Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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OfflM, 10 PmH
Pa vis sells drugs.
Htockert sells carpet--plumbing
and heating;. Blxby & Son.
Dr. Lueilg, Dean, Brown Bldg. Tel.
Prs. Woodbury dentists, 80 Pearl street.
Woodrlng-Rchmldt, nndertakers. Tel. 33t.
Leffert'g Improved boric lenses give satis,
Pictures for Christmas gifts. Alexanders
Art Store, i"4 B'way.
Miss IJly Petersen lf t yesterday on a
visit to friends at Ios Angelas. Cal.
Results Our Specialty Eclipse Collection
agency, oflloes lu3 Pearl 6(. Phone 1474.
Big mid-winter tern: Western Iowa
college opens Tuesday, January 2. 19".
Empire renaissance gold moulding, pic
tures and frames. Borwlck, 211 S. Main.
Tel. 683.
Mrs. A. J. Frv of Grand Island, Neb., Is
the guest of her son, J. E. Wright, 102
Fourth avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloya it. Pklnner of Chi
cago are visiting their sons, Claude and
Paul Skinner, of this city.
Gel your upholstering, feathers, mut
tresses and repairing done at Morgan A
Kline s. 19 South Main street. '
IKoy f: Durham ami Mary C. Newburri.
both of Isliirrilii, Neb., were married In this
city yesterday by Justice ieia.
The children of the. ttunday school of St.
John's English Lutheran church will have,
their Christmas exercises this evening.
fount v S'iperlntendVnt O. J. McManus left
last evanuig for lies Moines to attend the
annual meeting Of .tho Iowa tttate Teachers'
assoclatloir. . v
Howard FV Culver, formerly a member
uf the firm 'or Culver Woodbury of this
ilty, now' living In ! Moines, Is visit
ing friends here.
A number of newsbovs enjoyed a Christ
inas dinner Mondhy afternoon at the Man
hattan c;)fe. jullus Newman acted hs
nnster Of ceremonies.
Mrs. M. J. Marble whs called Christinas
evening to Kourney, Neb., by a telegram
nn.ioimciiu? the serious illness of her
mother, Mrs,', Wurrender. '
Will Emerson, clerk In the city ticket
..fflce of the Great Western In this city, hH8
resigned to take a position In the tlck t t tip- t nion depot. Omaha.
Belle Means and Eva Brown were fined $1
and costs each yesterday In Justice Field s
court for assault and battery on Mrs.
Hl&r kbura. The three woman are colored.
Mrs, B. B. Terwllllger, while leaving the
resldenco pf Mr. and Mrs. John Davis
Christmas night slipped' on the etepH and
fell, sustaining a painful fracture of the
right shoulder..
An old case against F.. R. Stewart,
charged witli obtaining t' from Thomas
H. Hopkins, nn Illinois Central brakeman,
on alleged fraudulent railway stock
ileal, has .been dismissed. Two successive
grand Juries, it is understood, Ignored the
charge. ...''
Thomas MoCarty. -146 Fifteenth avenue,
and Andy Walker. 1415 Avenue 14, were re
ported to the board of Health yesterday
.is suffering from diphtheria. Vera, the,
langhter nt-State Henator C. O. Saunders,
Oaklnnd avenue, waa reported as sulV.-r-ing
from scarlet fever.
T. B. Fltxwater, alias Bert Reed, was sen
tenced In police eotirt yesterday morning to
serve an old suspended, sentence of twenty
live dava on bread and water, and In addi
tion a line of 16 waa Imposed. Reed became
Involved In 'a row at the dance given Christ
i nn a night at the armory and was arreateu.
11. V. Battey. clerk of the district court,
leoeiwd Hw procedendo from tho supreme
court coftMnilng the verdict uf the dis
trict court in the case of W. C. Rogers.
m.,i.iiiuMi iii iwentv vears in the Fort
Madison 'penitentiary for the killing of
lien Forney. Hie Broadway saloon keeper,
l' Hcrvlees over the late Frank J
stiinlei- will be held this afternoon at 3
.. clock nt the fanillv residence. 32S AN il
street. They will be conducted by
V. A Case, paator of the First fctap-
i'ki icnmvJi, Following tne. services xne
... y win Ih? taken to waupuu, vt is., lor
lr. lui. . .
II, 1. Kerr,' the street peddler who was
.ii rested' about a week ago by Chief Rleh-
,,i il; for. selling n nuinwr or toys wnien
m;n, uoi i;n lo the sample, displayed, wa,s
nii.'d a'nd costs in police court yester
il'iv 'morning on the charge of resisting an
nicer. Tliw charn of obtaining money
uiule.r fills) , preUiiHes was dismissed.
ltccipla in the general fund of the Chrls-
h.n Hi, me last week were $1.477.n, being
1 277.tici iibnve the needs or the week and
Huillciciit to wlim out the deficiency In this
fund and reduce the amount needed In the
iinin-oieiiicnt and contingent luna to i
I., tl.o nuAuiii'r'a fund the receipts were
tsl.iin, being fsi.tifi above the needs of the
week and decreasing the deficiency In this
fund to date to xuus.w.
itohcri lilschboiirg declared his intention
if be.- rntng a clllsen of the I'nlted States
apd, Miis issue.) his first papers yesterday
by 11. V. Huttey, clerk of the district court.
Uiscbboni g forcsworo allegiance to the
grand duke of Luxembourg, and when It
was suggeMted that he should foreswear al
legiance to the emperor of Germany insisted
that Luxemburg wna a separate duchy,
and not in the federation of German states,
mid so. Clerk Battey let him have his own
way. .
' What is nicer for a present than
a pair of Slippers?
: Men's Everett i
In Patent Leather and Assorted
Ladies' Juliets
In Felt and Quilted Satin, in As
gorted Colors. Trimmed with
A large assortment of Low
Bllppers. The prices are right.
M"ant': .. '....75c to 2.00
50c to 1.00
23 Main Strest
line Repairing. COUNCIL BLCFF3
We Fill Mail Orders
If you Ue out of town. ANYWHERE.
IN FACT, vou can have the benefit of our
t'k'T KA TI-.a by sending : In mall orders
lol t.nv thing In. the drug, patent mei l
clne. fanillv liquors for medicine, rubber
goods, surgical or elastic g.i'Kls. candles,
uillet or permnics . and sundries. A few
-m i,1- cuts fo low. but we can name
them all. 'cause tills, paper
needs some
ypace for others:
ll.oi I.iiiU"X"ii' a" -you want
tl.oii Dully s Mali Whisky. Canadian Ma(t Whisky
The Canadians have em all
heat on Malt Whisky, and this
hrand ia .esiieelnlly good.)
II lai l'cruivl
.... We
. ... i&c
.... :c
.... Ttc
.... lie
l.o Rwamp Kooi
si uu .fierce s ' Medicines
I M. -Win I'ardul
Ii.eo ri. J. f
- V. t..n n..l Talcum rnmder
'And in a lil I'" "'r quotations.
. E T. YATKS. Proprietor.
Cor Fifth avenue and Main street.
Council fluffs. In. Khone JU. Cor Hlx
tJiatli i't-d Chicago streets. Omaha; 1 wen
"fourth and N streets, boulh Oniaha-
......I snlmals. tl 00 Per head
Garbage, aslusa, manuia and a'l rub.
Msh; clean- aun nu ctiwji
u..rk done is guaiiiiieed.
Call psoniuUy attended to.
l' , Phona. Ash-WXt
' ' J. H. SHESLOSiC.
Hoppers 1
' W UAL IB UltOI vi m v mm
0U TeL 4a.
For'ei'i Bond in Crimintl Csie Growing
Out of Ge'.-Ricb-Q lick Optr&tioci.
Traces of Missing Man Have
lleen I
Secnred eersl Times, hot When
Aathorltlea eek Him Ha
Had I Ve parted.
Peter Jacobs of Mlnden, la., erstahlla
president of the Northwestern Trust com-
pany, which maintained offices In this . gchool for the r-af. yesterday. Forty car
city and Omaha beforo It fell afoul of the penler. besides a number of tile men
authorities. Is a badly wanted man. An j n,i inters, are now at work on the
Indictment was returned agf 'nst him by j interior of the building. Owing to the
tho grand Jury here but Jacobs forfeited ! difficulty Contractor s hleuter encountered
his bail given in the court of Justice
Gardner and the authorities . aince have
been unable to locate 111 in. A month or
so ago ll was reported that he succeeded
in availing arrest.
Jacobs formerly owned considerable prop
erty in and around Mlnden, and a .lumber
of citizens of thut town are now regret
ting their uciiuiilntunce with him. Bov
iral Mtmlen men were In consultation
with County Attorney IIckh yesterday
morning and Trom their Htateincnts il is
und"rstnod they were victimized to the
extent of about by Jacobs and
Alexander Buchanan, manager of the
company, who was indicted along with
diicuup. ine viriima rnnrgo tnai ju4'idh
i ,w . ...i
not only induced them to invest in stock
of the Northwestern Trust company but
succeeded lu borrowing large sums of
money from them on the strength of his
statements regarding the company.
After the consultation here with Mr.
Hess, the Mlnden men went to Omaha, ac
companied by Mr. Hess, presumably for
the purpose of tryiiiK to secure the co
operation of the Nebraska, authorities in
securing the arrest of Jacobs. Word had
been received here recently front Schuy
ler, Neb., thut Jacobs was visiting there,
but the efforts of the local authorities to
secure his arrest proved fruitless. Two
or mora suits in the district court here
agalnat the Northwestern Trust company
were practically settled by Jajohs and
Buchanun In evident expectation ihut the
crtminul charges would be dropped, tiut
when the latter were not dismissed the
promoters decided to seek some other
clime. About a wei k ago the office effects
and furniture of the company were sold
by the alierllX."
Hums Opposes Reincorporation.
Locul representatives of the company
are authority for the statement that James
F. Burns will contest the re-Incorporation
of the Portland Gold Mining company in
Wyoming. It is said that the new arti
cles of Incorporation prohibit the stock
holders from examining the books of the
company, which under the Iowa incorpora
tion they had tho right to do. Friends
of . Mr. James Burns, who until a year
ago was president of the company from
the day of its organization, allege that
this particular clause In the articles of
Incorporation denying the stockholders the
right to examine the books is aimed par
ticularly at him. James Biirns, while not
controlling tho stock of the Portland com
pany. Is by fur the largest stockholder, as
he owns neatly half of the :j,(in,(0 Is
sued. Nneet Christmas Meiurnta.
Charles Banther, manager of tho New
theater, was a victim of a Joke Christmas
night. Word was sent him that a number
y of his friends desired to present him with
a small memento oi tneir regara ior mm
and that a deputation would wait on htm
at the theater. Mr. Banther was waiting
In agreeable expectation when tiie deputa
tion arrived, and F. B. Hahn, as spokes
man, informed him that his friends desired
to present him with a handsome cant.
Anticipating the gift to be a handsome
gold headed or silver mounted walking
stick, Mr. Banther expressed his thanks
In befitting terms, but when he unwrapped
the paper from the cane he found that it
was all a Joke and that the walking stick
was made of Christmas candy. The sugar
stick is now hanging over the desk in his
Tew Bluffs Trarhrri Attend.
Council Bluffs will not be represented
at the meeting of the State Teachers' as
sociation in Pes Moines this week by as
large a delegation of teachers as had been
expected. The contingent which accom
panied Superintendent Clifford there yes
terday consisted of 8. L. Thomas, prin
cipal of the high school; Miss Edna
Sprague. Miss Minnie Pile, Miss Jennia
Rice, Miss Kate Reed, Miss May Sedge
wick and Mrs. Adele Card. J. P. Hess,
president of the Board of Education, who
is on the program for an address, will
leave for lies Moines this evening.
Real Kstatr Tra listers.
These transfers were reported to The
Bee, December X by the Title Guarantee
and Trust company of Council Bluffs:
I f! P. Pllllii and wife to Herman
Schmidt, lot block 4'.', Ferrv Add.,
I w. d :
1 Mary K. Carter and husband to Mar
garet I. Mctlee, part w4 ne'i U6-75-
1 . w. d
K. J. Wolootl to Nannie Wolcott. seV.
nei.t and net seV. 2-77-4.". w. d
Margaret I.. MeOee and husband to
chaiies R. Ilnnnan. lot . Aud s
suh-div., part sj net. u"i-75-44. s.w.d.
I Henry C irter to Mary J. Carter, lot
1 block l.r. Hyatt a suh-iliv.. w. d
1-vi A. turned and wile to Fred J
Hole, lot X 1. farter's Third
Add. to Hancock, la., w. d h
rtlx liansfers; total t'-'.lU
Marriage l.leenaea.
Licenses to wed were issut d yesterday
to Hie following:
Name and Residence.
J. H. Kniery. Molme, 111
Sadie tjage. ilaklaml. la
John 1 (allien. Council Hluffs
Marie Willcnhoi g. Council Hl'iffs.
J. H Mela. Council muffs
K W. Hiilliva ii. Council niiiffs
I.e Roy F Imrham. Lincoln. Neb.
Slarv C. Newbiirn, Lincoln. Neb..
J. H. (lalbrealh. Milwaukee. Wis
Cecil Kurston, Detroit. Mich
N. V. Plumbing Co. Tel. Night. L6
Blackuiall lain (iu Over.
U. It. Richard Lnd Joseph Wesirlp. the
I'udeiwood youths cha.'ged with attempt
ing to blackmail F. C. T. Johnson of
Bentley hail their cares continued In police
ritui i i i-.irejj uitio jiiiubi
In the meantime the district grand Jury.
which will be impaneled January 2. will
consider the case. Both were releuavd
28 Pearl St. Pticnes. Res. 63. Offlct 9?
Lad Alie.'.uji.t 1 Desired
yesterday on va bonds furnished by relatives.
Mater Vuppl? lnhealth.
The recent epidemic of tyrhold fever St
the (Slate Institute fur Feeble Minded
children at Olenwood has d eloped the
fact that the water supply Is nut only
Inadequate but shows the presence of dis
ease germs. State Sena'or Saunders of this
city, who recently investigated the needs
of the institution, will favor an appropria
tion by the coming legisla'ure for the crea
tion of a new water system. It Is proposed
to sink tubes In the led of the Missouri
river, two and a half miles distant, and
pump the water from there to a r-servolr
near the institution. At pres nt all the
water used for cooking and drinking pur
poses at the Institution has to ho boiled.
Building a. Model One.
"The new administration building when
completed will he the finest of Its kind
West of C'hlcah",", was the statement of
H. W. Rothirt. superintendent of the Iowa
In securing workmen of ull kinds the
Completion of the big building has been
materially delayed and Superintendent
Rnthert stated yesterday that It would
..... i.. r .. ...... i
.. .... ........ ,.,,,.,,,., ,.,, " ,
Masonic Joint Installation.
Bluff City lodge No. 71 and Excelsior
lodge No. Jap. Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons, will hold u Joint iiiHtullalion o'
officers this evening. These officers will
bo installed:
nvelsior l.-Hlgc-Woirhlpful Master. S. :.
Madsen: senior warden. J. '.. Wadsworth; '
Junior warden. K. Williamson; trens- !
...... e,c,,.. ... .
i t: ...i if a i
rA H I .WIIKr M O lllll lllilfM r"l . ri. l. I
..,,.,,. i it n..i...i-
Junior warden. F.. C. Killed: treasurer. John
HKlnkle; secretary. Thomas McMillen.
Sioux City Man Observes Seml-Ccii-tennlnl
In the City.
SIOIX CITY, la., pee. :. George
Weare. provident of the town 3f;ite N 1
llonal bank, the pioneer bunker of north
western Iowa, today celebrated the fiftieth
anniversary of his arrival in floux CHy.
Having reached Sioux City on the day
after Christmas, UK. Mr. Wcare'a resi
dence here bus been li nger than that of
any other living man save one, I. P.
Letlllier, the venerable Frenchman, who
as u voyngcr, as the adventurous ex
plorers of that day were called, engaged
In fur trading in this section at an earli'-r
His bank. Willi tne b.uik of Weare & Al
lison. Is the oldest under oil" continuous
management in the slate. Yet the years
have dealt kindly with this pioneer, who
still Is actively engaged In the business
he founded. Mr. Weare came to Sioux
City at the age or from Ced;ir Rapids,
la., where he was employed In the land
and banking house of Greene A Weare.
of which his elder brother. John Weare,
was Junior partner. The concern was the
first Institution of its kind at Cedar Rapids.
Malta at Logan.
LOGAN, la.. Dec. JH. (Special.) Willi the
clerk of the Harrison county district court
the county attorney has tiled three in
junction suits against Punlap parties. In
the matter of the state df Iowa against
William C. Houts and A. O. Houts it is
claimed that A. O. Houts owns the lot
whereon la altuutcd a building in which
William C. Houts for six months past has
maintained a nuisance by keeping and
selling liquors unlawfully. A similar ac
tion is brought og.iinst I Kellogg and
Soren Jensen, Krllogg being the real es
tate owner. In the third case William
Hayes, Wilbur Roberts, Fred Newshaum
and L,. Kellogg are sued on the same
grounds. In all three cases Injunctions
are asked against the defendants to re-
strain them from continuing their illegal
actions as alleged.
Incorporated town of Module sues the
Independent Order of Odd Fellows lodge
No. 57:1 of Modale fur encroaching on
a public street of that town which ad
joins the lodge's property.
Freight Cars In the Ditch.
l.'NDERWOOD. Ia., Dec. U6. (Special.)
An accident occurred here on the Mllwau- will enter the fruit business as Jobbers
kee track early this morning which re- and will charge their competitors high
suited In the derailing of five heavily prices for the cars and will charge t hem
loaded freight cars, four of which were selves a low price, and so drive out coin
loaded with grain and one with lumber, petition. They propose to fight this In
The accident occurred near the switch every way possible. The association will
Just south of the depot. Some of the cars be addressed by Governor Cummins during
were badly broken. The railroad gangs
f-K Vlu AT ' .... t ...... , , '
win . . v u i a , . , . r-. i , n i iu nun w iiw mo
at work on the track. Such of the cars
as were not too badly broken are again
on the track. The others have been loaded
onto flat cars and will be taken to head
quarters as soon as the track is fixed.
Stabbing; Affray at Tabor.
TABOR, la., Dec. W. (Special telegram.)
In a fight In the yesterday afternoon,
Silas Yates stabbed and seriously Injured
John Areyte, proprietor of a resturant.
Yates was ordered out of the restaurant by
Areyte for making too much noise and I
upon reaching the sidewalk he began to !
abuse the restaurant man. Kreyte then
opened the door to speak to Yates and
the latter stabbed htm. The knife entered
below the left shoulder and cut a g.ish
several Inches long. Yates was locked up.
It is thought Areyte will recover though
his wound is dangerous.
Troable for Druggists.
WATKRIX). Ia., Dec. 1. I Special.)
County Attorney 8. T. Mears haa created
considerable commotion in this city dur
ing ths past few days by his enjoining six
druggists of the city, charging them with
being a nuisance. This action is the re
suit nf Investigations that have been going of the oldest men in tho service of the
on for several weeks by the temperance railway mall, fell dead at Bellevue jester
forces of the ciiy, and It is asserted that d"' 'nornlng. Just as the train pulled
sensational charires will be
the cases come on for trial.
made wiien
Fine for K. Snder.
CEDAR KAMDS,' la., Deo. SH.-E. E. Sny
der, fornwr banker at Olin. whose failure
K ' cost depositors llfln.Oflu and who fled mi l
Hi , was later arrested at 81. Louie, was sen-
-' , tenced at Anamosa today to pay a tint of
fl'O and costs. Snyder pleaded guilty to
fraudulent banking, but creditors signed a
plea for clemency.
a. I
How to t ar a (old
The question of bow to cure a cold with-
out unnecessary loss of time is one in Louis Kuierson. aged 63 years, died at his
which we are ail more or less interested, home, 3i32 North Seventeenth street, yes
for the quicker a cold Is gotten lid of tha terday, after an extended Illness from con
less the danger of pneumonia and other sumption. The funeral arrangements will
serious diseuses. Mr. B. W. I.. all of not be announced until relatives from out
Waverly, Va., has used Chamberlain's of the city can be heard from. Several
Cough Remedy for years and says: "I married sons and daughters survive the do.
rtrndy believe Chamberlain's Courfh Hern
. ----- - -
dy to be absolutely the best preparation!
on the market for colds. I ha.-e itrom.
inended It to my friends and they ull agree
with me."
Picture Frames. Frenxer, tftb and Dodge
Doe in ia Jamaica.
KINGSTON. Jamaica. Dee. 24. John-
Alexander Iowie of Zion City, 111., arrived
Port Antonio yesterday on the teuiiier
Imiral Dewey. He was confined to
bin during the voyage, but his bUth
Ixecnti? Councilat Ltss What. to Jo in
the int.
4 horaa t.lrls Overcome by Smoke
from !niall Blase on Third Floor
of the K Irk wood Itonse
Teachers Are Arriving.
i From a Staff Correspondent.)
1K8 MOINES. Pec. iH. (Special.) -Attorney
J. B. Rockefeller ,,f Atlantte, with
four of the ministers or that city, appeared
before 'the executive council today to state
their claims In the Atlantic census matter.
Judge Thornell or that Judicial district
has given a decree allowing the executive
council to adopt the finding of the court
that the count by the enumetator was ai
too much, or to make a recount. The min
isters, headed by Presiding Klder Steven
son of the Methodist church, merely ap-
pcared because they want the census to i
show less thnn S..-I. so that saloons cannot !
v i
iix,siness men. The enunicator wants his
work to be proven correct and will apiejl
to the supreme court and the business
nu n want the town to be as big ss pos-
sihle. The order of Tie court has muddled
the ma Iter for the executive council, which
dors nni ';nov which w;iv to turn. The
" " ' ""v" ......v
O"" r-ujirenie i-onrt may Imd contrary to the
(istrh t court and then the value of the
l.,Sl vo, .
Attorney I
Jl.fe ifillaf IMF.-I lliut 1 ) 1 r tn.iftsii' ln li1H
" -.. r- - -
lu ubeyance I 111 the supreme court bus
passed on the case and the conticll seems
disposed to do so. but has asked the ( pinion
of the attorney geneiul lw fore deciding.
The rear or the council is iiihi w tiieiievcr j
action It takes It may act Illegally, whereas
if Judge Thornell had ordered a definite
course the council would have had no re- i
course but to obey the court and so would
have aeter"legully.
t'borua t.lrls Otercouie.
Chorus girls were overcome with smoke,
the night clerk made a sensational escape
in a bed quilt and $.',( damage was done
by t fire shortly afier noon today nt the
Kirk wood hotel. Mis Ada Dowell of the
Sons of Rest company, that is playing
at the Grand opera. hou:'e, was overcome
by smoke and was carried from the build-
ing. Physicians soon brought tier to and
she will suffer no injur. Other members
of the company made huri led escapes from
the building. The tut- was on the third
I dell Hobtiers t auabt.
. Sheriff W. 1. Davii" of Appanoose county
applied at the governor's office today for a
requisition on the goernor of Missouri lor
u. 11. jonnson. v . -v nuiiion ami i loiner
Whitehall, w ho are wanted for robbing the
bank of I dell and stealing about of
the bank's funds. The robbers were chased
into Missouri bv the sheriff and were
.. . i ,i .
caught at Chlhlcothe. where they are now
under arrest. It Is believed there was a
fourth robber and he secured the greater
part of the money. Only about t'2f was on
the men arrested.
State Tearhera feathering.
Delegates to the Statu Teachers' usso
elation convention begun, gathering In con
siderable numbers at ' hie Chamberlain
hotel today, where the headquarters of the
association will lie. Superintendent Clifford
of Council Bluffs arrled at noon. Lay
lander of Cedar Falls arrived dining the
forenoon. Thus far there is no talk as to
a successor to Clifford. The office iu the
past has not been filled by re-elcctlon.
There was a committee meeting tonight
aIl1 convention will open tomorrow
nmrnlng, when the largest delegation will
j arrive.
Fruit Men Fear Invasion.
' A largo attendance of fruit men is ex-
peeled tomorrow at the meeting of the
Western Fruit Jobbers association and a
considerable part of the discussion will
be devoted to the Armrur Packing corn-
pany. The fruit men fear that the Ar-
niours, by controlling the refrigerator cars.
the course of the convention.
ev Kharon Mnn Arrested.
W. C. Bryan, president of the New
Shu i on Kleeiiic Light company, a school
director and otherwise prominent in New
Sharon, lias been arrested here on com
plaint of J. Ii. Rush and W. J. Thomas
of this city, charged with trading them
land on which the title was not clear for
a $1.2o0 automobile. The land is located In
Commander W". II. Allen.
WASHINGTON. Dee. W.-The Navy de
partment has been Informed of the death of
Commander Wllllnm Hersehell Allen.
I'nlted States navy, at the naval home.
Philadelphia. Pa., this morning. He was
a native of Illinois and entered the naval
service in September, IKl, reaching the
grade of commander pi November, lt
Recently he has been In charge of ths
naval nmgazine, Foil Mifflin, Pa.
Veteran Mall Clerk.
DAVKNPORT. IVe. M.-iSpeclal.) While
In the art of throwing a letter in the mail
bag. J. 8 Kddy, 75 years of age, and one
into Reevii a companion turned to sneak
to Kddy and found him lying prone by the !
mail sack, a letter clinched in his lile
leas hard.
John McCarthy.
8VRA6VSE, N. V.. Dec. 2-John Mc
Carthy, undertaker, died at his home hrre
today, aged 59 years, lie was known
throughout the country as an enthusiastic
democrat. In 184 he bet everything ha
possessed, even his hearse on Urover Cleve
land. He was a warm supporter and per
sonal friend of William J. Bryan.
I. Aula KniertoH.
- ceased.
William tf. Thiiru.
ST. PA l"L. Pec. William 8. Thorn, as-
slstant general passenger agent of the 8oo
line, died talay at lils liome in tills city.
He had been suffering from diabetes for
the last four months. Mr. Thorn had been
connected with the Soo line for eighteen
liroaral Jubsj I'aiapbell.
WASHINGTON, Itf.: 38. The military
bis n-netarv of the armv bs been informed
, . ,, ...... .... , . . .
N. T.. of Brigadier Oenera! John Campbell.
IT. S. A . retired, following an Hratin.
l.nls V Mrgargee.
PH1LADRLPHIA. IVu. 36.Ix)uls N. Me
gargee, a well known newspaper man and
writer, died today at his home In Nar
berth, near here, of pneumonia, lie was
years of age.
llotel In Pennsylvania. I
VNIONTOWN. Ta.. iH-c. M.-FIre earlf
todav practically ruined the interior and
contents of the Exchange hotel, one or the
leading hostelrles In this city. Uuests num-
oering I it J were lorceu inio me eirrri in
their night clnthes. i
er'merhe,sm''of' "he"".'." on c
Theatrical company were almost ast,hx-
la'.tu ana were carrieu r.uin ui ouuuiug
by firemen.
The family of o. g Gns. including hu. i
"niivi. nil.; aii'i i v u , 1 1 r j . . i - ii'UiiM
In their rooms and taken to the stiret by
a Udder that had been eleate1 to the
third floor. Mrs. tians and daughters are
prostrated. Three Hungarian servant girls
were almost smothered and their screams
saved the lives of Attorney and Mrs. J. C.
Work, who occupied a third-story suite.
Grocery atorlt at Hastings.
HASTINGS. Net... Dec. 2.-Speeal Tel-
ZZ!:Z oMhe' ncV-verv 1
xnr h Cameron block and did cm,- I
Hdernble dam..-. The building Is owned
ijme or this city nmi is
i' In the Continental cm- '
.. ti. i.-.. .n. ...
" r- . i...r, ...
? r... I ... I . a . n. I ..r . . .
-..- i.. i..-
pany of Lincoln. The' origin of the flie
is unknown.
Kansas limn Hard lilt.
WlbSONVIIil.B. Neb.. Lc. fli-The l.usi- '
uess purl of llerndou. Kim., wns drstrjed
by nre tal:i. Two drug stores, a meat
. market, bailk and three general stores. In
j eluding slocks and buildings, were burned.
"aein.-r w n 11 amauer concerna. A nattl-
ware store ;ind gen'-ral store alone are left. 1
No estimate has been made of the loss.
There In little insurance.
l.onlsillle Court House Dnmaaed.
LCiriSVlLLK, Dec. 2;.-Fire this at'c
noon oamagea tne jerierson count emu
house and for a time threatened the coin
plrfe destruction or the edifice. The loss
is climated nt IS.tdrt, with no Insurance. I
Hard work by firemen and employes pre
vented any serletis damage to the accumu
lated records of a century of lltlgHtlon.
Ilnkota Rnrn and tattle.
lU'ROV. ft. D., DcO. Ji. (Special. i-Ths j
large barn on the Irvin Thomas farm.
few miles south of the city, was deal roved
j by fire. Sixteen head of cattle. Mogoth
t with some machinery, grain, etc., were
j burned, the entire loss exceeding fc!,'i. No
Insurance on building or stock,
Terrible Disaster Averted.
The terrible disaster of nervous break- :
down, caused by dyspepsia. Is averted by :
JClectrlc Bitters. 5V, guaranteed. For sal
by Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co. '
Samoan Volcano Active. '
SAN FRANCISCO, Pee. W.-Aceordlng to !
the passengers who arrived on the liner j
. Ventura, the volcano on the island of Sivaji '
In the Samoan group. Is st'll in vigorous '
i nV vlslblC. ,?M niTmllH !
away and the lava lias covered an area of 1
' thirty square miles. This molten flow him
I filled eleven miles of a deep valley and Is I
ll;lulln( for ,he ashore. Natives whose I
; homes are near the beach are preparing to
abandon their huts and cocoanut groves at
short notice. j
Italians Shoot Policeman. '
TORRINOTON. Conn.. Dec. -While at- J
tempting to arrest a party of Italians who I
were fighting. Robert Nowitt. a policeman, I
whs iaiauy suoi, huu i.. ts. iiiui. cuiei oi
follce, was stabbed early today. Eight
tallnns were shooting at each other when
the police apeared and the Italians turned
their weapons against them. Chief Hull
is expected to recover.
The Food that Does Good
The Cod Liver Oil Emulsion "IJsi
Excellence" for Coughs, Colds, Influ
enza, Bronchitis, La Orlp, ftore Tliroal
and Lungs, Catarrh, Pneumonia, Con
sumption and all Pulmonary Diseases
All druggists, two sizes, 50c and $1.
to all sending name and address to
Or.omulsion Co., M Pine St., New York
The 20th Century Limited
The Route of the Government Fast Mail Trains
Leave Chicago at .
Arrive New York at
Leaving Omaha at 11 P. M. dally, arriving at Cedar Rapids 6:10 A. M.; Clinton 8:15 A. M.,
and Chicago 11:55 next morning.
Other Chicago train at 8 A. M., 11:30 A. M., 5:50 P. M. and 8:38 P. M.
City Offices, 1401-03 Farnam Street.
We can save you nearly one-half on the cost of youi
magazines and newspaper for 1P(H. Here are two of oar
clubbing offers. Mnke your selection and send your order now
before you forget it. We may r-gt be able to duplicate thein aftttt
Lhifl lUOtltll
T11K TWIOXTIKTII CENTURY FAKMKK, weekly. 1 year. .$1.00
Oniftha Daily IW, daily, () months 2.00
. ,114
Madame, monthly, 1 year
Gleaninirs ii Hee Culture,
Total value $5.00
Our special ofTer for the four, good until December 31st,
?nlv $2.5).
CLUii ir9
( )innl,H t)ailv JeP Vl)Iv. 6 months
"nl1 "ally '' nln8
Harper b nazar. monthly, i year
,, . .
1 1 ipflmnir. in ipp i u turp. sem
. ' . . ,11
rwa 'g hnur nnitrii mnnin t.
. . !, .11.
i ntniTiprcifl K'oii irv. lnfiniiiiv. i
Commercial Poultry, monthly, 1
Total value $6.1C
Our clubbing price for the mx, good until December 31st,
i Arl1v 4'i (Ml
It m nArei BT ten- method of curing the quietest, latw
VAKICUWCm ,nn remoree the parts at one to a
normal condition. No cutting, iu pain, no danger, no detention from
work. Perfect Cl.'RK (H'A RA.NTKKD. , ...
.l-n who have Indulged In errors, excesses, overwork, or mental
wi rvv-a word with vou. Many of you have Nsrvous Peblllty. Vital
l.os. PlmpifS. Lame Ru.-k. Inflammation of the Bladder and Kid
neys. Organic Weaknesses, Pespondency. Falling Memory, Ioe of Am
bition or similar s mploma. which rob you or your manhood and abso
lmelv unfit vou for lire. Our treatment will sorreot all of thesa avlls
and restore vou to what nature Intended a hals. hearty, happy nian,
with all powers, vigorous and complete.
rj Ssn DAICftN ,M"" treatment la tha reatilt' of th;
UL.UULI rUlOUll ,r thousands of cases perfectly and
v. r iiaf'-' i
BBf ' i
' n.nii.nnllT etneil li e
treat dajlv. This great experience lias anaol . us to perieci s iriimni aii .L
less, plessant to take end the greatest blessing to humanity. IT Cl'REfl Ql 1CKER than
TRFkATM KNT at HOT SPRINGS. We know this is a FOI-J" statement to make, but
we ar prepared to prove to anyone interested by getting ths facts frotn patients
treated, who will substantiate every word of the above. Investigate. IT. No other
treatment like it In Omaha. . . .
KIDNEY, BLADPtn P1SF.ASKS. CATARRH of the BLADDER, all contagious or
acquired diseases. PROSTATIC DISEASES, and all DISEASES and DISORDERS Of
MEN and all associate diseases and weaknesses of men. To these maladies sJona,
we have earnestly devoted our professional lives.
Everything confldental and private. Medicine and letters always sent ..XJfJS
psckages. In the fourteen vears we have been In Omaha our motto haa been 'LOW
CHARGl8 and Ql'ICK CT'RKS. Our homa t-eatmnt by correspondenca la aiwayn
guccessrul. Consultation FREK. Aanress.
119 S. 14th, Cor. 14th and Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraalta,
Some Cozy Offices.
There is one office building in Omaha .that is
always warm in winter and cool in summer. There are
not very many offices vacant at the present time in
The Bee Building
Among them, however, are some very choice small
offices, which rent from $10 to $18. , This price in
cludes electric light, heat, water and janitor service
and the advantage of being in an absolutely fire proof
building. If you want a comfortable ottice, &s tut
before they are all gone.
R. C. PETERS f& CO .ReMal Agents.
Ground Floor, Bee Building.
2:30 p- m.
9:30 iu au
Leave New Yor at
Arrive Chicago at .
Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, III.
senii-monthlT, 1 venr. .
FARMER, weekly, 1 year. .$1.00
... 2.00
.ill. i . 1 nil
-mil ium . x vai
i vpar
nmnv ceacs of nil slaces Of th dlseSM W
3:30 p. nv
8:30 a- m.
la somewhat improved.