Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1905, Page 8, Image 8
8 TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TTITTTiSPAV. DECEMBER 28. 1005. SPECIAL NOTICES AdvrrtUrnifiii mr these colnmn will be Ukta aattl 12 ra. for the i(aliiK edition aatll p a, foi the morula and aeneay eaitloa. Rates t l-8o a word Href Insertion, le a word thereafter. Nothing- taken tor leae than Soe for tha Bret Inser tion. These advertlaemeata snuet be ran eonseeatlvely. Advertlaera, by reqaeatla a warn bered eheek, tin hare aaawera ad dreaaed to a nambered letter In rare af The Bee. Aaawera ao addreaaed will be delivered on presentation of eheek. MISCELLANEOUS- 1906 MIDWINTER TERM BOYLES COLLEGE Opens TUESDAY, JANUARY 2. NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN'S WEDNESDAY EVENINO, JANUARY . Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and Telegraphy. Catalogue free. Address H. p. Boyles, President. Boyles Bldg., Omnha. n-w Gas & Electric Reading Lamps Make Acceptable CHRISTMAS PRESENTS BURGESS -GRANDEN CO., Telethons SSL U Suutu lath SU R W2-J 1 CITY SAVINGS BANK pay par cent. tRY KELLY'S TOWEL, SUPPLY. Tel. S&30 r m ANTI-Moi.opoly Garbage Co., 621 N. 16th. Tel. 1778. R-140 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM Telephone 264, ill B. 11th St. 11241 Omaha Safe and Iron Works make a epe laity of fire escapes, shutters, doors and an ten. U. Andreen, Prop., 102 3. 10th Si. K-242 !W ANTED For U. B. A-RMY, ABLE bodied, unmarried men, between ages of .1 and ik", citizens of United States, of good diameter and temperate habits, wno can speak, read and write English. For m foimatlon apply to reeruluug officer, litli and Louglus tits., Omaha, Lincoln, Neb., or Sioux City, la. K--M729 D31 SIGN FAINTING, 8. U. Cole, 1303 Douglas. ft-ktt Kola Tijc KUMBEL ft SON. Hit DdlU 1 IW n. i4tb jjt, Omalia. 11246 Jit FURNACE and STOVE REPAIR. 617 8. 13. K M4Ju Jl STEINWAY piano, upright, big bargaia. Perucld Piauu Co., loll Faruaru St. 246 TAXIDERMIST and fur dresser. Est. lbji. J. E. W allace, duo b. 13lh. R MtU nMAMA Bargain House saves ou i Viimiin pt.r cent ou cioiiung. opeu eve,.u.(3. 410 N. lbUl SU K J17M Jl Furniture rep'd & upholstered. Tel. A-294S. H 7 Ja CHICAGO LAUNDRY, Hi N. Will. Tel. 200. I It M434 Jl knTh'RA & co- nn Jb printing. 1 LIrt luh) Howard, 'lei. Mil. R -Ui3 Jan7 PURVEYING, Lewis Bllckensderfer, 312 Bee R B. I WINTER, GLAZIER. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 6612. R-M164 Jan. 12 Pi II UTS. 6c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1614 tol Ave. R Mill J 14 fT, ! 1 IM ttml Locksmith. HEFL1N, 217 S. VJUil nth St. Telephone 2974. R M228 J14 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS CALL 449 We Sell and Set Glass FULLER GLASS AND PAINT CO.. Henry M. Johaniutzen, Prop., 114 S. 14ih St. Q-M67J J4 FOR SALE Two 60-inch by 16-feet boilers, good for 80 pounds pressure; two 76-horse-power marine bolleis, new; ono Si-horse-power. White ft Mlddleton gasoline en gine at the Omaha Boiler Works. . W-M3.96 D2S FOR SALE Letter press, in good order Inquire J. R. Campbell. Business Off! e. Omaha Bee. Q 133 ID-HAND safe cheap. Dorlght. 1U9 Far '" Q 969 CHICKEN FEED Good, clean wheat for chickens. $1.40 per hundred. FRED PETERSON, feed atore. 1815 Leavenworth . ' W M820 J8x FOR SALE-Implement and furniture busl- ness for cash. Address J ,. Caro Bee M Y006 J unix NAILS, IL00 keg. Star Box Co, 1W7 St . y: Q-MDIS9 J! bVayVd MU 'umlture. 1414 Dodge. Tel. IS W-Mlia Jan. 12 8ECOND-HAND STEAM Fl M INGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In ateam f.ttitiga cail and look over the following supplies- 1.8-Inch Austin's horixontal separator. Ju4-lnch Austin's vertical separator These have been taken out on account of cnanges In our sieam piant and are in good condition. Address Bee Jiulldina Co iL.""V-Wi "0. engineer. B; Bldg., Omaha, ; g o32 I OUR choice of six of the very best"!!! . proof combination lock steel safes made at your own price, less than otie-ouartt-r regular prices; we will furnish you any one. .if theni, very small, medium, larae lT...rry " vol'.y terms; must t.e sold at once. If you can ui a good safe at any price, write us today lor particulars. Sears, Roebuck & Co Chicago, in, Q' OR SALE Lumber and coal business none but cash buyers need inquire. Ad dress J 26, care Bee. M Y507 Jan2x OR SALE One Mimeograph, in good or der. lno, at Business Oflice. Omuhg , Q-112 CRIBBING, fir timbers, feet anT under; seasoned hardwood lumber, nul Douglas! ' W 413 CORN COBS at WesUawn Mills, We a load. Uth and Center. Q 646 30 BHERWIN-W1LL1AMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT. Sherman & McConne.ll Drug Co., Omaha. 42o MILCH COWS on eay terms. 43d and Center. Q 29 PIANO Square, 110: 60 cents wekly. Per- field Piano Co., lull Farnara St. . Q-ill FOR BALE-Two life scholarships on Omaha busliu-sa college. Address Dwlght Williams. Omuha live, Omaha, Neb. l W 82 I DRUMMER STRANDED with line of ladles - and gents' fur-lined overcoats no offer refused. Call Paxtoii hotel 10 ' 111. to 2 p. 111. or 4 to 8 p. 111. Ask for 11. D. Goodman. j MtiiO ax t00 STOVES to aelect from at low orlces. Chlcagc Furniture Co., 1410-1412 Dodgt FOR 8A1 B New and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds easy payments. Send foi catalogue Bruusw Ick-Balke-Collender. 4vl S. 10th SU. Omaha. J 4i4 FOR SALE Meat market, doing profitable business; will sell cheap within 30 days Address K 9, Bee. Q 21 2S.X DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co 100 Douglas Big. DRESSMAKING In families or at horns. Miss Sturdy. MX Davenport. Tel. Harney -8 Gowns, tailoring, lira. Mottas. 27 Far. WANTEDMALE HELP Winter Term OF THE Omaha Commercial College 1TH AND FARNAM. Opens Tuesday, Jan. 1906 Full particulars in Free Catalogue. KOllittJOl till BROS.. OMAHA, NEB. B-413 I'l-aughtimen, 170. Two steniiKrupliers, JiV Axf Istant iMirikKtep'-r, Varl'ius other iet!onf open. We gt direct Interview with cmploer for you. call or write iih about cur plan. H'EHTI.KN KKI-". A BOND. A SSN. INC., Dept. Jl, lMl-42 N. Y. Life l'.lilK. B 7 27 WANTED Youn if man to earn from ISO to tllft a month as fireman and brakoman in the rallwuy service. Experience unneeces iary; julik promotion, unetiualed oppor tunity. Instructions can 1 tken by mall; positions secured as soon as com petent. Write or call for a.rtlcular. National Hallway Training association, 6M Patxon block, Omaha, Neb. B-5C4 29 x MEN AND BOYS wanted to learn plumb ing trade, pays io a day after completing course of practical Instruction at home or in our schools. Graduates admitted to union and masler plumbers' association. Positions secured. Coyne Bros. Co., Iilumblnir schools, New York. Chicago, 11., Cincinnati, O. Free catalogue. B 2."1 WANTED Men to learn barber trade: ten positions for every graduate; top wanes paid; few weeks completes; courso in cludes tools and diplomas; can nearly earn expen-es if desired; call or write. Moler Barber College, Ilia Farnam St. B-Mi-a 2Sx AMERICAN BARBER COLLEGE teaches the barber trade In short time and at small expense. Write today. Cor ner 12th and Douglas Sts. B Mlaii Jan. 12 WANTED 200 teamsters and laborers on government Irrigation canal; all winter work; good wari charters; wages 12.20 per day. JanitJ O Connor, TorrlnKton, Wyo. B-M046 J22 TEN men of sterling Integrity and business ability who need mono) ; nood pay; per manent job Call or address, H. L. Put nam. 1020 North S2d St. B19 WANTED Male stenographer for perma nent position; reply in own handwriting, stating ago, experience and palr.ry ex pected. Address K K Bee. B MS1G 2!lx WANTED Male stenographer for perma nent position. Reply in own handwriting, stating age, experience and salary ex pected. Address K lti. Bee. B M816 2x DRI'O stores bought and sold. Drug clerks wanted. F. V. Kniest, 624 N. Y. L. B-911 WANTED nt once, a good floorman In shoeing shop. Come at once. J. A. Gould, Denlson, la. B 60s BOARD OF TRADE barber shop, 1606 Far nam; best service; nine chairs; 110 long walling; shaving, 10c; hair cutting, 25c. B-.MU4 J 11 WANTED Gordon press feeders. A. L Root. Inc.. 1210 Howard SU B 448 WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Young lady. rapid and ac curate in ngures; permanent position; give references. Address K 12, u, fciee. C M6W 29 WANTED An experienced cook. Mrs. B. B. Davis, 16'j2 S. 22d ave. C (50. A COOK wanted: lady preferred. Neu meyer hotel. Council Bluffs. C M461 WANTED Good girl for general house work; 110 washing; small family; $0 a week. 102 South 3olh St. C M436 EXPERIENCED dining room girl. 12t4 Douglas St. C-567 27x FIFTY girls to operate power sewing ma chines. Blanket department. SteaiU- work In comfortable manufacturing room. Be mls Omaha Bag Co. C ftfitt WANTED German or Danish girl for general housework.- 4032 Izard, one block from Walnut Hill car line. C Mfi4 28 GOOD girl for general housework, in fam ily of three. 116 8. 34th St. C US8 WANTED A good girl to do plain cook ing; 14 per week; no washing. At the Credit, 19th and Harney. C tS7 29 WANTED saleswomen, dress goodH men and cashiers. Apply Thursday. Thomp son, Belden & Co. C M823 28 WANTED Competent stenographer: state experience and salary expected. Address K 17, lice. C--S13 20 WANTED Girl for general housework; small family. Mrs. J. C. Comfort, 579 S. 28th St. C MS19 29 WANTED Girls at 2209 Cuming St. Paper factory. C-712-Jan. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED YOUNG MAN wants place- to work tot board. Tel. 1344. Boyles College. A-M131 EXPERIENCED man wants work, driving light wagon or work In private family or on a farm. Address K 11, care B-e A-692 27x NEWSPAPER MAN Well educated young inaii, compositor ana writer, wants work In country urtlee. Address K 15, Bee. A-.M818 JOx STUDENT desires work In spare hours; would work nt night If necessary. Ad dress K 10, Bee. A M704 2?x WANTED A position as housekeeper at once. Address Mrs. Effle Rhodess, Clarks. Neb. A-814 2x WANTED AGENTS AGENTS WANTED-Somethlng new; ev erybody bus it: PO per cent profit; one woman made over 8 per day for 30 days; this can he doubled; write quick. Com nion Sense Mfg. Co., ,85A Laclede ave.. St. Louis, Mo. J 2fx BUSINESS CHANCES CAPITALISTS. Why not answer this question: Whv con tinue tills waste, of millions of dollars yearly lor rubber hose around your In dustries, railroads. smellera ...... I. ... .. houses, iron and steel works? Ask your purchasing auenta the amount and cut it 90 jK-r cent in most places by demanding .... 1 . a. Im loreign patents, improvements pending. L. T. Foremon Omalia. Neb. Y M706 iSx FOR SALE A clean stork of nnani ..... chandlse In eastern Nebraska; Invoice i.w: brick building; good trade estab lished; good location. Will take one-half in Omaha residence property, lnaulra v... -.. vw. wwis a,vw yvi year. Y-M518 2t WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange a hotel or restaurant, aee Hare & Co., 401 N. Y. Life. -y 244 FOR SALE Not for trade, a good tele , phone business, well established, well built. Doing a profitable business, located I 11a good, live Nebraska town. Address xjock xox sen, iiroKeu bow, eb Y-711-Jan. : l-YIR SALE Only newspaper In one of the 11 -yv luwiii 111 .-seorasaa, (Splendid advertising patronage, good circulation. '. Half cash, balance in Job work and advertising. A snap. Address K IV Bee. Y MS24 SO TO BUY OR SELL any business and for best information and quick action, sea MOATS. 3u3 Karbacu block. Y-2H PATENTS H. A. STURGES. registered attorney; pat tents, tiade marks, cop) rights; no fee tin less successful. 517 N. Y. Life, Omalia. -304 F. J I.ARSKS & CO. patent law vera ADVICE FREE. tOS Bee Bldg. Tel. A-11K. -35J SHARPE MACHINE WORKS. Patents procured. Inventions developed, drawings, patterns, castings, machine work. 604-l2 B. loth St. 46j PATENTS procured, bought and eold. Na tional Investment Co., U Douglas blk. -Ai77T EV1EET A THROUGH BEE WANT ADS VattaVfaaaVasI FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS I ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16tu & Chicago E M0 DEWEY European cotol, 13th and Farnam. B-2.,1 NIE, large room, east frontace; also one tine Inrce room with private m-irble wash; all MODERN CONVENIENCES. Includ ing use of telephone. Inquire 116 N. 20th. K ol VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe Ed ROOMS and irood board. 15 per week and up Call 1617 Chlc.-o St. E IS3 Tel. 611 O. M. h. Haul Trunks E 304 TWO nicely furnlFhed rooms, with hot and com v. t ler, gas, -jlcctrlc and telephone. 217 8. V6th St. E 13C PRIVATE family, strictly modem, excel- lent location. 'Phone 2310 Webster. E-238 DESIRABLE rooms; modern house. 1S17 tapitoi Ave. E 621 28 FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F n NICELY furnished steam-heated rooms, won or witnout Doard, single or en suite Rates reasonable. Midland hotel, liittt at Chicago F 306 D2s BOARD AND ROOMS First-class, 3 blks or town; nice location. 620 So. 19th. Tel. 1208. F-M721 J5 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney St. Nice warm rooms with good board. House modern. Daiy board. Also meal tickets. . F-199 J-26x FOR RENT HOUSES PIANO moving lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626, Sclimoller & Mueller. HOI ISpv: in all parts of the city, it "WU,CJ C. Meiers & Co., Bee Bldg. U iu THIS Omaha Van A Storage Co., pack, move and store tL H. goods. Storehouse. lliO-24 N. 19th. OUice. lilli, Farnain. Tel. 1659. D 269 WE MOVE pianos. Uaggard Van & Stor- 5j .v. in, im utnee, nu weoster bi Hfil KF5; ln uU "ru of the city. Tha IIUUJLJ O. F. Davis Co., but. Bee Bid O ill HOUSES, lusurance. Riugwalt, Barker Bik. FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern, near high school and Creighton college 132.60. Apply at 607 N. 19th SU D-767 T. SCmVARTZ. moving van. 1010 Webstor. lei. ZU4U. u M210 J 14 3314-3316 BURT, 8 rooms each; bath, hot water neai;-reaay to move in; owner pays water. Inquire in rear. D 620 2tx MODERN newly painted 11-room house, 2206 Lake St. Inquire 2012 N. 22d St. D 648 29x FOR RENT. Four rooms, city water, bath. 1621 N. 18th St., $10. night room house, all modern except rur nace, $20. C. M. BACHMANN, Tel A-2639 436 Paxton Rlk. D 713 VERY fine 7-room, all modern house, $20, 29th and Itard. Turklngton, 602 Bee. D-M693 29 CHOICE MODERN HOME. Nine rooms and barn, block from 24th car, Blnney St. Tel. Harney 630. D 142 GOOD 5-room modern cottage. Telephone 3179. If MM 3 SIX FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES NO equal In location. In best condition; grocery, drug store, with fixtures, also laundry with power. Apply Tlsard, 20 N. 23d. I-li7 FOR RENT-Desk room with telephone. Inquire 838 N. Y. Life Bldg. 1668 27 x THREE-STORY and basement, 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1-273 WANTED A tenant for a new store on up per Farnam street, to be built to sulU If Interested advise at once. HARRISON & MORTON. 13 N. Y. LUe. TeL Sit. J 104 FOR RENT The entire third Door of one of the leading retail houses; center of retail district; good elevator service, well lighted and steam beau Address E 44, Bee office. 1108 FOR RENT Desk room in Bee office, city hall building, 417 N. 26th Si., Souto Omaha. Applj( to manager. 1134 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans and warrants. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St, w. W-443 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W-344 BUILDING loans on residence property; 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle, Kamge Blk. W-314 LOWEST KATES Bemls, Paxton Blk. W-J4I PRIVATE: monay. F. D. Wead. ICO Douglas W-3M GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam; city loans, 6 and 6ft Per cent interest; no delay. W-345 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas lirennan, H. I, N. V. Life. W-34 WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co. W-302 6 & 6 PER CENT loans on city property. W. H. Thomas, 1st National Bank Bldg. FARM, CITY AND BUILDING LOANS. Reed Brothers. 1710 Farnam St. W 152 DANCING ACADEMY MORAND'S MIDWINTER TERM for adults begin on Tuesday. January 2, ( p. m. ; 12 lessons; ladles. $6; gentlemen, $8; J. less is you join on the opening , night of the term. We guarantee to teach you to dance In 12 lessons; personal attention and private lessons to begin $8; $2 less if you Join on the opening with. Former pupils half price. Call or telephone loll. M 61S Jan2x MlTiP A tj IVs for prlvata or class le iHUnrtllU Jkhh Tel. J041. Adults, Tuesday and Friday; children, Sat.. 3 p. ri. Moa J9 LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Boyd and Burwood the aters, lady's gold dog collar, set with emeralds. Reward; return to Boyd the ater. -" O 6ii. LOST White setter dog; old and fat; head black, white and tan: black spot 011 back. Return to Hugh McCatTery. 211 Douglas blk. Reward. Lost 812 FLORISTS -SI HESS ft 8WOBOPA, lilt Farnam. 251 U HENDERSON 1611 Farnam. TtU 1264 MAN WITH FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THE TITLE TO YOUR HOME IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE IF, YOU HAVE A 4KERR" ABSTRACT A 510,000.00 Bond With the American Surety Co. OF NEW YORK, AS SURETY Absolutely protects your interests. YOU DON'T BUY A LAWSUIT WHEN YOU BUY A "KERR" ABSTRACT THE J. FRED KERR CO., 1008 N. Y. LIFE 'PHONE 2244. RE-.M;07 28 OUT THEY GO TO NORTH DAKOTA. The most prosperous siate In the whole country. The best watered grain and stock lands are near Mandan, Richardson and MotU Strong soil, free coal, splendid grasses. We own loo,) acres to select from; average price, $12.50 an acre. Ask for proofs and Brown's farmer. Wm. H. Brown Co.. 131 La Salle St.. Chicago, III., or Mandan. North Dakota. INVbSTMbNT Wo have listed a large corner lot on ZTth Ave., near Farnam; good cottago and room for several more houses; splendid place for home and improvement. We have another corner on same street, with four cottages and room for two more; south front. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 larnam St. RE M7 28 NEAR BENSON-$1,500 Brand new 6-room cottage and two acres of ground, high and sightly; good place for fruit, gartien or chickens; easy terms; M down and balance monthly. N. 1'. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. RE-MSOS 2S SALE Or rent, modern 7-room house, V J hade trees, barn, cistern, etc 4240 Burdette. Tel. 6o2 or 5700. RE 714 FOR SALE Large house, two barns and ;wcfH.". k"- un North 18th St., only $4,600. This Is a bargalu. THOMAS BRKNNAN, Roe 1 1. New York Life Bldg. KE 278 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Iowa farm of 135 acres, well located, best of soil, good itnprovemunts, price $i; 50 per acre. Want small stock of goods or good Income residence property as part paymenU J. P. Martin, Mo. Valley, fa. RE M49I CAS- Williamson Co. u- RE 280 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas. Colorado and Wyoming low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept U. P. K. R.. Omaha, Neb.. Dept. "A." RE-279 WRITE for Illustrated pamphlet, descnb lng two ranches In the corn altulf belU WUUs Cadwell, Broken Bow, Neb : ,, . ilMl MODERN 8-room -house, $2,000; 3626 N. 27th. Tel. 32M. , . , RE-M476 J19x FOR SALE FARMS EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS For sale. Improved. Three miles from railroad and court house. Address Box 1125, Omaha, Neb. 31 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekLv goes to 6O.O1X) homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have a good piece or tana sell at a reasonable price you will fine a buyer among them Tne cost of an advertisement Is small 2 rents per word in small type or S2.80 per Inch If set In larae type. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS DUFF GREEN CO., FURNITURE. LIVE STOCK LOANS SALARY. ) We are a uome and old-established con cern, and your dealings with us Mill be absolutely private. You can borrow from $10 upward at the lowest rates. All loans are made on our SPECIAL REBATING EASY MONTHLY OR WEEKLY PAY MENT PLAN. Each payment lessens the cost of loan, making it possible for everyone wno is short, of money to borrow what they need quickly and cheaply, without obligating themselves to their friends or neighbors; honorable, fair and Just treatment; pri vate Interviewing rooms. Established 189. Rooms 8 and 9. Barser Blk. Tel. 4034 Duff Green. Jule Althaus X-2l CHATTEL AND SALARY LOANS. PHOENIX CKIU'IT CO., Tel. 746. 632-3 Paxton Blk. X-2J0 Money We have It to loan ou furniture, pianos, other ciiallcls and salaries. We offer best rates, long time and easy payments. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2.'j0. (Estab llfihed 1&!)2.J 306 S. 16th SU X-140 MflNFY IF TOU NEED IT, como MlVli l 1 where it is easy to get on chat tels and salaries; no red tape: get the money the same day you ask for it; lowest rales; smelly coiuidenllal business treat menu BOWEN. 103 New York Lite Bldg. Tel. 2200. X-All 33 LOANS p"ansora!ond. LOANS etc. Lowest rates. the WESTERN LOAN CO., blG KAHN. Mgr. $31 Neville, 3d floor, 16 tb barney. Tel. b01& MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others witiioul security; cay pay ments. Offices in 63 pnciwl cltiui. 'lul man, room 714 New York Life Bldg. X-2S7 DR. PRIBENOW 8 PRIVATE MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos, salary, ho ses. etc.. In any amount at less than half the rales, no red tape; a;rfect privacy; immediate attention; on any terms W-tntiu, layruij susjH-ndcd u case of sickness or out eiiuiioymenL Room U4 Karbach Bll:., &9 loin 61. X.-J4 1 CHATTEL, salary and iewelry lo&i.s Foley Ajuaa i-u.. iwi r riiiu cu . yj MONEY loaned on plunos, furniture, jew elry, horses, cut., etc C. F. Reed, 319 8 L) X-J EAGLE Loa-n Offloe, reliable, arcommodat lu, all busiutss ooniiUeullaL Uvl Douglas. MONEY PERSONAL DRAMATIC ARTukTtory speaking voice a specialty 1 ue oiuj school having us own theater, THE LYRIC. Now pernian-.-nliy located in the Omalii Commercial College building, corner mm i cciai college Duiiuing. cornei and I-amain streets, bend for prospectus. em or v niard ii,. cuamuem. r-lS.l Director of School. John E1ki Owens Tel. 119. U-J0 CHRONIC and nervous diseases success fully cured by the well known Harris treatment, consultation free. J. W. Mor rison. 310 Bee building. Office hours 1 to 6 p. m., Sundays, 1 to $ p. m. U 498 J an 20 WE make a specialty of renting high grade pianos and offer a great variety, $3 and up. Tel. 1620. Sclimoller & Mueller. 1407 Harney. U 331 DR ROY. Chliopody, K. t & 3. 1506 Farnam. U-U4 DR. JACKSON. Room , Fremer Block. Chronic diseases a specially. Consulta tion free. U 336 aNY POOR GIRL In neeed of a fr'end call or write to the matron of the Solvation Army homo for women at 3s24 N. 24th St. Omaha. Neb. U M100 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mia Gardell 2211 Charles. Tel. 5311. U 338 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted The Good bamaritan Sanitarium, V28 First Ave, Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-322 OMAHA Stammerer institute. Ramge Blk. U 333 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service Tel 162s Schiuollei- sc Mueller, pluno makers. U-339 TUB. vapor and alchohol baths, 720 B. 12th. U-340 MAGN FTIP treatment & Baths. Mme. . . cmuu, las n. 16, 2d fl.. r. 2. U-360 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth lng, in fact, anything you do not need, we colleot, repair and soil, at 114 N. 11th St.. for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Cal phone 4135 aim wagon will call U-611 PRIVATE confinement home; babla .d?p'l.- Mr- Dr- King. 606 N. 16th St. ,el--; U-MJiil J7 PIANO CLUB Pianos delivered at once. $1.00 weekly. All music lessons free. JOIN NOW. Perlield Piano Co., 1611 Farnam SU U 341 WE RENT sewl-ig machines, 75c week. We repair ail makes of machines; second hand machines, $6 to $lo. Neb. Cycle Co. Tel. 1603. Cor, loth and Harney. U-342 CHEER U P t4Ur ho2le Dy "ettln-n , . . Edison Phonograph from LOU. S FLESCHER, 1622 Capitol Ave. Sold on easy payments. Open evenings. U-632 J3 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cre.gluon Medical college, 14ih and Dav enport bta.; special attention paid to con tlnement cases; all treatment supervised by college proiessors. 'Phone Uof. Calls answered day or night. u- Ua ACCORDION ,nl SUNBURST PLhAUNG, RUCHING, BUrro.Ns AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples Ihfc OULU1WA1M r-LtAilNuco 100 DOUGLAS BLOCK. tel. 193i U 333 MASQUE costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4116. U M bitt-Jan 4 CHINA, GLASSWARE AND B1UC-A-bllAC mended and made good as new iieiuis Poik auoo biore, 33d and Cuiinng fats. U-M.lii Jo RUPTURE CURED-No knife, no linec. lions. Call or write for booklet uuien Cure Rupture Co.. bll W. o. W. Biui Q"'h". U-Mw Piano Tuning TeL 6604. W. R. Dalbey 2207 Maauu. U 180 'jli PHONE 701 and a man wdl call and tuna your piauo, $2. Perneld Piano Co.. ion Fai nam. U-i7 KEY TO HAPPINESS FOR MEN My latest medical publication lor young inlJdle-aged and old men sent tree to all applicants Di. Geo. B. Wood, 3oi Wrmhi bldg., Sioux City. la. U-MuOa Jan tx MANICURING, shampooing, scalp treat ment, facial tiia-ssaye; op.11 evenings till 9 p. 111. until after holidays. Lutie Bryant 316 Bee Bldg. U-MS22 5 ' EXPERIENCED NURSE, for confinement cases. Thoropghly reliable. 18J4 North l.tll St. U M990 J9 $10.00 REWARD for the address or where abouts of Henry Lohse. used to be at Bancroft and Penuer, leb. J. H. Lohse Fori Laramie, W yo. U Mil J10 ' MASSAGE SPECIALIST-Joseph Ruben room 218 Bee Bldg. Tel. 6608 Omaha; '7 years' experience; work guaranteed sat. Isfactory. U M709 Jo PRIVATE HOSPITAL before and during conhiiement; up to date and reliable in every way. 2319 S. 13ih St., Omaha. Neb U-M70S J6 PORTRAITS and miniatures, oil. $10 up; crayon. 50o. up; artistic work. Write De Monk, 403 S. 20th ave. V MK17 31x TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 303O. U-3.16 MME. PAREE OF N. Y Shaving. Facial Massage, Manicuring, 209 Douglas HIk. U 630 Janl7 MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the besl; safe, 1 citable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps lor particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mill. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pi. PROGRESSIVE HOMEOPATH. C. N. 80m uicr, specialty chronic diseases; cancels, tumors successfully treated by mail. Bee Bldg. M130 J 11 FOR women only. Dr. Raymond'a Pills, Women s monthly regulator, has Vugh happiness to thousands of unxlous women; no pain, no danger, no inter'er tiice with work; relief In 3 to 6 days We have r.evcr known of a single failure Pr ce, $2 by mall. Raymond a Monthly Regulator in li-juid, $3. Dr. R. Q. Ray mond Remedy Co., Room 30, 84 Adams St Chicago, 111. 32; " LADIES, $1,000 REWARD! I positively guarantee my Never-Falling ERGO KOLO Remedy. Safely relieves iorigesi most obstinate cases of delayed Mummy Periods In 8 to 6 days witiioul harm, pain or interference with work. Mail fi io. Double strength $2 00. "SPECIAL FOLD ER for ladies free. dr. u. h bul'TlilNGTuN CO.. KANSAS CITY. UO. i21 BEST nerve brscer for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills" $1 box, pout paid. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omalia. 222 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON lustltuu 418 N. Y. L. TeL 1664, -. DR A. D. LAIRD, 215 Karbach Blk. 'Phone Ml. M-671 Jsn t I DR. WELLS. D. o. ft M. D., Neville blk. Tel. 5S77. 604 J22 ----- - - - - - oin 1 v ' 1 . foe Cii-moeia Scuool of Stage Arts offers exceptional opportunities to siudeius wish log a thorough course of lnstiuclion in all that pertains to the essentials of stage crait and History. Correcting derieleneie Ifi ' . tf . M W ' . -. WW V ' . ....Ill, Bik. 87 Jan2S UNDERTAKERS Bralley ft Dorrance, loth and Cum. T. I06. -r I1ARHT B. DAVIS, 411 S. 16th. Tel. 1228, 126 DODDER, E. U. 1224 Cuming. Tel. 877. -XT TAG O ART, 23d and Cuming. Tel. 714. -5?4 PRINTING LYNGSTAD "igh-grade 19. Calenilnrs. p. ww.t'.- 8 E. Cor. 16th St. and x.JUKE Capitol Ave. 829 lOUOLAS P't'g. Co., 1508 Howard. Tel. 644. M-1S9 J13 THE JENNINGS P T O CO. 'Phone 53SO. Oul FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not find what you want In this column, put an ad. In and you will soon get it. Z 93 WILL TRADE A GOOD PIANO FOR DRAFT HORSE. 31s M C.Vll'K HI.DG. Z--M477 J 19 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS looii 'arge ham for rent at ITth and Leavenworth F.ts., $10. N. P. Dodge ft Co , 1614 farrim St. P 107 FOR SALE Team and light stake wagon. 411 No. ' So. Omaha. P M'Si 2 PLUMBING CHAPMAN ft MAIIAN Reralrs prompt I) done. Prices reasonable. 612 N. 2i!th. I'el Red-6S4. WvSJan:3 A 8AVARD, 4314 N. 24th. Tel. 68.12, M 513 Jan21 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywnere Tlie New Snow. Church Co , main floor, N. Y. L. Tel. 133, 8,1 J. M. Macfarland, 309 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 8868. ' -il TICKET BROKERSj CUT RATE railway tickets everywnere. P. H. Philbln, 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784. -823 LARSON ft JOHNSON. 1404 Farnam. TeL 1935- K WANTED TO BUY WE BUT Life Insurance Policies and pay more In cash than the companies Issu ing them. Write for terms. J. H. Hils mau Company, Box 961. Lincoln, Neb. N-Mlll JJ CLAIRVOYANTS MME. BUDDHA. LEADING PALMIST. Call at No. 113 South 16th St., upstairs, hesultful prediction absolutely given. -291 MUSIC AND LANGUAGES VOICE culture, Italian method. Mrs. Maryland Martin, 21 Arlington block. M -7v; Jitfx When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen o mention the fact that you saw tho ad. In The Bee. LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Office of Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware Company, Omaha, Neb., Dec. 9. 1905. Notice Is hereby given to the stockholders of th L-e- Jlass-Andreesen Hardware comps"y that the annual meeting of the stockholder of the company will be held nt offices of the said company, corner of Ninth and Har ney streets, In the city of Omaha, In the state of Nebraska, on Tuesday, January 9, A. D. 1906. at 3 o'clock d. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the com pany to serve during the ensuing year iiid to transact such other business as may he presented at such meeting. (Seal) H. J. LEE. PresidenU Attest: W. M. GLASS. Secretary. RAILWAY TIME CARD l NION STATION TENTH AND M4IICY I n ton Tactile. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:1$ ro California Express a 4:15 pm a 9:30 am California & Ore. Ex. .a 4:25 pm a 6:10 pm Los Angeles Limited. ...all:30 am alO:43 pm North Platte Local. ...a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm Fast Mall a R:Sr. am a 3:20 pm Colorado Special a 7 46 tun a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 3:15 pm b 2:00 pm Chicago, Hock Island Jk Pacific. EAST. Chicago Limited a 3:25 am a 7:10 am Chicago Express a 7;o0 am a t:66 pm Chicago Express, Local. bll :I5 am a 4.30 pm Des Moines Express a 4:30 pm bll.OO am Chicago Fast Express... a 6:40 pm a 1:15 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 7:20 am a 3:15 am Colorado Express a 1:30 pm a 4:66 pm Oklahoma & Texas Ex.. a 4:40 pm al2:06 pm Chicago, Milwaukee ft St. Paal. Chicago ft Colo. Spec'!.. a 7:50 am a 7:35 am California ft Ore. Ex... a 6:40 pm a 3:10 pm Overland Limited a S: pm a K;jy um Marlon ft Cedar R. Lo..b 6:40 am bll:uo pm Chicago A Northwestern. St. Paul Daylight a 7:00 am 10:00 pm Chicago Li) light a S.uO am 11:60 pm ChicUbO Luniltu a :3 pm 9:16 am Carroll Local a 4:32 pm v:Jo am St. Paul Fast Mall a k.Ji pm 7:u6 am Sioux C. ft St. P. Local. b 3.j to: 1 ain Fast Mall I m nm Chicago Express a 5:60 pin a 7:3o am Norfolk ft Bonesteel....a 7.4U am lii:30 am Lincoln ft Long Pine. ...e 7:40 am 10:30am Casper ft WyomiiiK....s 2:5u pm e 6:lj pm Deadwood ft Lincoln... a Z:50 pm 6:15 pm Hastings ft Albion b 2:50 pm 6:15 pin Chicago Local all:30s.n 3:4C pm Chicago Limited alLOupm 11:15am lliliuols Central. Chicago Express s 8:00 am a 3.65 pis Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:30 am Minn, ft St. Paul Ex. .b S udani 08:66 pm Minn, ft St. Paul Ltd. a 8:20 pm a 7:30 am l ulcugo Great Western. SU Paul ft Minn a 6 30 pm a 7:15 am St. Paul ft Mm u a 7:40 am a 7:66 pm Chloago Limited a 6:00 pm adu:JU am Chicago Express a 6;ju sin a 3.JU pin Wabash. St. Louis Express a 6:30 pra a 8:40 am St. Louis Local (from Council BluiiW) a 9:16 am al0.30 pro Stanorry Local (from Council Blutfsi b 6:00 pm bll: JO am Missouri PaoiOe. St. Louis Express a 9:00 arn a 6.30 am K. C. ft Si. L. Ex a-U:16 pm a 6.O0 pm BlRLINTON STATION IOTH ft MAS.ON Rnrllugtoa. Denver ft California.. ..a 4:10 pm a 3:00 pro Northwest Express ....all:lo pin a 6:0s pro Nebraska points a : am a 7.40 pm Lincoln 1 as I Mall b 3.U0 pm al2:u6 pin FU Crook ft Flalism'h.o 2:6o pm alj.i am Leiievue ft Plailam h..a J:u pin b 8:32 am Denver Limited a 7.10 sin Billevue ft Pac. Junc..al2:15 pm Beiievue ft Pac. June. .a 3.3u am Ciucago Special a 7:25 am Chicago Express a i.M pm a 3:06 pro Chicago Fiyer a s:tx pin a 7:6 pia Iowa Iocal a 9 U. am alu.aj p,a St. Louis Express s 4.4j pm Kansas City ft St. Joe.alu:40 pm a 6.40 ant Kansas City ft St. Jos. a 9:L am a 8:u6 pis Kansas City ft J 4.40 piu W EUSTEK PEI'OI-ISI II ft WKBSTLB Missouri Psria. Nebraska Local, via Leava Arrive. Weeping Water b 3:50 pm bl2 30 pro f hlraau, SI. Paal. Mlaarapolla ft Omaha. Twin City Passenger. ..b 8:80 am b 9:10 pro Sioux City Passenger. . .a 2:00 pm all:2am Oakland IajchI b 5.41 pm b 9.1o a n Lmtieon Locul c 45 am c t in pin a daily, b dally except Buniiay. d daily except Saturday, c Sunday only, e Uaii except Monday. ELECIIUN CLERK FIRES BOMB Walks 1 8 to Bui-gen' Office and Eaji H Was OTf-rpaid. SCHOOL BOARD SECRETARY IS DJZED (enernl Consternation at t'lly Hall IMer Inhmril of ronfeaaion of This Oinrer at l:leetlon. "The $'i n day Is more than we earned." It was tills statement by a clerk of tha late general election to Secretary Btirgesa of the Hoard of Education that not only dunifounded that official, but marked the (list time such a remark had ever been made by such an officer In the history of the city and It traveled over the city hall like lightning and was a topic of conversa tion all day. The person making such an unprecedented statepient referred to the amount of money Hllowed each clerk and Judge of election by the city and the school board which, under the agreement between these and the county was that ench sulxjtvtston was to pny $3 ami the county was to pay tho cost of the election Insofar as It pertained to booths and other matters aside from the. Judges ami clerks. "How much pay will the Judges and clerks of the election receive this year"" asked the man as he walked Into the office of Mr. Hurgess. More Than He Earned. "The city will pay $3 and the school board will pay $.1," answered Mr. Burgess; "the county tills year will pay nothing to the clerks and Judges." "That makes $6 for thp day's work." said the man. "Well, that la more than we earned. It may be all right to pay $6 a day for a prlmnry election of tha old days, but when machines are used, as were used at the last election, the clerks and Judges don't earn the $6." "I wouldn't give the man's name away for anything," said Mr. Burgess, "for he would le mobbed. There Is no question alxmt it. Some fellows who served as clerks and Judges have been here raising a row because they were not to be paid $9, as they formerly received. That man es tablished a precedent, but I am afraid It will never be followed. I know this Is the first time on record for a man to say h Is overpaid for election work, and I believe it will be tho Inst time." NO PROSECUTION IN CASE I'roeredliiKs in Drt weller-Da Voll Affair Are Brought to Abrupt Termination. 1 Charles E. Pet welter, who waa arrested with Miss Net la Da Voll of Lincoln at the Lango hotel Tuesday morning, was dis charged by the police Judge Wednesday, there being no prosecution In the case of wife Abandonment filed against the man. Miss Da Voll was turned over to the cus tody of her mother Tuesday evening by Captain Ham at tho police station. Mrs. Da Voll and daughter registered at thn Merchants hotel, where they are stopping. Detweller refused to comment on the case more than to say everything had been straightened up and that no further action would bo taken In the case by either side. WATCHES Frenjer, Uth and Dodge. nida for Array Supplies. Bids were opened nt the office of Captain T. H. Hacker, purchasing commissary United Slates army, Wednesday morning for the monthly sumiltes of comlssarv stores for the posts of the Department of tne .Missouri, run t)l. is will tie submitted to the commissary general of the armv for approval before being announced. The' bld- uers were largely Omaha jobbers and manu facturers. Proposals for canned meat sup plies for the use of the United States army In the Philippines will be opened at tho office of Captain Hacker Thursday mornlnn. Two car loads of canned meats and lard were slipped Saturday from the South Omaha packing houses to San Franolsco for transshipment to the Philippines for the use of the army there. SEASONABLE FASHIONS. NOS. 6387-6368-A SMART CLOTH GOWN. The old-fashioned Idea that the best gown was the silk gown has long since been forgotten and now we see gowns of much more style and costliness developed In cloth. The shops are full of exquisite tex tures, and the women of fashion will select monotones of becoming shades for her new frocks The gown snown Is one of rare good style and suitable to development In French cashmere, drap d'ete. Henrietta or lady'a cloth. The model might aerve as a reception gown In one of the light pastel shades of cloth or silk. The skirt Is the new 13-gored cue with pleats stitched In tuck ef fect. It fits smoothly over the hips, and flares with Infinite grace at the bottom. The deep collar continued by trimming straps to the waist line Is very stunning The yoke may be made of Italian lace and the cuffs of a deeper tone of velvet to match the girdle. A frill of lace may finish the sleeves or a deep tight cuff of the yoke material. Large cut steel or silver filigree buttons r medallions of lace may adorn the trimming atrapa. In tha medium alsa the blouse demands two and a half yards and the skirt six yards of 44-Inch material. Two patterns: 83677 slses, 32 to 42 inches bust. 6.168 6 sizes. 20 to 30 Indies wslsl. The price of these patterns is 20 cents, but either will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents. For the accommodation of nailers of The Bee these patterns which usually retail at from 25 tc 50 cents each, will be furnished at ti e nominal price of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any jattcrn can get it either by call ing or enclosing 10 rents, addressed "Pat tern Department, Bee, OiuaLa.' '