Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 30, 1905, Page 11, Image 11
r TIIK OMAHA DAILY BKE: SATURDAY. DECEMBER .TO. 100:.. it A n NEWS OF INTEREST FROM lQ'M'A COUNCIL BLUFFS Offlco, 10 Ptvl Si. Tel. 4S. PROJECT TO REVIVE RACING Men Wh Bought in Old Driving Park ' Tk R.ld f 8ck . tFFORT TO INTERIS I Tri STREET RAILWAY Track ts Days (! by Had a Great fsvreer and Wm Counted Oac ' o( the Finest la the ' Country. The , Council Hlufts and Omaha slock holdenr who bought in the L'nlon Driving park .lat, week at the sheriff's sale are planning to rehabilitate the property a a rating park, A meeting of the stockhold ers will .be qalled for an early dale In Jan uary, when a reorganisation. It Is expected, will be- enacted. While the street railway company now . baa no. Interest in the property, it is the . desire of the local stockholders that It be come so, as its co-operation Is deemed cs--sential If the park Is to be made a success. The Union Driving park track had a rep utation until a few years ago of being one of the fastest In the country and It would not require a large Investment to put it In the best, of condition for racing. With the support which it Is believed the project would receive from Ornana, South Omaha and this city the local stockholders feel confident that race meetings could be re vived here and made a success as in the . year gone by. WHHam Moore of this city, who was one of the largest stockholders In the old com pany .which controlled the driving park, nald yesterday: "With the co-operation and " assistance of the street railway company there s no reason why the l'nlon Driving park could not bo restored to Us former position among the racing tracks of the west.. It. of course, would take sonio " money to restore tho grandstands and training quarters, but the results, I bo lleve, would Justify the Investment. If the proposition to revive tho race meetings falls through It Is likely that the property will be sold as one piece or else platted into lots and thus placed on the market. t'ounty Attorney Fallon of Harrison county. County Attorney Hess of Pottawattamie county and Mr. Kllpsck. IIICII SCHOOL REGULATION l a i EuperiittndsD. Btcoramends Pauagt of Law by the Legislature. NO FOOT BALL UNLESS RULES CNAN6ED I.I M HKO FOR RAILROAD MKX I slos Pacific Asked to Treat Pity with More Consideration. A. L. Mohler, vice president and general manager of the l'nlon Pacific, and John i N. Baldwin, attorney for the same roal. ' were the guests yesterday at luncheon at the Grand hotel of the transportation com- : mlltee of the Commercial club. The visit of the two railroad officials was for the . purpose of conferring with the transporta tlon committee on several matters of Im portance to the welfare of Council Bluffs. The particular matters discussed between the railroad officials and the committee were not made public, but It Is understood Frail Jabbers Object to Putting- III the Bis; Berries on Tap of the Box and Also to F.saetlona of Private Car Lines. January the hearln . when the ng. will again resume MA 11 IMMJ gClRKjJlT MOt X t I TV it People Bitten. To of Whom t.o to Fasten! Institute. )l'X CITY. Id Iec. 2K.-I Special.) t ienple were 1 11 ten by dogs supposed e mad here t.v'iy, a couple of them seriously. The IF Jj' fore Ik shooting j every dog not mis-Jed as a result of the , general scare. Tf of the victim, have' NKW VuKK..Dec W.-K. 11. I'm, been taken to the Pasteur institute for -kl.v 'cv. w of trade will sy: SlOl' Eigh to be DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE Mild Wea-her Uo arorably AfTsc'.i IV maud for Hetty clothing. BUILDING CONTINUES ON LARGE SCALE Ratlvtay Farnlna for the ear Minn nn Increase f O.U Per Cent Over 11Mt. Halirat Vancouver. B. C... tjueliec Hamilton St. John. N. B.... London. Ont Victoria, B. C Totals, Canada.... ! 5.2K.7!0 l :! i.a 1.(173 7i 4 ' lo.a' 1.3.717) 7 I7W M K4.W' II 0 ol.77 li Pslam-es paid In cash. Not Included In totals because conti lug other Items than clearings. in- BRHWTHKKrK RKV1F.W OF TR AUK the crowd at "ixteenth and Casa strsotgano1 followed to Klgtit.-cnth. where the men turned on him. There had been son ag graiatlon before which led to tha fight. CASE SUBMITTED oT BRIEFS t'aloa Pari Presents Draft of iris, meat la Ta Matter la Federal Coart. Immediute treatment. The most sorlmnly bitten, persons are Mrs. John M. l.ortion. Mildred Illenberger nnd WIIII:ni Pauley. . cnr Trial In Koller Case. The procedendo from the supremo court In the caso of "William W: Koller of Omaha, ;r whose conviction In the dlatrlct court here ' on a charge of adultery was reversed and . , : Uaa Mains to Ue Extended. After fighting for it for several years ..residents of. the western portion of the city . havtagimrannn that the Cltlxens' Gas and Btodrlc Light company will extend Its gaa main to that part of the city next year. Thta assurance has been given the West ; ' Knd Improvehient club by Manager Eng . Unit of ilurgas company. At present the gas mans do not extend m ,wvt jif Thirteenth street north of Broad- way and the company proposes as aoon as possible rl the spring to .extend them to possibly' Twenty-fourth street or even fur ther, west. The main on Seventh avenue, according . to present . plans, will be. ex '. tended to Twen ty-aecond street and then 'north several blocks and possibly went a few blocks on. Avenue B or C- The ex ten " ,rton,''lt'la figured,, . ,U1 . entail ,n expense . t from I12.0CC to $16,000 upon the company. The extension of" its mains to the west ern part of the city Is but a part of the Improvements, which the company con- ' templates making on Its system. The com pany plans on expending $TiO,0OO the coming . year on the betterment of Its service In this city. I i From a Mtalt Correspond, nt. DEH MOIXF.8. Dec. 2.i Special, l-ln the annual address of the state superin tendent to the State Teachers' association today Superintendent Rlggs advocated laws for the government of high schools. He showed In his address that there are now practically no laws governing such schools and that the requirement of that the committee urged that the l'nlon ; teachers Is legally no more than for the Pacific should treat Council Bluffs with greater consideration and not as a by station, as It is claimed it lias for several years past. Members of the committee expressed themselves as hopeful of good results from the conference, but beyond this declined to give out any Information at this time. common grade schools of the country. He showed that u committee of the State Teachers" association had reported a wide variance In the courses of study, and then declared that the high school does not exist for the college but occupies a dls j tlnct field by Itself with wide ideals of its j own. He declared, furthermore, that there Waa present at the luncheon and confer ence. Congressman Walter I. Hmlth, who Is a . could be no state Inspection of high schools member of the transportation committee, i till a standard for their government was fixed by law. At the final sesKion of the association to day a resolution was passed favoring six Railroad Man Injured. months as the minimum time renuired of Joseph Kryson. employed at the l nion I children In attendance upon school. A Pacific roundhouse, was severely Injured . resolution identical with that adopted by yesterday afternoon by being crushed be- ! the conference of secondary schools some tween a locomotive and a door of the . weeks ago favoring thp abolition of foot roundhouso. His back was badly crushed b& uniPRB tn rilif.. were radically and he Is thought to have been Injured j changed was adopted. Internally. He was removed to the general The association elected the following offl hospltal. where' lie was attended by Dr. i Cers on the recommendation of the noml- l.lfe lied Lost Its ( harm. SIUI'X CITY. la.. !ec. (Special Tele gram. Disheartened by continued 111 health and mourning the death of her baby daughter a year iigo. Mrs. Florence Rvans, wife of Madison F.vans. this after noon turned on the gas In her homo, and. lying down on a couch. eacefully died. Before doing so she carefully placed her pet earary bird In another room, where the gas would not reach It. When her husband arrived home from his work at the National Biscuit conipary's factory he discovered his wife beyond recall. She was S years old and leaves a son of IS venrs. Musicians at Pes Moines. CEDAR FALLS. la.. Deo. 2. (Special.) The Minnesingers, a male musical chorus of the Iowa State No'mal school, under the direction of their instructor, Prof. C. A. Fullertnn, are winning high honors in pf. Moines this wek at the State Teachers' as sociation. In the contest at the Welsh Jisteddfod the Minnesingers won first plee. Thursday evening they gave two numbers on the general program. The chorus has twenty voices under splendid discipline. The argument of the l'nlon Pacific Rail road company In support of tha Injunction against County Treasurer Fink of Douglaa county and the other county treasurer of the state, restraining the defendants from enforcing the collection of delinquent taxes of the complainants for the years 19M and U05, were submitted to Judge Munger Fri- Retall llaslness t onipnratlrely Qalet, hat Dulldlna la IctlT. XKW YORK, Dec. -Bradstreet a to morrow will say: Following an unprecrdentedlv active holl- j day business In all parts of the country, rttstribtlt I ve tm.te seems unlet hv contrast more particularly as mild ; day morning In the I'nlted States court In Unusually mild weather accentuated the i wenther affects retail operation In sea- J tha form of briefs, no oral araument being customary holiday week dnllness In dl- 1 or:.ble heavy wearing apiwrcl. What Is . . trltmtion of staple merchandise. Hit gran- bml for retail business is. however, good j tying results of Christmas trad estah- , lor outdoor Industry, particularly build- Judge Munger has taken both the cs n."iiei a strong tone and commence rr- ; ing, whten retvmn very gaming the future Is more pronounced, ructurlng op. Outdoor work H facilitated bv a i tated bv imlr temperature and lack of nuow. mukltig the . materials to consuming centers. In whole. , volved. under advisement and may nmlna very active, and tnanu- of the Burlington and Union Taeine ninnin.lna centers. In whole. , volved. under advisement and may not year s total of building operations even ! sale trade, ( tearing sales and stock tak greater than the most sanguine i Xect-I In operations absorb attention, tail It Is Hons. Trade In furs and heavy doming noted that operations for spring account Is unfavorably affected by the open winter, are larger than ordinary, and in fact busi but the n(t reftilt Is most satisfactory. I ness Is heavier than rxcted nt this sea Despite Inventories and repairs, output of j son. Hetall clearance .uiles have t gun manufacturing plants has continued large, .rather earlier than usual. Staples gen and preparations for spring shipments In- j eniMy maintain all their old strength. Iron dhate that advance orders were heavy, j and steel, lead the Industries In strength New business at first hands is asonanly i of demand and prices, finished steel being quiet, but machinery will be fully i ccupled particularly active for this snisoii. TTiougli well Into the new year before iddltlonal pig Iron snles are fair at the west, and orders are required. It Is gratifying to , open weather favors unprecedented pvoduc manufacturers to find that no burdMiuii" ' tlon. Inniir Is exceptionally well em accumulation of stocks have occirnd ne- ployed for this season and the weather spite recent record breaking production. conditions so far favor less than ordinary MHtemeuts of rallwa a-arnlngs continue shutdowns. Janiiaiv Is likely to see some satisfactory, tlgures thus fur avall.ilile for 1 stflkes in December showing an average uln of ft.S I Hues of building employes ai the metropo per cent over iv-i. and lorclgn commerce i.s. at this rolnt aas remarkably favorable, , Additional reports as to trade In the year exports gaining I2.0S3.1J9. and Import In- ! n- closing tirt to IsnB having been a hand down Ms decision for several day. SOUTH OMAHA WAN IS HELD William Crawford Bound Over oa I barge of Attempting to I a Bnenee Crowe Jnror. William Crawford of South Omaha waa bound to the district court by Police Judge Berka on a charge of attempting to In fluence John F. Bchulti. who was f elected the printing trades and some i n lno p,t Crowe Jury but was afterward ' discharged from service. Ctuwford'a bond was placed at I'. The hearing was held j some days ago, but the police magistrate creasing M,-vo ,;n as comp-trco wuu uiu rpiwu Dresner, biikc m agi icuiuit.i. specu- m.i, i,i.0i,i i.t .It clslon so he mlisht taks same week last year. lative, fln.iniial and Industrial circles. As Actual iihw business in the iron and steel I a whole, however, primacy must be as lndustry was light during the past week. signed to fnanufacturing Industry, which but a large tonnage was under uegmia- t shows largest gains over all preceding lions and consumers continued ii.mortu- years. nate for early delivery on old contracts. i As to fhe fiituve. the outlook seems full m thing new has developed In the pi unary or promise nnd the advent of l!ni Is awaited ihe matter under advisement. V. Treynor, the company's local physician. MIKOK MKVIIOV " Davis sella drugs. ' Stockrrt sella carpets. Plumbing and heating. Eixby & Son. Dr. Luella Dean, Brown Bldg. Tel. "9. Dra. Woodbury dentists, 30 Pearl street. Woodrlng-Schmldt, undertakers. Tel. 379. Leffert's Improved torlc lenses give satis faction. Art novelties for New Tear's gifts. Alex ander's Art Store, X33 Broadway. Results Our Specialty Eclipse Collection agency, offices 103 Pearl St. Phone 1474. natlng committee: President, Dr. J. II. T. Found llenil in Bed. CKDAR RAPIDS, la.. Dec. 29.-( Telegram.) Harry J. Hanson was found dead In his room on the west side tonight. He went to bed at 4 o'cloclt. feeling badly. Miss Laura Fitch, Chftrlton; superintend ent, O. M. Elliott, Sheldon: member ex ecutive committee, F. K. Palmer, Jeffer jaon; members educational council, W. N. I Clifford, Council Bluffs, and Anna E. Packer, Mount Pleasant. The convention has been a success In every way. There will be $700 In the re serve fund after all hills are paid. The attendance has been nearly 2X0. Want Fruits Distributed. At .ha , ...l.. .1 ir.. !...:. t..k college opens Tuesday, January 2, lsoti bf,r8' association today a communication Empire renaissance gold moulding, pic- j wa" rral from F. E. Wagner of Chicago tures and frames. Berwick, I'll S. Main. ! asking that federal legislation lie asked re- l-.fo3 - a- , , o ..... ! l"lfliig that not to exceed J5 per cent of V. Illlant G. Woodbury and family left last i.,.,,.. ,, K ..n . .. .... k .. . evening for Chicago, where they will make nft,rior fr,llt bp allowed at the bottom of their home. 1 boxes and baskets. The purpose Is to get Joe Matlack, district court bailiff, arrived I the same quality of fruit all through the Main, Grinned: vice president. Prof. I. A. after having drunk heavily, ills death was Loos, Iowa City; second vice president. : due to heart failure. Two months aao today his mother died of apoplexy while on the war to church. Pates for Exchange galea. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Dec. IS. lSp clal.) This winter s farmers' exchange sales will lie held under the auspices of the Mis souri Valley Commercial club on the follow ing dates: January 10 and 14. February 7 and 21, March 7 and il and April 4. ' Wil liam Neuflnd will be the manager of the events. , I phckukcs. inc mailer was iniu over tin a later time. At the concluding session strong' resolu- tlons were adopted demanding the enact- ment of legislation abolishing private car j lines and pointing out the Insufficiency of I ponding legslatton before congress In this The Junior league of the Fifth Avenue ! respect. The association also gave endorse- Methodlst church will give an entertain- ment to Governor Cummins, who aroused ment Monday evening In the church, par- ; wdp.t enthusiasm at the Annual hnn lors. At the close of the program an oys- : ne wiiaeai entnusiaam at the annual ban ter supper will be served. i Qupt by nls arraignment of private car coni- Attorney E. E. Whltted of Denver Is panics and of congress for what he declured home yesterday from Texas, where he Visited relatives. Get your upholstering, feathers, mat tresses and repairing done at Morgan & Klino's. 19 South Main street. A building permit was Issued yesterday to Mrs. A. M. Keys for a II, OW one-story frame cottage at Avenue C and Twenty- tit tn street. the case sent hack for retrial waa received . yesterdiiy by Ii V. Battey, clerk of the district ' cflurt. The supreme court re ' versed the verdict on tho grounds that the defendant should have been permitted to introduce evidence showing us he claimed that the couducl of his wife towards him waa the cause ef his leaving her. In con- '.clufllng Its opinion, the supreme court says tl)at It "could not agree to the claim of counsel for the appellant that there Is no "rule 6f evidence, upon which to Justify a ' conviction. A new trial must be ordered, and we are not disposed to express any 1 opinion Upon tho merits of the case which may serve to embarrass either the prose cution or tho defense tipon another hear ing.'' Kollnr waa sentenced to eighteen months In the Fort Madison penitentiary, but has been out n bond pending the determlna tlon of his appeal to the supreme court. ' County : Attorney Hess stated yesterday 'that as far as be. knew at present Koller ' would be relrled. , here assisting local counsel for the Port land Gold Mining company and James F. Burns In preparing papers In the tax as sessment of the Portland stock. Harry B. Sackett, formerly a resident of this, city and a member of Couipany L. riiiy-urst iowu. volunteers, which ira i,..i, Minn nr.. ,.,.,, through the Philippine campaign,, and who luth- nn" vlce President, H. M. is now located at Pocalello, lUallo, is visu- t ujic, ohju rutin, n. u. ; secona vice presi lng relatives. dent. C. E. Walker, Kansas City, Mo.; third Mrs. Liiiclnda Jane Strong, agea u years, to be its slothfulness in heeding tho peti tions of shippers for relief. The association chose Kansas City as its next meeting place and elected officers as follows: President, F. "St. Ferguson, Du- died yesterday at her home, lit South Seventh street, from dropsy, arier an ill ness of four weeks. Four daughters and three sons survive her. Notice of funeral will be given later. Anna M. Hutchinson of this city has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. Her liabilities are $3,060. of which $700 Is se cured by a mortgage on her personal property. The only assets arc CO. stated to be due aa salary from Haydeti Bros., Omaha. Henry W. Schlueter. the contractor at the Iowa School for the Deaf, whose ma chinery was attached Wednesday In a suit brought by J. L. Smith, filed a bond yes terday In the sum of $l,i10, double the amount claimed by Smith, and the property was released by the sheriff. Walter S. Goodrich has acquired title to the property at the southwest corner of Broadway and Eighth street on which the Miller Brewing company will erect for Mr. Goodrich a $40,000 hotel. The deed was filed Thursday and shows the consid eration for the corner lot waa $6,000. In the' suit brought in the federal court by the trustees of the bankrupt firm of Aultman. Miller & Co. against the Council Bluffs Savings bank of this city to recover notes tn the amount of $10,000 deposited by the company as security for a loan of $7.ou0 nrior tn it bankruntcy. Judae McPherson has handed dowu his decision, finding in favor of the bank. The local nluvers who attended the tour nament of the Southwestern Iowa Whist Heal Katat Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Bee December 29 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Council 11 1 ii ITs Real Estate and Im provement company . to Alphonse Melzger and Uustave Louie, lot 4. block 4, M y nster s add., w. d $1,800 Windsor Savings Bank to G. G. Baird, . loJs 8 and 4, block 1. Babbitt place, . w. d .&o0 Frank F. Everest. Referee, to George II.' Mavne, lot 1ft, block 14: lot 11. I. lock II, and lota 1 and 3. block i. Riddle s siibdlv.. ref d 2.VH F. L. Reed and J. G: Bardsley. Ref eree; to John E. Cook. nw'4. se'4. '. : lis'. SWV part sU, nwV and part . uS, wV,. 11-76-43. ref. d Kate Murphy to George Dlmmtck, ' sw' :-77-43. q. c. d vice president, R. R. Scott, Winnipeg, Man.; treasurer, A. U. Chaney, Des Moines. Lealslntlve Committee Meets. The legislative commute on the matter of a Board of Control for educational Institu tions met here today and heard arguments from State Printer Bernard Murphy of Vinton in favor of placing the School for the Blind at Vinton under the charge of the proposed board along with the other ed ucational institutions. The committee be fore adjourning at this time will perfect the draft of the committee's proposed bill, which has been left In the hands of Rep resentative Langan of Clinton. Carter Gets Hearing. W. L. Carter, accused of the murder of Ed J. Greeser of Avon, was given a hearing today before Judge James A. Howe on the question of being admitted to bail. The state opposed granting bail. Miss Albla Martin, Carter'a sweetheart, lives at Fifth and Grand and remains loyal to him. K ran d Jury Wants mm Attorney. Because County Attorney Jesse A. Miller l.rand V.rmy Election. LOGAN, la.. Dec. (Special.) The local Grand Army of the Republic lodge has elected officers as follows: C, C. N. Cad well: 8. V., Lowery Wilson; J. V., Anson Smith; chaplain. L. J. Paul; O. D.. J. P. Creager; Q. M., lce Dakan: sentry. William P.rayton. mark, ts of the textile Industries, Jobb. and retailers having devoted the week to stock taking and showing no Interest in offerings of merchandise. Light trading in hides has not weakened nttntat ions, h orelgu dry hides have the ad ditional support of ndVlces from tho KUer Platte that Ihe slaughter will exhibit a considerable decrease. Leather is as dull as might be expected when shoe fat lories are taking inventories and tanners sre-not forcing business. New England footwear manufacturers have devoted most of the week (o stock taking and the market is devoid of special feature. h allures this week numbered Jill in the United States, against 0J last yeav and twenty-seven In Canada, compared with eleven u year ago. REPORT OF THE LEAHIXti HOI "E Transactions f the Associated llnnks for the Week. NEW YORK, Dec. 2'J. The following table, compiled by Bradstrect, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended December ;'S, with t lie per centage of Increase and decrease as com pared with the corresponding week Usi year: i CITIES. ! Clcarlngs.'l Inc.! Dec. I il: with confidence unsurpassed in recent Jeurs. , Detailed dispatches point to widespread I mild weather, being n drag on retail trade, heavy dry good:. clothing, shoes, rublier I goods nnd luis l ing especially affected. I Business failures in Ihe I'nlted States for the week ending December 2 nilnilx r 212. 1 iigainst last week, il 111 the like week of 1!4. am In l'Jo3, 2n2 In IDiIJ and 2M In I'-Dl. In Canada failures for the week ! number 24. as against 3 last week and ' 2t' In this week a year ago. Whenl, Including Hour, exports for the .' Week ending leeemher '-' are 3.44X.24 bush- ! els. against 1. 4V,. 4S2 bushels last week. , ; SM.lto bushels this week last year. 2.IUS. :'."'' ; bushels in IM and :t.:W.2ti; bushels in From Julv 1 to .late the exnorts are ik- 1NVJ79 bushels, against 34.7itt.S27 bushels last year. SK,1fio.7M bushels In 1:'3 and I29,06i.22j bushels In 12. . Corn exports for the week tire 4,i;07.3'.Ci . bushels, against S.itW.i.'Jt bushels last week. ' I.M2..142 a year ago. DLii.iuto bushels In IW3 , and 2.fv!7.r42 bushels in UH2. Heltrrtinns of n llachelor. A girl would almost as lief write a novel as have Hilly hair. There is more money In not spending what you make than In trying to make It. to fpend. It's a good deal of fun to surprise a girl Into thinking you aren't going to kiss her and then doing It. There Is not time when a baby really seems to enjoy a long cry the way he does at 3 o'clock In the morning. When a man can't sleep because he ate lobster salad for supper he thinks It Is a great idea whirling In his brain. New York Press. els in Vi. 27.i-3.4;;6 bushels In 1! 10.fiC2.M7 bushels in l!.ltt. ANXIOUS TO FIND OLD HORSE Mortality statistics. The following births and deaths have lieeu reported to the Hoard of Health during the tentv-four hours ending at noon Frldav: I'.lrths James RntrllrTe. 42." Patrick ave nue, girl: Rudolph Carroll. 4elii North Twen-tv-slxth. ly Louis llakanson, 3ilfi Charles. Iltibhell. 211 North Twenty. I 1UI11 Ill, . II, A'l. 0i'i. in A.lll and 1 second, bo v. Deaths Mrs. Frances waldman, M, Bruno: Louis Emerson, 53. 3823 North Sev er.tecnth: Jennie M. Siefken. 28, 701 South Twenty-slxtlh . . . From Julv 1 to d ite the exports of corn ' girl; Oscar F. Iltibhell. 211 North T are 3';.HC2.!M9 bushels, against lo.Bi.ui".4 busp- , fourth, boy; Alex Kosch, Ml South T Woodmen Fleet Olflcrrs. MISSOURI VALLEY. la.. Dec. 2. (Spe cial.) The local chapter of the Modern AV'oodmen of America has elected the fol lowing officers: C, Ambrose Burke; A R. Reeder; B, George Beagle; clerk, IL B. Coe; E., Henry Atherton; O., John Tlauff. LONG ISLAND DENTIST HELD Dr. Simpson is Accused of Murdering His Fnher-4n-l je r nt ' 't ojtjvort. NORTH PORT, Lr.rDec. 2fl.-At the In quest held here today, aver the body of Bartley T. Horner, who- was shot and killed by his son-in-law. Dr. J. W. Simpson, a New York dentist. Dr. Simpson was held on a charge of murder by the coroner, and was taken to the prison at Rlverhead. Sensational developments came out at the Inquest. The autopsy disclosed that there were two bullet wounds In the dead man's body about four to six Inches apart. One of the wounds was directly in line with the watch pocket In the vest and a portion of the gold chain was carried clear through the body by the force of the bullet and Imbedded in the muscles of the back. Dr. Horner was for years the south ern representative of the Lor I Hard tobacco firm and was worth about $loo,00i. At the Inquest Mrs. Horner, the widow, was the most Important witness. "Dr. Simpson," she declared, "said in my hear ing at the supper tabic Wednesday even ing, the night of the shooting, that he wished the 'old man,' meaning my husband, was dead. "A few mouths ago my husband made up his mind to have his will changed. Ho was worth about $100,000, I should say. He New York :$!.Ki3.4!if.i Chicago j 2ii4,575.i47 Boston 126.hS27, Philadelphia i;hU4.;.6K( St. Louis 47.ttHi.MMi Pittsburg nl.lMD.12s' San Francisco 31,31,:is7. Cincinnati 2::.45i.r6oj Baltimore 26.411..W Kansas City 21.563.57fij New Orleans , 2l.nK.s2i' Minneapolis )S..w,.t4' Cleveland 14.1L':i.t14; Louisville 9.Wi..fc4a Detroit 10,040.729! Milwaukee ft.G34.273j OMAHA .12O.O0b Providence j 7.4.!).(H Is Angeles T,773.33o Buffalo I. . 5.H01.HOU. 'Indianapolis ; 6,7n2..rt3 St. Paul fi.Iiitl.sMl Memphis - 6.220.2311. St.- Joseph 8,77H,9i"ll refused to draw an Indictment against wanted the will fixed so that the fortune A. L. Steele on the charge of embezzle ment of $6,000 the grand Jur has asked the court for another attorney. Steele Is a i;n; .adenwTtn hYn m Z yer and a candidate for' county attor. Ihe local team, consisting of r remoni ven lamln. B. O. Brulngton, Ed Stlinson ana John Mlthen, carried everything before them. In the team play Council Blufls, Avoca, llarlun and Atlantic were repre sented. k'.pH Hchsfer. the vouiie man from Sld- I ney. la., arrested Thursday on suspicion of attempting t pass a torgea cnecu, released yesterday. Word was received from De Moines that the person on whom Schafer was alleged to have passed a worthless check declined to prosecute. No answer to the telegram sent the young man's father at Colorado Springs has been received by the police. The first installment of tlit.MO of the $40.0)10 to lie given by J. D. Edmundson of Des Moines for the Jennie Edmundson peen received uj Five transfers, total. .$16.2X6 loathful Couple Weds. Justice Meld performed the man luge ceremony yesterday for the youngest " couple which has sought his services since 'ha was elected Justice of Ihe peace, and he has officiated at 221 weddings up to date. The youthful couple were from Oconto. Neb., the groom, Russell D. Wood, being it years of age, while the bride, Grace E. Forrest, ts only 14 years old. The groom 'waa accompanied by his ?ither. while the ' girl had with her the written consent of her mother to the marriage, her father be ing dead. ney. He was employed by the Gladiator Gold Mining and Milling company and later brought suit to recover $7,000 In salary and secured a Judgment. Then the gold company sought to secure an indict ment and secured one, which County At torney Miller had dismissed. Now another has been brought. Milwaukee's ten Une. The Milwaukee railroad, which enters this city over the tracks of the Des Moines Union, is seeking a new entrance to the city because of the difficulties in the way of agreeing with the Des Moines Union over the rental for tiack cntrunce to the would not be squandered by Dr. Simpson. "The lawyer arranged to come to our house yesterday. On Wednesday my son-in-law arrived from New York, and at the supper table declared that the will could not be changed; that such a thing was not possible. Then he made the remark that he wished Mr. Horner was dead." DINNER F0RTHE PRESIDENT secretary Bonaparte Will F.ntertalu the Chief Kxreutlva on Hoard the Mayflower. WASHINGTON. Dec. 29-The secretary of the navy and Mrs. Bonaparte will be the host of the president and Mrs. Rooe'.velt at a formal dinner on board the United States steamship Mayflower on February f. The dinner company will Include thirty guests, who will be received in the historic cabin where the president presented the A New Year's watch service will be held ; Moines on the through line from Chicago Russian and Japanese plenipotentiaries to This will he president den of Lincoln. Ntb., and several oi me i lira moines ana probably pass through 1 ra me aiaynower since mui Omaha ministers will be present and take , AtlanUc to Council Bluffs. memorable day. . Ntrlot hi.i. ni I 1,M secretary and Mrs. Botiuptirte have a kt i.e ,..(,,., .h. u,,. home in Baltimore and a country place in refreshments will be served at 10:30 o-l J Athl,c association at the Savrry today 1 ,h" uburb vt ,,iat clt- They have rented e was r. .i,.,,i apartments lor tne winter In Washington me board of manager, of the Woman s J "ty For this resson. It Is asserted, tho Christian Temperance association. During road is now seeking a new entrance to the Mr. Edmundson s lite the $4o.0no U to draw ! d ln order to imluce the cly coun. f,fe,nwlirre.'i to right-of-way privilege, come ln full ownership of the property. will offer as an inducement to put De . . . v ' - k. U- i 1 1 llM held '. f. I ka Ihrnah II.. Ll A new I r i n naivu " ; ,, . : " ' ..." ,,""u." i iiwm v muiii . Sunday night at St. John's Kngllsh i.u- . to Ccuncli Bluff, bv changing some of the 'a'h ,her on August 5 last. nv iinvt- The l",e come frum to ! Probably be the first time that tl, .iu ' ... , i .. . . I. ' . , a v . , . . . ' ham h u ,.,.. ... I If ., . w.t ... In .he ucrvlce. '1 ne oroKruiu in consist of music and addresses. The ser vices will continue until midnight and iglil Richmond Denver Columbus Seattle Washington Savannah Albany Portland. Ore Fort Worth Toledo. O Atlanta Salt Lake City Rochester Peoria Hartford Nashville Spokane, Wash.... Des Moines Tacoma New Haven Grand Rapids Norfolk Dnyton Portland, Me Springfield. Mass... Augusta, Ga Evansvllle Sioux City 4.... Birmingham Syracuse Worcester Knoxvllle Charleston, S. C Wilmington. Del Wichita Wilkesbarre Davenport , Little Rock Topeka Chattanooga Jacksonville, Fla Kalamazoo, Mich Springfield. HI Full River Wheeling. W. Va... Macon Helena Islington Akron Canton, O Fargo. N. D Youngstown New Bedford Rockford, 111 I.well Chester. Pa Blnghamton BloomlnKton, III Springfield. O Greensburg, Pa Qulncy. Ill Decatur. Ill Sioux Falls. S. P.... Jacksonville, 111 Mansfield. O Fremont, Neb Cedar Rapids Houston Galveston Totals. U. 8 Outside New York. 5o.i'. 16. 3... 3.4 ... 85.31... isisi... 35.8 ... 23.4... s.6 ... 2.t.;... 20.11... 12.11... 17. 7(... l.fl'... 111'... 34.7,.. . 24.5 ... lS.fti... 14.4... 11.7 Terre Haute Man t ails Ip Uiuahn hy 'Phone to Inuulrp After Lost e. "What greater love ciui any man have for his horse than that he will pay nearlv any price for Its recovery when stolen?" was the question asked by Chief of le- j tectlves Dunn at the police station Friday J morning when he read a letter from J. ! W. Llghtfont of Terre Haute. Ind., ask- Hnrglars at Mulvlhlll Resldenee. At an early hour this morning the police received n call from the residence of Mrs. Mary Mulvlhlll. 1MH Madison a enue, where burglars were said to havu made a visit. The Ben Want Ads are the Beet Business Roorters. NEWS FOR THE ARMY. 'r 8.7SS.2O0I ' 6,fc."i.Hiio 5.W5.S34, 4.323.3IU 4,!6.dOOi 4.64t.l4sl 3.921.S7 U'.W1 3.3i.2l3l 3.937.r37 4.6n6.6sii 2,t;S.!2' 2,I71.H) 2.WI3.352, 3,4o2,ii .IK.lifci1 2.2:t2.K7) 8,775, 9t 2.0IO, 1.841.7551 1.W7.0H7I l.figt.375 1,634.341 I 1.E3D.437 ' 1 l-K ft-. ..nil.,,.. 1.313.2(1K! l.Sfil.SMij 81.5!... 1,79H,74I' 1.234.442 1.25..2Tdl 1.2!i8.BKt 1.232.124 l.3.KCr 1775I 1,2114. 5sl 722.K07 1.8,. 17.0... 16.2... 21. 4:... 2-S.6'... 2.4 ... 4S.3'... 32 . 5 . . . 32.9 ... 2.5... 7. ... 42.2:... 4.?;... .8 ... lO.l'... &L7:!!! 45.7... 43.i;... 3s. 0l... 24.31... 10.5... 3.5 ... 13.1 ... 31.1 '.. . 40.71... B.5 Cornoml Gcorwe W. West. Company B. I Signal Corps. Fort Oriehu, has been or- Ing tho Omiha police departnient to locate j m r.'i to ron nam Houston. i ior an old swayhaek nnd partially blind horse, j ,,,. nisted men have been recently stolen from the Light foot home, honorably discharged from the army by The horse Is not worth much now to direction of the War department: Privates . , . , ,. . , Joseph McCrav. Ti nop L. Tenth cavalry, y stranger, but I want to find and take ()V,' H,llI1(!(,n'. A,ltcw Johnson. Company care or mm tor tne goon ne nas uono anu c. Klcventh Infantry. Fori Kusseu; r ranK am willing to pav anv reasonable expenses R. l-oe.1el. Troup A. Sixth cavalry. Fori incurred In his recovery." wrote Mr. UKUU J FSem fobj to the Omaha jiolico. : - 1 1 wortl-.. ' . Mr. Llghtfoot Is so anxious to recover ' Payment of tho troops of this department the animal, that he called up Ihe police i bus been ordered tfi hy "'""p'1 flLiVi': I iwm wr mm follows: I antafii A.'l . HUftlliR station Iry long-dlslrnce telephone mines- j tf) milk,. Uiyni"nts ai Forts Mackenzm day evening mid then followed that in- ! and Washakie. C aptain John M. Sigwortli 1.074.7401 6.S2.5M . 25.1 1.S 36.2 34. ll 22. ' 1S.8 10.7 44.1 22.3!....'.. 82.6 HI A,. "sal 1.0H7.W' 7HK.2S6' !i34,'9 Mii.H7x' ti.42"l 75o.ii:i."il fci(7.327i 61X.51H! 420.4'H.. 353,71x1.. 6.'.354i 759.5X2' t:7.S.1(il 117.1,3X1' 476 7111 1 4'fl.57R' 3W!i0' 34 !7l Lti9 ttrmi i12.0'i0 e.M' 271.9M.I 271. IK J4.45 242,012' i6.212; 16.1sn,62 12.H54.oVt' I $2.8.s3.iCi3 27.61. 28.1 . 16.0 . 8.9 . 96 . 22.91. 62.2 , 26 5 61 6.1 72.4' 76.11 87.8! 29.1 28 6- 30.4! 11.1 21.6 , I n.i 23.1 34 41 14.3 38.2' 5.7 24.7' 36.1 69.4 16 1; 26.2, qulry by letters. The horse was described as follows: "About 2o years of age; dark brown with white spot ln forehead and hind feet white; sixteen hands high; blind in left eye; very sway backed; may have brand "H" since stolen." Mr. Light font requested that a photo graph of the horse be taken and forwarded Immediately if the animal should be located. The owner stated he understood the horse was shipped to South Omaha for sale or rcHhipmcnt. Mr. Llghtfoot is reported as being a prominent business man at Terre Haute. Captain Dunn, who Is an experienced horseman, believes the animal was kid naped for a ransom, tho thieves learning that the horse was valued highly for his years of faithful service. MRS. DANIELBAUM AT REST Venerable Mother of Prominent Family Is Hurled at the Forest lsn Cemetery. The funeral of Mrs. Daniel Uuum, sr., was held Friday afternoon from the resi dence, K4 North Thirty-first avenue. The service was conducted by Rev. T. J. Mackay, rector of A'll Saints church, and was largely attended. A number of friends came from Lincoln, Mrs. Baum's former home, to attend the service. The Bennett company iind the Haum Iron company places of'"business were closed during a portion of the day. Those who served as imllbeaiors Wfro C. N. Wllhelm, II. II. Baldrlge, C. C. Chase. W. Farnani Smith, A. G. Beeson and 8. T. Dorsey. The burial at Forest Lawn was private. The out-of. town relatives attending the funeral were Charles L. Baum, Denver; Mrs. J. W. Ray holds. Santa Fe. N. M.; Misses Nellie and Jennie Watson, Lincoln. Odd Teaspoons Frcnzer, I'.n and Dodge. 40.01. i9.110.138 21.9. CANADA. Montreal Toronto . Winnipeg Ottawa .. 21.84:1.8)1x1 18.658.3771 7,7W.9Tih 2,135 147! 29.6 .. M.t... 37.0'.. 16.6 .. tins Peterson Severely Beaten. Gus Peterson. 714 North Kighteentb street, waa attai ked by 11 cowd 01 young men nt Eighteenth and Cass streets at 5 i o'clock lust night snd severely Is alen. Police Sur geon Cox dressed the wounds, which con sisted of a fracture of the right thumb anj cuts about the face. He ma then tsken home In the patrol wagon. Peterson met to make payments at Forts luiey ana Leavenworth. Captain Claude B. Swecxey to make piiviiu nls at Forts Itoblnson, Nio brara and Mendo and Capt iln Bradner D. Slaughter to make payments at Forts Crook. Omaha and lies Moines. - A general court martial has been ordered to convene nt Fort McKensle. Wyo., Jan uary 3. The deltill for the court is: Cap tain's R. R. Steedmaii. Eleventh Infantry; R. 11. Wallach. Tenth cavalry: First Lieu tenant Woodson Hacker, eleventh Infan try; Verge 17. Swcazey, medical depart ment: Second Lieutenants J. C. Greene, Tenth cavalry; J. K. Brosynskl, Eleventh Infantry, and First Lieutenant F. R. DcFunlak, Klcventh Infuntry, Judge advo cate. The Kighth nnd Thirteenth batteries of field artlllorv are under orders to proceed to the Philippines. These batteries are now stationed at Fort 1, A. Russell. Wyo. The men and material of the batteries will sail from San Francisco February 1, and the horses will be shipped on the samn date from Seattle. Wash. The places of the depaitlng batteries will be filled In this department by the Twelfth and Nineteenth hatteries. field artillery, from Fort Doug las. Utah. General court-martial sentences ha been promulgated from headquarters Of the 1 letiartmeni 01 in iiiojuii o iouuwb. Privates Thomas H. Chiles, Sixtieth com pany, coast artillery. Fort Riley, for deser tion, dishonorable discharge and two and one-half years' Imprisonment; Frank Van Meter, Tliirty-secona company, roast m tlllerv. Fort Riley, for lesertlon, dishonor able discharge and two years imprison ment; John Steward, const artillery, for desertion, dishonorable discharge nnd eight een months imprisonment; J i. Dears, Troop M. Kleveutn cavalry. Fori uvu Moines, lor perjury, dishonorable discharge and three years' Imprisonment; Aniel Carl son, Troop D. Twelfth cavalry, F'ort Riley, desertion, dishonorable discharge; Paul Wvsifall, Company H, Nineteenth Infantry. ' Fort Crook, for desertion, dishonorable dis charge and one and one-half years' Im prisonment; Guv A. Ilogan, Seventh bat tery, field artillery, for absence without, leave. Fort Des Moines, dishonorable dis charge and three months' Imprisonment; Claude 11. Ramsey, Thirteenth batter field artillery. Fort Russell, for conduct preludlclal to good order and military dis cipline, dishonorable discharge and two veara' Imprisonment: Warren .1. Snyder, Companv B. Thirtieth Infantry. Fort Crook, for desertion, dishonorable dis charge and one and one-half years' impris onment: Sam Stone, Company M, Twenty fifth Infantry. Fort Robinson, absence without leave, dishonorable discharge and one year's Imprisonment; Willi im K. Smith, Troop I, Teinh cavalry. Fort Robinson, conduct preludlclal to good order, dishon orable discharge and six months' impris onment; George McGratli. Troop I, Klcv enth cavalry. Fort Des Moines, for deser tion, dishonorable diheharge and two and one-half years' Imprisonment. ttprnlua Telephone tCxrhana. v . President F. J. Day of the Independent Telephone company, C. H. Judson. supvr ntendent of construction, and others, went .0 Mineola yesterday to be present at the ipenlng of tho exchange there, which the . Council Bluffs company recently acquired vi,. a i.-jiwards. aued 84 years, died veuterday at the home of her daughter. 1 Mrs. R. Burnett. 115 Twenty-third avenue , Death was due to the Infirmities of old age Deceased had been a resident of Council Bluns for twenty-five years and Is survived by two daughters. Mrs. Bur nett and Mrs. Mary Sutton, both of this nty. and 10 sons. John Kdwards of Alma, Neb., and William Kdwards of this city. Arrangements ior me iuii-i. -" the arrival 01 me sou num V. Storms of Cherokee was re-elected the executive committee. and the secretary will follow the custom of A a member of The rule, were -hanged to eliminate from "'"'W ave nis cabinet am- his-h school contest, all nerson. o-r -1 . "'r lo thp P"""ent on board the Dolphin years of age. Participation in school events will further be limited to those who remain in school for the full year, and not for th fall only, when athletics are on. Other I strict rules were adopted and no student . I...- tidi niiii.tren. small and large, gath- , .. . . ... ., ..... ,. . ., ' - . 1 ,..,,,,.1,' armorv 1 ""'it" mt mug w 01 me erea at me -. - yesterday afternoon and enjoyed tne an- ' nrst semester win he allowed to cuter riual treat provided by General Grenvllle athletic, except by saecial permission of .'uncU Bluff, company recently acquired. M Hodge for the farm je.o in the board of control. The place for next With the opening of tha exchange connee- Yo ronvey to the armory the pack- i year's meet was left to the executive com- 1 Lieutenant Commander Andrew T. Long. commanding tho Mayflower, has brought his ship from Alexandria to the navy yard at Washington, where It is berthed along side the landing. It was Intended that the 1 Mayflower should come directly from the navy yard. New York, to the navy yard, Washington, but It was found necessary to do considerable rirerisini? lierM liefn.-e tli ! Mayflower could come in. A R3EW CE-alCACi TeAfiW VIA ' Jon over the Independent company's line with Mills county through Mineola was atabllahed. The Mineola exchange will bo tn charge of C. F. Nippon, one of the former proprietors of the line there. X. V- Plumbing Co. Tel. ISO. Ni .iV Merlal Attorney Kssploje The supervisors of Pottawattamie cuniy have, CeVlded to retain former County At 'tornct W II. Kllpack as special counsel for t ' Pottawattamie-Harrison county draluafe hoard In the Injunction suit brought by R- A. Brown At Co. The em ployment of Mr. Kllpack has been con sented ta by the supervisors of Hsrrlson county. The supreme court will hear the Injunction suft' at the January s salon. 'Ike drauta board will ha repreaontod by ages of fruit, candy, etc.. one of which was given to each child present, t olonel Kd- win J. Abbott acted as master 01 cere monies, and during the afternoon a patri otic, literary and musical program was rendered. mil tee. Mora Balldla Permits. j A report from the board of Public Works today show, that the number of building i permits this year Is 784, as compared with DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Mary E. Cunningham. j Mrs. Mary E. Cunningham, wife of C. G. 1 Cunningham loeut inrui,ninit a k I last year, an Increase of nearly loO 1 iVmrfmr. o,.i,iihi .... CKDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec. 29. Special.) permits. Last year the total value of I ,.rlv hollr rri,i.t nr, r,... ,k.-. ' The efforts of Contractor Bartlett to hurry ' permits ln Des Moines was $879,883. and ; diwM,. Mri. Cunningham was 53 vear. of this year amount to ll.18fi.luZ. an Increase ,,e Bnd .urvived by five children. Two ths work on tne new anomroee notei numi a strike that delayed tne work until the dif ficulty could be settled. He Imported a number of nonunion workere from Chicago to work on the grantltold flooring and the union men all struck. He Inquired what li would cost to unionise the workers Im ported, and when told ISO, said he would have the matter Axed up at ones. Work will be resumed as soon as the men can Join th union. - - , ..... 1... ciimateo ,o,a, coel or , m,n,. pMUi and MaUde. live -1 buildings for which permits were taken out Is $2.000, 0. mtrh Rearing; Adjourned. ONAWA. la.. Dec. 29. tSpecUL) The supervisor, of Monona and Harrison coun ties, sitting as a board of equalisation on the assessment, for the big Monona-Ilarii-son ditch this week, adjourned today until Neb., and Austin. Tex., respectively. The funeral will be held from the it-aidrnce. l-Fij South Tenth street, at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Rev. Philip Davidson will con duct the service. Leaving Omaha at 11 P. M. daily, arriving: at Cedar Rapids 6:10 A. M.; Clinton 8:15 A. M., and Chicago 11:55 next morning. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING." Chicago trains at 8 A. 11:S0 A. M., 5:50 P. M. and 8:38 P. M. If you have anything to trade advertise It tn tha For Exchange colurop on The Bee Waat Ad peg. I Other Chi 0aR9( City Offices, 1401-03 Farnam Street i i