Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 22, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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X. ' a. JJ J -8
Tlephons ?M.
fcnw loraled In tfi tint
rtrtall center. Howard
and Sixteenth
useful articles are here for your
hard to decide here. OPEN
A hint for lh men. Select a pretty" neck
searf. muff, or coal v and you will surely
give something that will please her. When
buying fura you should go to a place where
ot know you may buy with eon.'ldence.
Neck Boarrs at .V0n, I7.6 110.0a, $12.50,
!1t ti up to I7S.00 each;
Muffs at 16.50, 7.6n, llft.w, IU.J0. $13.00 up
tdi UPDO each. - '
-J'Jir Coats $411.00, $45.oo, $..oo, 60.uo up to
H. each,'. . ' '
i Knitted Goods.
make practical Christmas gifts. We have
the best made all wool sweater in the
market Our customers tell us su.
Ladles' 'Blbuse knitted sweaters at $3.00
eat h. .
Ladles' Norfolk knitted sweaters at $5.00
and $7.60 each.
Mfsss' Blouse sweaters at $2.50 each.
Misses' Norfolk sweaters at $3.50 each.
Indies' all wool knitted petticoats it $1.25,
Jl.oc, $1.76, $2.00 and $2.S each.
Misses' $11 wool knitted petticoats at 85c
; tir $1.60 each.
These skirts come in plain colors or
I'lttty stripes.
French flannel embroidered pcttlcoits In
iilsck. white, pink and blue at $2.25 and
ti 50 each; a prerent that any lady will ap.
White and Mack silk' head and sliouldT
shawls for evening; wear from $1.25 to $5.00
Ice Wool susres, hoods for old ladies,
fawlnators and leggings, all found at this
counter, first floor, opposite elevator.
F"or little folks', sweaters, leggings, hoods,
toques, tam-o'shunters and mittens; see
our Infant Department.
For Christmas Shopping on Our
.Third Floor.
Flannel Skirt Patterns at $1.00 each.
Ulngham Press Patterns at $1.25 each.
Plaid Walstlng at 25c per yard.
Cream Embroidered Flannel at Cue a yard.
Robe Blankets from 69c up.
Down Comforters from $2.95 up.
' Baby Crib Blankets from 40c a pair up.
Baby La probe Blankets at 60c each.
Kimono Flannelette at 10c, 12Hc 15c.
I pro be Blankets, fancy, at $1.00 each.
Imported French Flannels at 76c yard.
Imported Viyella Flannol at 76c yard.
Imported Velutlne Flannel at 35c yard.
, -Fancy Aprons. .
Just a pretty as though made at homo.
They make acceptable gifts.
Kensington Aprons,' Tea Aprons, Maids'
Aprons. " ' ' .
Dotted Swiss Aprons, with pretty lace
and ribbon trimmings. ' Prices $1.80, $1.75
and U.OQ each. .,
,. Pretty Lawn - Aprons, with lace medal
tons and Valenciennes edging $2.26 each.
' Lawn Aprons, with ribbon and lace trim
mings, at $1.00 and $1.50 each.
Plain Lawn Aprons, with fancy ribbon
bows, 65c, 76c and $100 eaoh.
Sit Henry Campbsll-Bannernian Addresses
llasi Idee. in g in Albert HalL
tiitttramtat Will Prohibit Importa-
Hon of Coolies Into Sooth Africa
and Practice Economy on
' t.i Lines.
UDOJ. it;. Il.-SIr Henry Canipbell
Bannerman's -flrst speech since he accepted
the premiership was delivered at Albert
hall tonight .before .a mass meeting under
Hi auspices of the Liberal association.
The premier wua supiiorted on tho plat
form by fifteen members of his cabinet.
The vast auditorium was packed with an
audience chiefly composed ot Ixudontrs.
Next to the-premier, John Burns was the
hero of .ilio evening. ' He was acclaimed
by coutlnuoua applause and musical honors
until the, picturesque labor member of the
tliblnet was apparently embarrassed.
The premier said the fiscal question was
the prime issue cf the campaign against a
government whose ministry "made a mid
night flitting yn a murky Decemlier even
ing." Will Stop Coolie Importation.
The feature of 8if Henry's speech was
his announcement that the government had
decided to stop the Importation of coolies
into South Africa until such time aa the
nuestli.n for or against such importation
could bo decided by a South African parlia
ment elsictrd by popular vole. This whs
grrewd .with tremendous enthusiasm, the
I n Tl fsaass. y -
J : H 0 M r
Girls' Coats. . ...
FOU THE. iriKLfe?
hpecUl ric?H hw thix wet-It.'
All ou. 8 tv 6 j-etf Coats
divided Into three lota, at
$3.M5, $00, 7.50
The, materials are of fine
cheviot,. kreya nd bearskin,
to blue, red, brown and white.
Coats for Larger Cirls.
In broadcloth.'cbelot and fancy
.mixtures, sizes 6 to 14 years;
. , for Friday and Hat
' -urday
$3.90, $6.90. $8.90
Hats and Caps.
Flne assortment, in all styles
50c, 75c, 93c
Wh&Lt to. Give
It's petting close to hurry-up time to peloot your Christmas
Kilts. Onlv two days more for shopping. So many pretty and
inspection that are suggestive
Useful Gifts for Men.
Most men appreciate useful gifts. Our
men's department has "been a busy place
the last few days. B'tt we were prepared
for the rush. The result Is the assortments
are still very good. Come here for Christ
mas suggestions
New Novcltv Half lleeltught especially
for the holidays, special good values, at
25c and 50c a pair.
Silk Suspenders ought to please him.
You should see the pretty ones we have at
$1.00 and $1.50 a pair.
When you don't know what else to give,
come In and buy him one of our pretty
scarfs; new holiday novelties at , 75c
and $1.00 each.
Oloves make a nice remembrance. The
best makes only are represented here. If
the slie is not right we will exchange them
after the holidays. Prices are $1.00, $1.50
and $2 00 a rnlr.
Mufflers Jn both reefer and square shapes,
plain blacks are most popular.
We are showing some pretty novelty
silks also at 11.00. $1.50 and $2.00.
Men's department located In south aisle,
convenient from either entrance.
See display of furnishings In IBth street
New Holiday Umbrellas.
The umbrella makes a lasting remem
brance, as It recoils the giver on days of
gloom as well as days if sunshine. W
were never In better shiipe to meet your
wants In this line. Our slllts are mounted
on the best of frames. The handles are
the newest to be had. We Invite inspection.
Prices from $1.00 to $16.50 each.
Christmas Hosiery.
We have a splendid variety of Women's
Fancy Hosiery, the kind that will make a
highly acceptable Christmas gift.
Women's Black Lisle Hose, with fancy
silk embroidered Instep, at $1.25. $1.50 and
$2.00 a pair.
Flench Lisle Hose, hand embroidered,
$2.00, $2.50 and $2.75 a pair.
Plain Black Thread Silk Hose at $1.50,
12.00. $2.25 and $2.50 per pair.
Black Game Silk Hose, ailk clocked, In
olack or colors, at $3.00 and $3.50.
Beautiful patterns in hand embroidered
Silk Hone from $2.50 to $5.00 pair.
Knit Underwear.
If you want to give something substan
tial and useful, do now forget the. good
values we are showing in women's under
wear. Women's fine ilbbed wool vests and
drawers, medium weight, hand crochet
trimmed neck and front, good quality, all
sites, 85a each.
Women's Swiss ribbed medium weight
wool vests and tights, cream color, all
sires, at 86c and $,1.00 each.
Women's fine ribbed ' medium weight wool
union suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle
length, open to waist line, color gray, all
slxea $1.60 per suit.
and Sixteenth Streets
cheering continuing for fully ten minutes. ,
Bpeaklng of foreign relations. Blr 'Henry
first expressed his kindly feeling toward
Russia In its present trials. The case of
Germany, he said, he saw no reason what
soever for estrangement and welcomed the
unofficial demonstrations of friendship
which had recently passed between the two
countries. Regarding the United States,
France and Japan, the premier accepted
the existing conditions and approve every
thing which tended towards peace.
Sir Henry upheld this announcement with
another, which elicited great' applause. He
said that the growth of .armaments was
a areat danger, that fore ' was not the
only remody and lhat. economy . must be
adopted. The government would oppose
aggression and would be animated by a
desire to remain on the best" ternis with
all nationalities and .co-operate in the
cutnmon work of civilization. , In this, he
pointed put, the government had a' notable
ally In the present fiscal system, which
was a great guarantee of peace. .He re
Juiced that the principle of arbitration had
madu great strides.
Policy of Retrenchment.
In general terms the premier outlined his
policy for retrenchment and for a .complete
system of government by the people "for
the good of the greatest number," In
equally general terms he gave notice that
most of the' domestic acts of the late
government would be reversed by the in
coming liberal government and he made a
powerful bid for the popular vote.
Woman suffragists who had entered the
meeting waved flaps and demanded that
women should be granted the right to vote.
Blr Hnry Ignored the Interruptions and
several of the more enthusiastic of the
women had to be ejected during the meet
ing. Boys' and Girls' House Gowns
These Make Kplendld Preneuta.
We havo tbeW In'Gerniap flan
nel, in shades of pink, blue
' and brown, for Q Q
tp. 14 years; at. .',.. . XuO
Made of .eiderdown, Ip pale
blue. ptak or red; a .tn
; at U.tttnd. : . . .... M.Uw
Handkerchiefs, in boxes, for
girls or i boys, is all linen,
with embroidered 'initials;
j per box. of ;W.'. On
three. SOe and. .CJl
Girls' Furs
In fine variety, -either-searfs or
sets, at 1 fK
tf.oo to.-. . , . . ... . a.uci
Boys' House Coats
(Just Like Papa's.)
Boys' $5 00 and 16.00 House
Coats, broken sites, J QQ
Bee, Dee. 23. Iff..
of gift-giving.
It will not oe
$1.00 Handsome Cream Silk and
Wool Crepe de Chine, Friday
59c a Yard.
Enough of this, pretty material for a
waist or dress makes a fine Christmas
present. At this special price It ought to
go with a rush Friday. Why? The un
counted richness and daintiness of texture
distinguishes them from all others. Fash
Ion predicts a wide wearing of whits for
spring. Better buy now when you can
save nearly half the price of your suit.
As long ns they last 59c a yard.
Stylish Black Dress Goods for
' Christmas Presents.
Thompson, Belden Co. the name is as
surance of highest quality and correct
styles In dress goods and silks. A fine dis
play, of dress goods of all descriptions
that will prove of Interest to every
thoughtful buyer. Tou can make no mis
take in buying black, for black, is always
good on any and all occasions. Any dress
pattern bought for Christmas that la not
satisfactory can be returned after Christ
mas and exchanged or money refunded.
We can please you. They are priced from
50c to $5.Co a yard.
$1.50 arid $1.75 Novelty Silks
for Waists, Friday 98c Yd.
How easy It is to timl the wanted color
or style In a fine collection of this kind.
All new Parisian creations, for handsome
silk waists. You wm, I10t fln(j anything
like them In the city. Sold only by us.
Better look them over before you complete
your Christmas shopping. All to go at
9SC a yard.
Japanese Kimonos.
These dainty house garments are made
of Jap silks and hand embroidered.
Light Blue or Pink Kimonos, with whltu
silk frog fasteners, collar and cuffs, beau
tifully hand embroidered. Price $ii.00 each.
Light .Blue Silk Kimono, with white silk
padded lining, also a pretty pink, hand
embroidered collars' and cuffs $12.00 anil
S15.U0 each.
Children's Bath Robes.
One of these bath robes will make a nice
gift for a child., "uoy arc made, of pretty
teazle down; some are made with button
hole edge, others are ribbon trimmed and
cord, and silk trimmed, with silk frog
fasteners. Prices $1.75, $2.60 and $3.50 each.
Real Laces.
These make a present of real elegance.
Sold by the yard, at $3.50, $3.75, $4.50, $5.50,
i.t0, $8.50 and $10.00 per yard. . .
Requires yd. for collar or 1 yd. for
collar and cuffs. For a dress trimming 1H
or Z yds., would make a handsome gift.
(Continued from First Page.)
time you have been superintendent. Why
is that?"
"I can't tell. I supposed It had been until
I looked at that list."
"Had it ever been. brought to your atten
tion that Their gains were Increased hv
marking up the valuef of their real estate?"
"No, I nevfr examined Into it."
Mr. Hendricks preaentnd a list of em
ployes In his ofllce, giving the salary of
each. Among the- employes la Kate Hen
dricks, daughter of Superintendent Hen
dricks, as confidential clerk, with a salary
of 2.6ffll a year. '
Three app6lntments as Special examiners
by Mr. Hendricks were gono into. Mr.
Hendricks raid they were appointed on the
highest recommendations. Senator Piatt
recommended two of them.
Vanderpoel Follows laiioui.
' Isaac Vanderpoel, chief examiner of the
Insurance department, followed Mr. Hend
ricks and detailed whnt was done at un
examination: He said that practically It
was. a comparison of the company's sworn
report with the books He had never
known of wash sales nor of the year-end
loans; he had never known the salary of
President McCurdy of the Mutual, nor had
he ever Inquired what it was. The salaries
are In one lump sum in the salary account
and he had never taken steps to find out
If these moneys had been paid for that
purpose. The large expenditures In the
supply department had 'never excited hla
curiosity, although the vouchers had been
looked at at random. These were stamped
with the approval of the expenditure com
mittee and he had never questioned their
I legitimacy of purpose. . The vouchers for
the I23A.0O0 payments t,o the chairman of
i the expenditure committee he had seen.
but never inquired Into. Mr. Vanderpoel
said all examinations were conducted in
this manner, that he . never tried to go
back of a voucher ar book entry. This was
a custom which had prevailed ever since
he had been in the department.
Wr.. Vanderpoel was -on the stand when
adjournment was takeu until tomorrow
Cluster diamond-.. 21iulm, Jeweler.
Board I'aasea on io.portaat Uoratiou.
: GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Dec. . 21.(6pe-
claO The, right of the county treasurer
to accept a partial payment of taxes from
the, railroad companies which refuse to
pay their, taxes as assessed, the expediency
of doing so, the Jurisdiction of county
boards In the matter and the management
' of the cases against the several counties
by Attorney General Brown were the sub-
f JecW of a lively discuMsJou by the members
of ihe oounty board and County Attorney
Mayer and ethers this morning. At the
conclusion of the meeting the board decided
to take no action at this lime, deferring
sajnu to the January meeting.
If Traveling; In Jnnan
Or any civilised count r. you can procure
Laxative Broino Quinine from any dru
Slot. All nations uee it. E. W. OROVt 8
Signature on box. .
, two tor in. re.itr.iinr.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dec. a (Special Tel-
' egram ) Lawrence McConnell and William
Hachle, two residents of this city who were
recently found guilty of statutory offenses,
were sentenced to terms In the penitentiary
today by Judge Raper. McConnell was
given six years 'and Eaehle three.
Ptamuud rings, Edholm, Jswele
Former Qoterisr tt law York If ill Enter
Fight for tpeaktrafaip.
m statement In Which lie na
Roosevelt and Ullne Are
lain Inftaence sad
He Will Flht.
NEW YORK, Dec. Jl. Former Governor
B. B. Odell, Chairman of the state republi
can committee, made a statement today in
which he charged President Roosevelt and
Governor Higglns with a deliberate at
tempt to wreck the republican party of
this state for their pwn personal ambi
tions. He declared that If disaster ensued
they, not he, will be responsible.
Mr. Odell'a accusations were a part of
his comment on the situation growing out
of the contest In the republican party in
this state for the speakership of the Now i
Yoik state assembly. Mr. Odell declared
himself In favor of E. A. Merrltt, jr., sev
eral days ago.
On Monday last Governor Higglns came
out In favor of J. W. Wadsworth, Jr. Mr.
Odell said today:
"I notice that Governor Higglns said he
never was for Merrltt. Shortly . after
election I went to Oovernor Higglns and
asked him whom he waa for for speaker.
He eliminated all but Merrltt and said
that neither New York nor buffilo could
have It, . because It would stir up opposi
tion against the cities. I asked him If
Merrltt would be satisfactory to him and
he acked me to see Merrltt and ask him
some questions. I saw Merrltt and reported :
. . . . . t .,
to the governor and he said he was satis-
fled. 1 clearly understood he was for Mer
rill, and was never so surprised as when
he switched his trolley. This Is the worst j
case of duplicity In politics I have ever i
known. Merrltt la absolutely right In say
big that the governor agreed to support
him. He offend to the governor to stay out i
of the contest if the governor wanted him
to do so.
Am President.
"Led by the collarless and coail-ss young '
man who took us all to defeat In 1MI1 (ap
parently referring to J. Sloat Fassett), Wil
li im Barnes, jr., Colonel George V. Dunn
and others with sore thumbs, visited Wash
ington and strrred up this trouble. If
President Roosevelt had the good of the
party at heart he could have aunt for me
at any time and I would have been, glad
to confer with him for the sake of obtain- j
ing harmony In the -party. If that had been
done all this troublu would
have been
avoided without warfare.
"I charge President Roosevelt and Oov
ernor Higglns with deliberately trying to
wreck the party In this state for their own
personal ambitions. If this means party
disaster,, they, and pot I and my friends,
are responsible. They and not I are to
blame. .
"So far 'as gratitude IS concerned. Gov
ernor Higglns certainly owed ine some
thing. . Instead of putting out the hands
of friendship he chooses to throw stones
at those, who havt',heen his friends. Hig
gins could have told' me that he did not
want me nor Merrltt to be In this affair,
but Instead he throws stones. If the
president wanted reform I was friendly
and they could have had it. I c-harge him
and Oovernor Higginft' with Injecting their
personality Into thfs" matter. Their har
mony Consists 6 , 'Jniocklng.' They had
time to write letters In support of District
Attorney Jerome hi 'fti last city election, '
but, never said a, word for ivlns. mere
was tio cause, i(r r.pcrion, . mr. naipin
(chairman of the eounly republican com
mittee was willing l go to Washington
and see the president
They have done '
the drtiYu'ge and, wi". iave to take the con
sequences.. The president sent ror uicotc
(formerly candidate for chairman of the
New York county committee) and then
threw hint down." .'
Speaking of the candidacy of Congress
man Herbert Parsons for president of the
Kpw York county committee, Mr. Odell
"Parsons' Idea of party harmony Is to
throw bricks at my friends. There was
no talk of Odeil or antl-Odell in the
county committee. . The trouble was all
due to Mr. Fasselt. He changes oftener
than the tides. We are in for harmony if
we have to fight fqr It. , j
I make the prediction that Wadsworth !
will not be elected as speaker. We will j
put him out." ;
Will Stay at Head.
Mr. Odell says lie does not know who
the Hlggiua following will support for
state chairman.
"Is It Fassett?". wS asked. .
"I hope so." said Mr. Odell.
At a dinner of republicans of the Thirty
fifth assembly district, in the Bronx, last
night, Mr. Odell told! those present that he
Intended to remain as chairman of the
state committee until the party indicates
that it wants a change.
From no matter how high a source, he
said, demands will not affect his attitude.
State Senator Maltby. speaking of the
speakership embrogllo. declared today that
Oovernor Higglns' action in naming Wads
worth as his cundidate for speaker was an
"impeachable offense."
"I never knew of such . coercion," con
tinued the senator. ! "The governor sn
nounces himself for Wadsworth and then
up steps his insurance commissioner, who
has retained hla position . under consider
able difficulties and declares that his three
men are. fur Wadsworth. Then Railroad
Commissioner Aldrldge. whom Governor
Hirelns appointed lately, also announces
hlmself for Wadsworth. and the effect of
the governor's coercion is evident, is it
"Can you say whether you intend to
take steps to impeach the governor?"
"That depends on what more is done in
the mstter. I shall hold that In reserve,"
ALBANY. N..Y.. Dee. 21. Governor Hiir
gins tonight replied In part to the state
ment ma-lo In New York today hv former
Onv. rror B. B. Odnll. Jr., chairman of tho
republican ste.te committee. In reference to
he gevernor's action In proposing Assi'in
byman Jimes W. Wadsworth of Livingston
eounty for speaker of Ihe state assembly.
Tho governor's statement was made ver
bally, but dictated with more than ordinary
care and deliberation, to the group of news,
l-aper correspondents. He said:
I hav read the statement of Oovernor
Odell, sent out this afternoon from New
tork ami piinusneo in tne evening pspre.
In nhich he states that I said that l would
not -be for anv candidate for speaker of th
assembly from either the large cities of the
Atwmyt timmtr tb Full Nam
I axative Kromo Qoinina
OoCoUiaOMDy(Cs1aa Dy
box. 2io
State. I think he must have forgotten oui
last conference In New York last Friday.
Previous to mv going to New Tork I IumI
turned, through several members of the
assembly that called upon me, that Gov
ernor Odell was using iny name for the
purpose of securing pledges for Mr. Mer
rlt for speaker. I asked him by what au-
thnrltv hf mlntf r u ir, Ill tt, 1,1
me. he thought that at a conference a 1
month previous he had satisfied me that
Mr. fsrrltt t-a li ttrnimr mnn in ftnn-
port for the place. I at that time (Inst j
Friday) asked him if he would agre upon
any other candidate any man In the leala
lature. He told me be would not: that he I
was pledged to Mr. Merrltt and Mr. Mer- j
rltt would not withdraw. I do not care to
discuss with Governor Odell through the
press questions of honesty or dlshonely.
Po fnr as tiie future of the renuhlicin
rertv Is concerned, I think that can sif !v
e trusted with, the press sn.l the p it1e as
to wbethT mv action Is wise or unwie.
That l all I care to say on the subject.
Oovernor Higglns referred today to the
statement sent out last night from Wash
ington In which It waa declared with an- '
thority that President Roosevelt had not
known In advance of the governor's stiirges
tion of James W. Wadsworth. Jr., for
ipenker of the state assembly.
"I believe the statement Is true," said
I the governor; "I know It to be true. I
I wish to say further that I have had no
communication with the president, verbal
or otherwise, on the subject of the speak
ership. In my recent visit to Washington
I had an extended conversation with him.
but the speakership was not among the
subjects discussed. While It Is true that
the president Is not Interfering, and I be
lieve would not Interfere In the election of
a speaker of the assembly of this state, I
have every reason to believe that he would
be very much pleased to hear that the as
sembly had chosen Mr. Wadsworth as
The governor was asked about an al
lusion by Senator Maltby to possible Im
peachment proceedings aaainst hltn as a
consequence of his action In the speaker-
1 1 1 rv -na. A- tta wn,,l.4 t .1la,,a. If ' T
v ' , , . . . ., ,,' .
am not easily frightened. " was all he
would say.
Wadsworth'a Qunllflratinna Goad. I
OLD WESTBl'RY. L. I.. Deo. ;i.-Ton-
gi-essman Cocks, of the president's own 1
congressional district, on hla return from i
Washington, Jtated here today that he Vad '
called at the White House to consult with I
the president as to the attitude of the is-
semblyman from Nassau county about the 1
speakership contest. The president said J
that as a citizen of Nbsmhu and a con-
stituent Of the assemblyman. If his advice I
was asked ho would state that in his opin-
ton Mr. Wadsworth was an Ideal candidate I
for speaker; that It would be the best pos
sible thing both for the party and the state I
If he were elected; that he possesses the j
ver'y qualities most needed In the sieakcr-
snip at this particular Juncture; that not
only -was he a man of ability, of unfllnch
nK courage and ruggedly aggressive hon
Mty. but his election would mean that the
republicans would have a speaker abso
lutely free from dictation by any individual
or by any ring; a man who would be en
tirely his own master and Incapable of
being coerced by any Interest, political or
financial,' and that It would Indeed by a for
tunate thing if Mr. Wadsworth were
elected, for he is a man of the Herbert
Parsons type that Is, the type of man that
the plain people, who 'compose the bulk of
the republican party, winh to see high i;t
the party management.
Colds tnnxe Sore Throat.
Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world wide
Cold and Ortp remedy, removes the cause.
Call for the full name and look for sig
nature of E. W. Grove. 26c.
(Continued from First Page.)
the ennpPror. with the alternative of being
boycotted If they do pot ceaae so doing.
tOxrlteiuent at Moscow,
Arcording to Information received during
V. n.k, w..i. 1 , -iuj i.m1 that ,1t vaa In a
' . 6 '
ri At"? ui k l vtaiiiitjiictiii j rt" ti ua. inn
Inhabitants were scurrying about buying
supplies, candles, etc., the stores were
boarded up, the majority of the factories
and mills were closed and the postal tele
graph offices, which had partially resumed
their services, were again closed. Last
i night Moscow was In darkness. I
The strike leaders at Moscow are boasting i
that the strike will be transformed into an ;
armed revolution, the orators at the meet
ings declaring 'that Russia will be drenched
with blood before the long struggle ends.
General Doubnssoff. governor general of
Moscow, who has taken possession of the
,ttt, rtrana Dukp 8erglus' palace In that
city drlvere(j Hn address to tho municipal
authorities yesterday. In which he declared
unrPirntlng war on agitators. He spoke
r ,i,e ahame to Russia that Moscow, the
former bulwark of the autocracy and the
holy city, where the emperors came to
pray, should become the center of disorder
and Insolent agitation for Ihe overthrow
of the empire. The general insisted that
there were enough of the faithful to pre
serve the autocracy unshaken, but that
they must organise and suppress the crim
inal elements, and he hud accepted his
present post because he wished to be in
the forfront ot the battle, where he could
show his devotion to the emperor.
The employes of the Putiluff Iron works
to the number of alniut 12,w have struck.
The government's advices show that all
the trains with troops which enter the
Baltic provinces are being slupped by the
Insurgents. A number of Cossacks in a cur
were captured and disarmed beyond Dorput.
The town of Tukum has been retaken
from the Insurgents by Russian troops.
Trouble at Other Plarra.
Crowds of strikers at Moscow are march
ing through the streets endeavoring to clos
up the postofnVe and other places.
Advices from Ryezliitsa, In the province
If Vltebak, announce that a rising has oc-
1 curred In that vicinity similar to the In-
surrection in IJvonia. The report that
Kharkoff Is In the hands of the revolution
ists is confirmed. Two hundred and fifty
nun of the Stambyelsk and Ix-bedlnsk reg
iments have Joined the revolutionists and
their comrades have flatly refused to fire
on them.
At Nikolaleff the revolted regiments Imvo
been captured. Two hundred and fifty
prisoners were sent to Otchakoff fortress.
' The capture of the mutineers was effected
by General St'upin. who on the arrival of
leipforccments from Odessa attacked the
lnrraeku where the mutineers hud assem
bled. The latter soon surrendered.
International liorlnllsta' Appeal.
BRUSSEIJJ. Belgium. Dec. il.-The Inter
national socialist bureau has issui-d a mani
festo to the socialists of the world, as fol
The revolution in Rusbia advances from
as il rot Ion to realization. In this strusTle
the Russian pioletiiriat should have the
jnoriil and material assistance of our
brothers throughout the world. Our co'in
radea in the i'nlted States reuent the
international bureau to invite the attlliuted
organizations to solemnly conuuf morale
January Si. The workers of the world will
recall the struggle which the Rursl.-in
proletariat was then carrying on. and
therefore the order is hereby given that all
affiliated groups organise meetings and col
lections for January Ti next or the night
of the Sunday preceding. Let the oriiors
refer to the heroic efforts ot our Rusamn
brothers and let Ihe collections from all
countries aid those who are hauling against
litinerlallsm and for lilierty.
Down with ihe autocracy. Long live
The document is signed by all the Inter
national delegates.
t ouBIrt Ksprcted in Moscow.
MOSCOW. Dec. II (Night Twelv e
thousand persons are holding a meeting
In the Ao,uartum. The building is sur
rounded by military and police, 'v. hose
object Is tit prtvfut uh lUl of peisvns
H Will IWl-llttW WftM I
1 Carvini Sets.
Wnrranted kocn-Pilitod sleel carv
pr. We tue hoadi'iarters. Ptrd
Steak and Hoast Carvers, at ex
tremely low prices, tip front. .SI
Reduced prices on Rogers' Sil-ver-platod
Spoons, Knives and
Tea Spoons. et $1.50
Dessert Spoons, set $2.75
Knives and Forks, set ....$1.73
Chafing Dishes.
beautiful ass't., up from . .$J.73
5 O'Clock Teas.
In UraKs and Nickel, from .$1.05
iifon tars & Sons Co.
for the children cannot be more sensible
than the gift to them of savings accounts.
Teach the children to save.
Teach them the value of
Teach them that money has
an earning capacity.
Oldest and Strongest Saving Bank in Nebraska. ''T
Kstnblished 1H84.
10th and
supposed to be armed unless the arms are
delivered up. A conflict is expected.
The town is in darkness and the theaters
ar.d clubs are closed. The employes of the
municipality have abandoned their work.
Fifty thousand factory hands are Idle.
The troops are confined to the barracks
and every possible military preparation for
events has been made.
The strikers' pickets are all over the
city, persuading or threatening those who
arc reluctant to Join the strike. There has
been some cases of disorder nnd a few
conflicts. . ..v. v;.
'llerlare for Armed Revolt.
LONDON, Deo. !1. A dispatch to the Ex
change Telegraph company from St. Pet
ersburg Sftys .that numerous meetings of
workmen at Moscow. Including the engi
neers and Postal telegraph employes hay,
declared In favor of an armed revolt. All
the available troops, It is added, have been
mobollzed and guns have been placed In
position before the law courts.
lleadaehea and !eoralgi from Colds
Laxative Bromo Quinine: the world wide
Cold and Grip remedy, removes the cause.
Call for the full name and look for sig
nature of E. W. Grove. 20c.
Creditors Close Hotel.
FREMONT, Neb,, Dee. 21. (Special.)
The Eno hotel was closed yesterday even
ing by the creditors of the proprietress,
Miss Anna Coffey. The total amount of
the claims, it is said, will reach 13.(100, of
which SHOO la secured by a mortgage on
the furniture for rent due. The creditors
are local grocers, meat market men and
cool dealers. Mlaa Coffey has been running
the hotel for the last three years and up
to the lajit six months has apparently
been doing a successful business. Since
then her trade has been falling off and It
has been a losing venture. Negotiations
arc in progress for the sale of the prop
erty to a hotel man from Columbus, and
all the employes are remaining at the build
ing in hope that the deal will go through.
Ilotfraa Xaiuea to Notes.
O'NEILL, Neb., Dec. 21 (Special.) At
torneys for the depositors in tho bunk ex
umlncr case Introduced testimony tending
to show thut the names of some twenty
persons whose names had been signed to I
notes that were passed upon by the hunk !
examiner had no existence as a matter of ,
fact. The names of the persons as appear- I
Ing on the notes as shown by the report
of the bank examiner were read to each '
witness and each one testified that the
persons whose names were read did not
live In the county. On cross-examination
some of the witnesses said such uersons
might have lived in the county and tlmy
not have heard of them.
Leather card cases. Frenier.
Nraro Doctor Kills Imo.
MI'BKOOEE, I. T.,! Dec. LI Dr. Klllings
worth of Sherman. Tex., shot and mortally
wounded his wife at u local hotel here to
day because she refused to return to Hher
man with him. and shot and killed Kate
Cordon, who was with Mr. Kil Icg.swoi tb.
lie was arrested. All are colored.
linrbuesa llus California lloin.
LOS ANCELES. Cat.. Dec. 21. The an
nouncement was made today of the sale of
Ihe beautiful home sit" in Pasadena, known
as Carmellta. to L. V. Ilarkneas, the Stan
dard Oil magnate. The consideration was
j lStt.(l.
Perfect In quality.
Modwrato In prtca.
J M" -
- f -
jt0 Palace eiothm &.
400 gf KgK wil'
TocKet Knives.
IX Ij and Ilencklo all siiea, In
pearl and stair handles, from.S.V'
Uil'etie Safely and other standard
Razors some special 11.7")
cut to $1.00
Good Cuttersthat will hold an
edge all Ues up from ...Sfk-
Newest and heat Skate on th
m?r'net up from r0c
Douglas St.
The Leading Jeweler. .
inaa Farnam at.
"Soils it For Lost"
Cut Glass
Rich Jewelry
Strenva Appliance ftl'SVuS,!
rt. juir tt, iioi. Coastrletlon
Varlaoss, Knotted Veins and Weakness,
enltrgna and rratoma full tIUI mttfr. Sold en trial.
Call or writ for lm book, sent aftled, pitta.
STRENVA CO.. 0 nt SI., loon m M, SI Losis.
Address Omabn. Sefc.
nnVnifi Woodward 6c Uurgs
w Managers.
Xmas Matinee, 20c, &V, T&c. ,
DIIDUflfin Nights Run. Mats. 10r 'ian I
DUUnUUU rues , Tours. , Sat Mats 10-aw I
I Orand Double Or-heatrt.
0 c"'
Phone 4)14.
Tonight and Saturday Matinee and Nigh.
Mr. Stewart Robson Co.: 1-' Broom
stick Witches 12; H.-rbert's Dogs; Clay
Ion. J.nliln Jasper: Pierce Msxec;
(ie..ini Irfwls: Tom Ripley and. the
Klno,)ro:ne. .
Prices, 10c. Kc, 60c.
Two Nights Wed. Thur. Dee. X A
Regular Prices. B"k Office Op-n Saturday.
1 Vices - lac. ac, :6c. I
Alt!l. . - All oval. n
Tonight S.b Matln- Ruturday.
in the linlliuiil Mu.ctl Comedy
NA C f tiROftyN
So-l'.i.- fi' H it v 'horn of H
st'S' -Ros". i , . I, a Hhay in Jones