Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Omaha Clab to Be Taken by 014 lettltri
Sew Tear'i Afiariaoo.
Man!- nf firnt Event of Its Klad
In History of the'dnb Are Lnklaa;
tor nim Crowd of OM -Timers
and Descendant.
Kor the fir!t time in lie history the
doors of the Omaha club will be thrown
open on New Tear's day to what will be
one of the moxt Interettlng gatherings ever
held In the city or In the state. From I
to S o'clock on Monday a reception will
be glvn by the club' to the old settlers
of Omaha and Douglas county and their
descendants. It Is expected that more
people than would constitute a full regi
ment of troops will pass through tho club
rooms during the three hours.
No speech's will be made and there will
not be a banquet. Those things are en
tirely too formal and consume too much
time that can be put In by the guests
to better advantage In "Just visiting;."
IJght refreshments will be served, though
- In the nature of a "snack," as It was
sllad In the good old days. These will
he served In the north end of the north
'lining room on the second floor. Old ac
quaintance that has been almost forgot
an be renewed while lunching lightly
here as well as in every other corner of
the club rooms.
Arrangements for the comfort of the
guewts, no mstter how numerous they may
be, have been looked after with great
car". Forming part of the gencrnl re
ception committee will be several of the
younger element, nnd their particular fluiy
will be to sen that the visitors to the room,
especially the olrW ones, have due atten
tion and consideration shown them. A
room where men can deposit tlnlr wraps
Is provided adjoining the office and there
will be a similar place for women to lay
off their outer wraps In the ladies' cafe.
Three Reception R roups.
The reception committee proper will lie
met In the front room on the second floor
and will consist of the following: Presi
dent E. P. Peck and wife. C. W. Hull and
wife, Mr. Hull being chairman of the house
committee of the club; Director and Mrs.
Myron learned, General Mandersou and
wife, Henry T. Yates and wife. Dr. George.
Ij. Miller and wife.
On the first floor will be Charles Dcue!,
secretary of the club, and Mrs. Deuel,
Clement Chase, secretary of the Old Set
tlers' association, and Mrs. Chase, Art
Qulou and Mrs. Gulou, Dr. and Mrs. Sum
mers. At the head of the landing on the second
floor will be stationed Victor P. Caldwell
and wife. Luther Kountze and wife, Ward
Rurgess and wife and G. M. Hitchcock and
At every' stage of their progress after
they enter the club rooms the pioneer men
and women and their children will ba
heartily welcomed and niada to feel en
tirely at home and among friends. They
will be In the hands of "their own kind
of people-; in every sense, and their pleas
ure will be the common aim all along the
Acceptnnce Maniflrant of Karerni,
From the letters of acceptance received
those having the active management of
the New Year's reception In chargo ex
press an enthusiastic confidence that It
will be In ninny respects a remarkable
affair among all tho successful functions
of the kind standing to the credit of Omaha.
People who have been concerned In the
earlier welfare and In the active life of i
young Omaha will meet for the first time
In many years, some for the first time In
a quarter of a century. Many will he seen !
nlngllng with the glad throne who have !
practically paused from the memory even '
of the middle used among Omaha's citizens.
Major John T. Croft, now 90 years old, i
will leave his retreat at 1930 A mes avenue,
to recall to other old timers how It took I
hlm six weeks to cross the slifte of Iowa
In 1W6 on his way to Nebraska. The
streams were swollen and the roads were
practically nil, the season being ut the
breakup of winter.
Madam Powell., mother of Clarke Powell
and Mrs. F.lnise B. Nichols, will attend. She
Is now 84 years old and has resided here for
forty-three years.
Mrs. William Lehman, mother of Jnuoph
Lehman, who has seen the city grow from a
mere hamlet, will also be present.
Tom Swift will shake hands with ofd
friends and make' new ones. He will retell
the story of his trip to, Omaha from St.
Ixuls in 1S56 on the steamer Keystone,
which brought up the Iron castings used In
th old territorial capltol that was built
where the high school building now stand.
Mr. Swift Is a Kentucklan of the good old
vintage, who was undaunted by the troubles
In the seventeen days they spent In
VMtlng there from the Missouri metropolis.
C T.. Evans of Benson has written to sv
he will come In to tell how Lorin Miller,
father of Dr. George U Miller, married him
In Omaha in ISM. Lorln Miller was then
mayor of the town and had the authority to
unite folks In holy matrimony.
Cncle Joseph Redman Is coming in from
lils reservation on the north and is going to
bring with him a crowd of other old settlers
Piles 14 Years
Terrible Case Cured Painlessly With
Only One Treatment of Pyra
mid Pile Cure.
Frea Paekaaa In Plain Wrapper
Mailed to Everyone Who Write.
"(, have been a terrible sufferer of piles
fon fourteen UtJ years and during all this
lime you can hava an idea of now many
kinds of medicine I tried. But I found no
relief whatever. I felt there must be
something that could cure mu without hav
ing to undergo an operation which might
kill me.
"Now, after trying but one treatment of
your 'Pyramids.' 1 am fre, free to tell all
sufferers of this dreadful disease, to try
this medicine the Pyramid Pile Cure. It
will cure when all others fail. Sincerely
yours, George Braneigh. Schellburg, pa."
Anyone suffering from the terrible tor
ture, burning and Itching of piles, will get
Instant relief from the treatment we ssnd
ut free, at our ewn expense, in plain,
sealed package, to everyone sending name
and address.
Sutaioal operation for plies Is suicide.
eruel, unnecessary and rarely a permanent
success. Hare you can get a treatment
that Is quick, easy to apply and Inexpen
sive and free from the publicity and humili
ation you suffer by doctors' examination.
Pyramid Pile Cure is made In ths form
f "easy to use" suppositories. The oom
Ing of a cure Is fslt the moment you begin
to usa it, and your suffering ends.
Send your name and address at ones to
Pyramid Drug Co,, IMS Pyramid Building.
Marshall. Mich., and get, by return mall,
ha treatment we will send you tres, in
lain, sealed wrapper.
After seeing for yourself what it ran de
you can get a regular, full slse package of
Pyramid Pile Cure from any druggist at
M cents each, or. on receipt of price, we
will mall you same ourselves If he should
At Lave lb
who hara always retained their early fain
Id that section and have seen thnt faith re
warded In generous measure.
Iter for nrmlnlarrnrr.
The are but specimen father ntr!
mothers of tha old time Omaha who will lv
In avldnca at the reception. The wraith of
reminiscence to be available will be he.
wllderlnr to tha more recent comer. The
pleasure to be drawn from a recounting of
the hanpenlnpa and memories of the dear
dad dass will be a night to behold. Anl
there will be many a loving rhapW-t laid on
long forgotten name and fame on Monday
afternoon at the Omaha club.
t'laa Holds n Reception that la Nnsirr.
oasly Attended and Mncli
The Fontanelle club braves invited their
friends to an open house and smoker at the
club rooms Saturday night and about 15"
responded to the Invitation, Including the
club members and candidates. None1 present
would have the temerity to attempt to
count the latter, as they were legion and
comprised a large part of the gathering,
according to a leading brave, who said:
"It looks as it evry other man was a
candidate." Councllmanlc candidates were
the more numerous and these came from
all wards, the Twelfth being especially
well represented.
For refreshments the club had provided
cider, doughnuts and cigars, and these
were enjoyed by all. The smoker was
absolutely Informal, no reception commit
tee being lined up, and each member mak
ing himself a committee to see that the
newcomers were Introduced to the club
members and other visitors. Not a speech
was made, although some of the leading
speakers of the city were present. Includ
ing J. I Webster, A. W. Jcfferls, Harry
A. Hrome and many others. The braves
i ongregated In groups and talked over
the situation pro and con, but no united
conclusion was reached, except that all
had a good time.
Lindsay Out for Council.
James C. LJndsny. at present a member
of the Board of Education, has announced
himself as a candidate for the city council
to represent the Twelfth ward.
Man with a PleaalnK Name Shuna
Anything; But a. Pleasing
James Hope was captured and taken to
the police station after an exciting chase
by Officer Kanrirtrotn at Fifteenth and
Harney streets early Sunday morning. W.
H. Pierson. 1S14 Douplas street, caused the
man's arrent, alleging that he was as
saulted by the prisoner after refusing to
give him money. The p.itroj wagon was
Just passing at that moment, and when he .
I hailVd it Hope started to run. Samlstrom j
Jumped out of the wagon, and although
handicapped by several rods, oruight up '
with the fleeing man a'fter running more 1
j than a block. After being locked up on a .
i charge of assault, the flpntlne spirit was
i still so strong In him that he attacked
i one of his cellmates, and it was found
! necessary to place the man In another cell
before quiet could be restored among the
Mauris U. V. Welaaand Off Tilth
'Revolver Mtolen from latter-
When the family of O. F. Welugand, 112
Capitol avenue, returned to the house it
"S:30 o'clock 8aturday night, Mr. Weingam!
discovered the presence of a burglar In an
upstairs room. The Intruder let himself
out of a window on the second floor to the
ground, injuring himself In striking so that
he was seen to limp badly and fall several
times. Weingand gave chase, but the man
held him at bay and told him to go back,
pointing a revolver which V'elngand recog-
nized as his own. The man made his e- '
ape, taking with him the revolver and,
some small trinkets of small value as loot. ;
Philadelphia Man Ainnsea Himself by
RannlnK Down Advertising
Advertising fakes are the tilings tliut a
Philadelphia man collects.
"There are more valuable collections
than mine In this world," he says, "but I
doubt If theVe is one which affords its
owner more amusement My wife says I
have thrown away quantities (if dimes and
quarters on mere foolishness, but when I
think of the laughs I have had I consider
that the money has been well spent.
"For instance, some one advertised in a
number of small farm and country" papers
seme years ago offering to send for only
2b cents something which would prove a
quick and certain death to any number of
potato bugs, if used according to directions.
I sept a quarter and received this."
'lie displayed two little blocks of plain,
unvarnished pine, upon one of which was
pasted a label reading: "Place this block
on the ground; put the potato bug upon
It; then strike it quickly and firmly with
the other block. Repeat the operation once
for each potato bug In your fields."
Another quarter, forwarded in answer to
an advertisement guaranteeing for that
price a "sure way to save your gas tllls,"
brought a wire file, such as bills of all
sorts are commonly kept upon.
A gem of the collection is an answer re
ceived to an advertisement which- offered
for a quarter to send a sure tip on how to
get rich quick. The tip read "Fish for
suckers, as we do."
Similar to this Is a card received in re
turn for IB cents sent to learn "How to
make money fast." It read: "Glue it to
the w!l."
In fulfillment of a promise that for a
dime one would be told how to make a good
impression whenever desltlng to do so came
the Instruction, Bit down real hard In a
tub of soft soap."
A little cardboard tray, over the surface
of which are pasted diamonds cut from a
pack of cards, came In return for 50 cents,
which was sent on the strength of an ad
vertisement offering to furnish for that
sum a tray of Montana diamonds.
"That is the most expensive exhibit but
one In my collection," the Philadelphia
man explained. "The exception is a rifle
which was the first of fake advertisements
to take me in.
"I was a mere bey then, working on a
farm. I read the advertisement, offering
a splendid rife for only 12, and Instantly
sent three of my hard earned, hardly saved
"I received this little cardboard rifle.
With it came a letter: "Here is your rifle,
Willie. Learn your lesson and don't kick.
There's lots more In the same fix; besides,
experience Is cheap at any price.'
"1 didn't kick, but I'm afraid I didn't
learn my lesson. Possibilities of hidden
humor had been revealed which appealed
to me. I kept the rifle, and years after
ward, when I could spend occasional dimes
and quarters for amusement, I started my
collection.' New York Sun. r
Bee Want As Are The Best Buelnesii
Sewer Coinniiiiioa Vetei to Aootpt Stack
Trd Company' Offer.
Charles Carson Probably Fatally C
hy Frank Snonan Both of j
Men Parkin llonse
The sewer commission, after a heated dis
cussion In the council chamber last night,
adopted a resolution In favor of the propo
sition as offered by Mr. Kenyon of the
Union Stock Yards company. The features
of this resolution are as follows:
The committee will recommend to the
mass meeting of tho South Omaha citlsens
that they call for a special election to vote
for tho proposed $150,000 bond Issue, said
election to be held at an early date. If this
meeting Is favorable then the election will
come na early as feasible afterward. If the
bonds carry thf'n there Is the agreement of
the fnlon Stock Yards company, which In
cludes the following; factors:
First The company agrees to take up
IM.oeo of the bond Issue within five years.
Second It agrees to give to the city the
portion of tho eight-foot sewer between T
and Q streets.
It was further Incorporated In the agree
ment last night that the stock yards com
pany would ray all the Interest on the
bonds which would naturally be paid by the
city. Tho company also agreed to bear all
the expense of the special election. It was
ordered that the chairman call a mass
meeting of the citizens within the next ten
When the motion was made by David An
derson to adopt a resolution In favor of the
plan proposed by the stock yards company
Mr. Montgomery, who headed theforces in
favor of a general election. Immediately of
fered a substitute Incorporating this Item;
but in other ways was exactly of the same
purport asthe original motion, with the ex
ception that this resolution did not go on
record as saying that the proportion of the
taxes paid by the stock yards company was
Then the great fight of the evening began.
There were speakers all around. The ar
guments were warm and earnest, but on the
whole within the pale of true discussion.
Hoth sides were entirely in earnest. The
main point which each tried to make was
that the date respectively advocated would
bo the proper one to secure tho best ex
pression of tho people on the bond Issue.
K.ich side contended that theirs was the
only wsty to eliminate the clement of poli
tics from the question.
Battle of Tito Idem.
Mr. Montgomery advanced the idea that
as the bond (juration was of so groat Im
portance that It would receive more at
tention at the general election, when every
candidate would have a chance to express
himself as to his position on tho matter, at
a time when the people were all Interested
In the affairs of the city.' On the other
hand, Dr. McCrann and others said that
there never hod been an election when a
matter of bonds had not been neglected In
the eagerness to express a political prefer
ence. He said that at a special election
there was no other matter to be voted upon
except a yes or no on the bond question.
Mr. Kenyon advocated his original propo
sition for a special election at an early
date so that the details of the bond issue
could be effected In time to begin work
with the opening of spring. He stated
that it would require at least six months
to complete the system as planned, there
fore, if the question were put off until
spring, purt of the work would have to go
over "until the following year.
When the question finally came to vote
the ballot stood 9 to 7 to defeat Mr. Mont-
gomery'a substitute for the original mo-
tlon. When the vote was taken on the
original motion the vote again stood 9 to 7
in favor of a special election and the ac
ceptance of the proposition offered by Mr.
Kenyon. This Insures a lively time in the
approaching mass meeting. There will be
majority and a minority report. To all
appearance from the personnel of the two
factions there will be the most strenuous
fight in the history of the city.
City Council Lets Contracts.
Tho city council met last night In an ad
journed session and passed on the remain
ing bids of tho yearly requisitions. Alter
the council was called to order in the coun
cil chamber they at once adjourned to the
city clerk's office to give the sewer, com
mission a chance to hold Us session. Lum
ber and hard coal will be furnished by J.
B. Watklns & Co. Soft coal will be fur
nished, as well as feed and hay, by A. L.
Berquist &. Co.; sewer pipe, brick, cement
and sand by Broad well. Rich & Co.; drugs
will be contracted to C. K. Soarr.
All the former bidders were in on the
matter of stationery, and It was found that
Oliver, White & Co. were still the lowest
bidders. They bid tm.30. K. Copenharve
bid 1277.75, while the Howe Printing com
pany bid 4tfe.ia. tin a motion iy air.
j gueenan the contract was awarded to
Oliver, White & Co.
The bids of F. Thomas for the heating
and plumbing of the new fire hall was
referred to the city attorney. The council
then adjourned to meet in regular session
next Tuesday. After the adjournment most
of the councilman listened to a lively dls
cusslon of the sewer question In the coun
cil chamber.
Do Not Want Bonds.
A telegram was received front. Hayes &
Sons of Cleveland, O., yesterday, directed
to the city clerk, stating that the com
pany relinquished all claims in the matter
of the city hall bonds, they being the
original purchasers. They agreed to return
the history of the transaction on the re
ceipt of M to pay them for the expense
of printing the bonds, which they have
Probably Fatal Affray.
A serious ' if not fatal cutting affray
occurred at L street on the Boulevard last
night. A man hy the name of Frank
Noonan. a butcher, met Charles Carson
there, and after a few words the two came
to blows. In the course of the fight Car
son's throat was cut and a second slash
was made in the bark of his neck. The
jugulsr vein was severed and the man bled
most profusely. After being cut he ran
back Into the Duve Packing company's
yard, where he fell from loss of blood.
He was taken to the South Omaha hospital,
where he was cared for. It was stated that
unless some more unfavorable symptom
developed there was a chance of his re
Noonan made no effort to get away and
was locked up in the city Jstl at about
:30. A"hen questioned concerning the af
fair he said that Carson had been boarding
with hint and owed him about I or IS.
He asked htm for It and then Carson be
came angry. He further declared that it
was Carson who had the knife, and that
when he threatened to use it he, Noonan,
In guarding himself pushed Carson's srm
back over his head. The man hung to
the weapon In such a way that the keen
blade slushed him across the throat
There is a different version of the affair
that makes Noonan the aggressor. The
police incline to the idea that the quairel
was the result of an old grudge, lasting
since the time of the strike last year, when,
It is said. Carson would not go out with
tbe rest of U.e men. After the strlk
Carson Is said to have gone to Kansas
City, from which plice he has lately re
turned. According to Noonan's story both
men have been living together at Thirty
second and I. streets. There were several
witnesses to the affair who are known to
the police.
l ard of Thnaka.
To the Ancient Order of Hibernians. le
ter carriers of Branch Sfi2. and to the many
friends who sympathized with us In our
lata 1)rreavement occasioned by the death
of our beloved husband and father, we
gratefully tender pur heartfelt thanks.
ILY. City tioaslp.
Storage and hauling. Brewer. Tel. No. HO.
Desk room for rent In Bee office, city hall
building. South Omnha.
For Rent Ten rooms. Steam heat. A. L.
Bcrqulst, 528 North Twenty-fourth Mreet.
Mrs. J. A. Bradley, who has been 111
for the past two weeks, is able to be
around again.
Mary and Jennie Ross have returned
from Tarklo, Mo., where they have been
for the past week visiting their brother,
J. T. Ross.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will meet Januarv t at tho home of
Mrs. George Carley, 717 North Twenty
second stret.
Miss Klinche Johnson. 710 North Twenty
sixth street, went to Lincoln yesterday to
pass the New Year's day. She is teacher
In the Sarpy school.
Miss Cora Holmes gave a matinee party
at tne Creighton Otpheum yesterday after
noon. Her friends from Ashland and 8t.
Joseph were guests of honor.
For Rent A furnished modern house to
parties without children or boarders. Fine
location, one-half block from car line. Ad
dress H 44, Bee, South Omaha, Neb.
The general annual election of the Stock
exchange will be held on January X. The
otl.ceis will take their official position on
the fifteenth of the month. Bo far there
is but one ticket In the field.
The Magic City council No. 37. Knlghti
and Ladles of Security, will have a New
Year's tree Monday evening for the mem
bers and families of the order. This will
be held in the Workmen temple.
The Order of the Eastern Star had a
very enjoyable session last night In honor
of their grand worthy matron. Miss feue
Pace, who comes to them from Lincoln.
The program, us indicated earlier, was car
ried out with success.
In a meeting of the members of the Stock
exchange a new set of. rules for the com
ing year was adopted. Some of them are
new departures from those of previous
years. Thev were presented In a printed
slip to eacli member, but were not to be
had as yet for publication.
Samuel Canavan, boatswain's mate of
the rnlted States navy, reports that he
has had only ten applications while he
has been located here as the official re
cruiting officer. All of these he has been
obliged to refuse because they could not
pass the physical examination required.
Frldav nlaht a neero broke Into Furgua-
son's barn and took a set of harness,
which he carried out In the country and
sold to a farmer. The farmer came to
town and reported the matter and now
the police are after the negro. They have
a good Idea who he is. The harness was
recovered to Mr. Furguason.
John Burr, the Insane colored man, was
taken to the Insane ward of the county
hospital yesterday, much to the relief of
ii. nfHeiitlH in tne citv hall. Burr was
Injured and nearly drowned in the flood
at Kansas City. A big oeam fell on his
head. Since then he imagines that he is
still in tho water and cannot keep his
head out.
It was announced vrsterrtay at the Stock
exchange that John C. French of the I'nlon
Stock Yards National bank had handed in
his resignation, to take effect at once.
He has been assistant cashier of the bank
for several vears past. It is understood
that he will be employed by the South
Omaha National bank In a responsible po
sition, the nature of which was not an
nounced. John Rilev, colored, was arrested on the
complaint of Oscar Schlaifer, 3W1 Q street,
to whom Riley gave an order for part of
his wages with Armour & Co. Schlaifer
got his check vesterday, but showed It to
Klley. Riley picked It up and walked
away with it before Schlaifer had time
to cash It. Now ho wants to recover the
amount of his bill. The rather peculiar
charge was that of obtaining money under
false pretenses. -v
Postmaster Etti-r says that the sales of
stamps for the month of December were
$9,908.21 against 7,WU.71 Unt year, showing
an Increase of 12.005.50. There was only
one month of the year greater and that
was October, when the sales passed the
tlu.OOO mark. The registry business and
the money orders were the largest last
month they have been in the history of
the city.
The Omaha Klectrlc Light company paid
Its taxes vesterday to tne amount, oi
tl.2ft4.tii. Betides this It paid th royalty
of 3 per cent required by the new cnar
ter. This X per cent is reckoned on the
receipts from private consumers o light
and does not inciuae mo ciij
royaltv paid was 105.77. From this It
may be gathered that the receipts from
private consumers for the year were 27.
oJoM. The water company and the gas
company will also have royalties to pay.
bUt tlllS IS Hie nrsi paiU Uliuei nir no
, Bow to Core a Cold.
The question of how to cure a cold with'
out unnecessary loss oi tune is one in
which we are all more or less interested,
for the quicker a cold ts gotten lid of tbe
less the danger ol pneumonia ana omer
serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L. Hall of
Wavelly. Va.. has used Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for years and says: "I
firmly believe Chamberlain's Couh Rem
edy to be absolutely the beBt preparation
on the market for colds. I have recom
mended It to my friends ana iney an agree
with me."
Semi-annual clearance sale begins Tues
day morning at 8 o'clock. Sea yesterday's
ad. Benson & Thome's Lilliputian ouxaar.
a i l.e en.nal tiAT-Vl t, Mr. ftlld Mr?. M.
C Cole, KJ4 IxcUHt Ptreet, on Dumber 2.
!, nun r. ljeiiinei.
. '.-' Jii.j flViA Mtintv lr1
n formal notice or mo nioiuii"" -
iur iirv Ooods company.
Stolla McUahan Is suing jeremian ior
divorce, on the grounn i
They were married m Omaha in'November,
1.W She wishes to resume her maiden
name of r lggins.
Laura Davis has brought suit for divorce
from Charles. She alleges that they wern
married in October, 18M, In Omaha and
that a month later he began to neglect to
support her. There is ono enna.
Chri Riebold. 18 vears of age. has been
charged in police court with breaking and
entering tne store oi irouis iiuiniirni,
Eighteenth and Mason streets, a few nights
ago and stealing three boxes of cigars. The
case has been set for further hearing.
Harry Biidwell has been arraigned In po
lice court on a charge of assault and bat
tery on Edward Hinton. The alleged as
sault occurred last Saturday night at
Thirteenth and Dorcas streets after a
dance. The case will be heard next Satur
day morning. Bridwell pleaded not guilty.
Katie Novak Is suing Joe and Annie
Marisek for the recovery of 1270 alleged to
have been loaned on their oral promise 10
make and deliver to plaintiff a mortgage on
a house and lot. She wants the defendants
restrained from disposing of their property
pending settlement of the suit.
The Reed Abstract company hss filed
articles of Incorporation with the county
clerk. The capital stock Is J3.000 and the
incorporators are Abraham I Reed. Harry
G. Jordan and Harry D. Reed. The com
pany will do a general abstract easiness
ind will buy and sell real estate, bonds and
Judge Troup has fiird the formsl decree In
the case he recently decided in favor of the
Western I'nlon Teloaraoh comnany. The
d.'cree orders the city treasurer to wipe off
the books an Item of Ji:i.33 charged against
tne company, as being wholly void. Tide
amount repiesentt the tax on gross re
ceipts of SK.S60 in Omaha.
Charles R. Lee Is seeking, through a suit
in district court, to have wiped off the book
of tne city of Omnha a charge against him
of In May, 1HJ. the then building in
spector. Rybert Carter, tore down a barn
belonging to Lee which bad been con
demned as dangerous. Lee denies thst It
was dangerous and thinks he should not be
charged wit1! the cost of destroying the
Th South' Side Improvement club held
a meeting Friday night at Lehman's hall.
Seventeenth and Martha streets. A spir
ited discussion was held about the action
of the citv roiwicll In its effort to change
the ordinance whereby the gas company is
to be gives unlimited power to locate and
erect gas tanks In the city. The club is
Up In arms sgalnst this ordinance. Other
matter of equal Importance also came up
for discussion. The club Is rapidly grow
ing in membership and will meet every
Friday veiling at lb above b.U.
District Managers and Haada of Drpiri
raents Guests of the Company.
Successes of the Past and Plans for
the Pstsre Discussed In Addi
tion to Kfforts to Hate
a 4; nod Time.
The Gibson Soap company gave a ban-
qutt to Its district managers and ru-uds of
departments at 7:3V last night at tl.e Com- j
menial club as an expression of upprccla- ,
lion for the good work done by the ilrm'a I
employes during the last year. J. J. Ulo- ;
son, the head of the Institution, and W. I.
Summers, general manager, were present.
Mr. Ulbson acted as toaslmaster. The af
fair lacked nothing that would add to the j
pleasure and entertainment of the guests.
A program which called for remarks upon
various subjects relating to the truUe mm
been prepared and followed the trust. Tho
topics discussed were as follows:
"i 'rentable Advertising," W. V. Sum
mers. "the Advantage of Maintaining Price."
C. A. Chapman.
"The Vaiue of Making Friends," A. M.
"How to Reach the Hospitals," It. M.
"Hegalulng the txist," C. S. Siockhnm.
"The Sale of Uootls at a Proltt," A. li.
"ine Possibilities of i lie Small Town,"
M. D. Houck.
"LuthusiuMii us mi Aid to Success," O. A.
Me) er.
"Opening New Territory," T. V. O'Haire.
"Tne Uroccr," Cieorge Kelly.
"Persistency," K. J. Cuauman.
"lloune-to-llouse CanvasMiig, ' b".
Opportunity," Howard Holbrook
"liow it Looks to the New Man,
K. Bo
ll. O.
"Manufacturing," A. L. Mark.
"Protecting our Rights," . D. Mcllugli.
"Co-Operation," Miss Richards.
"Aiiiliilion,' 11. I.. Beach.
"Captain Your Own binp, ' Miss Smith.
Uood Words for Assistants.
The program concluded with the m:in aU
drtss of the evening, given by Mr. Gibson,
who took as his text the subject of Miss
Smith's paper, "Captain Your Own Ship,"
in which lie likened the superintending of
a modern business institution to the run
ning of a ship at sea; how the engineer
signals to the captain as to the sp cd of
the engines, enabling him to make deduc
tions as to the location and course of the
vessel, and how an error on the part of
the engineer Is apt to Betid the .'hip upon
the rocks and to destruction. The district
managers, he said, are the engineers in ths
case of the Gibson company, and ho him
self has the honor of being the captain.
"The ship Is now riding on the high wave
of prosperity," continued Mr. Gibson, "but
storms will come to threaten destruction,
and the engineers must then do their duty
to save It. If we continue safely on our
course I will take oft my hat to you, and
give you all the credit as the ones who
have saved us from disaster."
Taking up another phase of P'c plans for
l&Hi, he said that as the farmer selects his
seed for next year out of this year's crop,
so the company will search around the ban
quet table for the firm's crop for WOtt, in
full confidence that a bountiful harvest will
be the result. A salesman should take good
care of his Held, he said, looking out for
thistles and weeds. He Bpoke at some
length of the need In Omaha of a manu
facturers' association, saying that he be
lieves that such an organization should
be formed, and that It would be a great
mutual help In marketing goods nnd other
ways. As an additional mark of apprecia
tion, the heads of departments were pre
sented with two beautiful paintings by
Florl. Those present at the banquet in
cluded, besides those on the program, Miss
Louisa Ford, H. Llnderman and A. J.
Barkley. '
Pointed t'nraurnpiia.
Stage money comes under . ' end of
play bills.
A man never lowers himself by attempt
ing to lift others up.
Why is It that the majority of divorced
women marry again?
There are but few contented people who
do not occupy space In cemeteries.
Although a modern woman may make her
own clothes alio seldom boasts of it.
A few songs live forever, but the most
of them are murdered by amateur vocalists.
Lightning very seldom strikes twice In
the same place probably because the place
Isn't there.
For how many centuries has the old lien
continued to work her little shell game un
molested ?
It ts the man who secures a position that
draws a salary; the man who gets a Job
Is paid wages.
Chronic kickers never realize how foolish
they really are until the reaction begins to
get busy.
Girls would spend more time thinking
M II ftv Baa afak afsa af9. A
nuiiiesfflKrji s an
STOPOVERS allowed within the limit
FINAL LIMIT of tickets, twenty-one days.
For Further Information S cSrs
Tom Hughes, Thos. F. Godfrey.
Traveling Passenger Agent Passenger and Ticket Agent
Southeast Corner 15th and Farnam Btreets,
beautiful thoughts if more of our young
men were mlndreaders.
An old bachelor says that matrimony Is
an excellent training school for women who
are ambitious to enter the lecture Held.
If a woman Is too ill to visit a bargain
sale for the purpose of getting rid of her
money she sends for a doctor and blows It
In that way. Chlcagu News.
Iblrito Firemen Qolt the t;ame anil
Return to the Old
The two-platoon system was finally elimi
nated from the Chicago fire department at
o'clock Thursd.iy night and the men In
the Franklin street engine house were
happy. The men themselves petitioned
Chief Campion to revert to the old system
and Mayor Dunne gave his consent. Thir
teen transfers are Involved In the ending
of the system.
For the last week the system has worked
n hurdMhln lintin Iha man r.n , I . , , I - .1 .. , 1. -
' officers of the two companies, hook and
Indder No. 6 and engine No. ). Before
the Shonk fire one lieutenant and two men
were sick In bed and. according to the
rules formulated for the test, the other
men were compelled to do the work of
those off duty. This necessitated some of
! the men remaining on duty twentv-four
hours at a time and the officers were com
pelled to work In clghteen-lmur shifts.
Since the death of lieutenant Henry Ba
sett at the Shonk Are neither of the cap.
tains have been sway from the quarters.
The result was the men were extremely
anxious to have the old system again In
stalled. It Is remarkable that the two-platoon
advocates made no provision for sickness.
Injuries or deaths. Everyone knew that an
accident would work a hardship on the
eighteen men In the two companies. Not
one man was Injured or became sick while
the double shift system was working under
the lurlsdlctlon of the 'commission. The
day former Marshal handed his
j report to the nmor one man went home
side ana two others soon followed. Other
firemen were compelled to remain on watch
for the three" men who were sick at home
under the rules governing the test.
Firemen hare been trained not to talk
freely, so it Is Impossible without an order
from the tire marshal to get a vote of the
men who took part In the test. Vpon
promises that their names would not be
used, some of the firemen gave their opin
ions of the two-platoon system. Only one
man favored it unqualifiedly and a ma
jority expressed condemnation of the sys
tem. Chicago Chronicle.
tirahs Woman's PocketbuoL.
A pocketbook snatcher operated among
the crowds on the streets Saturday night
and at 10 o'clock grabbed a handbag con
taining i from Miss C. K. Daniels, toj North
Nineteenth street, at Kighteenth and Chi
cago streets and succeeded In making his
escape Ix-fore she could give the alarm. She
reported the matter to the police, but no
trace of the thief could be found.
K. H. Wilson, of the MacCarth v-Wllson
Tailoring company, has returned from the
east, where he haj been pin-chasing his new
spring stock.
Prof. W. M. Davidson, stineiintendent of
schools, will be present at the Christian r?n
deavor meeting or the Castellar Street Pres
byterian church this evening. He will oc
cupy the pulpit nt the regular evening serv
Ic. D. J. O'Rtien, councilman from the Fifth
ward, has been called to Lewiston, Me., by
the serious Illness of his father, who re
side at that place. Mr. O'Brien visited his
father In Julv end says that although he
Is 70 years old he appeared well and hearty
at that time.
13. P. Davis, formerly a well known Iron
and foundryman of Omaha and at one time
a member of the city cAaimil. is spending a
ten days' visit In Omaha with his daughter,
Mrs. c. K. t'rqtihart. Mr. Davis Is now
running a large stone yard In Milwaukee.
He was at the city hall Saturday morning
shaking hands with old friends.
If a D 1 4f f f I? I C Our method of curing the quickest, harm
VHKIwVWbLC lest ana restores the parts at once to a
normal condition. No cutting, no pain, no danger, no detention from
work. Perfect CURE GUARANTEED.
Men who have indulged In errors, excesses, overwork, or mental
worry a word with you. Many of you have Nervous Debility. Vital
Losses. Pimples. Lame Back, Inflammation of the Bladder IM Kid
neys. Orgonio Weaknesses, Despondency, Falling Memory. Loss of Am
bition or similar symptoms, which rob you or your manhood and abso
lutely unfit you for life. Our treatment will correct all of these evils
and restore you to what nature Intended a hale, hearty, happy man.
with all rers. vigorous and complete.
Bl rri DOICfAM Our treatment is the result of the
lmJJM rUIOUIl many thousands of cases perfectly and
nnrmunentlv cured, the manv cases of all staves of the disease we
treat dailv. This great experience has enabled us to perfect a treatment that Is harm
less, pleasant to take and the greatest blessing to humanity. IT CI RES QL ICKttK tnan
TREATMENT at HOT SPRINGS. We know this is a BOLD, statement to make, but
we are prepared to prove to anyone interested by getting the facts from patients
treated, who will substantiate every word of the above. Investigate IT. No other
treatment like it In Omaha. .
acquired diseases. PROSTATIC DISEASES, and all DISEASES and DISORDERS of
MEN and all associate diseases and weaknesses of men. To these maladies alone,
we have earnestly devoted our professional Uvea.
Everything confidental and private. Medicine and letters always sent In P'aljJ
rackages. In th fourteen years we have been In Omaha our motto has been "LOW
'HAROR9 and QUICK CURES. Our home treatment by correspondence is alwaya
Successful. Consultation FREE. Address.
110 S. 14th, Cor. 14th and Douglas btreets, Omaha, Kebraakn.
H AT M M. Aft
JANUARY 2d and 16th,
FEBRUARY 6th and 20th,
The Si' on iiU.our.tam
umm UuOUlliO-i-io
To Certain Points in tho
West and Southwest
Co.rt Cannot Jost fy U.ion Faeifio'i Claim
to Vacatioa of Etrea i.
Keqaesta Fdann Hlch to Present Ball
road's lde of Case Again,
and Friday
Agreed On.
Judge Troup of the district . court ha
asked Attorney Kdson Rich to reargue the
Injunction case brought sgalnst the I'nlon
Pacific Ballroad company by Louis Gold
smith, saloonkeeper, nnd William Krug,
the brewer. The argument will proceed
Friday morning, January 6.
This la the case In which plaintiffs se
cured a temporary resjralnlng order to
prevent the laying of tracks In the street
at Capitol avenue and Ninth street. At
the conclusion of the first argument tho
attorneys on both sides agreed to submit
briefs to Judge Troup and await a de
cision. Saturday morning Judge Troup
called Attorneys Zlegler and pennock. for
plaintiffs, and Mr. Rich, for the railroad.
Into court, to advise with them further.
He said:
"As a rule when a case has been sub
mitted. I consider it and decide It as seems
right and as the Inevitable conclusion
might be, In my view. In this case I will .
make an exception, and give my reasons.
I was at first forcibly impressed with th
belief that the plaintiff would not make
but a case, or had no case that was well
based. Apparently It has been conceded
for the last forty years In this state that
railroads could go on the public, streets
with their tracks. Tacitly, at least, this
has been conceded by the courts, lawyers
and Judges.
Cannot Justify the lew.
"I have been studying the arguments
made In this case carefully since 1 took It
under advisement, and no matter In what
light I view It. up to the present I have
not been able to see how the railroad ran
make any claim to the use of the streets,
or find that the city has any Inherent
ight to grant the use of such streets
beyond the original :on-foot right-of-way.
If the law is In that state that the railroad
cannot so npproprlate the streets a se
rious question Is raised touching the In
terests of tho people In this case.
"No matter what reasoning 1 apply, with
the light I now have it has brought me
back to the conclusion that the railroad
cannot have tho privilege It seeks on these
streets. I cannot find anything In the
statute or the decisions that will give a
railroad any greater privilege In a munici
pality than It would havo In the country.
The city has no Inherent power to grant
the railroad the use of the streets arHlnst
the protests of property owners, unless
the legislature has directly Invested It
with that power. It Is not In the posi
tion of the owner who holds the fee In
property absolutely and ran permit a rail
road to use any or all of his property If
he so desires. So I desire to hear further
argument on the question as soon as
Mr Rich said he could submit his fur
ther argument next Friday morning, and
the plaintiffs' attorneys agreed to that
Cut CHass Frenier, lfith and Dodge.
Affray on Street Car.
A white man and a negro became engaged
to a heated discussion on a Hanscom park
car at 11 o'clock Saturday night, and even
tually came to blows. The negro was seen
to draw a knife and cut his adversary lr.
the riant breast, whereupon Conductor Jfer-.
man, who was In charge of tho car, ejected.
him ut Sixteenth and Cuming streets. Tne
white man declined to give the conductor
his name and left the car a few blocks fur
ther on. The name of neither contestant
could be learned.
al a Ml