Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Bennett Company
Friday Snaps in Dry Goods
Children's Mnrn Handkerchiefs Plain hemstitched white and colored
bordpr linen handkerchiefs, put up three in a box, regu- IRr
lar 26c value, special Friday, a box lOv
Cheap Handkerchief Halo Ladies' pure linen, hand embroidered, initial
handkerchiefs in three lots:
Lot 1 50c value, special, each 3oc
Half dozen in box $2.00
Lot 2 Hon value, special, each 2.
Half dozen in a box $1.40
Lot 3 25c value, special, each 20c
Half dozen in a box ; . .$1.15
Fancy lace and embroidered border hand
kerchiefs, fine sheer linen in three lots:
Lot 1 Worth to 50c, special, each 25c
Lot 2 Worth to 75e, special, each 35c
Lot 3 Worth to $1.00, special, each 50c
Eaji E Wants to le Mayor of Omaha and
Not Treasurer of Stats.
Belief that Morlrmrn Mar Br
eraar Softens Opposition of tha
Controlling Faction of
the Board.
Knn ...
Tork US
ladles' Coat Scarfs Handsome crepe de chine coat scarfs, with 1 CA
real Duchess Lace Ends, in white only, worth to $3, Friday. .1SU
nig Itarjraln In Gloves Ladles' and children's hand knit golf gloves,
in woolen and mercerized and ladies' fleeced and silk lined "
cashmere gloves, a pair, from 75c down to dmtJK
Beautiful Neckweur Cheap Largest assortment of neckwear shown in
Omaha at prices to suit everyone. Xew Auto Boas, Lace Kurrs,
dainty lace and chiffon stocks and collars, and embroidered flip
turnover collars and sets, each from $10 down to . . . 1 WW
Pretty Linens for Christmas Gifts We have Just 96 fine Irish Linen
Lunch Cloths, hemstitched all around and hand embroidered cor
ners three distinct designs, worth $4.50 each, while 2 T S
they last each, only
Pattern Table Cloths 200 fine grass bleached Irish Linen Table Cloths,
2 yards long, they are beautiful open borders and extra 1 Cn
fine. $3.25 quality, while they last, each tUJ
Odd Pieces Cheap Friday 500 pieces of linen In Tray Cloths, Bat
tenberg Doilies, pretty plain linen doilies, embroidered 'l
edges, worth to 65c each, Friday, each tO
Table Napkins Cheap 50 dozen of fine bleached and cream all linen
Table Napkins, In pretty floral and nice patterns, worth ICO
$1.85 dozen Friday only, a dozen 1JU
One nig Itemnant Table All the short lengths of French flannels,
challles and kimono flannels and teazeldowns, goods that
sold to 65c a yard Friday a yard, only 2C
Terry Cloth ftath Hobes Patterns We have a few pretty ones left
extra heavy quality, cords to match, worth $3.50 fA
for Friday, each, only mtt.DV)
Friday and Saturday In Dry Goods Sections will be devoted al
most entirely to gift sales.
Every shelf, every table, every counter
has its attractions. Special cut prices will
be made on all hand3.
In the women's and children's ready-to-wear
department, you will find waists, ki
monos, sweaters, bonnets, caps, coats, dresses,
shawls, skirts, knit goods and many other use
ful presents.
Slaughter of Alaska Seals We have seven Alaska seat coats, the
prices were $225, $260, $300 Take your choice Friday C1 AO
and Saturday, at iplOmf
Hilt Sal' of Leather Goods Leather hand bags, walrus, seal, Morocco
and Safforon leather, carriage, envelope, strap back and Paris Nov
elette Btylcs. (In the Dry Goods Section) each at,
$10.00 down to DxJC
Kale of Opera ItnRH Brocaded silk and satin opera bags, beaded opera
bugs, beautiful gold spangled satin bags, heavy frames and chains,
worth to iio each, in the Dry tioods section, special
each $6.50 down to
&J M.
69c I
Eome Information Given Viiitors ai 'Well
ts FarmeVi on Line.
Aprons the tlanil rrillh Meridian Pro.
lle See nomllnit (iranarlra and
live Mood r'lne aa Any
In the State.
BEAVEH CITT. Nob.. Dec. 21. (Special
Telegram.) The lUirlington seed corn spe
cial arrived ,n Heaver City on schedule
time and was greeted by an enthusiastic
throng of fnrmerB and town people. At
Stamford a number of prominent farmers
boarded the special and were brought to
Heaver City to receive the benefit of the
lectures and will return this evening, being
the guests of the liurlington.
Yesterday the upeclul made the trip up
the Oheiiln branch and thence up the Re
publican valley to Orleans. At all places
the receptions were hearty and farmers
and othera were eager for the information
Today will he devoted to the Beaver Vat
Icy. To aome of the members of the party
who had never visited this valley before
the alght that presented Itself Was & reve
lation. The thousands of acres of alfalfa,
droves of Cattle, sleek hogs, huge piles of
When Tliejr Depart Gnna Belonging
to the Sheriff Are Also
KEARNEY, Neh.. Dec. Jl.-(Speclal Tel
gram.) Three prisoners confined in the
county Jail escaped this afternoon and ore
being hunted by the police force of Kear
ney. They were Fred M. Gillette and W.
B. Warner, charged with forgery, and
Fred Kngnlbrecht. charged with horse
stealing. At f.e time of the escape Sheriff
Sammons was in the court house and Mrs.
Sammons waa uptown. When he returned
from the court house after a brief absence
the sheriff discovered that the prisoners
had flown and Immediately telephoned
Chief of Police Trindle and Deputy Sheriff
Walter Sammons of the matter and also
informed them that the men had stolen
all the guns In the Jail. He did not state
how the men got out, and aa he startel
Immediately In pursuit and haa not since
been seen, the manner of their escape is
not yet known.
Gillette and Warner are experienced
criminals who have served many terms In
penitentiaries and know all the tricks of
the crook. The evidence against the three
men was conclusive and It was thought
they were ready to plead guilty.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
.LINCOLN. Iec. 21. (Special.) City Treas
urer llennlngs of Omaha, who is In the
city for a couple of days, said this after
noon that he Is not a candidate for the
state treaaurershlp, because he is a candi
date for the mayoralty.
He denied that he had authorised the
use of his name in connection with the
state treasurershlp nomination, though he
Intimated that It might have come from
his friends.
"I am anxious." he said, "to wind up
my connection with the city treasury on
January 4 and am trying to determine
some means whereby I can do so and
obtain Immunity for my bondsmen."
Mr. Hennlngs explained that under the
provisions of the new Omaha charter he
Is legislated out of office at the first of
the year, while under another clause of
the same section, thirty-five, he is re
quired from January 4 until the expiration
of his term In May. 1M, to "assist In the
collection of personal taxes uid perform
such other duties as may be required by
ordinance, and shall pay over all money
collected by him to the said county treas
urer, and shall receive the same salary as
provided for said office In the laws hereby
He stated that the Board of Education
Insists on his compliance with the last
clause, while others seek to have him
vacate the office January 4.
Good Announces Candidacy.
State Senator Ellis K. Good of Nemaha
county, who has been In the city conferring
with Influential politicians, said today that
ho expects to become a candidate for the
next republican nomination to the office
of state treasurer. He announced that he
docs not anticipate any tfitticulty In secur
ing his home delegation, but is not willing
to predict as to the situation In other
Governor Haa Hope.
Officials close to the governor and in his
confidence suggest that the cause of fair
railway taxation will not be lost, even
should officials without convictions on the
subject be elected, since The Bee case of
1902 establishes a precedent for the use
of mandamus proceedings to compel the
state board to assess the corporate prop
erty at Its full value. The precedent estab
lished this year will serve as the inln.muin
below which the future boards cannot go,
according to these persons.
Sweet Harmony at Kearney.
Reports brought liom Kearney oy re
turning members of the State Board of
Education indicate that the expected claMi
between Slate Treasurer Morlensuu and
his old-time antagonist, C. il. Gregg, failtd
to materialize. Kven Tom Majors and the
treasurer managed to work together with
out manifesting any unseemly irritation.
It is now thoiuugiily undcihtood among
the members of tiie board that the treas
urer may yet be governor and the knowl
edge that he would bo In a position to ap
point several members of the body which
has charge of the two normal schools la
regarded aa having exercised its Influence
in softening the asperities shown in the
past association of the members.
Neither of the buildings is in such a state
of completion that the board felt Justified
In accepting It. All except $1,600 of the
amount due on the Kearney building was
allowed, making the payment $4,i60. The
money withheld is to be used in finishing
the interior, which will be uompleud by
the first of the year, and (1,000 Is to be
used in painting up the exterior and wash
ing the artificial atone with an acid solu
tion in an effort to remove the stains.
When completed the building, according to
Mr. McBrlen, will be one of the best owned
by the state.
Charge Pake rrlse FIsM etiesae.
William Jamison, who claims his home
at Beatrice, Is under arrest at the police
station to be held pending an Investigation
Into his alleged participation In an effort
to secure dupes to act as stakeholders In
a fake prise fight at Kansas City. The
P"Hce are making Inquiries of the Kansas
City officials.
Collect Much Money.
A largs number of Lincoln society women
were at the street corners today soliciting
Rid for the local charity organization. Each
one had been assigned to a definite station
and wns under orders to approach every
pedestrian, who received upon payment a
small yellow cardboard badge, which fur
nished Immunity from other collectors. The
money Is designed to pay the balance due
on a building recently constructed to house
the association.
Rlevator at Jnllan Collapses.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., Dec. 21,-(Spe-clal
The L. L. Coryell elevator at Julian
broke down yesterday under the grain In
storage and several thousands of bushels
of corn was poured out on the ground.
One of the sides of the elevator broke
open and a large portion of the grain
poured out. An unusually large amount
of grain was In the elevator, due to the
scarcity of cars and the heavy farm de
liveries, brought about by good roads.
Many of the elevators are receiving more
grain than they can handla.
Sheriffs Hold abort Sesalon.
SEWARD. Neb.. Dec. 21.-(8pecial.)-The
State Sheriffs' association met at the Sew
ard court house at 2 p. m. on Wednesday.
December 20. A. J. Trude of Beatrice was
elected president; G. S. Mears of Wayne,
vice president, and Nicholas Ress of Lan
caster county (Lincoln) secretary-treasurer.
A committee on legislation was appointed.
After routine business was gone through
with the association adjourned to meet at
Beatrice next July.
Kearney Man Goes to Panamn.
KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. 21.-(8pecial Tele
gram. ) Oft pta In Kenneth Andrews, who
has been deputy postmaster at Kearney for
a number of years, has been appointed to
i position in the postal service in the
Panama zone and will have charge of one
of the postofflces which the government is
establishing along the zone. His resigna
tion will take effect January L
r n
r re h " ' -v - if i i- ar
Holiday Suggestions for Men of a
Serviceable, Practicable and Useful Nature
If you are seeking the unuvtal something with that touch of real beauty
and exclusiveness that will appeal to a gentleman of retinsJ taste
then you should come to this store whire stylish men originate.
Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets $3.50 to $35
Fancy Waist Coats 05c to $5
Men's Kid and Mocha Gloves , 75c to $2.50
Fancy Neckwear 50c to $1.50
Mufflers and Fancy Suspenders 50c to $3.50
Traveling Bags, $1.75 up Trunks $5 to $18
Men's Soft and Stiff Hats $1.50 to $5
ormal Xot Completed.
KKARNEY, Neh.. Dec. 21. (Special Tele
gram.) The State Board of Education met
in this city last night, the meeting lasting
until after midnight. Only routine business
was transacted. On account of the normal
not being quite finished It wss not offered
to the board for acceptance pt this meeting.
fltl of Nebraska.
PAPIL.T.10N Frsnk Wintum, died today
at noon in Springfield, Neb., from a compli
cation of ailments, aged 6b years.
AfBt'RN Roy Delay of Arapho. Okl
and Miss Rose Armstrong of this county
were married today at the home of the
MADISON The family of Ben Carson
of this city has been quarantined for diph
theria, one case having developed, a child
of 4 years.
YORK The Harrison-Lang eighty acres
west of York, sold to an Iowa party for
$90 per acre. One year ago Mr. Lang
bought this farm, paying $76 per acre.
BEATRICE In the presence of his fam
ily and a number of neighbors, A. D. Sage,
a pioneer resident of this city, yesterday
celebrated his 70th birthday anniverslty.
BEATRICE The Fulton bloodhounds
were taken to Stanton, Neb., yesterday to
Clothing Section
Double and Single Breasted Suits $10 to $35
Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits $30 to $45
English Walking Suits , $18 to $35
Young Men's Suits and Overcoats $7.50 to $20
Single and Double Breasted Overcoats.... $10 to $50
Boys' Knee Pants Suits $1.75 to $10
Men's Trousers $2.50 to $8.50
This list is but a suggestion of those gifts, for men, vhich are
most appropriate. Space will not permit a detailed story of
tlieir worth. Come to look to solve the problem of what to give.
of the establishment. The Times had been
published for several months as a tri
weekly. Y IRK-C, A. McCloud. a prominent grain
dealer, haa sold his elevator In the state
and this week has sold his grain business
at York to Nelson Brothers of this city.
The Nelson Brothers own elevntors at
Mapps, Knox. McCool Junction and Siroma
burg. Neb.
PUVTTSMOITH Asa Davis reports the
killing of a wolf recently southwest of
Plattsmouth. The large animal passed
verv rinse to his buKEV and caught a
and wnue eating u inree mu
run down some horse thieves who have of put Into the wolf, which was
been operating in that section of the atate. ?he, arrest v?r seen in this vicinity.
YORK-Commander John Lett of the BEATRICE The fortnightly club was
fra.nd ,rmy ofthe RJ pPubl' of Nb"u,k I entertained yesterday afteFnoon by Mrs.
is in Minneapolis where he established , j8ep, Lans?. After a short program of
headquarters for Nebraska Grand Army of S a, pof ms the hostess Invited the
YORK John Wlbreclt. a prosperous
York county farmer, has sold his farm and
purchased the Stone water power mills at
McCool Junction, and this week haa taken
A I'Ul RN Edward W. Nlncehelcer and
Edith T. Ramold were married In this city
yesterday. Both parties are well known
in this county. The marriage was per
formed by Judge N. 8. Horn.
TKCVMSEH-Mr. Claud M. Ulggs and
Miss Mabel Crockett, well Known young
I guests Into the dining room. Where a splen
! did lifhctieon '-was served. -There were
about twenty members or tne ciuo present.
MADISON A reception was given yes-
tenlav evening at the Orand Army hall
to Rev. Mr. Kimball, who at one time was !
the Presbyterian mlnl.ster at this place. (
He served as pastor nere nearly kttoioti
years, has been gone from here ten years
and la now occupying a pulpit at Adams,
N. T.
PLATTSMOT.'TH When W. A. Swearen-
gen, station agem lor me nwwuii
people of this city, were married at tha i checked up the tickets he -learned that j
Christian church parsonage last uvenlng at
o'clock by the pastor. Rev. A. L. Zlnk.
BEATRICE In the district court yester
rfnv Hfternon Judge Raper granted a decree
The chapel at Peru is also j of divorce to Ida Sneer from Frank Sneer
Police Threaten to Strike.
FREMONT. Neb.. Dec. SI. (Speclal.)
A special meeting of the city council was
held last evening, at which the contract
of the Board of Public 'Work with
corn, large barns and bursting granaries Fremont Foundry and Machine company
' 1 ", tun. mm tw . " ' , I n r ltlKIAllinir nmmf ti. , 1 1 r I . 1. ,...
J " i
In an unfinished condition, although the
contractor Is within sight of lis completion.
In both Instances the bonds are kept In
full force for the protection of the state
until the work is finally completed and
Xew Instructor.
The board fleeted Miss Charlotte Lowe a
member of the faculty in the model school
at Kearney. The new instructor taught
for seven years at Liverpool, England,
and la a graduate of the Peru Normal.
In addition, she has had several years' ex
perience In city school work in Nubraska.
Want a Xew Trial.
Today Attorney General Norrls Brown
filed a motion for a new trial In the caso
of the State against the State Journal
Company, Involving the alleged unauthor
ized publication of supremo court reports.
At the office of that official the statement
was made that the suit is an original ac
tion In the supreme court, and, therefore,
on the grounds of cruelty and nonsupport.
Mr. and Mrs. Sneer are residents of Beat
rice. BEATRICE The Southeastern Nebraska
Poultry association will hold Its annual ex
hibit In this city December 26 to 29 and
it Is expected that about 600 birds will be
entered. Adam Thompson of Amity, Mo.,
has been selected as Judge.
BEATRICE James B. Smith, for the last
nineteen years a resident of Plckreil, this
county, died at his home at that place
fuesiiay nlgni or cancer or me stomacn.
... .t... had mv.terlmiHlv riisaooeared.
It Is believed that som unknown person 1
entered the ticket office during the absence
of the agent and helped himself to the
PLATTSMOV'TH In Justice Archer'; !
court today Ed Eenberger. who is charged
with having violated the provisions of the
Slocumb law by having screens In front
of his saloon windows and door, wai ed
examination and was bound over to .lie
district court, his brother Fred signing his ,
bond for S190A. ,
FAIRBURY F. M. Draper, dry goods and
millinery, made an assignment for the
benefit of his creditors yesterday. The
amount of liability Is as yet unknown.
Mr. Draper camea a large uick ui buuub
He was 74 year s of age and leaves a widow , and the fall trade not com'ng up to his
and eight children, all grown. anticipatione he was unable to meet ac-
OSCEO LA T he farm home of the late cruln ob"st'n"' .,. ,.,,. w
V.. P. Swearengen In Clear Creek precinct. I BKATRICTnSTS Ji. hm?ll TJf,
this county, consisting of 280 acres, waa presented at the Paddock PTr """.i",1
thJ 1 . a - .... ii,. i m. larze and appreciative audience.
court house for about $6,000. It waa one , Borne of the best musicians In the city took
of the oldest homesteads in the county. part. The music was furnished by Jnkins
, ..... I Orchestra. The proceeds will be used to
Orchard & Wilhelm
Carpet Qo.
4l4'l6'lS South Sixteenth Street
Ai m kin A preny wenaing toon risce V'V" . ' ... h. ,,,
yesterday tit high noon In this city, when ! "flp a", whirr, meets here next
Miss Maude E. Stout of this city and
Henrv A. Andrews of Lebon. Kan., were
united In marriage at the home of the
bride. There were about 100 guests present.
FAIRBCRY Shelley A Merrill of the
Fairbury News have bought the subscrip
tion list of the Fairbury Times and the
.. . l . . . I latter paper will be discontinued. A. H.
the motion lor a new ima 10 oe nieu ; j,.ln,moncli fOIwr publisher of the Times,
crossed the hundredth meridian," supposed
to be the dividing line between the ariabla
and tha arid domain.
At 90 the train left to visit towns along
which will be built In the spring to Pueblo I pat there ,haa been conslderabl
i-uio., nu inaue une uk iub main lines oi
that system.
Every Penny Buys a
Good Story
rfl A penny dropped in a
V4j3lot machine will get a
piece of chocolate. A '
. penny dropped in McC lure's
Magazine will get the best
work of a great writer.
In a year of McCiure'a
Magazine there ar over two
hundred stories. . At least
half of thsse must be your
kind. Therefore, every
penny ofthedollar you send
now for fourteen months of
MoCiure's Magazine buys a
good story by a good writer.
A hundred best stories, a
osnt apiece, I. Send tt now
All news stands. 10a. $l 00 a yaar
McClure's Magazine
East d Strcat New Ygrk
piant waa approved. After a long discus
sion it was voted to hire an expert to ex
amine the present light and water plant
and report on the ' feiuihiiitv r
the St. Francis branch, the Burlington line . u lo .ome otncr locatlon. Kor
between Chief of Police Daugherty and
the rest of the force. The patrolmen claim
that the chief don't "tote fair" and declare '
mui u ne is not removed they will all
resign. The whole matter is likely to come
before the council at the next regular
HK'etlng and In the meantime the friends
tt the respective parties are not Idle.
Smle of Registered Stock.
STOCKVILLE. Neb.. Dec. 2l.-(Speclal )
W. C. Wollam held a aale of registered
Shorthorn cattle here yesterday. The herd
nttammA . r. i . , . .4 . ...... ... . t 1
... T V uun buns ana twC, as much as the corporations,
nrinj-inu ing lieiiers. 1 niS StOCk
haa been raised by Mr. Wollam on his
farm, four miles northeast of this village.
There waa a good attendance of repre
sentative stockmen from over the county.
Top price paid for a bull waa by H. C.
Rupert of May wood, $190 for Twenty-First
Duke of Stockvllle, nearly 1J months old.
Top price for a cow was paid by O. W.
Warner of Maywood. $142 for Spry, calved
July IS, l3. with a g-month-old calf by
her aide. The entire sales amounted to
K.XM. The stock was In good, thrifty con
dition, but not In the show condition fre
quently seen at county and state fairs.
Xew Motor Car oa Toir,
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dec. It (Special Tel
egram.) I'nlon Pacific motor car No. 4
arrived in the city this morning from
Omaha and waa Inspected by many cltlsens
In the t'nlon Pacific yards today. From
here it goes to Kansas City, where It will
be placed on the Chicago a Alton line for
exhibition purposes I'nlon Pacific motor
car No. 1 with a trailer arrived tonight.
within three days, just as in the district
C'ornhoakera Cannot Play Yale.
Lincoln basket baJl entnusial8 will not
be afforded the opportunity of seeing the
Yale college team in action against the
university aggregation, as the manager of
tha sons of Eli has decided to take the
players on a southern trip Instead of bring
ing them west, as was the original Inten
tion. Physical Director Clapp Is In re
ceipt of a letter from the manager of the
big eastern team. In which the latter states
that the Yale men will not be taken far
ther west than Chicago. Nebraska's sched
ule, although It Is yet incomplete, will In
clude dates for games with Wisconsin,
Minnesota and several minor universities.
There is a possibility of fixing a date for a
game between the Kansas university team
and the Cornhuskers.
Realty I P More Tnaa Railways.
Governor Mickey has secured a compila
tion showing the percentage of increase in
the assessment of land values In the east
ern counties from 19oJ to 1901. It shows
that some counties advanced more than
average increase was TS per cent. The gov
ernor called attention to the fact that the
realty values used by the railways In their
comparison Include the western counties,
where land was assessed at more than one
fifth and sometimes as much as one-half
before the new law took effect requiring
the use of one-fifth. The governor's fig
ures are from counties not affected in that
way. The percentages are aa follows:
Adams SI Lancaster M
Antelope M Madison 96
Boone 117 Merrick 89
Burt 63 Nance 75
Boyd 3S Nemaha 66
Butler 12 Nuckolls 66
Cass 61 Otoe ...
Cedar i Pawnee
Ciay 102 Pierce ,
retains the mechanical part of the plant
and will continue Uie job printing part
4 Watches, Edholm. Jeweler.
Coifax 70 Platte
Cuming 114 Polk
Dakota 3n Richardson
Dixon 82 Valine
Iodge 14S Sarpy
Douglas 25 Saunders ,
Fillmore 156 Seward ....
f'.a v . :A JiBn.An
Greeley 48 Thayer S7
Hall 70 Thurston 10
Hamilton M Washington 44
Holt 20 Wayne fa
Howard S2 Webster 40
Jt. tier son Hi Wheeler 10
. 42
. 33
. it
. &4
. 24
Free To-day to the
Ladies of Omaha.
Every Woman snd every Maa too, for
that mallet, it susceptible to the charm
of a delicious Perfume.
There is no Perfume in the world so
exquisite, so fragrant and so permanent
at that which took the 'Grand Prize
from all the world at the great St. Lout
Exposition, last year.
which U extracted froro
lovely flowers right where the
most beautiful flowers grow, IN
There it is concentrated and so
sent 'duty free to America for
distillation which if done abroad
would add a duty of eighty pei
cent without adding one cent's
worth of improvement
That's why in ALLAN'S JAN
ICE, you get a Perfume worth
double or triple for ONE DOL
LAR an Ounce.
1 9 th V Ftraum Street
will present a trial bottle. bolvttty
FREE, to every Lady of Omaha who
will drop la let a while e4
shoppiag lo-day.
state convention, which meets here next
NEBRASKA CITT The first golf cup '
tournament at Overland Country club waa
completed yesterday when W. S Cornutt
defeated Otto Schneider, fc-up and to play. ;
The silver cup will now be placed In Mr. 1
Cornutt's custody. The names of the win
ners of the various tournaments will be In
scribed on the cup, which is to become the
property of the first player winning three
tournaments. j
BEATRICE The debating teom from the
Crnbtree Forensic, club, comprising James
lAwrence. James Ayres and Clifford But
ler will meet the Lincoln High school team
at Lincoln In debate Friday afternoon. The
aubject to be oiscussea is, nesoivea, iu
American Munlclpalltlea Should Own. Oper
ate and Control Their Own Street Railway
Systems." Beatrice will uphold the af
firmative side of the question.
M-criOK McCook's outlook for growth
and expansion the coming spring la most 1
attractive 1 uwair. n r ,
I building Is assured, a $20,000 school building
' most probable, an opera house and a big .
i brick hotel promising, two new business
I buildings now being contracted, a new .
' brick bank building very hopeful, sewerage j
i receiving preliminary survey attention, sev- ,
eral residences contracted for early spring ,
delivery all loos use mciooh wuuia ee
! . v. a iii-ll...t inrinv In veara.
HARVARD At the home of Mrs. P. W.
Niesley. adjoining this city, the many
rrit-nda of her dauchter. Alma, and Samuel
W. Hockett assembled thla morning to hear :
the words spoken by Vlrgel E. Shirley of the
Christian church that united the lives of
this worthy young couple as man ana wue.
HARVARD A fine Christmas trade la
reorted by our merchants, and Judging I
from tea large numoers wno vimi our cny
and the geods carried away our city Is a
favorite trading point tor our surrounding
PLATTSMOUTTf A stranger entered the
store of B. A. McBwaln and axked to see
some gold rings. Miss Violet Dodge, who
was In charge of the store, complied with
his request. While selecting two to be
laid away for him until he called the next
day, unbeknown to her, he allpped one of
the best In the tray Into his pocket. He
tried to dispose of it at a second-hand store
and waa detected. When arraigned before
Justice Archer this afternoon he gave his
name as Charles Williams. The ring was
valued at M
MADISON Dr. Ixng of this city today
received a letter from Dr. W. H. Siabaugh
of South Omaha relative to the condition
of Mra. Jamea Donovan of that city, con
cerning whom the two doctors had ben
In consultation early In the week. The
letter reporta her much Improved. Mra.
Donovan la the mother of James B. Dono
van of this city, proprietor and publisher
of the Star-Mail and president of the Ne
braska Press association. Tne family set
tled here in lS'S, hut the old folka removed
to South Omaha In the 'Sua.
Tresaeatoae Power
over constipation, biliousness, etc., Is
shown In the marvelous cures made by
Electrle B'ttera. 50 cents; guaranteed. For
sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co.
yhat would be more uso-' '" !
fill and attractive for ggj .
uunstraas gui man una
beautiful Bundhar Wilton
rug, 36x63 in., price, each,gjgg
fi.S0. AVfi bflve iust re-
ceived a shipment of these rugs especially for our Christmas
trade. Among them you can find a variety of Oriental
and parlor effects.
Most any home ran use an extra
rocker or two. This one (like rut) Is a
particularly good value, much hotter than
a rocker regularly gold at this price.
Rocker Is constructed of select quarter
sawed white oak, with shaped saddle
seat, shaped arras, mortised Joint con
. struction. large size, comfortable and Is
the best rocker we have ever offered for
the price $0.75.
Mahogany finish, upholstered In dam
ask and tapestries, special, each, $3.90.
These are shown In about fifteen pat
terns of the latest styles of coverings.
Many pieces In odd and fancy chairs from which to make a selection.
We have a store full of pretty, attractive furniture pieces suitable for
gifts inexpensive as well as the better ones.
Don't fall to see our mechanical toy window,
Clearing out all undressed dolls at 25 per rent discount.
All last season's dolls, dressed, at half price.
Opera glasses, f'renaer, leto and Dodge.
-r'f.QiKff. ,-t'
... uV : 1
h,,i1iin -iiiinnifa n 1 hit--- urn r-.- .. - , lfr
Ni Line Offers Socb i Great Variety of Appropriate 61ft. is Ours
Traveling Bags, Suit Gases and Trunks
are very appropriate and useful presents. We have them In such a wide
range of prices that we can please the most economical or the most fas
tidious buyer. AlliKalor Hags, up from M-flO; Good Leather Suit Cases,
up from $4.00. Trunks at all prices.
In order to avoid rush will be open evenings until Chjiatma-s.