TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THOSPAY, DECTfBER 23. 1003. v 7f- r OMAHA IS AFTER TEACHERS Lintola Making a Determined Effort to EeUin Btxt fear's Keeting. ONE THOUSAND ATTENI THE FIRST DAY Following; Imrs Mare Attractive to JCnJorlty and Total Attendance RanecteSl to Reach the SKIO Mark. (From it Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 27. (Special.) fflHwri of the Nebraska Teachers' association said thla afternoon that the fmaha and Douglas county members of that organisation will make a hard campaign to locate the net annual meeting at Omaha. The business men and tha Lincoln Commercial club have been at work aminf the teachers In an effort to retain the meeting, which meana a good thing for the hotels and merchants. Thla evening In pursuance of that Men. tha Commercial club tendered a luncheon to the officiate and aome of the guiding plrlta in the hope of Inducing the sssocIa tlon to remain In Lincoln for the session of 1. The Lincoln advocatea claim that there la little question aa to their aucceaa In retaining the meeting, but the contest la not aettled by any means. There Is considerable talk among the teachers from the west of J. E. Delxell, the Lexington member of the State Board of Education, for the presidency of the association. The members from the Big Blxth are especially anxious to secure his election and because of the slie of the district claim the right to name the chief executive for the coming year. Delsell Is a member of the executive committee, the guiding body of the association. The teachers from the eastern counties are unwilling to accede to the Delzell candidacy, however, and there is much talk of Superintendent Stephens of the Lin coln schools, who Is regarded aa a candi date. Superintendent Reed of Superior la mentioned among the candidates also. Stephens has been very prominent in edu cational work and his wide acquaintance with the teachers of the state is expected to help him to a large extent. Nominating; Committee Today. The political situation must come to a head rapidly, because of the fact that the constitution requires the selection of the nominating committee of the association at E o'clock tomorrow afternoon and that body must proceed Immediately to place officers In nomination for the ensuing year and must without delay report to the associa tion for ratification. , This nominating committee is chosen from the congressional districts by the teachers from each district, which is allowed three members. This method of nominating of ficers was devised to prevent logrolling. which had attained the proportions of a i pernicious abuse under the old regime, many of the teachers having spent much cf their time in political maneuvers In stead of attending section meetings. Enrollment Growing; Itnpldly. Late in the afternoon the enrollment had reached 1,009 and the officers cf the as sociation predict that by tomorrow the total will have come pretty tlose to the 3,000 mark. Today many of the high school auctions have been at work, but tomorrow the great body of grade touchers will have something to do. Much of the section work tomorrow will be devoted to primary and grammar school instruction. These are always by far the largest sections and on that fact la based the prediction of a record breaking attendance. Tomorrow night the alumni banquota of tht. Jea and Fremont -normal schools will be held and a large attendance ia antici pated, especially from the latter place. General Agent McOlnnla of the Northwest ern said that a large proportion of the student body at Fremont will be la the City. Superintendents Meet. Today the county auperlntendents assem bled at the statehouse for the discussion f matters pertaining to the conduct of their office. The new certification law was taken up In detail and explained by Super intendent McBrlen. Some of the veteran auperlntendents objected to the rule requir ing teachers holding third grade certificates to take a new examination when their cer tificates expired during the course of a - school term. They asked that power be (ranted to taaue emergency certificates in such cases, but McBrlen objected to such a policy. The superintendents also discussed school . accounts and the grades which ought to be accepted from high school. The state su perintendent declared this afternoon about two-thirds of the superintendents are in the city. Mar Disease Foot Ball. What will be done with foot ball In the Nebraska high schools? The agitation of this question Is expected to make one of the features of the meetings in Lincoln , this week. The subject Is not on the offi cial program, but It is understood It will be brought up In the course of the discus sions Thursday or Friday, probably in the high school section. The subject will arise between the Instruc tors from the larger schools, since the game Is not played In the most of the small Insti tutions of this state. There Is a large and jpowerfui faction of principals, superintend ents and other educators in Nebraska who are heartily opposed to the gridiron game as It has been played among the big achools of the state, and these will assert them selves at the earliest opportunity. There are a number of professors present also who are the game's strongest champions, and r OUR FIRST ANNUAL CLEARING SALE WILL START SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30TH Our entire new stock of ladies merchandise will be sacrificed at prices beyond the imagination of any one. Everything must go to make room for Spring good?. We will not carry over a single garment if cutting prices to COST OR BELOW will sell them. Clenrino ( SUITS- cloaks, furs, X B SKIRTS, OPERA WRAPS, SalC l WAISTS and PETTICOATS. Wait for the Big Sale Saturday, December 30th. Positively no alterations made during this sale. S. FREDRICK 1517 FARNAM STREET It Is said these two factions will elaah In open meeting before the convention ends. Chief among the game's supporters are Prof. Harry Oarret of Beatrice High school and Principal Fred M. Hunter cf Fairmont. Onrret Is president of the Ne braska Interscholastlc Athletic association and coach of the Beatrice High school foot ball team. Hunter played as guard on the Cornhusker eleven a year ago and coached the champion Lincoln High school eleven last year. Both are strongly In favor of the game as It Is In vogue at present. "There must be a radical charge In the foot ball game as It Is played by the high schools now." said one principal, "and the change ought to be made Immediately. "There are no pros and cons to the ques tion. Anyone with ordinary sense can see that the gnme Is not nt for young, half grown youth. Look at the agitation that is convulsing the colleges of the country on the question of the game's benefit to the college man. If there Is a possibility that It is too severe on the full-grown man of the university, how much more undesirable It must be for the lads of tender years who have not attained growth and full strength. Talk of Science Teaching. The physical science section met this afternoon at 2 o'clock In the physics lec ture room of Physics hall. Prof. H. Brownell of Peru, president of the sec tion, presided and made the opening ad dress on "Preparation for Teaching Physics." He pointed out that preparar Hons cannot be too careful. Physics Is an exact science and results depend on exact and precise methods. Superintendent C. A. Fulmer of Beatrice spok4 on "Geography Teaching as Viewed by a Superintendent." He noted the im portance of the science and the firm hold It takes on the. mind of the child. Prof. N. A. Bengston of Peru spoke on "Some Type lessons." Leaflets were dis tributed to he'p the audience In under standing Prof. Bengston's points. This mas followed by a general discussion which was participated In by a number of the teacher. Dr. Benton Dales of the chemistry de partment of the university gave an In structive talk under the report of the com mittee on the status of chemistry teaching In the high schools of Nebraska. Dr. Dales stated that In half the high schools of the state as much or more time Is given to lectures and recitations as to labora tory work. He made a plea for devoting more time to laboratory work. "Most teachers believe that laboratory Is more important than the lecture room," said Dr. Dales. "But they seem to run In an old rut. There are schools In Nebraska where 120 hours are devoted to lectures and only seventy to laboratory work. This Is altogether out of proportion. I would consider sixty hours for lecture and reci tations and ninety hours for laboratory work about the correct division of time. The laboratory work rolnts out the prac tical application and correlates what the pupil learns In the lecture room. The lec ture clears up knotty points that develop In the laboratory. The laboratory may m likened to study for a lecture. And In considering the time that Is required In taking down and putting up apparatus, the same amount of time as Is dcvntd to lec tures Is altogether Insufficient for labora tory work." Some very Interesting pieces of apparatus work In physics were exhibited and their use explained. This was followed by a report on current science literature and science publications by Prof. H. O. Sutton of Kearney. German Section. Practically all of the teachers were pres ent when the discussions of work in the department of German state high schools j of the District of Columbia will attend aa began. Almost every paper read called the Prc'dont's representative. The gov-forth- a series of Interesting discussions. ernor '"pressed the hope that congress The Instructors were not slow In ex- can copo wlth the Problem of legislating pressing openly their difference In views. for tne Protection of policyholders, although and this was exactly the thing desired I there u "ome i"','i'm as to its right to do to make the meeting profitable from the educational standpoint. F. E. Boswell of Grand Island was president of this ser tlon and Miss Pearl Rockefellow of Omaha was secretary. At the close of the meet- Ing the business session was held and new officers were chosen for next year, j The meeting began this afteernoon at 2 o'clock. In room 212, TTnlversity hall. I Miss Clara Schneller of Minden opened the program by the expression of her ' methods and objective points In the teach ing of the German language. Chief among the points raised were those of conversa tional German and the question of Idioms. There waa little discussion on this paper, as there seemed to be a general unity of opinion on the topics brought up. Omaha Man Talks History. General interest was manifested In the meeting of the teachers of history In room 108, Vniverslty hall. C. M. Bracelen of Omaha la president of this section and Miss Grace Abbott of Grand Island is secretary. In his paper on "The Judicial Mind of the Teacher" Charles E. Teach of Fajrbury presented some very helpful i commissioners, making It necessary to re Ideas. rt to the general election act In all of "The Judicial mind of the leacher should th"nUp utf"', Douglas. The ;. be concerned rhl-flv with .v,. fraI section statute does not, however, j . .... " , 1 1 VJ pupus into correct, careful thinking, to guard against erroneous conclusions as based upon historical material." declared Mr. Teach. "In all of historical study and teaching the teacher Is called upon and obliged to see that a 'square deal" Is given the records of the past. The teacher must look upon the questions that he handlea without prejudice." Odd Teaspoons Frenier, ttth and Dodge. Ask Money for Canal. ALBANY. N. Y.. Dec. 27.-Forty million dollars will be asked for the coming legisla ture for work on the l.Onn-ton barge canal during 19", according to the second annual report of State Engineer and Survevor Henry A. Van Alstyne, a forecast of which was made public today. The barge canal project and state road improvement are the subjects discussed in th. report. 1Z BERGER & CO. 9 HUNTINGTON HELPS PLACE With dn wt Hit teiignation i Chantellor of Ntbmka Weilejan Uni?eritj. ACTION TAKEN AT REQUEST OF I0ARD Governor Mickey Advocatea Pablle Inspection of Insurance Com panles Along I.lnea of Ma tlonal Bank Law. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dec. 27. (Special.) Today at a meeting of the special committee of the board of trustees of Wesleyan university Chancellor D. V. C. Huntington withdrew hla resignation unconditionally and assured the committee that he Is willing to carry on the work of his office without assistance. There Is a sentiment, however, among the members of the committee that he la to be relieved of some of the work In some way, although Just how this relief Is to come was not Indicated. Governor Mickey, chair man of the committee. In whose office tha meeting was held, stated that the matter of choosing a coadjutor for the chancellor will be deferred until the June meeting of the board of trustees. He said that he did not believe that the prospect of securing an assistant entered Into consideration when the chancellor withdrew his resignation, which had been filed some time ago. At the meeting the members expressed the opinion that the time Is not opportune for the chancellor's departure from the field of active labor, because the institution Is now In a thrifty, growing stage. The action of Chancellor Huntington fol lowed the suggestion of the governor at a recent meeting of the committee that the resignation be reconsidered. He resigned lecause he felt that his advanced age for bade any further active field work, essen tial to a successful administration of the affairs of the Institution. Woman Wants Alimony Paid. Today in the district court Estella Haw thorne asked for an order compelling Boone Hawthorne to pay her alimony awarded her when she was divorced from him In 1901. She saya that she has two children, and asks that he be restrained from Interfering with them. She secured the original decree from the district court of Lancaster county, and has since that time resided In Uncoln. Hawthorne teaches in a western county. Governor Wants Pahllc Examination. Governor Mickey today Indicated that he will advocate legislation providing for the examination Into the affairs of insurance companies by public examiners, after the method employed In supervising the affairs of state and national banks. He has re ceived an Invitation to attend the Chicago meeting of governors, attorney generals end insurance commissioners to consider the need for legislation, but does not know whether he will he able to attend. Should he do so, he will advance the plan for public examination as a safeguard for the policyholders. The governor also favors legislation abolishing deferred dividend poli cies, hut rognnis examination as a most effective check. He called attention to the fact that examinations made as they are In hanks, whenever the controllng official directs, will Insure against any scheme to cover up extravaaajit expense accounts or impolitic loans. The governor said that the president would not attend the Chicago meeting, but It is intimated that Commissioner Drake so under the constitution. Sustains Plckcl's Flection. Today County Attorney Tyrrell filed an opinion with the county commisisoners fa voring the seating of Robert Picket, the republican commislsoner elect. The opinion tiled cites the general election law as the warrant for seating Picket. The county attorney stated that the new commissioner law applies only to Douglas county and does not affect Lancaster In any way, ao that even If valid It would not affect the validity of Pickpl'B choice. It is urged by the attorneys who are workin"on the case that the commissioner bill passed by the last legislature as a supplement to the omnibus biennial elec tions bill, by Its terms refers only to coun ties which have five commissioners and that it therefore excludes every other county In the st:ite. The bill carries a general repealing clause, however, striking out the old conimic'sloner election law and If the hilt enacted at the last session Is valid. It Is said, It has wiped out the en tire enactment relative to the selection of n.A,-l4. . 1 1 . I. , . L . . ij,,iT- nit; ei,-iim nitriiiMu i or me seiec , tlon of commissioners, so that the elec tions are not regulated by law. Newton, the present Incumbent of the commissioner's office, had contended that the repealing clause of the new law ope rated to wipe out all provisions for the election of county commissioners, and urged on that ground that the election of Picket waa Invalid. nets Portland Diplomas. Governor Mickey has received another lot of gold medal diplomas from the offi cials of the recent Portland exposition. These documents are prepared with rather ornate engravings, symbolic of the Pacific coast Industries. Each la entitled a "di ploma for a gold medal," a phrase which the executive officers do not exactly com prehend, unless it Indicates that the medals will follow the parchments. The diplomas received today cover the moving pictures exhibit, the Nebraska pavilion, the Instal lation of agricultural produce, the collec- tlve exhibits of twenty-six products from corn, collective exhibits of seeds, grain, corn and tame and wild grasses. There are trine diplomas In the lot. Private Secre tary Allen said that he Is at loss to know what to do with them, unless they are to be framed and hung In the executive offices. MISOtRI PACIFIC FEELIVG GROIM) Asking; Beatrice Men What Tbey Will Do far the Road. BEATRICE, Neb., Dee. 27. (Special Tele gram.) J. P. Barrett of Omaha, traveling freight agent of the Missouri Pacific, ar rived here laat night and today called on every bustnesa man with reference to the support the road would receive In case the company extended Its line from Vir ginia to this place. It Is the belief here that the gap be tween Beatrice and Virginia will be closed the coming year and that the Missouri PactAo will be extended to a northwest connection at no very distant day. Fremont Purchases a Park. FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. !7 (Special Tel egram.) At the regular meeting of the city council last evening the deed to the city of the Irving park property from the Fremont Cemetery association was sc cepted and the consideration of fl.ro or dered paid. A resolution waa unanimously adopted changing the name of the block to Barnard park, as a tribute of re spect to Hon. B. H. Barnard, one of the founders of ths city, who originally owned the property. The new park Is located In the midst of the best residence portion of ths eastern part ot ths city and was How Every HomsewiSe Can Tell Adulterated Foods Not with complicated apparatus, but by the very simplest ways in her own home. How she can know whether butter is butter; if milk is watered ; if coffee has chicory in it; if her baking powder is pure, etc. Told in THE Ladies' Home Journal Last Month's Issue of A Million and Three Hundred Thousand Copies was Completely Sold Out 15 Cents on Every News -Stand THE CURTIS obtained at a very low price. If cut up and sold In separate lots it would bring at least $6,000. COR SPECIAL ATTRACTS MAS 1" I.ectnrrs Greatly Appreciated by the Farmers Who Attend. ALMA. Neb.. Dec. 27.-Speclal Telegram The Burlington corn special stayed all night at this place. At 9 o'clock this morn ing a large delegation of farmers and Busi ness men attended the lectures given by Prof. Pugsley and Mr. Manss of the Bur lington system. All were highly pleased and expressed themselves as being greatly benefited. The train left for Huntley and Wilcox at 10 o'clock, accompanied by a large company of fanners. SITTON, Neb., Dec. 27. (Special Tele gram.) The Burlington seed corn special train held a meeting In the O. A, R. hall, which was packed with farmers from the surrounding country.. 'It waa In charge of W. H. Manus, Industrial commissioner of the road. Prof. T. F. Hunt, chief of the agricultural department of Cornell univer sity. New York, spoke on the philosophy of plant breeding. The department of agri culture at Washington waa represented by Prof. P. Hartley, who spoke on the select ing of seed corn. Prof. Montgomery, Uni versity of Nebraska spoke on the adaptation of corn to our climate and soil. Prof. Avery, state chemist, gave the analysis of white and yel low corn In relation to their feeding value and for the production of glucose. Prof. Lyons of the Nebraska experiment station spoke at length on soil, fertility and how to crop so as to enrich Nebraska soils. Besides Sutton, this train gave forty-minute lectures at Wilcox, Norman, Holstein. Fairfield and Clay Center. At every stop the greatest of Interest was manifested in the lecture by the farmers, who asked vital questions on farm topics. Over !,H) tuok part In the meeting during today a run. TESTIMONIAL TO K. HrXTF.R Superior Business Men Present Him with Silver Service. SUPERIOR. Neb.. Dec. 25. A most pleas ant Impromptu meeting of the Superior ' Commercial club was held at Masonic hall tonight. A. E. Hunter, who has been at the head of the firm of Hunter Brothers, leading general merchandise dealers, for many years and president of the club Flnce ita formation ten years ago, was tho surprised recipient of a costly sliver water aervlce, the gift of the club. The occasion waa the announcement that Mr. Hunter is about to retire from business here; In fact, will leave this week to take charge of a large department store at Council Bluffs, la., the style of which Is the A. E. Hunier Company. The assembly, representing the business men and firms of the city, numbered about 100. The presentation address was made by Mayor C. B. Adams In hla happiest style. Tho response of Mr. Hunter waa markedly feeling and appreciative. The feelings of the assembly were well voiced by highly complimentary remarks by ex-Mayor M. L. Pierce, George Brown and W. H. Dean, of the oldest and most substantial business men. Mr. Hunter's retirement from Superior will leave a vacancy hard to fill. 'ewa of Nebraska.. BEATRICE. A new case of diphtheria, the first in several weeks, waa reported yes terday. The victim is Miss Lottie Harney. BEATRICE. The Salvation Army aent over thirty well-filled baskets to the d aervlng poor of thla city on Christmas day, enough to feed ISO people. HUMBOLDT Th new city hall Is rapidly approaching completion, being now in the hands of the plasterers. It la thought it will be ready for occupancy inside ot thirty iL:M BOLDT Mrs. H. O. Mehlln. wife of a farmer living near this city, waa called to Bern, Kan., yesterday by the death of her father. Mr. O. C. Bl&uer, an aged resident of that place. HUMBOLDT Miss Luella. daughter of Joseph McGinnis and wife, southeast of the city, waa united in marriage to Mr. Charlea Wise of Craig, Mo., and the couple go to housekeeping on a I arm near tne laat named point. BEATRICE. The Union Pactflo steel gang, which has been working between Lincoln and Beatrice for the past few months laying steel rails, reached the city yesterday. The men expect to work on south from this point. HUMBOLDT The merchants of Hum boldt report the best Ctiristmis trade for a number of years, and the testimony points to the fact that citizens of this section were buying more useful and hitch priced goods and less traahy stuff than usual. Ut-ATRICn The committee In charge has arranged to have the Burlington seed corn lectures delivered at the courthouse Thursday evening instead of at the dtot. The change ia made ao that all who wish may hear the lecturts without beiutf ouugeq to crowa into tne eura or depot. DAKOTA CITY.-Dakota City camp No, . M. W. A., of thia place elected the fol. kiwlig officers or tbs ensuing year, wfio JANUARY PUBLISHING COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA will be Installed January 2?. followed by refreshments: V. C, H. P. ('roller: W. A.. Herman Biermann; clerk. Mell A. Schml'd: banker, William Iihrs; escort. W. A. Ni meyer; watchman, William Hlermnnn: sen try, Krlc Ansnes: manager. A K. Walil voglo; physician, Dr. D. C. Ptinson. HEATRK'B. Yesterday District Clerk John R. Quiln received a ruther novel Christmas present In the shape of a barrel of mistletoe from his old friend Hon. Ueorge A. Murphy, a former resident of Gage county, who is now living at Mus kogee, I. T. BEATRICE. Journeymen Barlers' Inter national union of America No. LVJ met last evening and elected these officers: M. O. Scofleld. president; K. W. Hackney, vice president; F. D. Iaymon. corresponding secretary; Charles Avey, treasurer; clem Drew, recorder; Charles Mackey, guide; Charles Barber, guard. BROKEN BOW The Board of County Supervisors is in session this week In order If possible to clean up all old business and prevent it from running over into the new year. Tom Roberts, one of Omaha's well known contractors, Is on a flying trip to the Bow tills week in order to attend the session of the county fathers. BEATRICE. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Uaon last evening occurrd the fifth annual banquet of the K. I. D.'s. A dainty luncheon was served, after which, the guests retired to the parlors, where a glowing Chrtstmns tree held presents for all. The guests prest-nt from out of town were Mrs. I .en Worthington and Miss Ma rian Johnston of Omaha. BEATRICE. A. Parmaiee, who has been traveling through this territory for a l ns time for the I.ee Olass-AndnVsen Hardware company of Omaha, has tendered his resig nation and will soon leave Beatrice for Denver, where he will reside with his fam ily. He will be succeeded by W. M. Van Brunt, employed on the road for years with the Simmons Hardwaie company. BEATRICE. F.tmily reunions were held at the homes of W. A. Foreman and I.ouie Werner on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Foreman were each presented with a fme rocking cl-elr from their children, and Mr. Werner juesented his two daugnters with a fine piano. A splendid dinner was served at each of these homes, and the day will be long and pleasantly remembered by those present. DAKOTA CITY. The coroner'a Jury which held an Inquest over the body of George Southwlnd, a Winnebago Indian, who waa found dead on the hank of th Missouri river at South Sioux City on Christmas day, returned a verdict that death resulted from exposure, the bruises on his body being occasioned by falling down while In an Intoxicated condltli n. The remains were taken to the agency by relatives for burial. PLATTSMOUTH. McConlhie post. No. 5. G. A. R., held a campflie. The Women's Relief Corps were nuests of the post. Com mander F. W. Glenn gave a very Interesting patriotic talk; Miss Barnhart gave "Sheri dan's Ride." and Comrade R. W. Hyers gave an Interesting talk on "Prison Life." A drill of the "awkward squad" was a very pleasing feature of the program. There was a large attendance and the meet ing closed the duties of the officers for this year. BROKEN BOW Probably no town in western Nebraska had a more quiet and pleasant Christmas than Broken Bow. The weather was evervthlng that could e de sired and there was Just enough sting In the air to remind one that it was still winter. Most of the churches had their trees and festivities Saturday night, the Baptist and Methodist churches being con spicuous smong these on account of the enlovable entertainments given. Cm Christ mas eve. proper, at St. John's Episcopal liorrh there was a ble tree and beautiful decorations of holly and evergreen. The The Backbone of a Mighty r l I I service was entirely devoted to the chil dren and each little one present received a nice gift. The annual Cnrlstmas ball of t!i. ushers took place at the opera house Monday night. The affair was a big sue- cess 111 everv way; outside of a splendid local turnout, there were many strangers i present from all over tho state. The ball was under the auspices and management of Messrs. Charles Brlttan. Theodore Pur- I cell. Arthur 1-edwlch. Russell Smith. San- ders Vanlantngham, James Pennington and II. Mnullck. HUMBOLDT The affairs of W. A. Rich- i ard. who departed for parts unkonws a few days since, are developing a more i tangled condition than It was first sus pected, and the chances are favorable for a number of business men to lose quite a little money. No trace of the missing man has been reported, but It Is thought he will be located. His letter Indlmtes that he does not realize the full Importance of the offenses he has committed, several of them, if proven, being sufficient to land 1 him in the penitentiary. 1 HUMBOLDT One of the most Interesting Christmas programs was rendered at the Pleasant View Methodist church, a coun try charge of Rev. Mr. Calvert's, a few miles north of this city. The entire pro gram was from the pen of John Shroyer, a local farmer and writer, and was nicely ' rendered by the young people of the Sun day school. Two trees were provided, one for Individual gifts and one 'or the Mothers' Jewels home of York. The spirit of the crowd was manifested by the fact that the latter tree contained by far the more presents. BEATRICE. The Southeastern Nebraska ' Poultry association opened Its annual show here yesterday at 319 Court with nearly birds on exhibition. Entriek have been made from Morrow, Wathena and Marys vlila, Kas.; Wymote, Blue Springs, He bron, DeWitt and other towns in this sec tion of the state. The shorn- closes next Sat urday, and those in charge say that at least &l birds will be on exhibition when afl tho entries are In. Adam Thompson of Amity, Mo., has been selected as Judge, and pros pects ure for the largest and best poultry show ever held In Gage county. PLATTSMOUTH. A pretty horns wedding was solemnized In the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Fair In this city, when their daughter. Miss Delia, waa united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr. John Swan son of Omaha. There were about forty rel atives present when Rev. D. A. Youtxy. pastor of the Christian church, said the simple yet Impressive words. Mr. and Mrs. Swanson departed on the Burlington for Minneapolis, Minn., but after a short visit will be at home to their friends In Omaha. The groom is a designer for the Reed &. Rattan Manufacturing company. DAKOTA CI rr. James w. Fisher and Mls Martha K. 8unt. both estimable and highly respected young people of this com munity, were united in marriage at noon today at the home of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duenslng. in the presence of shout fifty of the near relatives of the contracting parties. Rev. W. S. Oberholtxer performing the ceremony. The parents of tlie groom, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Fisher, will tender the newly married couple a recep tion at their home tomorrnw, after which they will go to housekeeping on the H. Weslev Brown farm. BEATRICE Fifteen marriage licenses have been granted by Judge Bourne during the past few days, and aa a result the usual number of holiday weddings have been solemnied In this city. Sunday and Chrlstmaa the following-named couplea were united in marriage: Elmer Essex and Miss Anna Blodgett, Holmesvllle: O. J. Grieser of Cortland and Miss Ethel L. Jackson, Beatrice; William Corey and Mrs. Jennie Corey. Beatrice; Richard Scauenne mann of Omaha and Miss Elizabeth Quarp. Beatrice; Isaiah Richards of Salt T.ik City and Miss Ina Drew. Beatrice: William A. Cates and Mrs. Mae Williams, Denver. Nation is good food food for brain, food for brawn, food that Is strengthening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness. As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages of Uneeda Biscuit, which have come to be recog ciird as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And so Uneeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at every meal, giving life, health and strength to the American people, thus in very truth becoming the backoone of the nation. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY WARNER GOES INTO OFFICE New United S'atei Uartbtl Ixecitei Bond and AisuBes the Place. DELAYS APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTIES For Private Reasons He Does Sot Seo Fit to Name Ilia StaS Without Some Dells- oration. Jl A:r- Unlted States Marshal William P. Warner of Dakota City took the oath of office be fore Judge Munger In the United States district court Wednesday morning and at once entered upon his duties. His bond for $35.(100 is executed through th Empire State Surety company of New York. No definite appointments of deputies have yet been made, nor will there be for several days. It la probable some of tho old deputies will be retained, temporarily. Mr. Warner said Wednesday morning: "I cannot say just at this time what will be done In the matter of the deputyahlps. A number of applications la on file. Such appointments will be made solely upon the question of fitness. But Just at this time I do not care to make any announcements of appointments. I can say this much, that none has been made, either temporarily or permanently. Neither can I, at thla time, discuas the reasons for apparent delay In this matter." Certain It Is that none of ths old deputies has been assigned to any duties up to this time, other than as court bailiffs. The deputies themselves are reticent on the matter and It is not known that any of them are applicants for reappointment. Former Marshal Mathewa, with ths as sistance of his son, former Chief Deputy Marshal Earl Mat hems. Is busily engaged In closing up the accounts of the office and turning it over to Marshal Warner. Ex-Marshal Mathews will remain in Omaha for the present, but has not yet de cided as to what his futurs movements will be. He said: "I shall take a rest for a few weeks be fore taking up any other line of work." Wholly without the confirmation or sug gestion of Mr. Warner, a report is current to the effect that at least one of Marshal Mathewa' staff will be retained, namely, his son. Earl Mathews. Oklahoma Bank Robbed. OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl., Dec. t7. Rob bers blew open the safe of the only bank in the town of Moore, a small village seven miles aouineast oi nere, early and escaped with 11,000. Bonrke Cock ran En Route Wrmt. NEJW YORK, Dec. 57. W. Bourke Cock ran, who has been 111 for several days, left for Chicago today, enroute to California. i