Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1905, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee Largttt Circulation THE OMAHA DEE Best t'hn. West Om lfite tb Hm THE OMAHA DEE Best .IT. West ESTABLISHED JUNE " 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING. DKCEMBKK '20, 190.-.-TKX PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. -9 S .v t i ALL QUIET IN MOSCOW Eefolt Praetioallt 0er and Itrike Will Ee flailed Off. FEW FANATICS CONTINUE STRUGGLE Surei Ira Being Beopened and People Are Venturing Out. V MCIPAL OWNERSHIP TALK a In lnril Pollllra niwonipil by ttnrrlrtn Kronomlc Aaenclatton. INSURRECTION WITHOUT A LEADER ! .-S,";i,7r n:!"' .. .elections iii .New tork, ( levelnnd and I hi- Troops Demolish an Immense Barricade Near 8treet Car Barni. MANY SMALL FIGHTS STILL CONTINUE Remnant of nevolatlonary Force A Hank Small Ptrtlfi of Solrtlere a Troop Cannot Occupy Ibe Entire Town. BII.LETIV MOSCOW. Pec. 2. The ravoli la prao ili-ally over and the strike will be -if Monday. Comparative quiet prevailed today. DENIES REPORT OF BRIBE L'r. Pa:i 8ars Mntnal Beserte Did Hot Pay $40,000 for Tamable Beport. M'CURDY AGAIN IN BAD LIGHT Former President of Mntnal At templed to Influence Action of Department In Relation to Prnaalrxn Companies. cago Hre but t i i i -a 1 cross sections of the I umn. wee. x. ixjuip r. ...... country at large. The conviction linn be- and J. Rider Cad v. who waj employed at come well nigh universal that the fran- i ,imM , collni by Mr. Pnyn. while the chi Interest are resMnslbe for mnji of , , , . the municipal corruption. It la the desire ,a,,,,r wa" "tat superintendent of lnsur for franchises, whose value run Into fabu- ance, were the witnesses today before the F lORK. Dei-. 2S. The Joint session of tl momlo and Political Science .- lona resumed today, the subject of munlr ...n ownership bring tin- chief uu Jeot roneidi-red. The discussion won opened by Mr. Frederick C. Howe of Cleveland, who said: Municipal ownership is becoming the most insistent issue In local fx -II t The spon louii figures, that explain not only the positive corruption. Tint the Indifference of the ls"tter-to-do classes, and I ho heavy burden of reform. These franchise hae been appraised at S4T' .m.not in New Vork City; In other larKe cities they -un Into hundreds of million. Their viUue depend upon no labor except the labor incident to , a control of the council. They are created by grant front the city. And they ran only exist through a performance of this CANNOT IDENTIFV THE HAZER Role at Annapolis Prevent Fonrth Clase Men from Looking; at II Seniors. ANNAPOLIS. Md . Per. ;.. Cmirt-mar-'.nl proceedings against Midalilphlnn Trcnmr.r Coffin, tr . :i member of the third clns. on the charge of hazing Midshipman Jerdone P. Kimbroua-h of the fourta claes. began lit the naval academy today. The charge Is supported by the specification that the .ac cused caused Klmhrough to stnnd on his head continuously for a space of ten min ute or thereabout, until he became tinon. scion. Thl. It Is specified, took Place on the evening of Tleceiob r 2 la:. . ! The president of the court Is Captain Cor. win P. Roes. Lieutenant Commander Wil liam K. Harrison 1 Judge advocate and V.. 8. Theall of the Washington bar Is counsel trol. Thl explains the activity, as will question asked him emphatically denied as the corruption in local politic These ., ... . ... .... .......a t.An.m v..m .condition will be corrected through muni- "i""1 " i cipul ownership. When the cltv own its the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance coin- prao- I own franchises all classes will demand good panv and had allowed that company to called ; fovfrnment nd efn.-lent s. i rvl. e. ;'Pla- wr(le , own of an ,nVestlgat!on (cheaper light, water and heat will relieve ' which Mr. Puyn had caused to be made Only i the poor of their most serious burdens. , in new. vr. characterized the report Insurance Investigating committee, who i f(ir ,,ecuseI. furnished practically all of the Interesting i Midshipman (Joorge W. Hewlett of the testimony, notwithstanding the fact that ! thrd class wn the first witness. The wit- more witnesses were examined than on any day since the Investigation bejan. Mr. Puyn was called to complete hi testimony Interrupted by adjournment ye- terday. and ir. reply to one of the first neas testified that he had seen Kimbrough standing; on hlr head. Midshipman Kimbrough wa the next wit ness and It developed that he was unable to Identify Coffin a the man who had hazed him. The rule, It appears. Is that no owr class man must look at an upcr cli'ss m:in i under ueli clicumst-tnces, and this was so rigidly obst-rved in the present case that Kimbrough could not ay that Coffin I ml based him. He told, however, how he h:-.d been hated be being Co few fanatic are oontinulna the etrusaia- I h'h the incidental savlnga to the cotnmun- aff abpollltPlv fule , v.,.v particular and i hl 1en,, untl hP g. All the member of the oclnl revolu- , url . 'toe.. ting of the Kco- i ""'a 11 rrw "' lf "ght he t ween James i the nil.lshim iun who wli doing the hazing tlonary committee have been arrcated and ........ ..r v .i.. I. Weils, former vice resident of the ; threw water over him land compelled him Infernal machine I tiomic association. II. W. Farnam of Yale Wells, former vice president of the ' threw water over him 1'nlted Slate com- 1 Mutual. Reserve, and President Bunihiim . to go on again upelled to stand o'l ut entirely. Then A mob of armed revolutionaries attacked the police bureau, hut was repulsed with aerlous loasen. HI I.I.ETIV proclaimed In ever, la naarly over. a quaniiL, o. ,..,.o-.. ......i.e.. ; c.,mll,B R Nvm and correspondence seized. Three nun- ,li u.e,l ihe labor I f ihe same company dred revolutionary today invaded the res- j , .,.,.,.,,. s. Aaatll8 f ,0 , , ar of .r.. t u.m.anle.. ldence of the chief of secret police I I'nlvcrslty of U Isconsin mu.le an address! Judge Cudy was brouhl into the in- j session. He Is attached to the ilepavtment killed him. At the medical bureau ol, -violence in Mriket.." I vestigution by reason of his having ap- til discipline at tfu academy, wounded and 106 killed have been regis- i MepHrate nie(.,iIIKi .ho pi,tjcal ' peared before Mr. Payti In the interests The court ruled that the evidence of the tercd, but It I known that there are ful! I 8(.It.n(.p .lfwo,.illtn ,h.m,.SKO) -rolitlc.-i In ' of Prussian insurance conipanle seeking confcmlon which Coffin made to I.ieutena at 1,0) unidentified dead in the loutchn . v i,ha. i admission to the stale. This application Commander Charlf s II. McVe . Jr.. was id- uuarter alone. I The hlt..rl.-at nsso.-latu.n members lis- 1 was denied by Mr. I'ayn. but two years . mlssible. Inasmuch as the i-onfessl-.n wt-i tened to a paper on -The Colonial Project j later wa granted. entirely voluntary. The officer said that I of George Calvert - by L-i naid C Stelner President McCurdy of the Mutual Life 1 Coffin alo aeked to be allowed to resign. of the Marvland Historical society, and ; Insurance company had asked that this I Sutgeou J. C. Byitu. the ranking medleel afterward elected Sim li. Baldwin pre!- 1 permission be held up until he could see officer of the ncademy. stated that he j i Uent. ' Mr. Payn. This request waa refused, hut ODESSA. Dec. 8S.-Marl!al la has been' The Herbert Baxter prize was awarded j Mr. Payn had Judge Cady call upon Mr. thia cltv The slrlko. how- to uaviu . .vtuzzey of inn -cw turn K.111- . klllB VII... !..... ... ..... ' l IT .1.J l l. I.,C..I,. miA leal t ulttiie school for an essay on 1 ne nuRnn n en. .'ii"i h..eo ! Spiritual Franciscan." ; ,h'' Mutual Ufc would pay any money for ATI0RNEISI1IP1S ABEYANCs. Millard Leaves for Home and Preiident it Out of the ity. CANDIDATES ARE ACTIVELY AT WORK lonaressmnn McCarthr Jtrlrlna to eenre an Appropriation for the Improvement of the Mla aonrl Hirer. 1 FTom Staff Correspondent 1 WASHINGTON. Pec. 2K (Special Tele gram. I Senator Millard IcTt Washington this afternoon for Omaha, and will not return to the capital until January 8. This. In connection with the absence of Presi dent Roosevelt, of course, precludes any one being nominated for I'nlted State at torney this week to succi ed Haxter. Candidates for the position are already actle, either In person or through their friends. Jamea C. Klnsler of Omaha, a prominent candidate, who is east upon his bridal tour, arrived in Washington today and had a conference with Senator Millard before he left for home. He left tonight for Buffalo and after spending a tew day there will return to Omaha. "Tom" Munger of Lincoln, a well known attorney and close personal and political friend of Senator Kurkctt. is also in Wash ington today. It Is presumed that he is here to confer with the Junior senator re garding the district attorneyship succes- oth Mr. Monger NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Pair Prldar anil f older In Kat Por tion, tatnrrin? Fair. Temperature nl omxhn Vrnlffdsfi Moor. ft n . ni . n. m . T a . m . a. m . a. m . 10 a. 111. 11 a. m . la m.. . . lira. . . i tl . . lil . . iift . . 1 . . VI . . sa . . :2 , . :; Honr. t p. a l. I p. 4 p. a p. li p. T l. P. n p. Ilea. aa :t a 7 :tu a 4 :: no BIG DEMAND FOR CASH Rate for Call Vcney in New York Advance to 125 Per Cent. TRIBUTE TO H00SIER POET Inillnna Teacher' Vaaoelntlon llaa Wpcclnl Kaerelse In Honor of iHine hlteomb Riley. and compelled lilm r . .I. -I. - It I "". ne'iiBM U'II 101s jr.. wa. the lal witnes' during the tnoming j iind the "' '""committal Department otc. 'l'he Farmers' State hank of llaes Ccn INTMAN APOI.IS. Dec. Ji- The nftermvm sessli n of the Indiana Slate Teacher' as sociation was a tribute to James hitconib Riley. Addresses were delivered by Sen ator Albert J. lievcrldge. President Hughes of Depatiw university. Henry Watterson of louivllle. Ky.; Charles R. Williams, ed itor of the Indianapolis News, and Mere dith Nichols, the author. Mr. Riley wa present and responded. Mr. Watterson said in part: But the other day a famous company in New York celebrated the seventieth hfrth day of the most famous 01' our prose writer a. we are celebratlnit the noon tide of our yreal nod honored poet, our neighbor and our friend, and. though 1 have fought throughout my life aalnst sectionalism In all Its forms. I cannot re press a kind or s iking satisfaction In the and the satisfaction rises into exultation Its supply, has hint to come west for a fresh ciop of poets and humorists and novelists finding most of them, by the way. in Indiana even Howell in Ohio and the satlsfaetl'iii rises Into exhullntion whin I reflect i.hnt the -tand.itds of liter- ture of my cuiintcy. thus following the BANKS BEGIN CHLIN6 LOANS called to see Kimbrough on the night men. Honed and found him in an alarming condi tion, he being in a state of phtrs.l eol- ...v .ui.mwc. alum t.tii. .-I ..i.,T-r. v,,,- . 1 1 1 1 1 oi my I'Kimu v, inns lonowing ino tcr. Neb., has been authorized to convert i r of empire, ar held by hands so stal into the First National bank of Hayes Cen- aVX XJy, ter, Willi a capital of fil.OMJ. with Oi" 'I ii kmgtons the M i tors, the A civil senior examination will be he4J'lM " "ni1 "he Ailes to bring up the sup- .1 .iiii-i him iin-ii jinnee v. lieu luvj nif January 1,1 at Norfolk, Neb., for posit i clerk and carrier lit tho postotllce fi - a I'pon the recomcnd.itlon of Kepi ei.- . tive Connor, Dr. J. M. Garrett luc nplHiinted pension examining stirgts; ... Fort Dodge, la., vice Dr Farrell, resigned I'ostmahters uiipoinled: Iutr Diff. Ap' 'gone. COUNCIL BLUFFS MAN SLUGGED lapse. On cross-examination Dr. Byrne ; panoose county, James K. RoTan. vice A. said positively that Kimbrough uncon-j K. Dilllnger. resigned; I-adoga. Taylor ODfcSSA. Dec. .-Martial law na m-cn -, .. ....... r ............. oe. , .,....,..... ,;,., ..... ,,.! sciot.sness was retl and that he might hav.) i count v. John VI Adams .vie.. X T Hrown .,. 1t,,.j . th. The strike how- A new iioily, to lie Known as the American ' -.". uctmnui. v ..v... ..- ... ..... ..I . proclaimed In this clt. stiiKe. . Meforrtv offered him died had he tint had prompt attention. Dr. resigned Wyomlng-Como. Carbon county. dred of arrests oocoiegica. ussoca, ion. lias ueen .u.niru. u,-e. . h l.l for .he nrr.s. ! .. ... . n ,. 11 retainer in neliait or me Aiuruaj Ldie, , ... . .v i. ... oUvu. over, Is nearly over. Huwi luive been mnde. ' Its purpose being the encouragement of so- j ciolognal research and discussion. Prof, i which he refused. ! i it W..-.1 u.,. ni,... ,,i..., itin,,i.. ..u ' The New York office of the Insurance de- nai-tuient was Inoolred Into when Robert "nuesnes, uui n.n n'miuut o... i.i-.n.. , cutlon, which he closed tt Lase. I The defense offered oifly niidshlimien a I iMine Of l uprising I The revn , only a gi JP which th J troin pUi I itrunnala 5 membera -MOSCOW. Wednesda, Dec l-'T. H p m. -Via SI. Petersburg. Dec. The back- hone Of the insurrection 1 broken and the uprising here is rapidly going to piece. oluuoniHt are able to keep up ...111.. ..-.....,.. V, tTi.i :l WHO . u. ...v - I chants' club and there, elected the follow- they can move email detachment .... . nee to place render the taak of fchlna: them alow and tedious. The elected presijeni. The Bibliographical s.j. iety re-elected all th old officer. The members of the Kcouoififc associa tion tonight held n banquet at the Mer- Hunter, deputy superintendent, wa called. ' u"n of 1,s c:,r toruorrow. Mr. HuntSr cotild add notliing as to the ing olflcer: President. Prof. J. W. Jenks, Cornell university; first vice president, quarter ha been cleared of the of the "Drukina." a the fighting irganlx ltlon of the revolutionist I called. They have tronsl'ei red their operation to Last Ttciskaia, consisting principally of sn. ping Horn the roofs of houses, oc casionally throwing a bomb on advancing Petrol and niukiug off on the appearance j'f artlllciy. All the troops Of the Moscow garrison, including the 1'uriuer disaffected itostoff grenadier, and tiie reinforcements which nre empjoyjpd In cjualilna thc.e.vo '" Tiiii..alsi!r"MT-o .st ill liiini. la-lent to thor oughly occupN the lerrttorr' won. thus tinahllng the revolutionist to slip into j vacated territory so oon u the troops I move on. Many of the attacks on patrols j are seemingly made out of a puie spirit I of liiavndo. since they are completely fu tile from a strategic standpoint. The remnants of the Insurrection now lack co l.rlmi or a head. Morea Are Reopening. The cit of Moscow bears the picturesque appearance ot a battlefield. Officer are everywhere ecn galloping through the streets or are being driven about in rap Idly moving lelgh. accompanied by es corts of dragoon or Cossack. The stores wera reopened and the Inhabitants who had beer, tooped up for five days wera venturing out for a breath of fresh air. The witnesses all tesiilied that they did ....nrlnct of tt. Insoi anee Henartment lo I consider Kimnrougti s reputation tor that which had alri iuly been supplied. It I ,rut t""ing the best, but admitted that wu bnwght out that through his influence j on Uo,i,d reflection upon hi he had hid a medical examiner or the truthfulness since the Incident which form Kqultable I-lfe Assuium e society in Pough- J bH!,ls of ,he trlill und tl,p" u,t" Charle S. Fairchild of New York, ex- fcepie uiscuaigeu. ecretary of tlie treasury; second vice pre- Hlarkmall by Metnrdy ident, 8. X. D. North, director of the 1 census. Washington, D. C.; third vice president. Prof. Carl C. Plehn. Fnlversity of California; secretary and treasurer, Prof. William Daniels. Princeton; execu tive committee, F. A. Fecto)'. Cornell; U. H. Mver. Wisconsin; John H. Gray. . . .. ... w i . . a .... n...,1M( n ....... I .. , t. ,t Aortnwestern university, ti. i . r.inery, i""""1 ioiini.nir. . f.hurrh MeAdville PH Accumulntlve evidence on the allotment of the l.OUU shures- of stock of the Law yer' Mortgage Insurance company, which whlhi held for the Mutual Life Insurance signed. McCarthy Want Money for Itlver. Mr. McCarthy ol the Third Nchiaska dis- I trict is intensely Interested In a general way in the president a plan to regulate copporathinis, which, he asset t. have lieen ruining the country so long, and liial it is time for tin country to wake up to the situation and exercise proper control over them, ajid he thiuks something ought to be (Wnt) to Ineurunce companies. He has been pas lng life Insurance premiums lor man) i ........ . ....i.. ... .... i.i. r .1.. man Coffin will be completed tomorrow. The "'"-' l" , ' , , . , , j ntltted that the midshipmen had .conslder I a bio feeling against hint. I it is believed Uiat the ense of Midship- ' same court will probably try the case of Midshipmen Warren A. luty Id ftalHng to frondltln. and of if the first cla, Yale; H. R. Seager, Dixon. Dartmouth. , Columbia: F. H. ( erlck II. Cromwell, the present acting; pres- -HetrryMrgrthw of te Bawj-erV Morta r - " STORMS WiAY Indiana. Secretary of State May Realan Orllee at lteinet of Governor. INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 3-Daniel Btornts, secretary of slate, ha not JQLJJ PLACE I aage Inurance conipajiy told how Mr. i McCurdy Mad become !1lgnaiit kecaune he t had not allotted share In tl Lawyers" ' Title Insuranre and Trust company, nnd i to appease him a block of Lawyer' Mort j gnge Insurance cotfipany stock wa offered ; him, but he would not take It and further K. gave Mr. Morganthau to understand that re. : po applications for loan from either corn- signed, and It 1 not known whether he pany would receive eonsidet ation from the will comply with the demand of Governor Ilauley or not. Today he again refused to discuss the subject. Crary of Calvert, Tex., i alter ho has been called to his reward, and Vanderveer, wiio is ' kl,ow lh"1 millions' of others are doing I the same. He claims to represent purely an agrricul turul district and Is keeping an eye out ' e j charged with m gleet o I ... I. ..... .V. . the finance board, was taken In the exam- ! . .... ,, , Btepnen uwauir. jr., u me nrsi cia, - --- - i .,,iTTI n m.v. . . p. , lnatlon of Adrian Eselin and G. O. Ha- , ,..... J..., .........j for all measure affecting the weal or woe WATTLES CIJTLINFS DFFFNSF i iii.i(irii ..iii. I in r. 1 1 1 . ej.-i, ..i. i..-.. - J J : u w wv...h Flall uceeerta In llailna; li. Arrested ho Turned the Trie-it . It iRTTAND. tire.. Dec. .-iS).ecial Tele gram.) P. C. A lesworth of Coun.-il Bluffs, la., after bring snandid In Porilaud ten day by being sundliaKged and robbed, today wits successful In having Thomas Russell, lit years old, ui re sted for the crime. Aylesworth startd to the depot December 1. when Russ-ll struik up an acquaintance and misled him to a dark part of the rail road yards. Aylesworth remember no more until he was found several hour afterwatd lying under u freight car. He had been nibbed of Jv6 and hi ticket to Lo Angele. Russell was arrested after clever detective work at hi father's home here. He admits being with Aylesworth and de stroying the railroad ticket, but will say nothing further. It is thought hi sick mother will die from the shock caused by her son arrest. , and Isaac N. M-;- of the farmer. oth roambera of the u Inf'ted In securing if possible . . me iianauuu ruiT nuu asrri iii wiai .1 im IUIAQCUAI CliriT' DV CIICDfTPTQ I a navigable stream and that congres has rvmnariAL anui pi aurco i i . 8() rpgmi.dPi lt and t(wt Uie ruvme 00lirt l'rank Thornton of Perrysbsrg, Ohio. ' "t the United State ha so decided. He ....... . -.. . went with ntenibers front Iowa, South Da- I alally Injnred While Attempting .... . ... . ,. j kota, Missouri and Kansas bclore the coin to Arrest Alleged Itnhhera. j mltlee on river and harbors at the last ! congress, where they pul up a strong light It Is understood that in addition to the situation disclosed by the secretary of state placing hi affair in the hands of a trus tee, a committee that ha been examining j the record of his office, ha reported that IMr. Storm did not turn Into the state treasury a fee of J2S.WO paid by the Van- TOLKDO. O.. Dee. 2S. Marshal Frank j for an Item in the appropriation bill for Thornton of Perryshurg. who wa shot. In i the Missouri river. The reason fit is o the abdomen at an early hour this morning ' interested In thia Is that the river bounds Mutual TJfe. I wnUe attempting with his deputy, William 'his district on the north and east and many Mntnal I KeonomUlnsr. ! Scott, to arrest five men suspected of the , his constituents are exti'i-muly interested When Mr. Cromwell wa on the stand he I ar barn robbery here last Sunday morn- i in this proposition. 1 wa asked what consideration he had ing. was brought from rerrvshurp t lot given to economies in the Mutual Life, j o'clock tonight and taken to the Toledo hoi He said he could not give exact figure ! pital for an operation. His condition I for the record, but that there would ha critical. Scott was shot in the foot. a saving of perhaps $l..Vft,nnn next year. IT j All dav the country between here and added that the most unpleasant duty he i Perryshurg was scoured by posses of e:. License for Interstate Trade. A bill of greatest national Inqiortance that Mr. Martin of South Dakota expect to push for attention In congiess at this ses sion 1 his bill already introduced for the regulation of corporations engaging in in- w ... .hi. dalla Railroad company until ome month ... : , .... .. J .. ., ... .. . terstate and foreign commerce in loon and i tie nowp urKn uii-ian.i.. " .e'.- . olscnarging employes ouring ine nasi i-w ,.i eiini. in i.Miiin up me Kang inai on ire ing at the Triumphal arch, liombardlng and demolishing an immense barricade near the car atables of the Belgian com pany, which had been built behind over turned tram cars. Thence slowly, pivoting shooting;. Several suspects were taken in after It wa due, that while the entire w.pu. saiarj or .ne loreign corporation clerk IRte jn , nay ,hp rnlted State Ufe custody, hut it is nor certain thev are the wa. drawn from the treasury, a less ; Tn,lranre company's affair were token K'ulty person amount wa paid him. that an error of )lp hy Mr n,1B:hr.,. The preident of the Tonight lh police made two arrests that fl.iTO had been corrected later, and that an ' rompariV. jnhn P. Munn. wa called to the ! are considered Important in connection with from the arch, the column ewept eat- j appropriation for an extra stenographer j nUinA j't(1 bmtted a number of Mate. the car bnrr, robbery, when they took In ward, clearing all the streets of Tverskai and north of the boulevard, which sepa rated the battle ground from the center of was anticipated by Mr. Storms. The Star will say tomorrow: Governor Hanly has riven Daniel F.. Storm until the city. Uarrlcade r not so numerous ' n'xt Sat unlay to hand In hi resignation a iu this region a waa the case during yes terday's fighting, and the troop encoun tered less opposition. A correpondent of the Associated Pre accompanied one of secretary of state. Tf the secretary ha not complied with the governor' demand at ment of syndicate participations which j custody T. E. Pearsla and W. R. Rosewell, were read for the record, also statements , until thre week ago conductors In the em of the cost of Insurance to hi company. ! ploy of the street ear company. TI.ey He will renme tomorrow. i claimed to have Just returned from Cinc'n- Distrlct Attorney Jerome today received j natl previous to their arrest. a ropy or all the evidence tivis far sun- i ne nve men who am the shooting entered sa- fuel supplies. This bill provide that after July 1 next nil corpora t Inns engaging In Interstate commerce in rattle, shei p, swine, dressed meats, mi at product. poultry, poultry products, dairy products, grain, i cereals, breadstuff, coal oil or other food or fuel supplies, must obtain a license or 1 franchise from the secretary of commerce i ond labor, and before obtaining such fran I ehlse must make rti affirmative showing that they are not over-capitalized, that Inlt o Attempt Wa Mad to Give ataa m ',tt"" Valaea to Real ; -. "" ' .' ROSTO.V. Dec. ?S.-(Special Telegram V Attorney Stricter today outlined the de fense that will be put in by Gordon W. Wattles of Omaha in the JW.l.OfiO suit over legacies left by Kdwln Wallace, a wealthy New Hampshire manufacturer. Wattle l administrator under the will and claims that the plaintiffs well know that he wa agent for tho Omaha property of Wallace and there was no attempt to give any tlc tltlous value to the property, as alleged. Hh also claim that counsel for the plaintiff examined the property and that later an independent examination was made. PLANS FOR GREAT REVIVAL K anaell! ie Conference at Chicago Ontline Movement for Old-Fnsb-loned Religion Awakenlnit. CHICAGO. Dec. .-Platis for an old fvhlnneil religion revival to sweep the irntlitent of America were made todnv hy religious worker from all over Ihe country at the evangelistic conference conducted by Dr. R. A. Torrey and Rev. Charles M. Alexander t the Moody church. With the same wonderful power which swept o-er F.ngland last eumnier In one of the greatest revivals in history. Dr. Torrey and Mr. Alexander opened the three days' confer ence with time public meetings. At each they are not an unlawful trust or combina- that time the attorney general will proceed I mlrtAt in tho lnanranr Inf"! lira t Itin rnm, th Kl'flllK InnphroiMn nnl 'niaetirhuH : nd that it lH MOt t lll'tl" pill jOK tO against him In the courts These proceed- ,,., There are numerou volume. tlon at Perrvshorg at If. -so" this me-. i vlolnt, ,he f"ll(,'al anti-trust laws. Stlhse- the column for an hour, during which I the nature of a suit Hle1 in ' ,i r.u.rlet Attornev Vntt .ni Their act ion. hu.i . n ...i..i,.. '. quent vlolat Ion of the anti-trust law will lime the soldier of the DruJIna nowhere he circuit court of thl county to ous' n.,'v ,at .nc-ial grand Jury probably will ! the marshal and hi deputy, who entered fnrt'1 ",e rish' ' "n,i''"5rt Interstate of the services the churches were thronge.i aiteionted lo hold the barricade. After . Storm from office on the ground that he ..,a i rvhn.arv to nn,,.i tt,. ! the t..i:..r..i ,,t, t,,i..i .hi. ...... commerce. this bill is right in line wltn.ann mere was great enthusiasm firing a few shot, they invariably scat- j ha misconducted the affair of hi office. . tt.Btln.nnv. ! Thev got up Immediately and left the 'place' I'resddcnt Roosevelt administrative roll, li s t-ied uff. . - Thomn P Fowler, chairman of the sue- i At the door Marshal Thornton attemnte.l to f"r thr proper regulation of great I ASK PARDON FOR ORGANIZER I rial committee of the board of trustee of ; stop them, whereupon they drew revolver tl"n Anin ln,"uln,, fomnterce. Mr. Mar t 1 th. Vrw V.irk l.ifA lnaiirance comnnnv land opened fire Th,rott, A. ...... i. , in i,i. tin believe the policy, which i new. can Governor Hoeh Hears Arvnraenta In j ovlt tnP appended statement for the I track". Scott, who had followed the mn Houses iu Raise. Sometimes the artiliery flreu at a barri cade, but tins deienuer usually scampered off and then tliese detrnse were taken without tiring a shot. The work ot de stroying the entanglements and burning the material from which they were con structed was alow . Occasionally when the LUCKY WRECK ON BIG FOUR Case of l,abor Leader Con victed of Assault. TOPKKA. Kan.. Dec. 5 -Governor Hnoh ' r"nort ",,.blr, '?. th. .',r'1 "f ,rl1"" . . . , , , , Pf. I I'l l liiei t'Mtr i n nflM- nn dn- today heard tha pardon application of nncement to make. troops wera fired upon from roofs th ' Arthur K. Ireland, the national organizer ! MeCnrdy Resign Again, house were bombarded, but the occupant j of the American Federation of Labor, now it wa learned today tht Richard A had ample time to escape. The operation I nominally serving a six months' term in I MeCurdv, former nresldent of the Mutual of the troops In the Wrunnaia district dU- the dwley rounn Jail for assaulting a utft insurance company, and his son-Inclosed many Interesting traces of jester- nonunion machinist named Harrity at ' lflw, t. a. Thebaud. who also wa con day a lighting, winch brought the walla of Arkansas City. Kan., last summer. The , peeled with the Mutual, resigned some IU house tumbling about tne ear of their ! application wa backed by the American week go from the directorate of the defender. The ProkhoroiT cotton mill. Ilia ; Federation of Iahor and resisted hy the fmfed State Mortgage and Trut com headquartera of the "Drujuia" ami many Santa Fe Railroad company, whose ma- pany. Their resignations have been ac ollier house lor the distance of a muo chlnlst was assaulted. Among the labor i erpted. neiween nic ivuitiMu u .i.v .iiuiuy.iai i imu.-i a yi epeui wiie i noma i. rion, vice anh were In ruins, tvery street tributary 1 president of the American I committee tonight: j out. received a bullet in ills foot. The dye The committee Is engared In a thor- j men then ran down the street and dlsap I "I'll examination of the Hamtlto nmalt.r reared. WHhin half an ho..,- th.. ht started and was kept up until dark tonight. and will t its conclusion make h nolal of the Tverkaia boulevard were stout, y ! James A. Cable, general secretary of th j oamcaaea, as many w evteit ueing couuieu iiuernaiionai . ooper union, and J. D. wlti.ln i'uu jard of a single street. Tliee Rurkalew. vice president of the American evidently formed the first line of defence and the network of street behind ware barricaded at intervals. These barricades were loft standing, the troops having strate- Feder.,.on:f.O PROSECUTION FOR WALSH Federation, who had charge of the recent machinists' strike on the Sanfa Fe. C. T. Atkinson, the Kansas attorney for the federation, prreented the application. gicaily made a circuit to an ipru plain i Gardiner Lathrop, general counsel of th noithwet of the city, which enabled them Santa Fe aystem. made the principal to takv the revolutionists in the rear, com- vpeech against the granting af a pardon, pelllng the evacuation of the position prac- i Judge W. K. Smith, general attorney for lirally without loss, as the revolutionists the Santa Fe for Kansas; George B. Stew were unabls to light the artillery wttii re- art. Santa Fe attorney at Fort Madison, volvers and they possessed lew rifita. j and ex-County Attorney Torrence of Cow House after housa showed yawning chasms lay county, who prosecuted Ireland, also spoke. Governor Hoeh took the case tinder advisement. produced by shells. Th spirit shops and cheap lodging houses occupied by the stu dent revolutionists were the principal suffer t.i. The barricade, though t.iey could not be defended against artillery, wet a well constructed of telegraph pole, fence, heavy door. Iron court yard gate and signs, all Interlaced with wire. A lumber ard in the vicinity furnished material lor thirty barricades. Red flags were still defiantly floating over some of the barriers, but throughout the district the correspon dent saw neither Drujlnlsts nor soldiers. It wa like a deserted field over which th tide of battle had wept. During the morn ing the revolutionists several times at tempted to Intercept convoy of ammunition nl from tha arsenal lo th troops, whose (Continued oa Second ho) OHIO COAL DEALERS FINED Officer af Cleveland Association Plead f.nllty to violating the Aatl-Trnat law. CI.EVKLAND. Dec. 2S.-The officers of the Cleveland Retail Coal Dealer' associa tion, indicted on the charge of violating the Valentine anti-trust law, pleaded guilty in common plea court today and were sentenced to pay fine of twit each. Prosecutor Ho then announced that th indictments against the ether eoal dealers I would be uo lied. aeeretary of Treaeury Declares Chl casro Man Simply Followed Prec edent ot Banker. CHICAGO. Dec. 2a.-Serretary of the Treasury Shaw arrived in the city from Washington thl morning and in an inter view practically declared that there would be no criminal proceeding growing out of the closing of the Chicago National bank and the Home Saving bank of thi city. He said: "John R. Walsh did not take one dollar dlhonetly. He did no more than many others bankers in the I'nlted States sre doing all the time." "The rumor of criminal prosecution." de clared the secretary. "Is nothing but talk. There has been no embezzlement or theft. For every dollar taken out gilt-edged secur ity was placed within. The depositor will get every dollar they deposited, and when that has been accomplished the responsi bility of the government ceases. That part of the banking law prohibiting tha loaning of more than 10 per cent of the capitaliza tion to one man may have been violated. That la not a criminal violation and all that can be dona I to liquidate the bank and pay off the depositors. The violation of that law by one bank is no more than has been dune ky almost every, bank la the country. I ODELL ON THE SPEAKERSHIP Former oernor of fw Vork. Prom ise to Make Public Matter of Intereat. very properly be applied first to corpora tion handling food and fuel supplies, which must be used by all of the people. Pelesinlea tn Postal ( unarm.. lt wa announced by the postmaster gen eral today that after several post poncinent the sixth universal postal congress will Miie I'lissenaer Car Derailed ear Kankakee, III., and None of Them Overturn. KANKAKKK. 111.. Dec. 2R. -Five person were injured, none fatally, when .he fast I mall train No. T on the Big Four rall- Actien Trie to Aa icipation of Requira rnente of Year-Lrd Settlement. t MARKET ADVANCES IN SPITE OF FLURRY S'.orki Continue Ac'.ive on Expectatien of Higher Frirei. ORDINARY BUSINESS NOT AFFECTED Hanker States that Ncarelty e4 Money la line to I nmnrkatad Imp and Conditions A hroad. NEW TORK. Dec. A. The call money market opened si rung again today. Tha llrt loan reported was .vJ.tnX at the rata of JO per cent per annum and this waa followed almosi immediately by another loan of 2'X.,i at flu per cent. At 10:M the quotation wa SO per cent The advance in Hie interest rate waa eensnilon.illy rapid. From 60 rer cent thern wa a quick advance to 75. 0 and then luO. When l'W per cent wa touched all raoord since Iiecember, 1S?S, were brokeu. In that year 16 per cent wh patd for call loans- After lending at 1X today there were loans at 90 per cent. The 00 per cent quotation did not last long and nt 11 o'clock 110 pet rent wa paid for funds, and shortly after ward a loan of JkHV at 125 per cent wast reported. Although broker were compelled to pay tho highest prices In year for cash with w hich to carry their stock, there was little excitement over the situation. Many Stock exchange houses provided themselves sev eral month no with time loan to carry them over January 1, which 1 a tlmo when money Is alwuy In great demand for dividends, interest and other year-end set tlements. These time loan are not affected by the call money market. Some stock wero sold out during tho morning hour, principally In Industrials, but the main stocks held well in the early trading, con sidering the markets usual sensitiveness to i:. . y conditions. On the Stock ex change the view was token that the etrln gency i temporary and that easier condi tions will prevail Immediately after Janu ary 1. The demand for money atarted within fifteen minutes afier the opening of busi ness. A a rule nothing Is said In tnoney untll after 11 o'clock. Today a loan wa made early at 30 per cent. This was re garded u an effort to keep the rate down. Immediately afterwards bldB were raised rapidly at 10 per cent between quotations. A request for accommodation at 40 per cent brought no ottering Then the bid waa raised to B0, with no better results. The next was SO, at which fltaire a second, loan , was made, one of. !00,0U0. No more money was offered at that rote.-' ""he third loar) ' was made at 70. Banks Cnll for Caah. Then the demand for money from brokers, as a result of heavy c.ufig of loans by, the banka In order to make arrangements for the January 1 disbursements, become, urgent and most of them were apprehen sive as to whether they could venew their loan at all. Tint call rate again climbed rapidly to n", W and 125 per cet.t. The top rale yesterday was 95 per cent. Tha greater part of the day s offerings came from out-of-town banks through their local correspondents. A grout many In dustrial and commercial houses also loaned tlirnus'li their bank. Russell Sage, through hi representa tives, was reported to have loaned $6,000,000 at 90 to 1 per cent. More than tho usual discrimination was shown by the banka in the collateral accepted by then, for loans. The rate for slM nuil ninety-day loan today was 6 per cent and a "cutnmlflRlon," making such loans fully equivalent to 9 per cent. At noon the denumd for money seemed to have been largely supplied. At 1J : r loans were made nt tii per cent. Toward 1 o'clock the demand for funds se.-mcd to have been pretty well satis, lied and money was but at 60 por cent. Just as soon as the in. no y tension seemed to have been relieved the stock market started to advance, lid by a sensational movement in Anaconda. This stock ross rapidly to 27f against 2'W earlier In th day. There was no d' Hnitc new to ex plain this advance except the reports of a rich strike in the company's mines. Amalgamated Co per was carried up 2V pdtits in smpatliy owing to its large holdings of Anaconda, and other copper and smelling stocks Wife also .-trong. At M'. the c i ui'iii. y market ber&ma much easier and dropped to H s r cent, and at 2 IS the quoted rate was C"(ii pep cent. After having leached M per cent on tha Sinck Kxehange and 1. per out on pri vately arranged loan", il.c r.iic for call , road was wrecked at Waldron. Tl I f, 1 money late this afternoon fell to 6 per cotiene at Rome. Italy, during the drat rns east of here todaf The tr-iin was 1 cent. Jmt before the close It advanced I riate representative. They are clot hed with extinguished. Six hundred yards of track i early decline in Industrial sl.a.c, wa authority to conclude and sign such modi- mPie torn tip. NEW YORK. Dec. 2 Former Governor Odell. chairman of the republican state 1 committee, made a statement today con cernincr the contest for the Btio.lf.r.1,1. the assembly. Mr. Odell atd: ' ""1 r"""a' "n'"n ronv'n,k'n nmy b "Thl Is going to be a fight to a finish ! prrw1 "' 'V ,h""- ,,uf'jMM' " ' I tried In every way to .void factional , M'Proval of the president and postmaster trouhle. but It ha been forced on me and i "e"'ra'' . when a fight is so forced I am no quitter" ' . . , . Is the report true that you have some-I ALIBI FOR LACLEDE J. HOWARD thing to say about the collection of cam- ! palgn funds by Mr. Cortelyou last soring'" I Mlnntea of Company Show that week of April. i:-KJ. Former Representative' ,BO hnur late and was running nearly F.ugene F. !uid of San Francisco wa . seventy mile nn hour when It struck a appointed In November. 1903. to r-oresent ,rKen rail. The engine Hnd nine of the the 1'nited State at the congress, and ! PVen coaches were ditched, but nnl over n December, J, F1ward Roseaier of! turned. The gas tank on one of the Pull Omahn. wa named a Mr. Ixmd asso- nlan cllr. Pnl,,a tmt ,n iUle w. again and closed IS p. r cent bid, offered tit 2". As the money rate fell the Htock market advanced and approximately the highest pine of the day were reached at tha clns". The Bi.n k market, except for an Mr. Odell was asked "Refore thi fight i over I may have a good deal to av shout this and other mat ter of Interest, including the Depew-Rlack race for the senate. It I altogether prob able that I will contribute something to political literature tn the near future some chapter that may interest people.' SEGREGATION FOR DEFECTIVES Prof. Johnson gay Tbree Generations of This Policy Will Prohablr eliminate Irobecllltj. He Waa In at. lxol at Time of Alleged Marriage. PRODUCTION 0F PETROLEUM 1 ulted Male Lead World In Record Rreaklna Yeur for Crude Oil. Stl idy throughout the money ten- ATLANTIC CITY. X. J.. Dec. J Prof. Alexander Johnson, secretary of the Na tional Charities conference. In addressing the Stat School Teachers' association to day suggested that In the matter of de fective children the easiest way to exter minate this class tn either segregation or chloroform. He explained that the law pro hibited chloroform, but segregation was permissible. HI idea is that lunacy breed lunacy, and that three generations of segre gation would probably Urn Uiat the defective. fairly slon. Hanker Kiplwiaa Situation. President ileph.ii ii of the Chase National bank, said today: The enormous vol. line of business which r.bti.ins throng!!. ml the iruniiry has caused a demand utioii toe banking powor, and. naturally, has materially advanced tha rales of Interest. The mreign e.'iehangn credit which the c. unity would own Is iiirtailid by the stiniiae. of cur, which i.reyeiiis ihe rapid marketing abroad of cotton and grain and slso bv the conceit irai.d wi' I. boiling of cotton for higher prices. Normally, we would anticipate such exchange by out credit Him. ad, but Europe has tr .ubles of its ow n. I hi KussUn cloud hangs over markets. A posnihlu dafault In the Interest upon the enormous In riebteoness of Russia has seriously dis turbed Berlin, hel ls Paris Iu unxlety, and of Coni ne. xi n ines n strong rt Ilex latlu- ence in 1mdon Money has l.e.-n ana I'l . (.f cent iii Berlin, a, id unusually strong 1SS3. when Laclede J. Howard was rc-elnctcd . Movement of Ocean easel. Dec. a. ' "'..' ''"!' ' ,.,. president oi hip ti.iniwiu n in me vew i oi k i riven . nni'in, n o.n nre- handwriting of Lad-de J. Howard and - "n. Sailed' Bremen, for Biemen: I..t . . , .eti-rsnti, for Havre. Gallia, for Marseilles: sigied by him. , Ailf,ra- f,,r Naples The ame witness also identified In the At l,ondon Arrh r.1 : Samaritan, froi.i Halifax; Cambrian, from Boston. Kill.'1: WASHINGTON. Dee. 2. The I'nlted State supplied more than one-half of the petroleum produced In the world in l!f A statement of the world production of ST. I.OT'IS. Dec. The first attempt to. j,et rfileurn, prepared by the British Hoard pries. Normally, we would anticipate such prove nn tor me ime inaeoe j. How ard, whose estate Mrs. Mary Ieafgreeri I suing for liitt" a his widow, was made by attorneys for ih estate today when George J. Jones, secretary of the Kvan A Howard Fire Hiick company. Identified the minute . .... . ....none i.nrif ililA nt t ) nuu r l n .lit- .... .. . ... j . of Trade put the petroleum production of the world In 1504 at 9.3't3,"ViO gallons, of which 4.91.0O0,0n0 gallon were produced In the I'nlted State The worlds production for I'M breaks all records. order Uiok an entry under date of January 15. 1MS3, a being in the handwriting of La clede J. Howard. The significance of this testimony, accord ing to the plaintiff's counsel, is that ao- onl lng to the testimony of all the witnesses on Minnehaha, for New York At Naples Sailed : I'anople. for Boston. At yieenstown Sailed : Cednc, for N'-w Yl At Glasgow Arrived: Caledonia, from NewtorR. ,lh possible danger Other lottos I At Hamburg-Sailed: Prinzessln Victoria j l!d Misiri to finance our gi. at volume of r ' i 1 1 1 ' -is prn uca iy witn our own resotiices. It is unttirt iniato that at Mien a time and under Kueh circum stances that prici s of .let. .1 aecurltle ' hi. old be persistent h anv.uicnl day by v it has milled to the money strain ainl Is primal il I sponsible for the high lates if ii.tinst. SteeKs (if wnthv) would ,ve found a hiy! r level in a normal manner without dealing an unusual strain and without a isn.i; condition fraught knih elites who have testified concerning Iiuie. for New 1 ork. ' - ,. tn... ci., . i..a it..ii., v.... At Al.lleiiir anuru. ... n nr. . i ... , 1,1. .sew the marriage of Mary Moore and Charlie York. Howard, they were married in Decatur. III., A, Liverpool -Arrived- M :i-stie. from January 15, 1VB, and came on the f.dlowit.g New Votk: R..vlc. front New Yi..l; Sell .. p.,.,,,. hr viomard m-nt .i,. C tinrlc nd Sy Iv.'ini i . I ..r i'.i . ' on . 1 1 :u.i.n. day to Palmer, where Uuar4 aiyeat t.i ,nr For.Ulld, Me ; Haverford. for pl.IUdel nl eucceaaicg week. I pUs. 1'retorlan, for Halifax. .'. 8. ffe-.ed. CLLVKLAND. D c Z- i he '"leVeland New lodiy s.. s that it 1 am from a reliable ii'.ar.i -l a .t i'nity tii .t t'levelaial banker have s-:.t latife sums of money to Ntw Yuik recently. U La im