THE OMAHA DAILY DEtS: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2' 1005. COUNCIL BLUFFS STUBBS STARTS FOR PRISON Judge Cntneei Bin 'o Eighteen Months a Charge of E nbezilement. FRIENDS TO ASK GOVERNOR FOR PARDON Prisoner Thanks the Judne for Light rn1ri hat Court Kipmari Belief He Haa Brr Too Lenient la Matter. Eighteen month In the penitentiary at Tort Madison wu tiie sentence Imposed yorterday morning by Judge Green In dtn trict court upon David T. Stubba, who Wednesday pleaded guilty to embezzling tt.ftno from the Citizens' Gas and Electric company, of which he wai formerly cashier. A arrangements had been made earlier fn the morning at the request of Stubba that he he. taken at onr to Fort Madison, the passing of sentence wa disposed of with all possible dispatch and half an hour later Etublis was on his way to Fort Madi son In custody of County Jailer Gallup. Stuhbs, who had nerved himself for the ordeal, took his sentence without flinching, and when the words committing him to the penitentiary for eighteen months had been pronounced" by the court he thanked the judge for the light sentence In a voice In which but a slight quiver was noticeable. Judge Otin In referring to the case after sentence had been pronounced said he felt that the punishment imposed wus. If 'any thing, too light, and that an unusual amount ' of 'sentiment existed for the lm i position of a light sentence not warranted by the facts in the case. It 1m understood that Stubba' friends will petition Governor Cummins for a parole or pardon for him. Several Miit Divorces. Mary. G. Tracy began suit for divorce yesterday In tha district court from Wil liam B. Tracy, to whom she was married February , IMS. In Harlan. Ia. 6he alleges that her' husband treated her In a cruel and Inhuman manner and that she was forced to, leave him about a week ago. She asks for the custody of theVr three minor children, K.otm alimony and 1400 a year for the support of the children. The defendant is a clerk in the employ of the T'nlon Pacific, and according to the plaintiff earns ISO" a month and owns property valued at $2,Q00. To protect the claim for Mlmony the court Issued an attachment for $1, One against the defendant's property. Mary J. .-Carter seeks a divorce from Henry Carter, to whom she was married in Omaha in October, 189J. She charges the defendant with being anything but a kind and considerate husband and that as a result of his treatment of her she is a physical wreck. fihej says her husband Is worth $10,000. and asks to be awarded 13.000 alimony. enzaoem k. Richardson not only wants a divorce from IX. E. Richardson, to whom she was married In Sioux City In July, IMC. and who, she alleges, abandoned her In August of the year following, but seeks the restoration of her maiden name, Eliza beth Marahal. George W. Rolpta. a painter, who fell from a scaffold while working on the real ilenee of J. W. Squire on May 31 last and was seriously Injured, has brought suit against Peter H. Wind, the contractor In charge of the work, for 14.077 damages. The plaintiff alleges that Wind was re sponsible for a defect in the scaffold. f,: r ' 'Arthur Is to Go Free. James .'Arthur, who was convicted of blowing the Treynor bank safe on the night of. January Vend was sentenced to ten ear in the ort Madison penitentiary, will be set free. The clerk of the district court reoeived yesterday the procedendo from the supreme court giving Arthur a new trial. The supreme court In sending the oaae back for retrial held that the evidence was Insufficient to convict. County Attorney Hess stated yesterday that Inas much as the state would be unable to offer any evidence except that introduced at the trial he would move to dismiss the raae, If Is expected . that Jailer Gallup, who took Stubba to Fort Madison, will bring- Arthur back with lilm. Arthur and John Bernstein were jointly Indicted for tha blowing of the Treynor bank safe. Bernstein plcadod guilty and was sentenced to ten years, but Arthur claimed .he had nothing to do with the safe blpwlng, although he was arrested in company with Bernstein the morning fol lowing the attempt to rob the bank. Arthur Is believed to bo an assumed name. DEATH RECORD . . Mearr C. Jayae. HJfiATRlCBL Neb., Dec, a.-tSpeoial.l-Ifenry C. Jaynes. an old resident of Gage county, died at his home In this city yes terday morning, aged. 78 years. Mr. jaynes was a native of New York state and lo cated in ' this eounty in 1X7$. being one of Hie first settler of the city of Wymore, where he resided until about two years agrt, when he removud to Beatrice. He is wirvlrcd by a widow and seven children, H. Jaynes of Omaha being one of the num ber. Mr. Jaynea was a member of the In dependent Order of Odd . Fellows, which order had charge of the funeral services from the family home today at 2 o'clock. I.. H. Cowaer. , U H. Cowger, aged M years, died at his home In Washington. Ia., Wednesday even ing of paralysis. The deceased haa been for thirty or more years connected with the Chicago. Hock Island A Pacific- railway and was at the time of his death foreman of the machine shops or that company at Washington. la. He was the father of tir sons, residents of Omahn William F. Cowger. - formerly assistant custodian of tiie federal building, and Brady T. and John L. Cowger. member of the Omaha Are department. The three aona will leave for Washington, Iu.. Thursday evening to attend the funeral. Walter A. r'lorrr. ..pKNVKR. lc. Jl.-Wulter A. Florer of Oruy . Horse, Okl., well known as a trader among the Osage Indians, died nere at midniahl from tuberculosis of the brain. Mr. Klorer rame here about a year ago for his health. He was a son of Colonel John M. Florer. one of the pioneers of Oklahoma. and a trusted friend of the Oaages. among whom he haa lived since the. close of the war. Walter a. Florer was born and raised among the Indians. Toe' remains will be taken to Iawrence! Kae , for burial Kteanor Porter. Eleanor Fortert the 1-mrmths-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Porter. 15ii South Twenty-ninth street, died at the home of her parrots Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Funerjl arrangements will be announced later. . . V am gnu, iU tenni'll. TOKIO. Ilec, Jl. -Field Marshal Yania ttala haJ'been appointed to the privy eouucll. Admiral Togo, now president of the general staff of the navy, ln his fare well address to. the officers and men of the combined Japanese fleet, which wa llse)Jved yesterday, warned them to be , in .constant readiness for emergencies. He concluded (ih. the woids: "Victor, tie wur usliusl stilng tighter. MUSIC AND MUSICIANS i)Oavntt. Brunner Hach-8t. Psens (hi Nocturne, ep. 17 fiSBw 'rVale petite Joseph Oahm (di "Dedication" Schumann-Liszt Mr. Oahm. "Hoi Ragfcln 8emlrviiii" Rosslri Mme. Gale. (a) "Ave Maria" Hi hubert-Wllhelmv bl "Kujawiak " Wienlaw!.i (e) Capri.- (for violin nlone) Paganlnl Mr. Albert- "D'Oedlpe a Colore" Mr. Kills. fa) Welch M't'dy (bl "Tristesse ' .Sarchinl Thorns s l.eimno Mrs. Gahtn. ai "Chnnts polonals" Chopln-T.isst (hi Gavotte Oliick-Hrshris lr Two Valses. A flat. O flat Chopin td) Polonaise Fad.rewsl: Mr. Oahm. (i "Mv T.ove Will Come Todav". DeKoven (hi "Good Pay, Mrie" E. Passnrd Mme. Gal. i (a) "Molly's Eves" HawVy h "Auf Wl-derehn" Rendlx (e) "To Anthea" Hatton Mr. Kills. A very good-slued auli( nt e whs out last night to greet the old time favorite of Omaha. Mr. Hans Albert, who. with the i assistance of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gahril Mrs. Gale and Mr. Fred Kllis. gave a very delightful concert at the Boyd theater. Mr. Albert was In a most excellent and mellow mood and played with that sym pathy for which he has always been not"d. In response to the applause of a most de lighted audience he gave an an encore a very touching arrangement of "Old Folks nt Home." It is with gTeat repret that we part from Mr. Albert as a soloist and only trust that In the studio work he takes tip he will find as much pleasure as he has !n times past given to Ids hearers. . Of Mr. Ofthm too much cannot be said as I 1.0 ms conscientious worn, nis pcnece ,ccu- nique ana oeautirui conception or me coin posers' thoughts. His rendition of thp "Dedication," by Schumann-Liszt, In Ms flrst series, the "Gavotte" of Gluck-Brahnis o.r.d the "Polonaise" of Paderewskl In the second S'Tles, iwere all given with wonder ful style and finish, proving In his versa tility his right to rank with the real artists of the present time. This was Mrs. Gahm's flrst appearance ns professional and most nobly did she acquit herself, playing her beautifully toned and picturesque harp with a charming ease of manner and delicacy of touch, showing the result. of the hard work she has been j doing under the Instruction of Slgnor En- : rieo Tramontl. The "Welch Melody" was very much enjoyed. Her friends remem bered her ln that best of ways, by deluging her with flowers. Mrs. Kate Norcross Gale ia a new addi tion to the ranks of Omaha's sopranos. She possesses a mezzo voice of very good range, which was at Its best In the song of Pas eard's "Good Day, Marie." As an encore she sang In a very delightful manner "Love is a Bubble." A much felt need In Omaha of a fne basso-baritone has been supplied by Mr. Ellis, who has one of those absolutely true voices, which nothing can shako from the pitch, having besides a tender and sympa thetic quality, which. !n addition to h:s thoroughly artistic manner of singing, makes his appearance as a soloist a delight to bis audience. His rendition of "Ocdlpe Colone" was very dramatic, and ln the bal lads he sang to equal advantage. Taken as a whole the eoneert was up to a high mark of professional work, only prov ing what talent we have right here In our own city that we have but too seldom heard. NEW SENATOR TAKES HIS SEAT John M. Genrln of Orenon Sworn After Discussion of Form f Certificate. ' WASHINGTON. Dec. IM.-John M. Gearln, the newly appointed senator from Oregon, was present In the senate chamber today when the senate convened. His credentials ton. but before he took the oath of office ' J V. I ..,,11..... . f .. TT. . Mr. Burrows, chairman of the committee on elections, Interposed an objection, say ing that the certificate of election was de fective in that It was provided that Mr. Gearln shall serve "until his successor is elected." He said that the governor had no constitutional right to place such a restriction upon his appointment. He, however, withdrew the objection after Mr. Spooner and Mr. Toller had auggested that the certificate Is not without precedent. Mr. Spooner agreed that the words ob jected to were surplusage, but pointed out that they do not invalidate the appoint ment, which, he said, was regular ln other respects. Mr. Gearln was then escorted by Mr. Fulton to the vice president's desk, where the oath of office was administered. Mr. Gearln took a seat on the democratic side of the chamber. He is the flrst democrat to occupy a seat In the senate from Oregon since 1887, when Mr. Slater retired from that body. The bill extending for one year the time allowed the Council City and Solomon River railroad of Alaska for the comple tl in of Its line was passed. At 12:3d p. m. the senate went Into ex ecutive session and at 1:10 p. m. adjourned to Jrnuary 4, 1906. With adjournment for the holidays on to day's program, .only a few members were In their places when the house met. Noth ing of moment was Httempted and - the house adjourned until January 4. The ses sion occupied ten minutes. FOHMAI, IMb:il AT WHITK HOI MR 'resident and Mm. Roosevelt Knter aln I nMnet Members and Wives. WASHINGTON, Dec. 21-The president and Mrs. Roosevelt save their flnr fr.rnmi dinner to member of the cabinet and their wives and a few invited guests at 8 o'clock this evening. The dinner was in the slate v"r l,m hird!' wl" he entered, besides dining mom. Following were the guests: numDr,es cats and a few dogs, warranted Vice Presldeut and Mrs. Fairbanks, 8r- I not to DarK- Judge Thompson of Amity, retary of State and Mrs. Boot, Secretary I Mo., a noted judge of good birds will dl "I &'la.,'Jtt;n'i th? awards. Many towns besides ! Moody. Postmaster General and Mrs. Cor - teiyou. secretary or the Navy and Mrs. Bonaparte. Secretary of Agriculture Wil- son. Secretary of Commerce and ljilior and Mrs. Metcalf. Secretary Ixieb. Colonel and Mrs. Hroinwell. Senator and Mrs Spooner K'..T'aL. reaentHtlve I.ongworth. Former Secretary ana sirs, mui Morion, rormer rostmaster General and Mrs. Ho her I J. Wynne, Mrs. I onrworth. Mis. llnlison. Mrs. Slater. Miss Roosevelt, Eliot Gregory and Lieutenant Sheridan. IHUHT SKVMOV OK THE IIOI K Leave Ultra to Print Cotton Speeches and Adjournment Taken. WASHINGTON. Dec. n.-There waa but a ten-minute session of the house today, when the holiday adjournment until Janu ary 4 was taken. Two speeches, on at tacking and the other defending the cotton cmp estimates of the government, were to have been made, but permission waa granted to print these speeches In the Bee-ord. Mr. Pavno announced: "Our oratory seem to have been ex hausted," and without extending further invitation to any member for a speech th adjournment was declared by the speaker. Nominations by President. WASHINGTON. Pec. -The president texlay sent the following nomination to the Register of the Iind Office at Iawton tiki. Henry l Mcknight. Receiver of Public Money at Iwton I'M. -A. W. Maxwell of Missouri. I idled Suls Attorney Thomas B l-a'hanu central dislrKk ui Indian AFFAIRS AT SOLTII OMAHA 8uit Against 8 trie t Railway Oomptnj to Eiforee i'y Ordinance. TRANSFER SYSTEM BASIS OF THE ACTION C harles M. Tracy Lodae Complaint vrlth City Attorney aad tctlon Will He Had to Teat the l.arr at Oirr, Charles M. Tracy, a carpenter living at 741 North Twelfth street, riled a deposition In the city attorney" office through whom the OmtOiH & Council Bluffs Street Rnll way company will be sued under the ordi nance passed In South Omnha on July 3. If'Ci. The object of the case is to test the validity of the ordinance, and If posslhl" compel the street railway company to Kne transfers to its connecting lines within the limits of South Omaha in each direc tion. Mr. Tracy is an interested oartv. .incp lie na. to pay double fare from his home to all points on Twenty-fourth street north of Missouri avenue and a double far-; in the reverse order when he returns home. Many complaints have been made to the street railway company, all of which have been Ignored. Not only this, but the com pany has never given the slightest heed to the ordinance pnssed last July. Mr. Tracy has collected evidence which will make his case good, provided the ordinance is valid. The assistant citv attorney will nave c,,ar(tP of ,h( ca,p Tht, pr(1,pt Omaha ordinance was copied fror South men from the Chicago ordinances, which have been carrled to the supreme court of Illinois and proven valid. The second section of the ordlnanco provides a renalty of from 0 to UlO for each and evt-ry breach of the ordinance as prescribed In the flrst sec tion. Maher and Ford Held for Trial. The defendants to the charges of robbery. James P. Maher and Michael Ford, ap peared for trial at 10 o'clock yesterday morning and both waived preliminary- ex amination. They were bound over to the district court. It iu expected thev will I tlil-A tlifi !. 1 I eri a . . ' """uilr' lne D"nas .W'"re fixPd ln " ' the three '"Zt . w l . " . .... rl lnarea ntlv' lug robbed the Rybin saloon at Albright, was brought to trial in the afternoon. John Rybin and a boy named Johnson testified against the defendants, and the evidence produced was sufficient to have the men bound over to the district court. Morrissey was placed under tl.OOO bond and Ford under 000. The difference was because of the other indictments standing against him, making a total bond for Ford of $2,000. Other Bayers Want the Bonds. A flood of letters poured Into the city clerk's office yesterday from eastern pur chasers of South Omaha securities. All were asking for Information with regard to the sale of the city hall bonds to Spltzer & Co. last Monday night. They wished to be enlightened as to the nature of the transaction. The clerk answered In all cases that the sale was made to Spitzer & Co. ln accordance with the old bid. Spltzer & Co. were third In the matter of favorable bids, and as the other two companies failed to appear to renew their bid the bonds were contracted to Spitzer Co. Northwestern Pays Taxes. A representative of the Northwestern railroad paid the taxes of that company Into the funds of the city treasurer yester day afternoon. The amount was $:T4.55. It was paid . without protest. - Wife-Renter Fined. The case of Addle Lawer against her hus band. Frank Lawer. was called again yes terday morning and the evidence for the d-fense waa taken. The man failed t.. ' 'A J'? . w" '""ent of the bruUl , - "iiv nun r an uiiru 919 aiJU costs by Judge King. ' Held for brand Larceny. Ed Demmltt and Lovle Terry, 131 North Twenty-sixth street, who were arrested Wednesday night on the charge of va grancy, were held yesterday on the com plaint of Tom Minns of the same address. Ho says that the pair entered his aisirt ments Wednesday night and stole $20 In cfsh. three suits of clothes, his watch and other jewelry. The estimated cost of the articles taken was $113. The pair will have to face the charge of grand larceny. Proa-ram at Hlarh Pchool. An excellent program was rendered by the students of the high school yesterdiy afternoon. The occasion was the formal presentation of a number of fine pictures and engravings and two companion budts of Venus and Aiollo to the school by the Latin departrr it. The efforts of the young people were finely Hpplauded by the lis teners. Outside if the high school Itself the violin solo by Miss Edna Rudersdorf, accompanied by her sister, was highly ap preciated. The two young women are ulumnao of the school and are now in the State university. Mrs. 8. R. Towne of Omaha gave a pleasant talk on the sub ject of art, and one of her statements was that the American school should be dated from the Centennial exposition In Phila delphia, In 1870. Since that time It haa be come a positive and distinct school with a character all its own. Plan for Poultry show. C. H. Grundy, superintendent of the Trl City Poultry " association, makes the an nouncement that the people of South Omaha are to be treated to the finest ex hibition of up-to-date poultry that has yet oeen presented, during the time from Jan UBry 2 t0 5' Thl" exhlnit 'IH be In the A. ...Ian T ' : . I . , i Anient Order Vnited Workmen temple ' m"ha' 8ou,n niha and Council Bluffs win oe represented. Special medal and ribbon have been offered by the various 1 . ... i ... . various Poultr cluu- There will be plenty of music around the temple. H. B Flehartv ne would not "urprised if om'e game cocks broke loose during the exhibit. On the evening of January 4 a great banquet will be served a a fitting close of the entertainment. It la not up posed, however, that the guests will eat all the birds. Why MrPheraon Resigned. It I stated that the reason of T. B. McPherson retiring a caahier of the I'nion Stock Yards National bank is the increase of his personal business. He Is Interested In cattle, coal. land, mine and other Investment te such an extent that these take much of his time. His work In the bank haa given the highest satisfaction to the management and under his control the capitalisation ho Increased from jao.MO to U', with a urplu of wo.ono. No successor haa been suggested as yet. His successor alii not be named until January 10. Mr. MaJlaader Dead. Mrs. Caroline Matlander died yesterday afternoon at St. Joseph hospital, Omaha. She was on of the pioneer of the city and mother of Joseph Matlander of Sarpy Mills, also of Mr. August William, he being chief of the tire department of Armour Co.. and Mr. Anton Baumelster. These children were with her whan ah died. Tbera ax three other aona. who will be here to atUud th (uncial, which m be held Psturdse morning at 9 o'clock from St. Joseph's hospital. Tearhers' Examinations. The following Is the order of examina tions to be given In this city beginning Wednesday. December 27. It Is expected that a number of the ftmth Omaha teach ers and those who exreet to become teach ers will take the examinations: -Wednes-day forenoon, arithmetic and geography; afternoon, grammar, penmanship, music. Thursday forenoon, physiology, theory and art of teaching; afternoon. English compo sition, orthography and drawing. Friday forenoon, reading and history, afternoon, civil government and physical geography. The examination hours will be from to 12 and from 1 to 5. This examination will be conducted in the high school building. Magic Clt- t.osaln. J. Coughlan of Mount Pleasant. Ia., is a guest of 8. L. Winters. Mr. and Mrs. Burton K. Wileox. i31 J street, ar rejoicing In the birth of n daugh ter. It Is their f ret child. A number of the parking houses are pre paring Christmas gifts for their employes and many have already been re.-eiwd. njom lodge No. P, Independent Order of Iklngs. will elect officers for the rnsulng ye:ir at Masonic had tonight. The mem bers anticipate a lively time. Pouth Omaha csnip No. Iii9f. Modern Woodmen of America, will give nn enter tainment and social at their hall over the South Omaha Nitional bank Thursday, December 2S, followed by a dance. Mrs. H. C. Richmond, head of the depart ment of music at the State Normal school st Karney, and Mins Fannie Siabaugh. a student at the normal, daughter of Dr. Slahaugh of this city, have returned for the holidays. A ease of scarlet fever was reported Thursday morning at the home of "it. T. Peters, ln-j Noiih Twenty-sixth street. Mr. Peters' Utile son, Harry, a boy of s. tins the disease. The house lias bceri placed un der quarantine. The last rites of the Masonic burial service were celebrated over the remains of Harry N. While at Masonic hall yes terday morning nt lii:jo. The ceremonv was attended by the relatives and friends of the dee-e.seu. The Ixniv was taken to Council Bluffs. Charles hairy of St. Joseph. Mo., visited the exchange yesterday afternoon He was inlreaiucing Mr. e hurehill. who is to re lieve Mr. Parkhurst. general agent to the Chicago Great Western railroad In Omaha. Mr. Parkhurst goes to Kansas City, where he takes Mr. Churchill's former sitlon. The postoffle-e will be open next Sunday from 11 a. ni. to 1 p. ni, a full complement or carriers will he present to assist In 1 the general delivery of the mall. The reg istry and general delivery windows will be opened so that Ittoplc can get their Christmas letters and puckiiges. On Mon day the postofllce will be closed at 10:J,1 I a. in. The three prisoners suspected of robbery I committed here, John Morrissey, J. P. I Maiier and Michael Ford, were taken t I the city jail at Omaha yesterday after noon. It Is likely thut they will" be nr ' raigned In police court there to answer to the charge of robbing the Haiise-om park I e-ars two weeks ago or more. It is said that some of the car -men were able to i swear to the identity of the prisoners. W. J. C. Kenyon and a number of proml . nent men of the Stock exchange went Wednesday evening. t Chicago to attenl the fat stock show now in progress In that city. A much larger number than this flrst party went last night. One object of so large a delegation is the fact that a similar show is to be held in South Omaha next year. The delegates expect to get pointers for the event here. NOT OPINION SHE WANTED 'Ian Who Hold Ant -Woman' Right Views Get Too Close to Home. She is very mode-st and retiring, though holding a public ejfflce, and though Inter ested In charity to a certain extent, she shuns publicity. Over her vigorous pro tests, her name had been mentioned ln a paper in connection with her charity work. She was nn A Knuth Omaha r-a r V, J for the home of some poor people she was helping. He was on the same car and sit ting next to her reading' about her charity work. He didn't know hr and neither did she know him. She was anxious to know I what the people thought of a girl's name being mentioned In the paper In connec tion with charity work, Finally she said: "What do you think of a woman who would allow her name to bo published that way?" and she pointed to the article he was reading. "I don't think much of her," he replied. "It Just shows a woman will do anything to get her name ln the paper." She gasped and he soon learned she wa the woman ln the pHpnr. Without another word he pulled the liell rope and Jumped off the car. ENTHUSIASTIC OVER WYOMING Colonel Cody Talk of Irrigation Work Sear Town nmed for Him. Colonel William F. Cody arrived in Omaha last evening and went to the Mer chants' hotel, with him came a party of young men from Cody, Wyo., who are making a holiday trip. Mr. Cody Is en route to spend Christmas with his only remaining daughter, the wife of Lieutenant C. C. Stott. who is stationed at Fort Ogle- , thorp, near Chattanooga. Tenn. ! "The government Is doing great work In reclaiming arid lands ln Wyoming." said the colonel to a Bee rejiorter last night. "Se-veral hundred men are employed on the work of irrigation In the country sur rounding Cody, and the largest dam In the world is being built within four mile of the village, over the Shoshone river. 1 Deueve that this land will be the most productive in the world after Irrigation plans are completed." Colonel Cody will leave today for Chat taneioga. CONNELL TURNS HUMORIST Adopt Method of l.aaghlna I'aae Against III. Client Ont of t'anrt. Arter a six-hour session, without agree ment or uny chance, thereof, the Jury In the case of the Powell Automobile company against the street railway reported to Judge Redlck that an agreement waa im possible. Thev were thereupon discharged. Thl outcome of the case wo not un expected by those who watched the trial Mr. Connrll. for the street railway com pany, adopted the tactics or laughing the plaintiff's cas out of court, after flrst taking care to assert that there wus really no case made out. His play on "the men who take their Juggernaut' out of the garage, then give them in charge of the chawtoor' and take their sats n tne tonneau." convulsed aome of the Jurymen until th tear flowed. It wa hard even for the court to keep a straight face during Connell addreax to tli Jury. Croup. Net a nili.ute should b (c; when a child shew symptom of croup. Cham berlain' Cough Remedy given as soon a the child becomes hoarse, or even after th croupy cough appear, will prevent th attack. It never fail and I pleasant and eaf to take Erie Hallroad. No change of cars Chicago to New York, Boston, Mot.; Buffalo. N. Y., and Colum bus, O. These train carry splendid Pull man and dining car and coaches. Apply to Ticket Agent or J: A. Dolan, T. P. A., Railway Excltange, Chicago. Set ling. Frenzer, 15th and Dodge. Turauois birthttone, Edholni, Jeweler. ELIUCRN MAY PAY COSTS City Cltrk Will 1 Stuck if H leui Union Label fcnit. AT LEAST THAT IS WHAT IREEN SAYS letter Wrote Ont Opinion on the Matter mil K.lhoarn Then Paid (in To with tssr Opinion. And It may come to pass In ttiese stren uous FJhourn-Breen days that If the city clerk loses the mandamus suit brought against him to prevent him Including the provision that all city printing must bear tiie union label In his advertisement fcr bids, be will have to pay the cost of the suit. City Attorney Preen expressed such an opinion. Th battle royal now going on between the two has had a very depressing effect on the entire city hall and an effort will be made to settle the differences between the two before the glorious Christmas, so that the immortal msxim of peae-o on earth may be reallzel. But In the meantime Mr. Elboiurn hus a suy coming. He heard Thursday morning Mr. Breen Intended to write him a letter of a scorching na ture (which Breen denledi and that gave him the inspiration to explain: "I underhtand Breen has fixed me up a couple' of opinions on that lubel business. Wellt when I want anything from Breen in the way of nfi opinion I will ask for it. 1 Inve run this office during the incumbency of three different city attorneys and I have had to sit down on every one of them. As Bill Klbourn, a private citizen, 1 might say that resolution Is of no effect, but as William F.lbtnirn. city clerk. It is not my province to hold a resolution passed by the council in bail and I don't intend to do It." Opinion I Mend). "Mr. Elliourn'r orlnlon is on the disk in there and he can get It when he conns after it." said City Attorney Breen.' "He talked oyer the matter with Mr. Herdmun and said he would follow the advice of the department if we would give hi in a written opinion. When Mr. Mahoney came Into ce urt to get his restraining order I told hisn what Klbourn had said and he agreed to wult until I had seem El bourn ngnln. "I failed to connect witn Klbourn and Mr. Mahoney flled his suit. Mahoney told me he had waited, and as I failed to cull him up he culled up Klbourn and talked with him. Klbourn. he said, told him lie didn't want any advice from this office or from any ono else, so Mahoney flled the suit. If EllHiurn loses the suit the costs will certainly be taxed to him. and If the city doesn't have to pay any costs 1 will be stttisiled." FIGHT TO SAVE TENDERLOIN Kflortn of Property Owner to Mate Off Track Kserted la Coort Trial. After the attorney hod stipulated a to the facts involved in the Goldsmitb-Krug injunction suit against the Union Pacific to prevent the laying of tracks at Elev enth street and Capitol avenue, argument proceeded before Judge Troup Thursday morning. Attorney W. H. Pennock. associated with Isador Zlegler, for the plaintiffs, admitted that If the railroad has a franchise for the use of the streets at the point In question, then plaintiffs ought not to pre vail, but It is th contention of plaintiff's attorneys that the road has no such franchise, only a city license or ordinance, and so should be estopped from "irre parably damaging" the property of Gold smith and Krug. In his answer for the railroad company, Edson Rich set up that the company did not admit anything a to tt.e ownership of the property In question, but did admit that Goldsmith occupies the building with a saloon. The answer says the room over the saloon are. to the knowledge of plaintiffs, occupied by prostitutes, who carry on an unlawful business. It is al leged in the answer that the railroad Is proceeding under authority granted by an ordinance passed by the city council on December S and 12. In his argument Mr. Blch contended that In any event the railroad 1 among the corporations that have the right .to the use of the streets, within reasonable limits, when necessary to the conduct of their business, even against the protest of property owners. He pointed out that 1 the extension of tracks being made at I Ninth street and Capitol avenue will not m 1,,uMa ( Vi M uidu all 11... . i 1 1 I ' " -" " " ' ,,! mm Will l(t V ten or twelve feet of space between a passing car and the Goldsmith saloon. Mr. Rich effectively .called attention to the fact that the advent of the track meant the complete transformation of a district whose only Industry is prostitu tion of character into a district of laud able business enterprises, ueh a would be a boon to Omaha. At the conclusion of the arguments the attorney for plaintiffs agreed to submit a brief to the court on. Suturday. Mr. Rich said he would submit a reply brief next Monday. Judge Troup will give his decl I sion after reading the briefs and mill not dei ty the ruling any longer than necessary. AMI TODD IS REARRESTED Former Xebraskan lp on a Charm of ftahornntlon of Perjury. ew Ami Todd, formerly of Plattsmouth, but now In Denver, waa rearrested Thursday in the latter city on a new charge of subornation of perjury In connection with the fraudulent land filings In connection with the Bartlett Richards and W. O. Corn stock enclosures, and was bound over to the federal grand jury to meet at Omaha in May, J, in the um of 15,000. Todd Is already under bond of $2.0K) on a former charge for like offenses. I'pon the Instigation of the special agent of the land department, who are investiga ting the fraud, a warrant ha been sworn out for the arrest-of George Patten, now in Kansas City, for subornation of per jury In connection with th'e V. B I. ranch and Bev. George O. Ware cases, ratten formerly lived at Brownvllle, Neb. He will be arraigned upon arrest before the I'nlted State Commissioner at Kansas City and bound over to the May term of the fuderal grand jury for the Nebraska district. PARKHURST TO KAWVILLE Great Western General Aaeat Usri to Kansas City to Uok Ont for Grain. a. D. Parkhurst, for the last eighteen months general agent of the Chicago Great Western railroad at Omaha, has been ap pointed grain agent for the ome road at Kansas City. He will be succeeded at Omaha by H. H. Churchill, formerly chief clerk to C. R. Bern', assistant general freight agent at St. Joseph, and up to this time also holding the position of grain agent at Kansas City. Mr. Parkhurst left Thurkday night for St. Paul for a few day and Mr. Churchill, w. ill arrive today I to asuiu th amies of his new offlc. AT TBI Nit HOUSES "Haey Brows" at the Kmc. laughing, dancing, singing, sparkling. 'Nancy Brown" tripped across the stsge t the Krug theater last night, an t made good. What If we do not know any of the people whose names are listed on the bill as the principals? We surely know when we are pleased by the work of the folks on the stage, and that bunch must have pleased us or we wouldn't have laughed as we did, and clapped our hands and otherwise have encouraged them to greater exertions. It Isn't the biggest company ever seen at ,ne , neater, nor trie oesi. mix u in i gouei urbanization, is imuiirn ou : snap and energy, and gets the ginger Inte the action of the piece Everything comes quick, a It should With s piece of the sort, anel It nearly all comes right, so that the vei-y Wst effect Is achieved. Some new stunts In the way of chorus formations and sts-ge pictures are given, none of them especially wonderrul, but all pleasing In the highest degree. Mary Marble, who is heading the com pany, doesn't look It, bui demonstrates that she Is the possessor of a wholesome fund of humor, s good conception of what ' fun Is, and above nil has a Voice thot 1s pleasing, both In conversation and song, and which she uses with excellent effect. 1 The songs she sings are simple enough. but they are well sung, and that Is much nnre to be desired than an ambitious effort only partly achieved. Florrle Clem nts, th soubretle of the company, etso has a melodious voice, and Is further the captain of a pair of nimble feet that caper right daintily ln connection with one of the many song hits of the bill. OslKirnee Clrmrinn slnfrs two solos in a splendid baritone and was awarded last nluht by many recalls for his work. Wil liam C. Mandevllle is the chief funmaker of the outfit, and Is n continual provocative of laughter, his supernaturally lugubrious all- and manner and the songs he sings In a sepulchral voice being his strong points. Ben Lodgu and Robert H. llartry. his coadjutors, are also good. Frank Craven Iliads a fine comedy Freiie hman and David Audrnda is an excellent copy of Joe Coyne in the reile of an Englishman who Isn't sa silly as he looks, ln the company are others, all of whom are Well fitted for their work. This is e specially true of the chorus, which Is not only good to look upon, but pluawtnt to listen to. "Nancy Brown" will remain the rest of the week, with a matinee on Saturday. WARNER SILENT AS TO FORCE .New I nlted Mate Marshal IH-cllnes to any Whom He Will Appoint. t'nlted States Marahal W. P. Warner of Dakota City, appointed as the successor to T. L. Mathews, arrived In the city Thurs day morning and Is at the Her Grand. Mr. Warner was aaked In reference to the re ai'niiMieiii ui inc presenc lorce or deputy dm' I see such a report haa been enl out from Dakota City. I hav nothing to y about the matter Jut now. I have not been officially notified of my appointment s yet. nor have I received my commission, not have I executed my bond. Conse- quently It would be Imprudent for me to say anything Just yet. I will visit the marshal office thl. afternoon, but I cannot take hold until I have been officially noti- fled of my appointment. I shall go from hero to Lincoln this evening. My visit here Is an Informal one and I mut be excused from esjing anything Jut at thl time." ANNIVERSARY OF MASSACRE Thlrty-Mne Tenr Ago Mnety-Ttiree White Were Killed nt Fort Phil Kearny. Thursday wo the thirty-ninth anniversary of the massacre of ninety-three men of the Twenty-seventh I'nlted State Infantry for second battalion of the Eighteenth infan try), a small detachment of the Second I'nlted States cavalry and five citizen near Fort Phil Kearny, Mont, fnow Wyoming!. The tory of the massacre has been fre quently trld with more or less false em bellishment until the real fact of the ' massacre have almost been lost in the lapse of year. At present there are but two men In Omaha who were present at the fort at the time of the tragedy. One of Mies Is Morris Barnes, a member of the Boyd theater orchestra, then a member of the Eighteenth Infantry band, and 8. S. Peter, at that time a member bf the Eighteenth Infantry, now a reporter for The Bee. MORTON'S HISTORY IS COMING First Volume of the Great Work la Off the Press and Being; De livered to nbserlner. Volume I of the Morton History of N- I braska I off the presi and la being deliv ered. It is a handsome quarto volume of 781 page, profusely Illustrated with steel I plate engravings and half-tone picture ' of prominent Nebraska men. This flrst volume deal with Nebraska from the earliest exploration up to the admission ofth..tea.amemberofth.Cn.on. Twu hundred pages are devoted to biographical ketches of prominent citizen. Two addi- tlonal volumes mill fotloar t.MI .1.. . Ueinal volume mill follow, telling the tory ui me nut ince nn namission to the present day. FIRE RECORD. Missouri Business Houses. S EDA LI A. Mo., Dec. il. Fir today de stroyed the Katie building, occupied by the Hale-Klbbey Dry Goods company, causing a total loss of rrS.Ot). The building wa owned by K. O. Cussldy, whose loss la tnO.OtM. and the stock by E. V. and E. B r..L?r u . . . ' White, who sustained a loss of W,U. The small store adlolning suffered minor losses. Casino at Me. NICE. France. Dec. 21. A lira early to day partially destroyed the Casino shortly after the departure of a gay night party. There were no casualties. The loss Is esti mated at 120.(1(0. HYMENEAL fJaruea-Cultteudeu. TECCMSEH. Neb.. Dee. .f8pec!al Tel egram.) Rev. Wesley W. Baniea and Ml Katharine Chittenden, well known young peopl of Tecumseh, were married at tha home of Bishop William ln Omaha this morning. Olgantl t'ousprraey. "lis a gigantic, conspiracy, of cough, colds, to., against you. Foil It with Dr. King New Discovery, to cent and tl.WX For sale toy Sherman McCounsU Lru Co. Mr. Koala Attempt gnlelde. Despondency over domestic trouble is ui.i to haVe been the cause of the atternut of Mr. J. Koats, filKU North Sixteenth .i,e,.i to take her own life at H o'clock last night. The woman drank n ounce and a hair i,r laudanum, but wa discovered in tiie act t.y members of the family, who notified the .police. Dr. Langdon and Cox were ent to the house, and. after working over the 4 case for three iiuurs, had the noman mil I of danr. CURRENT LITERATURE. "Teddy Sunbeam: Little Fables for Llftl Housekeepers." by Alhrtlne Randall Whevlan. is a lok that Is sure to Interest, as It Is made up of short stories, simply be brightly told, about the faiulllar object Id the home quaintly pel sonified; a book that I suie to Instruct, as It tells of th health ful cleansing influences of Teddy Huh neflm' rs and leaches many practical re cipes for ord'r and ) stein. Teddy drying out the spot on the soiled dress; Teddy talking to Miss Violet; Teddy talking to Prine-e Wasteful; Teddy always active, al- , nrl)fu, illuminating .every page. Will soon become a household companion te the lit tic renders. Paul Elder Co. are tha publishcis. "The Rose Primer.'" by Kdna Henry Le Tiirpln. Is distinguished by the email vocabulary of common words, the freqeieht reviews, the short sentences, the. simple language and phonetic exercises, and the carefully graded and well-selected subject matter. There are never more than two new words on a page, and only 1! In the book. The Illustrations are attractive and helpful. American Book company are th publishers. , in "The Runaway lionkey," by Mt Emllle Poulsson, the tricky donkey. Barney Gray, whose prank have already ar rusen many children, I the subject of everl of the rhymes of this new book. A ohante ter to vie with Barney ia Pony Rollo, a clever, though not as mischievous, as the donkey, other rhymes tell of the doing of birds and beasts In a way to please the fancy and arouse the sympathy of the children and to gratify the love of animals which is so strong In childish heart. Mr. L. J. Bridgman's drawing accord capitally with the verses, bringing Into siieclal prominence the element of fun, which is stronger ln this . than in Mies Poulsson other books. The book la pub lished by the Lothrop Publishing company. "Stories of Great Musicians," by Kather Ine Lois Scobey and Olive Brown Horn, treats of the ten gTeat master of music ln simple form.' The musician whose live are briefly described are Bach, Handel. Moxart. Haydn, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Schumann. Schubert and .Wagner. A portrait of each Is given and several other Incidental Illustration ornament th book. Published by the American Book company. Above books at lowest retail prices. Matthews, 133 South Fifteenth street. YOST WAKES SUGGESTIONS Michigan Foot Ball Coach Think Might Chnnae Are Necessary ' If Bale Are Bnforeod. DETROIT. Dec. ei. Yielding ' H. Tost, coach of the I'nlverslty of Michigan foot ' tn eleven, tonight mailed a letter to Walter Camp, chairman of th foot ball , ruIpl, committee. regarding proposed chllnK ,n tns r,,,s. ca,ach Yot ehews disinclination to agrc with Mr. Camp thai ,n( tMm navn)i po.aeai.lon' of the ball ! mu(,t adv,nce It ten yards ln three down, Vol BUBte.ts allowing art the down Mr the re,ulf,lte , yarte. The 1, of thr jown)1 for , To,t wouM in a Kame between two well matched team a,v,,0p a mor pun,ng duel, i olh(.r Huggestlons made by Coach To.l ar(l M fo!!ow!,: Allow Ave men back of th line of scrimmage. Do not abolish the low tackle, but legis late against the double tackle. Let the rules stand as at present, s far as roughing is concerned, but make the officii Is enforce them.' Have the officials named by a central appointing beard Make the time of halves thirty tnlnut Instead of thi present thirty-five minute. Regarding roughness In the game Coaoh Tost says: In the entire1 history of foot ball at Michigan we have never had a man seri ously injured In practicing the game. Re garding brutality on the field, I can only coincide most heartily In your view. N punishment Is too severe for such an offense. Disqualification is not unreason able. There are enough clean, able player In every school to make up an eleven that con play the game a gentlemen should. FATAL BOXING BOUTAT CLUB Patrick Reynold of Philadelphia -Die After Blow Behind ' the Knr. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. a.-Patriok Rey nolds, ii young man living In th aouthera part of the city, died suddenly tonight while boxing with . Frank Shgnahan. a friend. The men are member of a club and were having a friendly bout, whea tihanahan struck Reynold behind th f. The lutter sank to thn floor and became un conscious and dld before a doctor could be summoned. It is believed hi death wa due to heart disease. Shanahan haa been detained by the police pending an investiga tion by the coroner. ' Prisoner Become Hysterical. Martha Miller, who cume to Omaha freiiw Pennsylvania, wa arrested at I o'clock last night in a downtown department tore hv Patrnlriian U-ll mnA lubul .-.a at the atallon, charged with larcenv. A few tnotucnts after being placed In a cell .nX'tely atSd".'' 5 hi" assistant, but at an early hour thl ",ornlnlt she waa still suffering. The at- ta,:lt wa" of Violent, convulsive ChrC ter, requiring constant attention. To woman unerei a ilk attack aome week ago, remaining in an unconscious state for several day. She I about 'J6 year old and live at 1520 Webster street. Celebration of Ussskksk. The celebration of Hanukkah, ur th feast of lights, will begin Friday evening ot Tcnv-le Israel and continue for eight days. This festival marks the anniversary of the victory of the Maccabees under Judah over Antinchus and the Svrlana. Candle are lighted in all Jewish 'homo and special services are held In the tern- i P.1?' I'o',dav 'Hnitn.i oofk KahW I Conn will speak on "Our Debt to, th Maccabee." There will also be services 8aturday morning ut 10 o'clock, and Punday morning at me same nour mere -Till t a literary and musical program by the chil dren of the Sabbath school. Iand In the Panhandle. Omaha and Nebraska men hav Aouglit 60 M acre of land in the Panhaudl of Texa for apeci iitlon. With A. P. Culley of Letup City and M. Mathiesen of Omaha, respectively, president and secretary, they have organized the Panhandl Land and Investment comnnny and located at 407 Brown block. Charles Brown la a mem ber of th company. Mi. Culley, who ha returned from Texas, think the Panhandl bas flattering prospect. Mraggler Ha Plenty of Money. Patrolmen W. R. Wilson and Heller picked up a man on the streets last night who gave his name and address a Daniel Corey of Portinoutli. Ia. When searched at the station, bili and currency te th mount of friit 30 were found in nl pockets, there being six fl( hills and the rest Iu smaller denominations. He wa locked up on a charg of disorderly conduct. LOCAL BREVITIES. W. O. Paxton, who ha been scrluualy ick for a week, I b tier. J ul ire Vtnsonhil"r has hound Carl Keller of Benson over to keep tiie peace under a bond eif i-1 Keller waa charged with as sault and threatening by Alfred Richard. b''"ilant I a Hon of Justice of th Peace Keller. I Kuhy P. Radley is suing John P. Kadle-y for divorce. She allege that he I given to excessive drinking, treat her cru"llv and expresses doubt of the- paternity of 1 their one cl.ild The eupl were SMUTlasV j iu ymalia in 6nenibert iA t