B TITE"" OMAIIA-DATtiYBEET SCMAT, PECEirBER 31, 1303. I. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. Sholes Company, 722 N. Y. Life Bid,:. Tel. 49 WE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Begin the New . Year riyht by buying some Omaha Real Lstate because you can't miss it if you do. $l,7BO-19th arid MnndTfiiiii St., 6-room h uo. Hot tr hat, best plumbing, wltli sewer, water and Has: lot. Aixio teni Cheap. . ' U..V0 Near 42d am) Harney pi,., brand , new 2-story 7-room modern hwist.-, I fir12-frot lot; very choice. I J.'.SOO ffcuHhwest corner Vth and Howard ; Bti... WrxHK) feet; hili ami slchtly, with 9-room house, modern, oak lin- ! inn, aoon rpalr, nicely arrantfd. new rtone walk and tep, Hnd street paved. Owner leavlna- the city reason for selling. Investiaate. It's uctu- any a bargain. .K'Jl Park Ave , eRxl0 feet, with large well constructed 2S-story frame house; ten rooms, nt'-ain heat, three tine mantels, line oak tinisli. beauti fully arranged. thoroughly mod ern, elegant burn, coming xi.hkj Thin property can be bought fur about 40 of what 1 ti buildings and lot coat, and it Is the biggeM choi' residence bargain in the city of Omaha, if you will Investigate It Vacant f 0 Northwest corner of 34th and lloyd Hts., two blocks from car: high and sightly. No cash If you will build, or we will furnish a little money to help you build. I 650 220x13(1 feet east front on loth, block smith of Vinton, fine for fruit, garden or chicken. Cash offer considered. $ 650 6xlS0 feet north front on Davenport, 0 feet east of 28th Ave., close In and cheap. . Choice Home Six rooms, very nicely nrranged. bath, hot and cold water, cemented cellar, fine fur nace, ssuth front lot on grade MxUO, per msnent sidewalk, one-half block from i4th St. car, near Kountze Place; owner leaving city and very anxious to sell. Price 12,650. BEM1S. PAXTON BLOCK. RE-1 J1 Beautiful Homes One near Bemla park, close to two car lines, lower story finished In oak, grate and mantel, 7 rooms besides re ception hall, bath room and attic; large lot. Price only $4,750. One close in on 261 h St., near AH Saints; choice location; lower story finished in oak; 8 rooms, besides bnth, reception hall and ttic; expensive combination fixtures; large lot, paved street. Only $6,500. Both of these homes are complete in every way and very attractive. A bargain In a ti-room modern home; cut to $2,800. New and worth more money. W. D. REED, 609 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1.32717. RE sss-jl New Home Monthly Payments SameSis Rent Do you want a nice, new little home of Tour rooms, with water and gas, within block or two of Harney street car line, little north of Bemls park? On easy terms, same aa rent; only small amount down and 20.00 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE W2 31 START RIGHT BUY RIGHT HERE THEY ARE 12,5003 brick flats of S stories each. In good repair, renting 1.440 per This wil pay over 8 per cent net on price aaked. There is a S'.OiO mortgage at cent that can be carried if desired. $7.0o0 Double brick of ft rooms each on Park Ave., facing llanscom park. Modern In every respect. Rents TO per month. Ground 50x160. Excellent location and a good building. 17,500 New brick building with 3 store rooms and 22 rooms on second floor. Has steam heating plant. Everything of best finish. Has a 16-room frame In rear, good condition; all renting for $2,n per year and tenants pay water rent and make own repairs. A Very good Investment. 4.500-Near 3lst and Pacific. 8 room all modern. In good repair, very nicely arranged and well finished. We want o ffers. 2.3007 rooms, modern except furnac e, on Templeton St. near 24th. This Is an exceptionally well built house and In g ood repair. Lot 50x132, with shade and fruit trees. An excellent house, good neighborhood. HOME OR INVESTMENT Good home, an 11 per cent Investment. Four blocks west and one block north f 24th and Ames Ave., In excellent neighborhood, on corner lot; house has 6 rooms, all finished In hard pine and In A 1 repair Inside and out. Barn for two horses, carriages, etc Has shade amy fruit trees and some small fruit. Renting 14 per month. A bargain at (1.250. VACANT We have recently made arrangemen ts with eastern owners to place on the , market all of bio. k 1, Smilthfleld. These Jots ore between 22d St. and Florence boule- vard, facing south on Fowler Ave.' We can sell one of these lots for SOU, 200 cash, balance one, two and three years. 6 per cent. (750 for two lots near 41st and Callfo rnia. Small cash payment, balance, monthly. This Is better than a savings bank. We Wish You a Happy New Year. Wo ara open Monday till noon. , W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., Tel. 1064. 1320 Farnam St. Ria-ine 31 PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., 6IXTH FLOOR. N. V. LdFK KUDO. DWELLING HOUSES 420 Farnam St., a beautiful cottace homo, 7-r., wltli hardwood finish, tile vestibule, mantel mid grate, furnace, good barn driveway, l'rlce, $3,.)0; reasonable terms. In the north part of city, half-acre of ground, 6-r. house, giving room -for two more houses, three blocks from 24th St car line. A big simp at $1550. Most be cash. 312S Cass St., corner lot, south front, l-r. house, bant, fine shade, one block from car, nonresident owner anxious to sell. Price $3,500. 4312 Tierce St.. 4-r. cottage. 5t' ft. lot. Price, $tW0; small cash paymeut down, balance monthly. 2002 Decatur St, 7-r. all modern, corner lot., south and' east front, fine shade, two blocks from 2lth St. car line. Price. $3,000. Owner will take $1,000 lot as part payment, $l,oOO cash and balance mouthly at 6 per cent. VACANT Corner lot, south and east front, lu the West Farnam district, high and sightly, for $WO. Four lota on 35th Ave. south of Leaven worth St, fine shade, for $.VH) each, big snap. PAYNE. BOSTWICK ti CO.. fiixth Floor N. X. Ufe Bldg. KE-133 31 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE It.tW feet northwest corner 'lHt and ld frame house, excellent Hurt, with lilacs for block of six or seven brick house. Kiggist Inside, bargain on th market. Investment ;ixl2 feet, facing I'th and .'Tth. near Ht. Mary s Ave., two frame lions, a, facing west, renting for per .veal, and 'W fet east front vacant, room for three brick house, specials all paid. A big bargain. $1,M lixi:i2 feet on Farnani 8t. near 13th, renting for -Cl.fisu p.T year, with a good, well-built 3-story building. $J,'.v K'i snd U'ii ti Pt.. South Omaha. 4."ixli" feet, one brick and one frame store renting for $47.C0 per month. Acres Seventeen aires on west L rU.. about i2d St., very fine. $150 per acre. Bargain. Sholes Sub-Division Southeast corner lHth and Vinton fits tho best residence pronretv- In tho soutn part of the city, high and sightly, commanding view of the river: only a few steps to the car, street Just graded, perfect grade; water, gas and permanent walks, lots ) each, reasonable terms. Imn't pass them up. I,onk at them now and make selection, for they are bound to be sold soon. RE 102 J2 H DUNDEE LOTS H Owner of two of the finest lots In Dundee, at 41 h and California, Just north of Mr. Hoagland's residence, hau consontud to sell for $1,8"). There Is no finer location than these lots. $T.(N, on Underwood avenue, half block enst of car line; line lot to build on. $1,3) for two lots, northwest corner and Dodge streets; a fine location. 4!itl $5i for grade. a good lot, close to school, on t 650. Capitol avenue, Just stret, nice shade trees; built on. west of adjoining 4Sth lots 11,000, three lota, 2 blocks north of ear line. $l.2W), six lots, 2 blocks north of car line. Sort, three lots, 1 blcck to car line. HASTINGS & UF.TDEN. 1600 Karuaru Su tGround Floor I. RE-UU SI REAL BARGAINS $9,00ft Wxl32. with small building, on Far nam. east of 24th; owner anxious to sell. ii,fli) 22xlS2,. with 2-story brick building. In heart of wholesale district; must le sold this week. $l,H0i K-room cottage, 22d and Manderson; easy terms. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS Jliio ,7) feet on Pratt, west of 24th. -Corner 4th and Kamam. $1,230 Kast front on 4th, south of Karnatn. $2.1"i 60 feet on ,18th Ave., north of Dodge, $l,5"o East front on Georgia Ave, near Far riam. $&2;'io-R7xl37V,. 3Sth and Farnain; faces three streets. $S,0tio 103 feet on Farnani, In best residence district; might take less. J. W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. TEL,. 629. RE 112 1 FOR BALE Large house, two barns and two full lots, on North Uth BL oaly 4,600. This Is a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Roe I L New York Ufa Bldg. HE 271 year. 5 per U IN THE NEW WHOLESALE LI AND TRACKAGE " DISTRICT I-aige brkk hulldintr. renting for iliJO a month, on portiun of the lot. Slxe of lot, WxlJO. on corner. Doth Mreet navetl. Trie tH.OOn. HASTIXUS & HEYDEJC, 1 Farm-in St. KE iH2 31 Investments $2.70 714-27U5 Iecatur, 2 detached rent lug for $;530 per year. houses. $3,2)0 2710-2712 Parker St., a double house, ti rooms each, renting for $3',H per year, paving paid. $5,500 1814-1810 Xorth lth. a double house. 8 rooms each side; all modern, hot water heat in each house: rents $700 per year. Lot '.Uxl4o. Room for another house. The Byron Reed C). 212 S. 14th St. 'Phone 2!7. RE Ian) Jan 1 SPECIAL PRICE ON FARMS. 000 acrel, level, near Ve goto, J."0 an aors for short time. S3) acres near Valley, tea an a' re; owner has special us for the money or ha would not offer tnesc farms at these prices. They are low. HARRISON MORTON. lirtl3 N. T, LU. Tl. tlL II II 11 I ass 11 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT BUY OMAHA REAL ESTATE HOUSES $350 2519 Ohio St., good five room cottage one block from new cr shotis. $100 3721 Ohio St., seven-room house with full lot; a snap; on easy payments. J 800 3208 Emmet St., flTeraom brick cottage. $1,200 3016 Pinkney 8t., rood five-room cottagp, full lot, barn. Want offer. $1,8002230 Graud Ave., brand new five-room cottage, bath, closet, gas, cemented cellar, with lot 64x125, facing two streets. A btg snap. Ready to move into. $3.200 Near Hunst-em park, new, six rooms, all modern, renting $32.50. A good bargaln'for Investor. $5,500 In West Farnam district, choice, seven rooms, all modern, awell location. RUTLAND ADDITION New addition Just platted. 22 lots on boulevard and South 20th St., one block south of Vinton St. car line. Foi sale on easy payments. If you want a nice lot In a good lo cation, convenient to Omaha and South Omaha, see us about "Rutland" lots. Price, $400 to $700. Terms, $100 cash, balance monthly. GARVIN BROS. 1604 Farnam. R!3 :KTan 1 LEWIS S. REED, HARRY D. REED REED BROS. ALEX. C. REED, PHILLIP S. REED 1710 Farnam IMPROVED 8-room modern house In Dundee, lot 100x135, one-half block from car line $3,150. 7-room modern house on Mason St., near 30th St. $3,500. 7-room modern house on 35th St., near Farnam $5,500. 7- room house on 25th St., near Maple $1,800. 8- room house, 40th and Farnam Sts., south front $3,000. 5-room cottage, Just completed, lot 50x130 feet $1,200. VACANT Corner lot, 23d and Laird $500. Lot ou Leavenworth, near 43d $250. Lot at 27th and Maale Sts. $300. SUBURBAN TRACTS The farm ou Center street known as the Paddock farm has been sub divided into 5, 10 and 20-acre parcels and Is now on the market at prices ranging from $110 to $125 per acre. FARMS -240 acres, Clay County, Neb.; house, barn and granary $40 per acre. 160 acres In Perkins County, Nee.; 50 acres under ditch; all good farming land $15 per acre. 2,700-acre sheep ranch, Sedgwick County, Colo.; 160 acres under ditch; 40 acres in alfalfa; 5-room house; well and windmill; sheep barn, 34x120; horse barn, etc. LOANS NEGOTIATED REED BROS. 1710 FARNAM. RB-800-Janl W. H. GATES. 617 New Yrk IJfe Bldg. 'Phone 12IM. $1,000 Five-room cottage, city water, at 2922 Buidette. $1,400 Seven-rooiu cottage, well and in good order, 1524 Ohio St. built $l,rotu-Two-story eight-room house. water aim newer, nuitiug at 13 per month, on southwest corner 2.th and Ersklne. $1,3X Six-room house with city water. at 1843 Xorth ISth; lot Is S3H40; rent ing at $12.00. $1,8."0 Seven-room honse, water and sewer, lot .10x140. at 2217 Xorth 19th (Boulevard). $2.100 Eight-room two-story house, modern except furnace, lot 60 feet front, at 2S1S Xorth lflth Ave. $2..sV-Two cottages on the southeast corner lth and Grace, renting at $24 per month, and ground fi6xl40; a gaod investment; room for two more houses. A nice laying vacant lot on corner 44th and rouglas, for $40. 120x127 On Pecatur. between SSth and Sflth. for only $4O0. Mxl4o- South front on Lake, near 21st; something nice, for $&). 33x140 East front on Iftth iBoulevard), Just north of (Irace, for $750. Two nice new properties In llanscom Place for sale at a sacrifice; up-to-date houses; owner has gone to California. New six-room modern house, for rent at 3224 Lincoln Boulevard for t. RB-US SI Ton SALE Improve farms, eastern Ne braska, three miles from eeurt hauaa. VDBtT, BOX iu umanaj, JD FOR SALE REAL ESTATE George & 1601 FARNAM ST. Houses For Sale to.fWi for new S-room nnWrn square houf, on Farnam St.. nr 41st Ht.; cmk. finish, flnp mantel and prntr. concrtte ston foundation; very durable. $5,ni for well-built 9-room modern hous on 8. 3-th St., near Toppleton Ave.; hot water heat; In flrst-cluxs repair; nice shn d: east front lot Box 1. in ft. U.jt for 2Si California 8t.. S-rom mod ern house, newly iainted and repaired, In good condition, lame burn; lot Wxlai ft.; essv terms; near Crelghton college. H.40( for -room house on N. Uth St., within easy walking distance; all modern except furnace: In good condition; lot has 4 ft. B. frontas-e; very easy terms. ?'-',' for 316 N. &th St., fsood 8-room house, all modern except furnace; near HlKh school; street Just repaved. IJ.&U fsr 8. B. corner 2Mb Ave. and Chi cago St. (facing boulevard), new 8-room house. Including reception hall; ull modern except furnace; large lot 60x152 ft.; room to build on roar of lot. 2.1M for Ull N. ISth St., 7-room cottage, all modern except furnace; In good condi tion; close. In; easy terms; rent $'Ji per mo. I2.1A0 for 7-room house, with barn, on Flristol St., near 27th St., large lot. HiixlU ft. Will divide and sell 33 feet with Im provements for $1 ,S"0. I2.KW for S-room 3-storj- house; modern except furnace, on 8. 3th 8t, near Leaven worth St. tiliU) for rood s-room house, all modern except furnace, on N. 3iith St.. near Frank lin school; good barn. ll.RfW for 6-rootn cottage, all modern ex cept furnace; in best of condition; on Franklin St., near ffith St. 7H for N. W. cor. 23d and Oak Sts., old 4-rom '2-story house, lot 47.8x15 ft., good lace for soma carpenter to fix up and rent r sell. Vacant $18,000 for 19.4x179 ft., at 8. TV. coiner Kith Ave. and Harney St., Including improve ments thereon: one-third cash, balance at per cent. One of the most desirable close In csrners suitable for apartment house or ats In city. 4,5 for 66x132 ft.. N. E. corner ISth and Webster Sts., with old 6-ronm brick house; gosd cerner to Improve: close In. l,8r for 60x140 ft., W. front on S2d St., 250 ft. N. of Wool worth Ave.; nonresident wner anxious to sell and will consider any reassnablo offer. All taxes and specials paid In full. 81,110 each for several choice lots 4Hxl38 ft., nicely located, facing park and boule vard, near Farnam car line, onlj 1 mile west fram business center. ACRE BARGAINS $6,0005 acres, highly Improved, with fruit trees and 14-room house and all out building. Near Ames Ave. and 40th Bt J2.000 A neat 4-roonj house in Benson, 6 blocks from oar, with barn, chicken house and 2Vs acres of ground, all fenced, chicken tight. Peach, plum apple and cherry trees, grapes and cur rants. Half cash, balance monthly. Roe this at once. 11,500 Only $300 down and balance monthly, for new 6-room house and 2 acres, all fenced. Xorth of Benson. $.0OO 10 acres north of Benson. $2,00010 acres near South Omahn, within walking distance to stock yerds. $?.O0O- 10 acres on West L St., South Omaha, east of nurd's sheep ranch. $1,5004 acres Just east of brick school house on West J St. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. 2910-2912 SEWARD ST. Two -roam cottages, south front, good neighborhood; treat bargain, $1,500. Payne Investment Company Plrst Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. 17S1. , RE-S35 39 R. C. PETERS & CO. 8 rooms and reception hall, all modern, with hot-water heat, oak finish, full basetjei; on Park avenue, and just completed. rnce, o,&ui. 7 rooms, modern, with steam heat, half block west of Sherman av. Price X3.HJ0. Will sell for small amount down, balance monthly. Here Is a chance for a good home on practically a rental basis. l-room house, modern except furnace, and r'Pd for that: in Hanseom pnrk district, near Woolworth ave. Price, H, (.!. Una third cash, balance to suit. If iyou want a neat Home at th rlht price, take notice. We have Just listed thrf. new. modern houses, all handy to the 24th St. car line, and In (rood neigh borhood. Prices are 12.80ft, I2.9Y and B.iXK). Terms: One-third cash, balance to suit. We have three more which are n little closer In and now being completed; nice nouffh for anybody; six rooms nnd re ception hall. I'rlceJ. H,, 3.1w and $3,jo. Terms: One-third cash, bulance to suit. We shall be pleased to show you any of these houses. t-rom modern house, within walking dis tance and good neighborhood: hus perma nent walks, fine lawn and every way a desirable home; the owner says make oulrk work of .this. Price reduced to 13.000 S rooms finished and room for two mora upstairs: ground luixlffi; house only two years old; city water and cistern and piped for gas; good barn and co.il hous-; one ef the most sightly homes In the West Farnani district. Price, K'.WO. R. C. PETERS & CO., Ground Floor Bee Bld. CHEAP GARDEN LAND. Ten acres Just west of city, only 11..30. CHEAP LOTS Two full lots near 42d and Karnum for Iflb) each. CHEAP LAND 330 acres near Fort Morgan, eastern Colo rado, all imootn, icvet uuiu, uuo " only l,Si. ALSO OFFER lft) acres, rhllllps county, eastern uoiuraau. very choice lanrt. lor s. ANOTHER CHEAP IVT. Pull lot on Beward, fourth lot eat of ith St.. for J.TS. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO. 439 Board of Trade Bldg. HE 153 Six Bentley Block for Sale hereby offer my two-story brick block, lota 11 and 12, .block 5. Red Cloud, Ne braska, for sale. Building formerly ouiu'd by Red Cloud National bank, now o u pied by Btate bank of K'-d Cloud. Turnure Bros (dry go da and groct-riesi, lr. Emigu (dentist). Modern Woodmen and Red Cloud Argus Said property now in bet-t of repair and situuted on one of the mcsl prominent corners of the city, having- a frontage Webater St. and 4th Ave. of IV) feet. Hide will also Include banking fui -nlture and fixtures and time-lock safe. All ritfhis reserved to rejects bldM. This is one of the best of locations for b-tuklutf and general nierchandisin?. Addrt-fc M. R. Bentley, Red Cloud, Nrb. RE-M875 SI OUT THEY GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The moat prosperous aiate In the who! country. Th best watered grata and stock land ar near ldandan, Richardson and Mott. 8trong soil, free coal, splendid grasses. W own lOO.OW acres to select from; average price. 11160 an acr. Ask for preofs and Brown's farmer. Wra. H. Brown Co.. 131 La. Sail 8L, QUcg9. Ill, ot MtAdaa, ttlortb XakU. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Company, PHONE 756 H.600 for 31xl32 ft., W. front on 9. llh Ave.. 1 ft. S. of I'cwcy Ave. $1."00 for 8. F. rsrner lot in Pund-e, 1 x 12S t'L, on car line; vi cah, balunee $1.1 per month at per cnt. n.?X for 7.rxl.'4 ft.. V. F. on ?th St.. 1w ft. 8. of Sprngne; special taxes pat"! In full. 8.s fer 4ixl3S rt., s. r. on rinstoi si.. US ft. W. of 24th St. $."50 for 8 lots, near 3Sth and Grand Ave.. In Central Park. Hm far 50x121.2. W. V. on 33d St.. 30 ft. N. of Chica St. foi for 50x130 ft., EX F. on 84th St., 100 ft. 8. f (lass St $ for 50x130 ft.. N. r. on Decatur St., S51 ft. R. of 40th St. $i;r for 13x1: ft.. X. F. on Snratoga St.. li ft. W. of 4th St., in CentrU Pnrk. Acres 8W0 per acre for 138 acres highly Improved, located only miles N. W. of Omaha post office. IJW per acre for 40 acres unimproved, only 1 mil W. from end of l)und-- car line. SIM per acre for 34-acro fruit farm, well Improved. 3 miles X. of Country club. 82fiO per acre for acres unimproved, only 4H miles N. W. business center. Will .sub divide Into 5 or 10-ocre tracts: reasonable terms. $400 per acre for 25 acres unimproved, eust of Country club and near Military road. . Investments ti snort foe a-storr modern brick building, well located and very close in, divided Into three aoartments f three rooms each, hav ing oak finish, tine hot water heating plant, 8 mantels and grates with each aaartment. and In gsod condition; rental I1.M0 per year; xan ii I v ha increased ta 12 M) Mr rear. $17,o for good 3-stary and basement brick star building, on Farnam St., near 13th St.; renta.1 II nan nor vear to old tenants. $14,600 for 3 modern 2-story brick Mats, in very desirable residence district, having oak finish." furnace heat, and In first-class rimiltinn- rental M.fiflO ner year. li.r.no for double 2-story and basement Vrtrk flat of 10 rooms each, all tnadern; ren to! $0 per month and water rent; near High school and close In. IS.ono for 1433 S. IRth St.. 2-stjry frame. store building. 6 largo living roo.-na above, mll hauae In rear: rental $3 per year; pays over 10 per cent net after deducting taxes and Insurance. $2,500 for 8. K. corner 16th and Pacific Bts., 4 three-room houses, renting for i each, and one shop used as broom factory renting at $10 per month: total monthly rental. $'.4; lot 60x109 ft., close in. RE 971 Janl INVESTMENTS $3,750 3 stores and 7-r. flat, on 24th near Hamilton. Rents $630. East front, lot 04x120. $3.750 4 cottages. Full city lot, on Izard St.. near 21st. Rents $402. Street and alley paved. Only $1,000 down. Income will pay balance. $4t000 Good cottage and corner lot. on 27th Ave., near Farnnnt. 132 feet front. Splendid place for flats. $2,500 Corner lot on Cuming St., with small house, 132 feet south front on Cuming, 100 feet deep. Paving all paid. We will sell this for you in 22 foot lots and maka you a handsome profit. Only $1,600 down to buy It. P. DODGE & CO.. 1614 FARNAM. RE 107 Jl REAL ESTATE RENT AL8. MORTGAGE LOAN'S. INSURANCE i Pay taxes, collect rents and care for property of non-residents. V J. KENNARD & CO., &-ill0 Brown BIk. RE 138 Janl 8-room house on Grant street. In Clifton Hill; city water, gas, cistern, permanent walks, fnilt; one of th prettiest lots In that locality; MxlJA. Price, 11.700. Wa think It Is a big bargain. Will take a smsll payment down and balance to suit purchaser. 4-rooni house, hasemrnt; lot rlth two good rooms In d(xl9S; well and fruit. Price llWO. street. Located on est Hamilton Vacant South front Price $1.78S, lot on Dodge St., near &th. I"0xl20, southwest corner of 3oth and Dodge; as tslghtlv as anything In West rarnam. Price, li.OiTO. Southwest corner of 2th and Harney, he- lng 93 on 26th by 1M on Harny; th pick of the "close In" stuff. Price, 110,000. One-third cash, balance on lonn time at low rate of Interest. Choice lyinx lot In West Farnam tiistrict; specials all In and paid. Price, n.6u. Choice lylnx lot on North 4fth (last ef a bunch of three other two sold this faJU; Just nice distance from new cathedral; will bring 2,0"0 by spring. I'rlced, to move quickly, at 11,600. Other choice lots in all purts of th city Ht the very lowest prices consistent wiUi the location. RE-l -jatil W. G. SHRIVER 1,023 Xew York Life Building. If you want ft snap in a home, let me show you the following: Strictly modern house, 4 bedrooms, double parlor, sitting room, dining room and kitchen; fine shape; West Farnam St. $2,500. Modern house, S rooms, barn, shade trees, etc., 27th near Bristol $2,000. 8-room modern house, except fur nace, 60 foot lot, ou car line, 10th near Brownell Hall $2,800. KE-l)7 31 W acres, southwest, 11,250. 10 acres, east of Benson, f-.'M. o acres, Improved, near Calhoun. Ifi.S'K'. fen acres, improved. Sarpy county. M,4rt. Florence boulevard, '1 -0 feet, 1W. loth and CxsU'llur, southeast corner, i,x 140 feet, room for four houses, AitinVhll stone houe. 4 rooms. Jl.'-'GO. Two new brick houses, rental; SS.Sw). Joll.N N H'.ENZER. Ofl. M K O. RE !77 Janl EK1HT rooms, new, Jus completed, down stairs iinlr?d In oak, numtel and gas (,'rttle, four bedrooms on stuuiid floor; all have closets; one room on the third ttw; also attic: cemented ceKar under whole l.i ux ; paved .ir.-ei; pei-mari'-iit walks in front and around house on 2mh ht.. south Of lloWttJ-d: nround i,xia. Prlue, M.Sdu. U L. JOHNSON CO., ROOM 3, BARKER BLOCK. RE LX 31 WRITB for Illustrated pamphlet, deserib Ins tw ranches in th corn a i :flf Ulu WiU U4U. Brku Bw JUC li FOR SALE REAL ESTATE The prospects are very bright for 1906 if you will look over the following list carefully you will find something that will make you some money. ttilO-12 Sownnl St.. two rt room oottiijit's. potxl iicl;hlor!ioMl. prent bargain, rents for $17 a month. A tixxl Investment. Trice $l.rt.. ,W1 X. 20th St.. H room, east front, on the lou!ov!iril-$t.OM. 420K Ciinilng St.. "-room house, pupil lnm. paved Mreet $2.10t. 31rt X. 41st. a 0 room house, all minlem. two large lots, east front, fine relRh borhoTHl. The house ami one lot Is won h more than t ho price on the enttro property. It I a genuine bargain. Trice $I,.VK. IU1 Lincoln lllvd., I rooms nnd lnrj;e rei-eptlon liall, strictly modern, al most new, lli'lshed in iunrter-sawoil whlto oak down stairs; flue Home nlc lu'ighliorhood -$t5,7."i. 202 Topplcton Ave.. lVroom houe, all modern, two lots; good nelghhor I'km1: beloiigs to n non-resident who is anxious to sell and would like to bar au offer Property cost the present owners alout $l2,"txi. VACANT Hetweeii 27th and 28th on the north side of Webster, rice lot JOTA f In 5. Uricg's Tlace, 150 foot west of Kith, facing north on Douglas St., fnTt lot -?:. ! 27 in 2. Hi lgg's Place, ."mi feot wet of 4ith, facing south on Capitol Avu full lot. Trice f:ir.t . "J Lots 4 and In Mock 1. Cherry Hill, southeast corner of 4Sth and Brown St., 2."t feet nortli front on Brown l.y 12."i feet west Trout on 4Mh $."(0. l in 7. Crelchton Heights, 170 feet east of 4,'lh, facing north on Corby, full lot, north front. lrlce $2."0. IS in 13. nrlgB'" Place. ir0 feet east tf 4sth. facing south on Harney. Wa have a $rT0 mortgnife on this lot to sell. It ought to be worth $2.V. Southeast corner of 3Cth and Pacific, beautiful lot. high and sightly $f.V. l.'iO feet east of 51st, facing suth on Chicago in Dundee, full lot, stands up ou nice terrace, shade trees $tiOO. Oakhurst is the place to live. You will And desirable lots there at low, prices. Call for plat and full particulars, or telephone 17SL DOUGLAS CO. FARM 120 acres on the Millltary rood, 15 miles from Omaha. An Ideal home) farm, high and sightly, gently rolling, not rough, nice building site, fine shad trees, fair improvements. Price $'J5 an acre. Payne Investment 1st Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. dmmer & Uhase uo., Builders of Modern Houses $G,soo Nine-room house, modern in every way. Corner HanSconi pnrk district. $3,200- Six-room house on X. 20th Blvd., cypress wood finish, east front, close to car Hue nud school. Very desirable. $2,750 Seven-room house, nnder way of con struction; all modern in every particu lar, near 21th St. car. If sold before completion purchaser can see how well the work is done. 'Will make special price for quick sale. $2000 Situated on good business street, build ing with good storeroom suitable for any kind of small business; six living rooms, closet connected with sewer, gas. Would exchange for good dwel ling and pay cah difference. $1,700 Fire-room house, nearly new, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, convenieut to car. Can give Immediate posses sion. VACANT LOTS AND ACRES $3,200 11 acres, all In fruit, two houses and large barn. Council Bluffs. Something good for the money. I $1,500 Five acres just outside city limits. Lies fine. $1,100 Lot in J. I. Redick's sub. near Farnam street. $1,100 Choice south front lot ou Ihiveuport, near Central Blvd. $000 Fifty-five lots, lie tine; bargain for the bunch. , $300 ' Four lots in Wise & rnrmalee's add.; for the lot only $:ioo. $125 South front lot near S. 13th St., corner. Lies fine and a snap. $100 Lot in Hawthorne add., two blocks from car. Yery cheap. Pick tills up at once. $75.00 xt 1 .. I a. i.. j"i . , i 1 rt .. ..i . .1.1 " "rge 101 in iruini tau miu. I , , . r r- . - , n rt 1 m! A I .h.lCP I O JIIIIIICI -X VIIOOG f Kl II ,4 r n r - i. m. iidiiiinunu, r. u. ucp i. 'Phone 3807. 100!) Farnam St. It R 1:5.1 .11 NEW RESIDENCE West Farnam District 10 Rooms- Hardwood finish 100 foot east front. If you want to buy some thing fine, call at office. Price $11,000 Possession Given Men. 1st. McCAGUE INVEST MENT CO. Sole Agents. RE le-l-Janl FOR BALE Or rent, modern 7-room house, full let shad trees, barn, cistern, ete CM Bordstte. Tel. u3 or 6TU. RE 714 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Co. Tel. 1781 RE-910-jt OWNERS When you sell real estate and give ft warranty deed, you bind yourselves, your heirs and all your property to make good all defects in the title. Is It not wise, therefore, to be sure that your abstract Is made by a responsible abstract company that can make good any loss you may suffer by errors la tho title or failure to pay taxes. The Midland Guarantee & Trust Co. was organized over twenty years ago nnd has a capital of $30,000 all paid in with which to make good any losses to our customers. . We have the best set of abstract books in Douglas County and with our experience and records are able' to clear up many titles a new abstract company cannot do. The noxt time you order an abstract "get ours and you will have no trouble passing your title. 'N. P. DODGE, JR. PRESIDENT. RE-109 n CORNERS! CORNERS! 50x100 on St. Mary's Ave. and 26 th. $2000 115x80 on Farnam and 29 th Ave., south front $5500 6(5x132 27th Ave and Harney, south front, $4250 132x80 27th and Jackson, south front. $5000 126x123 northeast corner 26tn and Dodge, one of the best corners In Omaha for an apartment house or flats, $10,000 66x132 cn 17th St. and Web ster, south front, $6000 Opposite the new Cathedral. 2 lots, east front, each, $1500 The Byron Reed Co.. 212 S. Uth St. 'Phone 297. RE 100-Jl THE TITLE TO YOUR HOME IS OF PARAMOUNT 1VPORTANCE IF TOU HAVE A 'KERR" ABSTRACT A 510,000.00 Bond With the American Surety Co OF NEW YORK. AS SURETY Absolutely protects your lntrsta. TlOV DON'T HUT A LAWSUIT WHBrJ YOU BUT A "KERR" ABSTRrXCT IHh J. FRED KERR CO., l(KS N. y. LI EE "PHONE VM, RE MIu7 a VOn BAI-E OR EXCHANGE. Iowa farm of lS'i res. well located, best of soil, good improvements, prica t7.50 r.er acre. Want small stock of goods or r'Oii Income residence property as part payment. J. r. Martin, Mo. v alley, ia. RE M491 Farrn ani Ranch' Lands Nebraska. Kansas. Colorado and Wycmlnrt low prices: ten caiV lime. Laii'l LepU U. K it. H . oinulia. Neb., Dept. "A." BES7 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly a-oes to O.OOt homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if yuu nave a aoot piece of Una sell at s resnable price yeu will hn a buyer among; them Tti coat of ai advertisement Is small X rents per word In small typ or U N (r InOi if set la lars ur