Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 28, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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Opens Ejet of Sewiptper Men oi Lot
Ascreles Limine.
4mtH at Splendor of Htiid and
Wandrra of the Hil
Throoch Whlrh II
Jut s the clorK on the Vnlun station in-lli-ated
that It lackMl three mlnutrs of le
ng 11 Tuesday night, a monnter eniflne
of the Union PacJUc railroad steamed Into
the station shed pulling behind It the new
Ix Anitelcs Limited of five sleepers, diner
srid conch. On board wete the newspaper
mn who had been urnest of the t'nlon
I'arlflc on a tour on the n-w train through
the west Into California.
As the train came to a stop In the sta
tion the members of the touring party from
Omaha alighted, and. while they expressed
themselves as lisvlng had an eacellcnt time,
they could not hide their pleasure at blng
home again. The Irsln carried a good
passenger list enrnnte, and s twelve
minutes lata upon its arrival.
The thirty-flve nowspnper men signed this
letter, addressed to the passenger depart
ment of the I'nlntt Parin.:
Tha undersigned, members of "The Lais
Angeles I,lmlted ' rty guests of the
I'rlnn Pselflo psesniger department which
wss personally conducted by Messrs. K. I
lornax and Alfred I'arlon. wish to return
thanks for one of thr grandest trips it has
ever been our pleasure lo take.
"The I.ce Amreles Limited," tunning over
the perfect roHdhed of the I'nion Fuel ft c
snd aided by the big cutoff, not only brings
the miir veicitis country of southern Califor
nia eighteen hours nearer the people of the
east, hut affords the tourists with every
luxury and comfort known to modern
travel, and takes the wanderer through a
territory heretofore Inaccessible.
The region traversed hy "The I,os Angeles
Limited " affords a view of one of the most
varied scenic panornniHS ever unfolded
a?id ofiens tip a hitherto hidden section of
the great west.
We respectfully request you to return
thanks to the imsKcnger departments of
the Chicago Northern railway, and the
Pan Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake rail
road who, in conjunction with- the lnhn
Pacific railroad, extended us many cour
tenies on the trip.
F.asterners Oven Their Eyes.
A newspe.per was published twice daily
eu the train during the trip that bud the
highest-priced corps of newspaper men of
any paper published In the United States.
It was reproduced on an Improved mimeo
graph, which would print 2.500 copies, per
Montgomery Scliuyler, editorial writer on
the New York Times and dean of the news
paper coterie, was extremely well pleased
with his trip and shIiI on his arrival In
"I ant congratulating myself that I did
not go In the fatallnns with the bunch, fur
and more would be put to work If th y
Could be secured. Work is being pushed to
the d.nnhfoot tunnel at the summit between
Orpville and the Nevada line and on tli"
7,S0C-foot tunnel at Spring Oarden. where
the road crosses from Spring Garden CreeK
to the middle fork of the feather river. As
soon as these approach's are a little nearer
boring on the tunnels will be begun. The
tVestern Pacific, will enter Stockton on th"
Alemedn San Joaquin railroad. The
two tunnels will permit the Western Pacific
to peck within a grade of 1 per cent In
crossing the Sierra Nsvadas. Thirty con
struction tamps already are located by the
Rallnar Notes and Personals.
John It. Manchester, claim agent of tha
t'nlon raclflc, and Mrs Mam liester and
Mr. and Mrs. Will Manchester, have re
turned from tenvcr, where they spent
The passenger department of the I.Vnver
A Pin Grande nilliiiad has just Issued one
of the most ailtstic souvenirs of the Min
ever sent out. It Is a portfolio of photo
raphs of famous bits of scenery along tha
picturesque line, under the title of "Peak
and Uorges Along the Klo Grande."
Comes to Omaha to Confer with At
torney General orrla
Equality of Valuation f Railroads Urg td
by i barles J. Greene.
IMilde tuarraate of Tangible Prop
erty, Stocks and Bonds hy Mile
age to Reach Assessable
alac, Says Attnrnei.
ttowmor John H. Mickey arrived in
Omaha early last evrnlng and went di
rectly to the Her Grand. The executive
came to the city to confer with State's
Atorney Brown regarding the tag canes
now pending. This is Governor Mickey's
main object in visiting Omaha, although
lie will today attend a meeting of the
trustees of the Methodist Kplscopsl hos
pital, n-turning to Lincoln on the 4:10 train
this afternoon.
Invest In Diamonds.
Start the new year off right by purchas
ing a diamond better than money In tha
bank carries prestige gives pleasure and
increases In value. We still have a beauti
ful stock and our guarantee gives you abso
lute trnleetlon, Mawhlnney & Ryan,
Masquerade on skates.
Tiic first roller skate masquerade of
the season will be given tonight at the
Auditorium roller rink. Hundreds of
beautiful, unique, grotesque and comic
costumes will be seen In the merry whirl.
Manager (illlan haa made special pro
vision to prevent any objectionable per
sons from gaining admission to the skat
ing lloor. All hkaters must wear either
a masque or a costume, and all who wear
masques must pass through the inspec
tion tent at the door before being ad
mitted. Cash prises will be awarded to
the wearers of the prettiest costumes,
both In singles and couples, also to the
best character costume and the best comic
to make the assessment without deduc
tions. The board did make every reduc
tion asked. Railroad property consists of
something else besides its rolling stock,
tools and track. Franchlsrs are not meas
ured by the valuation of tangible property.
There Is no relation between the two. The
conclusion of counsel for the railroad Is
utterly unwarrantable In the statement
that the board was Influenced by the clam
ors of the public press.
"The best Information Justified the fix
ing of a valuation of from .( to ,
per mile, but the final assessment was on
the basis of but $.!.. 750 per mile."
An adjournment was taken to 9:X Thurs
day morning.
y..u snow a emrm .nane ,. ro. , tn na,lt of ptmg a hl4
ble. I went to San Francisco Instead. It ,me Jti.. Thcw 0H,n(1
was my nrst trip to me extreme wei. aim
was an eye-opener. I guess I was like
most of tha easterners, could not see out
side of New York, but T am a changed
mam for the went Is the place, and San
Francisco Is ahead of New Tork In many
reperts. I attended a ball at the Palace
hotel In San Francisco and the women
were better dressed and better looking than
the New Tork bon-tons. This train Iihs
anything of the east beaten by a mile and
the dining car service wus perfect. The
T'nlon Pacific has the roadbed and Is not
afraid to turn the wheels."
Tha Loa Angeles Limited has been run
ning for a, week and a half now and haa
been late hut one day, and that very little
and due to an accident to another train.
The schedule la faat. faster, to Ogden titan
the Overland Limit",. "
Daniels Over Ilia; Uoreao.
The Nw York Central has organised an
advertising department for its entire syi
tem and has placed In charge Oeorge II.
Daniels, for many years general passenger
agent of ihe New York Central. The scope
TTrt. ltallrond
No change of cars Chicago to New York,
Boston. Mats.; Buffalo, N. T., and Colum-
of this advertising Is tne entire world and ! These trains carry splendid Pull
In the advertising aent to foreign countries
the United States will be explloted. The
department through its general publicity
incidentally will assist every American
manufacturer In placing his goods In the
markets of the world. Railroad advertis
ing haa been the means of bringing thou
sands to America to Investigate manufac
tures and haa wonderfully increased the
foreign commerce of America.
Some idea of the Importance of this new
department can be had when It la under
stood that It will control the general adver
tising In America and in foreign countries
of the New York Central, Roston A
Albany, Lake Shore & Michigan Southern,
Michigan Cential, Cleveland, Cincinnati,
Chicago St. Louis, Rutland A Lake
TCrie and Western railways and their leased
lines, having their western terminals at
Chicago, St. Louis and Cincinnati and their
eastern terminals at New York, Boston and
Montreal and embracing mora than 12,.mi)
inllee of the best equipped railway In the
Moat of Line Under Ce tract.
Tha entire line of the Western Pacific
between Oakland and Salt Lake Is now
under contract except that portion which
runs through the state of Nevada. Already
over 2.100 men are at work on tne rona
between San Francisco and the Nevada line
On a woman' vitality to do work fat
which the I unfitted, and we wonder how
soma of the women
et our land live
through a slngla
naaon oi pieasur
r dissipation.
Thru will say
with tears in their
yea, when they
mention the sub
ject at all, -it U n
hard pull,' that
with pain, weak
ness snd weariness
they are "almost
dragged oat."
Manv. In this con
dition, resort to alcoholic stimulants
and " tnTlgorants," the after affects of
which tra very Injurious.
Dr. B. V. Pierce, forty years, ago found
that women ware being raistrested
through Ignorance or carelessness snd
determined to devote his lit and energies
to their relief. ,
Uitving found Ui cnitss of their suf
fering, he tint enuyht for the meant of
rtiler, and found in Xalurt'e Uioorttfory
the 'earth, certain roots which bed re
markable and valuable medicinal rlrtues
fT tha eurs of these ailments.
Using chemically pure glycerine, of
proper strength Instesd of alcohol, he
prepared extract of those, and the result
The application for a permanent injunc
tion to restrain the county treasurers of
Nebraska from enforcing the collection of
the delinquent taxes against the Chlcaro,
Rurllngton Qulncy Railroad company
for the year 1!4 and 190S was argued be
fore Judge Munpcr In the I'nlted States
circuit court Wednesday, Charles J. Greene
appearing for the railroad company anl
Attorney General Norrls Brown for the
state, assisted by County Attorney Sla
bs ugh.
The entire forenoon waa taken up with
the argument of Mr, Greene, who main
tained that the taxes should not be levied
upon the entire road, but locally. He said
In effect:
"Of the JlTV.iioMmi of the stocks and bonds
of the road, but $.x,nno of this amount
could properly be credited to Nebraaka.
Hast of the Missouri river the railroad
serves a population of 14.orm.nnn, while west
of the river there is a population of less
than 4.ou0,oii'. The road has an approxi
mate mileage of S.ono miles, of which less
than one-half Is west of the river. The en
tire system both east and west of the Mis
souri has been considered by the State
Board of Equalisation whereby to deter
mine the fractional valuation for tax in
Kqnallty of Valuation.
"One mile of a railroad on the basis of a
lax valuation Is as valuable as any other
mile. That Is so far as the road Is consid
ered in Its entirety a mile of railroad pass
ing a farm In Sarpy county is Just as val
uable as a mile of that same road passing
through a city. A part of land appropriated
for the right-of-way of a railroad loses its
commercial significance and value other,
than as on integral part of the entire rail
road system. j
"A railroad Is simply an organisation,
not an aggregation of wood, steel and roll
ing stock. The lands of the right-of-way
cease to have a commercial value In them
selves. They are valueless for any other
purpose than the railroad and as a part of
the organism of that road. This is a scien
tific and philosophical fact that Is scien
tifically and philosophically sound. Take
the tangible property, stocks and bonds as
a whole, divide It by the total mileage, and
then arrive at the value by counties, as Is
done in other states, and you will reach
the assessable valuation of that property,
and by no other fair way."
orrls Brown Argues.
Mr. Oreene concluded his argument at
S:; Wednesday afternoon and was followed
by Attorney General Norrls Brown for the
State Board of Kqualizatlon. He proceeded
to show the difference between the old and
the new state revenue laws, showing that
under the old law the county boards of
equalization were the courts of final re
sort In local tax matters, hut that under
the new law no equalization Is final until
passed ution by the State Board of Kqual
izatlon. He said In part: "t'lider this new
Inw all valuations must rise to the valua
tion fixed by the state board. By this
act lHnd valuations were Increased In
twenty-four counties of the state front 26
to 216 per cent and the Judgment of the
state board in these increased, valuations
was sustained by the supreme court of the
state. There lias bcai no substantiated
charge that the stale board acted fraudu
lently. The board made its findings upon
the evidence submitted. Not a rartlcle of
evidence was produced that a single as
sessor undervalued a single item of tax
able property. The board put Into force
every provision of the new luw in the
best of faith on the testimony given be
fore it hy competent and able authorities
after weeks of careful deliberation as to
Surer A. B. Hubermann has always sold j ,ho ,a,r taxation of all railroad property.
Handsome Color Work.
friends o the Bemls Otr.aha Hag
are made of cloth and are the product
of the Hernia Omaha Bag Co., from start
to finish, the plates being designed by
them, the printing plates being made by
their own engravers and the printing done
on their regular color presses, on cloth
made and bleached in their own mills.
This statement in itself is a suggestion
of the completeness of their plant, but
the calendar has to be seen in order that
Ita. merit be appreciated.- The calendar
reproduces six varieties of beautiful flow
ers, each on a separate sheet.
Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. Ul'4.
snap In Ink W ells. .
We have a lot of $2.00 sterling silver top
Ink. wells which we will close out at $1.50
each. They are cut glass bottles and ster
ling silver tops. Mawhlnnery & Ryan, 16' h
and Douglas.
man and dining cars and coaches. Apply
to Ticket Agents or J. A. Dolan, T. P. A.,
Railway Exchange, Chicago.
Kxclse Board Hears Testimony In
Five special Case at It
Protests on the part of the Civic Federa
tion ugainst Ave applicants for saloon li
censes were heard by the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners last night. The
charge in each case was that the appli
cant was not the real arty In Interest:
that he did not seek a license with a
view to running the saloon himself. Little
or no ground was gained by Klmer Thomas
In the whoje session, the applicants swearing-
as to their good faith and the former
proprietors of the saloons in question testi
fying that they intended to have nothing
to do with the business.
Charles Broderson. who has applied for
license to operate a saloon In the Bee
building, swore that he Intended to run It
himself. Frank Dinuszo, the present pro
prietor, said on the stand he would have
no Interest In It after the year expired.
Edward Rosewater was sent for at the
request Of Mr. Thomas and he declared
he had not rented the saloon and It looked
doubtful it he would.
Christ Nlelson, applying for a license at
Leavenworth street, said he would
run the saloon himself, and the present
proprietor, H M. Jensen, declared his In
tention of having nothing to do with It.
Julius Burster. Anheuser-Busch agent, said
he had made arrangements for Nlalsen
to run the saloon.
J. A. Nye, who wants to conduct ft busi
ness at 902 Capitol avenue, and the present
proprietors, Me.nllmher A Colwell, testified
as to their good faith. It was the same
way with Jacob Lewis, l"i8 North Ninth
street, and William Sutherland, who now
has the saloon. Fred II. Krug said if given
a license for business In the Lange hotel
he would run the saloon himself.
The application of Ike Schlank, 812 Dodge
street, waa withdrawn. The firm of Furth
Brothers was granted a wholesale liquor
The board adjourned until 10 o'clock Fri
day morning. At that time protests against
a few more saloon keepers will be heard,
provided they put up their money for li
cense before the meeting of the board,
there being still time on Saturday for
publication. The hoard announced that It
would dose with the beginning of the year
the places of all saloonlsts who do not
complete their application by Saturday
his diamonds, watches and jewelry cheaper
than others. If you don't find It so. get
your money back. Corner ISth and Douglas.
Warden Cornea to View Tall Bnlldlnaja
nnd lreet Cars Before Ventur
ing Back East.
Wurden lieenier of Lincoln, one of the
biggest men. physically and mentally, at
the head of a Vnal institution anywhere,
and whose penitentiary was said to be the
best kept in the t'nlted States by delegates
attending the National Prison congress at
Lincoln recently. Is In Omnha getting used
to the tall buildings and street cars pre
paratory to visiting old friends and rela
tives back in Pennsylvania and Virginia,
for which places he soon wilt leave.
'Everything la quiet at the institution,"
said the warden, "and we are congratulat
ing ourselves that we are to handle I'nlted
, States prisoners In the future. A big
j Christmas dinner was served to the prls
I oners Christmas day and Governor Mickey
called upon each of the inmates and talked
to him. It was a big day for us."
Selections from Handel's "Messiah" by
the choir of sixty voices at Kountze Me
morial church on Sunday evening. Decem
ber 81. K. D. Keck, conductor.
Signet Rings Frenxer. 15th and Dodge.
Bad Fall from Street nr.
Isalaki Katskev. 412 Dorcas street, at
tempted to alight from a Sherman avenue I the Burlington railroad? The law requires
The board acted witli the purest and best
motives. In WS tho roads tendered ac
cording to their own report $?iU0.0i3 taxes,
but in Iflol they tendered but $444,000, or
over J'iO.ttW less under the ralaed assess
ment than they had tendered the previous
Took Pollard's Figures.
"The board took Mr. Pollard's statement
as to what property the railroad had, but
not what he said it was worth. Is this
Mr. Pollard the fellow that shall assess
car at Elm and Vinton streets at :3u last
night without waiting for the car to come
to a complete stop, and was thrown to the
ground with such violence that he was
rendered unconscious, receiving a cut over
the tight eye and ;n abrasion on the chek.
He was carried into Strausherg's ding
store on the corner and attended by Dr.
Kalal. being later removed to his home
by the doctor. He reiriHlned In an un
conscious condition for some time, but
finally rallied and will suffer no permanent
injury from his mishat.
Inquest Over Insrreu.
Coroner Brailey will hold an Inquest
over the remains of Albert Ingren. who
died at Clarkson hospital at 4 o'clock yes
terday morning as the result of injuries
received In a fall from the rear platform
Of a street ear. Ingren lived near Calhoun
and had a daughter, Mrs. Fred Hoefl. liv
ing at 'SO South Twenty-fourth street.
South Omaha. Ingren died within three
hours after tho accident without regain
ing consciousness The Inquest will be
held at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
that a statement shall be made of the mar
ket nnd true value of the stock. In Its
schedule the Burlington stated that the
stock had no market value for two or
more years. The true value of the stock
was marked 'blank' on that schedule. Is
this not an example of bad faith on the
part of the railroad? When this Injunc
tion was asked the road claimed that It
did not know what, its stocks were worth.
Yet this stock three years before was
exchanged for bonds, two for one, bearing
4 per cent interest and the interest was
promptly and is yet being paid. We will
not contend that the board had the tight
wss so sutisfactorv that the combina
tion became his "Fsvorll Prescription."
The roots used are: Lady's Slipper root,
niack Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Bltw
Cohosh root and Golden Sesl root. The
world knows it ss I'R. Piirce's Favor
it Pukscbiptios. which hs the won
tlafful and unparalleled record of t hslf
million of cures In the Isst forty Tears.
Write to Dr Piercs. Buffalo, N. 1 ., tot
advice, glvsn without charge. -
I sta glad to be able to teettfy as to tre
merits of Dr. Pier, e Favorite preacruytloB
for the many Ilia that women suffer wi'U.'
writea Mist Uerirude Mitchell tPreeluent
Young Ladles' Christian Endeavor toeieJ.
43toluuiblatreeu K.Ihftrolt. Mich. 'After
many year of Buffering and pain. I no
your medicine, aid in a aWt time Waa to
feel stronger, bevao.e more regular sod
didn't f.svs the heartng-aown paine whuh
had ban my lot for so long. Shall nerer
eaaa M I very grateful that It waa brought
lomyaoclee. I kae do palos. and fori mucb
etn 'tiger generally
tr. Pierce's Pellet eleaaae tha cloggao
jsteu (rein accumulated lapurttis.
i "
Beatrice F. Hathaway haa been granted
a divorce from Walter J.. nonresident. She
charged cruelty and nonsupport.
The Willow Springs Brewing company has
filed an amendment to Its articles of In
corporation making the capital stock $150.00).
Judge Day has sentenced Eniil Bynek to
the State Industrial school at Beatrice
until be Is 1 for the theft of copper wire
from the Auditorium.
A campftre under the auspices of George
Crook post Snd corps will be held St Mag
nolia hall, Twenty-fonrth street and Ames
aeritie, Friday evening.
Mrs. Harriet Morky died at her home,
lift South Eleventh street, at S o'clock
last night at the age of 44 years. She
leaves a husband and family.
Wank Nelson, aged S4 years, died at
St. Joveph's hoppital early last evening
from old age. He had lived in Omaha i.iany
years, but leaves no relatives here.
Charles P. Schlecht of Clearwater. Ante
lope county, has filed his voluntary peti
tion for bankruptcy in the I'nlted States
district court. His liahtlltlea are scheduled
at n.Zao.lD snd his assets at t'J.
Regular monthly dances are beiug held
at Fort Omaha this winter under the aus-
Slcrs of Companies B and D of the I'nlted
tatea signal corps. The dunces take place
on the l"th of each month. The next one
is booked for Wednesday, January 1".
Articles of Incorporation have been riled
bv the Northwestern Medical and Surgical
Institute. The Incorporators are Dr. Fred
erick A. Fowler and Warren Winslow and
the capital slock is $,"..('. The business of
the company will he to manufacture and
deal In trusses, braces, surgical instrument
and electrical appliances.
His brother firemen st hiHk and ladder
house No. 3. Eleventh and Dorcas, are con
gratulating Fireman Mike Koti It on the
advent of a bouncing pair of twins at bis
house. The boys who work with Kotcb
say a fortune teller receutly told him he
was to have two troubles, but Kolch as
serts that the twins are anything but
The creditors of Peter J. Schneider, an
agricultural Implement dealer at lickrell.
tiage county, have tiled a petition in the
I'nited Slates district eourt asking that he
be declared s bankrupt The petitioning
creditors are the International Harvester
company. Henry aV Allen of New York and
Kyi on fci. Eugieharl vf Omaha Their ag
gregate claims amount to JJ.'X
In any number of stores
you'll see various prepara
tions of cod liver oil at as
many different prices. You'll
wonder, perhaps, why Scott's
Emulsion costs more than
some other kind in as large
a bottle. Hearing only one
side of the question you may
be led into buying the "just
as good as Scott's" at the
lower price. That's false
economy. Scott's Emulsion
costs more because it's more
expensive to make. Every
ingredient is tested and guar
anteed of the purest quality.
No adulteration, no shaving
of quality. There's no econ
omy in bargain medicine. If
you. can afford to experiment
with your health, substitutes
may satisfy you. We take it,
however, that you want a
pure preparation, a reliable
remedy and something that's
going to help you. That's
what you get in Scott's
Emulsion. Thirty years the
WTT 4k WWWS, sag rsact It, Maw Vera.
County Jadsr W ill Set I s luw Office
la First National Bank
Judge Vlnsonhaler haa gathered up and
had carted away all his personal belong
ings in the office of the county judge,
which he will relinquish to his successor,
Charles Leslie. January 4. The retiring
Judge will engage In the general practice
of the law, with an office In the First Na
tional bank building.
When Judge Leslie assumes office It is
understood David A. Fitch, a young at
torney, will be given the place now held
by Clyde Sundblad, who will become chief
clerk, In succession to Judge Leslie.
In a few days ws commence our Annual Inventory Before
then we insist on clearing out atreduced prices all our odd lota
of seasonable merchandise. The busy holiday season has left
us with a great many odd lots of dependable goods. We have
tremendously cut prices in every department of our store.
The departments mostly affected are
HATS AND GAPS for Men and Boys
FURNISHING GOODS for Men and Women
saRHssflsisa SsBBsBBC5
The 20th Century Limited
The Route of the Government Fast Mail Trains
Leave Chicago at . 2:30 p. m.
Arrive New York at 9:30 a. m.
Leave New York at 3:30 p. rr
Arrive Chicago at . 8:30 a- m.
W. J. LYNCH, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, 111.
Constable Wants to llr.lgii Rrcniit
His l- Hns Hern
Hutu StlinPldi'i', constable in .IrfTfieon
precinct, has notified the county board
that bi dpxires to ristgn, because his
last three bills have been disallowed. Tho
j board has not yet accepted Ihe rslKna-
Leaving Omaha at 11 P. M. daily, arriving at Cedar Rapids 6:10 A. M.; Clinton 8:15 A. M.,
and Chicago 11:55 next morning.
j Other Chicago trains at 8 A. M., 11:30 A. M., 5:50 P. M. and 8:38 P. M.
City Offices. 1401-03 Farnam Street.
Merer I tins tinuites Nt-nlr Installed
Said to Rr Too Cioori ttt
(ouipani .
City Gas Inspector John Lynch received
a vigorous protest Wednesday morniiuj
from a man who gave the name of Jackson
nnd chui'Kcd that sine tho bb company
had reduced Its rates It had put In new
meters and that at his home and at some
of his neighbors houses the meters were
lone on measure and thus the cost to the
consumer was more than under the higher
rate and the old meter. The gas Inspector
requested th man to bring the meter to
his office and have It tested Thursday
To Finish Floors and Moomtork
fs only "FIOOR-SH!NB" Enamels. Oak,
Mahogany, Cherry, etc. Sold by Orchard &
Wllhelm Co.
Announcements of th Theaters.
"The Marriage of KlUy," which comes to
the Boyd theater on Sunday evening for
a single performance, has become notable
lor Its perfectly legitimate comedy situa
tions, which never fail to pleaxe the mont
exacting auditor, hence Its unqualified suc
cess everywhere. The Jules Murry Comedy
company, headed by Miss Alice Johnson,
whose charming personality seems exactly
fined for the role of Kitty" Silvcrton, is
an organisation which has been much
praised for its artistic attainments. The
hit which the play and the company has
scored is attested by the success It has
"ttlroughearl," the Indian and foot ball
play In which Robert Edeson snd company
will be seen at the Boyd theater for an
engagement that begins with a special mat
inee on Monday next, is one of the best
studies of the relations between the red
and white races ever offered. It was a
tremendous success In New York last
season, and has been very popular on Its
tour this season. The discussion it has
engendered is hardly equalled by any other
The regular shoppers' matinee st the Bur
wood theater this afternoon will afford a
delightful treat for the women who are
downtown on business, as well as for those
who come down for the holiday perform
ance. "The Christian" is breaking the rec
ord of the house, and that Is saying a
good deal. It is the most popular play
that has been put on this season, and the
work of the company in the production la
by far th best It haa don yet.
feM bM te4 by MtlUotu of Mother tor tfctr
e-blldren while TeeihJnt for over Fifty Teere.
in. eiiroe wine
,mMy fordlarrhre.
It eoo'iteft Che child, wottmam t-be runii, eiUyt
u iein. etiroe wina euuo. aa w
Special Urates
to Colorado
$1 2.50
U We have a great many patrons
O W0 have bud loans from us. snd n
iMtaUished a Credit and when B
I 'r.ev want mon-y they -.-an get H
H it on a Moment's Notice. They
U think such a Credit useful and m
W we think you would also. K
We make salttry and chat- B
Cv sns'flo. IfSth Street. Jar
LPhone "-dff
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo. .
Jnn. 2 and 16; Feb. ti and 20. Round
trip, first-class; three weeks' limit.
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo.
Jan. 2 and lfi; Feb. J and 2. One
way, .second-class. (Good in Tourist
Sleepers or Chair Cars.)
Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo.
Daily throughout the winter Round
trip, first-class; limit May 31, 190f!.
The Rock Island haa two fine daily trains
to Colorado. Standard and Tourist
Sleepers, Chair Cars, Diners .
1323 Farnam Street,
Cut Olaas Frenser, l&th and Dodg.
gaj ajsj sjBB3aWllli.WlalBlnlslnlnlnll
' IN 2-PIE IOC PACKAGES. M Sou i-tCO .,$y r ac u 3 1 . N V j
13 1608
n Harney SI.
NO D O D nv
Heat electric light janitor service
all night and Sunday elevator ser
vice a fire proof building all cost
the tenant of The Bee Building
nothing extra