Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
"1STABLIS1IED JUNE 19, 1871.
!,;,y Bejl; Two" TWimI laUoi lorn is
Hr Ilnnared Marriages Are
K" ' i Llotil 'mI. Tw Hundred
''- '.. ' 'and Seventy-flT Divorces
') V t ' ' T County.
. - j i Figure s from tha office of the city health
t eohiinlwloner snow that Omaha In closing
one o the meat healthful years In Its
ay. . , history & wll as one In which the stork
.-'Inia corae the ottenest with Its precious
. . a -paokagta. It also haa been a big year for
? - -tfrirrlijti!! and divorces. The records show
, ' ' itliat for, the twelve months l.KI babies
f- ciian. to town, ormore than In any other
"KlnKlm year since the. city has existed. In
4 "". the" number was pnly 1,133, In IP3 but
- v 1.773 n l on'y tne nearest ap-
' .Vermeil' ti' the 1906 record being In l.'M
i; ', . when if babies were born. Of the total
r Lr'l'l'Cyeifcr f9 were boys and tie girls.
HeUmaHna" the population of the city at
; U.'.con, jhf mortality rate for 190 was only
.'." -thUi' percentage being really re
t. rnarkable and tmont the lowest In cities
' S la the Vi'il States. The records dls
K V , closa the death of but 1,007 persons and
.' fBa of the were Infants under 6 years.
-Vo 't!ou . epidemics menaced the city's
; health at any time (luring the year. Healt
Kjf Commissioner Ralph noted a general trend
J Moward more Intelligent and sanitary meth-
' . "ts rf living and an Increasing employment
f eotnrnoDj. sense laws of hygiene
. , " I)ea4k Record by Wards.
' JrJt B i wards the death record makes the
' XJICi Wilis? showing: v
f I tt '.'.:......:. 14S Seventh Vt
'. iv M)inl( 117 Eighth 87
7 Third , 70 Ninth 70
V Fourth. ......,.r 71 Tenth 24
r Fifth ,..,.... 71, Eleventh 21
El nth '
... 1S1 1 Twelfth
'Y- 4 " 'total 1,007
Tli greatest mortality was In February,
, ' . when HI persons succumbed.
fw : J i i.uii hh.iuv Dinner monina lor Daoies,
"167 arriving In time to celebrate Indepen
y ?m'x 5PB5fl daJr or 'ot,n thereafter. August came
next with, Ul and the various other months
c fl.' .chocked p like this: January. 170: Pebru-
:u . C8;' March. 157; April. 127; May. 153;
I fJun- H8; 'September, 171; October, 146; No-
' " .vember, becember, 157.
? ' 'M Course, the last few days of December
Ro estimated, as the returns sometimes
x ,i trt ncveral days late.
'" ' Marrfaarea aad Divorces.
i Bluing the year lios up to date 1,605 mar-
V nilT licenses nave oeen issued tn uouglns
r ' - ceouty. ' .
l-'Vf-'i '. ... . .
f i . m ina same lime mere nave neen
' 'l.',1ilnn.1I..Mi.llj TmJi.. O-,, v. Unm unit
par 131 'eouples, Judge Troup eighty-one
y and 'Judge Button seventy-five.
. f dlvorcea
,;' ViJStrsi-.'Zfliati
N.'V ' na -tba of X
j , f Two " divorces have been set aside that
Ball from Robert A. Ball
2rs. ' Kmllv ftrhnchardt from
'i'"" Edmohd 'Hchuehardt, In each of these cases
:.'',-tt'Wle" stcorad the divorce and shortly
; V -jjept to fauhcU Bluffs and married her
-!"'i,c-VVlt4 the securing of the
rore.wthua' 4LvOjdlnar tli Kehrnnka law
Mr'h'atnordr(jfr?fin JihaH marry again
"wJthin,sl)Tiionth.: Ml. BchUchardt mar.
""" fled her husband's nephew and Mrs. Ball
married M. A: Bweney, whom Ball accuses
of having alienated his wife's affections.
A doen dlvorco petitions have been de
nied and a hundred or more suits started
have been settled out of court or have
never been brought to trial.
Itallonnl Convention Shows Ability of
People to Control Their Local
DUBLIN, Deo. 30. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Now that the national conven
tion Is over and gone there should be In the
aftermath no minimising either the repre
bcutatlve character or the political import
ance of the great assembly ot representa
tive Irishmen Uiat met In the Dublin Man
sion House to deliberate on the national
policy. And probably never was there a
more representative gathering of Irishmen.
Abstracting altogether from the branches
of the national organization which selected
delegates a number that bears flattering
testimony to the efficiency of the officers of
the organization, if one takes merely the
county and borough council It Is safe to say
that the convention represented the over
whelming majority of the councils charged
with the local government of the country.
The men who have on the whole made ex
cellent use of their recently won liberty in
local affairs and Justified the capacity of
Irishmen for self-government were repre
sented by the hundred. But It Is In the
fighting political organization that the en
ergy and tha force, of the movement de
pends, and tha convention demonstrated
that the national organization never was
In better trim. It welcomes to Its deliber
ations the delegates of such organizations
as the Anelent Order of Hibernians, tha
Land and Labor association, the National
Foresters, all having other objects. It is
true, but all having an lntarest In the na
ttonallst cause. The Irish clergy are prac
tically ex-oMlclo members of the body, and
they were present In sufficient numbers to
demostrate the Interest that they are still
taking In the struggles for wider political
and economic freedom for Ireland.
The Interesting thing about the conven
tion was that it offered Uie fullest scope
' fur discussion. This one fact alone will go
along ways towards preventing the growth
of any faction which was afraid to appeal
to the tribunal set up by the national con-
ventlon. "If those who think they are
wiser than all of the representatives of
nationalist Ireland rolled Into one," said a
leading Irish authority, "have had an op.
portunlty of stating their case such as they
had at thla convention, why should they
complain. Here was an open court and a
fair Mold for any nationalist who believes
that he has a better policy than the Irish
leaders have been pursuing and if he Is not
willing to submit the subject matter to such
a convention then there must be something
the matter with tha man or his cause."
Part ( Motion nntnlnad.
Judge Redlck haa sustained part of a
motion made by the attorney for Thomas
h' i. iT iff .m2r
definite and certain some allegations In her
suit to recover for allraed breach of nrom-
1st. to marry. The portion of the motion
sustained relates to alleged cohabitation of
the parties, as charged by the plaintiff.
She Is directed to name times ana places.
The court held she was not bound to set
out Just wheu the promise of marriuge
made nor when lb marriage was to
take place,
Dneks (hut Came Back.
The pair of ducks belonging to Henry
Hiller that talked themselves out of being
sacrificed for a Christmas dinner have been
placed on exhibition In the window of the
wholesale liquor establishment ef Mr Hiller
on Farnam street. A big display card an
nounces ha "Tnese Are the rsotorlous
Lucks that Came Back." The lalr of ducks
seem to enjoy their notoriety and attract
Sew Feature Likely Be Added to
City's LJst of Attrac
tions. t'nless present negotiations fall through
Omaha Is to have a full-fledifed ilctlng
school under the direction of Fred J. nourk
of Kansas City. Mr. Bourk was at the
Omaha Horse Show last fall and attracted
considerable attention with his riding and
handling of several of the best horses, In
cluding the new lirandeis horse and the
green Jumper Killarney, which belonged
to Weir Rogers of Lemars, la.
Mr. Ilourk Is looking for a large building
In which to hold his school and has about
closed a deal for one of the large halls of
the city. A class of forty-eight of the so
ciety leaders of the city has banded to
gether to IndU'-e Mr. liourk to establish
this school and nothing Is now lacking but
the hall.
Tho horses will bo furnished by Weir
Rogers of Ieniars, which firm has addfd
Omaha to Its already large, territory for the
sale of the magnificent roadsters and park
horses which this firm breeds. Mr. Weir
was In town Saturday with a carload of
horses for delivery to some of the lovers
of fine horses In Omaha, Ho said:
"Our firm formeily disposed of most of
our horses In St. Paul, Minneapolis and
Chicago, hut since the Kuccessful horse
show of last fall we find Just as good
market In Omaha for good horses as In any
of the other towns. If Mr. Uourk estab
lishes his school In Omaha It will ho t
great help to the Horse Show, as It will
ilve Omaha so many more riders, both
ivomen and men, who will have more confl
deuce to enter the arena with their fine
Odd Fellows Society Winds tp the
Tear rlth Feast to One Hun
dred and Fifty.
The Boosters' club of Omaha lodge No,
of. the Odd Fellows closed Its first year
Friday night with a banquet at which 1R0
members and Invited guests sat down.
The club Is the creation of Sam K. Green
leaf, Its president, and caters to the lighter
fancies and Inclinations of Odd Fellowship.
Meetings followed by dinners are held every
fifth Friday. Among the guests and speak
ers at the closing function of the year
were: B. A. Benson, P. A. Kdqulst, who
is grand marshal of the state grand lodge
J. S. Hoagland of North Platte, grand rep
resentatlve to the sovereign lodge, and
Clark O'Hanlon, state grand warden of the
order and ex-mayor of liluir. One of the
events was the presentation of a fine ring,
engraved with the emblems of the order,
to Harry C. Hartry, who was voted the
champion booster of the year.
While In the midst of 4 his speech Mr.
Kdqulst was Interrupted by the entrance
of a heavily veiled Swedish girl, who
claimed him as a long-lost sweetheart and
Insisted upon caresses so violent that both
were precipitated to the floor. The police
were called and ejected the woman. It was
some time before Mr. Edqulst or his fel
low boosters found out that the girl was a
clever Impersonation by Mr. Hartry. This
was only one of the funny Incidents worked
up .for the entertainment ot the assem
blage. '
Band Serenades Mortenaen and
McBrlen and White Wine Dove
Sits on Upper Perch.
Peace hovers over the State Normal
board; the hatchet has been burled. This
Is the substance of a statement by C. N.
Gregg of Kearney and Tom Majors of
I'eru, the minority membership ot thfe
board and yet the controlling factors. Tom
Majors Is responsible for the statement that
the Peru Normal school band serenaded
Treasurer Mortensen and Superintendent
McRrlcn during the teachers' meeting and
the music so charmed the two state officers
that the glad hand has been extended
across the board.
"We made no mistake In selecting Mr.
Thomas superintendent of the Kearney
Normal school," said Mr. Gregg. "The
school Is prospering beyond our own ex
pectations. We have over 4O0 students and
a splendid faculty and everything Is run
ning smoothly. Mr. Thomas Is a splendid
manager as well as a good educator and he
has done more and better work to start
the school right, I believe, than any other
man could have done, with all due respect
to the other applicants. Ours was a case
of building a school around the students.
When the term opened the windows were
out and the building was not near com
pleted, but notwithstanding the great dis
order the school Is progressing wonder
llnrllnarton Railroad Aeta I nder Vmv
Ha hi e as Ordinary Taxpayer
Must Do.
County Treasurer Fink on Saturday ex
tended a warm welcome to a representative
of the Burlington tax department, who
walked Into the treasurer's office to pay
the personal tax of the railroad for 1906.
The money, amounting to $4,0M.42, was cov
ered Into the county treasury', but the re
ceipt shows the tax was paid under protest.
In 1904 the Burlington, with the Union
Pacific, refused to pay Its personal taxes
on the ground that the same were exces
sive. The Burlington lost out tn the hear-
inK before Judge Munger, for t'ae reason
; ht the "mount claimed to be excessive
! a lp"' tha" - Thl decision has
j tn appealtei from and the appeal Is still
'. unsettled. This year the Burlington could
have no standing In court to enjoin the
treasurer, as was done In 1904. Hence it
has adopted the course that every Individ'
ual must pursue pay under protest and
then go Into court (c establish the Justice
of the contention against the tax.
tlueallou that Is Bothering- Labor
Commissioner Bush aud llolld-
In Inspector Wlthnell.
Deputy Labor Commissioner Bush and
Building Inspector Wlthnell are anxious to
I , , ' , . . .
1 have a decision from the district court in a
case submitted last spring wherein the
question of wehther an agent for a building
can be compelled to affix fire escapes Is
the point in contest. The litigation grew
out of the failure, of the agent for the
Normandle apartment building to provide
fire escapes from the servants' quarters on
the fourth floor. It was contended that
only the owner Is amenable to the law.
Some ten or twelve other flat or apart
ment building In Omaha are without fire
escapee, pending a decision tn the case and
the commissioner and inspector want either
to compel their equipment at once or carry
,h. ta lhll MUDrsm. cUUI.
Vol am of aiinep Trauiaolsi Under Fink
Greater Iban Lver Done.
oniarlon Between Last Ta
tears and the Work Done
In the Previous Bt
enniara. A comparative table prepared by County
Treasurer link shows some Interesting
facts as to the Increase of the Work of the
olhce. The comparative table covers work
dune by the county treasurer's force during
tiie ears ljv2-: as compared with Uie work
dune during the two years of Mr. Finks
irst term, liM-6. Mr. link was moved to
prepare this table by a recent publication
whlcl. gave a list of his employes, coupled
with the Implication that the lorco was
entirely out of proportion to the work
Of tax receipts written there were 8,621
In Mr. Klsasser's term; during Fink's term,
1&.G31; excess of receipts written in last two
years, 5o,010.
Redemption certificates Issued during
last two years, 3.218; ""during two vears,
19V2-3, 1,811; excess In Fink's term, 1,377.
Postal card notices of personal taxes
written and mailed, 14.000 (estimated) dur
ing previous term; during 19'4-5. b".9i;.
Receipts during 19e.'-3. l,;8fi.6.k.ftJ; cMiring
two years, 14-3, J2,5n2, 822.82; Increase, $716.
1M.66; expenditures, 192-3, $:o,15.2B during
18i-6. $57,9.flS.19; KJ2.422.M.
Scavenger 'lax Us Hardens.
The above Is an exhibit of the Increased
office work during Mr. Fink's term Just
closing. Following Is the vastly augmented
detail work thrown onto the county treas
urer's office by the requirements of the
scavenger tax law:
Equivalent In
No. Receipts.
Making scavenger tax lists 20 books
containing 7,ti pages, averaging 40
lines to the page, and 10 figures to
each line. In addition to the descrip
tions written of 33.0.")3 parcels 271,621
Making lists for suit In district court,
Lfciuglas county, 33,953 parcels 83,963
Making entries on scavenger rec
ords, releasing 12.621 parcels, which
were paid by owners prior to Judg
ment being entered 12,(21
Making special receipts for same,
July 11, ISM. to October 11, lfcM 6,028
Making entries on scavenger records
from November, 10o4, to December, ,
1!05 parcels 14,llg
Making tax sale Judgment receipts
for same, 14.418 parcels, each equal
to four ordinary receipts 57,672
Making and issuing certificates of
scavenger sale, 12.4M), each equal
to two receipts 24,800
Making 2,260 sheet abstracts for mak
ing auxiliary receipts, each equal
to fifteen receipts 83.901
Making auxiliary scavenger receipts
for sales made 82,841
Entering redemptions on 8,484 par
cels 6,484
Entering on scavenger records pay
ments maae ry purcnasers or sun
sequent state, county and city
taxes on 18,750 parcels 18,754
Total 662,690
Preparing lists for advertising scavenger
sales; . . . . .
Parcels or
July 11, 1904 m.M
October M. 1904..;. ; 23.134
April t, 1905; 9.8HO
July 7. 1906 1,787
October 11. 1906 8.140
Total .v. 77.16J
Regular annual sales list not included In
Albert L Re-eder Is Reported Under
Arrest nt Boone, la., on a
Berlona Charge.
'Albert L. Reeder of 2118 Burdette street,
representing the American Hide and
Leather company in Nebraska, Iowa and
Illinois, was arrested yesterday at Pes
Moines and taken to Boone, la., on a charge
of forgery and raising invoices. It Is al
leged by representatives of the American
Hide and Leather company, for which com
pany Reeder worked two years, that during
that time he appropriated $7,000 of the com
pany's money.
Reeder's duty has been to look over hides
and buy them for the 'western office at Chi
cago. It Is stated that In making out his
weights he would make an erasure and sub
stitute different figures, retaining the dif
ference between what his company paid him
for the hides and that paid by him to tha
people from whom he purchased.
Albert BJorkland, western manager for
the hide company, and his attorney, Walter
Jacobs of Chicago, are at Boone In the In
terests of the American Hide and Leather
company. It has been reported that a mis- j
1 ' "-porieo mar a nus-
take in one of Reeder's report, to hi. com.
pany led to an investigation and the arrest
pany led to an Investigation and the arrest
Reeder has resided In Omaha during the
two years he has been with the hide an!
leather company. He was rated as a first
class traveling salesman. He has been re
ceiving $1,500 per year from the American
Hide and Leather company and during this
year handled a business of over $500,000.
"This Is all news to me," stated Mrs.
Reeder last evening, when the report of
her husband's arrest was made known to
her hv A rnnrt.r "Uu hnahanrf -
last Tuesday and promised to be home
Saturday evening for New Year s day. He
has always been considered a good sales
man and until I hear all the facts In the
case I will not discuss the matter," con
tinued the wife.
The Reeders have five children, the oldest
a young woman.
Norfolk Man's Friends Think Ho la
Stronger Sow Thnn When
Candidate Before.
"Some of the papers in our part of the
state are mentioning Judge Robertson as
a candidate for congress in opposition to
Congressman McCarthy," remarked A. J.
Durllng of Norfolk as he stepped out of
Senator Millard's office Saturday morning
after a brief Interview.
"I am not much Interested In nolltlcs. :
but I believe Judge Robertson will be a
candidate for governor Instead of for con
gress, and I think he will get the tupport
of the northwest portion of the state. He
came very near being nominated at one
time and his friends believe he Is stronger
today than ever."
Mr. Durllng Is the bead of a loan com
pany In Norfolk and came to set Senator
Millard on business other than political.
Baron Von 8ch wartsensteln Promoted.
BERLIN, Dec. SO Baron Mumm von
Brhwatzenstein, the German minister at
Peking, has been appointed ambassador of
Germany at Toklo.
Monev for tho West.
NEW YORK. Dee. SO The subtreasury
todav transferred $2,U0o,v00 by telegrapa to
Sau FiaAcisco.
Millions Given In Aid of F.dneatlon,
Art. Home, Hospitals and
Nearly a hundred dollars a minute! That
Is the Christian tribute paid by the year
i now passing, through each of Its hours,
1 right and day, to mankind's b.-'.trment
and relief from suffering. The total Is
astounding, unless one has followed tlu
course of such annual rc'iurls and so he
come somewhat accustomed to eight
figure givlng-HU04,t32!
Yet all records such as this ate neces
sarily Incomplete. Much that is given
passes without public notice, so that even
an estimate Is out of the question. The ;
Journalistic statlstlcan must rely upon Hg- i
ures published from day to day, and musl
further define the limits of his w.vk be-
cause of the uncertainty of publication In ,
one part of the country of gifts of mimII
total made In some other part, in these i
Uble8 -m h" be,n a8"""'1''1 " "w
mum to be considered and the multiplicity
of small donations thus lost sight of would
certainly raise the year's total to ten mil
lions. Individual givers, too, are here accounted
for only, which fact prevents the. list from
enrolling such a magnificent charity as
that which went out to the suffering Rus
sian Jews.
With all these limitations, however, the
American jieople, may congratulate them
selves that their nation has given to good
causes slnces January last came In at the j
rate of an hourly average of $1.1.741.06. I
Considerably more than half of the
grand total has gone to the advancement of
education. Eighty-three colleges and
schools are named In that part of the an
nual report, though, even so, the gifts to
this cause would not have stood In such 1
overwhelming proportion to the benefac
tions of the whole twelvemonth h3d not
the four largest donations of all fallen un
der this head. In April Mr. Carnegie set
by flO.OOO.MO as a fund for aged educators,
followed a month later by Mr. Rockefeller
with another 10,0U0,oi0 for the cause of
general education, while the tragic death
of Mrs. Lcland Stanford 'threw Into tills
same scale $4,875,000 mora.
The "baker's dozen" o most
universities rank them at follows
Keland Stanford University
Harvard University
Vale University
University of Chicago
Union Theological Seminary
McCormick Heuilnary
TvlUllkln University
Columbia University
University of Virginia....
Brown University .'
College of the titate of New Jersey
University of California i
Following education the benefactions of
19vo rank as follows: , To galleries, mu
seums and societies of kindred alms went
$7,0.14.000; . to "homes," hospitals and asy
lums, $6,391,600, with $4,;ou.l7u to inlscel
laneous charities. Church works of various ;
sorts followed closo With $4,242,757, and
$l,tii3,000 for library buildings. Add to these
totals $2,4&,0u0 which catne In gift other
than ot cash, though valued "officially,"
and this country Js found to have received
In all. $M,08t,4S2;. 12,016,000 u sent to do its
work in foreign fields. ' )
A study of theea flgVl'l , In connection
with -the' nUnllar totals faf;ttta-.. list five'
years, show that Uo( has surpassed 1904,
though it has not equaled earlier years;
falling, Indeed, far behind 1901's splendid
"record." ' Tho benefactions for - these
years in round Clumbers,' have been $47.
600.000 in 1900; $107,160,000 In 1901; $94,000,000 in
1902, with 1903 beating that by an even
million; only $62,000,000 last'year-.ind $SS, this.
The list following shows also that Ameri
can womanhood Is playing a mighty part
In this splendid work, and that no fewer j
than sixteen of the givers have equaled
or surpassed the million mark among
themselves giving more than a half of the
year's total.
Four of these last are women, while Miss
Helen Gould, giving $700,000, and Mrs. F. F.
Thompson but $50,000 less, might well bo
Included In the roster. Three other, wo-
men who have generously helped the
world's work are Mrs. T. F. Ryan ($225,000),
wife of the financier; Miss H. T. Gardiner
($200,000), and Mrs. Russell Sage ($75,000).
Tha "roll of honor," where one
rank the givers of millions, reads:
Andrew Carnegie
John D. Rockefeller 11,036,000
I Mrs. Jane L. Stanford 4,946.000
Stephen Salisbury 1,450.000
John C. King f.000,000
General Isaac J. Wistar i.0JO.O0Q
Mrs. D. D. Rand 1.260,000
Henry Phlpps 1.060.000
Margaret A. Jones 1.026,000
Mrs. Emmons Blaine 1,000.000
Oeorre W. Clayton 1.000.000
j " . ' ' " ' 1 000 000
j 5.mA" J011 j'Z'ooO
, ( McCormick ' . ...
James Milllkln 1.000.000
Darius O. Mills j 1.000.000
W. F. Milton 1,000,000
Carnegie, however, may be consid-
ered as only In second place, for that -Ini'
mortal old gentleman whom some one once
named as his favorite poet Mr. Aneny
mous gave $2,013,500 as 1905 ran Its course
Chicago Reeord-Herald.
Xasaes One Corespondent and Hints
at Others In Amended Divorce
Suit Petition.
Again comes Alice Maud Saunders, wife
ah.nBn Qfliinil.ri
, . . i .,i,i
banker, and files an amended petition to
the amenaeu answer "i rr iiumauu ...
their divorce suit. In her latest filing Mrs.
Saunders names a young woman of Bloom-
field as a corespondent, and also Insinu
ates too friendly attention to certain un
named Omaha women In the prohibited
district. Beyond these two points Mrs.
Saunders merely reiterates the charges of
cruelty and neglect embodied In' her origi
nal petition. She still Insists that Mr.
Saunders Is worth $200,000 at least.
Bids May Be Opened Next Week, but
Contracts Will Bo Held 0
Cntll Later.
Up to date there have been Died with
County Clerk Drexel about a dosen bids
for the county printing during 1904. The
statute makes December II the UuH day for
filing, so no more bids' will be received.
The county board will hold an adjourned
meeting Tuesday morning, at which the
printing bids may be opened, If the board
so decldrs. The present board will, ad
journ sine die on Wednesday, and It Is
altogether likely that the bids for print
ing will be opened and considered by the
new board after Its organisation on Jan
uary f.
611vJ.r ThlmbletFienser, 15th and Dodge.
Daily P&necger Added to Burlington
6rvi9 Between Iti Big Points.
Lirowth of Population and Increase
In Traffic Make Addition of
Train Imperative, Says
The Burlington passenger department an
nounces a new train to be established Feb-
ruary IS dally between Chicago. St. Iuls,
Kansas City and the northwest via Billings
ami the Northern Pacific. This will make
two trains dally between tho southeast nnd
the northwest over tho Burlington and the
at0 selected for the Inauguration of this
new service is the date of the commence-
ent of the one-way colonist rates which
have'been announced to assist In the settle
ment of the northwest.
General Passenger Agent Wakely said:
"The necessity for this train has been
apparent for some time, In face of the
development and growth of population nnd
traffic In the northwest. The westbound
train will receive eastern evening connec
tions at St. 1-ouls and Chicago nnd morn
ing connections at Kansas City, leaving
Omaha at 4 p. in. and Lincoln at 6 p. m.
This westbound train will carry the Black
Hills traffic instead of the late night train
as heretofore. The train will arrive at
Butte and Heleivi on the second morning
and Spokane on that evening. Puget sound
at noon the next day and I'ortiana mai
"The return eastbound train leaves Puget
sound In the morning, Spokane that night.
liutto and Helena the next afternoon and
arrive at Omaha at 7 a m. the third day,
Kansas City noon and St. Louis that
night. The trains will consist of standard
sleepers, standard chair cars, tourist sleep
ers and diners all the way through.
"The Black Hills traffic, eastbound, will
come on the present through train. The
development of the Big Horn basin, the
growth of the Black Hills, the luci'tiaso ot
population along the Burlington' i northwest
lines, the great volume of Bpring colonist
travel and the greatly increased volume
0( summer tourist travel to the Yellow
stone park and the northwest have made
this train Imperative, as there Is more
business than one train each way can
New Mall Service.
Preparations are being mado by the Union
I'ucillc and Burlington In Omaha tar carry
ing out their part ot the new last mall
schedule which is to save twonty-four
hours in time between New York and tian
Francisco. As announced in The bee some
time ago the southern roads, including the
Pennsylvania to tit. Louis, which runs
over the Vundalla line from Pltts'jurg to
tit. Louis; the .Missouri Pacific from St,
Louis to KaiibMS City and the Sun la, Fe
from Kansas City to the coast hive been
shortening tho running schedule ot their
faat trains with the Idea of wresting the
1 fast mall from the present route, which
I is over the New York Central and Lake
! Bhore from New York to Chicago, the
I Burlington f torn-Chicago to Oiuaua., and
the Union Pacific and tiie Southern Pacitlo
from Omaha to the coast
As one prominent railroad official said
Saturday morning: "This nt schedule on
the Overland route will put the southern
route out of the running for the transcon
tinental mails, for the southern roads will
not be able to turn their wheels fast enough
to come within twelve hours of the new
time which has been announced by Secre
tary Corteljou."
Heretofore the Union Pacific has run a
special from Omaha to Ogden, and the
boutnern pacitic has attacnea tne mail cars
. to its lasi paasenger. train iso. i, nut an
' roads are taking a hand In shortening tho
' time, and the Southern Pacitlo will run a
special mail and express train from Ogden
to San Francisco.
I No. 0 oil the Union Pacific will hureafter
, haul no passengers except one t i rough
' tourist car from the Northwestern, the
rest of tho train being mail and express
; cars. This train will make up five hours
( between Omaha and Ogden. The Los
Angeles Limited will bring In the California
' mail from the west, which will be turned
over to the Burlington at Council Bluffs.
The Los Angeles Limited, eastbound.' will
make connection with the Southern Pacific
mail at Ogden. Train No. 3, which leaves
Omaha at 4:10 p. in. will carry a mall car.
The Union Pacific will send out Its new
train Saturday.
Changes by Union Pacific.
Several promotions are announced for tho
general freight department of the Union
Pacific to tako effect the first of the year,
. ,i,- i u, ........
In addition to those already published
Frank Robinson, chief tariff clerk, is to
go to Chicago to accept a position with
J. C Stubbs, traffic director ot the Har-
rlman lines. L. W. Hasten, chief rate clerk.
succeeds Mr. Robinson as chief tariff clerk.
George W. Hamilton, assistant rate clerk,
succeeds Baste n as chief rate clerk. K. W.
Chapman comes from Council Bluffs to
accept a position as assistant tariff clerk.
Railway Notes and Personals.
George B. Haynes. formerly city passen
ger agent in Omaha for the Milwaukee und
now traveling passenger agent for the same
road with headquarters in Chicago, is in
the city, accompanied by Mrs. Haynes and
his brother, Fred Haynes. They will spend
New Years in Omaha.
11. 8. Grey, traveling passenger agent In
this district for the Illinois Central, leaves
fur St. Paul this evening to assume his
new duties as traveling passenger agent i
for the Illinois Central for the Dakotas.
, Minnesota and Winnipeg. P. G. White, who
,1ItoeoJl, Mr, Urey at Omaha, will .arrive
Motor car No. 5 has made two trial trlna
to Valley and has proven a greater suc
cess Its predecessors in the matter
of time und smoothness of running. Super
intendent McKeen Is naklng additional im
provements on each car as it is turned out
and tney t-e making a decided hit wher
ever they have been sent. Motor car No. 4
was sent to the Chicago 4V Alton road re
cently and the Chicago papers are devoting
considerable apace in exploiting the advan
tages to the service of this class of cars,
which were originated by Mr. MrKeen In
tha Omahii mHi.i.h 1't. rur whleh wuu ,Ani
to Galveston to operate between Galveston
and Houston is having all the business it
can handle and calls are being received
from all ef the Harrlman lines for more of
these cars, which are lieiiie constructed in
Omaha as fast as possible.
The traffic department of the Union Pa
cific has prepared its annual New Years
reeling, which is being sent out to the
frlenas of the road. It Is a beautiful sou
venlr arid contains the names of the officials
and clerks In the freight and paasenger
departments of the road. The front cover
has a splendid cut of one of the new motor
cars which the road Is now building.
Glllan Geta Walter Damrosc-u.
Manager Glllan of the Auditorium an
nounces he has secured the New York
Symphony orchestra, with Walter Dam-
roscn as leaaer, ior a ooncen ai me Audi
torluin January 25. As this Is one of tha
best mown orcntsiras in ins country Man-
seer Glllan thinks he has scored a strike
in being able to book the New Tork Sym I taxes. The ceunty sets up that the money
phony on thla trip. A full quota of soloists j s properly retained te pay the coat in
wlll accompany Mr. Damroach on hla short volved In the advertising and sale under
trip around the country, although the per- the law. Judge Troup has taken the point
aofinel Uas not been, aunounced. J under advisement.
Government Officials Apprehend Men
on Ilesertntlon I'eltlJolin and
Tncker Ont on Bonds.
Charles Manville has been arrested by
Deputy United etates Marshal Moore near
Rushvllle, on the charge of horse stealing
from the Indian reservation at Pine Ridge.
He will be brought to Omaha for arraign
ment betoro the United States commis
sioner. William Blackbird, an Omaha Indian, has
been arrested on a capias at Rushvllle for
introducing liquor onto the Indian reser
vations lu Nebraska. He will be brought
to Omaha for commitment In the Douglas
county Jail until his trial can be had.
Among other arrests at Valentine by Dep
uty Marshal Allan Is that of II. C. Dale,
charged with making a fraudulent home
stead affidavit.
J. C. Pettljohn. former register of the
land office at Valentine, and J. M. Tucker,
an attorney of the same place, have been
released on $J,pn0 bonds for their appear
ance before the federal grand Jury to an
swer to the charge of conspiracy In land
fraud matters there. They were arraigned
before) the United States commissioner
there and pleaded not guilty to the charges
against them.
H. C. Dtilo, who was arrested at Rush
villo Friday for subornation of perjury
and on the charge of procuring home
steaders to make fraudulent filings In the
Modlsett Brother pasture. Is cashier of the
Stockmen's Bank of Rushvllle, and of
which A. M. Modlsett Is president and A.
R. Modlsett is a stockholder. The Modi
setts have about 4O.0X) acres under fence
In Sheridan county.
William C. Rmoot, government farmer at
the Pino Ridge Indian agency, was also
arrested on the same charge as that pre
ferred against Dale. The two men were
Hiralgned Saturday before the United.
Stntcs commissioner at Chadron nnd gave
bond In $2.uoo for their appearance before
the May term ot the federal grand Jury
at Omeha.
President of Omaha View Improve
ment Clnb Wants Election
from Twelfth Ward.
At the meeting of the Omaha View Im
provement club Friday night Algernon F.
Wilson was re-elected president and the
following officers chosen for the year:
Vice president. John Davles; secretary. Jay
Tony; treasurer, G. W. Carr; trustees,
George Sancha, chairman; Rev. Mr. Fle
harty, A. N. Yost. There was a spirited
three-cornered contest for the office of
vice president.
During the evening President Wilson
made an address, In which he discussed
the objects of the organization and the
attitude It should take toward the public
service corporations. He said that as long
as these corporations held their franchises
the peoplo should be fair to them sud
they should be fair to the people. There
should be no imposition on either side.
Mr. Wilson Is being urged by the club
members as a candidate for the council
from tha Twelfth ward on the republican
ticket. While no formal endorsement has
been made, he Is regarded as tha club can
didate for that office.
City Clerk's Insurance Adventures
Are Looking; Ip In These
Latter Ilnys.
By way of a New Tear gift City Clerk
Klbourn and his business partner, A. T,
Gibson, will receive for tho companies they
represent all the Insurance to be carrinH
, uy the Hayden Bros, department store and
gtock for the next year. Another little
present of the same kind will como In
writing all the Insurance on the Karbach
hotel and contents.
Insurance and official bond business has
become a leading Industry at the city hall
since the city clerk decided he could man-
. age the local affairs of several companies
and do his duty by the city at one and "the
: same time. For a period the firm of El
; bourn & Gibson, Mr. Gibson being Mr. El-
bourn's brother-in-law, had an office In
another building, but months ago It was
found convenient to consolidate activities
, In the city clerk's office. In order to avoid
any possible contraventions with the law
the official bonds for city officers are writ-
ten by Mr. Gibson, thus relieving Mr. El
bourn from possible Irregularities.
bolt Awalnst Thurston County Will
. lie Argued by Lane Kext
Assistant United States District Attorney
Lane will leave fer St. liouls Monday to
argue the appeal of the United States
against the County of Thurston (Nebraska)
oro the United States circuit court of
i "Ppeals In the matter of the assesmeut for
taxation of about $100,000 Indian heirship
funds on deposit lu the Security National
bank of Sioux City.
The case originally was brought In the
district court of Thurston county by the
county treasurer of Thurston county with
the purpose ef collecting the taxes on
these funds, as amenable for taxation un
der the Nebraska state laws. The United
Slates, on behalf fit the Indians who had
the funds on deposit, had the case brought
to the United Slates circuit court on Sep-
tember 28. but Judgment was given by
j Judge Munger In behalf of Thurston
county. The United Slates at once ap
pealed the case to the United States ap-
pellate court and this is the hearing that
Acting District Attorney l.anu will argue
next Tuesday at St. Louis.
Fremont Jurist Risks Himself In the
Vortex of Fashion for
Little While.
Police Judge J. C. Cook of Fremont was
I a visitor In Omaha Saturday. He attended
i ..i... ,,, ., . . . .
! polU' court m the mornl"g and dodged
street cars and the "plain olothes men the
rest of the day. The Judge came down to
receive a few pointer on New Year reso-
I ul",,l
I nave heard of Omaha before and have
seen It marked on the map. but had no Idea
It was such a great city as 1 found it to
be," remarked the Fremont dispenser of
Justice. ,
City goes the H'onnl jr.
County Attorney Slubaugh and Asxisianl
City Attorney IWdman argued and sub
mitted to judge I roup a new complication
in the scavenger tax law. In thla case the
city sues the county for spproximatelv
; $i on, alleged to be doe on collections mide
. hv the county treasurer on delinquent citv
All Bias's Selected kj New Official Eictpt
that of Sbsriff.
County Commissioner Solomon Ile
Ian Position of Deputy C'onnty
Auditor Preparatory to
Going on Hoard.
Sheriff John W. McDonald Is about th
only man who will take office next Thurs.
day in Douglas county who has not yel
decided on his appointments. Mr. McDon
ald said Saturday morning:
"I am negotiating with a man for chief
deputy whom I very much wish to secure.
'l'ntll I come to terms with him. or the
deal Is declared off, I cannot announce the
other appointments 1 have to make, except
tlmt George Stryker Is to lie one of my
deputies. Within a day or two I expect to
know definitely about the chief deputyahtp:
then I will tie able to announce the other
appointments for the office and Jail force."
Following are the principal appointments)
In tho office of County Clerk Haverly:
Deputy clerk. Frank Dewey; clerk of tho
county board, Bamucl Walkup; bookkeeper,
James V. Chlzek; auditor for county treas
urer. Colonel C. L. Harris; chief clerk tax
department, Jonathan F.dwards; recording
clerk, Grace Herger. These are nil the ap
pointments that Mr. Haverly will make on
his permanent stuff at present.
Bundle's SlnB Complete.
Register of Deeds Handle will have tho
following staff:
Deputy, James. Austin; chief clerk, P. M.
ToMn; Index clerk, Guy C. Fleming; re
cording clerks, Chris Tracy and W. H.
Chadwkk; general clerk. Fred Schamel;
stenographers. Miss .Bessie Hammond and
Miss Clara Crelgh ton-
Register Harry Deuel said of a possible
mix up over the change in his office:
I expect there will be some sort of an
amicable agreement between Mr. Bandit
and myself that will obviate any resort to
the courts. I am perfectly willing to abld
any decision the supremo court may make
on the rehearing that is to come up Intel
on the office of register of deeds, and 1
presume Mr. Handle Is. We will not have
any trouble. In my Judgment."
Mr. Handle will take chaigo of the office
and Mr. Deuel will step out Thursday,
January 4.
Judge Leslie's Staff.
County Judge Leslie will retain the
present force and add one new man. His
list is:
Chief clerk, Clyde C. Sundblud; docket
clerk, Martin L. Sugarman; proliate clerk.
David A. Fitch; marriage license clerk and
bookkeeper. Harry B. Morrill; recording
clerks, David Olson and Charles Furay.
In the office of the county auditor thero
will be a vacancy In the deputyshlp,
Kinniet G. Solomon having resigned the
position preparatory to taking the offico
of county commissioner for the Fifth dis
trict. Auditor Smith and his assistants are
named by the county board directly, and
no change is looked tpr n the head of tho
office. , , . s . "" -
"W. A. Voder, superintendent of sohoots,'
was appointed by the board to' fill tha
term of E. J. Bodwell, which expires next
Thursday. Ho will succeed himself, ap
parently, without a contest, having only
had the office a couple of months under
tho first appointment.
There are several candidates for minor
places at the disposal of the county board,
but no appointments will be made much
before the first of February, and the
chances are that most of the present ln
cumbents will be allowed to continue.
Will Be Promoted from Chairman of
Finance Committee to Head
of School Board.
John L. MoCague, who has been a member'
of the Hoard of Education two years, will
be elected president of that body at the
organization meeting next week. Mr. Mc
Caguo has been at tho head of tho finance
com-nittee and in this and other respeqta
,lu8 done much valuable work on the board.
His real and willingness to serve the school
district to the best of his ability is now
to be rewarded by the highest office In tha
gift of the board. The matter has been
arranged, practically, and there Is no oppo
sition for the place.
No one has been agreed upon for vlca
president, and It Is possible that the honor
will be conferred without a consent.
Monday Is the day set by statute for the
organization of the new board and the
Inauguration of the Incoming members,
but It Is probable that an adjournment will
be taken to Tuesday evening and the busi
ness dispatched, then.
Fifteen Bidders Present Proposals to
the Board of Fire and Police
The Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners turned Its attention Saturday to
consideration of IHds for furnishing "15,000
feet, more or less," of cotton fire hosn
during litog. The whole morning was spent
on the subject, the board giving each rep.
resentatlve present a short Interview.
About fifteen bids were presented from aa
many firms. As the order will he a 'big
one, the competition was keen, but whether
or not It extended to prices was not dis
closed, as none of the bids were made pub
Proposals were also received from sev
eral contractors for making repairs at tha
city hall.
At noon It was announced that tho board
would make its decision on the bids Tues
day nlsht.
City F.leetrlrlan Sara Improvements
Are Too Great far Co my 11
lug of Report.
"I think my report on the cost of electrlo
light and power service and the cost of
production in various cities of the country
compared with Omaha cannot be Mulshed
much short of a month," said City Kluc
trlcian M ieliaelsen. Avith the large
aindunt of building and wiring In the city
this office was kept very busy all the year.
I started to gather the statistics as soon
as ItiPtruiled to do so by the coancil, but
I have encountered many difficulties lu
getting intelligent 1 authentic Inform.
tlon. One of the
hst features la the
reduction of varying scales and methods
of charges to a common basis neceary
for comparison. I shall make the report
te tha council Just aa scon aa It la yoa