Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 27, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Telephone M.
Now located In the
retail renter, Howard
' and Sixteenth
Special Rood values in perfect
medium or heavy weights.
Fin white mereerixed t'nlon Suit, me
dium weight, all nlrely trimmed, open lo
the walt line, all sixes, at 12.60 per milt.
Fin ribbed fleeced rotton t'nlon Suit, a
go-d, heavy winter weight, high neck, long
sleeves, ankle length, open down the front
or to wslst line only sperll Rood value
ell, II 00 per milt.
Howard and Sixteenth Streets.
advantage nf the ltut)on In the event of
the ucre of their comrad'' ut. Monro w.
In rplte of the sclajre here the lender
claim thht large quantities of arm. .In
cluding quick-firing gun, have been smug
gled through Finland.
Th" weather la Intensely cold and a foot
..f now ha fallen In the last forty-eight
hour. ;
Report from Moscow say that the con
stitutional democrat and other liberal par
ties, appalled by th strength of the pro
letariat, are eking measure to save the
country from c'.vlt war.
Traction Strike In Miruw.
WARSAW, Russian ' Poland. lKc. 3i.
11:15 p. m The street' railway employes
-truck tonight :nd the .employes of the
steam railroad Hre expected to follow
stilt. The revolutionist are threatening .vn
nriued Insnrrccll'wt similar to that at Mot-
.w. I ,. ,..
The military : autlioii'tiea are makiti.t
i very prrpArntldii " and ' have ordered the
entire garrlann t ..".h , ready for an
emergency. rmaenmnt of Infantry oc
cupy the,' nil I road station.
The authorities have arrested many mem
ber of Upe trade union and a number of
LODZ. Russian- inland. Oec. 26. Th
workmen here threaten to begin a strike
tiHiiorrow and nn armed uprising in the
coal mining district also la threatened.
It" li declared that 'K.OOO men are ready
to fight the, troop;
Odessa Strike Falling. S
LONDON. Dec. A diapatch to a new
agency from Odessa says that the general
strike there is only partially successful
and that probably "it will collapse. The
strlke committee is . threatening a resort
to arm ay"1 the governor general ha ald
that he' will deal in drastic, manner j
with any' such ' attempt. The cone-
apondent add that, while the people or'
Odessa are 'In a stale of nervous tension,
the city at present Is tranquil.
Mllltlafueu Join Insurgteuts.
MOSCOW, Monday, Dec. 25. -The insur
gent attacked both the Kazan and Nich
olas railroad, station today and a lively
fusillade ensued between the mob and the
troops occupying the depot. Some 300 rev
olutionary .mlllttlaiucn arrived here by spe
cial train , from, Perovo, on the Moscow-
Kaxan lin this morning and a crowd of '
2.000 strikers, including several hundred I of St. Petersburg, where the. electoral col
niilitlamen. Joined the new arrival outside j lege wlil contain fourteen peasant electors,
the Kaxan station. The combined force eighteen landlords, fifteen city landlord
selxed an adjoining provision store, whence and twenty-four workmen. Ry this method
they opened Dre on the troops posted In the
(ttutlon. The .latter . replied . and after a
couple of hours' brisk exchange of shots
the building held by 'the mob was set on
fire, and burned down.
Meanwhile the, revolutionists had bnm
!mrd;d the XJcholal station from the work
ahnp.s of tho. Yaroslavl railroad, a detach
ment of grenadier on the roof uf the
Nlc.holal station returning the fire.
The station at 1'erovo and Uubertay are
in th hands of the inaurgent and red
' flags are flying from the buildings.
French .Ship for North.
PARIS, lec. Si. The orders to a portion
of the Friiui'li northern squadron to make
hasty preparation to depart for the North
aea and rvrpenhngen. the ultimate destina
tion of, the warship not being dlsclosfd,
were undohtedly Issued aa a precautionary
movement so' a to have French ahipa
available for service in Russian waters in
case of rnjergency. The Christmas leave
of all the nff1cr and men of the Cnsslni
were hurrriedly cancelled and a large extra
force, of workmen wa engaged to complete
Its equipment, provisioning and coaling.
This will he completed tomorrow, when It
la expected the gunboat will aail. It first
atop will be at Copenhagen, where further
ordera araevpected to rearh it. The armored
cruiser Admiral Aube at Pregt Is being
almllarly prepared and will either accom-
any or follow the Caaslnl.
Matin y of Three HeKlmenla.
1X1NDON', Dec. 26. The St. Petersburg
correspondent tof the Times In a dispatch
dated Diyembcr '28 says: Governor Ueneral
DouliasHtiff telegraphing yesterday reported
that lfi.fknl persons had been killed or
woundeut Moscow. The latest new from
Moscow se.ys that the Flni regiment of
Don Cosncks; the Tver dragoons and the
Nesviih regiment of Infantry mutinied and
are con lined to their barracks.
I am pTormed from a good source that
2.iut penons were killed and lO.ono wounded.
The revolutionaries are making no head
way, bit'they show no sign of exhaus
tion. I''
Dq ,Yoj Understand the
" Freight Train?
You've) noticed that a
.freight' train isn't the
V. .if., long njonotonous-loo'a-.'.
i ng thing that it used to be.
V, You have observed those
new-fangled special cars
mrflhty useful inventions.
' Were it not for their cold
storage appliances you
Would eat no fresh C ill forma
I fruit, for one thing. But
; thousands of' those freight
ears do not belong to the
;' railroads at all. Thsy belong
itcrprivate individuals. Back
'of those private cars lies m
'jsrory of railway favoritUm
that has direct relation to
prtjes you pay for msat and
ii Is a go id thtnj to under
lirtahd the freight train. Ray
"Stainnari Baer in Mc
'Cl'ure's for January offurs
the opportunity.
'j ..fftil afaads. luc. tl a )ear
McClure's Magazine
".MW'Eitt Sid -Street, New York
Be. tecmber JR. 1-
fitting union suits for women,
Fin white rotton fnloi) Suits, low neck,
no leeve, ankle length, all ixe. $1.25 per
Coraet Cover. In fine white Swi ribbed
merino, made with high neck, long sleeve
a popular garment at $1 00 each.
Infants' and children' underwear. Jut
acm the aisle from the women' under
wear department.
Buiiian Cabinet Explain Beaions for Net
, Granting UiiTersal Suffrage.
l niter en Rule Residents of t itles
mill Mare Almost InUeraal
Suffrage Hase on Ti
pa Ina.
ST. PKTERSHl'RG. Dec. i. ill
The new electoral law was gaxetted today
and was accompanied by a statement ex
plaining that In view of the fact that even
aome of the western countrle do not per
ntlt universal suffrage the cabinet could not
aasume the responsibility of decreeing It.
The ultimate decision must be nmde by the
national assembly Itself. The election list
will be published forthwith, the date of tha
elections will then be announced, and as
soon a the government receives notification
that half of the member arc elected the
national assembly will be convoked. The
extension of the suffrage proclaimed today
applies especially to the cities where It I
made almost universal. Reside the work
men In the factories and mills, who are
especially provided for, the Biiffrage will
include every owner of real estate paying
taxes, persons conducting enterprises, like
shop keeper paying licenses.
Others entitled to vote are persons paying
a lodging tax or occupying separate lodging
and persona in the. government service, in-
cludins: railroad men. All limit of rent paid
Dy lodging holder as a voting qualification
H rem0ved. The Indirect system of two
degrees of voter In both the title and
country is retained.
A Sew Feat at re.
A new feature of the law is that the
workmen, Instead of being allowed a speci
fied number of class representatives, have
to take their chance In the electoral col
leges with the other classes. Moreover,
Instead of the cities having separate repre
entatlves, the electoral college will bo com
posed by tne province. The workmen will
choose an elector for every lO.Oftt) men. The
result is shown In the case of the province
wiiile the workman electors are the largest
class, they will only be able to elect repre
sentative In combination. The new law
Is a great extension of the law of August.
Jt contain element which certainly will
apfieal to conservative opinion, hut with
the slogan of "universal suffrage" ringing 1
In the popular ear It will prove a great dls-
appointment and I certain to furnish the '
proletariat organizations with a new
weapon for agitation. They no longer want
concessions. They are boldly proclaiming j
that nothing but the complete overthrow i
of the autocracy and the eatablishmetil of
a democratic republic will satisfy them.
Hevolntlonlata Capture Tver.
PARIS. Dec. 27. The St. Petersburg cor
respondent of the Petit Parisian reports
that Tver, one of the principal stations be
tween Moscow and Bt. Peteraburg. has fal
len into the hands of the revolutionaries.
The St. Petersburg correspondent of the
Matin says that a French engineer who
has arrived from Raku after traversing
most of central and southern Russia, de
dare that the whole population 1 in re
volt and that starving peasants are seising
tralnloads of flour.
Charles Anstrom of Florence Victim
of Accident at Hnrt
As Sherman avenue car No. 222 Waa going
north on Seventeenth street at 1 o'clock
this morning, Charles Anslrom, one of the
passengers standing on the rear of the car, I
tell backward off the platform at Burt
street, striking the pavement on hi head,
and when picked up was unconscious. The
patrol wagon waa called and the man at-
tended by- Police Surgeon l-angdnn. He
waa afterward ataken to Clurkson hospital,
where ail examination failed to reveal any
broken bone or severe injuries.
He Is ahout 15 years old and lives four
miles north of Florence, where. It Is said.
II he is in the gardening business. He wa
sill uiiconschiiis at the hospital at an early
. hour this morning
Hailroad laaue Sew Freight Tariffs
Which Absorb flreater Part
uf Hrldae Tolls.'
Hi'. I.OI'IS. Mo., Ih.c. :. H became
known today that the fourteen railroads
comprising the Terminal association have
la gun to distribute their new tariff sheets
granting a through bill of lading to and
from St. louis and reductions ranging
from 6 to 78 per 'cent on the bridge toil,
which Ik absorbed In. the through bill.
While the new eaalbotind rates from St.
laiui will become effective January 1, it 1
announced that there may be some delay
in putting the westbound rates Into opera
tion owing to greater detail work. In
granting a through bill of lading, on which
the bridge toll is absorbed, the railroads
will now deliver In 8t. Louis at any point
without extia charge.
Maureuie Council Will lake (use He.
elded hy Judge Uayuor lo
Hlahrat Tribunal.
BOSTON, Dec. Da. W. O. Koumjn of thi
city, supreme aecrelary of the Hoyal Ar
canum, stated today that the supreme
council legal representatives had decided to
appeal from the decision of Judge Uaynor
of New York which on Saturday virtually
nullified the new rales which went Into
effect October 1. The secretary said the
council has no Intention of abiding hy any
decision agaijict the rates until it ha been
taken to th highest tribunal. The appeal
will be entered In regular order within Uir
pent thirty da,
Prtiid.nt of Council Pclire Gas 0r
diiaiee'i Ftssage Was Unfair.
Third Ward Member Hold v .
Connell largely Responsible for
Manlpulatln Firework
at tbt C lt Hall.
Tha city council meeting of October 11
was held again Tuesday morning In Judge
Button i-.iurt, when President Zlmnian
took the stand in the gas contract hearing.
It had been about wound up by Assistant
Attorney lierdman. preceding Mr. Zlm
nian. but not entirely dosed. A running
analysis of parliamentary law- and legisla
tive proceeding had occurred between
Messrs. Herdman. t'onnell and Weaver,
but It really settled Into no agreement on
In his account of the council meeting
President Zlmman handed Mr. Conuell
all kinds of credit for the direction and
manipulation of the morning Jousting of
Immortal local memory, lie also said that
at one point he had opened a window In
the council chamber and suggested lo Dave
O'Brien that he Jump out. Mr. O Rrhn
courteously declined and reniulned for the
ruction, as a true Irishman would be ex
pected to do.
Mr. Zlmman insisted that the minority
member of the council were In the chamber
under Imprisonment.
"I wanted to leave,'' he said, "to prevent
the passage of the ordinance and the milk
ing of the contract. I wanted also to get
Mr. Connell out of the chamber, because
then I thought we would be able to miniatse
the majority, as we often had before; but
he was there to guide them and he steered
them right. He was parading up and down
the floor at ont time like one of those flyini;
Dutchmen, with his oont tails standing otii
level with hi shoulder."
,ot on tlve Square.
The meat of Mr. Zlmnian' icHiiiuony
went to support his declaration that the
gas contrat did not go through the city
council on tho square.
"I mean those words," said he, "as Theo
dore Roosevelt means on the squure."
In reply to questions by Mr. Oilier. Zim
man said he had put himself into communi
cation with many cities on the lighting
question and had studied up on figures and
literature. Ho had come to the conclusion
there was no appreciable difference be
tween an eighty and a sixty candle-power
street lamp and had therefore expressed a
willingness to vote for the contract on the
$26 bid. He thought even that bid was too
high, would consider a $;o rate exorbitant
and to $18 a Vair price.
"I insisted the city ought not to pay
more than private consumers for gas In
my opinion the company wac making a
clean profit of $35,000 a year. Some of this
profit was being absorbed in the form of a
royalty of M a year to the Welsbach com
pany, which Is controlled by tho Fame In
terests as control the Omaha company."
Mr. Zimman gave It as his understand
ing that the Dmaha Oas company was
bonded for $2,500.0flo. In addition to Its cap
ital stock of $5.no0.0tt. The company pays
a royalty to the city of 5 per cent per
l.W'O cubic feet, or 5 cents for every $1.3.
worth of gas sold to consumers in Omaha
exclusive of the city. During 1! the
city realized from this royalty something
tike $17,000.
On cross-examination Mr. Zlmman ad
mitted It was by a mutual understanding
that he, O'Riien and Nicholson remained
I away from tne regular meeting" or Octo
ber 10 and for the purpose of breaking n
Asked by Mr. Council about the electric
light contract and whether
he had dis-
cussed It with Mr. Nash, Zlmman said he
bad talked with Mr. Nash and had voted
for the contract In council,
Nailed down as to his intention when
he went to the council meeting of October
11. witness 'admitted to Connell he fully
intended to leave If any attempt was made
to act on the gas contract.
"We depended on the unfamlllarlty of
the majority with parliamentary law to
beat them. They had no mail nf ability
on the floor, but the mayor nnd yourself
(Connelli directed them this time."
Gas In HI Pocket.
Mr. Connell went after witness on the
gun toting proposition, it having been )
brought out that Nicholson at one point
had asked Zlmman for a gun; that he "was 1
going out." Witness admitted that he
hud often carried a gun In his pocket to I
the council chamlier, seventy-five or Ion J
times. He has also had the gun In his j
pocket one day In court during the last
week. He waa In the habit of carrying
a gun for many years when away from
his room, when going to cull on hi glii
and getting home late.
"You weren't afraid of the young woman,
were you?" asked Mr. Connell.
"No," replied Mr. Zlmman, "but getting
nut late at night I always liked to be pro
tected." Of his daylight gun toting the president
j of the council
huhit of years."
Hliid It was "merely the
City Attorney Brecn was called by
plaintiff a attorneys and recounted the
i event of the council meeting seriatmn et
lileratum, ao far aa a Bkeleton record pre
pared by the city clerk would allow.
Mr. Oilier, for plaintiff, read an affidavit
made by Frank M. Oregg, president ()f i).
Cleveland Street lighting company. This
set out his company was lighting parts
of the streets of various cities at these
prices per lamp per year: St. IaiuIs, tT-.j;
Washington, I). C, $:; Indianapolis, J2l.3o.
These prices, the affidavit says, are based
on an all night and every night contract.
The affidavit went In the record.
The hearing will go on this morning at
10 o'clock
Mlchaelsen on the IMaiiu.
City Klectrlcian Mlchaelsen. under
animation, expresseu ine opinion mai no
man could tell the difference between an
eighty and a sixty candle-power lamp on
the Judgment of the nuked eye. Person
ally, he would never advise a contract for
over sixty candle power If he were buying
ga as city doe. He gave it as bis
judgment that the present ga lights are
about eipial to thirty-two candle power or
perhaps forty.
I'nder cross-examination hy Mr. Con
nell, Mr. Herdman said he did not consider
the council meeting in question an orderly
or ordinary one aa council meetings go.
He did not know, lie said, any of the de
tails of the meeting asked about by Mr.
Connell when I. IX Hascall and
Wheeler were to the fore In the
mtitl.l. OX UHF.GU UHI)ltMK
Henouucee It and Criticises t'oai
twerelal Club's Recommendation.
Councilman Pyball object to txing cen
sured for refusing to support the Gregg
forty-three-year ga franchise and Tuesday
morning he expressed himself rather vigor
ously about the matter, saying:
"If the people thoroughly understood that
ordinance they would not be kicking now
because we killed it. It waa the worst
piece of foolishness I ever have seen intro
duced in 1 lie council. It would have been
an outrage to have adopted it. A casual
reading of the ordinance would convince
anyone that It waa not a fit piece of
legislation. The E editorial ou the mat-
ter Monday morning lilt the nail on the
head It would have been n extension of
the gas company franchlar fr thirty year.
I accused the gs company of that when
the matter waa up. OreCK would not tell
u who wa fcack of hltii- When I asked
him he said he had letter from a Cleve
land Iwnk. I never saw the letter, but
he said the mayor and ZliViman had them,
t don't know what they Old with them If
they did have them. I
The ordinance provided 1 for $1 gas for
fotty-threo year. Well. Mi miss my gues
If we are not getting g for Tf rent
within that time. Beside, that ordinance
j rut out the royalty now paid by the gas
t company until the txth year of the con
I tract. That would have been a nice thine
for a council to do. Why. the thing wa
rank from start to finish.
"And to think the Commercial club held
a meeting and called our attention to the
$1 ga ordinance. Think of the Commer
cial club doing a thing like that: The
member did not Investigate the ordinance
or It wouldn't have ben done. A few men
got up there and said It was the proper
thing and It wa done In the name of the
club. That's the way these things ar
usually done and always will be done, I
suppose. The large majority of club mem
ber will follow a few men who pretend to
be the leaders.
"We. were after cheaper gas. Everybody
wants cheaper gas. We got cheaper ga
for the consumer nnd for the city. Now,
why should we be abused because we
didn't pass the Oregg ordinance? That
Oregg ordinance wasn't the thing to pas.
It wouldn't have saved the people of
Omaha anything. It would have cost more
in the long run. If the people would read
that ordinance they would see where It
should have been killed."
Nrnrlrt Fever Develop nnil tine
l.lttle Fellovr I Taken
li'ms Kynter, n Inmate of the Deten
tion home, has scarlet fever, which devel
oped Tuesday morning, and fear are en
tertained that as all of the inmate have
been exposed, they may contract the dis
ease. At this time only ten boy and girls
are In the home and the afflicted one ha
been isolated and every precaution has
been laUen to prevent a spread of the dis
ease, though some fear the precaution has
been taken too late.
In the meantime City Physician Ralph
has tacked a card on the door of the home
and Judge Day will not udmlt any more
little fellows until the disease ha been
entirely wiped out. This ha put the pro
bation oflicern up against a serious proposi
tion, a3 Mogy BernBteln now has in his
charge one little 0-year-old boy, whose
mother has Just tiled a complaint against
him. This little fellow has been In the
home on a previous occasion and only a
week ago lie stabbed' another little fellow
under the eye. Mogy Is preparing to fix
up a room at his own house, unless some
lie tu-r plan suggests itself, and take the
Imi.v there and keep him until the Deten
tion home is In siiaiie to receive him.
The Kynter boy ha been in the home
four weeks and hud been suffering witha
sore throot for several days, but It waa
not until Tuesday morning that the trouble
developed into scarlet fever. I'p to this
time, of course, he had not neon Isolated
nnd thus the other children have had a
splendid opportunity to contract the die
case. It may be several day before it Is
known definitely whether any of the other
children have bceii Infected.
The Christmas celebration planned for
tho children Wednesday by the local
Woman' Christian Temperance union will
take place us. scheduled, except that the
women will, hold their meeting at th
Young Women's. Christian association
rooms instead of at the home. The boxes
of bonbons, fruit and Christmas gifts will
be sent over to. the children In the after
noon for distribution.
Autopsy Sliowa that Rennle Horn Died
a Result of Bursting; Hlood
Drs. Lavender and Huttnn held an au
topsy yesterday afternoon over the re
mains of the 9-yenr-old colored boy, Ben
nie Horn, who died at hi home, 216 North
Thirteenth street. Monday night, after hav
ing drank beer and soft drink with other
boy during the early evening, and found
that death had resulted from the burst
ing of a hlood vessel in the brain, not
from nlcohollsm. as W'as believed.
The saloon of Charles Brown. Thirteenth
and Chicago streets, where, according to
Walter Reed, the ltf-year-old colored boy
who was arrested and locked up In an 1
intoxicated condition and who wa with
the Horn lad while drinking, the boy se-
cured their llipior and soft drinks, waa
closed bv the police at ft o'clock last night,
until permission should be received from
the license hoard to reopen. This the pro
prietor wa not long In securing, a he
appeared before the board Immediately
after his place wa closed by Sergeant
Slgwart and by reciting the finding at the
autopsy, wa allowed to reopen hi sa
finest of I nlon Pacific on l.os
Angeles Trip Report a
Splendid Time.
Jum ax the clock on the i'nioii station in
dicated that it lacked three minute of be
ing 11 o'clock lat night, a inonter engine
nf the 1'nion Pacific railroad strained Into
the station shed pulling behind it the new
l.os Angeles limited f five sleepers, diner
and coach. On board were the newspaper
n"'n " nafl u',",,, ot ' nlon
Pacific on a tour on the new train through
(the west Into California.
A lne traln ,.,inie to a atop in the sta-
nn u. mi.mWrii nf the tuurlm tarty frtim
Omaha alighted, und. while they expresvei
themselves as having; had an excellent time.
they could not hide their Heaauie at being
heme again. Several of thein were heard
to say that while California wa all right,
it wa a prruy nice ihing to get Into this
climate once in a while. The train carried
a good passenger list enroute, and wa
twelve minutes late ii)Min its arrival.
hoale to Head Vcvt lurk Bar.
A I ..HA NY. N. Y., Dec. 2 -Joseph H.
Choale. former ainlwiisador of the I'nited
Slates to Greut Britain, is the nominee for
president of the New York Bar association,
prulnised by the i.uiiilnating committee,
wlioi-e report was made tomatht. It will- be
lan presented at the annual meeting in Janu
city jury. Csually the report of the nominating
! committee is ratified by the association.
Murderer Rescued by Friends.
El. PASO. Tex.. Dec. . Howard Cheno
weth. unr acn'eiic- of fifty year for
killing City Marshal Milium In Silver City,
N. M . was lescued last night by marked
men, who overpowered tho jailer and
locked him In v'henowelh' cell.
Headaches and earalaia (rant Cola
Laxative Hroinu Quinine, the world wld
Cold and Grip remedy, removes the cauae.
Call fur the f ill name and look for sig
nature of E. W. Grove She.
William Ward, assistant general freight
agent uf the ' I. at 1. Railway company,
and Mack Miller, son of the Late Thorns
Miller, formerly traffic manager of th Cld
csao. Hutilnaton Ar Oulncv Ira In the cilv
attending the funeral of Mi. June Uartla
White Book Inued Oifirg Pope'i Vertioo
of Separation of Churoh and Stat.
Says thnt litttt-laU Pnrsneil ntl
Rellulona Policy and Deceived
People na to Real Attl.
tnde of Church.
PARI. Pec. A French trmislat iAri
of the Vatican wlilto book regarding the
aeparatlon of church and state reached
Paris tonight. The volume consists of 0"
pages, divided lm preface, tuo sections
and an npprndlx. the latter containing mtny
unpublished document. The book dls
... . , . . . , a , , ... I
claims any intention of replying to those I
whom It calls the detractors of the church.
and expresses the desire not to offend
anyone, siylng that its chief objects are
to enlighten the public regarding the facts
and to prevent the handing down of nils
statement connected with the history of
uch an Important event.
Throw Onna on Cabinet.
In the leading chapter an effort la made
to demonstrate that the entire onu for
the rupture between the Vatican and the
FTench government and the resultant
separation of church and state rest with
various French cabinets, the member of
which pursued an anti-religious policy. In
cluding the suppression of the congrega
tions and religious Instruction In the
The book next proceed with the refuta
tion of the accusation that separation was
rendered inevitable by the attitude of the
church. It declares that this charge wa
made because French statesmen, knowing
that the people of France had no desire
for separation, wished to disclaim respon
sibility for the cunseiiuences. which, it Is
pointed out, would lie equally serious for
France nnd the church.
Pay Charges Are Hnaeleas.
Then follows arguments showing the
alleged baselessness of the charge brought
against the church of acting contrary to
the Interests of the republic.
The question of the nomination of bishops
Is discussed at length.
The appendix deal in the main with
the French protectorate over Catholics in
the far east, and the argument is advanced
that although this protectorate I founded
on international treaties, It must depend
on the will of the Vatican.
Proposal for Conference Represent
ing Municipalities Having Half
Million or More Inhabitant.
LONDON. Dec. 2 Sir Kdwin Cornwall,
hairman of the ixindon County Council,
today Issued to the press a proposal for
an International congress of representa
tives of cities having over 500.001) popula
tion to meet annually for the discussion of
municipal methods. Sir Kdwin says he Is
encouraged to make this suggestion by the
good result following the recent exchange
of amenities between the London County
Council und the Pari Mjnlcipal Council. I
In conjunction with this congress he also
proposes an exchange of pupil between
the schools controlled by the municipalities
holding membership in the congress.
Made In the Wall
Several Rellra of Port Are
FLORKNCK. Italy. Dec. 2. Much ex
citement has been caused here by the dar-
ing of thieves, who eem to have been or
ganized to steal the art treasure. Last
night they made a hole In the wall of
tha ancient house of Dante, from which
they succeeded In carrying off several rel
ics of the poet. Before leaving the thieve
wrote on one of the walls:
"You Florentine are Idiot. You have
salable things and don't know it.''
Canadian F.xtradltlon Commissioner
Incura F.nmlty of Friends nf
tiaynor and tireene.
MONTREAL, Dec. 26 I'lric Lifontalne,
police magistrate, ha been dismissed from
the position a extraordinary commissioner.
Lafontaine Issued writs of extradition In
many celebrated cases, among them being
the Oaynor-Oreene proceedings. It was
stated when this case waa being heard
that Lafontaine had Incurred the enmity
of powerful political friend of the law
firm which repreented the American con
Illnejaeketa Occupy Foreign Coners.
alon and Mixed Court Will
Meet us I anal.
SHANOIIAI. lec a;. All is unlet here.
A force of :f'i men lias been landed from
the British cruiser Andromeda and blue
Jacket gaurds are maintained all through
the foreign concession. The British assizer,
Twyman, will resume the mixed court to
morrow. The Chinese officials have tardily issued
warrant for the arrest of the promoter
of the riot, who have escaped.
Opponents of War on Trial.
PARIS, Dec. 26. The Atsize court of the
Seine was crowded today at the opening
of the trial of the eight member of an
anti-military organization accused nf in
citing recruit to disloyalty and Insurrec
tion. The prisoner include one woman.
Mile. Nuniietska. and Gustave Harve, a
prominent anil-military agitator. The chief
charge against the prisoners ia the Issu
ance of a circular to the recruit in Octo
ber last count-elllng resistance to their
efficers and a united Insurre-tionary move
ment. French Nnliora In Trouble..
TOUI.ON, Fiance. Pec. iH. Several ar
rest of noncommissioned officer of the
I navy are Impending, owing to th discovery
at their domicile of detailed plan of the
new hattb shirs and aubmarlne boat. This,
It is expected, will solve the mystery of
the disappearance cf th plan of the u'j
marine boat Aigrette, of which vebsel a du
plicate has been constructed In Germany,
supposedly from the French plans
t.rand f roa for VellduBT.
PARIS. Doc. a8. President Loubel today
conferred the grand crosa of the I.egion
of Honor on the Ruasian ambassador. M
Nelido.T, oil the occasion of the fiftieth
anniversary of his entry into the diplo
matic service.
To Cure at Cold la tin Par
take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablet.
Druggists refund money If It fail to cur.
E. W. Grov signature 1 on each box. taa.
Fountain Pen. Frenx-r, loth and Dodge
Harder la south Carolina.
COLUMBIA. S. C Iee. IS. News of a
double lynching at Barnwell Friday ha
been received her. Sheriff Cre-jch has
aired Governor' Harward that th affair
waa brutal murder; that heliiiea prisoners
, weia butchered in open daylight gn that
officer were guilty of dereliction of duty.
H 8. Craddock. well known white mer
chant, was killed by Frank and John cle
Loache, negroes, who were arrested by the
cnstarile and placed in a lockup. The ui-n
were taken out and shot to death with guns
and pistols Friday. The new of the lynch
ing was suppressed. Sheriff Creech Is pre
iwrlng to make arrest, and O.cvemor Ilev.
ward announces he will sustain the sheriff.
M. Iinla lletrrtlfe Tell of Her
Flirtation Tilth Man Who Looked
I.Ike l.aelede J. Howard.
ST. I.OCIS, Dec. M. City Detective tlrs-
j Cal anne was the principal altness to-
nay in prooate court in tne suit or Mrs.
l:iry lAafgreen for one half of the $.w.i)
"talc of the late l.aelede J. Howard, fire
t tlii. magnate, whom she says she married
li Decatur. III., In ISM Mr. Leafgreen
has tertined that Detective Cabinne was
a passenger on a suburban car on which
lining w li. -u nil- nici ii'in.iu Mini
.,... . . ... . , -
Cubiinne testified that while on the ear
he hsw a man whom he took to be La
clede ,!. Howard turn and look at Mrs.
I.eufgreen several times and he thought a
flirtation was In progress and watched the
two with Interest. He auid. however, that
he wa uot absolutely certain the man
wa Laclede J. Howard.
Deputy Sheriff and Three Other Men
Killed In Disputes During
LONDON, Ivy.. lec. W. New leached
here Ut night of the killing of a deputy
heriff and two other men. At Big Fork
a large crowd of men congregited t an old
time turkey shooting match. A dispute
over the match toon brought nn a general
fight. In which John Puff and Jake Wilson
tdiol and killed Joseph Wilson and Alexan
der Utile shot and killed Deputy Sheriff
Mack Huberts. Duff and Wilson were ar
rested. During the excitement Utile es
caped and Is being hunted for by a posse.
The third killing occurred Sunday night
at Goose Creek, James Creech being shut
dead by Bill Vanover In a dispute.
Fatal Fight Between Rival labor
Leader In 1 nlon Meeting
In Chicago.
ClilCAUO, Dec. '.. Thomas Kennedy, a
delegate from the Painters' and Decorators'
union to the recent eonventUui of the
American Federation of Labor at Pittsburg.
wi shot and fatally wounded tonight at
a meeting of the union by James McUuirc,
a member of the aiime organization. The
men have been enemies for the last vear
j on account of a desire of botli to control
I the union.
Tonight while the usual weekly business
of the union waa being tiansacted McOuire
and Kennedy became Involved In a dispute
and before anyone could Interfere McGuire
shot Kennedy and escaped from the hall.
Several Member of Basket Ball Tram
Injured In Occident at
FREEHOLD. N. J.. Dec. 2t!. One member
of the Avon basket ball team was killed,
two fatally Injured and two more had their
skulls fractured today when a Pennsylvania
railroad freigh train struck the coach ill
which the team was driving home, after a
game here nnd a Christmas celebration.
John Renneman of Asbury Tark, N. J., ws
killed outright and nearly every member of
the team waa knocked senseless. j
A nearby fire engine house wa turned j
into a hospital in which the injured were I
1 cared for
More than a dor.en doctor were
summoned and many women hurried to the
engine house to uct as nurses. j
Agent of Western Railroads Will
Consult with Interstate Com
merce Commission.
CHICAGO. Dec. 2d. Thirteen or the most
prominent traffh men or ttie west left for
Washington tonight where they will con
fer with the Interstate Commerce com
mission. The purpose of the conference,
which has been sought by the railroad
official, is to Join hands with the com
mission In securing a universal ohserv-
ance by western railroads of all law
tuinlng to transportation.
J. C. Stubbs, trsffic director of the Har
rlman lines will act ur spokesman for
the railroad officials at the meeting.
Aa-ed Xt. I.onla Scientist la Run liowi
by Fire F.aalne anil Nerlunsly
Hurt. .
ST. IXL"lS, Dec. 28. Prof. Uuatav Ham
bach, Instructor of geology and zoology at
Washington university, and regarded as
one of the most eminent geologists In the
I'nited States, was tun down by a fire
engine at a downtown street crossing to
night and aeriously injured. His skull wa
fractured, hi left leg broken, and In ad
dition to a sculp wound there were in
ternal Injuries.
Prof. Hambach is 74 years old and a
member of many national sclent itlc socie
ties. Colds tauae Sura Throat.
Laxative Broniu Quinine, tho world wld
Cold and Grip remedy, remove th cause.
Call for the full name and look for sig
nature of E. W. Grove. Sc.
Poultry allow at Duveauorl.
DAVKNPORT. Neb.. Dec. 'M. (Special
Telegram.) The third annual exhibition of
the Hlg Four Poulirv association com
menced here today, being held In the opera
house. Over 3CU birds were entered today
' and more to come In on the evening trains.
1 A large attendance was present today, j
much Intercut being taken. The exhlbiiiou
la i until Friday. i
Souyenir Spoon Frenzer, lMh X Dodge.
Stabhlua ftry at Tabor.
TAttOIt. la.. Iec. J6 John Barhyte. a
restaurant keeper, wa seriously stabbed
by Kiln Yates, who is under arrest. Yates
became abusive In the restaurant and wa
twice ejected. He thereupon drew a knife
j and Inflicied a deep cut In Berhyte hack
! and then escaped in the darkness, hut a
j pi if se recaptured hlin.
Poison for Youuar Wuuaa.
ALBANY. N Y.. Dec. M Mis Els!
Smith, who was "Queen Tllanla" in thn
Albany halloween carnival of 1KM). today
reported to the police that alie received
through the mall yesterday a box of candy
containing poison. The chocolate drops in
t lie box hud been opened and the pi isou
spread within A drusglst who analyxed
the contents declared that the candy con
tained enough purls green and other poison
Hoarseness or loss of voice
immediately relieved. Noth
ing txcelr this simple remed
Z 1 u X '
coint'fi ami with it the New
Vtar resolutions. Now in the
time to tU'U-nnine to start
a savings account.
No hcttcr place to keep it
The Oldest & Strongest
Savings Bank in Neb.
City Savings Bank
IBtb & Douglas St.
to kill the whole family Miss Fmifh pro
fesses entire ictiorance of anvone uhu
would desire lo Injure her. but believe It
was sent by a girl. The police and postofflce
authorities are Investigating.
If Traveling In .Innan
Or any civilised countr. you can procure
Laxative Krom i yulnlrie from any drni:
gint. All nations use It. K. W. UUOVISS
signature on box.
.Initrmiriit Dlvidenil.
NF Dec. 2il -A dividend ut XT',
cents pel iUnre nn AllUcondil Copper wa.
declared lodav. This is accepted to be n
ipiarterly dividend as against the seml
nnn.inl dividends d.-cKired hei et'ii'tire. The
last dividend preceding this one. which
was declared three months ago. whs nt
the rate nf tl.JB scmi-annualtv, or J'5o per
vear. and nine months airo the semi-niiniial
. lh iilend was T"i cf nt per she re, or Jl.'iii an
uoallv. As AnscundH Is controlled largelv
by Amalgamated Copper. It if expected
I thnt th dlvliti uiIm will un hiruelv tnl.i lh
treasury of Amalgamated.
Record Price lor sent on " hanae.
XKW YOKK. Dec. iw. A new high recoid
price for a sent on the Stock exehnnn"
w-is repntied today wh 'ii :t.jt-A was paid.
This, wiih the k.imi initiation fee. brings
it tip to :7.tV.
llov Drown While Skntlna.
I TKHlti: 1 1 A I "TIC. Ind.. Dec. Robert
! McFall and liatence Misner. i and years
old were drowned near here this afternoon
while skating. The bodies were recovered.
Tha only high grade Baking- PowQev
mada at a moderate prica.
Woodwind dt Uurgeaa
Jules Murry Comedy Co. In
Matinee IBc. Sdc.
OIIDUinOn Nights Sun. Mats. l'V -fo
DUnnUUU rus ,Tsurs.,8at.Mat.10-&o
Matinee Thur.-duv und Hiluidrty.
Vexl Week-ARE VOf A MASON?
awtavtariMauMnrjg ggHMira
Auditorium Roller Rink,
The Last of the (ireHt Championship Race
Grand .viasuurade nn Skatea
Admission. Arum linor.
-t) Cent
10 (Vnta
Two Nights Wed. Thur. Dec. XT at M.
Regular PH ea Bex Office Open Saturday.
'Plume 40).
Night- M itlneea Hun . Thur.
F. ery
Francibca itedding a: Co.. I 'harles tlaruii'
Munesiiue Meuugurie, Cliarlea lonard
Fl'cijer. Khtelle Wordutte & Co., Jo.
Flynn. The n.rla Trio, 'i'-ree MltchvlU
and the Klnodi ome.
Prlces-luc. 2Lc.. 'Jtc.
ITIcea lfcc. 36c. inc. ;&c.
Mats. Ai.v beat, ic
tttiiM K romi-iini(,iir uu
In the Comic tipera Sjcce
iiii; .Jlllic dj;m gawver
. ft