Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 31, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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The Omaha
unday Bee
Growing Efidence f Better Feeling Be
tween GoTernmeuU at Berlin and London.
Oampbell-Bannerman ii Not in Heed of a
Foreign Imbroglio.
With Diiappearanca of Old Peril Britiib
Lay lenew Tentoaio Ties.
Yoanaer Element Dcalrea to Chanae
Party Program aad Take Part
la tha Active Affair
at Satlon.
BERLIN, Dee. . (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) A the altuatlon between Ger
many and France continues to btow more
and more (trained Germany and England
are apparently becoming- more and more
friendly. Thl la one ot the things which It
Is difficult to explain. Probably the aver
fige Englishman would resent the Impli
cation and Inference that an Increase In the
friction between France and Germany
means that Great Britain is onco agnln
climbing down on the side of her old time
ally Oermany and planning to line up
against her old time enemy. France. Such
a proposition would In itself appear to spell
disloyalty to the spirit of the entente cor
.11 Me between Great Britain and France,
and It Is doubtful whether the people of
England would be willing to abandon the
Idea of an attachment with their new-found
friends, the French, except under the gra
vest of circumstances.
rmbably the truth of the matter Is found
In the Idea that nations as well as In
dividuals are self-centered If not selfish.
When It conies to a final analysis Great
Britain is not for France, for Oermany or I
ror anv other nation: but first, last and all tlons at Baku have Issued a Joint prociama
t he time for Grcut Britain. It would appear tlon. declaring that they have formed an
though the recent antagonism between
England and Germany has been economic
rather than political. Formerly Russia was
Great Britain's great rival. Tho war be
tween Russia and Japan, resulting In tha
destruction of the world prestige of Russia,
If not tho ending of the Russian govern
ment ns at present constituted, has re
moved from the Englishman his greatest
apprehension danger to India. Russia's
ambitions for an outlet to the unfrozen seas
through tho Golden Horn to the Mediter
ranean, through the Persian gulf to the In
dian ocean, along the line of the Siberian
railway to Tort Arthur these have been
the things which have kept the British
statesmen awake nights. The Russian peril
removed, Germany apparently became Eng
land's greatest economic rival for the trade
of the world and Its desire for the acquisi
tion of more colonial Innds appeared to
clash at times with Great Britain's policies
slrpg similar lines. But the German am
bassador, to liondon uttered a great truth
.tbj, other; eveu! a, ftanqual-lrtJI AwacUraaaranitoa jVmitaa jiaUfoph
great war between the German ana tne
British people and that he hoped that
there never would be a serious difference of
opinion between the two nations.
German Quick to Respond.
Germans have been quick to see that the
new liberal ministry In England affords
tliem the best possible hope of re-establishing
cordial and friendly relations between
the two nations.' It would probably be un
just to assert that the Balfour government
countenanced the attacks of the Jingo Eng
lish press upon the kaiser and his people,
yet It Is believed here that in Its desperate
clinging lo official life unsatisfactory for
eign relations with some nation were not
unwelcome. In Great Britain, aa in other
.i.- i.i
niuons, ill l"r iFU iciaiioiis i.ii" uinoiMi mn
Is to stand bv the home government,
Whether Mr. Balfour has ever possessed
iinv frellna- on this subiect. whether he has
been disposed lo use this well known fact
In International polities. h probably alone
can answer.
Campbell-Bannerman is under no such
temptatl n. Moreover, the whole attitude of
his party since the Boer war has been in
opposition to the most pronounced of Im
perialistic methods. The presence in the
new cabinet of James Bryce would alone
reassure Germany, for It Is only a few
months since he published an admirable
letter of protest against a senseless anti
German campaign for which the military
mid the naval Jingoes were largely respon
sible. Evidently the Germans do not In
tend to lose a minute In beginning the work
of pacification. ' The recent meeting of the
Berlin Chamber of Commerce, which re
sulted In the friendliest resolutions on the
subject of Anglo-German relations, was an
reho of a similar gathrilng to promote untv
reeently held In London, with Lord Avebury
In the chair.
The kaiser has Just sent to Lord Avebury,
who presided over the meeting In the Cax
ton hall in Westminster, his slncerest
thanks to all who share Ixu-d Avebury's
feelings of friendship and good will, and In
the Reichstag the references of one of the
rrlnclpal members of the center party to
England deserve notice by reason of th
sentiment expressed
and of the reception
corded to It by the house.
Socialist are lnra.
Here In Germany, the headquarter of In
ternational socialism, recent events in I' e
Fnlted States, In Great Britain and in Rus
sia, perhaps the three leading nations of
the globe in point of numbers and extent
of territory, are being closely examined by
trained observers for the purpose of ascer
taining whether the time has not come for
a change in the program of the so-c.illej
The theory of the younger socialists I
that th aociallst party has been too ex
clusive in the past, and that If It Is to con
tinue in the field it must be made more
practical and it must be willing to utilise
the force which 'appear to be making the j
great economic changes throughout the
world. The younger generation of socialist
eMnly accuse Rebel, Paul Singer, Dr. Aron
and Hi rr von Vollmar of falling to secure
an tingle substantial thing in the way of
reform. They ussert that the change going
on In Russia. In England and the Fnlted
State would have com about Jutt the same
If there had been no Laaalle, no Behel, no
Karl Marx. The claim ia made that the
aoclal democratio party of Germany, for in
stance, should be made mora of a
crutlc party, less of a socialistic organlza- j
lion. It I asserted that all of the Jargon
used by - the socialists to discriminate ,
whether a man la a trade unionist with so
clalistlc leanings or an out-and-out social-
1st Is the height ot nonsense and that the
entire movement ia to be popularised If It is
to survive as a force in Christendom.
la this connection It must be interesting
ii i -
Continued on Fifth Page.)
bay They Have o Intention to
milage, hot Oatraae "till
ST. PETERSBURG (via Warsaw), Dec.
It'. (Special Cablegram to The Bee.) The
conflict between the Imperialists and the
revolutionists during the last few weeks
has been as fierce in the Caucasus a in
any other part of the Russian empire. The
Armenian revolutionary organisation known
as "Dashnakhtsutlun" (the Droshaklsts) to
the number of l,oi In military array vis
ited the Tartar quarters and addressed the
Tartars, telling them that they were the
committee of whom so much evil had been
spoken, that they were not the enemies of
the Tartars, and that they desired nothing
better than to live with the Tartars on
terms of friendship. The Armenians then
visited tho Persian consulate, at which the
xill-ea-auitan, the shah's elder brother, was
staying, and sent a deputation to assure
him that the report of outrages committed
hupon Persian subjects by the Armenians
was unfounded, and to request him to trans
mit to the shah tho gratitude of the Ar
menians for the protection accorded to
their kinsfolk In Persia. The zlll-es-sultan
in reply declared thut as there was only one
sun In the heaven, which shone upon all.
so there was only one shah, who visited
with his favor all h! subjects alike with
out distinction of religion or race. The
slll-es-sultan added that It was a profound
satisfaction to him to hear the assurances
of the Armenians and that he would at
once communicate their words to the shah
All of which sounded very pacific. And
yet during the four days which followed
these protestations titty houses were burned
in the Baku district alone and at least
300 lives were sacrificed. It Is significant
tliat throughout the riots the troopa tit.ier
played the part of passive spectators or
actively co-operated with the so-called "pa
triots" or imperialists in deptruction and
rapine. It Is also noteworthy that the Tar
tars as a race took no part In the out
break, and the Baku which, though edited
by a Russian, may be resumed as an Ar
menian organ, declares expressly that the
leading Tartar clttiens did all In their
power to preserve order. In consequence
of these events nine revolutionary organiza-
alliance for the purpose of protecting help
less and Innocent people from the rioters.
London Architects Declare that Steel
Structure Cannot Be Con
sidered Permanent.
LONDOJy. Dec. 30. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The Charing Cross disaster has
caused a discussion among the architects of
tendon as to whether buildings In which
lroti is largely used aro safe. Thomas Jack
son, ono of the loading architect of the
city, in an Interview upon tho subject said:
The life of an iron structure exposed to
the weather depends absolutely and solely
upon tho thin skin of the paint we put upon
it, which is constantly perishing and must
be constantly renewed. Iron construction
it may safely bo maintained, is still on it
trial and what haa happened may be the
fwM rrr-traf raised th "tjuesTlorr of
the safety of Iron buildings generally, and
recalls the fact "that the house fronts of
miles and mlloe of London streets art en
tlrely carried on Iron girders, and that they
are not proof against the damps and fogs
of London, to the ravages of which the iron
girder is as susceptible as the human lung.
Mr. Jackson adds that thirty years has
been said to be the life of a girder. He con
cludea by saying that no architect who
wishes bis building lo live will use iron or
steel excent for such minor matters as ties
and bolts and small girders to carry floors
John Belcher, tho president of the Royal
Institute of British Architects, says that
danger arises from two causes: FlrBt, the
changes In th metal itself brought about In
tne course or yearn, auu. wnu, iuc iur
. -
roslon arising from damp eating into Joint.
' i a -I , ..1 1 a- ,, In. tha
ell as rusting the
metal generally
the case of railway
bridges there was a third cause of danger
In tho constant vibration.
"If St. Paul's had been built of Iron and
feel It would have disappeared long ago.
said Mr. Belcher. "I do not think there la
any great danger In the case of those build
Ings where the Iron or steel parts aro built
In and hermetically sealed. In thoso clr
cumstances the metal seems to keep Its
strength. But the danger cornea where the
exterior Is of metal."
Oflleer Who Commanded lu Canada
iiit Head of Troopa la
EDINBlRGIf, Dec. SO.-fSpecial Cable
gram to The Bee. General Edward IVm
berton Leach, V. C C. V. O.. C. B.. who
haa assumed command of the troops In
Scotland, was promoted to his present rank
In the army early In the present year. He
became a major general in 1837, and In the
following year proceeded to Canada aa pres
ident of the commission upon Canadian de
fence. In 1900 he was selected for the com-
; n,and of the troop In the north of Ireland,
! .n nDDolntment which he held until tiro.
! rnoted to bis present rank.
He is an army ofticer of experience, hav
ing served In the Lushal expedition, 1870-71;
In both phase of the Afghan war, 1S79-)-fl.
at Suakln In 1HS5. and at the close of the
Nile campaign, S8. He was awarded the
('. B. for servie in Egypt the same year
and commanded successively brigades at
Abbasiyeh. Korosko and Asauan, and was
the last officer to command the Egyptian
frontier field force at the beginning of 1SS7,
during the withdrawal of all the British
troop from the Egyptian frontier.
London l aemployed Object to Member
of Parliament Accepting h
Cabinet Position.
LONDON, Dec. 30. (Special Cabl gram lo
The Bee.) Mr. John Burn Is not likely
to find til position in the cabinet a a
member of the local government board a
bed of rose. For instance, the unemployed
at Battersea look upon him a a traitor
and they have Just embodied their opinion
of bim in a reolutlon. Among other thing
i the rK.lutlon declare.:
W are, in consequence of hi e:ion In
entering the cabinet, determined to use
our utmost endeavor to prevent id' re
turn to Parliament at the next election.
We also desire to know whether in view
of hla statement that he considers no man
whether he Intends to d-vote the remainder
Of hla JUMVU Matary in tne caune
unemployed workmen of Battersea.
of the
1-Juii Carrlngton and Mr. Burns, it is un
derstood, will continue to be member of
the London County council
Belationi Between Franee and Oermany
Agaii Become Aente.
Bamor That lank ii Taking Precaution
Similar to Tho.e ot 1870.
Ariaiei of Bo'.h Na.iom Are Being Placed
os Vvar lootiig.
a BMaaaaaa
Heporta Are Oatarowth ot Aceount of
Irnston Over Morocco and the
.Near Approach of the
1 ontereuce.
PARIS, Dec. 30. Det-pll
nit nt in the relations o Fr
maiiy, occasioned, by th
Moroccan- ounurovers;
tiiere Is a distinct revk
. ;
. ot liiu
war uniors,
and a considerable elemViit of the people
and a number of Journals are maintaining
itiat war between France and Germany is
inevitable. Some of these reports are tak
ing an exaggerated form, but they all tend
to stimulate the public apprehension.
The Patrle publishes a report that the
Bank of France has taken extraordinary j
precautions, similar to those adopted In
li70 before the Franco-Pi usslan war. Tnls
is authoritatively denied.
Belgians Fear Conflict.
Dispatches from Belgium say the author
Itles there are adopting precautionary
measures, anticipating that a conflict would
rcach Belgian soil. Specials from Hwltzer-
hind report that the German reservists
have been summoned, and other dispatches
graphically describe the activity of French
and German forces along the frontier und .
their extensive works and defenses. ;
These reports, It Is said, are the out- .
growth of the recent French yellow book,
showing tho acuteness of the Franco-Ger-
man issue over Morocco and the approach
of the Moroccan conference, in which tha ,
Issue will be renewed. ' j
The agitation has produced two distinct 1
elements, one holding that neither or tne ;
governments desire war and will make the
necessary concessions to avoid it, and the
other insisting that Germany has latent
designs and that France Is surely being
drawn toward a conflict. The pessimistic
element Just now Is uppermost and its sen
timent la reflected in a series of alarmist
reports. The government naturally is hold
ing aloof, but the uneasiness extends to
ofTidal circles. Thus far the alarm has not
reached the bourse and rentes remain
Premier Rouvier is lending all his In
fluence to calming the apprehension.
Activity In Army and Navy.
Much of the feeling of apprehension is
attributed to the precautionary measures
the ministers of war and marine are taking,
j . v u
service Jn a suitable state of preparedness
, j .... , .,,. a .1. .i.
Members of the diplomatic corps who
made inquiries found that preparations were
going on systematically and considerable
forces were being massed toward the fron
tier, but that nothing in the nature of an
extraordinary military concentration was in
Germany to Iaane Book.
BKRLIN. Dec. SO. The Foreign office
will issue next week a book on the
Morocco controversy, containing documents
omitted by the French government for ita
yellow book and correspondence repelling
the accusations of bad faith made against
Count von Tattenbach-Ashold, the former
special German representative at Fe. The
whole case from the German standpoint
will be placed before tho public.
Such a book on a European diplomatic
question baa never been issued by the
Imperial Foreign office, which, unlike other
foreign offices, haa followed Prince Bis
marck's rule never to publish such papers,
but to keep foreign disputes in absolute
secrecy. France's yellow book, however,
produced an effect on the world's political
opinion that the German government is
not willing to let go unanswered and the
decision waa taken to disregard the former
policy and publish documents in rebuttal
of France's presentation, which is re
garded as that of a partial attorney, de
termined to arrange the facta so as to
produce a conclusion held In view from
the beginning. The German government
presents especially the statements designed
to produce the impression that Count von
Tattenbach-Ashold has been untruthful.
The book Is expected to clear away some
impressions abroad that Germany threat
ened France.
I'nlon Men la enr York Job Office
Will Sot Return to Work
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. Preparations for
the fight which Is expected to begin next :
Tuesday between the employing printers of
New York and the union compositors went
I rapidly forward today, and it Is declared
j both by member of the local Typothetae
j and by officers of Typographical union No.
I 6 that there will be no concessions on either
i side. The employing printers have opened
headquarters downtown, where they have
! made arrangements to house and feed the:
I n..t i .... w 1
out-of-town printers who may be brought :
here to take the places of the striker. !
In practically every book and job printing
hop In New York wa posted today a
notice tjiat the shops would be conducted
January on a nine-hour day schedule and
at the present cale of wagea. The Typo
thetae issued a atatement today In which It
deilarea that all It want la protection for
the new men who will be brought Into the
All the' members of th Typographical
union In this city paid a 10 per cent assess
ment on their week's wagea today to aid In
the proposed strike, and It la understood the
fund thus far gathered by "Big Six" 1 the
largest the union ha ever had to fall back
Parts of Teaaa, Oklahoma aad Kaaaa
Covered with Coat of the
DALLAS. Tex.. Dec. 10. The flrt fnow of
I tne season I tailing in Ualla today.
KAN8A8 CITY. Mo, Dec. . The heav
lest snowstorm of th season prevailed in
Central and Weatera Kansas and m Oklahoma.
Mrs. Close Speaks of Efforts to Aid
British In Dlatraaa by
LONDON. Dec. . (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) At the Invitation of Mrs. Close
a drawing room meeting was held at her
residence to hear a statement as to the
present position of her scheme for the em
igration of poor law children to Canada.
Sir James Crichton-Browne presided and
amone: those present were Lady Falmouth.
Sir William Tomllnson, M. P., Sir Richard
S.inkey. Sir Henry Cunningham, the Hon.
J. Napier, the Hon. Mrs. Lubbock nnd
Prof. Smith. The chairman stated that
Mrs. Close promulgated her project some
years ago, nnd had been engaged for many
months past In working It nut In practical
detail. That boys and girls under school
age could, under proper precautions and
with proper supervision. he boarded out
and settled In Canada to their signal ad
vantage and benefit and to that of the col
ony had been experimentally demonstrated;
it-' Mrs. Closo nroDosed to o further than
, Her idea was to emigrate very young
'en. It could not be hoped by the
.tieme to grapple with the question of
Juvenile pauperism as a whole. But Juven
ile pauperism had many and varied aspects
and must bo dealt with In many and varied
Mrs. Close said that there were In charge
of the guardians at the present time about
6K.0O0 children who, year In and year out,
were brought up at the expense of the rate
payers. That was wholly exclusive of 150,(01
who were receiving outdoor relief and of
over ICO.iXO who were In charge of various
Institutions, She held that It would be to
! the advantage of England to send English
children to the colonies, and she believed
j that it would be possible to wipe off the
, total cost of the children from the rates of
! Loudon. Mr. Morris Ruffer had given her
j J.'i.OOO for starting a farm, and she had jmr
i chased one of 1S5 acres In New Brunswick
for , TJ0 It wa cunable of arrnmmodit-
lug twenty children and four officials In-
duded among whom would be a female
superintendent and a trained mirs. Free
education would be given by the Canadian
government, and the children sent to that
particular farm would be able to attend
the church situated two ml'es away. At
the suggestion of the late government she
had written to the London county council
offering to take eight or ten children to her
New Brunswick farm at a cost not to ex-
ceed I1M each.
. .
Rereptlon of Prince by Lama Marks
F.nd of Era of Isola
tion. LONDON. Dec. 30 (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) An authority upon Tibet, Lieu
tenant Colonel I A. Waddell, I. M. 8.,
Interviewed upon the report from India to
the effect thut the Pashl.Lama of Tibet
had beon received in audience by the prince
of Wales in India, said:
This Is an event of the greatest political
significance, for it shows beyond all doubt
that Tibet has at last thrown over its
policy of Isolation, and for the firat time
In its history has emerged from the seclu
sion of centuries Into direct contact with
ine outer world. The . Tlheu.o notentate
wno has jut nald his -in. h rnvl
camp ai ruiwaipmni was not a mere
oepuiy or lowiy representative of the great
lnma. such as rlsited Wt. Petersburg a
few years ago, but was the irraiid Utim
I " .. i . ..... .....u nnu bfiuuiu
pope of the Buddhists of Tibet and Central
It will be remembered that in September
of last year, when the grand Lama of
Lhasa, or tho Dalai Uma as he Is called
by the Chinese and Mongols, had, under
the malign influence of a Russian priest.
Dorjtofr. fled from his rapitol on the ap-
i proach of Colonel Younghushand's mission,
and had refused to return to resume the
I government or tako part in the negotia-
tlons despite the threats of his suzerain,
the emperor of China, he wus thereupon
deposed by the latter. His temporal power
was transferred to a regent In council and
the spiritual sovereignty delivered Into
the hands of this high priest of Tashi
lumpo monastery in western Tibet, an
amiable jnuth of 21. who always was a
grand lama in his own risht Invested with
divine attributes little Inferior to the Dalai
The boldness of this stroke of policy a
policy which It Is understood wa siig
' gested to the Chinese minister by Colonel
Younghusluind may be imagined when it
Is recollected that the fanatical votaries
of the Dalai Uina implicitly believe him
to be God Incarnate and regard his office
as Inviolably sacred.
London Xevrspaprr Predict Dire Re
ult to Follow Suppression of
Coolie Importation.
LONDON, Dec. 3o. (Special Cablegram.)
The earl of Elgin, the new colonial necre
tary, will find many questions of impor
tance pressing home upon him for settle
ment now thai he has assumed that im
portant office. The fact that he has taken
practically no part in controversial politics
since his successful discharge of adminis
trative duties is regarded as being iu the
nature of a recominendaton. Among the
first matters that will demand his most
thoughtful attention are the affairs of
South Africa. The mora radical wing of
the liberal party will do Its level best to
.... . i cm vaiujiorn-oannermar,
in the matter of the Chinese labor In South
Africa. So erious is this subject both for
" viiiiMrii-uniiuci man ana ror ini
colonial secretary that the London Dally
Telegraph in a leader editorially prints the
following warning:
We assert with all solemnity, and with a
u" sfnso of our responsibility, that if the
new government arrests the lmnn.t.iii,.n nt
Chinese cool tea to the Transvaal, Mouth
Africa as a wnole will sec.ije before tliey
(the liberals! have been twelve months in
ouice. i lien; win tie no civil war: no re-
belllon; there will be a practically unani-
niOUS. though reluctant, decision tO "cut
the painter
And tnis will not
be A"? ,n the unanimous approval of tho
employment of Chinese labor, nor to th
confident anticipation of the Immediate
bankruptcy of the Transvaal, should tho
impriaimn ne sunneniy cnecKed. but to
the indignation of all classes of African
ders at being treated a mere pawn In
the game of English domesilc politics. It
la too often foi gotten that at Hny time
between PAU and ISM! Cecil Rhodea need
only have raised his linger lo li.ive secured
a secession of a sullen and discontented
Brllinh colony.
Oatead Judge I ( ailed I poo
Pa on Statu of
OSTEN1). Dee. 3n.-(Speclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) In order to ascertain whether
the games played at the Ostend Kursaal
Private club last season were gamea of
hazard, punishable by the antl-gambllng
law. or or sKlil, M. Marquet. the I to have accused unnamed Honolulu offi
Kuraal leaseholder has Ji : t given a demon- , clala and Ferw,.t of th deceased of plot-
stration neiore tne oni tit court of appeals
of tho way In which the baccarat game Is
played at bis establishment.
These gamea plnd in the open court
were for the puiM5e of enabling tha au
thorities to settle luc question once and for
all u to whether baccarat is or is not a
4 game of chunctt.
Frank Stennettberg, Former Qorernor of
Idaho, Asiassioated Last Night.
Boab Faiteued to Gale Eiplodti When
He Opens I..
Both Legs Are Blown Off an Bad ii
Horrib'y angled.
Two Men Who Lived In the Coeur
D'Alenea Da Mint Dynamite Out
rages ot lxtm Are imlrr
BOISE, Idaho, Dec. . Frank Steunen
berg, former governor of this state, was
killed at 6:40 o'clock tonight at his home
in a suburb of Caldwell. A dynamite bomb
had been placed at his front gate, with
some contrivance by which it was ex
ploded ns he entered. Both leas w?re
blown ofT and he lived but twenty minutes.
There is no known reason for the out
rage, but it is charged to some member
of the famous inner circle of the Couer
d'Alenc dynamiters, whom he prosecuted
so relentlessly in lSi'O, while lie was gov
Governor Act Promptly.
Governor Gooding; Is in communication
with the authorities of that county and !
Is prepared to put the full support of the
state behind the officials there in running
down the perpetrators of tho crime. It
is thought probable that the leading de
tective ugencies of the country will be
asked to send some of their best men to
the scene and the state will offer as great
a reward as the governor may find he has
power to propose.
Bteuncnberg was governor from 1S97 to
1901, having been twice elected. He was
born in Iowa, forty-four years ago, und
had been in Idaho since 1SS7. lie leaves
a widow and three children.
Governor Offers II lie Itetvanl.
Governor Gooding has Informed tho
Canyon county officials that the state will
otter a reward of $3,000 for the apprehension
of the murderer. A special train is leaving
here for Caldwell ot 10 o'clock, carrying
the governor and others, who go to assist
In organizing the work of running down
the criminal.
The latest Information from the scene
Is to the effect that the bomb was prob
ably placed by the gatepost nnd the mov
ing of the gate exploded it. When per
sona rushing , to the spot reached the
prostrate . mon the latter said something
111.-.. 'TM, Bhnl. Mri 1Ta B.M .. .
lapsed into unconsciousness at once nnd
died without giving any information.
Victim Horribly Mnnuled.
The victim's clothing and his shoes were
torn to tatters and his back was terribly
Injured. Both lejs were shattered fright
fully. The shock of the explosion was
felt all over the town and broke all the
glass in that side of the governor's home.
Every road out of town is being guarded.
and It is hoped to Intercept every sus
pect. Two mon are under suspicion who had
been lying about 'tfs'ampa. several days and
left for Caldwell today. They lived in
the Ooeur d'Alenes at the time of the
riots there in IMS'. . Descriptions of them
are being wired in every direction.
' Story of Coenr M'Alene Strike.
Governor Steunenberg became known
throughout the nation through his con
nection with the Coeur d'Alene miners'
strike, which began in the spring of lS9!t.
The Miners' union made certain demands,
which were refused by tho mine owners.
Most of the mines were closed down, but
an attempt was made to operate the mill
of the Bunker Hill and Sullivan with non
union help. In April of that year a crowd
of strike sympathizers took possession of
a train and went to the mill. The build
ing was blown up with dynamite and at
least one man was killed by the explosion.
The mine owners appealed to the gov
ernor for protection, alleging that the
strikers were resorting td every form of
violence aud Intimidation to prevent the
operation of the mines by nonunion men.
The state militia being considered In
sufficient to cope with the situation, Gov
ernor Steunenberg proclaimed a state of
Insurrection and called upon President Mc
Klnle.y for federal troops. General H. C.
Merrlam occupied the district and pro
claimed martial law. A stockade, known
generally as the "bull pen." was erected.
Strikers and strike sympathizers were Im
prisoned in great numbers. A permit sys-
lem wa, a);w, tabiished by th military,
and no one was permitted to work In the
' nines who did not make affidavit that he
1 1 was
i wo. .Ithnp m a mom K, . V. . . ... t
or had severed his connection with it and
would not Join again. Thla drastic treat
ment resulted in the extermination of the
miners' organization In the Coeur d'Alenes
and It has never been re-established. The
matter aroused such widespread Interest
that a congressional Inquiry was ordered.
The republican members of the commls-
I slon made a report upholding Oovernor
i Rtennera,err nllhnntrh h . m
.t . T.
rrat- nd a
i ley. The democ
I of Congressman
a. jt a i .Binniv i.i . rv i ii-
ocrats, under the leadership
Sulzer. made a minority
I report censuring the state and national
administrations! The bitterness against
Governor Hteunenberg was accentuated by
the fact that h was at the time of bis
Incumbency a member of the Typographi
cal union.
Humor of Murder line to Plot of
Official and Servant to Secure
Big Pre.
DENVER. Dec. 3d. President David
Starr Jordan of Stanford university an
nounced In an interview that a full report
of recent discoveries In connection with
j the death of the late Mrs. Jane Stanford
! would be made public soon. He Is alleged
ting to secure big fes from the Stanfoi 1
estate. He I also said to have '. lar.-d
that It haa been cbtahlished beyond a
doubt that Mrs. Stanford died u natural
death and that the story of murder was
originated to invalidate. If possible, u be
quc: t to UUa Berner, her private ecrt-
i tary.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Sunday
find 'Warmer In Southwest Portion.
Monday Fair In F.ast. Rain or Snow
In southwest Portion.
MW SF.(TIO F.laM Paae.
1 Rrvlfir of Polities In Europe.
Crisis In Franeo-nerninn Affair.
Former Governor Assassinated.
Revolutionist Bnrled In Rnlaa.
2 Close of Insnrance Investigation.
Xevr nrllalona Reajme In France.
n w from All Parts of Nebraska.
Alleaert Confession In IJIIIe Case.
Iturkett Wants In on Attorneyship.
Chinese Mission Kvpeeted Sooa.
4 Reception of Old Settler Monday.
CilbBon Soap Men Given Banquet.
Affair at Sooth Omaha.
IJaht Wanted on Railroad Case.
5 Adtanlaare of Mannnl Training.
Revolution finlna; on In China,
linn Trip to the Pole.
O PnM Week In Omaha Society.
Woman In Club and Charity.
7 Council lllnflT and Ion ewa.
t Kchoea ot the Ante-Boom.
llapprnlnita In Omaha Subnrlia.
Event at Western Army Pont.
1 Birth Rate lllah. Death Rate
Venr' Work of County Treasury.
er Train Put on to Northwest.
ew Men to Appear at Court House.
'J Edltorlnl.
4 Grcut Event of tear Just Enilina.
Itelcw of Business of the tear.
Odd Happenings of Past War,
Condition of Omaha' Trade.
4 ttnnt d.
5 Mont Ad.
H Wnnt Ad.
7 Financial and Coininrrcinl.
S Mlllnril Talk on Home Matter.
Wlthnell Ordered Off the Buildings.
1 Career of Slla A. Holcomn.
X In the Field of Electricity.
Gossip aud Stories of Noted Men.
3 Play. Plaier and Playhouses.
Musical Note nnd Comment.
4 Fort Mobrara and tho Army.
Battleship .NehruHkn Nearly Ready,
t urlon Caper of Cupid.
Mualnt Feature of Real IJfe.
5 Canada Great Grain Elevator.
New Church for Omnba People.
Some Short Storle of the Day,
6 For and bnut Women Folk,
ilmrlr Hint ou Fashions.
7 SportlnK Gossip of the Week.
1 Buster Bronn's New Year' F'
U The Battle that Won h Bride.
From Nenr and Far.
3 Tnle of an American In Pari.
Doll) 'a Clothe and the C hildren
4 Actresses In Eccentric Role.
Temperature at Omaha leaterdayt
I P.
it P.
4 p.
ft p.
n p.
7 P.
. . 4
. . JIM
. . KM
. . as
. . fl7
.. aa
.. .13
a. ni
l n. m
7 a.
M u.
f a.
10 a.
11 a.
l'J m.
in , ,
m. ,
The Bee s great Jubilee Edition nnd Illus
trated Review, with the reproduction of
the E. J. Austen panoramic painting- of
Oii.ii liu, will be delivered to all subscrib
ers on Monday morning. Tho issue will
consist of two eight-page Illustrated sec
tions, printed on heavy book paper In the
highest style of the printer's art, each sec
tion containing four pages of interesting
and especially compiled matter concerning
Omaha and its Industries and enterprises,
aud four pages of fine halftone engrav
ings, showing the principal buildings and
rrsldnces of Omaha and South Omaha;
sixteen pages of the regular news section,
containing much specially prepared mat
ter in regard to Omaha, thirty-two pages
in all, and the great reproduction of the
Austen painting. This latter will be
packed In a tube. Every effort will be
made to deliver this thirty-two-page paper !
ami the penorama In the best of condition, ( ment has been broken, and within a few
so that It will be perfect for preservation. '" t,e definitely crushed. It at-
, .... I tributes the defeat of the "reds" not only
Notice is served on all parties, and espe- j tQ tne forcl ,t cmrjlo,.Ui but t0 ft ,uck u
daily on publishers, that (he Jubilee Edi- 1 public ajmpathy.
tlon of The Bee Is copyrighted and fullv ! Simultaneously the government an-
nounefs that the regulation for the elec
protected under the copyright laws of the ,lonB to lh, national assembly have been
United State. No part of the ,.aper may , completed and will be published tomorrow,
. . . ... . , and that everything possible will be done
be reproduced without the express perm s- . , . ., . ... . """"
' 1 ! to accelerate the meeting of the douma.
slon of tho editor. Any person violating
this copyright lays himself ll.-ible lo severe
Low Tariff Remain Effective Vntll
After the Middle of the
Coming: Month.
General Agent Churchill of the Chicago
Great Western last evening gave out the
information that the rate made by hla road
of 8i cents on export corn to Chicago
would remain effective to January 15. This
Is done In order to clean up contracts made
and give the Omaha grain men a chance to
get rid of holdings before the higher rate
Is put into effect.
The Great Western has not at any time
undertaken to meet the rate of tha Mil
waukee. Mellon secure t opper Company.
l'lTTlsii Ki. uec. an. it was officially
announced today that the control of the
Pittsburg A Mo. tanu company, cai
Italited at J31.M0.iro, has been secured by
me a. v. Aieunu inieresis oi inis city.
Movement of Ocean Vessels Per. H't,
At New York Arrived : Celtic, from I.lver.
pool. Sailed: Bleucher. for Hamburg; V.
sfibn, for London, New York, for Plymouth;
' wlli n"'"" nii iirail j riuce, rtr
N.-ipl.-a; Columbia, lor Glasgow.
. l,i,ril sa..?,!..,.. r.uo
At Gibraltar Arrived: Pannonia, from
New York.
At liyrrouth Arrived: St. Paul, from
' New York.
! At Cherbourg Sailed: Philadelphia, for
j New York.
I At (ju.enstown Arrived: Etrurla. from
New York.
At Barcelona Sailed: Montevideo, for
; New Yoi k.
At fopenhagtn SalUd: Hellig Oluv. for
I New York.
At Havre Palled: 1 Jl Gjscosne, for New
I M Antwerp Bulled: Vaderland, for New
I At Liverpool Sailed : Carmanla, for New
' York, via Queenstown.
j At Southampton Sailed: Philadelphia, for
New Voi k.
1 At Piemen - Sailed : Hanover, for New
1 iwfli.
Hnndradi of Kavolutianiita in Mill Bat
tered Down by Artillery.
Doubassoff 8iy Voscow Will BaClearad of
Striken Within Three Days.
Council of Workmen Decides to Organise
far Armed Besinanoe.
Revolutionist Say Fallnre 1 Due te
Rashly Accepting- Wltte' t hal
lenac Before Plan Wera
ST. PF.TKRSBl'RU. Dec. SO. I:) p. m.
Governor General DoubnsBoff has tele
graphed to the government from Moscow
that a large meeting of revolutionists and
strikers nt the Prokharoft cotton mill, out
sido the city, was surrounded by troops of
all arms today. The artillery opened a
! t.i i-lll. liniitlmriliiinnl aii.l iimtt. u l:t.-irtt
rent in the walls, which suddenly crumbled
und the building came down in a heap.
Hundreds. If not a thousand persons, were
burled in the ruins.
Doubassoff regarded the 1'rokharoff mills
as tho stronghold of the revolutionists, and
he reports that Moscow will be entirely
cleared ot them In three days.
The governor general also reports that he
prevented several thousand "loyalists" who
assembled in the Sukolulkl district, iu the
outskirts of Moscow, from inurcliing lnti
tho city for the purpose of attacking the
strikers, revolutionists und Jews. The po
lice force of Moscow has been Increased by
I.OjO men nnd the night watchmen by 2,1X0
Nerr Minister of Justice.
M. Aikmoff, u of the senate, has
been appointed minister of Justice, in suc
cession to M. Manuluhin.
Tralnc has been resumed on tho Mltau
Winduu and Mitau-Rlga railroads at
Baranovitchl, government of Minsk. Troops
subsequently restored order without blood
shed. The railroad service has been re
established there.
in an encounter between workmen nnd
Cossacks ytrstcrduy al the Nevskl ship
building yards, cilit Cosaucku and twenty
seven workmen were killed and many in
jured. The railroad trains from St. Peters
burg to Moscow arc not running to that
city, out are stopping at a station near
The permanent way of the Nicholas rail
way has been damaged between Tver and . ,
Kulitacla stations. v
Workmen Declare War. . t f
The Council ot :. Workmen met aeeretlf , T.
irkmert niet aeeretlf , .T.
a clght.hoSir session; Jl
ing.. adopted a rs-if j
strlUe Monlay,' ' 'hf ,f -J
last nlghtj pnd after aa
at' a o'clock thie"; morning
latloulvfj Jt-aif.oS he ;
r- - V ti. eM . of' tlWv neV.nlc' mrtn the . "
disorganization of the economic life of the
nation through a unlvetsal strike and is al
ready in many pnrts of the country' tklng
on the character of an armed uprising;.
"Tho Council of Workmen's deputies,"
the resolution concludes, "decides to pro
ceed immediately with warlike operation
and the organization of nu armed uprising."
The council recoRnlzed thst the attempt of
an immediate uprising could not succeed In
the capital, but while making preparations
It would be necessary to undertake a sort
of guerrilla warfare, consisting of the dis
arming of police and soldiers wherever they
are found alone In the streets, tho use of
bombs from ambush nnd other acts of ter
ror. The council drew up a proclamation to the
Cossacks, warning them thnt if they con-
i tinned to fight analnst the people they
' would be treated like mad dogs, and If
they desired to be treated as brothers they
should remain In their barracks.
An appeal was also drawn up requesting
the proletariat of all countries to support
the fight begun at Moscow.
Armed Rebellion Fall.
10:30 p. m. Tho government claim that
tho Attempt, at an armed rebellion haa
failed signully. In a semi-official communi
cation Issued tonight it declares too move-
when the voice of the nation and not of a.
single class can be heard.
A member of the cabinet said today:
"The result of the attempt of the revolu
tionaries to overthrow the government by
force was never for a moment :n doubt,
but what has occurred and what la occur
ring, we believe, will have a salutary effect
on public opinion. Revolution will go on,
but it is our purpose to confine it to peace
ful channels."
View of Revolutionist.
The Assoetnied litss tcuigiil talked with
a prominent revolutionary, who is a lead
ing spirit In the movement to raie the dy
nasty and lis regime, and for whom the
police are search. ng. He was unable to
j corneal his depression, but nevertheless he
clalintd that the movemi nt had received
only a temporary cluck, lie said:
We blundered badly. We fell Into the
trap Vine set for us. EmlHildened at tho
reeuiing p.irlysl. of the government, our
Intention of preparing on armed revolution
j brondcast. We virtually threw our ends
on the table then.
Wltte clinlleiiB. d nnd we rashly accented
before either ;anlzation waa perfvrted
or plans matured. It una all too sudden
nd Ill-timed. The workmen were worn
out by the recent strikes and thu holiday
were at hand, xtid h-stUts. we obtained
neither active co-opcrntiou from the popu
lace, on which we counted, nor from
the troops, iinionx w hum we know we liuvu
support. It Is n bad reveinc. Our most
. uiir.ill leaders haio he. n
skllfull etule nave rs . n
, the supplies of nrtii w..lcl,
arrest nd, und
we laboriously
collected have been seized.
But the situation lus also Its bright
ride, for It in the hist time the proletariat
has fought In tin open aiiiilnst the bayo
nets and cannon of the (uvm mnei t. That
is a victory. Toe koi eminent must
not flatter list if ttvit it bus dealt a decislvo
blow. We hae dedicated our livis lo la
work. We are fi rtitinx not only for th
t m iik !uiluii of l.ui.M i, but for the social
revolution of the w j;id.
F.lrmcnt Help (,oi rrnuieat.
The eleiuints uie now fighting on th
side of the government, as ttity did ill
the days of Napoleon. Tim northern winter,
with all Us rl'-joi!-.. Iris set In and th
Upper half of the empire ia locked In anow
and lee, and it would be difficult for tha
proletariat lo build and defend barricade
la the irtvU and light a iu(r wpajf it