Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1905, Page 9, Image 9
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: 'SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1905. UA1SAS17 PRODUCE MARKET 4Hg0ir Prics Eon Throujb tbt Whol V Lii TIGHT SQU:iZ IN IECEMBLR CORN larrent Option Ran to Flfty-Foar tents Foreign ana UnmMllc fc. rhiiin Show strength la All Particular. OMAHA. Dec. 29, lWifi. The feature of the traue today as tha squeege In Deccmlier corn, running thai option up to 64c early In the morning. It li.oho bock to 4Kc and later advanced 2c, rlcslug at the high point. Other month also mere higher. leeembcr closed at 444c, LieremlM-r at 5oc, May at 4t4'a444c and July at 444c. foreign nti'l domestic market nhownl arrenitth all day on all grain. The local market opened higher without exception, and further advances were scored during tho day. Wheat w up r. December cloned at WV.iwmc. May at 87Nfi7iC and July at M lMc. Oats were 1c higher In the current option. Wcember closed at 324c May at 324c and July at 30Se. Primary wheat receipt were 925.000 bush els and shipments 197,w bushels, against receipts last year of 377.000 bushels and shipments of bushels. Receipts of corn were 970.0OO bushels nnd shipments 654,000 bushels, against receipts last year of 473.000 bushels and shipments of 636.000 bushels. Clearance were 1.077,000 bushels of corn, 171. 0U0 bushels of oats, 264,000 bush els of wheat nhd wheat and flour equal to 371.000 bushela. Liverpool Nd Mgher on wheat and N'dHd higher on corn. Brsdstreel's clearancea were 8.400,000 bush els of wheat and wheat and flour equal to 4.m?.0ao bushels. Argentina shipments of wheat were 976.000 bushels, against M?w bushels last year. Corn shipments were 756.000 bushels, against l.21.nOO bushels last vear. Tha Modern Miller says: "Excepting scattered reports of freezing and thawing weather In trie northern section of the win ter wheat belt, and of rank growth In the southern territory, and fears of unfavora ble, consequences, the reports In general on the crop Indicate that the condition Is good for the season of the year. Kansas City had a good snowstorm yes terday. Rejtorts from the southwest on the crop were more favorable. Cath wheat at Kansas City met a slow sale, buyers being scarce. Seaboard sales yesterday were 67.000 bush els of corn and 60.00" bushels of onts. From the Record-Heral!. In wire to Van lorn drain compiinv: "After January 1 I think It will be found that the lsr?e discount of cssh wheat from the May price will soon dlanppenr." ssld a local. "At current discounts, the miller Is getting much cheaper wheat than he Is entitled to. and T think he promptly will realise the fact and soon absorb all the wheat In Chicago. After the wheat once goes out It will be very difficult to replace It. A great deal or tne contract stock was forced here on account of this llng the highest market. With aggres sive leadership on the bull side It would be an ensv matter to work wonders In wheat after the holiday dullness has passed aws v." Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. S hard, 1 car. 754e; 1 car, 75c: 1 car. 744r; No. 4 hard. 1 car. 74c. CORN No. 2 yellow, 1 car, 384c Omaha Cash I'rlces. WHEAT No. I hard, 764HS0c: No. 3 hard, 7MJ'77c; Io. 4 hard, 7f074c; No. 2 sprint, 7&i(7V; No. 3 spring, 73fc75c. CORN No. 2. 38c; No. 3, 37fi374c; No. 4, 3.Vn3We; no grade, 3f?35o; No. 3 vellow, 374c; No. 3 white, 87f);174e. OATH No. 3 mixed, 284c; No. 1 whiU, 29.fi29Hc: No. 4 white, 284i'29c. , RYE-No. 2. 61c; No. 2, 60c. t'arlnt Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis Omaha Huluth St. Louis ... 10 442 107 154 30 .. 54 ..5" .. 13 ..1U0 .. M 114 53 47 HICAGO fiRAM AND PROVISIONS Featares of the Trading and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Dec. 29. Higher prices for wheat at Liverpool were reflected today In a strong market here. The final quota tions 011 May were up V(c. The corn market was very erratic, the price of old December fluctuating over a range ot 6c. The rlose, however, was quite steady at a gain of 4c over the final quotation of yesterday. The May option was us 4e. Oats showed a gain of 4"?(Sc, and provi sions were 74c to 174c higher. The wheat market was strong through out the entire day. The firmness, how ever, was more due to light offerings than to anv great amount of buying, the volume of trading on the whole being moderate. Commission houses and some of the lead ing shorts were the principal bidders. The selling was chiefly by longs. The princi pal bullish factor was an advance lit the price of wheat at Liverpool. Another fac tor waa a cablegram from Argentina say ing that harvest operations were delayed by wet weather. The market closed strong with prices practically at the highest point of the day. May opened 4 to 41t4c higher at 874c to 874c. advanced to 7c and closed at g7Hc Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 371.000 bushels. Ex ports for the week as shown by Brad street's were equal to D.448.000 bushels. Pri mary receipts were 925.000 bushels, com pared with 377. Ooo bushels one year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 618 cars, against 7!) cars last week and 220 cars one year ago. Uvely bidding by shorts caused a sharp bulge In the price of December corn early In the day. The price of old December was advanced from 60c. the opening quo tation, to 64c with scarcely a trade re corded between those figures. New De cember meanwhile advanced from 46c to 47c. All of the advance, however, was soon lost as a result of moderate profit-taking. The price of old December dropped to 40, while the new style sold off to 434c. Clos ing quotations on old December were up V 4c at 60e. New December was 4c lower at 44-V&444C The May option was little affected by tne erratic actions o uecrm lir, but held firm throughout the day. The opening was 4o to 4y4 higher at 444441c to 444c. The range was oetween . 444c and 444c and the close firm at 4449 444c. Wet weather In the middle west strengthened the market. Local receipts were 412 cars, with S2 cars of contract grde. liuylng of the December option by shorts waa the feature of the oats market. The price of that delivery showed a net gain lor the day of lc. Commission houses were fair purchasers of May and that op tion remained firm throughout the day. Strength of wheat had a bullish Influence on oats. May oiened a shade higher at SIo. sold up to 324c and closed at the top. Local receipts were 154 cars. Provisions were strong because of an active demand by shorts and local bulls. The buying was due mainly to a CjlOo advance In the price of live hogs. At the clos.1 May pork was up 15a'17Ho at IIS 124 lrd ass up K at 17.4.4; ribs were 74Wc lileher at 17.40. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 27 cars; corn. 472, cars; oats, ISO cars; hugs, 16.ti0 head. .... , The Board of Trade will be closed on Monday, January 1. 1906. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Dec. May July "oru 'Dev. ltec. Mav July ( I'ltS Dec. Mav , July Pork Jan. May l.srd -Jan. Mtv July - Ribs Jan. May July 4 187 4 i3V 4i I W I 46 e 8.14' 87'87 M 834 8344! S2V 4 874 u U4 4a4S4if4 48 I 50 I 49V W4I 444' 464 444 4444 44404 84 I "1 44 44tj4 444: 44V 444 31 4j 82 3ui! 324 324 314i S24 314 32 S04 3u4! SoVi 304 13 474' 13 474! 13 65 I 13 W4i U 824 13 S24 13 40 13 824 13 (74 13 sa 7 36 T 4 7 30 7 SO T 324! T SO 7 20 7 374 7 474 7 10 7 40 7 47H T474 7 67'i1 7 474; T 124 T 324I T 4741 T674J 1 7 16 7 20 7 40 7 80 7 40 t 8241 1 474 7 324 1 424 1 624 7 ki4l 'No. I Hild. JNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Weak: winter patents. 13 854? 4 lu airalahia. 13 KUliw: soring patents 13 764.lw; straights. U ; bakers, ti-il 4j 3 '.ti WHEAT No. 2 spring. 844c: No. S spring. lt.'4c: No. 2 red. 87jTe. 1Y1BS-S1 2. 42c: No. 1 yellow. 42c. OATS No. 2. 324c; No 2 white. 3?4U 2??: No. 3 while. SO40314C. RVB-N". 2. tvaV. HARLEV Oood feeding. r41-Tc; fau to choice malting. 31645c. I'KoVlSlo.NS-Mess oork. per bbl . HITS 4jl.-a- Ljid. J' 11. $"'3-S4 Phort ribs aide tloo.ei. Shnrt dear sides t boxed i, $7 S "37. 85. REED! No. 1 flax. $1.1u; No. 1 northwest ern. II. Id: prime timothy, $3,374; clover, contrart grade, $13 Xtjl3.1S. The receipts and shipments of flour and (rain were: Receipts Shipments. Flour, bhls 43 4 1 25.4"0 Wheat, bu 67,C 22.3"0 Corn, hu BiW.orni 'Jf-J.OH Oats, bu 442.4i 33u.l' Rvr. bu 11 2.o Barley, bu 130.m" lfi.T'O f'n the Produce exchange today the but ter market wan steady; rrnnnrti'S. 174? 244c; dairies. 17i2;.c. Eggs, easy; at p k. cists Inrlnit".!. l"'tijc ft rata 2?c; Trim firsts, 25c; extras, 27c. Cheese, etesdy, 11V13C. I (IKK .em;hal m arket (notations of the Day on Various Com mod It las. NEW YORK, lec. 29 -FIOUR-Rcelpts. 4. ..7 bbls.; export. 35.43 bhls.; sales. 4. 3D bbls ; msrket dull and barelv steady; Min nesota patents, $4.5o.iO: Minnesota .inkers, $3Mi$.90; winter patents, $4.1" 1 ti; winter straights, $3.i'h4.flu; winter extras. $2.8''ti 2.25; winter low grades, ti.liw 20. Kve flour, steady; fair to good. I30u4 .10; choice to fancy, ti.1'4.40. Kuckwheat flour, dull, l:Mo'i(2 l, srit and to arrive. HL'CK Wit EAT Dull, B3c, nominal, deliv ered New York. CORNMEAIy-Stendv; fine white and vel low. 11.25; coarse. l 14fcUS; kiln-dried. 13.00 63 10. RYE; No. 2 western. 75c c. I. f.. New York. HARLEY Dull; feeding. 41c, c. I. t, Buffalo; malting, 4n'ao2c. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 13,000 bu.; exnorts. 113.279 bu : spot market Arm: No. 2 red. lc elevator; No. 2 red. 93c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Duluth. W4- f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, i', o. b. afloat. Options showed greater activity, and a sharp advance was the feature In wheat today. Hulls supported the market and there was considerable covering In response of unfavorable Argentina news, higher cables, the corn strength and light offerings. The market closed Sfc'.se net hligher; May, 91 6-16faHlT4jC. closed at 91o; July, SSflwV, closed at December, WiSVc. closed at 84Sc. CORN Receipts. 131.130 bu ; exports, 202.94R bu.; spot market steady; No. i, 5sc old, elevator, and 6"kc f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 50c; No. 2 white, 51Vc. option market was generally stronger, led by December on a scare of shorts, the big clearances and rain In the west, closing l'ic up on December and Vtc higher on May: May, 6oV,KV. closed at DOe; July closed at 50Sc; December. 56Vrf57V, closed at 6TV,o. OA irt Becclpts. 91. BOH bu. ; exports. 10.500 bu.; spot market steady; mixed oats, 26 to 32 pounds, to Vu 37c ; natural white. to 2 pounds. 37VM'3tMj; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 40rg41Sc. HAY Steady; shipping, 50?i5c; good to choice, (khiUdc. HOPR steady ; state, common to choice, 19o6, liii'19c; i!H, Ktyloc; olds, Bfjc. I'a clflo coast, 1906, 10S14c; 1904. 9l2c; olds, 6&8c. 11IDES Firm; Galveston, 3) to ?: lbs., Ic; California. 21 to 25 lbs.. 21c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs , 19c. LEATHrcn-Steadv; acid. 28H-B27Hc PROVISIONS Peef. staadv; famllv, 11.5iri2.oO; mess. 9 5ofllo 5(i; beef hams, 120 MHi'lZM; packet. 110 5mfi 11.50; city, extra India mess, 17.5oiS 1R.50. Cut meats, quiet; Tickled bellies, !.5ik!.25: pickled shoulders, M 6On.0O: pickled hams $ ?"v 7,. Ird. steady; western steamed, 7.ft,"fj7.7u; rtftned, steady; continent. 17.90; South American, I. 66; compound, 13 62V06.874. Pork, steady; family, 115.50; short clear, Il6.0iyul7.u0; mess, 114. BO'S 14.75. TALLOW Firm; city, 4V; country, 4 4C. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, SIMisc; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Steady: street price, extra creamery. 2M2Hc; official prices unchanged. EOOS Easier; state, Pennsylvania and nearby, fancv selected white, SH'tSSc: st:te choice, 84 350; slate mixed, extra, 32ift34o: western finest, selected. 2930c; western firsts, 28c; southerns. 2700. CHEESE Strong; state full cream, small and large, colored and white, September fancy. Ho;, state October best, ISl-iV; state late made, small colored and white, average best. 12c; state large, 12fec; state fair. HVtillc. POULTRY I J ve steady; western chickens. 11c; fowls, 13c; turkeys. 15c; dressed weak; western chickens, 814c; turkeys, 12ft20c; fowls, 9-5 124c. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 29. WHEAT Steady; December, 774c; May. 79c; July, 74c; rash. No. 2 hard, 7ivalc; No. S. 77ft 794c; No. 2 red. 84'Jj94c; No. 3, s3sc. Receipts, 67 cars. CORN Steady; December, 89!lc: May, 89c; July, uc; cash, No. 2 mixed, 404c; No. 2 white. 404c; No. 8, 404c. OAT8-8teady; No. 2 white, 81S3144C; No. 2 Mixed. 3ovv304c. EG 'IS Steady ; Missouri and Kansas new No. i, whltewood cases Included, 224c; case count, loc; cases returned, He less. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 12.25 12.50; choice prairie. t. 2510.00. RYE Steady; sKjWc. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 22e. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 67,000 93,000 Corn, bu 167.0OO 191,ttO Oats, bu 30,000 13,000 The leading futures at Kunsas City, as reported by the Von Dorn Grain company, ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yss'y. Whtat Deo... May... July... Corn Dee... May... July... Oats Dec . May... Pork Jan.... May... Lard Jan.... May... 77 794 "641 77 774 794 Wal 774' T74 794 frs 754 16 76 89V si. 80S 394 894 89V 39 39H'o - 404 404(104 4o4 404 400404 4 304 IS 27 13 62 7 20 7 SO 294 29-4 24l 90S4i-V 4 13 37 13 5S 304a 304 13 30 13 56 7 15 IS 42 13 72 7 25 7 42 13 87 13 72 7 VtfM 7 25 7 30 7 43 7 25527 St. Inials General Market. 8T. LOUIS. Dec. 29. WHEAT Higher; No. 2 red. cash elevstor, SSir91c; track. 14fr92e: May, 864c; July. 814fc14c; No. 2 hard. 82ofcfe. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash. 41c; track, 42c; Iecember. 40c; May, 4-'4c. OATS Higher; No. 2 cash, 314s; track. 824c; December, 31c; May, 31fc314c; No. 2 white, S24&33C. FLUUK uulet: rea winter patents. 14 i 4 60; extra fancy and straight, 139014.30; clear. I2.9txj3.30. , seed Timothy, steady at l2.KKa2.80: prime, 12.80. llKMI'.Al-StUOy, M..DU. BRAN Oood demand; sacked, east track. 7&fiH0e. hay Firmer; timotney, K.ousnt.M): prairie. 6.0a 10.60. wmibjv l nteaoy, IRON COTTON TIES-lsJc. B OOINO V,c HEMP TWINE 7Hc. PROVISIONS Pork, higher, lobbing. 814.00. Lard, nominal; prime steam, 17.25. Dry salt meats, stesdy; boxed extra shorts, 8 00; clear ribs, 88 124; short clear, 89.00. Bacon, sieany; ooxea extra snorts, a. 10; clear libs. 1800; short clears. 19.35. POULTRY Higner; rnickene. gijc; springs. 104c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, 11c; geese. 8c. BUTTER 81ow; creamery, Ziy&c; dairy. 18fi21c. EUUS-JjOWSr; sjc, case couni. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls s.Kio Wheat, bu 64.000 8 O10 47.000 56. MO 50.000 Corn, bu (3,000 Oats, bu 67.000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. .-FLOUR-Flrst r itents. 84Sui)4.i0; second patents, S4.Sott 40; first clears, 3itfS.76; second clears, S2.45(i2 5S. BRAN In bulk. 13S8'187S. . (Superior quotations for Minneapolis de livery). The ran.Te of prices, as reported by F. D. Day Co.. U0-U1 Board of Trade building, was- Articles ! Open. I Hlgh.l Low. aose Tes y Wheat 4 I 744. 81 4' 80J 81 uj 804 54 44 8644' 8ii4i 64S6S'ff 1 1(4! 1 l?Vi 1 164 1 124 1 30 I 1 lt4 1 194! 1 16. 1 av i "4! I 20V 1 3o! 1 184i 1 2oVl Dee... May... Jan.... rias- Dee... 1 US May... 1 lt4 July Sept 1 l4l M (noes polls Cash Close Wheat: No. 1 hard. 634c: No. 1 northern. 824: to arrive. 8X4c- No. 1 northern. tsSc: to arrive. 804c; No. 3 white. 7(417-; No I Durum. Vic: No. 3 Durum, SM. Corn: No. 3 yellow, 86S 37c; No. 8, 364l3i4c. (aits: No. 3 white, 4c No mors out today. Llvernool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. .-WHE AT-Spot, steady; No. 3 red. western, winter, 6s 3d. futures firm; December, nominal; March, s lc4d; Slay, (s 9Vd. CORN Spot quiet; American mixed, new. Is 6d: American mixed, old. 4s 81!' fu tures firm, January, 4s S4d, March, 4s 84d. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS l'trket ii Firm tnd As'.iri on Bie Df mand Expsctsd Nfx: Week. SALES EXCEED TWO MILLION SHARES General Belief that l-arae syndicate Attempted to Corner Money In Order to gqoeeie Oat f ImLi. NEW YORK, Dec. 29 For practical pur poses today was the last day of the year on the stock exchange. i here are no loans or deliveries on Saturday, loans made on Friday carrying over until the follow ing Monday and the stocks purchased on Friday are to lie paid lor on me toiiowing Miinduy. As Monday Is the New Year s, the settlement for today s trans actions in the stock market will be de ferred In eflect until the turn of the year. This fact was made the basis for tne speculative furore which pervaded the stock market today from start to finish and car ried dealings to the 2.0w.oi( share level. It was argued that preparations for the January first settlements must now tie completed anil that the stress in the money market must have done its worst. As a matter of fact there was less severity In the money stringency today than on the two previous days. The rate was carried up to 75 per cent during the urgent-demand the first part of the day. but fell back rather promptly to the neighborhood of 50 per cent. Compared with yesterday the money market was regarded as easy, and today's rates were cheerfully and even eagerly paid. There Is a conviction among the specu lative contingent In the stock market that a vast organization exists among the most powerful capitalists In the country, which Is largely responsible for the severe strin gency in money of the last week In the year. The operators in stocks of less Im posing resources assert their belief that Hie aforesaid powterf ul ca. aulists have ac cumulated vast resources In their own hands with the purpose of squeezing the money market, forcing out stocks from other hands and gathering them into their own with the purpose of realizing the great profits which are to accrue when the enor mous waiting demand for stocks develops with the latter relexatlon In the money market, tt is with determination to defeat this alleged plan that the active speculators have cheerfully paid exorbitant money rates rather than part with their stocks. The belief In the substantial character of the accumulation of stocks was fostered by the prominence In the market of United States Steel, Union Pacific and Amalga mated Copper. It Is the common assump tion of the speculative public that these stocks are the fuvorltes for the purposes of stock market operations of the most In fluential groups of capitalists in the coun try. The many rumors which were preva lent yesterday of expected measures to aures to relieve the money situation were not veri- flail In ant, . . 11 a a tnai- Thar, was t,n un. nouncmem irom me ireasury ueparwncni of any deposits of government funds with the banks and denials were made of any intention to take such aclioia The Infor mation of a bankers' pool to provide funds for lending In the stock market also was denied. The preliminary estimates of the. week's currency movement Indicated tt small gain on balance from the interior. In spite of the supposed shipments to Chi cago and Memphis to relieve the strained situation at those points. But the lialanco of receipts In the interior was much too small to offset the loss of S2,547,W by the banks to the suhtreaaury. There Is a general conviction also that the loan account of the banks has freely expanded during the week to meet the year-end requirements. But the possibility of a weak bank return received little at tention, as It was assumed that with the ,1.. I.... ,.r., n.,ul...Da ,1 ,1 IP 1 rt the year in the stock market the crisis In : .. . ... - i , n- nii., money iiugni in- iit-ouinci iu ur, lamj passed. It was their assumption that the animated speculation throughout had held prices Up III Hie Closing wiikii n.r, mm and at about the top. The strength of the market was so general as to require no specification. The sensational rise In InannHn waa n rendition of the recent movement In that stock. . Bonds were firm. Total sales par value, JO,mi,TM.V I 111 I'll ..iniri w . ... 1 1 v. -n cent and the 3a. nnd old 4s Vi per cent on call. Following were the sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today: Sales. High. Low.ciose. Adams Fx Amal. Copper ...309.200 110 ... 7,800 414 200 100 ... 19,100 404 1074 Iflf". Am. Car & F do pfd Am. Cotton OH do pfd Am. R Am. H. ft I. pfd n. ice A n. Linseed Oil .... do pfd Am. locomotive .... do pfd Am. Smelt. & R do pfd Am Sugar Refng... Am. 'fob. pfd ctf.... Anaconda. M. Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line. Bait, ft Ohio do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific 401. 11 100 88 914 424 844 214 42 70 991-J 90 221 42U 84'i 21 42-4 300 100 ... 1.600 ... 1.800 200 300 ... 3.600 92 222 43 36 34 424 73 200 117 ... 41.600 170 ... 7.400 130i 1164 1K, 167 1 130 1524 105 272 884 lo5 130 1,900 153V4 I.1V1O I1164 151,400 291 4 18.300 94 20 105 153 89 W4. fom 160 157 Ids 9,500 1134 112 1134 97 ... 12.400 894 ... 32.400 176 100 222 ... 32,800 67 400 33 '214 600 K .... 17.700 183 100 144 " 400 1084 88 174 222 644 30 21 " 2204 lxn 144 105" 564 294 i 62 179 194 oi 22 '39" 88 53 474 sO Vi7i 174 2'.'2 K 32 69 ;i 221 1X14 14 244 10S4 564 24 69 53 1S1 19V 60 2?14 445 4 874 634 494 81 Central of N. J Chea. ft Ohio ... Chi. ft Alton do rfd Chi. Gt. Western.. Chi. & N. W C. M. ft 8t. P Chi. Term, ft T.... do pfd C. C, C. A St. L.. Colo. Fuel A Iron. Colo, ft Southern.. . 14.30 574 . 10,200 i!V . 9.210 694 . 7.400 55 . 2,700 181 . 29.700 21 . 8.200 634 8u0 224 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Del. ft Hudson D.. L. ft W , Den. ft Rio G do pfd Distillers' Securities.. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Vallev Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd ... Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Tsmis. ft Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Rv Mex. Central Minn, ft St. I M.. St. P. ft P. 8. M.. do pfd Missouri Pacific M.. K. ft T do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk ft Western.. do pfd North American 4,200 100 3.700 69,700 900 7.200 394 K8 63S 494 14 72V 744 1764 176 1.500 177 6.600 1214 1124 117 l.idO 1754 175 175 001) 1 2o0 834 224 834 224 834 26 S3 700 300 3,100 3. son 294 35 6?H 28 584 344 67 67 9.400 153 100 162 1514 1524 162 12 3.300 7:1V 74'i 75 8,000 1!V 1254 K64 14.400 26 25 25i 1.000 8I4 SitU 1.100 145 1424 300 168i liW 81 IJl'i lOj inoii 6.600 101 100 8.400 374 37 374 1 O0 71 3.50O 8tV TiiO 89 22.O1O 154 2.3O0 624 7.900 85 100 934 400 99, 85 85 34 S?4 153 1531. 61V 524 84 6!4 934 92H 984 9Ri; Pacific Mall Pennsylvania I'eonla'a One 2tl 484 Ul.ly0 1444 IV. 144'i 1U04 loo-. I P., C.. C. ft St. L I Pressed Steel Car.... 82 2,600 66 65 rv. 100 10O 100 9!"4 2t 245 245 245 37,000 134 1374 13i 2") 924 924 92 do pfd Pui.roan Palace Car.. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 0 964 964 4'n) 35 34V 9.500 M74 106 96 344 lo".4 244 62 4 101 48V 2 654 Republic Steel do prd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. U ft S F 2d pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd Southern Paclflo .... do pfd Southern Railway... do pfd Tenn. Coal ft Iron... Texas ft Paclflo T . St. L. ft W do pfd Union Paclflo do pfd P. 8. Ex V. 8. Realty U. 8. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel 3.6110 244 4 800 624 44 '49" 224 664 62 1U0 6oo 1.6i 1.100 8,5-i0 404 '484 ft 65 (64 1.100 11 (rt, 118 11 rt . 13.000 34 3iV 10O 100 $5'i I'll) . 6.3iO 134 1324 133'i . l.luO 3T4 334 334 200 3i4 36 364 500 68 67 664 .2a) 1514 1494 1514 . w w 1W 123W 1234 130 SH) 90 88 88 .. 20 524 514 524 m jiu lne t .271.800 424 i 42V do pfd Va -Carolina Chem.. do pfd. exdiv Wabash do pfd W.-Fargo Ex. exdlv. Wesilngliouse Elec... Western Union , W. ft L. E Wis. Central do pfd , Northern 1-aclflc Central leather do pfd DO l'V 111 1IO l'l4 2.7i 6eV 66-V 57 1.3M U74 117 116 mil ATr a ") 41 4vW 200 346 245 !-4 170 1.100 1.6.0 834 184 2V 92 18 2S4 61 2u3 934 1MU 4u0 lt) 294 hi n 4 600 AO 8. tint 45 m lu4 i4 V 4 K9' W l.lo0.'iuo shares. eir lark Msnrf Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29,)-MONE Y-On call, strong. JOTT76 per cent! ruling rate, 40V.W pr rnt; last loan. per cent; closing bhl. 50 ier cent; nffere.! at fio per cent. Time money, strong. If" ilnys and C months. t fier cent, with additional com mission on short rtte. making the rate J per cent and upward. TRIMK MERCANTILE PATER 5V3 per cent. HTKKl.INtJ EXCHANGE Firm, closing heavy, with actusl business In bankers' bills at 14 V:5'iH for demand and at 14 flWii4 M.i for W-diiy bills; poMed r;Ues. 4 Wnt.M1 and M.M8,Hi'4-&7; commercial bills, $4.MHii4 S1V SUA KR-Bar. 4V: Mexican dollars. iiOo. BUNDS Uuvernuient, strong; railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds were ss fol lows: U. 8. rf. 2s, reg..l02T4 Jnpn fis, 2d ser . !Si do coupon l"3"i do 4H rtfs '.- U. 8. 3s, peg 12'v uo 2d scries 9:i do coupon 1'3 .1, & N. unl. 4s...loi f. 8. old 4s, reg...lnj '"Man c. g. 4b....1:; do coupon 1"4 iMex Central 4s... 8" f. 8. new 4s reg.!3"'t' do 1st Inc 2V do coupon M. t St L. 4s.. 97 Am. Tobacco 4s... SJi M.. K. & T."" do ss ll.i : do 2s $9 Atchlon gen. 4s..l"2-"i 'N.D R of M o d ftS do adj. 4s........ 9i N. Y. C. g. 34s.. 99 Atlantic C. L. 4s.. 101 N. J. C. g. 5s. ...1341 Pal. & Ohio 4s.... 103V, 'No. Pacific 4s.,..10o4 do 34s , PS ! do Ss 77 B. R. T. c. 4." 99V N. & W. c. 4s I'il4 M en. or Oil. 63. do 1st Inc do 2d Inc do 3d Inc 113 ,0. 8. L. rfdg. 4s.. 9 914 'Penn. conv. S4s..l'iS4 M4 Ketdlng g 4s I034 4"S-L. : I.M c.5s..ll C. & A. 34s W S.L. & 8.F. fg 4s. 7 C. B & Q. n. 4s . lo 4 Si. L. 8. W. c. 4s 1 C. R. I. ft P. 4s. 794 8. A. L. 4s ( ' do col. 5s fc4 So. P;iclflo 4s 94 CCC. & S.L.g 4s. .10:4 do 1st 4s ctfs... W Col. Ind. 6s ser. A 7tV fro. Railway 5...12i-i do series R "m Texas & P. Is 122 Colo. Mid. 4s 77 rT. 8. L & W. 4s. S.14 Colo. & 80. 4s.... 93 t" nlon Pacific 4s.. I'M', Ciba 5 V' do conv. 4s 15oiI Tt ft R. O. 4s...liH, V. 8. Steel 2d 6s.. 94 DIs' Sec. 6s S3 1 Wabash Is U5 Erie p. I. 4s In2 I do deb. R 744 do gen. 4s 934 'Western Md. 4s . R'i4 Hock. Val. 44s...1".'V -V. &- I,. E 4s ... 91 Japan 6s 994 W la. Central 4s... 93 Bid. "Offered. Boston Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON, Dec. 29. -Call loans. 7&10 per cent; time loans, fni per ent. Official miotltlons on stocks and bonds: AtchNon adj. 4s. 93 Allouez do 4s I014 Amalgumated .. Mex. Central 4s.. 79 American Zinc . Atchison R)i4 Atlantic do pfd 1044 Plngham Boston & A 2:4 Cal. ft Heclu Boston ft Me 171 1 Centennitil Boston Ele 1554 Copper Range .. Fttehhurg pfd ...143 Duly West Mex. Central 2i!4 Dominion Coal . . 454 .1094 . 154 . ;u . 3.) .715 . 24 . 82 N. Y. N.H. H .19.1 1 Franklin Union Pacific ....1514, ( Iranbv .. 9V .. 25 .. 104 .. 174 .. 2 .. 74A, .. 36 ..1084 .. 414 ..106 .. 7 ..117 .. 1 .. 67 .. 44i .. 124 .. l4 .. 64 .. S4 ..131 .. S7 Am. A. Chem 23 do pfd 92 Amer. P. Tube... 13 Isle Royulo .. m-iss Mining Michigan .... Amer. Sugar 152V "-Mohawk ... no prd .139 ' Mont. C ft C. Amer. T. ft T...137ii! Old Dominion a mi ,,i., j,. J.f,i "' x. . . ........ ft 8 27 Ouincv Edison Elec. II... 241 1 Shannon Hi-n. Electric ...,17s I Tamarack Mass. Electric ... 164 Trlnltv do pfd ftiv United Copper M:tss (las 4'4 U. H. Mining... United Fruit ...1"34 U. 8. Oil l n 1 1 en . Macn.. 72 i tan do Pfd ;iU.i Victoria f. S. Steel do pfd Westing, com.. Adventurei Uld. "Asked 4?' - I Winona 101,4 Wolverine ... K North Uutte 64' l-oniloa Closing Stocks. IONDON. Dec. 29. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: Consols, money.. 894' N. T Central. . . 1564 do account .. X9 3-lfij Norfolk ft W 86, Anaconda 13V do pfd arU Atchison 914, Ontario ft W 53 'p P"':;-' ' Bal. ft Ohio Hi I ennsylvnnla ... Rsnd Mines Reading . do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 80. Kill way 744 4 7f" 474 494 364 , rn,,H 179i; V, nhtn pjjj?' o. V!.'. 22 i f. . , o q. ,y U'.V"! Dl' r' -) At R (i fl1 " '.' ..15; .. 17SI no nro ..10:1 .. 64 . .154 4vyPo. Pacific ... Joy Union Pacific .. 49S I do is't'ofd ""' ! j" ',1 WiX"" do pfd 1014 U. 8. Sti ' do pfd I. . .. 424 ..1094 .. 214 .. 42 .. 914" .. 75 Illinois Central , 1-outs. ft Nasn. ..179W Wabash .. M. K. ft T anlsh 4s Ex-irl'vldend SILVER Steady, 29 15-1 6d per ounce. The rale of discount in the open market for short bills, Is 4 perVfent; for three months' bills, 4 per jLfni, Sew York Mining; Mocks. NEW YORK. Dec. 23.-Closlng quotations tn mining stocks we-- as follows: Adams Con Mttle Chief ... Alice 220 Breece 40 Brunswick Con .. 57 Comstock Tunnel 4 Con. Cal. ft Va..H5 Horn Silver 1T." .' Iron Silver 350 Leadville Con .... 6 mtarlo Opliir Phoenix Fotosl ..250 ..558 .. 2 .. 6 ,. 48 .. 25 .. 52 ..360 Savage Merra Nevada omall Hopes .. Standard Treasury statement. WASHINGTON. Dec. 29-Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1160 000.000 Rold reserve, shows: Avallnble cash balance, 1139.356.768; gold coin and bullion, IS5.6M.115; gold certificates. 351.217.390. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. Dec. 29 -Bank clearings for today were 11.527.949.06 and for the corre sponding date last year 11.403,921.27. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.-METAI4 There was another break In the London tin mar kets, with snot closing nt 160 12a 6d and futures at 160 7s6d. Ixx-ally the market continued easy end spot closed at $35.25i! 95.50. Copper recovered most of yesterday loss In the Ixindnn market and closed nt 59 12s fid for spot and 79 2s 61 for futures. Locally tho situation was unchanged, with lake and electrolytic quoted at 118 and cast ing at I1S.50I&18.624. I-ead was lower at 17 Ss 9d in London. I vocally the market seemed unchanged, with quotations ranging from $560'6.K6. 8pelter advanced about 6s to 29 2s fid In London, hut was lower at 16.609 6.60 It.callv. Iron was unchanged at Id lower In the Enerlish market, with standard foundry quoted at 52s 9l and Cleveland warrants at 54s. The local market was Arm and unchanged: No 1 foiinrirv northam la quoted at 118.761(19.35; No. 2 foundry north- em. Il '.T.ffjiR 85; No. 2 foundry southern. 118 Vi.jjl8.75; No. 3 foundry southern. 18vff IB ST. I1U1S. Dec. 29.-METAIJ4 Id higher, $5.90. Spelter, lower. $6.424j6.45. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 29 COTTON Snot closed quiet: middling uplands. $11.90: mid dling gulf. 112.15; sales. 340 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 29.-OOTTON- Easy; sales, bales; ordinary. 9c: a-ood ordinary, 10 3-16c; low middling, 11 l-16c; middling, 1111-lfic; good middling. 121-16c; middling fslr. l?4c; receipts, 85,874 bales; stock, 844.839 bales. ST. LOl'lB, Dec. 23. COTTON Oulet and unchanged: middling. llc; ssles. none: re. celpts. l.loo bales; shipments, 43 bales: stock. 17, wi naies. LIVERPOOl Dec. 29 COTTON Spot. moderate business done; prices 7 points higher; American middling fair. 6.764; good middling. 6.42d; middling. (24d: low mid dling, 6flSd: good ordinary, 5.9ud: ordinary, 6 74.1 The sales of the day were 8.000 bales, of which 5f were for speculation and ex port and Included 7,500 American. Receipts, 1s,Cj0 bales. Including 12.300 American. Coffee Market. " NEW YORK, Dec 29. -COFFEE Market opened steady at a decline of ftlo points under selling by trade Interests and some what disappointing French cables. Offer ings were light, however, and tha market ruled generallv steady during the middle session on a little Wall street buying and covering of shorts. Toward the close rumors that bullish cables had been received from Braxll regarding the new duties stimulated the support and the market closed steady at a net advance of 5fi 10) points. Sales were reported of 56.000 hags. Including: January. ( 25c; February. 6.36' 40c; -olarch. (4n4ii.6V: April, 655c; May. (6560c: September, (90 g7c. Spot, steady; No. 7 Rio, 8 l-16c. Wool Market. BOSTON. Dee. 2 WOOI, The Boeton Commercial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the market: An exhaustive and thorough canvass by mall and telegraph of every wool rentes In this country develops a con siderably larger supply of wool left over to carry Into IS06 than was generally sus pected to have accumulated. The receipts to date are 319.572.011 lbs , against 314.371.tii3 for the same period last year. ST. IOUIS, Dec 29 V OL 8teadv: me dium grades combing and cliHhing. 2t73ur; light fine. 2136c; heavy fine, 19&21c; tub washed, 33&414c. Philadelphia Prodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dee. 2S. BUTTER Firm: extra western creamery, 364'u27c; extra nearby prints. 3uc. EiG! Firm; nearby fresh and western freaa. c. at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full "cream. 12314C. 51os-5hemeld Total sales for the da OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Stem gad Oowi 8tetaT, but 81ow, wi'.h Feiien Unchgnpi HCG3 ACTIVE AND FULLY FIVE HIGHER Another Small Raa of hea. with Feeders on sale anal Prices oa Fat Stan and Unki Steady to Strong. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec. 2. 1906. RecelDts were- Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oftlclal Monday Official Tuesday .... Omclnl Wednetday "fTlcial Thursdav . Official Friday ..... .2.294 2 4T9 213 900 1 K9 12.0S1 7.27s T.9 Z.H3 Five days this week.... 1.27 Five d-jys last week....l.14fl Same week before 27.J74 Same three weeks ago..21.57S Same four weeks ago. . . .13. KM Same week last year.... 9.741 11.538 53 MO 45.815!W 24,59 710 17.213 35.41S SS.77B Jl.frO 19.050 6.091 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE, The following table shows the receipts of Cattle, hoes anil aheen at Rnuth Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: iig 1904 inc. 1 Sattle l.flCs,2r4 937,053 X9.151 lings 2,2(7,S33 J.2SS.J77 19.1S6 hep 1.999.3..6 1.766.86S 233.4S8 The following table shows the prices paid at the river market for rattle: Oood to choice corn-fed steers , Fair to good corn-fed steers common to fair corn-fed steers..., Good to choice cowe and heifers. 1.. fair to good cows and heifers Canners and cutters Good to choice stockers ft feeders., Fair to good stOckers and feeders.. Common to fair feeders Veal calves The followtna- tahla ahnara the price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several day a, with comparisons: I'ate. I 19u6. 11804. 11903. 11902. 1901. ilftOO. iltS9. f)ec. 15... Dec. J6... t'ec i7... Dec. 18... I.'SO. 19... 4 Sli,. 4 38 4 39 6 091 ', 4 84i 3 95 4 76 I 4 411 4 281 8 I1 6 26 I 4 01 J 4 45 4 84 281 6 U t3 i 31' I 4 26 14 6 26i 4 731 3 98 4 8441 4 50i 4 80! Oil ( 13 4 77 I 92 Hoc. 20 4 90 4 6C ! C n,i H (HI 4 if ? M 4 44 4 34', I I 0 4 1 4 01 4 38! 4 39 11 I 4 801 4 OS 4 38! 4 45 I 18 8 06! j 4 04 4 41 4 471 I 261 6 09 4 86! Dec. 21. .. 4 88 'Dec. 22. 4 90 4 97 Dec. 23. Dec. 24. Dec. 25. Deo. 16. Dec. 27. Dec. 23. Dec. 29. I I I I S 06 15 fnvfio 50 4 40fl5 00 8.7564 40 I.3594.2S 2.4otS32S 1.762.40 3.40400 8.0O43S 40 OtVSOO 1.00 '66.00 averase 4 421 4 63 861 8 19! 4 891 4 17 ' Friday, while the run for the eorrespond 4 611 8 44! t 36' 4 63' 4 08 'nS day last year was practically six times 1 5 on ! 4 92 I 601 4 61' 6 20! 4 77; I 14 4 55! 4 47 6 50 4 SI! 4 16 Indicates Sunday. Tndlcstes holiday. RANGE OF PRICE& Cattle. Ho(is. Omaha , tl. 4.35-?i.10 Chicago l.Sxfr6.90 4.6"ftS 26 Kansas City 2 006 00 4.40&S.124 St. Iouls 2 011-65 90 4 451. 25 Sioux City 2. 504i-5. W 4.S0U6.OO THURSDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows the number of cars of feeders shipped to the country Thursday and their points of destination: CATTLE. Cars. J. C. Caldwell, Stanwood, la. N. W 2 Preston ft H., Anita. Ia. R. 1 1 8. A. Perkins. Arllngton-F. E I Robert Alexander. pToomfleld M. ft O.... 2 Henry A. Ruwe. Herman M. ft 0 1 H. R Laird. Tabor. Ia Q 3 Dun SHllors. Verdon-M. P 2 J. F. Mundehenke. Mllford B. ft M 2 SHEEP. D. D. S. H. Kantel, Danhury. la. N. W 3 John Virtue. Danbury, la. N. W 1 Tne cifliclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: C. M. ft St. P Wabash Union Pacific Systerr C. ft N. AV., east C. ft N. W.. west C, St. P.. M. ft O... C, H. ft Q., eu-st C, B. ft Q.. west C, R. I. ft P.. east. C. R. I. ft P.. west. Illinois Central Chicago G. W 1 3 1 1 13 12 2 3 ! ,4 11 .. ..( ,6 32 ,2 6 1 .5 25 ,8 2 1 , .. 3 ,3 3 . 1 1 ,37 107 - ' ' 4 Total receipts The disposition of the. day's receipts as follows, each buyer purchasing number of - head" Indicated: 1 Cattle.Hoe-s.Sh was the Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co...... Armour ft Co Swift and Co., country Lobmtn & Co Hill ft 8on Huston ft Co Hamilton ft Rothschild.. L. F. Husz Mike Haggerty J. B. Hoot ft Co Other Buyers ' 1.032 7 2.151 . 465 ' . 2,218 123 2,Ht 205 31 14 10 15 .... 7 81 35 60 m 7,703 26 559 Total CATTLE There was another light run of cattle on the market this morning, thirty two cars about 800 head being reported In. This Is considerably smaller than for tho same day last week and the run for the corresponding day last year was more than four times as large. The run for the five days of the week totals about 8.176 head, or about 10.000 head smaller than for the same time last week, and It Is also smaller than for the first five days or the same week last year. There were only a few loads of beef steers on the market today and the quality of these was. generally speaking, rather common. Trading was quite slow and draggy, and although the receipts were small. It was unite late before a clearance was effected. Packers were still Indifferent buyers, apparently not caring much whether they bought the stuff offered for sale or not. The most of the stock sold for prices that were practically steady. Trading on cows and heifers was In Just about tho same condition as the beef steers. The supply and tfje demand was small ana traaing was siow ana untnterest- Ing all during the day. Some of the stock was lute In getting up to the yards, so that the stuff came straggling In tn lots of one or two loads all during the morning, mak ing a rather draggy market. Packers evi dently wanted only a very small supply of cows and were not buying much. Gener- 1 any epeaaing, prlces were nominally 1 Steady. i There were only a stockers and feeders on the market and oln- reaauy ai prices inai were tuny aieaay wuu yesieraay. Representative sales BEEF STEERS. No. 3.... 3.... 4.... 12.'.'.'. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr .... 980 3 55 20... 6... ... 1... 14 .. ....1180 4 30 12 4 35 ....1276 4 50 ....1440 4 65 ....1315 4 66 .... 965 t 60 ....14H0 2 60 .... 933 3 76 ....1137 ....1101 ....1151 3 75 4 00 4 00 COWS. 860 1 68 930 1 75 'i'.'.; 1000 1 75 1. 975 2 66 1060 1 7S 1 880 I 60 956 940 818 3 00 1 00 Z6 1 11 2 R 10..... 3 30 f 1 1 . 832 2 66 .1050 1 70 .1090 I 70 t 00 1068 2 10 1060 S 75 1"8 2 TS 1047 I 80 1270 II 1008 3 85 VA 2 90 1060 i 80 940 3 00 1300 8 00 1016 2 10 97 2 10 9"2 $ IS 90 1 25 971 1 25 640 I 24 1066 I 35 883 3 28 955 2 30 776 2 30 0'8 2 f6 2 30 989 I 85 K30 I 36 1195 2 40 1206 2 40 882 I 45 loon t 60 1080 $ 50 990 I 50 1... 13.... 3.... I.... 8.... 8 ... 8 ... 8.... 11.... ..... 7.... .... 1... 4.... 3... 1.... 1..., 1.... 3.... 1... 1... 1... 1 ... 4 .... (... I ... 1... 1 ... 3... I... 4.... 4... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 2... 1... 1 .. ( 1200 830 3 00 I 00 21.'".', Ii;!! 11.'.'.'. 1079 3 00 3 00 3 06 1020 1086 1133 3 10 1141 3 30 1080 8 25 1220 3 26 1135 I 66 1430 I 7R 1210 I 78 104( t 60 BUIJA .1110 t 15 4 .1567 ..1270 ..1380 ..1750 ..1650 t (6 , 1 61 2 66 2 80 2 85 t to ..1300 2 40 ..14S0 40 ..1203 2 40 ..1300 I 50 . . 860 ! 50 ..1J20 t M .1330 2 00 .1465 2 m ..1500 I 75 ..1780 1470 I 00 1600 3 16 .1S 3 20 . 110 1 75 . V I 84 . 690 2 80 .614 I 80 .1006 I 20 . 700 3 25 . 140 R SO .110 & 75 . 210 R 7R .110 (00 HEIFETtS. .. 496 2 10 1 .. ;n S 40 2 ..1270 8 (0 1 ..313 $60 C .. 733 I 70 1 ... CALVES. ..317 1 60 1 ... 332 8 50 1 ... 100 R 00 1 .. O0 S 00 1.... .160 R 26 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS 700 1 75 1 I no 640 2 28 391) I (0 o 2 i (M I 28 884 I 25 41 IS 722 3 35 740 2 75 511 I 00 4 707 8 65 HOGS There was a moderate run of hogs on the market this morning, about ninety nine cars, about 7.000 head being reported In ud t-- noon. This Is smaller than for the same dav last week by about 4 300 hni, and la also smaller for the corresponding day one year ago by about 4 onp head. The receipts for the week totals 31.3" head as against tt.i-40 head for the same length of time last week. On the other hand, how ever, the receipts for the first Ave days of the corresponding week last year were smaller by about 12.2D head. Trading opened this morning with buyers bidding about a nickel higher on the gen eral run of stock. Sellers were unwilling to let go at these prices, and a little later the market Armed up and trading became quite active at prices that were In most raees aboiit a dime higher than yesterday s opening. The market remained ste.idy with this advance and trading continued brisk and active. Oenerally speaking, prices were 5til0c higher than yesterday's average. The long string of hogs were sild around ii CO (16.024. The top price paid was IS 10 for seme prime heavy weights. Representative sales: No. Av Bh. Pr No. 91 ... S3 7"... log 1M ... 4. 7... Av 8h Pr 120 5 00 . . 5 t S ."0 6 on 120 6 on 90 I on ... 8 no so 5 011 40 i on .. 253 ...3I ...249 .. n ...211 ..241 ...231 ...244 ...21 ...?.'!. ...194 ...217 ...238 "22 227 '.'..ih . . . 287 ...258 .. 26? ...V1 ...262 ...261 75 1T 40 4 924 .... 220 4 92 4 K9 70 83. 90. 82. tV 6. 74. 83. 90. 79. 6V 99. 61. 67. 49. 55. 68. 60. 4. F9 64. "1. ft 76. 49. 49. 16. 7 SO. 91. 75. 70. 60. 173 4 95 4 93 4 9.-, 4 9i .!? .U9 279 .178 .357 .313 124) 280 . 4 K ls 4 9 ... 4 9i 40 5 no 80 8 on S-i 6 00 ... 8 00 80 6 00 120 Rot 180 6 on ... S 00 ... 8 00 40 5 00 80 6 no 12 6 on 80 5 00 ... I 181 ... 5 on 290 5 on 200 12 4 .177 .v..45 '38 160 4 95 40 4 9i ....20 ...217 ....233 300 90 4 95 5 00 6 00 5 00 t m 6 no 6 (10 6 0?U 2'9 230 188 75.... 87.... .... 83.... 53. . . . 59... 69... ... 40 ....313 ...109 . .. 330 ....298 ....2H1 ...111 ....289 ....285 ....210 ....145 ....330 40 80 5 o?4 66. 7 so 5 0:4 ... 5 024 80 6 o?4 ... fo?4 . I 05 1 . . 8 05 lHO S 05 2M 4 974 '4 974 80 4 974 . . , 4 97VI, 130 4 974 J40 ! 4 974 ... ' 00 t e 00 80 S 00 80 6 00 40 F 00 130 , 5 on ' . . . . 6 00 40 5 CO 40 6 00 71 268 8n 6 on 81. ...200 120 5 00 63. 61. 64. 89 74 r.K c 63 75 71 So 46 ...196 6 on .839 .307 40 6 00 lit) s 024 68.. 67.. 69.. 101. 89.. 78.. 87.. 72.. 8. . 18.. M.. 61.. 69 . 68.. 99.. ?o.. 77.. ..274 ..217 . .206 ..rn ..221 ..261 ..264 .264 ...U5 ..263 ..275 80 6 034 ... 6 024 ...237 ...210 ...Vi ...M ...? ...226 ...736 ...tit ...?48 ...238 ...2i' ...?6 ... 8 024" 80 5 024 ... 5 024 240 5 024 80 6 024 40 6 06 ... 5 06 ... R 06 ... R 06 ... R 06 80 R OS 80 6 05 ... 6 05 40 5 or, 80 5 05 ... 6 074 120 6 10 64.... 62.... 63.... .... 67.... o.... 223 88 23' 65 T97 66 247 r? 289 55 St 69 280 55 345 ...233 .226 160 6 00 ,19S 6 f 293 200 5 00 SHEEP There was the usually light Friday's run this morning, only two ears, about 500 head being reported In. The re ceipts were Just about the same as last as inrge. rne run ror tne ween totals s.zin head as against 17.213 head the previous ween, tin the other nam), however, tney were larger than the run for the corre spondlng week last year by about head. The receipts this week are the small est since the second week of June. Both of the cars of sheep received this morning consisted of fat stuff. They ar rived early and were sold almost as soon as they were placed In shape to he shown. Roth of the cars were made un Of Colorado ewes. One car sold for tn.X. while the other load sold for 85.26. These prices are . strong compared with those paid yesterday ; for practically the same kind of sheep. I The recpt(, have be.n light all the week. and While most of the other market points have had a slight decline In prices with 1 moderately good-sixed runs, prices at the ' point have remained uuotably unchanged. I Yesterday some sales looked pretty strong and it is possible that the market Is a shade hlerher for the week. Qiiotntlnr.s for fed sheen and lambs are ss folo-' Good to choice tstnba. Colo radog, 7.2"A7 60; westerns, 87.0Offl7.8n; yesr Hp 86 00ej26: wethers, 16 5065.76; ewes, I4.75AR.40 Quotations for feeder sheen and Isnibs: Good feeding lambs. 1Y7R4MI.J8: yearllnrs. 4 7Rfi5.40: wethers. 14 v.4fi 09; ewes. 13.75 4n; breed In ewes. 4 6005.00. Kepresentative sales: Av. . 98 . 101 l'r 6 n 5 so y6 Western ewes 231 Western ewes. CHICAGO I.IVF. STOCK MtRKKT Cattle Slow and Dull Hogs Five to Ten Cents Higher. CHICAGO. Deo. 29.-CATTLE Receipt s, 2.500 head; market slow and dull; common to raney steers, X3.w7 io: cows and heifers. t2.4f!itS.OO: bulls. 2.85(fr410; stockers and I feeders. $"..1ofl4.30; calves, 83.00(?i.2B. ! HOGS Receipts, 25.oon head: market 5Sl0o ble-her: common to fair, light mixed hogs, 3R0Of?6.10: good to choice. I5.10fl6.2n: f!r to Kansas City live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec. 29. CATTLE Receipts, 1.000 head. Including 100 southerns, Market steady. Choice export and dressed beef steers. $.1 fVfl6 00; fair to good. $3.76U 4.90; western fed steers, $3. SWM. 90; stockers and feeders, I2.75C-4.50: southern steers, $2fOfi4?n: southern cows. rjf(SJ.;t; native cows. I2.003.90; native heifers $2.754.76; bulls. $2.25S3.75: cslves, $30Vd.7R. HOGS Receipts 6,5Xt head: market Voice higher: top. $5124: hulk of sales. 34 96f p.ttru- heavy. 15.05(124; pigs and lights, $4KVff.024. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.500 head; market strong to 10c higher: ton western lambs. $7.50; native lambs. S5.76j 7.60; western lambs. 85 76W7.60; fed ewes and yearlings. I4.50$36.c0: western fed yearllnrs,; western fed sheep, $4.2ftff6.i0; stockers and feeders, 13. 5-4. 75. 81. Itnls Live Stork Market. 8T. lyOUIS. Mo.. Dec. 29 CATTLE Re ceipts GOO head. Including 100 Texans; mar- i ket weak: native shipping and export I steers, 84.4Mtfi.80; dressed beef and butcher 1 steers. 12.756.00; steers under 1,000 pounds, I $2.7Sfj4.10; stockers and feeders. $2.0ni'3 60; I cows and heifers. I2.O0413.6O: canners, I1.76i) z.oo. bulls. 12.503.75; calves. l3.0fi4Ti.E0 Texas and Indian steers, $2.7&8'3.8!; cows and heifers. 2.00'S3J.1S. HOGS Receipts. 6 600 bead: market Rc higher; pigs and lights. 4.4&ti6.1S: packers, ' "5tj5.20; butchers and best heavy, $5.10 5 25. 1 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. RuO head; market steady; native muttons, $5.00 , i6.f.O: lambs. $5 50ii7.60: culls and bucks, $3 ?ST4?S; stockers. $2.00y3 00; Texans. $2.76S.70. St. Joaenh l ive Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Dec. !9. CATTLE Receipts, 439 head; msrket steady; natives, 3 6Wi9o; cows and heifers, $1.4"?4.90; Blockers and feeders. f?.76fi3.90. HOGS Receipts. 6 385 head; market SfrlOe higher; Urht $4.80-86.00; medium and hesvv I4 90rir6flf74. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 768 hesd; market steady. glons Cltv Live gtwk Market. SIOI'X CITY. Dec. 29-(Speclal Tele gram. 1 CATTLE Receipts, 500 head: mar- ket steady; beeves $3.40W.60; cows, hulls ano mixea, sj.iu?a.n; siocsers ana i-eoers, tz iwr ik; caivea ana -vearungs, a.-H'tiu.tu. HOGS Receipts, 5.500 head; market higher; selling, $4. sogo.oo; bulk, $4.oiiH.934. Stork la Bight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday were as fo'lows: rs'tie. lion. Sheen. South Omaha .... Stoux City ....... Kansas City .... St. Joseph St. lyOUlS Chicago Totals oft 776 E.600 4. W 6 385 5.510 26.000 6 JO .. 600 ...l.ortv ... 439 ... 600 ...2.610 3n 500 60O 8,000 .(,039 60.151 13,269 agar aad Molasses. NEW YORK. Dec. 29 Sl'GAR-Raw. steady: fsir refining. S4c; rer.trtfueal 96 test. 3Sc; molasses sugar fk. Refined steady: crushed, 5.40c; powdered, 1.80c; f rat-ndsted. 4 7c. NEW ORLEANS. Dee. 29-flUOAR-Flrm: Open kettlo, 83": open kettle cen trifugal, SU'tc: centrifugal white, 3Vtl4c; yellows. auifW 11-16c: seconds, IfrSKc. MOLASSFR Open kettle. 16'gl(jo; cen trlfusnl. C2?e SYRUP-20'52.0. Oils aad Resin. OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. 28 -0tCredlt bal ance, $158: shipments. 75.510 bbls.; averare. Rnirs bbls.: runs. 102.944 bhls ; averare. 6414 bbls. Shipments Lima, 57 618 bbls.; average. (69F4 bbls.; runs Lima, 69,971 bbls.; average, 43.891 bbls SAVANNAH, Dec. 2.-OIL-Turpentlne, 69c ROSIN-FIrm: A. B. C. $3 50; D, 8355; F., $3 60; F. 3 7: O, 13.76: H. $3 86: I. $3 96; K. $100; M. $5; N. $5.5n; WO. $6 76; WW, $6. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Dec. 2.-CORN-8vrady : N . t. 41 We: No 4. 394c; no grade. 344a374c. OATS Unchanged; No. I white. 304c; No. 4 white. tS'.e. RYE-Pteady; No. !, (74c. WHISKT-ll SO. Dalath Grata Market. DULUTH. Dec 29.-WH EAT-To arrive, No. I nortittrn, 3"ie; no. . northern, 8040; 4' packing. $5.0frafi.l0: selected llcht weights. ' .Ko. l rib. Vic; Ntv t rib. 4c. No. J rib. 8056 10; selected heavv and medium, Ci No- 1 1V hi. 16c; No. 2 10! n. l0ji : No J 1 $3 1S6 26: pigs. $4.25rti4.70. loin. 74c; No. 1 chucks, oc; No. 3 chucks. - I SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6 ootl 4c; No 1 1 chucks. 8c; No. 1 round .c; No J head: msrket steady; sheep. K OODOO; , round 64c; No. ,,,.rnd'. i.? P1" yearlings. 86.10(S7.(; lambs. $ 4c; No. 2 plate. 3. no. 3 mate. .4c. 00 ... it.. v. a .. .. . . a r:. c lit, i e I on trnrl:. No. 1 northern 9;'S : No. -' mrt -em. '''", I'ecetnlxi. .,c. May, sS'v . OATS 1o hi rive ut.d 11 tritca. 3 c OMAHA VIIOl.S.9 9t.i: Mitiri. Condition of 1 ride and quotations on staple and Fancy frudaer. EGGS-Fresh receipts, candled stock. Jjok LIVE l'Ul'I.TRV-liens. i4ii.-, ivosters. 6c, tutkc), lie; ducks. 84c; nulng chick ens. ,4 it. sc. geese. Siii-c. DRESSED PtU'l.'i It V Turkeys. lfvH l . old loins. Millie; chickens, 8,i:'c; old roost ers. 7c- dm ks. lie; geese, linollc. BUTTKR-I'a. king stock, lis:, choice to fancy dairy, IHjISjc; ii.-aiiiei. 3lKfJ14i prints. 2i4c. HUUAR-tt:ind.ird granulated. In bbls, 15:1 jtr ct.; cuius. lr cwt.; cut loif, !( 50 per cwt: No. 6. extia C. bam or bbls., If. iu per cat.; No lo. extr C, bag only. 14 90 pei mi , .o. li yellow, liuss r-niy. It K per cwt ; XWX powdered, I.'. '5 Ter cwt FRESH FISH Trrut. 10.f-.lir; tialibut. 13"; bnrTalo. diessed, IV. plcerel. dressed. (4.-; white bass, dressed. 12r; sunilsh. v... pen 11. settled and dressed. e; pise oc: ca:tl'i. IJc; red snapper. Kc: salmcn. 11c; copples, lie; eeis, c: bullheads. He: ''Inck ohms, l.ic; hliesh. 17c; o legs, ner due., Jio lobsters, green, 27o: boiled iobsttrs Sue: had roe, 46c; bluertsh, l&o; ht rrinit, 4a HAY Prices quoted by Omalm Feed com pany: No 1 upland. 17 50; medium, li'.OO; coarse. St; it'll 6.6c. Iie straw. W.W. BRAN Per ton. 8 ID 60. TROPICAL FRUITS DATES Per nox or So 1-10. pkgs.. r m; Hallow re. In 70-lb. boxes, per 10., 64c, Savers, per lb. 6c; walnut-stuffed, 1-ib. pkgs , 12 per dox ; 9-lb. Inixt-s. $l.ts. ORANGES California Navtls. ail sixes, $2 75; Klor'da. all sues. 82-:i0 LEMONS Llmo!tlera. -.tra fancy. 2;l sire It 2.-1 : 30 and 360 Sixes, 3.7i. FIGS California, per 10-lb carton. 753 fic. impair ltd binytna, 4-cj-own. 12c; crown, 14c. BANANAS Ter niedlum-siied bunch. (1.7s 02.26: Jumbos, 2.504J3.0a k TANGERINES rioiida, per box of about 125, 12.50. GRAPE FRUIT-Per box. 15.50. FRUITS. PEARS Lnwretiv and Mount Vernon. 2.5a t CRANBERRIES Jerseyx, $:2 . ier bbl ; Bell rfnd butiie. J12o. A1TLES California Bellflowers. Il.4il per bu. box; Colorado Jonathans, 82.00 per Lu. box; Ben Davis, II 60 per bu. box; Wlnesaps, 12.00 per ou box; oih.- varietit-., 12.00 per bu.. New York apples, 84 60 p'f . GRAPES Imported Malagas. 5.5O1i(.O0. OLD VEGETABLES PCTA IUlj iioniv-giown, per bu , ivj etc; couth Dakota, per tiu.. .i-e. UNIONS Home-grown, yellow and red. per bu., boc; Spanish, pur cvate, ti.ia. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 82.00. LIMA BEANS Per bu.. 04c. CAbBAGE Home-grown and Wisconsin. In dales,. per lb., CAHRO'lS. PAhfcAlPS AND TURNIPS per bu.. Hu.bc. I'EI.KttV ialam.isoo, per dor.. 25c. SWEET POTAT JES-Kansa, per i-bu. bbl., L?i. NEW VEOKTABLE8. CAULIFLOWER Pel crate. $2 75. TOMATOES California, per crutu of :u lbs., $2.60. WAX BEANS Per hamper of about 34 lbs net, 43 60 STRING BEANS Per hamper of about 80 lbs. net, $3.0004.00. EUO PLANT Florida, per dos.. Il.iij 1 50. GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per hampei Of about 10 do., 32.60. TURNIPS Louisiana, per dos. bunches (Sc. 8 H A L L O T T 8 Louisiana, per dox. bunches, 75c HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per brl., IS t.4jlo 00; rer dot hends, 11.00. LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per bjx of 12 to 15 l-.e-Hds. 600. CUCUMBERS Hot house. dox.. $1 2J ei 60. RADISHES Hot house, per dox. bunches. TSc. Ml'SHROOMS-Ilot house, per lb., 60U7jc HIDES No. I green. 9c: No. 2 green. V; No. 1 salted. 11c; No. 2 salted, loc; No I veal calf, lie; No. 2 zeal calf. 9c; tliy salted, 7'al4c; cheep pelts, 2jclj$100; horse hides, ::.60ttj.0o. miscel.laneoi;s CIDER Per keg. 13.75; per Dbl.. 16.76. HONET-KdW, per 24 lb.. $3.50. CHEESE! Swiss, new, 6c: Wisconsin brick, 14c Wisconsin llmberger 13c twins, 144c; young Amctlcas. 144c NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 164c: hard shells-, per lb. 134c. Pehns, large, per lb.. 14c; small, per lb. 12c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb ! 8c Chill walnuts, per lb., 12l34e. Al monds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; hard shells, per lb., 16c. IShellbark hickory nuts, per bu.. $2.26; largj hickory nt'ts, per bu.. $1.50. Chestnuts, ptr lb., lie. eoc-i.-.uts. $4.s0 per sack of 100. BUKlc uiir. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Drc. 29.-WH EAT-Dilll ; No. 1 northern. 8.'VJ!'u 84e ; No. i northern. j ffJVS'fir: May. JV'. RVF.-Flonr. No. 1. 664fi67c. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. rH4fi66c; 37Vf Me. CORN Active; May. 414-34440. sample Toledo feed Market. TOLEDO. (.. Dec. 29. SEED Clove--, cash, December nnd January, $8.30; March, $8.42; timothy, $1.60; alslke, s. REAL E8TATU TRAsFEW. The folowlng real estate transfers were filed for record Tecemher 29: WARRANTY DEEDS. C. W. Haves and wife to Isaac Bailey et al. lot 7. block 15, Myers. R. ft T.'s add $ 3:: K. O. Christen and wife to D. D. Dawson et al. lot 4. block 3, Central Park I'"- Lombard Liquidation Co. to George Gardiner, north 30 feet of n4 of s4 lot 4, block 71, Omaha 400 J. B. Reagan and wife to J. D. Ware, und. 4 of west 65 feet lot 3. block 259, Omaha 2ti C. A. Blrney et al to Laura E. French, mid. 20 feet lot 4. block 63; lot 6. block 94. South Omaha 1 C. F. Weller and wife to M. S. Atkls- son. lot 12. block 35, Koiintze Place.. 8.500 A. B. Mecartea and wife to Llzz'.e Shaw, lot 8, block "II," Saunders & H.'s add 150 A. L. Reed et al to John Stenad, lot 4, block 9, Van Camp's add 2.V) Anna Downs to Elisabeth Shinn, n4 lot 11. block 62, South Omaha 850 C. H. Brown to T. F. Stroud, tax lot 23. In 3-15-13 Omaha Realty Co. to Anna Thoinsen lot 15. block 2. Armstrong's 1st add. E. M. Wellman and wife to Nellie C. Brennan, west 56 824 feet of east 112824 feet of north 85 feet, block 103. Glue s add National Life Insurance Co. to E. M. Wellman, same, and east 3 feet of north 85 feet lot 103.. same J. F. Banninn et al ex et al to Wil 10 1.800 2.20f. liam Boese, nw4. sw4, nw4, 1-14-12 l.ioC Ellen Roe to H. A. Tukey, lots 1 and 2. block 22, Credit Fonder add 2.fg ; 11. a. 1 tikey to Joseph Rtelger and 1 wire, !! same IfU l.S So, Same to F. Same to F. A. Derek. s4 same Pete Swsnsnn to J. Stoltenberg. lots 3 and 4. block 3. Myers. R. A T.'s add. QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Deborah Burton to J. E. Reagan, und V lot 3. block 2f9. Omaha M. F. M.trtin and wife to Ixiuis Har ris, und. 4 lots 3, S to 8, block 70. Omaha T. L. Rlngwalt and wife to Elizabeth Davis, lot 1, block 1. Armstrong's 2d add., and lot 18, block 8. Brlggs Place Ellen Roe to H. A. Tukey, parts of streets adlolnlng block 22. Credit Fonder add II. A. Tukey to Joseph Btelgor and wife, parts of streets adjoining block t2, Credit Fonder add H. A. Tukey to F. A. Derek, same !:) 2.i H B. Darrow to G. M. Harrow, mid. t-i of s4 lots 10 and 11, Courtland Place ' ' ..$--2,014 Total amount of transfers UNITED COPPER COMPANY The United Copper Company, having set aside out of the net earnli.KS for the ye.r 19 the entire amount necessary for the payment of the regular dividend on the pr rerreo stneg o jnng the year 1st (fi , amounting to lit.0ni, has declared a regu lar quarterly dividend of 14 on Its coi.i mon stock, and an extra dividend of 4i. payable January 31st. U"6. to sttM kholut-r cf record January gth, t. Transfer books close Junuarv Klh. 197',. at 8 o'clock p. in and reopen February 1st. 19uti, al 10 o'clock a. m. F. AUGUSTUS II EI NX K. Pn a. .li-iit. F. D. Day Cl Co. Oealer. la Stock. Grain. Provision Ship Yonr Grain to Is. Breach OlHee, 1IO-11I Board of Trade ldg.. Omaha, Jieb. Telephone 1X14,, 212-214 Exchange Bldg . South Omaha Bell Phone 21S. independent 'I'hvnt i. i! ii ! ! I f r 4 31 J r. n it In u