Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 02, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Office. 10 Pearl
Charged with Stealing Bundle of Clothing
from a Harlan Farmer.
Arrnirit Has an Income iJirge Rnonih
to Provide for Ilia Wants and
Has So Occasion to Meal
3. J. Sullivan, a young man who Is heir
to a In ree estate 1n Memphis, Tenn., and
who enjoys a weekly allowance of $20 from
hia, whs nrre.Med last evening,
charged wltli the theft of a package con
taining a suit of clothes, a pair of woman's
shoe.4 and a pair of man's overshoes, all
of the value of about 9 and the property
of J. R. Barnes.
Sullivan met Barnes, who Is a farmer
from Harlan, la., in a saloon at 1023 South
Main street, during the afternoon. Barnes'
porketbook a empty, and young; Sullivan
offered to loan his new found friend some
money, tint the Harlan man declined the
offer. Sullivan purchased a number of
drinks and on leaving the saloon walked
into the back room, where Barnes had
placed his package, and 'ked off with it.
When atrcMi'd later in his room at the
Uallaglicr home he waa found to be wear
ing Barnes' cull.
Sullivan, When taken to the city Jail,
KHid the only reason he could give for
taking the packago was that he had been
drinking a quantity of absinthe and did not
know what lie waa doing. letters and
papers on the young man showed that ho
was ' heir to a largo estate in Memphis,
from which he had an income of $o,0X) a
year, 'but that his guardian only gave him
an allowance of $3 a week.
Xebraskans Get First License.
The first marriage license for the new
year was issued yesterday by H. V. Bat
tcjr, clerk of the district court, to George
I. Myers, aged 25, of Aurora, Neb., and
Minnie M. Canfield, aged 28, of York, Neb.
The marriage ceremony waa performed in
Mr. Battey's private office in the court
house. Rev. Marqus P. McClure, pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, officiating,
while Mr. Battey and Deputy Sheriff W.
A. Groneweg acted aa witnesses.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night, L69J.
Insurance Company Polls Oat.
T0cal fire Insurance Hgents have been
advised of the withdrawal from this state
nf the Taw, Union & Crown, one of the
large English Insurance companies, with
Instructions to write no further policies
for It, and to return. all blanks belonging
to this company !n their possession.
This action on the part nf the Knglish
company is attributed to the strict Iowa
laws regulating fire Insurance. Fire ln-
A kln of Beauty lo a Joy Forevor.
iR. T. Folia Oouraud'a Oriental
Cream or Magical Boautlflor,
Remove Tun, . Plvplee,
FreckJee, Moth lchee, ,
Refti.aod fckla Jbttun,
na every vjeanin
os beeuty. Mid tie
flea delet-tlcn. It
ku Ho4 Uw teet
of 11 yeere. end
li to barmleee we
tftetelt toboeuiett
le properly nude.
Accept no oeiiDter.
felt of eliuUer
vuu. Dr. L. A.
Heir eeld to a
ldy of the heat.
tnn (a palleoo t
" A you ledlee
will use them.
I recommend
i frsam ee the tenet hju-mful of ell the
akin prepereitone. For emle by all dragrteu end Fency
Soode Dealer la the United Steiee, Uauula and Europe,
.ffllT.nOPWS. Pro- 37 Rrtt Jones Srr NewTerk,
Mn'B Ture Gum Arctics, sj yg
Men's Boston Art' tics, 1 Ct
for leUU
Men's common Arctics, 1 OC
for I. CO
Ladles' Arctics, 2 buckles, 1 rn
tot 1.311
Ladies' Arctics, 1 buckle, J QQ
Misses' Arctics, 1 buckle, DCn
for UUU
Ladles' Alaskas, QQ
Indies' Alaskas, 75C
Full line Leggings, German socks
and Felt Boots at the lowest ih8
ille price.
23 Main Street
Fine Repairing. COUNCIL BL.UFF3
Arc we (jotting yours? If not, these prices
hould lntt rest you! We have the LARGEST
atata of Iowa! Why? Just because we nell
'.'drugs for lerM money than any other firm In
H to I.lquozone, all you want 79c
Jl on Swamp Kixii, all you want 79c
Dully' .Halt Whisky 7c.
1.00 PinkliHin a Compound ',!c
1 to Pierce's Medicines 7'ju
) .ml Wurner's Sale Cure 79c
l.iw liuod kSursaparlila 7ic 1
ll.uu AVer's Sarsaiurilla 76c
ll.uo Canudlun Malt MUsky 73-
, 00 Clu ster's Pennyroyal pills $l.t)
o 20-Mule Teuin Borax 14c
'.Sc Mermen's T&lcum Powder
. Jito Graves' Toulh Powder 10c
How do these prices look to you?
Free delivery lit city ur to depot if for
out of towu.
K. T. YATES, Proprietor.
Cor. Fifth avenue and Main street.
Council Bluff. Ia. Phone 333. Cor. Six
teenth aud Chicago afreets, Omaha; Twenty-fourth
and N atreela. tiouUi Omaha,
' I haul dead animals, $1.00 per head.
Garbage, asliea, manure and all rub
bish; clean vaults and ceaspuola. All
work done la guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended to.
Phone. Aah-102U. i
28 Piarl St. Pboies.Ris. 63, Office 97
Lady Attendant If Deatvad
. leV
St. Tel. 43.
surance agents of this city say they fear
other large English companies will follow
suit. That this will likely be the else Is
regretted by the local agents, as they to a
great extent depend on the big English
companies for placing risks on business
buildings and stork.
Clerk Battey Prepares Fiaarra for the I having just completed his second term as
Hoard of aperriaora. I worshipful master of the lodge.
II V Battel- dork of the district court Tm annual mee:lng of the Associated
,,7 L .. . '... ,, i the district court, rhurltlcg w hpU, Wednesday atter
wlll submit to the Board of Supervisors to- I noon ln tne parlors of the First Presby
day his aeml-annual report for the six i terian church. The meeting waa post-
months ending December 31, which he com
pleted yesterday.
The figures on court fees are given for
that period and the entire year, and ate
as follows:
Court fees collected. June 1-December 1:
Council Bluffs Jl.fiJS.;!)
Avoca 34". 93
Court fees collected, Jajiuary 1-May 31:
Council Bluffs $1.00. 7i
Avoca 337.45
Total J1.538.J0
Total court fees for year:
Council Bluff a fci.S99.00
Avoca tisO.40
Total ,3.578. 40
Protiate fees for year 1905:
Council Blutts K62.6o
Avoca lai'Xt
Total I 814.90
Deducting clurk'a allowance 300. 00
Net I 614. Wt
Fines collected In 19"6:
Coum-il BlulTs $1,170.00
Avoca 1S0.IW
Total $1,320.00
County attorney'a percentage $ 117.00
Turned over to county $l,2O3.0u
Some idea of the work of the office of
the clerk of the district court may be gath
ered from the fact that during 1906 no leas
than 1,790 pages of record were written.
Carelessness of Clerk CaanV ttaeer In Jewelry Store.
Last evening shortly after t o'clock Rob
ert Wallace of the real estate firm of
N. P. Dodgo & Co., while passing the
Jewelry store of Herman Leffert on Broad
way, noticed three men Inside. Believing
that the store should navo been closed
Wallace entered and the men a-sked him
where the proprietor was. Wallace sug
gested that he was probably In the back
room, at the same time making his way
there where he telephoned to police head
quarters. Captain O'Neil responded to the
call expecting to find burglars ln the
Explanations were soon forthcoming
from the three strangers, who happened
to be farmers from near McClelland, la.
Having seen the store lighted up and
finding the door open they entered. One
had with him a clock which he wanted
repaired while another of the party had
a week ago (eft a watch to be fixed and
called for it. It developed that an em
ploye of Leffert's had been doing some
work around the store and had on leaving
forgotten to lock the door.
District Court Today.
The January term of the district court
will be convened today by Judge Green,
sitting for Judge Thomell, who will ln
turn open court for the former at Sidney.
Judge Thomell will be here ,, Wednesday
morning, when he will impanel the grand
The following comprise this year's grand
Jury: P. Wahlgren, Garner: Elida Parish,
Haxel Dell; Hunry Wllklns, Keg Vreek;
Warren Hough, Crescent; P. N. Sucks
dorff, Washington: W. R. Keating. Hardin;
George C. Olsen, Boomer; O. B. Wittland,
Lewis; Victor Jennings, Council Bluffs;
Julius Stuhr, Mlnden; R. V. Churchill,
Neola; R. H. Graham, Silver Creek.
A number of criminal cases will be pre
sented to the grand Jury this term and In
dictments In connection with tne numerous
holdups lat summer are looked for.
County Board Omanlses.
The Board of County Supervisors con
vened for the January seaslon yeaterday
morning, but beyond organizing for the
new year transacted no business. County
Attorney Hess, on being appealed to by
1 the members of the board, gave It as his
opinion that any other business besides
organization of the board would be Illegal
on a holiday. The board accordingly, after
electing Supervlaor Allan BulUs of Wright
township chairman, adjourned until this
morning. The first business to be taken
up this morning will be the approving of
the bonds of the county officials who hold
over for another year by reaaon of the
adoption of the biennial election amend
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby & Soi.
Dr. Luella Dean, Brown Bldg. Tel. 900.
Drs. Woodbury' dentists, SO Pearl street
Woodrlng-Schmldt, undertakers. Tel. 339.
Leffert's improved torle lenses give aatls
faction. Picture framing C. E. Alexander, S33
Broadway. Tel. ZX.
Girl wanted to assiat with housework. 222
I South Seventh street.
Dr. c. 11. Kcan or Avoca, ia., waa in mo
city yesterday calling on friends.
Results Our Specialty Eclipse Collection
agency, offices lo3 Pearl St. phone 1474.
Big nid-wlrter terrr Western Iowa
college opens Tuesday, January 3, lSHKi.
H. F. Knudsen lett lust evening for Ne
biuM.a to iuuk alter his land investments.
empire icu.tisiuiiiue goia moulding, pic
tures and Humes, dorwick, 11 St. Main,
'lei. bo3.
Get your upholstering, feathers, mat
Uteres and lepalnng dune ai Morgan at
Kline, s. i Souln Maiu slieet.
'I lie C. M. h.. ciuu will be entertained
euneeoay atternuoii at tne liuiiie of Mrs.
J. !'. . urn, siK bevenui avenue.
Tho N est Council Biufls improvement
I club will hold lis annual meeting and elec
i iioii ul uliicei a i euuuauay evening.
ur. iluury C. Lee In en and fcni Umber
win leave tula evening lor dual lie, Vtuan.,
Mrx.S.T.ROBLR.the well-known
authority on cooking, says of
Ue!.g Company's Extract:
'Ordinary stock requires Iron three to
loar hours In preparation. The cost ol
Are addes ts that ol sale rials an time
lor escetds the cost ol Jar ol
Extract of Deef
and will sot make so large a aantity ol
soup, la lacte 'J wares, soaps, gravies,
and meat sitsrs should be flavored with a
little heel extract From a cook's stand
point do kllchea rAooid be withoit III"
It Is the most concentrated form ol bed
b e Of t
a i-'i i
to Investigate several business propositions
with a possibility of locating there.
The Laughleis of tha American Revo
lution will give the first of a series of
card parties Friday evening at the home
of Mrs. Emmet Tinley, on Willow avenue.
Walter fanning, son of Phertff Canning,
who had been spending the holidays at
home, returned yesterday to Golden, Colo.,
where he Is attending the school of min
ing. The Indies' AM society of the Second
Presbyterian rhurci will hold its annual
meeting Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. P. iJteenshields, on Oakland
W. K. McConnell has been presented by
Bluff City Masonic lodge with a handsome
mi si inutft- ifi4-l In rroanltloti of hla
noned from yesterday afternoon
K. K. Parsons of Marlon, la., president
of the State Firemen's association, was
in the cltv yesterday, the guest of Hre
Chief Nicholson while en route to Mary
vllle, Mo., to attend a family reunion.
W. H. Hlghsmlth and wife returned yes
terday from Columbus Junction, la., where
thev attended a family reunion at th;
home of Mrs. llighsmith a brother. B. r .
Knott. On Christmas day fifty members
of the family sat down to dinner.
Cltji Engineer Etnyre will read a paper
before tho Iowa State Engineering asso
ciation in Des Moines. Wednesday, Janu
ary 10, on the subject of the Indian creek
prbhinu with a view of securing some val
uable suggestions from other members or
the association.
Dr. Frank Porterfield of Atlantic, la.,
candidate for nomination for railroad com
missioner on the republican ticket, was
ln tho cltv yesterday . Dr. Porterflelt
said he waa not talking politics, but that
ids visit to the city was merely to maKe
b Vow Year's call on relatives.
. .... . . it. . ...Ill arplv.1
from Aiton, 111., today and for the present
will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. t .
x 1. H.mvnn .nil ilium. nui ....
Hendricks. 30b Stutsman street Mr. Bern- ,
n.Vw. u.u fnrmcrlv auditor
Wabash road nere during m
ship, expects to relocate In Council BluffH.
Joseph R. Davenport of 1423 Eighth ave
nue died yesterday morning at the Coum.ll
Bluffs fieneral hospital from pneumonia
after an illness of nine days. He was 34
vears of afte and Is survived by his wife
I and live children. He was a member or ine
Ancient Order Ot L nlieu wornioen
of Grand lHland. Neb. The remaii. will
be taken to Creston, la , this evening for
burial. '
Woodbine Church Dedicated.
WOODBINE. Ia., Jan. 1. (Special.)
Woodblne'a First Church of Christ was
dedicated here yesterday. The morning
service was held from 11 to 2 and about
1,000 were in attendance, including many
visitors from the Logan, Missouri Valley
and Dunlap Christian churches. It was a
union service for Woodbine's churches.
Rev. B. Franklin Hall, the pastor, de
livered the dedicatory sermon. In the
evening Rev. Clint J. W. Trlem of the
local Presbyterian church preached the
sermon. Music was furnished by an or
chestra and a choir especially trained for
the occasion. A banquet was tendered
the visitors In the dining room In the
basement of the church.
Saloon Men Angry at Bank.
BURLINGTON, Ia., Jan. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) An attempt by several saloonmen
to cause a run on the German-American
Savings bank tomorrow morning because
it Is alleged one of the directors was con
nected with the movement to close the sa
loons Sunday caused a meeting of all tho
banks today, at which a solid front was
organized against any run that might be
attempted on the German-American. The
brewers, wholesalers and Retail Liquor
Dealers' association have backed uo the
movement by publishing cards denouncing
the 111-advlsBd move of the saloonmen and
denying that any, money will be withdrawn
by them. . .. ' ... .
Camratle Helps an Oraran.
SHENANDOAH, la., Jan. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) "the Baptist congregation was sur
prised yesterday at the morning ervlce!
when the pastor read a letter that Andrew
Carnegie agreed to give the last half of the
cost of a $2,000 pipe organ for the new $30,
000 church which was dedicated last month.
This proposition put so much enthusiasm
Into the congregation that at once they
subscribed the other thousand dollars. Still
more money will be raised and an effort
will be made to get a $3,000 Instrument.
Just two weeks before the same congrega
tion had subscribed $6,500 to clear up tha
new church debt at the dedication.
Loss In Massachusetts.
BROCKTON. Mass., Jan. 1. The total loss
caused by the fire which destroyed the
main portion of the city block at the corner
of Main and Ward streets, in this city,
early today. Is estimated at nearly $300,000.
The section of the structure containing the
city theater was saved, but heavy damage
was causej to the auditorium of the
theater by water. The Field block, ad
joining the burned building, also suffered
from fire on the roof and from water ln
the interior.
Business Houaea In Harrlsburg, III.
CAIRO. 111., Jan. 1. Fire at Harrlsburg,
111., today destroyed the east half of the
public square and caused a loss of over
Snow Today In Krbnuka, with
Hlaln Temperature In Weat
WASHINGTON. Jan. l.-Forecaat of the
weather for Tueaday and Wednesday:
For Nebraaka Snow Tueaday, with rising
temperature in weat portion; Wednesday
fair In west, rain or snow In east portion.
For Iowa Snow or rain Tuesday and
For South Pakota Snow Tuesday, with
rising temperature; Wednesday fair.
For Missouri Rain in south, anow in
north portion Tuesday; Wednesday rain.
For Kansas Rain or anow Tuesday and
lu east portion Wednesday.
For Colorado and Wyoming enow Tuea
day; Wednesday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Jan. 1. Official record of tem-
lieraiuro uiu precipitation, compared with
thtt corresponding day of the last three
yeaj-s: ISOei. 1W6. JA.
Maximum temperature.... 32 45 -jt i
Minimum temperature.... V9 V4 'JX
Mean temperature 30 40 Is -jb
Preclpltatlou T ,ou .no
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March L
and comparison with the last two yeara:
Normal temperature 19
excees tor me aay )i
iuiui excess since .iiarcn 1, moo
Normal prei-lpiiutlon .US Inch
1-rtkleiicy for the day OS Inch
Total rainfall since Mareh 1 7 3 Inches
Deficiency Mince March 1. Itx ... 2.86 inches
Pendency for cor. period 1906 3 48 Inches
Excess for cor. period llKH J.00 Inches
Reports from Stations at 7 P. N.
Station and State Ttm.
of Weather. 7 p. m.
Bismarck, clear 0
Cheyenne, snowing u
Chicugo, cloudy 32
lavenport ia
Penver, clear m
Havre, clear g
Helena, clear 14
Huron, cloudy ig
Kansas City, cloudy J.)
North Platte, snowing is
Omaha, cloudy 32
Max. IUin-
'i'eiu. tall.
s:; .uo
32 .ou
14 0u
f4 T
1 T
U .00
a .01
.1! T
3D T
1 .00
31 .00
11 04
lt .00
Rapid City, snowing 14
St. lxuls, pt. cloudy 01
St. Paul, clear 12
Salt ILke City, clear 21
Valentine, snowing 1$
Wllllston, clear l
T" Indicates trace ef nreetnrt.ri
Major of New York Tells Officials The
Kut Do Their Fnll Dutj.
Police Commissioner Tells the tap
talna and Inspectors that fit
leer Begins with u
,ew Ural.
NEW VORK, Jan. 1. Mayor tieoige U.
McClellan began today his second t'-rui as
mayor, this time of four ers. The cerc
tuuules were few, as today merely marks
the opening of a new term, not a new gov
ernment. A number of new heads of de
partments were sworn in, including Gen
eral Theodora A. Bingham as police com
missioner. After they had taken their oaths Mayor
McClellan called the heads of departments
together and told them his ambition Is to
give the city a clean, efficient mid honest
government. He alluded to nis present of
fice as "the lust public ofllce which, ln all
probability,, I shall ever nil," and said:
"Vou, gentlemen, one jour appointments
solely to the fact that 1 believe you are
well qualified for the offices to which I
have appointed you. I ahall hold you to a
strict and efficient performance of your
duty, and should any of you fail In reaching
the standard which I shall require, I ahall
not hesitate to remove you."
At the Installation of the new board of
aldermen today Clarence J. Shcarn pre
sented a protest ngainst the seating of
President MfGowan, elected 011 the demo
cratic ticket. Mr. Slieurn acted ln behalf
of J. Q. Phelps Stokes, tho municipal own
ershin candidate for that office. Mr.
shparn also prescntcu protests against the
seating of five aldermen. They were re
ferred by the aldermen to a committee
without having been lead. Mr. Sli'-'urn says
he hopes by the protests to getka writ of
certiorari from the courts to offset the rul
ing of the board of canvassers of elections,
which seated the men whose ollices he con
tests. Mr. Shcarn Is counsel for W. R.
Bingham Tnkea Command.
William McAdoo today retired from tha
office of police commissioner and his suc
cessor, General Theodore A. Bingham, for
mally assumed command of the police force
of the greater city. General Bingham's
first official act was to address the in
spectors and captains of the department
who had been summoned to meet him. He
We start a new year and a new deal
right here. I have been sent for to come
here and do a certain piece of work. 1 am
going to do it. I have nothing; against
you to start with no suspicion and we will
begin on the level. But by tho nine gods
of war you have trot 10 deal with me on
the level as I shall deal with you. There
will be, no spying on the men of this force.
If you are manly men. sportsmanlike men,
you will appreciate that and treat me the
same. Don t go back on the hand that
I stretch out to help you.
Mr. McAdoo greeted General Bingham
cordially, told him the police was an ad
mirable body of men and advised him to
know them well.
Mioofly Sqnnd Abolished.
One of the first olllrlal acts of the new
police commissioner was to abolish the
shoofiy squad and the vice squad. The
former was composed of "pluin clothes"
men detailed to watch the uniformed
force. The vice squad waa the creation
of the retiring commissioner and was de
tailed to secure evidence against ques
tionable resorts. Commissioner Bingham
also accepted the resignation of First Dep
uty Commissioner MiA.voy to take effect
Immediately and Whi-.B he found that the
resignation of Second' Deputy Farrell, In
charge of the Brooklyn division of the
force, had not been filed, sent a note to
him demanding his resignation forthwith.
This leaves the commissioner free to ap
point three new deputies, there having
been one vacancy not filled by Mr. Mc
Adoo after the death of Third Deputy
The ahoofly squad was first put Into
existence by Theodore Rosevelt when he
was police commissioner, but was abolished
by Chief Devery and revived by General
In Praise of Chamberlain's Conah
Very few medicines have received so
much praise and so many expressions of
gratitude as Chamberlain'a Cough Remedy.
Grateful parents everywhere testify to its
merits. It is a certain cure for croup and
will prevent the attack if giveji at the first
appearance of the disease. It Is especially
adapted to children as It Is pleasant to take
and contains nothing Injurious. Mr. E. A.
Humphreys, a well known resident and
clerk ln the store of Mr. E. Lock of Alice,
Cape Colony. South Africa, says: "I have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to ward
off croup and colds in my family. I found
It to be very satisfactory and it gives me
pleasure to recommend' it,"
Woman Kills Assailant
OKLAHOMA ( I TV, Okl.. Jan. l.-MIss
Barbara Toxer today shot and killed F C
Clayton, a business man of this city. The
woman asserts that Clayton attempted to
assault her and that she shot In self-defense
The shooting occurred in the woman's room
In South Hudson street. Clayton, tho
woman asserts, forced his wav into the
room, when she tired. The bullet entered
Clayton s heart. Miss Toxer, who Is 25
years of age, was placed under arrest pend-
Between Omaha and Lincoln and Nebraska Points
No. 5 will leave Omaha at 8:00 a. m. daily instead of 8:15 a. m., stopping at inter
mediate points, and will arrive Lincoln at 9:55 a.m.
No. 19 A New Train will leave Omaha at 9:10 a. m. daily, stopping only at Ashland,
and arrive Lincoln at 10:30 a. m., and will there connect with morning trains for
Beatrice, Southern Nebraska, the Beatrice-IIoldrege line, the Lincolu-IIastings-Kearney
and McCook line, the Lincoln-Grand Island line and branch lines north of Aurora.
No. 4 A New Train will leave Lincoln at 7:30 a. m. daily for Omaha and intermedi
ate points, arriving Omaha at 9:00 a. m. No. 4 will leave Omaha at 9:10 a. m. for Platts
mouth. Noon Train No. 92 from Omaha to Piatt sinouth will be discontinued, the morning
train No. 4 taking its place. Morning train eastbound from Schuyler will connect at Ash
land with No. 4 for Omaha and the East.
No. 2 will arrive Omaha from the West at 3:30 p. in. and will leave Omaha for the
East at 4:00 p. m.
No. 7, the afternou train now leaving Omaha at 3:00 p. m. for Lincoln, will leave
Omaha, daily except Sunda7, at 2:15 p. m., arriving Lincoln at 4:00 p. m.
Ing an Investigation tomorrow by the cor
oner. Clayton was single and 3f years old.
Family (lathers at Fiftieth Aanlver
anry of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weber
of Florence.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weber celebrateed
the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage
at their home In Florence yesterday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. Weber ate natives of Ger
many. Her name was Amalia Rnotler
before her marriage. Immediately follow
ing their marriage they removed to Amer
ica, settling at Florence In 17. where
they have since mnde their home. Mr.
Weber Is engaged In the milling business
there with his son, Jacob Weber, Jr. They
are parents of six children, four boys and
two girls,, all of whom are living. Tho
sons are Emll, William and Walter Weber,
located at Wayne, where they are engaged
In the milling business, and Jacob Weber,
Jr.. living at Florence. The daughters are
Mrs. Emetine Douglas Smith, living at
Valley Rest, three miles north of Flor
ence, and Mrs. Mary A. C. Orlffen, living
at Florence.
There are twelve grandchildren. The en
tire family of sons and daughters ami
grandchildren. with one exception, a
granddaughter now attending school at the
Boston Musical Conservatory, were present
at the golden wedding.
The wedding was followed by a grand
ball given at the city hall, Florence,
by Mrs. A. C. Grlffen.
Ranchman a Inrhtnver.
LARAMIE. Wyo Jan. 1. (Special )-The
sensational elopement and marriage of John
Barth, a prominent ranchman of this sec
tion, and Miss Allie Pahlow, daughter of
a neighboring ranchman, has become
known here. The couple had loved for
some time, but it is understood the young
woman's parents objected to her mirrying.
On Christmas eve the couple stole away ti
Grand Island, Neb., and were married on
Christmas day. After a short honeymoon
they will return and seek parental forgive
ness. They will reside at Raun'T ranch,
near the city.
(Continued from First Page.)
satisfaction than among those who had
been their guests.
Men who are accustomed to observing
such gatlierlnga estimated that fully 1.000
to 1,200 callers partook of the hospitality
extended by the Omaha club.
Annnnl Xeev Year's Reeepllon a Most
Enjoj-able One.
There is something about a Toung Men's
Christian association New Year reception
that reaches the right spot and makes
the 'attendant feel the better for having
attended. Iast evening's reception at the
local association rooms was no exception
to the rule; in fact. It was a fitting climax
for a most successful year In the associa
tion work and a signal beginning for what
promises to be a notable year for those
who have to do with the uplifting of young
Over 1,000 persona, young and old, male
and female, passed through the association
parlors last evening and had every human
sense gratified. The sense of touch was
accentuated by the hearty hand shakes of
the board of directors who stood in the
receiving line and greeted every visitor;
light and color greeted the sense of sight,
while the aroma of fragrant flowers and
brewing coffee addreeaed the sense of smell;
musle' and eloquence satisfied the sense of
hearing and refreshments did the rest with
the sense of taste.
The association rooms were prettily deco-
rated for the occasion with evergreens
and flowers, to say nothing of posters and
other things. Shook's orchestra furnished
music. The boy's department had a cele
bration of Its own, with college yells, songs
and various other stunts. In the gym
nasium about forty acrobatic youngsters
went through evolutions to the edification
of a large crowd.
The real event of the evening was held
In the auditorium, which was taxed tolts
standing capacity. After Alexander Stew
art sang several solos and Miss Barnes
rendered piano selections, a number of
prominent citizens told why they were
proud of the lands of their nativity. Wil
liam Kennedy, who represented Scotland
in the national debate, made the hit of
the evening In a serlo-comlo. citation of
Scotland's greatness in all lines of human
endeavor. Mr. Kennedy delved Into history
and told how Scotland took England under
its wing in sixteen hundred and something.
A. P., snd of the brsve 8cotsmen who did
things In this and other countries. Ho
pictured Scotland as the paragon of Chris
tendom In municipal affairs and a great
country In everything but graft. A. W
Jefferia spoke many glad words for the
land of his birth, the United States; Kinyo
OkaJIma told why he was glad he was
born ln Japan, C. O. Lobeck stood up for
Sweden, David Cole told of the Emerald
isle, John Dale referred to the glories of
merry England and Waldemar Michaelson
gave an Interesting talk on Denmark.
The following women assisted In receiv
ing: Mrs. Frank Judson, Mrs. A. L. Pat
rick, Mrs. G. W. Gilmore, Mrs. Benawa.
Improved Train Service
Effective Sunday. January 7th
Mrs. Frederick Sparling, Miss Bertha Fhil
lippl. Mrs. K. C. Henry and Miss Lynn
Interesting Program Followed b a
The rooms of the Young Women's Chris
tian association in the Paxton block were
never mote Inviting to strangers and mem
bers alike. Scores of young evergreen
trees and festoons of Christmas colors com
bined with the greetings of officers and
members in one of the prettiest and most
enjoyable receptions of the day. Between
S and 6 o'clock the following program was
given in the auditorium:
Violin Solo I'gende Bohlil
Mary Mackenzie Cahill.
Reading How the laltue Stakes were
Lost ., Mathews
Mrs. Lileon J. Clmllls.
Vocal Solo Life Blumenthal
Mrs. A. L. Sheet z.
Reading The Mustard Plaster
Mrs. Chnllts.
Violin Solo (a) Bolkswecse. (b)'en-
Mrs. Gibson.
Reading The Coward J
Mrs. Challls.
Vocal Solo Sunbeams
N. Mathews
Mrs. Sheets.
Reading A Neighborly Cull
Mrs. Challis.
The reception followed from fi to .
o'clock in the dining room and parlor, the
officers and members of the board of di
rectors standing In the receiving line. From
three attractively trimmed tables arranged
about the rooms refreshments were served
Mrs. A. R Roso and Mrs. T. M. Ellis, Mrs.
T. B. Hacker and Mrs. J. J. McMullen. and
Mrs. C. M. Powers and Mrs. H. P. Stod
dart presiding, pouring coffee and assisted
by a bevy of young women. Between .Wl
and 10 people were received during the
Clmrrlies and Fraternal Societies I'mj
Trlltntp to Cmtom.
A reception of the ISO new members and
converts was held at the Seward Street
Methodist church last evening from 4 to 9.
Lunch was served Ht fi. Rev. J. 'I. Priest
presided while the program was given.
Presiding Elder Gnrst delivered an address
of welcome. Short addresses also were
made by Miss Eva Walter, L. T. Huffman,
Mrs. Emmett. Miss Jennie Berry, Charles
L. Frltcher and H. F. McCullotigh. The
meeting was very informal and eminently
successful In getting the new members ac
quainted with the remainder of the churih.
The Ancient Order of Hibernians were
entertained by the women of the lodge at
a. New Year's party in the hall at Four
teenth and Podge streets. Refreshments
were served.
The annual Inspection and Installation of
officers was held by Ezra Millard canton.
No. 1, T'nlforni Rank of Odd Fellows, at
Odd Fellows' hall last night. J. H. Cooper
was Installed as captain, C. M. Coffin as
lieutenant nnd W. J. Adams as ensign.
Members of the Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Engineers nnd their families spent a
social evening at Ancient Order United
Workmen hull.
Nniiihcr of Former Omaha Residents
Attend Reception.
The Omaha Woman's club went back to
Its custom which has prevailed since Its
organisation until the last two years, and
held its annual New Year's day reception,
but In the afternoon, instead of the even
ing as formerly. A program w-as presented
In the auditorium of the First Congrega
tional church between S and 4 o'clock.
Miss Alice Howell, Instructor of oratory
at the University of Nebraska, giving sev
eral readings, and Mrs. G. W. Thomas and
Mrs. J. B. Seannell contributing two vocal
numbers. The reception followed In the
club rooms adjoining, from 4 to S o'clock.
In the receiving line were the officers of
the club and several former members from
out of town.
The east parlor had been converted Into
a refreshment room and there Mrs. Nathan
Merrlam, Mrs. C. E. Black. Mrs. W. O.
Henry. Mrs. J. W. Griffith, Mrs. Albert
Edholm, Mrs. Warren Blackwell, Mrs. C.
H. Townsend and Mrs. W. II. Gates pre
sided alternately nt a prettily trimmed
table, Bcrvlng chocolate and confections
and assisted by a number of young women.
daughters of club members. '
'For mnntit I l.ftd rrAt trnnhla wtth tnvatnmarti
and nftt4 all kind of medicium. My tontfua hu
been actuthllr a ifrceti an crasR. vr breath havluf
a bnd odor. Tim weekt a en a friend rc ommenOca
Cab ear eM a tit. after utinv them 1 ran wlllini-ty i,t
envoi tuny mmj tutu may divq entirely onrea me. J
therefore lft vou know thiik 1 thai recommend
them to anr mia tufterlnir from aueh trouble '
Cbat. II. Hal pern, 114 E. 7tli St., Kaw York, K. Y.
Pleaent, PaleteMe, Potent. TaeteQood. DoOond.
Nerer Sicken. Weaken or ('.ripe, lee. tic, Mc. Never
Bold la bulk. 7'he genuine tablet etemped COO.
Quarenteed to cure or jour none beck.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. J96
ffiJ The5owels
candy c atmastic '
Mouth and Eyes Covered With
Crusts Face Itched Most Fear
fullyHands Pinned Down, to
Prevent Scratching
" When my little ej was tlx months old, Vo
had reiems. The sores extended so oiucklT
orer the whole body that we at once railed la
tbe doctor. wen
went to another doctor,
but he rould not help
him, and in our despair
ws went to a third ens.
Matters became so bad;
that he had regulal
holes ia his cheeks,
large enough to put m
finger into. The food
had to be given with a
poon, far hia mouth
waa eoTtred with crusts
aa thick aa a finger, and
whenever be opened the
mouth they began , to
bleed and auppurate, as
did alio his eyes.
Hands, arms, chest, and
bmcV, ln short tha whole
body, waa covered over
and over. Ws had no .
rest by day or night.
Whenever no waa laid
in his bed, we had to
rin hia hands down:
, ' otherwise ho would
AiroNo HosiATS. crilt(,h ht, f,cf
make an open aort. I think his fees mutt
have itched most fearfully.
" Ws finally thought nothing could help,
snd I had made up my mind to tend my wife
with the child to Europe, hoping that the tea
air might cure him, otherwite tie waa to bo
nut under good medical care there. But,
Lord be blessed, matters came differently,
and we toon taw a miracle. A friend of ours
epoke about Cutlcura. We made a trial with
Cuticura fcosp, Ointment, and RetoWent, and
within ten dayt or two weekt we noticed o
decided improvement. Jutt aa quickly aa tho
ticknest had appeared it alto began to dle
appear, and within ten weekt the child was
absolutely well, and hit akin waa amooth and
white as never before." F. Hohrath, President
of tho C. L. Hohrath Company, Manufact
urera of Silk Ribbons, 4 to 20 Rink Alley, '
June 0, 1906. South Bethlehem, Pa.
rrnlrar fu,n. Alntm.nt. enrt Pin, era eolit thretif eot
fntwnria. ron.r urns a Lnm.oiT., nonrruws
a BUUett t ree, " Bow to Cera tor the Skin. '
Biomo-Li. (contains na
'Quinine) breaks iipcoldn in
the head ln a few hours
lenves no had after-effects
I like Quinine Preparations.
titers the work aulcklv
safely get a box tod from your drug
gist Ask for the OieDge Colored Box
and see thutt the label reads
l&dUf CO HT Ai- to) ijNi,c
Cor. 16tb and Ooaso EU. Dr.Als.
If you've never been southwest to Okla
homa, Indian Territory or Texas there Is
a treat In store for you. Resides cscupina;
the wlntery weather here, a trip now may
prove of far greater benefit to you. Ther
nre more and better opportunities for mak
ItiK money for home building In the south
west today tlinn anywhere else. You havo
only to get on the ground to prove tills.
Rales Cheaper Than Ever
via Missouri, Kansas
a Texas R'y.
On January 2d nnd lftth, Febrnary
1lt and 2th, most lines will sell both one
way and round trip tickets at exceptionally
low rates. If your, nearest railroad agent
cannot give you the rates, write me fur
It you're In any way Interested in
the southwest. I'd like to send you
my paper, "The Comins" Country."
niossniu Ilonao. Kanaas City, Ho,
Tickets are on sale, via
$23 Today-1-
A clean saving of 17! $10 fabrics
;w attentlon-J.10 cutting Jlu tailor
ing, for tSi'. Nothing cut but the
price and THAT tills
is lowering a dollar more each day.
We will turn fabrlcr Into cash non
customers Into steady customers.
It pays us. ft pays you. But It
won't pay to try to wait until the
price is too low. The stock will
then be too low.
Tailoring? Co.,
V.-3ri p i.:tn h' Next floor to
Wabash Tkk"t Office. Phone lsos.,
liver Woman
ie uiwuiea ana mould anow
auiiu ihe eronlarful
MAJtVCL Whirlina Sorov
I Toe new Tetlmel In Ire.
e. lleat-Hel
! Tear eraeelet lee It,
IT lie fetilivl eilplily (he
m ini r ... accept no
oth' r. but Mitd eiAiuD fur
llluetrelrd booi-eeaW It flees
fall rrttculre end .ilretif,!.. i.
eJukble to turtles. M.tHVi.1. IS,.
c miT)Kw lone.
Vot Halo O
iSTAt fl fl
00 TkO Boo to Xoslv
' i- A, WEUSH. toe rffwotisus.