Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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    -'WW-. 4efw- Mt
Tirn OMATTA" twtlt ttee:
NEST) AY, DECEMBER 27. 1005.
Etrjthinf Indicates Largest Attenrhncs
in History of the Association.
Uoreraor Vlilu Peatteutlarr ou
rhriilmi id Haa a Short Talk
with Each On of the
fFrom Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 2ft.-Presldent Bearson of
tho Teachers' association was the busiest
man In town today and u hard to ap
proach owing to severe demands upon his
time In attending to telephone calla, special
meelngs of committees, local and execu
tive committee regulations, but when seen
expressed himself upon the prospects for
the meeting as follows:
"It was a surprise to all of us to hear
Treasurer Overholt announce an advance
enrollment of over 600. That Is a most
favorable Indication for the largest at
tendance wa have had yet. The educators
are coming In from every section and all
agree that the meeting haa been well an
nounced and that there la unusual en
thusiasm among all classes of teacher.
Treasurer Overholt Is prepared to meet
any emergency In the way of a large en
rollment, having hla corps' of assistants
duty Installed In the library bjlldlng of
the State university. The local committee
met this morning and completed final de
tails for Ita part of the work. The ex
ecutive committee met and arranged the
final necessary details of programs and
special accommodations. Everything la
blight for a meeting of real profit and
Inspiration to teachers. This weather will
mean a larger attendance than we have
had for years, to say tiothlng of the quality
of the program.
Other officers and workers expressed the
asme opinion.
Among the recent arrivals at the meeting
are Superintendents Mead and Hendrick
on of Loup City, Superintendent Zlegler
of St Paul, Superintendent A. O. pole of
Plalnvlew and Superintendent F. C. Mar
shall of Knox county. Superintendent Mar
shall says that the delegation from Knox
county la twice aa large as In any year
previous. This same statement Is made
by Superintendents Mead and Hendrlck
on of Sherman county.
Head Quart era Ideated.
Headquarters of the local committee and
the executive committee are In room 148,
Lindell hotel.
The North Platte sextet arrived last
evening and no more enthtuUaatlo body Is
present at the association. It Is accom
panied by Superintendent Ooss and a large
delegation of teachers. It will furnish
music for several sessions of the asso
ciation. Program (or Wednesday.
Teachers of Mathematics Wednesday, I
fi. m.. Room 2i7. university hall. Edith
xng. Lincoln, president; w. J. Hunting,
North Platte, vice president; W. H. Wag
ner, Hebron, secretary.
Methods of Teaching Algebra, Dr. J. W.
A- Toung, Chicago university.
Remarks by Prof. E. W. Davis, State
Round table conference.
Business meeting.
Teachers of German Wednesday, t p. m
Room 212. University hall. F. E. Boswell,
Orand Island, president; Pearl Rockefellow.
Omaha, secretary.
"My Methods in Teaching German,
Clara Schneller, Mlnden.
"My Methods In Teaching German," Car
rie K. Behults. Ashland.
"What It to Be Gained by the Study of
German," Carrie B. Nielsen. Wahoo.
"German Against Latin." May M. Longe
man. Crete.
An extract from Rudolf Hlldebrand's
"Vom Deutschen Sprach L'nterrlcht In der
Schtile " Ahhln Howen. Omaha.
Quostion. Bol, conducted by. Pxofc.Law.1
reneV FOsBlerrtlhcolnT - ' . - -
Business session.
Nebraska Teachers of Latin Wednesday,
I p. m.. Room 107, University haiL H.
Gillespie, Crete, president; Mary Roaa,
South Omaha, secretary.
Paper, "Archaeology and High School
Latin." Miss Bessie J. Snyder, Omaha.
Btereoptlcon Lecture, "Greek Treasures
on Roman Soil," Prof. James T. Lees.
State university.
kTlactlon of officers and other business.
Teachers of History Wednesday, 2 p. m.,
w. . i T ' 1 . . I... 1,-11 m t3M.Al
XIOOTT1 1UV, U Uivai Bli umi. v. .... Aimim ,
Omaha, president; Grace Abbott, Grand
Island. Secretary.
"The Judicial Mind of the History
Teacher," Charles K. Teach, Falrbury.
"Foundation Work In the Grades." Miss
Mattle Cook Ellis. Peru.
"High School Methods of Teaching His-
General discussion of the above papers.
fBneakera limited to five minutes.)
"Some Difficulties I have Encountered
In Teaching History and How I Endeavored
to Overcome Them,"
All are invited to come prepared to speak
briefly on tnw suDject. ,
Ruslness meeting.
Child Study Association Wednesday, 2 p.
m.. Memorial hall, chapel- Harriet Heller,
Omnh.i, president; W. R. Hart. Peru. sec.
retary. I hem", "Delinquency; Its Phases,
Causes and Cur." Program:
"The Incorrigible th Truant." Wllber
F. Hrvant. Un oln. Discusloti. Prof. N.
W. Preston. Fremont; Prof. G. V. A.
LucVev, IJncolu.
"Povs' Clubs. Camps. Etc.." Mogy Bern
stein. Omaha. I.xsruss1on. Henry H. Hoag
lnnd, Lincoln. Superintendent K. J. Mun
dy, Cambridge.
Tho Al'en Dale Farii and Other Iegal
Remedies," Cnptnln Kdward 1 Bradley.
Chicago. Discussion, Hnpenntcndent K 1.
llinurd, Kearnev. Superintendent Har
riet H. Heller, Omaha.
I'.uslneHS nieettng.
Teacher of Literature Wednesday. 2 p.
m., Room 310. library. Mnrgaret E. Thomp
son. Crete, president; Sarah Vore Taylor,
South Omaha, vice president.
"Report of Eiglisa Committee," A. A.
Hed. Superior.
Address, "The Teaching of Literature,"
Dr. Myra Reynolds, Chicago university.
Round table discussions on ts) "Methods
of Teaching Literature;" (b) "questions of
Teachers in the Work."
Election of officers.
Teachers of Physical Science Wednesday,
2 p. rn , lecture room. Physics hall. H.
Brownell, Peru, president; H. A. Senter,
Omaha, secretary.
Presidents address. "Preparation for
Teaching Physics'' (15 minutesi.
Report (continued) of committee on geog
raphy teaching.
"Georgraphy Teaching as Viewed by a
Superintendent," C. A. Fulmer, Beatrice.
"Some Type Lessons" (leaflets distrib
uted). N. A. Bengtson. Peru.
General discussion (IB minutes).
Report (continued I of committee on status
of chemistry teaching In the high schools
of Nebraska, Benton Dales, Lincoln.
Things new In apparatus with exhibit of
their use (15 minutes, department of phys
ics. State university.
Report on current science literature and
publications, IL O. Sutton, Kearney.
"Dr. D. B. Brace; an Appreciation,"
Frank F. Almy.
Business meeting and social half hour.
Inspection, with guides, of new Physics
Teachers of Science Wednesday, 2 p. m.
chemistry lecture room. J. A. Mercer.
Kearney, president; J. A. Loveland. Lin
coln, secretary.
"Value of Laboratory Work In Teaching
Agriculture," W. L. French. Lincoln.
"Agriculture In Public Schools," E. C.
Bishop, deputy state superintendent.
"Clouds" (Illustrated with stereoptlcon).
Dr. G. A. Loveland. University of Nebraska.
"Gllmroes of the Southern States, Their
Industries and People" (illustrated with
stereoptlcon). Dr. G. E. Condra, University
of Nebraska.
General Session Wednesday evening, St.
Paul's church. 8 o'clock.
Invocation, Rev. John W. Jones, Lincoln
Address of welcome, Hon. G. W. Berge,
Response. Superintendent W. M. David
son. Omaha.
Concert, George Crampton Concert com
Visited Every Convict.
Governor Mickey said today that he vis
ited every cell In the state penitentiary
yesterday afternoon and conversed with
all of the prisoners. He said that the num
ber asking for clemency was surprisingly
mall. He talked with the men of their
offenses and encouraged them to lead bet
ter lives. The prisoners did not have their
usual Christmas minstrel show, because
of the considerable amount of labor needed
In preparation. Many of the prisoners re
ceived gifts from friends and relatives.
The governor expressed his pleasure over
conditions as he found them at the Insti
tution. There Is not a single case of sick
ness at the present time, owing to the
perfection of the sanitation of the cell
and the care exercised by the prison of
ficials In caring for the men.
While at the prison the governor was
thanked by Bargent, the Madison county
man who will receive his freedom New
Year's eve, under a commutation Issued a
few days ago. Sargent told the governor
that he will go to one of his two brothers,
who reside in the northwestern part of the
state. The man haa served a longer time
In the penitentiary than any of the other
prisoners, having been committed more
than twelve years ago. He was sentenced
for the murder of his wife.
mm face
Tried Many Remedies Without Any
BenefitUsed Cuticura and Was
Helped at Once Now Picture of
Health Cure Permanent.
As I was reading the daily paper I
aw a testimonial of one of your per
manent cures by the Cuticura treat
ment. I know by experience your
medicine is all it claims to be. I had a
baby boy three months old and rcrema
broke out on his head and face. I tried
several kinds of medicine without any
benefi t, and then decided to try Cuticura.
I could see an improvement at once, and
in a very short time he was entirely
healed. lie is now three years old and
a picture of health, thanks to your
great remedies. One of my neighbor's
children was also eured by the use of
Cuticura. She came to me" to ask what
I used for my baby, and I was more
than ready to recommend Cuticura, be
cause of the speedy cure of my baby.
She found the same result that I did.
(signed) Mrs. Lottie Verage, The
Brunswick, Khinelander, Wis., May
l 1905."
4 It gives me great pleasure to testify
to the merits of the Cuticura Remedies.
I have tried several treatments for the
blood and complexion, but none gave
entire satisfaction as did the Cuticura
treatment. I advise all to give it a fair
trial. My face was always filled with
pimples and red sores until I used Cuti
cura. (signed) Wm. H. Brown, Cov
ington, Ky., May 22. 1905."
" Cuticura Soap and Ointment rurea
me of a very bad skin disease from
which I suffered for several months, I
think Cuticura Soap and CuticuraOint
ment the best in the world for the skin
and hair, (signed) Sadie Bosan, 139 S.
Pike St.. Shelbyville, Ind., May 7, 1905."
C ilw liNnal m4 Infer! TrlmH far imrj
Humor, from PiBif" m tcrwfu't, from Inteary AtA
o.uxUt mt (lnn So, Uc., OImxmi, Mi., Raul
wl, Me. i ! am t (rolu Cmu4 fUU. kx r mU
tm Lmvj Ctfm Cor-. Pls .Iwiifc
as- tuiM im, " Itow h Con Wlf-nf Ki
Appeal Register of Deeds Decision.
At the office of the clerk of the supreme
court this afternoon It was stated that
motion for a rehearing will be filed tn the
register of deeds case from Gage county
Involving that portion of the biennial leg
Islatlon which affects the office of register.
The act was held to be invalid by the
supreme court tn a memorandum opinion
In October, but the formal decision was
not handed down until December fc, and
the motion for a rehearing will date from
that time in order to get within the rule
which requires such a motion to be made
within forty days. There is a disposition
to make the proposed application for
rehearing play a part In the controversy
over the county commlsslonershlp, which
Is still unsettled In Lancaster county.
The question has arisen because the de
termination of the two republican Incum
bents of the office of commissioner to take
no part In the controversy between Lee
man to succeed W. T. Warner In the chsir
msnshlp. Allen hss been secretary of the
committee for several years, and on that
grund It is urged he will make an efficient
camplgn manager. Allen was mentioned
In l'MH. when Burgcs was elected, and he
as also talked of last summer. At the
latter date he was a candidate for the con
gressional nomination to succeed Senator
E. J. Hurkett and that fact, it Is believed.
deterred him from seeking the place.
Recent events have shown that the chair
manship Is a stepping stone tn the higher
things to which politicians aspire, and that
fact Is expected to count with Allen.
Real Kutate Man Fined.
Harvey 8. Bell, a real estate man, today
entered a technical plea iif guilty to a
charge of contempt of court In talking
with witnesses in the Love case, and was
fined 111) and costs by Judge Frost. The
charge was that of talking with May
Brown, alias Swartx. a witness In the case
of the state against Mrs. Gertrude Love,
convicted of running a disorderly house.
The defendant paid the fine at once.
Makes Heeord Shoot.
Captain 8. P. I:ivls of the adjutant
general's department spent . a portion of
the day shooting at targets and In that
time made a perfect score of out of
possible 20D, shootirg ten shots at each
target from a distance of fifty feet. E-h
missile pinked the target within a circle
the size of a half dollar piece.
Commission Returns Thanks.
The Nebraska commission to the' Lewis
and Clark exposition, at a recent meeting,
passed a resolution expressing its thanks
to the newspapers, the officials of the expo
sition, the State university, the railroads,
the commissioners of Douglas county and
Thomas H. Kimball, the architect of tho
Nebraska pavllllon. for assistance rendered
In making the exhibit of the state at Port
land a success.
Over Seven Hundred Birds on Hand
at Opening.
FRKMONT. Neb., Dec. 26.-CSpeclal.)
The exhibit of the Dodge County
Poultry association is being held this week
In Markey's hall. About 700 chickens of
high degree and ducks, geese and turkeys
were In their pens when the doors were
opened this noon, and many mure arrived
this afternoon. As has been the case with
previous shows, the largest exhibits are of
Barred Plymouth Rocks and Wyandottes.
There are pens from Davey, Clay Center,
Beaver Crossing, Scribner, Hooper, North
Bend and Arlington and an especially large
number from the country. Among tho
largest exhibitors are W. L. Houck, Fre
mont, Wyandottes; G. W. D. Reynolds,
W. P. Frits and W. H. Haven, Fremont,
Plymouth Rocks, and Perry Standberg,
Davey, Plymouth Rocks. J. M. Maher has
four varieties of ducks, rive of geese and
some turkeys. Including a bronze gobbler
which weighs forty-Hght pounds and is
the winner of a lot of blue ribbons.
J. L. Todd of Atlantic, la., has been
secured to judge the birds, and a large
list of prizes and ribbons will be awarded.
Poultrymen say that the quality of the
birds Is above the average.
Farmers of Neighborhood Flit Depot
to Hear Expert on Grain.
SEWARD. Neb., Dec. 28.-(Speclal Tele
gramsThe seed corn special came In at
9:10 o'clock this morning. A great crowd
of farmers were In waiting for the train.
From Ulysses there came sixty-five men,
from Tampa thirty-two, and from Utlca
fifty, besides an Immense crowd of other
farmers who so crowded the main room
that an overflowing meeting was held In
the ladles' waiting room of the depot.
MINDEN, Neb., Dec. 28. (Special.) The
seed corn special' today was greeted with
the following attendance: Seward, 890;
Waco, 170; York. 300; Bradshaw, 475;
Hampton, 190; Aurora, 875; Hastings, 300;
Juniata, SOO; Kenesaw, Minden, 460.
The crowd was enthusiastic everywhere,
rushed on the train and thanked the
special for coming. One farmer said by
following the lectures and advice last year
he raised fifty-five bushels of corn to his
neighbor's thirty-five. Those hearing last
year's lectures brought neighbors this year.
It was one ovation of thanks everywhere.
Where they had no faith last year all are
taking notes now and following the advice.
The day's trip was very satisfactory.
Leaves fl'lfe and Creditors.
HUM BOLDT, Neb.. Dec. 2C. (Special.
Events of the last few days indicate that
W. A. Richard, a young farmer of this
. . jmn.ii- iniMimhont on 1 section, is an active candidate for the
i.on luii, tit ..... - - - - I
Robert Plckel, who was elected In Novem
ber, which would leave the two omclals
to fight the matter out In the courts. It
Is stated, however, that the county at
torney's office will write an opinion for
the commissioners advising the recognition
of Plckel. It is pointed out that the
county attorney gave out an opinion last
fall that a commissioner should be elected
and to the effect that the new law does
not apply to this county.
Newton takes the position that the com
missioner law has not yet been tested In
the courts and that he will be obliged
to retain the office until the act Is held
Invalid In a formal manner, since there Is
a possibility otherwise that his bond might
be affected.
The friends of Plckel are urging that If
he Is kept out of office until the bridge
contracts are let. It will excite a lot of
criticism from those who have contended
that the bridge contractors and the county
officials have often been too friendly,
Wall's New Bid for Fame.
Representative Joe Burns found a laree
gold nugget in the craw of a Christmas
turkey sent him by John Wall of Arcadia
and he believes that his find proves the
existence of gold In the Valley county
hills. It Is believed that the turkey plckel
the metal on John Wall's farm In the
neighborhood of Arcadia. It Is suggested
that the present find bears out the story
sent out from St. Louis a few months
ago that chickens sent to the market from
that section of Nebraska were found to
have gold in their craws. Once before that
It was reported that gold had been found
tn the sandy region which cuts through
the southwestern part of that county,
along the cours of the Middle Loup,
which lists in Hooker county. Geologists
have maintained that gold exists in the
Platte river gravels in
How Women's Private
Are Sold
An astounding story, showing how
the most private confidences that
women write in letters are violated,
and sold for a half-a-cent apiece. A re
markable article, frankly written, in
Ladies' Home Journal
Last Months Issue of A Million and Three Hundred
Thousand Copies was Completely Sold Out
15 Cents on Every News-Stand
LsBomotive Has Blight Start, bat Chap
Wagon Wins at the Finish.
Owner of Auto Contes to Rescue of
Mother, and What la Supposed to
Be Attempt at Kidnaping; Is
Headed Off.
HASTINGS, Neb.. Dec 26. (Special Tele
gram.) After a sixteen mile race In an
automobile with a passenger train Dr. J.
S. Latta of Kenesaw defeated what ap
parently waa an attempt to kidnap the
4-year-old son of George Coffey. A few
moments after the eastbound passenger
train pulled out of Kenesaw Sunday after
noon Dr. Latta climbed into his touring
car and started In pursuit. The race was
about even to the first station, the train
moving off just before the automobile ar
rived. At Hastings, however, the train
was overtaken and the child recovered.
Sunday morning Enock Coffey, aged 22,
of Junction City, Kan., who haa been vis
iting his brother, Georgo Coffey, In Kene
saw, took the la Iter's little boy to church.
When they failed to return at the ex
Pearl and will practically give this mining
town railroad facilities; it crosses the Dig
Creek ranch near the present traveled
wagon road and Benver creek near Down
lngton, following close to the foot hills
nil tho way to Encampment. It Is stated
by Mr. "Wright that the grade Is much
easier than was expected, in fact one of
the easiest mountain grades In the west.
From Fort Collins to Cameron pass no
difficulties will be experienced In construc
tion, as the grade is very slight.
At the residence of Mr. Hiram Wlneland,
Twenty-third and Michigan avenue, Mon
day at 2:30 p. m., Mr. Harry R. Htrlnger of
Salt Lake City and Miss Ada M. "Wincland
were married by Rev. J. B. Priest, pastor
of Seward Street Methodist church. Mr.
J. F. Stringer acted as brat man and Miss
Pearl Lester as bridesmaid. Master Roy
and Miss Corlnne Klein were the ribbon
hearers. About forty Invited guests were
present. Light refreshments were served.
Misses Corlnne Sorcnson and Marian Kg
gleston presided at the punch bowl. The
rooms were decorated with holly and sml
lax. The couple left over the Union Pa
cific for Salt Lake City, their future
- - Ilnll-Glllllland.
TABOR, la., Dec. 26. (Special Telegram.)
Jacob Hall and Miss Pearl Gillilland wore
pected time Mrs. Coffey became alarmed married at S o'clock yesterday. Both are
and began a search for them Just as the
train was moving off she found that the
man had taken the child aboard. She Im
mediately notified Dr. Latta by telephone
and asked him to make an effort to Inter
cept them at Juniata or Hastings. The
police of this city was also notified by
telephone and they were in waiting when
Dr. Latta arrived, a few moments before
the departure of the train. They took pos
session of the child and the doctor re
turned it to Its mother. Enoch Coffey in
sisted that he merely meant to take the
child down the road a short distance and
then return with him on a later train.
residents of Tabor, though for some time
Mr. Hall has been operating a lumber yard
In Nebraska, where the two will make their
Barney B. Brown and Miss Blsle May
Remick, the latter of Minenapolis, were
married by Rev. J. B. Priest at the resi
dence of C. G. Livingston. 18Vi North
Twenty-fourth street, Monday.
penitentiary, end if the authorities suc
ceed In locating the now missing man
he will be given an opportunity to ex
plain to the court a number of transactions
A few days since he wrote from Kansas
City, whither he had accompanied a ship
ment of hogs. Informing hla wife Uiat
he would not return and that In the
future she could go her way and he would
go his. The woman Is left practically
destitute, all property which remains be
ing covered with mortgages. Not con
tent with rendering himself liable for wife
desertion, Richard pocketed the proceeds
of the shipment of live stock, some of
which was consigned by his neighbor to
fill out the car, secured advances on the
shipment and sold mortgaged property.
Rich Strike at Kncaiupment.
ENCAMPMENT. Wyo., Dec. -'. (Spe
cial.) The It may mine Is proving to be one
of the richest in this section, a vein eight
feet In width being struck at a depth of
300 feet, the ore averaging fully 40 per cent
copper and 5 per cent lead. The native
copper Is so abundant in some places that
"Wanderer Has Returned.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Dec. 26. (Special.)
8. C. BlcknelU who disappeared from
here almost six weeks ago, on the night of , ,t 8erlously interferes with the drilling.
November 10, ana naa noi oeen nearu uuiu
In the meantime, put In an appearance
here about S o'clock this morning, coming
In unexpectedly on train No. IS from Kan
sas City. He gave as an excuse that he
was hopelessly In debt and saw no means
of extrication. He has not been seen on
the streets since hla return.
New United Statei Manbal Takes Tims in
Bsleoting His Offioial Staff.
Does Not Care to Commit Himself on
Whether He Will Retain
the Old Set of Assistants.
United States Marshal William P. War
ner arrived in the city at noon Tuesday to
enter upon his new duties as marshal for
the Nebraska federal district. Marshal
Warner's commission arrived Tuesday
morning and his bond of 120.000 was for
mally executed Tuesday afternoon, and all
that now remains Is for Marshal Warner
to take the oath of office.
"I cannot say Just at present as to who
the deputies will be, nor am 1 prepared to
state that the present force will be re
tained even temporarily," said Marshal
Warner, "from the fact that I have not
yet qualified and do not care to any any
thing about it at this time."
Marshal Warner will remain in Omaha
and establish his domicile here in the near
future. The formal transfer of the office
and its effects was made Tuesday after
noon. There ts much speculation regarding the
personnel of the new deputies. Several ap
plicants are already on the ground with
their lightning rods in readiness to receive
the shock of an appointment. The salary
of the deputies Is l,yo per annum, and
hosts of patriots are willing to make the
sacrifice for the stipend. Five deputies are
to be appointed, one office deputy and four
field deputies.
Abundant work is ahead for deputies,
as the courts have been at a practical
standstill for two weeks hecauxa of the
need of officers to servo the necesxary sum
monses and subpoenas.
Crusade to Close Them Renewed Be
ranse of "tabbing; Affray
Saturday Klght.
The stabbing of Edward Hlnton, a It
year-old boy, by Harry A. Brldwell, an
other boy of the same ege. at a dance hall
Saturday night as the result of a quarrel
over a lR-year-oId girl has renewed the
agitation for the closing of the public dance
halls. Tuesday morning several women who
are members of the Woman's club tele
phoned to Probation Officer Bernstein urg
ing him to take decisive action In the mat
ter and c ffrTliig hlin their support.
"Tho public dances should be stopped,"
sad Mogy, "and now Is the time to stop
them. We have taken out of these dances
many glrln tinder 15 years of age and some
have not been more than 12 years old. It
la a disgrace for parents to allow a 12 or
15-year-old girl to attend these dances.
They do more to corrupt the young people
of Omaha than any other evil. We have
been shutting down on them the best we
could and some of them have been con
ducted better In recent months, but they
should be stopped. Several prominent
womn have called up the office since the
stabbing Saturday night and they insist
that some action be taken and It should be
taken to put a stop to these dances at
Good Cheer at Masonic Home.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Dec. 26.
(Special.) After partaking of the bountiful
repast served at the beautifully decorated
table which the management so generously
provided, the women of the Nebraska
Masonic home express their thanks to
all who so kindly contributed to their
happiness for the many presents and
Christmas greetings to each and all of
the inmates. The donors' names are too
many to enumerate, but special mention
should be made of Hon. George W.
Llnlnger, president of the association, who
presented to each of the women a beautiful
dress and many articles dear to the
feminine heart. Also to the boy of the
Methodist Episcopal church, -who con
tributed the floral decorations for the
Christmas feast.
Valuable Horse Stolen.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., Dec 26. (Special.)
A fine single driving horse, valued at
$269, was stolen from the barn of W. C.
Feller Saturday night. It was thought by
Mr. Feller that his clerk had the horse
out on a drive, so that the thief had
twenty-four hours the start of him. Offi
cers In adjoining towns have been notified
and are aiding tn the search for the animal.
Ice Harvest Commenced.
KVANSTON. Wyo.. Dec. 26. -(Special.)
The Union Pacific last wec-k began the har
vesting of Its Immense Ice crop at this
point. The Ice Is now fourteen Inches
thick and the best that has been harvested
for years. It is expected that about 60.000
tons will be put In the houses.
5ewa of Nebraska.
HUMBOLDT The second number of the
lecime course, which was put on at the
opera house last night, was the best
patronized of any similar entertainment
ever given here. The Salisbury orchestra
was the attraction and gave very good
PA1MLI.ION County Judge Wilson I
Partly Cloudy In Nebraska Today
Rain or Snow and Colder In
West Portion.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2C. Forecast of the
weather for Wednesday and Thursday:
For Nebraska Partly cloudy Wednesday,
rain or snow and colder In west portion;
Thursday, fair and colder.
For Iowa Fair Wednesday, warmer In
north central portion; Thursday, fair and
For Kansas Fair Wednesday; Thursday,
! fair and colder.
For Missouri Fair Wednesday; Thursday,
Hat Pins. Frenzer, loth and Dodge.
Ilnrgess Kntertalna Newsboys.
As a token of his appreciation of the
biidwte presented to him by the newsboys
of Omslia. W. J. Burgess, manager of tiia
Boyd theater, has Invited the newsboys
to attend the performance of "The Chris
tian" nt the Hurwood, and for their bene
fit he has net aside the haWnv. The bovs
will Invite Mrs. Draper Smith. Mr. anil
Mrs. Rome Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Hrontch and Mr. and Mrs. Penfold and
E. W. Dickson to accompany them.
Woman Blames Husband.
Nelll Moore has sent from Ohio eotinty.
West Virginia, un answer and cross peti
tion to the divorce suit, of James H. Moore.
She alloaes that. Instead of abandoning
her husband, as alleged In his petition, the
husband abandoned herself and child in
1X!'8. and has since lived apart from them,
contributing little or nothing to their sup
handed down bis decision uus morning fa.r d coid,.r
In the case of Miss Coakley against School ,a'r Bn" mtr.
District No. 20. giving the teucher the For Colorado Local snow Wednesday,
full amount sued for. The school board colder In east portion; Thursday, fair,
ordered the school dismissed for one por Wyoming-Fair Wednesday, except
month on account of the prevalence of .i. . ...
diphtheria and refused to pay the teacher In southeast portion, colder; Thurs-
for the month the school was closed. I day, fair.
FREMONT The county board met to- ; F-or South Dakota Fair Wednesday,
but that Is accounted for by the origin
of the stream In the RocTly mountains,
while such an explanation does not fit Into
the Valley county story.
State Tre.'.iiurer Mortensen suggested
that the Iup livers have often been
said by the people of that neighborhood
to be gold hearing.
shows Raby to Get Husband's Release.
The police credit Mrs. Alice Jamison of
Beatrice with clever diplomacy In bring
ing her 6-weeks-old son Into the police
court this morning to intercede for
William Jamison, a Beatrice man who
was arrested several days ago on the
charge of rigging up a prise fight for
the purpose of roping in backers. The
police Investigated the matter and this
morning Chief Cooper ordered his release.
The aife came to the city yesterday after
her husband and today accompanied him
sway (ram the JalL
Talk ef Allen for Chairmanship.
Today a republican state official, who
ill probably come before the next conven
tion a a candidate, suggested A. B. Allen,
the governor private secretary, as a fit
Big Blork In Beatrice Sold.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. y-tSpeclal Tel
egram.) The Paddock hotel and opera
house block, the largest business block In
the city, was sold today to V. A. Shepherd
small quantities, j cf Chicago. The deal represents over $100.
OuO. The block was erected years ago by
the late Senator A. S. Paddock, and since
his death It has been under the manage
ment of I. la son-in-law, O. J. ("oilman, who
recently located In Lincoln. Smith Bros.
lAun and Trust company of this city will
have charge of the blork for Mr. Shepherd.
riav fur the nurDose of closing UD the bux!
ness of the year and approving the bonds
of the officers elect. The latter were
mostly In surety companies and the pre
miums thereon are paid by the county.
Supervisor Mundy of the Fourth district
is slated for deputy county treasurer under
John Knoell and is expected to tender
his resignation at the close of the session.
Although the board is republican, it haa
been tacitly agreed to appoint some ac
ceptable democrat as his successor, tho
dl.strict being overwhelmingly democratic.
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet Co.,
q For the tables
of those who
Killed by Powder Explosion.
CODY. Wyo., Dec. 26. (Special.) Ed
Brown and S. F. Leatherman, while work
ing In the tunnel In the canyon about 10:13
p. m. Thursday night, were killed by the
explosion of a keg of powder sitting near
them. Brown's body was hurled Into the
river and up to the present time no trace
haa been found of It. although te river
has been thoroughly dragged. No theory
can be advanced for the explosion, as, as
far as known, there was no fire about and
the men were not smoking. Both were
well and favorably known throughout this
colder in west portion; Thursday, fair and
I Local Record.
OMAHA, Dec. 26. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
tho corresponding day of the last three
years: 1M6. 1. 1D03. lo2.
Maximum temrierature. . . 49 SI 47 7
Minimum temperature 31 32 s!
Mean temperature 40 17 22 0
j Precipitation Ow .06 .v .Co
I Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha nini-e March 1
' and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temierature 18
Excess for the day i2
Total excess since March 1, 11W6 tioS
' Normal precipitation 03 Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 27. 39 Inches
Deficiency since Mart h 1 2 d Imiies
. Deficiency for cor. period 1W1 6.5 inches
Excess for cor. period ia03 2. 18 inches
Reports from Stations at T P. M.
Station and State Tern. Max. Rain-
of Weather. 7 p. m.
Bismarck, clear 32
Cheyenne, cloudy 3tl
Chicago, clear 42
,S'J"a... 71'
Make a poor business good a good business
better. They reduce guesses to facts esti
mates to certainties. They Increase profits
and decrease expenses. How? Call and we'll
explain, or if you cannot call send for catalogue.
Railroad surveyors Busy.
ENCAMPMENT. Wyo.. Dec. 26 tSpe
clal.) The survey party of the Denver,
Yellowstone & Pacific railway has reached
this city from the south In charge of Chief
Engineer H. C. Wright of Denver. The
party began work near Cameron pass,
and passing through North park con
nected with the survey or the Saratoga
Encampment at this point. The survey
passes within a tew miles of the town of
Davenport, clear 4."
Iif nvt-r. cloudy 44
Havre, cloudy 31
Helena, clear
Huron, clear :4
Kansas City, clear 40
North Platte, cloudy 44
Omaha, dear 44
Rapid City, cloudy i
St. lxiuls. clear 4S
St. Paul, clear M
Halt Ike City. pt. cloudy. 31
Valentine, cloudy 40
Wllliston. clear 34
T Indicates trace of precipitation,
indicates ttelow sero.
U A WtLtH, Local Forecaster.
Tern. full.
a T
3 .(.1
4 .10
4S .in)
4S .110
40 .1')
41 T
i! .00
.'i! .Ot'
4!1 .00
4 .00
M .10
4 .ut
S4 .pi
isl .iti
42 .00
Is right. It acquired the Hot Springs of Arkansas seventy-five yearn MOt
has built a magnificent hospital and sends It's sick officers, soldier and
sailors there for the hot water treatment. It has built twenty miles of
mountain drives and
Reservation, spent
and improvements,
Springs reservation
and pleasure resort
the hot waters will
gout, malaria,
catarrh and ekln,
ney, bladder and
There are 200
Springs, of all
acconimod ating
rlirnate In winter
foot paths on tha
$2,000,000 In parka
made of tha Hot
tha greatest health
In the world. It saya
cure Rheumatism,
paralyi.U, neuralgia,
liver, stomach, kid
nervous trouble,
hotels In Hot
grades and prices,
25,000 persona. The)
is mild, crisD and
exhilarating The sick of small tmans tan not live or be treated for less
money anywhere. The wealthy find eveiythlng to their tasie and liking.
Write Bureau of Information. Hot Springs, Ark., for illustrated literature
and testimonials; or
F. I. KI THKRFORIl, I). A., Kock Island KysU-in . . . 1323 Farnam SU
T. F. KOUFKKV. P. & T. A., Mo. I'w. Hy 1423 Farnam St,
Omaha, Nebraska.