Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1905, Page 3, Image 20

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    Decern Vr Si. iyr,.
Gossip About Plays, Players and Playhouses
.ITH the Hoy 4 theater tlnseil or
given ovr to amateur perform-
tires during the greater part of
the week, the popular-priced
house had the holiday Ben eon all
to Uirrnieivea, and made the most of It. At
tha Kurwood the business was record
breaking In slie. tha house being absolutely
sold out for each performance. Tha pro
duction, of the Hall Calne play, "The Chris
tlnn," waa uncommonly good, and won for
the company much deserved praise. At tha
Krug the Rose Cecilia Shay company lacked
a iitt.e or creatine a furore for "r.,,t
Jones," but the lotter end of tha week, with
"Qulmy Adams Sawyer," brought rr.ore
people to the house. The Orpheum had a
good bill and did a splendid business
throughout tha week. Altogether, barring
the emptlnesa at tha Hoyd, the week waa
quito up to managerial expectations.
Another tack h(e been taken by the Shu
terts In tha fight on tha "syndicate." t'elng
Sarah Bernhardt a name, they hava mode
r prewntatlona to M. Jusseraud, French
ambassador at Washington, calling his at
tention to the fact that a number of thcti
ti rs throughout the country decline to open
their doora to Mme. Bernhardt because she
plays under the management of the Bhu-
berta. Louisiana and Texas, where a large
French population la alleged to exist, are
especially Instanced, and the divine Earah
complains of this hardship. M. Jusseraud
has agreed to look Into the matter. In one
aspect, this Is a serious matter, and again It
Is to laugh. No one can seriously Imagine
H-irah Bernhardt complaining because she
Is deprived of the pleasure of going Into
T.milsinna or Texaa to play to the French
population of those states. That Is very
Tunny. If the complaint Is made In good
faith, It raises the right of a foreign acor
to come to this country and dictate terms to
resident managers. If Mme. Bernhardt has
the right to choose her own manager, and
she undoubtedly has, the manngcr of tho
theater to which she seeks admission cer
tainly haa tho right to specify terms cn
which she can como In. These terms must
necessarily be mutual, and If the actress
determines to appear tinder the direction of
a managerial firm that in at outs with fully
'JO per cent of the local theater managers of
the United States she must expect to be
shut out of many cities. It will not do to
say that the public la deprived of any of Its
rights In the premises. It Is a natural re
mit of the competition that exists between
rival flrma of managers. Klaw & Erlanfr
huve contractual arrangements with the
house managera. The Shuberta have similar
arrangements with the star. If these flrma
can agree on terms, then Mme. Bernhardt
i-un play In Texas or any other place from
.vlilch she la now excluded. But Ambassa
dor Jusseraud la In no position to complain
that hla countrywoman la being discrimi
nated against as such. She merely suffers
because of contracting with a firm that doe
not do business with a majority of Ameri
can theaters. Plainly, the matter looks like
another Shubert advertising dortgn. It Isn't
at all likely that Sarah Bernhardt would
have been seen In more theaters than sho
has visited, even had abe been under the
direction of the syndicate, or had all the
syndicate houses been open to tho Shubert
Time. Bernhardt haa concluded her en
gagement In New York, which marked the
high water of her achievements In America,
both from an artlstio and a financial vlow.
It Is not likely that ahe will ever again
visit America, for she has nearly reached
the point where ahe will retire from active
m o7the-."ag.." in reV, o7 h
work John Corbin writes as follows In the
New York Bun:
It Is Just possible that those of us who
a fortnight ago went into ecstasies over
Mme. Bernhardt's youthfulness and vigor
had a subconscious sense of gallantry.
Last Monday, at the Jewish benellt. Murk
Twain, wearing his shock of white hair
like a chrysanthemum before the foot
lights, declared that she was the young
est person of his acquaintance except
himself. But there was a geuuleness in
tho veteran humorist's tones that carried
conviction; and in point of fact, what
wl.lppc-r anapper of us all la half as young
as he? It he laid himself untler suspicion
of being a satirist, he laid himself equally
under eusupiclon of log rolling, for had
not Bernhardt lately declared that he was
(ho greatest of all Americans, next to
Otorge Washington?
For myself, 1 have seen Bernhardt
eleven times In nine days; an experience
ou leulu ted to make vouth ltaalf inuar
high-top bald with dry antiquity; and my
e.-iiDt- vji nt-i prrsoiiui ciiurni ana tempera
mental vitality has steadily Increased.
Sometimes, It is true, there came mo
mentarily setbacks. In "Adrienne y Le
co.ivreur" she seemed for the most part
ftperirul and wan. This 1 attributed at
;ho. time to a defect in the technics of
tho play, which, while It kept her most
of the time In the center or the stage,
gave her little or nothing to do. Certain
it is that the traces of the years were
most evident In repose and least so In
active action.
Whatever the cause of the defect was
Immediately remedied. La Tishe was a
mere girl, and the very toes of the san
daled Phedre allowed like tiie pinkest of
llltle plus to market. From then on till
Magda I felt as If in contact with tho
ires of eternal spring. My fading prime
has been renewed, until I feel as young
as she is, or even Mark Twain.
For mere man It Is enough to know that
youth and beauty live. But there have
been women In the audiences at the Lyric,
and they have Inquired In a spirit of
pure science, no doubt how the efiect was
achieved. The fact that In Adrienne her
ii r io appeared thin and gray in the glare
of the footlights they attributed to a lack
of rice powder, and the effect of blue
goggles on her eyes thny laid to an ex
cess of shadow painting and an undue
accentuation of the line from the corners
of the eyes across the temples.
Ah, but at the worst thsre remained the
wonderful softness of the cheek!
)iie scientist declared that this was a
triumph of mere facial massage, and the
gave reason for her deduction. The effect
if masage, she said, Is to preserve tiie
oft outlines of the cheeks at the ex
pense of the lines of character and ex
pression. It is like the work of the so
ciety photographer, who Irons out the
wrinkles In his plate, making tne dodder
ing dowager look like a cigar box Uuuty.
Fro.ii her chin to her temples, she said.
Mine. Bernhardt's face, soft and fair
I hough It is, expresses nothing.' t
Fond male lliat I am, I had invented a
more recondite theory to account for this
that the art of the actress has always dealt
with the simple, great emotions, tian
scendlng the denotement ef character, how
ever Intimate and varied. Its range,
though not by any means vast, ran the
gamut of elemental passion, and each of
the notes whs absolute In quality and
strength of tone. Perhaps I deceived my
self. As a science criticism Is certainly
fallible so fallible that one is tempted to
grant Oscar Wilde's contention that it is
in reality one of the foremost of the crea
tive arts! Many have suspected Turner
of withholding his true opinion of Ruskln s
tire spun theories merely for fear of spoil
ing his best advertisement. When people
read a spiritual meaning Into "The
Angelus" Millet replied that all he was
trying to do was to Ax on his canvas a
moment of twilight atmosphere. If you
will have It so, the predominance of the
single notes of passion In the art of Bern
hardt Is tha result of facial massage.
And yell And yet! In those eyes of hers
the wiles of I A Tlabe gleamed and darkled
even while her cheeks were wreathed with
si) the smiles of girlish tenderness and
fun. In the scene In which Magda is set
upon by the bevy of dowdy provincial
gossips and routs them Mme. Bernhardt
for a moment gave her masque over to a
very convincing expression of mingled
boredom, amusement and outraged pride.
Such moments are the effect of virtuosity,
perhaps, rather than of the native genius
for tne varied and blinding moods of
character. - But If they had been the
essence of her genius could any of what
Bacon calls the srts cosmetic have poisoned
those wonderful contours of youth and
Queenly and Intrtnsla as that beauty Is,
It is only the outward and visible sign of
an Immeasurable flame within. Last meek
1 Intimated that she Is greater than any
f her plays, or all of them for the matter
f that,- snd suggested that the sum of
her achievement might have been worthier
U she lid nut left tho Theater Francals,
and the hotter Influences In th modem
tYench drama, lor a more general popu
larityand Sardou. The close of her stay
with us tinda me a little ashamed of the
attempt to iset bounds to admiration. IIt
personality and her urt hive the single
ness and the Intnrity of an elemental
force, (me does not rjuarrel with fire be
cause It Is neither water nor air, nor a
mingling of all three.
( nmlnit Krrnta,
Jules Murry'a excellent company, headed
by that clever artiste and entertainer, Miaa
AUce John"n- cheduled for appearance
In this city presenting "The MarrUga of
Kitty," at the Boyd theater for a matinee
and evening performance today. It is a
wholly commendable performanc. never
marred by a single deficiency of del-ill or
performer, a fact for folks who like what
Is best and cleanest In stage offerings and
who love the hearty laugh that iprings
from reeJ satire, wit, clever humor and
Robert Edeaon, whose previous appear
ance here In "Soldiers of Fortune" makes
his visit one of the welcome eventa of tha
driunatic season, will be the New Year'a
attraction at the Boyd'a, hi engagement
opening with a special matinee on Monday
afternoon, presenting ouuinri i t
comedy drama by Wm. C. DeMllle, In
which this popular atar haa won a very
flattering success artistically to say nothing
of the lucrative gains which are said to
have amounted to a small fortune alnce
the premiere of tho play a year ago. Mr.
Edeson, who has been Identified with plays
of an American character, haa thla time
selected a type never before utilized for
stage purposes that of an educated Indian.
The romances of the Indian, who under the
Influence of a close contact with civiliza
tion, haa desired to marry the woman not
of his race, has figured largely In the news
of the day, but up to the present time the
stiifce has not pictured It. Harry 13. Harris
has selected a company well calculated to
handle effectively the roles entrusted to
them. It Includes Mary Holand, who has
won much success as Mr. Edcson'a leading
woman; Sydney Ainsworth, Ira Hards,
Louise Drew. Frank Oheen, Francis Bonn.
Frank J. Mclntyre, Marjorle Wood. Rich
ard Sterling. 11. David Todd. Harrison
Ford, Madison Smith, Lucille Stanford.
F. A. Turner, Kathrlne Kinrdan, Lawrence
Bhcehan and a ntlmber of other well-known
On Friday and Saturday evenings and a
matinee Saturday, at the Boyd the attrac
tion will bo I'auline Hall and her big opera
company In "Dorcas," by Harry and Ed
ward Paulton, authors of "Erminle," In
which Miss Hall became the idol of metro
politan music lovers during the memorable
run of that opera at the Casino in New
York. Although written along wholly dif
ferent lines and widely differing In theme
and treatment, "Dorcas" possesses all of
the subtle charm of the former Paulton
successes. Its plot has tho absorbing In
terest and the continuity of action of a
great drama; its humor la quaintly mirth
provoking and its music dashing, tuneful
and catchy.
Klaw & Erlanger's wonderful spectac
ular production of General Wallace's play,
"Ben Hur." contlnuca the foremost offer
ing In the amusement world, notwithstand
ing that new plays crop up frem week to
week. "Bon Hur" Is unquestionably the
biggest production ever put together In
the history of the amusement world big
In the amount of scenery displayed, big
In the number of people employed to rep
resent the revels and sing the saored
as uie iit-ciioB p.iiiivc u i . ,
In which eight horses fight for supremacy
at breakneck speed. In the course of the
alx yeara that "Ben Hur" has been before
the public the Interpreting cast hua under
gone many changea, as is to be expected,
but the present one Is said to compare In
evory way to the best that haa ever been
Identified with It. enlisting as It does the
services of Alphons Ethler, Julius Mc
Vicker, Robert McWade, Jr., Charles Rle
gel, Henry Weaver, Dorothy Rossmore,
Mabel Mortimer. Daisy Robinson, Stella
Boniface Weaver and Josephine Moore.
"Ben Hur" Is scheduled to be staged at
the Boyd en January 22, 23 and 24, with a
Wednesday matinee.
For the coming week at the Burwood
theater the well known
Leo Dietrich-
stein farcical comedy, "Are You a Ma
son?" will be the offering. The Idea Is
to get away from the thoughtful mood
engendered by the Intense drama of last
week and to turn the thoughts Into a
merrier channel with the glad New Year.
The play is adapted from the German,
and has to do with the scheme worked
by Amos Bloodgood of Peoria, 111., to
evade his wife's watchfulness. He pre
tends he Is a Mason and spends his even
ings down town with the ' boys." while
his wife thinks he Is at the lodge doing
good for his fellowmaii. The Bloodgood
family goes to New York to visit a mar
tied daughter. Her husband Is using a
similar ruse to deceive his wife, and the
two schemers are brought face to face,
each trembling for fear he is Happed.
A third party, who is a genuine Mason,
Is Introduced and the fun Is made fast
and furious, and all In a legitimate way.
Mr. Schofleld will be Amos Bloodgood. the
foxy old sport from Peoria, and Mr. Mor
rison will have the role of Frank Perry,
the New York man with a tendency to
roam. All the other members ot the com
pany are Included In the cast and are so
located as to give each one a chance to
contribute to the success nf the evening.
The first performance will be given at a
matinee this arternoon, and the piece will
be repeated each evening this week, with
a matinee on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday.
For four nights and three matinees,
starting with a matinee toda. Mun'y
& Mark, our old friends, will he the at
traction at the Krug theater In their
latest farce comedy, "Around the Town."
This piece has more of a plot than Is gen
erally found In the Murray , & Mack
farces, but the plot is not allowed to in
terfere In any way with the .excitement.
Much attention has been paid to the mu
sical numbers this season, many of which
will be found very pretty. The opening
chorus, comedy song and dance by Mur
ray and Mack, assisted by Camilla Astor
and Gladys Van. and a very funny march
finale In the first act. In which a very novel
theatrical effect will be introduced. In
the last act an extremely pretty number
Is introduced with twelve of the girls,
six dressed ss Buster Brownies and six
as girls. The Buster Brownies swing the
girls, and as the swings go higher and
higher they go out over the audience.
The effect at first is quite startling, espe
cially when the lights are all turned off
In the theater and the many colored lights
on' the swings are turned on. The com
pany is a large one, numbering thirty-five
For three nlgrhta and Saturday matinee,
tarting- Thursday night, January 4.
"llearti of Gold'' will be the attraction
at the Kruf theater. The play tella a
atory of Intenae heart interest. The aitua
tlona are atrenf throughout and the char
artera are all faithfully drawn. Mingled
with the pathetio acenea of thla play la
Just enough high clsss comedy to excite
interest and create laughter. The scenery
Is especially elaborate and a first claaa
company Is assured.
The Happy New Year bill at the Or
pheum, beginning with matinee today and a
special n atlnee Monday, Is calculated to
fit the mood of the holiday season. Tha
Okabe Japanese family, which. It will be re
membered, on their one vlait her aoored
heavily, will return to demonstrate their
adaptability to entertain ua with their
giaceful agility as equilibrists, jugglers and
all-around acrobats. There are Ave adulta
and three children In the family, each at
tired In richly embroidered native coatumea,
to which the addition of gorgeoua draperies
and rugs add the peculiarly fascinating
atmosphere of the orient. The merry mus
ical minstrel, EM win Latelle, besides his
ability to create tuneful harmony, la said
to happily turn his worda Into a running
fire of nondescript absurdities that are de
cidedly funny. Among the Initial bidders
from abroad are Le Elgonaa, who promise
something In the comedy acrobatio line.
For his admirers and friends Jamea II. Cul
len will alng hla lateat parodies and unravel
some humorous atories. Dixon and Auger,
gtyled .. BaJon Md HJ rrten41.. wn
forward the comedy element with a German
dialect and straight character orees-fira skit.
The distinctively vocal feature will be
Mini von Wendl, said to be an unusually
fine Tyrolean yoddler. "The Barnstermer,"
a skit, as the name implies, that has to do
with comedy peculiar to the player felk,
will be the vehicle for Mathews and Man
ning, while the klnodreme pictures will be
entirely new.
At the New York Theaters.
NEW YORK. Dec. 3 Holiday week has
been a bonanza for theater ewnera and
managers. Gotham eeems to have gone
theater mad. Every playhouse in town
was packed to its capacity at all the per
formances riven this week and in several
cases extra matinees were given on Tues
days and Thursdays. Several new produc
tions wore presented during the week.
Colonel Flaherty of the Majestic theater
won the hearts of Gotham's children by
the presentation of one of the clean, dainty
and laughable musical sho'3 for which his
house is famed. Marl-Cahllt gave her
clever portrayal of "Mellie Moonshine."
which scored a decided hit with the chil
dren, and the older theatergoers as well.
Incidentally, It may be mentioned that
smiling Colonel Flaherty Is one of the most
popular managers In the city.
Noteworthy by reason of the fact that It
marked this distinguished actors farewell
to a character he has made famous by
several thousands of performances was the
Christmas week engagement of James
O'Neill, who revived "Monte Crlsto" In
the West End theater. The production Is
a new and elaborate one, and tilting in
every wav the final performance of Dunns'
great play. The company was an excellent
one, including James O'Neil. Jr., Richard
Allen. John J. Green, J. V. Dilllon. Charles
H. Stevens. Bart Wallace, Thomas fid
wards, Wlllard McKegney, Alfred Long,
John Parks, Allen O" Meyers, John L.
Green, Ed Short, Edwin Iune, James Hall,
Edward Smith, John Benjainlne, Robert
Iuer, Abigail Marshall, Kate Fletcher,
tira Leigh and Louise Miller.
For the first time in several years Henri
etta Crossman appeared this week In a
modern role, when, commencing with Mon
day's matinee performance, she began an
engagement in the Oarrlek theater, pre
senting for the first time In this city the
new comedy, "Mary, Mary, Quite Con
trary." For several seasona Miss Cross
man's successes have been achieved In
romantic comedy and "costume" parts,
hence an clement of noveliy attached to
her present venture and Increased the In
terest in her reappearance In Broadway.
She was successful from tho start and the
house was sold out for the week before
tho Wednesday matinee. "Mary, Mary,
Quite Contrary," offers for this actress
opportunltv for that style of work In which
her admirers delight to see her. The char
acter she portrays is that of an up-to-date
young woman of wealth and position, with
a will and a way of her own, never falling
Music and Musical Notes
NOT HER year has rolled around, Saens, though influenced by Bach and Wag
und the white ri.ul nun nf tfioR ner. Is much more French In his thought
and the white, clean page of 1006 Bnd'8tyle ,han the r0mposers of the Franck
stretches out before us. The
usual resolutions have doubtless
been made upon the subject of
keeping It spotless, and also a few prelimi
nary smirches were probably attached to
its purity along about 12 or 1 of the 81st
or 1st. Seeing the old year out and the
new year in is a strenuous proposition that
demands vitality. The man who lntanda to
begin l'jOti In a pious spirit had better go
home early and get to bed. (Dolorous ad
vice! I wouldn't even take It myself.) ,
I have visions of a New Year's eve dinner
last year at Faust's in St. Louis. I can
see the room lined with Christmas tseea,
the red shaded lights, the hanging holly
and mistletoe, each table, with a great
vase of fresh hot hv'sse flowers In the
center: the whole placw ablaze with Christ
mas cheer. Large parties, small parties,
pretty womeu In pretty clothes, good
looking men in expansive shirt bosoms,
waiters flying around with steaming dishes,
and bottles, mostly reposing In silver
buckets; then I guess I forgot a little ;
anywuy, this is a far ramble from the sub
ject of music. It's time to get back. Be-
fore doing so, however, here'a wishing you
Happy New Year, filled to the brim with
happiness and prosperity.
"Madame Schumann Heink-Rapp baa
bought an estate In New Jersey, a beautiful
place on a mountain top, with a view. She
will seek relief from her artistic tempera
ment in butter making." Now, ye dwellers
on the heights, come oft your rarlfled
perches, and get that into your cranlums.
Behold Ortrud, with her sable mantle, stalk
Into the milk cellar, and bid the dasher be
put into her fateful hand. Whew! what
There's to be a little Rapp! It makes
To those musicians who have been fol
lowing the excitement in the east over
D'lndy and the ultra modern French
school of composers, and who doubtless
play much of their music, the following:
criticisms will be of vast Interest. They
give In an Interesting way the charac
teristics of these Gallic extremists and em
body the opinion of the best critics In the
country. It remains for time to show
whether Cesar Franck and bis followers
have ivaJly founded a achool which will
survive. They have departed absolutely
from the old lines, have out-Wagnered
Wagner, and put to shame even the pecu
liarities of Richard Strauss. The question
is, aren't they neurotlo freaks, who are
torturing the chromatic scale to death?
But then, think what craxy stuff the world
thought Wagner's music at first. It of
fended the ear, and seemed entirely Im
possible In Its construction. To go back
still further, what an uproar the dominant
seventh created when it first came into
use. Men's ears have become educated.
When will they cease to respond to tonal
combinations? The music ot these young
Frenchmen has left people rather dazed
From the New York Tribune.
Why have these young men no melodies
fdastlc enough to be developed lnlerest
ngly and logically? What la the matter
with the good old scale? Are there new
thoughts and feelings In the world now
to which the diatonic series cannot give
expression? Or Is It Imagined that a
new essunce or beauty lies hidden In
whole lone progressions? Cso cerebral
Ism, of which we hear much In connec
tion with this latter day music, find ut
terance only in the unlovely, the unwonted,
the unexpected? Must natural sequence be
forever after tabooed?
From the New York Evening Post.
After hearing thte two French concerts
the thought uppermost In one's mind Is:
"Why did not these young Frenchmen fol-
lrtn, B.lnt.Cn, am m,.fTj I.. . f ..o I .
..turdly overrated Cesar Franck?" SalnU
In generous Impulses, though occasionally
departing from strict conventionality in
working out her ow n purposes. The comedy
Itself Is an adaptation from Hnrdou'a "A
Scrap of Paper.'' It Is modernized, with
scenes and persons of the present time,
and met the full expectations of Miss
Cressman'a friends and managers.
Miss Croenman in the character of Misf
Mary (and in tho comedy she has no other
name) Is a rich New Yorker who knows
the best people here and abroad. She styles
herself a spinster, and fancies she mildly
eeorne men, a view plired upon her esti
mate of the many auiiers who have mid
court to her In vain. She is a guest in a
New England country home of her cousin,
Mrs. Horace Helmore. when at a neighbor
ing house arrives Herbert Danvers. an Eng
lishman, who has spent three years globe
trotting and collecting curiosities. Mis. Bel
more, before her marriage, when she was
Helen Merrlvale, hsd a mild flirtation wl'h
Danvers. whose presence now causes her
some uneasiness In the fear of her hus
band's Jealousy of the former admirer. As
a solution of all possible difficulty on this
score she plans to Interest Mary and Dan
vers In each other. At the outset she finds
a woman who scoffs at men and a man
who has persuaded himself that he Is a
woman hater. Danvers expresses a perfect
willingness to go away, but not without a
souvenir of his past affair with Mrs. Pel
more. He finds a letter the girl had writ
ten to him, but had not delivered. She plots
for the recovery of this letter and enlists
the aid of Mary. This is an adventure t
Mary's liking, and with characteristic im
petuosity she takes the leadership In the
conspiracy and, womanlike, resorts to
methods that Instead of mending a trifling
dlfTiuulty Involves everybody In a series of
Again J. M. Ra trie's propensity to Jest at
the expense ef popular fads and follies was
emphasized this week when Charles Froh
man put Miss Ethel Barrymore forward In
the Criterion theater assisted by her
brothers Lionel and Jack in two new plays,
"Alice Slt-by-the-Flre" and "Pantaloon."
Both have been successfully given In the
Duke of York's theater in London, and the
quaint, sparkling humor of the author,
which Is already so well exampled in "Peter
Pan," once more has met with the favor of
Gotham theatergoers.
' In the three-act comedy, "Alice Slt-by-the-Flre"
Miss Barrymore appeared as the
mother of a girl of IS who suddenly has ac
quired wrong ideas of life from seeing prob
lem plays. The role gave Miss Uirrymore
all the opportunities she required for the
display cf her exceptionally charming abili
ties. In "Pantaloon" Lionel Barrymore
played the title role. This is a flfty-minuto
play, in which certain episodes In the pri
vate lives of the pantomime people are
utilized for delightfully novel treatment. It
precedes the longer play In each evening's
bill. "Pantaloon" was twice g.ven before
the royal family of England recently, once
In Sandringliam and tlio oilier time in
Windsor, the repetition performance being
requested on account of the special enjoy
ment which the king and queen and their
guests experienced at the first performance.
Mr. Frohtnan has made handsome perform
ances of both plays.
In "As Ye Sow." which waa presented
this week at the Garden theater, und Is a
play of similar sort and with the same- dra
matio merits as ""Way Down East" and
"The Old Homestead," there is much prom
ise. Originally written by the Kev. John
Snyder, a St. Louis clergyman, for Sol
Smith Russell, the pieco has Bcored big suc
cesses both in Chicago and Boston. In the
last place It ran throe months. This play
promises to be one of the successes of the
season here If the enthusiasm with which it
was rendered this week counts for any
thing. Mr. Joseph R. Cirismer is the acior
who Mr. William A. Brady has secured to
take the principal role and who makes tell
ing Its powerful appeal to tho conscience
and moral sentiment of the average t boater-goer,
none too deeply stirred nowadays
by the averago play on Broadway stages.
"As Ye Sow" is a drama of simple but pic
turesque Incident, of heart Interest a-plenty
and filled with homely Incidental comedy.
It has been mounted well, both as to scen
ery and the drilling of the numerous groups
of supernumerary actors employed, and It
contains one sensational scenic effect of rc
allstlo shipwreck. Prominent In the cast
are, Messrs. Frank liilniore, Douglass Fair
banks, Franklin Roberts. Miss Charlotte
Walker, Miss Marion Chapman and others.
With 140 consecutive Broadway perform
ances to Its credit, "The Prince Chap"
closed Its engagement in Joo Weber's tho
ater tonight (Saturday). "The Prince
Chap" la the most successful play of the
current season, so far, since It has a rec
school. He has, above all things, that
which they all seem to lack tho divine gift
of melody. His is the muslo of tho fjture
In France.
From the New York Sun.
Phrasemaking, stagecraft and the calcium
light pose are the three mighty factors in
the Gallio music of our time. Over tho
whole hovers tho huge shadow of Wagner.
Y'our French Wagnmite is the maddist of
them all. and these young, would-be Icono
clasts Bruneuu, Chitrpentlcr, ChauK.son,
Debussy-Dukas and D'lndy in their search
after a method have fallen neck and heels
Into the mushes of Wagner's mighty drag
net. Their Idiom is the idiom of Wagner
From the old-time sugary svwe'tness of
French melody they have swung the pendu
lum of their fancy to the far extreme of
hot vinegar. They hate the tonic triad
and they loath relative tonalities. Tin y
would rather write in two keys at once or
In no key at all then In a plain major mode.
From the New York Staats Zeitung.
. While it would occur to no one to deny
to D'lndy seriousness, dignity and artistic
view, and musical equipment in all techni
cal matters, it would be difficult or rather
impossible for Impartial music lovers to
give his efforts their blessing. It Is a
great and fine thing that the French com
posers are trying to get fre from t If ir
Insipid salon sentimentality. But It seems
as If they unavoidably give up the spon
taneity of their expression when they lid
tbemaelvea of their Inherited evil.
From the New York Herald.
Judged by these compositions, the modern
French school would seem to have for
aaken all beaten paths and to be bent on a
long voyage, of discovery into the musical
unknown. One mere man In the audience
put the case In a pithy phrase when he re
marked that "there wasn't a tune you
could hang your hat on." There wasn't.
From the Boston Herald.
Unflagging gaiety In allegros, smooth and
obvious sentiment in andantes, no longer
appeal to them except as a short and oc
casional contrast. Unappeased yearning,
vain Inquiry, somber meditation, passion
that is largely neurotic these must be ex
pressed in the most modern or even pro-
fihetlc fashion if the attention of the hearer
s to be fixed and held. Enjoyment of such
muslo does not come at once nor can sucli
muslo ba at once understood. It is as
though grief and despair and sullen
resignation were expressed In a language
foreign to the one that hears, and lie is
conscious that he should sympathize, but
fears lest through Ignorance his sympathy
might not fit the exact need at the desired
moment. Much of the music of these ultra
modern Frenchmen Is sad and often the
sadness seems hopeless.
From the Boston Transcript.
The music resulting is as much the dis
embodied sublimated human spirit as that
spirit will ever be disembodied anil sub
limated while It lives in the fleFli. it
would be Burne-Jones if it were not
Browning. It is disembodied thought that
runs along supremely without reference'
even to the mechanical aid of the brain
which supports that thought. The pre
Raphaelltes always paint as if their fivo
senses had left fingers, eyes, ears behind
and were making an excursion through
the very petals of flowers und through
men's eves to their very last depths.
D Indy thinks as they, but he is more in
tense. Like them he makes use of phys
ical symbols to express whit' he has to
say he has to, to make us understand.
Like the pre-Raphaeliies he will paint tho
nude, and paint it as beautiful and as
bloodless as they. But he is more like
Brownli g, In the Intel sitv that tangles
his order or thought us Browning's was
disarrayed. They used to complain or tho
austerity, the coloi iessness. Ihe chill se
verity or Prahms, a man who dwelt upai t
on unreachable heights. But Brahms Is
as simple and winning as a child beside
the D Indy ot this quartet.
Mme. Calve la
Spring. 8he la
ca go January 1.
will not answer
for a month.
'Ill recuperating at Hot
billed to appear in Chl
Tlie Boyd management
for lier appearauc here
Mr. Cuaraden haa changed the date of
the first appoarnnct' of the Philharmonic
orchestra There will be no concort cm
January K, as at first planned.
The next meeting of the Tuesday Morn
ing Musical club will be on January , at
the realdence of Mra. Crofoot.
ord dT more performances than any other
This beautiful plav brought out a new
diamatlst In Edward I"eople, presented
t'vril Scott as a star In a particularly sym
pathetic rele, and Introduced two of the
clevervst children who have been seen on
the stage since the days of Elsie Leslie and
Tommy Russell Both these children, Helen
Pullman and FMIth Spear, not only have
won their way into the hearts of the pub
lic, but thev have displayed extraordinary'
histrionic ability.
On New Year's night Fay Templeton will
begin an engagement In the New Amster
dam theater In Klaw A Erlanger's produc
tion cf George M. Cohens new play,
"Fortv-Flve Minutes from Broadway'
Mis Templeton and her new piece have
held the stage of the Colonial theater In
Chicago for several months, scoring the
greatest artistic and financial success of
the season, and will come to Gotham direct,
from that city. Some Idea or the hit this
attraction has made can he gauged from the
statement that it played to ll'M.WO during
the first seven weeks of Its run In Chicago.
Gossip from gtagelaad.
Virginia Harned's tour has been abruptly
closed, and "La Belle Marsellalse," by M.
Paul Berton. will be laid away for good
and all time.
Olga Nethersole has patched up her row
with CIvde Fitch. The net result is that
she Is soon to revive "Sapho" and add It
to her asbestos lined repertoire.
Frederick Thompson of Dundy A Thomp
son will sail for Eilropa early next month
to establish hippodrome on the lines ot
the New York establishment In Paris and
Ixindon. It is proposed to establish an
International circuit of hippodromes.
Tom Nairn, who Is back In vaudeville
after his extended trip to Australia, haa
worked up a new act which he Is soon to
produce. It is a continuation of the Idea
of his present sketch, "Pat and the Genii,"
and in It Mr. Nawn will have the assist
ance of his wife and daughter.
Fl J. Morjan, who retired from the cast
of "The Prodigal Son" recently, was suc
ceeded by Edwin Arden. Last week the
latter, without any notice, threw up the
part and retired from the company. A new
member of the Llebler Co. forces will be
called In to play the role when the com
pany resumes Its tour.
George C. Tyler, who Is the directing
head of the theatrical firm of Llebler Ai
Co., was on the sick list last week threat
ened with an attack of appendicitis. Mr.
Tyler while abroad last summer suffered a
similar attack, but escaped the necessity
of an operation. He Is being attended by
two physicians and Is reported to be re
covering slowly.
Francis Wilson's next production will be
"The Mountain Climber," a comedy
adapted rrom the French, which Is now
meeting with success in Ixndon. In one
London presentation Mr. Wilson s one-act
play, "The Uttle Father ot the Wilder
ness," Is being used to complete the bill.
The American production will be made
about Easter time.
M. B. Raymond, whose failure for $20rt.ono
last season created a stir in theatrical
circles, has again blossomed forth as an
lmpressarto. Raymond's latest move Is to
take over the management of the negro
stars, Williams and Walker. He will or
ganize a company for them to appear in
the negro opera. "Abyssinia," Their tour
will open shortly.
Tod Sloan seems to have met with fail
ure In his vaudeville stunt. The once pre
mier Jockey recently appeared at jtam
mersteln s Victoria In a monologue built
along the lines laid down In James J. Cor- !
bett s heart-to-heart talks with his audi
ences. Tod has not been booked very ex
tensively since his first week. It Is one
thing to ride horses and quite another to
pilot a monologue to success.
Charles Frohman has completed arrange
ments for the return of Yvette Gullbert to
this country next February after an ab
sence ot ten years. The distinguished
French cantatrlce was a music hall star
when she last came over from Paris. It
Is reported to be Manager Frohman s plan
ut present to bring her over with a French
concert company and give special matinees
and Sunday night concerts at the Empire
James O'Neill Is approaching his B.oomh
performance or Edmund Dantes in the
dramatio version of "Monte Crlsto,"
O'Neill Is one of tho richest actors In tho
business, but manages each season to add
a few honest pennies to his fortunes by
F'lnylng "Monte Crlsto." In this connection
t Is interesting to note that the trio of
really wealthy actors on the American
stage of their time consisted of Joseph
Jefferson, Joseph Murphy and James
O'Neill. "Rip Van Winkle, "Kerry Gow,"
"Shaun Rhue," and "Monte Crlsto" are
rather old friends that have assisted In
piling up fortunes.
James J. Corbett will tomorrow make
his entry Into the Shaw fold and also un
dertake a work 'as a legitimate actor,
something ha has long desired to do. Cor
bett's new move Is under the direction of
Henry B. Harris In the play "Cashel By
ron's Profession," which Is a drama In
three acts adapted by Stanislaus Stange
from George Bernard Shaw's story of the
same title. It Is one of the crisp Shaw
tales, dealing In this Instance with the lire
of a pugilist who fights many ring battles
while seeking his long lost parents and
the girl he loves. It is a rather odd affair,
said to be treated In the breezy Shaw style.
Grace Reals, the actress, won a rather
odd suit In her contest with Manager Fred
Whitney In the eastern courts last week.
Mi.-s Reals, It turned out, was engaged to
play a prominent role In the opera "Rob
Roy" some ten years ago, but at the last
moment the part waa given to Miss Annie
O'Keefe, a favorite of those days, who re
tired after her marriage to H. C. Miner.
Miss Reals has been unable In the Interim
to secure a hearing of her suit unlll last
week, when she was awarded a verdict of
ll.Wi against Manager Whitney, covering
her lis im for a salary of $75 a week for
thirty-four weeks.
Totally blind and awaiting the final sum
mons that will close her earthl career,
Mrs. W. J. Florence, who shared the stellar
honors with her late husband. Billy Flor
ence, Is reported to be In a dvlng condition
at her home In New York City. Mrs. Flor
ence Is Tfi years old, and up to a vear ago
was enjoying excellent health. Then her
eyes suddenly failed her and since that
time her condition has grown weaker and
weaker. Her two sisters, Mrs. Barney
Wliliums, widow of the comedian, and Mrs.
George F. Brown are In constant attend
ance upon Mrs Florence. It has been some
years since she lsst appeared upon the
stage. With the late Billy Florence her
most notable success was achieved In ttie
play "The Mighty Dollar."
The Christmas number of the Dramatic.
News Is by far the best In every regard
that paper has ever gotten out. It Is a
number the editor may well be proud of,
particularly from the artistic and literary
standpoint. The articles are all good, and
reveral of them are of moro than ordinary
value. Among these Is one on "Dramatic
Art," by E. S. Wlllard. a scholarly and
complete exposition . of the subject which
cannot fail to interest the student of the
drama and of general literature. Another
is a dissertation by Frank Wllstach on
"The Province of Dramatic. Criticism." In
which the author, who has suffered to
some extent through the perversity of the
guild, philosophically determines that tho
crttlo does serve a useful purpose. Last
year The Bee took occasion to congratulate
Editor Bettlehelm on the Improvement
noted in nis paper, ana now wishes to re
rest the congratulations for the same rea
son. The Dramatic News Is udvanclna to
a high position among Journals devoted ex
clusively to me affairs of the stage.
"1 trUt all klnitt of kloo4 nhiIh whlrh fll4
to tlo lii ftnyf jr.l Jut I f.av foiiii4 the ritfhk tlitrif
lit !. M- f" wm full ot pliuplat And bUck
licu. Aftrr lli:f furutu tt.ay all left 1 mm
ro'Hitiulu c tti ui ut tham and reomibndli'f
(ham i uiy fricii'U. 1 fl an whn 1 rtt a w.a
morning Hop to Lava a c&anca to racuaimaoa
rr.d C. Wlu.o, I E.a St.. Vavark. N. J.
Pleaiant. Pa1aah!a . PnWnt Taita Good PoOood,
Nover 4"ltfi, Written rr rrl. . 25v Uc. Navar
.!! In l. ilk. T:i nnina tttcl atampad C C 0.
Ouarauif d to cura or yoar ui"nt.jr back.
Sterling Ramedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 393
When You Write
to Advertisers
remember It only takea an extra stroke or
two of tha pen to mention the fact that you
ww the ad. to Thai Bo.
fff9y Best For
l L The Bowels
Candy cat rum tic
Thp New York and London Comedy Suit'ocs.
.11 l.V.S Ml RKV'S COMKllY COMPANY, including MISS ALICE
With Mr. Harrison .1. Wolfo a Sir Reginald IU1le.
MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Special New Year's Matinee
Monday -Extra Matinee Wednesday.
It Was the Most Discussed Phy in the East Last Season I
By the author of "Ermlnlo " An Exceptional Cast and All tha
Orljlnl Scenery, Coatumea, etc.
Five Performances, Commencing Sunday Night, January 7
DUSTIN FARNUM and prominent associate players, In
The Dramatio Triumph of the Past Two Seasons.
The Woodward Stock Co.
16th BIG
Prices Nights and Sunday Matinee, 10c, 25c; Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday Matinees, 10c, lioc.
ThB 404.
Sunday Matinee, Dec.31
Today 2:15 Tonight 8:15
Modern Vaudeville
Unrivaled Oriental Pastimes
The Merry Musical Minstrel
European Comedy Acrobatic
The "Man From Tho West"
The Baron and His Friend
Tryolean Yodkr
"The Barnstormer""
Always Something New
EXTRA New Years Matinee
Monday, Jan. 1, 1906
PRICES-10C, 25c, 50c
A young man
wants a.
warm room.
Ha will look orer
the Room-for-Rent Ada
on the Want Ad page
of The Bee. If your
room li ad Terliitd
there, he will come to
look at It.
Now la the time to
rent your vacant room.
You ean run a 10-word
ad three Himae for 10
Telophase 23S. !
30,000 Btal Circulation.
Woodward &Durgcss
Ef D I I Theater
r a 16c, 26c, 500, TSc
4 Nights auid 3 Matinees,
Starting with a MaUnee TODAY
Special New Years Mat. Tomorrow
"AT nTTvrrv mrrin m r ttt-ht 1 1
The Latest Musical
Satire of N. Y. Life
8 Nights and Saturday Matinee,
Starting Thursday Night, JAN. 41
MR. PHIL. HUNT present
In an original Romantic Comedy
A fascinating and thrilling story
rounded on facts. Dramatic nov
elty, appealing to all clabpe.s.
Charles A. Potter
DepoMlons, CorreHpondence, Rrief
Work and Special Reporting on Short
Notice. "
I Trl. lfllO. lOl Bra BntMIn.