Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1905, Page 9, Image 9

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Office, 10 PmiI
Member! ib ("oinoll Bluffs "tlebrtt Initia
tion of Otieral 0. M. Dodge.
HI Inability- o Preswit,
hot fdi Brat Wlihfi tn the
' Order sad Its Members In
' 'j .. Coanell Blaffa.
Fifty year o yesterday etieral Oren
vllle M. Dl(te. whom tlie rlUsm of
f-ounrll Bluff love to hortoi, na Initiated
pa a member of Counrll Bluffs lodge No.
. Independent. OrdsY of Odd KHlows,
and the members of the several lodges In
thla city ohrervd Christmas day by cele
brating the event with a special meeting
in their temple, which ttiu largely at
t ended.
general j'lodge wjih nnable to be present
'Vl.itri th following telegram to Hon.
Thnwiss Plowman he expressed his regreta
to th ' pit-tjiWs of CVmnrll Kluffs lodge
Hn. 11: '.'''..
I npprnclate the honor paid me bv the
lodge i-Webratlng my fifty years' member
ship and regret my Inability to be present.
I "leas extend my thanks and mv congrat
ulations lo the lodgt and ll the mem
bers. 1 hop:. some day to be present and
thank them In person.
The principal address a delivered by
Hon. Thomas Howinari. former congress
man from the Ninth' dlrfvict. who In an
Interesting talk, told of the eurly pioneer
luys of CounrU Uliiffs- anil adjoining sec
. tlon and the part: that 0nrnl Dodge took
In Ita early, '.settlement.'.. Addresses were
also made by M..F. Rohrer and J. F. Spar
of llawkeye, Jode. as well art by several of
ihe menibcis of Council. Bluffs lodge.
At the plpse pf the morning the follow
ing teli'ufam' Was ent Oeneral Dodge by
.Messrs. -Jpowman and Rohrer on behalf of
tlie inembtfia of the order In this city:
Pteasy.' accept congratulations on the
nice tlna'.heid today celebrating the tlftleth
aiifirvenwry of your Initiation as a member
of the, Independent Order of. odd Fellows.
Day Devoted to Home featherings la a
Large Mrasnrv.
With weather more like that of a balmy
"lirliig day there was little outward Indica
tion of t'lirlstma in the Bluffs yesterday.
Hut few people during he daytime were to
be fern, on the streets and it was evident
that all whu could were enjoying a day of
test afKr the busy, week Just past. In tlia
e.vejijiuj, however, the streets became con
siderably. Jin,i;e lively, the numerous dances
aiid oilier enturtalninents, including the
theaters, brlitflng out the people.
The day was essentially one of home
gatherings, although in the evening several
uf the fraternal organisations had enter
tainments . and Christmas trees for the
inembor and their children. The Boat club
diinve the Grand hotel brought out a
large crowd, as did the dance at the Dodge
Light Guard' armory. At the New theater
"The Forbidden Land" amused an audience
which, taxed the seating and standing room
' capacity of the house.
All of the hotela served special ChrUtmua
dinner, some of the menus being especially
elaborate, and they were all well patronised.
.uMiic i-iiy jail viuei jiiuninoiut reieaaa
several "plain dnjnka" who had started in
on the Christmas festivities a little In ad
vance of time and a little too strenuously,
In order that they might eat their Christ
mas dinners at home Instead of behind the
bar. At. the county Jail the dozen or more
prisoners were treated to a good Christmas
The children at the Christian Home and
the Associated Charities' creche were not
forgotten, and at both institutions the little
folk enjoyed a good hrislmaa spread and
a visit from Santa Claws. At St. Bernard's
hospital the putlents had their usual Christ
mas dinner and entertainment.
To a certain extent holiday hours pre
vailed at the postoffiue, but the carriers put
in a pretty busy . morning .owing to the
' What Is nicer' for a present than
a pair of Slippers?
Men's Everetts
In Patent Leather and Assorted
"Ladies' Juliets
In Felt, and Quilted Satin, In As
sorted Colors. Trimmed with
"' t . . . , . Fur.
A large assortment of Low
Men's, ,
The prices are right.
75c to 2.00
uad;e!;.. 50c to 1.00
23 Main Street
Fine Repairing. COUNCIL. BLUFFS.
Mr.. Sargent, the Shoe Man,
Hjj a phrase in his advertising which w
admire, and we claim the same thing for
lie say his. store Is a pU.' "WHKKK
MAN." Do you know SOME MER
CHANTS ? do take advantage of a child
ahd sell them Inferior goods?
' No one heed hesitate Mending their child
lo our stores with prescriptions or tor any
thing else we o;l, 'cause If there is any
customers. It Is In favor of the customer
VV have a, nice line of CHHIrtl MAS
IIFTS. - .
E. T. YATES. Proprietor.
Cor. Fit til avenue and Main street.
C...imell Wuffs. la. Phone i Cor. Bu
i.enth rind ,'iucago strwti', Oman; 'twenty-fourth
su'd N streets. South Omaha.
I haul dead animals, (1 Ou per du-iJ
Garbage, usnea, manure ana all
blah; clean vaults and cesspools,
work doae is guaranteed.
Calls promptly attended to
, . ; Phone. Ash-litti,'.
rvib- t
All I
ft. TeL 43.
heavy Christmas mail, and the same was
true at the several express offices.
Flaallr Married After ataber of
Anooylna Delaas.
W. H. Voodard and Ella Damn, both of
Falrmount. Neb. celebrated Christmas by
coming to Council Bluffs and getting mar
ried, but they had, or at least the groom
did. a rather strenuous time of it before
the marriage license was secured. On
reaching here the groom-to-be telephoned
H. V. Battey, clerk of ths district court, at
his residence and requested him to meet
him at the courthouse nd Issue the licence.
Mr. Battey was preparing to go with his
family to the Christmas services at tho
Episcopal church, but ever willing to help
make someone happy he consented to
open his office to Issue the license.
Now It happened that when Mr. Battey
reached t'.ie courthouse Mr. Woodard and
his prospective bride wera waiting his ar
rival in the sheriff's office. Mr. Battey
waited around for a time and finally con
cluded that the couple must have changed
their minds so he locked up the office again
and Joined his family at the church. Shortly
after he had left the courthouse Mr. Wood
ard learned from Custodian Humphrey that
Mr. Battey had been In his office and gone
again. Realizing that something had to be
done Mr. Woodard followed Mr. Battey to
tne church, and through the assistance of
one of the ushers got his attention.
The license was finally issued, but then
came the difficulty of securing a minister
of the Methodist church to perform the
ceremony. After telephoning all over the
city Mr. Battey succeeded In reaching Rev. ,
Charles Mayne of Trinity Methodist church, !
and Mr. Woodard and Miss Daum finally ,
succeeded In accomplishing that which
brought them to Council Bluffs.
Members of Mlllpaltan Company
Made Happy.
Miss Inex Lewis and Jean Bregant of
New York' city Were married yesterday
afternoon at the home of the bride's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. refer Lewis, 410 North
Eighth street. The ceremony was per
formed by P.ev. F. A. Case, pastor of the
First Baptist church. In the presence of a
small gathering of friends.
The bride and groom were formerly mem
bers of the Royal LillinuUan enmnanv. the
former being 19, years of age and but 42 !
inches in height, while the latter, who Is
35 years of age, Is but four Inches taller.
Miss Iewls was born In Denver but most
of her life has been spent In this city,
where she is well known. The groom was
born in Styrla, Austria, and has been on
the stage for fifteen years. Mr. and Mrs.
Bregant expect to remain In Council Bluffs
until the theatrical season opens next
Boy Severely Injured.
Alphonse Stewart, a 13-year-old lad from
Blair, who arrived yesterday with his
grandmother to spend Christmas with rel
atives of the same name living at 1401 Ave
nue A, was picked up about g o'clock last
evening at the corner of Sixteenth street
and Avenue A in a seinl-consclous condition
and suffering from a scalp wound five Inches
long on the top of his head and a severe
bruise on the side of his face. The parties
who found the boy lying beside the motor
tracks conveyed him to a neighboring house
and later he was conveyed to the home of
his relatives. The young fellow declined to
state how hf received his Injuries, but one
theory Is that he was riding on a street
car and finding that he was being carried
past his designation Jumped and fell. It
is not thought that his injuries will result
Illinois Central CootHbates.
Alderman Maloney received as a Christ
mas present- yesterday an agreement from
the Illinois Central Railroad company to
contribute $8,000 towards the fund for de
fraying the expense of widening and deep
ening Indian creek. Tills Is the amount
which the Illinois Central was asked to
contribute, It having three bridges over the
creek. "
While the signed contract from the Reck
Island company has not yet been received
by Alderman Maloney, he has been as
sured by the officials of the company that
its centrlbution of $3,000 will be forthcom
ing. The 1'nlon Pacific, which has been
asked to contribute -',000, is the last tall,
road to be heard from and it Is understood
the officials of that road will give this mat
ter their attention this week.
N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 50. Night. IM3.
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets.
' Plumbing and heating. Rliby i Son.
Dr. Luella Dean, Brown Bldg. Tel. K.
Drs. Woodbury dentists, 30 Pearl street.
Woodring-Schmidt, undertakers. Tel. 339.
Leffert's improved torlc lenses give satis
faction. Mrs. Charles I Caughey is seriously 111
with typhoid fever.
Pictures for Christinas gifts. Alexanders
Art Store. SU B'way.
Results Our Specialty Collection
agency, offices 1WJ Pearl Sf. Phone 1474.
Big mid-winter tertr Western Iowa
college opens Tuebday, January J, lWi.
Empire renaissance gold moulding, pic
tures and Humes. Horwlrk, 211 S. Main.
Tel. 483.
Ir. F. W. lH-ane and family are spend
ing the holidays with relatives In Hast
ings. Neb. .
MUs Mattle Zentmlre uf Oakland is a
Chrtxtmas guest at the home of Uv. and
Mrs. Jdiiivs O'May.
Dance every Thursday evening. "Only 15
cents. Get Busy Dancing club. New ar
mory. Whaley's iirchestra.
On your upholstering, feathers, ' mat
tresses and n-paliing done at Morgan A
WHno a. lj Soutu Main street.
In the superior court today Judge Scott
will take 1 1 tiiw (list, case on I ne nsslgu
inent lor tiie Do 'i-mher term.
State Senator C. (J. Saunders . has ap
pointed .UI- Elizabeth All:najiperger as
nia Memt;i-ajher ami private secretary for
the coming reason of tiie legislature.
Charles H. Conrad and Mrs. Esther M
Koon. both ol this city, were, married
yest-rday ut the. F'rxl Congregational
church piirsiinagc by Rev. O, O. Smith.
J.'I Osborn, a resident of Pottawatta
mie county since 10.1, left yevterday for
Houlrter. Colo,, where lie has- purcnased a
farm and will euyune in 111 a raising or
fruit. Mr. inborn recently sold hi farm
of sixty-seven acres nve miles east of this
rtty for $.",ou.
- A burglar visited the home of Herman
I'ffeit at 1 Ninth avenue Saturday
night and secured two dUmood rings, a
J tm-qiici.-e riii. a topns ring, a gold watch,
I l in cjn and two dress o.ats The stolen
' property wan of the aggregate value of
Vdui. I ne uurglar gained admission to tne
basement and rescued Ihe- kttenen by cut
ting out a pane! In the door trading from
the cellar.
Mrs. Surah II Hail, widow of Dr. Hart
and of Ernest E. Hart, president of
ihe rirst National bank, celebrated In
connection witn Cnrlaimas day the
eigtiim nnlvcrary of her birthday. As
a unique reminder 01 me auapioua occasion
ctgiitv of Mrs. Hart's friends wrote her.
extending tlirir roiigratulaiitMis. inclden
I tally these eighty missives of good will
I were a complete surprise to jfieir re
J cliiieat.
I It juii have anything la trade advertise
I it In the For Exchange column on The Bee
' Want A 1 pi.V.
Antrt Dei Msiies Does Not Ds Esouch to
Make ConTen'.ion a Saccsu.
Member of Kxerattve Committee to lie
Chosen at the Present Meeting
to Have the Deciding
Ante oa Question.
1 From a Staff Correspondent.!
DBS MOINES. Dec. 2o. (Special.) Cedar
Rapids will put up the stlffest Kmd of a
fight at the state teschers' convention,
which opens tomorrow evening here, for
the convention of next year. The conven
tion was held at Cedar Rapids one or two
years, but for the most part has been
held annually at Des Moines. Cedar Rapids
has never given tip the hope of getting the
convention back. The place of holding
the annual convention Is fixed each year
by the executive committee of three mem
bers. County Superintendent Z. C. Thorn
burg of Des Moines will be chairman of
the committee next year and will, of course,
vote for this city. Trof. F. E. Bolton of
the State university at Iowa City, It is
claimed, will vote for Cedar Rapids and
the determining factor will lie the mem
ber of the execuilV' committee to b
elected as a successor to Clifford of Council
Bluffs. It Is claimed among school men
that' there is dissatisfaction with Des
Moines because the business men have not
been more responsive in assisting to gel
better railroad rats and because the
hotels have not been more accommodating.
Some of the school men claim that the
Des Moines hotels and business men are
taking It for granted that the association
will continue to meet here and If they con
tinue on the course are likely to get left.
Some of the early arrivals to the conven
tion are now In the city and It Is learned
that the first matter launched Is a move
to take the convention next year to Cedar
Rapids. The man to be elected on the
executive committee In place of Clifford
will likely be from tho western part of
the state.
Will Sot Print Address.
State Superintendent John F. Rigs will
not have his address to be delivered be
fore the state teachers' convention Friday
printed In pamphlet form for distribution
as has been the custom with other super
intendents. The reason is that the strike
of the Job printers has so thrown behind
the printing of the state work at the Iowa
Printing company's plant that the address
could not he printed in time for distribu
tion during the convention.
Crime la Iowa Increases.
According to the criminal report made
by the secretary of state and Just sent
to the state printer for publication, there
were l.iffil convictions for the year end
ing June SO, 190S, and 1.301 for the year
ending June SO. 1904. There were fifteen
murderers convicted during jsnfj and thir
teen during 1904. The criminal record for
the two years compared is as follows:
116. 1004.
Felonies 542 .169
Misdemeanors 8"! 711
Miscellaneous IS 01
Total 1,861 1.301
The 1.3S1 convicted during the year 1905
were given ftO.3 years in Jail, 1.141.5 years
In the penitentiary and were fined SIX.fiM,
while the 1.8n for 1904 were given 57.6 years
in Jail, 1,3:2 years in the penitentiary and
were fined $114,631. There were 4S sent
to the penitentiary in 1905 and 472 to the
penitentiary" In 14. Of the fines Imposed
S3,6t7 was collected in 190u and an expense
Incurred of UTO.ltO, while in 1904 there was
fftti.Mti collected and an expense of S4S3,ufl4
May Seen re Airship.
Secretary John C. Simpson of the Iowa
State fair is negotiating to secure the
Knabenshus airship as an attraction for
the state fair for The airship has
made several successful trips circling the
flat iron building In New Tork among
other feats. It Is proposed to have the
ship make daily trips from the fair
grounds to the capitol building, a distance
of about two miles, circle the dome and
return to the fair grounds. The ship Is
sixty-two feet long by sixteen high. The
directors of the state fair have decided
to secure LiheraUl'a band as one of the
attractions for the fair. The band was
secured for last year, which was the first
time a band from outside the state was
had. It was a great success and so Is
secured again.
Committee Favors Reformatory.
It Is learned that the legislative commit
tee which has recently investigated the
reformatories and prisons in other states
will recommend a bill making the peni
tentiary at Anamosa a reformatory where
none but prisoners under 30 and first of
fenders will be sent. For these the In
determinate sentence will be recommended.
The change of the Anamosa penitentiary,
which Is i modern institution, to a re
formatory cannot be made till the Fort
Madison penitentiary, wheh is out of date
and unsanitary, is remodeled and new
cell houses erected, so as to accommodate
all the prlsouers.
Woald Fight Standard OH.
Clifford Thome of Washington, la., is in
the city and will hold a conference with
Governor Cummins tomorrow on the ques
tion of legislation to assist the oil men
te fight the Standard Oil trust. They
say what they want is a law compelling
the oil company to sell oil for the. same
price In all parts of the state and not to
discriminate in one locality In order to
drive competiton out there.
Carroll for (iovernar.
The Bloomlteld Republcan publishes an
editorial boosting State Auditor B. F. Car
roll for governor. According to custom,
Auditor Carroll has a third term as state
auditor cuming. and among his friends ii
is generally recognised thst he thinks
Very favorably of lontnuing in hs present
Powell Fathers BUI.
Senator C. C. Dowell of this rlty will be
the author of. the child labor bill, backed
W the state child labor committee. A
systematic agitation of the subject has
been conducted by the committee during
the past several months and it is proposed
to bring all the pressure possible to bear
to get a strong hill through the legisla
ture. Crawabaw Dd.
. James Crawsliaw, one of the. ihir car
penters of the state house and who worked
on the building from the first till the day
of his death, died suddenly st his home
here Sunday. He dropped dead from ap
poplexy. having been in good health,
seemingly, till the day of his death. He
was well known by public men generally
over the stale.
Rr for Janaarr Meeting.
AMES. la.. Dec. . Special.) Arrange
ments have been perfected for the short
course In agriculture to be given at the
state college January 1 to it, and ex.
Governor Horace Boles. Dr. Frank Oun
saulus and Joseph E. Wing will be the
chief lecturers outside of the regular col
lege professors. The course Is given an-
nually for the eneflt of famieia who are
unable lo leave their farms for a longer
period to attend college. Trophies and
premiums of cash and merchandise
amounting to l.',5i will be given in the
corn contests.
Qaestlon )alldlr of Taa Deeds.
WEBSTER rtTY. Ia Dec. J6.-1 Special.)
The question) of whether or not a treas
urer's deed rt i the smallest infinitesimal
part" of a piece of property constllutes a
flaw Is bothering the property holders and
legal lights of this city and community.
Tax deeds have been thus given and pur
chaser of such a deed has paid the taxes
for the three years. Now the holder of
the property is lighting In the courts on
the claim thtit such a small part consti
tutes no Haw on the title. Farmers are
offering to give such deeds to anyone who
will pay their taxs tor three years, the
legal time given In which to redeem. A
large amount of property has been bid In
In this way by one firm, and suits are
alniut to he started over the question.
Iowa Farmer Rohhed.
IOWA CITY. Ia.. Dec. 35. (Special.)
Will Frantf. a farmer living near here, was
held up south of the city Saturday by two
tramps, beaten Into insensibility and robbed
of his watch and a considerable sum of
money. Mr. Frantz was driving home
after spending the day In securing Christ
mas presents and as he drove onto a
bridge a half mile south of the city two
men sprang up from beside the road one
seizing, the horse's heHd and the other
striking him on the head with a rock
which he carried. When he recovered
consciousness his horse was gone, and
bleeding from his wounds he trailed It
five miles to the home of Dan Mclaughlin.
Horllcnl (oral Society Klertlon.
HAMPTON. Ia.. Dee. '.-(Special )-At
the meeting of the Northwestern Horti
cultural society her the following officers
were elected; President. C. O. Patto.n;
vice president, Charles F. Gardner; . secre
tary, C. II. True; treasurer. E. Blakeman.
The next annual convention will be held
in Charles City.
Indian Froien to Death.
SIOtTX CITY", la.. Deo. 2S.-John South
wind, a giant Winnebago Indian, came
over to Sioux City last night and Indulged
In fire water. This morning he was found
I on a sandbank frozen to death.
Georgia Woman Receives a Rare
Decoration from tho Knltan
of Turkey.
The sultan of Turkey has conferred a
decoration on Mrs. Willis 8. Parks,
daughter of Senator Bacon of Georgia.
Senator Bacon passed through Washing
ton several days ago on his way from New
York to his home In. Macon, (la., after an
; extensive tour of foreign countries, during
which he visited Constantinople and re
ceived from the sultan the decoration of
I Mrs. Parks. The order of which the sen
ator's daughter Is made a member la said
to be the same as that with which Mrs.
Robert Ooelet of New York was decorated
a year or two ago by the ruler of Turkey.
Senator Bacon made a visit in Constan
tinople this summer as the guest of Min
ister Leischman at the American legation.
During his stay he was invited to the pal
ace for an audience with the BUltati. Con
versation between the American legislator
and his royal Jiost was carried on by
means of an lnterpreler. In the course of
the interview the expressed tils de
sire to confer an honorable decoration on
the senator himself, btu was Informed that
( the L'nlted States government foroade Its
I officials accepting decorations from foreign
' AiPiiinnf Tl, . 1 . 1. . . ,
m .....v. ,i,a. .ne - uiian iiiirii BUgKCnieo.
that the decoration he conferred on the
senator's daughter. Mr. Baoon accepted
the honor.
In addition to the decoration Senator Ba-
; con received also from the sultan two
' handsome china vases as gifts for Mrs.
Bacon and the senator's other daughter,
Mrs. J. Manley Curry of Macon. The dec
oration is In the form of a rchment doc
ument, and was brought to this country by
the senator In a heavily sealed case. Sen-
' ator Bacon took It and the oiher gifts
j with him to Macon.'
j The conferring of the honor on Mrs.
parks Is of particular interest, owing to
the fact that Senutor Baron is a member
of the foreign relations committee of the
j The acceptance of honors from foreign
governments by members of congress Is
vigorously opposed by many members of
the house and senate. Senator Spooner la
particularly emphatic in his objection to
the practice. It was on account of this
sentiment that Mr. Bacon declined the In
vitation of the sultan to Join the order and
substituted his daughter as the recipient of
the honor. New York Herald.
A Miraculous Esoupe
from bleeding to death, had A. Pliuke,
Nashotah. Wis.', who healed his wound
with Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Be. For sale
by Sherman a: McConnell Drug Co.
WATCHES. Frenzer, 16th and IX'dge.
Governor Wrlaht in Meranhla.
, MEMPHIS. Dec. K.-Luke B. Wright,
r.....v. ,1T , ui ki riiiiippincs. arrivea
i today to spend the holidays at his home
here. Governor Wright Is quite an op
Umlxt as to the future of the Islands. As
lo his plan he ia reticent. Regarding the
reports that lie would resign his office
and return to Memphis he said nothing
further than that he had heard of the
rumors but was unaware of the source
from which they came.
A8jtlrtjof Beauty Is m joy Forevor
R. T. Falls Oouraud'a Orlontal
Oroam or Maglool Boautlflor
lUanTt Tss. P!
frecklM. 1. Is J'.iAl.
. u4 !la D
la Dkm
4 vtrv kltnUl
mm4 in tn
r T vtut, u
! w hu-BiMt '
uxtll lltv.r
Is pMMTif '"'
(til tt limtif
ttat. Dr. L. 4
Stvrs Mid U ,
Imif t llit t:
tea (a BMitLii
-A yo IUI
will bm tVfS
n ' T.1. .... ... f ';"TT..V
"w" " rwmwn mm mv amp sermnil SU LBf
tjla prenanuioni." FT ! rf alldrnrU awi faaor
tw iWart la tha fruua Sums, OaaaUs a4 Ktusp
lERlLHOPBIS, r&. 37 Irit Jems SVt IrwYii
O Colds Cured
Bromo-Luc (eootali
rOmO-Yf f Vn t&! nm iui
aulnlns) breaks upeolda la
is baud la a few hours
leaves ua bad afver-efipcia
like Ovtnloe Prcparailooa
a iima ibs won oaioslr
safely-got box todayfrom your drug-
aTlJlt. A lair -v m ilia a i . .
4 (tut thaUb. rtcwU
OOMTa.vf -e'j..:.
28 Peart St. Pltooes, Res. 63. Offlct 97
TAr A , l .... a ttt e-i i
a, a-sw 4itji:uaii i: uMirrn
President i'itrhtll Ecdi . Letter to Htitdi
of Anthrtcits Cosipsi.
Request Is Made for a e Hoard
of Conciliation that Will He
rn n I n Continually In
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. a.-The Press
tomorrow will say: President John Mitch
ell of the I'nited Mine Workers union has
communicated with the presidents of the
anthracite coal producing companies In
regard to the demand the miners will unik
for the continuance of work in the hard
coal fields. It Is understood the letter Is
in regard to holding a conference betwee-.i
the committee representing the l'nlted
Mine Workers and the operators. An tn
what the operators will do, It has not been
definitely decided upon.
Besides asking for an eight-hour day,
there are also to le presented other de
mands. The most important and one that
If adopted will mean the complete recog
nition of the union Is the request that an
entire new conciliation bonrd be formed,
one that will always be In session and
will go from place to place to settle dis
putes. This request will meet with considerable
opposition from the operators.
The proposed new board Is to be coin
posed of three members representing the
miners and the same number represent
ing the operators and a seventh member
to bo chosen by the other six.
Hundred Thousand Builders 81 Aetv
Scales In rf tork.
XKW YORK. Dec. J. Noworkers eie
happier today than the lfio.nno skilled men
in the building trades when It was an
nounced that every union, with the excep
tion of the hotisesmlths and . hrldgemen.
had signed a trade agreement of from one
to three years to go Into effect on Jan
uary 1 next.
By this action the unions have officially
repudiated the strike of the strurtural
Iron workers.''
In many of the trades the prevailing wage
will continue for the coming year. The
wages of the house carpenters, however,
will be Increased W cents a day and the.
cabinet makers will receive an Increase
of 22 cents a day, beginning next July.
The trade agreements now date from
January 1, instead of May, as heretofore.
This step was taken because the employers
do not want strikes on their hands on
May 1 when the busy building season be
Improvements In Bridge Building In
Recent S ears Maura tbe ".ear
Structure Possible. .
The great cantilever bridge which is new
being built across the St. Lawrence river
at Quebec will Include the largest single j
span ever erected In the history of the :
world. It lse well understood among en- !
glneers that the true test of the magnl- '
tude of a bridge Is not Its total length
as made up of many Individual spans, hut
the length of the Individual span itself,
and In this respect the Quebec bridge is
pre-eminent. '
It reaches across the 8t. Lawrence river
In a single span of feet. This Is
nearly 100 feet .greater than the spans of
the Forth bridge cantilvers, which meas
ure 1,710 feet In the clear. Next in length
Is the Williamsburg aiispensiou bridge,
which Is LOW feet in the clear, and then
follow the Brooklyn bridge. 1.5 feet, and
the new Manhattan bridge, adjoining It,
which will be 1,470 feet In the clear.
Although the new St. Lawrence bridge
will exceed our East rler bridges in total
length of span, It will not compare with
them In the magnitude of the traffic that
It can carry. Its total width of seventy-five
feet l not much more than half that of
the Williamsburg bridge, which measures
1 gp feet over all and provides two eighteen
foot roadways, four trolley tracks, two
elevated tracks, two passenger footways
and two bicycle tracks.
As tho St. Lawrence bridge la the hist
cantilever structure that compares In mag
nitude and length of span with the Forth
bridge, the latter forms the proper basis
The 20th Century Limited
. The Route of the Government Fast Mail Trains
Leave Chicago at .
Arrive Ne? York at
Leaving Omaha at 11 P. M. daily, arriving at Cedar Rapids 6:10 A. M.; Clinton 8:15 A. M.,
and Chicago 11:55 next morning. ,
Other Chicago trains at 8 A. M, 11:30 A. M., 5:50 P. M. and 8:38 P. M.
City Offices, 1401-03 Farnam Street.
of comparison. At the time that It was
constructed t!ie engineets who were ie
sponsible for Its design hud uiwoHitely
nothing to guide them in the sv of long
span railroad bridges, since nothl'ic ap
proaching the proposed bridge In magni
tude had hllh"ito !wcr v., ',.,-!! Mi ted.
In determining h.ii section to use for
the memhxrs of the entili-x ei a. It was de
cided tu use the tuliiil'ir section, for t.c
reason that it presented t'-.e silfTest anil
strongest form for a giv--i weight of ms
tfrial. It ni.o derldi1. I" view of
the fact thai .lbuormully high" win 1
stresses had t be provided for Ifl'ty-slx
pounds' to the snuare fooli. to give a very
pronounced batter rr inclination to the
towers and cnntllevers. Both of these fr.i- j
tures add -I gratly to the labor and cai
of construction. In the IMerlni since the '
huilding of Ihe Forth bridge, we have
learned that wind pressure on long
bridges are much leas than was supposed,
being. Indeed, scarcely half as great
Moreover, steel mills cvi now furnisli
rolled rectangular steel In slies which wer;
not obtainable when the Forth bridge wa
built. Consequently. the ?t. Lawrence
bridge is being built with Its rsmllevers
and towers In ertlcsl pl'ines. and ihe
materials used are entirely of standard
shapes, such at can he rolled In the mills.
Instead of the twelve-foot tubes of the
I Forth bridge, we have built up lattice cords
and posts and elghteen-lnch eyebars In the
Quebec bridge, and the combined recult
will be a structure relatively lighter ;rd
cheaper to build and of unquestionably
more graceful appearance thmi the far
farced bridge across the Firth of Forth.
Scientific American.
Fatal Accident la Inillnita.
FOHT WATKB. 1ml.. Dec. Si.-A horse
studied to a buggy run into train No. ;
at Delphos. O.. at R o'clock this morning
and Henry Honhorst. his daughter Rose,
r During Ihe Holiday Sanson Tickets at one
. and one-third fare for the round trip will be
sold between point" ou tho
'Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway
Dates of sale are December 'J'J. l!3, J4, 2.",
30 aud 31, 1905, and .January 1, lM). ' IMum
limit January 4.
These low rates apply to all stations on the
"St. Paul Road" regardless of distance limit.
Ask the ticket agent about rates ami train i-erv
ire, or write to
F. A. NASH, General Western Agent,
1524 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
2:30 p m.
9:30 a. m.
Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, I1L
n'ld Mr Rwniey W. A Moinhoff. also a
d.iiiKiiier of Mr. Ih'iihorst. err Instantly
Mlll Tlx- rig st -tick ihe front end of
sic tvi:ifre in' licmedlatelv lie hind the
'iigmo nod lite fK i ld ni in.: known
t" tin lint") ire iinii the Inspectors In
ih's ni) .lis. hi ereil a lossy curtain fas
tened in the d.o-- of the car and sn Inquiry M'fc.i.' tli'ii n Hie line
Kulghls of I alninhn to Meet.
!0!' FALLS. " IV. Dec R.-fSpeclal
Telegram i in:ib rate preparations sre be
ll. made by the KiUghts of CclunibuS of
Hlou K.ills ii ml other cities for the Instal
lation of a council of the order at Mitchell.
The lieu council will lie Instituted on Sun
day .l.tmrirv H. The Sioux Falls team
will do th" wo'k In the first and second d-Krei-s.
ht!c it Is pin nned to have the Bloux
City team do the third degree work. Tho
(run. -II at Mitchell will be the fifth of the
onler to be established In South Dakota
east of the Missouri river.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
Cleanses and beautifies th
teeth and ptirines tho breath.
Used by people of refinement
for over a quarter of a century.
Convenient for tourists.
Leave New Yor at 3:30 p. nv
Arrive Chicago at . 8:30 a. m.