Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 01, 1906, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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he Omaha
Daily Bee.
I OoTlnt flamsrilla Va lAtkAff TTnsne-
ceeifnl Attempt ts Force Him 0t
Minuter of tie Interior Thinki Hi Stern
Policy v. as Kepresi Anarchy.
M. Mannkhln Eeiigni Bather Than Allow
1 DnrnoTO to D.cta'.e Action.
It la Charted that lie llaa Sot Erti
Mafeaoardeil Hlahta at People
Urauleil by tha
8T. PETERSBURG. Dec. 31.-7:35 p. m.
Tiie report thai Count Witte la booked (or
retirement In a few Uaya la again being per
biatenuy circulated.
The Nasha Slilan, which declare It can
guarantee the accuracy of lta statement,
say thut M. Durnovo, minister of the In
terior, who la worshiped us an ideal by
the court camarilla, which believes that his
stern policy alone can put an end to the
existing anarchy, has accomplished the
downfall of the count and will be elevated
In the premiership.
Investigation by the Associated Press,
however, indicates that the report la base
leas, certainly for the moment. Neverthe
less It is true that M. Durnovo has a pow
erful cabal of reactionaries behind him and
temporarily aeenia to dominate the situa
tion. f U......1.1.IH . 1. .....1.1 n.tKAn-.An
' from the ministry of tustlro (In which he is
succeeded by M. Akynoff, a member of the
Senate) created a stir, resigned, according1
to tho Mola (Russ) rather thin submit to
M.. Durnovo' dictation in matters which
lie regarded aa being strictly within the
sphere of tils ministry. He Insisted that
the reports of the senator who were dis
patched to Investigate the Jewish and
other massacre following the imperial
manifesto of October 30, should be made to
the minister of JuFtlce In order that legal
proceedings could be begun ngalnst tho no.
lice and other local authorities where found j that after the fall of the Prokharnff cotton
ult-nblc. M. Durnovo resisted this, de- ' mill and other factories n council was
during that the Interior administration be- i hastily held, at which It ws decided that
longed to him. When M. Durnovo waa I the revolution had failed and an order wns
sustained M. Manukhln resigned and M. j given to every man to save himself as best
Akymoff, who Is a brother-in-law of M. j he could. A hundred agreed to hold to
Durnovo, van appointed his successor. I gether so as to keep up a show of fight un
On tho other hnnd. Count Wltte Is tie- I der cover of which the others could escape.
Inc attacked more fiercely than ever on !
the Bide of the liberals, who charge thnt
lie is showing the cloven noor ana sny mat
bo inlKht hnppen to fall between two stools.
l.lhcrnlM Attack rreniler.
M, ; Hrlnnclionon Is out with a strong
article In the Klnvn entitled "Wltte Must
li," in which he asserts thnt the victory
, nl I'nrtsrtioiitb his been followed by defeat
. t Ht, I'ti shurg. . Ills line of argument l
tan?, anarchy has oeen nme to maae nean
way 'because true liberals doubt whether j
Husxla is. to havr a rontltutlon or whether
the manifesto Is only a tactical move to
lull them to sleep. It waa Wine's first
duty, according to the writer, to remove
this doubt, but it Is charged that he still
maintains an equivocal role. He has not.
tho article says, even safeguarded the pre
rogative granted hy the ukase creating a
responsible cabinet of ministers, but ho
allowed M. Durnovo, whose patent purpose
Is to rut off the heads of anarchy and
constitutionalism at the same time, to re
port directly to the emperor and secure his
majesty' approval of measures without
consulting the premier.
"A man like M. Guchkoff, ln whom the
neoDle have confidence, must go to the
head of the government," saya M. Prlan-
4 chanoff. "It la Impossible for Count
Wltte, who never was a constitutionalist
at heart, to continue to play a double role
any longer. The situation Imperatively re.
(julrea sincerity and we would have leas
of Wltte's dexterity and more honeaty."
Bar Revolution la Suppressed.
The government Is now proceeding on
the thory that a victory over the "reds"
la assured. It Is displaying a strong front
and announcea that it will no longer tol
erate in tta service employes who are plot
ting agalnat it. The ministers have been
authorlaed summarily to dismiss auch em
ploye, , The regulation for the preparation of '
supplementary Hat of those entitled to
vote by the law of December 25 were pub
lished today. The fact that ln the cities j
the electoral districts coincide with the
police district give rise to the outcry
that when the country Is "tranquillised"
it I the purpose of the government to con
trol the election.
The Slovo warn tha people to quit talk
ing of revolution and to begin seriously
the campaign for the douma by the selec
tion of the best representatives.
. Foreseeing the probability that it will be
Impossible to hold election in the Baltto
provinces, the Caucasus and other dis
turbed dtatrlcta, the government ha pro
vided that when the certificates of half 1
the member to be elected are received
the douma will be convened Immediately.
At a meeting of the council of workmen
last night some delegate, pending the or
ganisation of ao armed revolution, advo
cated recourse to the old terrorist plan of
instituting a tribunal to try and condemn
official guilty of tyranny, to uubll.ih the
reason for auch condemnation, and then
to execute the verdict of the tribunal. This,
tha delegate said, would be preferable to
the indiscriminate killing of people and
Cossack who might be innocent.
Not satisfied by the protection given by
tha secret police to Count Wltte, whose life
I In constant danger, officers of the Preo-
brajrnaky Guard regiment were detailed to
guard the premier, but on Friday they de-
t-ided to do no further service In this con-
nection, saying it was beneath the dignity
of Guard officers to do police duty.
Martial Law la Crimea.
With tb crushing of the revolt at Mos
cow, interest 1 now transferred to other
place where there are armed uprisings,
especially to South Russia. Practically th
entire black sea littoral la under martial
law. Kkaterlnoalav and the railroad to the
(Crimea are In the hand of the revolution-
jf arte, and the troop were ordered today to
3 retake them at any cost. The aituatlon 1
vatremely bad at liachmut, in Whit Rus
sia, where tike coal fields are located.
Ferdlcheff, the Jewish center of Dvinsk;
' Kherson, the whole district of Odessa, Kre-
uiencliuc. Alexandrovsky and the territory
0 aloua the railroad between Moscow and
Nlahni-Novgorod were placed under mar-
Itlal law today.
' Tha revolt at Samra baa been euppresaed
Last Remnant or Revolutionists Sur
renders to the Uuard and
I prising la Ended.
MOSCOW, Dec. 31. White flags Hying
from a dozen factories and tenement house
of 1'resna district, where the revolution
aries made their last siand now bear mule
witness to the end of the "December up
rising in Moscow:" The entire district Is
now occupied by troops.
During the night tne vast majority of
tha members of the "lighting legions" either
surrendered or, after throwing away their
arms, endeavored to escape in the guise of
peaceful citizens. Only the members who
acted aa a guard to the revolutionary com
mittee stuck to their colors, and the sur
render of this handful this morning fur
nished the last act of the sanguinary
The staging of this last act was admirable
a snow-covered landscape, the small Muck
residence with a tiny red flag fluttering
from Its gable, the end of UorbatofC bridge,
Mack with the guns of the artillery, and a
thin encircling line of the Semlnovpky regi
ment of the guard, broken only directly
In line of lire. Suddenly there was a flash
of red Are from tho mouth of one of tho
guns and a solid shot plowed through tha
walla of the house. A few spluttering shots
replied from a window. The cannon spoke
again and again until a dozen shots hod
been fired.
It looked like murder to the spectatora
on a hill and ao evidently thought the offi
cers In command of the batter-, whi"h
ceased fire. A reserve company of the
SvmlnovHky regiment then advanced and
fired volleys at the upper windows. At the
third volley a white handkerchief attached
to a bayonet was pushed through a shat
tered pane. It waved frantically and all
was over. The little garrison of thirty
marched out and laid down their arms, a
strange collection of rllles and repeating
shotguns. All had revolvers.
Strange to say not one of the men had
even been wounded and when they found
that they would not be immediately exe
cuted they appeared to lie rather relieved
that the end of the struggle had come. They
gathered around the soldiers' bivouac,
stretched their hands eagerly over the
cheerful fires and liegged cigarette from
the guurds.
The number of prisoners is being con
stantly augmented, most of the new ar
rivals being arrested at the bridges or at
other points of egress In tile Presna dis
trict, which is crowded with refugees.
The Associated Press correspondent learns
After the final surrender the inhabitants
swarmed Into the streets of the district
and in a remarkably short time cleared
awny the remains of the barricades and
other obstructions with which for a week
the revolutionaries had blockaded the dis
The Workmen's council, or what Is left
of it outside prison, has formally declared
the strike off. The revolutionaries have
managed to get out a proclamatleH. declar
ing the purposes 'of the revolt have been
fully accomplished and calling upon the
proletariat to prepare for a decisive battle
January 22. A great many of the workmen,
however, are In an angry mood. They
claim that they have been deceived by
the revolutionaries and that their families
are starving. These are threatening ven
geance on the agitators. Some of the em
ployers, like Mr. Barrv of the American
Holler works, will shorten the usual Christ
mas vacation from sixteen to four days
In order to allow the men to earn some
thing. The casualties here have leen greatly
overestimated, but It Is difficult to obtain
rellablo figures. I'p to Friday night only
1R7 were formally reported as dead and
as wounded.
Governor General Doiibassoff haa issued
a proclamation forbidding well disposed
persons' to shelter revolutionaries, but the
former are powerless, ns the revolution
aries appear at their houses with revolvers
in their hands
Partial Keport of Auditors Indicates
that It Will F.xceed a Million
PEORIA, 111., Dec. 31. The defalcations
of N. C. Dougherty are .growing larger
dally, A month ago It wns estimated that
S600.flfO would cover the shortage. It is now
learned from the authorities that $3X,niio
haa been stolen In the last three years
with a strong possibility that the total
for the eighteen years of his Incumbency
will go over
An official report of the Credit Audit
company will be made public on Tuesday
night covering a period of seven years.
The details of that report will not show
that any other man Is crlmlnnlly guilty,
but will Implicate at least six other prom
inent rltixen as ln a chain of transactions
by which the robbery of the school fund
waa mad possible.
5ew York Legislative Committee Will
Meet In Albany Wednesday to
Draft Document.
NEW YORK. Dec. 31. All member of
the legislative Insurance investigation com
mittee except those who live In New York
' left this city today for their homes, up
state, to have a day or two of rest before
meeting In Albany on Wednesday to begin
preparing their report to the legislature,
i Charles E. Hughes, wearied with his
labor aa Inquisitor, left his home today
j to rest in the country .until Thursday. He
111 go to Albany Thursday night unless
j hi program 1 changed to aid In the
j preparation of the committee's report and
I framing remedial legislation resulting
from the InvestUjutlon.
Member of Chorus at Metropolitan
House, fw York, Demaad In
crease of tO Per Week,
NEW YORK. lec. 31. The Central Fed
erated union, composed of delegate of all
th labor union, endorsed today the de
mands of the Metropolitan Opera House
Chorus Singers' union, and Director Heln
rich Conreld will be visited by a committee
tomorrow which will present the union'
demand for an increase of wage from tit
to L a meek and if that demand 1 not
complied with it Is declared a strike will
be Immediately ordered. Effort made to
day to secure a pledge of co-operation from
th member of th oruhaatra and aUgo
mechaaloa tolled.
Idaho Officials Think They Bare a-'ai Who
Killed irank Sttnaenberg.
Shoshone Count? Utters Reward ol
S)1U,UOO for Arrest of Assassin
and Sends lta Sheriff to v"
Assist In Work. .
BGiSE, Idaho, Dec. 31. A a been
arrested at Caldwell who .era think
may be the assassin of . er uovvtiui
Frank Stuenenberg. His 'name bus not
been reported. Five men in all have bccti
detained on trivial charges In order that
their whereabouts may be looked up.
When daylight uawned on tho scene of
the tragedy it was found that the dynamite
had been exploded by pulling a wire. Pieces
of wire and waxed flshllnu were tound in
the trees on the lawn. Further, It Is be
lieved that two bombs were used to make
certain of carrying out the purpose of tha
assassination. They seem to have been to
gether, both being pulled at once. It was
tiuite definitely determined during the night
that the mine waa fired by a wire. The ex
plosive was pluucd against the post against
which the gate closed and on the inside of
the fence. The post was to the victim's
left as he entered, but the force of the ex
plosion caught him on the right, showing
. , .1 11 1 11 i . ti 1
he turned partially In closing the gale. Had
the mino been set to go off from the move-
ment of the gate, the explosion would have
occurred as he went In, and it la therefore
certain tho mine was fired by a wire and
that the assassin, knowing his habit of
making the stop to close tho gate, wulteU
until he turned around.
Shoshone county has offered a reward of
110.000 for the arprehenslon of the murderers
and has sent Its sheriff to assist in the
search. It was In that county, in the north
ern end of the state, that the Coeur D'AIeno
riots occurred In 1898. It is probable the
funeral will be held In Boise, the body ly
ing In state In the capltol building.
Three Men In Sweat box.
The olHocrs at Culdwell have three men
whom they are sweating vigorously, be
lieving one or more of them have some
knowledge of the crime. One Is named
Hogan and Is said to have been a miner.
He has been uround town for three weeks
and has told flimsy stories about his busl-
ness. Another s a stranger who appeared
at one of the lintels half an hour after
the explosion, took a bed and refused to
register. When rressed to give his name
be said they might call him Smith. The
third Is n RukpIuii who has been at Cald
well at times for three years. He calls
himself Smith. This man has been a free
drinker, but yesterday no 0110 could In
duce him to take a drink. It seems settled
that the explosive uned was not giant
powder. Those having knowledge of such
substances and who have examined the
scene state that' the explosive was un
doubtedly nitroglycerin. It was in ft
metnllic case, the metal being a combina
tion of tin and zinc. A portion of the
mechanism has been found. Including the
trigger uacd In firing the charge. Tho
nipple, . used, was-auch e ts found on -tt
old-fnuhtoned muzzle loader shotgun.
Pieces of metal were found sticking In all
the trees.
Governor Goodlng'a Opinion.
Governor Gooding, after ImvinK spent
the day at the scene, states there Is only
one conclusion that Governor Steunenberg
was killed for the stand he took at the
time of the Coeur d'Alene riots. It
transpires that Steunenberg received a let
ter of warning while In Washington,
about one and a half years ago. It stated
his time was short. Borne such letters
were also received several years ago.
The funeral of ex-Governor Steunenberg
will be held at Caldwell on Wednesday
at 11 o'clock. The family preferred to
have the proposed hohor of lying In state
omitted, clinging to the simple Ideas that
always characterized the ex-governor.
Two Arrests at Welder,
WEISER, lualio, Dep. 31. Two men ans
wering the description of the men who It
Is thought arranged the infernal machine
at Caldwell by which ex-Governor Steunen
berg waa killed, were arrested in this clly
today. One ha a large scar on his face
similar to the one on the face of the man
who is suspected of having fixed the dyna
mite to the gate. The men stated that they
are miners and' one of them, who gave his
name as Caldwell, waa unable to give a
clear account of hla whereabouts during
the last few day. He stated he had been
working at Emmett. He waa very Indig
nant over hia detention and made 'threats
of resisting arrest and threatened the offi
cers. A telegram was sent to Caldwell and
Instructions were telephoned Lack to hold
the prisoners for further investigation.
Dake of Devonshire Advise Free
Trade Wing to Vote for the
Liberal Candidate.
LONDON, Dec. SI. The Duke of Devon
shire, liberal-unionist, ha Issued an im
portant election manifesto, ln which he
virtually advise the free trade unionists to
support the liberal candidate rather than
the protectionist unionists. By treating tha
home rule question as a mere aide issue.
he deals the strongest blow vet delivered
t . ill D.,,.,.,.. , ,.
against Mr. Baliour election tactics.
The duke assert that there 1 no lnrtt,-
flnn that the ODlnlon of the countrv hu
uon mai me ui ' ' , . . "
changed ince the rejection of the home
rule bill, and that It Is in the hlgncst de
gree Improbable that the government of Sir
Henry Campbell-Bannerman will Incur the
risk of Introducing auch another measure
ln the parliament. Therefore, he saya, the
question of free trade versus protection
must be the paramount ractor ln the com
ing elections, and ha declare there must
be no deviation from attachment u free
The duke confesses that ha knows no
more now than when he left the late gov
ernment of what U implied by the bal
fourlan fiscal scheme, which it author
declare to be acceptable to free trader
and protectionist alike. On. th other
haud, he say ther-J 1 no ambiguity about
the Chamberlain propaganda, which is
avowedly protectionist.
The manifesto contends that the unionist
party organization ha largely been com
pleted by the protectionist wing, and that
should th party become predominantly
protectionist there will either be real dan
ger to free trade or th prospect of the ex
clusion of the union party for an 1 11 1 finite
period from poaer.
The duke declare that it la the duly of
the unionist free traders to take such ac
tion a to prove that the unionist party in
power or in opposition Is still uncommitted
to a retrograde fiscal policy by whomsoever
U uay be propoeaw,
t hanae la Mental and Moral Attltade
of the Mnltltnde Wrsisht by
Force, from Within.
CuLtMrirS. O.. Dec. M.-P.ev. Wash
ington Gladden, moderator of the Congre
gational churches of the Ur.i'ed States,
In a sermon delivered from his pulpit to
d" "dared that the world Is in the midst
great revival of religion that has
-.e about so gradually thst few have
eallxed It. Dr. Gladden said hi part:
There has been during the lost year a
marked clmnRe In the mental and moral
attitude of a great many pe sons, hun
dreds of thousands of people, old and
young, are thinking dlfferenth- about life
today from what they were thinking a
year ago todav: they have a d fferent Idea
of what Is worth while. This thing Is In
the air. The newspapers rrlect public
sentiment: nearly every one ou take up
has a paragraph or an edit rlal which
put the emphasis on the leal things, the
values of character.
What shall we say about the Influence
which has so changed the mental and
moral attitude of great mulfit' des of peo
ple? What has been taklnc place? I
think that we sre In the midst of a great
revival of rellKlon the greatfet. perhaps,
that this country has ever xrricneed. It
has not taken on the usual form, it has not
been conducted in the tradllloi al way, but
It Is the genuine thing, it is thi very thing
that Is needed. When great multitudes are
standing before the problem t life, con
fessing that It has a different meaning to
them from what It once hsd, that things
which they were once eagerly (raving have
lost much of their charm, and that things !
con';hrseemn7o VEX Xrxtow. 1
what can w sny of them but thst they
have "met with 'a change?" Thst is an ,
old-ffisliiontvl rhra- and it
H.IH1 II W M. H'M'U i'ii: 1
la rr fri rrn
to rio-rri whnt 1 rnllv .nitit nv con- i
vr,ron The religion which Is thus romln.? j
. . ln .1,1. revival Is rot one that
puts the emphasis on clearing nff old cares
ana gening renu i.,t i.v,-,,, ' ""7,
puis I ne PtniinHfls fn imcliviiif tills mr t
better life and this world a better world.
J. Maynew Walnwrlaht Candidate for
York Speakerahla and llaa
Twentr-Foor Votea Pledged.
NEW YORK, Dec. 31 With endorsement
of twenty-four member of the atate assem
bly, nearly all of whom received the sup
port of the Municipal Ownership league in
the last election. Assemblyman J. Mnynew
Walnwripht was again placed In the race
for speakership of the New. York state as
sembly tonight.
The assemblymen, who took this action nt
a meeting of the Independence league, the
I organization which succeeds the Municipal
; ownershiD league at the Gilsy house this
afternoon. Informed Mr.' Wnlnwrlght by
telephone of their endorsement of htm.
After thanking them the assemblyman said
he would start for Albany tomorrow, where
headquarters would be opened.
Twenty of the assemblymei" at today's
conference are listed among tie 111 repub
lican members of the. assembly! Mr. Waln
wrlght announced hla 'independent candi
dacy some time ago, tout hid not been
pressing It actively. . l-t-
At Albany tonight Assemblyman Wads
worth. Governor Hlgglne' candidate, and
Assemblyman Mcrritt. commofiJ known as
former Governor Odoll'i i candidate, ex
pressed each his confidence it Election
Rlebnrd Washington, of Lexington,
Ky Murdered While Asleep
Wife rhnrgred with Crime.
LEXINGTON. Ky., Dec. 31. Murdered
in his sleep, Richard Washington, a hostler
at the Mansfield stock farm, was found.
totl.iy with his head split open with an
axe. His wife is under arrest charged
with the crime.
The police hurried to the Mansfield place
today !n response to a telephone message
from Washington's wife saying her hus
band had been killed. A bloody axe and
a dress belonging . to the Washington
woman, stained with blood and having
the appearance of having been washed,
were found concealed. ,
She alleges that two white men entered
the house Inst night, each having a club,
and beat Washington into Insensibility.
The detectives have quizzed her relent
lessly nil day, but she adheres to her story
of the killing.
Bird's-Eye View of Omaha
Jubilee Edition
Mailed for you In pasteboard tubes,
15c Each.
(Delivered to Omaha, 10c.)
(Mailed to foreign countries, postpaid, 20c.)
Let us have the addresses to which you wish
copies sent and we will mail them carefully
in tubes for you.
Do You Want Omaha to Grow?
A bird's-eve view of Omaha ha been made by E. J. Austen, the most experl-
i enced, ln fact, the greatest llvlns; artist In panoramic work. This will show Omaha
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Please dollver copies of THE OMAHA
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For which I enclose f
Signed ,
1'rU'e Ilk- per Clip'.
Ordcr them
Exact Instant Flashed to All Parte of
Western EemUphere.
Naval Observatory Tick Oft the
Hoar for Each Time
Belt In the I'nlted
WASHINGTON, Dec. II. Telegraphic
signals announcing the birth of the year
19 were flashed from the naval ob
servatory here tonight through the me
dium of the Western Union and the Postal
Telegraph companies. The signal was
ticked oft at 12, 1, 2 and 3 o'clock, re
spectively, so as to conform to the mid
night hour for eastern, central, Rocky
mountain and Paclflo coast time, re
spectively. The midnight signal waa re
peated to all points readily available by
the telegraph companies throughout the
United States to Honolulu, Guam and
Manila and through Mexico and points
In the West Indies to South America and
to England and France. The midnight sig
nal was also flashed to the wireless tele-
crarh stations with a view of Its com-
rm.nlc.tlon to ships at sea. No attempt
was made, as on previous occasion, of
riroumvent the globe with the flash slg-
uemonsirniiona in ,-iew 10m.
NEW YORK. Jan. 1, 1906. The advent
of the New Tear was the occasion to
night of the usual noisy demonstrations
throughout the city of New Y'ork. The
fact that New Year's eve fell on Sunday
did not dampen the enthusiasm of the tens
of thousands of people who paraded the
streets blowing great tin horns, ringing
b?lls 'of all descriptions and Anally with
the coming of midnight resorting to all
sorts of methods tor the production of
The chimes of old Trinity brought to
lower Broadway and Wull street the great
est throngs of merrymakers. For years
the bells of this historic church have been
rung as the signal of a new year's birth
and the attraction caused an attraction of
being In hearing of their melodious tones
wh"n the taut minute of the old year have
slipped away. Great cheers greeted the
ringing of the chimes tonight and later
when the strains of an old-fashioned hymn
were heard many of those ln the crowded
street of the neighborhood uncovered their
heads and joined In Dinging the familiar
In the theater and restaurant district of
upper Broadway the crowds In the streets
at Sunday night concerts and In tho
cafes was the largest In years. In the
uptown streets many merrymakers ln
carnival spirit indulged in confetti battles.
Over Two-Thirds of Menther of 1'nlon
ow Have ' Eight-Hour
, Contract.
CHICAGO, Doc. 31:-Th elghMiour day
was riven a New Year's salutation by 2,600
union printers this afternoon In a demon
st ration lit Brand' hall.
Tuesday, after eighteen weeks of strike,
the eight-hour day will go Into effect ln
approximately three-fourths of the book
and Job printing shops of Chicago. The
large establishments controlled hy the
Typothetae, however, stand solidly for the
order with a nine-hour working day.
Figures were offered to show that out of
3.5(0 members of the union, 2,fX are to
come tinder the eight-hour day.
NEW YORK, Dec. 31. Typographical
union No. 6, one of the largest aggregations
of wage-earning printer In the world, to
day formally declared a strike In all the
book and Job printing offices within Its Jur
isdiction and tomorrow not a line of type
will be set or cast by a union man In any
of the great printing establishments unless
the employers shall agree to make eight
hours the length of the workday and at
the present scale of wages paid for a nine
hour day.
to what Omaha is, covering every phase
of these will be ent to the friends and
and will open the eye of people who know
a the edition will be limited.
Forecast for ehraka -Fair la Fast
Portion Monday.
ew rrtlon-Fl-ht Peres.
1 tttpmst to helre Wltte.
Rlrth of the Xew Year.
Arrests In Stennenhera- Case. '
Foreenst of Week In Conaresa.
31 Xew Home for Lincoln F.I Vs.
I tvMlna- Fls-ht at Orand Island.
Brit lit Year for Wynmlnar.
Criticism of rrr York State Rank
4 Musical llapnenlnaa Dnrlnn- Year.
B Omaha Bowlers Tie Chicago Team.
Echoes of Trln to Coast.
At the Theaters.
A Old Year I Honored.
T Council BlnfTa and Iowa Xew.
Affair at South Omaha.
Year' Work In Federnl Offices.
Editorial Section Elitht Paces.
2 Editorial.
8 Official Affairs of ( ttr of Omaha.
Public Service Corporations.
Commercial Club and It Work.
4 Want Ads.
B Want Ads.
6 Want Ads.
T Financial and Commercial.
8 labor Organisation of the City.
Illustrated Section I Eight Pages.
1 Public Buildings of Omaha.
2 Review of Omaha' Growth.
Local Financial Institutions.
Resume of Johblna- Business.
Resume of Manufacturing;.
8 Business Houses that Make a City.
Some Omaha Manufacturer.
Fire and Life Insurance Firms.
4 Omaha and South Omaha Factories.
Omaha and South Omnha Factories.
O Live Stock and Grain Markets.
Prlntlna-nnd Enaravlna- Facilities.
Agricultural Implement and Sup
pile. Wholesale Hardware Firm.
T Traffic and Transportation Facil
ities. Millions In Creamery Business.
Breweries of the Twin Cities.
Some Enterprising Business Con
cerns. 8 Factories and Johblna- Houses.
Illustrated Section II Eight Pa ares.
x Omaha Educational Institution.
2 Omaha Fifty Years' Younsr.
Public School of Two title.
Libraries and Museums.
a t harltle and Church Organisa
tion. Ak-Sur.Ren and Ilia Activities.
Work of Christian Association.
'ewnpapern a,nd Periodical.
4 Some Beautiful Private Residence
3 Bank and Corporation Head
Building Record of the Laat Year.
Firms Engaged In Building Trades
T Real Estate Transaction of lfOB.
Firm Engaged la Real Estate
Den la.
Amusement Place of the City.
Public Park and Boulevard.
8 Churches. Hospitals, Theater and
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday!
. 411
B a. m . . .
a. m . . .
T a. m .
H a- in . . .
9 a- iu . . .
10 a. m . . .
11 a. m. . .
la m
a p.
ra ..... .
in ..... .
4 1
B p. lit
ft l. in
7 i. m
ft P. ill
' n !' 1U
Leslie Francisco and Charles Eaalck
Sny They Killed Frauk 1 Scott,
a Prominent Business Man.
Leslie Francisco, ao years of .age, and
Charles Essie k. IS years of age, made sworn
confessions to I'o Ire Chief Adams
in which they admit the shooting of Frank
U Scott, a prominent business, man on
December X. They aio now confined in
in county jail and in view or the fre.
quent threats to lynch the prisoners. Hhr
iff Grlni-s has placed a largo force of
armea aeputles In the Jali and announced
nis aetermlnntlon to protect th! prisone
at all hazards.
Esslck said they Intended to hold up thl
first man they saw going to the station
and rob him. When they saw Scott with
a valise in each hand they told him to
halt. Esslck held the revolver, and In
so aoing Krlpped the gun so hard that It
went off. the bullet striking Scott in the
nacK. wcott died several days afterward
Chief Executive Delighted with Effect
of Brief Vacation In Vir
ginia. WASHINGTON. Dec. 31,-The preslden
and Mrs. Roosevelt, with their two chll
dren, Kermlt and Archie, returned to Wash
Ington at 11 o'clock tonight from their vis
to Tine Knob, Va., where they have been
staying since Wednesday last. They were
driven Immediately to the White House.
The president seemed to be In a specially
happy mood and cordially greeted the
crowd of policemen and employee who had
awaited hla coming. As he left the station
he houtd a "Happy New Year" greeting
to those gathered about him. During the
trip to Waahington he expressed himself
aa having had a delightful time, and to
have been greatly benefited by his outing
The wild turkey nd other game which
the president had bagged during his fou
days' stay in the neighborhood of Pine
Knob were brought to Washington.
Omaha Men Lose Entire Plant on
Dig Horn Forest Reserve
by Fire.
RANCHESTER, Wyo., Dec. 81. (Special
TeltgramJ-Word reached h.le city Baiur- j who(. n!im.B ,,nvf, already been published
day morning of a big fire AlcShane tie , SHn,.1Pi vv- pnnvnarW. governor ,.f in.
camp on the Big Horn for . reserve, which
totally destroyed the big sawmill of the
Both F. J. and J. 11. McShane were in
omana at me lime ana arrived in Ranch-
ester yesterday and went up to the camp
this morning. They were unable to give
any particulars except that the mill wad
a total loss and that no insurance was car
ried on It. The lumber around the mill was
saved, but the large boilers and engine,
were wrecked and It was thought will have
to be replaced by new ones. The loss will
be In the neighborhood of Y7.000.
Movements of Ocean Vessel Dee. XI.
At New York. Arrived: Camnanta, from
Liverpool; Madonna, from Naples; St.
Louis, from Southampton and Cherbourg.
At Liverpool. Arrived: Nooidland from
I Philadelphia; Etruria, from New York via
I QiieensUiwn. Sailed: I'evpulan, for Boa-
1 ton.
At Southampton. Arrived: Ht. Paul, from
New York.
At Queenstoa n. Arrived off: Carmania.
from Liverpool for New York; will embark
I passengers and mall and proceed u soon
j a weather permit. ... . .
At I lover Hailed: Vaderland, troitt An-
J twerp for Kw Yra
Both Branches of Cengresi Hare Big Taiai
Confron'icg Thf-ni.
Measure for Admissian 0 Two State Will
Probably Fan This Week.
Nominations far Canal Commissioners Will
Be considered.
Recent Development In the Island
Will Make Several Chanae
In the Conventions
WASHINOTON. Deo. 31 The house of
representatives will settle down to work aa
soon as It meets on Thursday, and possibly
before the end of the week it will puss tho
bill providing tor the admission of two new
The first thing to dispose of is the refer
ence of the president's message, the subject
upon which Hoods of oratory wore ex
pended before tho holiday recess, lieneral
debate has cIokcM, and alter a short dis
cussion under the live-minute rule a vote
will be taken upon the only contested
point, which is whether the portion of tho
message relating to Insurance Khali be re
ferred to the ways and nuitns committee
or the committee on interstate ui.d for
eign commerce. Tho contention lias been
over the point whether It glxlallon tor tho
control of Insurance companies shall bo
under the taxing power of tho government
or the power to control commerce between
the states.
There was a possibility of a clash be
tween the Philippine tariff bill and tha
Joint statehood bill. The Philippine bill is
already reported, nnd being a privileged
matter, can be called up at any time. Tho
statehood bill is still ln committee, put It 1
known that It can be brought at nny time
and put before the house. Acting In ac
cordance with the decision of the repub
lican caucus, it is expected the majority
members of the committee on rules will
bring in a rule making the statehood bill
for the admlsHloii of .two states a special
order. As the measure now stands, and
aa it will be reported, it provide for the
admission of Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory as one state, with the name of Okla
homa, and the admission of New Mexico
and Arizona as another state, named Ari
zona. There Is practically no opposition
anywhere to the Oklahoma proposition, but
there is determined opposition to coupling
New Mexico and Arizona together.
When the statehood bill Is out of the
way the house will be ready for the Phil
ippine tariff bill, and the Interesting con
test that ensued over the reduction of duty
on Cuban products is likely to be repeated.
The beet and cano sugar Interest have
become aroused, and have built up a vigor
ous opposition, " but thrt pifsent do...
not contemplate bringing tip the Philippine
bill this week.
Nominations for Canal Commissioners
and Dominican Treaty to Come I'p.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 3t.-The senate will
not do very much legislative business this
week. It Is not expected that the session
will nrrupy more than two days Thursday
and Friday. The ship subsidy bill is th
unfinished business nnd Senator Galllnger
may open the ddwte In favor f.f the meas
ure. This will depend upon the desire of
senator ho may wish to consider other
business. There Is a considerable amount
of executive business, some of which Is In
controversy, and this may consume the few-
days the senate Ih In session.
At the time of the adjournment the con
firmation of the Panama canal commission
ers had been reconsidered and the nomina
tion of Mr. J. R. Tilshop as a new commis
sioner hns just been made. These nomina
tions had nil been referred to the commit
tee on Interorennle canals, and It Is said
that reports will be made In order thut the
senate may take them up. There ate some
other nominations in controversy, notably
two other officers who have been detailed
ns chiefs of bureaus In the Wnr department,
and a legal oucstlnn has been raised ns to
the meaning of the law providing for such
detnlls. Some other nominations hnve been
held up and the senate may devote all its
time this week to executive business. Even
if nomlnstlons are not to be considered, tho
new developments in Santo Domingo will
afford opportunity to discuss the trenty in
formally. At present that treaty Is not be.
fore the senate, having a second time been
referred to the committee on foreign rela
tions. It Is said that It will lie amended ln
several particulars before It again cornea
before the senate. As If In anticipation of
the flight of Morales and the establishment
of another government in Santo Domingo,
the State department had recommended
that the treiX1" be amended so that it
would confer authority on the t'nlted
States to deal with any existing govern
ment In the Island. Possibly the situation
may he discussed In the senate even be
fore the treaty Is reported.
Men Who Will Assist l-i Movement for
Pilhtlrlly In I'nllllr.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Deo. .Il.-Perry
Relmont of New Y'ork today announced
that the following-named men have con
sented to serve as members of the national
organization which is instituting a move
ment for publication of campaign contribu
tions anil expenditures. In addition tn im..
sylvanla; Hoke Smith, former secretary of
the Interior; P 8 Groasctlp, T'nlt.d States
circuit Jud?e, CI Icago: J. K. Klchards.
I'nlted States circuit Judge. Cincinnati:
Jam-s G. Jenkins, I'nlted States circuit
jade. Milwoukee; I,. K. M. t'omas. court
of appealB, Washington; Alton H. Parker,
forn er chief Justice, New York; A. M.
Stevenson, member republican national
committee, Denver; Hill M Hell, president
Druke university. lies Moines; lbmry T.
Kent, piesldent t'nlversity club. St. Iiuis;
Martin M iginnis, presld' nt Soldiers' home,
Helena. Mont.; E. K Click, chief Order
Railroad Conductors, Cular Rapids, Ia. ;
J. M. Greene, member re; ublicati i.atl inal
committee. Chamberlain, 8. 1).; O -orgo E.
Chamberlain, governor of Oregon ; Frank
K. Foster, American del' gale HiitUli trade
congress; James M. Lynch. n i l. I -in In
ternational TyiwigrophU al union, iudlun-
apnlls, Ind. ; N. J. Morrison, president Fair.
1 , ,lP((, Wichita, Kas.
" , ,
Mr- Relmont annone,d a imHirig of
the publicity bill orguuUailon ft the New
; Wlllar.l It .tel. this cit. ou W0utd4-'1
, . , " M
i Juur- I., al 1 y. m.