Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 04, 1906, Page 10, Image 10
10 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1906. BOARD IS AGAIN REPUBLICAN County Commiision Eleoted 8ilid Tint Tim it Thirtj-riT Tear OLD ORGANIZATION ADJOURNS SINE OIL O. Solomon and W. i. t re Take Office Irora Tda, Ilp1-I" Hrnrr McDonald aad Peter Hofeldt. At ) o'clock Vcdn?day pvrnlng the Board of County C'ommtsstonprs. as It has been constituted for the last yew, ad journed sinn die. Beforo adjourning, on motion of Mr. Hofeldt. the txvird Rave to Chairman Ken nard a rising vote of thanks for his cour teous and Impartial service ns presiding officer, and tho same as spread upon the minutes. Bonds of Incoming officers were approved end some bills approved and ordered paid. Commissioners McDonald and Hofeldt, whose regular term fxplnd with the ad journment of tho boHrd, will not attempt to hold the seats pending a decision of tho supreme court on the question raised by Commissioner Newton of Lancaster county on the bill extending the term of commis sioners for one year. Both men have filed bonds In due form so as to preserve any rights' they may gain under the decision to bo, made later by the supreme court. Mr. McDonald, speaking for himself and Mr. Hofeldt, said: "We do not wish to appear In the light of obstructionists or as wanting to hold our seats unlawfully, making the new commissioners fight for possession. 'We consider It our duty to take the action we have In filing bonds, so that If we have any rights In the premises they will be preserved." Commissioner Hofeldt will retire to his farm at Elkhorn after nine years of serv ice on the board. Commissioner McDonald will for the rresent occupy a position In the office of his brother. Sheriff McDonald. The new board will organise on Tuesday, January 9, by the election of a new chair man. As yet there Is no announced op position to Chairman Kennard, who has nerved only one year. Five Hepubllran Members, with the taking of office by Emmet O. Solomon and William G. Ure as county commissioners Thursday the board will be solidly republican for tho first time In a long series of years; since 1671 In fact, ex cept that In 1SK the board became repub lican by the appointment of A. L. Sutton, now district Judge, to nil the unexpired term of Commissioner Paddock, who died. The Board of County Commissioners In 1871 consisted of Henry Elcke. E. II. Sher wood and W. A. Purchase. Then the board was divided politically again, J. H. Mc Axrtle and V. P. Knight succeeding Elcke and Sherwood. McArdle served on the board fifteen years In all, being a commls iloner from 137 to 1SGS, Inclusive: then missing three years, then coming back and remaining a member until 3876, when his name drops out for good. After 1871 the Ward was composed of republicans and iemocrats. Dick O'Keeffee became a member of the board for the first time In 1SS3. He served continuously until 1892. when he dropped nut for ten years, coming back lu 19"2 and serving until a year ago. Peter Hofeldt first appeared as a member of the board In JR97 and has since been a member. He la now succeeded by Emmet O. Solomon. B. r. Knight was another commissioner who stuck through a long series of years. Beginning In 187 he was a member con tinuously for thirteen years. COLANERI WEARS THE PURPLE Assamrs Insignia as Protonatur jr of the Papal Palace Xew Year's. New Yttir's Ua Itight Rev. A. M. Cola nerl, V. U., for the Hist time assumed the Insignia of his hew offico as protonatory of :he Papal palace. The honor of this nomin ation had been obtained by Bishop Scannell, During his visit to Rome last summer, but It was only on New Tear's day that Mon ilgnor Colaneri appeared clothed in the robes of his Human appointment. It was at the Sacred Heart academy, where the new mohslgnor is chaplain, that the Initial ceremony took place. He en tered the chapel In purple cassock and man telletta and said mass with nearly the same ritual as rmirks a bishop's celebration. After mass he took breakfast In the con vent parlor In company with his old friends. The meal was an enjoyable and home like affair, where sallies of pleasantry and flashes of wit detracted In nothing from the respect felt and shown for Father Cola neri or the dignity of his position. COCKRELL RETURNS TO OMAHA It r I ana aa Treasurer of New Grand Theater and Comes Bark Home, Harry Cockrell, who has been treasurer of the New Grand theater at 6ioux City since It has been managed by the Wood ward sV Burgess Amusement company, has resigned the position and returned to Omaha. Before going to Sioux City Mr. Cockrell served In the box office at the Boyd for a long time. He was very popu lar In Sioux City and the newspapers there express regret at his leaving. No one will be appointed to fill his place, the duties of the position being divided among others already employed. Paste Averted. In ease of constipation, peritonitis, etc., panlo Is averted by curing yourself with Dr. King's New Life Pills; 35 cents. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Marrtaa-o Ureases. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Name and Residence. Age. William F. Unland, Washington, Neb.... 33 Mary EX Osterlund, Washington, Neb.... ST Herbert B. Stevenson. Omaha 27 Esther Teterson, Stromsburg, Neb 19 Donald M. Evans, Omaha ;i5 Anna Johnson, Red Oak, la is William Bratley. Herman. Neb 49 Susan Harper, Herman. Neb. fco Oliver J. Walker, Olbbon. Neb Anna F. Harvey, North Bend 23 Arthur Plckrel, Omaha a Haxel Gray. South Omaha , IS Samuel Wlllms. Millard. Neb 3H Lena Karsuns. Millard, Neb William Countee, Omaha ?J Emma Beard, Omaha 20 John F. llurn. Omaha fs Elisabeth V. Huller, Omaha Q Leslie O. Stark. Eimwood. Neb U) Beatrice Howell, New Milfnrd, Conn JC Clayton Beadle, Papilllon. Neb 21 lues R. Muuford, Spruigiield. Neb 21 15-K. wedding rings. Edhorm. Jeweler. Send the illustrated Jubilee. Edition of The Bee to your friends. It will please them and advertise Omaha. Beea Go 14 ke Hot t aken. Marketmaster W. F. 0rke has received a letter from his wife, who Is visiting at Des Moines, in whl.U she says that New Tear day she tried to buy a Jubilee edition of The Hf at the time she usually hud bef u procuring the pawr dilly. She was told by the newadeuler that he had re ceived an extra huge order of the papers, but that they had wild like the proverbial "hot rakes," and within a short time aft-r receipt not Olio was lift. Mrs. Gnka was knUrii ! 1 that a second rusu order bu.& Sale of Ladle' Pattern Hats Saturday mm Special Sale . ft HHPS fWnlTI I MI II II I II Z- lU I I (J J (iff MT ol Men'. Caps 5aturday Stock Reducing Sale Ladies' Cloaks, Furs, Suits . f k We otter special prices for Thursday only In stylish, serviceable furs and costs. These prices represent only a fraction of our regular prices. This means extraordinary bargains. LEIeetrlc Seal Zaza Scarfs Extra large Cana dian marten cluster scarfs, blended mink clusters, etc., our three dollar Cfj scarfs, at I.JU Large Cluster Scarfs Double natural and blended brook minks, with cords and tails flat shaped scarfs and Canadian marten, etc. our fine six dollar (ilk scarfs at Our Elegant Fur Scarfs that have been sell Ine regularly at $8 and $10 all the high est grade, selected furs, at, 98 Ladies' Tailored Suits Showing every very popular style for thla winter season long and short coat styles worth QQ $15.00 and $18.00, at 0O Stunning Walking and Dress Suits Hand somely tailored leading style fea- Cl (Q J,JJ tureu, worth up to $25, at Ladles' Long Winter Coats Styl ish 50-inch longths all the new est features worth S20 Q QO and $22.50-at J JO The leading styles and choicest fabrics in the 7-8 length coats that are leading in etyln features ll QP Ladles' Warm Winter Coats-This season's popular styles meltons and mixed cloths 18 and A QO 10 values, at t,JO coata worth up to $10, at. WOOL GLOVES AND MITTENS Ladies', misses' and children's all wool Scotch and gylf gloves cashmere gloves fleece lined gloves also Saxony wool mittens Cs LCI worth up to 76c, at, pair... IUC-afe dC"JC Thursday, Fresh Bartuns in GREAT SALE OF LINENS Never before wan mich a sale of fine linens known in the west. We con tinue our special prices that have brought hundreds of housekeepers to IirandeiH and sold a number of remark able extras. 15c Jap Openwork Doilies, each. . .7 He 12 Vic Tenerlffe Doilies, each Be $1.00 and $2 Lunch Cloths and Scarfs, nt. enrh aa 5 $1 Scarfs, Lunch Cloths, Center Pieces, each..4Uc f r 50c Center Pieces. Scarfs. Snnnrps oto onih i sl 25c Scarfs, Doilies, Squares, etc., each 10c p 10c All Linen Dollies, each lc 5c Honey Comb Knit Wash Cloths, each lc Openwork Border All Linen 8-4 and 10-4 Ta ble Cloths, worth $1.50, each 85a I 2 Vt . 3 and 3 i double satin damask pattern tuble cloths worth up to $6.00 QO each j0 2H, 3, y and 4 yards double satin damask, 2 yards wide pattern table cloths worth up to $10, each. 45c Hack and damask 20c Bleached towels, at, 'JC Towels, at each ....... aclC each 4.98 $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 Marseilles and sutin Marseilles Bed Spreads, will go at, each Large size Crochet Bed Spreads actual value one dollar and fifty cents, will go r.t, each Turkish . 10c 1.98 98c 30c Bleached Turkish Towels, at, euch 15c IN THE BASEMENT SPECIAL SHEETS and MUSLIN SALE Of a "No Name" quality of bleached muslin that sells reg ularly at 10c per yard we place on sale tomor- row 5 cases at, per yard OC I A regular six-cent quality of j bleached muslin goes T at J?C a ik ana i yara wiae good quality of unbleached sheeting. A 2 yard wide bleached sheet Ing, on sale tomorrow f A at, per yard 1 ,C regularly worth 22c per yard, goes at, per yard I5c I bean placed for the papers, hut she im mediately wrote her h unhand to send one, fearing she aain might be too late. Officers Are Installed. The Installation of the new officers of Grant post. Grand Army of the Republic, and Its auxiliary Woman's Relief Corps, was jointly observed Tuesday ninht at the new hall of the post In the Kohrbough block. Many veterans and their wives were present and a good time followed the installation ceremonies. The Installing- offi cer for the Grand Army was Tact post Commander V. H Burm.lster, and for the Woman's Relief Corps Detriment Presi dent Mrs. Harriet Wilcox ottirtated as ln xtalling officer. Lot the world know how Omaha Is grow ing and It will keep on growing. Do your share by sending your friends copies of the New Years Edition of The Bee and Birds Eye View of Omaha. Do It now. Archibald Kaplan on Trial. Jllrie DV fltlH a i I rtr n . ... rase of stale, against Archibald Kaplan, who Is accused of having embezzled the sum of tl00 from the llrm of Stewart Bros., wholesale grocers. Assistant County At tornevs WiMl.r anA I.' i ... I. n ., and Attorneys James P. KiiKllsh and George j. ur ueienuing. Kaplan Is a young man. who has heretofore borne a good character and his mother sits bexldn him In the court room. "lfrit.rU for Imonnla. wUa 7J i" 1 ',mv b!u m,cti for o.r tw.uir ymr., I?h .in '"' ' Ii'o m, moil relief h.n .nj otk.r ru.dr i h .v.r tr(1. I rartalnljr Kwmigd lliem (a , fri.udi u UiDf ui tbr us wret.l. ' "'ua M Tho. OUlsrd, Elgla, IU. fcr The Bowels , CAMOV CAYtVUITIC UlLI.aUi o cur or Jour luuu.r Li - i -o., v.ntcsf o or N.Y. S9 ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES DENTAL IArl a ROOMS. 1517 Douglas Si, TWO SOLES TO THE HEEL $3.50 KEEP YOIR FEET DRY This shoe will do It. A broad toe, foot form last-heavy sole-sail cloth lined Gen uine Box Calf and Puritan Calf. A man's winter shoeJust the thing for motormen mall carrierspolice men and ethers that have to b out In the snow and cold. The same shoe mad of genuine French Calf with Kid lining for AA 1 DrexelShoeCo.l Charles A. Potter GEXEltAL HTEXOGR.VPHER. DrposUons, Correspondence, Brief Work and Hperiol Reporting on Short Notice. NOTARY ri'BUC. Tel. lOlw iO Be BaiMlng. OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Thursday, Fair, Continued Cold. Q)I?MNOT L1M IM 0 11 GREEN TRADINS STAMPS EVERT TIME Sl.OO Dress Goods OH I OOc Silks a yard OUL- a yard. Manufacturer's Remnants of Embroideries Less Than HALF PRICE. $1.25 Wide Embroideries OOt v a yard. 20 Per Cent Off All our BED COMFORTS OV1 .$2.00 Our January Stock Reducing Sale is creating a great sensation among the purchasers of Dry Goods. Compari sons in every instance are in our favor, and the sales the first two days surpassed any previous sale of the kind by over 50 per cent. THURSDAY WILL BE THE BANNER DAY. Ladies' Seal CoaU XXX Alaska Seal Coat Worth $200, 125 XX XX Aiaska Seai Coat's Worth $22 5. 1 39 Imperial Alaska SeVl Coats Worth $300, 148 Ladies Cloth Coats Two lots of fancy and plain colors, all iy (K new, worth up to $25; prices, $12.30 and ut Ladles' Suits Over one hundred and fifty suits Etons. Blouses and short and long mannish suits, prices were from $10 to 1 QK $30; now $12.R0, $0.00 und '17 0 Ladies' Silk Petticoats A new lot of black and colored, A fl C guaranteed taffeta, should sell at $7.50; Thursday, at Tr J EVERY AHTICLE IX READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHIXO FOR IN FANTS, CHILDREN. MISSES AND LADIES WILL HE OFFERED WITHOUT RESERVE IN THIS SALE. Bennett's Big'?Grocery TAKE AUviTRTAGUT' OF THESB SPKCIAL )FF1;HS YOU'LL MONEY AHEAP. Thirty Green Trading gtiimps with two pound call Bennett's 4UP Breakfast Coffee C?W Sixty Uretn Trading Stamps with pound can Jos. Tetlcy i Co's. Sunflower Brund Tea ... Twenty Green Trading Stumps with Tea"!":..." 38C Thirty Green ' Trailing 8 tumps with quart bottle Plamond "S" ltf, Catsup OiJL, Twenty Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond "S" Fruits, 28C Ten Green Trading Stamps with o Spa thi-ee pkgs. B. C. Mincemeat.."0 Ten Green Trading Stumps f O-, with can B. C. Pure l'epper.... NEW" FRUITS. DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EACH: Candled Lemon, Orange, OS- Citron, pound AOfc, Five Crown '.Layer Oflr Raisins, pound tlw Seeded Raisins, per 1fr packages Currants, cleaned, lllr pound vW Ten Green Trading Stamps wlthf quart Sour I'lrkles Ten Green Trading Stamps i". with quart Chow Chow Ten Green Trading Stamps with three packages Cneeda id Biscuits low Bennett's Burguin Soup, OI ten bars mmtjf BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Five Green Trading Stamps lOr with box Marahmallowa I lit Salted Peanuts, Ifin pound IvV The Big China Section 2W FINE CHINA TANKARD JUGS Pretty rose and grape decorations, Thursday, all day, if they last, a 60c OC jug for Sa&C (One to a customer and no de livery on this item.) Closing out Dinnerware. at greatly re duced prices. See that extra bur gain in loo pieces at 17.98. It's a beauty, a 12.0o valueas "7 flil loiig as tho stock lasts, at... 'Vo ONE TABLE OF BEAUTIFUL, FRENCH CHINA CUPS AND 8AU-CE1UJ-Pretty spray decorations, have sold at 48c yours Odr Thursday, at, each HAVILAND CHINA SPECIAL. FOUR OF OUR BEST PATTERNS. THE FINEST CHINA MADE. 20 PER CENT OFF FOR THURS DAY AND FRIDAY ONLY. CIXiSE OUT OF ODD DINNER SETS German China Set. some pieces short, sold at lti.oo, clearing price pll ENGLISH PORCELAIN SETS -Some pieces gone, a $7.50 tti set for 25 PERCENT OFF ANY FANCY VASE IN THE DEPARTMENT. Many pretty pieces to select from. 26 per cent off during this sale. COAL! ONE HUNDRED GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH TON s. - BENNETT'S CAPITOL V S NUT COAI Bennett's Capitol Coal Is an irtenl fuel for furnace, healer or open fire. There is collusive ness and glowing heat ,in every ounce. 3.15 FIFTY GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY HALF TON BENNETT'S CAP IOL NUT COAL THIS WEEK ONLY. Prompt deliveries, accommodating drlvjrs, satisfaction-guaranteed. Snow Shovels Strong, Tough Taut Snow Shovels Right Sizes 48c and 25c 20 Green Trading Stamps With Each Thursday. HARDWARE BASEflENT SPLENBID BARGAINS IN AIL D. PARTMLNTS BWDEffi THE RELIABLE STORK. VALUES WAT CANNOT BE DUPLICATED ELSEWHERE mm Great Stock Reducing Sale ALL OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED GOLD MEDAL IRISH LINEN PATTERN CLOTHS 20 PER CENT OFF FOR THIS SALE. They come 2 yards, 211 yards and 3 yards long; all new, beautiful designs, in lily, tulip, shamrock, thistle, pansies and all with pretty open borders. "We have the Napkins to match. "We have 2 -yard Cloths at $1.93, less 20 per cent cloth. .$1.56 2 -yard Cloths at $2.75, less 20 per cent cloth. .$2.20 2 -yard Cloths at $3.50, less 20 per cent-cloth. .$2.80 2V2-yard Cloths at $2.50, less 20 per cent-cloth. .$2.00 2Va-yard Cloths at $3.25, less 20 per cent-cloth. .$2.60 2-yard Cloths at $4.25, less 20 per cent-cloth. .$3.80 Cloths at $5.50, less 20 per eent-cloth. .$4.40 Special Hemstltrhrd Tillow Cases 200 fine soft finished hem- 1 ttp stitched Pillow Cases, 20c quality; clearing sale, each lut Great Crash Toweling Sale 1,000 yards of fine bleached Crash, sells at 7c yard; clearing sale, yard 2,8M) Yards of All Crash 19 Inches wide, regular 11c quality; Q clearing sale, yard 300 rieccs of Extra Heavy rure Irish Linen Crash that sells "Mp at 18c and 20c yard; clearing sale, yard White India Linon Sale Our fine sheer 18c and 20c quality 1 Kp White India Linon; for this sale, yard AJtj Clearing Sale of Children's Mitttens Children's Woolen and Mer cerized Mittens, in black, red and blue, worth 50c; sale 1 ()p price, a pair, 25c, 18c and IVil Ladies' Woolen Mittens Hand knit, in black only, worth to lO'p 60c; sale price, a pair, 25c, 20c and A;-' GREAT REDUCTIONS IN THE FOLLOWING DEPART MENTS FOR THURSDAY: 39c I 9ZTrr. 39c Great Linen Sale Continues. 36,000 bolts of fine linens, 250,000 towels, several car loads of muslins and sheetings now on sale at prices lower than ever before offered in Omaha, Don't fail to see our offerings before buying. Full IMcarheil Linen A regular 39c value, 100 pieces to select Ql from; at, yard U 2 Full lilcnrhed Linen Regular 50c quality, 100 pieces to se- C lect from; at, yard DG German Linen Full bleached, regular 65c quality, 150 pieces to lQ select from, yard JJC Irish Linen Full bleached, regular 86c quality, 150 full pieces IO to select from; at, yard Tly All Linen Crash Ooes at, yard, 12 He, loo, "He, 8c and. . . . 3ic MI SL1XS AND SHKKTIXGS. From 0 A. M. Till 12 M. 8 1-Se Yard Wide Muslin Full blea ched (limit. 16 yards to a cub-J 7 tonier); at, yard w From f Till lO A. M. 25o Itlearheil Sheeting 9- wld (limit 10 yards to a cus- 0 toiner); at, yard U From 10 Till 11 A. M. 10c, 12 tic 15c Linen Towels Also Illearhcd and Unbleached Turkish Towels (limit of 12 to a cus- 7' tomer) ; on sale Thursday, ea. . 2 Great Annual Embroidery Sale The first day of this great sale was a phenomenal success thousands of customers profited by the exceptional bargain offer ings, but the immensity of the stock precludes the possibility of depletion by one day's sale, and the values Thursday are fully equal to those of the first day. Lot 1 A big job of slightly soiled Edges and Insertlngs; will go at, yard 1C Lot 2 A fine line of Insertings, Head ings and Edges; all go at, yard C Lot 8 A fine lino of 6c to 10c In sertlngs and Edges; all go T at, yard JC Lot 4 A regular 10c and 15c C line; all go in this sale at, yd. . DC yard Lot 41 Consists Ij0t 5 All 15c and 25c Embroideries and Insertlngs go at, J'g 1 of 20c, 25c and 35o Embroideries; a great snap, fl at, yard SVw Lot 7 All regular 35c and 40c Em broideries und Insertlngs l's go at, yard lawC Lot 8 Consists of 50c Corset Cover Embroideries; in this sale at. yard 15c Great Half Price Sale of Women's Garments Continues All Women's Coats Go in this Bale at JIST HALF PRICE Handsome Furs At HALF and in many cases less than HALF THICK Women's Waists Worth regularly up J,0 to $2.00, at tJ Women's llath Robes Regular $5.00 Ofi values, at ' Jvt From 8 Till 0 A. M. Women's Flannel- Clf ette Wrappers, at OsC Children's Wool Dresses In ages from 6 QO to 14 years, worth up to $2.00, at JJ Front 8 Till 10 A. M. Women's 75c tQ Dressing Sacques, at JZJC Children's Coats Worth regularly from $5.00 to $10.00; on sale all day at QO $5.00, $.1.08 and JO $15.00 Tailor Suits In great variety of PA 1 i; style and fabric; in this sale, choice Woniep's $1.80 Underskirts Special, at. 69c Four Special Hour Sales From 0 Till 10 A. M. Ladies' 1'nder.sklrts Heavy wool or fleece lined, jersey ribbed, worth regularly $1.00 and $1.60, JJQg From 10 Till 11 A. M. Men's and Hoys' Suswnler Worth regularly 25c; special for 1 flf this hour, at IUIy From 11 Till 12 M. Men's and Hoys' Sweaters In heavy winter weights; special for f Qr one hour I JK From 2 Till S P. M. Ludles' Kult Shawls and Fuscinators Black, white and fancy colors, worth 75c to $1.50, 29c Second Day of the Big Inventory Grocery Sale 22 pounds Pure Cane Granu lated Sugar for 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap ) 7 pounJs fancy hand picked Navy Beans tj 7 pounds best Pearl Sago, Horn- f iny. Farina or Barley sC 5c 1-pound package Cold Water Starch per Glllett's Washing Crystal, package 1- pound package Diamond C Mince Meat Quart cans Golden Table Syrup Oil Sardines, per can 2- pound can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn 3-pound can Genesee Sauer Kraut or Spinach lc 5c 7k 21c 5c 9c On-Time Yeast, per package Large Italian Prunes, per pound 5-pound pull Pure Fruit Jelly 1-pound package Seeded Raisins Pint bottle fancy Queen Olives Condeused Soup, per can Castile Soap, per cake Deviled Ham, per can Rex Pork and Bens, per can APPLFS. APPLES. Bushel boxes of fancy ColO' rado Eating Apples 3c 4c 17c 9c ....15c 5c 2c 2jc ....4c APPLKS. .1.45 Bushel boxes fancy Colorado f M f Helleflower Apples, per box., A fflew Way to Los Angeles Yi'U can now go direct, by a new route via Salt Luke City. And by a new dally train the Los Angeles Limited Sureil accommodation: Pullman's best serv ice "luring Cars. Observation Cars with U'lffc-t; Loui.Klng Rooms and Library. Electric Lights oc-r eve 'scut and In every berth. Via the Union Pacific and Salt Lake Route For full Information inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1324 FARNAM ST. PHONE 331. warn The Best lhated Office Building in Omaha Is The Bee Building Don't wait till cold weather; there are several choice offloes vacant now but they never stay empty long. Borne fine efflcee at from $16.00 to $20.00 per month. Including heat, light, water inA Janitor service R. C Peter tt Co., Keutal Agent. Ground Floor, bee Building, ZmE MOTHLH. USED TOlAMlggp g I OjjK SUCH MINCE nMv j "IN 2-P1E IOC PICSwtiCoSYRACUSt.NYj ALWAYS INSIST ON OBTITNQ A Dr- S A I I C Tou will have a rlr equal to Imported tCAUSC and at a less pries. F. ft R!CE MERCANTILE CIGAR CO . MANUFACTURERS, ST. LQUli