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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1905)
1 10 TTTFi OMAHA DAILY BEE: 'FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1D05. BUY YOUR GIFTS FRIDAY MORNING Don't Walt I'ntil the Very Last Minute. Brandeis is the largest, roomiest, most complete holiday store in the west. You can find satisfactory gifts for everyone here at the price you want to pay. Your Christmas money does better service at Brandeis than anywhere else. We offer bargain specials today. Handkerchief Specials 22C-5C-62C y Bilk em- g three In tm rm Vf c. llC .fTOiC-IOC-iOC Ladles', tnrn'a and children's white and fancy colored border Handker chiefs all widths 01 hems also men a Japanette Handkerchiefs with silk em broidered Initial Ladles' All Silk Handkerchiefs i Children's Gift Handkerchiefs handsomely silk em- brold, refcul quality, at. Ladles' Chrlstmaa Handkerchiefs, all linen also Swiss embroidered and fine lace edged men's all linen Q f" Handkerchiefs special Friday O2C" lari2C"at)C Special Sale on Second Floor 8 Till 10 This Morning Ladies' 75c Knit Underskirts Good quality knit underskirts in all colors plain bodies with woven edges makes a practical and a very welcome Christmas jrift al ways sells at 75c; Friday, 8 to 10 a. m., on Second Floor, at . . 25c JAPANESE CHINAWARE For Christmas Gifts Hundreds of beautiful dishes Just received 12 Inch Jap. Chop mates, easily worth $1.60 Japanese corner, 79(j Odds and Ends of Hand Painted China All kinds of Plates, Cups OCr OQr fQr QQp . aid Saucers, Dishes, etc... -Jt" Jjl'TJl' SUt In Our Great Jewelry Section Annex $1.50 Music Rolls at 25c and 39c fw s tin id i. . msv tmvu law 25c 39c We Just received BOO Solid Leather Music Rolls that arrived late brown, black, tan and all shades of solid leather positively worth up to $1.60 Friday, 8 till 10 in Jewelry Annex at Ladles' Wrist Bags at 85c In all styles, that hare have been selling regularly at $1. 25 and $1.50 O C to close them out Friday, at each 0C Special sale of Wm. A. Rogers' Horsehoe Brand Silverware. Ex tra special pricea on Kogers Bros. 1847 Silverware. Every Boy in Omaha Should Be Well Dressed on Christmas Day Brandels' Make the Following Speciaf Of far a: 1 Boys' Knee Pants Suits, ages 7 to 15 sensible Christmas presents, worth $2 and $2.50, in basement at Boys' $3.50 and $4 Knee Pants Suits Norfolk, double-breasted, gfl rt etc., very stylish and j JU well made wool suits II on third floor j YOU NEED A XMAS PR.ESENT M'E XF.ED THE MO SI BY. IT IS TO YOUR INTERESTS TO ATTEND OUR CHRISTMAS UMBRELLA SALE HKHB ARE A FEW OP OIR B FECIAL, BARGAINS. GOOD I'MBKKkLAtJ worth up to 75c t 39C BILK AND LINEN UMBRELLAS Fine handle, worth up ttg to UM-at I.UU BEST WEAKINU SILK Beautiful novelty handle, worth $3.80, $4.00 ton nd 4 6vat :.: i.yy GOLO. BTKRL1NO SILVER AND PEARL HANDLES Bet Imported 1 fCi Ilk covers, worth $ft 00, T oil and (kin at O.VU VMHHE1 l.AS that usually sell at Jewelry gtorea for $10, $15 and $'J0; Clfk we are eliding them out before Xniaa la over at IS. $7.60 and 'P " Our line of I'nibrellas la larger and prices lower than any department stor 1b the city. BOSTON UMBRELLA CO.. 830 io"h ieth ,T. IKaa$9BKnaBlaBBHBBaEBaBSHKrS A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. Only Two More Days Then Chrlatmaa buying will be over. You won't nil, it if you apend only a few minute In our etore, aa we .till have lota of beautiful things for presents: Watch.-i. Diamonds, Brooches, Set Rings. Signet Rings. Cut Qlaaa. Sterling Silver Bracelots. Btrtr-gs of Beads. Fofcs. Chains. Charms and Lockets. Baking Dishes. Chafing DiRhes, Inibi-ellas. Clocks, Toilet Sets, Cuff Buttona, Leather Card Cases, Military BrUBheo It would take a page to enumer ate all w have better corns In. Look for the name. S. Wr Lindsay, Jeweler sVH Ka a. I ma AM 1 a, SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIAL S4T.1 1 rhones J4S2. C. H. DILIXJN'8 combination sale of etaple groceries saves you $1 27. Ooods de livered In Omaha, Bouth Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs. 4 lbs. Uian. fl'irar. Reg.. .S) .01 3 Ihe. Helnt Mince Meat. .4i .jn 3 bars Soap IS .15 1 lb. J. C. Japan Tea f .40 i 2V'b an Cal. Tears 2ft .IS 1 1 civn Red Salmon IS .10 i 1 lb. Home-Made Apple I Butter IS .M ' Jib. Mocha A Java Coffee .30 .30 lb. Oatmeal Crackers., .1 .11 1 lb. Graham Crackers.. .1 .11 8 lbs. of Best Jap Rice... 2T .35 1 can Sweet Corn 10 .01 ' 1 do Oranges 20 .20 1 2l-lb. can Wesson's Cooking Oil 40 .20 1-qt. Jar Plum Butter 20 .06 I Regular price $3.70. Cost jrou $2.48 special ror (Saturday only, Hign-ratent Flour, every sack guaranteed, $1.15; our price. $1.05. tflb. sack Pancake Flour, 25c; our price, ISO. 2 qts. Cranberries. 30c: our price, Co. H-lb. can Cocoa, 25c; our price, 20c. C. H. DILLON 60S South 13th Street. 'S&Siy TbtnltM UrtT the :j ILERS.f 0( par. malt WfiHj ILER'S PURE MALT I JjuMveHB I m.llowe.t and mort i- lifbtfal whik.y Is h. M ennetts eat Market TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE AND CHICKENS Finest Qualities Thousands of Pounds PRICES LOWEST IN TOWN, CONSIDERING QUALITY ORDER EARLY VERY . LOW EXCURSION RATES VIA December 23, 1935, To Many Points In ILLINOIS, INDIANA, KENTUCKY, OHIO, ONTARIO, PENNSYLVANIA, NEW YORK, MICHIGAN, WEST VIRGINIA. RATE-Fare and one-third for Round Trip Return Limit 30 Days. I For further Information Call of writ, F. P. RUTHERFORD. 0. P. A., 1323 Firnin St., Omatia, Ni k. 1 "Sunderland n a a Coal -Man n a HERE SINCE 1883' a 1608 Harne5l Y.II-0 ffaiona Phon. 212 13 ODBBDDQQBP Business Boosters Try the Want Ad Column! of The Bee. i Charles A. Potter GENERAL HTENOGRAPHER. Depostlona, Correspondence, Brief Work and Special Reporting on Short Notice. NOTARY PUBLIC. t a ctc DENTAL 1ALL rooms. 1517 Douglas St. Last Call But One-Do Order Early. OM If A WEATHER rORF.CAST Frlilar Talr. rSSlLMI W El Mr Store Open Evenings OaIj Two Shopping Day More 'till Christmas Friday and Saturday. Toys rrn noys 5 v 0 Si The largest stock and the best laid out display of new, fresh, up-to-date toys of any season has been at Bennett's Even at this late date the stocks are wonderfully complete. It is our policy not to carry over toys. We've but two more days before Christmas. Now for a rip-tear sale-Friday and Saturday. Boys Velocipedes Small size $1.38 Medium size $1.98 Large size $2:25 Rubber Tire Velocipedes Medium size $3.25 Large size $4.00 Girls' Tricycles Large size, special. .$3.30 Boys' Steel Wagons 98c wagons 78c $1.25 wagons $1.0') $1.75 wagons $1.50 $1.98 wagons $1.75 Whip sale, each 5c Games Big assortment, each 10c and 5o Anchor Building Blocks, best ever, 25c Toy Sewing Machines, $2.98 and $1.50 Big Sale of Doll Furniture -from $2.98 down to 10c DOLLS. DOLLS. Come in and see our doll specials for Friday and Saturday. Girls' Sleds -Our 98c girls' sled at. 75c Our $2.25 girls' sled, $1.98 Our 50c girls' sled, at.. 39c Our C8c girls' sled, at. 50c Boys' Sleds Our 98c boys' sled ..73j Our $1.38 boys' sled $1.10 A few black beauties left. Toy Typewriters $5.00, $2.50 and $1 00 Bennett's Big Grocery Extra Clerks Special Deliveries. Come Early. Thirty Gren Trading Stamps with pound Fresh Roasted Golden Santos Coffee 2 Twenty Qrfen Trading Sta:nps with pound Basket Fired Japan Ten 4-Su Tn Greon Trading Stamps with cau Bennett's Capitol Ground Black Pepper Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol Baking Pow der Wo Twenty Green Trading Stamps with can Diamond S Fruits, aRaorted.. iSo Ten Green Trading Stamps with three packages Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat 2 NKW CANDIED PEED Thirty Ur.m Trading Stamps with pound Candied Orange or Lemon Peel 2oc CHR19TMAS OFFER ' ONE HUNDRED GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH THIS COMBINA TION. ' ' 3 pounds Cleaned Currants 3oc S pounds California Kalains 30c 1 pound Candled Peel 2c 1 pound Table Ralslna loo $1.00 Corn 2-pound can 5c Peas 2-pound ran 7c String BeanB 2-pound can 8c Baked Beans 1-pound can 4c Oil Sardines can :ic Catsup bottle 8c Pepper Sauce bottle 7c Table Syrup 2'4-pound can 8c. Swift's Pride Soap ten bars Zjc Ten Groen Trading Stamps with pound New York Full Cream Cheese 2c. Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Sour Pickles 10c Ten Green Trading Stamps with quart Chow Chow 15c Ten Green Trading Stamps with throe packages Uneeda Biscuits 15c BENNETT'S CANDY SECTION. Christmas Novelties each, .rom... 6o Hundreds of Fancy Bon Bon and Chocolate Boxes. Japanese Bee Hives each , 5o Japanese Tea Pots each ; lxi Atkinson's Vanilla Chocolate cake 4c COAL COAL THE BIGGEST COAL BARGAIN IN THE STATE OR OUT OF IT. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLT, BENNETTS GENUINE CARTF.R V1L1.E (111.) COAL, washed uut small size, price cut down 73 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. This coal Is absolutely clean, free from duplphur, slack, clinkers and all such Impurities The best coal a-going for ranges, furnaces, etc., our regular price is $3.75. ISN'T THIS A BARGAIN! GET IN! CUTE DUTCH PICTURES! 100 Dutch pictures, framed In irreen bass wood frames, assorted subjects, a $1.00 value. M Q Friday npcclal. YOC Forty Green Trading Stamps with each. One to a customer. NOVELTY GIFT FOR. BOYS 29c Miniature Footballs, with college col ors or iale. Harvard, etc.. and Calendar. Friday's special And ten Green Trading 8tamps with each. One to a customer. ART. SECOND FLOOtt ia'Jiiiiinsi3VJI Ml Toys At Just Half Price Creat Clearance Sale of Toys and Dolls Friday Don't Miss Its i AY Oils THE RKL1AULK MTOKK. Creat Clearance Sale of Toys and Dolls Miss It. Christmas Specials. In Our Busy Cloak Department More Raging Sales in Crockery Dinnerware A few choice sets in French and German. China, English and American Porcelain prices cut with out thought of cost. A $24 set for $19.50 A $16.50 set for $12.00 A $18 set for $13.50 A $15 set for $10.00 "Want a pet! Get in quick on it! Handsome Metal Lamps About 2'J on our shelves lamps that are up-to-date, at least every one of them is a present season style to close out, Friday, your choice at ONE-FOURTH OFF MARKED PRICES. Haynes Holland Sunset Ware Beautiful green and yellow chromatic combination of colors, relieved with quaint Dutch figures, wind mills, fishing scenes, etc vases, sugars and creams, jugs, punch sets Friday ONE THIRD OFF MARKED PRICES. Buster Brown on China A novelty and a hit cups, saucers and plates 25c Tickles the children half to death. Those Tables With the bargains on them, renewed almost every day $1.00 down to 10c. CLOTHING Boys' All Wool Sweaters $1.00 And fifty Green Trading Stamps. This includes goods worth to $1. 75 made in Buster Brown and in the plain Sweaters, all new goods. Men'FWool Sweaters $2.00 And fifty Green Trading Stamps. These sweaters are taken from the $3 and $3.50 line, and are made up of all colors, both plain and fancy. All new goods. A Stirring Evening Hour In Neckwear Four-la-Hands, worth 60c; English Tlea. worth $1.00 all for 25o Can be tied In Four-ln-Hands, Ascota and Once Overa. Friday Evening Only, at 7:80 North aide of Furnishings Good Department. V Dry Goods Snaps ot Page 3. 65.00 tlSno CHESTERFIELD priTS QQ Of-ateot unnp ever shown 1Z $5.00 KRIMMK.R COATS 3Q.00 KM 00 BEAVER COATS' IW.nn NEAR PEAL. COAT9-Wlth hesre collar and cults 3900 Children's Coats. $fi00 BEAR SKIN COATS 2.98 $7.00 CI HLDREN'8 COATS 3,Q8 at $1..00 ciilLDRBS'S COAT8 4.08 Vl MEN'S ' El D ERDO W N 2.08 WOMEN'S 2V00 COAT8-In irrst assort ment of r'n-ln and fancy colored f " Cfl fabrics choir IsS.Otf HANDSOME FI R LINED COATS-Worth fully double the price at $15, $18.50, $22 50 and $25 LADIES' WAISTS-In all styles-worth up to $fi.0 -y (ju choice "O 15.00 WALKING SKIRTS 2 4Q JSOO DRESS AND WALKING! A QQ SKIRTS at ' NOVELTY NECK SCARFS In hesver. mink, squirrel, etc. axeat bargains at $2.98. $3.98 uoto$10 Tremendous Furnishina Goods Bargains All broken lota of high grade furnishing goods from the C. II. Frederick Co. Mock go on sale Friday at the following wonderful bargain prices: IKS 8 HIGH UKADtt oniniir-Dn'."; lots from the Frederick stock that sold tip to 1 no on sale Friday FROM 10 TILJj 11 A. M. at. choice, per 25C garment v MKN'S TIES from the C. II. Frederick stock strlnus, bows, rour-in-uaous, puffs, etc. nil new, clean stock and latest fall patterns worth up to 75c choice FROM 11 TILL 12 M IWV TWO LADIES' FURNISHING SPECIALS. FROM 8 TILL 4 P. M. Ladles' Fancy Aprons and Corset Covers Iau-e mid embroidery trlmmod worth n-Kulnrly from 11.00 to on sals fo this hour at. ntlQ MEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Heavy, MEN'S fleece lined and woolen Rarmenis mai Frederick sold up to 11.00-FROM TO 10 A. M. at. per 25C FROM 2 TILL 8 P. M. Ladies' Fine Woolen Shawls Extra large, In black, white and fancy colors many silk and Ice wool shaws In this lot worth up to $2 00 at. lf choice OOt- choice. $3 Toilet Sets at $i. A beautiful line of fancy Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets In six different designs none of them worth less than $3.00 go on sale flfl Friday at. choice Is UU A GREAT LINE OF 50C TO $1 ARTICLES suitable for Xmas gifts so on sale Friday at, choice ::2Sc Closing Out Holiday Goods. Greatest bargain opportunity ever known In Omaha. of all descriptions will be sold at vtnmatchable low prices. Chrlstmaa Goods LADIES' TOILET CASES, consisting of combs, brush and mirror sets, nandkerchlor and K'ove noses, manicure sets, photo and tie boxes, jewel boxes, etc., worth from U up to T0, at J4.76 'l.tC down to -w Gentlemen's smoking- sets, shaving sets, militarv sets, cigar boxes, shaving mirrors, etc.. worth JJ up to $10. 1 OO at $3 down to l.-J-J $3.00 XMAS OIFTS FOR $1.00. A special $1 department where you can buy 3-pleoe toilet sets worth $3 0" Leather collar and cuff boxes worth.... 2.00 MilltHi-y brush sets worth 2.00 Ladles' Boston hand bugs worth 2.00 Fancy music rolls worth 2. on Fine carriage bags worth 2.60 Fancy silk opera bags worth 2.00 Pure linen embroidered handkerchiefs. In box. worth 2.0ft Pure linen Initial handkerchiefs worth.. 2.00 Fancy toilet sets worth 2.i Fine briar pipes worth 2. no Meerchaum cigar holders worth 2."0 All at one price, choice ii.ou. ViC HANDKERCHIEF SALE. The greatest handkerchief bargains ver shown Tn Omaha. Fancy embroidered hand kerchiefs, plain sheer linen handkerchiefs, fancy scalloped edge and embroldarad hand kerchiefs, worth 15o to 2c, 7AC all go at one price $0.00 ALBUMS FOR $1.98. The greatest lino of fancy albums in Omaha. $4.00 to $5 00, 1.QR at, choice $3.00 ALBUMS FOR $100. (RAND RIBBON BALE. The greatest ribbon bargains ever offered. Baby ribbons, per yard Ho No. 2 satin and gros grain ribbons at, per yard .....lvio oc ribbons at, per yard V 7o ribbons at. per yard 'V 9c ribbons at. per yard i'V lie ribbons at, per yard JJ! lfio ribbons at, per yard uir; ribbons at, per yard '" jSc ribbons at, per yard "Jo SOc ribbons at, per yard .o 35o ribbons at. per yard XPiV Remnants of Wool Dress Goods. FROM 8 TO 12 A. M. We have held back for Friday before Chrlstmaa the flower of all wool and silk dress goods remnants. This is the finest lot of rem nants we ever placed on sale. They run from 2 M to about 8 yards. Prunellas. Eoliennes, Broadcloths. Kerseys, Landsdownes, Voiles, Henriettas and a beauti ful line of Black Dress Goods, both pW.n. and novelties, ranging in price from $1.00 to $4.00 a yard. All will go in forenoon at, yara. ySf We will hold another sale of Wool and Silk and 30c, 40c, 30c FROM 2 TO 4 P. M 15c Wool Remnants, including all of the finest dress goods, both black and colors, at, yard, 49o, SOc, 25c and Be sure and attend these sales. Nuts, Fruits and Candies for Xmas. Buy Now for Early Delivery. Dried Fruits and Spices for your Xmaa Puddings, Pies and Cukes. Fancy Cleaned Currants, lb Oc Fancy Muscatel Raisins, lb Oc Fancy Virginia Blackberries, lb.... 0c Fancy Seedless Raisins, lb Oc Fancy Seeded Raisins, lb Oc Choice California Peaches, lb. . 12c Fancy Muir Peaches, lb 120 Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb,.12Hc Choice California Prunes, lb 6c Fancy Oregon Prunes, lb 7Hc Large Fancy French Prunes, lb..lOc The best Citron Peel, lb ;..2.7ic The best Orange Pool, lb 2ic The best Lemon Peel, lb 25c The best Ground Spices, lb 85c The very best Fancy Mixed Nuts, two pounds for 25c Extra Fancy Large Juicy Naval Oranpes, per dozen 25o 3 pounds fancy Hallowe'en Dates.. 25c Fancy new Imported Figs, pound.. 15c New Colorado Honey, per rack... 15c 3 measures Fresh Roasted Peanuts.lOc CAXDV. CANDY. CANDV. Fancy Chocolate Creams, pound.. 15c Fancy Kisses, per pound 15n Fancy Cream Mixed Candy, pound. 15c Tropical Fruit lees, pound 15e Fresh Salted Peanuts, pound ..12Ho Fancy Canes for Xmas from 5c up. Fancy Basket and Box Candles, for 6c up. ZV yards Candy Beads for So If it Comes From HILLER'S It Must Be Good Buy your holiday Wines and Liquors at HUler's. Then you will be confident of getting the right kind at the right prices. We guarantee to please, otherwise we refund your money. PDPP A I0"'" ' F-" Port Winn with a a 1 CtEZf pnrtiiase of two quart or more of HILLER'S WHISKEY rpgYiUf p"d" Trading Stamps. We Deliver Promptly, Open Evenings. LIQUOR CO. 13J3 Farnam St. 'Phone 1241 lift. 1 m WHERE QUALITY COUNTS WE WIN CHRISTMAS GREETING Tht Holiday Preparations Arc Compute and Our Store la Rich In Gift SurgsailoiiA Leather Goods Pocket Books Card Caaes Addreas Books Deak P.da Whiat Sets Cribbaje Casea Writing Deska Portfolioa Fine Art Ca.lenda.ra Christy. Fisher and Gilbert Pictures Buy Now while Our Stook I Complete THE MOVER STATIONERY COMPANY 220 sad 222 ioutn SIxtMoth Street At Our Old Stand We are receiving daliy exceedingly goods for the Xmas trade la ! Jewelry, Hlverware, Optical Goods, .C ut and .Notions In staple articles i end novelties, and will make prices'Jin object for our many old friends and I customers, as well as new, to come eur way for their purchases In our line 1 P. E. FLODMAN & CO., 1514 Capitol Ave i XT