Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 26, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Vpenhagen. The cruiser Admiral Aube
ha been ordered to prepare for a voyage
tn the Paltlc.
ftlaa rniiirr . protest , Aaalnet
Kmioriilrd Report.
TUUA. Pec. a Via Edytkuhnen. Pec
The railroad employe throughout th
Haltlc province wont out on strike last
lilrht. The tiMtfrTT" protest sgnlnst the
frilae reports published abrnrtd to tM offset
lhat Riga m tmmhinlM and hum
In and that revolutionists blc- up a train
srryln; S"1 Cossacks, atifl tha Associated
ITim I? able to deny these rumor. The
town Is perfectly unlet, the Inhabitant go
about unmolested, street traffic la carried
on In itoofl order, and tarre arc, opera per
formances dally, though attended by amall
sudlences. Holdicrs and police are patrol
Ing th atrial dnynd night. Three
cruiser are anchored In tli harbor at
th disposal of Governor General Dollo
hub, who has not ye f" arrived. Foreigner
re in perfect, safety at. present, but they
it of the opinion that It would ba a wise
precaution If each" kf the principal powers
had warships cruising. In the Baltlr In
i-eadinesa for emerA-e.Bcles, a passenger
steamers would be unable to ambark rcfti
gees In case of armed opposition.
The revolutiojiarln eontlnua a program
of agitation, hold dally meeting and they
posted an order to partisns to disarm sol
dier. At I.lbau the cruiser Okenn and
I ha torpedo boat Protrhny have arrived
Tha town la In "fjll. ronlrol .of the troops
and tha agitator ara quiet and, holding
few meetlr-gs.
At a meeting of I ha foreign conaula It
waa dcldfd to fly tha national colora over
tha coneulste. Whlla th town Is re
gnrded as sufficiently protected by Russian
warships, foreigner In case of necessity
rould And refuge on tho foreigner merchant
ahlpa In the harbor, although It la linear
tain lf the revolutionists would reaped
foregn flag. Polilen la In the hand of
the revolutionist, who have established a
provisional government.
The public affairs of Coldingen for nine
days have Ken luth haiids of an admin
istrative committee. An autonomlsta' com
mltter has organised a 'finrire service, the
pollrenitn wearing red ribbon on their
sleevrs.' The regular poltce inid down tfielr
arms aftd took off th'tr, tintforma nfter one
of their? number was executed. The revolu
tionist administration Iins declared paper
money Valueless anil gtld Is scarce. Tha
committee metis rtarly-it the university
where 2.17R students are registered for the
aoademle period of six months. A.I lectures
however, have been-suspended.'
Tukuni and Talsem have been In mourn
ing; ainae tha fighting begun. There ate
dairy funeral piwt ssloir and the towns
ara almost deserted.
dekpairig nv . from ttifsiA
.lews Write to American Krleuda Im
plorlna- Aid to Leave Country.
MINNEAPOLIS. Pee. 2S.-"Do not ask
any questions,, di not wait to write, but
If you want to see us alive, send steame
tickets.", is the despairing cry which the
Russian Jews of. this city are dully hear
Ing from relatives living In the empire of
the ciar. '
Horrible descriptions of slaughter and
rapine ara contained in many of the let
ters. A letter from Koloras. Russia, gives
a lurid description of the niassacres which
occurred there and In,' Cmtn, following the
iKsti-iee of the rear a recent manifesto.
According to. the account crowds of brig
( anrts followed the parade which was held
in reiteration or the issuance of the mani
festo, gathered in a mob and placing at
their head a picture of the cxar and a.
r"ros,' emblem of state and church, made
their way to the Jewish quarter where
they at once- began therf' work of murder,
and 'robbery. '' ' ' "
.Driving number. of Jewish children Into
the street they poured karosene on them
and get Ore to them while the mothers were
, obliged to stand by and helplessly listen
' to ,the agonized screams- of their little
ones os they perished in the flames.
,' After making way with the children the
murderer . turned their attention to the
parents and slaughtered them without
merry. Three hundred Jews perished at
rthat, time In Koloras, while In I'mnn 1.000
were, killed. The most horrible cruelties
were practiced by those -who participated
.In the massacre.
Not only did the police refuse te pro
tect or aid the Jewa 'in any way during
the massacres, but many of them even
assisted the assassins In their bloody work.
The student and members of the educated
classes, however, came to tho assistance
of the Jewg and many of them fought
valiantly In their dpfense.
Barmen Who Cornea front Odessa gay
v' Ther Attacked Troopa.
BOSTON, Deo. 55. According to Andrea
Rtookberger, an Immigrant who arrived
here on the eteamer Carthagenian,' the re
cent bloodshed In Odessa waa largely due
to Jewg attacking the soldiers. Stock
berger ia a German and comes from a
Ierm,n aettlement at Ollendorff, near
Odessa. In an Interview today he aald:
"In. Odessa J rw the troop march down
the mala street with loaded guns. Before
them waa the howling mob, armed with all
sorts, of weapons and whenever a chance
appeared they would weep down on the
oldler. and tear them to piece. From
housetops and windows atood men and
woraij,. Bjid even children, and a the sol
dier marched by, bombs were hurled at
them,.' killing acorea and wounding nun
dreda at a time.
"The- soldier would charge on their at
lacker, piercing them with bayonet and
hooting them with ball. Wherever th
soldier went they were attacked. The mob,
made. t)p entirely of Jew, waa almost be-
aid Jtpelf with excitement and its only
purpose, waa to kill the soldier."
- Baron L'nder Arrest.
NEW YORK. Dec. 26.-Baron Frederick
Heefcld, whose residence Is at present In
Philadelphia, was arrested here laat night
charged with securing money under false
re tenses Th police say that Countess
lka K. Palmay, who Is living at a New
York hotel, charge that several week ago
ahe loaned the baron a large sum of
money, taking an automobile aa a aeour
liy, and lhat afterward ahe learned that
the vehicle did not belong to him.
c like best to call Scott's
Emulsion a food-medicine. It
is a term that aptly describes
the character ana action of '
our Emulsion. More than a
medicine more than a food,
yet Combining the vital prin
ciples of both. It is for this
reason that Scott's Emulsion
has a distinct and special
value, in all wasting diseases.
There is nothing better to
remedy the, troubles of im
perfect growth and delicate
Health in children. The action
of Scott's Emulsion is just as
ffective in treating weak
ness and wasting in adults.
CO IT 0WM, Pm' taiMt, Not Vsrfc,'
Boitoi 1 ranch ef Sttiootl llliinca Adop t
fieolnttni Iiga.rdioj'RuMiB. - -
Deplore trtina fit Bareancraey In
leaa People Who Dealre Only
Itlghta nf Men.
UugTOX, Iec. -A. The Russian bureaui--
racy ia condemned In resolution passed
last night at meeting of th local branch
of the Pollah National alliance. The ob
ject of the gathering was to show iym-
patXy with the demand now being made
in Kuasla or constitutional! government
and to raise funds "for th fcasistanca at
our Polish fellow countrymen battling for
freedom, poor and suffering hunger ana
other privations at the hands of a relent
lessly oppressive government."
Jan Romassklewlr. vice chancellor of
the Polish National alliance, presided, and
several ethers made speeches In Pollah
Text of Reaolntlnna.
The reao(utions say in part:.
To the people of the Russian empire
who. because of misfortunes their country
have lately suffered. In the agony of de
spair, are attempting to break the bond
of political slavery and are seeking In a
constitution as a defense against the au-
tuiiaiy and bureaucracy, the cauae or
these mlefortunes. we extend our sympathy
and prav that success may crown their
we condemn the murders and bloody as
saults of a defenseless people, committed
at the instigation or the nilnlons or tne
cxar'a bureaucracy.
ftnpr la Pledged.
Actuated by a feeling of righteous Indig
nation at the commission of aucn cruelties
unueard of in tne history of ine. world, and
realiilng the gravity of the present situa
tion In KuNSlan Poland, we appeal to a
free people of America, who at all times
have expressed eympathv and given as
sistance to tnose oppressed and struggling
lor ireeuom. tnsi tney win not iorg'i our
beloved wnicli sent forth to the assistance
ot the siriiauinig new American repuonc
Hundreds ot volunteers In the ranks of
the army that struggled for the freedom
of the colored man; tnUnd, whose sons In
hundreds cnllxteii under tiie American flag
In its latest war lor the Independence tf
Approve Plana for Freedom.
In the face of the news sent to us from
our native land, where the Poush ciin
nrv massing themselves in support or their
natural rignts to a political exlatence as a
nation; wnere our peopie are failing as
niartrs to a caue; where the prisons are
being tilled with Innocent people, we, Polea
now living In America, do not only ayin
rathixe with our countrymen In Poland
and do not only unanimously approve tne
domain! made by tnem or the
Government. 5ut we obligate ourselves to
support, aicHtding to our means, the cause
oi our ooiunryiuen in 1'oiann.
i)A LiKb 0 S Sl'RlNl,
tContinucd from first Page.i
knives. The most aerlous crime which
might be directly attribute to tha sea
son waa the shooting of a bartender on
North Ninth street last night by a stranger
in town for the holidays, while there have
been A few cutting affairs, none of which,
however. - will prove serious. New Year's
day still remains, but the worst of the
holiday season for the police is over. The
men in blue will not breathe freely until
the second day of 190.
Pleasant l ittle Affair After the Even
ing Performance.
Manager Carl Reltcr of the Orphcum pre
sided" last evening at a heal' little function
on the stage of the Orpheum gflr the
performance. The occasion consisted of a
luncheon, good cheer and a budget, of
amusing storle. The guest list consisted
of Franolsca Redding, Frederick von Til-
tish, Mr. Damon, Estelle Wardette, Jules
Hussell, Charles L. Fletcher, Alfred Dorla.
Miss Edythe Merrllees and S. IV Gllletti,
these being on this week' bill. In addition
to the vaudeville artist th stage hands
ahd some of the musicians Joined the
merry company.
Manager Relter make th Chrisfm.ia
after-performance luncheon an annual
During the festivities last evening a toast
was offered to Mr. Relter' son. who had
his flrat Christmas yesterday.
-arraw Kirp.
from poisoning, caused by constipation, had
Mrs. Young, Clay City, N? Y. " Dr. KIng'a
New Life Pills cured her.' 25 For sale by
Sherman & MoCohneU Drug Co. '
Resents Hating, Ring', Presented by.
nother Woman Thrown Into
la Fire.
W. K. Garvin, i South Kighteenth lreet.
was locked up at the city Jail last night
charged v-iuii having struck at and cut
hi wife with a knife. Aciinllng to th
tury of Mr. Carvin," hi- husband re
turned home at t:30 o'clock In an Intoxi
cated condition and exhibited to her an
expensive ring which he exultantly told
her had been given him by a woman of
low character. Mrs. Garvin said she
, , . , ,
grabbed the ling and threw it Into the
fire, whereupon he handled her roughly,
threw her to the floor, and drew a pocket
knife, with which be cut her acros the
chin. Poljee Surgwun Cox dressed the
wound and Garvin waa placed under ar
rest. A Guaranteed for for Pile.
Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding pile.
Your druggist will refund money If Paso
Ointment faila to eyre you In 4 to 14 day. GCc.
Ma-story Bnildlng la Hew York Oua.
talnlng a nmber of Factories
NF.W YORK. Jec. 5. Five alarm sum
moning thirty-two Are companies and th
reserve from nine police precincts were
sent out tonight for a blaxe which com
pletely gutted th i-au)iy. factory build
ing. lo and log 'Wooeter street, en
tailing damage estimated- iut. 13(0.000. Fl
firemen sustained slight Injuries. No on
wa In the building when th Are started
and lis origin i unknown. Th occupant
nf thal)Uildlna were: Ri HamaLv- rimr.
. . , r 'j i -
h,iKs: Cohen & M llVi!rirf,4r W aKir. m i, m
Ooldsctunidt & Knapf. clAaki: U Mendel
sohn 4k Co.. silk bells: Joseph Brandt A
Bro , braid, and J. Jeute. fur
Searn Mnrderer Shot W bile la Jail.
TAMPA, ria.;- Dec. 2B. Anv unidentified
r.egro thi afternoon tatally ci.l Captain
J. J. Mitchell, a special police officer, while
resisting arrest at St Petersburg tills aft
ernoon. Captain Mitchell Oled aoon after.
The negro waa placed in Jail, but In thirty
minutes a crowd of enraged ciusena gath
ered and, going to the jail, a on of th
officer a ho w aa killed. It ia alleged, ahot
and killed th negro through th jail win
dow. Twt tilrl kLater Drown.
PAKNA8S18. Pa , Dec. -May rrund
and Cecillia Kotfler were drowned whlla
katlng on Puckety creek near thl place
today. Their companion. Edward South
worth and William Coughey, were res
cued In an exhausted condition, but both
will recover.
fciAVONDS.- rienier-, tjth ,ng Dodge.
SPORTS Of 1 4) AY.
I. akin Ulna the f hrlatmas Handicap
t Inalestde Park.
ft AN KRANftaco. Iec K.-The Christ
mas handicap was won by I.ubln, the 8..
ixiuls horse, w hich ha. shown some ed.
from the odds-on fnvrrlte. Proper. When
classed with other horses like Proper,
r.'aila ghan and Dr. Legao, I.ubln was con
sidered an outsider t anagnan goi aw-iy
(-..... ,u. v. ... i .. , ,. Mnrl l,t at vcrT ftole
I until the stretch, when Dr. I.eggo. Propr
! and Luhln pulled up abreast. Kor only
a moment l.nbln remained wttn mem.
fiathprtn anecri at e erv lump, he waa
soon showing his heels, t'allaghan stopped.
1'rejier. .-"till game, hut neavuy weiguiru.
tried to keep the uace. but failed and Dr.
I.eggo dragged along behind. Weather
tr. track fast. Kesults;
First rsce. six furlongs, selling: Fore
runner won, Procrastinate second. Olympian
third. Time: J. 15V-
fl-H-nnn race. titurtlv course: nr.
Gardner won. Nagazam second. I'm Joe
third Time: 1:12.
Third race, five and a half turnings:
Andrew R. Cook won. Prlm-ess Wheeler
second. Romaine third. Time: 1 :V
Fourth race. Christinas handicap, one
and a quarter mllea: Luhln won, Proper
aeeond. Ir. I.eggo third. Time: 2:0.
Fifth rae. mile and KO yards, selling:
rhristlne A. won, Hugh MeUowan second,
Warte Nicht third. Time: 1:4. V
Rlxth race, six furlongs: Ruby won.
Blue .Eves second. lf lagoa third. Time:
lAtS. AMiBLhS, HI., I'ec. in. neriuun
t A scot r
First race, one mile: Dixelle won.
Rublaria second. Chickadee third. Time:
Second race, five furlongs: neater w .
won. Neatness second, Lotta Gladstone
third. Time. 1:004.
Third race, five and a half furlongs:
Cello won. Macumber aeeond. Hantam
third. Time; i.n,.
Fourth Hollywood handicap. ll.UiO
added, onu and a sixteenth miles: Eugenia
l-urcli won. Retropaw second, arllus
third. Time:
Fifth race. Iiandicap. seven furlong":
Hans Wagner won. Toupee, second, L'ruld
ti:-d. Time; 1:74.
Sixth race, on- miU Pel C'oronado won.
Oolden l.tRhtjsecond. .The Huguenot third,
lime: 1:41 Vi. .
NKW (iKi.EANR, Iec. 25. Results at
Crescent City park:
First race, live and a half furlongs: In
vestor won. Gallant second. Hlmrillcity
thltd. Tim.-: l:tr.'V
Second race, rive and a half furlongs:
Formaster won. Paul Clifford second,
Tnninver third. Time: 1 :CVk.
Third nice, five furlongs: Cousin Kate
won, Marvel P. second. Ieux Tema third.
Time: 1:034.
Fourth ia-.'c. Christina handicap, one
and a ltpcnfh miles Ben llodder won
Phil Finch second. Tartan third- Time:
1 Ml
Fifth rece. one mile: Captain Bob on,
Ruth V. second, uaay Vinson mira. i nio
1:467,. ''
hi v ili 1'itre. one and an eighth miles
Nones won. I.os Angelenn second,, Edward
u third Timi-: 1 :;.
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 2S.-Results Ht
City park:
Firm race, mile and Ihree-siXleenths
Naineoki won, Evaskill sound, Glisten
third. Time: 2:1,14. , .
Second race; five and one-half furlongs:
Roval Legend won Precious Stono second.
Th laurel third. Time: 1:12.
Third rftce, mile and an etgntn: t uiisi
ma handicap: rureigner won. iva
'i-hitldo third. Time: i:fiH
Foreigner won. lyanhoe j
Fourth race, live furlongs: tlir won. Red
Rubv second. Margaret Angela third.
Time: 1:064- ...
Fifth race, mile and. a alxluentn: Attua
won, Adeaso second. G'.en Calre third.
Time: I:5. .
8lxth race, five furlonss: Knickerbocker
wo. Welsh second. Dalshot third. Time:
Hits Over Five TKouannd Ball In
LINCOLN. Dec ii.-(Special. i-Llncclil
(portsmen ay that Captain A. H. Hardy,
tonnrrlv of Hvannl. has broken all pre
vious rifle records- by hitting 6.152 two and
one-hair-inch udu. bans, tnrown into
the air at a distance of twenty-five feet,.
without a miss. The shoot took place Sun-
iluy at the state- fair grounds.. An ordinary
thrown into
Svfly' ",m I
The rifle used" waa nftt' Meaned tbrnugli- ,
out the performance. The sJiooUiig wnS'
done In Mercantile hall utitir o.""! shots naa
been tired, when it became so darn that the Canadian njlnlster.of marine and flsli
shouting wa almost Impossible, and was f.T rllerl suddenly tonight.
continued in the own air. The Ave thou
aand one hundred and fifty-third ball
waa missed by what is termed by shooters
as a "fudge. The balls were thrown by
"Bud" Kowera of Hyannls, Neb. For the
I .....I. II I . . I . . , . . I L,lnu.!f
for tliis trial shooting from l.'flh to 200
balls each day. Bowers, his famous ball
thrower from HyHtinls, did the throwing,
and his work was like that of a machine.
The tierfortuance waa a ctent test Of en
durance on both shooter and thrower. The
Judges were J. jlaynes, J. F. Simpson. E. J.
Slebert. C. F. Hiebert. P. J. Heldmarsh, all
.hnt-ra Tha h,-,llnr lian Hnttirdxv
at 1 p. m. and was continued until too dark
ror tne lineman to aee. it was resumed
a number of extraordinary records with
the rifle. The former world's record was
i r
made at the St. Louis fair last year by
TiMinan.lnA l Ts-r u Im hrnli 7 i.a,
disks at a distance ot twenty-nve
Standing, and Roaers Defeat Latham
and Gardner la Double.
NF7W YORK, Dec. 26. An international
professional rkcque:t mutch. In which
Georire Standing, the American champion.
nd Edward Roger defeated Peter La
thum, the English champion, and David
Gardner, attracted a large gathering of
players lo the New York Racquet and
TennN club toduy. The four-handed con
tent consisted of six games, four of which
' fc... l.- , j ; . . . . 1 i.iu . . . , ., .-
MtliHtn and Gardner winning the. second
and third
This was Hie prtlliniimry tii a series in
which lJithaiii, who. arrived here a week
ago, la to appear against the beat profes
sionals in thl ' country during the next
six weeks. Gardner and Rogers art Stand
ing a ultanl In the local cluu, and tne
bulk uf heavy play was made by them
today, the Iw experts letting the younger
I men extend tliomsi .ves at every stage,
I Standing and Latham will meet In
! same court on January k for raco
ehamnlonshlp of the I'nltod. Slates and a
purse of ?J,O0O.
Following i the sunimury by game of
todr.y match:
Standing and Rogers lo. St. in, 17, 15, li
latham and Gardner 11, 18. 15. 14, 10. S
Wichita t'lnb Test Ten-lard Pra
pnaal and elthcr Sid gcorr.
WICHITA. Kan., Pre. 25. Change in
foot ball rule lo require ten yard gain
on three downs and permit th forward
pas were tried In a game between Wash
burn and Fairmont clubs in this city to
day. Neither aide waa able to score. Wash
burn made the ten yards gain only four
times and Falrmount but three. Both sides
punted constantly and the forward pass
caused moro trick plays and end runs.
Onlv four times were attempts made to
! break, through the opposing line and these
Wllfll IHPir urir nui " " in ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' 1 -
to gain.
John Outland of the Pennsylvania team
of J?K aay that under the ten-yard rule
no team can score unless twenty-four
points superior to Its opponents, under the
old rule. Heavy penalties against rough
play caused a clean game, , and not a
player was injured so as to leave the
game. It Is the general opinion of foot
ball men who saw the gam that, had
four downs been allowed tomake the ten
yards, the game would hve""been as open
and would have permitted the ball to be
Iveiued Willi possibilities of a touch,
' Pllt Defeats Davldsoa.
In a mile roller skating raee full nf in
terest from start to finish. J. 8. Pitt of
Chicago defeated Harley Davidson, world s
champion, at the Auditorium Mondav
nlght. The Auditorium was well rilled
when Ihe two racer appeared. Pitt, long
and lanky, looking every inch a racer, and
Davidson, stouter ana ouut nuser to in
ground. Opinion wa about evenly divided
a to the outcome and each had a-laige
number of backer. The henrhe had been
removed from the side of the -rink to give
the racers inure room, which made greater
peed posalble. as It gave more room on
the turns.
At the pistol shut Pitt Jumped to tho
front and set the ace for thre lap, when
Davidson passed him on the east turn.
Lavldson mad the running for the ntat
three laps, when Pitt cam up with a
rush and again took th lead, which he
held to the finish. On th laat lap, Jut
aa the racer wer making the euat turn,
Davidson attempted to paa Pitt, when
his skate got lucked in Pitt'a and both
fell. Pill recovering first and winning the
raee. i v
The second race .win be for tonight and
wltr ba for two 'htrtag. and 'tbe third race
will ba run Wednesday nlfht and will be
thre mile.
LKr.n yon ruMtsion or ri i.r.
Kebmaka ResireaentBtlTe 'Ines to "
Ttrlc CoaVerenei.
t-LNCOLN. ill -loectl-tr. J. T.
Lee ef the Stat university, 'ho haa been
selected bv the tinlversltr rora to repre
sent he Institution at trie N Tork foot
ball conference, hu left to beyn hand for
the meeting, which-begin Dec inber t. At
recenl meeting the board it regenta of
tne university instructed, tne akinetic noara
to uae all It Influence, both at Tiome and
In any council or conference! where the
board 1 refreehted, to seeu the adop
tion of more rigid rwlea a v umpiring,
refrreelng and tha adoption ef meaaurea to
firevent the Introduction of profesloual
sm and to reduce unfair or dngerou p'ay-
lng. 1 he inetructlons of the regent conati
tute Dr. Ies' platform In the conference,
and he I expected to take part Ih the c in
ference with th object of securing surh
change. He will be gone about a week.
f allfornla Player Carrie Ball Han
dred and Seven Yard.
IS ANC.nLEP, CnU Pec. 25.-TWO seri
ous casualties and a run of 10T yards, said
to be the longest In the hiatory of foot
ball, were the features of the last gridiron
game of the eson In southern Cali
fornia today between the Sherman In
diana and Bt. Vlnretif college, which
waa won by the former by the acore of
30 to 0
H. Wllhoot of 8t. Vincent's, sustained a
broken collar bn. tand I Lugo of the
Indiana had two ribs smashed.
Iowa Raeket Ball frhedale.
CEDAR FALLS. !.. Deo. 28 (Specials
Manager Reddy Hamilton of the State
Iowa school haa announced the following
chdule for the basket ball team for the
winter term:
January 8 Waterloo Y. M. C. A., at Ce
dar Falls.
January 15--State rhiversity, at Iowa
Citv .
January 1 Western college, at Toledo.
.January 1! Marshallto-wn T. M. C. A., at
Jtnuarv 24 Western college, at Cedar
January ?1 Marshalltown T. M. C. A.
February i Waterloo, at Cedar Fall.
February 18 Iowa City, at Cedar Falls.
February 23 Waterloo, at Cedar Talla.
Thirty men are trying for the team.
Old Foot Ball Debta Paid.
IOWA CITY. la.. Dec. 2R.-( Special. 1
The past foot .ball season at the State uni
versity bns: been financially successful
enough to pay up U.RiO of old debts, a
well leave a large enough balance In
the bank to carry the base ball and track
team through the winter campaign. While
Manag-ar JOncs will- make no statement
until the entire yeaf has been completed,
it Is believed that the remainder of the
old debt, now abounting to ti.W, will be
paid by the end of,.apo.ther year.
Taylor. Wins from Flnnenne.
PEORIA. III.. Dec. 25. Kid Taylor won
a decision over Billy Flnucane here tonight
In a ten-round bout, after a hrd light.
Taylor had all th better of the fight from
start to finish and in only one round did
Flnucane show class.
Mr. Mary E. Morton.
Mrs. Mary E, Morton, widow of th late
Jaries Morton, a prominent Omaha cltt
Z(,n jjpd ,t the residence of her on, C.
W. Morton. iCi Park avenue. Saturday
night at the age of T7 year. Mrs. Morton
was well known .in Omaha, of which place
she had long ben a resident and her three
sons are prominent In business affairs.
These sons are C. W. Morton, president.
and J. H. Morton, secretary of the James
Morton Sons . .company,, anil George Mor
te:i, assistant genera freight agent ef the
Rurlington. The deceased waa member
of the , First, Congregational church, of
which her husband was for a long time
deacon.. F"yiera! sei vices will he held at
In o'clock Tueaday morning from the resi
dence of C...1V, Mqrtpn by the Rev. H. C,
...i,,- allr. .i, bpv T I Mackav Tim
Herrlnx and tl e Rej T J, Mackay. The
pall bearer, wllj. be J. E. House, William
Fleming. ,.O.. Sy. fymls, I. A. Snow, . Ed
Chapman and ir Pitt.
l'ARIS, 'Dec ' 2S.--Raymond Prefoiualne.
Joseph Raymond Fournler Prefontalne
was born at Longeull, province of Quebec,
In September, 160. His ancestors ettled
In what was New Trance In I860. He was
educated at McGlll university, Montreal,
and was called to the bar in 1871. He held
several political bfllcea, was for many
years a member of' the Dominion House
of Commons In the liberal Interests, and
hjl4 b(..n minister of marine and flsherle
, ....
Since 19(17.
J. Ih flynn.
fITTSBURO. Dec. I5.-J. D. Flynn. well
known in telegraphic ' circles over the
country, owing to hi connection with the
Rnltimor Ohio and the Western I'nion
Telegraph -companies, died at his home of
pneumonia 'after three days' Illness. -Mt.
' Flynn -was -born In Cleveland on
December 28, 1M6. For twelve year he
wa superintendent of the Western Vnion
In this district, but for the past two year
had been- president-of the Pittsburg Stock
Quotation- company. , '
Mr. Mary F. Atkla.
Mr. Mary F. Alkln. 2 Izard atreet,
died at her home at 3 o'clock yetenlay
morning at the advanced age of 87 year.
Death came a the result of a fall suf
fered by Mrs. Atkln eight weeks ago, tn
which ahe received Injuries from which
she was unable to tally. She leaves one
daughter, Mrs. CharU s Balllet. The funeral
wUl be held from the residence at 3 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon, interment being at
Prospect Mjll. '
Nri, Almlra Pierce Jvliatoa,
MIT-FORD. Ma., Dec. Mrs. Almira
pierce. Johnson, one of the oldest members
of the Woman' Relief corps in th country
and of the Daughters nf the American
Revolution, died here today at the age of
101 year and month. Mr. Johnson'
tAther, Levl Pierce of Worcester, served
In the wr of th revolution.
FOBS. Frenaer, 15th and Dodge.
KsrMonatar Hard Hecoverln.
OXNA'RJJ.v Cat., Dec?. S. Although not
completely out of danger, former Senator
Fard, wbo aurTered a fractured hip In a car
riage accident. I Improving and th physi
cian feel confident he will recover. He
will be confined to Id ld several month.
We have absolutely the best
proposition ,tbr subscription
agents, ever offered by any
high-grade magazine. We
: would like to tell you about it.
This is an unusual opportunity
to make considerable money
by devoting your whole or
your spare time to Every
body's Magazine.'
Write to-day stating your
references, and experience, if
; any.
lad I Jlh Street, Neej Vk Citf-
Skeeli Jamti RtjneUi, Etittider in a
Ninth Btreet E1mb.
Victim Shot Throogh Throat and In a
Iranarroa f'oadlti. n Aksallnnt,
Who I lnldntled,
lake Escape.
After entering the saloon of William
Sutherland, l"J North Ninth street, at 8
o'clock laat night and being refueed a glass
of beer a strange mun demanded of the
bartender. James Reynolds, "Why did you
hit my pair- and then, drawing a revolver
from his pocket, deliberately shot and seri
ously wounded hhn. The stranger then
ran through the front door Into the street
where he fired another shot at pedestrians
and 'then, closely pursued by Detectives
Ferris and Dunn Patrolman Shields,
succeeded In losing himself in the dark
ness and male of freight cars and tracks
of the bottoms.
As soon aa the man emerged from the
saloon, revolver In hand, and started to run
on Ninth street, the officers, who were
standing on the opposite sidewalk, drew
their revolver and called to th fleeing
man to halt, firing after him as they
went in pursuit. The two detectives each
fired three shots, while Shields fired four.
total of ten hots, but o far aa la known
none of them took effect, although Shields
Is under the ' lmpreasion that one of his
bullets went true. The man had but a short
distance to run before reaching the pro
tection of the car and was soon lost to
Reynolds was Immediately attended by
Dr. Frederick Rustln and taken to the
Central hospital, where it waa found that
the ballet had entered the right side of
the throat and passed completely through
the aesophagus. The wounded man was
reported to be In a serious condition last
night, but under proper conditions he
will recover. He Is about 22 years of
No trace of the assailant had been found
up to an early hour this morning. He tiad
been In the saloon a few moments previ
ous to the shooting In company with' two
other men, all from out of the city. They
had been noisy In the saloon and had
been requested to leave by Reynolds. They
compiled under protest but the one who
did the shooting soon returned. Reynolds
declined to serve him any drinks and was
about to turn to the cash register when
the man shot.
(Continued from First lare.)
human derelict were fed and as many
more were entertained at the city lodging
house. Five thousand newsboys feasted
at the expense of Randolph Guggenhelmer
at the Newsboy' club house, In East
street, and the usual dinner for the little
fellows waa served at the Newsboys' lodg
ing house.
Congressman Timothy V. Sullivan dis
pensed Christmaa cheer and presents of
pipes and tobacco to nearly 8,000 men at
his headquarter In the Bowery.
A tragic Interruption of the Christmaa
festivities occurred at the home of Mr.
Paul Raymond, when her stepbrother, John
Muscow, and his friend, Andrew Casmun,
who had been Invited to Join a family re
union, were found dead in bed thl morning.
The rren, who had recently arrived from
Russia, were unacquainted with the use of
illuminating gas and blew it out when
they retired last night.
In accordance with the naval custom of
observing Christmas day as a holiday all
work beyond what was absolutely neces
sary was dispensed with today aboard the
battleships Alabama. Massachusetts, Iowa
and Maine at the Brooklyn navy yard and
the cruisers Brooklyn and Galveston at
Tompklnsville. and about 2,000 bluejacket
and marine received shore leave for the
Haee Snlclde Threaten Serloue Con-
dltlon' In England Thirty
Year Hence.
An American consular report ays: Kng
land's birth rate Is declining. It touched
Its highest point ince registration began
In ltif. in 1374. Today it 1 at it lowest.
The children of the most prolific mothers
those of 1?7S are the moat unproductive
mother. The reason assigned for the
frightful decline Is "tho decay of the
maternal Instinct." Only 75 pet- cent as
many little one ee the light now, or re
main In it, as suw It thirty years ago.
No one factor, however, can account for
the entire falling off.
The fact 1 there are many cauae. Nota
bly among the moat prominent ia the ad
vanced age at which persons marry and the
fact that a great many never marry. Pre
vious to 187H the marriage rate wa HI to
ITS per 1,000. Today It la UH. The claim
made for year by leading economists that
population wa supposod to vary with the
food supply I doubled. It falls to hold
good In Kngland. fur at no time in the
past wa food so cheap or so abundant
as It is today.
i'ossimy, saya one writer, rent, the
rates and taxes have more to do with the
queatloii than ha the price of wheat."
The fact of the matter Is, the question Is
beyond the best men In the?niplre. It baf
fles everybody from the .umblert to the
highest. In the fight for first place that is
on, It means, or may mean, a great deal
to England whether her birth rate I small
or large. A short crop of little ones In
1905 and In each succeeding year means a
short crop of men for the army, navy,
mills, shops, farm, nli i pa. factories and
colonies of England Iwenty-flve or thirty
years hence.
Flaaaiaa at l'ant-ab Darrleadea Him
self la Tnr an Rvalata Arreat
t mil Shot ta Death.
PADrrAH. Ky.. Dec. ?3.-ln a battle
between a policeman and Jortn Tice, a on
leered negro flag-msn for the Illimils Cen
tral, who hud barricaded iiimaelf In hi
tower at Kleventh and Broadway street,
ratrolman James Clark wa shut twice in
the hip and Tice was riddled by scores
ef people with rifles and pistols from the
surrounding atreet and roofs. The negro
became enraged at someone tbrowlng
brlrk at his tower and began tiring from
the tower at people on the atreet below.
When the police attempted lo arrest him
he fired on them until be was killed
Ta ( are a Cold In Onv Day
tak LAXATIVE HHOMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if ll fail to cur.
E. W. Grove' signature is on each bos. 2c.
Kntlre Block Burned.
UTTI-B IltK'K. Ark.. Dec. ai.-A tli
whlcii started In a livery stable tj'ly this
morning swept away an onUre block. The
Are is not yet under control.
Man Warned la Death.
SKATTI.E. Waah.. Dec. 3S One man mi
burnel l death and another tM overcome
hv smnke that li ia now in a dxi.g roijn
njdtioN nd . thirtym ti'ir- . aer
We are rery fortunate la bolng aMe to arrmafre with tb pnbUsber
ef these veil known magarJnea to offer their publlfUoi at thta
Rational price. It ia an opportunity not often presented- Nrr before
bas a publisher been able to make so liberal aa otter on excised bit
grade and high priced magailnea.
Ton aek how Is this offer possible tf the three magazine havo
fixed value and are not like the commodities nauaJly ottered i baxgaJa
It is well know to everyone in business that la flxteg a wTOot.
price there must be added to the manufacturing cost the cost of mar
ketlag. The cost of marketing a magatin Is a big item, and theao.
three publishing houses decided to unify their effort to get new rea
era. making one organltation do the work, and divide the cost of mar
keting by three. That is why you can buy then magaafn, th fit
the needs ef every home, for nearly half priem.
This is a magazine designed for every member of tb farm V08 .
Special articles on subjects of the greatest interest are printed eaeb
week. These are written, by men of national reputation and cover
field so diversified as to embrace during the year all branch- of farm
activity and life. Frank 0. Carpenter's "Letters ot Travel and Wil
liam Jennings Bryan's "Around the World Letters" appear In no
ether agricultural paper. Either one of these features are worth tn
price of a year's subscription. No other farm paper maintain so many
regular departments, such as Feeding. Live Stock. Veterinary. Dairy,
Poultrv. Crops, Farm Devices, Orchard and Garde, with four page
devoted to the wemen. young folks and children. Eachof titos fit
partments Is edited by a practical editor and not by Uooriaf,
Tbis'magatlne is almost necessary for the up-to-date J"?.
woman who pretends to keep abreast with the times. Its UluetrmtloTi
will consist of 1,200 pictures a year. Its departments give the best
that is la all of the other important magazines all over the world.
Timely and informing articles, almost as fresh and a full oi BY In
terest a the daily papers.
This has been a leading -magazine for eighteen year. WTtn, t3
' recent change in ownership it has been improved, and is far bettor la
every respect. - Jts gain in newsstand sale and in aubwaVplMf" hav
been remarkable, and these are due to the new life and real merit.
The Cosmopolitan is printing what the people want. It contains regu
larly the best fiction, the best special article on timely topic and tA ,
best illustrations money can buy.
This magaelne is fr every 'memoer or the family. It la aa !tfel
entertainer and helper in a thousand congenial way. The issues far
the forthcoming year will be unique in conception and execution, rich
aad varied in contents and brilliant with th finest and mt lorat
and moat artistic illustrations obtainable.
This is a beautiful magazine of country life, published by the Re-' '
view of Reviews Company. It Is the most sumptuoua,( best illustrated
and most costly magazine made in the world. It depict rural or coun
try life tn America, both intelligently and instructively. It illustrate
and tolls of the life and home surroundings of the farmer and raneap
man, aa well a th multi-millionaire and his country estate.
r ai . nr.;. Arraag tor your mac&xino readlag now. . Ton r
Vw fiPt rejiy getting the entire list lncluAeA la Ur wonder-
fnl offnr at but little more than tb regular pTloe ocf on tnagaxr, ao
great ia the reduction.
Th offer Is good for new aad reaowai nartpUa aad wffl a
for t a limited Urn.
c j v - ai. TVJa Tom cannot afford to ml tM op-
Sen in Ymr Order loy. ptny. rwmituioe and d-
dres slHornTOnTricatlcaa ta THE IWHUliriH CSXTVKY VAMItm, ,
burned or suffoi-atpa In a tire that broke
out In the rrar barn of Ihe Montana Stable
company on Waslilniiton etrept. Iit-tsn-n
Fourth ami Klfth avenue, early today,
and communicated to the New lork, the
Montana and the Washington ldelK
houses. The monetary loss will not exceed
Convicts raid Interest.
JEFFERSON VIM.:. Ind.. Dec. 25.-Kor
the llrsi time in the history of penal in
stitutions Ihe Inmates- of the Jeffrrson
vllle reformatory were today paid in
terest on monay due iht-iu for extra work.
The paywients were mud--1 from a sprUl
"I hm uffurad elili ill fur tlnrly Hi jumn.
Os ym- an tt Ap'il 1 liffan tsklnc 'f-artt
for rnplltphtlfti:. I n Ilia tiurll of a el I notieel
tlia ptleft bH" I" dlmi-pear aid SI trc r-l of an
ifi lia ni imiiiii m t nil --ri
iiaT (t.L ur fitrru. I sin ff.llrf ! urrl ami
faal ilka ti-r nan." .r KiJn. l,pule.jn. U
rUuml Pala'.aM. Potaat. Taata " Do flood.
Kr 4ikn. w.knn orQrte- ! Mr !
eld la bulk Turn l.uu. ML.ol IU ! i C C U.
ttvsraittiiao ta cur or rur l-'Vlr
Sterlinr Remedy C., Clilefo r N.Y. 593
Gvory Woman
gleOllelll WlflllOTIUI
MARVtL Whirling Spray
twuanri ik- tt'M, lll--bl
-il i oi-aaicui.
I Mar liMlkl 17
Tflw rrunHun.lf ;tl
ittutr. lu ui ILkuib lot
l!lulrmi4 kool It
lABtai.. C.I By
fall lanimin arte n
a. t- a
Ver bJ os
Cor. UlU aud Doatc Bis. imtl.4,
yfP$Y Best Tor
fl fi- Th Bowel
n - 'w.Ttf ii iii
ay mmw r : "
) Regular rrre frl, os of
ttr lor m limited Hum matt
All to One
Regular Price 9.0O.
Offer Oaljr
AH to Oae
Woodward . fctuiavM
Miss Rosclle Knott
When Knighthood Was In Flower
I . . w . n ii (. P Tm
Double Orchestra TonlKht all Week.
Sxt Week-ARK YOf ' A MABONt
Two Night Wed. 4' Tiar. ec. XI A U.
llegufar Price. Bs Oflic Open -Satui-dny.
Thono 404.
Kvery Night Matinee Bun . Thur., Kut
Kianclfci a Keilding Co.. Cl.ancs Baron I
Ruilewi'iH Menagerie, Climles , Ieumin!
Klelchcr. Katelle Wordette A -Co., J,
Flynn. The Dnria Trio. Thrae MiK l.ellt
a-nl th K inodromo.
I'llcea luc, Sc. ifr
rrlcaa lbe, vc. bCc. Tie.
Mata. Anv feeat.'te
III the ('inu- rp i Pu-cf
'ruin Ht i T QiHut Aim hi si ver.