Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FMDAY, DECEMBER 22. lSX).". am AND PRODUCE MARKET Monthly Report, at L'xptcUd, and Hal No Effect. TRADE OF DRAGGING, HOLIDAY NATURE 1"hat l,or, bat loaea trag Good Perllnc In t oris, with Small Trade Oata Are I n rfcaaed and Mfad. OMAHA. Dec. 2i. 19"6. The government report wu about as ex pected and apparently had no effect on th market. Wheat opened lower and declined through a large part of the forenoon. Buy ing or My by holders of bida around the low figure (toadied the market, and later buying by some of the bl- dealers u-jwil an ailvarne. The close wail strung at con siderably lower figure t'ian yesterday. December i losod at MtyfiW-v'. May at 7 i.1'". and July at UVyUSe. There was a good feeling n corn, though trading was not large, did December was Unchanged. December closed at 4.iVc, old Iieocmbcr at ioc. May at IIS. nd July at 44Se. Oats opened low In December, but ad vanced at the close to yesterday a figure. Other months nnid unchanged and held steady. December cloned at Ji'Sc, May at 31Vui2r, and July at 304c. Clearances, with I'hlUdelphla missing, were 1ZIM) bushels of wheat, 242,in husheis of corn. 30,000 bushels of oats and 4.0i" bar rels of flour. Primary wheat receipts were S,rt bushels and shipment l.1,ti0 bushels, agalnxt receipts last year of 774.'J bushels and shipments of 278. WO bushels. I'rlmary corn receipts were Mjo.O-jO bushels and shipment 617. i bushels, against re ceipts last year of 527,io bushels and ship ments of Ml.Om bushels. Liverpool closed d lower on wheat and V4?d lower on corn. Hartlett-Praxler's IJverpool bouse cabled: "Wheat quirt and steady; no speculation. The Russian situation la worse and ship ments are expected to be light this week. Corn futures neglected and declining." The Commercial Review of Portland. Ore., says 1H06 will long be remembered as a ban ner year In the history of the export trade. Imports of wheat and flour were the largest In the. hlatnrv of Oregon. The Northwestern Miller says: "There Is a redurtlon In last week's flour output of U3.H46 barrels, and Indications that there will be a still greater decrease this week, as more mills uro shut down. Flour sales are much lighter and business Is of a holiday character. ilrnomhall'8 Aregentina agent estimates wheat shipments this week at 400,000 bush els against 1.136,000 bushels last week and Ifl.oOD bushels last year. He estimates corn shipments this week at 200.000 bushels, against 675.000 bushels last week .and 2,914, ' bushels last year. Omaha C'aah Vales. WHEATNo. 4 hard. 1 car, 75c. CORN No. S. 2 cars. 34c; 1 car, 384c; No. 4. 8 cars, SIVic. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEATNo. 2 hard. XiVMv; No. 8 hard, 'ibWnSc; No. 4 hard, 70'g7ic; No. 2 spring, 7tiii7Hc, No. 3 spring. 73tfi7oc. .COKN No. 3, 8vio; No. 3 white, 3S4o; No. 3 yellow. 38Hc! No. 4, 264jft37Vfcc; no grade, S3tt3tlsc. OAT8 No. 3 mixed, IMHftc; No. 3 white, 2Hi,2S4c; No. 4 white. 2Sc. RYE No, 2. 2c; No. 3, 60Hc. Carlol Kecelnte. Wheat. Corn. Oats Chlrsgo Kansas City Minneapolis St. Ixiuls .... Omaha Duluth 29 3M 152 ho 507 3 16 128 lf, 1.4 1 123 lilt AGO URAI A?II PROISIO.NS Peatarea of the Trading and Cloalnav Prlrea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 21. Ofrlclal confirmation of a largn yield of wheat In the United States caused weakness in the wheal mar ket today. At the close wheat for May delivery was down He. Corn was up V:. Kits were unchanged. Provlsluna were from 2toc to "He higher. The wheat market was weak for the greater fart of the day, until late In the aesslon there was little support In evidence. Th. chief factor In the situation wsa the government report, which estimated the total yield of winter wheat nt 43M&3.000 bu. and spring wheat at 'Jt4.616.0iiO bu. These flrutes werw somswonl. larger than previ ously estimated by local houses. Bears were further encouraged by an Increase of 1 OOO.OuO bu. In the stocks of wheat at Minneapolis and a report that all mills in that rlty would shut down for ten days. Iuiing the Inst hour a cablegram was received from an English statistician pre dicting a marked decrease In wheat ship ments from Argentina. This was the first encouragement of tho day for the bulls and treated a moderate amount of covering by shorts. The result was a recovery of part of the early loss. The close, however, was weak. May opened 4Ua to VHWe lowr at So to Sic. sold off to 87t'ieS7:c and closed at fr(i.T'iiC . Clearances of wheat and flout were equal to 245.000 bu. I'rlmary receipts were 8tVXi0 bu., compared with 927.00" a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 664 cars, against 556 last week and 56 a year ago. Iiesplte the weakness of wheat a Arm tone existed In the corn market. Shorts were active buyers, the wet weather throughout tho middle weft arousing their fear of the poslble "corner" in the De cember option. The small amount of locul stock Increased their anxiety. The market olueed firm, with prices at the highest point of the day. May opened unchanged to Ve higher at 44Vn44' sold up lo 44V' and closed at the top. Icl receipts were 86 cars, with 12 of contrnct grade. Government figures showing the oats crop tn be latrer by l4.uuo,00o bu. than was gen erally expected caused some liquidation early In the session, but the market soon recovered. During the remainder of the riav prices held steady. May opened un changed to a shade lower at 81V' 31V"' 8'.V. sold between Slc and 3:'c and closed nt SIVtt.'ilo. Ineiil receipts were 152 cars A decline of 10c In the. price of live hogs weakened the provisions market early In the dav. Packers sold moderately at the opening, but outside buying was strongly In evidence later. At the close May pork was up 7'v at llSXiW. lard was up 7V' at J? 424 end ribs were 2Voo higher ut I..2J', 417 25 Estimated receipts for tontorrow: Wheat, V3 cars; corn, Sol cars; oats. 231 cars; hogs, xn.rm heart. The Hoard of Trade mill lie closed Mon dsv, December 25 The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. High. I Ixiw. Close.l Yes'y Wheat I ec. . . May.. .lulv.. Corn Dec tDec. May.. July.. Oats IVc... May.. July.. I V '87T''r'SH, IS3ia ,. I 50 I 4V 44V, 'm V 44'jijS, I 30.,' siVrti MV 83 !K.I4iiS 84 V, Ml 874flH;87i', Wl',i-Si W4 82 MVl. WtV, :o l 49 I 454' 44',! 41. 444! 60 I 464 44V 444' 50 45 444 444 34 MS44Vff4i I I 30' So,' 32 31 31T,',i32 31V12 304 1 3i 3i4 Pork Jan May... 1-ard -Dec... Jan.... Miy.. Rlb.l- Jan... Mav... July... ' 13 374 13 474 13 24 13 35 13 V) 7 40 13 474 13 624 7 45 I 7 424( 7 06 1 13 40 13 5 7 T 7 374 7 35 13 50 7 4 7 35 7 324 7 45 7 40 I 7 424' 7 06 I 7 25 I 7 3-V 7 324' 974' 7 15 I 7 30 I 1 7 on I 7 174 7 I 1 7 00 1 7 20 I 7 26 7 3a V I No. t. tOld. JNew. FLOUR Easy; winter patents. 3:i.65'4 10; straights. 83 6Mi3r6: spring patents, $1. 4.10; MraichlH. H rV K-.J.3 SO; bakers. $2 2iii:t.2" WIIEAT-No. 2 spring. 8.VoU; No. 3. 82 I6r; No. 2 red. 87 4 l0. CORN No. 2. (it't'obtc; No. I yellow. oi4 4lV. (Ars-No J.4c; No. 2 white. 324c; No. 3 white '.4'(t31V HYE No 2. liiVyiWi'. BARLEY Hood feeding. 37tltrljH.-; fair to choice malting. 41i4ft SEED-No. 1 flax. 3H-3; No I northwest ern. 81 0S4 : prime timothy, 8.1 1; clover, i-ontract prade. 81S0i. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl.. 813.75 '12M. Lard, per 100 lb... 37 424tj7 45. Short rlba sides (loosei. 86 ("'7.16; short clear sides (boxedl. 7.124t7 J. The receipts and shipments of flour and grain were; Receipt. Shipments Flour, bbls 2 3M 3 Wheat, bu 33. mat Hi.psi Corn. hu. 341. voo 231 e) Oata. bu 2o7. 5)M l7.Sl Rye. bu 5.0ii nn Hurley, bu 39.7' 45.3m On the Produce exchange t.Hlay the but ti market was 10 higher; creamerv. 17244 ; dairy, l.ujv. Eggs. Arm; at murk, raHca included, lffic; firsts, 21c; prime nrsts. J5 ; extras, 27i . Cheese. Arm. 114013c. :al!aalelpkla I'rodir Market. PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 21 BUTTER ' oni nigner: rxira wea(ern 3c: extra nearby orinis. :.. rrea-nei y, i'HEi:Sl'?-Qu!et New York full , 1J$14c, Ne yulg (ju cie.wn, choice, 13Uc: New Tork full rienin, fair to good, ni,e. hXiS rlrm: nearby fresh and weatern fresh, ac at mark. wkw iork t; ion it l mrk:t Qaotatloas of the liar on tarloaa Commodities. NEW TOIIK. rec. 2L FI.OI R-Recelpts, 2R.173 bbls; exports. K.K19 bbls: sales SO0 I'kgs. Market dull but steady, wtnt. r patents. 4 2"aS.6: winter etrntghts, 13 V'ct 4 10; Minnesota patents. $4 winter extras. It v, a 3. J6 ; Minnesota bakers. 3 0"tj TOO; winter low grades. 2.763 20. Rye, flour, quiet; fair to good, 13 .Wi4 10; choice to fancv, ti.r,4 4. HuckwOat flour, dull at li.lUfj.jn, spot and to arrive. KICKWIIKAT Hull, tac nominal, de livered at New York. CORNMEAL-8teadv; fine white and yel- low. ii. -a; coarse, Il.l4iil.14; kiln ilrlea 13.0) 4j3 10 HYB Nominal; New York. RARLbY-Dull; No. ! western, 75c, c". I. f. feeding, 4ic. c. I. f. Buffalo: iiiaMing. 4fvn6lr. c. I. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 1.137.tsl bu : t-xporta. afi.WI hu Spot market easy; No. 2 red. lc In elevator; No. 2 red, ;4S,o. f. o b.. I afloat; No. 1 northern Duiuth. M'c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, f. o. b., j afloat. Options lower, wheat prices dur , Ing the forenoon bffceed on we k cables, ' outside selling and the bearish govern ment report, were followed by sharp after noon rallies. These resulted from a bullish crop estimate from Minneapolis and pre dictions for small Argentina shipments to morrow. Close was '; lower to 'dc higher; May, 01 ll-li'(iH2 3-ISc, closing at 9:vc; July, B7VnHVtc closing at 87tc; December, 94 !V)'4c. closing at Sf.'c. CORN Receipts, 172TO bu. ; exports, 4.'i. OW bu. Spot market steady; No. 2, Ho, old. In elevator, and 6o4', f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, fil'je. Option market was without transactions, closing l partly net higher: January oloeed I RISc, May closed at Se'nC. July closed oO-Sic. Meoembcr closed at bbV- OAT14 Receipts. 120.0W bu Spot market steady: mixed oats, 26 to 32 lbs., 37'u.17V: natural white, to 32 lbs.. 37Mfl38s; clipped white, 3 to 40 lbs.. 4"iJ42c. FEED Vuiet ; spring bra n, 81.5n! 00; De cember shipment; middlings. t1R.Snf?;9.00, De cember shipment: city, 119.001123.50. MAY Quiet; shipping, 50'pu5c; good to choice, liftic. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 175 crop. l'K'all'c; HM imp, 10 'Ijc; olds, 5W N : Pacific coast. 1905 crop, lCuilo; 14 crop, il3r; olds. B'uXc. HIDES Firm; Calveston. 20 lo 25 lbs.. 20c; California, 21 to 2b tbs.. ac; Texas, dry. 21 to SO lbs . lfc. LEATHER-Finn: acid, 2R,fi27Uc. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. 11 50 W 1 2.50; mess. 10.50; beef hams, 20.5iV 2 00; packet. 10.,riiv5i 11.50; city extra India mess. $17.5"i1R.. Cut inentH. quiet: pickled bellies. $R.5ffifl 50: pickled shoulders. hfrt 7.00; pickled hams, 89.riOfi9.75. Lard, easy; western stenmed, 87. S5; refined. barely steady; continent. 8s; South America, $tfV,; compound, 35.ti2tfe4ie.ft7. Pork, easy; fam ily, 315.50; short clear, 316.til7.i; mess, $14.Boai4.7S. TALLOW Steady; country. 4',VfHc. RICE Steady; domestic, fair to extra, 4'4 'ij'ie; Japan, nominal. POI'LTRY Live, quiet; western chickens, lie; fowls, 12Hc; turkeys, 1lo: dressed, ir regnlnr; western brollcrB. MfJ20c; turkeys, 123 'JOo; fomls, 8fl3c. BUTTER Firm; mrcet price, extra cream ery, 25c; official price, creamery, common to extra, 10fi25e. CHEESE Steady; slate full cream, small and large, colored and white. September, fancy, 1.14c; state Octoiier best, 121il3c; state late made, email, colored and white, average best, 10V;c: large. 12c; fair, ll&'lltji?. EOtlS-8teady ; atate. Pennsylvania and nearby fancv. selected white. 3c: state choice, 33j:i4c; stale mixed, extra. 3o-032c; western finest selected, 27fj2Sc; state aver age best, 26c. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. 21. WHEAT Steady; December. 7SV: May. 79c; July. 75V; cash. No. 2 hard. 79'1!V" No. 3. 77'H' Sue; No. I red, 9Wi9lc: No. 3, 83'(iR!ic. CORN Firm : December, 3HSc; May. S9-c; July, 39V: cash. No. 2 mixed, Mi't'it 40V: No- 2 white. 40i(7MV; No. 3, 40V. OATS Steady ; No. J white, 3lV(iM2V- RYE Steady, 64fifi.V. ' HAY Steady: choice timothy, 3I2.2Wjl2.50; choice prairie. 89.7ou'10.25. BGOS Steady: Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included. 23c; case count, 22c: cases returned. V loss. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 23c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu SS.nm 38. Corn, bu... 163.0O0 227.000 Oats, bu 16.1 lli.OiO The leading futures at Kansas City as re ported by the Von Doni Grain company ranged as follows: Articlea.l Open. HJgli.l Low. Close. Yee'y. Wheat May... July... Corn live... May... July... Oats Dee. . . . May... Pork Jan May... Lard Jan.... May... 80 SOU 80' 4 79n 75', 9fT. 75V(y75V V 76'". 8")V 39V 39ssrr'.r's( 3)dl'i-.,, .Ifl'i' 59S! 3'." 3tVff 3!'il 39' 29'. 3i", 29V 29-' 29 29'i Wu:, 30i&v atv 13 25 13 37 13 30 13 40 13 60 13 45 7 32 7 35 7 32 7 27 7 35 7 3"X)32 13 27 13 37 13 40 I 13 5.' 7 32 I 7 35 7 27 7 35 St. Louis General Market. ST. LOUIS. Dee. 21. WHEAT lAittircH lower, cash firm: No. 2 red. rabh. elevator, W(i914c; track. 924i93'c; May, 8ti4c; July, 81V: No. 2 hard, o2u8c. CORN Futures firm, cash lower; No. t cash, 41c; track, 41411424c; December, 41c; Mav, 424n42e. OATS Lower; No. t cash, 31c; track, 314c; December, 304c ; May, 314c; No. 2 white. 32V- FLOUR Steady ; red winter patents. It 10 JT4.20; extra fancy and straight. 33.9OU4.30; clear. 82.90ji3.ilO. HEED Timothy, steady, 32.50li2.80. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.50. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 78fi90c HAY Steady; timothy. $8."ni'16.o0; prairie, 7.ia'C(i 10.50. IRON COTTON TIES 99o. BA()HlNil-9'c. HEMP TWINE 74e. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; jobbing. 813.50. Iard, higher; ptitne steam, 87.:S5. Dv salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, V; clear ribs. V124; short clears. 89. Racon. steady ; boxed extrs shorts. 88.75: clear ribs. 3:: short clear. 89.124. POULTRY Turkeys, firm; chickens, 7c; springs. 84fr9c; fUrlteys, 14c; ducks, 104c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Quiet; creamery. aij25c; dairy. 1811 :io. HOGS Steady, 224c, case count. Herelpts. Shipments. Flour, btils k.uu Wheat, bu Sk.OOo Corn, bu lifl.( Oats, bu 9u,0ta) 9 Kal M.r no.oio Minneapolis tiraln Market MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 21 FLOUR The mills are closing ror the holidays; first pat ents, 84.iM4.7o: second patents."fi4.fv first clears. 93 tv'ti3.7f; second clears, 2 414?' 2.65. BRAN In hulk. 313.50fil3.76 8iir.erior Quotations for Minneapolis d. livery) The ranxe of prices, as reported by K. D. Day 4V Co., 110-111 Board o: Trade building, was' Articlea.l Open. I High. I Low. I Close. Yes'y Wheat i I I K2 I 81 4' MV K5 .sk'o . Dec . May. Jul . Mav. July. I S2 I !W4U4I ' 1 054' I 1 094 I 1 H4I 824 k54 f4 4'ntll 1 ft.14 1 '', 1 10 1 11 1 Is5 14 1 4 1 11 I 1 " 1 114 Minneapolis Cash Close Wheat: No. hard, S3V: No. 1 northern. 34c; to arrive. n.iv,r; xo. i noriiiein. wc; 10 arrive. MV No. 3 northern, 77c to 79c; No. 1 durum 74c: No. i durum. 70c. Corn: No. 2 vellow 3V No. 3. SV ' 374c Outs: No. 3 white. 2!V: to arrive, 2e; No. 3. 274c to 274c. Rye. 60V to Hax. tl.'.aJV Barley, S5c to 47c. Ilierpool tiraln Market. I.IVKRPOOU Dec. 21 WH EAT Spot, steady: No. J red. western winter, lis 7d. Future, dull. December, (is I1141I; March (s 114(1. May. 6s put. CORN Simt. uuiet; American mixed, new, 4s 74d, American mixed, old. 4s 94.1. Futures. iiilet; January, 4s 34d, March. 4s 34d. Mllirankee tiraln Market. MII.WAIKKK. Dec. II. WH EAT Ixiwer; No. 1 northern. Vti67c; No. 2 north ern, die; May. 74e bid. R Y K Steady : No. 1, 6S4c. HARI.KY-Dull; No. 2, 4'(c54V JtwliJc. CiiKN-Higher; Muy. 4441i44c ; sample, asked. Pearl: Marvel. PEDR1A. Doc. 21.-4 ORN-Loer dull. No. 3 yellow. 4i..-; No. 3. 404. 4 Sc: no grade, 3ic. OATS - Lower: No. 3 white. Sin-; unite. 2Sil.g294c atlu 2i3. .. , No. 4 Toledo SeaVl Market. TOIJCDO. 41. iec. :fl. SEEDS Clover ash and Decemlwr S I'.: January. $si;- MkeaVoi'";!l ilu,c'' -"'-T. HvuHy. ILK! NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Ifenej Coiiditieii Quids tit Market Into Narrow and Slopgifh kaiaela, CALL RATE RISES TQ FIFTEEN PER CENT balnea Are Lower After a t Irm aad Active Opealna, I alon Parlfle and Hill Issaea Leading the Decline. NEW YORK, Dee. 21. -Money conditions guided today s stock market into narrow and sluggish channels, operations were relatively small and less significant than for some days past, being largely of a pro fessional character. The rate for call money advanced to almost the highest level of the week during the early session, the re sult of s sudden calling of loans by local financial institutions. 'I ne hanks, while ap parently ahead in their weekly operations with the subtreasury. are known to have transferred about 34,,oun by direct ship ment to Chicago, where cash has been In urgent need to meet the situation created by the failure of the Walsh banks and Trust company. The sum mentioned, to gether with the shipment through the sub treasury to the same center, threatens an other impairment of the legal reserves of the associated banks. Monetary conditions abroad were hardiy muro encouraging than at home. The Bank of England a weekly statement showed a decrease of almost Slo.OW.'Mi In gold reserves, thereby reducing Its proportion of reserves and liabilities to level much below the corresponding ween of the previous year. A number or short t accounts In Americans were closed In Lon don and operations here for that market were small In volume, sales of balance amounting to scarcely more than l.i) snares. Intimations of a much higher money rate during the final week of the year were given out In responsible quar ter. i ne local market was firm and active at the outset and some of the previous days' losses were soon recovered. The greater part of the early trading came from west- i era commission houses, which Were openly bullish on New York Central and Reading. 1 nion paclnc. the recent leader of the bull movement, was heavy, as were also the the Hill issue, Tennessee Coal A Iron. National Iead and Colorado Fuel. Less nas heard about developments In Union Pucllic, but it was learned that the con trolling Interests In the property had ix picssert themselves ns not altogether in ac cord with the recent upward movement. The rise In the tractions was productive of much gossip dealing with the future of tnoso properties and u great deal of the buying wus traced to sources having pro nounced political aftlllHtlons. The ltuer- borough company figured In the day e talk of a ueal in tue tractions. The general list weakened with tlie early advance or call money to la per cant, from which rate It soon rell to 10 per cent. Alter anernaie spurts ot weakiiens and strength tne mar ket drifted along In characteristic ante holidav fashion. In the final hour, how ever, Willi money once more at 15 per cent, tho market gathered Increased strength under the lead of Metropolitan Street Rail way, which advanced more man points. and the closing was nclive ana guneran linn, the notable exception being American Hide and leather, which rell over a ponus. Tho decline was accompanied ny Illinois of a hitch In a reported merger negotia tions with one ol tne larger aiuurea com panies. liouos were easier; loiai eaicn, pur aiw, 33,4.ia,iiii. United States bonds were all un changed on calL Quotations on the ew ioik moc e- cliange ranged as follows: Bales, nign. ix) w.ioxe. Adams Express 235 Amal. Coi.per i.;t's :t Atner. Car A K 2,o0 39i 11.4 an- 4 39 9S4 3i4 do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... 2,1W ifc4 '4 do pfd Amer. Express 92 221 Amer. Hide & U pfd 14,ts 47 41 414 33 194 404 6i4 1W4 1274 J 504 16 193 4 1M lt(4 Hl' ' S7-. Ke 1.3 '1 Amer. Ice h"t "4 Amer. Linseed Oil... 300 at do pfd , Amer. Ixicomotlvo. . . 6,!M0 W4 01 v do pfd 1'" Uf-'k " do pfd 3.600 1214 124 Amer. Sugar Ref 11,100 lbl ik Amer. Toll. pld. cei t. 5"0 li4 l'ai Anaconda Mining Co. 32.9uO 1914 . Atchison ' do pfd ! HU Atlantic Coast Line. 3'W ltc ll H. & O t,wu iti1 do pfd Brooklyn R. T H6,2oo oT '4 Canadian Pacific 4,3uO JM4 !'-' Central iC N. J Ches. & Ohio 1,1'M &44 3 Chicago & Alton 544 30 do pfd Chicago Ot. Wen'-orn 600 21 C. & N. W 7 2194 C. M. & St. P 24.100 lhl Chicago T. & T do pfd 2O0 3t C, C C. & St. L.... M ne Colo. tiel & 1 19.5 56 Colo. & Southern.... 1,000 2S4 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd ' 4,4 204 219 1.94 3d 104 634 20 m, 219 IV 14 36 1044 644 28 674 4i- 174 15 664 2224 4W 364 S94 63 46-i 794 714 174 100 17f 234 8 14 26 784 274 68 34 66 1514 162 764 125 244 79 1874 1654 1014 .374 71 8f,'i 34 1614 51 S34 934 9li 474 1414 e4 81 54 99 212 13H4 914 95 o& i?4 224 624 4"4 103 49H 224 6j4 122 844 994 134 44 1774 144 644 223 Con. Gas fro l.4 Corn Products 7' 1 do pfd " ' Del. & Hudson 100 223 Del.. L. & VV ... D. & R. G .nu '' " do pld Distillers' Securities. 83.500 634 47 794 72 1744 176; 234 Kb 60S 4i. 794 72 1744 176 22 i M4 17rle 4.M do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 40 2"0 300 4.800 2,500 General Electric Hocking Valley 111. Central Inter. Taper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd U & N Manhattan L, Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mexican Central Minn. & St. D M . St. P. & 8. Bte. M. do pfd Mo. Pacific M . K. & T do pfd Nat'l Ijpad Nat l R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. A W Norfolk & Western.. do pfd No. American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C, C. St. D.... Pressed Sieel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. C Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. K A S F. 2d pfd Bt. U a W do pfd So Pacific do pfd So. Railway do pfd Tenn. Coal A I Texas A Pacific Tol.. St. U A W 2.71 3i0 2.100 OH 16,oii 66.700 13.100 500 84 644 1614 162 7l4 1364 264 794 644 164 1614 754 1204 144 79 l.!H') 11.600 6.600 6.000 1'Sl 48.700 1.9 4) l,l'i ' 1.600 300 63. '.on ,6u0 1"2 374 714 87$ 384 1524 614 M i 48 1114 14 1014 364 694 M 384 160 iff, 834 98 474 1304 !4 2.600 644 64 21.600 1384 13H4 2.800 2.4"l 4.100 4.01 ") loo I'M 1.2' 2 S'O 334 1"4 234 634 41 106 494 224 694 o7 35i 1 13-. 3I4 36 14 x 117 324 1024 224 614 41 106 4S 224 69 644 I44 994 136 32 36 14&4 97 II64 62 37 l'4 44 1144 30 404 176 924 ?' W 208 46 1'4 .35.100 .' "2900 2 . 8.2t . 1.40 400 !l87.7on 4) 300 8-4 36'4 do pfd I'ni m Pacific 147 97 117 do pfd U. S. Kxpreaa.,4 1. S. Realty R64 S2V l'jt'i V. 8. Rubber do pfd V. S. Steel do pfd Va. Caro. Chemical. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo h'xpress Wektingh. Electric... Western Union W. A iJike Erie Wis. Central do pfd No Pacific Central Leather do i.fd 63 84 2" 13. loo .60 4 Us) '"4.V1 l.OOO " ' 'm fOO so !.1') 1.9ia 3-4 1044 4 1164 34 404 173 924 24 '"4 464 134 3.', l'K4 454 115S 2U 175 9"4 174 29 84 45 1024 .1. Sheffield 7i li 874 s,4 Total sales for the day. 1.036. "X ahares. Bank of France statement. PARIS. Dec. 21. -The weekly statement of the Rank of France shows the following changer: Notes In circulation incrtstsed. I 2l.iai franca: treasury deposlia nereajie.1. 12 """' Irani s: genentl deposita Incre&avd, 19.'jr.0.'s frams; gold in hand increased. 1 .iMIll (run,'! fiver In hand decreased, bills discounted Increased, advance. Increased, 10.. 1 a:5ii (ranis; i 16.'i25.' franca tX' franca. I Bank of Fncland Utaleaaeat. LONDON. Dee !1 The weekly statement of the Rank of England shows the follow- .inn fr.augea: lot.i reserve decreased C'vil.i. O: i-irculat i .11. It.-reaaM i;: Ois 1 bullion, decrvased ;2,570,;63, oiher securt- ties. Increased S.?40.'r: other deposits, decreased J.22.0W: public deposits, iti i rease1 i;1.0.1h,rt1; note reserve, decreased 2.iiV.(W; government securities. le( reased 4 440.v The proportion of the hank a re serve to liability this week Is 36.24 per cent as compared with 40.1't fer cent last week. ew York 1oney Market. NEW TURK. Dec. Il.-MONET-On Call: Strong at 9fi15 per cent; ruling retea. 12 p' r rent; closing hid. ft cr cent; offered nt 0 per cent. Time loans: Klrm; slxtv days, ninety day atvl six months. 6 rer cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 54 per cent: sterling exchange, easy, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84 M'iVi 4 ns.10 for demand and at 34 K2SOrTi4 8S5 for slxtv-dar bills; posted rates. 34. W4; and 34 HHti4 K: commercial bills. 94 UV SILVER Bar. "rV; Mexican dollars, 5"V. BONDS 4overnment. steady: railroad, easier. Closing quotations on bonds were aa Iowa- fol- f S. rf ts. l"l Jirn . i series . 1M iln 4St Mfl l'r' do i'd pHm IV t A S. snl. Min a U lfS Mn lntrl 4 .... .in IM lae Uft't 'Minn St L. 4. nV M.. K T. 4 II Me t .. " .. M . . M . .1 4 ..I03-, .. .. 15 1.. S7 . ,P4 . . 4s W .. 4 ..1'. ..I' .. 7T'a ..inj't .. ' ..ICJS do retiDon r 8 Is. rg do coupon I. g old 4. ff . do rotipon t. S. ns 4a. rsg do poupon Am. Tobacro 4s... do as Al'-hlsn Su. 4s. , . do adj 4i Atlantic r I.. 4a . Bal. Ohio 4s.... do JH nrk. B. T r 4 . Onlral of Oa. b I'S N. R R of M c W N Y ('. I 101S N. .t " n KO N r-l' 4. 4 i iln Sn l N. A V. r, 4.... 1IJ4 it S L. rh1 41. . MS Ptftn ronv. "do 1st Inr do 2d In do M Inr si Resfiins cn. 1H' 75 L. I. M. c . t'hss. Ohio 4SS..1M4, gt. i. s r. f 4 1 nirato A. .T . . C, B. A Q 4s ... r. R. I A p. 4a .... do col. K rev. st. t, g 4. S' L. S W. f 4 ., OV lni't SMhfr4 A. L. Sn Parlfle 4s .... "V dn 1st 4s ctfs... W Sn. Rnltosy s. .. 4s.. d.l 4 .... T ....llt4 ....111 4s.. M ....1" ....144 .... HS ....111., .... T' . ... 4 .... i 5 t'olo. Ind. lis. srr. A. do aerlea R Colorado Mid. 4a folo A So. 4s n Omi I r li . Hit T . 8t U. W. 77lt t'nlon Ps,ill' 4s. . 9 do con 4s . . . . l"i f. R. Strel Sd t M Wa'h la J do dfh. n '.op, tv.strn Vd. 4a.., 1 ubi 5a t. R. O 4s... lOmlllara1 sr. s, . T.rlt prior lln 4s. du sen. 4a W. L. K. 4s... 4',s. .lov' Wis. Onlrsl 4s.. ' Horkma Val. japan fa Hid. Offered. I Boston Rtoi'lii nnd Bonds. BOSTON. Dec. 21.-Call loons. 7 cent: tlnie loans. ."4'0i per cent, 'flotations on stocks nnd bonds: ft 8 per Official 14 '! 5 705 !7 74 17 SO 14 S 2! !"i n 41 4H MS loeV si 4 107 T ...'..lid S7 4:4 13 V. 7S !24 at) Atchison adj. . 3 1 Amalgamated ... .lot; Amrrl. an Zinc .. . T Atlantic . Ml lilnihsm .!" (al. He. la.. .!.4 'Centennial .ltd copper Ranga .. . .lSIW li-ly West . I4t "Dominion foal .1: Franklin 147 (iranbr . II 'Isle Rovale . ti .Mass. Mining . . . . 10', Michigan IS.' Mohawk .131 Mont C. I'... .114 "Id Dominion ... . 41V, Oacaola .10'. Parrot . !",' Uuincy .240 Shannon . 14 lamarack . 671 Trlnltjr . 44 l'nlled Copper . . .14H f. s. Mining ... . 7iv, f s on . 1 Utah . J74 Victoria . lot's Winona . 87 Wolverine . ," North Butt . S74I 4a Mm. central 4s AtchtHOn do pfd nnsion A Alhanv... tloaicn & Main Boston Elevated Meilran I'enlral . ... a. v.. n 11. u. I nlon Pacllc Amer. Argc, Chcm . "do pfd Amer. Pnu. Tube... Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T & T Amer. Woolen do pfd Pnmliilon I. A R... Edison Klc. Illu... Mass. Eta trie do pfd Mass. Has United Fruit I nlled Shoe Marh.. do pfd , V. S Steal do pfd Westing, common . Adventura Allouea Rid. "Asked. Irfindon CIosIdk atocka. LONDON, Dec. 21. Closing quotations on the Stock exchange were as follows: Conaola, money do account Anaconda Atcblaoii do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Paclflo Chen. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W ('., M. A St. P. .... ' N. T. Central.... 'Norfolk A W do pfd S Ontario A W 1' Peninytranla .... 1"' Rand Minea 1774 Heading "I do 1st pfd JI'V do '.'d pfd .IMiv, Snuihem Hallway . 17 S do pfd 37S Southern FacIKe . M t.nion PacHc .... . 414 do pfd H4 V. S. Steal 154 sr.', :. Ml 74 - 7-Ji, 474 IS 16 WtH HI 4 I Ponrer A R, 6 ... do pfd Erla list s4 1074 ;i 42 do 1st pf l do Id pfd 14S do pfd . .114 Walh .. .1MV, do pfd . . 2l't fpanlsh 4a Illinois rantral ... Ijoulerilla Ac Nash. M , K. A T 14 8ILVKR Hur steady. 30d per ounce ufs c 1 Jdiirti per cent. The rate ol uiscount In Ihe onen market for rhort bills is 4 per cent; for three months' bills, 34t4 prr cent. New York Minlnar Stoeka. KKW YORK, Dec. "21 Closing quotations tn mining siocks were as follow: Adams Con Alk-a h recce llriinswi. k Con .. ... 10 ...170 ... 40 ... ... ...I'::. ...170 . ..Jil) Llftla rhlr 7H .575 .(,.;:'-, '. i . 4. . ; . 24 .170 Iclntarlo Ophlr Il-nnelilx IPotosI 'Savage iBler- Navdda iStnall l(na .. IfitaudarU t'omatock Tumiol t'mi. (a I. & Va.. horn Rllier Iron Silver Leadvllla Con .... Foreign Financial. LONDON. Dec. 21. In the market todav the demand for money wus Increased by the call nominally for llO.Oou.UOO of ilie last Jiiinneso 44 per cent loan which, however bud boen anticipated by the release of a large amount or Japanese money. Dis counts were easier influenced by the tone of the market generally and bv the proba ble shipment of 425,000.000 from Russia to R-rlin. Prices on the Stock ICxehango were ateady. Operatora were more hope ful of the money prospects, but trading was inactive. Consols opened easier aiid closed with the Improvement, lloin- mils wera helped by the latest traffic icturns. AiiivnciLOB oiM'iicu nun ami irregular, nil- lied mostly to slightly above purity on steady support, net-am inactive and closed easy, except Union Pacific and United States steel. Foreigners were dull. Rus sians were week, closing at 184. The Rank of England's return represents the normal year-end movements. Most of the outflow of gold has 'gone to the country. The re duction In the reserve caused a temporary weakness of gilt-edged securities. Japa nese Imperial bs of Jim were quoted at PC BERLIN, Dec. 21. On the Bourse today prices in all departments were weaker. Uussiun imperial 4 s were and Russian bank shares 24 lower. PARIS, Dec. 31. Prices on the today were heavy owing to Ihe strike re ports from Russia. Russian industrials went off considerably. At the close prices were weak. Russian Imperial 4 s were quoted at 78.60, and Russian bonds of liM at 47s. Cnrreney Htiippeil to fhlcasro. NEW YOKK, Dec. 21 The sub-treusury today transferred ll.0().0O0 currency to Chi cago, making a total of ll..Vj,00o h! nee Mon- aa. weal natiKs are reporieii io nave soni nuiy jn.msi.n. io ine same center oy Ulieci silipinviii uuring ine weea.. Treasury 9itatemenl. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the general fund, exclusive of the 150,0oO,00O gold re serve, shows: Available cash balance, 3137. ('20.709; gold coin and bullion, 8oi.i57,i34; gold eertlticaleu, I5o.371.66o. Bnnk I learlnga. OMAHA. Dec. 21 Bank clearings for to day were 1.7h0, 732.65. and for the cor responding aate last year, 11,683.632.5. Wool Market. IX5NDON. Dec 21.-WOOL-A wile of sheepeklns was held In Mincing l.ane today. The offerings amounted to 3.732 bals. There was a large attendance and competition was animated. Fine merlnna and cross bred were slightly dearer, especially cloth ings. Course combings were In huyers' favor. Following are the sales and j rices obtained for clothing and combing: New South Wales, 404 bales, at 5dii94d- Victoria 141 bales, at 84iei"Sd; West Australia, 475 bales, at 64-11 11.4,1, South Australia, 165 bales, at 64llo4d. ST. I.OU1S. Mo.. Dec. 21. WOOI, Htcadv; medium grades combing and clothing. 26d' 30c; light fine. 21U26c; heavy fine, lj-2lc; tub washed. 33i414c. BOSTON. Dec. 21. WOOL 1 ,ie wool n'nr ket is only modeiau-ly active, with prices firm. The demand has been chiefly for tleecea. and Australiana, but California and Tejias wools have been selling with more or less freedom. Territory wools are quiet with the offerings small. The maraet for f lulled wools la quiet, but prices on aelecl ots sre firmly held. Foreign grJ-s are ateady. The revised quotation, ir, the Bos ton wool market are ua follows: Ohio ini Pennaylvania XX and above. 36c; X S3 i:Sc; No. 1. 3Sii29c; c0. 2, 3Mi39c; line un waalied, 27ir2kc: quarter-t.looii on-vjahed 33V(34c: three-eighths blood. 34yJ4V-; half blood, 334341': unwashed delaine. 2Hl3"c fine washud delaine. 364637c. Michigan' fine unwaahed. 2W27c; quarter olood un washed, 324'033c; three-eighths blood, XVii S4c; hall blood. 3i433c; uiiwash.Hi de tain xdc. Kentucky, Indiana, etc.. three elghtns ajid three-quarter blood. X4.ijrc Terrltory. Idaho fine, 22C3c; heavy flu' lV(J00c; fine medium. 22j2Jc; medium, 264 27c; low medium. 374j2c. Wyoming fine 323280; heavy fine, la20c; Una medium' 22423c; medium, 275'2c; low medium. 27 fi 2c. lTth and Utah fin. 23220; heavy fin, l5'J0c ; fin medium. 23a4c; medium 27428c; low medium, T4Ke; Dakota fine' 2J3'2ic; fin modi urn, !fj23c; medium 27 3 2e; low medium. Ttkc. Montana ' flna oholoa, 34Vty2V; An average, UftsSr; fine medium choice. 3r1T?7o; average. 34-fec. upl, rtj-iec, mediuin cUolte, 27tt;a ' OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Ligkt Bnn of Cttle-0oo4 Study Trade tt Opening HOG MARKET IN SATISFACTORY SHAPE Receipts of heep and laiabi I laht, with 4o Xrn Kentarea teel iiplng atid Prices on til KJnda t ne ha nared. SOUTH OMAHA. Receipts were: Cattle. Official Monday 6.W Official Tuesday 0,161 t'ttmal Wednesday 8 4k Official Thursday I.1") Dec. 21. I, llogi. Sheen. 477 I".'.'. 14.4) 11. 'Ut 3.H'1 3.25 4.t Tour days this week.. Four days last week Same week before Same three weeks ago.. Same four weeks ago... Same week last year .1H.7M 41 .793 .24.974 32,12 20.1i2 ii..n .11.7H6 2i'120 .16.9W 24.7S6 .11.206 3S.770 1.133 82.733 ;,7ii 2H.w.i 39.740 21.091 RECEIPT8 FOR THK YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omana for the year to date, comparing with last year: Cattle Hogs Sheep 1905. ...1.01 MM ...2,235.80 ...1.9S9.&tW II104. Inc. 27.62 1232.WS 8.311 1.740,995 :4vt71 rn following table fcoowa ihe average price of hogs at South Omaha tor the last keverul days, with comparisons: Date. I 16. 1TO4.19'I.19o2.!1!W1.1800.18!W. Doc. Dec. Dec. Dec. 1 ec. Dec. Dec. Deo. I.... 2.... 3.... 4.... 6... .... 7.,., 4 92 4 874 4 42; 4 34; 09! I 4 W, .1 .4 4 4S 4 3U 6 08, S 5; I 3 .6 4 47i 4 40i t 13 s. 4 64i I 4 43! 6 22 6 82! 4 60 , 3 H I 411 4 371 6 24 ti oil 4 77 3 4 39 16 ltii 09! 4 84: 3 86 4 SB! 4 30 I l M. J " 4 2 4 32 ! 6 07 i 4 78i 3 8.. 4 :, 4 3.1- 06: H I 4 Ifo. 4 4 6 12, 13 4 to, 4 4.1 ti 01.1 14 4 82 3 9! 4 43 4 4SI 6 Mi H " J ? 4 41 I 6 981 6 CI: 4 81 1 3 4 514 4 4 4 83 4 43 4 87 Der 4 M4. Dec. 10... I'ec. 11... 11 I 4 7841 Dec. 4 M Dee. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec Dee. 1 lec. Dec. Dec. 1.1. 14. IS 18. i7. W. 19. an. a. 4 87 4 84-11 4 kl'tl 4 It 4 3D! 4 44 1 I 8 21; 4 80 3 TO 4 4 3H 4 2S' f, 09' 14 M .1 V3 it ! b I 4 ol 4 41 4 4 7. b 2ii C 84 0 26 8 12: 1', 04 I 0 (Hi 1 4 34 C2 6 II 8 01 r, 07 4 83 4 814 4 2fi 4 so, 4 so; 4 M' I 4 44 4 31 4 73 3 94 4 77 3 92 4 710 3 V4 4 Si! 4 01 4 MV.. 4 90 Indicates Sunday. The following table shows the prices paid at the river markets for rattle: (iood to choice cornfed stecrj... .$V0O' 90 Fair to good corn-fed steers 4 4i"a isi Common lo fair corn-fed steers. S.7.ij4.40 Good to choice cows and heifers 3.26134 25 Fair to good cows and heifers 2.4"I3 26 Canners and cutters 1.76si2.40 Good to choice stockers & feeders.. J.H'iM W Fair to good stockers and feeders.. Common to fair feeders. 2.26U'3."0 Veal calves RANGE tK 3.0VK5.5O PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha S1-N4.M.6" $4.404.924 Chicago 1.504r5.H5 4.5siri.lo Kansas City 2.(Kut2. St. I.ouls a tSKuft ls". 4 4.Kiio.or. Sioux City 2.5O4JS.50 4.70fu4.9o WEDN KSDA Y'S Sllll'M KNTS. The following list shows tue number of cars of feeders shipped to the country Wednesday and their points of desl Inutlon. CATTLE. Curs. Owens & B., Waco It. A M Walter Williams, Nelln Swltch-R t M. D. Uogart, Mllford, Kan.-B. & M Nelson Mays, Memphis H. A M Eli Kelser, Memphis R. M Will Anderson, Tabor, la. CJ August Anderson, Tabor. la. y Carl M. 1'eterson, Clurkson F. E Ed Eno. O Nelll K. K Claus Ernst, Rennlnsjton F. E W. D. Schreeker. lxiretto F. E R. J. Mansfield. Buckingham, la.-N. W. Charles Daiichcn, Ulldden, la. N. W... A. R. Wilson, Truer, la.-N. W W. li. Morrow, Ulanehnrd. la. Wab John V. Carlson, Atlantic, la. R. I J. R. McKeown, Rentley. la 1. W.. 1. K. Hunt, Logon, la. I. C H. A. Hansen, Elkhorn U. P J. O. Benton, Crntralla Mo. P "... F. E. Mcllutt, Tekamwh-M. A ).... SHEEP. 1 D. D. 1 stock P. R. Smith A Co.. Massena, la.- Q Tho ottlciul nunuitr of cars of brought In today by each road was: l utiie.iiogH.Bii p. it ses. (.'.. M. A St. P. Wabash MissuuH Pacific Union Pacific C. A N. W., east C. A N. W.. west.... C. St. P., M. & O.. 7., R. A Q., east C H. A (J.. west.... C, R. I. A P., east.. C.. R. 1. A P. west.. Illinois Central Chicago U. W 2 H 17 9 32 10 23 'St in 8 9 14 13 8 2 lo 4 1 Total receipts 71 16-. 21 The disposition the nay 8 receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num 1 ber of bead Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. S.450 3,!:1 4.269 2.321 Sheep rjij j '4,, Omuha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Vansant Co McCreary 4c Co Hill A Son Hamilton A Rothaehild. Ml 370 26 53 I'M 13 26 4 12 144 76 ) Wolf A Murnam 1 Mike tlaggeny : Rol Dearan J. B. Root A Co... other Buyers 953 Total 2.038 14.011 4,476 CATTLE Tho cuttle receipts this morn ing were light, seventy cars being in. Tho run for the first four days this week has been very light, about 16,u68 held being re ceived, as against 24.974 head foe the same time last week. However, the ivi for tha J first four days of tills week is larger than for the corresponding period last year bv about 5.300 head. The offerings today were generally of rather poor quality, ine larger portion consisting of short-fed and warmed up cattle. The trading on beef xteers opened active, with prices on rood, desirable beeves are ateady to a trifle stronger In some few cases. Generally speaking, however, tha market opened fully steady. So long as there were any good, desirable killing ateera on tha market prices wure steady and trading active. The small supply of good kinds soon gave out.' though, and then it became slow and weak, as packers were unwilling lo take the warmed-up and . Mh0rt-fed cuttle except at a sacrifice and they did not ap!ear to want they did not apiear to want them much even then. To sum tlie situation up in a few words the market opened ucilve and fully steady, closing slow and weak. The situation on cows and heifers was practically the seme as with the beef steers. Th quality was generally only common, with a good many warmed-up cattle In. The market opened active and steady to strong, but when the desirable Huff had been cleaned out prices dropped and trading was rather slow at snmewha'. easier prices. Generally speaking, tlie mar ket opened active and steady to strong, cloning slow and weak. There was only a small supply of stock ers and feeders on ti.e market this morn ing. Trading was active and prices were generally ateady to strong. The market on this kind of stock close.l Representative sales: fully steady. SbLl ti 1 r-i.a No. fr. No. A. Pr 1 tall I 10 4 !i', 4 43 1 1,70 21 1 1110 4 43 1 1U0 3 1" T lor, 4 45 I lot I 40 1 1041 4 50 1 aoo I Hi II 1145 M 1 133 I Ml II 1111 4 7.1 1 1420 Ml 20 ItlS 4 70 31 1264 I W 32 Ii7 4 70 32 1244 4 Oil 33 US 4 Tf, it !! 4 10 II 1273 I 76 li 1:44 4 46 COWS. j lot s 00 I o 1 ti 1 50 t 00 s no 1 ;-. 1 n 2 00 ti 10. t 7S 1 1HO0 t 17 ins t to 1 iouo 1 :: lull I on : 71 1 1 at t 1044 (4 1 1120 t 16 IK II! 3 10 1 1130 t 40 r. K7 4 15 1140 5 K0 I 7S 3 li 1 124 ! to a 1177 i rr. 141 J IM I IS J 1330 t iO I I'M 1 ti 1 Ill t io kU 111 1 1040 J in h lirrj J 411 li US ! jl I 1 :00 I M) 7 470 t M 1 I :iae II la 4 halt t CI 1 Ulo 75 HEIFERS 1 7W I to l M1 1 10 It 710 IH 10 ta I J5 : . i 3 W I i 3 4 BULLS 1 1 1 jo ; li 1 Kin j e I l'0 1 46 1 13iti 1 110 1 U7o J i 1 147" i In 1 iiao : 76 1 1 sati j r, CALVES. J 47t I 50 : , I lo i ji t 140 (CI 7 iul 5 io 1 lie 4 S" t ;'!6 5 in STOCK CALVES. 4 112 o STOCKERS AND FEEDKHR t tf) 1 7t l "on 1 4 1 7!0 I 10 i 7l I 45 4 ll I 4i 1 4.14 IVl 13 TSU It WESTERNS N ERR A SKA 1 staer 1260 3 36 5 cows . s66 M 1 10 i 0" II feeders . 101 1 feedsr.t.ioi 3 46 t v 17 cows. W VOMtNO 11"4 3 en 24 steers. .. .V .". V. 21 cows ... y. Weld-Utah . 871 8 26 3 steers . . . S71 3 li fleeter Bros Neb 8 Steers. 15 steers. .114 .1226 3 K 3 15 25 feeders 2 feeders Hf.O 3 l' 1 cow 7' 1 5 2 calves. . 2 cows IW IX 1 heifer.. 1 cow M0 1 on 1 heifer. . 1 cow Ran 1 50 1 hull 3 cows 1"26 2 26 2 heifers 2 cows 940 2 2 heifers. I cow 9W 2 SO 5 cows 3"5 S50 720 U70 7V 6o" 925 3 40 i 2 '. 1 26 2 2 2 7.-. 2 M 2 1 cow 6 l 2 2 cows 80O 4 2.5 Hi NiS There mas hoes on the market nother liberal run of this morning. 15 cars about ll.ian head being rejiorted In. The receipts of hogs for the Hrst four days of this week total 41.793 head, the largest since the third week In July, when 49.S92 bend were received The receipts for the day were pnu tlcally the same as last Thursday and Is smaller than the run for the same date last .year by about 2,309 hold. The market opened this morning with buvers bidding about a nickel lower, thinking that with the liberal run at this point and the large receipts and &c lower I opening at Chicago they would be able lo J cut prices. There was practically nothing done at these prices, but a little later, at I drop of about 34c. there was a little . trading done After a bit things firmed up and the market became brisk and active at practically steady prices. Heavy hogs ag,in were given the preference. The bulk of the ait 11 IT brought In the neighborhood of I.K74tit 90. The top load sold at 4 tien erally speaking, the hog market to a shade lower. was steady Representative sales At. Sb. re N. Ar Ih. rt. . .110 ... 55 ..15 ..172 . .173 4 40 H4. 14 ... 4 471 4 4" M IK 140 4 I7M 4 40 an H ... 4 I'S 4 70 ltd 19 4 I74j 4 0 71 IH IW 4 I7la 4 0 s 14 ISO 4 I7mj 4 st't 174 J4H 4 t7S 4 K2' 41 It4 120 4 7l. 4 44 S74 ... 4 rH, 4 V. an 121 lttl 4 I7t 4 S4 Ill 4 4 7i 4 6 t7 (.a art 4 nty 4 tf, 40 146 SO 4 I7 4 Sf. 17 Ill ... 4 H 4 hi - ' .,; tin 40 4 174 4 V, M 121 SO 4 M III M HI, Id ill 4 is f lot. too 4 u 4 !7Va 43 tW :"0 4 40 4 7, l Ill ... 4 0 4 174 14 ti 1! 4 Kl 4 7', II 504 l l 4 7i SJ ioa ... 4 ID 4 7'i 1SJ 112 . . 4 to 4 I7 M t74 4IHI 4 ail 4 IT 43 I" .... 4 SO 4 I7' 141 ... IH 4 171, 71 32 ... 4 " 4 7, 71 .1:1 ... 4 4 17', 31 Ill . . 4 lit 4 7v, 4 SI7 100 4 ' 4 17 4 07 SJ4 IS'I 4 SO 4 S7i 71 !ll S0 4 to 4 7 JM li'O 4 n 4 KTV. 10 211 10 I 0 4 7i "4 SM ... 4 0 4 S7 a.', Hi ... 4 10 4 17V, 71 '...141 40 4 40 4 IT 4 311 ... 4 4 17V, M 311 10 4 n 4 17 V, 44 !! ... 4 SO 4 H7V, 271 ... 4 0 4 7V 73 .116 ... 4 0 4 17V, U Ill ISO 4 40 4 17V, 2 4O0 4 0 4 17V, It ill ... 4 10 4 171, "S til ... 4 4 17V, to Ill) 1M 4 4 I7S, 72 14 ... 4 Itv, 4 7V, M .'113 HO 4 :v, 4 17 U 19 241 ... 4 Itvi 100. 4. . 01.. :.. 81.. ".. . 72 . . . . . 44.. S7. . 73.. 70. . 74.. 74.. 4.. W. . !. . 71. . lii ..173 .. 112 ...21" . . ?0 . . toa ...IIS, .117 ...Ml . . ?5S . 1"' ...244 ..IIS .. 237 . . . 254 . . ,'!3 . 231 . . .;t . . IS3 , . .241 ...IM . . . 2"3 ..22.1 ...ti ..22" . . .24 . . .24 . . 236 ...213 ...17 . . .244 .. 272 ..2(1' ...237 .. 274 .. .254 ...234 . ..r .. 213 .. 2..I ...211 . . 2u0 ...25.1 ...27 .. 2ht 4" 200 40 ' 13.. 71'.. ! 81.. '75.. I .. 7:i. . -I. . 71. 71.. 1. (.4 71 M. (It. 73. r... f.i. . 70., .-.. 32. , SI.. 65 . . !. DO 40 30 7(1 ..222 SHEEP Ther was another rather light run of sheep today, only seventeen cars, about 4, 6ii heail, being reported In. The receipts all during, the week have been unite light, only about 16,600 head being re ceived. This is (he lightest run for tha tlrst four days of nny week since the uec ond week in August, when only 13.167 head were marketed. Some of the trains were luie in getting in, so that the sheep came 1 snuggling into the barns all during the 3 I morning. The quality of the offerings was 1 only fair. The stock wus sold as uon us 1 I It wus plnced In shape to be shown excepl 1 Ing the short-fed stock, which was very 1 ; slow. It tie I tin a comparatively hard matter 1 lo tlnd anybody that wanted lo accept it. 1 I The market on good desirable fat shep 1 j and lambs was In a good, healthy condl l ' lion, a has been the case all this week. As lithe stuff was coming In all dining the morning, It Is hardly xisslble to call the trading active. All desirable sheep and lambs were picked up, however, aa aoon aa they we rr oflertd. The market today la In practically the same notches as at the close of last week. The receipts have been light all week, but the offerings as a rule have not been of extra good quality, nnd these tu-o linVM IpndMrl to IwiM orlceH shout steady. There has been some good stuff! offered for sale, and 'his has always sold readily at good, strong prices. There were only a few loads of feeder sheep and lambs on the market today. The demand was fairly good and trading was active at practically steady prices. Feeder sheep are also steady for the week. Quotations 'or fed sheep and lambs are a,s follows: Oood to choice lambs, Colo rados. r7.ViU7.7S; westerns, 87 0f7.S0; yeur llngs. ii.ntl.6o; wethers, $.1. 50116.00; ewes, 34.75tiS.50. Quotations for feeder ahcep and lambs: Good feeding lambs. Is. .6fi6.25: yearlings, 34. "jiff. 40; wethers. l.6ri.i.ix; 4.20; "breeding ewes, 14 '0(16.00. Representative sales: ewes, 8.'l.75j; A v. Pr. ,. llo 4 on , . 2' 4 00 .81 4 50 .. li 8 15 ..113 5 Vi ..70 7 10 .. 79 7 l' . . 92 7 35 ' No. ! 1 native gout 1 native buck ! 2.1 western ewes i llfi native ewes I 52 native ewes I ''' western lambs , 60 western lamtis j 41 native lambs IIIH'tlill I.IVK STIIIK 1KHKIM' I Cattle llnll IIiikb Five to Ten Cenla lnrr Sheep nnd lunlii Steady. CI7-CAOO. Dec. 21. CATTLE Receipts, heuJ; market dull; common to prltn, steers. 13. 001 6.66; cows. 2.SOU4.4o; heifers.; bulls, 2.iHsli4.U; stockers and feeders. I2.16to4.2ii; calves, 12.6047.03. HOtSS Hecelpis. Xlx head: nia'ket Vfil'V- lower; KhlppltiK and selected, If. OCii5.i: mixed and butchers, light . - 5.024: pips and roughs. 3.(s(4.9o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. U.'so head; market steady; sheep. 4.00"-o.76; year lings. l6.'j0ff-.6.75: lambs, 7.O0j7.(iO. Kansas City live Sloei Market. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 21. CATTLE Re t-elpts, 7.6TO head. Including iW head south cms; niiiikel steady to lower; choice export and dressed beef steers, 85. 25416.25: fair In good, x,i.7ift.flo; western steers. S3.2ati4.4o; stiokers anil teeuers. 3.ih'a4.o; southern steerr, I.'.5jt4 6o- southern cows, 12.0035; 1111 the ootr""7i2.ij'o-4.U0; native heifers. 3.(Kjj 4 Ho; bulls, 2.'Mi.'0: calves, 13.007.26. HO(lS Receipts, 10.(00 head; market steady; top. 15 071; bulk of sales. 4.Miy(t 5.00; heavy. t4.(5'f!fl7A; pesters. 34.9U5.0i1; nlers and lights. 34 4o'u4.90. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, head. Market steady; native lambs. 1.0"0 35. 75 u 7 50: western Intnl.. 5.76i7.30: fed ewes year- and yearling. 14. 606.00; wentarn fed lings. J5 4(lit.36; western fed sheep. 14 tor,, 666; Blockers and fenders, 3.2&ij4.75. f. I.oala Live Stock Market. ST. LOCI 8, Dec. 21. -CATTLE Receipts, 2.5"(i head, no lexaiui; market steady; 11ft tlve sliipping . and export steers, 14 4041 CM; dressed beef and butcher steers, 3.0'(i5 25; Hteeis under 1.010 U.S.,; sto. k.-i a nnd feeders, 32. K7j3 ): cows and belfe. : lot 4. to; canners. II. 762.00; bulls, I235tk 3 50: calves. :i.(sVii7.60; Tex-is and lndltn sti-era, 2.6Xij3.)45; cows and helfera, 2.l. I 31" -j HO9 Receipts. 7.5(i head: market lower: pigs ami ligrts. 4.4fr6.0o; puekers, II .60 f.,.i; butchers and best heavy, $4. Nor6. Of. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. '.Ms head; ! market steady; native mutton. 3..omji5 50; lambs, 5.2"fj7.5(i: culls and bucks. 33 00 o4ii; Stockers, I3.ljo1i4-S.50; Texan. 3.iJi4.00. few York l.lve Stork Market. NEW YORK. Dec. Si. I,75EVKS H cilrts 23 hind' niaiket Inactive; dress.. I beef very slow at oajtiic for native sides. CALV ES Receipt. 69 head: market Inac tive. DresFed. weak; city veal. 8'jil2c; country v. ah. SfiU'o. lKHiS-RecelptH. i,J44 head; market fee. ing steady. UHtEP AND UM6S- Receipt. ,. head: sheep market very dull and easier; IhiiiIis. 1o'al5r lower; sheep, 13 50414.75. n--iliiim t.. prime lambs. 87. (aVjj 7. ti; one car choice, 17 75: culls. 15. St. Joseph BT. JOSEPH, ceipts. 3,11a head I! 65fiti 15: cowi l.lve Mock Market. Dec. U. CATTLE Re market !' lower: natives. cows and heifers, II iVifjS.'o, stockers and feeders, 12. ,03" :. Una- Receipts. 7.034 bead; lower; light, I4.7(4j4.90: medium market 5c snd heavy. 4.76ti4.-V SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 334 heai'; market steady; lainba, 7.5o; yearling. 30.15. eloux f'lty l.lve Slock Market. SIOCX CITY. Dec. 21 (Special Tele gram. I CATTLE Receipt. 6uo head; mar ket steudv; beeves. Vjj.l3.5o; cow, bull nnd n ixed. 12 ig3 76: mockers and freder. 12 7'd 8 Ivi ; rulves and yearlings, 12503.60. HOOS-Recrlpts. 6.9i head; market 6c w.l, seliing. 4 7oti4!j; bulk, M8045 Mock la t:abl. Receipts of live stock st the six principal Cattle. Hogs. Sheep . . Ii ll.oto 4.000 5") 6.ya . . 7.I.W 10,isl l.issl . . 3.100 7.134 334 . . 2.5is j .Vfl . . l.m.S) 3.0iX 13,0(0 ..34,. 75.7J4 :i4 South Omaha Sioux Cltv .... Kansas- City St Jo.eph St. I.o 11 Chicago Totals OMAIIt IIOI.E9a.Lr. MARKICT. rendition ef Iride anil O not at Inn a en ftlnple and Kaary Prod nee. KOOS Fresh ricrlpl. candled alock. I.e. LIVE P'H LTHT-Hens. 8c; roosters, w , turkeys. H4il.Sc, duvks. t4c; spring chirk ens. e: geese, vtii'c. DRESSED POUI.TRY-Tutkes. lnuHr old toms, 1p4i16c; chickens. Mil l ; old roost ers. 7c: ducks, lie; geeie liillc. BUTTER Packing stock. 16c; choice lo fancy dairy, Istilsc; uieamery. 2 .4121 4c; prints. 214c. HI UAR Stondmd granulated. In bbls, 85 "l per cat ; cubes, lij.iti per cwt.; cut loaf, 86.50 per cwt : No . extra C, basis or bbls , T, 06 prr cwt.; No 10. exlra C, bag only, 14 90 per cwl.: No. 16 yellow, bags only. 14 A- per cwt ; XXXX powdered, 3 "6 t er cwt FRESH riSH-Trout. loflllc: halibut. 13c: huffalo. dressed. 9c; pickerel, ilret-neil, 4c; white basa, dteaseil. 12c; sunllsh. 6c; parch, ecu led and dressed, tc; pike. 'Oc; cattish, 13c; red enapper. lit; salmon, 11c; croppies, 12c; eels, lno, bullheads. He; 'lnrk bass, ..o; whltelsh, 12c: froa legs, per do., loci lobsters, green. 27c; boiled lobsters, 30c; shad roe, 45c; bluellsh, 16c: birring, 4e. HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Feed com- rany: No I uplind, I7.5t'iilti0; medium, TOO; coarse, 6.(X1.50. BRAN I'ec ton. 814 50 TROPICAL rRUITR DATES Per Box of 30 1-10. pkgs , Hallowee. In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 82 90; 64c: Payers, per lb.. 5c: walnut-stuffed. lib. pkgs, 12 00 per dog.; In. boxea. 11.00. VRANUKS-Callfornta Navel, all. .alaea. 12.75; Flor'da. all sixes. t2.M LEMONS Llmonlera. :xtra fancy, 24 site. 13 25; SCO and SCO sixes, 33.76. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton. 7(0 (6c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crowo, 12c; crown. 14c. BANANAS-Per medlum-slxetl bunch, 11.78 tj2.26; Jumbos. $3.60tj3.0. TANGERINES FloildV per boa of about 125. 12 50. GHAI'lC FRUIT-Per box. 15.60. FRUITS. PEARS Lawrence and Mount Vernon. UK CRA NBERRI KH Jarseya, til, per bt'. : Bell and Uugle. Ill 01.. APPLES - California Bellfloweri. 11.40 per bu box: Colorado Jonathans. 1100 per bu. bos; Ren Davis, 11 6u per bu. box; Wlneaapa, $2.00 per bu box; olh..r varieties, 32 90 per bu., New Tork apple. 84 W pr Jiibl. GRAPES- Itr.porld Mabigas. t5..Vvf.0O. , OLD VFAJUTABLKS. POTA TO En liome-giown, ier bu . 80.J 66c; South Dakota, per bu., 75c. ONIONS Home-grown, yellow and red per bu . 85c: Spanish, per crate, 11.75. NAVY HE'VNS Per bu.. la.oo. LIMA BEANS Per bu.. 64c CABBAUK-Home-arown and Wisconsin. In crates, per lb., 1V4J-C. CARROTS, PARb;IPS AND TURNIPS Fer bu.. UoU'.Sc. CKI.EKY-Kalatnaxoo. per dot.. JSC. SWEET POTATOES Kansas, pr J-bu bbl., 11.75. NEW VEGETABLES. CAULIFLOWER-Pei crato. 32 7. TOMATOES-Callfornia, per crate of 51 lbs.. 12.50. WAX BEANS-rl'cr hamper of about 31 lbs net. 13 50 BTRIN'3 BKAN6 Per hamper of about 30 lbs. net. 13.004,4.00. EMd PLANT-Florida, per dog, U.1J 160. GREEN PEPPERS Florida, per bampet Of about 10 dor.. 32.60. T11RNIPS Louisiana, per doa. bunches, 46c. U H A L L O T T 8 IXiUiaia aa. per dot. bunches. 75c. HEAD LETTUCE Louisiana, per btl.. tx.iUKitlo CO; per doz heads, 81.00. LEAF LETTUCE Hot tiuuse. par box nf 12 to 16 heads. 60c. CDCUM1SERS Hot liouse. ner doz.. II !5 tj I 60. RADISHES-Hot house per doa. bunchea 76c. MUSHROOMS- Hot tious-, per lb.. 0t7ic. BEEF CDTS. No. 1 rib. 124c; No t rib. 84c; No. J rib. 6c; No. 1 loin. lc: No. 3 loin. 104i: No. 3 loin, 74c; No. 1 chucks, 6c; No. - chucks. 4c; No. 3 chucks, 8c; No. 1 round. 7c; No. 1 round. 64c; No. 8 round. 54c; No. i plate, 4c; No. 2 plate. 3c; No. 8 plate. 24c MISClfit.LANEOUS CIDER Per keg. 83.76; per bbl.: 36.71. HON BT-New. per 24 lbs.. 33.60. CHEESE Swiss, new. 6c: Wisconsin brick, 14o; Wisconsin Jlmberger, 13c; twins. 144c; young Ameilcts, 14Vic. OllTH .Iq1iiiiI, K." n 1 tioft aliAlla crop, per lb., 154c: hard sheila, per lb. 134c. PecRtis, lurgn, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 12c. Veafiuts. per lb., 7c; roasted, per lt.. 8c. Chili walnuts, per lb., 1218Aa. Al monds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; hard aholla. per lb., 16c Shellbark Hickory nuts, per bu.. 82.25; largo hickory nuts, per bu., $1.60. Chestnuts, per lb-, 15c. Cocoanuts, 34.&0 per sack of 100 , . . . HIDES No. 1 green. 9c: No. 2 green. 8r; No. 1 salted, lie; No. 2 salted, 10c; No. 1 veal calf. He; No. 2 zeal calf. c; dry salted, 7614c; cheep pelts, 26c&Jl 00; hbrs kid. ::.w3.uo. HOLLY In cases, 1x2x4 feet. 60 lbs., case, 14.60; in bbls.. 11.50 per bbl. MISTLETOE-Per )li.. 25c. 1" Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. METAT.F Th liondon tin market was lower, with spot quoted ut 1164 lf.s and futures at 163 10;. Ix'oallv the muiket was quiet and- un changed. Willi spot quoted at 36.25'fil.S7'4. Copper also was lower In London, closluvr at 79 2s 6d for spot unil 18 15s for fu- tures. The local market Is reported un I changed with quotations more or less ttom i Inal. Iike and electrolytic. H8 51ti 19 00 an I ousting at 118.1247 1K.62M.. lead ml tat 8,1 I higher at 1M7 Is i'kI In Uitidon. The I. nil I market was firm und fifty-ton lots fiv ! ihlrtv-duy shipments were quoted higher Int 35 60. with prices for Immedlnte dellv 1 erv ranging as high as ll.ln. Speller was unchanged at I6.55'i(i i2i locally and at JET I I2.1 6d In 1 ondon. Iron was hither abroad , with standard foundry quoted at 52s rl and Cleveland wurrHlits at 63s 44d. The I local market was quiet firm, with No. II foundry, northern, quoted at lis 75ijl9 35: 'No. 2 foundry, northern. 118 25 18.88; No. :1 foundry, southern. 8lK.5ilt.7S: No. 2 1 foundry, southern. 18.Cfal8.56 ST. LOl'18. Mo.. Dec. 11. -M ETAL4 Lend, higher at t&.fsi. Spelter, firm at I6.5 Inxar and Molaaaea. NEW YORK. Dec. H.-RCOAR Rs w teadv: fair ri-dnlng. 3tc; cenlrif ugal. 0; test 3'-c: molasses sugar, 27.c. ReflneH steady: No. . 4.1oe; No. 7. 4.0f.c; No. 8. 4c. No 9. 3 95." No. 10 3.90.-; No. 11. 3.6e: No. 12 8.80c; No. 13, 3.76c; No. 14. 3 75c; ennfec- ! tinners' A. 4.65c: mould A. 5.05c: cutloaf. h.YV. cruiilieil. a iw; powucreu, 1 '-; gran ulated. 4 7ih : cubes, 4.95c. MOLASSES Firm: New Orleans, open kettle good to choice, ,"04i:ic. NKW ORLEANS Dec. H.-SCOAR-Fltm: op-n kettle, 2iJ8c: open kettle cen trifugal. 8',afi3ie: ceulrifuCul Whl'ea .17tw 4c: yellows. 3S,ffi ll-16c: seconds, L'i3r. MOLASSES open kettle. 15ftta3e; centrif ugal. I'u21e. Syrup. iMSIc. t offee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 21.-COFFF.r:-MarVet for coffee futur.'s opened steady at un changed ouotations lo a decline f.f five points undi scattering liquidation. Cables) were about steadv and primary locelrst) light, but there wye no demand of ronssW ouence. but the market reacted alltthtly ft I tlie Initial lona during the late session. Th" close wu etilel Hi a net decline of 51 M I toliits. Sub'S were 31.(100 bags, Including January, at .40c: March, 6.5'i'i4j f.5c: Ms v. 6 65c; Julv. September, 6 904rifi.96c; No- I vember. '7c: si0t, qui !; No. 7 RIO ln- voice. 8c. , ' llnlulli 4rala Market. Dl'Ll'TH. Deo. n.-WHEAT-iTo arrive. No. 1 northern, CVo; No 2 north 111. 81,c; on track. No. 1 northern.- s3Mie5 No. i northern. Ml 14c ; iJenamber, M4e; May, t-5' OATS- To arrive end on tracK. 29'e. till nnd Hosla. OIL CITY. Pa.. Dec. 21 Ol Ir-Credlt bal ances. 11.58. Shloments. 39.700 bbla. ; aver age 7t'.ii4 bbls. Run 96. 218 bbl.; average, M.023. I.lma shipments. 71.6)2 bbls.; aver age. HT..7' bhls. Lima runs. 60,142 bbls ; average, 43.M0 bbl. PRIVATE WIRES Von Dorn Grain Co. Minbir' Chicago Beard of Trad Omaha Grain Exchange. Grain and Provisions Bought and sold for cash or future delivery Receiver and Shippers. tl6 and 220 BOARD OF TRADE ULDU, Tl. 1006. OMAUA. 840 eis la loailnn, MOW PI 41 ()S. F. D. Day & Co. Oealere la Stock. Grain. Provision kklp Veer (irala te la. rtssseh 4jfcjc. I Its-111 Board ! Tmli Bldg Oaaaba. X w. Teleahsaw U14. Zlf-ri4 Exchan Bids.. Sout Omaha. BU 'Pboo llav Aadeaestlaat 'I'ouae a.