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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1905)
illE OMAHA DAILY REE: Fit I DAY. DKCEMBEH 22. li5. TOOTH TALK, No. 18 porcklaix rninn, Quite frequently a front tooth becomes so discolored or decayed as to render it unsightly to ones friends and embarass 1ns; to the owner. In this fane a porcelain crown, properly shaded and fitted, is of advantage. I can so Shade and fit these crowns as to make It Impossible to tell them from the natural teeth. Neither do I hurt my pa tients in putting them on. A Reliable Dentist f Hoaaoaable Fee. Phone U7 DR. FICKRS. DR3TIST, S3S Bee Bide NEW SCARE AT COURT I1UIM Comraiiiionsrs McDona'd and Etyfsldt Will Try to Hold Ob. ONE COMMISSIONER OWNS UP TO PLAN Reset-re Spring from Report f preane Chart's Actios la Grant Ins Rehearing; aa Coanty OBI re Trnirc (aee. County' Attorney Slabaugh brousht word from Lincoln that the supreme court hea in-anted a rehearing In the case from tinge county in which It held that a register of deeda had to b elected this yeur. Fol lowing till decision of the supreme court, Teeisters of deeds were elected In Douglas and other counties at the general election held November 7. Frank BanUe was looted tn this cnimty and on Wednesday announced the appointment of his orflce force. Register Deuel said Thursday morning he had not heard tf the action of the court In granting a rehearing and did not car to express sn opinion on the matter. Rumors also have been flying about that the two county commissioners in this county whose terms as originally fixed expire with the end of the year are contemplating holding onto the office until unseated by legal proceedings. liter Will Stick. These rumors were verified, in part at least, when Commissioner Hofeldt said Thursday afternoon: 'Sure, we are going to stick. There has been no decision from the supreme court en the county commissioner question, and I think we should hold on until we are declared out In legal form. Borne county attorneys have advised the holdover com missioners to hang on until a decision Is secured through quo warranto proceed ings." Commissioner McDonald aald in answer te a direct question that there la no present truth in the rumor, so far aa he la con cerned. "I have heard." ssld Mr. McDonald, "that Commissioner Newton of Lancaster county Intends to test the question when the time corres frr .the new commissioner to qualify. In several other counties among them. If , FATI1ER IGNORES MS CHILD Organist Does Hot Flinch Wken in Coirt Littls Ois Accosts fiim. MRS. SYMONS RELATES PITIFUL STORY Woman Telia How She Worked to Help Rdarate Man She Abandoned Her and Rab. A dramatic Incident occurred In police court Thursday morning during the hear ing of tha ymona wife abandonment case. As if by some strange intuition, John Prower Wilfred Symons. 4-year-old son of tha defendant, ceased his romping in the court room and ran up to the man who la his father, yet whom he had never seen before, turned his little blue eyes full on the parent's fare and Innocently Inquired, "Who are you?" The muela of the child's voice was heard throughout the court room and the silence that followed was almost oppressive. Tha father'a face was watched by many, but the expected did not happen. The organ Isfa countenance did not change, whatever may have been pulling at his heart strings. With childish dismay the little boy ran back to his mother and then resumed his romp. Tha evidence in the casa was all pre sented and the arguments started. Tha ease will be continued next Wednesday morning . Woman Telia Her Starr. Mrs. Symons took the stand and told of tha marital relations between herself and husband leading up to the filing of the complaint In Omaha last week. In part her testimony waa: "1 waa married to Mr. 8ymon In Eng land June 12, 1R91. We moved to New Tork WOMAN 1,1 CLUB AND CHARITY Club women will continue therr active Interest In the program of the Nebiaska State T'-arners' association to be held at Uncoln December IT, 3 and 3. and not a few will go there for the session of the child study department, whiih Is one of tha auxiliaries to the association. Tha program will be presented Wednesday aft ernoon. December 27, "Delinquency and Its rhases" being the subject. Vnder the head of "Causes and Cures for Delinquency," Judge Wilbur F. Bryant will speak of The Incorrigible and the Truant." and the discussion will be lead by Newton Wycoff Preston of the FYemont Normal and Prof. O. W. Lucky of the University of Ne braska. "Boys' Clubs and Campa" will be the subject of sn address by Superin tendent Dennlson of the boys' department of the Omaha Toung Men's Christian as sociation, the discussion to be conducted by 8. V. Hoagland, the Uncoln probation officer, and F. J. Munday of Cambridge, Neb. "Allen Dale Farm and Other Liegal Remedies" will be presented by Captain Fx! ward t Bradley, superintendent of Allen Dale farm, the famous Chicago corrective Institution, and Superintendents B. B. Hay ward of the Kearney Industrial school and Harriet H. Heller of the Douglas County Detention home will lead the discussion. One of the chief alms of this program Is the education of public sentiment to the end of securing a detention home for Lin coln to operate in conjunction with the juvenile court. Owing to misunderstanding regarding the date, the last meeting of the household economics department of the Woman's club waa not largely attended. Reports of the milk and dairy Inspection were con tinued, and Mri. C. H. Hayes, Mrs. Frank Burnett and Mrs. C. H. Townsend were Make Men Happy Christmas With Swell Haberdashery UOUUil t u 45c City, where I secured employment In a , appointed a committee to devise means for atore. and thmuah mv earnlnaa and Influ- continuing a systematic Investigation to enca my husband was enabled to enter the end of formuliting a list of dulrlea i Prntt Institute and secure his musical ed- j that the department can .recommend for ucation. W e then moved to Greenville, j sanitary conditions ana rure mint. v e ra.. where we lived seven years, my hus- j are by no mum through with this In band teaching there for same time at a ' vestlgatlon and agitation," said Mrs. Har riet MacMurphy, leader of the depart ment, "and we propose to continue even more thoroughly than before." The Norfolk Woman's club has recently finished a course of six lectures on domes tic science, given by Mrs. Harriet S. Mac Mumhy, sixty members of the club sub scribing to the course. The club St pres- learned be left soon after receiving my ! ent follows two lines of work, Hteraturo wire. I then followed up a number of and domestic science, both branches being clues as to my hushnnd's whereabouts and compulsory. The Interest In domestic eM- flnally located him In Omaha, but did not ence is so much more general than In the come here, aa I learned through a friend literature, however, that the club will soon who saw him that my coming would Jeop- "vote upon a proposition to allow members anil his posifon here. Learning a few to follow but one study where desirable. weeks ago that he had been requested to good salary. I then returned to England alone, my baby being born while I was acros the water. I expected Mr. Symons to settle up our affairs In this country and Join me In England, but after remaining abroad three years I returned to New Tork City, from where I sent my husband a telegram to Lancaster, Pa., saying I was coming, but when I reached Lancaster I MEN'S NECKWEAR. AT 45C A new shipment of neckwear just in by express. They are carefully chosen styles that "he" would buy himself light and dark four-in-hands and tecks they are the dollar kind of the swell haber dasherhere for CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR AT 75c An assortment conspicuous for its rich neckties from New York's best makers wide four-in-hands and tecks in rich grades of fine silks put up in nico Xmas boxes for the asking. The kind of neckwear selling at $1.25 , SILK MUFFLERS AT $1.09 Whether cold or not, he'll appreciate a muffler for ils collar protection alone, Hun flrrds of plain and fancy effects. . All marked at the very special price? of one dollar and you will find tficm exceedingly good values. EVENING DRESS PROTECTORS $1.50 What more Chrlstniasy than these rich Mark barathea, black pean de sole and self figured black silk evening dress pro tectors, with white silk linings or wide loose ends Special at one dollar fifty. Open ETtfiingi Till Christmas s s; J tia, W AS- v: i. Msmsmm 1 lfe i r mn ft- ise- SU4M: .jf, fif.V-V- i':? -Xir lr.v V v" ' '- " House Coa.ts Men's Smoking Jackets An elegant as sortment, made of double-faced cloth and matelasses, in all the wanted sizes, also odd sixes for stout men, every taste suited in this line ! J of regular $7.50 and $8 lAi A jackets, only marked.. 4 i vr Men's Fine Imported Smoking Jacket Made of English double-faced cloth, in new shades of gray and plaid, with turn cuffs and collar, also some flna imported silk jackets, which should sell in the regular way at $3 Fri day's price $5.75. Lounging Robes A splendid line of Eiderdown Austral- ' ian wool blanket robes and French terrey eloth robes, aU made in the finest patterns. There's no use paying W.HO or f .l.OO for one elsewhere when you can get the same one for fS.75. Men's Finest Astrakhan and Baby iAtnbswool Blanket Robes Made in the richest designs, also n elegant line In college colors. .Friday we're priced them at 7.SO. IP WOMAN DAS TWO HUSBANDS Ztuet'.s lall-Swenej inQuicrPrcd'cauient si Result of Sean' Decision. resign as orgHnlst at Trinity cathedral Jinuary 1, I then came to Omaha and started proceedings. From the time I reached New Totk City, a year aeo last August, I have been a charsre on friends, Mrs. J. R. Hayes Is president of the c'ub and Mrs. S. F. Ersklne chairman of the household economics department. Tha School Board of Geneva, Neb., re cently dedicated the use of one of the rooms and since coming to Omaha have been at ,n th PubIlc ,chof building to the Geneva tha Dellone hotel throuah the kindness of tha Associated Charities." Always a Ooed Wife. Tpon being questioned by Deputy County Attorney Tltch, Mrs. Symons testified she had always been true to her husband and that she would have been happy to have remained In America had her husband been true. She said when she went to England I am nnt mi.t.b.n h.ln. R..inH.r. .nfl th last tlmS it Waa With the hop her PVankim-the old commissioners have been ; hustand w.ould Joln. h?r ""Christmas day, allowed to hold over without a contest.' Tacked to the outlined hold-over by Com missioners Hofeldt and McDonald Is tha allegation that it will be mainly for tha purpose at holding on until after tha yearly contract for, supplies is let und that nfiBKtKlv Amtm I . r f ih. timnlnv t-MKAltit Ion providing for cutting th. sheriff's feeding ' 8mn dld not tak tn 'tan1 ,n his own 4 . v. . !. .k. behalf. whah the boy waa to hava been baptised. It was shown that since last April Symons sent his wife KO a month for thn support ! of tha child and it waa further brought out 1 that tha organist received about 150 per , month 'for hla services aa 'organist at tha I cathedral. plan. How w Board Organises. Tha new commissioners take tha position that tha old memhera will be out for good when tha present board adjourns sine die en January S. No county business will be transacted by the commissioners and no meeting will be held by them between that data and January t, when under the stat ute tha new board must meet for organisa tion. At this first meeting the county clerk calls the board to order and makes note of the certificates of election presented, after which he calls for nomtnatlona for chair man. D. M. Haverly, the county clerk-elect, la a republican and will receive the certifi cates of nomination to be presented by Krnmet G. Solomon and William G. Vre. Attorney English, for tha defense, main tained the local courts did not have juris diction in tbe premises of the case, In that Fuffrnge club, which will conduct a class of domestic science. The club will equip ! and maintain the class as a branch of Its I educational work. The Genera club la one of the largest suffrage organizations of the state and one of the strongest organ izations of women. ""We must give up Christmas trees. Aa d-ar as Is this part of the Chrlstmaa cele bration to the children, we cannot afford to sacrifice annually millions of young, strong, thriving pine trees." Mrs. Warren Hlgley, chairman of the New Tork forestry committee, Here Is another thing for club women to consider. 0NESP0USE IN IOWA AND ONE IN NEBRASKA Court Sets Aside Decree of Divorce from Former Hasbaad on Ground of False Hep-rerentations. Judge Sears Thursday morning set aside the decree of divorce granted to Mrs. Zenetta Ball July . The court, in his finding, saya the evidence on which the original decree wns granted was untrue and false In substance. Intent and purpose. Thus Mrs. Ball finds herself with two husbands on her hands, one living In Omaha, Robert A. Ball, and the other, whom she married in Council Bluffs, Mark A. Sweney. No contest was made before Judge Sears on the petition to have the divorce decree set aside. Ball, In his petition, set up that bis wife had lulled him into nenresistance of the original suit by telling him she was going to withdraw the petition. Afterward, when the divorce had been allowed and an nounced, he grew angry because the woman waa receiving calls from- Sweney while she had the custody of their two children. Then It waa Ball first Sled his petition foi a setting aside of the decree. This was TO NEW YORK OVER NIGHT The 20th Century Limited Via the LAKE SHORE and NEW YORK CENTRAL The Route of the Government Fast Mail Trains CHICAGO - NEW YORK 18-HOUH TRAIN IT SAVES A DAY FROM L.A SAT,LE ST. STATION CHICAGO Leave Chicago at . 2:30 p- m. Arrive New York at 9:30 a. m. THE ONLY TERMINAL IN NEW TORK Leave New Yorc at Arrive Chicago at 3:30 p. m 8:30 a. m. W. J. LYNCH, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago, III. found the defendant guilty, with a recom piiuatl n r lenlenrv. EM1 Hynek wis the defendant, charged with helping to stfal a lot of copper wire from the Audl- i 7, . u . j Ji ..I torlum. He had gone into court some days late In October and one night Boon after ago and entered a plea of guilt v. A day Mrs. Ball that Was, her brother and I or two after Attorney C. H.' Kuhat ap- Ch lid's Life Saved by rhamberlala'e Conah Remedy. Mrs. John Englehardt of Gera, Mich., tells of the anxious momenta spent over her little 2-year-old daughter who had taken . the wa "lde or th rlver " ws a hard cold, resulting In croup. She says: I punished. "I am satisiled that if it had not been for Sweney hunted up Ball and she horse whipped him, the others helping. Sweney and the wife's brother were fined in the police court, but Mrs. Ball stuck close to not tha alleged abandonment did not occur j Chamberlain s Cough Remedy she would here, out in ureenvuie, ra., me rormer home of the Symons family. He referred to several former cares to support bis contention. DREXEL THE COMMON TARGET County Clerk Still Expects to Win Test Case on the Salary Statute. After hearing county attorney's mo tion for a mandamus to compel County Clerk Drexel to refund to the county the ' amount of money he Is alleaed to haie They will take their seats and proceed to overdrawn since April last in the way of organize the board. " j salary the supreme court has set the argu- After that If the old commissioners want merit on tha motion for January 2. Mr. to get In the game again they will hava Droxel waa represented In the proceeding to go to law or await a possibly favorable by Attorney Harry Brome, who exprtsaea decision on tha contest to be made In ban csster county. have choked to death. I gave this medicine every ten minutes and she soon began to 1 throw up the phlegm. I can recommend It Sweney and the woman were married In Council Bluffs the day after the horse whipping. Then Ball had Sweney arrested for "marrying another man's wife." After a hearing and a few days' consideration in the highest terms, as I have another i tn Iowa Justice of the peace found they child that was cured In the same way. Upport aiaitira en the line of the Chicago Great Westers railway 1 1 Iowa, Missouri. Illinois and Minnesota for business men, professional men and manufacturers. Openings for nearly all lines In live towns on a pro gressiva railway, i-.ffurdlng a "square deal" (or all. Maps, Maple Leaflets. Town Talk and full Information given on request te Industrial Department, C. Q. W. Railway, St. I'aul. Minn., or E. B. Magi 11, manager Townslte Department, Omaha. Net. Brmkemam Iaea Foot. A t'nlon Pacific brakeman named Mc Carthy waa brought to Omaha yesterday with a crushed foot, received while at work at one of the outlying stations. He was taken tn St. Joseph a hospital, whera Dr. Vpdegraff found it necessary to am putate half of the left foot. - - i sajgsggeassjBinsi s i.acsgyncm i a a You Wish Something Unique tot a gift or for your own horns something of lastiaf artistic value that will always be prized and cannot be duplicated, call and ate eur display of Ttpokwood Pottery Ws bsa a large display of beautiful new desigas at $3 OCX 5.00, tlO.00 and upwards, par ticularly suitable for gifts. M&whinney & Ryan, 16th avail Do a la. the opinion that the Intent of the icglsla. i d rltM over lt ture will govern aa to the clerks, treasur- ! c,mDer 3J 24 25, ! era ana snerms oi uuugius ana Lancaster counties. The contention of the county attorney is that since April last Mr. Drexel should have drawn salary only at the rate of 11.500 a year, whereas, he has been paying himself at the old rate of tt.SOu a year. Mr. Fink, county treasurer, waa cut to $2,000 a year by the aame amendment, and John Power, sheriff, to $1,500. Both'' have been drawing at the old rate. "This la what comes from being willing and good natured," said Mr. Drexel. "Since childhood's happy hours' I have ?eeu the 'fall guy' whera anything had to ho tested. In my official capacity I have been made the target for Injunctions, mandamus, temporary and permanent restraining or ders, ticket sellers, and. even collectors. Bo much hava the lawyers got Into the habit of aiming at me that I have coma to the conclusion they can aee no one else. Here I am, laid up at home most of tha daya with a swollen leg. but even now they pick at me. Oh, why waa I bom to look soft and easy? "But If any good purpose can be served I am not kicking on being made the paschal lamb in thess cases. I told my attorney, Mr. Brome. that If the caao was not clear In my favor I did not care to contest. Ha assures me there is no doubt of the result, and I think myself tho legis lature did not Intend deliberately to cut tha salaries In the big counties, where the heavy work Is, and raise them In the smaller counties." Holiday Rates. The Erie Railroad, the Picturesque Trunk Line of America, announces special holl- s line from Chicago De- 30, 31st and January 1, to ColumbuB, O.; Akron, O.; Youngstown, O. ; Jamestown, K. T. ; Salamanca, N. T.; Buf falo, N. T., and local stations. Apply to your local ticket agent, or J. A. Dolan, T. P. A., Railway Exchange Bldg., Chicago. Ureatly Hednred Hates Via Wabash Railroad to points In Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Ontario, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New Tork and Wert Virginia. Tickets sold December 23, OXLT, good returning thirty days from sale. For all information call at Wabash City Ticket Office, 1601 Farnam St., or address, HARRY E3. MOORE9, Q. A. P. D., Wab. R. R Omaha, Neb. Holiday Rates Christmas and Njw Yars. Greatly re duced rates via the Missouri Pacific rail way. Tickets en sale December 22. 23. 24. 26, 90 and 31, 1)06, and January 1, 1908. Good to return to and Including January 4, o. Full Information at city o (flees, F. B. Corner I5th and Farnam streets, Omahs, Neb. Appendix Kepi Basy. Tour sppendis Is kept busy warding oft the dangers of constipation. Help It with Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25 cents. For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. .tot lee, I. 1. s. K. To Members of Local Union: No. Ss, I. C. 8. E. will give the fourth annual rana kaboo on Wednesday evening, December 27, at Waahlngton hall. All englneera and their families are invited. All members are requested ta attend meeting December 23. COMMITTEE. The Partiality of Travelers. Experienced travelers are partial to the New Tork Central lines, and their expert ence accounts for their partiality. The time is the fastest; the parlor, sleeping and d n Ing car service unsurpassed; the motive power and roadbed of the highest standurd of excellence. The raise of 10 and 10 per cent on dia monds since I made my large purchases last August la Amsterdam proves a great benefit to my customers. As I did not pay It, I will not have to charge It. Respect fully. a.'b. HCBERMANN. Comer Uib and Douglas. WATCHES. Frenxer. l&th and Dodt. Bracelets, Ed holm. Jeweler. Marriage Ureases. The following marriage licenses have been issued: Ntme and Residence. are Smith Clark. Omaha , & Aueusta Oorbv. Omaha u Walter . Hill. Bloomneld, Neb 52 Helen Nitschelm, Ottawa, 111 a t nomas H. Leaver. Ureenwood, Neb 4ft j.ueuo lioraon. Lincoln a Chris Ronde. Weeping Water 3 Johanna Morgansen. Weeping Water 7 v esiey w. Hurnes. Chicago, 111 23 Mary L. Chittenden. Tecumseh, Neb a Allle Childs. Omaha u Alice iionies, vtaKeneia, .N-t.., jg Paul 8. Marker, St. Paul. Minn a jeunie CTirason. Bt. i"aul, Minn to 22-K wedding rings. Edholm. Jeweler. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of HaaJth dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon Births Charles Carlson. 3S2I North Twen ty-fourtii: Julius Knatkaud, Sat Vinton by; B. Kincaid, 15i Cuming, boy. Deaths Karen Anderson, i41 South irnin; 1 amenne v . uiooon. Z776 Webvter, : irovw ti. Murray, is. west Uivin had not violated the laws of Iowa by get ting married, although under the decree of the sister state Mrs. Ball could not marry until aix months had elapsed. Since then the couple have been living in Council Bluffs and have the custody of the two children, a boy and a girl. Ball has a second suit pending against Sweney for the alienation of his wife's affections, in which he asks $10,000 damages. Judge Sears' latest decision In the di vorce case has the effect of reopening it and allowing Ball to put In an answer to the original petition of hla wife. Later the case will go to trial on Its merits. Bynek Found Unltty. Judge Day had a rather dlsarreeable case before him Thursday, in which the jury peered before Judge Day and eaid Pynek : oeslrea to wunaraw nis piea, enter rat i not gulltv and stand trial. This was al lowed, although Judge Day expressed his surprise and plainly did not like the pro ceeding. The same course was adopted In the case of Joe Havranek, Informed against Jointly with Synek. The evidence against Snyek by the state s w- . , v nirpct end DOPitlve. and the defense offered no testimony whatever. In J his charge to the Jury Judge Day directed Its attention to the making ana wnnarawai of the plea of guilty, but still the Jury men found it difficult to reach a verdict. Holiday rrtcew. Via "The Northwatern Ltns." ltt fare round trip, Dec. 23d, good $0 days, to points in minors, Indiana. Ohio, Ken tucky, New York, Canada, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. IH fare Dec. 22d to 25th and Dec. 80th to January 1st, good until January 4th, to all system points and to points In Illinois. Minnesota and the Dakotaa. $14.75, Chicago and return. Dee. 16th to 18th, good until Dec. 24th. Offices 1401 Farnam St., Union Station, Webster Street station. Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1224. Chests of sliver. Frenser, Jeweler. Full dress studs, Edholm, Jeweler. I1 MJa.5s tnSjsmmtannjonmmnmpnsnHgajM g lll lsl nr iANTACLAU5 APPRECIATES THE UNIT SYSTEM. SOOKLCASB A present that cements more firmly the home ties that encourages good reaamg ana greater Knowicugc, mav ia useful, ornamental and convenient, and that is acceptable alike to father, mother, brother, sister, relative or friend, is found in the " Elastic" Bookcase. It's a system of units a few books few units, more books more units, and get them as wanted. And the number of units can be adapted to the size of your purse. The "Elastic" is the original and only perfect sectional bookcase made and sells at the lowest price. Call and examine them now while our assortment is complete or send for catalogue 1051. Orchard WilKcIm CAR.PET CO., 50LB AOENTS- 4I4-16-I8 So. 16 St sStil SCOPIELD MAKES ATTRACTIVE JAP SILK KIMONOS ''The Ileal Tblng1" Those who have sen them say ours are the fluest and cheapest Kimonos (shown in Omaha. FINE FURS. A "before Chrietma-" cut iu prices To clone out flue pit-res in Zazn, Scarfs, Ascots, Stoles, Pelerines, etc., in popular kinds of fur. CLOAKS OF ALL KINDS at pr'cet tosell quickly FLEECED KIMONOS at (1.05 worth $3.00. Print wrappers, "oe up wor.h more. EIDERDOWN SACQUES and Jackets, 11.00 aud 11.75. marked down from double- LOUNCINQ ROBES f 5.00 buys choice of oar stock. Mercerized I'e tiousU, prices cut. WAISTS, ALL KINDS -New, floe ereninj waists, none as good for the money, SILK PETTICOATS, $5.00. Any silk petticoat in uur house for 15.00. ATTRACTIVE NEW TAILORED SUITS AND DRESS SKIRTS AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. . You'll not rogrot looking horo boforo making suctions. as J4mp, 8 .!(.$C0FIELD I IXrMi&suiTco. .!(.SCDFIELD I IVcuw&suiTca. Holiday Excursion Rates To accommodate holiday travelers a rate of one fare and one-third for the round trip to many point In Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming has been placed in efTeot by the UNION PACIFIC Hat- of Hale, December 22, 23, 24, 23, 30, 31, IttOS, and January I, lttoj with final return limit January 4, 1006. Additional datea of sale tiul longer Until for stua-nls and teacher holding (truncates. Inquire at CITV TICKET OFFICE, 1.124 F All NAM 81. i