahouse by a
smallpox scare, along with
her and a member of th
German nobility (tampor
arily angagad as a carpet
layer) and adrunkan plum
ber? Wall, what would happen?
Hera's a glorious comedy
complication. Caorga Ran
dolph Chester tells In Jan
uary McClure's what did
happen. It's riotously funny;
lively every minute and has
a sunburat of happy clear-lng-up
at tha and that
warms tha heart.
This story alona is worth
more than tha magazlna
costs, and there's a lot more.
All news stands. 10e ILOO a year
McClure's Magazine
44-40 East 2Sd Street New York
One Price Till
the Door"