1 The Omaha Daily Bee. A Paper for tho Homo THE OMAHA DEE Best A". West Your Money's Worth THE OMAHA DEE Best hn. West OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1W5-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. BOOM IN CALL MONEY Damane far Ready ' aih Wall Street Sends Ra'.e Dp. HIGH MARK REACHED SENATOR'S LETTERS OPENED Complaint at W'aehlnartoa, that Mad from Kenfncky I' Intercepted. Opeeing Quotation it Thirty Par Cent aid Price Steadily Adfaicts. NOON RATE IS FIFTY PER CENT Market Eaaei Slightly at 11 0' Clack, but feeon Baari Again. SECRETARY SHAW VISITS NEW YORK He Deellnee n Dlseiiaa 4h nfmiml lor Funds or to Take Any Anion In the Matter. tXVUTSVILLF.. Ky.. Dec. 27 A special from Frankfort. Ky.. says that Edward C. AT NINETY-FIVE j Leigh, secretary to Governor Berk ham. when shown the Associated Press telegram from Washington lpst night In relation to the complaint from Frankfort that tna.ll had been improperly opened, Mid: "This probably refers to some Utters that have bwn drtpped Inl " postofflce box used by the executive rtment and the secretary of state's off i- .Idressed to Sen ator Blackburn. A pns ? e Inspector came, to my office about u f .ya ago and ex plained that Senator av kburn had made complaint that his rr r had been opened by Borne one In the e :lve ofllce. "I told him that 8 hlng like a year aro. In a batch of n letter for J. C. S. I opened, and when letter wu not fi.r wan forwarded to tl CHECK BUOivS NOT SHOWN Aairew Haailteo Befuiee to Take Young IfoCall Icto His Confidence. NEW YORK LIFE OFFICIAL TESTIFIES there had been a ;burn. which was hi seen that the rnor Beckham It nator with an ex planatory note. A few weeks ago a similar mistake o curred. "Still later a li tter was dropped In the , executive nox wun a i ouner-journui au- . h ' ,, icU ! dress on the outside. This was discovered wnicn was ieni u u .... , . , exchange yesterday, continued strong. At 10:30 the rate wa 30 per cent. At 10:60 the rate was 40 per cent. After call loans were made at 40 per cent the maiket eased and at 11:15 o'clock ! the quotation was at the rate of 30&3a per cent. At 11;90 a. m. call money waa lending at 46 per cent. Before noon the rate for call money had dropped back to 35 per cent, but tt noon It was lending at 50 per cent At 2:30 p. ni. call money was lending at 0 per cent. Just before 3 o'clock the call money rate reached W per cent. Just before the close call money touched 95 per cent. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw was In New Tork today and was at the sub treasury "h-n call money waa quoted at i0 per cent In the market. When the fact of the high money rate was called to his attention he declined to discuss the finan cial situation. before It whs opened ami 1 forwarded It to Washington. I told the Inspector that these letters came by due course of mall and that there was every reason to be lieve that they were Intended for the executive office. The inspector expressed himself as satisfied with the explanation. I suppose the similarity In the appearance of the names J. C. S. Blackburn and J. W. C. Beckham caused the local postal clerks I to drop the senator's mull In our box." Presents Physician's Certificate. Show. Ion Condition of Health of the Political Agent. NBTV TORK, Dec. 27. John C. McCall. secretary of the New York Llfo Insurance company, who a few days ago returned from Europe, where he went to get an ac counting of money advanced to Andrew Hamilton, was the first witness In the In surance Investigation today, when the last week of the committee s work was taken Ufi. Mr. McCall said he saw Hamilton In France and that Mr. Hamilton was se riously ill, though able to walk about. Mr. Mct'all also presented a physician's cer tificate describing Mr. Hamilton's Illness and stating that the patient could not un dertake a voyage or leave France within two months. Mr. McCall sold he asked Hamilton for his check books, but Hamilton refused to give them up, saying that the stubs re lated to his own cersonal business. Mr. THREE HOUSES CLOSE DOORS Tot Banks and One Trust Company uddraly On Ont of neatness. MFTMPHIS. Pec., 27. Three financial in stitutions failed to open their doors for business today. The Merchants' Trust company, with a capital stock of t.v,u, the American Savings Bank and Trust company and the Mechanics' Savings bank, smaller Institutions allied with the first named coneern, have gone Into liquidation. The following notice was posted on the doors of the Merchants' Trust company: "This bank Is closed by order of the board of director", and will go Into liquida tion. FF l,nT. PorE, President." Another notl, . da as follows: "This bmk h. gone Into liquidation. John P. Edmondson hns been appointed receiver." The catise of the suspension of the Mer chants' Trust company Is said to have bcn over-loans on discounts. One of the di rectors said to a representative of the Associated Tress that the three Institutions had ample assets and would pay dollar for dollar. When the officers of the Merchants' Trust ATTORNEYSHIP IS HELD IP Men Who Have the Say All Leaving ! Washington for a Vacation. SENATOR VilLLARJ CuMlS TO NEBRASKA D. Mem Denier. Whose Office at O'Neill Was Ybolished, to Enter Bert Ice of the II. A 31. Land Department. tFrom a Staff Correspondent.) v. WARhl.NG'lUN, Dec. Ui. tMpccial Tele gram.) liie vacancy in the t niicU Mates uiHtnct attorneyship cuuscu by tne removal of tfaxter will not in ail probability be inled lor several week. President Kooscvelt left this morning for his country home in Virginia and wi.l re main tnere during the baiance of this Week. Senator Millard leaves Washington for Ouiuua lumurrow and will not return to Wusmugtun until January S. Senators Aluiard and Burnett had an In- I formal meeting today regarding various NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Thursday and 4 older In West ern Pnrtlnnt Friday-. Fair. Temperatnre nt Omaha Yesterday! Hour. ft n . m . 41 a . m . 7 a . in . M a. ni. A a. m. 141 a. in. It a . tn . 12 m . . . Iea. . . .-in . .14 , . :tft . . a.-. . . :T . . .tit . . 41 i . 41 tlnnr. I P i P. .1 p. 4 p. ft p. O p. T P. H l. V p. Ira. 4: 4-: 4.1 41 41 41 41 .tit :it JOY MORTON SERIOUSLY HURT I'nconafloua for Several llonra as f lleanlt of Fall from Horse. company decided to suspend business Chan- I ,.n,lulates tor district attorney. It Ik saad cellor Helskel was asked to appoint a re celver for the Institution and named John P. Edmondson, a Memphis lawyer. The Merchants' Trust company recently ab sorbed the Memphis National bank and, It Is stated, owns the controlling stock of POINT FOR MRS. LEAFGREEN Man Teatltlea that He mv Her Talk ing; with Iielrde J. Howard Two Years Ajgo. MERGER OF STEEL CONCERNS Plttahnra; Heara Th.'.'. Repnhlle Mteel Company Wl" "everal Other Corporations. PITTSBrRQ. Iec. 27. The Chronicle Telegraph thla afternoon says that a com bination of Iron and steel Interests Is be ing formed and likely will be perfeoted in a short time that will have a capital stock of about 1150.000. 000. The principal concern In the movement Is the Republic Iron and Steel company and the companies said to be Included In the project are the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad com pany, the Sloss-Sheffleld Iron company anu the La Belle Iron works. John W. Gates, C. S. Guthrie and other leading men Ir. the Republic company are said to be the ninotera of the proposed Mg corpora tion. 'U waa learned todyethat John Topping, who ' has-reslgned "the' pfesldeny wf tm American Sheet and Tin Plate com pany and who will sever his connection with the United States Steel company on Tanuarv 1. will be jiindo president of the enmnanv. Mr. Topping left Plttshurg last idght and could not be seen regarding the report that he would be rut In con trol of the company. The details have not been perfected and two plans are tinder consideration. One Is to form a holding company similar to the United States Steel corporation with the Republic. Tennessee, In. Belle and Sloss-Sheffleld as subsidiary companies. Another plun Is to merge all the companies and retain the name of the Republic Iron and Steel com pany. ci PVEI.AND. O.. Dec. '.T. L. C. Hanna, who la a director In the Tennessee Coal A Iron Railroad company, when asked na to the reported merger tonight, stated that that waa the first he had heard of It. "It may be true." he said, "and Is quite isisslble. hut 1 think that as a director of the Tennessee company l should have known of It. should any consolidation been under way. ' He said lie had no knowledge of the proposition to unite the various lnde pendent steel operators in any way. FROWNS ON BIDS AND OFFERS Chicago Board of Trade Stop Thla Farm of (iprcnlntlon Within F.X rhange Itolldlna. McCall did, however, get a statement from Hamilton regarding the expenditures of the American Savings Bank and Trust coni funds entrusted to hlin by insurance com- pany. The latter Institution has practically absorbed the Mechanics' Savings hank. The suspension of the three institutions caused little excitement In financial circles. It was later learned that the American Savings Bank and Trust company had actually absorbed the Mechanics Savings bank Severn 1 days ago. It was stated today that the suspension of this institution is only temporary nnd that its affairs are In good shape, officers say that the suspension) was decided upon because they feared a Bun when the doors were opened this morning, the public gen erally being aware of the bank's relation to the Merchants' Trust company. At the latter Institution It was said that a thorough investigation would be made und hope is expressed titat the bank would again open Its doors for business In a short time. A condensed statement of the condition of the Merchants Trust company at the close of business December IK was given out as follows: Total assets, $3.rtfiii,()5; In debtedness of every character to deposi tors, I2,13:.319; all other obllKutloiis, exclu sive of capital stock, f$89.0rR; cash actually on hand. 130.000. panics. The statement then was produced and put In evidence. Itenaona for Secrecy. Mr. Hamilton in his statement tella why he cannot produce vouchers or concelled checks to show to whom and In what amounts he had paid out money. The statement Is to the effect that In conse quence of the accepted understanding of the companies Interested with the New York Life in watching legislation, "no demand waa made by me for vouchera from other people, nor were there any books or accounts kept by me covering same." It continues: Nor are there any of my checks to pro- 8T. IOT'IS, Mo., Dec. 27. In todny's pro ceedings In the probate court In the case of Mrs. Mary Ieaf green, who Is suing for one-half of the $.Tue.ur estate left by La clede J. Howard on the contention that duce. Pavment bv mv check would have nec she was his wife, William D. Brandon took essarlly desclosed the fact that the person the stand and testified that he saw Mrs. j receiving the check was under retainer by leafgreen and Iaclede J. Howard con- ' mc, and would thus have necessarily ham versing together In a prominent dry goods perrd that portion of my work that was store in 1!03. He testified that both seemed most efficacious, namely, absolute secrecy, excited and the woman had apparently Cash, draft and certificates were generally been crying When shown a photograph ! preferred. I cannot produce my check of Ijaclede J. Howard he Identified it as a j books or cancelled checks which relate to picture of the man he saw talking to Mis. j affairs other than those of the New York Leafgreen that day. Lite Insurance company. I cannot produce Tho affidavit or Thomas Jefferson Miller, ! any hooks of these particular accounts mayor of Tumwater, Wash., who avers ; because none were ever kept by me. that he married Mrs. Mary Ieafgreen In Decatur, 111., In 1S83, under the name of Henry Howard was read In court. In the affidavit, Miller statea that under the name of Henry 'Howard he met Mary Moore, now Mm. Iafgrecn, and they were married at Decatur, 111., In VMS. Later they separ ated, largely because lie was afraid of Mr. Lockwood, his wife's stepfather. The af fidavit further set forth that in 1890 he Demand ot Fair and Honest. Even if I did possess them. It does not they number twelve, but no conclusion was readied as to whom they will unite upon to recommend. As stated, the matter of the selection of Baxter's successor will not be announced until some time at lei the reassembling of congress. Probably during Senator Millard's visit to Omaha he may secure some new light upon whom It would be advisable to recommend. Canal May He lluilt by Contract. Senator Millard of Nebraska, chairman ot tho senate committee on Inttroceanic ca- I nals. today Bald that In his opinion the j Pa i ama canal eventually will bo built by contract. "My committee now Is divided on this point, but I teel certain it will. In the end, adopt this plan of construction." As a further indication that congress is preparing to take hold of the canal work over the heads of the Isthmian Canal com mission, tho older statesmen of the senate hiivo decreed that tho lnteroreanio canal committee work shall be divided. Such legislative measures or reports as refer to foreign relations shall go to the foreign relations committee; to appropriations, to the appropriations committee, and to finance, to the finance committee. It is ex pected that the president will leave It to congress to decide the type of canal to bo built. If Senator Millard's suggestion that the canil be built by contract is adopted, tho Isthmian Canal commission will be little NEBRASKA 4'ITY. Neb.. 1 ee. IT.-fFpe-clal Telegram.)-Joy M.irton of Chicago received what was thought for a time were fatal Injuries today. At a late hour tonight, however, the attending physi cians Announce he will recover. Mr Morton and his family have been spending the Christmas holidays at the old Morton home In this city, nnd yester day Mr. Morton was out riding one of his Jumpers, of which he keeps severnl In the stable here. Jn attempting to tak- a fence the horse stumbled and Mr. Mor ton was thrown violently to the frozen ground, landing on his head. He wns carried to the house In an unconscious condition, remaining so for a number of hours. In addition to local surgeons. Dr. J. F. Summers of Omaha was summoned and In company with local physicians is spend ing the night at the bedside. At a lat. hour they reported that, while the Injury wns nost serious, the chances were the patient would recover. He Is suffering from concussion of the brain, and at best It will be considerable time before he entirely recovers. Mr. Morton is fond of riding and keeps In the stable here a number of hunters which are trained by a professional cross country rider and It was one of these horses which he wns riding when the ac cident happened. MOSCOW IS CUT OFF No Newi frcm Old E tissue Capita! fat Stveral Henrs. GUARDS SENT FROM ST. PETERSBURG Diipatcb of Crack Regiment it Considered Ra'.her Omiaoua. PLAN FOR UPRISING IN POLAND Socialists Will Vake Another Attempt to Throw Off Yoke of dir., ' i.nt-A t tin a lu-turil of ont 1 lliH t fJI With & Major O. W. MarCrae, president of the .,, ,,...,r , BM. that the work Memphis Savings bank, said: done on the canal 's up to contract. There takin. on o' " "1? . ""i ! alao a disposition on the part of some, in i ,B lt.... .w ""''!.!,..", t,. ,mn.nv. ...V,i. the evont this la done, to abolish the corn- appear to me that the demand for them .ng out and to adv ' ." 7"" ,vi ntirf.u. aru, ,r .he work over clmslng other properties engineers. C. W. Schulte, president of the Memphis was distinct and thorough. If it had not Clearing House association, man.; the fol- Weaver ooea tv iianroao. been so I would have declined the task. lowing statement In behalf of the associa- Information was received at the general Mr. Hamilton In openlntf his statement tlon: . "'"oc today that D. Clem Deaver. re- expresses regret that he cannot return to' Fifteen days ago the Merchants Trust ee'ver 01 P"D" moneys at u .-sciu. tn PRESIDENT GOES TO VIRGINIA Chief Fxecntlve Will Spend Vacation of Five Days nt Pine K nob. would be a fair and honest one. Tho under standing that I had undertaken this work. the United States at present because of his married Mattle K. Stewart, believing that neaith, his first marriage waa not binding as he , A. tlm. ot nlB employment In charge hud not been married under his right name. I of ,1,- bureau of taxation and legislation Tl, committee wont ovtr tl ussts of the land office, it will be recalled, waa recently - . - ... . . .. . . . "M "Merc han tn 1'niat rnmru..iv.- tar-rullit - . . . . . . . - . . . ...... . company applied for help to the Memphis land office, has accepted a lucrative po Clearlng House association. in,.n in the bind denurtment of the Bur- Ihe clearing house association appointed ,. ,, . ,. ... a committee to investigate ..he maue,? "nRton Railroad company. Hie O Ncill Learning from Attorney Johnson that l,l.juf lbe M :Xct ut the-ilt. .tt first wTTft was living and his second mar riage illegal, he separated from his second wife und Instituted a suit for divorce from the first, intending to marry" the second as soon us tho divorce waa secured. companies feared that unless concerted action was taken they might bo practically legislated and taxed out of existence. "The usual practice of depending alone upon counsel to attend and present argu mentw was determined to be Insufficient," says Mr. Hamilton. "The very fact tha the great life Insurance interests of New York favored or opposed pending legisla ting city, which for the last mouUi hud Uve propositions, would Itself often con- ' anticipated Home such movement, it was centrste the opposition against their views; . deemed wisest to allow the concern to so likewise did the knowledge that we presVnUUvea of the large banks of were represented at the capitals of various New York, Chicago and St. Lyniis are states lead to demands that political fa- In the city Willi great qtiantiti-s of mom y ill iurineianee 01 tne leuimaic uusincss vorites should be employed In the role of FATAL FIGHT OVER WOMAN Charles II. Smith of New York Shut Five Times by F. C. Cooper In Hotel at Imnvllle, 111. DANVILLE. III.. Dec. :7.-Churles H. Smith of New York City, a member of Urn "Two Johns" theatrical comiiany. was . shot and fatally wounded this aftejnoj.i 1 by r . C. Cooper of New York, a member I , ,..,,i.i.... .ri, -.,.1 ,.,1, perienced bankers and members ot the v. lni..:u 1.1iti- ....mnun.. a I'"" ... m Xfnmnhis I ' I ph H n ir House iLHMoeijt t ion li.iv-. v t.i,n.,.i a . ... ........ ....HUtii(.7 1,. lm. puliation weii in naiiu. .mj muiikci is but one conclusion. We fell that if a apprehend, d und the commercial nr.crcsta secret service was a permissible govern-'0' city are competent to meet any , , , , , , situation that is liable to arise, mental agency, a confidential service would I be the only effective and at the same time j NEW YORK. Dec. 1'7.-The American nrr.ner nlan to ruard the welfare of the savings "no jri.Mi.onii.aii 01 .Mem- most extensive commercial Interests in tlon advanced throng!, the Merchants or fteulMa na" Deen sciuea up aimosi Trust company the sum of JltW.Oun. completely and tnerefore the necessity for Subsequent Investigation revealed the lho maintenance of the land office no longer fact that while it was the opinion of the . ,, . . , , memliers of the clearing house nssocia- exists. Receiver Deuver and Register John tlon that the depositors of tho concern Weeks leave the service with high records are safe, yet It would take an exiraor.il- f r efflc,ncy and the officials of the gen- liaiily largo sum to iiy all Inmied atu de- , , , . ,. . ,, ,. mands. ral land office express regret thut their In the interests of the city and the de- 1 services are to be lost to the sovcnimciit. posiiots and or the various institutions ot WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. The president will pass his vacation at Pine Knob, the pretty residence in Virginia acquired about a year ago by Mr. Roosevelt. Accompanied by Mrs. Roosevelt, their children. Miss Ethel. Archie and Kermit. the president left Washington at 11:30 to day for a five days' outing. The president was uccompanied on the trip by M. C. Ijittn, his private stenographer, and James Sloane, the president's secret service guard. President Roosevelt said he was going to Pine Knob to enjoy a genuine lest. He added that, while he and Mrs. Roosevelt would ride horaehark, he did not expect to do any hunting. Archie took with him the small bear dog. "Skip." which the presi dent brought to lilm from Colorado last spring, and he will be used, in huntityj -NORTH '5ARDlJN, Va.. Dee. iffPrasN dent Roosevelt and party arrived here shortly before 3 o'clock this afternoon on time. The party took carriages Immediately for Pine Knob. Mrs. Roosevelt's country place. I SITUATION WORST IN BALTIC PROVINCES Inanrarnts Srrm to Itmf F.ntlr Coa trol nnd It Will lie ereaearr lo Reconquer the Ter ritory. ST PETERSBURG. Dec. ?7.-ll:.1p. m. There is no further news from Moscow to night. The Associated Press correspondent there succeeded in getting the St. Peters burg bureau by telephone this evening, but he had only uttered the words "I nm going to tell you a horrible story" when he waa rut off. Since then nothing has been heard from the correspondent. The Semlnovsky regiment of guards waa dispatched to .Moscow by train tonight. This Is considered rather ominous. Revolt 1'lnnned In Poland. According to Information received by the revolutionary leaders here, an armed re bellion on a large scale has been planned In Poland. The socialist revolutionaries, encouraged by the success of the Insurg ents In the Baltic provinces and of the situation at Moscow and In Russia gen erally, have decided that tho moment has come to try tu cast off tho yoko of the autocracy. The tactics to be followed are the same na those adopted at Moscow, the rising to be preceded by a general strike, which al ready has practically come into operation, bringing about half the railroads In Poland to a standstill. An open rebellion in Poland would Im mensely complicate the situation for the government, for if it should gain sufficient headway to warrant reasonable hope of success it wottid probably draw in tho eiill.e population und the government would have to reconquer the country. Meyer Makes Representations. The Associated Press learns that Mr. Meyer, the American amlxissador, made representations lo the Russian government regarding the danger to and the necessity of the protection of the property and em ployes of the New York Air Brake com pany at I.ubertzl, an industrial town near Moscow, and that he was promised mat. t the protection desired would bu given Im mediately In case of emergency, lids per- . , hays accounts fur Uic prompt .action, 4 Dewst-ar- - TXobe.4tftSv .garttrjrtnv entrl af 7J interests of the city Krsg Family Reunion. George Krug of Omaha has been spending Christmas in Washington. There lias been u reunion of the Krug family here at the residence of Mr. Krug s daughter. Mrs. O. P. M. Brown. Oscar Krug of Omaha and ldmu!id Krug of St. Louis were ut the counsel, which, If acceded to, placed our u is deemed advisable that no undue ' family gathering. Mr. George Krug and affairs tit the mercy of those who did not ' excitement be indulged In. Old and ex- possess our oonfldenoe. shooting occurred in Smith's room in the I Saratoga hotel and resulted from a quar- j rel between the two men over Mrs, Cooper. 1 Cooper was accompanied to the hotel I by Harry B. Walters of Minneapolis an I I James Young of Cldcugo. He entered Smlth'3 room, locked the door and fired five shots. Three bullets took effect iu Smith's head and buck. The three men then ui'.empted to escape from the hotel, his sons, Oscar arid Edmund, leave tomor row night for home. Postal Matters. COFFIN COURT-MARTIAL TODAY Trial of Nevada Midshipman 4 barged with llaslnw Will Begin at Ten O'clock. Moscow, . In dlsputi'ding .a squadron of, . dragoons to Luhcrtxl yesterday. . It also Is learned that there waa fear that the insurgents would attempt to seize the works of the company, which contain a large stock of explosives, the company having been engaged In tho manufacture of shrapnel for the Russian government dur ing tho war. Interior Minister Durnovo hns issued an order directing the removal of all of llcials of tho Ministry of tho Interior who are actively participating in the Bodallst I campaign. Among others are four editors ANNAPOLIS. Md., Dec. 21. Lieutenant j 0f the official Russian agency. Tho Hoursa Commander William K. Harrison, judge i (;:,z,u announces that Prince Peter A. advocate of the court-martial that will i Kronotkln. the famous revolutionist leader. convene at tho Naval academy tomorrow morning for the trial of Midshipman Cof lln of Carson City, Nev., on the charge Nub. the file the life Insurance companies of 1 the state of New York. This confidential I secret service was decided upon as the , only feasible plan of protection. I ex- ' t.i tk nresldent rtf tliA Vu.r V. I. but were prevented by Rl.i.ard Roberts, j lnPuranee company, as did the other the clerk, who covered them with his . ...... ... ,eiiiiciiii-ii i.v " . 1 aanuMiuru Willi Ie revolver and held tlicni until the police j were called. j In this work, to the officers of their re ! spe?tive compunies, that Itemized accounts 1 . v iiumAu eir nmminu t.v w..nur-i .. ...... 1. burg and found his wife In the company ,,,;,' . BP.lh.;.M ,,, . k.. I'1 .lomumlail if n.o ttora tit t .a tiaM .1 which Smith assaulted Cooper with his K. -, ,, ... , ' - :. .... i "" ''"'P"'' went out and. It is said, .. .,1.,.. was amnle ' ............. v- Tii.. ns,u ..r tki .1 . ...... ...... 1. . ... tmi .iru, ... . ... ... ........ mid miei uim i onus iiiai ne wanted Cooper arrived unexpectedly from Pltts- o: Smith. An exciting scene followed. master at ArborvlJIe. York county vice K. J. Tew ell, resigned. Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes: phis, Tenn., according to a recent state- Amelia, rouie i, nana iciiy camci, metit. owed depositors $25,Ot. Mra. Marie i'l iiy substitute; route 1, X. A. Miirnic carrier. Walter Pomeroy subsli ri!!.rtAnn Pure I in nW RrWINR tute. Center Junction, route 1, (ieorge D. John S. Fleming has been appointed post- j of hazing Midshipman Jerdon P. Klm- brougli of Germantown. Tenn.. today served the charge upon the accused mid shipman. TIim court will convene ut W o'clock in the morning and it is thought thut the trial of Coffin will take about two days. It bus become known thut Midahiptuun Kim brough has testified before the board of Chief of Police Announces thai More Bouts Will he Permitted. I .McDonald carrier, Wulter McDonald sub So stitule. Lisbon, route 3, Rodney Reid car- I officers which Is Investigating existing con rier. John Mohn substitute. Murcus, route dltions as to hazing nt tno academy sine t oilay frowned upon the nadlng In " bids them to help him out of some, trouble, und "offers ' which have been adopted as police JudRe Phillips held the men under sulistiii.tes for "puts" and "ealK" since , Vi.tfH' bonds, those plivtleges were abolished. The trading in "bids" nnd "offers" has' PRESIDENT ON A DONATION Lou cnml'icteil 111 the smoking mom of the Board of Trade building nrter tne j tutr Not llealre a Popular Wedding; Clarence Benedict carrier, Henry Wolf substitute. Mcehunlcsville, route 3. Douglas . McKibben carrier, Peter O'Malley subsli- CH1CAGO, Dec. 7. All amateur boxing : tute. Mcriden, route 2, James Christy car mutches, spurring contests, pugilistic tour-f rier, Andrew Nelson substitute. Montlcello. naments and every variety of listic art id ' mote 4. Charles Cramer currier. Michuol to be prohibited in Chicago after tonight, j Hogan substitute. Olin. route 3. Ward j Klisha S. Thrull of Washington as civilian This will apply to the Chicago Athletic as- ! Kent carrier, George Wolf substitute, counsel, sociatlon. where weekly Wixing enteitain- ' onslow, routo 2, Charles llutton carrier. ments have been given; the New Illinois ' Henry Taul substitute. Tipton, route 5. ' GIRL TAKEN FROM ESCORT the hazing became known, but his testi mony baa not been disclosed. It Is under stood that no midshipmen other thun Coffin were Implicated in the hazing of Klni-brough. Midshipman Coffin bus engaged Attorney Is on his way to St. Petersburg, being free under the amnesty decree to Iclurn to Russia. F.tpect lo Crush Revolt. All inspired .siutemciit In the Slovo today says the government expects the revolt at Moscow 10 be completely crushed within four days. The duration of the rising Is explained by the small number of troops available Many or the soldiers nccebsurily were employed In guarding the government buildings, leaving a comparatively small number nvuilahle to cope with the Insur gents over the wide area of the disturb ances. Fresh troops have now arrived and the end Is said to be near. The Slovo says; "The grenadiers have wiped out the stain on their honor with blood, fighting in tho front ranks nt their own request." From an Independent source the Slovo de clares It bus learned that the bloodshed at Moscow tnis been frightful and that the casualties will reach l."1o't and that about lmi Rid Cross workers have been dls- Soroe Hostile Measures. .vir. nainmun gies a long summary of athletic, club, where monthly amateur tour- 1 John Tuttle collier, Samuel Tuttle substl-j 'patched from St. Petersburg to Moscow to the various styles of bills hostile to in- j nametits have been held, and all other or- j tute; route 6, Ernest Gay carrier, Forrtst 1 Mtaa Resale Velaler of Fvatua, Mo.. I Bj, j caring for the wounded. The paper t.irt Collected for Hung liter. Ilia WASHINGTON. Doc. A press dis close of the regular market. Today when a crowd of regular brokers nilempted to 1 titer the room they found their way lwii'rrd by a number of ushers, who in formed them that the real estate com mittee of the hoard had decided today ' patch from Baker City, Ore, published yes that there would be no more trailing In tcrduy, announced that a lo-cent sibscrip "hlda" and "offers" In the Board if Trade tion was to be started in Oregon and fx- l.inUln- iamlv adioumed to the rear of the raising a sum which probably would aggre building, where the trade was commenced H't ") to be presented to Miss Alice in and around tho rear door on the first Roosevelt on the occasion of lier marriage floor The ushers again compelled them to Representative Nicholas Ixmgworth. tn move and finally the dealers n "bids" The president disapproves of the pronosi- and "offers" hastened across the stre-t tion. ns is indicated by the following and renf d a vacant r. 1 on UiSille statement issued from the White House to- strert, within a few minutes walk of the day: n.,..t of Trade building, where they re- TJ'". president aiieuiion n:i ng neen surancr. companies, many of them taxa tion measures. "Bills to compel the com panies' reports to be repeatedly and un necessarily published In newspapers are ad vocated." says Mr. Hamilton, "to gain favor with the press by Increasing their revenues. Outrageous propositions, such a ganizutions in the city, whether laige or Gay substitute. Wilton Junction, route a, I small. Albert Kellcy carrier, Arthur Feltman sub- The conditions surrounding the amateur mltute. tournament of the Illinois club for the put j Shoshone National bank of Cody, two nights have caused the ne"- order, 1 W'yo.. ha beeu authorized lo begin busl whlch Chief of Police Collins declared to- ' r.ess with a capital of J-j.imti. night wuf final, and meant tho end of ull It) per cent tax proposed In Arkansas, or ! boxing exhibitions in Chicago, and thexoiT LINCOLN MAS F4)lt ATTOHNF.Y absurd propositions like the Michigan bill. where a doctor's certificate of 111 health would excuse the payment of the insur ance premium and keep a policy in force A large crowd of brokers lin- tend over the country for the purpose of j or the Virginia bill, making it actionable for a lite insurance agent to enter the ofllce of a man where the sign iio agents ullnwed' is displayed, find legislative fuvor. However ridiculous these bills may seem they demand attention. In Indiana the at tempt was made to pass a law placing the final contests in the present tournament of I the Illinois club scheduled to be decided to- j Belief In morrow night cannot take place. Inability to regulate the contests without discrimination and Impartiality and the fact that various organizations attempted to That City Place Will Ue Tendered Thomas C. Monger. LINCOLN. Neb.. Dec. 27. (Special Tele gram.) It Is believed in IJncoln that the of fice of United States district attorney will Captured by armed Men and m aaoltrd Poor Arreala In Caae. FKSTl'S. Mo., Dec. 27. The also sns it ha lenrned that the arms or the revolutionists mostly came from rjer- I many and Hclgmm. wneive iney were i shipped to England, tranrhlpiied nnd sinug coinmuhliy . . ,,., t,:. ilivnimh Finland and tha Is greatly excited here over the fact that j ,,. ,,rilviriPf.. i Consuls Ilrfnae lo tel. Com inning, the Slovo remuik.v "When our plcnlpoteiiiiiM y sought to prevent the sailing of those vessels through the ronauls Miss Bessie Nelsler, 18 years of age, was taken from her escort, Mervin George, nt 1 lbe point of a revolver by four men last Saturday night as tho couple was return ing from u Christinas eve entertainment, forced to go Into the woods, where she was assaulted and then allowed to go home, urrllug ultrost unconscious. Churls take undue advantage of the prvih s given be offered to Thomas C. Munger. Mr. Mun- I Kellcy, Harry Bozarth. Paul Bladder and them Is responsible for the ban being placed ger has gone east, and It is reported that on the pugilists. Professional pugilists ; he may soon arrive In Washington. It Is have lieen called "amateur boxing 111 list ." ' understood that he prefers to be a candidate to evade interference, and "wardrobe ' for the federal Judgeship for this district of upon tne list or personal property which was taxable to the owner. Comouniea nulled to the dlanHttli from Baker Cltv. . ..1.1.1. 1 .,,,,1. ..1. ...... . M.ined trading Ore., to the effect that a subscription was I ' ,0 policy. president Jackson of the Board 01 Trade about to l- started for a wedding present i holders supportea It as an attack upon .aid: "We simply deemed it advisable to uiJT.lL-ATit KV.Jt ",l ! lheir riVal" Wh """ advantage. .iLomtinue the trading In this building a ,.f 000.1 u .11 he ho s d noi bin. t the J ,ie However, waa defeated. ...oil ....tlon bus been taken by the courts kml would be undertaken. In fact, lie surrender value of a life Insurance policy ' charges" and a dozen other subterfuges , Nebraska when the division ehall be made. have been used by many of the athletic j a friends do not consider his acceptance clubs to get around the order prohibiting an of the district attorneyship, should it bo admission fee. I offered, us unlikely, but they believe he i would accept only on the theory that the HARMON MAKES APPOINTMENTS I appointment would not stand in the way of Im mediately the state assessors proceeded to .lefinlna 'bids' and offers' The action "' ,,;:Z:. ' r ruiic,-..oiue,. yrovuunuug that the .... , riiuiiiii ..... ... taken this afternoon does not nean that the board has definitely decided to abandon I the- trailing " STATE OF WAR IN TENNESSEE Hundred I'arliaa in of Nlehnla ami lirrea r I ntler Irmi in I rlnlty uf Hertha. BRISTOU Va.. Dec. 27. New reached Bristol today of a double tragedy en acted Christmas evening at Bertha. Tenn.. near the Virginia -Tennessee line, resulting In the instant iVath of Roseoe Nichols and the fatal wounding of Silas Green, which has given rise to, a condition In that section bordering on a - state of war A dispatch tonight says ihat there are V arm.-d men In the niountains near the scene of the tragedy, following leaders from among the friends of the dead and wounded man and that a Moody confilot seems cer tain, Wa laihartnc arnia tmi aminmiJUoa. HAZF.I.TON. Pi., Dec. '7. Tlv members' of local union No. S. United Mine Work era of America, have decided to present to Miss Alice Roosevelt as a wedding glti m carload of the beat coal that can be found In the anthracite rrglon in ap preciation of her father's services in end ing the great strike of IstoJ. GEOLOGISTS IN CONFERENCE Two loma Men F.leeted to Member ship In American Society. Now In leeatoa la Ottawa. OTTAWA, Ontario. Dee 27. At the meet ing of the American Society oi Geologists the following fellows were elected: Sydney Unhurt Bail of Washington, John Mason Bout well of Washington. Amos peaslee Brown of Philadelphia, Frederick O. liapp of Washington, Edwin Clarence Eckel 01 Washington. Edward Martin Kindle of Washington. John h.nr Irving of South Bethlehem, Pa , Ellas Howard . . .1 ... . , . . 1 . . ...... . . n i .1 During tha day both factions haa . w,Ider of Io,a 0ly, 1. . 1,- Abraham 1 wmiania oX Aaisa 1S existing law was broad enough In its terms to cover this: If mis was true of Indiana it was probably true of many other states in the union. The New York Ijfe Insurance company through my department retained eminent and influential counsel and succeeded by a divided court In defeating the project. Following this idea developed in Indiana, several states, notably Arkansu, intro duced similar measures, all of which were defeated. ReprcaeatatlTes In Every Stat. "At the capital of every state we have either retainea representatives for tie companies, or are in co-operation with some one who bus retained representatives duly Influential. It has been found ad visable as the result of experience, to avoid as far as possible any exact publio Information as to who represents us. The known presence of a corporation repi sented at legislative hails Is the signal for renewed vigor in the attacks ot black- Co&Uau4 ob gcooad Fejte. William Muson have been arresiid on warrants. BozHrth is a nephew of Miss 1 Nelsler's uncle, with whom she has been visiting for three months. Receiver for C. II. Jt D. and Pere Mar. quette Roads Announeea .New Administrative Staff. CINCINNATI. O.. Dec. 27 -Receiver Jud son Harmon of the Cmrinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Railway company and the Pere Marquette Railway company gave out nil order today In which he notifies officers of the Erie comtiany that their connec tion with the Cincinnati, Hamilton Ik Day ton company and the Pere Marquette com pany is discontinued. He also announced the following appointment, effective, on and after January 1. Hm. for the Cincinnati, Hamilton A Dayton company: C. L. Thomas, general traffic, manager, In charge of the freight and passenger traffic; J. L. Cramer, comptroller In charge of the accounting and treasury depart ments. For the Pere Marquette company: A. Patrtarche. general traffic manager in rharge of freight and passenger traffic; J. L. Cramer, comptroller In charge of the accounting und treasury departments. All other officers and agents of both fozspaoisa nill continue aa saretotora, future federal preferment. VAN DIVER SCORES A POINT New York Supreme Court t.ranla Man damus tirdrrluar Met all to Pro duce List of Pollryholdera. YERKES IS CRITICALLY ILL Traction Magnate .Can Live but Few Honra I uleaa There la a De. elded 4 hanse for Better. NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Charles T. Yerkes of Chicago l. critical' 111 nt the Waldorf Astoria hotel, being kept constantly under the Influence of opiates. Dr. Ixiomis, who has attended Mr. York.'-s since Ids illness legan nearly six weeks ikii, stated this afternoon that unless there should come u siifliit.n chancre for the belter Mr Y..i-U.- JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Dec. 27.-Super- ! . n. .. ,,. .-.,....,. ,,,.. intendent of State Insurance W. D. Van , longer. Tonight ut 11 o'clock It was said Diver tonight received a telegram from . ., th ha(, , ..h.,a.. New Tork Informing him that the supreme Mr Yerkes' wife, son and daughter are 1 prfl1 ""n!' the latter refused to act, as all the vessels Tew foreign flags " The Information of other papers Is that while admitting that the revolutionists are showing signs of exhaustion they do not regard the Issue as decided. The Molva (Rush), which reapts-ared today, fans tho flames by holding out encouragement of the success of the revolt. Tho paper de clares that the urea of milting is increas ing instead of dlniinli hlng. and asserts that the insurgents ale holding six miles of barricades. "Even If the rcvoli falls now," the Molva says. "II will l n commenced In Januarv or February." This also Is the view of the revolutionary lenders here who. however, have not yet given up hope of suecfss. In anv case they assert they can iu the nuantlme k""p the governinetit engaged 111 suppressing con tinual uprislnu's from place to place, be lieving that each city and town Humid have its baptism of blond ns H preparation for thf final upheaval. In spite of I he bad prospects here tha leaders of the revolutionists arc continuing their desperate efforts to brlns on a gen- court had granted the mandamus asked for to compel President John A. McCall of the New York Life Insurance company to fur nish a list of the policyholders. The telegram reads: New York supreme court grants manda mus againat New York Life for list of policyholders. C. H. VENNER Mr. Van Diver received a day or two ago the company's answer to his demand upon President McCall to furnish a list of Mis- J ut hla bedside. FlahlluK at Kharkov. At KhurkohlT yesteiday the Hag of armed Motrmenta of IVrean Vessels Dec. UT. 'revolt was lulsed. hut acorillug to reports At New York 'dulled: Oceanic for Liv- the troops which had In n largely reinforced erpool: Cevle for Liverpool , awu ,tlP outbreak mercilessly. The At Glasgow Arrived: Boston. At Li verpool Arrived: Mongolian from memliers of the so-called provisional gov- sourl policyholders for the Insurance de. . ii .vr.. Arrived Portland: Michigan, from Boston; Montfurt. from St. John N. B. Sailed: Cedrlc, f ,r New York. At Ant wrrp Arrived' Naderland. from. Cornlshman. from eminent, composed of twenty-two delegate. partment and the tn. lsiuis committee or wanfax. policyholders, it which It was stated that At Roulcg'ie.- there was no law which authorised them , ' ;," . -Sallf d: Samaritan, fnm, I'eiiiis Ivautu, for which bad been sitting there, were cap tured early in the d.i and Liter when the red tl 'g was raised and harrb ades wero ereetfd .Hound Hi Ibitri.ii ethnic nii, wl.l-a ..lined r v obit i.n.b :.- v 1 r holding, 1 anion weie bloliir' oi and the icvulution ists were glvtn ten minutes in which tu there was no law which authorised them 'V' ,,,, ia. , , I w,"r) " "'" minutes m wnicq iu It-- furoiaU eucn a Uur bJjn to demand it. j vtBialxt VcVa. , ifurrander. Tiiey tbn atul out a eialaaarj.