THE OMAHA PA1LV UKK: SATURDAY, DECKMHKR .vv 11)05. AFFAIRS AT Si.UTIl OMAHA B. & if. Bailroad Ptji Portion of Iti Ttxt and Protti'.t BemainiLr. LAND COMPANY AIS9 HELPS TREASURY i - " Dorr Ommliilmi Firms t iiniol Mate with Brclnnlaa" of the Xfn tMir and Another One Rntere the Field. The H. & M. railroad paid Ita taxes at the lty treasurer's office yesterday, and the rash wi laid down under the uunl pro- , tests. The amount which It contributed to ; the city government was $1, 674.71 The rllv treasurer took the money. Up to the pres ent time all of the railroad have paid their lax except the fnlon Pacific. This will hi tne largest Item of any. Among other heavy contributors yesterday was tho South Omaha Land company, tt paid taxes to tho amount of $3,230.34. Enough receipts of !es er magnitude were received to keep the offlto on the Jump all day. Sew Hydrants Pnt In. Id accordance with the order of the city ooitncll lust Monday night, two liydrants were put' In to supply city water at the northwest, corner of Nineteenth and H streets and the northwest corner of Twenty-sixth and O streets, respectively. store Wants aa Answer. '.The Stors Brewing company owns a lot nt which the city has a Arc hall. The city's lease to this property ha expired and In quiries were' made by tho company yester day as to the action of the council. It is evident that the company either wants a rtnewal of the lease to the property or It j desires to have possession. The matter was referred to the finance committee of tho council last Monday. It has been thus re terred before, but no action was taken In the mattr r. Meeting: of Sewer Committee. There will be a meeting of the cltitens' s-wer commission next Tuesday evening, when It Is expected some Important busi ress will be transacted. One of tho Ques tions will be the advisability of connecting ie system of this city with that of Omaha, hs has been proposed by P. E. Iter of Omaha. It appears there Is considerable (lltT'Tcnce of opinion. The president of the commishion. II. O'Keeffe, said he would not care to 'make a prediction in the matter, as he had nb Idea what wouid be determined In the matter; ' Public Schools Close. The public schools Of the city closed ye Wdsy for he holidays. They will not con vene again until Tuesday morning, Jan uary & Wfi. The teachers were nil given a half month' pay last Monday, that Is up Id December IS. Commission Firms Consolidate. Attout a month ago the consolidation nf the National Live Stock company with the Oreer Mills company was effected, nr.d today It became known at the Exchange H hi a still greater consolidation had been effected 'between the company thus formed, which was, known as the National, and the well kfiown American company. This con sojlflutinn will be In operation after the be. glr)ning of the year, and will still be called the National. . The general manager will be Charles Mallory. At the opening of the new year a new firm will tie In business In the Exchange. This will be the firm of Middle ton Bros. pne of the firm has been a stock salesman In. this market for a number of years- and th other has been In Chicago, engaged1 In similar business there. Mother Has Son Arrested, i Frank Clark, 411 North Twenty-sixth Children to fh vtina!'"'Xertises at : to see Rants Clflits. The Young Men's Christian association will close Ita rooms Saturday evening to open In the new qusrters In a couple of week. Toung men are coming In and taking advantage of the old membership rate, which Is In force until February 1 to all who pay cash; after that it will be $. A "get one" club Is being organised to increase the mcmlerhlp. This club will run until Janunry 31 and be open to all members who bring in one new member by that lime. A complimentary banquet will be tendered the club early In February. Special arrangements are being made for the Sunday meetings to begin January 7. Several speakers from out of town are being secured and music provided. Volun tary subscription are coming In from those who were overlooked during the canvass ', but who wish to have a pert in the new i movement. Implement Clnb Meetlnac. The meeting of the Highland Park 1m provement club Thursday evening was at tended by a fair number of members In splto of Christmas season attractions. A delegation of Omaha citizens residing on Twenty-fifth street ' was present to co operate with the club In Its efforts to have that thoroughfare opened, and steps were taken to finance the work. The committer on the grading of F street from Twenty sixth west to the tracks reported more than a majority of signers secured and that the petition1 was now In the hands of the clerk for presentation to the council. When this street has been graded the F street viaduct will be pushed. A movement was starred to have Twenty eighth street graded, but the residents of that street present did not agree on the limits of the grading district and tho matter was carried over to the next meet Ing. ' Without any . announcement or warning the members Jumped Into the city hall proposition. After the smoke had cleared away It was found that the club had ordered resolutions drawn to this effect Since the city hall bonds- hHd been sold and since a majority of the preferential votes for a site were cast for sites north of O street and on account of the increased valuation of O street property, a board of appraisers of five or seven citizens, not personally Interested in any site, should be appointed in the regular way, to choose and condemn suitable property for a city nail site, such a board should bo made up of citizens from different parts of the city. The club, as citizens, believe that such a board will perform that duty In a manner satisfactory to the citizens gen erally and Incidentally relieve the council of an unenviable task. US CELEBRATE A VICTOR! Overthrew of Kin? Ictioohit by Indu kaocatoii Oommemorattd. FEAST OF THE LIGnTS PROPERLY BEGUN Rahhl Coha Tells of the Ureat Mruaale for Coaseleaee Sake and What It Meaaa to Mankind. A large congregation was gathered at Temple Israel Friday evening to participate In the Initial observance of the celebration Ilanukkah. or Dedication, which Is a virtual celebration of the re-dedlcatlon of the tom tit at Jpriistm Afire Its desecration bv IK arl-na n., A n 1 1 .... h , , .. In h UAO.tuI i the highly century preceding the Christian era. Rabbi Cohn spoke from the Second Hook of Maccabees, and gave an interesting sketch of the achievements of Judas Mac cabeus, the loader of the Judean revolution against the galling yoke of Grecian tyranny following the earlier breaking up the Mace donian empire by the death of Alexander, whereby the eastern world was seized by petty kings whose descendants sought to force upon their subjects' the Hellenic re ligion and compel a renunciation of the faith of their fathers. Judea fell under the seventh street reported her purse, contain ing 111. was taken out of her handbag Thursday evening while shopping in a downtown store. The handbag was ripped bv a sharp Instrument. Mrs. George Rogers of 24J7 Spencer Street had a similar experience, her purse and 112.60 being ex tracted by the magli-ian-tnief. SANTA CLAUS' WHISKERS BURN Fdrrarri Hart Arrested for Toaehlag a Match to Carl Peteraon'a Makeup. Before Curl Peterson of the Salvation Army barracks again plays Santa Ciaua for the edification of the little ones and others composing the throngs of holiday crowds on the streets he will take a body guard with him to keep watch and see that no mischievous person applies a match to his luxuriant false whiskers, or that bis life is not placed In Jeopardy through Inflammable hirsute adornment which he Is obliged to wear. Peterson has been engaged in attracting crowds about the "Christmas pots" which the Salvation Army has placed on several downtown corners by dressing up as the genial saint and playing an accnrdon, while the peo ple gathered around and dropped an oc casional coin In the pot "to keep It boil ing." Hs was thus employed at the corner of Sixteenth and Farnam streets last night, when a sheet of flame suddenly shot up be fore his astonished eyes and he realized that his rope whiskers were on fire. an nf one nf these nxllv klnaleta In the person of Antiochus, who desecrated and ! Hastily tearing the mask from his face, defiled the temple at Jerusalem and sought ; hp assisted some of the bystanders in ex to make It a shrine to Jupiter. The Jews ' Ungulshlng the blaze, which had spread were forced to flee from Jerusslem. and the cotton lining on his clothing. Peter ... i u -.h... ihi nii.i son and members of the crowd laid the l"Vn H-U(1TT 111 11117 tllin jtih IV .... J - " ... . -.hin I., th. r.ith of fathers with i blame for the destruction of Santa Magic City Kossln. JDuvId Sullivan, Eighteenth and TT streets, reports the birth of a daughter Thursday. Miss Eva O'Sulllvan. science teacher here goes to her home at West Point, Neb., or tho holiday vacation. Marianna Huhbell of the South Omaha schools has gone to Willow Springs. Mo., for her Christmas vacation. Colonel R. B. Montgomery, formerly cltv attorney, hns gone ( hlcngo on a visit in which business U combined. City Attorney W. C. I.ambert is able to be around again slnco his recent illness. He will he able to take up his duties after Christmas. Fred Slocmn of Dodge City, Kan., Is in the city, visiting with his sisters. Misses June and Florence Slocum, at TM North Twenty-second street. J. Austin, secretary of the Modern Brotherhood of America, has moved from his former residence on Twenty-second street to North .Twenty-fifth. . A large percentage of the teachers of the South Omaha -schools will attend the session of the Nebraska Teachers' associa tion at Lincoln on December 27 to 2. Word has lately come from John Rvan, who is still in the. gold fluids, of Goldliflii, Nevada, saying that rich ores have been found on claims In which he Is interested. John Und, who rooms at 2513 M street ana works In tlio l nlon Pacini: yards. iflreet, , was arrested on the. complaint of reports that his roommate,. William Ander- 9ls, mother that he had assaulted h'eT and threatened her with great bodily harm. It 1 said that Clark Is In the habit of abusing tier whenever he becomes Influenced, with .liquor. He accuses her with misconduct and ,. yesterday became, more than ordi narily abusive. She says he struck her. Four Hnapeeta Held. I'otir suspects are held at the Jail In , connection with the robbery of the apart- . mints of Tom Minns, 131 North Twenty wlxtb street. These are E. Demmltt, Lovle i Terry. George McGill and William Dais. rPcrpmltt and Iovle Terry were arrested Thursday, but the other two were taken ', yesterday.' None of the property has been . located yet. The loss was $115. j .' City Engineer Busy. t The city engineer reports that the de partment. Is busy getting out plana and epecltjcatlotie for the new curbing to be put' down.-,on Twenty-third street next spring, from Missouri avenue northward to the city limits. ' Services at the Churches. ' The Presbyterian church held Its Christ inas Lrae celebration Thursday night. The United Presbyterians held Ita last night and the First Methodist church will have . its Santa, Ciaua frolic tonight. The pastor of tho United Presbyterian ' expects to be in1 the pulpit both - morning ' and evening Sunday. His topic In the morning will be "What Does Christ-. , .mas Mean?" In the evening, "Christmas Gifts." There will be special music, under the direction of Mrs.. W. T. Hood, at both servievs. '' '' The order ot the First Methodist services for Sundny will be: In the morning. "Good " ridings ot Great Joy;" evening, 'To Hint ' Shall the Gathering of the People Be." Special music will accompany each service, v The. tlnglish I Ait he ran congregation will hold Its Christmas program Sunday even ..Jng at the church. Twenty-fifth and K . st rents. Sunday- school at 10 o'clock and .' preaching' at 11. Morning theme, "The '..Anger Christmas Sermon." All are in vited to enjoy these services. Bring the The Grover Graham .Dyspepsia Remedy It jau'ar a chronio dyspeptic and htiya tried all other,rrniedte. r Dy ,-pepala without Till, and will write to u. the Grover Graham Co., Newburgh, X. Y., we will present to yon, free of vliarge, a bottle ot our Dyspepsia Rem edy. Messrs. Rberman A McConnell are eur afente la Omaha and will gladly tall you all about the GROVER GRA HAM DY8PEPSIA REMEDY. They will also supply you. upon request, with some literature which we bellee will toe more than sufficient to convince you eon,- stole iov and a. gold watah rrom fila room and skipped out. - Gustin. Bacon A Co., manufacturers of hose and fire supplies, ure making offers to the city, hoping to sell the city supplies' fox the new tiro house, which Is rapidly approaching completion. Miss C'lnra Freltag, daughter of Fritz Freltag. , Twenty-fifth anil O streets. Is very ill. About ten days ago she was taken ill while at the ottlce of tho clerk of the district court, where she Is employed. Colonel C. M. Hunt has gone to Wash lug ton, 1). C, to look after tho final settle ment and titles to land in Eureka, Cah, In the Ilumbolt tlinlM-r country, in which he and a number of South Omaha people are Interested. The Minnesota Life Insurance company, which owns a block of flu.OOU worth ot Bouth Omaha funding bonds, Is inquiring how the city Intends to refund the bonds. They will be referred to Kountze Bros, of New York. It may be that they will wish to exchange the old bonds for the new. less molestation. . Judas the Ieavder. Judas Maccabeus now appeared on the scene, as a warlike leader among the Jews and resolved to tight for their liberties of life and conscience. Rabbi Cohn said In la.rt : The effect of the decree of Antiochus wns to rouse the Judean spirit In open revolt, j Israel s religion hart no idols in us tem ples. Some cowardly Jews knelt to the galling yoke, but there were other brave spirits that would not and did not. Chief among them was Judas Maccabeus, who gathered a few of the bravest spirits among the Jews to resist the decree. They had to fight at first a siecles of guerilla warfare, but the true Judean spirit grew with his example, and finally the tyrant was over thrown and Jerusalem was restored to Is rael and the temple was re-dedicated to the worship of the true God. Result of the Rerolntlon. The Maccabean revolution lsstid l ut three years, but It accomplished for all time the principle of the right of conscience. God Is on the side not of the strongest, hut the bravest battalions. The Maccabean spirit Is the true spirit, and it found Its echo In Luther and Cromwell, who did not fear the e.nnthemas of the pope, nor the tyranny of Charles I of England. It gave birth to Protestantism, and the block. It gave I Cromwell and his marched to victory with the Bible In one hand and the sword in the other, singing the songs of Israel, as did the Maccabees of old. - The Jew has been th he aaes. He was the first urotestant. The Jews profess peace, but it Is a manly thing to defend oneself. It is not a Jiianly thhig to bow and cringe like a cur. n Stand and i give a manly blow. There is a; new spirit dawning. It Is the spirit of the Macca bean. The Christian world will next Mon day celebrate its great festival of Christ mas. Had it not been for Judas Maccabeus there would be no Christmas. How great is this Maccabean spirit. It means fight for every hope that is human and to shatter every human chain. Program for Knnday. The Hanukkah will continue over eight days. Candles will be lighted In all Jewish homes during ths eight days. On Sunday there will bo special services at Tempie Is rael in honor of the festival, in which tho Sunday school will participate. The services will begin at 10 a. m. and the following program, will be observed : Claus on Edward Hart, who had been standing near, and when Officer Samuelson came running they pointed him out. , snd he was placed under arrest. , His accusers said that after lighting a cigarette he touched the match to the Peterson makeup and that the blsze followed. Hart was locJted up on a disorderly charge, the police being able to think of no other chtirge that would cover the crime of burning up a Santa Claua the first offense of the kind in the history of Omaha. Do you waivt Omahac to grow? To build up a big business advertise it. To build up Omaha advertise it. A bird's-eye view of Omaha lias been made by K. J. Austen, the most experienced, in fact, the greatest living artist in panoramic work. This will show Omaha to its best advan tage. The painting will be reproduced on a sheet 38x22 inches, heavy enameled paper suitable for framing. This will be issued in connection with sixteen pages, printed on book paper, showing Omaha's best buildings in detail, together with care fully, prepared information, with regard to what Omaha is, covering every phase of Omaha's commercial activity. Thou sands of these will be sent to the friends and business connec tions of our Omaha people and will open the eyes of people who know nothing of the new Omaha and its wonderful progress. This enterprise has been initiated and is backed by The Bfr. It is, however, too big for any one concern to make a success. t isn't for the benefit of The Bee-but for Omaha and can only be a success if everyone who wants to see Omaha grow will co-operate with The Bee to make it a success. POSTOFFICE'S BIGGEST DAY Thnretlay More Bnalneaa Wli Trans acted Than In the History of the Office. !t The biggest day's business in the history of the Omaha postofftce registry depart ment was transacted Thursday. Tho rush was occasioned as a result of the Christ ' mas season, and a force of ten of twelve I clerks was Impressed Into the service to . meet the rush. Even with that largely brought Charles I to j augments force the entire night was con v.r.Att,a n I i-,..i.i!. sumed in getting the registered Chtlstmaa packages on ttieir wey to ineir acsumiuons. Friday Is likely to exceed even the tre mendous rush of Thursday and the entire hero through all ' poetofflce force Is rushed to the limit to meet the holiday time emergency. IOWA MAN CAUGHT IN NET Arrested In Connection with Ijnd Franda Snapertad of Suborna tion of Perjnry. Meece Hudgell of New Virginia. Ia.. has been arrested at the Instance ot the secret service officials investigating the land frauds in Nebraska for alleged subornation of perjury in procuring illegal filings in the V. B. 1. ranch cases in Thomas and Hooker counties. ' Tlf1 accused was takon before the Vnitmi Stales commissioner at Pes Moines Thursday and lound over to the federal grand jury for the district of I Nebraska at the May tnrm in :.. Opening prayer iirhflna Of the elrht llirhts I'mnmomnr- .iiiiminurinrniji " -"ivr , atlve of the eight days of the cele- nrnunee hum luuimuun ami luiusui bration , when the curtain Hues at 8:15 sharp, the m'C'JZ v.;;'.; .',V. .if'A.Rj" excellent bill on at the Orpheum this week Iixplanatlon of Uie' H'anYikkah.... ! will be brought to a Hose Anna Fleischniunn ! The holiday bill that opens Hie week 1'iano poio cummer moins . Kannle Rosenstocic May we count on you? Every $uberiber t Tht li t gU one copy jru on January Hr. Extra eopiet 10 cmf Advertise Omaha by sending: copies to your friends. Mail us the Coupon. Omaha, THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY Please deliver copies of THE OM AHA BEE JUBILEE ED.TION and Bird's-Eye Viev of Omaha . To Address For which I agree to pay ten cents a copy on delivsry. Signed , Order them now, as the edition will be limited. T1IE BEE PUBLISHING CO., Omaha, Xeb. with a matinee Sunday und includes a spe- Recitation The Child Bamuel f clal Chrit-tmas matinee Monday, one Qoldie Alperu j calculated to meet the huppy spirit of this Recitation-Make Your Mark ... ; f,pt,ve ocrnslon. AmonB tne mlrUlfu, r. Piano Solo Fairyland Waltxes I ferings will be Francesco 8'JR LETTER BOX. Lens Swartz Recitation A Horrible. Mistake 1 Myrtle May violin boio aimpio t.:onresmon I.eon Recitation For a Life rmtylus Ban. 1 1 Oi-eenburgh Recitation "Abou Ben Adhem" Grover Goodman Piano solo Dora Racliimm Recitation 'Roys Wanted" The Athenian Donating society of the v"". ': Clarence Wells South Omaha High eehool argued the Molln Solo Carnival of Venue question of woman s suffrage in a series Joe Meyer of tilts with three on a side yesterday Recitation Purxled Dutchman afternoon at the high school auditorium. Jennie Adle.r The affirmative. was championed by Mamie Piano Solo From "Lohengren" Bulla. Raymond Obrn, wno Is a Philipplno . ' Blanche Cohn boy. and Mamie Nllson. The negative de- 'Hi Solo Cavatlna (Bohn) I . ......... Uuhu- I i u ..... LI.. I. .. .. -1 ' vain, "ii m. ... nine, . a .ii.iv 1 1' i rXidie K cause. The n till inaiive carried off the honors of the debate. There was a literary program also. Sadie Klrsrhbraun j Following the program the Sunday school I children will be provided with abundant 1 gifts of candy as a memorial of the festival EGGS FORTY CENTS A DOZEN occ",on Redding und company presenting "Her Friend from Texas." Another timely feature! will bo Charles Baron's b;trlesque menagerie, in Goldsmith which the canines, gulsed as lions and dlf- j fercnt animals, make a novel and curiously 1 Interesting and amusing show. Character studies from works of famous novelists by Charles Leonard Fletcher will constitute one of th artistic cards. Others ate: Ks- 1 telle Wordctte and company In a one-act comedy called "A Honeymoon In the Cats j killa"; Joe Flynn. the merry story spinner ! and singer: the Dorla Trio in "A Night In Venice"; tho three MitchelH, gingers and dancers, and entirely new klnodrome pictures. Prlee Uoea iillnimerlna; mud the Sup ply la Diminishing F.very Day, Dealers Say. ' "The festive lien is on strike. She la getting Independent and refuses to work." This Is the cry of produce dealers all along commission row. From all over the state they receive the information from country shippers, "We can't get the eggs; the farmers don't have them." Conse quently the dealers have a hard time sup plying the demand and are compiled to put up prices. Forty cents a doteu for eggs seems In credible, but that is what tho housewife has to pay If she wants fresh guaranteed stock. At 28 cents a dosen she can buy one grade, supposed to be good, but aha takes her risks. This stock at 28 cents is about S cents higher than the same grade sold for Just before ChrUtmaa last year. The produce men say thejf see no relief In tho Immediate future. Supply and demand in butter, and con sequently, prices are about the same aa they were at Christmas In 1904. Fresh country butter Is a trifle lower, creamery butter I cents lower, while fancy dairy butter commands a price 1 cent higher. Country butter is retailing at 30 to H cents; dairy at 23 to 25 cents; tub creamery at 2a to SO cents, and package creamery at 30 cents. Y. M. C. A. WANTS NEW HOME Association Mast Sevare Temporary 4aartera Before the First I March. What to do for quarters until the new building la erected is the question which now chiefly concerns the officers and di rectors of the Toung Men s Christian asso ciation. Tha association must get out of Us old home by March 1, on which date will be begun tha work of tearing It down to make room for Brandcls' new store. Tha boys of the association have begun to ask about plans before renewing their membership, and the directors are be stirring themselves for a building. They have several places "in view and egpect to make 4 selection in a few days. Secretary Wade is confident a building can be secured which will make a good temporary home and pro".J sufficient space for all classes, gymnasium and baths. The Brandels people are asking bids for tha demolition of the old building. The The coming of Roselle Knott In "When Knighthood Was In Flower" as the Christ mas attraction at the Boyd theuter, means that the people of Omaha are to have a chance to see one of the most charming of romantic plays presehted by an actress who has made the. role of Mary Tudor her own In every degree. Miss Knott has made great progress In hec art since her first j visit to Omaha and is coming to be recog- nizea as one or America a suits, in mis play she finds an opportunity for talent thut is peculiar to herself und makes the most of it. The incidents of the drama are historic and are wrought out with a fine regard not only for dramatic potentialities, but for the truth of circumstances. The scenic investiture of the play Is not only artistic, but Is really magnificent and adds greatly to Its general effectiveness. The company back of Mlaa Knott this season Is also a strong one and the whole produc tion Is one that is sure to please. The en gagement for Omaha Is for three nights, beginning on Sunday evening and Includ ing a special matinee on Christmas afternoon. home of Guy C. Barton, Ji22 Farnam street, have as yet failed to get the slightest clue upon which to work. Thu thieves suc ceeded in covering up their tracks und the authorities are of the opinion they were not lor: a In leaving the city with the plun- contract will stipulate that it is to be torn , 8umUv .emoon the first performance of . der,' """ ""e-.h tI'IZ down in forty-five day. after March 1. rhris,n1M. week bill. Hall Cne's r.. I nd -cPk.- " 1 ln ' h' Th.' 1 . - , wus reponeu to ne large ponce centers or piav, " I ne t nrisnaii. win ue given. For th. n.rv and Chief of Detectives Dunn believes It will be only a matter of time The closing performance of "The Mtn from Mexico" will be Riven at the Rurwood theater this afternoon and evening. On .. a s..u uourlui. OMAHA. Dec. 18. To the Kdilor ot The Bee: I have been a very aympalhetic reader of the article published in the Mon day morning Omaha Bee regarding the very deplorable 'condition of the lack of "unmarried females." where so many note worthy hacheloVs exist, aa in the Big Horn country, and I commend the good inten tions of the' "Gray Ball club." There are, even in this city, many young women, baclieior frlrls, matrons and even grass widows who would rejoice at the chance to change their condition for a better one, providing the credentials of these afore said bachelors coincide mith tholr views of living, principal views being a good man, good home and good provider, not to bhv well versed In good religious prin ciple, and can safely say the females will respond cheerfully. As to business out look, we ure all business, and by 'ho com mon necessities of life we would gladly go where there Is a greater call lor oar labors and a greater remuneration for our efforts. Every phase of llfn stems com pletely overdone as to choice of positions. We will cheerrully awult the nrtlcles in the metropolitan newspapers concerning the buchelors' wail, and recounting th'- attrac tive business openings for the fair sex of a home, 1 count myself one. Yours, A BACHELOR uAU NEW JERSEY NEGRO HANGED Confesses Crime of Wife Marder and Mwy a He la Jastly finished. N KV YORK, Dec. 2!. Kdwin J- Tapley. a negro wife murderer, waa hanged at the county jail in Jersey City today. It was said thut Tapley had arranged with a clergyman to signal with his hands nfter the drop fell to show that lie was alive and realized what was transpiring. Tup ley's hands twitched convulsively, but Rev. ICmil Meiury, with whom it was said he had arranged to make the signals and who wit nessed the hanging, refused to say whether the movements of the hands were like to prearranged signals. After the rope had been placed about Tspley's neck and he was asked whether lie hud anyUiliig to suy he replied: "Gentlemen, I am guilty of tills crime; exceedingly guilty. I um sorry for It. She led me Into It by torturing me. I am sorry fur it and am justly punished." When the hangman stepped forward to tighten the Tope Tupluy colUpxed and f' II to his knees. Physicians examined the body seven minutes after it had shot through the trap and found evidences of life. The man was found dend just fifteen minutes after the trap was sprung. OFFICERS WITHOUT ONE CLUE MANUFACTURERS OF MISSOURI Census Bulletin la Issued Showing the Value of Product of tte. Detectives Fall to Find !ghtest Traee of Hobbera Wno Looted Barton Howe. WASHINGTON. Dec A bulletin is sued today by the census department on the manufacturing Industries of Missouri places the total manufacturing output ot tha state for the last year at f438.3Mi.109 as The detectives who have been working on I against 316,tT77.M4 for 1900. The output of the robbery which wus perpetrated last . the leading Induatrlea waa aa follows: Monday evening by porch climbers at the j Slaughtering and meat packing. gfiO.031.lXi; flour and grist mill products. tui.OXlU; tobaccoa. f30,8M.li2; mall liquors. I24.164.2oi; boots and shoes, Jj;(.i4.4; ' printing and publishing, i!.t.Un; foundry und machine shop products, flK,My,v74. and luiniter, fit.-144.7. M1CHAELSEN DRIVEN MAD ity Electrioiap in Terge f follapM Riiult of Fro tiling Oitiuu. THREATENS TO SMOKE A CIGARETTE Woman Comvlalna Inepeeter ta Vnn Hasty In Visit mnm . Mao. Jtnye He Staya Too Long. Because of worry over the different View of different people and because of hit fail ure to please everybody, though strenu ously trying to do so. City Electrlctan Mlchueluen Is on the verge of a nervous collapse and unless peace soon comet to his mind he threatens to smoke a cigarette or do something equally at desperate. Two callers Friday morning did tht busi ness. One was u woman of mature gge and also a matured "kick." Tha other waa a man, who also hud a "kick." "Your Inspector wua at my housa yea terd.iy." the woman ' explained, "and I i want to tell rou what ha did. Ht ttayed there about two minutes, looked a mlnutt of that time at the electrlo wiring and j then said everything waa all right. Now, In that length of time ha could not hare made a thorough Investigation. I ' want to report hltn." "Thank you very much, madam," an swered the polite official, "(lit resignation will be demanded Instantly; in fact, his head Is now In the basket. Good morning." The woman had no sooner left tht private office than an Irate cltlaen appeared. "I have a kick coming on one ef your Inspectors." he shouted. "Yeatorda? ba came to my house and spent fully an hoar looking at the wiring. Ht Just flirty picked It to pieces and I know ha waa juat trying to find something tha matter wUsx it. He could have done that examining In two minutes." For a second time Michtelaen announoea that the Inapertnr would be dlacharged and JANITORS GET MORE MONEY FOREFATHERS' DAY OBSERVED Celebration ' One Day lte, Kirst la tbe l.eaa K.joyable. but several Public School Employes Are Given Halse In Salary for rhrtstsaae. 'The Christian, thla Director J. Bed ley Brown has mide especial preparations and promises the best production of the season at thla popular theuter. The Board of Education met Friday afternoon and passed the teachers' py. roll and raised the salaries ot the follow ing janitors: Reals achool. io a month; Caatellar, V Central Park. . albo during vacation; Monmouth Park, tin; assistant Janitors at the hgh school to ba paid 60 a month and the fireman 75. Carl Herring, Frlbtfnl l.nas nf life, results from throat and lung diseases. Dr. Klnv's New Discovery for Consumption Is a cure cure. . 50c A For tala by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. until the thieves are apprehended, as tho plunder was of a nature that would make its Identification easy If It is offered for sale or pawn anywhere. t man ..... . . . .. I. M All the principal title, show . '.' " "V 'TL the product of each being a. follow.: " ," , ..TTTL T: St Loui.. KM.fn.-SS: Kansas City. U6. 1 ,c,ty 'IcUn. "What mu.t I dot J49.ffT; St Joaeph, 33,09S.(t7. ; Tnat w" tame Inspector In both In- Tht report for the state shows that stances. Of course he should be able ta there are MM manufacturing establish- j Please everybody and I am sorry theao mente. In which 377.648.65 capital ia em- ' Objectlona come Just at Christmas time. I Ployed: that there are 17,0t salaried offl-' regret that very much, but the fact of tho The anniversary of the landing of the Pilgrim Fathers on the rock-bound coast that tir nvauenala Remedr Is h Nw England atatea from the Miy- . . . . ; flower waa duly commemorated by the t attorney, reported that after a conference w a""-- , omh tngregational flub at the Flint with the county and city officials trtnout mat nag ever oeen put upon tht Congregational church last r market for tbt cure of any form of dinner, followed by speaking. The affair Sumach Clsordar. Our offer tt you ot a fret bottlt It to Itself sufficient proof of tht fact that wa know that our remedy It all that we claim It to no, namely, a pnatttvt tpoolfie for the most chronic rata of an form of disorder arising from as Impaired digestive system, la turlng: perfect freedom from til dtatreaa from tht very flit doae 8he-msn At MrC'onntll, Diujjitu Ageatt, Omaha, ' h' hB women of the rhureb. and jjI "' j i persona gathered at the leblee. waa to havt been held the evening before, on Forefathera' day, but an Important Congregational meeting at Lincoln at that time Interfered with thla plan und the celebration waa postponed one day. The speaker of tne evening was Rev. J. YV. Andreas of Cliadron, Neb., a young and forceful orator, who apoke on tha matters which the event marked. A. H. Water house, president of the club, prealded dur ing the evening- The dinner waa served about It had a ' been agreed to pay clerks and Judges of election tt a day, of which tha city and school board would pay U each and the county would pay for the booths and gen eral expenses. This will make the city and school board pay (slO each and tha county &2.3O0. Leather card cases. Frenser. Clever Thief Abroad. A clever thief la abroaaV in the land, ac cording to reporta received at police head quarters Tha culprit appears to ba an adept in tha art of cutting pursea out of wonien'a handbags without bring detected. Mrs. I.. F. Maglu ot' 1 North Twenty- LOCAL BREVITIES. Tha public schools closed yesterday for tbe Christmas vacation and will reopen Jan uary I. E. J. McVann and M. C. Petera liHve re- BASKET BALL GAME IS OFF Fair Onea from Missouri Valley anal Omaha High School Break the Engagement. Although the Missouri Valley basket ball team challenged the Omaha High school team for a game, ana tne Omaha team turned frenn Chicago, where they visited the '... h he ehallenae. the aame will nm International Live stock show for the pur- mse of getting pointers for the Omahn I t played. shew next winter. I Coeducation la all right, but the ethics of William Bailey, a driver for the Omaha ' basket ball seem to hold some barrier .Trary X'byVht c.S bleen lh" """ "rtW!,,ta l k'nd ' a street car and the waa-on he was driving human endeavor. At any rata when tha rials, who are paid I16.936.0im; 132,'4 wage earners, who receive p36.4fiO.Ki8, and that the materials used cost t2d.4OT.73. Attention. A. O. I. W. Tha funeral of our late brother, August Kempt, will be held from the family resi dence, 12th and Dorcaa Rta., Sunday, Dec. 24. at 2 o'clock p. m. All drill teams In vited. O. O. OLE80N. M. W. J. G. M LEAN, Recorder. r.ed Ruby Rings, Edholm, Jeweler. Three ribs were broken and hia llpa butlly bruised, tie wua tagen to Kmanuel hos pital. An early-evening burglar attempted to force an entrance to the home of B. li. Robinson. JiA Capitol avenue, last night, but waa frightened away by one of the I domestics. The man used an old coal shovel n a t'ol. with which he tried to open a window. The girl heard the noise and let him know that he was discovered, upon which he disappeared. Omaha High school team learned tha Mis souri Valley team waa composed of mem bers of tha fair sex and the Mlaaourl Valley team learned tha Omaha team consisted of males the game waa mutually declared Oft, notwtthatanding an evident desire on tha part of soma of tha Omaha contingent who have scruples sgslnxt breaking en- I gageinents once made;. ,h vsme. Former Texas Deported. NEW YORK. Deo. E.-Henry Kutper of Galveston. Tex., who claims that he waa worth I3o,0u0 before the Ualveston flood, which, he says, wiped out his fortune, was deported today on the steamer Colorado. Kulper says that ha became a naturalised American cuiten in 1 v una that ha bud a hardware busineaa In (laiveston. matter It, an Inspector can tell whether wiring ia all right or not at the first glance If it look, bad to him, of course ht haa to go over the entire bualneas and hunt for defects. But, on tha other hand. If ha finds it all right, It takes only a little while." NEXT PANEL TRIES CROWI Jurors Selected from Jannary'a te o Venire Men Will Do notable tervlae. Friday waa the lust day for the present Jury panel to serve In the district court. Ths Jurymen were discharged from further service by Judge Day. January " the next panel will report for the first three weeks of i;. It haa already been summoned. After 1 From the men w ho report on the data men. losing his mpnf.'L to hit home tloned will ba drawn the men to try pat In Antwerp. Belgiuni. but failing to prosper , . . . . . . . " there and wishing to return to the I'nlte.l rro on tn 'hargt of having robbed R. States, he hid on the steamer St. Andrews, which arrived here luat week. He was caught, and, lacking proper identification papers, was deport as a stowaway. Bet Want Ada are Best Busineaa Booster. A. Cuduhy of !2S.f. County Attorney 81a baugh has announced the trial of Crows will be called early In tht term. All talk of Crowe getting out on ball la time for Christmas has subside i