"a THK OMAHA DAILY HKE: THUHSDAY. PETKMHKK -js. lu;,. : S ORDINANCE CASE ARGUED laroduolioo of Tts.imonj Endi witk Elimination of Cit Clerk. ELBOURN SAYS RECOROS ARC STRAIGHT Denies Implication of Zlmman that Connell or Any trtner Hail Tinkered with the f'outi all Frorrtdlnn. At the morning session ft tli- gas ordin ance hearing before Judn Sutton Wednes day Mr. Connell recalled Harry H. Zlmman to the stand. He asked Mr. Zlmman where he came from to the coun II mating on October 11. The reply ai: "From my office In the New Tork Life building." "Mr. Zlmman, are you armd this morn ing?" "Oh, no, Mr. Connell." said the president it the council with a smile. "Will you eaear positively Chat you have i'o V'.'ipon on your person nt this ni"ineiit?" "Yps. sir." Mr Council relsixed lug stem look and mulled aa if reassured. Ho then took a new tarlc. with the question: "Hadn't you been to the offto of the elec tric light cofnpnny to fee Mr. Nash that morning?" "No. sir." "That'a all, Mr. Zlmman." City Cleric Elbourn was railed. Mr. Oilier had him Identify several gas ordi nances, among them the one In question In the suit at bar, also the proposed contract and bond anil the bids submitted by the Omaha fjas company and the Cleveland Street Lighting company. Plaintiff nmli (nr, Plaintiff then rested his case and Mr. 'onnell took the witness. In reply to Rues tlons Mr. Ellmuin denied that either Mr. Clabauah of the g.is company or Mr. Con nell had made any miKKcMlnn or had any thing at all to do with making up the record 'if the meeting of Ortober 11. This was In denial of an intimation by Mr. Zlmman when on the stand that It wns common rumor ahout the city hall and the clerk's offire that the two men named hnd framed tip for Klhnurn the record of the meeting. Mr. Connell then rend to the court the proceedings had on the evening of October 10 and the morning of Octoher 11, In the city council, The record of the meeting went In against plaintiff's objection. Arguments were proceeding yesterday aft ernoon. Most Find Some Way. In his argument for plaintiff Mr. Oilier contended r.at, as the court had in the previous rase found the proposed ordinance was a modification of the gg franchise, so In this case It must find the name thing. "This ordinance Is almost word for word the same, aa the one whose passage was Family Trad Supplied by H. MAY & CO.. Wholesale Liquor Dealers 1303 Douglaa St., Omaha, Neb. Telephone 2280 CHARbES LESS THAN ALL OTHERS DR. McGREW, SPECIALIST Treats All Forma of Disease ( ME OJiLT. Thirty Years' Experience. Twenty Years in Omaha. The doctor's remarkable success has never been equalled. His resources and facilities for treating this class of dUcuses are unlimited, and every day brings manv flattering reports of the good he is doing o the relief ha lias given. HOT SPRINGS TREATMENT I0R All Blood Poisons. No "IlRliAKlNO OUT" on the skin or face and all external signs of the disease disappears at once. A per manent euro for life guaranteed. VADlrilTFI F CI KES GUARANTEED In InHlbuvLLL LESS THAN F1VK IAY9. ftt'FD 1ft ftftft cases cured of Hydrocele. UllH JUiUUU Stricture, Qleet, Nervous Debility. Loss of Strength and Vitality and all forms of chronic diseases. Treatment by mall. Call or write. Box Kd Office 21a South 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. Every Woman u HjUitmLaJ and should ktaw uoul ( wonderful MARVEL Whirliaa Spray I To mw la1"! mmt. Jtijrc. turn an .turnon. ul-l 4 far rmt M Sir It, If b rtnDkil .upulT Mtltt l., ovapt so talier. bui Min ttMiiD tot mutinied b.Kk Ju. ItflTM full prtloulr. and ttre4iopi In- a)utvl loU'tl. MtSVKI. t O., JB. US ST., 1U OKak. ror Sat t HERMAN & Met ON N ILL. DRUG rXJW Cor. Mib and Uoaca at.. J: P. Tlio.o suffnriug from wek Dlitri whira sap the pleasures of life should lake Juven Cilia. One loi will tell a story of marvelous results. This medicine bat more rejuTcoaiiog. vitalising force than has ever before beeu offered. nt post-paid In plaia package only on receipt of ibis adv. and II. Made by us originator C. 1. Hood '.. pro prietors Hood's aarnaparilla. Lowell. Maa. MEN AND WOMEN. Vm B4( til for Biutirtl Irritataoaa mr ulcaianoai f mii coat aiomkraa. PaialoM. aa4 au aatria foal or poiwmtti. ;3t "jrt. i mm sit JPJrM -vJeST w. . Ml-Mtsl vani.nl f Klkl 7v 1 SJ r, .i m rwseN If It si f aik Cat a aui Ca iMiiaIi.l tHI i k Ori.(s. V111. 2 f ')'. 4V VP". Tl bl .l.r.x. ri.il, tm asLam fa limhIm I SA t 11 i enjoined by this court In the other pro ceeding." said the attorney. He also main tained that Attorney Connell and Mayor Moore were guilty of constructive con tempt of court, at least, because of their endeavors to have the ordinance passed without publication for two weeks, as pro vided by the city charter. He argued at length that the council waa acting under duress, that the attempted passage of the crdlnance was void, and that temporary Injunction should Issue hs prayed fO' Mr. Connell HFerted that the nttorney for the plaintiff had not shown a single reason or ground for the granting of a temporary Injunction. "There Is no need or necessity for nn Injunction at this time. If the contract price is excessive that can only be shown en the llnal hearing of the caM. Menlly thtt only question In the case is ns to whether or not the franchise terms have been viola toil In any way. I contend they have not." Mr. Connell emphatically denied that any conspiracy had been shown or that the five councllmen had not acted In good faith In every step taken toward the passage of the ordinance. He gave it a his conclu sion that no action of any kind was neces sary on a committee report before proceed ing to act on an ordinance or any muter of regular business. "The majority of any legislative body must rule." said Mr. Connell, "and that principle has been firmly established In this cointry since the turbulent scenes accompanying the famous ruling of Speaker Tom need." BAXTER WILL. PRACTICE LAW Deposed District Attorney Joins with Van Onsen Rush Will Hold On. "You may say for me," said former United States District Attorney Baxter Wednesday morning, "that 1 am enjoying the Inst of health and shall resume the practice of law with the firm of Baxter Van fMisen In the New York Life build ing. I have not the remotest Idea who my successor is to be here. I leave the office with the consciousness of having per formed my duty as best I knew how. I have no criticism to express over my re moval. The Incident Is closed and I am now but a private ritimn and rather en Joy it." Special District Attorney fl. R. Rush wwa asked If he Intended to resign or If he had been asked to hand In his resignation. His reply was: "I do not Intend to resign, nor have I been asked to tender my resignation. I am proceeding along in the even tenor of my way In ferreting out the land frauds. I have not. been asked to desist from the work, but. on the other hand, have been urged to continue the work against the cattlemen, land fencers and fraudulent homesteaders relentlessly, and am doing so." Special District Attorney Rush received Instructions from the Department of Justice Wednesday afternoon to proceed at once with the trial of the case against Rev. Oeorge O. Ware, under Indictment for con spiracy in the U. B. I. ranch land fencing cases. The trial of the case will begin on January" 8. Between seventy-five and 100 witnesses are to be summoned In the case. Rev. Q. O. Ware waa Jointly indicted with Kr.mk Lambert and Harry Welsh for con spiracy. JEROME MAKES BIG GAIN Official Hetnrns Increase the Plural ity of the District Attorney Searlr 0,000 Votes. NEW YORK. Dec. r.-Dlstrict Attorney Jerome plurality waa Increased by nearly S.OnO over the police returns made on elec tion night by the official returns made pub lic today by the Board of Elections. His plurality Is 16.064, instead of 11,450, aa orig Inaly printed. This gain was the result of corrections made by the canvassers and the counting of so-called void ballots before Justice Gelgerich. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Todar In Nebraska, Colder In Kast Port ton Fair Tomorrow Fnlr In Sorthwrat Iowa Todar. WASHINGTON". Dec. 27.-Forecast of the weather for Thursday and Friday: For Nebraska Fair Thursday; colder In east portion; Friday, fair. For Iowa Fair In the northwest, rain or snow In east or south portion Thursday; Friday, fulr. For Kansas Partly cloudy Thursday, colder, rain or snow In the east portion Friday, fair. For Wyoming. Colorado, South Dakota and Montana Fair Thursday and Friday. Local Record. c.fX,?E.OF TE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA. Dec. T.. Official record of tern perature and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the lust three yurs: 1906. 190,. 1903. 1902. Muximum temperature. .. 4i a u J3 Minimum temperature 34 :io u Menu temp, ra Hue : 37 14 I'reclpltatlon il .23 .00 W Temperature mid precipitation departures from the noiinul at Omaha since March 1 nnd comparison with the lust two years- Noimal temprraltire 19 KxceHK for the day 19 Total excess since March 1 114 Normul precipitation 08 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 27. SO Inches Deficiency ulnce March 1 To Inch-s Deficiency for cor. period. 14.... 6.. '13 Inches Eaccbh for c or. period, 19WJ L',16 inches Iteport from Stations at T I. M. Station and State Tern. Max. Rain- of Weather T p. m Tern. fall. Bismarck, clear it; 'h.-yenne, cloudy ui 3j o Chicago, clear 44 41. ',jo Davenport, cloudy 4J 4k Ho Denver, clear ;t . ,i Havre, partly cloudy . Helena, cloudy 'A X2 Huron, clear 3tt ttt ,u Khiihsh City, cloudy 4.' 44 00 North riatte. clear -j ti ,it Cinmha. cleur 41 4i 1)0 Rapid City, clear '.'4 4 . HI. UiuIk, clear 4i ..10 8t. Iaul. clear 4 :ti Halt I -ike City, cloudy ." :H !l Valentine, clear so 4; .m Willmton. cloudy a x .uo T indicates trace of precipitation. Indicates beluw iero. U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. JLoingj and Sluorft Pot-still Scotch Jfasro's. lit only dUttl. lmr lopplrint whUky to tb HOUSE OF LORDS. Now Everywhere The Scotch with the Pear-drop flavor. ke k.a ef Riley Bras, a Ce., I tat at CIods. Osfss. Hotels aa4 M rwim. 1 The Cook & Bemheimer Co., . EW0RK. J 1PL ibvau rug 1. i. a. CHINA FOR THE CHINESL Objeot to MeremtDt en Fart of Orientals Educated in America. BOYCOTT MAY BE PERMANENT WEAPON India May Feel Kffrct of Anger of Natives Over Action of British Assessor In Punishing . Women. 1'tKl.V, Lec. iT. The inusi iu ii.se I valive and best Informed foreigners agree In ex pressing apprehension at the constantly (rowing irritation of the Chinese against forelgneis, which for nine months has been gradually spreading through the country. "China for the Chinese," summarizes the objecta of the movement, among the chief promoters of which are mule students educated abroad and newspapers conducted by Chinese, who have been educated In America and Europe. These papers are be ginning to gain great Influence. The anti Amerlc.in boycott has been followed by a discussion of China's wrongs at the hands of foreigners generally and a determination to redress them. The hostility shown against Americans has now extended to all foreigners. The Chinese are pleaded at the result of the boycott In producing concilia tory orders from President Roosevelt, but the boycott is nowise ended and It Is as serted here, continues seriously to affect American trade In the Canton and Yangtse regions. The Chinese are o satisfied with the movement that they are talking of the boy cott as a permanent weapon for the na tional armory. The newspapers advocate the boycott of Indian opium because of the action of the British assessor of the mixed court at Shanghai In ordering the impris onment of Chinese women In the municipal jail Instead of In the Chinese prison, which caused the recent disturbances there. One result of the present movement Is to dis courage concession hunting. The govern ment has adopted a policy of Chinese con trol of railroads, mines and similar enter prises, refusing to grant new concessions and trying to regain or annul several con cessions previously granted. Some Foreigners rmpathetlr. While many foreigners sympathize with the objects of the agitation, they realize the danger of inflammatory speeches and articles In the newspapers leading to mob uprisings like that at Shanghai and the recent massacre of American missionaries at I.ienchnu. Regarding the Shanghai In cident the ministers of the powers have practically decided that thA municipal offi cers exceeded their rights under the treaties and will direct the to recede from their position. There Is no doubt that the aggres sive spirit of the Chinese has been decidedly ! increased by the late war and the sucessful maneuvers of the Chinese northern army In October. Japan's victory has encouraged the Chines to holltti'A that tlini ..rt.il Ka equally successful. Foreigners living in cities where the government is strong are assured of protection, but the danger of the present situation lies In possible friction between foreigners and Chinese where the officials are weak or indifferent, leading to further outbreaks. The proposed with drawal of the remaining International troops in the spring has been meeting with opposition since the Shanghai riots. JOHN BURNS OPENS CAMPAIGN Labor Leader In Brlflah Cabinet Makes Public Address at Balterseau LONDON. Dec. 27. John Bums, president of the local g-overnment board, made his first public address since his entry Into the j cabinet when he opened the election cam paign at Batt?rsea tonight. In a charac teristically courageous speech he said his accession to office was the elevation of his constituents to power the honor was theirs, but the work wao for him. He declared that he would pander to no section of the 1 population, but would do his duty for the benefit of the whole community. Mr. Burns said he had such strong sym pathy with all the interests of the working classes that he had no sympathy to spare for the loafer, "cadger" or drunkard. His Ideal was fewer work houses, smaller chari ties, larger wages, more pleasure and less drink. In the smaller cities and In the larger villages he was already appointing com mittees to enable the rate payers to have their accounts preared in such a way that he who ran might read. He vigorously attacked what he called "orientalized Imperialism," of which Somallland was the fruit and South Africa the "rotten-ripe product." H? denounced Chinese labor as being politically dangerous, "because It would lead to absolute chattel slavery." Jl B1I.KH POPU Pll Ills Holiness Orders that Celebration lie of Strictly RellaJous Character. ROME, Pec. 2. Piviiarationa ute going on to celebrate in 19oS the Jubilee of the pope's ordination as a priest. Being asked If ho desired the festivities to be similar in 1 hone witnessed on the occasion of the priesthood Jubilee of the late pope, wheu an international exposition was held In tlia Vatican, tho pope answered. "Cer tainly not. I wish the celebration to maintain a strictly religious character." Committees will bo organized all over the world with the purpose of presenting the pope with large offerings during the Jubilee mass. SYMONS J0INSHIS FAMILY t liurcb Orgaalit, Wife and Boy Walk Out of Court on Dismissal of Case. t'pon the motion of Peputy C..1. .1 Ator ney Shotwell the case of wife uliu. .. anient filed In the police court some time ugo against John Prower Eymuiis. organist, was dismissed by1 Police Judge Iierka Wed nesday morning. The state's attorney ex plained he felt satisfied the local courts had no Jurisdiction in the case aa It now stands. The deputy county attorney, how ever, explained to Symo.is that If he now refuses to support his wife and child he would pluce himself within the pule of the Nebraska laws which provide a penitentiary sentence and be subject to rearrest and trial. After the man was discharged he picked up' his little l.oy and kirsed him lovingly. Husband, wife and child left the court room together. Mr. Symons would not talk of his plans further than to say he intended to remain In Omaha. Mrs. Symons appeared to be hopeful that the breach between herself and husband would seen be closed. A Mlraeuioas Escape from bleeding to death, hud A. Plmke. Nashotah. Wis., who healed his wound with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 2Lc. For sal by Sherman & MoConuell Drug Co. DIAMONDS Krenrer. l&th and Podge. Mrtlrllaa lakes Oath. NEW VOP.K. Ic 27-Mayor George McClellan today was sworn 111 a mayor of New Turk for tbe best four ara SPORTS OF A DAY. I - KVKVTs O THK HlMt(l TRACKS Fonr Favorites and Two l.una shots Win at Ascot. I .OS ANOEI.KS, !., Doc. 27. Favorites had their Innings n four of the six races at Aacot today, the other two events going to outsiders, both as good as l' to 1. The fourth resulted in an accident. As the horses turned from the down stretch op posite the paddock Jockey Kent, on Iuck ett. made an attempt to get through, and was badly Jammed. Kent was thrown vio lently to the ground and was stepped on by Harbor. He was picked up and carried into the paddock, where It was discovered that no twines were broken and thai he was tinin lured except for a bad shaking up. Weathur clear, track fast. Results: Kirirt race, one mile ami a sixteenth; Oilpin won. Needful second, King Stelle third. Time: 1:4. Second race, rive and a half furlongs: Lyon won. Marpcso. second, Betsy third. Time: l:0fc. Third race, futurity course: Don Domo Won. Incantation second. Hermitage third. Time: 1:10'. Fourth race, one mile: Michael Brynes won. Flrmfoot second. Workman third. Tltre: 1;I2. Fifth race, six furlongs: Ix.yal Front won. Alasterson second. W. H. C.irev third. Time: 1;1.TV Sixth race, Brooks course: Condona won. Hoodwink second, Filled or third. Time; 1:4V BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 27. Results at Ingleslde: First race, flva and a half furlongs: Yo San won. Anglcta second, Klumenthal third. Time: 1:10. Second race, seven furlongs: Dr. Gardner won, Ramus second, Tenordale third. Time: 1:30. Third race, six furlongs: Procrastinate won. Mrs. Bob seoond. Jerry Hunt third. Time: l:lfi. Fourth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Gateway won. Bannock Belle second. Christine A. Uilrd. Time: 1:51. Fifth race, one mile and twenty yards: Cloche D'Or won. Warte Nlcht second, Buchanan third. Time: 1:4ft. Sixth rare, six nnd a haif furlongs: Al bert Fir won, Ht. orge, Jr., second, Magralne third, mine: 1:23. NF.W ORLEANS, Dec. Results at fair E rounds: First race, six furlongs: Verness won, Schnhnrie second, Arabo third. Time: l:ltln. Second race, live and a half furlongs: Stoner Hill won. Dr. Heard second, Devll tree third. Time: 1:09. Third race, one mile: Horse Radish won, Torchello second, King Ellsworth third. Time: 1:44. , Fourth race six furlongs: Calabash won. Snow second, Rolla third. Time: 1:14, Fifth race, six furlongs: Columbia Girl won, Hyacinth second, Arsenal third. Time: 1:18. Sixth race, one mile: Colonel White won, Weilgewood second. Henry O. third. Time: 1 :4r.-T NTCW ORLEANS. Dec. 27.-Results at City park: First race, five furlongs: KIngsmere won. Self-Rellant second. Red Ruby third. Time: 1 :(flfe. Second race, five and a half furlongs: Dutch Ollle won, Capltano second, J. Ed (.irlllo third. Time: 1:10. Third race, seven furlongs: Oddeletta won. Bis Bow second, Yatchlng Girl third. J ime: 1 :;wi. Fourth race, short course, steeplechase, handicap: Chanlcy won. lord Radnor sec ond, Lionel third. Time: 3:16. I Fifth race, one mile and a sixteenth: Envoy won, Oravlna second. Malediction third. Time: 1 :MS. Sixth race, seven furlongs: Happy Jack II won, Grosgraln second, Del Carina third. Time: L33S. ARMY POSITION OX TOOT R A I.I, West Point Delegate Inatrneted to Broaden Scope of Agreement. WEST POINT. N. Y.. Pec. 27. -General Albert L. Mills, stiiwrlntendent of the mili tary academy, today sent a letter to It. M. McCraeken. chancellor of the New York university, in which he name Cp tnln Pa liner K. Pierce as the delegate of the military academy to the national foot ball conference nf universities and col leges to be held In New York tomorrow nnd encloses a copy of the instructions for the guidance of the West Point dele gate. The Instructions, Oeneral Mills says, were adopted by the council of the army athletic association at a recent meeting They are in the form of resolutions, aa fol lows: - "The representative for West Point should endeavor to secure the passage of the fol lowing resolutions: "First Ti.at th' first action taken at this conference shall be submitted to all col leges prominent in foot ball, including those here represented, with a request that the same he ratified and shall be binding on any institution only upon ratification by that Institution. "Second That a foot hall rules commit tee of five members shall be elected by the members of this conference and that this committee be directed t" -tct as follows: "To communicate wifn the representatives of Yae, Princeton. Harvard, Pennsylvania, Cornell. Annapolis and Chicago universities, who constitute the committee that has formerly governed foot ball, and propose that the committees be amalgamated into one which shall formulate rules under which foot ball shall be played. "If this amalgamation shall be refused I then the above named committee of five , snail proceed to tormuiate rules under which foot ball hIiu.11 be played by the Institutions ratifying the actions of this conference. "That the five members elected by this conference shall be guided In their actions so as to secure the following: "An open game; elimination of rough and brutal playing; efficient enforcement of rules; making the rules definite and pre cise In all respects, such aa the definition of brutal playing, holding, tripping and in general all Infringement of the rules for which penalties are given; organization of a permanent body of officials. Davidson Holds the Title. Harley Pavldson defended his title of roller skating champion at the Auditorium Wednesday night, when he defeated J. 8. Pitt of Chicago, challenger for the honor. In the third race of the series which has been run this week. Pitt won the first race for a mile Monday niirht. when Uavldwin fell. Davidson won the second race Tuch- liny iiiHui u 11 iiiut.'B, ttjui tium iubl night he won the third and last race, which was for one mile. The race was scheduled for three miles, but Pitt had demonstrated that he was not In condition to race for three miles, so Pavlilxon consented thin it should be for ono mile. Pitt took the j lead a usual, and made the running for j tour laps, when he fell Just after Davidson had parsed him. pavidson then gave a splendid exhibition of sportsmanship, when he slowed down until Pitt had caught him, and then, letting out h few kinks, he speeded up until nt the finish he was hulf a lap to the good, winning in the time of 3:17. Tonight the rink will be used for a masked All that is best in whiskey you will find in Old Uideroof Rye It is thoroughly matured, soft and rich. CHAS. DENNEHY & COMPANY, Chicago. tps When you travel have you it rubbed into you about old census scandal -about Omaha went backwards? We want to wipe this out don't we? The Bee wants it forgotten you want it forgotten so does everybody in Omaha, who is proud of Omaha and its enterprises. This is one of the times when all Omaha must pull together. Will you take hold of the rope and help pull? THE Please deliver BEE JUBILEE To Address Order them ball on skates, and many costumes have been planned to try for the cash prizes which Manager Olllan has offered for the best costumes. On Friday night Psivldson will try to beat the world's record for five miles, which he now holds. His record is fifteen minutes for the distance, and he says that he thinks he can lower it. WITH TUB BOWLERS. The Stnri Blue Ribbons won two games from the Onlmods Inst night. After the first game It looked as though the shoe men would have an easy thing, for the Storz team had to put 130 pins In the last frame of the second game to win by twelve pins. The third was In doubt to the very finish. Forscutt had high total with 68 and Mc Cague the high single game with 221. Score: STORZ BLL'K RIBBONS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Fritseher 16 1T 171 612 Forscutt 192 194 2 5SS Weber Ki 1M 12 fCS Marble 1S" 13 1!' E3 Tonneman lt3 164 625 Totals S52 ONIMODS. 1st. McCague , 15 Tracv 11 Kncell 197 Miiglll 17 Francisco 2' 6 IHt 917 2,Ct3 Id. 221 17U 172 1S1 It 3d. Total. lf2 f5X 173 ls 17 1!7 62a BnS 4M 6 Totals .949 902 87s 2,729 Sporting Brevities. Connie Mack will carry thirty players to Montgomery. Ala., for spring training, and announces that few of his regulars of past seasons have a cinch on their Jobs. Borne Chicago fans are cussing President Murphy for letting four good players go for Jim Bheckard. whom no one seems to rate as a valuable player any longer. The Chicago Nationals say the National league championship stares them in the face with the acquisition of Third Baseman Stelnleldt, Outfielder Sheckard and Catcher j Moran. Hal Chaae of the New York Americans I and Frank Chance of the ChUugo Nation- : a Is, both Callfoi nlans, played In the Pacific ! Coast league after finishing the season with their teuins in the east. I As the time for the coming of the tiuntli- j ers approaches the three local teams arc fast rounding to form to try to wrest the ; bowling honors from the cracks of the whole country. Omaha has some bowlers who stood well at the top at some of wie recent natonal bowling affairs and these 1 may be able to give the Ounthers a run for their money. 1 1 - 1 in 14. Oninlin is goin forward wo know it bv leaps aS lounls wo know it but tlvo old iinprossion Ftill stick The Boo has started a plan to wijto the slate elenn tJ show the world Omaha--in a panorama, which will surprise people who do not know what Omaha is. The bird's-eye view of Omaha, which will be sent out witU sixteen pages, showing Omaha in detail, will be th biggest advertisement ever 6eut out of any city. Advertise Omaha by sending copies to your friends. Mail us the Coupon. Omaha, BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY copies of EDITION and BirdVEye View For which I agree to pay ten cents a copy on delivery. Signed now, as the edition will be limited. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO., Omaha, NeH. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE. Doctors Hydrocele, Varicocele, Stricture, Emissions, Impotence, Gonorrhoea, Blood Polsoa (SyphlUg), Ilupture, Jierroua Debility. KIDNEY and URINARY Diseases and all Diseases and Weaknesses of MEN due to evil habits of youth, abuses, excesses or the result of neg lected, unskilled or improper treatment Of specific or private nisi-w. it.- ..... u.- no inialeuutns l ME tions to tne atnlcted, neither do we promise to cure them In a fen days, nor oBer cheap, worthless treatment in order to secure their patronage. Honest doctor of recognised ability do not resort to aueli methods. We guarantee a perfect, snfe and lasting rare In the aalckest uopsslhle time, wlthoat leaving Injurious aftrr effects In the system, and at the lowest coat possible for honest, skillful nnd inrrriafnl treatment. rrrr Consultstlon I If you cannot call write for symptom blank. rltLC snlj Examination I Office Hours 8 a. n. to p. m. Sundays, 10 to I only. 1308 Fnruum Street, lift ween 13 til and 14th Streets, Omuha, Neb. I NEW Tourist tickets now on wilo to resorts in the south and southeast at greatly reduced rates. Liberal stop-overs allowed. THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL With its handsomely equipped trains oilers exceptional facilities for reaching the Sunny South. For particulars and a copy of hook lets giving detailed information ahout Cuha, Florida and New Orleans write. SAMUEL NORTH, n 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb. had the how E'try mbacribtr f Th TSte grta one ropy Jrrr on January 1st Extra c fipiV-i J0 cent THE OMAHA of Omaha Th Mati's Trti Specialists for Men If we could but ace and treat all men when the first symptoms show them selves there would soon be Utile need for so-called specialists In chronlo dis eases, ami tuure would be low men seeking a rejuvenating 01 llielr phy aicai, mental and kejtuul powers, and there would be none marked with the indelible stamp of constitutional bNpliius, and the sullereis lrom VARICOCELE-. GLEICT, STR1CTURH. Kidney and Bladder Diseases would be leauced to a minimum, but us long us MEN continue to disregard the golden adage. "A stitch in tune save nine,'' and continue to neglect them selves or to exercise Indifference or poor Judgment in securing the right treatment at the outset. Just so long will there be multitudes of chroma urferers. atenieuts or unbusinesslike proposi Hit in 1 1 r 1 FLORIDA, 1 a DIST. PASS. AGENT, Ii-sa 4 ft 4' i i 3' ;