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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1905)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEF.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1903. 10 RAILWAY UNION RUMORED Coahtisn of Grtat Waitim aid Kama Citj Bonthsrn Reported. STICKNEY SAID TO HAVE GOT OUTLET 1ll Among His Owa Men la If Ha IwirM Harrlmatn'a Asreeaneat to Some Sort of Term. An Interaatlns report crop out of ths yeax-end gottsip In railroad circles, al ways proliflc of timely stories, that a coalition of Interests between the Chicago Grtat Western and Kansas City South ern has brn or will be efTocted. Sub stance is lent to the report by the fact that Great Western officials at Kansas City and St. Joseph, la receiving their batqh of annual passes for 1906, notice among them passes over the Kansas City Southern, as well as the Oreat Western. On of these officials who was In Omaha a day or two ago said: "I never before had an annual over the Kansas City Southern and do not know what the receipt of one now means, unless It Is proof of the rumor that Mr. Stlckney, who controls the Oreat Western and Mr. Harrlman, who controls the Southern. have got together on some terms whereby ; one road takes over the other or both are . merged In a sort of joint management. 1 eouldn't tell which would be left In the ascendency." Stlckney, It has been said, has courted an outlet to the gulf such as might be ob tained through the Kansas City Southern, and the balance of opinion is he has se cured that road rather than that Har rlman has got his. If Indeed any exchange has been made. Omaha officials of the Great Western profess to be entirely Ignorant of any such deal. Railroad Traffic Laiweet. Railroads report the largest volume of business for the Christinas holidays In their history. J. E. Buckingham, assistant general passenger agent of the Burlington, said l "The Burlington did the largest holiday business In Its history, the business being all Incidental to the general vacation and Christmas time. On some of the roads the crush was so great conductors had to take matters In their own hands and throw open the Pullmans to the general publlo to ac commodate the crowds which would pile Into the trains at some of the stations. This season la hard on the paaeenger de partments of the railroads, for not only Is the passenger business large, but the ex press business also is so large It delays the trains, so it la almost Impossible to make time with the passenger trains." All Hopes Are Exceeded. John Ferguson, assistant general pas senger agent of the Northwestern arrived In Omaha Tuesday to meet the newspaper men on the Lost Angelea Limited, due at 11 p. m., and accompany the train to Chi cago. Mr. Ferguson said. "That train is making a start on the California business far beyond our expec tations for a new train. While the people of Omaha are all aware of the advantages of tli new train, with its shorter route to southern California. It will take a little time to exploit It through the east, but when people learn of Its advantages the size of the train will then surely have to be increased. "This town of yours Is a surprise to me. I have never visited a town where I could look around snd see so many new and mag nificent buildings, especially in the whole sale district. Reading- In the pupers had given me some idea of the growth of Omaha, but the actual seeing was for be yond my expectations." , Fitter u Thousand on fpccial. The Burlington estimates that over 15,000 farmers attended the lectures on the seed corn special which mad a tour of the state last week. After a lay-over for Christmas the special started out on Its second week's tour Tuesday, and JudKlog from the Increased Interest, larger corwds wilt be out than attended last week. Sec retary Wilson has notified Prof. Lyons that h will spend one day on the special If It is poslble for him to do so. The gospel of good seed and how to plant it Is one of great Interest to the farmers who are heainnlng to see that the professors at the university are practical men as well as theorists, and that the corn crop of Ne braska ran be Increased If attention Is paid to the doctrines which ar taught by thee learned men. Word has been received from Denver that the Colorado Midland has begun work at Its shops at that place on three dining ours which are to bo placed In service early In IV These cars will be the first of the kind ever built west of Chicago, and will be finished In mahogany, elegantly upholstered and equal in every respect to any cars put out by eastern shops. An Indication of the large amount of equipment being built for lines throughout the country is known In the fact that eastern shops could not guarantee tho delivery of these cars In time for next season'a tourist travel to Colorado, resulting in that lino deciding to build them at their own shops. The Colorado Midland in known in Omaha aa Georgo Vallery's road, Mr. Val lery, one of the best known railroad men In th country, having left the Burlington about a year ago to assume the mnntige inent of the Midland. Why Cars Are Scarce. The Railroad Oasetto accounts for the oar shortage which Is now crippling the traffic on the railroads nf the country by an Interesting table, which shows the num ber of cars ordered lust year was consid erably less, in fact, only one-half the num ber built in any year since 1399. During the last three months the car companies have booked some record-breaking orders for 1307 delivery, among which sre orders from two of the leading railroads which alone are larger than the whole output fur 1904. Th table shows the estimate made by the Gasett for the last seven years: All th. I Utet U Sheet I Muiic KM TO Sans Free Concert Every i Wednesday's Extra Specials Stylish, well made Rain Coals ami Traveling Coats-many with Ladies' $10 and $1150 fUR SCARfS $4.98 Wednesday we make the most extraordinary fur offer Fino Brook Mink, Canadian Marten, Persian Lamb, Beaver, Gray Fox, Isabella Fox and Mink Furs all high grade selected furs, in Zaza, Cluster and Pellerine shapes, genuine $10 and $12.50 values at Ladies' Craycnettes and and Rain Coats at $3.98 398 iwfitniEn roRPir.ttT-w f.if.ii x, kair 1 PI . I Ml y 1 IS belted backs. pleated effects, etc. tans, Oxforda and olives In all sizes a genuine IS value ever ywhere at Ladies' Stylish Long Coats A good assortment of the up-to-date, warm and dressy winter coats all full length, styles novelty mixtures, heavy coverts, kerseys, broadcloths and cheviots values as high as 15 each a great special bargain In our Cloak De partment Wednesday at each Advance Announcement Next Week Begins the Greatest Sale of Linens Ever Held In the West "p9 Wednesday is Red Letter Day Wednesday is Red Letter Oay Ten Green Trading Stamps FREE to Every Green Trading Stamp Book Presented. Pre-Iiventory SaJe of China, txnd Glass Lamps, Etc. HOT BARGAINS. 23 PKK CENT CLIPPED FROM EVEKY PIECE OF CI T G L ASH 9 MANY BEAUTIFUL PIECES STILL LEFT AT FROM 91 TO 25. YOURS AT 25 PER CENT OFF. Lamps in ItraMs and Gla, decorated goods, best burners, laU-M fin ishes, choice at 20 PER CENT OFF. Two large tables filled with fancy decorated Plates, many excep tional values, YOURS AT HALF PRICE. B 23 per cent off on nil fancy Vases, bric-a-brac, etc. beautiful pieces 25 PER CENT OFF. STEINS STEINS 20 per cent oft on Steins sales in this section were euormotis will close out what's left at a discount of 20 per cent. Many good close out pieces in Dlunerware, English Porcelain Sets at $10, always sold at $15. $18 sets for '. $18.30 $12 sets for. . . HMH Others at 8.1 1-3 off. I Special Rates to VJexico City In effect January 1 to 15, 1900, inclusive. Basis: One fare for the round trip. " This is the chance of the year to visit that old, but little known, country. There are many investment opportunities in Mexico worth looking into. For pleasure or profit a trip to Old Mexico is equally alluring. It will he a pleasure to quote rates and tell you about Rock Island train service. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. 1323 Farnam, Street, Omaha, Neb. a 1 , b horses, which we must break In for ring; work. We open about the laat of Fobru . Hn McCune here will soon have to be huHtllna- ud another bunch of Indiana. I Omaha, looka treat to one who has been away for a year." Frightful l.oaa of 1,1 fe. reaulfa from throat and lung disease. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is a aure cure. 60e A $100. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug; Co. -Cars Frelfrht. Paaaenger. Total. 1M 11 Si l.fte 1WO l.&M 1U 14.iO 2.t4 14 ltS'J.iHV l.SHS 1W laS.luB l.(i7 J . 2.144 114 166 if 2.5ul DIAMONDS. Frenzer, 15th and Dodge. Marrlaiie I.lccnwea. The following marrlago licenses have been Issued: Name and Residence. Age Amoa H. Bushnell. Cass county Anhle Willis. Omaha Luther A. TUnehmt, Omaha Julia Mataun. Omaha Harney E. Brown. Omaha Klsln May Reniil.-k. Minneapolis, Minn r. M. Camp. Oinuha Helen E. Gerkey, Omaha Anders P. Johnson. Omaha 4? llK-helltt R. Yenger. Omaha : John A. Bruce, Omaha SO Nellie C. Nielsen, Oinuliah L'4 David A. Kttch. Omaha 2.1 Cora M. I'onley. Omaha U J2-K. wedding lings. Edhorm. Jeweler. la. m 117.287 139.06 164.647 154.M t2,tui lfe,uui JOHNNY BAKER IS BACK HOME World's Crack Rlflo Shot Retwras to Omaba After Toor of E a rope. Johnny Baker, crack rtfls shot of tho world, la at the Merchants for a low days, vlaltlng his old borne. Mr. Baker Is one of th teatura attractions of Buffalo Bill's Wild Wsat show, which has been in Europe for two years and which will tour th southern countries another year befor re turning to th Untied States. Mr. Baker said: "I left Marseilles two weeks ago, and sine that Um have been Jumping around th country, buying ling horses to replace thus which were killed by th French au thorities. W lost all of our valuable ring burses, but non of th work horses was affected with th glanders, which was the disease which cleaned out our atablea. I ziicot to sail back from New Tork about We wish to express our thanks to our friends and m.-lghbors, also Alpha grove No. t. for their kindness and floral tributes at the time of the d?ath of our baby. MR. AND MRS. If. B. BR1QG3. PROMPT PRESCRIPTION COMPOUNDING It was a subject of comment with our costunieru that during the great rush of Christmas shoppers at our Drug Store Prescriptions were con.w pounded with out usual promptitude. The reaaou for this Is found In the fact that our prescription department Is located la our basement quite re moved from the bustle of the busy sales department. Here a force of skilled pharmacists devote their entire time to the Compounding of Prescrip tions, and thus are able to &ive a bet ter quality of work than is possible where annoyed with tho commercial problems of store keeping. Prescrip tions are timed when wceived so that we as well aa our patrons may know just how much time has been con sumed in the preparation of their medicine. Every prescription la checked by a second pharmacist, thus Insuring the greatest degree of ac curacy. Prompt deliveries made to any part of the city without extra t li'-tre. The Very Latest Only five and one-half inclips high. Fits the foul and ankle to perfection. In i all leathers and styles. The New College Boot $3- 50 and 4 $4 I FRY SHOE CO, 16th and Doualai Sit. ! Specials in Hardware Pre-Inventory Sale Slightly damaged Granite Ware, tin ware, tea kettles, dish pans, pudding pans, etc., 25c down to Slightly damaged Wash Boiler not damaged to hurt, guaran teed not to leak, at HALF KKU V LA It PHICK. Floor Brush Broom, sell regularly for $1.12 and 90c, Qflp yours for Jwv Scrub Brushes, w orth up to 22c, your choice Iwt 30 Green Trading Stamps ZM with Egg Poacher JtC Just a few nice stag handled Carv ers, sell regularly for $2.25 and $2.65, your choice f PA at $1.65 and 1.JU Extra quality Bread Toaster, spe cially adapted to gas or gaso line stove, regular 25c, I Q special at 1JC Big sale on extra quality brass nlckle pl.ted bath room fixtures, your choice for ouc-fourtli off regular soiling price. Many tables full of goods marked at special prices don't fall to see the bargains. Special prices on all stoves, this week, previous to Inventory. Basement. BENNETT'S BG GROT Red Letter Specials Fresh Roasted Coffee, f e pound Tea Sittings, pound lc package DOI Bl.B GREKN TRADING STAMPS WITH THKSK: CurraiitH. pound l'V" PfOiled ItiilKtns, package l"c Olives, bottle li; I'ickles, assorted, bottle Vc. Ilorai-rarilsli, bottle Ho Temper Sauce, bottle 7c Twenty Riven trading stamps with Klaus tumbler Cranberry Ktc Sauce .lvW Ten creen trading stumps with three package Liennelt's Capitol OK- Mince Meat Twenty creen trading ptumps with pound package Bennett's Capitol Coffee Twenty preen trading stumps with pound Imperial Japan Tea AOfc. Ten green trading stamps with large can Burnham'a Clum Otc Chowder Ten green trading stamps with three packages Shredded 0-c Codflnh iOW Ten green trading stamps with can Ony'n Island 124c Clams ,", Ten nreth trading stamps with pound package Cut 1flc Macaroni 1 Atklneons Cocoa, can lno Andei-Kon a Tomato Soup, can Sc Table Syrup, 'JM; lb. can .J Snlmon, pound can I5 Oil Sardines, ran Nabisco UlscuitK, package 10c H RAUQl" ARTKHS for the finest Butters direct from the producer. Twentv preen trading stamps with pint bottle Columbia 20c Catsup v Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS ON EVERY AR TICLE YOU BUY IN SHOE SECTION RED LETTER DAY. Ladies' Black Felt Komeo Slippers and thirty Green Trading Stamps, for Ladies' and men's black Felt Slippers and Fifty Creen Trading Stamps, for Misses' and children's red and brown Fur trimmed Romeo, and Fifty Green Trading Stamps Men's black and chocolate kid slippers QRa f v v 1.00 75c 85c B and thirty Green Trading Stamps, for. Art Sales Red Letter Day 100 Beautiful Art Xoveaux Cal endars Handsomely mounted In pink bindings, pictures In 'bas relief, a Calendar which is continuous for every A Q year, 75c value. Wed- Affif nesday, 1 to a customer' And fifty Green Trading Stamp with each. Three times Green Trading Stamps In picture framing. Double Green Trading Stamps on all Art purchases, except ad vertised goods. Watch for the sensational Art Sales next Tuesday. GREAT SALE OF STA TIONERY. HALF OFF ON CALENDARS. FANCY BOX PAPERS. DIARIES. ETC.. ALL CHRISTMAS LEFT OVERS AT HALF AND LESS. TOY BOOKS. FANCY GIFT BOOKS. BIBLES. PRAYER BOOKS. ETC..H ALF PRICE. STOCK KUST BE CLEANED BEFORE INVENTORY. THE BARGAINS ARE GREAT. DENTAL IAri ROOMS. 1517 Douglas St. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co. tU eOAUa of Jaauary( taking wit m lWlCraer lOUt juid Dodge, JrU Qmaii4 191 Charles A. Potter li K X KH A L ST E XOG It A I'HEB. Depostions, Correspondence, Brief Work and Sptt'ial KeportiuK on Short Notice. NOTAJtY ri'KMC. COAL! COAL! COAL! BENNETT'S CAPITOL COAL Over 5,000 Families using it and the list growing every day. There's no similar Coal at a similar price In Omaha. Bennett's Cf.pltol Coal will stand the severest test that Coal can be put to aa ope.i fire. See how it burns. Won't crumble like Soft Coal when prodded by poker It'll bold itself together and burn up clean 'till there's nothing but white ashes left. It'a the nearest approach to Hard Coal on the market. Lump, ton $6.00 Nut, ion $5.75 Surli i f lfc'iinett's Capitol Nut Coal delivered direct from Stout BE'NNKTT'S GENUINE CARTERVILLE (ILL.) COAL. BEST ILLINOIS COAL MINED: Lump. trt .... $5.75 Nut, ton .... $5.50 CARTSRV1LLE (ILL.) WASHED NUT COAL, small size .VIM !)es Other Dig Ad oi Page 5. Great Half Price Sale of Ladies' Cloaks and Suits Now On BWDBS TUB IlfcLlAULU STOKE. Ladies' Cloaks and Suits at Half Pric Rousing Pre-Inventory Specials Ever)- day now until inventory has been taken will see won derful bargain opportunities offered on every hand. A few iot Wednesday are: 1 Specials in Dry Goods Wednesday Wool Dress Goods 500 pieees of wool dress goods in the wafitt goods department, mohair fancies, serges, etc, regu lar 49c and 59o goods, to close, at, per yard faw Linens and Muslins G0-inch Irish unbleached linen, our regular 60c grade, one day only, at, per yard Yard wide Bleached Muslin, made by the Lonsdale peo ple, regular 8 l-3e quulity, on Wednesday only, yard. . Three special towels, regular 15c and 19c goods, all on one table, your choice for Wednesday, each 39c ...5c 10c Blankets and Flannels Five dozen Cotton Blankets, 11-4, regular $1.35 goods, slightly soiled, only needs washing, as good as new on sale 7Q as long as they last, at, per pair 3)-inch Outing Flannel, best quality on the market our regular .12 au'l 15c goods, to close fast, at U2 Arnold Superfine Flannelettes About '-V pieces, guaranteed fast colors, and best cloth made, regular 15c goods, t to close at, ier yard MM Great Furnishing Goods Bargains Men's and Hoys' Sweater In all colors and good winter weights worth up to $1.00 choice Wednesday, at Ladies' Vests and Puntt Heavy fleece lined and In all sizes worth regularly up to 70c your choice Wednesday, at, per garment Men's Shirts and Drawers -Fleece lined, good heavy quality worth up to 75c choice Wednesday ' Men's and Boys' Heavy Mittens Wool lined or fleece lined, with calf skin, palm and knit back, sold tip to $1, Wednesday, choice. .. From 10 Till 11 A. M. Children's heavy fleece lined vests and pants, in all sizes, regular 35c values, for this hour, at, choice, garment... I5o 19c 25c 39c 15c Ribbons! Ribbonsl Ribbons! The greatest ribbon sale of tho entire season. High grade ribbons at Just half regular prices. No. 2 Satin and Gros Grain Kibbons, at, per yard . . . le Baby Ribbon, at, per yard He 5c Kibhous, at, per yard S5ac 7c Ribbons, at, per yard Sjjc 9c Ribbons at, per yard 4c lUc Ribbons, at, per yard 3Jc loc Ribbons, at, per yard 7H 20c Ribbons, at, per yard 10c 2hc Ribbons, at, per yard 30c Ribbons, at, per yard lfia 35c Ribbons, at, per yard 17 SUGAR. SUGAR. SUGAR. WK W ILL SELL 22 TOI NDS PI RE CANE GRANULATED A - SIGAIt FOR L Wo have made arrangements with the Louisiana Sugar Refining Co., the largest In the world, to sell their sugar for them in Omaha. This is absolutely pure cane sugar. Remember Hayden'B always save you money. HAYDEW BROS. How to write a Furnished I room Ad You can't rent a bare, poorly furnished room as easily as a cozy, attractive furnished one. People wont answer an adver tisement as readily if you do not make it inviting if you do not make them feel that yours is just the room they want. Here it the kind not to iuritt: FOR RENT flood furntPhfd room for two gentlemen, 1S:6 Farnam street. This would be more apt to rent the room: FOR RENT Pleasant south front room, for two ajentlemen wall f urnlahKl bath on aame floor -8 minutes walk from down town, 1828 atreet. The first ad wont cost as much, but If the longer ad will rent the room, because it Is attractive. It's a good Investment. Telephone 238. 50,000 Heal Circulation. 25c iinw A fflew Way to Los Angeles You can now go direct, by a new rout via Salt Lake City. And by a new dally train th Los Angeles Limited Superb accommodations; Pullman's beat Berries. Dining Cars, Observation Cars with Buffet; Loung ing Rooms and Library. Electric Lights over evtry seat and In every berth. Via the Union Pacific and Salt Lake Route For full Information Inquire at C1TV TICKET OFUCK, 1824 FAKXAM HT. 'Phone 834. V'- Si i 1 ii