A VIRTUE OF MANUAL TRAINING Edition f Hand Eisential Part af But School Eji tat. ' ADDRESS OF TFOF. WILLIAM WIGMAN " High School Man Declares o First Class Curriculum fan afford to RtfU4r This Braaak. Manuel training aa an essential part of the best school t)fttmi waa advocated at the recent state teachers' convntlon at Lincoln by rrof. John E. Wlgman, head f the manual training department of the Omaha High achool. In a lengthy address which left a deep Impression. A f.ill text of Prof. Wlgmans address la her pre sented: , The Increase of hand work, popularly 'ermed manual training In the achoola of no inlted State, during comparatively rc- cnt year haa been little short of phenomenal. No school system making any pretention of completeness ran now Ignore the claims of manual training being a trt of the curriculum. Bo wlda spread has the recognition of the rlalma become, that many of the largeat school system In the country have not only Introduced hand work, aa part of tha rlaaa work In all of their elemen tary Instru -tlon. nf the lower gradea. but extensive and aperially equipped building have been ererted for manual training of boya and girla In high schools. The rhlef aim of manual training la durational. In perfecting our avatem of 'education, wa must make or b able to make practical application of what we have learned theoretically. The training of tha hand and tha eye cannot fall to develop and atimulate those faculties upon whose activities much nf the success In life de pends. The cultivated taste, the trained ye. and the skilled hand, cannot fall to bring forth fruit, in the home, in the work shop. In fact, In whatever position In life the child aa a citizen may occupy. To do good work In manual training the pupil must learn to concentrate hie mind on what h Is doing. It docs not take long and the pupil nadlly area that the more attention he gives to hla work the better It will be. Thus is aroused a new aplrit and ambition. Without ambition none suc ceed In life. With ambition the boy will succeed, not only in school work, but In whatever profession he may select In after life. A burning ambition must lead to success and It rarely fails to do ao. . Philosophy of the System. Let.nie quote an article on the philosophy of munufll training from Apple ton a Mmthiy Science, written by Prof. Hand ford Henderson, who la director of the lilgn school department of 1'ratt Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y. lie has this to say: "The session of the Hisn achool enda .between x and o'clock. In those schools where) he spirit of the complete life most prevails, where that spirit of radimcy Is dominant, you will find lioys and masters still at wnra. at 4, tit h and even at H o'clock. Anil it is not uncommon for it to be nec essary to make a rule when the bova must leave the building, in order to give the janitors n chance to make things clean and tidy lov the next ri-iy. In the morning the. boys come ill H o'clock, ami they would come earlier If they were allowed." This voluntary devotion to the achool la not, to me, without a deep significance. 1c snows that boys are happy at tnelr work, that they are alive and Interested. It Indi cates a measure of self-realisation. My contention Is that there is nothing which contributes so much to the hoy's spirit as tiie i per attention given to manual train ing. w "resident Vuodrnw Wilson of Princeton says: "I rejoice to see manual training recognized as a part of the liberal educa tion. No one can doubt that It has played a prominent part In placing this country In Its present position, and America cannot a lloid to over-emphasize any one feature of Us education. It cannot attain Ita Industrial supremacy unless its lads are taught skill in handicraft, aa well aa In letters. Ameil cans must not have the narrowness, the provincialism of being able to do only one thing. They must be able to turn their hand to anything that comes Into their natural workshop." strong- Argument and Advocate. Could there be a stronger argument for the development of manual training, or could there be a stronger advocate? The words of' Dr. Wilson surely deserve our most careful consideration, for he Is not only one of our leading educatora, but la also the head of one of America's greatest educational Institutions. V hen President Kllot of Harvard lec tured In tha Congregational church In Omaha a few yours ago. he said: "Educa tion changes each year and becomes richer, in former years had but three profes sions, that of the doctor the lawyer and the minister, but now we have many pro fessions of high standing, and to all of these professions' manual training Is es sential." The doctors In early days did nut have manual training, therefore their Mngera were not educated. When a doctor of the old achool van called upon to re duce a fractured limb, he waa never sure of the results, for his uneducated fingers could not always properly place the bones In tholr correct positions. Therefore we have many cripples, solely from poor, awkward work In reducing fractures. The only recourse of the patient IS to have the limb rebroken and then properly set or resort to the courts lor damages. The young man who wants to be a doc tor In the twentieth century should take manual training In the high school. After wards let him go to the medical school to get hla diploma, then to a country town, wh.Me he hangs out his shingle, while waiting for a patient. Finally he geta a call, from a place six miles from town, a man has fallen through the floor of the haw mow and broken hla leg. Tha doctor examines tha leg, goes out to the woodpile and splits a few wpllnt. dresses them up with a Jack-knife, and goes In to the pa tient. lie then places the patient on a table, straightens out the leg very qnre fully to get a good Joint, puta on -the splints, and docs u good mechanical Job. Two months later we find the patient walk ing Into the doctor's office. Tha Job is well done, and the doctor pulls .his leg once more. All this helps his reputation. Mind Mast B Concentrated. As was said before, to do good work In manual training the pupil must learn to concentrate his mind on the work he is doing. It does not take long and tha pupil DJED 5UDDGNLY OF HEART DISEASE. Bow frequently doe a head line simi lar to the above greet ua in the newt paper. The rush, puah and strenuous no of the American people ha a strong tendency to lead up to valvular and othot affections of the heart, attended by ir regular action, palpitation, dlulneaa, mothered sensation and other dinrcas Injr symptom. Three of the prominent loiredleuta of which Or. Fierce irolden Medical Dis covery la made are recommended by some f the leading writers on Miutria Sttdica for the cure of Just such rases. Golden heal root, for instance, la said by the L'sniD States IKspb.nsatobt, a stand ard authority, "to Impart tone and in creased power to the heart's action." Kuuerous other leading authorities rep resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed tonic for the muscular system In general, and aa the heart is almost wholly cora- Jiosed of muscular tissue, It naturally ollowa that it must be greatly strength ened by this superb, general tonic. But probably the most important ingredient of " Golden Medical Discovery, ao far ts its marvelous cures of valvular and ether affections of the heart are con cerned, is Stone root, or Colitiisonii Can., Trot. Wa, Paine, author of Paine's Epitomy of Medicine, says of It: I. not long since, had a patient who was ao much oppressed with valvular disease of the heart that his friends were obliged to carry hire un-sialrs. Ua. however, gradually recovered under the Influence of Colllnaonln medicinal principle extracted from atone root), sad Is now attending to his business. Heretofore phjrsicisuti knew of no remedy (or he removal of so distressing and su dan gerous a malady. With them It was all gufue-work. ana It fearfully warned the afflicted that death was near st hand Ool tlnsonlB unquestionably affords relief In such cases, and la most Instances affects a rare." Stone root Is also recommended by Dra. Hale and EllingwooU, of Chicago, for valvular and other diseases of the heart. The latter says: "It Is a heart tonic of direct and pthnaixtttf Influence. "Golden Medical Discovery," not only urea serious heart affections, but Is a most efficient general tonic and Invlgor ator. strengthening the stomach, Invig orating the liver, regulating the bowels and curing catarrhal affections in ail porta of tha system. Dr. Pierre's Pallet cure Constipation. to his work the better his work will he. It will arouse a new spirit and ambition. H loves his work when he finds that with hands and eis he csn accomplish some thing. When he planes a piece of Wood, lays out the exercise in hand, with a knll. from a blue print before him. works to the lines with Ms tools, and when flnlh-d he finds he has made good Joints and has a nice piece of work, how happy he is. The more he works the better he likes It. During all this time, as la natural, he Is doing a good d"al of thinking. esperlnlly as he knows that after he leaves scnonl he will have to work. That boy will want to find that for which he Is best adapted, and It Is the great problem with parent, what will my eon do when he leaves school? What profession will he follow? Manual training has done much to solve this prob lem for many a young man and psrent. If a pupil In manual training and me chanical drawing Is marked to to I'W, and he has the same high standing In his other acsdemlc studies. It would Indicate an aptitude for the various following pro fessions: Engineering, mechanical, elec trlcHl, civil or mining: arcnitecture. sur gery and dentistry. The price of success In each of the above named professions Is ths ability to rapidly and skilfully ma nlpulste tools and Instruments. In other words, they must be first-class mechanics or failure awaits them, lawyers should tie able to read mechanical drawings, for In many, many contract cases tiiey are used as evidence. Even ministers would be able to pound out better and more effective sermons If they had been taught that the only way to drive a nail straight w-aa to hit It squarely on the head. Manual training Is a leader to ail of there professions; It Is one of the greatest educa tors In our school system, because It may serve aa a stepping stone to so many diner ent fields of activity. Even as an attribute to good citizenship. It broadens the facul ties and encourages a healthy respect for skilled labor. Skilled labor for which a cry goea up all over the land, decrying the 'act tnat the demand Is greatly In excess of tile supply. Leader ta All Professions. Manual training applies equally to bos and girls, for the girls take up domestic science and art In the schools. Time Is lack ing to explain fully the value of manual training tor glrla, but you will not have to wait long to see domestic science In the elementary and high schools, in colleges and universities In the state of NehrasKa. If you go to the university you will find puplia with white aprons and caps on, mak ing use of their chemistry as an aid to do mestic science. There are among pupils busy hands and sluggish brains. Put the hands to work, and you arouse a new spirit, and the girl , will do some thinking. You may find her in . a short time In the sewing room, making ! a new dress. This may be the first time that she could concentrate her mind on her work, and she may become one of the best pupils, aa a result of Interest aroused In manual training. 1 went to Philadelphia some years ago and visited Irexe Institute. I found the school well equipped for cooking and sew ing. One of tiie professors informed me that the teacher in sewing takes the girls of the graduating class to the dry goods stores, to select, with the teacher's assist ance, the goods for their graduating dresses. They take the goods to school, working in pairs, they fit one another, end make their own graduutlng dresses. This Is applied education. Mechanical Drawing; First. In the high school system for manual training th first instruction a boy re ceives should be mechanical drawing. He makes a drawing of the exercise he is to make. When the pupil has his drawing finished, the Instructor should ask for the dullest Jac'.t plane Iron In the room. A boy brings hi in a plane Iron, dull and full of nicks. The Instructor then lakes tho class to the grindstone and demonstrates to the class how to grasp the plane iron with both hands, to press the elbows closely to the body, to lean forward and to grind the plane Iron. Each pupil is all attention. Not a sound Is heard In the room save the plane iron on the grindstone. After a few minutes the plane iron Is ground and It has a wire edge. The pupils sit on the work bench In front of the Instructor, while the in structor puts the oil stone in the bench vise, shows tho proper position of the feet, shows how to stand erect, to grasp the plane iron with both hands, and to bring It down on the oil stone to the Itevel aa on the grindstone, then to raise the hand a shade, for a second bevel, a few long sweeps on the oilstone and the wire edge Is gone. The whole thing Is done In five minutes. After planing the Iron In the stock, the Instructor will show how to raise and lower the Iron In the stock, how to work the lever from right to left. Ho will then get a piece of material, ten snches long and one and three-eighths inches square, then start and plane one side. The plane ts sharp, and the boy miles, it's so easy. The block is gauged 'to one Inch and a quarter, then sawed to nine Inches and sandpapered. Each boy gets a block to practice on. Then the fun begins, the planes are dull, some have got nicks In thm. and trouble soon develops because all-want to grind. A few can get shav ings and are happy. Soon the bell rings and it's all over. Points In Conclusion. In conclusion, let me say that it Is well to bear In mind that we ure living In the Twentieth century and a most progressive age. The cause of education must not be permitted to lug behind the other forces of civilization. During the post, education In our high schools has been too much a matter of accident and tradition, as we are told by o less an authority than President David Star Jordan of Iceland Htanford. He snld: "For too long a time It has been thought that the active brain could oniy be developed by studying a certain amount of mathematics or Ixtin. as a mat ter of mental discipline; thnt studying and analysing a certain amount of literature led to a love for the best In that form of expression." If we are to Judgn by results, these laudable purposes do not seem to have been fully accomplished. Nor can we hon estly claim that schools are turning nut the high grade of citizenship that their long existence and the great amount nf money spent on them would lead us to expect. In fact, the coming school must lie more democratic In Its tendencies. It must bo of such a nature that there Is a prepara tion, not only for so-called culture, hut for the trade, the arts and the commercial pursuits. Manual training, with all that this im plies, must and will take its rightful place, with full recognition of its Importance In developing the heat grade of citizenship. It cannot, neither will it yield Its function In favor of any other high school depart ment. RECALCITRANT GREEK PRIESTS Men Who Refuse to Obey auaerlora appeal la Vain to the MILAN', Dec. Jo (Special Cablegram to The Be.) Some time ago the Holy Synod of Athens, s a disciplinary measure, for bade the arrhfkiandrles of Comls and Monte Santo to celebrate religious services In the Oreek church In Venice, whither a new archimandrite was sent, the two others be ing ordered to return to Greece. The lat ter, however, refused to leave the houses they occupy in Venice which belong to the church. Before leaving Vepice Queen Olga, with her suite, attended service in the Greek church and while entering the sacred build ing her majesty was addressed by the arch. Imandrlte of Comis, who protested against his punishment. The scene was repeated by the Archimandrite of Monte Santo as the queen waa leaving. Her majesty was astonished by the audacity of the rebellious prelates, who followed her, continuing their protests for a long time. They still refuse to leave Venice and trouble in church cir cles may be the result. BL00DSHED IN DRIVERS' STRIKE nonunion Man Klree Into Crowd that tttneked Him on Hla Return from a Funeral. NEW ORLEANS, Dec. -Tho first blood shed In the strike of the carriage drivers against the undertakers occurred today when Paul Joseph, a driver, was shot and fatally wounded by Clarence Enos. a non union man. While the latter was emptying a funeral load, he was attacked by strikers and their sympathisers and drew his pistol and fired into the crowd. ranle Averted. In case of constipation, peritonitis, etc.. panle Is averted by curing yourself with Dr. King's New Life pills; 2 ceuts. For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. Diamond Rings Frenser, lMh and Dodge. THE OMAHA ALL CHINA IS IN A FERMENT Impossible to Predict Bsiult of Idorsment Now in Foree it Orient, JAPAN'S VICTORY HAS A WIDE EFFECT People of China ee la Withdrawal of roree Confession that Other Powers Fear Strength of Peking. HONG KONG. Dec. 30. tSpeclal Cable gram to The Bee.) It la Impossible to esti mate tho change that is going on In China. Klrst of all, there is a growing reatiessness among the students and the merchant clasaes. Much of this may be due to the moral effect caused throughout the country by the defeat of a great western power like Russia by Japan. JJver since the con clusion of the war China's time-honored tactics of evasion and passive obstruction have given place to the definite expression of the policy of China for the Chinese and to a deliberate and organized resistance to all foreign Influences. Among the many causes contributing to this Idea of China for the Chinese and a deliberate and organized resistance to all foreign Influences may be mentioned the as sumption on the part of the Peking gov ernment that the Anglo-Japanese alliance guarantees the integrity of Chinese terri tory coma what may. Then there la the action of the Cnlted States in failing to perceive that the recent boycott Is merely one manifestation of a general anti-foreign policy. The adoption of an attitude of conciliation by the Americans Is a policy wnich Asiatics would naturally miscon strue. Again there Is the Influence through out the provinces of large numbers of half educated students who have returned frorrt Toklo Imbued with the idea that China la capable forthwith of following the example of Japan. These students are proclaiming crude ideas of China's sovereign rights and urging the abolition of extra territoriality. Naturally, all these things have an effect upon the gnorant officials. More, their in fluence appears to obtain additional weight from the presence in different towns and villagea of numerous Japanese advisors and Instructors. Finally the withdrawal of the British China squadron and the reduction of the allied garrisons In the north have been construed as a sign of weakness. Trouble Over Coorts. With reference to the mixed court the Chinese newspapers and all public meetings continue to urge the removal of the British consular assessor. They denounce the ac tion of all foreign authorities having any rights whatever, and Insist first of all on tho right of Chinese officials to control the court. The attitude of the olliclals Is dem onstrated by a speech mode by the Shang hai Tsotai to a deputation from the native Chamber of Commerce, In which he praised the bravery of the Chinese magistrates for maintaining the country's sovereign rights. One fundamental cause of the feeling against foreigners Is undoubtedly the dis crimination caused by the Chinese exclusion laws against Chinese emigration to the I'nlted States and the feeling that they are r.ot allowed in America, although Japanese are freely allowed in the republic. So bitter is this feeling in certain Chinese cir cles that many are agitating the propo sition of China going to war with the United States. Among the results of the situation thus created may be mentioned the following: Apparently sincere efforts are being made and maintained by the provincial authori ties, following the example of Tuan Shlh Kai, to bring their military forces Into a state of efficiency with the aid of Japanese and American instructors. The native news papers speak enthusiastically of China's capacity in this direction, as displayed in the recent maneuvers in the north. Again, there is a determination, equally pronounced In Peking and the provinces, te grant no further concessions to foreigners snd to endeavor to recover the control of those already granted. This Is accompanied by chaotic proposals for undertaking rail way and mining enterprises under the Aus pices of the provincial officials and gentry who are everywhere busily engaged In or ganizing bureaus of the usual corrupt type and devising visionary schemes for carrying out such undertakings under purely native control. Circulation of Mischievous Literature. The circulation, with the tacit consent of officials, of mischievous ant I-foreign litera ture of a type similar to that with which the boycott movement wag organised In the Kwang provinces should not be overlooked, it Is evident that there Is a persistent agl tation going on. carried on in the na'ive presa and at public meetings, for the main tenance of China's sovereign rights against foreign aggression. The spirit which ani mates these utterances has Just been shown by the organization of a patriots' league of youths, which proposes te boycott all eg gressora. Again, the treaty revision com mission, at no time disposed to facilitate commercial relations, is now openly oh. structive. as has been demonstrated by tho course of the commission during the recent German negotiations. Perhaps most significant of all Just at the present time Is the attitude of the man darins furnished by the disgraceful scene which occurred at the mixed court nt Shanghai recently. Probably It Is only fair to say that the Incident would be only of local importance were It not a manlfes's tlon of a general policy which, utile's bv foreign Powers, must h. , "'T " ! results and endanger future friendly rrlv v j Th , ' , . M'n, P"k' turns. It is believed that It Is high timet ? T at,raP,e1 considerable -tha, united sctlonl, taken by the "ommer ?n" "c -irele. clal power, to wan, the Chinese government ! .!.? I""" w"n h"n- ' - . rc,i jt.i-H nese government and the provincial viceroys of the Inevi table consequences of their encouragement ot the present tendencies, for the conse quences of which they must be held In dividually responsible. HAGGARD ON COLONIZATION OTrllat Would Send British Poor to othes Lauds for Their Own Advanta-se. LONDON. Dec. 0.-8peclei Cablegram to The Re.)Mr. Rider Haggard wss in an epigrammatic mood when he made his ad- aresa oftore me council of the Charity Organisation society at Deniaon house. He spoke on the subject of "The Poor and the Possibility of Land Settlement it Home and Abroad." Mr. Haggard said that the absolute lack of prospects which confronted the agricul tural laborer and the acutenees of tho hous ing question resulted In migration to the towns and a mass of poverty which was met aa far as possible by public and private charity. "But." Mr. Haggard added, "you might as well think of converting the Sahara into a fertile place with the aid of a watering pot as to think that you are going to do away with this mass of poverty by charity and doles." Mr. Haggard's remedies are home settle ments and colonisation. "It la said that there is no land to be obtained In England, hut the small holder cannot be kept forever out of the rustic Eden by aa angel In vel veteens with a double-barreled gun."' The land, said Mr. Haggard, must he pur chased voluntarily if pthls, not by DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1W3. some arrangement by which no one would suffer. Co-operation waa necessary. There must be people a banks and thrre piust be a system of advancing money to d-servlng persons to enable them to take or develop their holdings. The state ought to take the matter up In earnest, and there m'ist be an entire change of Its attitude towards the question. As to colonization he had devised A scheme which he thought would work well on the ample fields of Canada, and although he had been criticized by soclsllsts and ethers, he held that to take away the peo ple who were retting In the cities was bet ter thsn to leave them to rot. "It Is better thnt they should make their wan,- to the colonies ami in the i-olonles than that they should be walking about London carrying a banner, "Curse Tour Charity' on one side and a collection bom on the other." POLITICS IS GERMANY (Continued from First Page.) to note the position of Herr Bebel. Though he has become very wealthy, the great so cialistic leader, now 66 years of age, still wave the red flag of '. Whether It Is his wealth and the feeling that he does not practice what he preaches that haa caused the revulsion of feeling towards him by the Socialists on the continent or not it Is difficult to say. He remains one of the finest orators in Germany, but there Is a feeling that he new sways by the Intellect where a few years ago he swayed by an ap peal to the heart. His Influence appears to be on the wane In Germany. HIGH HOPES OF TRINIDAD Port of Spain Would I.Ike to Be Com mercial Ileadqnnrtera - of Meat Indies. LONDON. Dec. 30. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Lord Duncannon this week said that he hoped the views of the Victoria league, on the matter of a reduction of postal rates on magazines and newspapers between this country and Canada when conveyed to the government would And new ground to rest In and that the new postmaster general would be able to re ceive their views before he had been wor ried and besieged by the thousand and one objects that other people had In vi ,. The first argument that, was advanced against them was that of revenue. There probably would be loss of revenue; but he hoped that commercial arguments would have their place. He could conceive that in this matter what was lost in quality would be gained In quantity. On senti mental grounds alone there was much to he said In favor of a reduction of the rates. The transmission for a low rate of 1 periodicals and newspapers from this I country to Canada would enable the Ca- I nadlan people to keep In closer touch with I mo objects, feelings and sentiments of those at home. Mr. Edgar Tripp, commercial agent for the government of Canada, writes to the London Times from Port of Spain, Trini dad, aa follows: It is said that some feeling has been aroused in Csnada by the recommendation of the Chamber of Commerce of Trlnidud te subsidize a line of steamships between ?"jr5LYork ftn,! Trinidad to the extent of ItiftOo. annually. This feeling arose through a misappre hension. The Chamber of Commerce did not recommend that a subsidy should be granted to a line of steamships between New York snd Trinidad. What reallv oc curred was this: Consequent upon the re vival of the Colonial office to renew the vnntrarr wim me Koyal Mail Steam Packet company, which had supplied a regular mall service between England and these colonies for tiftv vesrs the company ap proached Trinidad direct, offering In re turn for a subsidy of JTS.ilOO yearly to con u the first-class regular Itinerary te which we had been so long accustomed, to grant extra freight facilities, to foster and assist the growing fruit trade, and most Important of all, te make Port of f?8. the headquarters of the line where all Intercolonial steamers connecting with the ocean boats would meet for the re ception and distribution of cargo and pas eepgera to tie other islands, British Gui ana, the Spanish main. etc.. thus making Trinidad the main depot and center of vest Indian trade with Europe. This was a position that the Chamber of Commerce had long contended was due to Trinidad by reason of Its geographical snd com mercial advantages and the proposal of the company therefore found favor with a large majority of the members . The reso ution giving effect to this feeling was carried on August 8. Nearly a month later via., on September 1. the Royal Mall company announced its intention of ex tending the service to New York after leaving Jamaica. No member of the Cham ber had the slightest idea that this exten sion was contemplated when the matter first came on foi consideration and nothing was further from anyone's thought than granting a subsidy for a line to New York in opposition to the existing line to Canada. The action of the dominion during recent years in fostering the imperial sentiment by the practical means of preferential trade and tho warm interest It hns shown In promoting commercial relations with the British West Indian Islands have been fully appreciated by people here. Federa tion is In the air and many are looking for wsrd to it with satisfaction and confidence. Tnjs. then. Is certainly not the time when responsive business men of the p!a e w-uM say or do anything to create ill feeling or friction with our fellow colonists from whom so much is hoped. EFFECT OF ROENTGEN RAYS Mysterious Power c'nusea Disintegra tion and Death of French Mavr.nt tn Paris. PARIS, Dec. itO.-(Speeial Cablegram to The Bee.) A case has Just occurred here which closely parallels that of Mr. Clar ence Dally, who, according to medical and technical report, died laat October after a I year s terrible suffering, tha result of his "P"'"'- with X-ray. while assistant in sV. tr.ii - . - t"" nave sustained some rather fcevere Injuries during the experi msnta. In the case here In Paris the "martyr to srlenee" was Dr. M Radiguei. For the laet two years he has devoted himself mainly to the study of the effects of X-rays s curative agents, and he had repeatedly subjected himself to their influence. Re cently he began to suffer intense pain in his limb, and Anally two of his fingers were sniputated. Even this operation yielded no relief, and the doctor flnsliv ? enduring months of agony. His ""'ranee was an expression of fer- I thnkfulntM th4t had been ter- mltted to establish reliable evidence as to the effect of the Rontgen rays 011 the hu man organism. It is stated in scientific circles that discoveries tt an Important charseter will be revealed from sn examl nstion of his papers and treatises. WOMAN SUFFRAGIST IS FIRM Hefnsea to Pay Tasea and Would -.migrate Because ot Allowed r'raaeblse. LONDON. Dee. auiTspeciol Cablegram to The Bee.)-Mre. D. Monteflore, one of the best known woman suffragist in the world, has permlttsd the 'Myrmidons" of oour lo remove her family plate rather than submit to the injustice as she calls it, of paying her Income tax 1 without representation, ghe holds th.t 1 taxation without representation Is tyrsnny and Is ready te lead a movement ef the women whe pay taxes but have no votes j 8h. ,h.t ' -o mi ma direction vt migration elthout representation should emulate the example of the rilgrtm fathers, sail for new shores where greater freedom reigns, and she la willing to head a delegation to go to Australia or tViutb Africa. POLES WCULD PROTECT JEWS Worklngmen Issue Dornment alua Caar'a Agents Try Hrlng 4hout Massacres. WARSAW. Dec. jn (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) A dorument Issued by the Warsaw worktngmen's committee is of Interest as showing the attitude of work lngmen toward the Jews. A translation of this document follows: Worklngmen, Comrades. Warning: We must resist. The cur e agents are trvlng to bring about Jewish massacres In War saw. The thieves and burglars have been released from J,ll. False reports of dis graceful actions committed bv Jews are being spread about the town In the hope iiov uuurr me innuence or such rumors iBnorant crowds may rush to murder anl pillage. In this way the changeful gov ernment is trying to drown In blood our sacred right for liberty. It has Just done this at Kieff, at Odessa, nt itoxtoff and In various other places. Here certain sus picious Individuals tried to destroy a shop In th- Nslewskl quarter. Warning, com rades! This Is a new move of the knlfers ' who recently committed attacks on en- j lightened worklngmen. Ccmrailee. In the 1 name of the good, or our socialist caus". in the name of the solidarity . nf all i proletarians. In the name of the brother- I hood of all nations, let us not allow our I victory to be filched away from us. Wher- 1 ever crowds assemble we must explain to , the Ignorant, we must enlighten those of our brothers who are In darkness, we 1 must warn them against th vile Intrigue and vile government. We trtust not allow 1 any attacks on the Jews or any looting of their property. We must defend them if they are attacked and we must all lie armed as best we can. USE OF LIQUOR IS RESTRICTED it Rule In BrltUh ol Mked hy ffoin of (he Vonnitfr LONDON, Dec. M. tSpeclal Cablegram to The Bee.)-The Admiralty has Just Is- ! sued an order which will tend to greatly ! please prohibitionists and temperance ad vocates throughout the world. In em phatic terms it has declared against the consumption of alcohol, except In very moderate doses by naval officers. The Admiralty officials claim that daily whisky habit destroys nerve and quickness of brain and that It Is in consequence fatal to fleet efficiency. Some of the younger officers are express ing considerable dissatisfaction at what is termed "grandmotherly legislation." How ever, the wine books of officers are being examined, and no officer under the age of 20 Is permitted to consume spirits of any kind. One objection the officers have to this order Is that It puts a premium on the entertainment of private gueats and places in the hands of captains "a power which is not enjoyed by any per son in civil life over the prl-ate actions of grown men in their charge. Some ef the men are rather pleased with the order. 9,000 In the navy being known abstainers. The marines are noted for their sobriety, and the Bnscawen, Implacable and Bul wark each boast of over 100 temperance blue Jackets. BEHRING'S REMEDY EFFECTIVE Experiments Mnde vrlth Prophylactic on (fettle at Melnn Show food Remits. PARIS, Dec. Srt.-tSpeclal Cablegram to The Bee.) Experiments made at Melun with Dr. von Behrlng's prophylactic against bovine tuberculosis are proving successful. Bulls, oxen and cows of various breeds had been vaccinated in the middle of February, snd with a view to ascertaining whether they had been thoroughly immunized virus was Injected In some of them during the montli of June. Other animals which had not been vaccinated were treated In the same way. The result was conclusive. The cattle which had been vaccinated have not betrayed the slightest trace of the disease, but all of the others have died. A number of physicians have been spend ing a few days nt Mclun for the purpose of ' Investigating the whole matter, snd they j have expressed their complete satisfaction. ' The only question is for how long are the ! vaccinated animals Immunized. If it can be ! proved that the vaccine holds good for a year and a half or two years the problem may be regarded us being solved. GERMAN DESERTER. IN FRANCE Man Who Could Sot Stand Brutality of Kaiser's Oflleera Knllsta nt Prrl. PARIS. Dec. 30. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) Michael Zeller. one of u he nil nf deserters from the Sixth regiment of Royal i Prussian Guards, hus just enrolled In the French Foreign Legion. Zeller la u man of j gigantic stature and would have delighted ! the heart of Emoeror Frederick the f?rtiit j He was hidden under a voluminous cloak, the full uniform of a Prussian sergeant. He explained to the examining magistrate to whom he had applied for enrollment that he and twenty-nine comrades deserted three months ago from his regiment in garrison at Munster Owing to the tyranny of the officers. Ten of them, he said, died from privation in the course of their wanderings through Belgium and France, while the otner nineteen obtained employment on , French farms. Zeller claimed that he waa i anxious to live and die a soldier, but that he could not exist under the methods' m- valllng In the Prussian army, the manage ment being too despotic to suit him. DIGNITY FOR PETTY OFFICERS British Admiralty Thinks that Sailors ire Too Familiar with Their Superiors. LONDON, Dec. So ( Special Cahirgiam lo The Bee.) The attention of the admiralty having been drawn to the fact that there is much familiarity between the etty officer and the .' Mm u ....... u . . . ...... ,,. K inner naa oeen Issued with a view to sloppln, the alleged -.I 01 inn eearren or nor paying due re. sped te their petty officers. Henceforth nicknames are to le aholihed In the navy. Commanding officers are di rected to see that seamen when sneaking to a petty officer give him his official title. There are to be no more reference in "matey" nd offenders against this drastic law are (ji be severely punished. Further more, no petty officer will be allowed to associate witli a man of lower ratinr. us such conduct Is now thought to le detri mental to good order and naval discipline. STANDARD TIVF FOR BOMBAY Klret of ext tear Myalem Will Be KaTertlve In Indian Town. BOMBAY. Dec. 30.-1 gptsjial Cablegram to The Bee.) Bombay Is one of lh last cities in the world to adopt standard time. On January 1. next Monday, t.ie town will abandon the old system. Hitherto, with the exception of the railway comnaiiies. the city has observed local time, which Is shout thirty minutes behind standard time, but with the beginning of the year the city and the ststlon clerk will be made to harmonise. PLANS TRIP TO TIIE POLE Walter Wellman Will Attempt ta Yak Joirnsy in Airship. SANTOS-DUMONT TO ACCOMPANY HIM x Party Will Consist of Fire Men and Keep la Constant Touch with World h- Wireless Telegraph. CHICAGO. Dec. 3n. "Itulld an airship, go find the north pole and report by wireless telegraphy and submarine cables the prog ress of your efforts." This was the startling assignment given a few days ago to Waller Wellman, Wash ington' correspondent of the Chicago Record-Herald, by Frank B. Noyes. edltor-ln-chlef of the paper, and the commission has la-en accepted by Mr. Wellman. As an aa slstant on this daring expedition Mr. Well man will have the services of Alberto Santos-Dumont of nirls. who will have charge of the construction of the airship and who will act aa aeronautic director and pilot of the ship on Its voyage toward the north pole. The airship, the order for which has been given, will he built by Louis Oodard of Paris, under the supervision of M. Santos Dumont. snd will be completed by the end of next April. No deflnlte date hss as yet been decided upon as to when the explorers will start on their Journey, but It is ex pected that everything will be In readiness to get away next July or early in August. After ccnipletlon the airship will have sev eral trials In or aliout Paris, and In June all the paraphernalia for the Journey will be assembled In Norway. Early In July headquarters will be established in Spits bergen, where the explorers will await a favorable opportunity for the dash to the pole, which, according to Mr. Wellman. should the expedition meet with a good run of luck, should be reached in less than a week. Mr. Well man's Plana. In announcing his acceptance tonight of the proposed expedition. Mr. Wellman said: If I did not believe the chances of suc cess were greater than those of failure, I should not accept the commission. Mr. Noyes acted upon no sudden whim or im pulse when he gave me the order to try and locate the much sought North pole, as he had before him a report which I had submitted to him as the outcome of two visits to the Inner polar regions, of years of study, of the problem of the pole, of many months of special Investiga tion of airship construction and naviga tion, the wind and climatic conditions to be encountered and all the multitudinous spherical and meteorological factors In volved. In this investigation scores of eminent experts snd specialists were con sulted, voluminous technical reports were received nnd, finally, a complete symmetri cal and at least promising project was evolved by me as representing a seem ingly practicable combination of the latest development of many of the arts for ac eompi.h'"g the result In view. The problem of reaching the North pole by means of an airship does not require high speed, and the present state of the art ef aerial navigation by gas-buoyed and motor-driven ships Is ample for that pur pose. From an easily reached base of operations In northern Spitsbergen we have but SfiO geographical miles to go to the pole and a like distance for the return voyage. If we take the whole at 1.2H0 miles, it means but 10o hours of motoring at twelve miles an hour. Santos-Dumont has repeatedly made from nineteen to twenty-three miles an hour with amall airships equipped with relatively email motors. Largest Airship Ever Built. The airship in which we propose to at tain the North pole will be the largest practicable airship ever built. It will he 1W feet long and its greatest diameter will be forty-nine feet. Its surface will measure i3.co0 square feet and Its volume will be 226,000 cubic feet. Inflated with hydrogen It will have a total ascensional force of 15.300 pounds. Seven thousand pounds will be the weight of the ship and its equipment complete, leaving 1.000 pounds for cargo. The ship will he pro vided with three motors with a combined energy of seventy-horse power. It the winds hinder no more than they help and there are no delays, this ship can motor from North Spitsbergen to the pole in forty-five hours. The airship will have an endurance ca pacity in buoyancy sufficient to enable It to remain twenty-five to thirty days In the air. It will carry 6.60O pounds of gas- iiiuie miiu iin uimnnre rapacity quring rami weather will be eighteen miles more than equal to the distance from Spitsbergen straight aerfiss the pole and the whole Arctic ocean to Alaska. Aa our alrahln will be constructed It will be able to make i headway against two-thirds of all the winds that blow, even though they may be squarely adverse, but It Is part of our project to motor only with flvorable winds and to anchor our ship to the Ice and "He to" In all unfavorable winds of ve locity exceeding one-half the normal speed of our craft. Tho shin will be equipped for Bate anchorage In the highest winds ever known In the Arctic regions. In fact, the ship will be subject to the will and hstid of the navigator lust like a steamship' upon the ocean. Besides the 6.5(10 pounds of fuel mentioned, the ship will carrv also five men, a comfortable car to live in (which Is nlso a boat In case of needi. food and supplies for seventy-five days, sledges to draw tliem over the ice and. In fact, a completely organised and equipped sledging party ready any moment should it be necessary to abandon the ship and take to the lee. If at the worst our ship of the a'r carries us onlv to the vicinity of the pole, or two-thirds of the way to It. we have an alternative method of travel by which we may reasonably hope to com plete our task and make our return to land in safety. Wireless Telegraph Station. At no time will ou' airship be out of touch with the surface of the earth. A guide rone, so-called, but in our case a smooth, tapering line of steel. Is to drag I STATE (VI ED I GAL INSTITUTE. Doctors Hydrocele, Varicocele, Stricture, KinlsbloEis, In) potency. Gonorrhoea, Blood Polsoa (Sypliliia). Rupture, bervoQS Debility. KIDNEY and LR1NAKY Disease sr.i oil Dleas aud Weaknesses of ki L.K due to evil habits of youtk. abuses, excesses or ths result of neg lected, unskilled or improper treat muni 01 sp-cino or private diseases. rapid We sunko no inMlcaSisg statements or unboalacsslike pronesl. lions to the aUielvd, neither do we promise to euro then la a few days, aor oner Sanaa, worthless treatment ta order to seeure their patronage. Honest dealers of recognised ability do not resort to such methods. Wo guarantee a perfect, safe and lusting euro In tho gulekeat popaalhle time, wlthoa t leaving injurious after egrets la the system, and at the lowest roat possible for honest, skillful nnd anreesafnl treatment. FREE eensultst lea I If you esnnot earl write for symptom blank. 1 ! and ftxsmlnallou I Office Hours a. m. to p. m. Sundays, 10 to I oaif 1308 Karaaui Street, Bctweem 13th and) litb Htreeta, Omaha, Nab, 1 Its lower end over the Ice. keep the ship at a fairly stable height il'i to :ci feet. th altitude most favorable to wl"-clcn telegraphy) and maintain under ordinary conditions the vertical stahility of the craft. Wireless telegraph stations will he es tablished at Spitsbergen and at Hammer fest. Norway, n miles distant. Further than this, a wireless equipment will be rarrled In our airship and It will e our effort to send frequent and If possible dally dispatches to he outside world throughout all the time the expedition is In the arctic regions, even from the jile Itself should We be successful in reach ing it. In conclusion I wish to say that our project hss been carefully, thoroughly and technically developed. It Is an at tempt to seize urn what may be railed tlm psychological moment or golden hour In the progress of the arts, the practical achievements of aerial navigation by gnj Inflated bags, the atn.islng perfection of the Inner combustion motor, with Its sur prising lightness of weight, its great econ omy and efficiency of fuel consumption, to gether with that more complete knowledge of Arctic conditions acquired in recent years. With these arts reduced to harmoni ous combination by a studious and strivln mind, it perhaps needs only the hand of the man of action, "bold, yet not too bold." to transmute Into success, and we will make a valiant effort to put them all to gether and see of whnt worth they may bo In the extension of knowledge. NEW STEAMSHIP COMPANY t'nloa Oil Concern to F.stnhllsh Line of Vessels from Western Coast. SAN FRANCISCO, Pec. ). Articles of Incorporation of the I'nlon Steamship com pany, which will be operated in connection with the I'nlon OH company, were filed In this elty yesterday. The capital stock is S5.000.000. It is stated that it is the purpose of the company to enter Into the transportation business between the Pacific coast, Panama, and the Orient, and to also run steamers between the eastern side of Panama and Europe. FIRE RECORD. aerlona Hlnae nt C harlton. CHARITON. Ia.. Dec. ."A-Oharlton expe rlenced Its second disastrous fire la the huMnesH district last night, the lo.s being about ITa.mi nnd the Insurance amall. be cause Insurance companies refused to tako big risks -until the city puts in water works. The losses and Insurance, mado up from best estimates at 1 o'clock this af ternoon, sre ss follows: Insur- . , , , , , Txiss. nnce. Stnythe dry goods house. .. .$20,(1110 Jlilooi J. J. Smythe, buildings L5.tw Small Englebretson Manning l.onu 2 KM Swift, restaurant j.juo i'ono H. (llttlnger. pub. leader 1.2i Small C. E. Hobson, Jeweler FHO 3.m J. C. Flatts. candy store 1.9it 1 O04I Rurham's barber shop ,vn None rostofflce do Nono Joseph Brown, building r.io Small L. r. Maple, building &,om) bmall Professional men in offices, furniture, etc R,0m Small Total $58. 4(4) Other minor damages will swell the. losses. Among the heaviest losers In tha upper floors of the six handsome brick blocks that burned were Vlers Bros., reel estate agents: Dugan & Wright, real estate and Insurance, and several doctors and dentists. The Chariton Leader sustained a loss which Mr. Olttlnger estimates as $l,20t. The Will H. Smythe dry goods stock was Just ready to Invoice. Dun and Bradstreet rate the stock at $20,000, but Mr. Smythe said today that his loss may not exceed $15,0fi0, as a considerable part of the goods were saved. The fire started in a room over Swift's restaurant at midnight, and It t.iok livo hours to get It under control Charlton enjoys the unique distinction of being one of the largest citlce In tho I'nlted States with no waterworks system. Yesterday a petition was circulated among the business men asking tho council to Immediately call an election and vote a waterworks franchise. , , .., . Postmaster Maple did heroic work . to save tho I'nlted States malls In the office here. With the help of leading men of th town the letters and papers were bun dled up and carried to a place of safety. A message was sent to the department this morning that practically everything had been saved except the fixtures, und tem porary headquarters hud been arranged be fore nobn. Mr. Maple owned one of tho blocks which burned, but not the one in which the postnfflce has been situated. Illinois Factory. VENICE, III.. Dec. So.-The factory of the Pittsburg Glass and Plaster company was destroyed by fire early today, entail ing a loss of over $.".0,000. No Insurance. Hundreds of figures of the staff stituary taken from the World's fair were con sumed. The house of John O'Brien, adjoin ing the factory, was burned, the family barely escaping In their night clothing, hav ing been aroused by a pet dog, which failed to em-ape death. An overheated rttort In the factory Is believed to have cause the Are. Church In Iowa. ROCKWELL. Ia., Dec. 30. (Special Tele gram.) Sacred Heart Catholic church at Rockwell, one of the largest Catholic churches In northern Iowa, was totally destroyed by Are this morning. Ths cause Is unknown to the authorities. Loss on building. $J1,(H0; furnishings, $6,000; Insur ance, $10,000. Semi-annual clearance sale begins Tues day morning at o'clock. See yesterday's ad. Benson A Thorno's Lilliputian Bazaar. Tha Men's Try Spaolallata for Men If we oould but see sad treat all mil when the first symptoms show tbsra selves there would soon be little need tor so-called specialists In chronio dis (, suU Uio wuuiu be lew men taaiig a rejuveuauug 01 their ptiy kiuti, uifeutai kirn seAuoi powers, aud infers wuuiu be uoua uiarked witn me lliueilDl stamp of Cuusiuuuoiial oiiilns, ana the sufferers Iroiu v.Au..uCfc.L, G LtC ET, tli KiCTL'tttt Kidney and Bladder Diseases would be 1 educed 10 a iiuniinuiu. but as lung as MtN ouuUnu to dlsregaid lbs gulden adage. "A stltcn In time saves nine, ' aim continue lo neglect them selves or to exercise ludi Serenes or poor Judgment lit securing ths right treatment at the outset, just so lung will there be multitude wf uinmio ufterers. 1