Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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. i . . - -
Thf, Omaha Daily Bee.
tally H (without Sunday), one year. .$4 ft)
Islly Hee and Sunday, one ear 6 00
Illustrated Bee. one year 2S0
Sunday Bee, one year 2. SO
Saturday Bee, one yetr 150
lallr Bee (Including Sunday), per week..Kc
Ially He (without Sunday), per week. .12c
Kvcnlng Bee (without Sunday), per week fte
Evening Bee (with Sunday), per week,..10o
Sunday Bee, per copy to
Address rnmplslnts of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department.
'irah The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council BlufTa 10 Pearl Straet.
Chicago 1S40 Inlty Building.
New Tnrk-15no Home Life Ina. Building.
Washington fiOl Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to new and ed
itorial matter should tw addressed: Omaha
Bee. Editorial Deportment.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
rayahle to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-rent stamps received as payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, sa:
C. C. Kosewater. secretary of The Bea
Publishing Company. ine duly aworn.
says that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Bea printed during
the month of November, IMS, was aa fol
lows: 1.flflO
1 31.1 4e
7 35.1 SO
1 S1.B80
17 S1.TTO
It tl.WM
11 81.BOO
SI 81.4AO
a 82.o
ti 31,eUW
S H2,4Ht
n ao.s.'.o
17 Sl.OOO
U Sl.AilU
$ 81.UMO
a 1,000
31, KM
Total Bia.nno
Lass unsold copies lo,.1ia
Net total sales 030,2:1
Dally average 31,307
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before ma this 1st day of December. 1906.
(Seal) M. B. HUNQATK,
Notary Public.
Sakserlbere learlaaT taa elty tem
porarily should have Ilia Be
mailed taesa. It is batter tkaa
a dally latter Irani ham. AU
4ress will ba ebasted as aftea as
The railrond tax cusps still remain
with us.
Joe Crowe? aayg Its false! And Tat
Crowe blandly trumps the card.
If the railroad of Nebraska cannot
par their taxes this year who can?
In the meantime Nebraska politicians
are kept bnv guessing uttout the Baxter
It begins to look like Kentucky should
take steps for a safe and suite New
Year celebration.
Wince St.- Louis clubs are being raided
it seems that not only the lid, but the
spigot Is to he closed In that lowu.
Marshal Warner approaches the que
tion of eelec-tlng deputies as though it
were ls-tter to be safe than sorry.
Nebraska leads lu heroic lueu and
women. A Nebraska hero has carried
off the first medal for heroic life saving.
The last federal grand Jury was pre
sided over by Joe Crowe. Why not
have the next oue presided over by Pat
Now is a good time to begin to draft
those New Year resolutions, for the
"after Christmas feeling" uay not out
last the week.
Hy basing suffrage upon taxpaylng
Count Wltte shows that he must have
taken some pointers from America dur
ing his recent visit
The Nebraska upheaval did not seem
to disturb the president's Christmas
dinner digestion, but it did spoil the di
gestion of some eminent Nebraskaus.
Governor Folk may be asked to give
an official definition of the word "graft."
but some other authority will be per
mitted to authoritatively define "civil
service reform."
It is prolwble that the man who suc
ceeds in being speaker of the house In
New York will find that recent investiga
tions, have tukeu some of the profit out
of the position.
It was the late Senator Hauua who
spoke of "couelllatlon with an axe."
But it seems to be the Idea of President
Uoosevelt to secure conciliation lu New
York politic with a big stick.
Now that Haron Komura has returned
to Japan, It will not be so hard for
Mher diplomats to convince China that it
meant nothing by its new treaty, but It
will not be so easy to convince Japan.
. iuterurbau trains between Beatrice,
MacDln and Omaha are confidently fore
shadowed by June 1, ltXMt, by the sage
of Willow Spring unless something un
foreseen happens and that generally
from the attack being made by the
rerolutioulsts upon the railway stations
a part of the people of Russia apparently
think that the railroads exercise almost
aa much, influence with the government
aa do those of the United States.
Knergetic policemen who endeavor to
slop public speakers from criticising the
president may not he doing so much to
please the present occupant of the White
House aa they think, for Mr. Hoosevelt
is as much In favor of a square deal
for those who oppose his policies as for
himself and knows that a good t-atifce
loara uothlng b discussion.
The fact that there have liecn confer
ences of late between Attorney tieneral
Moody and United States district attor
neys summoned lo Washington lias
given rise to the belief that the T)epart
lneut of Justice is preparing to Institute
proceedings agaiust some of the trusts
which hare been under Investigation by
the l)ureau of corporations. As was
stated in the report of Commissioner
Uarfleld some half a dozen of the big
corporations hare leen subjected to In
quiries by the bureau, the results of
which will probably e placed iu the
hands of the president Immediately after
the holidays.
It Is said that the department and the
bureau are working in complete har
mony, so far as the ascertainment of
Information Is concerned, though differ
ing as to the method of dealing with
offenses. It appears to be the theory of
the Iiepartment of Justice that there
should be prosecution of offenses, while
the theory of the bureau of corporations
In dealing with supposed evils Is to In
vestigate them with the resulting pub
licity. It is jmlnted out that In case of
an Investigation under the authority
conferred iu the bureau of corporations.
Just as with the authority conferred on
the Interstate Commerce commission,
all compulsory Information thus obtained
carries with It an lintnnnlty against
prosecution, the effect of which Is to
hamper the Itepartment of Justice in Its
choice of instrumentalities for carrying
out Its own plan of work. On the other
hand. If the bureau of corporations re
frains from securing compulsory testi
mony Its inrestigntions are corresond
Ingly hampered. It. is understood that
Mr. Moody and Mr. tiarfiold are trying
to work out in each individual case a
harmonious plan of action which will
accomplish the lwst net results. It la
further stated that In some cases which
will soon come lief ore the supreme court
the Department of Justice will challenge
the right of corporations to Immnnlty.
on the ground that a corporation is not
a person within those sections of the
constitution which protect a person from
The Indications are certainly strong
(hat the administration Intends to pros
ecute any corporation that is found to
hare violated the anti-trust law and to
push such prosecution with nil possible
vigor. There Is every reason to lel!ere
that it Is the fixed purpose to enforce
the law nnd that In doing this there will
lie no favors shown. It would seem
that the men who control corporations
engaged In Interstate commerce should
now understand that they are not to be
permitted to defy and violate the law
with Impunity.
It is stated that the bank troubles lu
Chicago have created a flurry of Interest
among congressmen In the o.nestlon of
bank Inspection and examination. It
will be well If this Interest shall prove
sufficiently strong to Induce congress
men to give attention to the recommen
dations of the comptroller of the enr-
( rency as to what Is necessary iu order
to secure better Inspection and examina
tion of national banks. Those recom
mendations are not new. having been re
peatedly urged upon congressional atten
tion and always disregarded. Perhaps
the Chicago disclosure will lead to some
action by congress, but experience
hardly warrants belief that it will.
T'ue comptroller of the currency has
leen subjected to some criticism in con
nection with the trouble of tliejChlcago
National bank. He was long familiar
with the fact, according to his own
statement, that the law was being vio
lated and he neglected to take proper
action to put an end to tills. He ac
cepted promises that the violation of
the law would not be repeated, but tha
facts show that It was. It was not in
this case, therefore. Inadequate inspec
tion and examination, but a failure on
the part of the comptroller to exercise
the authority which the law gives him.
As one critic of the course of the comp
troller remarks, how often may a bank
le ordered to call In Its hazardous or
questionable loans, promise to do so and
then regularly violate the promise? May
It do this once or twice or twenty times
with Impunity? While It must be ad
mitted that there Is need of Improve
ment In bank inspection and examina
tion, reform will not be wholly effective
unless the comptroller's office Insists un
der all circumstances upon a strict com
pliance with the law, showing no leni
ency to any violator of the law.
the tkeatt with cvha..
The bill Introduced in congress to re
peal the act giving effect to the reel
proclty treaty with Cuba and requesting
the president to give due notice of the
termination of the treaty. Is not likely to
be passed. Yet there are cogent nrjeu
i.ients lu supixirt of the proiosition.
While the reciprocity arrangement has
proved advantageous to Cuba, in giving
her a market for the greater part of her
sugar and tobacco, it has not been of
very great benefit to the United States.
Of course the exiorts from this country
to he island republic have increased,
but not to such an extent as was ex
pected or which can be regarded as In
any respect compensatory. The Cubans
have continued to buy In Kurope and
e'.-en more freely than lie fore the treaty
and undoubtedly will go on duiug so.
Thus they have showu no preference for
Amcilcan product and no disposition to
CMvcc'mll.v favor this country iu return
far the lllieral tariff concession made to
The San Francisco Chronicle remarks
that the reciprocity treaty has not in
creased America trade to a degree
which in any way compensates for the
great loss of revenue to the treasury, has
M-rlotisly Inlured the prospects of the
be-t wngar Industry and has strength
ened ti.e hold of the Sugar trust buiu in
this country and Cuba. It says tt.M
the notion that in some way it would
bind Cuba to us and endow Its popula
tion with gratitude and love for the
United States has no foundation what
ever. "The Cubans," It declares, "do
not like us and never will like us.
The treaty which they have negotiated
with Ureat Britain shows that they hare
no wish to encourage our merchant ma
rine and would gladly give to the British
even the naval advantages which by
treaty are exclusively ours." Still It is
most probable that congress will take
action adverse to the treaty at at this
time, but it Is a prety safe prediction
that the existing arrangement will not
be continued beyond the specified five
years from ratification unless there
should be a very mnterlal Improvement
In our exports to Cuba.
Another great sensation has leen
sprung. Wyoming bears have gorged
themselves on a copy of the Omaha
hyphenated, furnishing material for a
display of stud-horse type on front page
In announcing the Incident with blood
curdling particulars. In proof whereof
It Is reporteil that the voracious bruins,
after swallowing the cannon ball soup
editorials and padded wants ads, topped
off their repast by chawing up the car-1
rpr .
Manifestly the Chic federation Is
simply laying In a supply of campaign
ammunition for next spring. Its miscel
laneous effort to close l.ri0 dram shops
was foredoomed to become a fiasco.
Tlad Its energies been centered on the
disorderly and Indecent resorts. It might
have succeeded in accomplishing some
Ccneral Nelson A. Miles has been for
mally relieved from further military
service as Inspector general of the Mas
sachusetts militia, a post of glory which
is scarcely commensurate with the am
bition of a soldier who for years had
signed lieutenant general commanding
the United States army after his name.
If some senators vote against the con
firmation of Chairman Shonts of the
Panama Canal commission because he Is
drawing two salaries they will but :
demonstrate the Idea of the difference
between an office filled by executive ap
pointment find one presumably filled by
Indirect election of the people.
Oaestlon for the Xevr
Chicago News.
Shall we abolish foot ball and yet con
tinue to tolerate Christmas shopping rushes
nemovlnsr Temptation.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The railroads now believe they have
earned money enough to be good, especially j
as Mr. Roosevelt proposes
from further temptation.
to aiB mem
rmelest C'nt of ll.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
The most humiliating thing Russia has
yet had to puffer Is the announcement from
Constantinople that Turkey is about tt send
ships to Russian ports to protect Turkish
Deeerttna- the Melon lateh.
Minneapolis Journal.
It Is given out that the big western rail
roads have agreed among themselves to
stop rebating. That's a great deal like
the willingness of the boy to get out of
the melon patch when he sees the dog com
ing at him.
Theory anil Condition.
Knnsns Cltv Star.
There Is considerable boasting about the
freedom of the press In this country, where
the government Imposes an arbitrary and
unjust tax on white paper and on the ma
terial which Is used In its manufacture.
It niut be thst congress dares to uphold
and sanction this invidious policy because '
It fears the trusts more than It cares for
the newspapers.
A 'ew Peacemaker.
Springfield Republican.
Mr. Baer's toast, "Blessed are the peace
makers." encourages the country to hope
thut the next great coal strike will die
before it Is born. Hitherto the country
has not looked Mr. Baer's way to find un
apostle of peace, but Mr. Roosevelt's ex
ample may be catching In the empire of
anthracite. Mr. Baer may well aspire to
become famous as the great pacificator.
ovthlna: KaTect of n Million.
Chicago Chronicle.
After all the effusive sympathy that this
country lavished on' Mrs. W. K. Corey and
all the anathemas that were heaped on
her husband by everybody, including his
own parents, for deserting the wife of his
youth and poverty snd taking up with
an actress it Is positively discouraging to
read that Mrs. Corey has settled with her
husband for 11,000,000, that she has returned
to live with lil m and that there Is no hap
pier couple In Pittsburg than they ore.
Kansas Senator Tells Where
Stands on the Kate daeatlon.
Kansas City Star.
After mature deliberation, after months
of study and preparation, after the most
careful consideration of both sides of the
question. Senator Long has arrived at the
conclusion that there is going to b soma
kind of rate legislation. He sets forth
what the Foraker bill proposes, what the
Klklns hilt proposes, what the Interstate
Commerce bill proposes and what tha
president proposes, all of which things
the country has known through the gen
eral discussion of these subjects m-hile
Senator Dong was deliberating. Senator
Dong ventures to say what he thinks con
gress will do about It, and makes so bold
us to declare thut, so far as the presi
dent's recommendations In his last mes
sage go, they should be followed by tbu
Thus Senator Dong of Kansas, after an
austere and portentous reserve, after de
fying Interviewers and prodders, has tim
idly picked his way Into the president's
i i-iunp, where he naturally belongs and
where it was predicted long before he had
made up his mind, that he would land.
But his entrance has been made on tiptoe,
us If he feared that he might awaken
some hostile sentinel. He h&s none of the
air of a fighter, but rather the manner of
aa academician. But It should be gratify
ing to Kansas and the friends of the
Byuare Deul generally that he has flnaJly
put himself on 'record as favorable to the
president's policy, even If he justifies him
self by a sort of legal verbosity rather
than moral directness. When Mr. Dong
grows accustomed to his new quarters and
la made to feel at home in the excellent
company he will find there, be may be lin-
I pellc-d tu vut uu armor and go iuto battle.
KW !ll4 POI.1C 1.
Ininnrtant he Proposed by t oin
mtsalaner l.enstn.
Chicago Tribune.
Mr. Francis E. LeupiV commissioner of
Indian affiilrs. makes sot te sensible suggi-s-tions
In his an mitt 1 repert regarding the
(future treatment of the iVllnns by the gov
ernment. Although only accent ly appointed
to his present office, Jlr. ieupp has been a
close student of the red Imen for twenty
years. His Investigations have convinced
him thut the nation's past policy In dealing
with its wards has for the most part been
extremely unwise. Its mistakes have been
mainly due to misunderstanding of the In
dian's nature. 1 1 in well wishers generally
have looked upon him as either "simply a
v hlie man with a red skin" or classified
hltn Indlerlinlnately with non-Caucasians
such as the negro. The truth that he po
ssesses a ilistalnt Individuality has been
It has been a fundamental error, Mr.
Ieupp thinks, to try to coddle tho Indians
Into ctvlliration. Penning them up and
feeding and clothing them at public ex
pense has detonated them, as It would any
people. It Is time for a new policy. It
would be futile to try to change those past
middle age. But much may be done for
the young. First of all, they should be
educated. Thero arc 30,000 or 40,000 Indian
children of sc hool age In the I'nited States.
Most of the boys have become formers In
the west, the rest ditchers, lumbermen,
miners, etc. They and the girls who will
become their wives should not be taught
"to reel off the names of the mountains In
Asia, or extract the cube root of 1231D67S9,"
but should be given training which will
later be practically useful to them. They
should all be taught to read and write, and
cipher. Beyond this, the boys should be
shown how to repair a broken harness,
to fasten a loose horseshoe, to straighten a
sprung tire on a wagon wheel, the girls how
to cook, sew and Iron. If an Indian boy or
girl desired higher education he or she
would, of course, have the same opportunity
as anybody else to get it. But the a-ovcrn-ment
should not give It to those who don't
want It and probably never will use it.
Mr. Leupp's suggestions are In line with
the most advanced educational thought
of the age. There Is a growing tendency
to make tho education of white children
more practical. Tho reasons why that of
the Indian children, with their compara
tively limited mental capacity, should be
made so are even stronger..
When an Indian gets capable of taking
enre of himself tho leading strings that bind
him to his tribe and the government ought
to be cut. He should be made as free and
Independent as white men are In respect
both to property and citizenship and sent
forth to hustle for himself. The govern
ment should u,uit straining itself to find
something for him to do. Mr. I.eupp has no
doubt tliat the in(Inn flnd moans of
supporting himself If Uncle Sam throws
him upon his own responsibility. Let the
process of readjusting the red men to sur
rounding conditions be but carried on grad
ually but steadily and they will In a few
years be practically assimilated to the peo-
J pie about them. The "Indian problem" of
so many years will then cease to trouble
the nation.
The policy Mr. I.eupp outlines Is perhaps
the wisest that has ever been suggested.
The Indians cannot be kept forever In tute
lage. They cannot remain forever a aepa-
rate entity In the nation. The scheme pro-
posed seems well adapted to relieve them at
once of the r leading Kti lncn and melt them
down Into tho mass of the people In a way
that will do neither them nor anybody else
any harm, either temporary or permanent.
-i " , .
Yarloos Hraada of the Article la
Common Use.
Cosmopolitan Magaxine.
There are policemen and lawyers who
pal In. Some lawyers will give a copper
his "bit" If he'll .steer for them, and send
them suits against railroads and ths like
for killing people or breaking their legs and
arms. Then there are lawyers mostly the
sort that infest the police magistrates'
courts, and are as common as blackberries
on the Kast side who have an underground
partnership with certain of the police.
Here's the way they graft. The lawyer
has clients who are thieves or worse. Nat
urally he keeps a friendly eye on their
I Onnnlul .......till.... Ono rt t 1... ... t m f -I M I
to the good. The lawyer knows, and he
gives tho "office" to Ills partner, the po-
i llceman, to collar the client. The "pinch"
comes off; the coper runs In the rich
thief, and he and the luwyer shake hltn
down between them. When they've taken
h11 his money they turn him loose to get
more. Then they shake him down again.
Of course, the poor crook who's collared
never suspects his lawyer, who tells him
that the money goes every dollar of It
to square the copper, and that he'll get
a stretch or two In Sing Sing If he doesn't
pay. This kind of thing comes off by
the dozen every day.
There's court graft, loo, where the clerk
and the court officer stand In. Take a
probation officer, so-called: A man pleads
guilty, or is convicted; the judge holds the
case over and sends out his probation
officer to discover and report on the cul
prit's past. You can see that what tha
probation officer reports will save or glvo
the man two or three extra years In prison.
He has friends and relatives; they want
to make the thing as easy as they may.
With such a situation, do you see anything
In It for the probation officer?
Speaking of lawyers. It may Interest you
to know that per cent of those prac
ticing at the New York City bar are prac
ticing on fraudulent admission papers.
Men who cun't sneuk, let alone read or
write, lviiglish, and who ore as Ignorant
as dogs besides, are "admitted" as law
yers. How were they thus admitted to
practice? They hired somebody to assume
their names and take the examination for
them. There are men who make a busi
ness of taking law examinations, first
tinder one name and then under another.
The certificate of admission to the bar.
when they receive It, Is sold to the lg
not mini, who pays as high as $5.00(1. After
that he hunts for prey In the magistrates'
courts, and finds the nrlce he paid for
that fraudulent certificate a good Invest
ment. The I hrlDliiina Tree.
Baltimore American.
Nothing rise In the Christmas festivities
that have come and gone through the
centuries seems to maintain the same hold
upon the Juvenile- Imagination as the
Christmas tree. It arouses the same en
thusiastic admiration now that It did a
century ago. It Is the business of a tree
to grow things and a tree that will at
once produce a combination crop of candies,
fruits and toys Is, of course, a wonder and
a Joy. which' language utterly falls In de
scribing. The Christinas tree, that flashes
its wonderful fuliage and fruitage upon the
astonished gaxe of the newest member of
the family on Christinas morning, leaves
an enduring Inipressiou that never quite
wears away, even when threescore and tea
have liven reached.
Balance of Trade,
St. Ixiuis Globe-Democrat.
Biiice the republican party came into
control of the government In 1897 the
excess of exports of merchandise over im
ports has exceeded $4.30n.0O0,0O9. . The foot
ings this year will be about: Exports,
$l.'".'irti i ; Imports. $l.Un).000.'i), a total
forris- trade of The Pingley
law tan show tliu lisuies fur standing fiat.
Hippies aa the f arrent of I.
Ife In the
There is something doing among the
magnates who own or seek to control tha
Union Pacific railroad, hut the Wall street
gossips are unable to fathom the game.
Last week the common stock of the com
pany changed hands at the rate of Sii)
shares and this unusual activity convinces
the street that there Is a deal on or a ftsht
for ownership. Saturday's New York Even
ing Post has this to say ahput it:
With Union Pacific common stock chang
ing hands this week at the rate of JnO.ouu
shares or more per day. on an advance of
ten points In price for the last ten dajs.
and thirty-six points from the low point of January, unusual Interest was attached
to current rumors. The first, os usual,
was of a contest for control. When It was
pointed out, however, that the Interests
originating tho $10,000,0011 6-year pool lu
the pteferred shares could also throw on
the market the lloo.ono.iro new preferred
stock authorised last May without a mo
ment's warning, or before' the present
management could tie displaced, the re
ported contest lmedlstely lost Interest.
The next explanation heard for the active
buying and the new high records which
wero being established ono day after an
other, was that with the $100,000,000 un
issued preferred stock authorised to "fin
ance coming requirements, especially such
as arise In connection with the acquisition
of stocks of other companies," first the
Illinois Central was to be taken over;
afterwards It was the New York Central.
A stubborn fact that upset the reported
Illinois Central rumor, which, according to
schedule, was to be financed with valu
able rights to everybody concerned was
that while Union Pacific advanced ten
points, Illinois Central advanced three. As
to the alleged Union Pacific-New York
Central merger. It was recalled that last
spring New York Central advanced twenty
six points on exactly tho same story, ami
then declined twenty-four when It was offi
cially denied. Shortly afterwards Union
Pacific dropped from 121 lo 1 16. The
story was obviously used at thut time
merely to cap a "boom."
Another damper to the reported inten
tion of the I'nlon Pacific to issue tho $10u,
Ooe.OiiO preferred stock, always with rights,
was that the movement was all in the
common stock, which sold nearly fifty
points above the preferred. But If "rights" Involved, the preferred stock also
ought to have advanced. The only peg left
then in sight was an increase in the divi
dend rate on the common stock. In spite
of the fact that the management waited
six years' before the semi-annual payment
was increased last July from 1 to 2V4 per
cent, "inside Information" was distributed
to the effect that tho rate would be in
creased to H'i per cent at next month's
meeting of the directors.
One of the most plausible theories heard
for the advance of 20 points in I'nlon Pa
cific since the dividend was increased to 6
per cent was that the company would soon
show a return on the Investment of the
000,0110 nnn-dlvUlend Southern Pacific stock
purchased In 1901 and 1902. During tho year
the price of the Southern Pacific advanced
from 57 to 72 on the same belief. In
the annual report Issued last week, how
ever, It was virtually stated that no divi
dend would be paid In the near future, and
the price of the stock declined from 72 to
The following estimate of the Improve
ment work and new construction by rail
roads was published this last week by
the Wall Street Journal. It places the
amount of new work actually under way
at $333,000 000. with over $4KO,000.000 of addi
tional vork In contemplation. The estimate
In mil' tons (000 omitted) in detail Is given
To be
Com- Com
Vnder Content- pleted. pl'd.
Railroad. way. plated. 19H5. WOti.
St. Paul $70,000 $;,000 $10,000 $:w.ono
Rock Island Sys. 30,0) ao.ouO 8.000
Atchison 20.r
Burlington lo.OuO
Ot. Northern 2o,(Wi0
Nor. Pacific 5,0ii
I'nlon Pacific... 8.0U)
6. mm
So. Pacific 10,000
West. Parinc...
Gould roads
Sun Pedro
IV. N. W. A Pa..
Colo. Southern.
Illinois Central...
Boo Une
tMiscellaneous ..
Total $.133,000 $451,01)0 $137,000 $.41.000
Including O., H. & N. and O. 8. I..
fAlton. Monon, Bis Four, Oreat Western,
(Including Sioux City extension), Hawley
lines, etc.; also Independent new roads.
This list is devoted especially to the west
ern roads and those running south from
Chicago. Some of the work represents, of
course, entirely new lines, such as the ex
tension of the St. Paul to the Pacific coast
and the several smaller lines now under
construction by the Chicago & Northwest
ern. The total set down as contemplated
by the Colorado Southern belongs In the
same class, representing, as It does, that
road's proposed extension to the gulf. It
would appear, however, that the figure of
$50,000,000 Is somewhat in excess of the
road's actual requirements. So far. for the
purpose of this extension and other similar
objects, the road has disposed of $17,000,000
of bonds. The estimate given for the Rock
Island system, which here includes the
'Frisco lines as well, appears to le based
partly on that system's plans for extensions
which, for the time being at least, are held
In abeyance.
Vlrglalaa's Thrilling; Cry for Spiritual
New York Times.
This Is a season of the year when one
wants everybody to be at least as happy
as Is compatible with the payment of extra
bills, and therefore is It truly and deeply
pathetic to learn that there are people
down In Virginia who would be happier
If they were permitted to spend more of
their own money in Increasing the Christ
mas theer of their friends and themselves.
The sorrowful revelation Is made by one
I -em Lusklns of Amaryllis, which Is In
Louisa county, that state. In a letter to
the postmaster of Richmond. "Please lo
send me," writes Mr. Lusklns. "the nnim
of one seeloon keeper In Richmond. We
all want to ordur some whisky for huloday
and we can't get no whisky hereabouts.
Will you please to give letter to one seeloon
keeper and tell him to rite to me. We
ben sending to Clncanater, O., after whisky.
But it is so Ing coming and we want to
get it near By We wont to have some one
ordur whisky for all of the people around
here when they want tt. specially on olo
days." Now, there really Is un Amaryllis
In a Louisa county, Virginia, for we have
looked it up in a book, so anybody even
respectfully equipped with confidence In
human nature can and must believe that
this letter is the sincere cry of a hungry
no, thirsty heart, A member of the
Woman's Christian Temperance union
might be able lo read Mr. Luskin' appeal
with dry eyes might even be able to re
joice over the fact that whisky ordered
from Clncanater la "so Long coming," but
there he softer folk who, while In no doubt
aa to tl.e gtnrral badness of all red liquors,
will yet have a sigh to heave as they think
of the Christmas drouth at Amaryllis and
of "all of the people around here" who
are vainly yearning fur a promptly respon
sive address.
The Doctor
"Arc your bowels regular?" He
knows that daily action of the bowels
is absolutely essential to health. Then
keep your liver active and your bowels
regular by taking small laxative doses
of Aycrs Pills. Just one pill at bed
time is enough, just one.
We have no secrets! We publish
the formulas of all our medicines.
Ms y the t. O. Aysr Co., Lewsit, Mass.
AIM Manufacturer r
Hallroad lanaa-ers Anxlons to Make
Peace with the Government.
Brooklyn Kaglc.
The bad tittle railrond boys are going
to see the teacher and promise to be good.
If only ho will not shut off their recess.
That Is about the significance of the con
ference to be held In Washington next
Thursday between the members of the
Interstate Commerce commission and the
railroad representatives from Chicago. The
railroad men aaked when they could bo
received and A time was set through Mr.
Knapp, the Illinois member of the com
mission. The railroad men say In advance
that they will pledge themselves and their
companies to oid the commission In every
way In their power te break up the system
of rebates. Utile dependence can be placed
on pledges of that sort, as has been shown
time and time again, but the fact that
railroad men are ready, even aaxious, to
make such offers, shows that the end of
the rebating and discriminations, which
have made the railroads the real arbiters
of the prosperity' of sections and of Indi
viduals Is in sicht.
A few years, even a few months ago,
the railroads insisted that rebates were
their own private business and that gov
ernment had no concern with them. They
maintained the system generally. In de
fiance of the law, and declared In defense
of It either that rebates were Inevitable
or else that the system was morally
sound. Their willingness to abandon It
has been manifested directly on the an
nouncement of Indictments of prominent
men for conspiracy to grant rebates, and
In the face of unusual and widely dis
tributed activity on the part of federal
district attorneys to secure more Indict
ments. The railroad situation In the coun
try Is in the process of a change more radi
cal than any which has affected It since
the community of Interests Idea has placed
the management of most of the great
lines - in a few hands. What form the
modification will take no one can tell, but
it is clear enough that railroad manage
ment In 1907 will be a very different mat
ter than It has been in 1905.
William R. Taylor, governor of Wiscon
sin from 1374 to 1876, has been admitted to
the Old People's home, near Madison.
Colonel Thomas Wentworth Iliggtnson
was 82 years old on Friday last. The ven
erable poet, preacher, writer and soldier
observed the day quietly at his home In
Cambridge, Mass.
At this late day it is proposed to accept
the resignation of midshipmen who have
never really desired to be Farrogruts or
Footes, or who have tired of trying to be.
A sensible decision.
After the holiday recess Speaker Cannon
will blossom out in a suit of homespun
gray. Recently he received several yards
of cloth from a rural constituent, whose
wife wove the fabric from wool grown on
her husband's sheep. The cloth Is of heavy
texture and is a Christmas gift to the
speaker, who Is having tt made up by a
Washington tailor.
Peter Iai'son of Montana Is doubtless tiie
richest Scandinavian In America, and prob
ably the richest man In the northwest, next
to Senator W. A. Clark. He is a Dane by
birth and for the first twenty years his
life was that of an ordinary peasant lad
In Denmark. He came to America empty
handed and Ignorant of the language, be
ginning as a dock laborer.
Captain Herbert Winslow, 1". S. N., son
of Rear Admiral John Ancrum Winslow,
who, es commander of the Kearsarge, sank
the confederate cruiser Alabama oft" Cher
bourg In 1H64 and died In Boston In 1873,
has just been detached from the Charles
ton and will leave for Fort Monroe In a
few days to take command of the new bat
tleship Kearsarge.
The Piano Buying
Public Pleased
Nothing llts Happened Which. Gives Greater Satisfaction
The Universal Discount of 25 per cent off of the glraleht piano
dealer's retail prices which this house inaugurated during the year and
marked this last and lowest, asking and selling price on the tags In
plain figures, and hung the tags on the pianos in plain view, is what
has done the business for the Hospe Co.
The One Price Plan on Pianos is winning tis more friends daily.
They know the $160 mark means $190 net. The ten-year warranty on
the pianos means Tn Years, and the terms. $6 per month, means Just
what it savs. The $450 Knabe Mahogany Upright Grand Piano stands
tor just $450, cah or time. Can we do better than this to please?
Yes, we can!
We can, and will, show you new scale Kimball Pianos for from
$260 up. We have Kranich & Bach Pianos from $375 up. We have
sixteen different makes of pianos, including the latest Art L'pright and
Miniature Grand Bush Lone Pianos. Just call and see the French
style 14-lnch walnut case.
Our stock is fresh, bright, new, in perfect tune, ready for delivery.
Just pay a little down balance at convenience.
It pays to see the "Angelus" play the piano.
1513 Douglas Street.
The Piano House with the One Price. BK ni.Af KI.ISTK.n.
Seattle Newspaper Men Arraaetl of
Urnve Crime.
Portland Telegram.
Tt Is a regrettable story of blackmailing
by newspaper men that comes from Seattle.
Two or three disreputable reporters have
become addicted to tho habit of suppress
ing news stories where tho facts reflected
upon the conduct or character of people
who could afford to pay for their suppres
sion. As soon as specific offenses were
brought to the attention of the papers on
which these men were employed they were
dismissed from service.
Although, to the credit of the newspaper
fraternity, the need has not been often
manifest that fraternity deserves protec
tion front men of this Ilk. A blacklist that
would effectually prevent their securing
employment would meet the requirements
of the case, and would afford a punishment
no more severe than merited. Newspaper
men generally enjoy an enviable reputation
in their professional dealings with the
public. In Innumerable Instances they com
mand unbounded confidence, and the record
of betrayals is among the rarest of happen
ings. It Is Indeed a pity that such a reputa
tion should be even remotely smirched by
such half-fledged blacklegs as this Seattle
bunch. It Is evidently the determination
of the Seattle papers to get rid of the dirty
Tramp Kin I have a flt on your lawn? I
feel It cumin' on me.
Kind lady -- Oo around to the tennis
court. It needs rolling. New York Hall.
Maybelle So Fan Doosenbery Is married
at last! Swell affair, was it? Who gave
the bride away?
Gladys The newspapers. ' In the list of
marriage licenses they published her real
age. Chicago Tribune
"That politician takes great credit' to
himself for keeping his promises."
"1 don't see why ho should," answered
Senator Sorghum. "Anybody can keep a
promise, but It sometimes requires an
artist to break one." Washington Star.
"Well, sir," said the author, enthusias
tically, "my book Is selling like hot
"Hot cakes, eh?" remarked the erltlc.
"I can understand that. I heard a fellow
say today that your book gave him men
tal dyspepsia." Philadelphia. Press.
Papa-in-Law Say, Jack, I suppose you
were wise to the fact that the $6,000 check
I put among your wedding presents yes
terday was just for effect?
Son-ln-Law Yes? Well, how do you like
the efTect of this touring car I bought with
It this morning? Cleveland Leader.
"Do you consider frenzied finance ques
tion of the hour?"
"The hour!" echoed the magasine pub
lisher scornfully. "It is the question of
several years at least." Washington Star.
The sluggard having gone to the ant,
pursuant to Instructions, had returned and
was making his report.
'Watching the blamed things continually
fussing over something or ether, and never
stopping to rest." h said, "made me moie
tired than ever." Chicago Tribune.
Washington Star.
He burnt midnight oil, and he studied and
Oreat volumes from which learned peopl
would quote.
Though many who knew hltn respected hie
He was far from the glory of popular fame.
His wrltlnss, which years of hard work
would entail.
Found wisdom's approval, but very scant
Admiration seemed nil he could ever expect,
And that from a circle extremely select. .
But he said something foolish a trival Jes ;
Perhaps 'twas inspired by a banquetor's
It was gravely discussed, with approval or
And threatened to set the whole country on
This man who obscurely was plodding his
Was known to a wondering world In a day;
Which allows, be you lowly or one of the
That you are out of the race If you don't
ail vert ise.