Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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(ompromiM of Last Year Between Citio
Federation and Saloon.
''rotests Against lutaanrr of l.lrenee
Account of Selling 1,1a a r
on Sunday Heard by
tha Board.
Like an avenging monster the illegal
. nmpromloe. made by the saloon keepers
f Omaha and the executive commute of
ilia Civic Federation In the matter of liquor
licenses last year, and agreed to by the
i'.oard of Fire and Police Commissioners,
i'.fte up last night to harass and embarass
i:lmer H. Thomas, the attorney for the
civic Federation, who this year is seeking
io prevent the granting of licenses to sa
loon keepers whom he alleges broke the
law during the lust year. The attorney!
I r the saloon men alleged before the Board
f Fire and Police Commissioners Thurs
day night that the protestant. Klmer K
Thomas, was not acting in good faith, and
;is proof of this assertion. John Tarlsh.
.attorney for the saloon keepers now and
:i year ago, took the stand and made tho
following statement of the compromise
made at that time:
At the lime of the granting of licenses the
Pint of the year Mr. Thomas, as attorney
for the Civic Federation, protested against
the granting of a number of licenses on
arlous grounds, among which was the Sun
day closing. I talked with Mr. Thomas on
: he day the hearing was set and secured a
i ostponement of the case. After that I
met with number of the saloon men and
waa given authority to meet Mr. Thomas
und the members of the executive eommit
iee of the Civic Federation. The meeting
was held In tho office of T. J. Mfthoney and
ihn following men were present! Elmer K.
Thomas. T. J. Mahoney, C. S. Haywarrt, V .
r r:nhm 1 ir Homers and James .
Hamilton. It was agreed that if the
saloons would close at 12 o'clock and tP.e
.IfKirs be locked by 12:W. no liquor to be
r.old to minors, prostitution excluded from
the saloons, the Sunday closing would be
.aivri 1 stilled at thn time that if the
Sunday closing was Insisted upon the eon-
ipnce woulrl ena ai once. mr. uiiii
withdrawn and licenses were granted: WW
Pros., 1113 Farnam street; William Mullen.
40? Bouth Twelfth street; Wnlsteln C0.5
fail W. KngUndcr. Fifteenth and Podge,
and Cackley r.ros.
Testlmnnr Detectives.
Petertlves Baldwin and Cavlen, employed
by the Civic. Federation, testified that one
or both of them had bought liquor front
the following places on Sundays, while
Oavlen tetlflcd in most rases that these
places had the view from the street ob
structed by screens or otherwise: John
Wright, If South Twelfth: Pabst. Strt South
Sixteenth; Mctr. Pros.. rz Leavenworth:
Stori Prewitig company, 11 Sherman ave
nue; Hugo nil. 1321 Duuglas; Willow
Serines brewery. Third end Hickory; Fred
Krug Brewing company. ffl South Tenth;
Foley & Ityan; John II. Morrison; Jest
Peterson. 1417 Jackson: Charles Loftley,
Fourteenth and Howard: Ixiuls Bchmidt,
Aetna hotel; Brown &, Russell, Thirteenth
and Cblcago; Axel Peterson, Thirteenth
and Harney; Hagen A Co., 313 South Fif
teenth; Henry Keating. Krug theater; Dave
Herding, 312 South Thirteenth; Helmer
Nellson. 311 South Sixteenth; Herman
Bchaffrr. In nearly all of these places
Oavlen testified that the windows and
doors were obstructed so that people on
the street could not see Into the buildings.
Saloon Men on "tan.
At the night session the saloon men put
on Fred Met. George Tlerney, George
Brunnenkant. John A. Tuthill and others
whose testimony covered nearly all of the
places mentioned and they swore In effect
that there was no obstructions to shut out
the view of the Interior of the saloons
from the street.
The meeting will be resumed at t o'clock
this afternoon. Detective Baldwin went
to St. Ixiuls In the afternoon and will re
turn Wednesday should the allied attorneys
conclude to cross-examine him.
Senator Hojnei. Who Hai Tried Sir Time
Before, to L'ake Aaother Effort.
Myers-Dillon Corner Held at
hlhltlve Trice for Heirs
of Owners.
Teachers of the State Organising lo
Make a Fight Against the Dictation
f the School Rook Pb
Hahlng Companies.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
rE3 MOINES. Dec. 21. t8peclal.)-8ena-tor
John Hughes of Williamsburg, who has
been the father of the anti-pass bills In
troduced In the legislature during the last
six years, said oday that he took no
stock whatever In the reports that tho
railroads would not oppose an antl-pasa
bill at this session of the legislature.
"When I Introduced my first bill In the
house six years ago they said the railroads
had gotten me to Introduce the bill," said
Senator Hughes today, "and yet the bill
waa killed and that, too, with railroad
Influence. The railroads will fight It again
at this session, as they did at the last.
1 am not ready to say whether I think the
bill haa a better show to be enacted Into
law at this session or not, but there will
be opposition from the railroads, there Is
no doubt of that."
Requisition Asked.
At the solicitation of the authorities of
Mills county Governor A, B. Cummins to
day Issued an application to the governor
of Nebraska for a requisition for Ell
Springer, who Is at Beatrice, Neb., and la
wanted at Malvern, In Mills county, on a
charge of seduction. Mamie Foxworthy Is
the complaining witness.
Fight Against School Book Trust.
A plan to break the power of the school
book companies In the selection of teachers
for various positions will be launched at
the meeting of the State Teachers' associa
tion here next week. The move has been
agitated and fostered each year for sev
eral years, but has come to naught. A
The rumor that a deal was on for the
sale of the property at the southeast cor- ! number of things have happened since the
Family Recommends the Abolition of
All Intercollegiate ,
NEW YORK. Dec. ll.-The Columbia uni
versity faculty today receded from Ita po
sition of withholding the results of tha
meeting of the university council on Tues
day to consider abolishing foot ball and
tonight the proceedings of the council wera
published. The outcome exceeded anything
that the undergraduates expected, for not
only wan foot ball definitely abolished at
Columbia, but President Butler waa reo
ommendfd by the council to take atepa to
eliminate all Intercollegiate sport at the In
stitution. This means. If Dr. Butler follows tho
recommendation that waa made, no more
Columbia teams ever will be seen on tha
Intercollegiate field In any line. The plan
Is that all athletic exercises hereafter shall
be confined to the various classes and de
partments. What the council recommended to Presi
dent Butler is included among resolutions
purporting to deal with the immediate
questions of foot ball only. . It gives tha
president tha right "of substituting, as far
aa possible, competition in sports among
tho students at Columbia In the place of
intercollegiate competitions."
Failing this, tha right la given of re
stricting the latter, with the exception of
rowing, to the home grounds of the Co
lumbia teams.
The sentiment among the teams who saw
this resolution tonight Is that inter
collegiate sport is doomed at Columbia.
Bob Regan Defeats Favorite In the
Third Race at Ingleslde.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 21.-A "good
tiling came off in the third race when Bob
Kngon found the track to his liking and,
ridden vigorously by Williams, downed the
favorite. Gossiner. hv tho Kt n- nt
! length. In the fourth race three rank out-
,Vnd Mr. Howard then saul Vour propo- n'r or sixteenth and Farnam street, was annual meetlnjr of tne association to Pkl"r8" to ,he mo neV In T hard fought
sltlon Is fair. It Is all we want and all we started by the fact that se veral bids lately intensify the situation. It la alleged that ' finish May Holladay succeeded In beating
are entitled to, and we are perfectly willing I have been made on tho property, say W. the school book companlea have dictated I "J Expedient and Ray. These three (In-
. A ... n 1. thlaa u I ... . . . . . 1 1 IKhen nimpa Nnart XIL'LHf 1
n molf, thta iitrpmrnL
The agreement was made and I so stated
to'the board, and Mr. Thomas withdrew
his protests and licenses were granted.
Thomas Objects to Evidence.
Mr. Thomas made objections to the In
troduction of this agreement as evidence
and when he was overruled he asked until
Friday In which to secure evidence with
which to answer, and through It all I. ,T.
Dunn, erstwhile reformer and helper of
Thomas, aat across the table, attorney for
various saloons.
During the afternoon and evening Mr.
Thomas Introduced testimony to show that
a number of saloons had sold liquor on
Sundays and that the view from the street
into the barroom was obstructed by screens
ind curtains. The allied attorneys for the
farnam (smith and W. . MelKle, repre- ! the selection of a number of teachers to
senting the owners, Mrs. Cobb of New scnool boards over the state and the teach
Tork and Mrs. Kuykendall of California. ,r, are determined that they shall be
They say these women have no thought of , 0UBted from influence in such matters.
selling the property, but intend to hold
It for their heirs.
80 many men have Inquired about the
corner that the agents in self-defense have
nomed a price of $100,000, although they
admit that (250.000 would be about the right
figure. It Is understood that $250,000 has
been offered. The corner has a frontage
of 122 feet on Sixteenth street and sixty-six
feet on Farnam.
Real estate men who have been making
bids on the property figure that the annual
rental, which they say Is $18,000, would be
a good Income on the price they are will
saloon men offered no evidence to rebut ing to pay, and that the owners are count-
the testimony that saloons had sold liquor; ing on a further Increase In value, Mr.
on Sundays and every" question Mr. Thomas
asked to show that a general business had
been done ofl Sunday was promptly over
ruled by tha board. The attorneys offered
evidence ; to . rebut tlie statement by the
Civic Federation detectives regarding tha
obstructions in the .saloons, but when their
witnesses were asked regarding tho Sun
days, referred to by the protestant's wit
nesses 'they did not know of their own per
sonal knowledge, Und when asked 'if they
had sold liquor on Sunday the objections
were always sustained.
police Testimony Kept Oat.
The board also put the seal upon' the
mouths of Chief Donahue and Captain Huse
when Mr. Thomas aakud them regarding
Sunday opening. The attorneys objected to
the question as being "Irrelevant and im
material" and Chairman Broatch promptly
sustained the objections.
George Brunnenkant. who runs a saloon
at $17 South Seventeenth street, said he had
been at his saloon on a Sunday upon which
Detective Oavlen said he had bought liquor
there. Tha witness said he had gone home
hefore noon' and left a porter there to clean
up. He swora he hud told the porter not to
Mel) anything, but he did not know whether
he had followed his instructions, thougli the
porter was acting as bartender in those
. days. '
"What were your cash sales on that Sun
day?" asked Thomas.
The allied attorneys objected in chorus
nod Chairman Broatch sustained the objec
tion. A dozen different ways Mr. Thomas
Smith says the corner will not be sold at
any price.
P. B. Myer. president of the Myer-DUlon
company, which occupies the corner, said
when asked concerning the deal that his
company had stood ready for some time to
buy the corner at a reasonable price, but
he had been given to understand that It
was not for sale.
Weather clear; track
Christmas Clothing
At cash store prices. There is no need of spending the
last cent you have for Xmas presents. If you will look
over our large stock you will find what you want, and
we will give you months of time to pay it in. We
have many useful Xmas Gifts for Men, Women and
Children, and besides you can pay us later.
Men's Boys' Department
Ladies9 and Girls' Department
We have many things that you may get now, wear them Xmas, spare us the amount in easy
weekly installments, such as you think you can give. We are the only Credit House in Omaha
that has no Iron Clad rules we trust the people, while some of them trust a few.
Announcements of tbe Theaters.
The marriage of Mary Tudor to I.outs of
Franca was one of the strokes of Wolsley
political genius and added much to the !
prestige of the throne of Henry VIII, but
the marriage of the widow of Louis to
Charles Brandon, un untitled gentleman of
England, was a triumph for the love of a
woman ior a man. The house of Tudor
whs founded In much the same way, when
the widow of an English king married an
untitled Welshman . because he was the
nmn she lovecl. Therefore Mary Tujor'a
action may be ?ald to b! an atavistic exhi
bition. Charles Major has surrounded tho
rplsode with a glamor of romance that is
truly delightful, and with the assistance of
Paul Kester has prepared for the stage a
drama that tells the story as completely and
In as charming a manner as did the novel.
"When Knighthood Was In Flower" will bo
the Christmas attraction at the Boyd
theater, the engagement opening on Christ
mas eve (Sunday evening) and contlnnlns
three nights, with a special matinee cn
Christmas afternoon. Miss Roselle Knott
Annual Posanm Dinner.
Jeff Logan gave his annual possum
dinner to state and county officials last
night at his home on the east side. Mr.
Logan Is the chief Janitor for the senate
and is a colored man. His annual possum
dinners have become famous and statesmen
of the highest ability have graced his
board on these occasions. Governor Cum
mins, judges of the supreme and district
benches, state officials and members of
the legislature were present last night.
There were ten present who were never
present on previous occasions and according
to custom each was given an Improvised
Initiation Into the Inner circle. Among
the new initiates was Representative M. L.
Temple of Osceola. On other occasions
Senator Allison. Senator Dolllver and other
noted men have been entertained.
Draft of BUI Completed.
Hon. James O. Berryhlll today completed
the draft of the bill which will be presented
to the legislature giving this city a special
franchise to Incorporate on the commission
plan of Galveston. Tbe bill Is a .special
charter for Des Moines only, but there are
claims made by Cedar Rapids and Sioux
City people that they want the same privi
lege. Talbott with Woodmen.
Head Consul Talbott of Lincoln attended
the mammoth meeting of Woodmen this
evening at Fester's opera house, where a
class of J00 was given the Initiatory cere
monies. An address from Mr. Talbott and
other prominent Woodmen followed.
Collates Reaches Des Moines.
Count Carl von Waohtmeister, Swedish
consul at Havana, Cuba, and Countess
Wachtmeister, nee Bculah Hubbell, arrived
in Des Moines from the east this morning
and are guests of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Hubbell, at Terrace Hill.
The trip home was made by way of New
Tork, where they landed after a very rough
passage, and upon arriving in Des Moines
this morning Count and Countess Wacht
meister witnessed their first snowstorm in
four years.
ished noses apart.
neavy. Kesults:
r lrst race, five furlongs: Bnkersflcld ; enunuuunnnnnunnnBnunnnnnuunuannannwen
won, Mellor second, Swagger third. Time:
Second race, five furlongs: Tom Mc- ' ha will roller skate a little to keep In
Oratli won, Kizel second, Isolation third, condition.
ThM d.. 1 u I And age did tell. The grand old man
ihlrd race, six furlongs: Bob Rsgron won, could not stand the pace sot by tha younger.
Gossiper second, Blumenthal third. Time: Fits had to take his medicine again.
1 ' ' I T . 1 1 L. 1 J kl. I lBan,.A
career as a member of the Detroit club
last season, has been tngaged to manage
1417 Douglas
ourtn race, mile and an eighth: May
Holladay won, Expedient eeoond, Ray third.
Time: IMft.
Fifth race, futurity course: Mafalda won.
114""1 Bpcond' Youn Pilgrim third. Time:
Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth: Byron
erdule won. Bird of Passage second. Lone
"un iwru. lime: 1 :cwJV.
LOS ANGELES. Dec. 2t Reinilta mt
and play first base on the Topeka Western
League club. Dick is still fast enouph for
the big leagues, but prefers to be a mana
ger man.
Large crowds watched the returns Wed
nesday night from the fight at both Mc
Vlttle'a and Rourko's, but few wagers were
rraile. amone thn spectators. The majority
seemed to think that Fits would win and
First race flrr a.j ... u.i, scemea 10 minK mat r u wouia win ana
Chancell Wrth won J F nnnlf.?i ' ther wa Iittle O BTien money, the last
S 1 L Wk W,1rVl.w.onV?- F." PS,n?lme i reports from the front as conveyed by the
afternoon papers being that Kits was
10 to 7 favorite. V
The statement has been thrown out at
Princeton that Doc Hillubrand will not be
re-engaged as either baseball or football
coach. His failures with both teams last
season seem to have made a change desir
able. This should make it easier for the
Fifth race Brooks course- Var.h.i ' Washington club to acquire his services
Time: 2 )i'V. professional oasenaii.
Sixth race.' six furlongs: Toupee won. "ald tnat Fred Clarke of the Pitts
Revolt second. Cutter third. Time: 114 hurg club is setting his cap for Frank
NEW ORLEANS. Dec. 21.-Resulta at the Smith, the Chicago American pitcher who
pv.i -rlm(. c wants to get sway from the Windy City.
Firf?!,'"- h. .. , : Pittsburg should know that Smith will
elnth? SE ' R.l vJtXt.l?Zln'Jya no Permitted to leave the American
thlJrt -T?L hi econd. Fallona League, although it may be said that tho
(wnPmr; ..,,,, Pirates secured Patsy Flaherty from the
Vnri uL1? CZ 5alf ta?a?,Y White Sox last year. Smith, time and
nrt 11 ?mh ?nnlt,?rii2and "conJ' Ho1- again, has said he wants to pitch in Wash-
tmJh JjrI.n1'14;. . . ' ington, but Cnmlskey turned a deaf ear
aV. Si inemllVat)? twenty Yards: tou propoetlons looking to that end.
ISrZtfAfi" 8Wni Ar- Jhe real race. .of the seasor .will be pulled
second, Search Me third. Time: 1:09W.
second race, one mile: Sheriff Bell won.
Kinsman second. Pettiiohn third Tim..
Jlilrd race, six furlongs: Silver Sue won,
Bribery second, Banta third. Time: 1:H"4.
Fourth race, one mile: Dutiful won,
Golden Light second, Del Coronado third.
lime: i:;.
will be seen In the rolo of Mary Tudor and
tried to find out if the proprietor had any lis supported by a fine company.
way to check tip the porter, bvil the at
torneys refused to allow the man lu answer
Session a. Long One.
The session Thursday began at 1 o'clock
and lasted until 10 at night and, though
much evidence was taken, a great portion
of the time was taken up In a discussion
of a mode, of procedure. ' It was in tio
early part of the afternoon session thy
the allied attorneys objected to any testi
mony being taken, because they alleged
Attorney Thomas was acting In tad falth.L
After much discussion it was finally agreed
to hear the testimony and then decldo
whether It should be actud upon by the
Previous to the introduction of testimony
the protests against the following wer
Three more performances of "The Man
from Mexico" will be given at the Burwood
theater by the Woodward Stork company.
This company has made a distinct hit and
tliH attendance 1ms been large all week. In
spite of the holiday Interest. For Christ
mas week, beginning with the matinee on
Sunday afternoon, "The Christian" will be
the bill. A special matinee will be given on
Christmas afternoon.
Fatalities Prevented.
After an accident, use Bucklen's Arnica
Salve. It prevents fatal results. Heals
cuts, burns, sores. IS cents. For sale by
Sherman ; WcConnell Drug Co.
Red Ruby Rings. Edholm. Jewelen
ailliiltlW I
natch Purse at Cedar Rapids.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., Dec. LI. (Special.)
Jack the Hugger has given place to Jack
the There has been nothing
heard from Jack the Hugger since a daring
young woman In the city stabbed him with
a hat pin, but another dangerous character
has come to light and so far has escaped
tbe vigilance of the police. He will dart
from behind a tree and snatch a woman's
pocketbook or bundle from her and make
his escape. He never attacks a man and
has always gotten away unidentified.
a i
UK UN S if
1 u"1 ii- - - - 1-1" nt - ' i -lirTn'mli 1 1 1
Divorce Case Knds Suddenly.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia,. Dec. 21. (Special.)
The divorce case of Mrs. Mekota, wife of
former County Attorney Mekota, In which
such sensational evli'mce was presented by
tbe plaintiff, was suddenly dismissed on
motion of the plaintiff yesterday, before
the defendant or corespondent bad any op
portunity of presenting their side of the
case. This action of Mrs. Mekota has
aroused even more of a sensation than the
J allegations in her petition and the evidence
presented at the trial.
rZrtJ?SdXs dHyndVednesday 'evening, at "o'clock
MoSS third Thne- 1 5W. P Becond' d between Pitt and Davidson. Pitt defeated
Fifth race five aVid a hilf fnrlon- wi comers last year and Davidson has not
Pirate won' Sinner Hill LZZVl 1 Q1 been defeated so far this season. The first
U lrd Time- 1 l4 Kuth W rice wtu b for a niill. ana the next two
"U;?: ,lIme- . 'fnF wn miles eiu-h I'itt Is known to be
Sixth race, one mile and seventy vSx
Fred Hornbcck won, Bishop Weed second,
Dave Sommeis third. Time: 1:S4.
NEW ORLEANS, Dee. a.-Results at City
park: First race, seven furlongs: Del Carina
won, Baall second, Lldwlna third. Tlmo:
Second race, five and a half furlonns:
Glenclare won, Gauze second, Maneuver
third. Time: 1:14.
Third race, one mllo and seventy vards:
Ivanhoe won, Attlla second. Malediction
third. Time: 1:64.
Fourth race, five and a half furlong!?,
handicap: Chief Hayes won, Czaraphine
second, Lucv Young third. Time: 1:1.
Fifth rice, seven furlongs: Happy Jack
won, John Garner second. Harpoon th'r,'..
Time: l:to.
Fixth race, six and a half furlongs: T5us
Heidorn won. Tom Crabb scond. Conun
drum third. Time: l:S.
fast for a mile, but whether he can hold out
against the steady, fast swing of David
son for two miles remains to be seen. At
any rate Manager Hillan has secured an
attraction which will tax the capacity of
the big building. ,
Chafing dishes. Frenzer, 16th and Dodge.
Coral beads, Edhol.a Jeweler.
Trampled to Death hr Cattle.
STOIX Crrr. Ja., Dec. a. (Special.)
K. Mueny of Mapleton, a wealthy farmer,
was run over by a herd of cattle hungry
for salt, and trampled to death. His body
was found today badly mangled by the
feet of the steers. Mueny left home two
days ago intending to feed his cattle salt,
carrying a large sack with him. When he
failed to return home a search for him
waa made by his neighbors. After hunting
for two days he was found in a giilly
J Mufflers, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs,
Hosiery, suit Cases, Gloves, Fancy Vests
Senior Claaaea Give laterratlna; Pre
ajram at the Parish School
The senior members of the Sacred Heart
parish school save an eniovahle entertain.
pur method of curing the quickest, harm- ' w evf..,lnir .t , n
less and restores the parts at once t a ; . ...
normal condition. No cutting, no iin, no danger, no detention from
work. Perfect CURE OL'A It ANTF.P.D.
Men who have Indulged in errors, excesses, overwork. O" mental
worry a word with you. Manv of you have Nervous Debility, Altai
Twenty-second and Binney streets, for the
benefit of the Sacred Htart church. The
gathering which greet, d the young enter-
Loexek. Pimples. Ijitiie Ba k. Inflammation of the Bladder and Kid- talnera was both large and appreciative.
iiy. Organic Weakness . I.'Fnondency. Failing Mmory, Loss of Am
t itlon or similar symptoms, nhioh 10b you of your manhood and abso
lutely unfit you for life. Our tieatm nt will correct all of these evils
and restore you to what nature Intended a hale, hearty, happy man,
with all pnwei's, vigorous und complete.
n I ntSn DO I C2 ON 'ur treatment is ihe result of the
rWIOWIl many thousands of cases pe.fectly and
permanently cured, the manv euaea of all stages 01 the disease we
treat uily. 1 His gret experience nas enabled us to perfect h treatment tnat is harm
lea. I'leaxant tQ x,ut and the pi-eatest blessing 10 humanitv. IT Cl'KES QUICKER than
TREATMENT at HOT 8PRINO8. We know this ia a BOLD statement to make, but
we are prepared to prove to anyone interested by getting the facta from patients
Heated, who will substantiate every word of the above. Investigate IT. No other
treatment like it In Omaha.
arqulred diseases. PROSTATIC DISEASES, and all DISEASES and DISORDERS of
MEN and all asaoclate diseases and weaknesses of mn. To these maladies alone,
we have earnestly devoted our professional Uvea.
- Everything oonfldental and private. Medicine and letters always sent In plain
- i.arkages. In the fourteen years we have been in Omaha our motto has been "LOW
CHARGES and Qt'ICK CTRF:S. Our home t-eatraent by correspondence is alwa)s
successful. Consultation FREE. Address,
tlB 8. 14th, Cor. 14th and Douglas Streets, Uiualta, Nebraska.
This evening tha junior department of tho
school will give an entertainment at the
same place.
The program last evening opened with
an address by Miss Muriel Connor on the
subject of gifts and giving an the spirit
of the Yuletida eessoit. A classical play
entitled "The Explosion, of the Myths,"
was rendered by the seventh and eighth
grade pupils The little actors showed
considerable appreciation of their lines.
Plaoo numbers by Misses Gentleman, Ros
si ter. Connor, O'Hearne, Reynolds, Clarke
and Do ran Ulbbon added to the pleasure of
the evening.
An interesting program haa been ar
ranged for this evening.
Veterau Fighter Will Hereafter De
vote Time to Stage.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21. Aa a result
of his unsuccessful glove content with Jack
O'Hrlen last night Robert FltzHlmmons
will return to the stage and. according to
his latest statement, will not again enter
the ring. He arose late this rooming, par
took of a hearty breakfast and appeared
to be little the worse for the Duniahmenr
he received lajit nlh Um lm ,Z t urrH. ur J 11c nr.Ainr.n bikiai
.ZJS,? Jf ,.V'?ti' . ? OMAHA, Dec. 21.-Omclal record of tem
week. ;,u'"' i" -I-;-. ".
tne currvr jMmuiuis nay ui 111. itisi mr
jvnrs: 1. 1P04. 1IKH. 1902.
Maximum temperature.... :il 47 'M "A
so ;t8 sn
Precipitation J0 .00 .n0 .10
Temperature and precipitation departurca
Generally Fair Today and Tomorrow
In Nebraska, Iovra, Sooth Da
kota and Wyoming.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 21. Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming
and Colorado Genet-airy fair Friday and
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Friday and
For Kansas Partly cloudy and colder
Friday, rain In southeast, rain or snow in
southwest portions; Saturday fair.
Local Record.
'Philadelphia Jack" O'Rrlen. the vlpinr
has not yet decided whom to meet next.
tie nas oeen challenged r-
tL ' Minimum temperature..
rx. 1 fin aTfn- m .
eral nnlnion in nun-illHtlc MtrUn Is hV v,. 1 teiupvraiuie..
Tommy Ryan and Marvin Hart. The gen-
will first agree to tight Hart.
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years:
VAmml tumriArfltiir. ... fyt
The Ctlrlfthv!? wifl,.iirf t Vi mm I. V. ! I v a . -.1
lead for first place by winning three games ; Total excess since March 1
from the Renos last night. Most of the In- 1 Normal precipitation 03 inch
tetfst In the contest was centered in Coch- J Deficiency for the day 3 Inch
ren's struggle to reach Huntington's high 1 Total rainfall since March 1 27.39 inches
total for the Storx monthly prize. He
needed pins In the last game, but a split
In the ninth frame put him out of It. To
night's match between the Onlmods and
btorx rtlues has been postponed. Scores:
1-t. id. 3d. Total.
Hodttes 1SS lis 159 83
Griffiths Iff? IIS US VI
Conrad ' ITS i 17 MS
Cochran Zft 123 192 44
Reed !....lii 214 21S tot
Deficiency since March 1 2.54 Inches
Deficiency for cor. 11 lod in inrM.. B.f! Inches
Excess for cor. period In i'ii 2.33 Imiii'B
Reports from Statloua at T I. M.
Totals a
Frush ;v.
Iiempke 1S4
Johnson 147
Niooll 18.'
Pickering JJ7
5J 890 5.770
Totals dU 80S 808 1S5
The Armours No. 2 took two games out
of three from the Thurston Rifles on the
Metropolitan alleys. Furay had high single
game and hitch man for three games. The
1st. 2d. Sd. Total.
Furay 218 t4 17 ft7
Ortffln i UZ iw 4-vt
Manning 11 170 107 4:C
Wtlmer 11 )i 15; Ml
Collins 158 1&3 137 V
DIAMONDS. Frenser, Uth and Dodge.
Elegaat aut glaaa, Kdaelm, Jawalass.
Totals 8S7
2 4.4
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Solomon )t 157
Iiaehr lfil 145
Tombrink 1 153
Havens Iu5 1K1
l it lis 1,4
Totals kuS 77
Station and State Tem. Max. Raln-
of Weather. 7 p.m. Tem. fall.
Pismarck. clear IS I'H .im
('hnyennu, clear M 'IK .H)
Chicago, snowine- . 'M ;W .01
Davenport, cloudy 34 :i4 T
Denver, cloudy !M :ia .1
Havre, clear 14
Helena, dear 'X : "i
Hui-on, clear 20 .1
Kansas City, clear 32 3S .00
North Platte, clear 42 .'O
Omaha, cloudy 34 Ii4 T
Rapid City, dear 30 SK .00
St. Louis, ch-nr 40 i T
PC Paul, cloudy 3) 32 Mi Lake City, cloudy 24 21; .l
Valentine, char 32 K .
Willlston, clear 20 24 M
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Colds. Coughs, Grip. Bronchitis. Catarrh,
Sore Throat. Pneumonia and Consumption.
A nourlHhliig Food M'dicln.; for the Tired
Mother and the Pale. Thin Child.
Write by Le tter or Postal Curd to
Osomnlaloa Co., t)8 Pine St. ew York.
830 :i
Mr hols Is Champion.
WEBSTER CITY, la.. Dec. a. "Kid"
Nichols of this city won the state middle
weight wrestling championship of Iowa to
night by defeating Lawrence Plsrgus of
Ft. Dode. He secured the second and
third falls, securing a strangle hold In the
last that forced Piergua to beg.
ffeortlng Brevities.
"Wahoo" Sam Crawford, the crack out
fielder of the Detroit teaxn, has relumed
t i Omaha 10 spend the winter and looks
bigger and strong or than ever, baua aays
Watches on Crcdtt!
1 A WEEK w.ldo.
Vm hM i fr ono-tTirvJ
IrriCaVltOD ulcrLMM
Ppanjanan rawnrsm. Pailailshh. Msael BSl Asatxlm
or uflBotM.
4e two 1 im piMm ripptf,
Itf ttlrM. irtMIO. IM
S22-524 8. 13th St.,
Phone 1431, Omaha.
402 N. 16th St..
Phone 1543. Omaha.
8. W. Cor. 2tth and O Sts., and 2724 Q
Phones 1124 and 4126, South Omaha.
53f Uroadway,
Pbona 148, Council Bluffs.
Tha Mgn'g Trug Spaolgllgtg
Doctors for Men
Blood Poiso
If we could but see and treat all men
when the tiral symptoms show them
selves there would soon be little need
for so-called specialists in chrooto dls
uwi, ud lume would be lew man
set km a I tju veimuii of their phy
kical, mental auU kual powors, and
there wuutd ba none marked with tha
indelible stamp 1 coiutUiuuonal
syuiins. and the aufterHrs from
Kidney and iiluduer Dlaeaaea would be
reuueed to a minimum. But na long
as MEN continue to disregard the
golden adage, "A stitch in time saves
nine, and continue to neglect them
selves or to exercise Indifference or
poor judgment In securing tbs right
treatment at the outset. Just so long
will there be multitudes of chroma
snd all Diseases and Weaknesses of
MEN due to evil habits of youth,
abuses, exceases or the result of neg
lected, unskilled or Improper treatment
of spcmc or pnvt- nrope.l-
We snake no wiueiaui niirncK -
tlons to the afflicted, neither do we promise to ear them '
da" nor oer cheap, worthless treatment In order to secare their
SatVoo.te. Honest doctor, of recognised ahlll.y '"".i u.
sorb methods. We guarantee a perfect, safe and lasting cure In the
popaalbl. time, without le.vl-g InJ-rloo.
?l.e system, and at the lowest possible cost for honest, sklllf.l
nnd nccessfol treatment.
rnrr Consultation U you cannot call wrlto for symptom blank.
FREE I'd Essmlnslloa Office Hours-8 a. m. to 8 p. in. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1308 Karnani Street, Ilelween 18th and Htli Strtt-ts Omaha, eb.
The Right Road
To St. Paul and Minneapolis
The Oreai Wgatorn Ltmlf4 leaving Omaha 8:)0
p. m., arriving at St. Paul 7:20, Minneapolis 8:00 the next
morning, Is the onty Electric Lighted Train to the Twin
Cities. The equipment, new and comfortable, consists of
Club Car, Dining Room Sleeping Cars and free Reclining
Chair Cars. Polite service throughout
citt ncRfT orricc iai a rNai err.