Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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An t Irerated Tooth.
iM 'hlch Robert Burn
a fives us a clear idea,
V In th following lan
ITiaite. "My curse upon your
venom'd utang
That shoots my tortur'd
Rooms alang."
Some of us have experi
enced the pains of an ulce
rated tooth, with Us accom
panying chills and fever. An
ulcerated tooth Is generally
caused by either neslect or
'. ungodly uncleanllness..
I treat ulcerated teeth
carefully and successfully.
A Reliable Dentist
at a Reaaoaable Fee.
CI Be Bide
Closing Year the Moat Fatal In
History ( Fresh Water
Death took a heavier toll from the men
navigating the great lakes during the sea
son Just closed than In any previous year
slnoe the coming of large boats. A total of
III- lives were lost. Of these lit! were
drowned off the ships during the three
great storms of the fall. The remaining
ninety-nlns were lost by falling overboard
and like causes.
Tn 19f4 the number of dead was forty
nine which went to the other extreme of
being the smallest on record. It was then
generally believed by marine men that the
large steel Steamers to which the traffic of
tlia lakes was going were so safe that a
serious loss of life on board them was out
of the question. In fact, vesselmen. claimed
that lake navigation was freer from loss
of life than any other great occupation.
All this was upset by the season Just clos
ing. v The list of dead In 1KM was sixty-six, in
1W It was eighty-eight; ninety-five In 1S9S.
sn even 100 In 199. 110 rn 1900, 12 in 1901, 140
In 1902, ninety-four In lfcG and forty-nine
In 1904. Last year but two sailors lost their
lives In what might be called shipwrecks.
This year the number lost In storms wss
Lake Krle. which led the list of dead for
a number of years, tho past season gave
place to Lake Superior, where ninety-five
were lost, as compared with forty for
lAke Erie, thirty-eight for Lake Huron,
fifteen for Lake Michigan, ten for Lake
Ontario, eleven for the Detrolt-8t. Clair
river passage and six for the Boo passage.
Thirty-nine fell overboard and were
drowned and twenty met death by falling
into the hold. Fifteen were killed by acci
dents by machinery either on shipboard or
on docks and the loss of nln lives was due
to collision. Four were killed by explo
sions and four committed sulcitie. Four
died on shipboard from exposure or natural
Of the millions of passengers carried on
lake boats but two were lost. One was a
suicide and the other passenger simply dis
appeared. Of the three storms which so largely in
creased the list of dead the one of a fort
night ago Is considered by vesselmen as
perhaps the 'tnoetf dangerous gale on the
great lakes for a decade during the season
of navigation.
The great steel ships, which were sup
posed to be able to breast any storm, were
absolutely powerless when without cargo
and standing tin against the fury of the
wind..,. They were driven like so much flot- j
am before this' gale and contributed enor- ,
inously to the money losses as well as to
the loss of life. What is known ss the
September storm cost forty lives, the Octo
ber storm cost an equal number, while the
great gale of November M added thirty-six.
Last year there was not a single storm
of any Importance.
dome changes In the weather bureau serv
ice regarding the display of storm signals
Is considered necessary ty vesselmen In
order to get the full benefit of that Im
portant government work. No signals
whatever were displayed for the September
storm, and the signals for the November
storm were hoisted too late to be of much
value to a large number of vessels which
were exposed to the full force of the gale
In mldlake. The custom of captains of,
large and powerful steel steamers to pay
no attention tu storm warnings also has
come In for considerable criticism. Chicago
Har Bada-eta Will ot Be Printed
rabllr Ksnense. Ka- the
i In an oblique direction. It flew over and
The county commissioners have put their the handle swung around, striking Mor
foot down und consequently no more bar rissey alongside the head, crushing his
dockets will be printed st county expense. ,KUn. Death followed at once. An Inqliest
These little conveniences for the members ' w ill be held today by Coroner Brailey. Mor
of the bar, and Incidentally for litigants, j rissey lives at Twenty-fourth und V It la
hav been costing In the neighborhood of
$l.iO a year. With the added expense of
the Juvenile Court and the Detention home,
the commissioners feel they must practice
retrenchment wherever they can. There are
penses that
several other scattering ex
amount to a goodly sum every year which
the commissioners sre figuring to cut out
as they come to them.
The Best la Hallroadlna.
Travelers who recognise the best in rail
roading select the New Tork Central
Hues for their trips, and are sure of a safe,
pleasant and spe,-dy Journey.
Harry B. Davla. undertaker. Tel. 1224.
Printer Is Asaanlted.
As the printers employed at the Omaha
.Printing company, Tenth and Farnam
streets, were leaving tho shop after quit
ting work st 9 Hi o'clock last night one
.f them was singled out ami attacked
after he hsd proceeded a half block up
Farnam street The assailant was. chas
ing his msn across the street when Pa
trolman Morrison, who had been sent to
protect the printers In the anticipation of
trouble, came up. He dealt the assailant
a blow Just as be was preparing to tnrow
a brick at tne neeing printer aim cnaseo
blni as far as the alley on Kleventh street.
Into which the man disappeared, other
men were seen about the place, but no
further trouble was experienced.
the Baby
, Mellln't Food is really an
''assurance of healthy, happy child
hood, and robust manhood and wo
manhood, for proper feedlnf in Infancy
lay a foundation of food health upon
which, later ea, streog man aaa wnm are
asveleeaai net only Strang physically, hut
Strang mentally, fa the aund la Sitrat ea
the dy. Thar a for see te It that the ina at a
, food is right. l. r. uu Mallta reed, toad
' (at a Ires aaassi aar yea SaSy. -
The OfltT Isrssts Feed rKtlrli,
Ike CjlAMD fills at SU Uau, 1944.
CU Medal. tli.kst Award,
artland. Or. 1901.
ytumi roes co, aotTON, mass.
Citj Cnncil DeTo;n Errnicf te Pissing
a Routine : attrt.
nallroad laborer Instantly Killed br
the tllpplaa- of a Jark with Whtrh
He Wcrklnt on
Freight tar.
The. city council met last nlaht in an
adjourned session from last wi-ea Monday I
nr.y -psion iroin last wr .tionaay i
for tne principal purpose of receiving the I
bids for the requisitions of the coming
year. Before taking; up this order of busi- i
ness several matter were disposed of. A
recommendation from the Hoard of Fire
and Police Commissioners for the purchase
of LOW feet of fire Hose wus Hied, as was
also a petition for the grading of F street
west of Twenty-sixth. The bond of I'. J.
King for the office of police Judge was
filed, after approval.
Three ordinances for levying a special tax
on properties benefited by permanent side
walks were passed. Two other ordinances
were passed, one authorising the issue of
Street Improvement bonds to the amount
of $2,200 to pay for the Improvements on
Seventh street north of Missouri avenue.
These Improvements extend to the south
Una of I street.
An ordinance to establish the grade of
Fifteenth street, from Missouri avenue to
J street, was passed.
A special tax was authorised on the prop
erty benefited by the permanent Improve
ments on Sixteenth street, - between Mis
souri avenue and J.
Warrants were ordered for the payment
of Qus Hamel tl.Ms.S. and to George Dun
comb $357.85, for putting In permanent side
walks. An auction was orderod for January 2,
1906, for the public sale of street Improve
ment bonds for district 23. This sale will
be held at p. m.
In the matter of bids for the heating and
plumbing of the new fire hall at Twenty
sixth and L streets, F, Thompson was
found to be the lowest and he wss awarded
the contract at $1.4.1.
The bids for the electric wiring were
considered too high and they were referred
to the building committee and to the ar
chitect for reconsideration.
J. M. Tanner of the South Omaha Daily
Democrat was given the city printing.. It
was decided that the bid of the Dally Re
publican could not be considered, us the
, A , ... . ... 1
charter required that such a paper should
. . , ...
be in existence for fifty-two weeks. All
for fifty-two weeks. All
the bids for the official stationery were
thrown out, as none of them wore com
plete. They will lie readvertised at a later
The bids of the various companies for
feed, hay, coal, etc., were read, but were
all referred to the finance committee.
The council then adjourned, to meet again
next Saturday night
McMannman Fined for Asaanlt.
The case of Tatrh-k McManaman and
Mathew Patton for assault and battery and
for robbery came up In police court yester
day afternoon. After a little discussion the
charge of robbery was dismissed and the
case of assault and battery was tried. This
charges the defendant with striking Harry
and Frank Draper while on the South
Omaha cars last Saturday night. The case
was In many ways a laughable affair.
Really It wss little more than a free-for-all
fight in which the Drapers appeared to be
thej unwilling victims. The court, after
spending three hours In examining the wit
nesses, fined Tatrlck McManaman $19, In
cluding costs. Patton was dismissed. The
attorney for the defense signified that tho
case would be sppealed.
Sewer Commission Conference.
The meeting of the citizens' sewer com
mission was held in Barrett's undertaking
parlor last night. The commission passed
a set of resolutions which will be submitted
to the stock yards representatives, which
outline the desires of the people as they
appear to the commission. Another meet
ing Is flxed for next Thursday night. At
this meeting the representatives from the
stock yards und packers will be present In
Two Patrolmen Appointed.
There was little to occupy the Board of
Fire und Police Commissioners last night.
The main business was the appointment of
two new patrolmen. They were P. J.
Harder. Twenty-fifth and A streets, nnd F.
O. Hill. lfc South Thirty-third street.
Railroad laborer Killed.
w . Morrlssey was Inatantlv Willed
nlaht bv beinr tr,.u h i,..i -
Jaeksorew In the rsllroad yards. This oc
curred at t p. m. He is a car repairer and
while he was Jacking up a car the Jack
slipped snd threw the weight on the jack
not known when the funeral will be
Movers Damage Bnlldlnst.
While the Jetter company was moving a
building at Twenty-sixth und N streets it
! ,nJur,d ,I,H Wl411 of the Hendrl. k block to
t-Airni mm me street will have to
be closed until It is repaired.
Ma a la (llf Gossip.
Joseph Koutsky liss gone to Ruskln for
about two weeks rustication on his farm.
M. A. Martin. 5IB North Rlghteenth
street, la entertaining his friend, N. Nel
son, from Iowa.
Miss Julia Bage, Nineteenth and I streets
lias gone to Lincoln to visit relatives dur
ing the holidays.
Joe Peterson snd his wife of Rradshuw
Neb., are guests of (Justaf Uuslafsou'
They expert to" be In the cliv for the rest
of the week.
Dr. McCrann sent a box of fine cigars
to each of the fire houses yesterday. The
firemen are blessing the genial doctor
through silvery clouds or smoke.
William D. Stambaugh of the loftier
Memorial Methodist church goes to Spring
field to perform a marriage ceremony for
parties who were his special friends.
The fiienda of William J. Mangsn should
remember the luncrai will De tins morning
st s o ciock i o procession leaves tne
residence, 06 L street, at for St.
K. H. Roberts hue returned from Stella.
Neb., where he and his wife have been
visiting for several days past. Mrs. Rob
erts will remain In Stella during the rest
of the week.
Members of the fire department of the
city made Chief Harrett a Christmas pres
ent of a fine gold watch charm and thev
also presented his assistant with an en
singn pin.
Among the contributors to the citv's
tax totals yesterday were the Schlitx Brew
ing company and the Packers' National
lank. The amount paid In by each was In
the neighborhood of ll.wjo.
While the horse of Dr. John W. Koutsky
wss standing hitched before, the South
Omaha hospital yesterday a wagon diien
by an employe of the t". P. bakery col
lided with the doctors rig and made a
complete wreck.
An Interesting family gathering was held
Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wright. f7 North Twenty-fifth
street. South Omaha. A feature of the oc
casion was the visit of Harry Wright. Jr.,
who had nut seen his father for thirty
years. Luther Wright Joined In the family
gathering after recently completing seven
jears In the army service in Cuba and llu
Philippines. Three generations gathered
around the Christmas festal board.
James Becks bad a warrant Issued for
the arrest of Thomas Laydon yesterday,
charging him with assault and battery.
Berks lives at Nineteenth and P. whil
Ladon Is at Sixteenth and Q. The men
were out Monday night celebrating when
they met iu a bar room at bixteenih and
u. Iai don charged Ueiks uli allowing
his hnva, wlmm h on I it ware unW s,
to work In the pricking hnuwa anil take
th place rt mn at loss than mn '
wars. Thin anrrd Berks, who slspp1
Iadn's fare, tavdun. tt Is paid, drew
a knife and slashed Hecks across the
throat, cuttlne" a deep wound Asraln he
slushed him on the ba k of the nr k. an
other serious rut tr. Knntsky dressed the
man's Injuries, which required si stitches
Hecks as shle to be out tndsv long
enough to swear out a warrant tor !
don's arrest.
Dismal Fonr-llonr Trl with Little
More Tbaa the fold, nim
Desert to
te were four hours going through thla
little trouvh of water. And all thst time
there was nothing to sea but the cold, dim
mere vii
desert and
Toward tt
d the empty, low-hanging moon.
I iunnr inn rna we bibmicmi a w siciiuip-
small and lonely In the desert
There was
an Arab near It, wrapped and hidden In
a lung trailing cloak. Ho sat with his
chin on his knees and looked our way.
Two camels hunched beside him, slowly
chewing. They swayed their long necks
to stare at the lights. Mournful, solitary
looking beasts they were. They crouched
on the desert with their knees folded under
them, snd we passed near enough to see
them flap their scrubby little tails. But
the man never moved. We watched him
till he slipped out of sight.
Tt grew colder and the loneliness un
bearable. But yon could not even think
of sound. There was nothing but the
night and the desert, and they bound you
snd would not let you stir.
I'erhaps I slept. When l looked again
we were In open water with a low. sleep
ing town behind us. A melancholy spot
with half a doxen feeble lights. Sues It
was. A cold wind struck across It and
made me shiver.
Just then our searchlight dropped its
hood snd sent greet fingers of light into
the blackness ahead. Out of the south
came snother light, powerful and yellow,
but poking snd peering In a helpless way
like something lust. Then both lights van
ishedand the trouble In the sky meant
There were mountains faintly jagged
sgalnst the Rky with the moon slipping
pale and dim behind them. While still she
hung, cold and empty-looking, the moun
tains flushed at their baseband over in
Arabia the sun come rolling up.
There was no more night after that.
We lay In a bay that was smooth as a
mirror and reflected colors like one. It
was pink and peach and swimming gold,
snd all the sir fresh and new and aflush
with the morning.
The moon faded out like a ghost, and
the mountains and rocks and all the shore
1 Aiiflirtrta ifnAil suit klnnlr I , . -..
" " " . v . . w . ui'.v r. diiu v Iran i hi.
xhl. th. . . - . , .
l nis wss tne day and the end of Africa,
- - -. .. . .
-WIU v kuiuni III. C.UKU uei ii . ngnt,
In Scrlbners.
Announcements of the Theaters.
So many of the features on the bill at
the Orpheum this week f-trike the popular
note of public fancy that to signal out
one for prsise would seem invidious and
only limitation of f-piice allowunce ex
cludes comment on the whole. Franceses
Redding and company In the very funny
sketch. "Her Friend From Texas," re
scoring hesvily. The special feature f.f the
program to delight the children Is Charles
Baron's burlesque menagerie, a trnupo
of canines mude up as lions and other
animals. The simulation creates a decidedly
amusing deception and one that Is us
seilous as Interesting. On Thursdsy tho
next midweek popular price matinee will
ho given.
For the closing performance of the cur
rent year, Manager Burgess of the Boyd
otTers the bright new comedy, "The Mar
riage of Kitty." This piece, which has
never been seen In' Omaha, Is one of the
sparkling modern comedies In which the
interest centers around the intrigues con
nected with the proposed nuptials of a
young woman. She has a choice of her
own, but members of her family and
friends hsve other selections for her. and
the complications come easy. The engage
ment Is for Sunday night only.
"The Christian" has scored a tremendous
hit at the Burwood. Its selection for a
holiday week's performance was surely an
Inspiration. The regular shoppers' mat
inee will be given on Thursday afternoon.
nia- Races End Tonight
The final race between Harley
son, champion roller skater, and
J. i
Pitt of Chicago will be skated at the
Auditorium this evening at 9 o'clock. Mr.
Pitt has made a remarkably fine showing
against the champion and many believe
that he will come out of the contest to
night the victor. Tonight's race will un.
Hi 111 fit Arllv fw tlisk faotAaaS- n . A.
" ' iree ana tne en-
thuslasm will run high on the part of the
friends of the two contestants.
On Thursday night will occur the first
costume skate of the season. The
querades on skates
were very popular last
vear. Hrul thla oti i li i......
' " uil 1 nurs-
day night promises to eclipse the eventa I
of last year In every particular. All who
ah tit ulatu . . .
.i h., " wr
nrt win h I0"" . tm''un", "d ''
fumes wo, L' fo"
Prise, win a,L hi 1' 1 , .'"'"".en.
har, rmelv!o.? J1"" to the most
aim me ocst
comic, costume and the most
penci l cnar-
- r'-.'i'-uwu, riiurr Historical or
ftP vn a i(a .hi , .
nctionai, will likewise draw a substantial
cash prize.
Holiday Rates.
The Erie Railroad, the Picturesque Trunk
Line of America, announces special holi
day rates over Its Un from Chicago De
cember 23, 24, 2S, 80, 31st and January 1, to
Columbus, O. ; Akron, O.; Youngstown, O.;
Jamestown, N. Y.; Salamanca, N. Y. ; Buf
falo, N. T., and local stations. Apply t
your local ticket agent, or J. a. Dolan.
T. P. A., Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago!
We wish to call our reader.' attention
to an error that crept Into the advertise
ment of the Tianu Player company
Omaha. Neb., In the Issue of December 1,
In reference to their Victor talking ma
chine announcement. The Victor records
sre now $3.80 for a half doxen instead of
$5.00, as printed, thus effecting quite a
saving to the purchaser giving pleasure
to the purse ss well as the heart and soul.
Holiday Rates
Christmas and Njw Years. Greatly re
duced rates via the Missouri Pacific rail,
way. Tickets on sale December 22, 28. J4,
25, 30 and 81, 1806. and January 1. ifec
Good to return to and Including January
4. 106. Full Information at city offices,
B. E. Corner 15th and Farnam stie-sts!
Omaha. Neb.
Niagara Falls, Mohawk Valleg mmit
Hudson River.
Travelers using the New Toik Central
Lines are. In addition to a fast, safe and
luxurious service, favored with scenic at
tractions of unparalleled Interest, including
Niagara falls, the Mohawk valley and the
Hudson river.
FOBS. Frenser, 16th and Dodge.
Redding Brtnas iteanlts.
Interest is Increasing in the revival meet
ings at the People s church, conducted bv
Rev. J. C Redding, the Irish evangelist
Rev. C. W. Savldge. pastor of the i hurch
says: "This preacher Is unique, original
and forceful. Ha holds the attention to
the last. Thousands In the rlty ojicht to
hear him." Mr. Savldge ts enthusiastic
over the number of convulsions being made
st these uieetlngv
Charles E. Detwsi
r of Omaha arrtiud
witk Kiss I
Voll of Liooola.
loans; Woman
tee In Thel
nd Her Mother fllt-
Feellna-e Against
Man Accused of stealing
Tender Heart.
Charles IC. Detweiler and Miss Nettn De
Voll, l?-yar-old daughter of Mrs. De Voll
of 315 North Twelfth street, Lincoln, were
arrested st S o'clock Tuesday morning t
the 1-ange hotel, -3 South Thirteenth
street, by Patrolman Morrison, on Infor
mation furnished the police by the girl's
mother. Detweiler was charged at the city
Jail with being a suspicious character,
while the girl was placed In charge of Ihs
police matron on a charge of Incorrigibility.
Miss De Voll stated Tuesday morning
that Detweiler started to keep company
with her eight months ago st Lincoln on
the pretenses of being a single man.
"I learned to think much of Mr. Detweiler
and when I was told some time ago by a
friend that the man was married It wss
hard for me to break the attachment,
particularly as Detweiler continued his at
tention with letters, long-distance tele
phone calls and personal visits. I have
three boxes of his letters with ma and I
Intend to keep them, although be asked n(e
last evening to destroy them. He Induced
me to corns to Omaha with the under
stsndlng I wss to get a position here.
Snspeeta a Plot.
"I registered at the Lange hotel last
Saturday and he called on me about 2 a. m.
Tuesday. His two brothers were with the
oilleers when they called and I believe the
affair was put up by Detweiler to shield
himself and protect himself, as It was
mentioned in the papers last Friday that I
left Lincoln without telling my mother of
my whereabouts."
Advice was received at the Omaha police
station last Friday evening from Lincoln
to look for the girl.
Miss De Voll showed a number of letters
written by Detweiler to her. The effusions
are of the most passionate and gushing
nature, some of the expressions being,
"Darling. I have declared myself to you
and now you are In a position to act.
Yours with love and kisses." "Oh, baby,
darling sweetheart, the tears are streaming
down my face as I write this letter. Oh,
God, darling, I bow my head I have dared
to love you!"
Detweiler tir-ta Tragic.
Miss De Voll Intimated Tuesday morning
that Deweller recently threatened to take
his life should she go back on him.
The young woman, who Is quite pre
possessing, now declares she sees her mis
take, but maintains she is bitter against
the man who has deceived her.
Detweiler has a 5-year-old daughter.
Word comas from Lincoln that Mrs.
DeVoll, the girl's mother. Is outraged in
her feelings over her daughter's fate snd
will come to Omaha and push the case
against the man who deceived the girl.
In police court Tuesday morning Deputy
County Attorney Shotwoll filed a complaint
against Detweiler, charging the prisoner
with wife abandonment. The case has
not been set for hearing. The county at
torney stated the complaint was filed at
the instance of a brother of Detweiler.
"Give the girl the benefit of the doubt
In the matter. I would not care to contra
dict anything she might say."
This succinct statement,, was made by
Detweiler Tuesday afternoon when asked
what he had to say.
ndden Kndlna: of Affair.
A sudden end came to the promised sen
sational proceedings as a result of the ar
rest of Charles R Detweiler of Omaha and
Miss Netta De Voll, aged IS, of 35 North
Twelfth street, Lincoln, In a room at the
Lange hotel at 3 o'clock yesterday morning.
After a lengthy and, at first, stormy Inter
view between the mother of the girl and a
brother of Detweiler, In the office of Cap
tain Haxe at the police station, Mrs. De
Voll took her daughter and hurrying to a
train returned to Lincoln last night. The
affair la probably closed and It Is not likely
I that there will be any further proceedings
! In the case.
Patents llnve Kiplred nnd n
Wonder Cireete the Wrnri
The Pullman company turns out be
tween T0 snd 8u0 sleeping, dining and com
bination cars annually. Railroads art
forced to haul these cars over nearly 2oO..
urt miles of track and pay big rental!
! for the "privilege." The rentals aloni
J amount to about $350,000 a year. The road
that does not carry a Pullman Is severely
handicapped. The company pays 8 per
cent on a capital of 174.000.0110. For nearly
forty years the roads have been In abject
I slavery of the Chicago concern. All rivals
have U .wallowed up. Patent, have
, bn annulIou. competition ha. been sup-
-..-j th- hnm..,. h r:,n......
I i t 'vi a tuss j , ivn.iS( (.hit a uiininii
trUKt prat.t
Ically without a patent, nil
having expired. Any rosd is at liberty to
hulM Urn own Mleenera and a few flVHtemii I
have made a success of it.
There Is now after years of litigation
another Richmond In the field, a palace
cur ss far ahead of the Pullman as the
Dcutschland !s ahead of the clipper ship
of half a century ago. It Is patriotically
called the Columbia, and is In operation
between New York and Philadelphia. For
several years it was used on Csnadian
roads, but now that Its standing has been
settled by the courts and the national
government has allowed all patents, It has
become an Institution of the I nlled States.
A contract wus made a few days ago
for twenty of these cars with one of
the leading railroad systems of th coun
try. fieeing Is believing. At Jersey City you
enter a beautifully decorated parlor car
containing some twenty-five comfortable
grass chairs on a green and white carpet.
The windows are broad, high and numer
ous. The chairs sre portable. A lavatory
st one end is so spacious that four women
ran make their toilets at the same time.
At the other end are most ample accom
modations for men. The kitchen, buffet,
cold storage, linen closets, etc., sre gen
erous. But there Is not the remotest hint,
sign or suggestion of a place to sleep.
You bought a berth check, but there ts
no berth. Yet you are assigned to this
csr. It looks queer. You begin soon to
wonder where you are to rest your head.
"Want to go to bed. sir?" The politest
of porters is Mason, a graduate of
Amherst college, black as the ace of
spades, chief demonstrator of the Columbia
under the tutelage of R. L. Spencer and
J. H. Pluninier. "Which car?" you ask.
"Right here. sir. Allow me to move your
chair." A space as long as a berth and
as wide Is cleared on one side of the car,
snd two trap doors are lifted to a vertical
position, forming a section from the top
to the bottom of the vehicle. Mason, hav
ing provided himself with a hand brace
about three and a half feet In length,
wrench Instead of a bit forming the busi
ness end, attaches It to a counter-sunk
nut and bores away. I'p from the depths
-a cast steel chamber beneath the floor
rise two exquisite beds, ready made for
the occupants; white sheets. Mg. clean
pillows, white blsnkets. felt mattresses as
light ss tn w flakes, and steel springs un
der ail.
Watch In hand, you time Mason. In ex
actly one minute and twenty seconds the
two berths sre ready, the section Incloeed
with curtains. The chairs? t hsd almost
forgotten to say that two sre placed on
their sides In the steel chamber vacated by
the berths, where they remain until the
section is returned to its hiding place.
When all the berths sre made up there Is
net a chair In sight. It takes the average
Pullman porter from twenty to thlrtv
minutes to make up the old-style Pullman
berth. And what do you get? A board
called a blanket weighing about thirty-five
pounds (In Imsglnation), made of horse
blanket material and of a color guaranteed
to show no dirt; two little dalis of cotton
called pillows
Did you order a brass bed on the Colum
bia? Mason gives his brace a few turns,
when. Phoenlx-llkn from the ashes that Is,
from the track rises a dainty little affair ;
ready for conveying you into the arms of ;
Morpheus. My, my! Think of the ad- '
vanced possibilities of Harlem flats! Screw j
your bed out of the floor at night, screw It i
back In the morning! When all trains are
operated by electricity Mason will press a
button snd bring tip berths and brass beds i
In less than forty seconds.
Steel chambers und or the csr are strong
and perfectly ventilated, delightfully
wanned, dust proof, cinder proof and moth
proof. The fresh air streaking through
cleans the bedding. The stowsge in these
receptacles of all bedding and the absence
of weighty compartments tn the top of the
car lower the center of gravity to the point
of safety. The Columbia will never torple
over. The Pullman rolls down embank
ments and often lands bottom upward. The
Columbia weighs 5,000 pounds less than
the Pullman of like design. Mr. Fluinmer
says that he Is willing to go Into a colli
sion with the Columbia as his battleship,
and will cut , through a whole train of
You enter the Columbia, finding it a par
lor chalr car. Suddenly it Is converted into
a sleeping cur. und as suddenly casts off
the aspect of the dormitory and becomes a
dining car. Forty men can smoke in It
hour after hour without offending the non
smoker. By some peculiar trick of ventila
tion the smoke dlHuppcars through the
roof. New Y"ork Press.
From the West, fUast.
The New York Central lines offer a fast
express service between the west and the
east that, for speed and luxury Is unsur
passed. It Includes the world famous
Twentieth Century Limited and Lake
Short Limited, and many other splendidly
appointed fast trains.
ITrT Hall road,
No change of cars Chicago to New York,
Boston, Mais.; Buffalo, N. Y., and Colum
bus, O. These trains carry splendid Pull
man and dining cars and coaches. Apply
to Ticket Agents or J. A. Dolan, T. P. A.,
Railway Exchange, Chicago.
Mortality Statistic.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health
during the twenty-four hours ending at
noon Tuesday:
Births Carl J. Bergqulst. 967 North
Twenty-fifth avenue, girl; Michael Kotch,
l:U South Twelfth, girl; W. C. Newiin,
1303 California, boy; Charles Harmon,
Twenty-sixth and Hprague, girl;
Johnson. I'nlon hotel boy: Fred Kopp,
348 South Fifteenth, glti; John Mahr, 1716
Cuming, girl: Allen Moulton, 1S07 Mason,
girl; Jacob Singer, 13 Nicholas, boy;
Reginald Williams, 2630 Capitol avenue,
Deaths August Kessler, 36, tfiuglas
counly hospital; Mary Frances Kealey, 27,
t19 South Twentv-ninth; Nels J. Pelford,
41, 2S22 Cass; Agnes Wstts, 19, 2727 South
Twenty-fifth; Nels C. Hansen. 17n3 North
Twenty-fourth; Marguret A. Kennedy, 65,
2224 Dodge: August Kempf, 1120 Dorcas.
ir rou wlnh to recalT a copr of ik bosk men
tlnnxl la this advtrtitrmsnt, vrli your nam
addreia In tha apar abova tar off thla
na man ts nattK
convince you in this ad, 01
the value to You of our Free
new hook, "The Battle
Creek Idea," you would he
glad to pay $10.00 for it.
Thla book W valuable braua It ahowa you
how t a wall an4 atrong mttbout taking
4rug! or madtclnea.
All It coata yog, hawavar. la the prtv of
tamo wo avnrl it abaoluialy fra.
If tha attainment or mention of your own
go4 health -nd tha good haalih of tnnao
r to you la worth a ouatal, oontf ua ono
today or um obovo coupon ) an 4 wo will for
ward tha book promptly.
You do not obligate you reel f In any way by
gnowarlng thla advartl.wn.ent. You are net t har
required to buy anything not to prom'ao any
thing All wo aak la that you read tbo bonk
It tella how you can IIto, In your own homo,
with out disturbing your dally routine In any
way, eane, healthful lifethe life that ha
reatorod thoueende to health at tho faraoua
Battlo Croak Fanllarlum.
It la now rorognited that nlno-lentha of all
dlaeaaea are i-auaed by Improper diet.
You oat dlaeaae; and you oat health. It la
all tn the rnolce of foods. "The Battle Crook
Idea," will tell you how to cheoae right, a
U to get and koep good health.
If tha health la worth having, the book it
wnrth aaklng for today. Addreee
T.w Battle) f'rk Sanitarium '
Mel.. It. R31, Buttle Creek. Mich.
$100.00 FOR A NAME
We have secured the sole American
agency for a Kuropean umbrella fab
ric, woven of silk and linen, with tape
edge. We will pay IIDO.OO for the most
fitting name for the umbrella which
we manufacture from this fabric.
Send vour Idea to AltNOM). Nt IIIKF
A CO.. il-i-fttt White Street, ew
ork City.
A. Sampson, Gen I Bales Agent. Omaha.
rhen i
n Chicago"
Stop at The
Stratford Hotel
European Plan
Refined. Klegsnt, Quiet. Located cor
ner of citv s two finest boulevards.
convenient to entire business center.
Clots te beat theatres and shopping
district. ZJ) rooms. JMO private t,atns:
luxurious writing snd reception rooms
woodwork mahogany throughout; brass
beas snd all modern comforts; telephone
in every room; beautiful dining rooms
the best of everything at moderate prices.
Michigan and Jackson Bivda, Chicago
corner ana man ts Battle) I reek I
.. Sanitarians to., ltd., J
- dr- TiT" Dept. rra, Hat-
If we could --
T irailatays-Sfg
Nennett Company
Clearance Sale of Top Overcoats and Retfera
3 to i, worth $H. f t.oO
3 to S, worth $4. at ..$2.00
3 to 8. worth 14.50. at --50
3 to 15. worth $fi. at -5
3 to 16 Suits, worth up to $6.95. at $:l.OS
And Hollar Watch with Kverjr
At $9.98
Double Oreen Trading Htamps.
1 1 Mink Lined Overcoat, worth $100,
Choice ef &.ny Smoking Jo.ekef or
Bvth Robe $5.00
This Includes the entire lines worth IT."'. 110 rid tuV
Sale Begins at 9 O'clock and Continues Kntlra
Pay. or Until Every Garment Is Sold.
Any Hingis Boa Necktlo, worth up to H.50, at....fi0o
A New Lotof Those Boys' Wool Sweaters $1.00
iAnd Klfty Oreen Trading Stamps.
Men's Sweaters
And Fifty Oreen Trading
Bovs' ' Shirts
And Klfty Oreen Trading
Berlin Coats and Cardigan Jackets. $5.00 down to $1.00
Jersey, Scotch and Imported knit Men's Gloves.
worth up to $1.00, at 5"ri
Blue Flannel Shirts. $3. $:'.60, $2. $1.50 and $11
Luzere he Jersey Knit Shirts.
-x - v iiwizAfl
id sunt)!
Big Cut Price Sale of Silks
100 Pieces of Fine Waist and Suit Silk This lot includes
all plain shades of Chiffon Taffetas, all plain shades in
soft French Messaline, all shades in Crepe do Chine and
a large assortment of neat fancy effects in all shades for
street waists and suits, every yard perfect and CCIp
worth up to $1.25 a yard, all go Wednesday at. . .fJ
10 pieces of 27-in. Black Peau de Soie, fine soft finish, every
yard guaranteed, our regular $1.39 quality, fl 00
Wednesday, a yard leUU
Red Letter Day Bargains in Domestics All our 27-in. and
32-in. Flannelettes in light and dark colors,
worth 18c a yard, Wednesday, a yard
Ileavv sewed Comforts, dark colors, worth 75c,
Wednesday, each
Heavy fleece Cotton Blankets,
Wednesday, pair
Apron Gingham, worth 7Vij a
Wednesdav. a vard
500 manufacturers' sample
and 3 yard lengths, worth 59c a yard, will bo llp
wild Wednesday, u yard.
Colored Dress Goods
Odd Pieces of
58-ln $2.00 quality Mixed Cloakings,
4R-in. $1.50 quality Tailor Suitings,
40-ln. $1.25 quality Mixed CueviotH,
45- in. $1.25 quality Invisible Check Panamas
46- ln. $1.25 quality Plain Sicilians,
5G-in Panamas in navy, dark green
$1.50 a yard, only
Holiday Gifts Not All Sold
All Holiday Goods in Dry Goods Sect Inn miiMt be sold Ibis week.
AH goods op to 50c each will be divided Into three lols
All above that prire twenty-five
Great Fur Hurnains Thirty large brown Coney Boas with 1 Oil
large natural tails, worth $2.25, for 1WU
fine Hundred Kable and IsalM-lla Fox Boas, worth from $6.5 l QC
to $10.00, at $6.95 and T.J
Tweuty-flve Brown and Blatk Marten Soarfs and Bon, worth Q QA
from $12.50 to $20.00, at .JJ3
Indies' Coat About fifty, black and colored, satin lined, very latest,
full length styles, worth from $10.00 to $10.50, 7 01
all at JD
Children's and Misses' Coats Nearly one hundred, ages 0. 8, 10, 12
and 14 years all our stock, worth up to Ten Dollars, at 1 or
$5.95, $4.95 and ...J.JD
Alaska Seal Coats All sold but SIX. PRICES WERE $175, C f f Q
See Hot Bargain
Shermnc's La Grippo
Cough Syrup
It wss first compounded when the)
courts was at Its worst at- SO. It
kas proved Its efficiency thousands of
times. There may be other remedies
for simple cough. UA OKIPPS
quiets st once) and stops that tickling
In tha throat.
SAMPLE FREE) Bottles 26c and 10a.
For ehroDlo eases, pints, II. to.
Made and sold by
Sherma I McConoiil Cm, Ci.
Cos. lth ss4 Dodge) its., Omaha.
Best rareu Paper -tsbacrlbe
Suit and Overcoat lip from
At $14.98
Double Oreen Trading Stamps.
A Or, i
Men's Umbrellas
A NIc New Year's Oift
$.0.00 Umbrellas at $10.00
$15.00 I'mbrellas at $7.50
$10.00 Umbrellas at $.VO0
Cheaper ones $4.50, 94, S.rtO. :. 2.50, $2. 1.50, 1
Doublo Oreen Trading Stamps on AH
t'hlldren s Tarn o' Shanters and Mocking
Caps. Prices $1 50. $1. 7ic, fyic U5o nnd IVi
Double Oreen Trading Stamps oil All
Men s Flush Caps. Price $2, $i.W, $1.25.
75c and -.500
Are uniformly "Dutchess Quality absolutely
the best that money ran produce In material, finish
and workmanship. We sell them under the well
known Dutchess guarantee; 10 cents a button, $1
a rip. On sale, hundreds of odd pairs Trousers out
of highest priced suits worth up to $6 a pair:
Ked Letter Day :$.00
Hoys' Thouwr. . . . 92.00, $1.50 and $1.00
60c Knee Trousers V:
worth 90c,
lengths of Table Linens, in 2,
lor Red Letter Day
All Go Wednesday
.Yard 7C
and black, regular price
M-r tent off tli iiinikcd prices.
Ad on Last Page