Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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What twr Committee Hepts to Accoav
pliih f jr th City.
41m F.iprru In Aalt (ornptnr to Drar
Half Ihf F.ipfinf of f'nant rtirtlnK
ew Tannel jr F.annah
for rirpnif .
ilk-hard OKeefe ami W. B. Clik. r-
spertlvely choivn rrsMent and nvrftai-y
f the Citizens' Hewer company t tue
ineetliia; of that body Tuesday nlnht, whoa
Interviewed sterdHy mn-nlnar as to the
nature of the tuslnas undertaken by the
ommlttee, nM It was not their Intention to
be at all exclusive In the matter, an ap
peared to be lh Impression from the. re.
porta of the meeting published In the press
Wednesday. "Ve believe that the ne'l'lfl
are entitled to know everything we are
ltmplln,' aa,id Mr. (TKeefe. "The prob
lem before u is this: We hold an original
leaae with the Stock Tarda company for
the use of the old sewerage tunnel which
was ronetnirted many yeara ago. This
l-ae provided that the stock yarda tunnel
would take care of the city eewsge In a
proper and commodious way for a term
4 tilnety-nlne years. In consideration of
ibis the city paid 110.174 to the company.
' It was stated that the company would kvp
Hi! tunnel In repair and enlarge (.he cu
piully tr meet the growth of the city, and
that they would forfeit the $10,174 If they
fI14 to do tills. At the present moment
" lb tunnel has been allowed to cave In,
mid has become practically of no use to Hie
1 1 jr. In vlw of this fact we espert to
place the following proposition before the
atoj'k yards commission tonlitht:
ste,iti lot of clothing at the end of
the Albright car line from fave M'Cord.
According to the statement by the iap
tnin th men arc working to get a dis
honorable dls hare, n iln everything they
can sliort of a term of Imprisonment to
bri.ig this about.
Morris Intra Family IH-tUate.
Toroner Brnl!ey he'd an inu.lcst o er
the body of V. 1J. Morris, a man who
had been employed In the railroad yard
at Armour A ro.'s The coroner's Jury
decided that li's ilmUi was caused by the
slipping rf a lever jmk by which the
c ar was being raise.). When the Jn k
slipped the cir (ell tia k onto the tra'k.
catching Morris' head between the body
of the car and the bolster of the truck,
crushing It ami causing death. No blame
was to anyone. It is said thai
Morris leaves a wife and a family of
small children, live n number. Me car
ried Ivi Insurance end they Hie left almost
The funeral arrangements hae not been
cmpletod yet. but It Is known that a
brother of the dead is expected to
day, who will take the body to Hheldon.
la., for burial. Armour ft 'o. will pro
vide for the funernl expenses
Maalc City f;ol.
Colonel .1. M. Hunter hss returned from
his trip to Washington. D. C.
Mr. and Mis. John C Van. 2JS North
Twenty-third street report the borth of a
Miss Paulein Winters of the B.uith Umaha
scliools Is spi ndiiiK her vacation in tTsna-
H hlsiM of rmaa" Heaarel
the Delight of Great Aa.ll-
r at Boyd's.
Vatllate Body of Riprap Worker
Feaad oa ort a weatei-a Track
ear t'oaaell Blair.
Tlie nrst preaenUllon of "Th- chimes , The badly mangled body c.r William Mo
ot Normandy" at the Boyd Wednesday j Culley. employed on the Illinois Central
nirl.t under the ausnlces of the Kasle rlprapp;ng was found surly yesterday
i lul of fmi.iha. went along very success
full). Aft.-r the first act much of the
ew Home of r hlloaoahlcal lepert
meat of Karraral 0peae4 with borate F.ierelsea.
natural diffidence of the aingera bad worn
off and they pu( vim and rplrlt into their
work. Composed of members of the
Omtha Operatic association, the cast
morning by the Northwestern trsiks about
two miles north of Council Bluffs. In
dications were that he had lecn stunk
and killed by a tvnln. The man's skull
was fracture,!, his left !' cut off at the
hio and t lie l ight foot s a ere,
showed the effect of steady training. I the ankle and the body was badly crushed.
Flrsv. we want the fltock Yards company Schlndel, 2-13 O street, Thursday lifter- i pang W(, admirable nplomb. U. C. Jes-
loosa. Ia
Miss Grace Daly Is at Rioux City, la.,
for the bolldnvs. She Is visiting her sister,
Mrs. J. E. le
A. It. Kenwlck of Monticello. Ind.. Is a
fuest of Rev. A Ren wick of the 1'nlted
'resbyterian church. t
P. O. roy and mother are the guests of
O. H. Brewer during the present week.
Mrs. Iay Is an nunt of Mr. Brewer.
Mis. Julius Jnl, lutein and sister are vis
iting at the home of their parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob Ivy. 2Sl N street.
The Women Home Missionary society
ill men. iu ine resinence .!
Some really good voices give strengtli to
the chorus, and the principal!, male and
female, gave very satisfactory renditions
of, fr.elr parts. The enunciation was much
lie'ter than Is ordinarily the case with
a mat cuts.
"The Chimes of Normandy" Itself Is one
of the most tuneful ami pleasing of the
old-time favorites. It has to do wltfi an
absent heir and a lost marchioness, the
scenes centering in one of the plcturesqun
regions of Old France. It gives oppor
tunity for the Introduction of the pas
toral touch In every scene, and from be
ginning to end If Is morally clean and
muxlonlty satisfying. The grouping, the
costuming and the numerous ensemble
choruses add materially to the entertain
ing features of the opera.
M!ss Hazel Ilvlngstone and Miss Alice
Winspear. as Berpolette and Oermalne,
rei-pectlvely, carried the two principal fe
male roles very competently. The former,
as the madcap, careless maid of the
good, true heart, was excellently fitted
for the part by natural temperament and
sang with perhaps more satisfaction to
the audience than any other one person
In the cast. Mls Winspear used a sweet
voice with good effect, failing. If at all.
j only In volume of tone. As Gasrmrd.
R. K. i the miser, a. S. Hamilton was strong and
The txidy was first noticed by C.tanl Hh
die. a farmer living in the vicinity.
MoCulby and u man named (1. Arbiukle.
also employed on the rip-rapping win k.
lived In a tent th" river bank. They
CAMBRIlXitf, Mass. lleo. Kmrrson
hall, the new home of the philosophical
department at Harvard university, and
named in honor of Ralph Waldo Kmeison. t
was dedicated today In the presence of the j
members or the American rniiosopnicai
and Psychological afScniations and the va
rious governing boards of the university.
1 Just alove 1 Prof. Hugo Munsterburg. head of the de
partment or pnuosopny. presuieo ana ine
speakers were President Charles W. Eliot
and Pr. Inward Waldo Rmerson. a son of
the great American.
In ills address President Kllot said:
We believe that Emerson' name will be
a lasting one, an Immortal one; not that
are said to have bcn ill the t-lty Wednes- Kmersoii was a philosopher or a psyohol-
tu refund to the city the amount named In
the original contract, which the city holds
Miss ri(.ieiee Maddox. one of the South
sen. as firenlchenx. the fisherman, won
Wond. we w-nnt them to agree to bear omalia teachers.' has gone to visit her ! w'11 merited applause. W. II. Smith, as
one-ha f the expense of constructing a new
and commodious sewage tunnel to be used
both by the city and the Ptock Yarda company.
Third, we want t,o company to give to the
relatives and friends at Fairfield. Neb., I the notary, cnuKht the audience with his
during the school Intermission. itntft business and responded to a recall
Fred carpenter has gone to the Big Horn af,er .inrin-. . tonici.l son bavinir t.. do
basin to take un ranch life on his own;"". . ln topiml song naUng to do
..... .An Vn.-n hava na ia. with the L'omiliil snrlliff slerflim. R. A.
:I1t that portion or its tunnel wlilcn ilea ,, ..r ti, i-.,i.. ai., v vurH cnnnmnv. f.,i .i,. i. .n.
h.eM t. tvrt s nnlnl 'CI ft of O I ' .- ': " ' '. ... vuiiii-viui
.. - ,- - .- - --- r . .1 UACn.i a .f Ililfrin M 11 n
fT-W ...... H.lll H . a tl.l ... I n'll ni.i . " .'... - .
I i itt i-M.r win tf- iw, ni-T-ii .inr. . . .... . a, ... .,, tAm n. -
a well known man of this city some ren
years ago. Since that time he has been
in Huron.
nrpalr and give the stock yards free access
t M.
.'.IX this plan and those reipiesta are met!
Iy the fplon Stock Tnrda company, then j
w wilt recommend that the city Issue th
proposed sower bonds, deducting the value
of these concessions from the total of the
Vmd Issue. This would save to the city
to the neighborhood of perhaps '
mora; and would lie treating the I'nlon
D . arrived , proved ,qua fn the part and gave hla
aolos with good effect.
W. If. Kinross, director of the Operatic
association, was In the leader's ohsir with
arA',r;: 'JX1 ".estr. of the theater play-
to twelve of their friends. An evening of Ing the score. Mr. Kinross expresses the
pleasant enjoyment whs reported by all i opinion that at the second presentation
" U!,,' . .,, , ii a ,i, th O'1'" will go with much more dash
ball at tlie old lnliiiK M"li s i urisiian as- iasr nigni was well satisfied with
sociation rooms last nlgh. Tlie nonors th(. W0k dp n rticlnants In the
ere about evenly divided. i , . . . .
tha oontract Which has not b.en kept. We I C. C. Howe has Just returned from Chi- i 1 , ' , , "'""".,"" ' ,
not wish to antagonize the company In ' -.'" , X Z I MV ,h g"'"' h' ,t""rht-
a i- mi..... a 1. .. I, ,-. IriAip
Allegation Desire to Mernre I tend
Mau'a Farm la Bark of the
day evening and to have visited a mini
ber of saloons. They are said to have
started back to their ramp about 9 o'clock
that night and men In the Northwestern
yards who saw them state that McCulley
appeared to he Intoxicated and they warned
him to keep off the tracks.
Arburkle showed up for work yesterday
morning, but a short while after when a
representative of the Northwestern sought
him It was found that he had disap
peared. '
tattle la known about the dead man.
He had been working for the Illinois Cen
tral for about three years and. as he
frequently talked about rda!ia. Mo.. It Is
thought likely that he may have relatives
there ind the authorities are making In
quiries. I'nder instructions from Coroner
Treynor. the body was brought In Cutler's
undertaking rooms, where an Inquest will
probably be held today.
ftafllrient Order for trartorl Steel
and Ralls Rooked to Keep Mills
Bnay Seeral Months.'
CLEVKIAND. Tec. 27. The Iron Trade
Review tomorrow will say: Tlie Carnegie
Steel company Inst week hooked the heavl- j
est tonnage of structural Ktccl of any
week In its history. In sjilte of the fact i
csisi he was not a systematic thinker
hut more, a poet and prophet, many of I
whose prophesies have already been fill- j
Hlled. He was a New Knglander. hence J
an American In the uroedest sense; n was
a political seer. We find In his writing
ideals of government as well as of learn
ing lienor his name 1 appropriate to this
Institution and to this department of the
lust it ut Ion.
The annual conventions of the Amer
ican rhilosophlcal association and the j
American Psychological association were
begun here today The delegates to the
convention are for the most part tesvher. j
representing all of the principal colleges j
ill llie l !iir(l mn-fl. i iwm j r" t-i-nmi.
of the convention several papers on de
partmental topic were read.
Tonight Mary Whlttler Calkins of Wel
lesley college, president of the Psycholog
ical association, delivered the annual ad
dress to both assoc'atlon
The convention will come to an end
Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of lonnf
I'eople's Christian Society to
He Celebrated.
BOSTON, rec. 27. The twenty-fifth anni
versary of the Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor will occur Kent wiry 2
next. It will be commemorated by the
nearly 7,i'0 aocletle and by the Ii,ii00,000
mr mbers and by numerous endeavor unions,
hut It in imnhle to nromlse delivery on
any of the material before three or four j "' '"'"''. state and national,
months, while in some instances ship- I l'1"'1-1 '0 ''r8 '""V-six stabs
merits will be delated fullv six months. territories of the cited States and
The American Bridge company expects to '"fee province of Canada have gained
book enough orders this week to make "" 10 "'r th number of
the tot.-.l for the year a new record: Pales "ii Ir societies. Hawaii has sained 116 per
of rails during the last ten days ngctf Rate i cent Christian Endeavor ha gained a
nenrlv siH-nfm ions a remarkable total in foothold In the Philippine. Nearly 2.0,
any way, but we hope it will lie willing bride. They expect to be ut home to their
to meet the city half way to satisfy a cry- , friends after the first of the new year.
Irur need. It la proposed in tlie new sys- Nels hrlstofcrson. driver of the Cnlon
. . ' r" Pacltli' bakerv. was arrrstcd on the charge
tern to accomplish both the aaniturj and ... aHvh, for havlne ilmniu-nl
the' overflow drainage, so that no more the hngw belonging to Pr. Koutsky in
ewajp? wlU bo allowed to (low In open , front of tho South Omaha hospital Tues-
e.hannelB. a at present. This w ill be ac- I " ' . . . . ',
i. ' .w . t .i. Thomas I.njdou will be tried this aft- ;
rompUahed by the i-onstructlon of the pro- ...., fol. a,Ked assault and battery
poaed great aewer to the Missouri. j of the person of James Rrrk Hst Monday
Tha cost of reconstructing the tunnel, mtf it. l-aydon X, v.r
, , . , . ... neck with a pocket knlte during a bar
wtolch baa now proved Inadequate for the r,,m qUBrr,i.
need. l estimated at about 13.1.000. It Is j An rI1trrtalnmeiit was given under the
proposed' that the city bear one-half and auspices of the Fraternal t.irc association
the Stock
value of the
fhe designated point outh of o treet wa ois-n to tho-nubile. A comfortable mini
.iHrtnallv tn.(t-. it Is esneclally desired "'"r were presem.
(I'rom a Staff Correspondent.
I'KS MOINKS, la.. Dec. ST. (Special Tele
gram. ) Or a grnnd Jury Indictment. W. I,.
t ftcter. a professional bondsman
view of the henvy orders already on l'ie
books. Among tlie recent :iles were; Krle,
oI.WO tons; West Maiyianii. n.'"! tons;
Florida Const. 16.1"' tons; Cialnesxilio
Midland, 3,H tons- Oklahom:i railroad.
1.50T' tons: trolley roads. 15.10 tons. The
eastern bar iron manufacturer have re
affirmed their official price of $.10 on
iron, but arc exaitint; premiums of from
$." to $lu per ton.
Although renf rts of the holiday lull come
from nearly all other pit; iion centers, there
is considerable nolivity at 1'lttsbiirg. One
sale of 1U.(0 tons was made al SIT.So for I
Valley furnace, r.hilc sales of i'.'M, tuns
that the city bear one-naif ana auspices or the rraiernai i.uc luwinimun
Tarda comn-inv the other The In Ancient Order of Cnited Workmen ten,
lard compiny trie inner, ine c Th( lrogrilm wa! ,.,otl,
he OoO-fool tunnel between I and jim-dosl and literary and tlie doors were
atld i,f ne.t.nirr lit tl T I'll anil the .limn ntnmmt Of i.'l tlgUU gl'B.
farmer, was arrested today for the murder at $17.75 are r ported. There Is a Mrong j
of Edw.'ird J. Oreer of Avon. The charge ! demand for basic Iron in the east. Con
is murder In the first d-gree. 0.-ss, r was , tinned revolutionary troubl.-s in r. isr-la do .
... ....... i.euo . .corx r m ironi or a shat- not much j.rospeef thut corditlons
terrd window at Ids home v illi a bullet ' i reeard to terro-mnouuMese will lie Im-
iocletlcs have reported an increase of 25 per
cent in local membership. Ten thousand
societies liae reported a total of $&.,!) ',
In fe'irts to the mission hoards of their dc.- j
nominations to their local churches and the
miscellaneous causes. j
The next all-European convention will be i
held from July 28 to Aujrust 1. at Geneva.
Switzerland, in connection with the world a
Chilstlan Enedavor convention. ,
The review of the Christian EndetiMir J
work during tlie last twenty-five years 1
shows liiat many millions of young peopie I
have enlisted under the society's banner.
t lis literature has been translated Into score j
sion of thi tun- 1'".; 'Viw. aeVsion with the city council , ,i "..'. .' 7. '. ' . . . r'rov,?"' "rkl " ut
ne. 11 I Ircperative to the efficiency of ,n,i witn me representative of the I'tiion , . " . ' " ' ' an.-g.u mat . ti,crc , ,, doubt that 1M will be paid if
thMt the c.tty have, possession of tlii tun-
the system in the dlstriet north of t. sireei.
Without It tlie city will be obliged to par
allel tUr. systebi of the i'nlon Stock yards,
fhua. If I declared, ruining its value to
ii. Kan era I ttt William .l.-Manaan
nip funeral of Wl'l'am J. Maugau
ti--w vurds to consider the problems Con- insiean lie maue out u f necK to wres. r i e,,i
Tnlalo Va seet sen and' wlU b. ' "" " MM U'r Tho buying of ore spp.-d us i.uddcly
convened at 7. p. in. nd ' . Oresser. Carter's mother own a farm ml- ,t MarloU. , estimated that many
The annual reunion of the class of 1 ' J,J"" "'" rser propeny nmi. n is
,.f ih.. riinitli (Uriahs Hiah school will be ; etiurged. that a desire to own the dresser
i'.'p. Vanfiant.rTwlen;flni,an Ml ! '"V pf C"rter 18 "-"-""
eastern consumer uav.c not covered lor
rniir than half of their rcq ilrmeiii.
I I L...mWr "I 11 I-. unticinated that a large , i"i ine iiiuiui'l.
t .......... . . ..... :.
.......K m.;1I Kn nt the iilll i flfl t Ion S . Knit V;ii. eofi i .....1 ....1 ia,.fA. u rt.,.,il...l
more largely attended yesterday than any , vvt.cUli preparations have been made j , t(l0 ,.oull,v ,.in , r
for a long time past. The procession waa for amusements. , '
A farmer by the name .if William Henry i "
.-r.l in run 111 11 M 19 Yl ItifiSI
bd by the Anclerl Order of Hibernians, to
.lilch .he de,.e,ed bebmKed and had Ion, -"""V.T.'' .Ve r.1" V ;Z '7 I
These were ' ;,,,,,. paralyzed from ih- "(foots of a ' . .
C'-ounllea Holds Session.
ONAWA, la., Dev. ST. iSpeclal.i Tha
y null curriers, who were' fall received 'on ChilHimas day. He was i 1
.... ... , m,.,..i. ' driving; In a ear' and In some way was
jty to pu5 their respects 1(ll.liwn out B,riUinK on the back of his'
Wife of Illondy" Hoes ni C redit
Report Her llnaliand Was
Mrs. Clark, wife or Blondy Clark who
was reported as having been found dead in
a cave In Wyoming, made the statement
been an honored lnemuer
followed by thirty
excused from dut
in ir.eir companion. i nere were iiniy cni- i.en;. rnis resuneu in ine iraciuie in unc - -
risge In line and though driven in close ' of the vertebrae or tile rook,, from willed ; o.w una m .11. unu ,Iur. urunrrnay iuoiiuiik m nor icuie, 0.." uiuu
order the proc-.slon reached from N to g ,"u,H;,hi;,; '".i" 'M'tieir1!!: : i;l,,0n .T" t'ard8 .7 f!,',,rrvi!,0,!, held street, that .he docs not believe the man
street, rcsldo tl-.osc in the prooea,lon a , lalk"",,! !h" iV.l'r.abl!" to' luoveiand or t0 hpBr -I0tlns on the big who was found to have been her husband,
large number of friends gathered at the, foot. The hospital foice express no hope, Monona-Harrison ditch was largely at- "I feel .piiic .satisfied my husband body
.i,k ,,, ln . i, i. u..ii,.. i ,i,.t ! of "I" recovery, lie lives three miles i tended. Tlie court room could not seat tlid was not found as r. ported. 1 have written
;,Sh. Tnzxv::, a ,f hM ,,'rml,,a,"", or Th,rty-"u,h ; ac,, in expect t uaV, ,h,.
diung the ceremonv. Three of the p.,11- ' Th. member of Adah chapter. No. .-,;.!" ' "airman of the Joint boards d O. definite on the matter soon. In the mran-
1-... n,' iiii....i. ,..i ii,.... Order ol the K Mtci'ii Bta-. will cnlertuln as W. Atkintou of liarrlsou county as clurk.- time 1 am not worrying. My husband was
T7h- m ii Zrl r. ,h w.oe lelnl a guest of bono, th worthy rand ...a.r;. ; Muol, discussion arose over th- best too skilled u luinler to b,- caught by a
from the mail carrier, the .ormer being Miss Sue Pace of Lincoln, at i specially . ,
called nicotinic on SilturdaV evening. Do- , in.-, unu vi I'1""'iiuib hi iiu: caaeB una noil, r.uiiru .run.
cember :m. Mrs. Florence Morehouse. I speeches were made by A. Oliver and C.
b:.:Tou"aof',;'.,cbt1'C ''"" .
Hie n'eellnk. At tliat meciing tliere wid Arthur &. Fallow, attorneys of llarrl
be neven candi.lales lor lniihn Ion and thu ; son louniy. The hoard nnaily decided to
;:uVe;rh,;y.Hmor'i:f X: Xn?.;: ! w
.Mrs. Jean Hlchniond and Miss M ri le j first. There are many objections to the
Keefer will mob sing solos. I wo loiin.-s
Mike J. Flaherty, James and .lolm
Kain and the lutter F. W. Black. Duvld
Haney and Ii. O. Roxzell. The obsequies
wsrs pronounced by Rev. Father Jum.-n
AJern. .The ceremony wa a solemn one
and at many' timeu touching. At many
times durlnjr, the wimple discourse on the
oharactex aud life of Mr. Mailman the great
audleooa was moved to tears. At tlie close
the choir sang "Ix-ad Kindly Light'' and
for tba receaxlotuU the organist played
"Nearer My God to The.e." The Hibernians
I WO Indies assessment tiled mid the lit.n rlnir I. lllnl..
troni OiuhIih will be present and a tlilnl i . . , . . , '
from Paplli'n will asist In the festivity.
A. dawyer of
i 8iou. City and A. Kindall of Onuwa ap-
U 111 errs of t. l-onls lobs Convicted
of lolatlnu: Mate I.Iinor
ST. IjOl lS. Deo. "7. Officers of several of
the organizations popularly termed as "lid
Mra. Daniel Raini,
.Mrs. Daniel Haum. who died Wednesday
mnrnitiK, rieccmlier 27. at 9:15 o'clock, was
the wife of Daniel Haum, sr., residing at ,
H'l North Thii ly-flrst avenue. Mra. Dauui
was Let Inula M. Leffler. born April 9.
lR'tl in Ohio county, Virginia, and mar
ried August 9, t.Sol, to Daniel Haum, al.
Burlington, la., by tilt Key. Dr. Salter. The
surviving children uie Charles L. Haum
of Denver, Calo. ; James E. Baum, David
A Baum, Daniel Baum, Jr., and Miss Helen
Buum of this city, and Mrs. J. W. Hay- '
Holds of Santa Fe. New Mex., besides
whom there are iwo children deceased.
The funeral will be held from tin- resl-
dence, 1(4 North Thlrty-llrst avenue, at
2 o'clock Friday afternoon. The Inter
ment, which will be private, will bo at
Forest Lawn. The Rev. T. J. Mackay ot
All Saints church will officiate.
Jadtce Allen Blacker.
EL PASO, Tex., Dec. 77. (Special Tele
gram.) Judge Allen Blacker, aged 73, is
dead here. He settled In F.I Paso In 1'.!',
and during bis residence here served as dis
trict Judge, county Judge, legislator and al- J
deruian. Before coming here bo was chief J
clerk of the federal court at Nebraska City
during the territorial regime. In the civil
war he became captain of Company A,
First Nebraska infantry, later pervlng on
tlie staff of Ueneral Rosecraus. He was
born lu Ohio.
Frank. W. Cole.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dee. 27. (Special Tele
gram.) Frank W. Cole, traveling represent-
body to the burial In St. Mary's cemetery. ,
Bla Tas l'a mrnta.
Swift and Company and the 1'nioii Stock '
Yards National bank were the largest con
iributor to the city' nuances yesterday.
Swift paid In $7,872. 40 and the bank t-'.tl-3.
Tha taxes were paid at rapid rate
throughout th day.
Water Company I'rrsenis Hill.
A detailed ' statement of the amounts
which the city owe the water company
was received from the company yesterday.
This includes the indcbledne for the lust
six months. Thu statement i summed up
as follow: Two hundred and six hydrants
at tha rats of f per annum. VUM'; eigh
teen hydrants at ICu per annum, H60; total.
Tills bill w 111 be allowed at the next
regular council meeting, provided there la
no change required on account of a diffi
culty arising In the matter of the tax
assessment against tha company.
w Policeman oil Dnty.
The two new patrolmen who were ap
lM)lutd by the Fire and Polloa board Tues
day evening took their places today. Pa
trolman P. J. Harxler Is now on th day
fbros and Patrolman F. O. Hill la dotng
mght duty. Captain Shields was busy yes
terday evening getting out the new police
detail for th month of January.
Mortality Statist lea.
The. following statistic of mortality of
l lie. city of South Oiuaua were made public
.yesterday:. .
Births. 19U5 Death. 1306.
Male. Female. Male. Female.
est ppnliUrd fur the
liesr fur tlie rtlleh net it I.,,,. .r. n.l II.. l luoa.
upon iiimrui linns oi uinruiui ruin, wcie
arraigned In police court today on charges
Fines were
imposed In sum ranging from $-V) to SUA
Many of the case were appealed to the
court of criminal correction. Police Judye
Trace denounced the organization, declar-
1 lie oi uirecioi
('rain exchange a' Ha meeting Tuesday I from some of the testimony Introduced it
elected the following committee for tlie ! would appear that the land need lrrlga-'
tion Instead of drainage. Most of these ,
say their land ia assessed too hiuli. but j
the adjoining "forty" Is very wet and
wvr..m. . . --w w.. attorneys for the objectors are too numer-
aod the, friend In carriage attended the j len to lllre.-t ltnlra of t.raln Inter- uu lu cuuui. me improvements win
cost over wnen compiet -d tliere I
is a disposition to Investigate the ssess-
ment closely, as they range from Ju .cents
i to jar acre cn the property, ureat
.... , . . I Interest ! full In I lin nri ., ....1 1 .
1 U1" '"".in.,-" - ' ,v lnT thut in tiMrlv vrv ImtAiir lliv h
nHT.y siibterfugFH for th- evador, of the
AiihiIhv clnsinaT or xria laws.
o iv. . . I t tn lhalnil1 rf fralnuata .-,. ..0 a I .
.. . . i ' ti i ."l t' ' j c , ! i l," , . ' . "-"-u .ou ,,lb, mil. Frightful l.o.a oZ Life
rwmi;;-.Vieor; Cl:. s:W, I ; ,J""" S "", ? " ; F , reg.ill from thnait and lung discuses. Dr.
Elevator Beglsier CoiniltteeN. ji,.,-. j ""P'l have the limit. There Is a great ; Kin's New Discovery for Consumption 1
nam, i. y . .in ur-w, i.uinei KinKf.
which were raided recently : ative of the Estey Piano company of Bral-
Januai y ill . IA i
IVhmajT 14 lu lo ji
March X! J li 4
April X 2." hi 10
May lt 1 I-' 14
June 14 W 11 7
July J 11 4
August 2 II 14 II
September H 17
tVtotier 17 ' 17 10
November I 18 S
. DeoeaitM-r S 1 10 I
Births Deal.
ItW - 4 16
im . Sri 'jo
1IUW - 7 31
law , SO)
lm 37 J44
IM1 .....,.'. -47
w a i
IHu , 47U i4J
I..! . . .514 :Ji
i v "
Flnam-e Committee V. H. I'uluvveil, A. L.
Heed. K. 11. Davis.
Transportation Committee F. )'. Klrketi
dall. K. K. Bruce, w, J. C. Kenyon. N. Mor
i lam. N. H. I'pdlkc.
Alleged Violation of Rule Cuiuinitloe F.
J. Campbell. J. E. 'on Dorti. S. J. Brown.
Appeal Committee A. C. Smiili. J. W.
Holimiulst. M. C. peters. K. S. Hail, V. B.
Quotation Committee S. A. McWhorter,
C. L. Bahc.K'k. F. C. Ilollinger. A. H. Bew
lier. T. D. Worrall.
MeinlxTi-lili Committee A. P. Jatiuiih. O.
H. Comsioek. James Walsh, W. S. Dexter,
tl. C. Tlioiuiou.
Elevator Committee F. 8. Cowgill, H. H.
Churchill. E. A. Cope.
Arbitration Committee E. P. Peek. W. C.
Sunderland. K. S. Weatbrook. J. H. Hamil
ton, E. K. Bl'IKe.
(General Maaaaer of labia Paclnc lie.
rlarea Capitol Avenue Tracks
Raarntinl to Ilia Huad.
General Manager A.
Mohler has filed
oundup of surveyors, farmers and ditch
men and there's music In the air nil the
Uiary Awaits Claimant.
WATERUM), la., De(-. ;:7.-i8p cial.)-
legacy of over ll.flm awaits Miss Ella Duoy
if she can le located. The last heard of
her was ls year ago, when he was work
ing In a business establishment ut Seattle,
Wash. It has been Impossible thu far to
find any trace of her since then. The
legacy I Mis Dncy's hare In the estate
of her brother. Conductor Jack Daey of
tlie Illinois Central, who died at Albert
1ca In April. lfC All of the estate ha
been distributed t xcept the share due Mi
Paej and relatives are seaohing everywhere
for her.
a sure cure. 3c & II. O. For sale by
Sherman & Mconiull Co.
Saltan Tenders Tansiere.
WASHINOTON. Dec. 27. The sultan of
Morocco has objected to the selection of
Madrid as the place for holding the Moroc
can conference and has again offered t ie
hospitality of Tangier to the delegates.
Diamond Ringa Fremeer, leth and Dodge.
tleboro, Vt., and for many years one of th"
leading violinists and orchestra leaders lu
the slate, died suddenly at hla home hf"
this afternoon of acute Bright' disease. He ,
wa a alngle man, aged 4 years, and a
member of the Masonic, lodge.
ti. W. Faekler.
MISSOURI VALLEY, la., Dec. I7.-(Spe-rial)
Yesterday afternoon at S:3o o'clock
occurred the funeral of G. W. Faekler. who
i died here Saturday at the home of hi
daughter, Mr. J. 8. Snyder. The deceased
vvaa bom in Richland county. Ohio, in IM.
and wa an old settler ef Iowa and Mia- j
aouri Vallely. Burial was at the Rose Hill
cemetery. !
J. '.. Barratt. j
SIOL'X CITY, la.. Dec. 27. A dispatch j
from Pittsburg announce the death In I
that city of J. E. Barrett, aged 24. of j
Dun Up. Ia.. a government clerk who wa
assisting iu untangling the affair of the I
Enterprise National bank of Allegheny.
Death was caused by typhoid fevar. Thu
body will be brought to Dunlap.
Hork Island Is taovrkoand.
TOPKKA, Kan . Dec. 27. It was an
nounced from tin. Chicago, Rock Island A
Paclhe railway office here today thai Iwo
of the company's overland passenger train
are tied up by snow west or rota Kosa
wavs jo aaazine
For January
Out today Get it
In two short brilliant years,
Kverybody's has become the great
magazine of America.
What has done it ?
Not Lawson though he has
opened people's eyes to the wicked
power of the money -mad, and put
the insurance grafters on the rack.
Not Russell though he has
turned the greatest trust in the world
inside out; pointed the way to Roose
velt's cutting the claws of the Beef
Trust lion; and is now showing what
more can be done by all pulling
It is this : Everybody's is for
everybody it tells what you want to
know in the way you want to read it
with fact-stories: clear, strong,
dramatic. These fact-stories have set
a hot pace for the fiction-stories.
They keep up. See Everybody's
for January.
Give yourself and friends a year
of Hvcry body's for a Christmas present.
Everybody's Mgaiine 15 ceuU
J1.50 a yer
Special reprentaties wanted for Everrborfe'l Migaxuaa
in towns where there are do dealeia.
1 n
in a
Pure, fragrant and cleansing.
The favorite toilet soap of
discriminating users.
Its mild nnd sooth
ing qualities make it
particularly desirable
for sensitive skins.
Its perfume is the
delicious odor of natur
al flowers.
James S. Kirk
& Company
Iowa Preaches Called I Ohla.
.MARION', O.. Dec. 27. Tlie conrresatlon
of tlie First Presbyterian church of this
city tonlarht tailed Rev. Geore 'Rourke of
aeries vf f'hrlstniaa Tragedies.
CKNTKRV1L.I.E. la.. Dee. 2T.-iflpeclul.)
A murder, an attempted murder and
prohahle sulcido are the Christmas after
math In this vicinity. Jack YVhltaker has
given himself up to the officers on the
an affidavit In the injunction proceedings . charge of klllln his boarder, Dan Rey.
broucht by Louis Goldsmith and William
Kru agulnst the I'nion Pacific Railroad
company. Mr. Mohler sets yut that the
layina; of the traks on Capitol avenue is
absolutely necessary to the successful
transaction of the business of the railroad
In the city of Omaha and that tha
ordinance permit tun the lsyins; of tha
trackace was passed at the utgent request
of the mud, because such trackage is a
Tira Satldle-ra Arrested..
Among the arrests yesterday were two
aoHiers from Fort Crook who had been
aliaenl from tba trracks without leavo.
They vers B. Thomas and t 1. Rider
of Company B f the Thirtieth infantry,
h Is said, that thasa maa ara tha
ahai wurs arrestad last fall, aha r a; ad with
nolds. Rill llendon is also under arrest
for attempting- to cut his wife's head oft
while on si Christmas spiee. The third
traaredy was In the finding of the headless
hody of a man, apparently an' Austrian,
lying across the Milwaukee tracks whera
a train had evidently suvered the head.
Haw ta Car a t aid.
The question of how to cure a cold with
out unnecessary loss of time la one la
which we are all inoie or leas interestad.
for Lbs quicker a cold is gotten lid of that
less the dar.ser af pneumonia and other
serious diseases. Mr. it. W. I. Hall st
Waverly. Vs., has used Cha.nbsrlaia's
Cough Remedy fur years and says: "I
firmly believe Chamberlain's Couh Rem
edy to be absolutely tha best preparation
on the market for cold. 1 have r com
manded It to luy friends and they all agre
with ma."
Slat Maeklara Barred.
IOWA CtTV. Is.. lc. 7.-(8peclal.) Tha
slot machine must go. This was Mayor
Bsll's ukase today. Tha police warned
every owner that any Blot machine left
In his place of business after January 1
would mean prosecution to tha full eitent
of the law. The agitation by the author
ities uf the university and the piibilo
schools ' brought about this wave of re
form. .
Place far Mlsaoarl Maa.
Jimsey of St. Joseph. Mo., hss been se
lected to be American consul at Callao,
Peru, the post vacated by Mr. Oottschalk.
promoted ta l eoosul general to Mtslco.
They are the Golden State limited and the j Sac City. Ia., to the pastorate of the church
Chicago fast mail. Both trains are well : to mjc-red Rev. Mr. Crunstaff. who re
victuulrd and eirct to break the taenty- I , . . .u- y i, t.i
four-hour blockade this afternoon. "ir"',J lo enl'r the vaugellstlo field.
The Safe and Helpful Beverage
GOOD beer helps th stomach to perform its
offices. It ait's the digestion. Ths percentage of
alcohol in gootl beer is very small. GOOD beer
Wiener quenches the thirst and refreshes Instant
ly and naturally. Athletes drink Wiener beer when
in training. They kno that it is good for them.
The absolute wholesorner ess of Blats Beers is pre
determined by the Blats Method, months before it
comes to you. Purs, sparkling water hops
barley malt brewed and matured ia the good
Blats way. The ideal boms beverage.
Omaha Vanch
1412 Dout'as Street. Tel 1081
aVgassBSBS Always tfc Ssvm 0o 01iBUtVl
We can save you nearly one-half on the cost of yow
magazines and newspapers for 1906. Here are two of out
elurtbing offers. Make your selection and send your order nam
before you forget it. We may cvvt be able to duplicate them afUi
this month.
TIIE TWENTIETTI CENTURY FARMER, weekly, 1 year. .$1.00
Omaha Daily Bee, daily, 6 months 2.00
Madame, monthly, 1 year ISA
Gleanings in Bee Culture, nemi-monthly, 1 year L0Q
Total value $5.00
Our special offer for the four, good until December 31st,
only $2.50.
CI, U Ii !
TIIE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, weekly, 1 year. .$1.00
Omaha Daily Bee, Qnily, 6 months 2.00
Harper's Bazar, monthly, 1 year 1.0C
Gleanings in Bee Culture, semi-monthly, I year 1.0C
Green's Fruit Grower, monthly, 1 year fG
Commercial Poultry, monthly, 1 year 50
Total value. $6.1
Our clubbing price for the six, good until December 31st,
only $3.00.