Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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    . V 1
Telephone !4."
Now located irt f hf new
retail center, Howard
and Slitoenth
and furs. Friday we are going to sell waists, as well as suits, cloaks and furs. Every garment and piece of goods will he sold just as advertised. Xo mis
representation, ltead the list of bargains carefully. You will be pleased with the quality of goods sold and the big values we are giving.
Thursday is Suit Sale Day
About 15" henutiful new style Butts, con
MKtrrft !if rich velvet, elegant silk broad
'U.tfiK. cheviots -nil at special clearing sale
OXEHAI.K rnit.'K. Absolutely nothing
r fpn wt. livery garntiMit marked In plain
('ohus, (Kirk green, dark wine, navy lilue
dark piirple. These Suits nre the produc
tion of the very flr.ort mitt manufacture in
New York and are high claws novelties, and
were received very lute In the season. With
the exception f one attit they are made in
. I he slyirl etnn styc
ll 'iliir Velvet Suits formerly gold at
:.'., ianitrtrr clearing sale price fnT.E".
.Ml our Velvet Suits formerly sold at
r. nil lfininii elAr1Yi mult tirlr tT .W '
.Ml our Velvet Suits formerly sold nt
J'.Mio,- January elenYTtllfSale price H2..VI.
-V-- hffVe oji. Very handsale Velvet Suit,
.made in the Ion SO-lnrh coat, a beautiful,
rich suit, formerly sold at Ki.(r January
,' leurlng sale price 117.5". It is size 3.
We liave about M Silk 1 Messes waist ami beautiful styles for afternoon
'wear durk colors navy. rose, brown.' re
seda RreVin and bhiek-hlt the Silk liresscs
formerly sold at J'-T.Sn, January clearing;
sale price $13.73.
,i: the suit Dresses formerly sold at
"i'.nK January clearing sale price $22.,Vt.
All the Silk Presses formerly sold at
'Ui.ip, -January clearing' stile price $'J5.00.
We hnVe about eight Evening DresseS. In
ruing stviile silks. Such ns pale blue, Nile
green, white rrcpe de chine and other col
ors. These dresses are all very handsome
and will be sold at tlio following tremendous
" '.ri.cXI KvenlnK Suits. January clearing sale
'.'i Kvenlng Presses. January clearing
sale price oL'..'iO. '
About 150 Beautiful New and
Stylish Tailor Made Suits
In broadcloth, cheviot and other desir
able faftties. Kvery suit wag purchased
for thls'-season's trade, but on account of
the delay in opening our new store we were
late lt get ting In those .suits. To make a
iilck clearance .these, beautiful suits will
be gold at absolutely one-half price.
Our $; Bulls Thursday $.T7.Ge.
Our $i.00 Suits Thursday $.1-'.fA
Our $"'iO.OO Suits Thursday $.ln.nti.
(lur $Tn.en Suits Thursday
Our $15.00 Suits Thursday. tH.IV
ur $111.00 Suits Thursday $jt.00.
I lur $TO.0O Suits Thursday $15.ui.
Our $.'5.00 Suits Thursday $12.50.
Tremendous reductions on all our line Fur
Muffs and Fur Scarfs. t We continue our
great fur sale Thursday Also half price
sale on all our fioth Coats.
Great reduction hi 'prices on Fur Lined
Thursday Will Be the Greatest
Special Clearing Sale
of beautiful Novelty Rrllllantlnrs ever In
the bpjfpfy of our Jantiary clearing saies.
RriUiantlnes Thursday Never In the
history or this or arty other store has there
beo'ii such a showing of 'really beautiful
fabries ns will be seen here Thursday, each
having the fineness of texture, ' the soft
ii iineps of .cojorlng characteristic of the
Ape: Imported farsics. They are simply a
etlsted for years between,-; the EUltuhlo
Llf Assurance society and Chauncey M.
Depaw, one of the senators of the state in
the I'nited Slates congress
Recognizing that these disclosures have
cuusAl a total luck of conudence in the
ubluijr of the senator named to properly
represent the pcoplu in the body to which
ho w a elected.
Rcsnlvid, By the .senate, that Chauncey
M. DeD'w be and lie herebv Is requested
to tortiiKlth resign his seat In the United
Mintes senate.
When ts resolution was introduced Sen
ator John' Rli'lnYs said he had not been
staggered by J'i;Uor Depew's ucts and
failed to see In, tie' resolution anything
thai calls for action. He expressed . his
surprise that It was Introduced and he
moved that the resolution be referred to
.he committee on federal relations when
appointed. Senator Balby made a speech
in which he said If Senator Depew had
doiio anything unlawful or that unfitted
liliu to hold office the charges should be
f mined Immediately. He eulogized Depew,
who. he said, was a grand chumcter. He
denounced thn altitude of "alleged reform
ers" who kicked everyone and made wild
charges. Ho declared that only he without
sin should' cast the first stone. Fcrhups
there were reasons why every senator
should I'cliskvd' V retign. Yellow dogs,
h" hmM. nijy. be' nibbling at Senator De
p",v's heels, but he has decorated ull posl
iloi.s that he has held. The resolution
should not be dlgnllled by reference to any
committee, but should be disposed of fortii-
nil. he said.
In the discussion licforo the resolution
was withdrawn Senator Cogwesliall said
Goes Merrily On. It's ths Best We Ever Held
lJcst because more people are impressed with the splendid
values olTcred and are taking advantage of them. ecause of
the immense stock we carry the supply will last several days
yet. Note the following items for Thursday and Friday:
Boys'-Suits H
are m-lllus all the broken lines
of Suits und Overcoats. 3 to 16
vears, that were for
merly $ti.r0, 17.30,
$5.5(1, for
You ran take your choice of all
luokeu lines of Boys' Suits and
Overcoats that sold
up to $5. n0
Leather Lt-ggins In' black, army
st)le, nlze 3 to 10 years,
75c values now Z jC
llojV Itlankel Lined I'lajr Itcefer,
1V.."!r.": .39c
. 1515 bouglas Street.
Third Day of Our January Clearing Sale
The bargains are many and the savings you make on purchases will pay you to come often.
Each day new linns arc being included in this great clearing sale. Thursday we ale going to well suits, also thr balance of the cloaks
fabric of elegance. Note each Item below
Two sizes of checks In the much wanted
blua and green, here and there a dainty
hair stripe outlining these checks. To ap
preciate these values all you have to do Is
Just examine them, feel the quality; what :1
oft. pretty touch, beautiful, rich, glossy
Regular $1.00 novelty navy blue Rrllllan
tine Thursday fipc a yard.
rrtty shadow stripe Brllllantlne, not a
large quantity left; two handsome shades
of navy; the shadow stripe is produced by
certain style of weaving. A piece of the
goods, when held In the light, presents a
most charming effect. Ton get a richness
of color that has never. berti equalled be
fore In dress goods.
Regular $!.) Jacquard Novelty Brllllan
tlne Thursday fitle a yard.
Regular $1.25 beautiful Novelty Rrlllian
tlne Thursday 7!V a yard.
Rfgulnr $1 .23 and $1.83 beautiful Rlack Silk
Finished English lirllllantine Thursday 9tc
and $1.19 a yard.
Do Not Overlook the Great
Clearing Sale of Silks
$1.25 Rlack Chiffon Taffeta, 30 Inches wide,
Thursday Pc yard.
Regular $1.00 and $1.25 Moire Velour Press
Silk Thursday 6!c yard.
Children's Cold Weather
A boy or gill fitted out with these com
fortable garments may wade and roll in
the snow ami keep warm and dry.
Roys' Corduroy Legging In brown und
gray, up to 12 years, 75c a pair.
Children's Astrakhan Leggings, in red and
brown, up to 9 years, $l.i, $1.15 und $1.:5 a
Oirls' Tain O'Shtuiters in light colors,
60o each.
Girls' Tain O'Shuntcrs in black und white
square shape, ti.',e each.
Girls' Astrakhan Tutus in black, brown
and navy, $1.25 each.
Just a few stocking caps left, 5cc and 75o
Child's white angora caps, $1.15, $1.25 and
$1 50 each.
Girls' gray angora caps, the thing for
school wear, $1.20 and $1.45. extra size, $1.75
Child's colored sweaters In smull sizes,
$1.50 each.
Child's mittens. In all colors, 25c pair.
Spool Cotton, 2 Spools for 5c.
In our economy basement, we are selling
John J. Clark's SX)-yard soft llnish spool
cotton at 2 spools for Be or 28c per dozen.
that no one could assail the personal intea- I
rlty and honesty of Chauncey M.' Depew.
Senator Brackett attacked Senator Depew
and said his constituents were shocked by
the senator's performances In insurance
Corruption In Legislature.
Senator Elsuerg said that Imputations
more grave rested on stato legislators,
it would have been better U some one other
than Senutor Brackett. who bad opposed
Depew s election, hud prevented the resolu
tion, lie moved that the resolution lie ta
bled, to lie taken up on one day's notice.
Senutor Brackett said Mr. Elsberg had
touched on a tender subject legislative
corruption, which would have to lie taken
up before the adjournment of the legisla
ture. The insurance investigation commit
tee, he declared, did not touch the bribery
of legislators. Senator Grady asked that
the minority be given time to decide to
take purt In this matter and what its
course should lie.
Senator Brackett offered to withdraw the.
resolution, with the intention of reintroduc
ing it, but uh)ii Senator Haines' suggestion
that in the meantime he would change bis
mind, he withdrew the offer. He renewed
It later, ufter Senator Elslierg's motion to
able hud been lost by a vote of 1H to 2S.
Senator Raines objected, but the with
drawal wus sustained by a vote of 27 to lit.
Wadsnorth Elected Kiieakrfr.
James W. Wudsworth, Jr., was elected
speaker of the' assembly, receiving the en
tire republican vote.
Suite Senator William E. Anustioim.
Girls' Coats
Closing nut Cirls' Coats at one-hulf
regular price. Sizes 2 to 14 years.
" " Coats ut JJ jO
'l M Coats at ?;) 4r
$n so Coats at H.2.'i
Ilium dan ut $6.un
IV'.irt Coats at ttjixi
ll.Vm oats ut 7.5
lix.ii Coats at la no
:ui Couts at
Hoys' sad illrls' I'tilon Su:ts and S"o
mate tiuruienis, values up to
5uc, now
Children's Bonnets
It 0(1 values, tfv: l ') and ll'.Ou val
ues. '.I'm'; IV ,5 and I3.i values, II !.';
U! and K.siS values at '-' ..
11. TJ Sweaters. tMe; Fur filoves.
Gi(. and TV- Hals and Cap now
January Linen Sale.
All our $1.50 Table Damask, In this sale,
fl.nn per yard.
All our $1.50 Silver Bleached Damask, In
this sale, $l.oo per yard.
All our $l.ii0 Rleached Dumusk. in this
sale. 75c per yard.
All our 65c Silver Bleached Iamask, In
this sale, 13o per yard.
All our 50c Bleached Table Damask, In
this sale, 25c per yard.
All our $1.75 TaUie Cloths, in this sale,
$1.0o each.
All our $2.00 Table Cloths, in this sale,
$1.W cacli.
All our $2.25 Table Cloths, in this sale,
$1.69 each.
All our $J.0o Table Cloths, in this sale,
$2.00 each.
All our $t.75 Table Cloths, in this sale,
$3.M each.
All our $a.75 Table Cloths, in this sale,
$29 each.
All our $7.50 Table Cloths, In this sale,
$5.9 each.
All our $10.00 Table Cloths, In this sale,
$fi.S9 each.
All our lac iluck Towels, In this sale, 6c
All our 15c lluck Towels, in this sale, Wc
All our 45c Iluck Towels, in this sale, 25c
All our $1.25 Iluck Towels, In this sale,
fi"e each.
All our 7VsC Crash, In this sale, 34 yard.
All our 10c Crash, In this sale, e yard.
All our 15c Crash, In this sale, 12',4c yard.
All our 16!jc Crash, In this sale, 13c yard.
All our lc Checked Toweling, in this
sale, 5c yard.
All our 12Vjc Checked Toweling, in this
sale, 9c yard.
Napkins. . Napkins.
All our $2.25 napkins in thla salo $1.C9 a
All our SJ napkins in this sale $2 a dozen.
All our $1.50 napkins in this sate $3.3$ a
All our $4 napkins in this sale at $2.75 a
All our $8.5" napkins in this sale $5 a
. JI ST 'if RR1CE.
.All our Cluny lace and old English eyelet
embroidered piece at Just M price.
January Clearing Sale of Re
liable Blankets at Greatly
: Reduced Prices.
This sale Is now gcsHig on In our Economj
and Sixteenth
chairman of the Joint legislative investlgat
irg committee, said he had been dele
gated the duly of preparing a report for
submission to the committee, find ho Will
begin work with Cliaiies E. Hughes and
Mr. McKeen. counsel for the committee,
Many ami : ilmeuts to the state insur
ance law arc proposed In a bill introduced
by Senator Bracket!. Among Jts Important
provisions are those making elective in
stead of appointive the office Of superin
tendent of Insurance, making salaries of
life Insurance officers subjeit to the writ
ten approval of the superintendent of In-
surance. prohibiting Insurance of children ,
under 13. prohibiting tontine or 'deferred j
dividend' Insurance, making- tne nsi oi
policy noiaers oi any iue insurance im- , t10 duty oll Philippine products will be
puny available for examination by any tno reguiar ordcr of business In the house
policy holder und limiting Investments of ! of representatives tomorrow and for scv
Insurunce companies In a way similar to ' eruI dltv, thereafter, Instead of the statu
the law limiting Investments by savings llooJ bm am , ad , M Drevl,..1Hiv. arranged.
Depew Will Not
Senator CliuunCey Depew
In un Interview,
declared that he had no intention of resign
ing from the fulled States senate. He
added thut with the approach of Ills 72d
birthday anniversary, April 2S next, he In
tended resigning from a largo number of
companies in which he is trustee. He will
not sever his relations with the New York
Central & Hudson River railroad, he Btated,
' us he regard his position Willi that com
, puny u an honorary one.
Senator Depew Is listed as director or
trustee of seventy-nine companies.
Postmasters Curriers Appointed
In Iowa anil South
(Kioni a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jan. :!. iSs-clal Tele
gram.! I'ostniasteis appointed: Iowa
Llutchins, Hancock county, Kdniond Turner,
vice Hugh 1 1. Mullln, resigned. South Ua
kotj lllll City, i'ennington county, Arno
A. Kri'se, vice I). A. Kurd, removed; White
Hock. Holierts county. Howard Huulres.
Vice 8. K. Oscaison. resigned.
Mii liaeT Anthony has heeii appoint) d 1 g-
! ular, and Maiy J. Anthony, substitute rural
j currier for Houte 4 at I .-ll Kapids. 8. I.
j Civil service examinations will t held
i Janury JO at Ann s, la., for the position of
I clerk and carrier in the postofnVo service.
The application of It. K. Havls. W. If.
1'ike, A. L,. Fox, . I. Means and Charley
Victor to organize the Farmers National
hank of Oskaloosa, la., with IIoO.imi capital,
has been approved by the eompt roller of
the currency.
National banks authorized to begin busi
ness: First National bank of Hayes Center,
Neb., with .'3.(iui capital: John B. Cruen,
president : fl. YV. Crnzen. vice president: 1,.
K. llayrett, cashier. Tie Bpirit Ijike Na
tional bank of Spirit Lake, la., with .V).iioO
capital: F. H. Daley, president: A. W. Os
borne, vice president: I.. Spcibeck. cashier.
Send the Illustrated Jubllw
The Itee to your friends. It
them and advertise Omaha.
Edition of
wil please
Preparing for tl.ineaver.
NOKFOI.K. Va , Jan. 3.-Thc Flitted Biates
armored cruiser West Virginia, Pennsyl
vania. Colorado ami Mil Und. and llie
battleship Iowa, are now in the waters of
Hampton Heads, awaiting the airlnl of
thke lalllesliips Missouri and Illinois und
oilier veaels ot th Atlantic lleerl Wiitn
Ilia entire fieri has assembled In Hamilton
Houds. it will proceed to .West Indian
waters for mld-w l:,ter maneuver.
Have you friends? In li.e east? In Hie
west? In the old country? Send them
mill a copy of the Jubihe Edition of Tha
Hee A l ei lis Omaha,
65c Cotton Blankets
white and grey, at
49c per pair.
$a.ab hlte Wool Blankets at $1.98 a pr.
$S.OO Maid Blankets at $6.95 a pr.
$5.00 White Blankets at H.89 a pr.
$11.00' St. Mary's Blatikets at $9.S9 a pr.
$7.75 White Blankets at $.S3 n pr.
$10.00 Oregon Blankets nt $.W a pr.
$9.00 St. Mary's Blankets, red, at $?.5 a pr.
$7.50 St. Mary s Blankets, grey, at $0.l
$5.50 Grey Blankets at $4.85 a pr.
White Cotton Blankets for sheets, size
80x90, all plnln without border, at M.50 a pr.
Rig reduction In prices all through the
Blanket and Comfort stock.
JanuJ Clearing Sale on Fancy Robe
Blankets In our Economy Basement.
$1.25 Robe Blankets 09c each.
$1.75 Robe Blankets 98c each.
$2.00 Robe Blankets 41.K each.
$2.26 Robe Blankets' at $1.(9 each.
$2.50 Robe Blankets f 1.78 each.
$2.75 Robe Blankets $1.85 each.
$2.00 Robe Blankets $2.00 each.
$4.00 Robe Blankets $2.48 eai.
January Clearing Sale on Bed Comforters
In our Economy Basement.
$1.00 Comforts at 9c each.
$1.23 Cotton Comforts at 9Sc each.
$1.50 Cotton Comforts at $1.25 each.
$1.75 .Cotton Comforts at $1.45 each.
$2.00 Cotton Comforts' at $1.B9 each.
$2.2." Cotton Comfort at $1.85 each.
$2.ri Cotton Comforts at $1.98 each.
$2.75 Cotton Comforts at $2.29 each.
$3.00 Cotton Comforts at $2.48 each.
$3.50 Cotton Comforts at $2.78 each.
$il.00 Down Comforts at $3.95 each.
$7.00 Down Comforts at $6.00 each.
$7.50 Down Comforts at $5.q0 each.
$11.00 Silk Covered, wool filled Comforts
at $7.15 each,
January Clearing Sale of
Dressing Sacques.
Thursday morning we will place on spe
clal sale on second floor our beautlful'llne
of new styles In dressing sacques. Every
garment bought and nianufactured for this
season's selling.
Outing flannel sacques, high neck, regu
larly sold nt 75c, Thursday morning your
choice at 50c.
Fleeced down sacques in light and dark
colors, turn-down collar, regularly sold at
$1, Thursday your choice at 9c each.
All the beautiful flannelette sacques, sold
at $1.25, Thursday your choice at 75c each.
Fancy fleeced down sacques In fitted and
kimono styles, same made with albatross
trimmings." rogutar $1.75 quality. Thursday
your choice at $125 each.
Fleeced down sacques In light color, made
with button-, edge and ribbon bindings, reg
ular price $2.50, Thursday your , choice $2
euoli. ' '
$2.25 wieques Thursday $,1.50 each.
Philippine;- bill today
Maasure Reduoin j Duty on Insular
Product. Comet Up ia House.
Measure la Still In the Hands
the Subcommittee und Cannot
fie Reported t 'Villi Sell
( WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. The bill reducing j
This was arranged because thu statehood
bill Is not ready to report, while the Fhll-
' Ipplue bill was reported before the holiday
recess and is now on the calendar. More
over, Chairman Payne of the wuys and
means committee announced that he would
call up the bill whtn the house met after
the holiday recess and there will lie no
reason for delay he'enuso of Insufficient
notice. '
Chulrmun Hamilton of the cuiimiltlee on
territories nas been' fit the! capllol since
Monday and has endeavored to get his
committee together, ' but It does not seem
likely that a meeting can be held this
week. The statehood bill is In the hands
of a subcommittee and some members of
the subcommittee will not arrive until
next Monday. It Is necessary for the sub-
And the Man "Fell Out" nlth It
iiianiifaciurer in Mo. su s
he srir'ed
ion us a young man with almost rw.rf ct
health, 'nit that, "bvthc time I was i'4 in
digestive apparatus was so complete':.'
wrecked aa to make iny life a positive
bin den.
"I wis neither a hard drinker nor an
inveterate user of tobacco my condition
i ould not be charged up lo these things.
"I had simply ruined mv digestion by
u com se of living common anions
those who indulge in unwisely selected
fi od and deny their appetites nothing.
And so years pc.ssed, during which every
sort of food seemed to do Just tin- opposite
of what it should have done, with me. A
well spread table was offensive to ice.
The bight or smell of food, made nie
deathly steg. In brief I had dyspepsia,
in Its worst form, and spent many a haul
e.lrned dollar for remedies which did me
no Rood whatever.
"This was my condition when a friend
Insisted that I should try i'lc-Nuls fo id.
and to please him I consented, cxpce'l'ig
to derive no more benefit or plea".ir"
from it than I had from other preo.u d
foods thht I had tiled. Put I was inmost
happily dii-appolnted.
' "For more than year I aie positively
. W4U.1, 1 ....
,i ft'?-'' .-v
nothing but Crspe-Nuts it was my s-mp
innue. my meat and my dessert I i.- ver
tired of It. and grew, stadiiy fatter and
more hearty, till I put 4" ih.iiiuIm of d
solid flesh that hnd never been there
before, on my bones. My dyspepsia is t" .u
the memory of a teirlble nigl. juiar.
"I am well now seem like I cannot
he III and drape-Nuts is still found on
my table. n one form or another, at evny
meal, and it is never out of supply In my
home. A meal witiout Grape-Nuts I.;
a mighty poor uie J . for me." Nun "
given by postum CoIBatila Creek, Mali.
iheic'g a Reason. ,
Tlee, Jan. 3. 1906.
Ylen's Outing Flannel Night
A most delightful sleeping garment for
these cold Winter nights, at $!. each.
Finest quality of domet flannel, neat
stripes. In blue or. pink, cut extra long and
full width. It doesn't pay to make them
when yon can buy night shirts like these
for 11.00. . ,
At 76c each, line quality of domet flan
nel, either blue or pink stripes, medium
weight, made with regular or military col
lar, cut extra full and wide.
Special vaUit- at ,Vc each. Fine quality ,
of domet flannel, neat stripe effects, good j
winter weight, cut full und long, nil sizes
from 15 to IS. Why mnke night shirts when
you can buy them for so little money?
High school pennants and banners sold at
our Men's Furnishing Department, located
In south aisle, convenient from cither en
trance. Economy B'asement
Dress Goods of Extraordinary
Value for Thursday.
5c. 94c a yard. '
NEW, 12Hc a yard.
HANDSOME CLAIPS for children's
dresses. Re a yard.
By all means visit the dress goods de
partment In the basement. You will make
a mlstnke If you do not.
Dress Linings.
i'l cs-de-solc, looks like silk and wears
better than most silks, has the "cry" beau
tiful, lustrous, light weight, 3i! In. wide,
good line of colors, 35c per yard.
beautiful colorings, permanent finish, fast
colors, suitable for drop skirt, petticoats,
pillow tops and Jacket linings, 3t In. wide,
25c, 29c and 25c.
PERCALINE, a fast black, M In. wide,
loc per yard.
COLORED SATEENS, 31 in. wide, 15c per
Sold on main floor at lining counter.
January Clearing Sale of
Waistings at Our Flannel De
partment in Our
Economy Basement.
All the 00c and 75c embroidered all wool
Albatross flannel waistings on sale ut 39c
All the 25c Scotch wash plaids und em
broidered waistings on sale at 15c yd.
Cashmere Hose.
Warm Hosiery ror cold days that are
coming. There nre no poor grades bold
here. Every line from the best- manufac
turers who know how to make good
Women's Cashmere Hose.' high
spliced heels and double soles, 35c a pair.
Woinen's Black Cashmere Hose, full-
j fashioned, double soles, heels und toes, 50C
a pair. .'
Women's, Kluefc Cashmere Hose, full
fashioned, natural wool feet, double heels
3 ml,, .syc a, pair. ... ..... .
' Women's 1x1 Ribbed Black Cashmere
Hose, French feet, double soles, 50c a pair.
committee to report to the full committee
before the hill call be reported to the
house. Although the statehood bill Is al
most completed, there are some details to
arrange, such ns division lines for Judi
cial districts in the new state. Nor has
the llnil draii of the prohibition amend
ment yet been nude. It Is the intention
of M'-. Hamilton to reintroduce the bill
after It has been jierfected. so that the
amendments will not be necessary on the
floor oi' the house. This may put it over
u nit 1 the Philippine tariff bill Is out of
the way, although there would be no great
opposition o displacing the Philippine bill
to replace the statehood bill upon which
extended debate Is not expected.
No time has been set for the limit of i'e
liate on the Philippine bill. The measure
coming from the ways and means comiiip
tce Is privileged and caii be taken up with
out a special rule. It Is exjiected flint nn
agreement to vote may lie reached In rea
sonable time.
Chairman Payne will open debate on the
bill tomorrow, and some members of the
minority nre expected to follow.
rreparlim etv Noll Maps.
In order to Indieete the crops best adapted
to certain areas the biological survey of tl:
Department of Amlculture is marking nt
the i'nlted States into natural life zones
and subdivisions, so thai it will be possible
for the funnel to select from the study of
maps und data to be furnished by the de-
I partnicnt the crops best suited to his in
j dividual needs. The survey has completed
un Interesting report of Its work for the
last ear.
An effort was made to ascertain t!"
ainount of game and the prices therefor in
the leading markets in the country imme
diately before Thanksgiving day. Heports
received diselost d a growing scarcity in the
supply, one mainly to an increase in re
strictive laws and more effective enfioee-
ment. Venison, pi able chickens and mialt
! were especially scarce and 11 is said mere
appears to In- a tendency to replace native
with Imported game nt moderate prices
Made Verdict la Dloopproved.
Orders have been prepared at the Navy
department reconvening the court -ma it ial
lit Maro island navy yard which tri.-d Kn
slgn Wade, engineer officer of the lieunlni;
tou at the lime of the explosion, the (bill
ings In that case having been disapproved
by the secretarv of the navy. The timlim-s
will be sent back to California for revision.
Dinner fur the President.
The preslden' and Mrs. Roosevelt tonight
were the guests at u dinner given by Secre
tary and Mrs. Hoot.
Vice President and Mrs Fairbanks also
gave a dinner ut which Miss Alice Itonse
veli and Representative Uingworth of Ohio
were among the gui sts.
Kiintli 4;eurralti Fuioralile In ortli
ern Ktalea from toast to Coast.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. The weather
bureau's monthly summary of crop condi
tion is as follows:
In the soiilbe'ii states the month was
niueli cold--" than usual. With excessive
precipitation, and was generally unfavor
able for (arming operaiions. Over the
niddle and Kontlo-ru plateau regions the
month was aluioimully cold, with eHs than
Hie usual preelp nation In llo-se district,
and also t hroignoul the Pain coast
state. As a whole, the weather condi
tions were mild and favorable to ugil
ciltural interest throughout the nortlieru
portions of the country from the Atlantic
to tile pacific. .
While the winter wheat region, for the
most part, was without snow protection,
winter w liea I I. as suffered yery little from
the effects of alternate freezing and thaw
Ink and generally is In satUfactory con
dition. ( n the Facille coast, however,
winter wheat, while genially in good
condition in Washington. Oiegon and
southern California. I more Laikwaid tiisn
Cbarlea Edwardiof New York Mjjteriouilj
Murdered in Nt Haftn.
(rime ommltted While lie Was
Unesl of Ills Wife's llriHher
lo(le and tine Appar
ently l.ii'klns.
NEW HAVKN, Jan. X-Chsiies A. Bd
wards of New Tork, formerly president
of the Tassaic Chemical coninny of New
Jersey and more recent! an nffleer of the
Oeneral Chemical company, with an office
in New York City, was mysteilourly given
a death wound from a pistol ball while
lying in bed during the night, the guest
of his brother-in-law, Charles A. Hlllef. J
So mysterious was the ease from the out-
set that Deputy Coroner I'ond opened an
Inquest at police headquarters, following
a long and senrenlng Impihy during the
day at the Hiller homestead at It" College
street, almost directly opposite Kast Dl- j
vlnlty, a dormitory of Yale.
Mr. F.dwnrds 'was found' dying la his ,
chamber by Charles A. Hiller. He had re- '
tired about II o'clock last night after nt- '
tending a birthday party In honor of his
sister, Mrs. Samuel Harris, who Is a cousin
of former President Timothy Dwight of '
Yale. Karly hi the ry he unil come over j
from New" York for this special purpose .
and of late he had been :i frequent visitor i
here, usually as a guest of Charles A. or !
A. Maxcy Hiller. both brtohers-ln-M w. I
He retired apparently In the best of spirits. )
Ills failure to appear nt breakfast led i
Charles A. Hiller t.i go upstairs. Accord- '
irg to the latter the chamber door was not i
locked and going In he snw Mr. Kd wards
apparently unconscious from what was at
first thought to be a stroke of apoplexy. !
A little later Hen.lamtn IT. Cheney, M. P.. '
reached the house, but Mr. i'Mward was
then breathing his hist. In the course of
his treatment of the dying man Dr. Cheney
found a bullet hole In tbe left side of the
head, directly behind the ear. The hemor
rhage from It hail not been profuse, but
the bullet bad gone directly Into the brain.
Hear Iloor ( nliolted.
The police reached the conclusion that
there had been a murder, and the Investi
gation proceeded on this line. The found
that the house had not been broken Into
forcibly, but an unbolted kitchen door,
which the house servants claimed was se
curely fastened during the night, gave a
possible1 clue that I'omeone had passed out
of the house by that means. Then was no
sign of a weapon.
Charles A. Hiller lived in the homestead
with two servarts. lie Is unmarried. He
came to this city from Halina. Kan., where
he was a judge about four years ago. He
Is a Thirty-third degree Mason. A. Maxcy
Hiller is a lawyer and lives .it IS! Temple
street. He is very prominent In affairs.
Mr. Falwards was about t years old and
a descendant of Jonathan Kdwnrds. one of
the early presidents of Tale, and was: re
lated to many rHmllles of distinguished
ancestry. He was graduated from Yale
in the academic class of lv'fit-,. and was nn
extremely popular member of the class.
"Charley" Bd wards, as he was known
throughout Yale In those days, was one
of the fathers of base ball tit Yale and
played on several of the early university
nines. He married Miss Sarah Catherine
Hiller, only daughter of Mrs. Abngall Hil
ler. and sister to dairies A. and Maxcy.
Mrs. Hiller died a few weeks Ago. Her
estate has not yet Jieen settled and It is
stated' that the attempted division of the
property caused a bitter disagreement be
tween the Timers and Mr. Edwards.
For almost live hours Deputy Coroner
Pond conducted the preliminary inquest.
Those who were examined were A. Maxcy
Hiller and his brother. Clintios. Coroner
Pond was nuked after the inquest whether
or not the shooting. Iii his mind, was the
result of a quarrel between members of the
Hiller family, but declined to speak def
initely on that point.
NensntloiiM Ifinleil It.
Dr. Cheney said tonight that when he ar- j
rived at the home Mr. Kd wards was dead.
Mr. Kdwards was dressed in his under
clothes. There were black powder marks
on the left ear of the dead man, uccoiding
to Dr. Cheney, but there was no sign of
powder on his lingers. It was stated to
night by one close to the situation regard
ing the alleged differences between the ful
lers and Mr. Kdwards that about three
weeks ago Mrs. Kdwards came to New
Haven, and nt that time there was trouble
over the settlement of the estate of the
elder Mrs. Hiller. who died a few weeks
before. It Is alleged that Mrs. Kdwards
tuilled at police headquarters for a pollca
inan to accompany her to the railroad sta
tion in onler to protect her from the threat
ened violence of certain members of the
family. The police tonight stale that the
cuse probably will develop into one of the
most sensational In the annals of crime in
New Haven. A police guard wus kept over
the Hiller lionW'Stend tonight, no one being
allowed to enter the grounds. A. Maxcy
Hiller Is quoted tonight Ms saying that he
believes that Mr. Kdwards died as the re.
suit or a stroke of aponlexv.
The autopsy probably will be performed
tomorrow morning. .Medical Kxaminer
liarllett. who viewed the body, refused to
make a Kiatemejit concerning the probable
cause of death.
Change ill Wholesale rirocery I'lrni.
H ASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 3. iHpecial. I-The
KIpp-HiHhop company, which operates ope
of the largest grocery scores in western
'Nebraska, has lieen dissolved. Mr. Hlshof
In its annual rt-vicw of tlie financial in
stitutions of the city The Bee erroneously
o;nve the assets oi' this Association at $142,
0(1(1.(10. This is incorrect, as our net re
sources on the 1st inst. were' $1,.li",!W.4't.
Our increase last year aniountiHl to the
ivcortl-hrcnkiii); (for a savings institution)
sum of ;ilU.
Our tUvitlend rate for the year was (i per
cent, necessitating the (listrihution of $fi;.
44!.4i to pay same. Since its organization
this Association lias dishursetl $.'5.'!0,41 !)..' J as
dividends to its numerous stockholders.
Our reserve and undivided profit account
now amount to :f.")7,G(Mi.()0.
Savings of $1.00 or inor and investments
of from $li)0.00 to $."), MM!( I, on which cash
dividends nre paid semi-annually, are re
ceived hy us any day.
Call or write for full information.
The Conservative Savings & Loan Association
. 205 South 16th Street, Omaha.
purchasing the former's Interest in the
enterprise. John K!pp. the retiring partner,
will go to Kansas City next week. Wher
he will engage In the wholesale grocery
(Continued from First rage I
handed over to a filing squad, with the
command, "take them to the river," which
was tantamount to n sentence and warrant
for their execution.
The clearing of the Hindu line as far a.
l.ubertzf, Which fell principally on the
8emlonovkl regiment, was attended , by
much bloodshed. At every station troop,
dispersed the crowds by firing Volleyi
Three leaders, (irloffsky. Scinlnosky nii.l
Andrewleff. were captured and, shot, and
over Til persons are reported to have bet it
k lied or wi tinded. A newspiper representa
tive states that the number of Drujinas
A'ere placed in coffins and smuggled past tile
troops in Mie Preina district, .n ofhV i
tinnlly became suspicious, a funeial pro
cession was stopped and the easket was
ripened. Inside the soldiers found a man
and four bombs. Thereafter all suspicion.
funerals were haltid for examination am
the soldiers even went to the length of pull
ing the mustaches and beards of mourners
to ascertain if they wcin false. YVholcsaii
arrests continue to be made here. Tin
police are gathering in nil presons foum
carrying loaded Micks or sword canes.
LONDON. Jan. I. -The Hi. Petersburg
correspondent of tbe Inily Telegraph silys
he has had a conversation with Premier
Itte In which the premier said that the
emperor and his ministers weje nllke
astonished at Admit. il Hojcstx ensky s
allegation that the Hritlsh admiral liad
concentrated his ships at We Hal Wei ex
pecting an order to destroy the Russlar
fleet In the event of Admiral Togo belli);
defeated In the battle of the sea of Japan.
Count Wlltc said he wns taking measure
to clear up the matter, but, he added, II
was self-evident that no level-headed mm
III Russia Would attach Importance to tin
alligation which the minister of marine
he said, had not noticed unill it fippcarci
in print.
To Cr'nre n rold In fine a
take LAXATIVE IillOMO Quinine Tablets
Druggists refund money If It falls to cms
E. V. Grove's signature is on each box. Sic
Huh) Scalded to Death.
MILHANK, P. D.. Jan. .t-A 5-year-ol.
daughter of Morris Habel. a farmer living
near here, and a younger child fell int.
a tub of boiling water. The baby Is de;n
and the older child Is so badlv scalded slif
will dio.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy forevar.
DR. T. Fallx Oouraud'a Oriental
Craarn or Mrgloal BeautlfJar.
RemoTM Tan, JMf!'p:,
KrecilM, ilv'.h IVcliM.
Run, and M n I.
ana ttrrj d:ttu1i
I co beauty, and ilc
no d'trctimj. If
ha alood tba tint
of 7 TMra. and
la no harm!? wc
tatelt tobei.,tt
ia prcperiy mailt.
Aivept no counter -fell
of (malar
tare. Pr. L. A.
Sa ra aa'.d to a f toe bant
Inn (a, patient i ;
" Aa you laUna
will ui thfm.
T i m ..I
'fSaarnnil rreim' mt lb. laiut harmful f alTta
IJln preparation)." K r aala hy all ilnimt aDd rane.
Goods Di alera In the I'nltca SUtei, Cana ls and Europe.
fnO.T.HDPXIH3. Prn 37 Prut irm SW HewTntlt,
Woodward Barges
Friday Saturday Sat urdav Matinee.
Four Nights. Commencing Sunday
-Mat. Wednesday-Dl ST1N
Same Excellent Cant.
DIIDWnnn NlghtTft Hun. Mats. 10c 2c
DUnnUUU ra.,Tur8Sat.Mat.10-c
Special Mat. Today Double Orchestra
Are You a Mason -Next
'Phone 494.
Modern vaudeville
IHTIIirr TfiniV AnyPart-
of House
CHILDREN. 10c. . V
TONIGHT, :15. Price, lOo, 25c. 6ix
iiices-lOc. ac. We. 76a
Mats. Anv Seat, 26
The Great Hursl Drama,
"Hearts of Gold."
lzzy's Vacation."
Sidney In :T!uy
With Potato Cakoa. Thuraday
Dlnnar AT p'