Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Office. 10 Pearl
wm company FKANcmsi:
Coiocil Aikd to Submit Proposal for
Twen j-Fm-Tear Extension.
Company mint Out that .Icrorrtlntt
to Opinion of Attorney rrnrnl
Franehlae Fiplre. at nn
r.arlv Date. .
t the next regular meeting of the city
rounril, which is scheduled for Monday,
hut on account, of the day being a holiday
will probably be postponed to Tuesday,
the Council TlliirT Waterworks company
will submit an ordinance granting it an I
extension of Its franchise for twenty-five
years. This was decided on yesterday by
tiie company. In view of the fact thnt up
lo date the negotiations for the purchase
by the city of the plant have not resulted
In anything tangible.
The following communication accompany
ing a copy of th- proposed ordinunce was
(lied Willi City Cler't Zurmuehlen late yes
terday i-fternoon:
uiT's-i'T.0'1' rounr'1 "f lt" rity "r Council I
Plurfs 'ocn 1 men: In the verv able ot Inion
ot your special counsel. Messr. Hnrl and
llnley. turnished nu in July last, they
express their Jud.Tmeni thai, the franchise
of the Council Bluff Waterworks com
pany expire on Jnnuory 124 next ami that
in no possible event could it be construed
lo extend beyond December next.
If your counsel are correct the water
company's franchise will expire in less than
I'cur week. The water conipiny i anxious
non ,e one nann i to a voio 'y operai-
venlenclng the public by falling to operate
them. We feel that the city council and
che public are even more Xtally Interested
In making such provision a may be tieee.
sary to secure water for public and private
ne after the date at which your attorneys
hold that the franchise of this company
expires. Believing this, we sunmlt n
with a proposed ordinance ami respectfully
plant by the city at any time, without
compensation for the franchise, avnlds any
Interference with the pending negotiations
for the purchase by the city or with your
plans for municipal ownership, but will
simply enable us to legally furnish the city
with water until your plans for municipal
ownership are consummated.
It will he noted that there Is nothing In
the proposed ordinance with reference to
rate for public or private consumption of
water. This is due to the fact that section
T2S of the code of Iowa confer upon your
honorable body power to at all time tlx
such rate, Irrespective of anything in the
Inasmuch a any provision upon that
subject would be void and the company
must under the law rely in any event
wholly upon the wisdom and fairness of
the council, we have felt that It wa use
less to Insert any such provision in the
Should the city council, however, feel
that upon thin or any other subject tho
ordinance ought to be modified to mora
fully protect the city and its Inhabitants
we will be very glad to confer either with
the counsel or any of Its committees with
a view to the making of said modltlcatlona
as would make It mutually satisfactory to
the city and the company.
Provisions of Ordinance.
The ordinance is entitled, "An ordinance
to assure to the city of Council Bluffs a
. sufficient supply of water from the Missouri
; river for- flr- protection and for -.anufuc-luring
and domestic uses, after the expira
tion of the existing franchise held by the
Council Bluffs City Waterworks company."
Section 1 grants the company the right to
use of the streets, avenues, alleys, etc, for
Its pipes for a period of twenty-five years.
Section 2 provides that the company shall
during the life ot the franchise furnish an
abundant supply of good, clean water fit
tor culinary and drinking purposes, and re
quiring the company to keep the city harm
less from the payment of damage to lta In-
Moil's Pure Oum Arctic",
Men's Boston Arctics,
Men's common Arctics,
Ladles' Arctics, 2 buckles,
Ladies' Arctics, 1 buckle,
Misses' Arctics, 1 buckle,
Ladies' Alaska,
Ladies' Alaskua,
Full line Leggings, (Sernian mocks
and Felt Boots at the lowest jhis-
slble price.
23 Main Street 1
Are we getting yours? If not, these prices
thould Interest you! We have tha LARGEST
state of Iowa! Why? Just because we sell
drugs for less money than any other firm in
11.00 Llqunxone. all you want ...
SI .00 Swamp Root, all you want ,
Jl.iO Duffy's Malt Whisky
Il.ixl Plnkham s Compound
II. (n Pierce' Medicines
si .0-1 Warner's Safe Cure
il.t" Hood a Siirsaparilla
fl.UO Ayer'A Sarsaparilla.
$!.( Canavflan Malt Whisky
V- 00 Chester' Pennyroyal Pills
J5c '.'"-Mule Team Borax
:iic Mennen's Talcum Powder .
J6c Grave' Tooth Powder
. t,k-
; nV
How do these price look lo you?
Free delivery in city or to depot if for
out of town.
B. T. YATES. Proprietor.
Cor. Fifth avenue and Main street.
Council Bluffs, Ia. Phone 333. Cor. Six
teenth and Chicago streets, Omaha: Iweu-ty-fourtb
and N streets. South Omaha.
1 haul dead animals, 11.00 per head.
Garbage, ashes, manure and ail rub.
bish; clean vaults and cesspools All
uork done la guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended ti
Phone. Ash-102&:.
J. H. SHSAL05-
23 Pe?
irl.t PhiMlft Rdt flfflraQ7 I
C.lwd riWIISS, nti. OJ, UllllSSI I
;....! ., !,! ,.-f I- ";ri I
-i . . - V
ask tnat your lionoratile nody suninit to necessary to leave Nebraska for the reason make hut one delivery, leaving the nnstof- Elizabeth crane, Kutn hrit, rxiitn snu
t he people the question whether the same I ,nat lar numher of the officers and em- 1 9:no There will lie a business gait. Helen Walker. Venla. Binder, Mar
shall be. authorized. . tnai a large numnei or tlie omcers and cm- rocll(m tnH(,p , tne aftPrnooll- c;trrier garet Met. aif, Flora Cooper. Nellie Mayne.
This proposed ordinance, by the provision J ployes owned homes in Omaha and woti.d leaving the postoffice at l iw p. m. Rural Mary Waxlsworth. Kvollne Edgerton, Hazol
In Its fifth section for purchase of the be able to still retain and nccunv them In free rielivnrv currier. ni nr. Heliverv Manderson. Helen Flickenger, Margaret
St. Tel. 43.
habitant by reason of discharge or iinusn.-l
overflow (mm Its reservoir.
Section 3 rnntalnsi provision n to use 'if
street for laying pipe, etc.. requiring lh
romf.iiny to replace all street In which ex
cavation mny be made bai k In proper con
dition and requiring the company to lav
main where none mny exist lo nit point
where two bonsflde consumer will tnk
wnter to every 1'" feet distant frou th' dis
tributing mains.
ftcetion 4 Riven the tiy the liphl to en
force all necessary ordinance, penal or
otherwise, to preserve the purity of the
water furnisher! by the company and to
j compel iv 10 live up to mi' niviumwii!" mi
. poe,i upon It by the ordinance. It nIo
premire ot any consumer at reasonnVe
hours to Inspect fines, make repairs, etc
Fectlon 5. which Is the last, reserves to ti e
city the right to purchase the plant at any
time at a fair and reasonable value, as
fixed by three thoroughly competent
hydraulic engineers of good standing In
their profession.
., , ..... i
i.i r r
Talk of Locating Here in ne Head
quarter Leave Nebraska.
J. C. Root, sovereign commander; John T.
Yates, sovereign clerk, and Dr. Potter, chief
I medical examiner, for the southern Jur'.s-
diction of the Woodmen of the World, held
. . ..,
" conference yesterday with the executive
committee of the Commercial club relative
to moving the headquarters of the ord' r
from Omaha to Council Bluffs In the event
of the ruling of the supreme court of r-
hraska lielng adverse to the order In the i
matter of the taxation of its reserve fund, i
The officer were the guests of the execu- I
tve committee at luncheon at the Ornd
hotel, during which the matter was thor
oughly dtscussed. Several prominent local
members of the order were also present n'.
the conference anoN luncheon.
The visiting officers explained that Coun
cil Bluffs would be a most desirable location
'or 'p headquarters In case It was found
the event of the headquarters being trans
ferred to this side of the river. Mr. Root
Btated that If the headquarters were moved
here they would need a site of abbut a
block on which to build a headquarters
building and that the order would probably
in conjunction with the Woodman Circle,
the woman's auxiliary, expend about US"),
in such a building.
Realizing the need of temporary quarters
while building If the change Was made the
visiting officers looked at the Masonic tem
plo and the Sapp building.
Sundny Services.
At the First Presbyterian church there
will be preaching services at 10:30 a, m.
and 7:30 p. m. In the morning the pastor,
Rev. Marcus P. McClure, will tuke aa tho
subject of his sermon "A Message for the
New Year," and in the evening "The
Wrestler's Purpose." At 8:30 p. m. the
pastor desires to meet the young people
of the congregation In the church parlors.
A forty-minute service will be held Mon
day morning at 10 o'clock In the church
Rev. Harvey Hostetler, pastor of the Sec
ond Presbyterian church, will preach at the
morning services on "A Life Question."
At the evening services he will deliver un
in mo noiy iiy, which
win De illustrated with stereoptlcon view.
T-l . -t ,, . .
i-imi vuiifirgiiiionai cnurcn. Rev. Otter-
ki r. Bmit i. T. r, .. ' 11 '
v. ?,...,.,, Mr. as., iKiniui , inoniing serv
ices at 10:30; evening services at 7:30; Sun
day school at noon; prayer meatlng
Wednesday evening at 7:30. Morning Sub
ject. "The Aftermath of the Incarnation;"
evening, Hon. Shirely Gilliland of Glenwood
will deliver an address. Special musie.
morning and evening.
At the First Christian church there will
bo regular services at U a, m. and 7:30
p. m. In the morning the pastor. Rev. W.
B. Clemmer, will preach on "Success in
Evangelism," and in the evening will take
as hla theme "The Old and the New." Bible
school will be at 8:45 a. m. and meeting
of the Christian Endeavor society at 6:30
p. in. There will be special music at both
ervlcea under thtr direction of Mr. Ned
Mitchell, chorister.
At Bt. John's English Lutheran church
there will be holy communion and preach
ing at U a. m., preaching at 7:30 p. m...
Sunday school at 8:45 a. m., and young peo
ple's meeting at 7 p. m. In the morning the
pastor, Rev. G. W. Snyder, will take as the
subject of his sermon "Our Redemption,"
and In the evening, "The Closing and Open
ing Year" Immediately after the regular
evening services a New Year's watch serv
ice will bo held at which Rev. L. P. Lud
den of Lincoln and Omaha minister will
At St. Paul a Episcopal church there will
tie holy communion at a. m.. morning
prayer and Hprmon at 10:30 o'clock, evening
prayer and sermon at T:30 o'clock. Rev.
H. W. Starr will preach at both services
on the New Year. Sunday school "will be
at noon.
At the Swedish Lutheran church there
will be preaching service at 10:30 a. m.
but there will be no Sunday aelmni
evening services. In place of the ,-,,:,, "t., urrlved Friday and will be the guest
service. ii,. . , or the evening l(lf ttl(.lr n,.phew, Mr. Frank T. True, and
services the young people will render a wife, for tire winter. -program
In Vhechurch parlors and the old Mrs. W. W. Peaslee lias returned" o her
year will be matched out and the new '"l"e Portland, Ore., after a three week'
. ..... luuutiay evening mere will be
sevices at 7:45 o'clock.
There will be preaching services
evening at 7:30 o'clock at the Union Chris
tian cnurcn, Broadway and Thirtv-rtfth
Ktru.1 C...I.... ....u, .- . -
uuj ciiwji win oe at 3 p. ni.
The First Church o' Christ (Scientist)
will hold services this morning at 11 n
the Jewish temple on North Seventh
street, when ihe subject will be "Life."
Sunday school will be at 12:15 p. m., and
the rwirnlui- .,,1,4 ...... .t. . .,
it-miMiony meeting
, Wednesday evening ut t o'clock.
i 8l'cr"" Church of Christ (Scientist) will
I ,loJ orvlee at 10:43 a. ,. In Woodman
h-ill in the Mrriani block mi,.- .i.- .....
i - " -.-, lilt ,uo-
Ject will oe "Life." Hnndv ...i m ...
j ... n 1 1 1 i.
I 11 1 UJ ,1.-. ........ -- . . .
..... , u.iai nun-ween testimony
meeting Wednesday ev..,i, . t..: J... "
m - i - w I )CK.
Taxes Certified I it,
' County Auditor Cheyne certified yester
day to County Treasurer Consigny the tux
coll ction for lHno. These taxes income
paaoie January 1. The actual valuation
of the county is e.'4.74T.4. und the t axablc
valuation lone-fourthi lit IRK v Th- . T .
AUiuation (one fourth fl4.lSb.8A The total
lu.e. no, mcuuing tne city specials, to be
lOiiened amount to 8tfi7,K.(o. us follows:
Slate tax
8 V Ml
I County general ..
I County poor
! Oiunty i-ridxe
County road
County school
County insane . . . .
Stite insane-
Soldi- rs' relief ....
Contingent tchool
School house
Township rowds .,
Town general
Miscellaneous ....
. .74,.IU
'J "'
it.l'Ml I
l.iii$ IS
n,,1M funJ 4Ail
; and street light i4.ftM.3u
Water .,Jik.
. Hrtdge
f rnprovement
! Judgment
I Libtsrr
1 l'nrk
j Wiiterw-urk lnking fund
i Int. retvlna; and grading bond,
Funded tieht
Total, not including special. . .
ll.nst ft
7 '-"'i t" !
J.llo.lS ;
M.iH4.3 .
I Meal K.tale Transfers.
j These transfers were reorted to The Hoe
; Ieccmber :i by the Title Ouar.inty and
Trust company of Council PlurTs:
John Miher and wife to Chrlstooher
'hrlstlanseii. l"t 14. block .1. Howard's
! 'J1'1--. ' 1 3
, eis J. and Jens C. Andersen and
. wives 4o the Andersen company, lot
! I. MiK'k X. Evan' Cd Bridge add..
1 w. d 1
Sime to same. pHrt of lots 4 mid ." in
subdlv. of lot 17. original rhit. w. d 1
Same to same, lot .1 In subdlv. of lot
i ITS. ovicinal pint. w. d
Mrs K. P. Snmmltt to Mis. Eva Miik-
, . grove, tots n and block IS, Cms
.Foliti L :im Ma Trice to Fred Mess
more, ioi iz. tuocK V. Quick park.
e . u
9:ime to '. ,T. Messmore. lot 1". block
Quick's park. w. d
Same to llrare Messmore, lot 11. block
'i. Quick s park. w. d
i Susie 8. Craine-nnd husband to Busie
r. flame lot 4, block 17. Beers' ndd..
except elS feet. w. d
Kmellne R,ed to Kdna Augusta Hrure,
the lot WxlMU feet. being HJ Orahnni
ave., w. 1
A. O. Wyland and wife to
. 2.1an I
W. K. I
Koffa, lot !i. bloek :i. Fisher's 1st
add. to I 'uderwood. w. d
C. F. Trutt and wife to Oeniee Ilim-
mick and John Mahen. nH w't ne4
and rei-i nw'. except three acres,
In 6-l'-i". w. il 3,!
: btate Savings bunk of Council Bluffs
to A . A. Wells, lots :;t, 24 and 26.
block f. Mnt tie's 1st odd., w. d
Carrie A. Southard to W. A. Wells,
lot block s. Mayne's 1st add..
I w. d
i J. J. Wells and wife to W. A. Wells.
I lots 1. 2, 3. 4, 5 and 6, block S, Mayne's
ist add., w. tt
City of Council Fluffs to F. W. Stune.
part of alley In block 50. Johnson'
add., n'. c. d
Sixteen transfers, total..
....S6.HI5 I
I was carrinu nil jusi opposite to me regu
llollday Hoar at PostoOlce. )lir custom, the gueuts upon arriving being
Postmaster Ilaaelton announces these! greeted with "good riipht." and the lunch
,,,, ... . .,., . . ,,, eon was served the early purt of the even
hours will be observed at the postotHce on ln(t ,;:im,..K :im1 mslc furnished the
New Year' day: amusements of the evening.
Stamp window, general delivery window! MIsh l-'.lizubcth Pay was homo lo a nuni-
nH mmiuu ....I.if hl.lnn M!ll r,f her vminff irlrl friends Thilrsilnv
from H:0n 'until 11:00 a. in. Carri-rs will
Marriage Licenses.
Licenses to wed were issued yesterduy to
the following:
Name and Residence. Aiee.
. A . . . . . C. ..... 1 1 . .... ... ..-
, Alice Leonard, Atlantic, la 24
' Arthur N. Cajo, Silver City, la 25
S.-idle Maude Anderson, Silver city, la.. IS
James J. ltockard, Pipestone, Minn St
Liillo V. Wallace, Council Bluffs 2t
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. L.
Ilomeromlngs and Holiday Gatherings
Are Xnmerou.
Mis Effie EUis is the guest of her parents
at Little Sioux.
Miss Sprague will spend this week in
Sioux City, the guest of friends.
The Misses' Lunert of Sioux City are the
guests of their sister, Mrs. Oretzor.
Mr. L. H. Ross of Crescent was the
guest last week of Mrs. J. S. Rogers.
Mrs. Waldon Nason of Benton street will
entertain at a watch party this evening.
Miss Margaret Henderson Is spending her
vacation with her parents at Creston, la.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cqiwon have as their
guest Mr. E. Boyer of Denver.
. Mr. and Mrs. Bhackley of Fsrrajrit, la.,
are guest at tho home of Rev. Charles
Mrs Vnann of Keonauntla. Ia.. 1 vlsitlnir
ner aaugnier, Mrs. r rea n. run, e.j iniiu;
U. nnH Mr-. t 1 1. V rt Met-.Vinll ( f l li 11 .1 1 I. f.
. .r'rv VvJ r " j V." U Vf
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. K .
-a m-. f,..,i, Ti.,.ni hi.u .....
nue are vleltlng friend and relatives in
Miss Vermont Reynold of the Madison
Avenue school Is the guest of friends at
Hancock, Ia.
Mrs. J. M. Williams of Missouri Valley 1
the guet of Mr. and Mr. Creager on North
Eighth street.
Mr. Nllo O. Smith of Grtnnell Is spending
the holidays with his parents, Rev. and
Mr. O. O. Smith.
Miss Laura Gaines of Ninth avenue- had
us her guest Christmas Mis Augusta
Schmidt of Omaha.
Mis Maude Bides of Omaha Is the guest
of the Misses Edith and Allle Joseph of
South First street.
Master Carroll Mikeeell of Avenue C is
visiting with his aunt, Mrs. H. J. Chitten
den, in Sioux City.
Mrs. R. V. Blxby entertained at tea
Thursday evening In honor of Miss Keennn
of Sioux Falls, S. P.
Mrs. Valdlmer Johnson of Seventh avenue
entertained at dinner Friday evening. Cov
ers were laid for eight.
Mrs. E. H. Doolittle, W7 South Seventh
street, has Issued Invitations for a curd
party Tuesday afternoon.
Mis Rosa Ward entertained a number of
friends Thursday evening at hearts. Dainty
refreshments were served.
Miss Rose Ward entertained a company
of friend at "hearts" Thursday evening.
Dainty refreahmehts were served.
Mrs. John Moran, lr:S Fifth avenue, ar
rived Friday from Chicago, where she spent
the Christmas holiday with her parents.
Mrs. J. H. Carse and son Earle have gone
to Iowa City to spend New Year's at the
hoii.B of Mrs. Curse's mother, Mrs. Daniels.
Mrs. Wtlliam Osborn hus returned to her
home in Buchanan, Mich., after a visit with
her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Bliss of Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. C. E Cartwright, who have
M Shuoeret have returned to their nonVe
tnHurllnaton la returnea tu tne,r nom
in Kuriiugron, ia.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paufortli of Norway
Mr. Stanley VanBrunt entertained ihirtv
j of his friends at cards last evening In honor
thi'".1 - 1 "'"" i-Mj"..iMir
nine war. nao uy mi pi t-m.ui. MrM yy- R j.-jsher received word yester-
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Orelicr celebrated their I day that her brother, Kussell Whittlesey,
sliver wedding anniversary Thursday even- i,,nierlv of this city and now lucatwi ut
ing. Tweiity-nve were present. A four- j.;; K,.n'0, O. T.. had been seriously and
course luncheon was served. possibly fatally Injured by a fall from a
Mr. J. C. Mitchell and daughter left railroad bridge, the construction of which
yesterday on a visit to relatives In Chicago, he was superintending. The letter re
AIIsh Ishlticv Castetter of 1-tlair. NVh.. is 1 Rtri H 1,1 net five anv nartlclilurs as tn
' the guest of Miss Krunces Kerline of South
Sixth street.
Mr. and Mrs. L, Zurmuehlen, jr., a
Willow avenue, entertained the V . T. C.
club at card lust night. High live was
the game of the evening. A dainty lunch-
eon wu fervid.
Mr. Victor K. Bender und children ar
rived homel Friday from (lab-sburg. 111.,
where then had been visiting relatives.
They were accompanied by Mrs. Bender s
: . 'V. i , i
' Jlr' vl I'her
Mits Florence 8uuires entertained about
twenty of her frieuda Thursday evening, i against lie motor company involving the
Prixes for the musical guessing contest ! fencing in of certHjn street ut Manawa.
were awarded Miss Klizabetlr Crane and ! "ver the cost of .h- commission ap
Mr. Rice. Luncheon was served. 1 pointed t survey the boundary lines. He
Th. v-,.,i,i,.t.-l.1.l i-rd elub was enir- i '"'J U:Bl "'' f'aintit'fs should pay one
..LhXl LS'.lnl C.T,hI"h,.neof i !'! -ld '"-"' "n'rsiuy two-third, of
M- .1
iv' V- o r,i j ,.i
E. Spare. Prlxe were aurd"d
1 Hoxxy ravti, und Mrs. Owrgp Rob-
''r- Mrs. Roberts wld be the next nostcss.
Mr ,, M - - .rW hft mr.
,ed Wednesday afternoon at BurlWt,,,.,
, urrlved home Friday and for the present
will r'rte at the home of the groom'
" , kl . .. u, ,,7 u...k
'- """' '
... '.., u - ,
Mif Nina Meyers gave her friend, u d.-
lightful afternoon ut high Ave T hursday.
1 '- roouiB wrir iinuiaicu ill irn null Kireii,
In its decorations of red and green, and
I tnero was a large crowd present, thi
younger set dominating".
The Poage Light Cuards gave one of t
I p.p.ilar dunces in its new armory Frldiy
i -mng. Ihe crowd wa not very luige.
lul was select, and ths dance as on oi
14 IMi TH The prlie wa. won by Miss Agnes Wick- I . ......... '
Via"" hum. course luncheon wua served. About '"y ' rlrat Presbyterian church at
W li I twenty were present. 5' .,',1V?2 'Vw 'ilf Ln2'r."alnSSi: i?-
I71.J).T The Council Bluffs Row in. lunrlatlnn j' ,,T..'t,7' '., .. "
, ... - . , - . - i aeill, ; 1 1 i . , ... r. 1 1 1 1 1 f. i w , p 11 1 1 ,1 view prrii.
tn .4J g ive a dancing party at ths Grand hotel rit.llt' ,.. i j Klli kiniier- aecrctarv Mr
8.074.3O Christ maa nlaht. Th hall wa. wrvtiMi.- V"1'' "'-.i'. f ! ' f.' "T.r..V,.,.J..Mri-
the most enjoyable of tli season. About
thirty - rive ccupie were present.
Mr. ad Mr. Herman Rosche. 74o Mill
street, entertained about twenty young
lieople at a "fake" party last evening.
The hi'i'n feature of the evening nas a
fake Christmas tree, upon which rested
various nuaterlou bundles. Refreshments
were served.
Mrs. M. V.. Fatictson. 1UH Seventh ae;iue,
entertained a party of fourteen at Clir!t
mi dinner. Artiong the gueKt was Miss
Marey of Malvern, la. In the evening V's.
IVttt' raon hnd about tv.'entv t;usts. 'Hie
veiling was spent at panics and music.
Heficlmn tits were served.
Miss (ra-e Spearman and Mr. C. A. Potil
ter were united in marriage Christmas
aiternoon at 3 n'oloe)' hi the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. a id Mrs. John Spcsr
mun. 2":-i Seventh avenue. Itev. W. 13. lem
nier ottlclatlng. The young couple will
make their home in oniahH.
Mr. and Mi. M. W. Hilahtmsn. 7IS Madi
son avenue, entertained at their home
I'hrlsimas evi twenty-three out-of-town
L2UCKts. 'I'lie uli'lr win a snrnrit to both
1 I hosts and guests, as It was entirely im
! p.anrcd and luii Vperled. and they made
the hct f the sttiiHtlon by apjrnpriating
1 i.ill the pare tied In the neighborhood.
Mr. Myron Van Brunt gave a stag dln
: ner at i Is hone, s.1 Fli st avenue. Thur-
.. day night. A six-course dinner was served.
(nvers wire laid for .Messrs. Koy Smith,
Ward Price. Jay Cleaver. Jack Baldwin.
Oeorge Phelps, John l.ydon. Oeorge Camp.
Will cutler, joiin MuAtee, Russell Nichols.
Roland Otis. Charles Hnrt. Roger Coker.
lUiy K'.drldge .of Omaha and Myron Van
1'r. D. P. Cooper ami Miss Winifred Rose
l.lle were married huiulav noon at t tie
residence of the bride's oarenls. Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. tlle. 815 Twentv-third avenue,
I Rev. P. R. Chambers of the Latter Pay
Nf Saints' cliurch otflclating. Dr. ami Mis.
Cooper are spending their honeymoon vlsit
i ink. In Kansas fly. and will return shortly
after the new year to this city, where they
will make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shugart. :2 Glen
uvenue, entertained at dinner Christmas
dav. Covers were la-d for Mr. and Mrs.
Smith and Mir F.lizu belli Smith of Mal
vern, la.: Mr. and Mrs. Sliedd, Mis Vern
Shedd. Mr. and Mrs. Turk. Mr. M. A.
Rice. Ml!- Rice. Miss Kdlth Shuirart. Mas
ter llarrv and Charles White of Malvern.
Mr. Rice ' Shugart. Miss Mildred Shugart
iiml Mr. and Mrs. Shugart.
Mis Florence Louaee, 4) Oakland ave
nie, entertained about forty of her irl
rlends at a contrary wise party lliur-
d iv night
H he prugrain of the evening
afternoon, those present were Misses
Kllelf ennnr forfvtide lleed. Sam Beselev.
Hazelttne Covert. Gertrude Hulette, Mnude
Meyers and Vlrgle Meyers.
The marriage of Miss Allda May Lorlng
nnd Mr. Irvihg A. Benedict occurred
Christinas afternoon at the home of the
bride s parents, Mr. and Mr. T. R. Lorlng,
815 Sixth avenue. The bride wore a beau
tiful Kiiwn of white voile and real Irish
lace. The bridesmaid. Miss Currle Homan
d' Omaha, eirrled a boqitet of red roses.
Mr. F. H. Jones of tnnina acted a best
man and little Miss Elizabeth Annl'ftlled
the part of rieg bearer. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. H. C. Herring of
Omaha., the young couple standing under
a beautiful arbor of Christmas decora
tions. After the ceremony a tive-course
wedding supper whs served to the Imme
diate friends und rel itives who witnessed
the ceremony. Mendelssohn's wedding
march was plaved bv Miss Belle Robin
son. Mr. and Mrs. Benedict will make
their home with the bride's parent at M5
Sixth avenue and will be at home to their
friends after January 1.
Tisvls sells drugs.
Ftockert sells carpets.
Plumbing and heating. Blxhy & Son.
Pr. Luella, Dean. Brown Bldg. Tel. jo.
Drs. Woodbury dentists, 30 Pearl street.
Woodring-Schmidt. undertakers. Tel. 329.
Leffert' improved toric lenses give satis
faction. Picture framing. C. E. Alexander, !K3
Broadway. Tel. 36rt.
Oiii wanted to assist with housework. 223
youth Seventh street.
cash prize walla Thursday evening, new
I ....
armory, only Zoc. w naiey a orcnesira,
' .. ,' ..,,. .
ttesuus uur specialty r-enpre v.oueciion
I agency, offices 103 Pearl St. Phone 14.4.
Big mid-winter terrr Western lowa
college opens Tuesday, January 2, 19i&.
Empire renaissance gold moulding, pic
tures and frame. Borwick, ill S. Main.
Tel. 683.
Get your upholstering, feathers, mat
tresses and repairing done at Morgan Si
Kline's. 18 South Main street.
The Carnation Dancing club lv their
New Year's dance on Monday nig lit , Janu
ary 1, llMS, at tho new armory, i.efresh
ment.s. Whaley's orchestra.
Mr. Amanda H. Collins died yesterday
at her home, 1401 Avenue G, from pneu
monia, aged 47 years. Her husband, one
daughter and two sons survive her.
Justice Field performed the marriage
ceremony yesterday for August Storbeck
and Alice Leonard, both of Atlantic, Ia.,
and Arthur N. Cuse and Sadie Maude An
derson, both of Silver City, la.
Waller Pollard, a coal teamster, wjs fined
to and cost in police court yesterday for
violating a city ordinance by driving over
a sidewalk and using unparliamentary lan
guage to Mr. W. Shadden, who expostu
lated against his doing so.
Herman Whlttland. son of Gottllob
Whittland of Keg Creek township, had his
I right hand so badly crushed In a
shelter yesterday morning that it was
found necessary to umpuiato the member
between the wrist and elbow.
Mile Koskey filed original notice of suit
In the district court yesterday against the
Nebraska Telephone company lor $1,W0
damages for personal Injuries alleged to
have been sustained by him owing lo neg
ligencu of the difendint company.
The funeral of tin late Mrs. Liuiiula
June Stronii will be held this afierno'm ut
H:.i o clock irom the residence, lliis South
' Seventh street, nnd interment will lie in
Fairvlew letnet -t y. Rev. Charles Mu ne,
j pastor of Trinity Methodist church, wall
i conduct the service.
b" ''" "-""noon at if
rlnck from the residence ot her daughter,
,,,,,,,, -,- i-.,.1i,i,.,i -...mi..
and burial will be In Wulniil Hill cenietecy.
Tin- services will be conducted bv Hew
Charles Mayne of Trinity Methodist caurch.
The police were much surprised to learn
through the columns of the Chlcugo Inter
Ocean of a recent date, that the city Jail
bad been blown up by dynamite Hiid tint
W. J. Pavis. the sole prisoner, had his life
saved by a miracle. Thu article ulso slates
hut Pavis was in jail on the charge of
- iiyiiatniting a restaurant.
I In-r brother's injuries.
The motion for a new trial in the sail
'5 of Keller against the park cnnimissloiier
was overruled by Judge Scott in the su -
! perlor court yesterday. This is the suit
: in which Keller sought to enjoin the park
commissioners from building a cottage for
the careiuker of the park adjoining his
residence. The cottage has been built and
la occupied.
I:i the supcrioi court yesterday Judge
Sioit decided the controversy between the
purrles in the suit of Chrtsman and others
1 tne expense, which amounted to about II).
The remain of James Hughes, whi died
Kansaa uy irom pneumonia, arrived
yesterdiiy and were taken to the resi-
lence of ids brother-in-law, T. P. Lindaev,
l'oy r 11 th uvriiue. Ueceased. whj wau a
. "" res.ueui i . ouiieii niL ns wa. au
I years of uge. and la autvived by ill wife
I and una child. The funeral will be held
I this alteipocn at 2 o'clock fror. jt. r'rauci.
Xuvler's church, und Interment will be in
j bt . j,,seph's cemetei y.
After Ihe meeting the music com.illllee
decided upon thi' engagement of a ipjartet
h.ur for th enMilng year, and en-cted
Mr. Warner Welch, soprano; Mrs N. f
.a,u. contra'.to: W . J. Stevens, tenor. an
C W Ccker. bus.
j. Mo.nvj .md v. Nsarv wf ai-;ux Cin
'Cl.u l....l..a lli- 1 11.1
were arretted In this city yesterdsy morn
ing and later turned over to Chief Plneen.
who took them back They are charged
with assaulting a Hebrew womsn and
seriously Injuring her. The assault 1 al
b'Krd to have been committed Friday nieM
dining a quarrel on the street between
Morrlssey and Narer and two men and
two women. After the trouble they took
the flrrt tuin to Council Bluffs. They
were arrested while calling for mail at tha
Former Reslder.t of lora 41y Mast
bow hr Ktaned o Deed.
IOWA CITY. la.. Pee. SlV-( Special. )
After having paid taxes on property she
had purchased In Clord county, Kan.
In 1S!Y, for eight years, Mrs. Louisa T.
Brown, formerly of this city, was Informed
by the recorder of the county that she had
transferred the properly while she was
living In Lockport. N. T., that year and
that she no longer held any Interest there.
I'poti Investigation she discovered that a
deed to her property had been executed
in t.ockport and sworn to by a woman
giving her name, which transferred the
property to a man by the name of Scott.
The records of the county show that Scott
had sold the property within a few days
after he received It under the New York
deed to a man by the name of Ripple, who
still occupies the place.
As , soon as the Investigation had shown
those fact. Mrs. Louisa T. Brown, who
wa formerly n resident of the city, and
who now lives at Boiildor, Colo., began
taking steps to show that she had never
been in New York state at the time that the
deed was made. That, In Tact, at that time
she wa a resident of Boulder and that she
is the real owner of the property. Local
people have been appealed to for testimony
and affidavits which will be forwarded. The
theoretical explanation of the alleged crime
Is that some woman, In the Interests of
Scott, made the deed at Lockport, N. Y.,
using the name of Mrs. Brown. This deed
was then forwarded to Scott, who had It
recorded and then sold the land to an Inno
cent party.
lona Boy Mlsslnii.
IOWA CITY, la., Dec. 30. (Special. -Frank
Zetek, the 17-year-old son of Joe.
Zetek. a prominent resident of the city,
ha disappeared from the city and at the
present time his whereabouts are unknown.
For the last three years the boy baa been
working on the farm of Jake Baker of this
county. Two days before Christmas he
paid the boy the last Installment of his
wages, amounting t $111, and he left Lone
Tree, presumably for Iowa City. From
that time forward ho has not been seen or
heard of, and as there was no reason for
his desiring to run away there Is consider
able fear that he has met with fould play
A general alarm ha been sent over the
county and unles he shows up within the
next few days a more thorough search will
l made.
Editor to Meet and Talk.
IOWA CITY, la., Pec. o0. (Special Tele
gram.) The program for the annual meet
ing of the Cppor Pea Moines Editorial
association, which will be held here Janu
ary 18 and 19. Is practically complete, ac
cording to advices from James E. Down
ing of Fort Dodge, president of the asso
ciation. Well known newspaper men
throughout the state have agreed to at
tend, and many will deliver addresses on
various topic of present day Interest.
Special preparations are being made to
entertain the largest number of delegates
In the history of the association, as nearly
200 newspaper people are expected.
Tramp Make Mnrderoaa Assault.
IOWA CITY. Ia., Dec. 30.-1 Special. )
Three crippled tramps, angered by the re
fusal of citizens to provldo them with
beer last night, violently attacked ex-Aid', i
man Theodore Fautz, Constable Matthes
and Jacob Krupp with knives und crutches.
The assaulted men were almost killed by
the tramps and officials had a hard time
preventing mob violence oy tho infuriated
citizen. Tho three men were arrested
after a desperate struggle ami are now In
Jail charged with assault with intent to
commit murder. Mntthes was severely
hurt and Krupp was badly cut. The
trail. ps were also used up In the struggle.
Gray Becomes (ieueral Freight Agent.
SIOCX CITY, Ia., Pec. 30. Archibald
Gray has .been promoted from tho position
of assistant general freight and passenger
agent of ttio Great Northern railroad In
Sioux City to the office of general freight j
agent in St. Paul. He will succeed to the I
place mnde vacant om time ago upon
tho promotion of W. W. Broughton to j
be freight traffic manager. Gray's succes
sor in Sioux City has not been announced.
Hushing; Work on Ashland Line. i
SlOl'X CITY, la., Pec. . The Orcuf j
Northern road lta issued order to rush 1
work on the extension from Sioux City
to Ashland, Neb. Traeg laying on the
north end has been completed to the end of '
the southern boundary line of the Omnha ;
Indian reservation. '
Uoy Accidentally Hliot.
WASHINGTON, la., Pec. uu.-(Speciui.)-
Crossing a creek on a log while returning
from a hunting trip today, Frank Cannott j
fell off, hi gun exploded and his riitht
lung was pierced by the bullet. His father
found tUp 30-year-old boy dead In thi- creek.
He i almost crazed by the accident.
luwa. Sew Note.
IOWA CITY Frunk Conott, a prominent !
farmer living near Wellmiin, accidentally ,
shot and killed himself while hunting. He
tripped over a log. j
LOtJAN The local chapter of the fcJisl-
ern Star has elected the following officer: !
W. M., Mr. Esther Kennedy; W. P.. Mrs.
J. P. Creager: E. M . Ml. Abbie King:
secretary. Fannie Ford: treasurer. Mr. W. :
H. Wood; conductor. Mr. P.. F. Huff; as-
sistant conductor. Mrs. L. 1. Puvull. i
PCNLAI'-IoIin I'. Morton died hem
Wednesday evening und the funeral will '
occur Punday morning from St. Patrick's
Catholic church. The deceased was born j
August 6, 115. ut Mount Vernon, ).; cam
to PunUp in 1S74; married Catherine !
Hrady on September 1. 1877. and was the j
father of nine children, light of whom I
survive. j
WOOPMNB A meeting of Woodbine j
citizen Interested in the new public
library was held here this week. M. A.
Heed wis chosen chairman and Oeorge W. ,
Coo acted us aecretary. Prof. Kinney
reported that $4on had been subscrllied.
A committee of six was appointed to
curry on the work and 1 a follows: M.
MV S i,'," ' T Howe nd Mrs I W
i lU8K' J' Mowe ttna fllr"- u " '
i 'v1""- ... , .
V( tOPBlN E The local Independent Or-
A. Reed, H. A. Kinney, Mrs. Jennie Coe
der of Odd Fellows' election have re
sulted as follows: Subordinate lodge N.
O.. E. Mefferd; V. G C. J. Shorett; sec
retary, U. N. Young; treasurer. 8. M.
Blackman. Knuiiupment C. P.. J. C. Arn
old; H. P., J. W. Bevernes; S. W.. M. F.
Savage; J. V., C. N. Kmilton; crlhe. II.
a. Hum nh rev: treasurer. W. H. Tuttle.
Rebekahs N. O. Mrs. Ktiimu Oldding: V. j
ti.. t,iac IJumnnu; secretary, airs, nine
Evans: financial secretary. Mrs. Ijbhie
Mefferd; treasurer, Mrs. Landee. Canton--Captaln.
K. Mefferd; lieutenunt. J. C. Arn
old; ensign. II. B. Kleng; clerk, F. M.
Hugg; accountant, P. M. Kiunis.
ruling Army Varnnclea.
WASHINGTON, Pec. 30. Tha president
and secretary of war have decided to com
mission as second lieutenants the nineteen
enlisted men who successfully passed ex
aminations recently und became eligible
for appointment, the secretary having
found that there will be a sufficient num
ber of vacancies by the time the next class
at West Point graduate ta pre vide places
for the graduates.
ttaeer Sea.atteas
In stomach, back or bowels, are kigns of
I certain dangers, which Electric Bitters a
, cure te cents. For sate
j gu.uineen i" i-u
i Shfi'i" "'"" l,ru 1
I'llflH Dl CC 1T V TiriTDC
FivrDollar-a Day Uh in Lejulatmt 0?ei'
lnpiftd j the HuncrT.
t.rand Jar Seorra City 4 oanell and
Hold It Responsible for Lona
1.11 of Crimea Committed
In Capital I It?.
t Fl'om a Staff CorrejKiudeiit.)
PES MOINEA Pec. 30. t Special. V -A lu
crative office In the gift of the legislature
Is going begging. It pay a day, includ
ing Sundays, and thu far there is no ap
plicant for it. and the legislature but a
week away. The office Is that of nsslstant
clerk of the house, and the duties are to
tall the roll and read the bill. L. E. Cor
lett was the assistant clerk at the last ses
sion, but he Is deputy county clerk ct Ma
haska county, and will not be back to
claim his old position. This fact 't Is pre
sumed ha not become generally known, or
thers would have been applicants for the
position before this. The duties are light
and the position i considered one of the
best In the gift of the legislature. It is
required that the person who fills tli posi
tion be quick, accurate and with a very
godd enunriation and clear voice. It I
not expected that the legislature will have
to do any searching to find a. man lo fill
the place. The fact that no one has ap
plied for the position Is probably due to
the understanding that old employes would
have their positions back and to the fact
that It was not known but that Corlett
would be back.
ripe tin to Pes Molne.
A local papr today publishes an inter
view with Representative H. M. Letts of
Columbus Junction, In Louisa county, to
the effect that the newly discovered gas In
that county may be piped to Pes Moines
and other titles of Central Iowa. The dis
tance from the gas field is 120 miles. The
gas wells have not been fully developed,
and It Is believed there Is a big supply
there, sufficient to answer to an enormous
demand for many years.
Ljiwyer la Indicted.
A. L. Steele was today indicted for em
bezzlement. This I the result of n com
promise between the grand Jury and County
Attorney Miller, the latter at first refusing
to draw the Indictment. Steele la a candi
date for county attorney.
Will Ine Census.
The executive council today decided to
bind but a few copies of the census report
and in these to Insert a sheet making the
corrections as found by the district court
of Cass county In the count for the city of
Atlantic. It is believed that the supreme
342-344 Breidwty, Council Bluffs, Iowa..
Importer and Jobber of
China, Glass Lamps, Solid
Silver, Plated,
Etc., Etc.
A few facts about Sterling; Silver. Conips-e these prices, wiucn are
our regular prices, with the so-called reduced advertised prices:
Medium sized Versatile Tea Spoons. ... $4.50 per set
Large sized Versailles Tea Spoons. . . . . .7.60 per set '
Medium sized Versailles Forks $12.60 per set
Balance of Versailles line on same basis. "
Medium sized Lily Tea Spoons, extra heavy.. $5. 00 per set
Large sized Lily Tea Spoons, extra heavy. . . .$7.35 per set
Medium sized Lily Forks $13.50 per set
Balance of Lily line in same proportion.
Large size Wedding Rose Tea Spoons, heavy. .$6.00 per set
Medium size Wedding Rose Forks $12.00 per set
Wedding Rose Soup Spoons $12.00 per set
In addition to the above we carry Are other patterns, most of
them very much lower la price. Before buying Sterling Silver investigate
our lines.
m m m
Western lowa Lollege
We liav" the finest ami most thorough College in the West,
visit or a trial would convince you.
Mend for catalogue. Call or phone for information.
Don't forget the Opening Date. Knroll then.
! '
ine Hundred
lis regular merchandise premiums, the following cash prizes to the
thirty-ene club raisers who send in the largest number of new yearly
subscriptions from December 13th, 1906, to March 31st, 190C, inclusive:
TEN NEXT PRIZES, each 2.00
TEN NEXT PRIZES, each 1.00
While tM-ores of our readers have been getting subscriptions, for
The Twentieth Century Fanner among their neighbors, the number
each sent in last year nan small. The largest single list wan only
twenty-three new yeurlj subscriber. We want bigger lUls this year,
and are, therefore, making this splendid offer.
IV ADDITION TO THE CASH PRIZES we give our club raisers
a handsome merchandise premium for each subscription, or club of
subscribers Bent us.
Our big Premium List for the tea sou of 1905-1906 Includes tha
latest and most seasonable goods in the different lines offered, and
consists of Books, Games, Musical Instruments, Sleighs and Skates for
boys and girls, Dolls, Albums, Toilet Articles, Jewelry, porting Goods,
Silverware and many other articles too numerous to mention.
The merchandise premiums are well worth the effort put forth In
securing the club of subscribers.
THE BEST PRIZES. Take a copy of the paper with you and call on all
of your friends and neighbors. Tell them about Its good qualities.
You can get the most of them to subscribe.
C'AX YOU INE SAMPLE COPIES? We will gladly mail you a
package, or, If you prefer, we will mall direct to the people you in
tend to call on.
RE ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE in the contest for the cash prizes.
Send for a copy of the issue of December 13th. containing the big
premium list it will be mailed FREE. DO IT NOW. Address
fl" 'vere the di.-trU-t court and tie
.ounelt will therefore have bound only
ii;oilll lejie hi I ill e iipiij" -,1-mi
piy the legislators and the state official.
I'lie rest will be held awaiting the decision
if the supreme court.
Pes Molne t.lrl Konad.
Miss Ma v .!one-Mi "iin, who ship
month ago wa reported to nave neen Kid
naped In Purls. hs been located and
married a few dss ago at 1 Angele.
Cal.. to William Wheeler of that city. Ml
McCnwan formerly lived in Pes Molne and
went to Los Angeles, where she taught
music and conducted the music In ono of
the large churches. She wa sent by the
church to Pari to study music and whll
there was lost sight of and the report wa
spread here that she had been kidnaped.
Soon nfter her disappearance In France
Henry Anfrobus, a wealthy ti Angele
citizen, willed hi fortune to be used In
searching for her.
Grand Jnry Scores City Conarll.
In the report of the grand Jury to Judge
A. H. McVey today the city council of P
Moines was held responsible for the lag en
forcement of law and for the large numher
of holdups, murders and lawlessness In th
city of the past few month. The report
states that It has been found that numerous
saloons In the center of tli city are ren
dezvous for thugs and that the attention of
the city council was called to one such and
the promise was made that It would ba
closed up, but the promise was not kept.
Tho report states that thugs follow citizens
from these saloons and rob them.
Cincinnati 'Workmen Accept Their
Canal Liquor la Lien of
Shorter Workday.
CINCINNATI, Dec. 30. Nine hours a a
day, with free beer, won over demand
for an eight-hour day presented by the em
ployes of nearly forty brewerie In thi
city. The matter has been acted on by
the men at the different breweries and
the vote In several Instances being unani
mous will probably be ratified at the full
meeting of the Brewery Workers' union to
morrow. Several weeks ago the brewery
workers presented a demand that when
the present contract expire on February
1, a new contract providing for an eight -hour
day be accepted. In reply the em
ployers said they were willing to concede
the eight-hour day, hut It must be without
tha customary allowance of free beer.
However, they offered to continue the beet
free with a nine-hour day and thi propo
sition ha been accepted.
Threatened Trouble Averted.
WASHINGTON. Pec. 80.-Advtees re-
celved at the Stale department are to the
effect that threatened trouble between Co
lombia and Venezuela has probably been
mm 5
Dollars in Gash
FAKMER will give, In addition to