Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1906, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TIirKSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1006. BttEES .MISSED ME . POINT cf his lawful sslsry and never turned over to the countr. The county attorney briefly recounted the complications leading up to the suit, showing that at the recent sesMon lequert fsr Reitraiaing Order ia Copj of the legislature sought to readjust the kotion Qiren Him. CITY ATTORNEY IEF0RE SUPREME COURT .Asks that Restraints Order Issaed rt4lns Hearlag ol Treas arer'a Salt B Sat Aside. (From a Staff Correspondent.) I4NCOLN, Jan. I. (Special Telenram.) City Attorney Breen of Omaha appeared before the state supreme court at noon today and urged, the diamlasat of tha re straining order issued yeaterday In tha rase of Cathera agatnat Treasurer Hen- nlngs of Omaha, forbidding the latter from turning over the funda in hla possession to County Treaaurer Fink. Mr. Breen repre sented orally to the court that the purpose of Frank Random, oounarl for Cathera, In peeking the restraining order, was con cealed In an order asking tha court to advance the caae for an early heating. Mr. Breen declared he had agreed to tha motion to advance but had no knowledge salaries of countr clerks, heriffa and treas- urera. and In formulating the new law had neglected to re-ensct a apeclal provision for the salaries of such officials In Douglaa and Ianeaater counties, the reault being that the offlccra In those two countlca were placed on a par with those of other counties ao far aa salaries are concerned. County Attorney Slabaugh contended that aa the new law went Into effect under an emergency enactment April 1 last, on that day the salary of the county clerk was re duced from $2,500 to tf.snn. Wherefore he con tended that the fees should have been turned In by Drexel on a $2,&n0 salary basis up to April 3 and a 11.500 basis after that time, so that of the 12.475 collected and re tained by Drexel ho should have turned Into the county treasury all but $1,739. H. C. Itrome presented the argument in support of Irexel's retention of the entire amount of the fees. Tills caae almllarlv In- volvea a reduction of salary of the county treasurer from $3.noo to $2,000 and of the sheriff from $2,5") to $2,000. C hang of Base. I R. Jones, now a clerk In the office of the commissioner of public lands and build ings, will on Monday next retire from that counties In central Nebraska are repre sented and It Is expected that several hun dred members will attend. of tha restraining order feature until after office to accept a position as bookkeeper at It was granted yesterday by the court. Mr. Breen communicated by , tele phone with his office In Omaha and learned from his assistant that a copy of the mo tlon to advance, which near Its conclusion set forth the request for the restraining order, had been filed with Mr. Breen and duly receipted for. Mr. Breen said, how ever, that ha had assumed that Mr. Ran son wouid Inject nothing Into It not men tloned In their previous verbal agreement to advance the case, as a consequence of which hs was taken completely by surprise to learn that It contained any mention of a restraining order. During the afternoon session Mr. Breen appeared again, filed a written motion to vacate the restraining order and presented Arguments in support thereof. Bnsy Time for Conrt. Tha supreme court tried to finish Its work tonight In order that Judge Holcomb might give way tomorrow morning, but only par tially succeeded. A number of opinions wars handed down at 6 o'clock, with the intimation that there would be more to morrow morning. Eight of the twenty-two opinions filed were Douglas county cases. In the Jorgenson caae, where the appel lant had been refused a saloon license at 124 North Tenth street because there were five In that block, the action of the police board was upheld. The court says- the board has tha right. In the exercise of sound discretion, to refuse a license even where no protest had been filed. In the case of Fred K. . Herman against City of Omaha, the court affirms the dla trlct oourt aa to street Improvement dis trict No. BBS. and reversed It aa to dis tricts 661 and 677. The court holds that park property Is not subject to taxation, and that a metropolitan class city cannot petition itself for street Improvements. Th Regent Shoe company case against Haaker, involving use of a mercantile trademark, was reversed and remanded. Other Douglas county decisions are: Cathers against 1.1 n ton, affirmed; Baa- comb against bascomb, affirmed: Standard Distilling and Distribution Company against Harris, affirmed; Allen against American Beet Sugar Company, reversed and re manded; Stat against Potter, receiver, af- xirmea. Other decisions are Smith against Street and Hitchcock, re versed; Sheldon against Uage County, af firmed; Btat ex rel against McMonles, Burt, affirmed; Brlchachea againat iirlcha chek, Colfax, reveraed; Colgrov against Pickett, Oage, leveraed; Kupke against polk, former judgment vacated and, juilg- Smit "Of "district court reversed; Court ous Rock Irrigation ComDany aaainst Nvillard, Cheyenne, affirmed; Ames against Ames. Washington, affirmed; Union Ha sina Railroad against Thompson and Tier stey . brothers. Custer, affirmed; Burdlck gainst Sons and Daughters of Protection, .Lancaster, reversea: juy or Kea the penitentiary. In the latter capacity he will succeed E. M. Baumann of West Point, who has resigned to take charge of the es tate of his father, who died recently. Mr. Jones hails from Clay Center. Contracts for Sapplles. The State Board of Purchase and Sup plies was keeping open house today In the senate chamber, receiving bids for supplies for the coming quarter at state institu tions. There were quite a number of bid ders on hand with samples, so that the senate chamber looked somewhat like a section of a department store. One stirring tilt occurred over tha con tract for mine run coal, the contending bidders being Horace P. Miles, representing the C. B. Havens company of Omaha, and John Dorgan of this city. It appeared that Miles had submitted a bid of $4.10 for the coal, with 25 cents added for delivery, while Dorgan's bid was $4.06 for the coal and 30 cents for the delivery. This made the bids even, but the board awarded the contract to Dorgan. Mllea presented an objection, claiming first tha as It was a tie the board should have flipped a copper, aa It had done on a former occasion and thereby lost to him a contract at Grand Island. Then he claimed the privilege of changing hla bid, aa the board had allowed Dorgan to do at the last quarterly re ception of bids. At that time. Miles claimed, his bid was the lowest by some 20 cents, but after the bids were opened Dorgan claimed that his own bid included the 25 cents intended to be charged for delivery, which brought his bid 6 cents lower than that of Miles. This change was allowed on the ground that It was a clerical error, and Miles today Insinuated that he ought this time to be allowed to correct a clerical error himself. But he could not get the board together again for an expression and the contract went to Dorgan. Miles said it would make a dif ference of about $300 to the state. Picket Will Take Seat. The controversy over whether Robert Ptckel,- the republican nominee for county commissioner, would be allowed to take his seat tomorrow Is practically ended, and un less something else Intervenes he will be allowed to take his seat without legal op position. Lee Newton, whose three years as commissioner expires this month, for a time Insisted that the law passed ' last winter extended his term a year. Picket's attorneys Insisted that that law was In valid and that it did not apply to any county but Douglas, anyway. Newton, who Is a democrat, had refused a renomlnatlon and was preparing to move to Colorado. A proposition was submitted to Picket that If he would not contest Newton's right to sit the latter would resign April 1 and REtSIOJ OF EBRAK FAMILY Slxteea Rrothere aad Slaters tiet To aether at Homo Sear IXorth Loop. NORTH LOUP. Neb., Jan. 3 (Speclal.) There are probably few families that can have a reunion with sixteen brothers and sisters sttendlng, as did the descendants of "Elder" Benjamin Clement of North Loup on New Tear's day. Mr. Clement Is 7 years old. yvt was able to ride twelve miles to the farm of his oldest son, N. O. Clement, In Mlra Valley, and est a resl English holiday dinner with sixteen of his seventeen living children the largest num ber he has ever had around him at one time. The day was spent In "many a gong and Jest." and In exchanging those "don't you remembers" that such occasions are rich In. Although there were fifty-five present to enjoy the delights of the day, a numeration showed that had all the grandchildren and great grandchildren been there, 102 more would have been added to the company. What makes this statement the more In teresting Is the fact that Mr. Clement has no relations In the United States except his own descendants, all the rest of tho family being British subjects. He himself has never returned to England since com ing to America In 1834. In his working days Mr. Clement was a first-class car penter, and eight of his nine sons are now following that trade, the youngest being principal of the David City High school, Mr. Clement Is one of Valley county's pio neers, having settled there with his family In 1878. His wife was burled at North Loup In 18S7, and nine of his sons and daughters still call that home. 'Farmers at Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. . (Special.V-The firat day of the Farmers' Institute, which was held yesterday at the courthouse, was not very well attended on account of stormy weather, and yet D. Ward King, the speaker and apostle of good roads, said the most in terestlng meeting that he ever held was at tended by leas than twenty people. Mr. King described the construction of his split-log drag as being a log split 'in the middle, the two pieces connected as a large ladder. These were to be dragged at such an angle as to throw the dirt toward the center of the road, and the work is to be done after each rain, so as to keep the ruts and low places filled up and present a sur face that the water will not stand upon. While there was nothing new in the method, the lecture of Mr. King was upon the line of Inducing farmers to do just what they know to be the right thing in road making. Mr. King had photographs to show roads before and after being worked by his method. He said that in many Instances these roads did not cost to exceed $2.50 a mile to keep them In good order and to make them as serviceable after a rain as before. I 11 .VI, . 1 I J W. ,WU LWUU I . l VII. 1'IU tat.YT. OTWUIU l-Lllgll ..IIU against F. and M. Banking Company, af- et him take hold. As In the meanwhile the Important work of the year, which In firmed, Webster; David Roe against How- ara county, amrmea. In Nebraska Telephone Company against Hall County, th court held that the proper basis of value for taxation was as a going concern, gross receipts and tangible prop erty being taken together and, not sepa rately. Th lower court was affirmed. Drexel Fee Case. Another case that occupied considerable attention of th court was the mandamus caae In which County Attorney Slabaugh peeks to compel former County Clerk Drexel o account to the county for some $700 in ees alleged to have been collected In excess Harrow J 1 Claaeee) Shraak B II Qaartar Maes, with tie loop II II ucnm Eaci: t rot a quutu 11 CLUETT. PCABODV aVCO. If If 4SSBS O CkCBTt ASS MoC JUT II Suits eludes the bridge contract, over which there has been considerable trouble each year, would by that time have been done, Plckel smelled a rat and resisted. Newton's counsel, it Is understood, told him that he had little chance to win, and the matter will probably be allowed to drop where it is. The curious part of the affair has been that the two sitting republican members had declined to take up th cause of Picket. State House Brevities. J. M. Gates of Fort Crook has been ap pointed a special deputy game warden, with Jurisdiction in Sarpy county. Don Deapain, chief clerk of the bureau of labor, was absent from his desk today nursing an acute attack of the grip. The Mantel-Newman Cigar company, with headquarters In Omaha, has filed articles of Incorporation with the secretary of state, The capital stock Is fixed at $25,000.. M. Mantel and H. Newman are the Incorpor ators. The appeal case of Barber against the State was argued this morning before the supreme court on a motion for a new trial. Barber was convicted In Lincoln county of cattle stealing and was sentenced to a short term in the penitentiary. The evidence was circumstantial. Judge C. B. Let ton, who Is to succeed Judge Holcomb on the supreme bench of the state tomorrow, had sufficiently recov ered from his Illness today to go. to the statehouse, where he sat with the other members of the bench during the morning session. Judge Letton expects to take his oath as supreme Justice tonight. Worth $25 to $40 Your choice of anything In the tore except plain black and blue. ?1 We make clearance sale to (dear oat oar heavy goods. No profit (or ns. but we don't want to carry the goods over till next tall. It we did, you wouldn't want to buy goods a year old. Come In and look. We will how you values . that will make you a steady customer. ALL GARMENTS MADE IX OMAHA. Paris Woolen Go. 1415 Douglas St. Ralafall at Greed Ialaad. GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Jan. I. (Special During the fall and winter owners of large buildings and small ones, for that matter have had much trouble In having water seep through concrete floors, flooding basements cellars and furnace pits. This has been the case, .of course, only where basements have been especially deep or the cellars have been under houses on lower ground. Th fact of the rise In the level of the subsur face water Is explained by the following record of rainfall in this county In the last ten years: 1K6 IKK lv.i VMM Inches. 34. ST. 33., 24. 7-i .57 1901 l&C l!4 Inches ....27 .28 ....38 65 ....42. Tangle la Divorce Case. HASTINGS, Neb.. Jan. t (Special.V-The Jurisdiction of the district court here to consider the Celpelka divorce annulment proceedings was questioned today by the filing of a special appearance on behalf of the defendant. Dr. Celpelka. a physi cian of means, who Is In practice at Crete, was granted a divorce two years ago. His wife, Cornelia Celpelka, who Is sister of a high official in the Bohemian government, has asked to have the decree set aside, basing her motion on the alle gation that she was not served with notice of the suit . and that her husband 'was not a resident of this county when the divorce was given. The doctor now contends that as both he and Mrs. Cel pelka are not residents of this county the court has no Jurisdiction to try the Issue. Mrs. Celpelka came from Bohemia, In search of her husband about four months ago and Is now In Crete awaiting the out come of the suit. She says she wants the divorce set aside In order that the stain upon her character may be removed. the largest woocn structure of its kind on the Missouri river, will soon pass Into the control of W. H. Ferguson and William Nash, the latter of Chicago. The elevator has a capacity of sno,ono bushels and Is now being refitted with modern machinery. Firemaa Kraft Dies. ALLIANCE, Neb., Jan. 3-iSpeclal Tele gram.) Fireman F. W. Kraft, who was run over and lost both legs and right arm In the yards here yesterday, died early last evening as a result of his injuries. The body will be sent to Howard Lake. Minn., the home of his parents, for burial. Some Slang of Gas. TABLE ROCK, Neb., Jan. I (Special.) Several of the young people were skating a day or two since on the lake of the Ta ble Rock cutoff. In which several Table Rock people are interested. A place was observed In the lake that had not frozen over and from which a gaseous substance Issued, where the water has always had an oily appearance, and one of the party. taking a match from his pocket, lighted It, and as he touched It a bright flame of gas blazed up. Some think a valuable discov ery has been made, others think it a sort of "swamp gas," caused by the great amount of decaying vegetation. Federal Court at Norfolk. NORFOLK. Neb.. Jan. 8. (Special.) The first term of federal court to be held In Norfolk, regardless of the fact that Norfolk has been one of four court towns in Ne braska for years, will come next April. Furniture is now being sent by the govern ment for the upper floor of the court house and postofflce built here a couple of years ago at a cost of $100,000. Several Jury cases have been announced to be tried by Judge Munger. Xews of Nebraska. ADAMS Stockman A Son have entit their livery barn to Elmer Graves of Firth, Neb. ADAMS A llRht snow beian falllnr Xew Tear's night, continuing all lsv of the 2d. It Is much needed for winter wheat. PLATTSMOrTH-Rev. A. F. Ploeti. ras- tor of the First Herman Presbvterlan church here, has tendered his resignation, to take effect January 16. BEATRICE The worst snowstorm of the season has been raging here today and snow covers inn ground to tne depth of four Inches. It Is growing colder tonight GRAND ISLAND Charles Artnm. nf Mlndon and Miss Birdie M. Feathers of Kearney were united in the bonds of wed lock by County Judge Mullln yeaterday. NELIGH A small fire in the Atlantic hotel did several hundred dollars damage to iiirnuure iasi muni. i ne nre started on the second floor and the origin Is a mystery. PLATTSMOI'TH The mortenire record of Cass county for 1906 is as follows: Amount or larm mortaae-ea filed. 417(U9- re eased $'2ft,a71. Amount on city property filed, $102,. 000; released, $965,544. i lATTBMOUTH Julius Pitts, a nmm. Inent farmer residing a few mllea south of Plattsmouth, slipped and fell and broke the Kneecap in tne same tilace It was broken about two montha ago. BEATRICE The marriage rate In Gage county is on me increase aa mown ny the records In the county Judge's ofllce. In 1904 226 marriage licenses were Issued, while in j:m mere were ztu. ADAMS The electric Uaht nlant Is In running order and the town is well lighted oy nve arc ngnts in tne business section and practically all the resident portion will do wirea in a aay or so. HUMBOLDT The two-Inch fall of snow which visited this section Monday nlaht melted qulto rapidly until early Tuesday morning, wnen tne tnermometer took a eud den drop and steady freezing weather is now tne oraer. HUMBOLDT Mrs. Al Thompson, wife of a young iarmer living a tew miles nortn of the city, died at her home this morning after a short but severe Illness. The de ceased was about 30 years of age and leaves one small cnna. NF1L1GH County Treasurer N. I. Nless of Antelope county has been stricken with writer's paralysis and his right arm and hand are totally useless as a result. The cramp Is due to the over-exertion Incident to closing tne year s nusinesa. BHATKlCE wiiuam Hadden waa sen tenced to ten days in the county Jail for assaulting Earl Wallace. Four boys who gained entrance to the Paddock opera hoirae by prying open a window were lined xj and costs each in police court. HASTINGS The funeral of Mrs. Eliza both Brach took place Tuesday afternoon irom tne uerman jutneran church. Mrs. Uracil, who was 6 years old, died at noon Sunday. She was the mother of William Brach of the department store of Wolbach a Hracn or this city. FREMONT There has been a light fall of snow here today, accompanied by a strong north wind, which has drifted it consider ably. The ground was very Cry and tha roads as dusty aa in summer before the snow fell, and It will consequently be good thing for the land. ALBION The snow, which began falling night Detore last, continued during the day yesterday and the ground this morning Is covered to a oeptn oi aDout tnree inches. The wind has shifted to the north and the weather Is growing colder and prospects are good lor a severe storm. ALBION An enthusiastle meeting of the l-'arniers Elevator company was held yes terday In the county courtroom. The yearly report snows that a large business has been done and the company begins operation this year In splendid condition. Officers for tho ensuing year were elected. BEATRICE The Assembly gave Its an nual New Year ball last evening In Nichols hall. About fifty couples of the leading society people of the city attended the affair, which was a notable one In many respects, taaie wails orcnestra oi lAa coin furnished the music PLATTSMOUTH Em "A. TTurl. one of Plattsmouth's young retail merchants, ami Miss Minnie Andres were united in mar riage at the home of the bride's parents in Omaha last evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wurt departed for Chicago and other eastern cities for a short bridal trip. BEATRICE In the case of Mrs. Marie Freed, who brought suit In the county court against the estate of the late James Charles for $184 for care and nursing of Mr. Charles during his last Illness, Judge Bourne yesterday rendered a decision dis allowing the claim of the plaintiff. BEATRICE The annual meeting of the Gage County juedlcal society was held here yeaterday at whlcn these officers were elected: Dr. C. A. Bradley, president; Dr. Osborne, vice president; Dr. I. N. Pickett, secretory-treasurer. The next meeting will be held in Wymore July 1. BEATRICE Word waa received here yesterday of the death of James E. Lee, a former resident oi eeaince. wnicn oc curred at Boise City, Idaho. He left here In 1880,- and while a resident of Beatrice was engaged in the manufacture of wagons and carriages, lie is survived by a widow and two sons. HARVARD At the German church, this city, Miss Nellie Yost and William Witt- lake were united in marriage, the pastor. Rev. F. Maurer, speaking the words that united them in the presence of a large number of friends who gave expression of their friendship with many beautiful and valuable presents. PLATTSMOUTH J. F. Clugev. who re sides west of this city, reported that soma one had killed one of hla calves and after removing the hide lert the carcass near the road. Later he learned that two boys had sold the hide to a butcher In this city for $1.75. The boys claim that the animal was dead when they found It. NORFOLK The Northwestern's seed corn Blsr Elevator Changes Hands. HASTINGS, Neb., ,Jan. S.-(Special.) It is announced that negotiations have prac tically been closed by which the Harroun grain elevator at EJwood, Kan., probably 32I1M05 47.10 These figures, furnished by Government Observer Corbln, show an excess of 154 Inches above the normal for last year. Worth less Cheek Shews Vp. FREMONT. Neb. Jan. $. tSprctal.) Three checks, on of $100, one of $5,0u0 and one for $-t.V showed up at the First Na tional bank tor collection from an outside correspondent, drawn on the bank and purporting to be signed by F. H. Barber. No person of that name had a deposit there or was known to the bank officials. It is believed that the party who drew them did not realize anything on the two larger checks, though he may have on the smaller one. The blanks had evidently been ob tained from the bank here. Edaeators Meet at Hastings. HASTINGS, Neb., Jan. .-(Special.) The Central Nebraska Educational association and the Central Nebraska High' School De clamatory association will hold their next Joint annual meetings In this city on April 4, I and 1 The time and place ware se lected at a conference of the officers of th two associations. Abo twenty-air NOT A "PATENT MEDICINE." Scott's Emulsion is not a "patent medicine." It has no secret ingredients. Your doctor can, no doubt, tell you as much about it as we could. We have merely perfected the method of blending the Norwegian cod liver oil. hypophosphites of lime and soda and glycerine. As one grocer will blend coffee better than another so we have succeeded in making Scott's Emulsion a little better than any other cod liver oil pre paration. There's no "patent" and the only se cret is the secret of know ing how, with the per fected mechanical means at hand to do it. Get Scott's and you get the perfect emulsion. It's the greatest thing in the world for regaining strength and flesh lost through wasting. tCOTT a 80WJ4I, sat fsarf Saeev Nest York tlon are well prepared for the storms of winter In the matter of housing and caring for stock. Hay and feed Is plenty and the outlook for the coming cold season is verj" mvoranie. BEATRICE Hose Company No. 3 elected these officers last evening: Jesse Johnson, president: Lou Haaer, vice president: J. F. Pethoud, secretary: Frank Kowman. treasurer; Clinton Morrison. steward; Ueorire. Comer, foreman: Kred Colvin, first assistant foreman; Charles Hlnkle. second assistant foreman. After the meeting a banquet waa held at Victor Lang'a res- mrant. BEATRICE The first annual banquet of the Incoming and outgoing county offi cials was given to tiie Board of Super visors at the court house last night The affair was attended by thirty-five officials, and after nil had feasted at the banquet board, toasts were responded to ny those present. County Assessor W. W. Scott waa toastniter and a deliphtful evening was the result. FREMONT A reception waa tendered Rev. W. H. Buss, who after four years' absence from this city returns and resumes the pastorate of the Congregational church, t the church narlnra last evening. 1 here was a very lnrpe attendance not only of the members of the church, but of his former frlenda and acqualntancea throughout the city. The local post of the Grand Army was present In a body. ALBION Tomorrow a rhanae will be made In the countv officers as follows: II Funru, repuhlicnn. will succeed L. O. Brian. republican, as county treasurer; F. W. Hoff man, republican, will succeed C. W. Penney populist, as county superintendent or schools; Ed Evans, populist, will succei-d Loran Clark, republican, as sheriff. No change Is made In t offices of the county Judge, county clerk and coroner. LEIGH An Important business chann. occurred here the first of the year In tho nrm oi nann roa. A Held, which is en- aged In the Implement business, Hahn troa. Purchasing the third Interest nf M- Held in the business and building. The building, which is a large two-story, double brick, waa Just completed last fall and I the finest In town. Hahn Broa. will con tlnue the business and Mr. Held will retire. SHELTON A well attended meeting nf the business and professional men of Shol- ton was hold In tne opera house the last week to discuss plans for securing the extension of the Missouri Pacltic railway from Its present terminus at Prosser across the Platte river to this point and committees were appointed to use their Influence with the company with this end In view. As this Is the most central point for another line It will be a great benetli for both the farming community and the company to furnish the southern outlet. FREMONT Only three chanaea taka plaoe in the force of officers at the court house tomorrow. R. J. Stluson succeeds A. H. Brlggs as county Judge and will retain the same clerk. John Matzen succeeds Charles Arnott as county superintendent. Mr. Arnott will manatee the newlv estab lished bank at Uehllng for the present, but Intends next rear to resume i-dueatinnHl work. John Knoell, democrat, succeeds George Coddinaton, democrat, as countv treasurer. He has appointed Luke Mundv of Pleasant Valley deputy and will retain tne same clerks. The republicans retain control oi tne county board bv a maJorllv of 1. FREMONT The bodv of the man killed In Saunders county Sunday morning was brought to Wader Bros.' undertaking rooms In this city yesterday afternoon and viewed uy a large numhor of people, several of whom are of the opinion that the man was In this city Friday or Saturday. Charles Pierce, a brother-in-law of Thad Browning, Is quite positive that the body Is not that of Browning. Another party, whose reputa tion, however. Is not the best, claims to have "taken In the town" with the mur dered man Thursday evening and says that both were drinking heavily, but claims to know nothing of nlm since. The officers have spent three days tracing clues with out having anything to show for it. SHELTON One of the finest fall and winter seasons for length, duration and mildness aeema to have terminated with the ending of 1906. Early goers yesterday morn ing were greeted with a fall of mist and sleet which continued throughout all the first day of the new year and until 6 o'clock this morning when a fine snow began falling and by 8 o'clock almost three Inches deep laid evenly over the ground. This is the first snow of anv importance this seanson and the farmers have completed their corn harvest and stock has been well provided for the winter. With granaries well filled, mows full of hay and prices for all farm products good, the east end of Buffalo county Is experiencing a degree of prosperity as never before. Dlsfl&nred. If disfigured by pimples, ulcers, sores. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will .heal you up without a scar, GO cents; guaranteed For sal by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. JANUARYA1LMENTS AND HOW TO TREAT THEM BY DR. 5. B. HARTMAN January Is the best month of winter The Healthfulness of January Weather Discussed How Dr. Hartman Avoids Colds and Catarrhal Aliments the host for health, the beet for baslneaa, the) best for pleasure, the beat for reereatlon. The trying weather of November and De cember have passed and mnM people hare be come acclimated to winter weather. Pr. Hartman, In seaktng of catarrhal disease prevalent during Jsnuarjr, among other thing, said: "Notwithstanding January is a midwinter month, fewer cases of chronic catarrh are acquired during this mouth than any other month of the rear, with the possible excep tion of October." He went on to say, "The healthfulness of January weather, however, should not put people off their gnard. There are many little rules that should be carefully observed. ' "For Instance, the feet should be kept dry. The hands and wrists kept warm. Sleeping rooms should be well ventilated. The throat gargled with cold water every morning. All these are excellent preventives to catching coltl or acquiring catarrh." The Doctor further said, "During a long and busy life I'have never omitted these de tails. In addition to these, I always have a bottle of lVruna In my room. If I have a slight cough or hoarseness, the least sign of sore throat or sneezing, I take a few doses of re runs, and the dlfflcultr disappears. "I have used Peruna very nearly all my life, and I attribute my hale and hearty old age to use of Teruna. 1 know many other old people who can aay the same. "While "January Is a salubrious month, yet caution should be observed Those who have chronic catarrh ailments should be warned that the health fulness of January weather is not sufficient to benefit catarrhal diseases. It can be assumed that the catarrh is of a grve nature. A course of I emn should be resorted to. Peruna," says Dr. Hartman, "is my own remedy for catarrhal diseases, whether acute or chronic. From the slightest cold to the most settled and stubborn catarrh, I use rerun a and Peruna only, and certainly my success In treating catarrhal diseases ought to be a guarantee that Pemna Is an efficient remedy. "I have received many interesting letters from those who have taken Peruna, telling me the value of Peruna In preserving health, preventing dls ease and relieving catarrhal ailments. One letter that I recall at this time is from Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klee of 215 East Fourth street, Topeka, Kan. Mr. Klee said: "We are both much pleased with Peruna and do not hesitate to praise it on every occasion. , "My wife took Peruna for liver trouble and a run-down condition incident to the same. A few bottles built up her health and strength. "I took Peruna for a cold which settled in my kidneys, giving me much pain. In two weeks I was much better and in a few months I waa well. We keep It on hand all the time, in case we take cold." Another correspondent, Mr. Fred Derseweh of Bldgetop, Tenn., has used Peruna in his family for five years. Among other things, he says: "We have used Peruna in our family for five years. It is one of the best medicines I know of. I and my wife and our thirteen children do not need a doctor since we use Peruna." Ask Your Druggist for Free Peruna Almanac for 1906. A Word of Warning to Chronic Catarrh Sufferers Mall the Jubilee Edition of The Bee and Bird s-Eye View of Omaha to your friends price, postpaid In tubes, 15 cents each. BURGER'S special worked back from Uonesteel to this city today, having visited every town on the line. The crowds of farmers In Boyd and Knox county today and in Gregory county, bouth Dakota, are reported to have been fairly good, considering the heavy snow mat covers ine ground. HUMBOLDT George Mathews, a farmer who has lived In this vicinity for about a quarter of a century, died last night at his home ten miles nortn or the city, from consumption, after a lingering Illness. He leaves a wife and six children, snd was 44 years of age. Funeral services will be held Thursday at providence cnurch BKATRICE Yesterday the warrant for F"e.7b from tne county in favor of the liago County Agricultural society was de livered to the society and the Droceeds promptly turned over to the treasurer of the organization, W. A. Penner. The treas urer yeaterday began paying premiums awaraea ai me meeting oi issxt. PAWNEB CITY The W. C. Kern tew elry store of this city was today locked and the keys turned over to Sheriff Martin. Mr. Kern has been In the jewelry business at Pawnee City for over twenty-five years and was supposed to be in good financial standing. jso omciai report or the In debteduess can be secured at present. BATTLE CREEK Battle Creek has had tne nrsi snow una winter, it commenced Sunday night. Four Inches of snow have fallen, with some sleet. It came from the east, but has now turned to the northwest, with a strong wind. It Is still snowing. I'.i to noon today we have not seen the sun this year, it is M degrees above sero. Snow drilling. BEATRICE Following Is the mortgage report for Uaae county for 1906: Number of farm mortgages filed, ilb; amount, $675,621; number of farm mortgages re leased, 3ts; amount, 1577.902. Number of city mortgages tiled, 29; amount, 1245,277; number released. Zb; amount (2X1,169. As compared with the report or 1804 conditions are much Improved. GRAND ISLAND The year 1906 was the banner year for marriages In Hall county County Judge Mullln Issued 234 licenses, considerably beating the former high mark of 192, in 19W. The divorce' record Is twenty-two applied for, fifteen of which were sought by the gentler sex and seven by the sterner, all but two of which were for cruelty and desertion. HASTINGS A gymnasium Is being equipped in the new JsO.OuO high scho.l building here and the school board last niKht adopted a resolution rirr,hil.iiin n- use by students wno are addicted to the use ol toliacco in any form. Tha school board has also ruled that no student shall be al .owed to have tobacco, cigarettes or cigar ette papera on hla person during school hours. WF.8T POINT The winter season has sel in in earn t throughout this section of Ne hraska. An old fashioned snowstorm has started rt tTTIs morning, snow falling plen tifully and drifting with a strong north wind. Indications point to a considerable downfall of snow. The weather is raw and cold, making travel la the country districts difficult, as a rule ttis farmers of this sec- FIRST ANNUAL CLEARING SALE Everything; in tiie Store Goes AT COST Everything as Advertised and Nothing Reserved. $60.00 Tailored 25 00 $45.00 Tailored in OD Suits IO.UU $18.98 Novelty Auto n nn Coats IsUU $7.00 Skirts 3 25 $5.00 Waists 1 9B $6.50 Petticoats 3 25 CRAVENETTES AT COST. FURS AT COST. OPERA WRAPS AT COST. COAL! COAL!! If you order coal from us tomorrow morning you'll receive Fame before night. That's Sunderland servlre. ECLIPSE COAL, $4.50. - . Many people like this coal, even though It is not of fancy price. Used In heaters, laundries, kitchens and furnaces. A hot, strong coal. OZARK ANTHRACITE, $8.50. A fine furnace fuel to take the place of hard coaK You'll not believe it is so good unvil you try It. Automatically screened and delivered in the big Yell-o wagons. SUNDERLAND BROS. CO 1608 Harney St, Here Since 1883. PKone 252. Bird's-Eye View of Omaha and Jubilee Edition Mailed for you In pasteboard tubes . 15c Each. (Delivered in Omaha, 10c.) (Mailed to foreign countries, postpaid, 20c.) Let us have the addresses to which you wish copies sent and we will mail them carefully in tubes for you. Do You Want Omaha to Grow? A blrd's-eys view of Omsha has basn mads by B. J. Auittn, tha most expert, enccd. In fact, th greatest living- artlnt In panoramic work. This will show Omaha to Hs brat advantage. Th painting will b reproduced on a sheet tx23 Inches, heavy enameled paper-suitable for framing. This will be Issued In connection with sixteen pages, printed on book paper, showing Omaha's best buildings In detail, together with isrefulfy prepared Information, with regard to what Omaha Is, covering every phase of Omaha s commercial activity. Thousands of these will be sent to the friends and buslners connection of our Omsha people and will open tha eyes of people who know nothing of the new Omaha and Its wonderful progress. Advertln Omaha by sending copies to your friends. Mall us the coupon. S- Fredrick Berger & Co. 1517 FARNAM. THE NEW CLOAK SHOP. Omaha THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY Please deliver copies of THE OMAHA BEE JUBILEE EDITION and Bird's-Eye View of Omaha To , Address For which I enclose Signed