Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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    the omaha daily dee: Wednesday, nECEMBF.n 2;, ma
Grain Eichanfr Threaten! to Bttalieta if
New Bate ii Not Changed.
(.rnrrtl Aarent Saab of Itallroad Relt
rritn Ilia Explanation of Condi
tion an 9r Kirhume I
Actios Hastily.
At a meeting or the board rf director
nf the Omit tut (Jrnln rxrhanK" Tuesday,
December resolutions w rf iid'-ipted
nharply denouncing- the Chl airo. Milwaukee
A 8. I'aul Hallway comny for Rll-ired
discrimination apiilnet Omului In the mat
ter of grain rates to the, favor of Kansas
City, and threatening retaliatory measures
unless the. discrimination be at once done
away with.
F. A. Nash, the Omaha representative of
the Milwaukee rnnd. was asked In refer
ence o the resolutions Tuesday nlKht. ami
whether ho hnrt yt received a copy of
them, lie enid:
"I heard that eueli action was contem
plated, and I was givnn to understand that
the exchange would notify me when the
matter was to come up in order that 1
might be present to explain the matter. I
was not notified and knew nothing of the
resolution until Informed by a reporter
for The Bee. I can say In all slneorlty
that not a pound of grain will be diverted
from Omaha under this new tariff which
goes Into effect January 1. nor will Omaha
be Injured in tho slightest degree.
Calls It Politics.
"The statement that the Omaha grain
market will be Injured Is all political clap
(rap and buncombe. I can reiterate the
statement I made a few days ago and
which appeared in The Sunday Bee. The
Chicago, Milwaukee Ai St. Taul Hallway
company has not taken and will not take
any uction to injure the Omaha Grain ex
change. The road is making an Intelli
gent fight and has accomplished more for
the Omaha grain markets than have nil
the other railroads combined during the
laxt five years. Our methods should not
be uttacked, ut . least until some injury
ran be shown, and with a fair understand
ing of the entire situation. We have never
Intended to make a 3-ccnt cut in favor of
Kansas City. We have made the tight
from Kansas City, and to actually nwve
the grain had to put In the 15-cent rate,
which did the business. In making this
rate we did not have to make :i rate
from Omaha, as there was no necessity for
tearing down the Omaha rate, but
simply did it as a matter of form.
Our light was made from Kansas
City Bnd we have won it. nnd Omaha
gets (lie benefit more than is appreciated,
for it now has established markets for
Its coin. Baltimore merchants now know
that they can come to Omaha to buy thulr
grain Instead of going to Chicago. The
Milwaukee has alone and single-handed
won this fight for the west and has forced
the lines east of Chicago to accept a re
duction of their revenues for hauling this
grain, which will now have an equal
ehunco via Baltimore as via the Gulf ports.
We had to show our ability to haul the
stuff and had to make that rate from
Kansas City to get this business. Hut
Omaha hnn not been hurt in the least."
ftrnln Exchange Resolutions.
Following are the resolutions adopted
by the Omaha Grain cxcliuntfo board of
directors, above referred to:
Whereas. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Vaul Railway company on the lMh of
iH-cember istied a tariff on grain making
a rate of 15 cents per I'M pounds from
Kansas City to Baltimore and 18 cents
from Omaha to t) more on corn, unci
Whereas, It has been, and is customary
lor eastern lines to make the same rate
from Omaha to eastern markets and ter
minal on merchandise, Krain and live
stock and oilier farm products, and
Whereas. A difference of 3 cents per WO
pounds lias, and Is diverting large quanti
ties if grain naturally tributary to Omaha,
tlierefors. be it
Resolved. That such a difference of rate
In favor of Kansas City 1 an unpardon
able discrimination against Omaha in gen
eral, anil the Omaha, grain market In r
tlcuhir, and deserves the severest censure
of all citizens of Omaha who have Its
best interests at heart, and we earnestly
rnpiest all other roads reaching this citv
and all merchants nnd others interested iii
the grain market of this city to assist In
our efforts to change this rate announced
by the Milwaukee road, which Is a dis
crimination against the Omaha grain mar
ket. And be it further
Resolved. That a copy of this resolution
bo sent to the agent of the Chicago, Mil
waukee ft St. Paul Railway company with
the request that tills discrimination men
tioned be ut once done nwav with, nr re
taliatory measures will at once lie adopted.
Hoard of Trade iiilnut ions.
CIIICAtltS. Pec. Jii.-John B. Adams was
nominated today at ,l caucus for president
Is better than fere ten
Champagnes, but costs only
half the price as it is American 1
made and there is no duty
or ship freight to par Grand
Prize, St. Louis Worlds Fair.
has made a FPK
CIAI.TY of all forms
of diseases of
SO Years In Omahi.
Ovr 30,000
Casee Curid
Varicocele, Hydro
I cele. Blood i'outun,
Stricture, Gleet,
Nervous Debilltv.
una or Birent'.u ana uaiuy.
Ills Home Treatment
lias permanently cured thousands of rases
of cr.ronlo Nervous. Rectal. Kidney and
) 'ladder and Skin disease at email coat.
Descril ycur case and write for KKi.ii)
HOOK und terms of treatment. Medicine
sent in plain package.
( liamri l.r.a Than All Itinera.
OftiCH Hours a. m. to 30 p. m. 6un
ds e. S a. m. to 6 p. n.
Call or write. Eox 7W. Office H5 South
14th street. Omaha Neb.
Pennyroyal pblls
IUfcMrtato 1 . Ulr. K -
Ittlttf K atttli UM Mel Imitate
lien a. aVet fmr ltu4i. e 4K !
9tmm tw frlleilrn, TBliarialt
ft4 HMf fer I .4. taMr ft rjk
tW Manti f een fWrf M
Ml V4uU. C htchlaw 4 fcati i'vV,
mm mmm rmit m , r
f th Hoard of Trd It l eipectefl tlist
an fpposttinn raiiri. to b h-ld lt'r, wM
nominate Walter Fiti?lt. The election will
Iwi h-ld January .
Bill of 'Water f ompaar Referred in
Mater Hoard nn Advice of
A full attendance of members, the utmost
harmony and expedited routine business is
the story of the city council meeting Tues
day night.
A communication from the city attorney
relative to the bill of the water company
for hydrant rentals for the last sin months
of amounting to H7.521.17. was, upon
bis recommendation, referred to the Water
board on the basis that all such claims
shall first be allowed by the Water board.
A concurrent resolution was adopted
granting permission to J. . Ia Brandels &
Hons to close Douglas street between Six
teenth and Seventeenth streets during the
building of a subway between their proper
ties on opposite sides of the street. Mr.
Hoye was excused from voting because of
the fact that he had been awarded the con
tract for the construction of the subway. It
Is thought that the work will occupy-about
sixty days.
Street Commissioner Hummel was ginnted
a leave from his duties from December 9 to
3fi, because of illness.
Ordinance No. 7, providing for an ap
propriation for liabilities Incurred by the
city during the month of December and
prior thereto vu placed upon Its third read
ing and passed.
An ordinance creatine; the office of second
assistant city attorney, prescribing his du
ties and fixing his salary and term of office,
was Introduced and read for the first time.
The ordinance was referred to the commit
tee on finance and claims.
A grist of miscellaneous resolutions relat
ing to minor street Improvements was
passed, as was an ordinance providing for
the planting of trees on Fortieth street near
Ames avenue and other streets in that part
of the city.
The comptroller made the following report
of cash In the tieasury on December 12:
fash In drawer 10.1W.-.
Checks on deposit 9.SJ2.73
City Funds
First National $
Merchants National lir.M19.27
Nebraska National 71.2!W :
Omaha National 111.14ri.8ii
C. S. National M.74a
Knuntze Bros., N. Y 1.002.M
School Funds
First National $ l!,ftfifi.04
Merchants National 8.7S9.1S
Omaha National 14.82t.42
1. S. National Jlii.7S7.7l
Kountze Bros., N. Y 9S.7H
Police Relief Fund
Merchants National i ZQWM
V. S. National 1.712.11
Special Fund
First National 42.ofm.nn
Merchants National
Nebraska Nntional 2T,.0Th).
Omaha National LU.Omon
1. S. National 18.uu0.00
Total funds on hand $'7.0M.7
Firm Spends en F-venlngr Making; a.
Ijirge nodr of Intelligent
(Tmalians Laugh,
Jerome K. Jerome has a high regard
for Germans. In both his interviews und
platform talks he has been throwing pretty
little bunches of flora at the Germans.
Last evening at tho Lyric, he sang t.he
praises of the Teutons In a humorous
skit. In which he recited some of his ex
periences in Dresden.
The Jeromo-Loomls recltul at the Lyric,
under the auspices of the Omaha Woman's
club, was a treat for those who appreci
ate humor which will stand analysis;
humor which flows gently In on the sensi
bilities us the morning light brings forth
the day. There is a warmth a touch of
human life In the Jerome humor that dis
sipates tho mental clouds and leaves sun
shine and pleasant recollections in Its
. Mr. Jerome's humor Is not as spasmodic
as most of the Amurlcan brand, yet he
happily reaches the hearts of his Amerl
cun listeners by having a keen apprecia
tion of his Yankee cousins, and in iils
tulks gives a forceful Illustration of the
fuct that it is not such a far cry after
all from American to British humor.
Considerable interest was manifested last
evening in the personality of the English
humorist -author himself, this being his
first visit to this country, notwithstand
ing the fact that several of his books
struck a responsive chord In the Ameri
can mind and purse some years ago. As
a platform speaker Mr. Jerome Is not
above criticism, yet there Is a something
In what he says and how he says It that
reaches the heart and arouses the risibili
ties. Oharls Battell I.oomla, already one of
the recognized humorists of this country,
has a distinctively original style In the
rendition of his own humor. lie read sev
eral selections from his "I've Been Think
ing" and "Minerva's Maneuvers." Ap
pearing bs he does with Mr. Jerome an
excellent opportunity is offered to Judge
of the difference between contemporaneous
American and Knglish humor. Mr.
Loomls' dialect stories were well received.
Trained? Heralded from Wllria of
IVynmlna: Qneatinard li- Friend
of Snppoaed victim.
Fritz Schroeder of Sheridan. Wyn, who
with bis father, Fred Schroeder, formerly
of Millard, Neb., is running a brewery at
Sheridan, Is in the city and says he can
not see how the story of "Blondy" Clark e
death can he true. He said he left Sheri
dan last Friday and less than a week be
fore that time he was talking with Clark
and had a drink with him. Clark at that
time told him hew busy he was and how
he was putting in all of his ti.oe at his
work of mounting deer so he could send
for his wife V) come to Wyoming. Schroe
der also said last Wednesday or Thursday
Clark's boy came to the brewery and or
dered a case of heer and that he would
not have done that if his father had not
been at home.
ew f onnndrom Arises from Attempt
of 4'ltr to Get Money
from foanty.
Judge Troup will have up for hearing
Wednesday morning a new question under
the scavenger tag law. The city has
started suit against the county to have
turned into the city treasury something
like alleged to thave been collected
by County Treasurer Fink on delinquent
city taxes. The county treasurer and
county attorney maintain the money col
lected ha been properly held In the county
treasury to pay the necessary coat of doing
the work involved under the provisions of
the state law. They hold the county must
get Its coets somewhere and that the money
realized from scavenger aalea of delinquent
city lots is liable for sucb costs.
Narrow Escape.
from poisoning, caused by constipation, had
Mrs. Young, Clay City, N. Y. Dr. King
New Life Tills cured her. 26c. For sal bj
uermau aV MoConuell Drug Co.
Civic Federation nod laleei ittorneji
Agree on Stipulation.
Ma h Time Expended In Determining;
the Wording of the Mlpnlatlnn,
bnt (vnrlaalnn le 1'lnnUy
After a two hours' discussion last night
before the Board of Fire and ToUre Com
missioners between Elmer 12. Thomas, at
torney for the Civic Federation, and the
attorneys for the a.loon keepers against
whom protests had been' tiled. It was finally
agreed that the testimony heretofore taken
In the cases on the matter of selling liquor
on Sundays, should apply to all of the
other saloons protested and no further
testimony on this particular point should
he taken. Tonight the board will meet
again to hear the special protests against
those saloon keepers who will have tlou
Bppllcatlons completed by that time. Sat
urday morning at 10:3l the board will meet
to puss upon the bids for hose.
Previous to taking up the license matter,
the board bought two patrol wagons from
the Karbach Automobile company lor
11,610. The wagons are to be covered and
electrlo lighted and on the same order
as those now In use In Chicago.
"Testimony" Ilather Than "Facta."
The discussion between the attorneys
over the stipulation to be made came about
over the use of the words "facts" or "tes
timony." Mr. Thomas wanted it stipulated
that the facts In the cases heard should
apply to the cases to be heard, while the
other attorneys said the word testimony
should be used Instead of facts. This lat
ter proposition was finally agreed to, It
being stated that tho detectives employed
by Mr. Thomna would testify that one or
the other of them had bought liquor In
each of the saloons on a Sunday.
A blanket protest was filed by John Ber
ger against the granting of a license to
any of the saloons which are supplied with
beer from the Willow Springs brewery.
Mr. Berger stated in his protest that each
of these saloons was desecrating the Amer
ican flag by selling beer with a wrapper
on the bottle upon which was a representa
tion of the flag.
Tnthlll Files Petition.
John Tuthill, against whom two Clvlo
Federation detectives brought charges, ul
leglng that he conducted a disorderly sa
loon, filed a long list of names with the
board, including about everybody who did
business within a block of his saloon,
signed to a statement that he had always
conducted an orderly place and requesting
that he be given a license for the coming
The following licenses were granted:
Adler & Ililler. 1206 Farnam; H. May. 13o5
Douglas; Theodore Johnson, SS24 Sherman
avenue; John C. IClanch, lu24 North Six
teenth: Joseph M. Calabra, Twenty-sixth
and Poppleton: S. Peterson, 233ti South
Twentieth; Whitney Kottrldge. 4024 North
lllral Associations Have ot Been
Able to Restore the torn
moner'a Crown.
The two rival associations In Lexington,
Ky., seeking the honor and glory of re
placing the head on the statue of Henry
Clay, which was destroyed by a stroke of
lightning two years ago, have made little
progress on account of the indifference of
the public.
The first and original movement started
to secure funds by popular subscription
was inaugurated by Mrs. Louisiana Ulb
son Muxfield on behalf of the local chapter
of the Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, of which she Is the regent. Mrs. Max
field's movement and suggestions regard
ing the replacing of the head on the
statue of the great commoner seemed to
meet with the approval of people from all
parts of the union, and she received many
letters congratulating her upon her noble
and praiseworthy efforts toward such a
cause. But. before any definite steps could
be taken, people lost Interest.
Seeing what seemed to be unwarranted
delay on the part of Mrs. Maxlleld and
the Daughters of the American Revolution,
Congressman O. A. Stanley of Henderson,
Ky., organized an association to carry out
the work and circular letters and postal
cards have been sent out to people
throughout the state In an effort to revive
Interest In the cause, but so far the move
ment of this association, too, seems to
have been a failure, as contributions have
not come In as fant as the promoters had
hoped for. It looks now as though It will
be Impossible to replace the head by pub
lic subscription.
As soon as It became known that Con
gressman Stanley had formed an associa
tion for the purpose of securing funds to
repair the statue, Mrs. Max field was asked
if Mr. Stanley had formed an association
to co-operate with ber. and she said em
phatically that he had not. nor had he
even consulted her In the matter. She
was greatly surprised that the Idea ad
vanced by herself and the Daughters of
the American Revolution had been taken
by another and an association similar In
every respect to hers formed without her
knowledge and consent.
She wrote to Congressman Stanley for
an explanation and to ascertain "why he
had attempted to take the hnnni and glory
away from th Daughters of the American
Revolution, when she felt that It rightfully
belonged to them," but so far Congress
man Stanley has not replied to the com
Work Awarded to Various Flrmi by
Chief Quartermaster Major
' Zallnskl.
Chief Quartermaster Major M. O. Zalln
skl of the Department of the Missouri
and constructing quartermaster for thin
list riot, awarded contracts Tuesday morn
ing as follows for Fort Omalia: To M. P.
Keefe of Cheyenne, for the construction
of a new quartermaster s store house, at
I13.0n0; J. J. Hannlghen of Omaha., for
plumbing and heating, at Vi0; Western
Flectrical Supply company of Omaha, for
electrical supplies, at $175.
First Lieutenant Walter V. Cotchett,
Artillery corps. United States army, from
PU Paul, Minn., was a visitor at army
headquarters Tuesday.
on the lino of the CMcngo Great Western
railway li Iowa, Missouri. Illinois and
Minnesota for business men, professional
men and manufacturers. Openings for
nearly all Uuea lr live towns on a pro
greaalve railway, rffordlng a "square deal"
for all. Maps, Maple Leaflets, Town Talk
and full Information given on request to
Industrial Department. C. G. W. Railway,
6t. Paul, Minn., or . B. Maglll. manager
Townslte Department, Omaha. Neb.
WATCHES. Frenier, 15th and Dodge.
American Diplomat Arrlvea.
NEW YORK. Deo. 28. A. tl. Bnyder,
American charge d'affaires at Bogota. Co
lumbia, arrived bet a today on the steamer
1'aTorltes Fare II
dlr on Muddy
4 onrse at I
3i It was Ini
raccs at Ingle.
postMe to see anv of
side todav with the tlon of the starts
made in front of the The fng and
rain obeuied the horse In all other races
and the hookies were notified that thev
were oft 1y the tomle. tjueen Hee. -in
even money eholeo. v,,n hy several lengths.
Harney Si hrelher's Tom McOrath. a red
hot one, was a sad Mow to the wise ones
in the second. V"Mher rainy; track
sloppy. Result":
First race, five and one-half furlongs:
Oucon llec won. Avonella second, Nettie
lllrks third. Time: 1 :lo.
Second race, futurity course, selling:
Prominence won. Tom McOrath second.
Chief Wlttman third. Time: 1:12V,.
Third race, six furlongs, selling: Smithy
Kane won. Kstrazu. second, El Piloto third.
Time: 1:1SH.
Fourth race, mile sod a quarter, selling:
Rnvalty won. Hi Col Cap second, Ray
third. Time: 213.
Fifth race, one mile, selling: Ed Sheri
dan won, I'ossart second. Fury third.
Time: 1:41.
Sixth nu-c. (ll)e mile, selling: Bob Ragon
won. Jitokfnl second, ByionerdalM third.
Time: 1:41',.
Li fl ANUfcXES. Dec. 31. Results at
Ascot :
First race, seven furlongs: Pachnea
won. Gentle llarrv second, Vnssalo third.
Time: 1:2Mi.
Second race, futurity course: J. F. Don
ohue won. Pepper Pod second, Sir Brlllar
third. Time: l:llV(j.
Third race, one mile: Alderman Batt
won, Dlxella second. Eun Mark third.
Time: 1:414.
Fourth race, seven furlongsi Dollle
Weithoff won. Dutiful seooad, Rockey
third. Time: liffiu,.
1'i'ih race, one mile and seventy vardst
III. ni.ites won. Orchan second. Ethylene
third. Time: 1:4SH.
Six'h i ice, six furlongs: Belle Kinney
won, ! in second, Prince Chlng third.
Time: .!',.
NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 26. Results at
City Paik:
First race, one mile and an eighth: Key
m ? won. Little Wallv second. Liberty,
Mo., third. Time: 2:01.
Second race, rive and one-half furlongs:
Gauze won, Telepathy second, Cambridge
third. Time: l:lo.
Third race, six furlongs, handicap: Czar
nphlne won, Chief Hayes second, Lucy
Young third. Time: 1:17.
Fourth race, seven furlongs: Gambler
won. Belle Strome second, Monacodor
third. Time: 1:K.
Fifth race, mile and seventy yards: Iole
won, Taplola second, Josette third. Time:
Sixth race, six and one-half furlongs:
St. Tammany won, Modred second, Norel
third. Time: l.lMS,.
Seventh race, one mile and seventy yards:
Padre won, The Don second. Double
third. Time: 1:51.
Results at fair grounds:
First race, live furlongs: Hallowmas
won. l"sury second. Quaint third. Time:
1 :C.:is.
Second race, five and one-hnlf furlongs:
Hannibal Bey won, Gay Adelaide second.
Burning Glass third. Time: 1:08.
Third race, one mile: Monaco Maid
won. Whippoorwill wecond, Gold Enamel
third. Time: 1:44S.
Fourth race, six furlongs, handicap:
Luretta won, Iadv Henrietta second.
Mayor Johnson third, mine: 1:15V4.
Fifth race, six furlongs: Buster Brown
won, Lctty second, Proteus third. Time:
Sixih race, one mile and sixteenth:
Charlie Thompson won. Dr. Ibirt second,
Joe Lesser third. Time: l:5oa.
In n match pourly played on both aides
the Metz Bros.' team won two games
from the Storz Blue Ribbons. Good scores
and new pin.-, seem lo lie strangers to
each other. Francisco was high for the
night with B-V.i. and Forscutl's single high
game was the only WO score howled dur
ing the evening.
1st. 2d. 3d. Tot.
Francisco 1K IK! i73 oo'J
1 'otter ISA 1! 17ii 611
Huntington 19 17i 17 548
V.arp 19() ITS 167 f.20
Denmun ...,. lit 174 157 631
Mu '.t7
1st. 'd
Weber ISO
Marble VU
Tonncinan ItsU
033 7'.tJ 25S2
Davldavu Defeats Pitt.
Harley Davidson, roller skating champion
of the world, defeated J. S. Put of Chi
cago at the Auditorium Tuesday night in
tile second race of tho series, two miles,
in G.2H Another large crowd tilled the
lower floor and several rows of seats in
the Ealliry when Manager Glllan tired the
shot which sent the racers away. As on
the previous evening Pitt shot to the front
and secured the lead, setting the pace
for ten laps, when Davidson, by a quick
spurt, took the lend away from him.
Davidson maintained the lead to the finish,
although T'itt fought hard all the way un
til the third lap from the end, when a
sudden spurt ended disastrously for him.
as lie swerved too far on the west end
and hutted Into the crowd, ho that before
he could recover himself Davidson was
half a lap away, which lead he maintained
until the finish. A false start was made
at the beginning, and after two laps bad
been run Pitt discovered that his skate
was loose, and another start wan made.
The i.a me racers will go lor the three
miles tonight.
Basket Ball Prospects Bright.
CENTRAL CITV, Neb., Dec. 26. (Spe
cial. The local basket ball season Is
now well under way and this year's high
school five promises to bo as strong as
the championship teams of the last two
seasons. Rowland and 1'nderwood, the
two forwards of last year's five, are on
the present team and are keeping up
their good record of goal tossing. Balrd.
Hanson and Rowland are making good at
tho guard and center positions. The local
five has played five games tills season,
winning them by good margins. Tomor
row night the high school team will clash
with tho Alumni team at the Academy
of Music in what is expected to be one
of the fastest contests of the season. The
Alumni team is conttsised of players from
the teams of 1004 and lfliC The lineup:
Rowland R G.
Hanson L.G.
Bnird C.
Rowland R.F.
1'nderwood L.F
R.G Conklln
l.O Martin
41 Elliott
L.F ratersou
R.F Agnew
O'Brien Will hallenge Jeffries.
KAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 2i. Jack
O'Brien, 'he pugilist who recently defeated
Robert Fi'zsimmons, authorized the issu
ance of a challenge to James J. Jeffries,
the retired heavyweight champion. Any
terms that Jeffries may demand, he said,
will be acceptid.
porting Brevities.
Thousands took advantage of the good
ice at 'ut-0(T lake Sunday and Monday.
The skating wita excellent at the north end
near Hwift's Ice house.
Society in Omaha Is to inaugurate a new
stunt Wednesnady. when some of the lead
ers will give a roller skating party from 10
to noon at the Auditorium.
The Omaha High school basket ball team
seems to play no favorites, but simply wins
trom them all. The defeat of tne Watioo
team last Friday was llieir latest achieve
Manager Gillan has fixed an age limit of
ion years at the rink Tills seems to be the
only way he can keep the older generation
from coining out and learning the game.
George Squires is the latest adjunct.
Omaha bowlers are practicing by team
for the coming of the Gunthers next Sun
day. Three Omaha picked teams will meet
the Gunthers, thus giving more of the
Omaha bowlers un opportunity to play
against the best In the country. Special
arrangements will be made for the specta
tor, and women will be as welcome as the
The foot ball rules committee Is to meet
on the 2Mh in New York, and then it will
be determined how far the powers that be
will listen to the hue and cry of the public
Kveryone was teginning to favor the t n
yard rule, and now comes Outland. the for.
mer Pennsylvania crack, and says that
rule Is abar to scoring unless one team be
twenty-four points stronger thaa lite other,
reckoning under the old rules, . .
Kelly Bnya Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Dec. 26. W. H.
Watkins, owner of the Minneapolis base
ball club of the American association, and
Mike Kelly, ex-manager of the St. Paul
team, met at the West hotel today and
practically settled questions x whereby the
ownership of the Mlimeajiolis club was
placed in the hands of Kelly.
When you travel liave you had
it rubbed into you about the
old census scandal about how
Omaha went backwards?
Wo wnnt to wipe this out don't we? The Bee wants
it forpotton you wnnt it forgotten so does everybody
in Omaha, who is proud of Omaha and its enterprises.
This is one of the times when all Omaha
must pull together. Will you take hold
of the rope and help pull?
Please deliver
Order them
Best Sugar Magnate Fails te Get Cass in
Etate Courts.
Judge Monger Halea that Member, of
State Hoard of Irrigation t'an
uot lie Made Partiea
In the Appeal.
Judge Munger has handed down a memor
anda opinion overruling the motion of 1 ley
ward Q. Leavltt vs. Kthan Allen Hitch
cook, secretary of the Interior, and others,
to remand the Scotia Blurt county initiation
ditch mutter back to the district court of
Bcotts Bluff county.
The secretary of the Interior und Ieavltt
applied to the State Board ot Irrigation
for certain water rights to Irrigate ceiiala
lands In Scotts Blult county. A portion of
the same lands is covered by both applica
tions. A hearing was had before the Slati
Board of Irrigation which resulted in allow
ing the application "f the secretary of the
Interior and disallowing the application ot
the, plaintiff, Leaviu. leavltt appealed to
the district court of Scotts Bluff county,
making as defendants, Ethan Allen Hitch
cock, secretary of the Interior; Governor
Mickey, Attorney General Norrla Brown
and Commlasloner ot Public Lands and
Buildings II. M Katon, the three latter as
members of the state Irrigation board,
Secretary Hitchcock Tiled a petition for
the removal of the case to the United States
circuit court on the ground that a suit
arising under the laws of the United Slates
should be tried In a t'nited States court
and Leavltt consequently uinvrd lo remand
bark to the state courts. j
The motion to remand in overruled on the j
ground that members of the Board of lrrl-
gatlon cannot be legally mmle parties de
fendant in the appeal.
Verdict in Todd Cnae,
PHILADELPHIA. lec. IK. The coroner's
Jury today rendered a verdict In the rasrt
of Mrs. Margaret Tndrt. the wealthy New
York widow whose body was found on the
tracks of the Reading railroad In Fairmont
park, this city, In October lam. The ver
dict states that the woman came to her
death In a manner unknown to the Jury. No
new evidence was developed at today
. . .5 r.. i '
Is a modem ldea-tt shirt (oca
"On and Oil like a Coat"
tar moraine. afwrBoon or eranlns, enr
iwrt Kjlm Tat tu j oorutoo txUusir fast tosriua lu iuie.
!. mr aw
Omalia is goinp; fonrnrd wo know it by leaps Bnh
bounds wc know it but the old impression still sticks
The Bee has started a plan to wipo the slate clean ta
i?how the world Omaha in a panorama, whitih will
surprise people who do not know what Omaha is, Thd
bird's-eye view of Omaha, which will be sent out witH
sixteen pages, showing Omaha in detail, will bo thd
biggest advertisement ever sent out of any city, j..
Advertise Omaha by sending copies
to your friends. Mail us the Coupon.
copies of
EDITION and Bird's-Eye View
For which I agree to pay ten cents a copy on delivery
Signed .,
now, as the edition will be limited ' f
Iff) ! 1 , .
II H I i ,mP " "
IUw Gonorrhoea,
lf3L Blood Potsoai
II II I I unhtlia..
II II m I tBy "
II U 1 Rupture,
and all Diseases and Weaknesses of
MEN due to evil habits of youth,
abuses. exceimeR or the renult of neg
lected, unskilled or improper treatment
" n.ivnta diseases.
We make no misleading statements or anbaalnessllk proposl.
tlone to the afllloled, neither do we promise to cure them In a few
dura, nor offer cheap, worthless treatment In order to secure their
patronage. Honeat doetora of rrcoitnlseri ability do not rraort te
anrh methods. We guarantee perfect, aafe and lasting- cure In tho
quickest popsslKle time, without leaTln Injurious after effects 1st
the system, and at the lowest eost possible for honest, skillful
nnd nM-ossfnl treatment.
rorr Consultation I If you cannot call write for symptom blank,
rntt and Examination I Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1308 Furnnm Street, Ik-tween 13th and 1 ltd Ktifets, Omaha, Neb.
T'jcr Superbly Equipped Trains Dailv, with finest personal wr
vice. The "GREAT WESTERN LIMITED" is Klrctric Lighted
throughout Equipped with Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, Club
Car and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The Club Car is a most
beautiful, roomv and comfortable car wherein lunches, liquids,
and cigars of the best quality mav be obtained. An excellent
breakfast served "a la carte" from Dining Car.
Union Station City Ticket Office 1312 Farnam St.
Heat electric light janitor service
all night and Sunday elevator ser
vice a fire proof building all cost
the tenant of The Bee Building
nothing extra "
Every tubtcrOxr ta
Thk Bte, gets one eopf
free on January let
Extra copiu 10 cml
of Omaha
Th Man's Tru Specialists
for Men
Hydrocele, ' ws could but see and treat all men
when the first symptoms show tUem
Varicocele, selves there would soon be little need
Stricture. for so-called specialists In chronic dl-
necking a rejuvenating of their phjr-
bicai, mental and sexual powers, and
mere would be none marked with the
indelible stamp of cunliluiiona!
PyphtliM, mill the sufferers from
Kldn and Bladder DlBcaaea would be
I reduced to a minimum. But as long
I " MEN continue to disregard the
lii ne, " and continue to neglect them
selves or to exercise Indifference or
poor Judgment m securing the right
treatment at the outset, just ho luug
will there be multitudes ot chronlo
I unerera.